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32nd RO-MAN 2023: Busan, Republic of Korea
- 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN 2023, Busan, Republic of Korea, August 28-31, 2023. IEEE 2023, ISBN 979-8-3503-3670-2
- David Porfirio, Mark Roberts, Laura M. Hiatt:
Guidelines for a Human-Robot Interaction Specification Language. 1-8 - Kerstin Sophie Haring
Tactical Empathy for Long-Term HRI in Commercial In-Home Robots: An Academic Approach to Building a Bridge to the HRI Industry. 9-15 - Avram Block, Swapna Joshi, Wilbert Tabone
, Aryaman Pandya, Seonghee Lee, Vaidehi Patil, Nicholas Britten, Paul Schmitt:
The Road Ahead: Advancing Interactions between Autonomous Vehicles, Pedestrians, and Other Road Users. 16-23 - Alessandra Rossi
, Silvia Rossi:
Evaluating People's Perception of Trust of a Deceptive Robot with Theory of Mind in an Assistive Gaming Scenario. 18-23 - Swapna Joshi:
Community in HRI: Extending Academic and Industry Collaboration. 24-29 - Ifrah Idrees
, Siddharth Singh, Kerui Xu, Dylan F. Glas:
A Framework for Realistic Simulation of Daily Human Activity. 30-37 - Karebu Takagi, Takafumi Sakamoto, Jun Ichikawa, Yugo Takeuchi:
Effects of Robots' "Body Torque" on Participation and Sustaining Multi-person Conversations. 38-43 - Baisong Liu, Daniel Tetteroo, Panos Markopoulos:
From Research to Design: Developing the Social Robotic Persuasive Design Cards and Its Techniques. 44-51 - Irene Alcubilla Troughton, Hendrik von Kentzinsky, Maaike Bleeker, Kim Baraka
"Improvisation ≠ Randomness": a Study on Playful Rule-Based Human-Robot Interactions. 52-59 - Christina Soyoung Song, Jinha Lee, Bruce W. Jo:
Scale Development of Anxiety Toward Robots in Consumer Robotics: An Approach Using Item Response Theory. 60-64 - Zhe Hu
, Weifeng Lu, Yu Zheng, Jia Pan:
ChatHRC: Personalized Human-Robot Collaboration using Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning with Natural Language Rewards. 65-70 - Sota Kobuki, Katie Seaborn, Seiki Tokunaga, Kosuke Fukumori, Shun Hidaka, Kazuhiro Tamura, Koji Inoue, Tatsuya Kawahara, Mihoko Otake-Matsuura:
Robotic Backchanneling in Online Conversation Facilitation: A Cross-Generational Study. 71-76 - Vidullan Surendran, Alan R. Wagner:
Show Me What To Pick: Pointing Versus Spatial Gestures for Conveying Intent. 77-84 - Di Fu, Fares Abawi, Stefan Wermter:
The Robot in the Room: Influence of Robot Facial Expressions and Gaze on Human-Human-Robot Collaboration. 85-91 - Robert Codd-Downey, Michael Jenkin:
Recognizing diver hand gestures for human to robot communication underwater. 92-98 - Carolin Straßmann, André Helgert, Valentin Breil, Lina Settelmayer, Inga Diehl:
Exploring the Use of Colored Ambient Lights to Convey Emotional Cues With Conversational Agents: An Experimental Study. 99-105 - Ilaria Torre, Erik Lagerstedt
, Nathaniel Dennler, Katie Seaborn, Iolanda Leite, Éva Székely:
Can a gender-ambiguous voice reduce gender stereotypes in human-robot interactions? 106-112 - Sihan Tan
, Khan Nabeela Khanum, Katsutoshi Itoyama, Kazuhiro Nakadai:
Improving Sign Language Understanding Introducing Label Smoothing. 113-118 - Jayant Unde, Jacinto Colan
, Yaonan Zhu, Tadayoshi Aoyama, Yasuhisa Hasegawa:
Single Actuator Tendon Driven Two Finger Linkage Gripper with Strong Pinch and Adaptable Cylindrical Grasp. 119-125 - Rafael Sousa Silva, Michelle Lieng, Emil Muly, Tom Williams:
Worth the Wait: Understanding How the Benefits of Performative Autonomy Depend on Communication Latency. 126-133 - Qirui Sun, Yijie Guo, Zhihao Yao, Haipeng Mi
Yousu: A mythical character robot design for public scene interaction. 134-140 - Chaerim Moon
, Sankalp Yamsani, Joohyung Kim
Development of a 3-DOF Interactive Modular Robot with Human-like Head Motions. 141-146 - Gopalkrishna G. Mahale, Karpagavalli Subramanian, Maalavika Srikantan, Vaishnavi, R. Rathan, Shikha Tripathi:
HRITI - Human Robot Interaction with Translational Intelligence. 147-152 - Hiroki Shido, Hiroko Nishi, Hiroyuki Ishii:
Proposal of a New Performance Partner: "Soft Flying Robot". 153-158 - Atsuhiro Imai, Daigo Misaki
Hands-Free Interface using Breath for Robot-Assisted Operation. 159-164 - Mikael Uimonen, Paul Kemppi, Taru Hakanen:
A Gesture-based Multimodal Interface for Human-Robot Interaction. 165-170 - Seung Yun Song, Yixiang Guo, Chentai Yuan, Nadja Marin, Chenzhang Xiao, Adam Bleakney, Jeannette Elliott, Joao Ramos, Elizabeth T. Hsiao-Wecksler:
Design and Validation of a Torso-Dynamics Estimation System (TES) for Hands-Free Physical Human-Robot Interaction*. 171-178 - Masae Yokota, Soichiro Majima, Sarthak Pathak, Kazunori Umeda:
Intuitive Arm-Pointing based Home-Appliance Control from Multiple Camera Views. 179-184 - Gustavo Assunção
, Alessandra Sorrentino
, Jorge Dias, Miguel Castelo-Branco
, Paulo Menezes, Filippo Cavallo:
Adapting Behavior and Persistence via Reinforcement and Self-Emotion Mediated Exploration in a Social Robot. 185-190 - Kihun Hong
, Patrick Hau Don Trieu, Jonathon S. Schofield:
Characterizing the Sense of Embodiment: the Development of a Sensorimotor Robotic Platform. 191-196 - Jin Joo Lee, Amin Atrash, Dylan F. Glas, Hanxiao Fu:
Developing autonomous behaviors for a consumer robot to be near people in the home. 197-204 - Jason M. Gregory, Felix A. Sanchez, Eli Lancaster, Ali-Akbar Agha-Mohammadi, Satyandra K. Gupta:
Using Decision Support in Human-in-the-Loop Experimental Design Toward Building Trustworthy Autonomous Systems. 205-212 - Carlos Quintero-Peña, Peizhu Qian
, Nicole M. Fontenot, Hsin-Mei Chen, Shannan K. Hamlin, Lydia E. Kavraki, Vaibhav V. Unhelkar
Robotic Tutors for Nurse Training: Opportunities for HRI Researchers. 220-225 - De'Aira Bryant, Tiago Etiene, Ayanna M. Howard, William D. Smart, Dylan F. Glas:
Teaching a Robot Where to Park: A Scalable Crowdsourcing Approach. 226-233 - Monica Li, Bruno Belzile, Ali Imran, Lionel Birglen, Giovanni Beltrame, David St-Onge:
From Assistive Devices to Manufacturing Cobot Swarms. 234-240 - Bryanna Lima, Frank L. Hammond:
Haptically-Displayed Proprioceptive Feedback via Simultaneous Rotary Skin Stretch and Vibrotactile Stimulation. 241-247 - Ryan Quick, Anisha Bontula, Karina Puente, Naomi T. Fitter:
Using the OptiBand to Increase the Long-Range Spatial Perception of People with Vision Disabilities. 248-254 - Daichi Saito, Eri Nagatomo, Jefferson Pardomuan, Hideki Koike
Tracker: Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Tracking Control of Human Finger Attached with Thin McKibben Muscles. 255-262 - N. P. Dasanayake, R. A. R. C. Gopura, R. K. P. S. Ranaweera, Thilina Dulantha Lalitharatne:
An EMG-based Spatio-spectro-temporal Index for Muscle Fatigue Quantification. 263-268 - Chia-Hsin Wu
, Aino Ahtinen
, Kaisa Väänänen
Walking Outdoor with a Zoomorphic Mobile Robot: Exploration of Robot-Assisted Physical Activities for Older Adults. 269-276 - Kristina Tornbjerg Eriksen
, Leon Bodenhagen
Understanding human-robot teamwork in the wild: The difference between success and failure for mobile robots in hospitals. 277-284 - Srivatsan Chakravarthi Kumaran, Agam Oberlender, Andrey Grishko, Benny Megidish, Hadas Erel:
To Cross or Not-to-Cross: A Robotic Object for Mediating Interactions Between Autonomous Vehicles and Pedestrians. 285-292 - Tim Schreiter
, Lucas Morillo-Méndez, Ravi T. Chadalavada, Andrey Rudenko, Erik Billing, Martin Magnusson, Kai O. Arras, Achim J. Lilienthal:
Advantages of Multimodal versus Verbal-Only Robot-to-Human Communication with an Anthropomorphic Robotic Mock Driver. 293-300 - Nguyen Tan Viet Tuyen, Shintaro Okazaki, Oya Çeliktutan:
A Study on Customer's Perception of Robot Nonverbal Communication Skills in a Service Environment. 301-306 - Jura Miniota, Siyang Wang, Jonas Beskow, Joakim Gustafson, Éva Székely, André Pereira:
Hi robot, it's not what you say, it's how you say it. 307-314 - Micol Spitale, Minja Axelsson, Neval Kara, Hatice Gunes:
Longitudinal Evolution of Coachees' Behavioural Responses to Interaction Ruptures in Robotic Positive Psychology Coaching. 315-322 - Arne Hitzmann, Hidenobu Sumioka, Masahiro Shiomi:
Touch Me Right: Lateral Preferences During Touch in Human-Robot-Interactions. 323-330 - Sankalp Yamsani, Sean Taylor, Kazuki Shin, Jooyoung Hong, Dhruv C. Mathur, Kevin G. Gim, Joohyung Kim
Orthrus: A Dual-arm Quadrupedal Robot for Mobile Manipulation and Entertainment Applications. 331-336 - George P. Jenkinson, Karl Tiemann, Angeliki Papathanasiou, Jonny Bewley, Andrew T. Conn, Antonia Tzemanaki:
A robotIc Radial palpatIon mechaniSm for breast examination (IRIS). 337-342 - Takuya Sasaki, Daiki Hagimori, Monica Perusquía-Hernández, Naoya Isoyama, Hideaki Uchiyama, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Yoshihiro Kuroda:
A Two-layer Haptic Device for Presenting a Wide Range of Softness and Hardness Using a Pneumatic Balloon and a Mechanical Piston. 343-350 - Ruhan Wang
, Chih-Heng Li, Yijie Guo, Fumihide Tanaka, Haipeng Mi
Exploring the Design of Robot Mediation with Bodily Contact for Remote Conflict. 351-357 - Maina Sogabe, Keiya Ito, Tetsuro Miyazaki, Norihiko Ito, Kenji Kawashima:
Pneumatically Driven Ophthalmologic Surgery Robot with Intraocular Pressure Control. 358-362 - Haozheng Luo, Ruiyang Qin, Chenwei Xu, Guo Ye, Zening Luo:
Open-Ended Multi-Modal Relational Reasoning for Video Question Answering. 363-369 - Mads Bering Christiansen
, Naris Asawalertsak, Cao Danh Do, Worameth Nantareekurn, Ahmad Rafsanjani
, Poramate Manoonpong, Jonas Jørgensen
BioMORF: A Soft Robotic Skin to Increase Biomorphism and Enable Nonverbal Communication. 370-377 - Martina Gassen, Frederic Metzler, Erik Prescher, Lisa Scherf, Vignesh Prasad, Felix Kaiser, Dorothea Koert:
I³: Interactive Iterative Improvement for Few-Shot Action Segmentation. 378-385 - Kotaro Kanazawa, Noritaka Sato, Yoshifumi Morita:
Considerations on Interaction with Manipulator in Virtual Reality Teleoperation Interface for Rescue Robots*. 386-391 - Rute Luz, Aaron Pereira, José G. P. Corujeira, Thomas Krüger, Jacob Beck, Emiel Boudewijn den Exter, Thibaud Chupin, José Luís Silva
, Rodrigo Ventura:
Feeling the Slope? Teleoperation of a mobile robot using a 7DOF haptic device with attitude feedback. 392-398 - Emmanuel Akita, Frank Regal, Kevin Torres, Ann Majewicz Fey
, Mitch Pryor:
Object Identification Using Augmented Reality With Haptic Feedback. 399-404 - Carson Yu Liu
, Gelareh Mohammadi, Yang Song, Wafa Johal
Speech-Gesture GAN: Gesture Generation for Robots and Embodied Agents. 405-412 - David Golchinfar, Daryoush Vaziri, Darius Hennekeuser, Gunnar Stevens, Dirk Schreiber:
Let me Be your Service Robot: Exploring Early User Experiences of Human-Robot Collaboration for Service Domains. 413-420 - Diana Saplacan
, Trenton Schulz, Jim Torresen, Zada Pajalic:
Health Professionals' Views on the Use of Social Robots with Vulnerable Users: A Scenario-Based Qualitative Study Using Story Dialogue Method. 421-428 - Alexandra Fernandes, Kine Reegård, Magnhild Kaarstad, Maren H. Rø Eitrheim, Marten Bloch:
Humanoid Robots in Healthcare: Lessons Learned from an Innovation Project. 429-434 - Sara Cooper, Raquel Ros, Séverin Lemaignan:
Challenges of deploying assistive robots in real-life scenarios: an industrial perspective. 435-442 - Arianna Sica:
The Robot will Feel You Now: The Ethics of Artificial Emotional Inteligence in Sex Robots*. 443-448 - Eileen Wang, Breelyn Styler, Dan Ding:
Autonomous or Manual Control? Qualitative Analysis of Control Perceptions From Current Robotic Arm Owners. 449-455 - Erin Kelly, Lewis A. Wheaton, Frank L. Hammond:
The Effect of Tactor Composition and Vibrotactile Stimulation on Sensory Memory for a Haptic Feedback Display. 456-463 - Aurélien Morel, Anastasia Bolotnikova, Celinna Ju, Jan M. Rabaey, Auke Jan Ijspeert:
End-to-End Planner for Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robots Collaborative Objects Manipulation, Transport and Handover to Human Application. 470-476 - Meryl Ye, Eike Schneiders
, Wen-Ying Lee, Malte F. Jung:
The Future of Home Appliances: A Study on the Robotic Toaster as a Domestic Social Robot. 477-482 - Negin Azizi, Kevin Fan, Mélanie Jouaiti
, Kerstin Dautenhahn:
Exploring Measures for Engagement in a Collaborative Game Using a Robot Play-Mediator. 483-490 - Sungjoon Choi, Yisoo Lee, KangGeon Kim, Yong Seok Ihn, Jun-Sik Kim, Bum-Jae You:
Flexible Control and Task Manager System for Non-Contact Delivery Robots in COVID-19 Isolated Facilities. 484-489 - Melissa Donnermann, Franziska Rossin, Birgit Lugrin:
Pepper on the Job: Applying Social Robots in Employee Training. 491-498 - Sambhu H. Karumanchi, Raghuram Bharadwaj Diddigi, Prabuchandran K. J., Shalabh Bhatnagar:
Autonomous UAV Navigation in Complex Environments using Human Feedback. 499-506 - Laksh Nanwani
, Anmol Agarwal
, Kanishk Jain, Raghav Prabhakar, Aaron Monis, Aditya Mathur, Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula, A. H. Abdul Hafez, Vineet Gandhi, K. Madhava Krishna:
Instance-Level Semantic Maps for Vision Language Navigation. 507-512 - Martin Moder, Fatih Özgan, Josef Pauli:
Model-based Imitation Learning for Real-time Robot Navigation in Crowds. 513-519 - Peng Chi
, Zhenmin Wang, Haipeng Liao, Xiangmiao Wu, Jiyu Tian, Qin Zhang:
Robot Localization and Reconstruction based on 3D Point Cloud. 520-525 - Khawar Naheem
, Mun Sang Kim:
Wearable Indoor UWB Localization Performance in Smartphone Carrying Contexts: An Investigative Study. 526-532 - Mouad Abrini
, Malika Auvray, Mohamed Chetouani:
Humans' Spatial Perspective-Taking When Interacting with a Robotic Arm. 533-540 - Yue Gu, William Hunt, Blair Archibald, Mengwei Xu, Michele Sevegnani, Mohammad Divband Soorati
Successful Swarms: Operator Situational Awareness with Modelling and Verification at Runtime. 541-548 - Nona Rajabi
, Parag Khanna
, Sümeyra Demir Kanik
, Elmira Yadollahi, Miguel Vasco, Mårten Björkman, Christian Smith, Danica Kragic:
Detecting the Intention of Object Handover in Human-Robot Collaborations: An EEG Study. 549-555 - Seung Yun Song, Nadja Marin, Chenzhang Xiao, Ryu Okubo, Joao Ramos, Elizabeth T. Hsiao-Wecksler:
Hands-Free Physical Human-Robot Interaction and Testing for Navigating a Virtual Ballbot. 556-563 - Pourya Shahverdi
, Katelyn Rousso, Iman Bakhoda, Nathan Huang, Kristin Rohrbeck, Wing-Yue Geoffrey Louie:
Robot-mediated Job Interview Training for Individuals with ASD: A Pilot Study. 564-570 - Maria R. Lima, Sophie Horrocks
, Sarah Daniels, Moesha Lamptey, Matthew Harrison, Ravi Vaidyanathan:
The Role of Conversational AI in Ageing and Dementia Care at Home: A Participatory Study. 571-578 - Dipawoli Malla, Pawan S. Bhandari
Socially Assistive Robot "Sister Robot" as a Covid-19 response and its future plans in health care and clinical applications*. 579-584 - Sin Tung Chan, Chui Yi Chan, Sum Yee Chan, Jingqiang Zeng, Junpei Zhong:
A pilot study on factors of social attributes in desktop-size interactive robots. 585-591 - Susanne Trick, Vilja Lott, Lisa Scherf, Constantin A. Rothkopf, Dorothea Koert:
What Can I Help You With: Towards Task-Independent Detection of Intentions for Interaction in a Human-Robot Environment. 592-599 - Hyungseok Ryu, Woolim Hong, Pilwon Hur
Towards Realistic Prosthetic Gait Simulations: Enhancing the Accuracy of OpenSim Analysis by Integrating the Transfemoral Prosthesis Model. 600-606 - Katie Winkle, Laura Moradbakhti:
Differing Care Giver and Care Receiver Perceptions of Robot Agency in an In-Home Socially Assistive Robot for Exercise Engagement. 607-613 - Afagh Mehri Shervedani, Siyu Li, Natawut Monaikul, Bahareh Abbasi, Barbara Di Eugenio, Milos Zefran
An End-to-End Human Simulator for Task-Oriented Multimodal Human-Robot Collaboration. 614-620 - Martin K. Ross, Frank Broz, Lynne Baillie
Individual Squash Training is More Effective and Social with a Humanoid Robotic Coach*. 621-626 - Yunus Terzioglu, Keith Rebello, Timothy W. Bickmore:
Influencing Health-Related Decision Making and Therapeutic Alliance with Robot Mobility and Deixis. 627-633 - Masato Iimori, Yuki Furuya, Kazunori Takashio:
Face Robot Performing Interaction with Emphasis on Eye Blink Entrainment. 634-639 - Yuki Chamoto, Yuki Okafuji, Kohei Matsumura, Jun Baba, Junya Nakanishi:
Investigating the Influence of Task-dependent and Task-independent Robot Behavior on the Impression of Robots and the User Experience. 640-646 - Yuan Huang, Kairui Gu, Hee-Hyol Lee:
S&Reg: End-to-End Learning-Based Model for Multi-Goal Path Planning Problem. 647-653 - Bekatan Satyev, Hyemin Ahn
VAFOR: Proactive Voice Assistant for Object Retrieval in the Physical World. 654-659 - Ely Repiso, Anaís Garrell
, Alberto Sanfeliu:
Real-Life Experiment Metrics for Evaluating Human-Robot Collaborative Navigation Tasks. 660-667 - Marko Pavlic, Timo Markert, Sebastian Matich, Darius Burschka:
RobotScale: A Framework for Adaptable Estimation of Static and Dynamic Object Properties with Object-dependent Sensitivity Tuning. 668-674 - Antonio Galiza Cerdeira Gonzalez, Ikuo Mizuuchi:
Physical Embodiment versus Novelty - which influences interactions with Embodied Conversational Agents more? 675-682 - Mariacarla Staffa
, Lorenzo D'Errico
Can a robot elicit emotions? A Global Optimization Model to attribute mental states to human users in HRI*. 863-868 - Sanghyub John Lee
, JongYoon Lim, Leo Paas, Ho Seok Ahn:
Evaluation of Large Tweet Dataset for Emotion Detection Model: A Comparative Study between Various ML and Transformer. 869-876 - Dahyun Kang, Sangmin Kim, Jongsuk Choi, Sonya S. Kwak:
The Effects of Socio-relational Context and Robotization on Human Group*. 877-883 - Won Shik Kim, Kye Kyung Kim:
Abnormal Detection of Worker by Interaction Analysis of Accident-Causing Objects. 884-889 - Marieke van Otterdijk
, Diana Saplacan
, Adel Baselizadeh, Bruno Laeng, Jim Torresen:
To Shake or Not to Shake: Intuitive Reactions of Senior Adults to a Robot Handshake in a Western Culture. 890-896 - Mehdi Hellou, Norina Gasteiger, Andy Kweon, JongYoon Lim, Bruce A. MacDonald, Angelo Cangelosi, Ho Seok Ahn:
Development and Validation of a Motion Dictionary to Create Emotional Gestures for the NAO Robot. 897-902 - Jun San Kim, Soyeon Shin, Dahyun Kang, Yoonseob Lim, Sonya S. Kwak:
Connecting without Reaching: How Voice-cloned Robot Can Enhance Mental Health of Isolated People During a Pandemic. 903-907 - Chanyoung Yoon, Yoongu Lim, Dongwook Lee, Kwang-Eun Ko:
Deep Learning-based Head Pose Estimation for Enhancing Nonverbal Communication in Human-Robot Interaction. 908-913 - Phani-Teja Singamaneni, Anthony Favier, Rachid Alami:
Towards Benchmarking Human-Aware Social Robot Navigation: A New Perspective and Metrics. 914-921 - Julia Rosén, Erik Lagerstedt
, Maurice Lamb:
Investigating NARS: Inconsistent Practice of Application and Reporting. 922-927 - Matthias Kraus
, Diana Betancourt, Wolfgang Minker:
Does It Affect You? Social and Learning Implications of Using Cognitive-Affective State Recognition for Proactive Human-Robot Tutoring. 928-935 - J. Gregory Trafton, Chelsea R. Frazier, Kevin Zish, Branden J. Bio, J. Malcolm McCurry:
The Perception of Agency: Scale Reduction and Construct Validity. 936-942 - Weston Laity, Robel Mamo, Benjamin Dossett, Maisey Toczek, Jordan Sinclair, Nicole Train, Daniel E. Pittman, Kerstin Sophie Haring
Assessing a Virtual Platform's Effectiveness in Exploring Mental Models of Robot Design. 943-950 - Doris Pischedda
, Vanessa Kaufmann, Olga A. Wudarczyk, Rasha Abdel Rahman, Verena V. Hafner, Anna K. Kuhlen, John-Dylan Haynes:
Human or AI? The brain knows it! A brain-based Turing Test to discriminate between human and artificial agents. 951-958 - Olivia Herzog
, Simone Nertinger, Katharina Wenzel, Abdeldjallil Naceri, Sami Haddadin, Klaus Bengler:
Assessing Perceived Discomfort and Proxemic Behavior towards Robots: A Comparative Study between Real and Augmented Reality Presentations. 959-965 - Benjamin Dossett, Weston Laity, Maisey Toczek, Robel Mamo, Jordan Sinclair, Nicole Train, Daniel E. Pittman, Kerstin Sophie Haring
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Iconography for Representing Robot Mental States in the Build-A-Bot Platform*. 966-973 - Romain Maure
, Barbara Bruno:
Participatory design of a social robot and robot-mediated storytelling activity to raise awareness of gender inequality among children. 974-981 - Xin Ye, Lionel P. Robert:
Human Security Robot Interaction and Anthropomorphism: An Examination of Pepper, RAMSEE, and Knightscope Robots. 982-987 - Marianne Bossema, Somaya Ben Allouch, Aske Plaat, Rob Saunders:
Human-Robot Co-creativity: A Scoping Review : Informing a Research Agenda for Human-Robot Co-Creativity with Older Adults. 988-995 - Delara Forghani, Moojan Ghafurian, Samira Rasouli, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, Kerstin Dautenhahn:
What Do People Think of Social Robots and Voice Agents as Public Speaking Coaches? 996-1003 - Baisong Liu, Daniel Tetteroo, Panos Markopoulos:
3 Key Challenges in Designing Advanced Social Robotic Applications. 1004-1011 - Elisabeth Ganal, Lenny Siol, Birgit Lugrin:
PePUT: A Unity Toolkit for the Social Robot Pepper. 1012-1019 - Samantha Reig, Elizabeth J. Carter, Lynn Kirabo
, Terrence Fong, Aaron Steinfeld, Jodi Forlizzi:
Dreaming Up Smart Home Futures: A Story Completion Study. 1020-1027 - Waki Kamino, Natasha Randall, Tanya Saga, Long-Jing Hsu, Katherine M. Tsui, Selma Sabanovic, Shinichi Nagata:
We All Make Mistakes: Terminal, Non-critical, Recoverable, and Favorable Interaction Failures Between People and a Social Robot. 1028-1033 - Natasha Randall, Tanya Saga, Waki Kamino, Katherine M. Tsui, Selma Sabanovic, Shinichi Nagata:
Realizing a Life Well Lived: The Design of a Home Robot to Assist Older Adults with Self-Reflection and Intentional Living. 1034-1041 - Shady Nasrat, Taewoong Kang, Jinwoo Park, Joonyoung Kim, Seung-Joon Yi:
High-Speed, High-Quality Robotic Portrait Drawing System. 1042-1047 - Abhinav Dahiya, Stephen L. Smith:
Optimal Robot Path Planning In a Collaborative Human-Robot Team with Intermittent Human Availability. 1048-1055 - Martina Lippi
, Jorand Gallou, Jozsef Palmieri
, Andrea Gasparri, Alessandro Marino:
Human-Multi-Robot Task Allocation in Agricultural Settings: a Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach. 1056-1062 - Zoe Betta
, Serena Paneri, Alessandro Gaudino
, Alessandro Benini, Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto, Antonio Sgorbissa:
Multi-floor danger and responsiveness assessment with autonomous legged robots in catastrophic scenarios. 1063-1070 - S. P. Yamaguchi, R. Itakura, T. Inagaki:
ISS/JEM crew-task analysis to support astronauts with intra-vehicular robotics. 1071-1076 - Negin Amirshirzad, Minoru Asada, Erhan Öztop:
Context based Echo State Networks for Robot Movement Primitives. 1077-1082 - Lhilo Kenye, Rahul Kala:
Low-Cost Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Using Occupancy Grid, Place Recognition and Semantic Priors. 1083-1088 - Luís Garrote
, João Perdiz
, Urbano J. Nunes
Costmap-based Local Motion Planning using Deep Reinforcement Learning. 1089-1095 - Hee Rin Lee, Xiaobo Tan, Wenlong Zhang, Yiming Deng, Yongming Liu:
Situating Robots in the Organizational Dynamics of the Gas Energy Industry: A Collaborative Design Study. 1096-1101 - Wenjie Yin, Ruibo Tu, Hang Yin, Danica Kragic, Hedvig Kjellström
, Mårten Björkman:
Controllable Motion Synthesis and Reconstruction with Autoregressive Diffusion Models. 1102-1108 - Wenfei Hu, Weikai Lin, Hongyu Fang, Yi Wang, Dingsheng Luo:
Learning Clear Class Separation for Open-set 3D Detector in Autonomous Vehicle via Selective Forgetting. 1109-1114 - Meenakshi Sarkar, Vinayak Honkote, Dibyendu Das, Debasish Ghose:
Action-conditioned Deep Visual Prediction with RoAM, a new Indoor Human Motion Dataset for Autonomous Robots. 1115-1120 - Raimund Edlinger, Andreas Nüchter
Feel the Point Clouds: Traversability Prediction and Tactile Terrain Detection Information for an Improved Human-Robot Interaction. 1121-1128 - Federico Tavella, Aphrodite Galata
, Angelo Cangelosi
Signs of Language: Embodied Sign Language Fingerspelling Acquisition from Demonstrations for Human-Robot Interaction. 1137-1143 - Wenfei Hu, Weikai Lin, Hongyu Fang, Yi Wang, Dingsheng Luo:
Learning Clear Class Separation for Open-set 3D Detector in Autonomous Vehicle via Selective Forgetting. 1144-1149 - Ruaridh Mon-Williams, Theodoros Stouraitis, Sethu Vijayakumar:
A behavioural transformer for effective collaboration between a robot and a non-stationary human. 1150-1157 - Mohammad Mehedi Hassan
, Stephen Karungaru, Kenji Terada:
Recognizing football game events: Handball based on Computer Vision. 1158-1163 - Alessandro Umbrico
, Amedeo Cesta, Andrea Orlandini
Human-Aware Goal-Oriented Autonomy through ROS-Integrated Timeline-based Planning and Execution. 1164-1169 - Sariah Mghames, Luca Castri, Marc Hanheide
, Nicola Bellotto:
Qualitative Prediction of Multi-Agent Spatial Interactions. 1170-1175 - Simone Macciò, Mohamad Shaaban, Alessandro Carfì, Renato Zaccaria, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni:
RICO-MR: An Open-Source Architecture for Robot Intent Communication through Mixed Reality. 1176-1181 - Shintaro Nakaoka, Yosuke Kawasaki, Masaki Takahashi:
Learning User-Preferred Robot Navigation Based on Social Force Model from Human Feedback in Virtual Reality Environments. 1182-1187 - Elena Merlo
, Marta Lagomarsino, Edoardo Lamon
, Arash Ajoudani:
Automatic Interaction and Activity Recognition from Videos of Human Manual Demonstrations with Application to Anomaly Detection. 1188-1195 - Fumiya Ohnishi, Yosuke Kawasaki, Masaki Takahashi:
Rush-Out Risk Mapping from Human Operational Commands Considering Field Context*. 1196-1201 - Anouk Neerincx
, Yanzhe Li, Kelvin van de Sande, Frank Broz, Mark A. Neerincx, Maartje de Graaf:
Child's Personality and Self-Disclosures to a Robot Persona "In-The-Wild". 1202-1209 - Anna Karakosta, Anna-Maria Velentza, Christina Pasalidou, Nikolaos Fachantidis:
Socially Assistive Robotics optimizing Augmented Reality Educational Application for Teaching Traffic Safety in Kindergarten. 1210-1215 - Hideki Kozima
Communication as Joint Prediction: A Case Study of Robot-Mediated Pretend Play with Children at a Kindergarten. 1216-1221 - Jaehee Chung:
Rapport Formation between Children and a Social Robot through the Identity of a Social Robot. 1222-1226 - Aida Amirova, Nurziya Oralbayeva, Zhansaule Telisheva, Aida Zhanatkyzy, Aidar Shakerimov, Shamil Sarmonov, Arna Aimysheva, Anara Sandygulova:
QWriter System for Robot-Assisted Alphabet Acquisition. 1227-1232 - Gabriella Lakatos, Marina Sardà Gou, Patrick Holthaus
, Luke Jai Wood, Sílvia Moros
, Vicky Litchfield, Ben Robins, Farshid Amirabdollahian
A feasibility study of using Kaspar, a humanoid robot for speech and language therapy for children with learning disabilities*. 1233-1238 - Mark O. Meara, Xiaoxiao Cheng, Jonathan Eden, Ekaterina Ivanova, Etienne Burdet:
A third eye to augment environment perception. 1239-1244 - Peter Schröpfer, Cédric Pradalier:
Why There is No Definition of Trust: A Systems Approach With a Metamodel Representation. 1245-1251 - Apostolos Kalatzis
, Vishnunarayan Girishan Prabhu, Laura M. Stanley, Mike P. Wittie:
Effect of Augmented Reality User Interface on Task Performance, Cognitive Load, and Situational Awareness in Human-Robot Collaboration. 1252-1259 - Tim Puphal, Ryohei Hirano, Malte Probst, Raphael Wenzel, Akihito Kimata:
Considering Human Factors in Risk Maps for Robust and Foresighted Driver Warning. 1260-1266 - Kasper Hald
, Matthias Rehm:
Determining Movement Measures for Trust Assessment in Human-Robot Collaboration Using IMU-Based Motion Tracking. 1267-1272 - Jack Kolb, Divya K. Srivastava, Karen M. Feigh:
The Effects of Inaccurate Decision-Support Systems on Structured Shared Decision-Making for Human-Robot Teams. 1273-1278 - Anthony Favier, Shashank Shekhar, Rachid Alami:
Models and Algorithms for Human-Aware Task Planning with Integrated Theory of Mind. 1279-1286 - Steven Lawrence, Negin Azizi, Kevin Fan, Mélanie Jouaiti
, Jesse Hoey, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, Kerstin Dautenhahn:
The Impact of Social Norm Violations on Participants' Perception of and Trust in a Robot during a Competitive Game Scenario. 1287-1294 - Kota Minami, Kotaro Hayashi
, Jun Miura
Development of the Pedestrian Awareness model for mobile robots*. 1295-1301 - Marc-Antoine Maheux, Guillaume Auclair, Philippe Warren, Dominic Létourneau, François Michaud:
Attempting to Aggregate Perceptual Constructs From Deep Neural Networks for Video and Audio Interaction Representation. 1302-1307 - Vivienne Bihe Chi, Bertram F. Malle:
Calibrated Human-Robot Teaching: What People Do When Teaching Norms to Robots*. 1308-1314 - Terran Mott, Tom Williams:
How Can Dog Handlers Help Us Understand the Future of Wilderness Search & Rescue Robots? 1315-1322 - Jingyang Liu
, Hongyu Mao, Joshua Bard
Proxemic-aware Augmented Reality For Human-Robot Interaction. 1323-1330 - Taiga Suda, Motoki Yodowatari, Sosuke Kosaki, Koki Yokoyama, Eito Yanagisawa, Eimei Oyama, Kohei Tokoi, Hiroyuki Okada, Arvin Agah, Sousuke Nakamura:
A Virtual Reality System for Predictive Display Functionality in a Telexistence-Controlled SEED-Noid Humanoid Robot with Evaluation of VR Sickness. 1331-1338 - Alexandra Bejarano, Tom Williams:
No Name, No Voice, Less Trust: Robot Group Identity Performance, Entitativity, and Trust Distribution. 1339-1346 - Asaki Kawaguchi, Yutaro Abe, Shogo Okamoto, Yuta Goto, Masayuki Hara, Noriaki Kanayama
Asura hands: Own and control two left hands in immersive virtual reality environment. 1347-1352 - Juan Heredia
, Krzysztof Zielinski
, Christian Schlette, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard
Empowering Cobots with Energy Models: Real Augmented Digital Twin Cobot with Accurate Energy Consumption Model. 1353-1359 - Hyung Joo Lee, Sigrid Brell-Cokcan
Reinforcement Learning-based Virtual Fixtures for Teleoperation of Hydraulic Construction Machine*. 1360-1367 - Francesco Vigni, Antonio Andriella, Silvia Rossi:
Sweet Robot O'Mine - How a Cheerful Robot Boosts Users' Performance in a Game Scenario. 1368-1374 - Henrik Skaug Sætra:
Machiavelli for robots: Strategic robot failure, deception, and trust. 1381-1388 - Birthe Nesset, Marta Romeo
, Gnanathusharan Rajendran
, Helen Hastie:
Robot Broken Promise? Repair strategies for mitigating loss of trust for repeated failures. 1389-1395 - Graham Wilcock
, Kristiina Jokinen
To Err Is Robotic; to Earn Trust, Divine: Comparing ChatGPT and Knowledge Graphs for HRI. 1396-1401 - Denise Y. Geiskkovitch, James E. Young:
Trust Calibration Through Intentional Errors: Designing Robot Errors to Decrease Children's Trust Towards Robots. 1402-1406 - Marina Sardà Gou, Gabriella Lakatos, Patrick Holthaus
, Ben Robins, Sílvia Moros
, Luke Jai Wood, Hugo Leonardo da Silva Araujo, Christine deGraft-Hanson, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Farshid Amirabdollahian
Kaspar Explains: The Effect of Causal Explanations on Visual Perspective Taking Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 1407-1412 - Francesca Cocchella
, Giulia Pusceddu
, Giulia Belgiovine, Michela Bogliolo, Linda Lastrico, Maura Casadio, Francesco Rea, Alessandra Sciutti:
At school with a robot: Italian students' perception of robotics during an educational program. 1413-1419 - Jing Li, Pinhao Wang, Emilia I. Barakova
, Jun Hu
Embodied technologies for stress management in children: A systematic review. 1420-1427 - Gonzalo A. García
, Guillermo Pérez, Leigh Levinson, J. Gabriel Amores, Gloria Alvarez-Benito, Manuel Castro-Malet, Mario Castaño-Ocaña, Marta J. López-González de Quevedo, Ricardo Durán-Viñuelas, Randy Gomez, Selma Sabanovic:
Living with Haru4Kids: Study on children's activity and engagement in a family-robot cohabitation scenario. 1428-1435 - Guillermo Pérez, Gonzalo A. García
, Manuel Castro-Malet, Mario Castaño, Marta J. López-González de Quevedo, Ricardo Durán, J. Gabriel Amores, Gloria Alvarez-Benito, Leigh Levinson, Selma Sabanovic, Randy Gomez:
Child-Robot Conversation in the Wild Wild Home: A Language Processing User Study. 1436-1442 - Nida Itrat Abbasi, Micol Spitale, Joanna Anderson, Tamsin Ford, Peter B. Jones, Hatice Gunes:
Humanoid Robots for Wellbeing Assessment in Children: How Does Anxiety towards the Robot Affect Perceptions of Robot Role, Behaviour and Capabilities? 1443-1450 - Alicja Wróbel, Karolina Zróbek, Marie-Monique Schaper, Paulina Zguda, Bipin Indurkhya:
Age-Appropriate Robot Design: In-The-Wild Child-Robot Interaction Studies of Perseverance Styles and Robot's Unexpected Behavior. 1451-1458 - Zhuoqun Jiang
, Hong Pin Koh, Bryan Lijie Chew, Jiasen Chen, Andrew Zi Han Yee, Yixiao Wang
Reading or iPad Gaming? Investigating Socially Interactive Robotic Bookshelf Proactively Engages Children in Reading Physical Books. 1459-1466 - Jay K. Shah, Aakash Yadav, Sarah K. Hopko, Ranjana K. Mehta, Prabhakar R. Pagilla:
Robot Adaptation Under Operator Cognitive Fatigue Using Reinforcement Learning. 1467-1474 - Daniel Carnieto Tozadore, Melike Cezayirlioglu, Chenyang Wang, Barbara Bruno, Pierre Dillenbourg:
Immediate effects of short-duration wellbeing practices on children's handwriting and posture guided by a social robot. 1475-1480 - Tatsuya Nomura:
Critical Thinking Attitudes and Conservatism: Exploring the Impact on Negative Attitudes toward Robots. 1481-1485 - Linlin Cheng, Artem V. Belopolsky
, Koen V. Hindriks
Boundary Conditions for Human Gaze Estimation on A Social Robot using State-of-the-Art Models. 1486-1493 - Ayodeji Opeyemi Abioye, Mohammad Naiseh, William Hunt, Jediah R. Clark, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn, Mohammad Divband Soorati:
The Effect of Data Visualisation Quality and Task Density on Human-Swarm Interaction. 1494-1501 - Jayanto Halim
, Paul Eichler, Sebastian Krusche, Mohamad Bdiwi, Steffen Ihlenfeldt:
Enhanced No-Code Finger-Gesture-Based Robot Programming: Simultaneous Path and Contour Awareness for Orientation Estimation. 1502-1508 - Kolja Kühnlenz, Barbara Kühnlenz:
Study on the Impact of Situational Explanations and Prior Information Given to Users on Trust and Perceived Intelligence in Autonomous Driving in a Video-based 2x2 Design. 1509-1513 - Xin He, Vibekananda Dutta
, Teresa Zielinska
, Takafumi Matsumaru
A Probabilistic Approach based on Combination of Distance Metrics and Distribution Functions for Human Postures Classification. 1514-1521 - Luke Guerdan, Hatice Gunes:
Federated Continual Learning for Socially Aware Robotics. 1522-1529 - Joonhyun Kim, Seongmin Ha, Dongbin Shin, Seoyeon Ham, Jaepil Jang, Wansoo Kim:
Multitask Learning for Multiple Recognition Tasks: A Framework for Lower-limb Exoskeleton Robot Applications. 1530-1536 - Saurav Singh, Jamison Heard:
Probabilistic Policy Blending for Shared Autonomy using Deep Reinforcement Learning. 1537-1544 - Wenfei Hu, Yifan Yuan, Yi Wang, Dingsheng Luo:
A Novel Meta Control Framework for Robot Arm Reaching with Changeable Configuration. 1545-1551 - Luca Raggioli
, Angelo Cangelosi
A Cognitive Robotics Model for Contextual Diversity in Language Learning. 1552-1557 - Seth Pate, Lawson L. S. Wong:
"The wallpaper is ugly": Indoor Localization using Vision and Language. 1558-1564 - Hatice Gunes, Nikhil Churamani:
Affective Computing for Human-Robot Interaction Research: Four Critical Lessons for the Hitchhiker. 1565-1572 - Maciej K. Wozniak, Rebecca Stower, Patric Jensfelt, André Pereira:
Happily Error After: Framework Development and User Study for Correcting Robot Perception Errors in Virtual Reality. 1573-1580 - M. Issa, Theophil Spiegeler Castañeda, Patricia Capsi-Morales, Cristina Piazza
Motor-Cognitive Effects of Virtual Reality Myoelectric Control Training. 1581-1586 - Khulan Khalzaa, Stephen Karungaru, Kenji Terada:
Creation and Testing of Synthetic Datasets for Training Road Scenes Algorithms. 1587-1592 - Liang Tang, Masooda N. Bashir
Exploring the Influence of Self-Avatar Similarity on Human-Robot Trust. 1593-1599 - Shyam A, Aparna Purayath, Keerthivasan S, Akash S. M, Aswathaman Govindaraju, Manojkumar Lakshmanan, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam:
Immersive Virtual Reality Platform for Robot-Assisted Antenatal Ultrasound Scanning. 1600-1605 - Ajay Kumar Sandula, Arushi Khokhar
, Debasish Ghose, Pradipta Biswas:
Demand-Aware Multi-Robot Task Scheduling with Mixed Reality Simulation. 1606-1611 - Yoojin Oh, Jean-Claude Passy, Jim Mainprice:
Augmenting Human Policies using Riemannian Metrics for Human-Robot Shared Control. 1612-1618 - Haruto Mukuno, Daigo Misaki
Effect of Handshake in VR Environment via Robotic Arm on Psychological Distance. 1619-1624 - Casey C. Bennett, Selma Sabanovic, Cedomir Stanojevic, Zachary Henkel, Seongcheol Kim, Jinjae Lee, Kenna Baugus, Jennifer A. Piatt, Janghoon Yu, Jiyeong Oh, Sawyer Collins, Cindy L. Bethel:
Enabling Robotic Pets to Autonomously Adapt Their Own Behaviors to Enhance Therapeutic Effects: A Data-Driven Approach. 1625-1632 - Vinitha Ranganeni
, Noah Ponto, Maya Cakmak:
Evaluating Customization of Remote Tele-operation Interfaces for Assistive Robots. 1633-1640 - Damith C. Herath
, Lee Martin, Sharni Doolan
, Janie Busby Grant:
Robots and Aged Care: A Case Study Assessing Implementation of Service Robots in an Aged Care Home. 1641-1647 - Dohyun Kim, Yeseung Kim, Jaehwi Jang, Minjae Song, Woojin Choi, Daehyung Park:
SGGNet2: Speech-Scene Graph Grounding Network for Speech-guided Navigation. 1648-1654 - Jaeyeon Lee, Ethan Quist, Jonathan Chambers, Justin Peel, Kelly Roman, Nathan Fisher:
Vision-based Human Identification with Face and Nametape Recognition in Aerial Casualty Monitoring System. 1655-1660 - Jae-Hun Lee, Yoonho Nam, Dong-Hyun Kim, Kanghyun Ryu:
Diffusion Probabilistic Models-based Noise Reduction for Enhancing the Quality of Medical Images. 1661-1666 - Anna Milena Rothermel, Anna M. H. Abrams, Astrid M. Rosenthal-von der Pütten:
Feel for me! Robot's Reactions to Abuse Influence Humans' Empathy. 1667-1674 - Ilenia D'Angelo, Lorenzo Morocutti, Enrico Giunchiglia
, Carmine Recchiuto, Antonio Sgorbissa:
Nice and Nasty Theory of Mind for Social and Antisocial Robots. 1675-1682 - Aiko Ichikura, Kento Kawaharazuka, Yoshiki Obinata, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba:
A method for Selecting Scenes and Emotion-based Descriptions for a Robot's Diary. 1683-1688 - Dennis Becker, Diana Rueda, Felix Beese, Brenda Scarleth Gutierrez Torres, Myriem Lafdili, Kyra Ahrens, Di Fu, Erik Strahl, Tom Weber, Stefan Wermter:
The Emotional Dilemma: Influence of a Human-like Robot on Trust and Cooperation. 1689-1696 - Guy Laban
, Arvid Kappas
, Val Morrison, Emily S. Cross:
Opening Up to Social Robots: How Emotions Drive Self-Disclosure Behavior. 1697-1704 - Mohammad Ariff Rashidan, Shahrul Naim Sidek, Hazlina Md Yusof, Aimi Shazwani Ghazali, Nazreen Rusli:
Emotion Recognition of ASD Children using Wavelet Analysis. 1705-1710 - Alice Nardelli, Carmine Recchiuto, Antonio Sgorbissa:
A Software Framework to Encode the Psychological Dimensions of an Artificial Agent. 1711-1718 - Bipin Indurkhya:
Ethical Aspects of Faking Emotions in Chatbots and Social Robots. 1719-1724 - Alberto Chierici, Nizar Habash:
Tell Me More, Tell Me More: AI-Generated Question Suggestions for the Creation of Interactive Video Recordings. 1725-1730 - Filip Edström, Thomas Hellström, Xavier de Luna:
Robot Causal Discovery Aided by Human Interaction. 1731-1736 - Muhan Hou
, Koen V. Hindriks
, A. E. Eiben, Kim Baraka
Shaping Imbalance into Balance: Active Robot Guidance of Human Teachers for Better Learning from Demonstrations. 1737-1744 - Muhan Hou
, Koen V. Hindriks
, A. E. Eiben, Kim Baraka
A Process-Oriented Framework for Robot Imitation Learning in Human-Centered Interactive Tasks. 1745-1752 - Kyungmin Ko:
Backward Curriculum Reinforcement Learning. 1753-1757 - Youqiang Zhang
, Minhyo Kim, Sangrok Jin:
Real-time Detection and Tracking of Surgical Instrument Based on YOLOv5 and DeepSORT*. 1758-1763 - Linh Kästner, Alexander Christian, Ricardo Sosa Mello, Bo Li, Bassel Fatloun, Jens Lambrecht:
Predicting Navigational Performance of Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance Approaches Using Deep Neural Networks. 1764-1771 - Ana Müller
, Anja Richert:
No One is an Island - Investigating the Need for Social Robots (and Researchers) to Handle Multi-Party Interactions in Public Spaces. 1772-1777 - Jiawen Wang, Tao Zhang, Yi Wang, Dingsheng Luo:
Optimizing Robot Arm Reaching Ability with Different Joints Functionality. 1778-1785 - Marco Matarese, Francesca Cocchella
, Francesco Rea, Alessandra Sciutti:
Natural Born Explainees: how users' personality traits shape the human-robot interaction with explainable robots. 1786-1793 - Shuang Lu
, Julia Berger, Johannes Schilp:
Extracting robotic task plan from natural language instruction using BERT and syntactic dependency parser. 1794-1799 - Alessio Galatolo, Iolanda Leite, Katie Winkle:
Personality-Adapted Language Generation for Social Robots. 1800-1807 - Eleonore Lumer
, Clara Lachenmaier
, Sina Zarrieß, Hendrik Buschmeier:
Indirect Politeness of Disconfirming Answers to Humans and Robots. 1808-1815 - Adam K. Coyne
, Conor McGinn:
The Effect of Human Prosody on Comprehension of TTS Robot Speech. 1816-1822 - Ao Guo, Atsumoto Ohashi, Yuya Chiba, Yuiko Tsunomori, Ryu Hirai, Ryuichiro Higashinaka:
Personality-aware Natural Language Generation for Task-oriented Dialogue using Reinforcement Learning. 1823-1828 - Parag Khanna
, Elmira Yadollahi, Mårten Björkman, Iolanda Leite, Christian Smith:
Effects of Explanation Strategies to Resolve Failures in Human-Robot Collaboration. 1829-1836 - Marcel Heisler
, Stefan Kopp, Christian Becker-Asano:
Making an Android Robot Head Talk. 1837-1842 - Parag Khanna
, Mårten Björkman, Christian Smith:
A Multimodal Data Set of Human Handovers with Design Implications for Human-Robot Handovers. 1843-1850 - Ali Noormohammadi-Asl
, Ali Ayub, Stephen L. Smith, Kerstin Dautenhahn:
Adapting to Human Preferences to Lead or Follow in Human-Robot Collaboration: A System Evaluation. 1851-1858 - Stephanie M. Lukin, Kimberly A. Pollard, Claire Bonial, Taylor Hudson, Ron Artstein, Clare R. Voss, David R. Traum:
Navigating to Success in Multi-Modal Human-Robot Collaboration: Analysis and Corpus Release. 1859-1865 - Jose Enrique Domínguez-Vidal
, Alberto Sanfeliu:
Inference VS. Explicitness. Do We Really Need the Perfect Predictor? The Human-Robot Collaborative Object Transportation Case. 1866-1871 - Taku Senoo, Atsushi Konno:
Force Sensorless Physical Interaction Based on Plastic Behavior Control Without Inertia Shaping. 1872-1877 - Lorenzo Landolfi
, Dario Pasquali, Alice Nardelli, Jasmin Bernotat, Francesco Rea:
Working Memory-Based Architecture for Human-Aware Navigation in Industrial Settings. 1878-1885 - Viktor Lorentz, Manuel Weiss
, Kristian Hildebrand, Ivo Boblan:
Pointing Gestures for Human-Robot Interaction with the Humanoid Robot Digit. 1886-1892 - Mehdi Hellou, Samuele Vinanzi
, Angelo Cangelosi:
Bayesian Theory of Mind for False Belief Understanding in Human-Robot Interaction. 1893-1900 - Silvia Izquierdo-Badiola, Guillem Alenyà, Carlos Rizzo:
Adaptive Human-Robot Collaboration: Evolutionary Learning of Action Costs Using an Action Outcome Simulator. 1901-1907 - Dimitri Lacroix
, Jonathan Schober, Ricarda Wullenkord
, Friederike Eyssel
Pimp my language! The influence of robot customization duration on psychological ownership and trust. 1908-1913 - Rachael Bevill Burns
, Fayo Ojo, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker:
Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve: Users Prefer Robots with Emotional Reactions to Touch and Ambient Moods. 1914-1921 - Georgios Angelopoulos
, Carmine Di Martino, Alessandra Rossi, Silvia Rossi:
Unveiling the Learning Curve: Enhancing Transparency in Robot's Learning with Inner Speech and Emotions. 1922-1927 - Alessandra Rossi
, Kheng Lee Koay, Silvia Rossi:
Evaluating People's Perception of Trust and Privacy based on Robot's Appearance. 1928-1933 - Dong Yang, Xiao Xu, Mengchen Xiong, Edwin Babaians, Zican Wang, Fanle Meng, Eckehard G. Steinbach:
ISSC: Interactive Semantic Shared Control for Haptic Teleoperation. 1934-1941 - Chang Shi, Jonathan Madera, Heath Boyea, Ann Majewicz Fey
Haptic Guidance Using a Transformer-Based Surgeon-Side Trajectory Prediction Algorithm for Robot-Assisted Surgical Training. 1942-1949 - Simon Michaud, Benjamin Moffett, Ana Tapia Rousiouk, Victoria Duda, François Grondin:
SmartBelt: A Wearable Microphone Array for Sound Source Localization with Haptic Feedback. 1950-1955 - Yan-Bo Liou, Shan Luo, Yen-Chen Liu
Development of a Robot-assisted Virtual Rehabilitation System with Haptic Feedback. 1956-1961 - Kenshin Kondo, Tetsuro Miyazaki, Maina Sogabe, Kenji Kawashima:
Research on Gait Change Using Visual and Force Sensory Stimuli Presentation System. 1962-1967 - Siwen Liu, Xiao Xu, Zican Wang, Dong Yang, Zhi Jin
, Eckehard G. Steinbach:
Quality of Task Perception based Performance Optimization of Time-delayed Teleoperation. 1968-1974 - Ali Ayub, Jainish Mehta, Zachary De Francesco, Patrick Holthaus
, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv:
How Do Human Users Teach a Continual Learning Robot in Repeated Interactions? 1975-1982 - Mei Yii Lim, David A. Robb, Bruce W. Wilson, Helen Hastie:
Feeding the Coffee Habit: A Longitudinal Study of a Robo-Barista. 1983-1990 - Gabriele Trovato, Franco Pariasca Trevejo, Arturo Purizaga Tordoya, Luis Gonzales Miranda, Laureano Rodriguez Polo:
SanTO in exhibition - a sacred robot in the profane. 1991-1996 - Sorina-Silvia Cîrcu, Bruno Yun, Abderrahmane Kheddar, Chu-Yin Chen, Madalina Croitoru:
Dance, Dance, Dance With My Hands: Third-Party Human Robot-Human Interactions. 1997-2002 - Adrian Lubitz, Lisa Gutzeit, Frank Kirchner
CoBaIR: A Python Library for Context-Based Intention Recognition in Human-Robot-Interaction. 2003-2009 - Aditya Kapoor, Sushant Swamy, Pilar Bachiller, Luis J. Manso
SocNavGym: A Reinforcement Learning Gym for Social Navigation. 2010-2017 - Ayaka Fujii, Kristiina Jokinen:
Predicting the Impressions of Interaction with a Robot from Physical Actions Using AICO-Corpus Annotations. 2018-2023 - Daison Darlan
, Oladayo S. Ajani
, Victor Parque
, Rammohan Mallipeddi:
Recognizing Social Touch Gestures using Optimized Class-weighted CNN-LSTM Networks. 2024-2029 - Aoi Nakane, Iori Yanokura, Aiko Ichikura, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba:
Development of Robot Guidance System Using Hand-holding with Human and Measurement of Psychological Security. 2030-2036 - Young-Ho Bae, Casey C. Bennett:
Real-Time Multimodal Turn-taking Prediction to Enhance Cooperative Dialogue during Human-Agent Interaction. 2037-2044 - Marta Romeo
, Ilaria Torre, Sébastien Le Maguer, Angelo Cangelosi, Iolanda Leite:
Putting Robots in Context: Challenging the Influence of Voice and Empathic Behaviour on Trust. 2045-2050 - Kaoru Suzuki, Takumi Iguchi, Yuri Nakagawa, Midori Sugaya:
A multi-modal interaction robot based on emotion estimation method using physiological signals applied for elderly*. 2051-2057 - Yui Sudo
, Masayuki Takigahira, Hideo Tsuru, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hirofumi Nakajima:
Online Adaptation of Fourier Series Based Acoustic Transfer Function Model to Improve Sound Source Localization and Separation. 2058-2063 - Brian J. Zhang, Bastian Orthmann
, Ilaria Torre, Roberto Bresin, Jason Fick, Iolanda Leite, Naomi T. Fitter:
Hearing it Out: Guiding Robot Sound Design through Design Thinking. 2064-2071 - Long-Jing Hsu, Weslie Khoo, Natasha Randall, Waki Kamino, Swapna Joshi, Hiroki Sato, David J. Crandall, Katherine M. Tsui, Selma Sabanovic:
Finding its Voice: The Influence of Robot Voice on Fit, Social Attributes, and Willingness to Use Among Older Adults in the U.S. and Japan. 2072-2079 - Johanna Magdalena Kuch
, Frank Melchior, Christian Becker-Asano:
Effects of gender neutralization on the anthropomorphism of natural and synthetic voices. 2080-2085 - Yue Li
, Koen V. Hindriks
, Florian Kunneman
A Semi-Real-Time Method for Social Robots to Detect and Locate Overlapping Speech Events. 2086-2093 - Tetsuo Ono:
Nudge & Boost Agents: Designing Ambient Intelligent Systems to Effectively Influence Human Decision Making. 2094-2099 - Chenlin Hang, Tetsuo Ono, Seiji Yamada:
Perspective-taking for promoting prosocial behaviors through robot-robot VR task. 2100-2105 - Hibiki Ikoma, Yugo Takeuchi:
Automatic Joint Attention Generation between Local and Remote Persons through Telepresence Robot's Behavior*. 2106-2111 - Volha Taliaronak, Anna L. Lange, Murat Kirtay, Erhan Öztop, Verena V. Hafner:
Advancing Humanoid Robots for Social Integration: Evaluating Trustworthiness Through a Social Cognitive Framework. 2112-2119 - Minha Lee
, Peter A. M. Ruijten
, Lily Frank, Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn
Here's Looking at You, Robot: The Transparency Conundrum in HRI. 2120-2127 - Taku Imaizumi
, Kohske Takahashi
, Kazuhiro Ueda:
Shimeji mushrooms that look "emotional": how appearance-motion interaction can elicit emotional state attribution to objects. 2128-2133 - Akihiro Maehigashi
, Yosuke Fukuchi
, Seiji Yamada:
Empirical investigation of how robot's pointing gesture influences trust in and acceptance of heatmap-based XAI. 2134-2139 - Maria J. Galvez Trigo, Gisela Reyes-Cruz
, Horia A. Maior, Cecily Pepper, Dominic Price, Pauline Leonard, Chira Tochia, Richard Hyde, Nicholas Watson, Joel E. Fischer:
"They're not going to do all the tasks we do": Understanding Trust and Reassurance towards a UV-C Disinfection Robot. 2140-2147 - Jaison Puthenkalam
, Setareh Zafari
, Andreas Sackl, Katja Gallhuber, Gerhard Ebenhofer, Markus Ikeda, Manfred Tscheligi:
Where should I put my Mark? VR-based Evaluation of HRI Modalities for Industrial Assistance Systems for Spot Repair. 2148-2155 - Oscar Jed Chuy, Hritik Sapra, Xiang Zhi Tan
, Harish Ravichandar, Sonia Chernova:
Benefits of Multi-Objective Trajectory Adaptation in Close-Proximity Human-Robot Interaction. 2156-2161 - Jared Flowers, Marco Faroni, Gloria J. Wiens, Nicola Pedrocchi
Spatio-Temporal Avoidance of Predicted Occupancy in Human-Robot Collaboration. 2162-2168 - Sara Kaszuba, Sandeep Reddy Sabbella
, Francesco Leotta
, Daniele Nardi:
Speech Act Classification in Collaborative Robotics. 2169-2175 - Ahmad Amine, Mostafa Aldilati, Hadi Hasan, Noel Maalouf, Imad H. Elhajj:
Human-Robot Interaction using VAHR: Virtual Assistant, Human, and Robots in the Loop. 2176-2182 - Giulio Campagna
, Matthias Rehm:
Analysis of Proximity and Risk for Trust Evaluation in Human-Robot Collaboration*. 2191-2196 - Ruidong Ma
, Jingyu Chen
, John Oyekan:
Graph-based semantic planning for adaptive human-robot-collaboration in assemble-to-order scenarios. 2197-2203 - Jauwairia Nasir
, Mortadha Abderrahim, Barbara Bruno, Pierre Dillenbourg:
An HMM-based Real-time Intervention Methodology for a Social Robot Supporting Learning. 2204-2211 - Philip Busch, Jérôme Kirchhoff, Judith S. Heinisch, Klaus David, Oskar von Stryk, Janine Wendt:
Stores are Liable for Their Robots!? An Empirical Study on Liability in HRI with an Anthropomorphic Frontline Service Robot. 2212-2219 - Nico Lingg, Yiannis Demiris
Beyond Self-Report: A Continuous Trust Measurement Device for HRI. 2220-2225 - Sogol Balali, Ian Afflerbach, Ross T. Sowell, Ruth West, Cindy M. Grimm:
Towards Improving User Expectations of Robots by Leveraging Their Experience With Computer Vision Apps. 2226-2231 - Yu Fang
, Luis Merino, Serge Thill, Randy Gomez:
Designing Visual and Auditory Attention-Driven Movements of a Tabletop Robot. 2232-2237 - Vidya Somashekarappa, Asad B. Sayeed, Christine Howes:
Neural Network Implementation of Gaze-Target Prediction for Human-Robot Interaction. 2238-2244 - Sarah Alhouli
, Nora Almania
, Muneeb Imtiaz Ahmad, Martin Hyde, Deepak Sahoo:
Older Adults' Emotional Challenges and Co-design Preferences for a Social Robot after the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2245-2252 - Yuki Okafuji, Yuya Mitsui, Kohei Matsumura, Jun Baba, Junya Nakanishi:
Changes in Embarrassment Through Repeated Interactions with Robots in Public Spaces. 2253-2258 - Kyle Lockwood, Garrit Strenge, Yunus Bicer, Tales Imbiriba, Mariusz P. Furmanek, Taskin Padir, Deniz Erdogmus, Eugene Tunik, Mathew Yarossi:
Gaussian Process-Based Prediction of Human Trajectories to Promote Seamless Human-Robot Handovers. 2259-2266 - Inara Tusseyeva
, Artemiy Oleinikov, Anara Sandygulova, Matteo Rubagotti:
Evaluation of Perceived Intelligence for a Collaborative Manipulator Sharing its Workspace with a Human Operator. 2267-2272 - Rishabh Shukla, Omey M. Manyar, Devsmit Ranparia, Satyandra K. Gupta:
A Framework for Improving Information Content of Human Demonstrations for Enabling Robots to Acquire Complex Tool Manipulation Skills. 2273-2280 - Peter S. Lee
, Cameron Sjaarda, Rhys Cornelious, Runze Gao
, Kelly Lu, Carolyn L. Ren:
Naturally Compliant Dexterous Anthropomorphic Hand via Novel Modular Soft-Rigid Hybrid Robotics Approach: Design Rationale, Assembly Methods, and Evaluation. 2281-2287 - Robert Cupec, Ivan Vidovic, Valentin Simundic, Petra Pejic, Sergi Foix
, Guillem Alenyà:
Teaching a Robot Where Doors and Drawers Are and How To Handle Them. 2288-2294 - Mertcan Kaya
, Kolja Kühnlenz:
Towards Prediction of Motor Interference during synchronous Human-Robot Arm Movements Using Subjective Ratings of Anthropomorphism. 2295-2299 - Max Pascher
, Kirill Kronhardt, Felix Ferdinand Goldau
, Udo Frese, Jens Gerken:
In Time and Space: Towards Usable Adaptive Control for Assistive Robotic Arms. 2300-2307 - Simone Nertinger, Abdeldjallil Naceri, Sami Haddadin:
Identifying Requirements for the Implementation of Robot-Assisted Physical Therapy in Humanoids: A user-centered design approach. 2316-2321 - Dongyoon Kim, Yoonjoung Kwak, Seungho Yun, Byounghern Kim, Sang Hoon Chae
, Hui Sung Lee:
Development of a Deformable and Flexible Robot for Pain Communication: Field Study of ALH-E in the Hospital. 2322-2327 - Sihui Li
, Sriram Siva, Terran Mott, Tom Williams, Hao Zhang, Neil Dantam:
Failure Explanation in Privacy-Sensitive Contexts: An Integrated Systems Approach. 2328-2335 - Terran Mott, Tom Williams:
Confrontation and Cultivation: Understanding Perspectives on Robot Responses to Norm Violations. 2336-2343 - Aparajita Chowdhury
, Aino Ahtinen
, Chia-Hsin Wu
, Kaisa Väänänen
, Davide Taibi
, Roel Pieters
Exploring the Personality Design Space of Robots : Personalities and Design Implications for Non-Anthropomorphic Wellness Robots. 2344-2351 - Alexandre Duval, Anita Paas, Abdalwhab Abdalwhab, David St-Onge:
The eyes and hearts of UAV pilots: observations of physiological responses in real-life scenarios. 2352-2358 - Botao Zhao, Mojtaba Esfandiari, David E. Usevitch, Peter Gehlbach, Iulian Iordachita:
Human-Robot Interaction in Retinal Surgery: A Comparative Study of Serial and Parallel Cooperative Robots. 2359-2365 - Vivek Gupte
, Dan R. Suissa, Yael Edan:
Optometrist's Algorithm for Personalizing Robot-Human Handovers. 2366-2372 - Jasmine A. Berry, Elizabeth A. Olson, Alia Gilbert, Odest Chadwicke Jenkins:
A Case of Identity: Enacting Robot Identity with Belief Propagation for Decentralized Multi-Agent Task Allocation. 2373-2379 - Marcos Maroto-Gómez, Sara Carrasco-Martínez, Sara Marques-Villarroya, María Malfaz, Álvaro Castro González, Miguel Ángel Salichs:
Bio-inspired Cognitive Decision-making to Personalize the Interaction and the Selection of Exercises of Social Assistive Robots in Elderly Care. 2380-2386 - Ali Ayub, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, Kerstin Dautenhahn:
A Personalized Household Assistive Robot that Learns and Creates New Breakfast Options through Human-Robot Interaction. 2387-2393 - Alicia Molina, Erin Kelly, Houriyeh Majditehran, Frank L. Hammond:
Evaluation of a Multimodal Sensory Feedback Device for Displaying Proprioceptive Data from a Robotic Grasper. 2394-2400 - Shruti Chandra, Isha Sharma, Benjamin David Schnapp, Mike J. Dixon, Kerstin Dautenhahn:
Developing Adaptive, Personalised, Autonomous Social Robots Using Physiological Signals: System Development and a Pilot Study. 2401-2408 - Kakeru Yamasaki
, Takumi Kajiwara, Wataru Fujita, Tomohiro Shibata:
Realizing an Assist-As-Needed Robotic Dressing Support System through Analysis of Human Movements and Residual Abilities. 2409-2414 - Soomin Shin, Dahyun Kang, Sonya S. Kwak:
Is a Robot Trustworthy Enough to Delegate Your Control? 2415-2420 - Gaspar Isaac Melsión, Rebecca Stower, Katie Winkle, Iolanda Leite:
What's at Stake? Robot explanations matter for high but not low-stake scenarios. 2421-2426 - Yueh-Hsuan Weng, Enrico Francesconi:
Ethical Design for Privacy-related Communication in Human-Robot Interaction. 2427-2432 - Boyoung Kim, Ruchen Wen
, Qin Zhu, Tom Williams, Elizabeth Phillips:
The impact of different ethical frameworks underlying a robot's advice on charitable donations. 2433-2438 - Hideki Garcia Goo
, Katie Winkle, Tom Williams, Megan K. Strait:
Victims and Observers: How Gender, Victimization Experience, and Biases Shape Perceptions of Robot Abuse. 2439-2446 - Eduardo Kochenborger Duarte, Masahiro Shiomi, Alexey V. Vinel, Martin Cooney:
Trust in Robot Self-Defense: People Would Prefer a Competent, Tele-Operated Robot That Tries to Help*. 2447-2453 - Isha Datey, Hunter Soper, Khadeejah Hossain, Wing-Yue Geoffrey Louie, Douglas Zytko:
Ethical Participatory Design of Social Robots Through Co-Construction of Participatory Design Protocols. 2454-2461 - Saad Elbeleidy, Elizabeth Reddy
, Tom Williams:
The Invisible Labor of Authoring Dialogue for Teleoperated Socially Assistive Robots. 2462-2469 - James Zhu, Anoushka Shrivastava, Aaron M. Johnson
Grounding Robot Navigation in Self-Defense Law. 2470-2477 - Maximilian Wittmann, Lena Köhler, Benedikt Morschheuser
I = Robot: An Investigation of How Perspective Switching Can Support People's Acceptance of AI-Powered Social Robots. 2478-2483 - Temirlan Dzhoroev, Haeun Park
, Jiyeon Lee, Byounghern Kim, Hui Sung Lee:
Human Perception on Social Robot's Face and Color Expression Using Computational Emotion Model. 2484-2491 - Masaya Shoji, Takenori Obo, Naoyuki Kubota:
Add-if-Silent Rule-Based Growing Neural Gas for High-Density Topological Structure of Unknown Objects. 2492-2498 - Ashita Ashok, Sarwar Hussain Paplu, Karsten Berns:
Social Robot Dressing Style: An evaluation of interlocutor preference for University Setting. 2499-2504 - Ayaka Fujii, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba:
Development and Evaluation of a Meal Partner Robot Platform. 2505-2511 - Lucrezia Grassi
, Danilo Canepa, Amy Bellitto, Maura Casadio, Antonino Massone, Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto, Antonio Sgorbissa:
Diversity-Aware Verbal Interaction Between a Robot and People With Spinal Cord Injury. 2512-2519 - Yoonwon Jung
, Sowon Hahn:
Social Robots As Companions for Lonely Hearts: The Role of Anthropomorphism and Robot Appearance. 2520-2525 - Annika Boos, Birte Emmermann, Maximilian Reiner, Klaus Bengler:
Perceived Sociality and Persuasion: Investigating the Effects of Social and Technical Framing on Human-Robot Interaction. 2526-2532 - Thomas R. Groechel, Ipek Goktan, Karen Ly, Anna-Maria Velentza, Maja J. Mataric:
MoveToCode: An Embodied Augmented Reality Visual Programming Language with an Autonomous Robot Tutor for Promoting Student Programming Curiosity. 2533-2540 - Rachel Love, Edith Law, Philip R. Cohen, Dana Kulic:
Adapting a Teachable Robot's Dialog Responses using Reinforcement Learning in Teaching Conversation. 2541-2548 - Kirsty Gong, Stephy Yu, Allan Fowler, Craig J. Sutherland:
Dancing in a Tutu: Using a Ballet Robot to Encourage Young Girls into Robotics. 2549-2554 - Emilia I. Barakova
, Kaisa Väänänen
, Kirsikka Kaipainen
, Panos Markopoulos:
Benefits, Challenges and Research Recommendations for Social Robots in Education and Learning: A Meta-Review. 2555-2561 - Xiaoxuan Hei, Heng Zhang, Adriana Tapus:
Robots in education: Influence of Regulatory Focus Theory. 2562-2568 - Natalia Quiroga, Alex Mitrevski
, Paul-Gerhard Plöger:
A Study of Demonstration-Based Learning of Upper-Body Motions in the Context of Robot-Assisted Therapy. 2569-2576 - Veronica Grosso, Joseph E. Michaelis:
The impact of robot co-location on student learning experiences when reasoning about geometry. 2577-2584 - Katharina Linden, Julia Arndt, Caterina Neef, Anja Richert:
A Companion for Aphasia Training: Development and Early Stakeholder Evaluation of a Robot-Assisted Speech Training App*. 2585-2590 - Zhegong Shangguan, Mengyuan Ding, Chuang Yu, Chaona Chen
, Adriana Tapus:
Robot self-recognition via facial expression sensorimotor learning. 2591-2597 - Bertram F. Malle, Eric Rosen, Vivienne Bihe Chi, Dev Ramesh:
What Properties of Norms can we Implement in Robots? 2598-2603 - Ayush Agrawal
, Raghav Arora, Ahana Datta, Snehasis Banerjee, Brojeshwar Bhowmick, Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula, Mohan Sridharan, K. Madhava Krishna:
CLIPGraphs: Multimodal Graph Networks to Infer Object-Room Affinities. 2604-2609 - Meriam Moujahid, David A. Robb, Christian Dondrup, Helen Hastie:
Come Closer: The Effects of Robot Personality on Human Proxemics Behaviours. 2610-2616 - Akira Oyama, Shoichi Hasegawa, Hikaru Nakagawa, Akira Taniguchi, Yoshinobu Hagiwara, Tadahiro Taniguchi:
Exophora Resolution of Linguistic Instructions with a Demonstrative based on Real-World Multimodal Information. 2617-2623 - Hashini Senaratne, Alex Pitt, Fletcher Talbot, Peyman Moghadam
, Pavan Sikka, David Howard, Jason Williams
, Dana Kulic, Cécile Paris:
Measuring Situational Awareness Latency in Human-Robot Teaming Experiments. 2624-2631 - Nicola Webb, Manuel Giuliani, Séverin Lemaignan:
SoGrIn: a Non-Verbal Dataset of Social Group-Level Interactions. 2632-2637 - Ely Repiso, Guillaume Sarthou, Aurélie Clodic:
Towards a system that allows robots to use commitments in joint action with humans. 2638-2645 - Bruno G. C. Lima, Enrico Ferrentino
, Pasquale Chiacchio, Mario Vento:
Assistive force control in collaborative human-robot transportation. 2646-2651 - Seong-Su Park, Huseyin Tugcan Dinc, Kwang-Hyun Lee, Jee-Hwan Ryu:
Enhancing Contact Stability in Admittance-Type Haptic Interaction Using Bidirectional Time-Domain Passivity Control. 2652-2657 - Giorgio Nicola
, Stefano Mutti, Enrico Villagrossi
, Nicola Pedrocchi
Depth image-based deformation estimation of deformable objects for collaborative mobile transportation. 2658-2664 - Michele Brienza, Francesco Laus, V. Guglielmi, G. Carriero, Monica Sileo, M. Grisolia, G. Palermo, Domenico Daniele Bloisi, Francesco Pierri, M. Turi, Filippo Muratori:
HRI-based Gaze-contingent Eye Tracking for Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment: A preliminary study using a NAO robot. 2665-2670 - Hyuga Suzuki, Hikari Yukawa, Kouta Minamizawa, Yoshihiro Tanaka:
Redundant Multi-DoF Robot Arm Co-operation Through the Body Integration System. 2671-2676 - Marco Costanzo, Ciro Natale, Mario Selvaggio:
Visual and Haptic Cues for Human-Robot Handover*. 2677-2682 - Kerstin Fischer
Defining Interaction as Coordination Benefits both HRI Research and Robot Development: Entering Service Interactions*. 213-219

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