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ACC 2002, Anchorage, Alaska, USA
- American Control Conference, ACC 2002, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 8-10 2002. IEEE 2002, ISBN 0-7803-7298-0
- Daniel Abramovitch:
Phase-locked loops: a control centric tutorial. 1-15 - N. Eva Wu:
Analog phaselock loop design using Popov criterion. 16-18 - Christopher A. Adkins, Michael A. Marra II, Bruce Lanier Walcott:
Modified phase-frequency detector for improved response of PLL servo controller. 19-20 - Biqing Wu, Marc Bodson:
Frequency estimation using multiple sources and multiple harmonic components. 21-22 - Mazen Farhood, Geir E. Dullerud:
LMI tools for eventually periodic systems. 23-28 - Krzysztof Galkowski, Wojciech Paszke
, Bartlomiej Sulikowski
, Eric Rogers
, David H. Owens:
LMI based stability analysis and controller design for a class of 2D continuous-discrete linear systems. 29-34 - Jong-Yeob Shin:
Analysis of linear parameter varying system models based on reachable sets. 35-40 - Jong-Yeob Shin, Gary J. Balas:
Optimal blending functions in linear parameter, varying control synthesis for F-16 aircraft. 41-46 - Yoshio Ebihara, Tomomichi Hagiwara:
New dilated LMI characterizations for continuous-time control design and robust multiobjective control. 47-52 - Yuanqing Xia, Yingmin Jia:
Robust sliding mode control for uncertain time-delay systems: an LMI approach. 53-58 - Guoyong Shi, Ali Saberi:
On the input-to-state stability (ISS) of a double integrator with saturated linear control laws. 59-61 - Murat Arcak, Andrew R. Teel:
Input-to-state stability and boundedness in Lurie systems. 62-67 - Dmitry A. Altshuller:
Zames-Falb multipliers for systems with time periodic nonlinearities. 68-73 - Anthony N. Michel, Alexander P. Molchanov, Ye Sun:
Partial stability of discontinuous dynamical systems. 74-79 - Evrin B. Erdem, Andrew G. Alleyne:
Estimation of stability regions of SDRE controlled systems using vector norms. 80-85 - James R. Cloutier, Donald T. Stansbery:
The capabilities and art of state-dependent Riccati equation-based design. 86-91 - Christopher I. Byrnes, Alberto Isidori:
Output regulation of practically stabilizable systems: some elementary examples. 92-95 - Peerayot Sanposh
, Tzyh Jong Tarn, Daizhan Cheng:
Theory and experimental results on output regulation for nonlinear systems. 96-101 - Jie Huang, Zhiyong Chen:
A general framework for output regulation problem. 102-109 - Arthur J. Krener, Mingqing Xiao:
Observer design of linearly unobservable systems. 110-115 - Hypon S. Kay, Hassan K. Khalil:
Universal controllers with nonlinear integrators. 116-121 - Chunjiang Qian
, Wei Lin:
Universal stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems by output feedback. 122-127 - Shengbing Jiang, Ratnesh Kumar:
Failure diagnosis of discrete event systems with linear-time temporal logic fault specifications. 128-133 - Gregory M. Provan:
Distributed diagnosability properties of discrete event systems. 134-139 - Nedialko S. Nedialkov, Martin von Mohrenschildt:
Rigorous simulation of hybrid dynamic systems with symbolic and interval methods. 140-147 - Xuping Xu, Panos J. Antsaklis:
An approach to optimal control of switched systems with internally forced switchings. 148-153 - Marian V. Iordache, Panos J. Antsaklis:
Synthesis of supervisors enforcing general linear vector constraints in Petri nets. 154-159 - Hao Xia, Yan Pang, Anastasios Trontis, Michael P. Spathopoulos:
Eventuality synthesis for controlled linear automata. 160-165 - Kun Zhou, Xiqin Wang, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Wei-Bin Zhang, Ching-Yao Chan:
A new maneuvering target tracking algorithm with input estimation. 166-171 - Dirk Tenne, Tarunraj Singh:
Circular prediction algorithms-hybrid filters. 172-177 - Jonathan D. Wolfe, Jason L. Speyer:
Target association using detection methods. 178-183 - Eelco Scholte, Mark E. Campbell
Online nonlinear guaranteed estimation with application to a high performance aircraft. 184-190 - Mario G. Perhinschi, Marco Lando, Luca Massotti, Giampiero Campa, Marcello R. Napolitano, Mario Luca Fravolini:
Online parameter estimation issues for the NASA IFCS F-15 fault tolerant systems. 191-196 - Giampiero Campa, Marcello R. Napolitano, Brad Seanor, Mario Luca Fravolini, Yongkyu Song:
Application of an improved LWR method to real-time aircraft parameter identification problems. 197-202 - Josef Shinar, Vladimir Turetsky:
On improved estimation for interceptor guidance. 203-208 - Pini Gurfil
, N. Jeremy Kasdin:
Two-step optimal estimator for three dimensional target tracking. 209-214 - Thomas L. Vincent, Robert Wes Morgan:
Guidance against maneuvering targets using Lyapunov optimizing feedback control. 215-220 - James R. Cloutier, Donald T. Stansbery:
Dynamic conversion of flight path angle commands to body attitude commands. 221-225 - Lilian Bruyere, Antonios Tsourdos, Rafal Zbikowski, Brian A. White:
Robust performance study for lateral autopilot of a quasi-linear parameter-varying missile. 226-231 - P. K. Menon, T. Lam, L. S. Crawford, Victor H. L. Cheng:
Real-time computational methods for SDRE nonlinear control of missiles. 232-237 - Masatsugu Otsuki
, Kazuo Yoshida, Kasoku Nagata, Shigeru Fujimoto, Toshiaki Nakagawa:
Experimental study on vibration control for rope-sway of elevator of high-rise building. 238-243 - Oliver Sawodny, Harald Aschemann, Jörg Kümpel, Cristina Tarín, Klaus Schneider:
Anti-sway control for boom cranes. 244-249 - William J. O'Connor:
Gantry crane control: a novel solution explored and extended. 250-255 - Mark S. Whorton:
Robust control for microgravity vibration isolation with parametric uncertainty. 256-261 - Chun Tai, Tsu-Chin Tsao:
Control of an electromechanical camless valve actuator. 262-267 - Luis T. Aguilar, Yury Orlov, Leonardo Acho:
Nonlinear H∞-tracking control of friction mechanical manipulators. 268-273 - Sai-Ming Li, Jovan D. Boskovic, Sanjeev Seereeram, Ravi K. Prasanth, Jayesh Amin, Raman K. Mehra, Randal W. Beard, Timothy W. McLain:
Autonomous hierarchical control of multiple unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs). 274-279 - Pradeep Setlur, Darren M. Dawson, John R. Wagner, Yongchun Fang:
Nonlinear tracking controller design for steer-by-wire automotive systems. 280-285 - Tamás Kalmár-Nagy, Pritam Ganguly, Raffaello D'Andrea:
Real-time trajectory generation for omnidirectional vehicles. 286-291 - Derek Caveney, J. Karl Hedrick:
Single versus tandem radar sensor target tracking in the adaptive cruise control environment. 292-297 - Helge Brüggemann, Uwe Kiencke:
Uncertainty theory in vehicle dynamics simulation. 298-303 - Khac Duc Do, Zhong-Ping Jiang, Jie Pan:
Robust global stabilization of underactuated ships on a linear course. 304-309 - Vladimir G. Boltyanski, Alexander Poznyak Gorbatch:
Robust maximum principle for minimax Mayer problem with uncertainty from a compact measured set. 310-315 - Borislav G. Penev, Nicolai D. Christov
On the synthesis of time optimal control for a class of linear systems. 316-321 - Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
, Tatiana L. Maizenberg:
Optimal containment control for a class of stochastic systems perturbed by Poisson and Wiener processes. 322-327 - Marco Muenchhof, Tarunraj Singh
Jerk limited time optimal control of multi-input systems. 328-333 - João Bosco Ribeiro do Val, Cristiane Nespoli, Yusef Cáceres Zúñiga:
Stochastic stability for Markovian jump linear systems associated with a finite number of jump times. 334-339 - João Bosco Ribeiro do Val, Yusef Cáceres Zúñiga:
Control of Markovian jumps linear systems with cost and information associated to jump times. 340-345 - Marina Tharayil, Andrew G. Alleyne:
A generalized PID error governing scheme for SMART/SBLI control. 346-351 - Wei Wang, Yueting Chai:
Distribution requirements planning for agile supply chain management. 352-357 - Daniel R. Ramírez
, Eduardo F. Camacho:
Characterization of min-max MPC with bounded uncertainties and a quadratic criterion. 358-363 - Daniel Limón Marruedo, Teodoro Alamo, Eduardo F. Camacho:
Stability analysis of systems with bounded additive uncertainties based on invariant sets: Stability and feasibility of MPC. 364-369 - Sulin Pang, Yanming Wang, Yuanhuai Bai, Rongzhou Li:
Credit-risk decision model and credit rationing with asymmetry information. 370-375 - Chengyu Cao, Anuradha M. Annaswamy:
Parameter convergence in systems with a general nonlinear parameterization using a hierarchical algorithm. 376-381 - Lingji Chen, Kumpati S. Narendra:
Identification and control of a nonlinear dynamical system based on its linearization. II. 382-387 - Shuning Wang, Kumpati S. Narendra:
Nonlinear system identification with lattice piecewise-linear functions. 388-393 - Fabienne Floret-Pontet, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue:
Parameter identification and state estimation for continuous-time nonlinear systems. 394-399 - Carlos Borras P., Harold L. Stalford:
Pattern recognition in hydraulic backlash using neural network. 400-405 - Angelo Alessandri, Marcello Sanguineti
, Manfredi Maggiore:
Batch-mode identification of black-box models using feedforward neural networks. 406-411 - Giampiero Campa, Mario Luca Fravolini, Marcello R. Napolitano, Brad Seanor:
Neural networks-based sensor validation for the flight control system of a B777 research model. 412-417 - Q. Song, W. J. Hu:
Robust neural network controller for variable airflow volume system. 418-423 - J. Zhang, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Tong Heng Lee:
Direct RBF neural network control of a class of discrete-time non-affine nonlinear systems. 424-429 - Zhuping Wang, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Tong Heng Lee:
Adaptive NN impedance control of constrained mechanical systems. 430-435 - Rong-Jong Wai:
Robust control for motor-toggle servomechanism using fuzzy neural network. 436-441 - Kiyotaka Shimizu, Keiichi Nakayama:
A solution to Hamilton-Jacobi equation by neural networks and optimal state feedback control law of nonlinear systems. 442-447 - Ton J. J. van den Boom:
Infinite-horizon model predictive control with structured input signals. 448-453 - Jietae Lee, Thomas F. Edgar:
Interaction measure for decentralized control of multivariable processes. 454-458 - A. M. Azad, T. Hesketh:
H∞-optimal control of multi-rate sampled-data systems. 459-464 - Prashant Vora, Kannan M. Moudgalya, Amiya K. Pani:
Control of a high index DAE system through a linear control law. 465-470 - Henryk Górecki:
Optimal control of stationary linear systems with polynomial performance index. 471-475 - C. Treesatayapun, S. Uatrongjit, Kajornsak Kantapanit:
Fuzzy graphic rule network and its application on water bath temperature control system. 476-480 - Varodom Toochinda, Christopher V. Hollot, Yossi Chait:
Disturbance attenuation in a SITO feedback control system. 481-486 - Joseph R. Corrado, Wassim M. Haddad:
Improving robust controller performance via multi-objective fixed-structure controller design. 487-492 - Kuen-Yu Tsai, Haitham A. Hindi:
DQIT: μ-synthesis without D-scale fitting. 493-498 - Ramu S. Chandra, Ian J. Fialho:
Linear parameter-varying control of hysteresis for active microgravity isolation. 499-504 - Suhada Jayasuriya, Avinash Gopal Dharne:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for non-overshooting step responses for LTI systems. 505-510 - Haiping Du, Xizhi Shi:
Low-order H∞ controller design using LMI and genetic algorithm. 511-512 - Ning Lu
, J. H. Chow, Alan A. Desrochers:
A multi-layer Petri net model for deregulated electric power systems. 513-518 - Seok-beom Lee, Gary G. Yen:
On the local interpretation of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models from a dynamical systems view. 519-524 - John T. Economou
Fuzzy logic force modelling. 525-530 - Jie Zhang:
Sequential training of bootstrap aggregated neural networks for nonlinear systems modelling. 531-536 - Andrzej Dzielinski
, Waldemar Graniszewski
Nonlinear control systems modelling: global vs. local. 537-542 - Jianxu Luo, Huihe Shao:
Soft sensing modeling using neurofuzzy system based on rough set theory. 543-548 - Alessandro Astolfi
, Laura Menini:
Input/output decoupling problems for high speed trains. 549-554 - Douglas A. Lawrence:
Input-output pseudolinearization on controlled invariant submanifolds. 555-560 - Salvador Zazueta, Joaquin Alvarez
A robust internal model controller for nonlinear systems. 561-566 - Jaume Franch, Enric Fossas:
Linearization by prolongations: new bounds on the number of integrators. 567-581 - Yu Jin Jang, Sang Woo Kim:
Approximated feedback linearization of nonlinear systems. 582-587 - Mihailo Jovanovic:
Nonlinear control of an electrohydraulic velocity servosystem. 588-593 - Marc Champagne, Michael Dudzic:
Industrial use of multivariate statistical analysis for process monitoring and control. 594-599 - Michael Dudzic, Ivan Miletic:
Multivariate statistical monitoring of a continuous steel slab caster. 600-601 - Marc Champagne, Isabelle Ivanov:
Multi-grade modelling - paperboard quality modeling. 602-603 - Michael Dudzic, Shannon Quinn:
Predictive modeling using adaptive PLS desulphurization reagent control system. 604-605 - Marc Champagne, Rhondi Monette:
Batch multivariate SPC monitoring of a sulfite pulp digester. 606-607 - Ravi K. Prasanth, Jovan D. Boskovic, Raman K. Mehra:
Mixed integer/LMI programs for low-level path planning. 608-613 - Ansgar Rehm, Frank Allgöwer
An LMI approach towards H∞ control of discrete-time descriptor systems. 614-619 - Jong Hae Kim, Jong-Ha Lee
, Hong Bae Park:
Robust H∞ control of singular systems with time delays and uncertainties via LMI approach. 620-621 - David Epp, Harold L. Stalford:
Less conservative performance bounds with the LMI method for a class of semi-active control problems with nonlinear actuator dynamics. 622-627 - Li-Sheng Hu, Hui-He Shao:
An LMI approach to robust model predictive sampled-data control for linear uncertain systems. 628-633 - Gaomin Zhang, Yingmin Jia:
New results on discrete-time bounded real lemma for singular systems: strict matrix inequality conditions. 634-638 - Alberto Bemporad, Andrew R. Teel, Luca Zaccarian:
L2 anti-windup via receding horizon optimal control. 639-644 - S. Crawshaw, Glenn Vinnicombe:
Anti-windup for local stability of unstable plants. 645-650 - Eric F. Mulder, Mayuresh V. Kothare:
Static anti-windup controller synthesis using simultaneous convex design. 651-656 - S. Crawshaw:
Anti-windup synthesis for guaranteed L2 performance. 657-661 - Alec Bateman, Zongli Lin:
An analysis and design method for discrete-time linear systems under nested saturation. 662-667 - Yong-Yan Cao, Zongli Lin, Yacov A. Shamash:
Set invariance analysis and gain-scheduling control for LPV systems subject to actuator saturation. 668-673 - Vassilis Sakizlis, Vivek Dua
, John D. Perkins, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos:
The explicit control law for hybrid systems via parametric programming. 674-679 - Wassim M. Haddad, Vijay-Sekhar Chellaboina, Sergey G. Nersesov:
Hybrid nonnegative and compartmental dynamical systems. 680-685 - Hai Lin, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos, Panos J. Antsaklis:
HYSTAR: a toolbox for hierarchical control of piecewise linear hybrid dynamical systems. 686-691 - Babak Sedghi, Bala Srinivasan, Roland Longchamp:
Control of hybrid systems via dehybridization. 692-697 - Jyoti Agrawal, Kannan M. Moudgalya, Amiya K. Pani:
An efficient integration algorithm for a class of discontinuous dynamical systems in sliding motion. 698-703 - Ni Zhang, Tie-Jun Wu:
Guaranteed performance control for uncertain impulsive hybrid systems and its application. 704-709 - Magnus Egerstedt:
Some complexity aspects of the control of mobile robots. 710-715 - Jeffrey Ashley, Lawrence E. Holloway:
Diagnosis of condition systems using causal structure. 716-721 - Yasha Romanovski, Peter E. Caines:
Multi-agent products and trajectory specifications in supervisory control theory. 722-723 - V. Chandra, R. Kumar:
A event occurrence rules based compact modeling formalism for a class of discrete event systems. 724-729 - Sean E. Bourdon, Mark Lawford, W. M. Wonham:
Robust nonblocking supervisory control of discrete-event systems. 730-735 - Santosh Devasia, Michael Heymann, George Meyer:
Automation procedures for air traffic management: a token-based approach. 736-741 - Lucia Pallottino
, Antonio Bicchi, Stefania Pancanti:
Safety of a decentralized scheme for free-flight ATMS using mixed integer linear programming. 742-747 - Inseok Hwang, Claire J. Tomlin:
Protocol-based conflict resolution for finite information horizon. 748-753 - Pradyumna Mishra, George J. Pappas
Flying hot potatoes [air traffic management]. 754-759 - David Dugail, Eric Feron, Karl Bilimoria:
Stability of intersecting aircraft flows using heading change maneuvers for conflict avoidance. 760-766 - Alexandre M. Bayen, Pascal Grieder, Henny Sipma, George Meyer, Claire J. Tomlin:
Delay predictive models of the National Airspace System using hybrid control theory. 767-772 - Nabil Aouf
, Declan G. Bates:
Scheduling of a partitioned IFPC design for a VSTOL aircraft. 773-778 - Geraldo F. Silveira, José Reginaldo Hughes Carvalho, Patrick Rives, José R. Azinheira, Samuel Siqueira Bueno, Marconi K. Madrid:
Optimal visual servoed guidance of outdoor autonomous robotic airships. 779-784 - Michael C. Novy, David R. Jacques, Meir Pachter:
Air vehicle optimal trajectories between two radars. 785-790 - Jovan D. Boskovic, Raman K. Mehra:
Control allocation in overactuated aircraft under position and rate limiting. 791-796 - Shihua Li, Yu-Ping Tian:
Exponential stabilization of the attitude of a rigid spacecraft with two controls. 797-802 - Fabrice Demourant, Gilles Ferreres, Jean-Marc Biannic:
Falsification of an aircraft autopilot. 803-808 - Harshad S. Sane, Dennis S. Bernstein:
Robust nonlinear control of the electromagnetically controlled oscillator. 809-814 - Abdullah B. Alp, Sunil K. Agrawal:
Cable suspended robots: feedback controllers with positive inputs. 815-820 - Jonathan Y. Smith, Kris Kozak, William E. Singhose:
Input shaping for a simple nonlinear system. 821-826 - Nader Motee, Marcio S. de Queiroz
, Yongchun Fang, Darren M. Dawson:
Active magnetic bearing control with zero steady-state power loss. 827-832 - Kiyotaka Shimizu, K. Otsuka, T. Yamaguchi:
Direct gradient descent control of general nonlinear systems. 833-838 - Hebertt Sira-Ramírez:
On the generalized PI control of some nonlinear mechanical systems. 839-844 - Shashikanth Suryanarayanan, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Matt Weaver:
System dynamics and control of bicycles at high speeds. 845-850 - Meihua Tai:
Experimental study of lateral control of heavy vehicles for automated highway systems (AHS). 851-856 - Yukihiro Fujiwara, Masakazu Yoshii, Shuichi Adachi:
Automated steering control system design for passenger vehicle in consideration of steering actuator dynamics. 857-862 - M. Lakehal-Ayat, Sette Diop
, E. Fenaux:
An improved active suspension yaw rate control. 863-868 - Vito Cerone, A. Chinu, Diego Regruto:
Experimental results in vision-based lane keeping for highway vehicles. 869-874 - Kunsoo Huh, Joonyoung Kim, Kyongsu Yi, Dong-Il Dan Cho
Monitoring system design for estimating the lateral tire force. 875-880 - Vladislav B. Tadic, Vikram Krishnamurthy:
Mean-square asymptotic analysis of cross-coupled Kalman filter state-estimation algorithm for bilinear systems. 881-886 - Simon J. Julier, Jeffrey K. Uhlmann:
Reduced sigma point filters for the propagation of means and covariances through nonlinear transformations. 887-892 - Seth L. Lacy, Dennis S. Bernstein:
Identification of FIR Wiener systems with unknown, noninvertible, polynomial nonlinearities. 893-898 - Weerawat Khawsuk, Lucy Y. Pao:
Decorrelated state estimation for distributed tracking of interacting targets in cluttered environments. 899-904 - Stefan Krämer, Ralf Gesthuisen, Sebastian Engell:
Receding horizon state estimation with measurements at different sampling intervals. 905-906 - Xi Wu, Stephen S.-T. Yau:
On the under-determined partial differential equation in the nonlinear filtering problems. 907-908 - H. Zhu, R. Rajamani
, Kim A. Stelson:
Development of thin panels for active control of acoustic reflection, absorption and transmission. 909-914 - Hsien-Chung Lai, Jing-Sin Liu
, D. T. Lee, Li-Sheng Wang:
Finding battery locations of electrical motorcycles for better perception of riding comfort. 915-920 - Harald Aschemann, Oliver Sawodny, Alexander Bulach, Eberhard P. Hofer:
Model based trajectory control of a flexible turntable ladder. 921-926 - Shiba P. Panda, Andrew P. Engelmann:
Modeling and control system design of reel-to-reel tape drives. 927-933 - Jinglai Shen
, N. Harris McClamroch, Dennis S. Bernstein:
Attitude control of a tilted air spindle testbed using proof mass actuators. 934-939 - Hongliu Du:
Pressure control with power limitation for hydraulic variable displacement piston pumps. 940-945 - Aleksandar Kojic, Anuradha M. Annaswamy:
Global parameter convergence in systems with monotonic parameterization. 946-950 - Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes:
Multivariable nonlinear smoothers as an aid for identifying models from chaotic data. 951-956 - Mario Luca Fravolini, Gimpiero Campa, Marcello R. Napolitano, Michelle La Cava:
Comparison of different growing radial basis functions algorithms for control systems applications. 957-962 - Rédha Bensaid, Maurice Fadel
Flying capacitor voltages estimation in three-cell converters using a discrete-time Kalman filter at one third switching period. 963-968 - Martin Kozek
, Nada Jovanovic:
Identification of Hammerstein/Wiener nonlinear systems with extended Kalman filters. 969-974 - L. Acar, Badrul H. Chowdhury, Mariesa L. Crow, Y. Zhu:
Aggregated fuzzy control systems. 975-980 - Rui Cortesão, Ralf Koeppe, Urbano Nunes
, Gerd Hirzinger:
Fuzzy control: cloning and Kalman-based learning. 981-986 - Xiaodong Liu, Qingling Zhang:
H∞ control for T-S fuzzy systems: LMI approach. 987-988 - Assem H. Sonbol, M. Sami Fadali:
A new approach for designing TSK fuzzy systems from input-output data. 989-994 - Siripun Thongchai:
Behavior-based learning fuzzy rules for mobile robots. 995-1000 - Xiao Qing Ma, Chun-Yi Su:
A new fuzzy approach for swing up control of Pendubot. 1001-1006 - Charles D. Immanuel, Francis J. Doyle III:
Tracking of a reference particle size distribution trajectory in semi-batch emulsion polymerization. 1007-1012 - Kangwook Lee, Jay H. Lee
, Mitsuko Fujiwara, David L. Ma, Richard D. Braatz:
Run-to-run control of multidimensional crystal size distribution in a batch crystallizer. 1013-1018 - Mingheng Li, Panagiotis D. Christofides:
Feedback control of nanostructured coatings processing accounting for powder size distribution. 1019-1027 - Martin G. Ruszkowski, B. Erik Ydstie
Stabilization of reaction-convective systems using inventory control. 1028-1033 - Satyam Godasi, Ahmet Karakas, Ahmet Palazoglu:
Application of symmetry groups to control a packed bed reactor. 1034-1039 - Antonios Armaou, Panagiotis D. Christofides:
Dynamic optimization of dissipative PDE systems using empirical eigenfunctions. 1040-1048 - Vincent R. Marcopoli, Jim Freudenberg
, Rick Middleton:
Nonminimum phase zeros in the general feedback configuration. 1049-1054 - Swaroop Darbha, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya:
Controller synthesis for sign invariant impulse response. 1055-1061 - Peter J. Seiler, Aniruddha Pant, J. Karl Hedrick:
Disturbance propagation in large interconnected systems. 1062-1067 - Alessandro Astolfi
, Patrizio Colaneri
A note on existence of positive realizations. 1068-1073 - J. E. Ensor:
Analysis of eigenmode sensitivity to structured uncertainty. 1074-1079 - Damien Koenig, Saïd Mammar, Benoît Marx:
H∞ fault detection and isolation for descriptor systems: a matrix inequalities approach. 1080-1081 - Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, Tyrone E. Duncan:
KU stochastic adaptive control undergraduate success stories. 1082-1085 - Randal W. Beard, James K. Archibald, Steven A. Olson:
Robot soccer as a culminating design project for undergraduates. 1086-1091 - John J. Westman:
Introduction to scientific research: research experiences for undergraduates. 1092-1096 - Anne K. Camper, Darla Goeres, Melissa Cahoon:
The REU program at the Center for Biofilm Engineering, Montana State University. 1097-1102 - Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, Dominique Duncan
Undergraduate's partnership with K-12. 1103-1107 - Shelby Brunke, Mark Campbell
Estimation architecture for future autonomous vehicles. 1108-1114 - G. Liu:
On velocity estimation using position measurements. 1115-1120 - Danielle C. Tarraf, H. Harry Asada:
Decentralized hierarchical control of multiple time scale systems. 1121-1122 - Yanjun Li, Tie-Jun Wu:
A nested ant colony algorithm for hybrid production scheduling. 1123-1128 - Renato Tinós, Marco Henrique Terra
Control of cooperative manipulators with passive joints. 1129-1134 - Xiaomeng Li, Tao Geng, Yupu Yang, Xiaoming Xu:
Multiagent AGVs dispatching system using multilevel decisions method. 1135-1136 - Guy Albert Dumont, Mihai Huzmezan:
Concepts, methods and techniques in adaptive control. 1137-1150 - Willy K. Wojsznis, Terrence L. Blevins:
Evaluating PID adaptive techniques for industrial implementation. 1151-1155 - Mihai Huzmezan, William Gough, Sava Kovac:
Advanced control of batch reactor temperature. 1156-1161 - Anton Hofer, Martin Horn:
Controller reduction in l1 optimal control. 1162-1167 - Q. L. Zhang, Victor Sreeram, Guoliang Wang, W. Q. Liu:
H∞ suboptimal model reduction for singular systems. 1168-1173 - Li Li
, Fernando Paganini:
LMI approach to structured model reduction via coprime factorizations. 1174-1179 - Mario Sznaier, Andrew C. Doherty
, Mauricio Barahona
, Hideo Mabuchi, John C. Doyle:
A new bound of the 𝓛2[0, T]-induced norm and applications to model reduction. 1180-1185 - Sadaaki Kunimatsu, Takao Fujii:
Generalized algebraic Riccati equations and its application to balanced stochastic truncations. 1186-1191 - Haitham A. Mahmoud, Pierre T. Kabamba, A. Galip Ulsoy, Gerald A. Brusher:
Target reduction and balancing using system norms. 1192-1197 - Alec Bateman, Zongli Lin:
An analysis and design method for linear systems under nested saturation. 1198-1203 - Wei Wu:
A QFT design methodology for neutrally stable plants under input amplitude saturation. 1204-1209 - Tingshu Hu, Zongli Lin:
On the necessity of a recent set invariance condition under actuator saturation. 1210-1215 - Elena De Santis, M. D. Di Benedeto, Giordano Pola:
Inner approximations of domains of attraction for constrained continuous time linear systems. 1216-1221 - Tingshu Hu, Zongli Lin:
On semi-global stabilizability of anti-stable systems by saturated linear feedback. 1222-1227 - Bongsob Song, J. Karl Hedrick:
Constrained stabilization for a class of nonlinear systems using dynamic surface control. 1228-1233 - Mehran Mesbahi:
On a dynamic extension of the theory of graphs. 1234-1239 - Sergey G. Nersesov, VijaySekhar Chellaboina, Wassim M. Haddad:
A generalization of Poincare's theorem to hybrid and impulsive dynamical systems. 1240-1245 - Thomas Laffey, Robert Shorten, Fiacre Ó Cairbre:
On the stability of convex sums of rank-1 perturbed matrices. 1246-1247 - Kai Wulff
, Robert Shorten, Paul F. Curran:
On the relationship between matrix pencil eigenvalue criteria and the choice of Lyapunov function for the analysis of second order switching systems. 1248-1253 - Deepak R. Sahoo, S. Swaminathan, R. Al-Omari, Murti V. Salapaka, G. Manimaran, Arun K. Somani:
Feedback control for real-time scheduling. 1254-1259 - William Holderbaum:
Control strategy for Boolean input systems. 1260-1265 - Rama K. Yedavalli:
It suffices to check only two special vertex matrices in Kronecker space to analyze the robust stability of an interval matrix. 1266-1271 - Marcus Rubensson, Bengt Lennartson:
Global convergence analysis for piecewise linear systems applied to limit cycles in a DC/DC converter. 1272-1277 - Yang Liu, Kevin M. Passino, Marios M. Polycarpou:
Stability analysis of M-dimensional asynchronous swarms with a fixed communication topology. 1278-1283 - Alexandre Rabello, Amit Bhaya
Stability of asynchronous dynamical systems with rate constraints and applications. 1284-1289 - José Luis Mancilla-Aguilar, Rafael Antonio García:
On the exponential stability of nonlinear sampled-data systems with time-varying sampling periods. 1290-1295 - Rama K. Yedavalli:
Conditions for the existence of a common quadratic Lyapunov function via stability analysis of matrix families. 1296-1301 - Stephen W. Dareing, Debra J. Hoitomt:
Traffic management and airline operations. 1302-1307 - Stephen Atkins, Deborah H. Walton:
Prediction and control of departure runway balancing at Dallas/Fort Worth airport. 1308-1313 - Francis R. Carr, Antony Evans, John-Paul Clarke, Eric Feron:
Modeling and control of airport queueing dynamics under severe flow restrictions. 1314-1319 - William D. Hall, Erica H. Peterson:
ASCENT: a network-wide simulation of air traffic flow management incorporating airline decisions. 1320-1324 - John E. Robinson III, Douglas R. Isaacson:
Development of a closed-loop testing method for a next-generation terminal area automation system. 1325-1330 - Alessandro Astolfi
, Marco Lovera:
Global spacecraft attitude control using magnetic actuators. 1331-1335 - Marta Sigut, Leopoldo Acosta
, F. Martín, Lorenzo Moreno, Alberto F. Hamilton
An algebraic approach based on symmetry relations of state space matrices for decoupling the dynamics of a large space structure. 1336-1341 - Yew-Wen Liang, Tzu-Chiang Chu, Chiz-Chung Cheng:
Robust attitude control for spacecraft. 1342-1347 - Fu-Kuang Yeh, Hsiuan-Hau Chien, Li-Chen Fu:
Nonlinear optimal sliding mode midcourse controller with thrust vector control. 1348-1353 - Yun-Ping Sun, Ciann-Dong Yang:
Mixed H2/H∞ attitude control of a LEO microsatellite in the presence of inertia matrix uncertainty. 1354-1359 - Long-Life Show, Jyh-Ching Juang, Chen-Tsung Lin, Ying-Wen Jan:
Spacecraft robust attitude tracking design: PID control approach. 1360-1365 - Yunfeng Li, Roberto Horowitz:
Active vibration control of a PZT actuated suspension in hard disk drives. 1366-1371 - Hemant Melkote, Robert J. McNab, Bob Cloke, Vinay Agarwal:
A study of radial error propagation and self-servowriting in disk drives. 1372-1377 - Chunling Du, Jingliang Zhang, Guoxiao Guo:
Vibration analysis and control design comparison of HDDs using fluid bearing and ball bearing spindles. 1378-1383 - Kyung-Soo Kim, Seong-Pyo Hong:
Enhancing the tracking performance in optical storage systems using a disturbance compensator. 1384-1388 - Hiroshi Uchida, Tetsuo Semba:
Reference model generation using time-varying feedback for model-following control and application to a hard disk drive. 1389-1394 - Kwangjin Yang, Youngjin Choi, Wan Kyun Chung, Il Hong Suh, Sang-Rok Oh
Robust tracking control of optical disk drive systems using error based disturbance observer and its performance measure. 1395-1400 - Giovanni Fiengo, Jeffrey A. Cook, Jessy W. Grizzle:
Fore-aft oxygen storage control. 1401-1406 - Stephen Magner, Mrdjan Jankovic:
Delta air-charge anticipation for mass air flow and electronic throttle control based systems. 1407-1412 - Katherine S. Peterson, Anna G. Stefanopoulou
, Tom Megli, Mohammad Haghgooie:
Output observer based feedback for soft landing of electromechanical camless valvetrain actuator. 1413-1418 - Joseph J. Scillieri, Julia H. Buckland, James S. Freudenberg
Use of feedforward in idle speed control for a direct injection spark ignition engine during lean burn. 1419-1424 - Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
, Irina Siverguina, Bob Lygoe:
Optimization of powertrain operating policy for feasibility assessment and calibration: stochastic dynamic programming approach. 1425-1430 - R. C. Baraszu, S. R. Cikanek:
Torque fill-in for an automated shift manual transmission in a parallel hybrid electric vehicle. 1431-1436 - Asok Ray, Shashi Phoha:
Calibration and estimation of redundant signals. 1437-1442 - Wael Abd-Almageed
, M. Sami Fadali, George Bebis:
A non-intrusive Kalman filter-based tracker for pursuit eye movement. 1443-1447 - Ryan White, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
Estimating relative position and yaw with laser scanning radar using probabilistic data association. 1448-1453 - Vladislav B. Tadic:
On the mean-square rate of convergence of temporal-difference learning algorithms. 1454-1459 - You-chol Lim, Joon Lyou:
Transfer alignment error compensator design using H∞ filter. 1460-1465 - Celso Pascoli Bottura, Gilmar Barreto, Maurício José Bordon, Annabell Del Real Tamariz:
Parallel and distributed computational multivariate time series modeling in the state space. 1466-1471 - Masayoshi Doi, Yasiichika Mor:
A study on robust asymptotic tracking property for generalized minimum variance control. 1472-1477 - Seung-Jean Kim, Dong-Soo Choi:
Time-optimal control of state-constrained second-order systems and an application to robotic manipulators. 1478-1483 - Jingang Yi, Hao Lin, Luis Álvarez, Roberto Horowitz
Stability of macroscopic traffic flow modeling through wavefront expansion. 1484-1490 - Joel Fortgang, William Singhose:
Concurrent design of input shaping and vibration absorbers. 1491-1496 - Koen Deprez, K. Maertens, Herman Ramon:
Comfort improvement by passive and semi-active hydropneumatic suspension using global optimization technique. 1497-1501 - Xinggao Liu, Yongmao Xu, Jie Zhang
, Jixin Qian:
Optimal energy cost in ideal internal thermally coupled distillation columns. 1502-1507 - Mehdi Alighanbari, Bijan Sayyarrodsari, Abdollah Homaifar:
Robust adaptive filtering using evolutionary algorithm-based parameter estimation. 1508-1513 - Irina F. Sivergina, Michael P. Polis:
Adaptive reconstruction of multiple source intensities for parabolic PDEs. 1514-1519 - Michael Shagalov, H. M. Budman:
Online adaptive parameter estimator design and tuning. 1520-1525 - Lyndon J. Brown, Qing Zhang, Xuetao Zhang:
Identification of periodic signals with uncertain frequency. 1526-1531 - Ryo Watanabe, Kenko Uchida:
Adaptive identification as gain scheduling. 1532-1537 - Yan He, Zhi-jiang Guo, Jingping Jiang:
Design of the adaptive interacting multiple model algorithm. 1538-1542 - Wen Yu, Xiaoou Li:
Adaptive control with multiple neural networks. 1543-1548 - Anthony J. Calise, Bong-Jun Yang, James I. Craig:
Augmentation of an existing linear controller with an adaptive element. 1549-1554 - Naira Hovakimyan, Anthony J. Calise:
Adaptive output feedback control of uncertain multi-input multi-output systems using single hidden layer neural networks. 1555-1560 - Ching-Hung Lee, Yi-Hsiung Lee, Ching-Cheng Teng:
A novel robust PID controllers design by fuzzy neural network. 1561-1566 - Chun-Liang Lin:
On the design of an adaptive fuzzy gain-scheduled autopilot. 1567-1572 - Floyd B. Hanson, John J. Westman:
Optimal consumption and portfolio control for jump-diffusion stock process with log-normal jumps. 1573-1578 - Laurent Simon, M. Nazmul Karim:
Modeling and control of amino acid starvation-induced apoptosis in CHO cell cultures. 1579-1584 - J. H. van der Lee, Brent R. Young, William Y. Svrcek:
A process design and control strategy for dimethyl ether production from a methanol feedstock. 1585-1590 - Chih-An Hwang, Doug Johnson, Stephen Goff:
Advanced control strategies for polyolefin gas phase processes. 1591-1596 - Sungbae Park, Anuradha Annaswamy, Ahmed F. Ghoniem:
A model-based self-tuning controller for kinetically controlled combustion instability. 1597-1602 - Zhongjie Wang, Qidi Wu:
Multiobject optimal scheduling for semiconductor manufacturing line based on satisfactory control. 1603-1608 - Mehdi Rafizadeh, Hossien Gahrabaghi:
A gain-scheduling PI controller for the reactor temperature of batch polymerization of methyl methacrylate. 1609-1614 - Yangzhou Chen, J. Jim Zhu:
Optimal damping of forced oscillations in periodically time-varying linear systems. 1615-1620 - Thomas A. Badgwell, Kenneth R. Muske:
Disturbance model design for linear model predictive control. 1621-1626 - Liyu Cao, Howard M. Schwartz:
Output feedback stabilization of linear systems with a singular perturbation model. 1627-1632 - Mike J. Grimble:
Restricted structure control loop performance assessment for state-space systems. 1633-1638 - Young Chol Kim
, Lee H. Keel, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya:
Transient response control via characteristic ratio assignment. 1639-1646 - Bahram Shafai, C. T. Pi, S. Nork:
Simultaneous disturbance attenuation and fault detection using proportional integral observers. 1647-1649 - Dennis S. Bernstein:
Introducing signals, systems, and control in K-12. 1650-1651 - Malgorzata S. Zywno, Diane C. Kennedy:
Student attitudes toward the use of hypermedia instruction and web support in control education - a comparative study. 1652-1657 - Adam Fulford, Andrew G. Alleyne:
An embedded mechatronic system for wireless servo control. 1658-1659 - Wathanyoo Khaisongkram, David Banjerdpongchai:
MATLAB based GUIs for linear controller design via convex optimization. 1660-1665 - Dirk Thißen, Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Design and evaluation of a product model for Web Based Training in engineering sciences. 1666-1671 - Kou Yamada, Atsuyuki Yuzawa:
Approximate feedback linearization for nonlinear systems and its application to the ACROBOT. 1672-1677 - Fumin Zhang
, P. S. Krishnaprasad:
Formation dynamics under a class of control laws. 1678-1685 - Mark E. Campbell
, Bogdan Udrea:
Collision avoidance in satellite clusters. 1686-1692 - Sanjeev Kumar Sharma
, Seán F. McLoone
, George W. Irwin:
Genetic algorithms for local model and local controller network design. 1693-1698 - Yank Wang, Q. L. Zhang, X. D. Liu:
Robustness design of uncertain discrete-time fuzzy descriptor systems with guaranteed admissibility. 1699-1704 - Lubomír Bakule, José Rodellar, Josep M. Rossell
Overlapping guaranteed cost control for time-varying discrete-time uncertain systems. 1705-1710 - Feng Tyan
An unified approach to missile guidance laws: a 3D extension. 1711-1716 - Tarunraj Singh, William Singhose:
Input shaping/time delay control of maneuvering flexible structures. 1717-1731 - Arun Banerjee:
Limited jerk and torque input shaping for flexible spacecraft slewing control. 1732-1733 - Steve Dickerson:
Command shaping control for material handling. 1734-1735 - Ola Ayaso, Steve G. Massaquoi, Munther A. Dahleh:
Coarse gain recurrent integrator model for sensorimotor cortical command generation. 1736-1741 - Hana El-Samad, Mustafa Khammash, Hiroyuki Kurata, John Doyle:
Robustness analysis of the heat shock response in E. coli. 1742-1747 - Fen Wu
, Juan Jaramillo:
Numerical algorithm for model reduction of polytopic uncertain linear systems. 1748-1752 - Victor Sreeram:
On the properties of frequency weighted balanced truncation techniques. 1753-1754 - Charles Schwartz, Abraham H. Haddad:
A system-theoretic formulation of the bunch train cavity interaction. 1755-1760 - Giovanni Fiengo, Luigi Glielmo
, Stefania Santini, Gabriele Serra:
Control oriented models for TWC-equipped spark ignition engines during the warm-up phase. 1761-1766 - Toshikazu Kouno, Hiromitsu Ohmori, Akira Sano:
New direct adaptive active noise control algorithms in case of uncertain secondary path dynamics. 1767-1772 - Wassim M. Haddad, Tomohisa Hayakawa, Alexander Leonessa:
Direct adaptive control for discrete-time nonlinear uncertain dynamical systems. 1773-1778 - Kumpati S. Narendra, Koshy George
Adaptive control of simple nonlinear systems using multiple models. 1779-1784 - Sahjendra N. Singh, Marc L. Steinberg, Anthony B. Page:
Variable structure and nonlinear adaptive flight path control. 1785-1790 - Zhihua Qu:
Adaptive and robust controls of uncertain systems with nonlinear parameterization. 1791-1796 - Denis Garagic, Krishnaswamy Srinivasan
Application of nonlinear adaptive control techniques to an electrohydraulic velocity servomechanism. 1797-1804 - Dominique Knittel
, D. Gigan, E. Laroche:
Robust decentralized overlapping control of large scale winding systems. 1805-1810 - Matthew G. Earl, Raffaello D'Andrea:
A study in cooperative control: the RoboFlag drill. 1811-1812 - Veysel Gazi
, Kevin M. Passino:
Stability analysis of swarms. 1813-1818 - Veysel Gazi
, Kevin M. Passino:
Stability analysis of swarms in an environment with an attractant/repellent profile. 1819-1824 - Jovan D. Boskovic, Ravi K. Prasanth, Raman K. Mehra:
A multilayer control architecture for unmanned aerial vehicles. 1825-1830 - Phillip R. Chandler, Meir Pachter, Swaroop Dharba, Jeffrey M. Fowler, Jason K. Howlett, Steven J. Rasmussen, Corey J. Schumacher, Kendall E. Nygard:
Complexity in UAV cooperative control. 1831-1836 - V. Vasquez-Lopez, Rafael Castro-Linares, Jaime Álvarez-Gallegos:
Reduced order controller of two-time-scale discrete nonlinear systems: application to the regulation of a PM stepper motor. 1837-1842 - Matteo Rossi, Marco Lovera:
A multirate predictive approach to orbit control of small spacecraft. 1843-1848 - Jürgen Heeks, Eberhard P. Hofer, Bernd Tibken, K. Thorwart:
An interval arithmetic approach for discrete time non-smooth uncertain systems with application to an anti-locking system. 1849-1854 - Kai-chao Yao:
Digital control strategy on decentralized large-scale actuator systems. 1855-1860 - Seung-Hi Lee, Young-Hoon Kim, Chung Choo Chung:
Multirate digital control system design. 1861-1866 - Nikolai D. Christov, Mohamed Najim, Éric Grivel, David Henry:
Conditioning of the discrete-time infinite-horizon H∞ filtering problem. 1867-1868 - Magnus Egerstedt, Vincent D. Blondel:
How hard is it to control switched systems? 1869-1873 - Bo Hu, Guisheng Zhai, Anthony N. Michel:
Stabilization of two-dimensional single-input bilinear systems with a finite number of constant feedback controllers. 1874-1879 - Guisheng Zhai, Bo Hu, Kazunori Yasuda, Anthony N. Michel:
Qualitative analysis of discrete-time switched systems. 1880-1885 - Jerawan Chudoung, Carolyn L. Beck:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for an optimal controlled switching problem. 1886-1891 - Rafael A. García, José Luis Mancilla-Aguilar:
State-norm estimation of switched nonlinear systems. 1892-1896 - Guangming Xie, Long Wang
Necessary and sufficient conditions for controllability of switched linear systems. 1897-1902 - Craig F. Cutforth, Lucy Y. Pao:
Analysis and design of an adaptive input shaper for the control of flexible structures. 1903-1910 - Chanat La-orpacharapan, Lucy Y. Pao:
Shaped phase-plane control for flexible structures with friction. 1911-1916 - Corey J. Schumacher, Phillip R. Chandler, Steven R. Rasmussen:
Task allocation for wide area search munitions. 1917-1922 - Dale Enns, Dan Bugajski, Steve Pratt:
Guidance and control for cooperative search. 1923-1929 - Anhtuan D. Ngo, David B. Doman:
Footprint calculation methods for a reusable launch vehicle. 1930-1935 - Arthur Richards, Jonathan P. How:
Aircraft trajectory planning with collision avoidance using mixed integer linear programming. 1936-1941 - Gilead Tadmor:
Sensorless control of a non-salient PMSM with locally decoupled angle and speed estimates. 1942-1947 - Takao Watanabe:
Robust decentralized turbine-governor control subject to saturation nonlinearity. 1948-1953 - Carlos Aguilar Ibáñez, Herbertt Sira-Ramirez:
Control of the Furuta pendulum based on a linear differential flatness approach. 1954-1959 - Damrongrit Piyabongkarn, Rajesh Rajamani
The development of a MEMS gyroscope for absolute angle measurement. 1960-1965 - Salpax Salapaka, Abu Sebastian, Jason P. Cleveland, Murti V. Salapaka:
Design, identification and control of a fast nanopositioning device. 1966-1971 - Karlheinz Spindler:
Motion planning via optimal control theory. 1972-1977 - Jan T. Bialasiewicz, Eduard Muljadi
Analysis of variable structure diesel/inverter operation control in renewable energy systems. 1978-1983 - Manxue Lu, Robert N. K. Loh:
Modeling, design and implementation of discrete sliding mode control for an engine idle speed control system. 1984-1989 - Yuanchun Li, Guangjun Liu, Xiao Zhou:
Fuel injection control of a diesel engine with a rack actuator. 1990-1995 - Oguz Hasan Dagci, Yaodong Pan, Ümit Özgüner:
Sliding mode control of electronic throttle valve. 1996-2001 - Frank Kimmich, Rolf Isermann:
Model based engine torque supervision for diesel engines using the engine speed signal. 2002-2007 - Xavier Dovifaaz, Mustapha Ouladsine, Ahmed Rachid
, Gérard Bloch:
Neural modeling and control of a diesel engine with pollution constraints. 2008-2013 - Richard C. Chen, Gilmer L. Blankenship:
Dynamic programming equations for constrained stochastic control. 2014-2022 - Dennis H. van Hessem, Okko H. Bosgra:
Closed-loop stochastic dynamic process optimization under input and state constraints. 2023-2028 - Luis G. Crespo, Jian-Qiao Sun:
Nonlinear stochastic control via stationary probability density functions. 2029-2034 - Yi Zhang, H. Harry Asada:
Blind multi-channel identification of ARMA systems: a least-squares approach. 2035-2036 - Douglas Philbrick, Zachary Jarvis-Wloszek, M. Alpay Kaya, Andrew K. Packard, Gary Balas:
Disturbance preview and on-line optimization to improve system performance. 2037-2043 - Chien-Yu Lu, Jason S. H. Tsai, Te-Jen Su:
Robust stabilization of uncertain stochastic neutral systems with multiple delays. 2044-2045 - Jovan D. Boskvic, Raman K. Mehra:
Stable adaptive multiple model-based control design for accommodation of sensor failures. 2046-2051 - A. S. Krupadanam, Anuradha M. Annaswamy, R. S. Mangoubi:
A multivariable adaptive controller for autonomous helicopters. 2052-2057 - Yanan Zhao, Emmanuel G. Collins Jr., David A. Cartes:
Indirect self-tuning regulator design for an industrial weigh belt feeder. 2058-2063 - Patrick J. Buehler, Matthew A. Franchek
, Imad H. Makki:
Mass air flow sensor diagnostics for adaptive fueling control of internal combustion engines. 2064-2069 - M. T. H. Beheshti, M. M. Rezaee:
A new hybrid boiler master controller. 2070-2075 - Su-Hau Hsu, Li-Chen Fu:
Adaptive decentralized compliant control of robot manipulators. 2076-2081 - May-Win L. Thein:
A variable structure parallel observer system for periodic measurement output. 2082-2087 - Adam S. Howell, J. Karl Hedrick:
Nonlinear observer design via convex optimization. 2088-2093 - Gilles Millerioux, Jamal Daafouz, Gérard Bloch:
Learning machine for polytopic nonlinear observer design. 2094-2099 - Cyrille Christophe, Vincent Cocquempot, Bin Jiang:
Link between high gain observer-based residual and parity space one. 2100-2105 - Ali J. Koshkouei, Alan Solon Ivor Zinober:
Sliding mode observers for a class of nonlinear systems. 2106-2111 - Bong Keun Kim
, Wan Kyun Chung:
Advanced design of disturbance observer for high performance motion control systems. 2112-2117 - Guoxun Yang, Chen Guo, Xinle Jia:
Study on ship steering based on hybrid intelligent control. 2118-2123 - Bong Joo Kim, Chung Choo Chung:
Design of fuzzy PD + I controller for tracking control. 2124-2129 - Wen-Jye Shyr, Boi-Wei Wang, Yun-Yueh Yeh, Te-Jen Su:
Design of optimal PID controllers using memetic algorithm. 2130-2131 - J. R. Zhang, S. J. Xu, A. Rachid:
Path tracking control of vehicles based on Lyapunov approach. 2132-2137 - YangQuan Chen, Kevin L. Moore:
PI-type iterative learning control revisited. 2138-2143 - Yonggon Lee, Stanislaw H. Zak:
Genetic fuzzy tracking controllers for autonomous ground vehicles. 2144-2149 - W. Jarrett Campbell, Stacy K. Firth
, Anthony J. Toprac, Thomas F. Edgar:
A comparison of run-to-run control algorithms. 2150-2155 - Richard Good, S. Joe Qin
Stability analysis of double EWMA run-to-run control with metrology delay. 2156-2161 - Srinivas Palanki, Soumitri Kolavennu:
Synthesis of gain scheduling controllers for nonlinear batch processes. 2162-2167 - S. Joe Qin
, Glen W. Scheid, Terrence J. Riley:
Adaptive run to run control for intermittent batch operations. 2168-2173 - Bala Srinivasan, Dominique Bonvin:
Interplay between identification and optimization in run-to-run optimization schemes. 2174-2179 - James H. Taylor, Thomas K. Whidden, Xiaozhong Zhao:
In-situ process control for semiconductor manufacturing. 2180-2185 - Ki Baek Kim, Wook Hyun Kwon:
Intervalwise receding horizon H∞ tracking controls for linear continuous time-varying systems. 2186-2191 - Cristian Oara:
Singular H∞-control in terms of nonstandard J-spectral factorizations. 2192-2193 - Yunze Cai, Xiaoming Xu, Xing He, Weidong Zhang:
Robust H∞ filter design for linear systems with state delay and parameter uncertainty. 2194-2195 - Ping Zhang
, Steven X. Ding, G. Z. Wang, D. H. Zhou, Eve L. Ding:
An H∞ approach to fault detection for sampled-data systems. 2196-2201 - Guisheng Zhai, Kenzou Tamaoki, Shinichi Murao:
Low-order H∞ controller design for discrete-time linear systems. 2202-2203 - Toru Namerikawa
, Masayuki Fujita, Roy S. Smith
, Kenko Uchida:
A generalized H∞ control system design attenuating initial state uncertainties. 2204-2209 - Xiaoqiu Li, Raymond A. DeCarlo:
Robust controller and observer design for time-delay systems. 2210-2215 - Vladimir L. Kharitonov, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu:
On the stability of linear systems with uncertain delay. 2216-2220 - Leonid M. Fridman
, Vadim Strygin, Andrei Polyakov
Nonlocal stabilization via relay delay control gain adaptation. 2221-2226 - Zheng Liu, Bingen Yang:
A phase design method for delayed output feedback control of flexible mechanical systems. 2227-2232 - Weidong Zhang, Hao Wang, Xiaoming Xu:
Analytical formulas for quasi-H infinity control of linear systems with time delay. 2233-2238 - Bin Jiang, Marcel Staroswiecki, Vincent Cocquempot:
Fault identification for a class of time-delay systems. 2239-2244 - Yechiel Crispin:
A fluid dynamical approach to the control, synchronization and parameter identification of chaotic systems. 2245-2250 - Ahmed Harb, Ashraf A. Zaher, Mohamed A. Zohdy:
Nonlinear recursive chaos control. 2251-2254 - Xiaoxin Liao, Guanrong Chen, Hua O. Wang:
On global synchronization of chaotic systems. 2255-2259 - Shigeru Yamamoto
, Toshimitsu Ushio:
Stabilization of chaotic discrete-time systems by periodic delayed feedback control. 2260-2261 - Xiang Chen, Guoxiang Gu, Kemin Zhou:
Local robustness of Hopf bifurcation stabilization. 2262-2266 - Ron H. A. Hensen, Marinus Jacobus Gerardus van de Molengraft
Friction induced hunting limit cycles: an event mapping approach. 2267-2272 - Dim Economou, Constantino Mavroidis, Ioannis A. Antoniadis
Comparison of filter types used for command preconditioning in vibration suppression applications. 2273-2278 - Matthew D. Baumgart, Lucy Y. Pao:
Discrete time-optimal command shapers and controls for multi-input multi-output systems. 2279-2284 - Mauricio Ballesteros, Wayne J. Book:
Implementation alternatives for dual rate control systems with command shaping. 2285-2291 - Juyi Park, Pyung Hun Chang, Eunjeong Lee:
Can a time invariant input shaping technique eliminate residual vibrations of LTV systems? 2292-2297 - Michael J. Agostini, Gordon G. Parker
, Kenneth N. Groom, Hanspeter Schaub, Rush D. Robinett:
Command shaping and closed-loop control interactions for a ship crane. 2298-2304 - Hector Perez, Qingze Zou, Santosh Devasia:
Design and control of optimal feedforward trajectories for scanners: STM example. 2305-2312 - Ashoka D. Polpitiya, Bijoy K. Ghosh:
Modelling and control of eye-movement with musculotendon dynamics. 2313-2318 - Alan Barhorst, Lawrence Schovanec:
Effects of control strategies on stress development in skeletal structures. 2319-2322 - Jiping He:
Learning and adaptation in cortical control of arm movement. 2323-2328 - Hiroshi Inaba, Yoshirnitsu Shoji:
Robustly stable fixed point assignment problems for dynamical neural networks. 2329-2335 - Kiriakos Kiriakidis:
H-infinity optimal filters for a class of nonlinear models. 2336-2339 - S. M. Shahruz, C. Cloet, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
Suppression of effects of nonlinearities in a class of nonlinear systems by disturbance observers. 2340-2345 - Teddy M. Cheng, David J. Clements, Ray Eaton:
Robust nonlinear output feedback control for systems with unknown integrator gains. 2346-2347 - Masakazu Mukai, Takehito Azuma, Masayuki Fujita:
Robust receding horizon control for piecewise linear systems based on constrained positively invariant. 2348-2353 - Csilla Bányász, László Keviczky:
A simple PID regulator applicable for a class of factorable nonlinear plants. 2354-2359 - Yingwei Zhang, Fuli Wang:
Reliable redundant control for nonlinear uncertain systems. 2360-2361 - Eric J. Barth, Jianlong Zhang, Michael Goldfarb:
Sliding mode approach to PWM-controlled pneumatic systems. 2362-2367 - Kenneth R. Buckholtz:
Approach angle-based switching function for sliding mode control design. 2368-2373 - Xinkai Chen
, Guisheng Zhai:
Sliding mode method based vibration control of flexible arms. 2374-2379 - Alessandro Jacoud Peixoto
, Fernando C. Lizarralde
, Liu Hsu:
Further results on smooth sliding control of uncertain systems. 2380-2385 - Michael Schinkel, Kenneth J. Hunt:
Anti-lock braking control using a sliding mode like approach. 2386-2391 - Hanz Richter, Eduardo A. Misawa:
Stability analysis of discrete linear systems with quantized input and state measurements. 2392-2397 - Germain Garcia, Bernard Pradin, Sophie Tarbouriech, Fanyou Zeng:
Robust stabilization and guaranteed cost control for discrete-time linear systems by static output feedback. 2398-2403 - Jason Sheng-Hong Tsai, Chien-Yu Lu, Te-Jen Su, Gwo-Jia Jong:
Robust stabilization of uncertain discrete time systems with state delay. 2404-2405 - C.-Y. Kao, S. R. Venkatesh:
Stabilization of linear systems with limited information multiple input case. 2406-2411 - Kwan Ho Lee, Joon Hwa Lee, Wook Hyun Kwon:
A stabilizing low-order output feedback receding horizon control for linear discrete time-invariant systems. 2412-2417 - Naohisa Otsuka:
Generalized (C, A, B)-pairs for linear periodic discrete-time systems. 2418-2423 - Minyi Huang, Roland P. Malhamé
, Peter E. Caines:
Quality of service control for wireless systems: minimum power and minimum energy solutions. 2424-2429 - Yossi Chait, C. V. Hollot, Vishal Misra, Huaizhong Had, Yoram Halevi:
Dynamic analysis of congested TCP networks. 2430-2435 - Edmond A. Jonckheere, Khushboo Shah, Stephan Bohacek:
Dynamic modeling of Internet traffic for intrusion detection. 2436-2442 - Priya Ranjan, Eyad H. Abed:
Bifurcation analysis of TCP-RED dynamics. 2443-2448 - Shen Wei, Li-Sheng Hu, Huihe Shao:
Flow control based on Dahlin control algorithm in ATM networks. 2449-2454 - Gang Shen, Xiaoming Xu, Xing He, Xia Zhao, Weidong Zhang, Xiaomeng Li, Tao Geng:
A new persistent contention-based real-time Ethernet MAC protocol. 2455-2456 - Gang Jin, Michael K. Sain, Billie F. Spencer Jr.:
Modeling MR-dampers: the ridgenet estimation approach. 2457-2462 - Erik A. Johnson, Baris Erkus:
Structural control with dissipative damping devices. 2463-2468 - Ramsés Rodríguez
, Luciana R. Barroso:
Stiffness-mass ratios method for baseline determination and damage assessment of a benchmark structure. 2469-2474 - Henri P. Gavin, Cenk Alhan:
Control of torsionally asymmetric structures. 2475-2480 - Chang-Hee Won, Kodikara Thanuja Gunaratne:
Performance study of LQG, MCV, and risk-sensitive control methods for satellite structure control. 2481-2486 - Loredana Zollo
, Bruno Siciliano, Cecilia Laschi
, Giancarlo Teti, Paolo Dario:
Experimental comparative evaluation of compliant control schemes for an anthropomorphic personal robot. 2487-2492 - Tetsuya Kinugasa, Koichi Osuka:
Attitude control of legged robot Emu on ramp with unknown slope $verification of parametric stability by experiments. 2493-2498 - Tao Geng, Xiaomeng Li, Xiaoming Xu:
Control and simulation of a 3D one-legged robot. 2499-2504 - Tao Geng, Xiaomen Li, Gang Shen, Xiaoming Xu:
Ballistic flip of a planar one-legged robot in simulation. 2505-2509 - Tarunraj Singh:
Minimax design of robust controllers for flexible systems. 2510-2515 - Yasushi Iwatani, Masato Ishikawa, Shinji Hara
Switched feedback control for first-order symmetric affine systems via time-state control form. 2516-2521 - Tankut Acarman, Keith A. Redmill, Ümit Özgüner:
A robust controller design for drive by wire hydraulic power steering system. 2522-2527 - Liang-kuang Chen, A. Galip Ulsoy:
Experimental validation of a robust steering assist controller on a driving simulator. 2528-2533 - Sean Brennan
, Andrew G. Alleyne:
H-infinity vehicle control using nondimensional perturbation measures. 2534-2539 - J. Gohl, Rajesh Rajamani
, Lee Alexander, Patrick J. Starr:
The development of tilt-controlled narrow ground vehicles. 2540-2545 - Maria Druzhinina, Anna G. Stefanopoulou
Speed control experiments for commercial heavy vehicles with coordinated friction and engine compression brakes. 2546-2551 - Matthew L. Schwall, J. Christian Gerdes:
A probabilistic approach to residual processing for vehicle fault detection. 2552-2557 - James C. Spall:
Estimation via Markov chain Monte Carlo. 2559-2564 - Arnaud Doucet, Vladislav Z. B. Tadic:
On-line optimization of sequential Monte Carlo methods using stochastic approximation. 2565-2570 - George Yin, Qing Zhang, Hongchuan Yang, Kewen Yin:
A class of hybrid market models: simulation, identification, and estimation. 2571-2576 - Krzysztof Patan
, Thomas Parisini:
Stochastic learning methods for dynamic neural networks: simulated and real-data comparisons. 2577-2582 - Yutaka Maeda:
Real-time control and learning using neuro-controller via simultaneous perturbation for flexible arm system. 2583-2588 - Sandeep Chandran, R. Russell Rhinehart:
Heuristic random optimizer-version II. 2589-2594 - Branko G. Dijkstra, Okko H. Bosgra:
Extrapolation of optimal lifted system ILC solution, with application to a waferstage. 2595-2600 - Pai-Hsueh Yang, David M. Auslander:
Water level control for a non-minimum phase hydraulically balanced beam system. 2601-2602 - Roger L. Schultz, Orlando De Jesus:
Oilwell drillbit failure detection using remote acoustic sensing. 2603-2608 - Mohamed Abdelrahman, Parameshwaran Kandasamy:
Integration of multiple sensor fusion in controller design. 2609-2614 - Hossam A. Abdel Fattah
, Mohamed M. Ismail, Ahmed Bahgat:
Fuzzy supervisory control of field oriented controlled AC drives. 2615-2620 - Zhenhua Tian, Karlene A. Hoo:
Transition control using multiple adaptive models and an H-infinity controller design. 2621-2626 - Xiao-Yun Lu, J. Karl Hedrick:
Some robust finite-time sliding reachability conditions and application to nonlinear observer. 2627-2632 - May-Win L. Thein:
A discrete time variable structure observer with overlapping boundary layers. 2633-2638 - Laura Menini, Antonio Tornambè:
Reduced-order observers for the velocity estimation of non-linear mechanical systems subject to non-smooth impacts. 2639-2644 - Juhoon Back, Jin Heon Seo:
Immersion technique for nonlinear observer design. 2645-2646 - Jérôme Jouffroy, Jacques Lottin:
On the use of contraction theory for the design of nonlinear observers for ocean vehicles. 2647-2652 - SangJoo Kwon, Wan Kyun Chung:
A discrete-time design and analysis of perturbation observer. 2653-2658 - Marino Sánchez-Parra, Salvador Carlos De Lara Jayme, Luis J. Bahamaca-Fernandez:
A fuzzy-logic rule based speed and load controller for combustion turbines in power generation. 2659-2664 - Silvia Ferrari, Robert F. Stengel:
An adaptive critic global controller. 2665-2670 - Prashant Prabhat, S. N. Balakrishnan, D. C. Look Jr.:
Experimental implementation of adaptive-critic based infinite time optimal neurocontrol for a heat diffusion system. 2671-2676 - Benjamin Hoffner, Rahmat A. Shoureshi, Robert A. Kramer:
Feedforward neural fuzzy control of electrical power systems containing highly varying loads. 2677-2682 - Manu Sharma, Anthony J. Calise:
Adaptive backstepping control for a class of nonlinear systems via multilayered neural networks. 2683-2688 - Wiktor Bolek, Jerzy Sasiadek:
Singularity of backstepping control for non-linear systems. 2689-2694 - Jing Ou, R. Russell Rinehart:
CV damping versus MV suppression for MPC tuning. 2695-2700 - Neeraj Zambare, Masoud Soroush
, Michael C. Grady:
Multi-rate nonlinear state estimation in a polymerization reactor: a real-time study. 2701-2706 - Jin Cao, Janos Gertler:
The effect of insufficient excitation in PCA estimation. 2707-2712 - R. Bhushan Gopaluni, R. S. Patwardhan, Sirish L. Shah:
Experiment design for MPC relevant identification. 2713-2718 - Sukhbinder Kumar
, Elaine B. Martin, Julian Morris:
Detection of process model changes in PCA based performance monitoring. 2719-2724 - Jianli Wei, Shunjie Fan, Yongmao Xu, Jie Zhang
Dynamic modelling of an industrial polypropylene reactor and its application in melt index prediction during grade transitions. 2725-2730 - Theodore E. Djaferis, David M. Cushing:
Robust control design using stable polynomial parameterizations. 2731-2736 - D. H. Sanjeeva Maithripala, Jordan M. Berg, Wijesuriya P. Dayawansa:
Loss of structurally stable regulation implies loss of stability. 2737-2740 - Jim Freudenberg
, Rick Middleton
Robustness of decoupling with almost redundant inputs. 2741-2746 - S. Craig Smith, William C. Messner:
Loop shaping with closed-loop magnitude contours on the Bode plot. 2747-2752 - Rod Holland, Peter Young:
A skew μ lower bound. 2753-2758 - Nikolai D. Christov, M. M. Koristantinov, Petko Hr. Petkov:
On the local sensitivity of the mixed H2/H∞ optimisation problem. 2759-2760 - Eric Rogers, Krzysztof Galkowski, David H. Owens:
Delay differential control theory applied to differential linear repetitive processes. 2761-2766 - Zheng Liu, Bingen Yang:
Realization of full state feedback via delayed output feedback. 2767-2772 - Petr Dostál, Vladimir Bobal, Martin Sysel
Design of controllers for integrating and unstable time delay systems using polynomial method. 2773-2778 - Koichi Suyama:
A new type of multidimensional coprimeness and its application to finite spectrum assignment for delay systems. 2779-2785 - Yuanqing Xia, Yingmin Jia:
Robust delay-dependent sliding mode control for uncertain time-delay systems. 2786-2791 - Qing Zhang, Rengrong Wang, Xiang Liu, Youxian Sun:
Discrete PID control for integrator processes with time delay. 2792-2793 - Johan Hamberg:
Controlled Lagrangians and electromechanical systems. 2794-2799 - Wei Lin, Radom Pongvuthithum
, Chunjiang Qian
New results on regulation of nonlinear systems in power chained form. 2800-2805 - Navin Khaneja, Steffen J. Glaser, Roger W. Brockett:
Subriemannian geodesics and optimal control of spin systems. 2806-2811 - Dimitry V. Zenkov, Anthony M. Bloch, Jerrold E. Marsden:
Flat nonholonomic matching. 2812-2817 - Kenji Fujimoto, Toshiharu Sugie:
Trajectory tracking control of nonholonomic Hamiltonian systems via canonical transformations. 2818-2823 - Craig A. Woolsey
, Nanomi E. Leonard
Moving mass control for underwater vehicles. 2824-2829 - Michael Tillerson, Jonathan P. How:
Advanced guidance algorithms for spacecraft formation-keeping. 2830-2835 - Roy S. Smith
, Fred Y. Hadaegh:
Control topologies for deep space formation flying spacecraft. 2836-2841 - Pini Gurfil, Moshe Idan, N. Jeremy Kasdin:
Adaptive neural control of deep-space formation flying. 2842-2847 - Paolo Binetti, Kartik B. Ariyur, Miroslav Krstic
, Franco Bernelli
Control of formation flight via extremum seeking. 2848-2853 - Jovan D. Boskovic, Sai-Ming Li, Raman K. Mehra:
Formation flight control design in the presence of unknown leader commands. 2854-2859 - Lorenzo Pollini
, Fabrizio Giulietti, Mario Innocenti:
Robustness to communication failures within formation flight. 2860-2866 - Ziomara P. Gerdtzen, Prodromos Daoutidis, Wei-Shou Hu
Nonlinear model reduction for energy metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2867-2872 - Denis Dochain
, Michel Perrier:
A state observer for (bio)processes with uncertain kinetics. 2873-2878 - David Hodge
, M. Nazmul Karim:
Nonlinear MPC for optimization of recombinant Zymomonas mobilis fed-batch fermentation. 2879-2884 - Robert S. Parker:
Nonlinear model predictive control of a continuous bioreactor using approximate data-driven models. 2885-2890 - William J. Kelly, Justin C. Miller, Mark A. Rogowski, Kenneth R. Muske:
Model-based control of a high pressure homogenizer. 2891-2896 - Dhiraj Arora, Mikhail Skliar, Robert B. Roemer:
Model predictive control of ultrasound hyperthermia treatments of cancer. 2897-2902 - Kartik B. Ariyur, Miroslav Krstic
Analysis and design of multivariable extremum seeking. 2903-2908 - Herbertt Sira-Ramirez:
A flatness based generalized PI control approach to liquid sloshing regulation in a moving container. 2909-2914 - Peter D. Roberts:
Two-dimensional analysis of an algorithm for determining the optimal control of non-linear differential algebraic equation systems. 2915-2920 - Michael V. Basin
, Maria Aracelia Alcorta-Garcia:
Optimal controller for Ito-Volterra systems. 2921-2926 - Fabio Fagnani, Luciano Pandolfi:
Recursive deconvolution of first kind Volterra equations. 2927-2928 - Daniel E. Miller:
A new approach to model reference adaptive control. 2929-2934 - Hanz Richter, Eduardo A. Misawa:
Boundary layer eigenvalues in observer-based discrete-time sliding mode control. 2935-2936 - Saeid Habibi, Richard Burton, Yuvin Chinniah:
Estimation using a new variable structure filter. 2937-2942 - Seung-Hi Lee, Chung Choo Chung:
Multirate digital sliding mode control. 2943-2948 - Wei-Song Lin, Chin-Pao Hung:
Integral variable structure control of nonlinear system using CMAC-based learning approach. 2949-2954 - Wei-Song Lin, Chun-Sheng Chen:
Sliding-mode-based direct adaptive fuzzy controller design for a class of uncertain multivariable nonlinear systems. 2955-2960 - Yanxin Zhang, Bing Chen, Xiaoping Liu, Siying Zhang:
Fuzzy indirect adaptive sliding mode tracking control for a class of nonlinear similar composite large-scale systems. 2961-2966 - Onur Toker, Jie Chen:
Asymptotic tracking performance of sampled-data systems. 2967-2972 - Marian J. Blachuta, Rafal T. Grygiel:
Sampled-data program control via model-reference LQG. 2973-2978 - Michael Schinkel, Wen-Hua Chen
, Anders Rantzer:
Optimal control for systems with varying sampling rate. 2979-2984 - Bo Lincoln:
Jitter compensation in digital control systems. 2985-2990 - Hanz Richter, Eduardo A. Misawa, Brian D. O'Dell:
Stability analysis of discrete linear systems with quantized input. 2991-2996 - Tomomichi Hagiwara:
A study on the spectrum of the sampled-data transfer operator with application to robust exponential stability problems. 2997-3002 - Chun-Hung Liu
, H. Harry Asada:
A source coding and modulation method for power saving and interference reduction in DS-CDMA sensor network systems. 3003-3008 - Feng-Li Lian, James R. Moyne, Dawn M. Tilbury:
Optimal controller design and evaluation for a class of networked control systems with distributed constant delays. 3009-3014 - Paul G. Otanez, James R. Moyne, Dawn M. Tilbury:
Using deadbands to reduce communication in networked control systems. 3015-3020 - S. Craig Smith, Peter Seiler
Optimal pseudo-steady-state estimators for systems with Markovian intermittent measurements. 3021-3027 - Andrew Stubbs, Vladimeros Vladimerou, Andy Vaughn, Geir E. Dullerud:
Development of a vehicle network control testbed. 3028-3033 - X. Y. Lu:
Coordination layer control and decision making for automated ground vehicles. 3034-3039 - Kazuto Seto, Daijirou Fuji, Hidefumi Hiramathu, Toru Watanabe:
Motion and vibration control of three dimensional flexible shaking table using LQI control approach. 3040-3045 - Lubomír Bakule, Fideliu Paulet-Crainiceanu
, José Rodellar:
Decentralized control design for a cable-stayed bridge benchmark. 3046-3051 - Patrick M. Sain:
On application of precision servo mode and fault control strategies to actuator models for structural applications. 3052-3057 - Diego Giraldo, Shirley J. Dyke
Control of a moving oscillator on an elastic continuum using smart dampers. 3058-3063 - Anat Ruangrassamee
, Kazuhiko Kawashima:
Seismic response control of a benchmark cable-stayed bridge by variable dampers. 3064-3069 - Khath D. Pham, Michael K. Sain, Stanley R. Liberty:
Robust cost-cumulants based algorithm for second and third generation structural control benchmarks. 3070-3075 - Marc Bodson
, John N. Chiasson:
A comparison of sensorless speed estimation methods for induction motor control. 3076-3081 - Alexander T. Zaremba, Alexey Pavlov:
Real-time identification of an induction motor using sinusoidal PWM voltage signals. 3082-3087 - K. Nutt, M. Tarbouchi, D. McGaughey, A. Chikhani:
Current harmonic detection for induction motor speed sensorless control using fast orthogonal search. 3088-3092 - John Chiasson, Danbing Seto, Fanping Sun, Alex M. Stankovic
, Scott A. Bortoff:
Independent control of two PM motors using a single inverter: application to elevator doors. 3093-3098 - Chin-I Huang, Ko-Lo Chen, Hou-Tsan Lee, Li-Chen Fu:
Nonlinear adaptive backstepping motion control of linear induction motor. 3099-3104 - Ahmed M. Osama, Hossam A. Abdel Fattah
, Ahmed M. Sakr:
Variable structure flux linkage controller for torque ripple minimization in switched reluctance motors. 3105-3110 - Bryan P. Rasmussen, Andrew G. Alleyne, Clark Bullard, Pega Hmjak, Norman Miller:
Control-oriented modeling and analysis of automotive transcritical AC system dynamics. 3111-3116 - Jay T. Pukrushpan, Anna G. Stefanopoulou
, Huei Peng:
Modeling and control for PEM fuel cell stack system. 3117-3122 - Joseph J. Scillieri, James S. Freudenberg
, Jessy W. Grizzle:
From stoichiometry to ultra lean burn in a direct injection spark ignition engine model. 3123-3128 - S. R. Cikanek, K. E. Bailey:
Regenerative braking system for a hybrid electric vehicle. 3129-3134 - M. Yamazaki, S. Sureshbabu, M. Loftus, R. Crandell, M. Brackx:
Analysis of automatically generated vehicle system control software in a HIL environment. 3135-3140 - Héctor J. Sussmann:
A local second- and third-order maximum principle. 3141-3146 - Yaodong Pan, Ümit Özgüner:
Discrete-time extremum seeking algorithms. 3147-3152 - James C. Spall, Stacy D. Hill, David R. Stark:
Theoretical framework for comparing several popular stochastic optimization approaches. 3153-3158 - Susumu Hara:
Nonstationary optimal positioning controller design using GA meta-optimization. 3165-3167 - Zhijiang Guo, Hongtao Zheng, Jinping Jiang:
A powerful modified genetic algorithm for multimodal function optimization. 3168-3173 - Fen Wu
, Suat E. Yildizoglu:
A distributed parameter dependent control design for a flexible beam problem. 3174-3179 - Prashanth Krishnamurthy, Farshad Khorrami
Permanent magnet stepper motor control via position-only feedback. 3180-3185 - Michael A. Borrello, D. Leslie, H. Hyman:
Shipboard disturbance control for the rapid optical beam steering (ROBS) pointing and tracking system. 3186-3190 - Pascal Bigras, Karim Khayat:
Nonlinear observer for pneumatic system with non-negligible connection port restriction. 3191-3195 - G. F. Liu, Y. K. Yiu, Zexiang Li:
Inertia equivalence principle and adaptive control of parallel manipulators with redundant actuation. 3196-3201 - Yorgo Istefanopulos, Elbrous M. Jafarov
, Mehmet Nur Alpaslan Parlakçi:
A new robust continuous sliding mode control for robot manipulators with parameter perturbations. 3202-3206 - Xiao-Hua Yu
, Allen R. Stubberud:
Arrival rate identification for a class of traffic signal control problem. 3207-3212 - Tomasz Klaput, Maciej Niediwiecki:
A novel approach to estimation of Doppler frequencies of a time-varying communication channel. 3213-3218 - Jean Claude Carmona, Victor M. Alvarado:
L1 prediction error approach in system identification. 3219-3223 - Karina A. Barbosa
, Carlos E. de Souza
, Alexandre Trofino
Robust H2 filtering for discrete-time uncertain linear systems using parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions. 3224-3229 - Masayoshi Doi, Yasuchika Mori:
Generalized minimum variance control for time varying systems without diophantine equation. 3230-3235 - Ismael Chavez-Manriquez, Rafael Martínez-Guerra, Antonio Sorio-Cordero:
Parametric identification of linear time varying systems using a proportional reduced order observer. 3236-3241 - Alberto Delgado:
Rule base evaluation using DNA chips. 3242-3245 - Shuzhi Sam Ge
, G. Y. Li, Tong Heng Lee:
Adaptive NN control for a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems based on input-output model. 3246-3251 - Doo Jin Choi, PooGyeon Park:
H∞ controller design for discrete-time fuzzy systems using fuzzy weighting-dependent Lyapunov functions. 3252-3257 - Majura F. Selekwa, Emmanuel G. Collins Jr.:
Solving inexplicit and underdetermined nonlinear systems of equations using fuzzy logic. 3258-3263 - Marc L. Steinberg, Anthony B. Page:
High-fidelity simulation testing of intelligent and adaptive aircraft control laws. 3264-3268 - Jih-Gau Juang, Hao-Hsiang Chang, Kai-Chung Cheng:
Intelligent landing control using linearized inverse aircraft model. 3269-3274 - B. Wayne Bequette:
Behavior of a CSTR with a recirculating jacket heat transfer system. 3275-3280 - Hector Perez, Babatunde Ogunnaike, Santosh Devasia:
Output tracking between operating points for nonlinear processes: Van de Vusse example. 3281-3286 - Cristina Verde:
Robust fault detection for nonlinear Hessenberg systems. 3287-3292 - Rachid Outbib, Xavier Dovifaaz, Ahmed Rachid
, Mustapha Ouladsine:
Speed control of a diesel engine: a nonlinear approach. 3293-3294 - Ali Tahmasebi, Xiang Chen:
Robustness of rotating stall control for axial-flow compressors. 3295-3300 - Der-Cherng Liaw, Chau-Chung Song, Jeng-Tze Huang:
Robust stabilization of a centrifugal compressor with spool dynamics. 3301-3306 - Seth L. Lacy, Dennis S. Bernstein:
Subspace identification with guaranteed stability using constrained optimization. 3307-3312 - Islam I. Hussein, Seth L. Lacy, Dennis S. Bernstein:
Data compression for subspace-based identification using periodic inputs. 3313-3318 - Jitendra K. Tugnait, Yi Zhou:
Identification of closed-loop MIMO systems from time-domain data using polyspectral analysis. 3319-3324 - Paresh Date
, Alexander Lanzon
An algorithm for joint identification and control. 3325-3330 - Graham C. Goodwin, James S. Welsh
Self excited closed loop parametric estimation in the presence of noise undermodelling. 3331-3336 - Celso Pascoli Bottura, Angel F. Torrico Ceceres:
Decentralized control of serial interconnected systems for river water quality via subspace identification. 3337-3342 - Paul J. Stewart, Peter J. Fleming
The response surface methodology for rapid prototyping of real-time control systems. 3343-3348 - B. Moore, Patrick Girard, Benoit Boulet, Robert DiRaddo:
In-cycle dynamics of forming operations. 3349-3350 - Yang Xiao:
2-D algebraic test for stability of time-delay systems. 3351-3356 - Te-Jen Su, Chein-Yu Lu, Jason Sheng-Hong Tsai:
Delay-dependent robust stabilization for uncertain time-delay systems with saturating actuators-LMI approach. 3357-3358 - László Keviczky
, C. Bfinyisz:
Robustness limits of time delay control systems. 3359-3364 - Changchun Hua
, Chengnian Long, Xinping Guan, Guangren Duan:
Robust stabilization of uncertain dynamic time-delay systems with unknown bounds of uncertainties. 3365-3370 - Peter Wellstead:
Control and modelling concepts in the innovation process. 3371-3376 - Steven Schooling:
Distribution in control and innovation. 3377-3382 - Allan P. Kjaer:
Integration of business and production processes. 3383-3388 - Njal Pettit:
Systems thinking in developing production concepts for new products. 3389-3394 - Rudolf Kulhavý
Data-centric decision support. 3395-3400 - A. W. Burton:
Control objectives and systems analysis: innovation drivers for electric power-assisted steering. 3401-3406 - Kumpati S. Narendra, Nicholas O. Oleng:
Decentralized adaptive control. 3407-3412 - Mohammad Hosein Kazemi
, Mohammad Bagher Menhaj
, Mehdi Karrari:
Multivariable adaptive output-feedback control. 3413-3418 - Yonggon Lee, Stanislaw H. Zak:
Uniformly ultimately bounded uncertain adaptive tracking control systems. 3419-3424 - Apiwat Saengdeejing, Zhihua Qu:
Simplified robust control for nonlinear uncertain systems: a method of projection and online estimation. 3425-3430 - Seung Cheol Jeong, PooGyeon Park:
Output-feedback robust adaptive receding horizon controller design. 3431-3436 - José Alfredo Ruiz Vargas, Elder Moreira Hemerly:
A simple controller for unknown nonlinear systems. 3437-3442 - Marek Kimmel, Olga Y. Gorlova:
Stochastic models of progression of cancer and their use in controlling cancer-related mortality. 3443-3448 - Andrzej Swierniak, Andrzej Polanski
, Jaroslaw Smieja, Marek Kimmel, Joanna Rzeszowska-Wolny:
Control theoretic approach to random branching walk models arising in molecular biology. 3449-3453 - Urszula Ledzewicz
, Heinz Schättler:
On optimal controls for a general mathematical model for chemotherapy of HIV. 3454-3459 - Urszula Ledzewicz
, Heinz Schättler:
Analysis of a class of optimal control problems arising in cancer chemotherapy. 3460-3465 - Jaroslaw Smieja
, Andrzej Swierniak
Optimal control of certain infinite dimensional systems with application to chemotherapy modelling. 3466-3471 - Andrzej Polanski
, Marek Kimmel:
Methods for estimation of demographic parameters from DNA sequence samples. 3472-3477 - Murat Arcak:
Observer-based backstepping with weak nonlinear damping. 3478-3483 - Zongxuan Sun, Tsu-Chin Tsao
Disturbance rejection for nonlinear systems. 3484-3489 - Miguel Torres-Torriti
, Hannah Michalska:
Stabilization of bilinear systems with unstable drift. 3490-3491 - Hiroshi Ito:
Reduced-order partial-state feedback for robust nonlinear control using state-dependent scaling. 3492-3497 - Dimitri Jeltsema, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen
Tuning rules for passivity-preserving controllers. 3498-3503 - Chiharu Ishii, Tielong Shen:
Robust adaptive control with disturbance attenuation for nonlinear systems with uncertainty. 3504-3505 - Kyung-Sup Lee, Abraham H. Haddad:
Stabilization of discrete-time quantized control systems. 3506-3511 - Christopher M. Kellett
, Hyungbo Shim, Andrew R. Teel:
Robustness of discontinuous feedback via sample and hold control. 3512-3517 - Ilia G. Polushin, Horacio J. Marquez:
On the sampled-data input-to-state stabilization of passive systems. 3518-3522 - Luca Zaccarian, Andrew R. Teel, Dragan Nesic:
On finite gain 𝓛p stability of nonlinear sampled-data systems. 3523-3528 - Hao Xu, Aniruddha Datta, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya:
Plant-robust and controller-robust discrete-time PID design. 3529-3533 - Yanan Zhao, Emmanuel G. Collins Jr.:
Fuzzy PI control of an industrial weigh belt feeder. 3534-3539 - W. Steven Gray, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen:
Hankel singular value functions from Schmidt pairs for nonlinear input-output systems. 3540-3545 - Danielle C. Tarraf, H. Harry Asada:
On the nature and stability of differential-algebraic systems. 3546-3551 - Jesús Clemente-Gallardo, Dimitri Jeltsema, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen
Algebroids and charge conservation. 3552-3557 - Toshiyuki Ohtsuka:
Algebraic characterization of system immersibility into quadratic-in-the-state representation. 3558-3563 - Wentao Wang, Xiaoping Liu, Jun Zhao:
The zero dynamics of nonlinear singular control systems. 3564-3569 - Chen Wei, Me De-qing, He Wen, Shan'an Zhu:
A research on isolated vibrations control system of micro-manufacturing platform. 3570-3575 - H. Jin Kim, David Hyunchul Shim, Shankar Sastry:
Nonlinear model predictive tracking control for rotorcraft-based unmanned aerial vehicles. 3576-3581 - Jan Jelínek:
On the deployment sequence optimality in model predictive control of military operations. 3582-3587 - Robert DiRaddo, Patrick Girard, S. Chang:
Process drift and model-based control of forming operations. 3588-3593 - Ramdane Hedjar
, Redouane Toumi, Patrick Boucher, Didier Dumur:
Feedback nonlinear predictive control of rigid link robot manipulators. 3594-3599 - Andreas Hegyi, Bart De Schutter, Hans Hellendoorn, Ton J. J. van den Boom:
Optimal coordination of ramp metering and variable speed control-an MPC approach. 3600-3605 - Yibing Wang, Markos Papageorgiou, Albert Messmer:
A predictive feedback routing control strategy for freeway network traffic. 3606-3611 - Subhabrata Ganguli, Andrés Marcos
, Gary Balas:
Reconfigurable LPV control design for Boeing 747-100/200 longitudinal axis. 3612-3617 - Gaurav Bajpai, Bor-Chin Chang, Harry G. Kwatny:
Design of fault-tolerant systems for actuator failures in nonlinear systems. 3618-3623 - Sonja Glavaski
, Michael Elgersma, Michael C. Dorneich
, Peter Lommel:
Failure accommodating aircraft control. 3624-3630 - Aaron J. Ostroff, Barton J. Bacon:
Enhanced NDI strategies for reconfigurable flight control. 3631-3636 - Ronald A. Hess, S. R. Wells, T. K. Vetter:
MIMO sliding mode control as an alternative to reconfigurable flight control designs. 3637-3643 - Dean W. Sparks Jr., Daniel D. Moerder:
Optimal aircraft control upset recovery with and without component failures. 3644-3649 - Junji Kawasaki, Kamal Youcef-Toumi
Estimation of rail irregularities. 3650-3660 - Marco P. Schoen
Input design for on-line system identification of a human respiratory system. 3661-3665 - Dapeng Luo, Alexander Leonessa:
Identification of MIMO Hammerstein systems with nonlinear feedback. 3666-3671 - Sarah K. Leming, Harold L. Stalford:
Bridge weigh-in-motion system development using static truck/bridge models. 3672-3677 - Michiel Krüger, Kameshwar Poolla, Costas J. Spanos:
Electrical impedance tomography based sensors for semiconductor manufacturing. 3678-3683 - Amaury Lendasse, Marie Cottrell, Vincent Wertz, Michel Verleysen:
Prediction of electric load using Kohonen maps - Application to the Polish electricity consumption. 3684-3689 - Junmin Wang, Rajesh Rajamani:
Adaptive cruise control system design and its impact on highway traffic flow. 3690-3695 - Ankur Ganguli, Rajesh Rajamani
Target tracking and radar health monitoring for highway vehicle applications. 3696-3701 - Guang Lu, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
Vehicle lateral control with combined use of a laser scanning radar sensor and rear magnetometers. 3702-3707 - K. E. Bailey, S. R. Cikanek, N. Sureshbabu:
Parallel hybrid electric vehicle torque distribution method. 3708-3712 - Anthony M. Phillips:
Functional decomposition in a vehicle control system. 3713-3718 - Gernot Spiegelberg, Andreas Schwarzhaupt, Ottmar Gehring, Armin Sulzmann, Oliver Rooks:
Using drive-by-wire technology to design integrated powertrain modules ntegration of the evaluation of surrounding variables. 3719-3728 - David B. Doman, Andrew G. Sparks:
Concepts for constrained control allocation of mixed quadratic and linear effectors. 3729-3734 - Ryan Franz, Mark Milam, John Hauser:
Applied receding horizon control of the Caltech Ducted Fan. 3735-3740 - John S. Bellingham, Arthur Richards
, Jonathan P. How
Receding horizon control of autonomous aerial vehicles. 3741-3746 - Fen Wu
Improving robust control performance through on-line optimization. 3747-3752 - Hai Yu, Ümit Özgüner:
Extremum-seeking control strategy for ABS system with time delay. 3753-3758 - Duan Li
, Fucai Qian, Peilin Fu:
Variance minimization approach for a class of dual control problems. 3759-3764 - Robert Patton Leland:
Lyapunov based adaptive control of a MEMS gyroscope. 3765-3770 - Yaoyu Li, George T.-C. Chiu
, Luc G. Mongeau
Dual-driver standing wave tube: acoustic impedance matching with robust repetitive control. 3771-3776 - Osamah M. El-Rifai, Kamal Youcef-Toumi
Creep in piezoelectric scanners of atomic force microscopes. 3777-3782 - Niclas Andersson, David I. Wilson
, Ulf Germgard:
Validating continuous kraft digester kinetic models with online NIR measurements. 3783-3787 - Enrico S. Canuto, Andrea Rolino:
Digital control of an interferometric balance for micro-thrusters qualification. 3788-3789 - Carl-Magnus Fransson, Bengt Lennartson, Dave Humphreys, Mike Walker, Torkil Jensen, Andrea Garofalo, Anders Bondeson:
Control analysis for non-axisymmetric resistive wall mode stabilization in the DIII-D tokamak. 3790-3795 - Xiaoping Zhang, W. Xu, Satish S. Nair, VijaySekhar Chellaboina:
PDE modeling and control of a flexible two-link manipulator. 3796-3801 - Nader Jalili, M. Dadfarnia
, Fan Hong, Shuzhi Sam Ge
Adaptive non model-based piezoelectric control of flexible beams with translational base. 3802-3807 - Zhiming Wu:
Concepts of networking for the work-pieces guiding in FMS shop. 3808-3812 - Sébastien Rouquette, Laurent Autrique
, Charles Chaussavoine, Laurent Thomas:
3D thermal modeling of a plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition process. 3813-3816 - R. N. Silva, Luís M. Rato, Miguel Barão
, João Miranda Lemos:
A physical model based approach to distributed collector solar field control. 3817-3822 - Bin Zhang, Zhigang Chen, Liyun Xu, Jingcheng Wang, Jianmin Zhang, Huihe Shao:
The modeling and control of a reheating furnace. 3823-3828 - Robert S. Woodley, Levent Acar:
A generalized unstructured artificial neural network architecture: a first study. 3829-3834 - H. E. Ibrahim, Mohamed A. Zohdy:
Neuro-genetic nonlinear controller for a micro-resonator. 3835-3839 - Paul B. Deignan Jr., Peter H. Meckl, Matthew A. Franchek
The MI-RBFN: mapping for generalization. 3840-3845 - Stefan Jakubek, Thomas I. Strasser:
Fault-diagnosis using neural networks with ellipsoidal basis functions. 3846-3851 - Haibin Li, Long Wang
, Zhaoping Li:
Genetic algorithm for simultaneous stabilization based on stability preserving maps. 3852-3857 - H.-C. Kim, D.-C. Moon, M. C. Kim, S. Kim, Y. J. Lee:
Improvement in EIT image reconstruction using genetic algorithm. 3858-3863 - Leyla Özkan, Mayuresh V. Kothare, Christos Georgakis:
Control of a solution copolymerization reactor using piecewise linear models. 3864-3869 - Stefan Krämer, Ralf Gesthuisen, Sebastian Engell:
Re-optimization based control of copolymer quality in semi-continuous emulsion polymerization. 3870-3875 - Thomas McAvoy:
Model predictive statistical process control of chemical plants. 3876-3881 - Yangdong Pan, ChangKyoo Yoo, Jay H. Lee
, In-Beum Lee:
Process monitoring of continuous processes with periodic operation patterns. 3882-3887 - M. Apostolo, Stefano Arrigoni, V. Arcella, G. Storti, M. Morbidelli:
Coupling of PLS method and mechanistic model for monitoring and controlling the industrial production of fluorinated polymers. 3888-3889 - Vladimír Havlena
, Jiri Findejs, Daniel Pachner:
Combustion optimization with inferential sensing. 3890-3895 - M. Sami Fadali:
Stability testing for systems with polynomial uncertainty. 3896-3901 - Young Ik Son, Jin Heon Seo:
Passivity-based robust control of non-square linear systems using a parallel feedforward compensator. 3902-3907 - Ülo Nurges, Ennu Rüstern:
The distance from stability boundary and reflection vectors. 3908-3913 - Mario Innocenti, Luca Greco, Lorenzo Pollini
Stability issues in dual time scale systems. 3914-3921 - Wassim M. Haddad, Sergey G. Nersesov, VijaySekhar Chellaboina:
A Lyapunov function proof of Poincare's theorem. 3922-3925 - Wei-Jie Mao, Jian Chu:
On quadratic stability of dynamic interval systems. 3926-3930 - Ashish Singhal, Dale E. Seborg:
Clustering of multivariate time-series data. 3931-3936 - Xi Wang, Asok Ray:
Signed real measure of regular languages. 3937-3942 - Henrik Niemann
Performance based fault diagnosis. 3943-3948 - Roozbeh Izadi-Zamanabadi:
Structural analysis approach to fault diagnosis with application to fixed-wing aircraft motion. 3949-3954 - Shulin Liu, Jiazhong Zhang, Wengang Shi, Wenhu Huang:
Negative-selection algorithm based approach for fault diagnosis of rotary machinery. 3955-3960 - Reza Olfati-Saber:
Exponential ε-tracking and ε-stabilization of second-order nonholonomic SE(2) vehicles using dynamic state feedback. 3961-3967 - Samuel Y. Chang, J. Christian Gerdes:
An error energy shaping interpretation of tracking controllers for mechanical systems. 3968-3973 - J. R. Zhang, S. J. Xu, A. Rachid:
Sliding mode controller for automatic path tracking of vehicles. 3974-3979 - Endre Nagy:
Nonlinear control through optimized trajectory tracking. 3980-3985 - Leonardo Acho, Yuri Orlov, Luis T. Aguilar:
Global H∞ control design for tracking control of robot manipulators. 3986-3990 - Dongkyoung Chwa, Jin H. Seo, Pyojae Kim, Jin Young Choi:
Sliding mode tracking control of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots. 3991-3996 - Takao Sato, Akira Inoue, Yoichi Hirashima:
Self-tuning two-degree-of-freedom PID controller reducing the effect of disturbances. 3997-4002 - Robert J. Fuentes, Mark J. Balas:
Robust model reference adaptive control with disturbance rejection. 4003-4008 - Yulin Xu, Michel de Mathelin, Dominique Knittel
Adaptive rejection of quasi-periodic tension disturbances in the unwinding of a non-circular roll. 4009-4014 - Bin Xian, Nader Jalili, Darren M. Dawson, Yongchun Fang:
Adaptive rejection of unknown sinusoidal disturbances in linear SISO uncertain systems. 4015-4020 - Harshad S. Sane, Alexander V. Roup, Dennis S. Bernstein, Héctor J. Sussmann:
Adaptive stabilization and disturbance rejection for first-order systems. 4021-4026 - Sinchai Chinvorarat, Marco P. Schoen
Disturbance rejection in setpoint tracking adaptive predictive controller design. 4027-4032 - Jason J. Kutch, Pini Gurfil
Optimal control of HIV infection with a continuously-mutating viral population. 4033-4038 - Sandra M. Lynch, B. Wayne Bequette:
Model predictive control of blood glucose in type I diabetics using subcutaneous glucose measurements. 4039-4043 - Richard Good, Jürgen Hahn, Thomas Edison, S. Joe Qin
Drug dosage adjustment via run-to-run control. 4044-4049 - Michael A. Borrello:
Positive feedback in flow controller reduces ventilator imposed work of breathing for critical care patients. 4050-4055 - Jarka Glassey, Claudia Cunha, Anubhav Ranjan, Gary A. Montague:
Addressing issues in bioprocess monitoring and control. 4056-4061 - Rita Antonelli, Jérôme Harmand, Jean-Philippe Steyer, Alessandro Astolfi
Output feedback regulation of an anaerobic digestion process. 4062-4067 - Jason Lawrence, William Singhose, Keith Hekman:
An analytical solution for a zero vibration input shaper for systems with Coulomb friction. 4068-4073 - Babak Azimi-Sadjadi, P. S. Krishnaprasad:
Change detection for nonlinear systems; a particle filtering approach. 4074-4079 - Shigeki Nakaura, Tasuku Hoshino, Katsuhisa Furuta, Mitsuji Sampei:
Milling operation as following the unknown boundary using cutting force information. 4080-4085 - Shahram M. Shahruz:
Novel phase-locked loops with enhanced locking capabilities. 4086-4091 - Damien Farret, Gilles Duc, Jean-Philippe Harcaut:
Multirate LPV synthesis: a loop-shaping approach for missile control. 4092-4097 - Eric A. Butcher, Rongdong Lu:
Eigenstructure assignment for vibrating systems with nonsmooth nonlinearities. 4098-4103 - James B. Dabney, Fathi H. Ghorbel, Zhiyong Wang:
Modeling closed kinematic chains via singular perturbations. 4104-4110 - Jian Qin Gong, Lin Guo, Ho Seong Lee, Bin Yao:
Modeling and cancellation of pivot nonlinearity in hard disk drive. 4111-4115 - Josep Tornero, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
Modeling, analysis and design tools for dual-rate systems. 4116-4121 - Arash Mahboobin, Carolyn L. Beck, M-Hossein Moeinzadeh, Patrick J. Loughlin:
Analysis and validation of a human postural control model. 4122-4128 - Wim Symens, Farid Al-Bender, Jan Swevers, Hendrik Van Brussel:
Dynamic characterization of hysteresis elements in mechanical systems. 4129-4134 - Michael Frenklach, Andrew K. Packard, Pete Seiler
Prediction uncertainty from models and data. 4135-4140 - Stéphane Klein, Xiying Weng, Georg Frey
, Jean-Jacques Lesage, Lothar Litz:
Controller design for an FMS using Signal Interpreted Petri Nets and SFC: Validation of both descriptions via model-checking. 4141-4146 - Olivier De Smet, Olivier Rossi:
Verification of a controller for a flexible manufacturing line written in Ladder Diagram via model-checking. 4147-4152 - S. S. Shah, Eric William Endsley, Morrison Ray Lucas, Dawn M. Tilbury:
Reconfigurable logic control using modular FSMs: Design, verification, implementation, and integrated error handling. 4153-4158 - Yoshitomo Ikkai, Takaaki Nakashiba, Norihisa Komoda:
Application of specification language SOL and its verification method to a flexible manufacturing line. 4159-4164 - Morrison Ray Lucas, Dawn M. Tilbury:
Quantitative and qualitative comparisons of PLC programs for a small testbed with a focus on human issues. 4165-4171 - Eugene Lavretsky:
Greedy control revisited. 4173-4176 - Adrian G. Wills
, W. P. Heath:
A recentred barrier for constrained receding horizon control. 4177-4182 - Alessandro Casavola, Domenico Famularo
, Giuseppe Franzè:
A robust constrained MPC scheme for nonlinear plants via norm-bounded linear differential inclusions embedding. 4183-4188 - Winston García-Gabín, Darine Zambrano, Eduardo F. Camacho:
Multivariable model predictive control of processes with unstable transmission zeros. 4189-4190 - U. Halldorsson, Miroslav Fikar
, Heinz Unbehauen:
Multirate nonlinear predictive control. 4191-4196 - Hui Peng, Tohru Ozaki, Yukihiro Toyoda, Valerie Haggan-Ozaki:
Nonlinear predictive control based on a global model identified off-line. 4197-4202 - Harry G. Kwatny, Bor-Chin Chang:
Observer design tools for nonlinear flight regimes. 4203-4208 - Kunpeng Sun, Lun Li, George Panayotopoulos, Andy Packard:
Extensions of jump Markov system estimation techniques. 4209-4214 - Edward C. Larson, B. Eugene Parker Jr., Brian R. Clark:
Model-based sensor and actuator fault detection and isolation. 4215-4219 - Edward C. Larson, B. Eugene Parker Jr., Brian R. Clark:
Modern spectral estimation techniques for structural health monitoring. 4220-4223 - Celeste M. Belcastro, Bernice Weinstein:
Distributed detection with data fusion for malfunction detection and isolation in fault tolerant flight control computers. 4224-4231 - István Szászi, Balázs Kulcsár
, Gary J. Balas, Jozsef Bokor
Design of FDI filter for an aircraft control system. 4232-4237 - Luis G. Crespo, Jian-Qiao Sun:
Effects of the control bounds in the stochastic optimal control problem. 4238-4243 - Hiroaki Fukuzawa, Pierre T. Kabamba:
Probabilistic controller analysis and synthesis for quadratic performance: the method of HPD inscription. 4244-4249 - Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
, Tatiana L. Maizenberg:
Efficient frontier determination for dynamic investing policies: jump-diffusion driven asset price model. 4250-4255 - Floyd B. Hanson, John J. Westman:
Optimal consumption and portfolio control for jump-diffusion stock process with log-normal jumps. 4256-4261 - Yongji Wang, Hong Wang
Output PDFs control for linear stochastic systems with arbitrarily bounded random parameters: a new application of the Laplace transform. 4262-4267 - Mads B. Larsen, Hans Holm, Hans Jorgen Lynggaard:
Comparison of rule-based and optimization-based control of resource allocation on a production line. 4268-4273 - Kenneth R. Muske, Christos Georgakis:
A methodology for optimal sensor selection in chemical processes. 4274-4278 - Won-jong Kim, Himanshu Maheshwari:
High-precision control of a maglev linear actuator with nanopositioning capability. 4279-4284 - Yunn-Hong Choi, Mikhail Skliar:
Quantitative measurements of dielectric spectra using microdielectric fringe-effect sensors. 4285-4290 - Morgan E. Davidson, Vikas Bahl, Kevin L. Moore:
Spatial integration for a nonlinear path tracking control law. 4291-4296 - M. Kochem, R. Neddenriep, Rolf Isermann, N. Wagner, C.-D. Hamann:
Accurate local vehicle dead-reckoning for a parking assistance system. 4297-4302 - Hichem Arioui
, Saïd Mammar, T. Hamel
A Smith-prediction based haptic feedback controller for time delayed virtual environments systems. 4303-4308 - Donald J. Chmielewski, Jui-Kun Peng, Amit M. Manthanwar
Convex methods in actuator placement. 4309-4314 - Seddik M. Djouadi, Charalambos D. Charalambous, Daniel W. Repperger:
A convex programming approach to the multiobjective H2/H∞ problem. 4315-4320 - Martin Mönnigmann, Wolfgang Marquardt:
Parametrically robust control-integrated design of nonlinear systems. 4321-4326 - Xiao-Yun Lu, J. Karl Hedrick, Mike Drew:
ACC/CACC-control design, stability and robust performance. 4327-4332 - Changling Chen, Xuejun Zong, Huihe Shao, Xiaoming Dai:
An effective formulation for short-term scheduling of multipurpose batch plants. 4333-4334 - Daniel J. Trudnowski, David Lemieux:
Independent pitch control using rotor position feedback for wind-shear and gravity fatigue reduction in a wind turbine. 4335-4340 - Sungyung Lim:
Integrated feedforward and feedback control for fast maneuvers of flexible systems. 4341-4346 - Der-Cherng Liaw, Sing-Ming Ren, Wen-ChingChung, Eyad H. Abed:
Surge control of axial flow compression systems via linear and nonlinear designs. 4347-4352 - Ciann-Dong Yang, Wen-Hsiung Liu, Chien-Chung Kung:
Nonlinear H∞ decoupling control for hovering helicopter. 4353-4358 - Koen Maertens, Johan Schoukens, Koen Deprez, Josse De Baerdemaeker:
Development of a smart mass flow sensor based on adaptive notch filtering and frequency domain identification. 4359-4364 - B. L. Ma, Bin Yu:
Stabilization of a class of second-order nonholonomic systems. 4365-4370 - Michael A. Demetriou
, I. G. Rosen:
Variable structure model reference adaptive control of parabolic distributed parameter systems. 4371-4376 - D. Zheng, Karlene A. Hoo, Michael J. Piovoso:
Finite dimensional modeling and control of distributed parameter systems. 4377-4382 - Huilan Shang, J. Fraser Forbes, Martin Guay:
Characteristics-based model predictive control of distributed parameter systems. 4383-4388 - Radhakant Padhi, S. N. Balakrishnan:
Proper orthogonal decomposition based feedback optimal control synthesis of distributed parameter systems using neural networks. 4389-4394 - Jerzy Klamka:
Constrained controllability of semilinear systems. 4395-4400 - Yiming Lou, Panagiotis D. Christofides:
Optimal actuator/sensor placement for nonlinear control of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. 4401-4408 - Yingmin Jia:
Simplifying the computation of the frequency response of systems affinely depending on uncertain parameters. 4409-4414 - D. H. Sanjeeva Maithripala
, Jordan M. Berg, Wijesuriya P. Dayawansa:
The existence and codimension of parameter-space submanifolds limiting simultaneous regulation. 4415-4420 - Gary Balas, Jozsef Bokor, Zoltán Szabó:
Failure detection for LPV systems - a geometric approach. 4421-4426 - Boe-Shong Hong
Observer-based parameterized LPV L2-gain control synthesis. 4427-4432 - Takahiro Sugiyama, Kenko Uchida:
Gain scheduled velocity and force controllers for the electro-hydraulic servosystem. 4433-4438 - Nabil Aouf
, Benoit Boulet, Ruxandra M. Botez:
A gain scheduling approach for a flexible aircraft. 4439-4442 - Robert P. Judd, Wenle Zhang, Robert Lipset:
Deadlock avoidance in manufacturing systems with a multiple resource request model. 4443-4448 - Hans Holm:
Hybrid state plant model constraints for design of control systems for discrete part manufacture resource distribution. 4449-4454 - Chunfu Jia:
Stochastic single machine scheduling with earliness and tardiness penalties and proportional weights. 4455-4456 - Xiying Weng, Lothar Litz:
Model checking: towards generating a correct specification for logic controllers. 4457-4462 - Carsten Thierer, Uwe Kiencke:
Pre-planning in distributed manufacturing systems: a sample path approach. 4463-4468 - Christos G. Panayiotou
, Christos G. Cassandras, Ping Zhang:
On-line inventory cost minimization for make-to-stock manufacturing systems. 4469-4474 - Matthew J. Tenny, James B. Rawlings:
Efficient moving horizon estimation and nonlinear model predictive control. 4475-4480 - María M. Seron
, Graham C. Goodwin, José A. De Doná:
Finitely parameterised implementation of receding horizon control for constrained linear systems. 4481-4486 - Zhaoyang Wan, Mayuresh V. Kothare:
Computationally efficient scheduled model predictive control for constrained nonlinear systems with stability guarantees. 4487-4492 - Nael H. El-Farra, Prashant Mhaskar, Panagiotis D. Christofides:
Uniting bounded control and MPC for stabilization of constrained linear systems. 4493-4500 - Vassilis Sakizlis, Vivek Dua
, John D. Perkins, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos:
The explicit model-based control law for continuous time systems via parametric programming - INV5105. 4501-4506 - Dong Jia, Bruce H. Krogh:
Min-max feedback model predictive control for distributed control with communication. 4507-4512 - S. J. Lou, Hector M. Budman, Thomas A. Duever:
Comparison of fault detection techniques: problem and solution. 4513-4518 - Janos Gertler, Marcel Staroswiecki, Mengbing Shen:
Direct design of structured residuals for fault diagnosis in linear systems. 4519-4524 - Edward Wilson, Chris Lages, Robert W. Mah:
Gyro-based maximum-likelihood thruster fault detection and identification. 4525-4530 - Alexander G. Parlos, Kyusung Kim, Raj Mohan Bharadwaj:
Detection of induction motor faults-combining signal-based and model-based techniques. 4531-4536 - Paulo A. S. A. Felicio, Jakob Stoustrup
, Henrik Niemann, Pedro Lourtie:
Applying parametric fault detection to a mechanical system. 4537-4542 - Tae-Kyeong Yeu, Shigeyasu Kawaji:
Sliding mode observer based fault detection and isolation in descriptor systems. 4543-4548 - Lang Hong:
Multitarget tracking with HRR wavelets features. 4549-4554 - Simon J. Julier:
The scaled unscented transformation. 4555-4559 - C. M. Chang, T. S. Liu:
Application of discrete wavelet transform to repetitive control. 4560-4565 - Fujun He, Wengang Shi:
WPT-SVMs based approach for fault detection of valves in reciprocating pumps. 4566-4570 - Joe Imae, Kazubiro Inoue:
A unified approach to computational methods of nonlinear optimal control problems with possible jumps in states. 4571-4576 - Bin Han, Tie-Jun Wu:
Information entropy based reduct searching algorithm. 4577-4582 - Hou-Tsan Lee, Li-Chen Fu
, Su-Hau Hsu:
Adaptive speed/position control of induction motor with unknown load torque. 4583-4588 - Bong Keun Kim
, Wan Kyun Chung:
Motion control of precision positioning systems using adaptive compensation. 4589-4594 - Donatien Nganga-Kouya, Maarouf Saad, L. Lamarche:
Backstepping adaptive hybrid force/position control for robotic manipulators. 4595-4600 - Ramon R. Costa
, Liu Hsu
, Alvaro K. Imai, Gang Tao:
Adaptive backstepping control design for MIMO plants using factorization. 4601-4606 - Donatien Nganga-Kouya, Maarouf Saad, L. Lamarche:
Backstepping passivity adaptive position control for robotic manipulators. 4607-4611 - João Miranda Lemos, R. N. Silva
, Jorge S. Marques
Adaptive control of the ball and beam plant in the presence of sensor measure outliers. 4612-4613 - Luca Benvenuti
, Lorenzo Farina
How many compartments do we really need? [LTI systems]. 4614-4619 - R. Bru, Lou Caccetta, Ventsi G. Rumchev:
Monomial decomposition of reachable and controllable positive linear systems. 4620-4625 - Luca Benvenuti, Alberto De Santis, Lorenzo Farina:
Embedding a-priori positivity in systems modelling. 4626-4631 - Jerzy Klamka:
Positive controllability of positive dynamical systems. 4632-4637 - Tadeusz Kaczorek:
Externally and internally positive time-varying linear systems. 4638-4641 - Ventsi G. Rumchev, Roman W. Swiniarski:
Modeling the reachable sets for positive linear systems using self-regulating adaptive perceptron type neural networks. 4642-4647 - Umesh Vaidya
, Igor Mezic
Controllability of twist maps. 4648-4653 - Badis Djeridane, Jean-Louis Calvet:
A necessary controllability condition for discrete-time systems. 4654-4656 - Todd D. Murphey
, Joel Burdick:
A local controllability test for nonlinear multiple model systems. 4657-4661 - Tingshu Hu
, Zongli Lin, Bin Huang, Paul E. Allaire:
Stabilization and performance of a balance beam suspended on magnetic bearings. 4662-4667 - Haiping Du, Xizhi Shi:
Gain-scheduled H∞ control for use in vibration suppression of system with harmonic excitation. 4668-4669 - Jerzy Klamka:
Controllability of nonlinear discrete systems. 4670-4671 - Patricio A. Vela
, Kristi A. Morgansen, Joel W. Burdick:
Second order averaging methods for oscillatory control of underactuated mechanical systems. 4672-4677 - Tae-Han Kim, Tamer Basar, In-Joong Ha:
Asymptotic stabilization of an underactuated surface vessel via logic-based control. 4678-4683 - Aman Behal, Darren M. Dawson, Erkan Zergeroglu
, Yongchun Fang:
Nonlinear tracking control of an underactuated spacecraft. 4684-4689 - Reza Olfati-Saber:
Near-identity diffeomorphisms and exponential ε-tracking and ε-stabilization of first-order nonholonomic SE(2) vehicles. 4690-4695 - Attul G. Kelkar, Bo Fang, Warren N. White, Xin Guo:
Feedback stabilization of underactuated nonlinear pendulum cart system using matching conditions. 4696-4701 - K. D. Do, Jie Pan, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Global exponential tracking control of underactuated surface ships in the body frame. 4702-4707 - Yu T. Morton, Douglas A. Troy, George A. Pizza:
An approach to develop component-based control software for flexible manufacturing systems. 4708-4713 - N. R. Srinivasa Raghavan, Nukala Viswanadham:
Stochastic models for analysis of supply chain networks. 4714-4719 - Y. K. Yiu, Zexiang Li:
Control of parallel mechanisms-A geometric approach. 4720-4725 - Chi-Cheng Cheng, Yih-Tun Tseng, YingJie Zhao, Win-Cher Lee, Tung-Kuan Liu:
Flexible process control for injection molding machines using Java technology. 4726-4731 - Zhi Wang, Yeqiong Song
, Haibin Yu, Youxian Sun:
Stability analysis for multi-class multi-queue single server system under polling table. 4732-4737 - Kou Yamada, Wataru Kinoshita:
New design method for stable filtered inverse systems. 4738-4743 - Kenneth R. Muske:
Lagrangian quadratic programming approach for linear model predictive control. 4744-4745 - J. Anthony Rossiter, Jacques Richalet:
Handling constraints with predictive functional control of unstable processes. 4746-4751 - Rolf Findeisen
, Moritz Diehl, Tobias Bürner, Frank Allgöwer
, Hans Georg Bock, Johannes P. Schlöder:
Efficient output feedback nonlinear model predictive control. 4752-4757 - Elaine T. Hale, S. Joe Qin
Subspace model predictive control and a case study. 4758-4763 - Kahina Guemghar, Bala Srinivasan, Philippe Müllhaupt
, Dominique Bonvin:
Predictive control of fast unstable and nonminimum-phase nonlinear systems. 4764-4769 - Heinz A. Preisig:
On concentration control of fast reactions in slowly-mixed plants with slow inputs. 4770-4775 - Christine M. Belcastro, Bor-Chin Chang:
Uncertainty modeling for robustness analysis of failure detection and accommodation systems. 4776-4782 - Alec Bateman, David Ward, Jeffrey F. Monaco:
Stability analysis for reconfigurable systems with actuator saturation. 4783-4788 - Jason Hull, David Ward, Radoslaw R. Zakrzewski:
Verification and validation of neural networks for safety-critical applications. 4789-4794 - N. Eva Wu:
Reliability analysis for AFTI-F16 SRFCS using ASSIST and SURE. 4795-4800 - Oscar R. González
, Arturo Tejada
, W. Steven Gray:
Analysis of design trade-offs in the rollback recovery method for fault tolerant digital control systems. 4801-4806 - Kenneth Eure:
Implementations of real-time system identification using recursive techniques. 4807-4812 - Amit Shukla, David F. Thompson:
Control of bifurcations in multidimensional parameter space for servo-hydraulic systems. 4813-4818 - Bin Yao, Chris DeBoer:
Energy-saving adaptive robust motion control of single-rod hydraulic cylinders with programmable valves. 4819-4824 - Seunghyeokk James Lee, Tsu-Chin Tsao
Nonlinear backstepping control of an electrohydraulic material testing system. 4825-4830 - Kailash Krishnaswamy, Perry Y. Li
Passification of an electrohydraulic two-stage pressure control servo-valve. 4831-4836 - Noah D. Manring:
The control and containment forces on the swash plate of an axial piston pump utilizing a secondary swash-plate angle. 4837-4842 - QingHui Yuan, Perry Y. Li
An experimental study on the use of unstable electrohydraulic valves for control. 4843-4848 - Jinbo Fu, Asok Ray, John H. Spare:
Load scheduling and health management of electric power generation systems. 4849-4854 - Randell M. Johnson, Joe H. Chow, Brian Hickey:
Pelton turbine deflector control designs for Bradley Lake hydro units. 4855-4860 - Mohamed-Fouad Benkhoris
, Nadia Tali-Maamar, F. Terrien:
Decoupling algorithm in view of multivariable electrical drives control. 4861-4866 - Richard W. Wies, John W. Pierre:
Use of least-mean squares (LMS) adaptive filtering technique for estimating low-frequency electromechanical modes in power systems. 4867-4873 - Anawach Sangswang
, Chika O. Nwankpa:
Parameter space depiction of operation for dc-dc boost converter. 4874-4878 - Xue-Bo Chen
, Srdjan S. Stankovic, Dragoslav D. Siljak:
Decentralized state estimation of multi-area interconnected power systems. 4879-4880 - Mario Sznaier:
H2 control with time domain constraints: theory and an application. 4881-4887 - Xin Qi, Mustafa Hani Khammash, Murti V. Salapaka:
Integrated parameter and control design. 4888-4893 - Benoit Boulet, Yingxuan Duan, Hannah Michalska:
Some preliminary results for IMC-based robust tunable control. 4894-4895 - Richard H. Middleton, Julio H. Braslavsky:
Towards quantitative time domain design tradeoffs in nonlinear control. 4896-4901 - Chien-Shu Hsieh, Der-Cherng Liaw, Chun-Hone Chen:
Reliable LQG controller design via the sequential measurement update. 4902-4907 - Zhihua Zhao, Qingling Zhang, Xiaodong Liu:
H∞ control and parametric controllers for descriptor systems. 4908-4913 - Weixuan Liu, Edward J. Davison:
Servomechanism controller design of web handling systems. 4914-4921 - Neha Gandhi, Dawn M. Tilbury, Yixin Diao, Joseph L. Hellerstein, Sujay S. Parekh:
MIMO control of an Apache web server: modeling and controller design. 4922-4927 - Chih-Hung Huang, Ching-Chih Tsai:
Model reference adaptive predictive control of a variable-frequency oil-cooling machine. 4928-4933 - Devendra P. Garg, Manish Kumar:
Camera calibration and sensor fusion in an automated flexible manufacturing multi- robot work cell. 4934-4939 - Won-jong Kim:
Precision dynamics, stochastic modeling, and multivariable control of planar magnetic levitator. 4940-4945 - Enrico S. Canuto:
Nanoradian digital stabilization of a suspended table for scientific experiments. 4946-4947 - Raynald Eloundou, William Singhose:
Interpretation of smooth reference commands as input-shaped functions. 4948-4953 - Serge Tchikanda, Kok-Meng Lee:
State space modeling for optical fiber drawing process. 4954-4959 - Eric P. Fahrenthold:
Discrete Hamilton's equations for distributed property systems simulations. 4960-4961 - Yuhong Zhang, Himanshu R. Pota
, Sunil K. Agrawal:
Modification of residual vibrations in elevators with time-varying cable lengths. 4962-4966 - Tarek Alaeddine, Haris Doumanidis:
Distributed parameter thermal controllability-the inverse heat conduction problem in materials processing. 4967-4972 - Anaud Dasgupta, S. N. Balakrishnan, Levent Acar:
Analysis of multi-resolutional optimal control systems. 4973-4978 - Ukpai I. Ukpai, Suhada Jayasuriya:
Gain-bandwidth optimization of PID controllers. 4979-4984 - Kostas Tsakalis, Sachi Dash:
Simple criteria for controller performance monitoring. 4985-4987 - Kuen-Yu Tsai, Charles D. Schaper, Thomas Kailath:
Design of feedforward filters for improving tracking performances of existing feedback control systems. 4988-4993 - Frederic Le Mauff, Gilles Duc:
Design of fixed structure controllers with respect to various specifications using robust control and genetic algorithm. 4994-4999 - Guillermo J. Silva, Aniruddha Datta, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya:
PID tuning revisited: guaranteed stability and non-fragility. 5000-5006 - Alireza Karimi
, Daniel Garcia, Roland Longchamp:
PID controller design using Bode's integrals. 5007-5012 - Yong Liu, Jose B. Cruz Jr., Marwan A. Simaan
Dynamic Nash task reassignment strategies in multi-team systems. 5013-5018 - Mark Minas, Georg Frey
Visual PLC-programming using signal interpreted Petri nets. 5019-5024 - Zhihua Xiong, Jie Zhang
Modeling and optimal control of fed-batch processes using control affine feedforward neural networks. 5025-5030 - Alessandro Casavola, Edoardo Mosca, Edoardo Papini:
Towards constrained supervision of dynamic systems in spatial networks. 5031-5036 - Fu-Shiung Hsieh:
Modeling and control of holonic manufacturing systems based on extended contract net protocol. 5037-5042 - Chunyue Song, Chunhua Gao, Hui Wang, Ping Li:
A framework of hierarchical receding control policy for production systems. 5043-5048 - G. Venkatesan:
Modelling feedback control adjustment to control output product quality. 5049-5053 - Karsten Spreitzer, Dörte Rückbrodt, Harald Straky:
Observer-based estimation of the water-mass-flow through a central heating boiler. 5054-5059 - Adrian Gambier
, M. Fertig, Essameddin Badreddin:
Hybrid modelling for supervisory control purposes for the brine heater of a multi stage flash desalination plant. 5060-5065 - Hassan M. Emara, A. Elsadat, Ahmed Bahgat, M. Sultan:
Power stabilization of nuclear research reactor via fuzzy controllers. 5066-5071 - Yinghua Yang
, Ningyun Lu, Fuli Wang, Liling Ma, Yuqing Chang:
Statistical process monitoring using multiple PCA models. 5072-5073 - Tang Wei, Songjiao Shi, Mengxiao Wang:
A novel Smith predictor with double-controller structure. 5074-5079 - Gary G. Yen
, Pedro G. DeLima:
Dynamic database approach for fault tolerant control using dual heuristic programming. 5080-5085 - Chee Pin Tan
, Christopher Edwards:
A robust sensor fault reconstruction scheme using sliding mode observers applied to a nonlinear aero-engine model. 5086-5091 - Zhenyu Yang
, David L. Hicks:
Multiple objective robust control mixer method for synthesis of reconfigurable control. 5092-5097 - Jovan D. Boskovic, Raman K. Mehra:
A decentralized scheme for accommodation of multiple simultaneous actuator failures. 5098-5103 - Jovan D. Boskovic, Raman K. Mehra:
Fault accommodation using model predictive methods. 5104-5109 - Koichi Suyama:
Systematization of reliable control. 5110-5118 - Tyrone L. Vincent, Laxminaryan L. Raja:
Theory of optimal pulse shaping for plasma processing. 5119-5125 - Ferdinand Kraffer, Jean Jacques Loiseau:
Spectral factorization via Lyapunov equation based Newton-Raphson iteration. 5126-5131 - Gianluca Antonelli, Stefano Chiaverini, Giuseppe Fusco:
An efficient algorithm for solving a maximization problem under linear and quadratic inequality constraints. 5132-5137 - Nanaz Fathpour, Edmond A. Jonckheere:
Algebraic Riccati equations and infinitesimal V-stability, a Grobner basis approach. 5138-5143 - Yen-Tai Lai, Stephen S.-T. Yau, Ping-Hua Chen:
Design of the ordinary differential equation solver in the Yau filtering system. 5144-5149 - Lamine Djamai, Patrick Coirault
Estimation of Lyapunov exponents by using the perceptron. 5150-5155

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