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38th EMBC 2016: Orlando, FL, USA
- 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2016, Orlando, FL, USA, August 16-20, 2016. IEEE 2016, ISBN 978-1-4577-0220-4
- Eric D. Green:
Opening plenary speaker: Human genomics, precision medicine, and advancing human health. - Dustin L. Crouch
, He Huang
Simple EMG-driven musculoskeletal model enables consistent control performance during path tracing tasks. 1-4 - Firas Mawase
, Nicholas F. Wymbs, Shintaro Uehara
, Pablo Celnik:
Reward gain model describes cortical use-dependent plasticity. 5-8 - Pietro Morasso, Taishin Nomura
, Yasuyuki Suzuki
, Jacopo Zenzeri:
The brain can mix different control strategies in a task-oriented and multi-referential manner: A simulation study. 9-12 - Patrice Senot, Loïc Damm, Michele Tagliabue, Joseph McIntyre
Physiological mechanisms for stabilizing the limb when acting against physical constraints. 13-16 - Ian Loram
, Ryan Cunningham
, Jacopo Zenzeri, Henrik Gollee:
Intermittent control of unstable multivariate systems with uncertain system parameters. 17-20 - Ali Marjaninejad
, James M. Finley
A model-based exploration of the role of pattern generating circuits during locomotor adaptation. 21-24 - Rakesh Pilkar, Nibal Arzouni, Arvind Ramanujam, Kathleen Chervin, Karen J. Nolan
Postural responses after utilization of a computerized biofeedback based intervention aimed at improving static and dynamic balance in traumatic brain injury: A case study. 25-28 - Kazuyuki Matsuda, Yasuyuki Suzuki
, Naoya Yoshikawa, Tomohisa Yamamoto, Ken Kiyono
, Takao Tanahashi, Takuyuki Endo, Kei Fukada, Kunihiko Nomura, Saburo Sakoda, Taishin Nomura
Postural flexibility during quiet standing in healthy elderly and patients with Parkinson's disease. 29-32 - Christopher Widdowson, Jatin Ganhotra, Mohammed Faizal, Marissa Wilko, Saurin Parikh
, Zainulabidin Adhami, Manuel E. Hernandez:
Virtual reality applications in assessing the effect of anxiety on sensorimotor integration in human postural control. 33-36 - Kenjiro Michimoto, Yasuyuki Suzuki
, Ken Kiyono
, Yasushi Kobayashi
, Pietro Morasso, Taishin Nomura
Reinforcement learning for stabilizing an inverted pendulum naturally leads to intermittent feedback control as in human quiet standing. 37-40 - Tamanna T. K. Munia, Jeffrey L. Gendreau, Ajay K. Verma, Benjamin D. Johnson, Mark Romanick, Kouhyar Tavakolian, Reza Fazel-Rezai:
Preliminary results of residual deficits observed in athletes with concussion history: Combined EEG and cognitive study. 41-44 - Marcos D. Lavarda, Pedro A. de Borba, Matheus R. Oliveira, Gustavo B. Borba
, Mauren Abreu de Souza
, Humberto R. Gamba
An exergame system based on force platforms and body key-point detection for balance training. 45-48 - Yuanyuan Lyu, Xiaoli Guo, Zhuo Wang, Shanbao Tong:
Resting-state EEG network change in alpha and beta bands after upper limb amputation. 49-52 - Guofa Shou, Han Yuan, Diamond Urbano, Yoon-Hee Cha, Lei Ding:
Optimizing rTMS treatment of a balance disorder with EEG neural synchrony and functional connectivity. 53-56 - Han Yuan, Jerzy Bodurka, Lei Ding:
Exploring spatiotemporal dynamics of the human brain by multimodal imaging. 57-60 - Shella D. Keilholz, Jacob C. Billings
, Kai Wang, Anzar Abbas, Claudia Hafeneger, Wen-Ju Pan, Sadia Shakil
, Maysam Nezafati:
Multiscale network activity in resting state fMRI. 61-64 - Joseph P. Culver, Karla M. Bergonzi, Adam T. Eggebrecht, Andrew K. Fishell, Jin-Moo Lee
Optical imaging of functional connectivity at the bedside. 65-67 - Jlenia Toppi
, Nicolina Sciaraffa
, Yuri Antonacci
, Alessandra Anzolin, Stefano Caschera, Manuela Petti
, Donatella Mattia
, Laura Astolfi:
Measuring the agreement between brain connectivity networks. 68-71 - Tao Zhang, Fred Mustiere, Christophe Micheyl:
Intelligent hearing aids: The next revolution. 72-76 - Neetha Das, Simon Van Eyndhoven
, Tom Francart, Alexander Bertrand
Adaptive attention-driven speech enhancement for EEG-informed hearing prostheses. 77-80 - Richard Einhorn:
Modern hearing aid technology - A user's critique. 81-84 - Issa M. S. Panahi, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Linda Thibodeau:
Smartphone-based noise adaptive speech enhancement for hearing aid applications. 85-88 - Eric W. Healy, Sarah E. Yoho:
Difficulty understanding speech in noise by the hearing impaired: Underlying causes and technological solutions. 89-92 - Baptiste Morel
, Yongchao Xu, Alessio Virzi
, Thierry Géraud
, Catherine Adamsbaum, Isabelle Bloch:
A challenging issue: Detection of white matter hyperintensities in neonatal brain MRI. 93-96 - Awais Mansoor, Geovanny F. Perez
, Gustavo Nino, Marius George Linguraru:
Automatic tissue characterization of air trapping in chest radiographs using deep neural networks. 97-100 - Ying Li, Jing Qin
, Stanley J. Osher, Wentai Liu:
Graph fractional-order total variation EEG source reconstruction. 101-104 - Kidist Gebremariam Mideksa, Abhinandan Singh, Nienke Hoogenboom, Helge Hellriegel, Holger Krause, Alfons Schnitzler
, Günther Deuschl
, Jan Raethjen, Gerhard Schmidt, Muthuraman Muthuraman:
Comparison of imaging modalities and source-localization algorithms in locating the induced activity during deep brain stimulation of the STN. 105-108 - Abbas Sohrabpour, Yunfeng Lu, Gregory A. Worrell, Bin He
Identifying epileptic source location and extent: An iterative sparse electromagnetic source imaging algorithm. 109-112 - Long Yu, Steven M. Pogwizd, Bin He
Non-invasive imaging of ventricular activation during pacing and arrhythmia: Methods and validation. 113-116 - Zeynep Akalin Acar, Silvia Ortiz-Mantilla, April A. Benasich
, Scott Makeig:
High-resolution EEG source imaging of one-year-old children. 117-120 - Chuan Zhang, Yun Peng
, Sheng Li, Ping Zhou, Alvaro Munoz
, Dan Tang, Yingchun Zhang:
Spatial characterization of innervation zones under electrically elicited M-wave. 121-124 - Virginia Pensabene
, Spencer W. Crowder, Daniel A. Balikov
, Jung Bok Lee, Hak-Joon Sung:
Optimization of electrospun fibrous membranes for in vitro modeling of blood-brain barrier. 125-128 - Matthew D. McDermott, Kevin J. Otto
The effect of multiple thin-film coatings of protein loaded sol-gel on total multi-electrode array thickness. 129-132 - Yongchen Wang
, Bingxi Yan
, Yu Wu
, Liang Guo:
Hydrogel-reinforced polypyrrole electroactuator. 133-136 - Nicola Toschi
, Stefano Ciulli
, Stefano Diciotti
, Andrea Duggento, Maria Guerrisi, Andrea Magrini, Luisa Campagnolo
, Antonio Pietroiusti:
Forecasting nanoparticle toxicity using nonlinear predictive regressor learning systems. 137-140 - Brad J. Raos
, E. Scott Graham, Alan F. Murray, M. Cather Simpson, Charles P. Unsworth:
Investigating parylene-HT as a substrate for human cell patterning. 141-144 - Kazuhiko Higashi, Norihisa Miki:
A simple method for micropatterning nanofibrous hydrogel film. 145-148 - Kanchan Kulkarni, Steven W. Lee, Elena G. Tolkacheva:
Pro-arrhythmic effect of heart rate variability during periodic pacing. 149-152 - Bijay Limbu, Kushal Shah, Makarand Deo:
Role of cytosolic calcium diffusion in cardiac purkinje cells. 153-156 - Diogo Santos
, Michele Orini
, Xin Zhou, Alfonso Bueno-Orovio, Ben M. Hanson, Peter Taggart, Martin P. Hayward, Blanca Rodríguez
, Pier Lambiase
Effects and underlying mechanisms of refractory period pacing on repolarization dynamics in the human heart. 157-160 - Yuval Aharonovich, Mickey Scheinowitz, Sharon Zlochiver:
Cardiac KATP channel modulation by 16Hz magnetic fields - A theoretical study. 161-164 - Ariel Greisas, Sharon Zlochiver:
Modulation of cardiac pacemaker inter beat intervals by sinoatrial fibroblasts - A numerical study. 165-168 - Zhihao Jiang
, Houssam Abbas, Kuk Jin Jang, Marco Beccani, Jackson Liang
, Sanjay Dixit, Rahul Mangharam
In-silico pre-clinical trials for implantable cardioverter defibrillators. 169-172 - Raul I. Ramos-Garcia, Stephen Tiffany, Edward Sazonov
Using respiratory signals for the recognition of human activities. 173-176 - Ming Huang
, Toshiyo Tamura
, Takumi Yoshimura, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Shigehiko Kanaya:
Wearable deep body thermometers and their uses in continuous monitoring for daily healthcare. 177-180 - Peter Pirolli:
From good intentions to healthy habits: Towards integrated computational models of goal striving and habit formation. 181-185 - Adrian Tarniceriu, Jakub Parák
, Philippe Renevey, Marko Nurmi, Mattia Bertschi, Ricard Delgado-Gonzalo
, Ilkka Korhonen
Towards 24/7 continuous heart rate monitoring. 186-189 - Misha Pavel, Holly B. Jimison, Bonnie Spring
Behavioral informatics: Dynamical models for measuring and assessing behaviors for precision interventions. 190-193 - Marco Tesei, Paola Saccomandi
, Carlo Massaroni, Rossella Quarta, Massimiliano Carassiti, Emiliano Schena, Roberto Setola:
A cost-effective, non-invasive system for pressure monitoring during epidural needle insertion: Design, development and bench tests. 194-197 - Ihor V. Vasyltsov, Changgyu Bak, Jiseung Jeong:
Statistical approach for lightweight detection of anomalies in ECG. 198-203 - Aleksandr A. Fedotov, Sergey A. Akulov, Anna S. Akulova:
Alterations in cardiovascular system under artificially simulated microgravity: Preliminary study. 204-206 - Fansan Zhu, Schantel Williams, Hannah Putnam, Israel Campos, Jie Ma, Camille Johnson, Franz Kappel, Peter Kotanko
Estimation of arterio-venous access blood flow in hemodialysis patients using video image processing technique. 207-210 - Giovanni Calcagnini, Eugenio Mattei
, Raffaele Quaglione, Ermenegildo De Ruvo, Gianluca Biancalana, Giuseppe Pavone, Alessio Gargaro
, Leonardo Calo, Fabrizio Ammirati, Federica Censi:
A telemonitoring platform for the investigation of blood pressure profiles in pacemaker patients. 211-214 - April Joy C. Aralar, Matthew D. Bird, Robert D. Graham
, Beomseo Koo, Mahesh B. Shenai, Parag V. Chitnis
, Siddhartha Sikdar
Ultrasound characterization of interface oscillation as a proxy for ventriculoperitoneal shunt function. 215-218 - Fahad N. Alsunaydih
, Jean-Michel Redoute
, Mehmet R. Yuce
Improving resolution of robotic capsule locomotion using dynamic electromagnetic field. 219-222 - Younghak Shin, Heung-No Lee, Ilangko Balasingham:
Fast L1-based sparse representation of EEG for motor imagery signal classification. 223-226 - Seyyed Hamed Fouladi, Ilangko Balasingham, Kimmo Kansanen
, Tor Audun Ramstad:
Extracting remote photoplethysmogram signal from endoscopy videos for vessel and capillary density recognition. 227-230 - Nitin Rawat, Younghak Shin, Ilangko Balasingham:
EEG based image encryption via quantum walks. 231-234 - Alireza Khodaei, Massimiliano Pierobon:
Subthreshold linear modeling of dendritic trees: A computational approach. 235-238 - Takahiro Ito, Taiki Iida, Daisuke Anzai, Jianqing Wang:
An EM imaging-based localization method with sparse reconstruction for implant devices. 239-242 - Shaghayegh Zihajehzadeh, Edward J. Park:
Experimental evaluation of regression model-based walking speed estimation using lower body-mounted IMU. 243-246 - Karin Eibenberger, Bernhard Eibenberger, Michele Rucci
Design, simulation and evaluation of uniform magnetic field systems for head-free eye movement recordings with scleral search coils. 247-250 - Satu Rajala
, Timo Salpavaara, Sampo Tuukkanen
Testing and comparing of film-type sensor materials in measurement of plantar pressure distribution. 251-254 - Xiong Li, Gayathri V. Panicker, Jae J. Im:
A study for the development of K-sound based automatic blood pressure device using PVDF film. 255-258 - Yohei Tomita:
Asynchronous noise removal for earbud-based PPG sensors. 259-262 - Ehsan Yavari, Ashikur Rahman, Jia Xu, Danilo P. Mandic, Olga Boric-Lubecke:
Synchrosqueezing an effective method for analyzing Doppler radar physiological signals. 263-266 - Kimberly Plevniak, Matthew Campbell, Mei He:
3D printed microfluidic mixer for point-of-care diagnosis of anemia. 267-270 - Jose Berengueres
, Francois Cadiou:
Migraine factors as reported by smartphone users. 271-274 - Nikhil S. Padhye
, Jing Wang:
Effect of self-monitoring clusters on weight and hemoglobin A1c. 275-278 - Raja Majid Mehmood
, Hyo Jong Lee:
Toward an analysis of emotion regulation in children using late positive potential. 279-282 - Josep Solà, Fabian Braun, Enric Muntané, Christophe Verjus, Mattia Bertschi, Florence Hugon, Sergio Manzano
, Mohamed Benissa, Alain Gervaix:
Towards an unsupervised device for the diagnosis of childhood pneumonia in low resource settings: Automatic segmentation of respiratory sounds. 283-286 - Heather L. Benz
, Jia Yao, Laura Rose, Okan Olgac, Karen Kreutz, Anindita Saha
, Eugene F. Civillico:
Upper extremity prosthesis user perspectives on unmet needs and innovative technology. 287-290 - Debnath Maji
, Michael A. Suster, Erdem Kucukal, Umut A. Gurkan, Evi X. Stavrou
, Pedram Mohseni:
A PMMA microfluidic dielectric sensor for blood coagulation monitoring at the point-of-care. 291-294 - Ioulia Tzouvadaki, Xiaoling Lu, Giovanni De Micheli, Sven Ingebrandt
, Sandro Carrara:
Nano-fabricated memristive biosensors for biomedical applications with liquid and dried samples. 295-298 - Peter Hermansen, Scott MacKay, David S. Wishart, Jie Chen:
Simulations and design of microfabricated interdigitated electrodes for use in a gold nanoparticle enhanced biosensor. 299-302 - Wuyang Yu, Weeseong Seo, Tianlin Tan, Byunghoo Jung, Babak Ziaie:
A diaper-embedded disposable nitrite sensor with integrated on-board urine-activated battery for UTI screening. 303-306 - Meera Punjiya, Chung Hee Moon, Yu Chen, Sameer R. Sonkusale:
Origami microfluidic paper-analytical-devices (omPAD) for sensing and diagnostics. 307-310 - Michael McKnight, M. Talha Agcayazi, Hannah Kausche, Tushar K. Ghosh
, Alper Bozkurt:
Sensing textile seam-line for wearable multimodal physiological monitoring. 311-314 - Ali Al-Timemy
, Rami N. Khushaba
, Javier Escudero:
Selecting the optimal movement subset with different pattern recognition based EMG control algorithms. 315-318 - Rami Alazrai
, Alá F. Khalifeh
, Nasim Alnuman
, Deena Alabed, Yaser Mowafi:
An ensemble-based regression approach for continuous estimation of wrist and fingers movements from surface electromyography. 319-322 - Michael P. Willand
, Joseph Catapano
Serial estimation of motor unit numbers using an implantable system following nerve injury and repair in rats. 323-326 - Xiaolong Zhai
, Beth Jelfs
, Rosa H. M. Chan, Chung Tin
Short latency hand movement classification based on surface EMG spectrogram with PCA. 327-330 - Qi L. Xiong, Xiao Y. Wu, Nong Xiao, Si Y. Zeng, Xiao L. Zheng, Di Wu, Wen S. Hou:
The variability of co-activation pattern of antagonist muscles in human infant crawling. 331-334 - Laura Miller McPherson
, Francesco Negro
, Chris K. Thompson
, Laura Sánchez, Charles J. Heckman
, Jules P. A. Dewald, Dario Farina:
Properties of the motor unit action potential shape in proximal and distal muscles of the upper limb in healthy and post-stroke individuals. 335-339 - Carolin Reimann, Margarita Puentes, Martin Schüßler, Frank Hübner, Babak Bazrafshan, Thomas J. Vogl, Rolf Jakoby:
Theranostic microwave applicator suitable for minimal invasive therapy of malignant tissue. 340-343 - Paola Saccomandi
, Giulia Frauenfelder, Carlo Massaroni, Michele A. Caponero
, Andrea Polimadei, Fabrizio Taffoni, Francesco Maria Di Matteo, Guido Costamagna, Francesco Giurazza
, Emiliano Schena:
Temperature monitoring during radiofrequency ablation of liver: In vivo trials. 344-347 - Tyler J. Moon, Christopher L. Brace
Design of a dual slot antenna for small animal microwave ablation studies. 348-351 - Anthony Romano
, John S. Ho
Microwave to near-infrared conversion with a millimeter-scale wireless laser for activating molecular transducers. 352-354 - Chris C. H. Chon, Jack Z. Qin, John C. K. Kwok, David C. C. Lam:
Characterization of thrombus stiffening in radio frequency (rf Mechanical thrombectomy. 355-358 - Gerard C. Van Rhoon
, Maarten M. Paulides
, Jeannette M. L. van Holthe, Martine Franckena:
Hyperthermia by electromagnetic fields to enhanced clinical results in oncology. 359-362 - Juan L. Lopez Marcano, Martha Ann Bell, A. A. (Louis) Beex:
Classification of ADHD and non-ADHD using AR models. 363-366 - Pinyi Li, Wenhui Jiang, Fei Su:
Single-channel EEG-based mental fatigue detection based on deep belief network. 367-370 - Lorena Santamaría
, Christopher J. James:
Classification in emotional BCI using phase information from the EEG. 371-374 - Dan Cao, Yingjie Li, Ling Wei, Yingying Tang:
Continuous theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation affects brain functional connectivity. 375-378 - Mina Marmpena, Stavros I. Dimitriadis, Nitish V. Thakor, Anastasios Bezerianos:
Phase to amplitude coupling as a potential biomarker for creative ideation: An EEG study. 383-386 - Valentina Agostini
, Francesco Di Nardo
, Sandro Fioretti, Laura Burattini, Samanta Rosati
, Gabriella Balestra
, Marco Knaflitz:
Frequency-of-occurrence of myoelectric patterns to evaluate gait motor control strategies after hip replacement surgery. 387-390 - Gabriela W. Favieiro, Karina O. A. Moura, Alexandre Balbinot
Novel method to characterize upper-limb movements based on paraconsistent logic and myoelectric signals. 395-398 - Alberto Greco
, Antonio Lanatà
, Gaetano Valenza
, Fabio Di Francesco
, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo:
Gender-specific automatic valence recognition of affective olfactory stimulation through the analysis of the electrodermal activity. 399-402 - Theodora Chaspari, Andreas Tsiartas, Leah I. Stein Duker, Sharon A. Cermak, Shrikanth S. Narayanan:
EDA-gram: Designing electrodermal activity fingerprints for visualization and feature extraction. 403-406 - Alberto Greco
, Gaetano Valenza
, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo
Investigating mechanical properties of a fabric-based affective haptic display through electrodermal activity analysis. 407-410 - Derek M. Rollend
, Paul E. Rosendall, Kevin C. Wolfe, Dean M. Kleissas, Seth Billings, Jonathan M. Oben, John B. Helder, Francesco Tenore, Philippe M. Burlina, Arup Roy, Robert J. Greenberg, Kapil D. Katyal:
Embedded clutter reduction and face detection algorithms for a visual prosthesis. 411-414 - Chizuru Honda, Md. Shoaib Bhuiyan, Haruki Kawanaka, Eiichi Watanabe, Koji Oguri:
Robust estimation of simulated urinary volume from camera images under bathroom illumination. 415-418 - Reza Kharghanian
, Ali Peiravi, Farshad Moradi
Pain detection from facial images using unsupervised feature learning approach. 419-422 - Henry Candra
, Mitchell Yuwono, Rifai Chai
, Hung T. Nguyen
, Steven W. Su:
Classification of facial-emotion expression in the application of psychotherapy using Viola-Jones and Edge-Histogram of Oriented Gradient. 423-426 - Heinrich Garn, Bernhard Kohn, Klaus Dittrich, Christoph Wiesmeyr, Gerhard Kloesch
, Robert Stepansky, Markus Wimmer, Osman Ipsiroglu
, Dieter Grossegger, Manuel Kemethofer, Stefan Seidel:
3D detection of periodic limb movements in sleep. 427-430 - Joseph DeGol, Aadeel Akhtar, Bhargava Manja, Timothy Bretl:
Automatic grasp selection using a camera in a hand prosthesis. 431-434 - Lesley-Ann Duflot, Alexandre Krupa, Brahim Tamadazte, Nicolas Andreff:
Shearlet transform: A good candidate for compressed sensing in optical coherence tomography. 435-438 - Gal Mazor, Lior Weizman, Assaf Tal, Yonina C. Eldar:
Low rank magnetic resonance fingerprinting. 439-442 - Joris Roels, Jan Aelterman, Jonas De Vylder, Hiêp Quang Luong, Yvan Saeys
, Wilfried Philips:
Bayesian deconvolution of scanning electron microscopy images using point-spread function estimation and non-local regularization. 443-447 - Daniel Banco
, Shuchin Aeron, W. Scott Hoge
Sampling and recovery of MRI data using low rank tensor models. 448-452 - Bo Zhao, Justin P. Haldar, Kawin Setsompop
, Lawrence L. Wald:
Optimal experiment design for magnetic resonance fingerprinting. 453-456 - Dai-Viet Tran, Sébastien Li-Thiao-Té
, Marie Luong, Le-Tien Thuong, Françoise Dibos, Jean-Marie Rocchisani:
Example-based super-resolution for enhancing spatial resolution of medical images. 457-460 - Naveen Shamsudhin, Huseyin Baris Atakan, Nino Laubli
, Hannes Vogler
, Chengzhi Hu, Abu Sebastian
, Ueli Grossniklaus
, Bradley J. Nelson:
Probing the micromechanics of the fastest growing plant cell - The pollen tube. 461-464 - Paul Pankhurst, Zahra McGuinness-Abdollahi:
Evaluation of a novel portable micro-pump and infusion system for drug delivery. 465-468 - Frank A. Alexander, Joachim Wiest
Automated transepithelial electrical resistance measurements of the EpiDerm reconstructed human epidermis model. 469-472 - Vikash Kumar, Pouya Rezai
Sheathless and high throughput sorting of paramagnetic microparticles in a magneto-hydrodynamic microfluidic device. 473-476 - Christopher J. Demers
, Greg Cox, Scott D. Collins, Rosemary L. Smith
Directing the spatial patterning of motor neuron differentiation in engineered microenvironments. 477-480 - Kazuhiko Fujimoto, Miho Ogawa, Kazuhiko Higashi, Norihisa Miki:
Micro-tube mass production device for microbial culture. 481-484 - Natasa Popovic, Peter Haemers, Rik Willems
, Piet Claus:
Combined reconstruction of atrial morphology and paracardial fat depositions to study remodeling in atrial fibrillation. 485-488 - Navjeevan Soor, Ross Morgan, Marta Varela
, Oleg V. Aslanidi
Towards patient-specific modelling of lesion formation during radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation. 489-492 - Prasanth Ganesan
, Anthony J. Salmin, Elizabeth M. Cherry
, Behnaz Ghoraani:
Development of a novel probabilistic algorithm for localization of rotors during atrial fibrillation. 493-496 - Shivaram Poigai Arunachalam
, Elizabeth M. Annoni, Siva K. Mulpuru, Paul A. Friedman, Elena G. Tolkacheva:
Kurtosis as a statistical approach to identify the pivot point of the rotor. 497-500 - Anthony J. Salmin, Prasanth Ganesan
, Kristina E. Shillieto, Elizabeth M. Cherry, David T. Huang, Arkady M. Pertsov, Behnaz Ghoraani:
A novel catheter-guidance algorithm for localization of atrial fibrillation rotor and focal sources. 501-504 - Mohammad H. Shariat, Saeed Gazor
, Damian P. Redfearn:
Cardiac conduction velocity estimation from sequential mapping assuming known Gaussian distribution for activation time estimation error. 505-508 - Stanley Glenn Brucal
, Gene Khyron Clamor, Lyston Alfred Pasiliao, Johannes Paolo Soriano, Lenard Philippe Varilla:
Portable electrocardiogram device using Android smartphone. 509-512 - Ines Frederix, Supraja Sankaran
, Karin Coninx, Paul Dendale:
MobileHeart, a mobile smartphone-based application that supports and monitors coronary artery disease patients during rehabilitation. 513-516 - Fabio Albini, Xiaoqiu Liu
, Camilla Torlasco
, Davide Soranna
, Andrea Faini
, Renata Ciminaghi, Ada Celsi, Matteo Benedetti, Antonella Zambon
, Marco Di Rienzo
, Gianfranco Parati
An ICT and mobile health integrated approach to optimize patients' education on hypertension and its management by physicians: The Patients Optimal Strategy of Treatment(POST) pilot study. 517-520 - Luca Iozzia, Luca Cerina
, Luca T. Mainardi:
Assessment of beat-to-beat heart rate detection method using a camera as contactless sensor. 521-524 - Federica Landreani, Alba Martín-Yebra
, Claudia Casellato
, Carlo Frigo
, Esteban Pavan
, Pierre-François Migeotte, Enrico G. Caiani
Beat-to-beat heart rate detection by smartphone's accelerometers: Validation with ECG. 525-528 - Amit Juneja, Michael M. Marefat:
Patient-specific detection of ventricular tachycardia in remote continuous health devices. 529-532 - Alena Simalatsar
, Monia Guidi
, Thierry Buclin
Cascaded PID controller for anaesthesia delivery. 533-536 - Hollie A. Ryan, Johanna Neuber, Shutong Song, Stephen J. Beebe, Chunqi Jiang:
Effects of a non-thermal plasma needle device on HPV-16 positive cervical cancer cell viability in vitro. 537-540 - Jayant Charthad, Spyridon Baltsavias
, Devleena Samanta
, Ting Chia Chang, Marcus J. Weber, Niloufar Hosseini-Nassab, Richard N. Zare, Amin Arbabian:
An ultrasonically powered implantable device for targeted drug delivery. 541-544 - Jean-Robert Nzamushe, Jean-Pierre Sozanski, Julien de Jonckheere, Mathieu Jeanne, Régis Logier:
Optimization of extra corporeal enteral prosthesis (ECEP) by selective aspiration of the digestive flow. 545-548 - Zhen Qin, Chi Hang Chon, John C. K. Kwok, David C. C. Lam:
In vitro examination of the pressure effect on clot dissolution with thrombolytic patch. 549-552 - James W. Mckeage, Bryan P. Ruddy
, Poul M. F. Nielsen, Andrew J. Taberner
A device for controlled jet injection of large volumes of liquid. 553-556 - Marjorie Skubic, Bradford H. Harris, Erik E. Stone, K. C. Ho, Bo Yu Su, Marilyn Rantz:
Testing non-wearable fall detection methods in the homes of older adults. 557-560 - Norbert Noury
, Julien Poujaud, Pierre Cousin, Nicolas Poujaud:
Biomechanical analysis of a fall: Velocities at impact. 561-565 - Qing Zhang, Mohan Karunanithi:
Feasibility of unobstrusive ambient sensors for fall detections in home environment. 566-569 - Mahesh C. Shastry, Meysam Asgari, Eric A. Wan, Joseph Leitschuh, Nicholas Preiser, Jon Folsom, John Condon, Michelle Cameron
, Peter G. Jacobs:
Context-aware fall detection using inertial sensors and time-of-flight transceivers. 570-573 - Holly B. Jimison, Misha Pavel:
Real-time measures of context to improve fall-detection models. 574-577 - Tianyao Chen, Peter S. Lum:
Hand rehabilitation after stroke using a wearable, high DOF, spring powered exoskeleton. 578-581 - Eric T. Wolbrecht
, Kyle J. Morse, Joel C. Perry, David J. Reinkensmeyer:
Design of a thumb module for the FINGER rehabilitation robot. 582-585 - Ashish Rathore, Matthew Wilcox
, Dafne Zuleima Morgado Ramirez
, Rui C. V. Loureiro, Tom Carlson:
Quantifying the human-robot interaction forces between a lower limb exoskeleton and healthy users. 586-589 - C. James Gearhart, Benjamin Varone, Martha H. Stella, Brett F. BuSha:
An effective 3-fingered augmenting exoskeleton for the human hand. 590-593 - Joel C. Perry, Shawn Trimble, Luiz Gustavo Castilho Machado, Jeremiah S. Schroeder, Aitor Belloso, Cristina Rodriguez-de-Pablo, Thierry Keller
Design of a spring-assisted exoskeleton module for wrist and hand rehabilitation. 594-597 - Younbaek Lee, Byungjung Choi, Jongwon Lee, Minhyung Lee, Se-gon Roh, Jeonghun Kim, Hyundo Choi, Yong-Jae Kim:
Flexible sliding frame for gait enhancing mechatronic system (GEMS). 598-602 - Yizhou Zhong
, Yun Pan, Ling Zhang, Kwang-Ting Cheng
A wearable signal acquisition system for physiological signs including throat PPG. 603-606 - Aman Gaurav, Maram Maheedhar, Vijay N. Tiwari, Rangavittal Narayanan:
Cuff-less PPG based continuous blood pressure monitoring - A smartphone based approach. 607-610 - Haneen Njoum, Panayiotis A. Kyriacou
Photoplethysmography: Towards a non-invasive pressure measurement technique. 611-614 - Jing Liu, Yuan-Ting Zhang
, Xiao-Rong Ding
, Wenxuan Dai, Ni Zhao
A preliminary study on multi-wavelength PPG based pulse transit time detection for cuffless blood pressure measurement. 615-618 - Andrew M. Carek, Omer T. Inan:
A temperature-controlled glove with non-invasive arterial pulse sensing for active neuro-vascular assessment. 619-622 - S. P. Preejith, Dhinesh R
, Jayaraj Joseph
, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam
Wearable ECG platform for continuous cardiac monitoring. 623-626 - Zhen Yu, Dong Ni, Siping Chen, Shengli Li
, Tianfu Wang
, Bai Ying Lei:
Fetal facial standard plane recognition via very deep convolutional networks. 627-630 - Ammara Masood, Adel Al-Jumaily
Semi-advised learning model for skin cancer diagnosis based on histopathalogical images. 631-634 - Ke Yan, Changyang Li, Xiuying Wang
, Ang Li, Yuchen Yuan, Dagan Feng, Mohamed Khadra
, Jinman Kim:
Automatic prostate segmentation on MR images with deep network and graph model. 635-638 - Xiao Jia, Max Q.-H. Meng:
A deep convolutional neural network for bleeding detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy images. 639-642 - Ebrahim Nasr-Esfahani
, Shadrokh Samavi, Nader Karimi
, S. M. Reza Soroushmehr, Kevin Ward
, Mohammad H. Jafari, Banafsheh Felfeliyan
, Brahmajee K. Nallamothu, Kayvan Najarian:
Vessel extraction in X-ray angiograms using deep learning. 643-646 - Yang Li, Wei Liang, Yinlong Zhang, Haibo An, Jindong Tan
Automatic Lumbar Vertebrae Detection Based on Feature Fusion Deep Learning for Partial Occluded C-arm X-ray Images. 647-650 - Alan Godfrey
, Alan Bourke, Silvia Del Din
, Rosie Morris
, Aodhán Hickey, Jorunn L. Helbostad, Lynn Rochester
Towards holistic free-living assessment in Parkinson's disease: Unification of gait and fall algorithms with a single accelerometer. 651-654 - Björn M. Eskofier
, Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Jean-Francois Daneault
, Fatemeh Noushin Golabchi, Gabriela Ferreira-Carvalho
, Gloria Vergara-Diaz
, Stefano Sapienza
, Gianluca Costante, Jochen Klucken
, Thomas Kautz, Paolo Bonato:
Recent machine learning advancements in sensor-based mobility analysis: Deep learning for Parkinson's disease assessment. 655-658 - Darragh Whelan, Martin O'Reilly, Bing Quan Huang, Oonagh M. Giggins, M. Tahar Kechadi
, Brian Caulfield:
Leveraging IMU data for accurate exercise performance classification and musculoskeletal injury risk screening. 659-662 - Jorge Cancela, Samanta Villanueva Mascato, Dimitrios A. Gatsios
, George Rigas
, Andrea Marcante
, Giovanni Gentile
, Roberta Biundo
, Manuela Giglio, Maria Chondrogiorgi
, Robert Vilzmann, Spiros Konitsiotis
, Angelo Antonini
, María Teresa Arredondo
, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis:
Monitoring of motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease through a mHealth platform. 663-666 - Matthew R. Patterson, William Johnston
, Niamh O'Mahony
, Sam O'Mahony, Eimear Nolan, Brian Caulfield:
Validation of temporal gait metrics from three IMU locations to the gold standard force plate. 667-671 - Nooshin Haji Ghassemi, Franz Marxreiter
, Cristian F. Pasluosta
, Patrick Kugler, Johannes Schlachetzki, Axel Schramm, Björn M. Eskofier
, Jochen Klucken
Combined accelerometer and EMG analysis to differentiate essential tremor from Parkinson's disease. 672-675 - Drew A. Birrenkott
, Marco A. F. Pimentel, Peter J. Watkinson
, David A. Clifton:
Robust estimation of respiratory rate via ECG- and PPG-derived respiratory quality indices. 676-679 - Leandro J. Cymberknop, Claudia R. Arbeitman
, Manuel R. Alfonso, Ignacio Farro Ventura, Ricardo L. Armentano
Arterial pressure beat to beat characterization during post-occlusive reactive hyperemia. 680-683 - S. Reulecke, Sonia Charleston-Villalobos, Andreas Voss, Ramón González-Camarena, Mercedes J. Gaitan-Gonzalez
, J. Gonzalez-Hermosillo, Guadalupe Hernández-Pacheco, Tomás Aljama-Corrales:
Delta space plot analysis of cardiovascular coupling in vasovagal syncope during orthostatic challenge. 684-687 - Xin Li, Ye Li:
J peak extraction from non-standard ballistocardiography data: A preliminary study. 688-691 - Fabian Astudillo-Salinas
, Kenneth Palacio-Baus
, Lizandro D. Solano-Quinde, Rubén Medina
, Sara Wong:
Characterizing artifacts in RR stress test time series. 692-695 - Kyriaki Kostoglou
, Alexander D. Wright, Jonathan D. Smirl
, Kelsey Bryk, Paul van Donkelaar, Georgios D. Mitsis:
Dynamic cerebral autoregulation in young athletes following concussion. 696-699 - Javier Gomez-Pilar
, Jesús Poza
, Alejandro Bachiller
, Pablo Núñez
, Carlos Gómez
, Alba Lubeiro
, Vicente Molina, Roberto Hornero
Novel measure of the weigh distribution balance on the brain network: Graph complexity applied to schizophrenia. 700-703 - Tahani Almabruk
, Kartik K. Iyer, Sonya Girdler
, Masood Mehmood Khan
, Tele Tan
Response conflict processes' classification in 7 and 9 year old children using EEG brain connectivity measures. 704-707 - Catia S. Silva, Mehrnaz Khodam Hazrati, Andreas Keil
, José C. Príncipe:
Quantification of neural functional connectivity during an active avoidance task. 708-711 - Noujoud Nader
, Mahmoud Hassan
, Wassim El Falou, Catherine Marque
, Mohamad Khalil
A node-wise analysis of the uterine muscle networks for pregnancy monitoring. 712-715 - Biswajit Maharathi
, Jeffrey A. Loeb, James L. Patton:
Estimation of resting state effective connectivity in epilepsy using direct-directed transfer function. 716-719 - Andreas Voss, Claudia Fischer
, Cristina Gonzalez Martinez, Eva Koch, Niklas Plange, Kathleen Kunert:
Identifying glaucoma patients by applying multivariate analyses of cardiovascular signals. 720-723 - Celia Juan-Cruz, Carlos Gómez
, Jesús Poza
, Alberto Fernández
, Roberto Hornero
Analysis of magnetoencephalography signals from Alzheimer's disease patients using granger causality. 724-727 - Maria Sole Morelli
, Gaetano Valenza
, Alberto Greco
, Alberto Giannoni
, Claudio Passino
, Michele Emdin, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo
, Nicola Vanello:
Exploratory analysis of nonlinear coupling between EEG global field power and end-tidal carbon dioxide in free breathing and breath-hold tasks. 728-731 - Pengfei Gao, Jingwei Zhao, Guijin Wang, Hengkai Guo:
Real time ECG characteristic point detection with randomly selected signal pair difference (RSSPD) feature and random forest classifier. 732-735 - Fatemeh Saki, Nasser Kehtarnavaz:
Automatic switching between noise classification and speech enhancement for hearing aid devices. 736-739 - Soma Bandyopadhyay, Arijit Ukil, Chetanya Puri, Rituraj Singh, Arpan Pal
, K. M. Mandana, C. A. Murthy:
An unsupervised learning for robust cardiac feature derivation from PPG signals. 740-743 - Samuel Boudet
, Laurent Peyrodie
, Zefeng Wang, Gérard Forzy:
Semi-automated image analysis of gel electrophoresis of cerebrospinal fluid for oligoclonal band detection. 744-747 - Christian R. Ward
, Joseph Picone, Iyad Obeid
Applications of UBMs and I-vectors in EEG subject verification. 748-751 - Gregory Koshmak, Maria Lindén, Amy Loutfi:
Fall risk probability estimation based on supervised feature learning using public fall datasets. 752-755 - Changzhe Jiao, Princess Lyons
, Alina Zare
, Licet Rosales, Marjorie Skubic:
Heart beat characterization from ballistocardiogram signals using extended functions of multiple instances. 756-760 - Keisuke Tsunoda, Akihiro Chiba, Hiroshi Chigira, Kazuhiro Yoshida, Tomoki Watanabe, Osamu Mizuno:
Online estimation of a cognitive performance using heart rate variability. 761-765 - Shi Chao Gao, Peter Wittek, Li Zhao, Wen Jun Jiang:
Data-driven estimation of blood pressure using photoplethysmographic signals. 766-769 - Federica Censi, Giovanni Calcagnini, Eugenio Mattei
, Alessandro Ricci, Ivan Corazza
, Elisa Reggiani, Giuseppe Boriani
Beat-to-beat variability of P-wave in patients suffering from atrial fibrillation. 770-773 - Muhammad H. Malik, Maryam Saeed, Awais M. Kamboh
Automatic threshold optimization in nonlinear energy operator based spike detection. 774-777 - Kristin M. Gunnarsdottir, Vijay Sadashivaiah
, Matthew S. D. Kerr, Sabato Santaniello, Sridevi V. Sarma:
Using demographic and time series physiological features to classify sepsis in the intensive care unit. 778-782 - Yongwook Bryce Kim, Una-May O'Reilly:
Analysis of locality-sensitive hashing for fast critical event prediction on physiological time series. 783-787 - Karina O. A. Moura, Gabriela W. Favieiro, Alexandre Balbinot
Support vectors machine classification of surface electromyography for non-invasive naturally controlled hand prostheses. 788-791 - Gerrit Jan Christiaanse, Amir Zjajo, Carlo Galuzzi, Rene van Leuken:
A real-time hybrid neuron network for highly parallel cognitive systems. 792-795 - Lilin Guo, Zhenzhong Wang, Mercedes Cabrerizo, Malek Adjouadi
Application of cross-correlated delay shift rule in spiking neural networks for interictal spike detection. 796-799 - Phyo Phyo San, Sai-Ho Ling, Rifai Chai
, Yvonne Tran
, Ashley Craig, Hung T. Nguyen
EEG-based driver fatigue detection using hybrid deep generic model. 800-803 - Daniel Chamberlain, Rahul Kodgule, Daniela Ganelin
, Vivek Miglani, Richard Ribón Fletcher:
Application of semi-supervised deep learning to lung sound analysis. 804-807 - Louis Y. Kim, Jacob Harer, Akshay Rangamani, James Moran, Philip D. Parks, Alik Widge
, Emad N. Eskandar, Darin D. Dougherty, Sang (Peter) Chin:
Predicting local field potentials with recurrent neural networks. 808-811 - Guangliang Yu, Xiang Li, Dawei Song, Xiaozhao Zhao, Peng Zhang, Yuexian Hou, Bin Hu:
Encoding physiological signals as images for affective state recognition using convolutional neural networks. 812-815 - Javad Birjandtalab, Maziyar Baran Pouyan, Mehrdad Nourani:
An unsupervised subject identification technique using EEG signals. 816-819 - Amir Jalilifard, Ednaldo Brigante Pizzolato:
An efficient K-NN approach for automatic drowsiness detection using single-channel EEG recording. 820-824 - Dhani Dharmaprani
, Hoang K. Nguyen, Trent W. Lewis, Dylan DeLosAngeles, John O. Willoughby, Kenneth J. Pope
A comparison of independent component analysis algorithms and measures to discriminate between EEG and artifact components. 825-828 - Kwang Leng Goh, Susan Morris
, Wee Lih Lee, Alexander Ring, Tele Tan
Visual transparent & visual occlusion: An EEG and COP study. 829-832 - Pau Caldero-Bardaji, Longfei Xiong, Sven Jaschke, Jens Reermann, Kidist Gebremariam Mideksa, Gerhard Schmidt, Günther Deuschl
, Muthuraman Muthuraman:
Detection of steering direction using EEG recordings based on sample entropy and time-frequency analysis. 833-836 - Sylvia Bugeja, Lalit Garg, Eliazar E. Audu:
A novel method of EEG data acquisition, feature extraction and feature space creation for early detection of epileptic seizures. 837-840 - Shuang Liu, Jingjing Tong, Minpeng Xu, Jiajia Yang, Hongzhi Qi, Dong Ming:
Improve the generalization of emotional classifiers across time by using training samples from different days. 841-844 - Amir Jalilifard, Ednaldo Brigante Pizzolato, Md Kafiul Islam
Emotion classification using single-channel scalp-EEG recording. 845-849 - Hernán F. García, Mauricio A. Álvarez, Álvaro Á. Orozco:
Gaussian process dynamical models for multimodal affect recognition. 850-853 - Toshiaki Koike-Akino
, Ruhi Mahajan, Tim K. Marks, Ye Wang, Shinji Watanabe
, Oncel Tuzel, Philip V. Orlik:
High-accuracy user identification using EEG biometrics. 854-858 - Lan Ma, Thierry Blu, William S.-Y. Wang:
An EEG blind source separation algorithm based on a weak exclusion principle. 859-862 - Prasenjit Dey, Debi Prosad Dogra, Partha Pratim Roy
, Harish Bhaskar:
Autonomous vision-guided approach for the analysis and grading of vertical suspension tests during Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE). 863-866 - Zhe Fan, Zhong Wang, Guanglin Li
, Ruomei Wang:
A canonical correlation analysis based EMG classification algorithm for eliminating electrode shift effect. 867-870 - Shengyun Liang, Yunkun Ning, Gaosheng Xie, Lei Wang, Xing Gao, Yingnan Ma, Guoru Zhao:
Relationship between dynamical characteristics of sit-to-walk motion and physical functions of elderly humans. 871-875 - Kimia Nazarzadeh
, Sridhar P. Arjunan
, Dinesh K. Kumar
, Debi Prasad Das:
Non-invasive detection of the freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease using spectral and wavelet features. 876-879 - Adam Hartwell, Visakan Kadirkamanathan
, Sean R. Anderson
Person-specific gesture set selection for optimised movement classification from EMG signals. 880-883 - Imen Mechmeche, Amar Mitiche, Youssef Ouakrim, Jacques A. de Guise, Neila Mezghani:
Data correction to determine a representative pattern of a set of 3D knee kinematic measurements. 884-887 - Lorenz Diener, Christian Herff, Matthias Janke, Tanja Schultz
An initial investigation into the real-time conversion of facial surface EMG signals to audible speech. 888-891 - Yasunori Ozaki, Ryosuke Aoki
, Toshitaka Kimura, Youichi Takashima, Tomohiro Yamada:
Characterizing muscular activities using non-negative matrix factorization from EMG channels for driver swings in golf. 892-895 - Timothy Liang, Mark I. Boulos
, Brian J. Murray
, Sridhar Krishnan
, Hans Katzberg
, Karthikeyan Umapathy:
Detection of myasthenia gravis using electrooculography signals. 896-899 - Khairul Anam
, Adel Al-Jumaily
Adaptive myoelectric pattern recognition for arm movement in different positions using advanced online sequential extreme learning machine. 900-903 - Diana I. Escalona-Vargas
, Pamela Murphy, Curtis L. Lowery, Hari Eswaran:
Genetic algorithms for dipole location of fetal magnetocardiography. 904-907 - Meherzad J. Lakadia, Hamid Abbasi
, Alistair J. Gunn
, Charles P. Unsworth, Laura Bennet
Examining the effect of MgSO4 on sharp wave transient activity in the hypoxic-ischemic fetal sheep model. 908-911 - Brian Michael Murphy, Cillian O'Driscoll, Irina Korotchikova, Geraldine B. Boylan
, Gordon Lightbody
, William P. Marnane:
Application of audio fingerprinting to Neonatal EEG. 912-915 - Giovanni Magenes, Riccardo Bellazzi
, Alberto Malovini
, Maria G. Signorini
Comparison of data mining techniques applied to fetal heart rate parameters for the early identification of IUGR fetuses. 916-919 - Alan H. Gee, Riccardo Barbieri
, David Paydarfar, Premananda Indic:
Improving heart rate estimation in preterm infants with bivariate point process analysis of heart rate and respiration. 920-923 - Michele Orini
, Peter Taggart, Pier D. Lambiase
A multivariate time-frequency approach for tracking QT variability changes unrelated to heart rate variability. 924-927 - Mohammad Hasan Imam
, Chandan K. Karmakar
, Ahsan H. Khandoker
, Herbert F. Jelinek
, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
Heart rate independent QT variability component can detect subclinical cardiac autonomic neuropathy in diabetes. 928-931 - Gaetano Valenza
, Luca Citi
, Riccardo Barbieri
Disentanglement of sympathetic and parasympathetic activity by instantaneous analysis of human heartbeat dynamics. 932-935 - Régis Logier, Julien de Jonckheere, A. Dassonneville, Mathieu Jeanne:
Comparison of pulse rate variability and heart rate variability for high frequency content estimation. 936-939 - Vânia G. Almeida
, Ian T. Nabney
Early warnings of heart rate deterioration. 940-943 - Anas Delane, Jorge Bohórquez, Subhanshu Gupta, Martin Schiavenato:
Lomb algorithm versus fast fourier transform in heart rate variability analyses of pain in premature infants. 944-947 - Chen-Wei Chou, Chien Chen, Shang-Yeong Kwan, Shun Chi Wu
Multi-channel algorithms for epileptic high-frequency oscillation detection. 948-951 - G. Dulini C. Mendis, Emma Morrisroe, Christopher A. Reid
, Saman K. Halgamuge, Steven Petrou
Use of local field potentials of dissociated cultures grown on multi-electrode arrays for pharmacological assays. 952-956 - Etienne R. Ackermann
, Caleb Kemere
Scoring sequences of hippocampal activity using hidden Markov models. 957-960 - Jazmin Suarez-Revelo, John F. Ochoa-Gómez, Jon Duque-Grajales:
Improving test-retest reliability of quantitative electroencephalography using different preprocessing approaches. 961-964 - Roghieh Skandari, Yuichi Iino, Jonathan H. Manton:
On an analogue signal processing circuit in the Nematode C. elegans. 965-968 - Narges Armanfard, Majid Komeili, James P. Reilly, Richard Mah, John F. Connolly
Automatic and continuous assessment of ERPs for mismatch negativity detection. 969-972 - Hamid Abbasi
, Laura Bennet
, Alistair J. Gunn
, Charles P. Unsworth:
Identifying stereotypic evolving micro-scale seizures (SEMS) in the hypoxic-ischemic EEG of the pre-term fetal sheep with a Wavelet Type-II Fuzzy classifier. 973-976 - Luca Vollero, Sara Petrichella, Giulio Iannello:
Optimal weighted averaging of event related activity from acquisitions with artifacts. 977-980 - Gianluca Borghini
, Pietro Aricò
, Gianluca Di Flumeri
, Alfredo Colosimo, Silvia Francesca Storti
, Gloria Menegaz
, Paolo Fiorini, Fabio Babiloni
Neurophysiological measures for users' training objective assessment during simulated robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery. 981-984 - Gaetano Valenza
, Andrea Romigi
, Luca Citi
, Fabio Placidi, Francesca Izzi
, Maria Albanese
, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo, Maria Grazia Marciani, Andrea Duggento, Maria Guerrisi, Nicola Toschi
, Riccardo Barbieri
Predicting seizures in untreated temporal lobe epilepsy using point-process nonlinear models of heartbeat dynamics. 985-988 - Sara Petrichella, Luca Vollero, Florinda Ferreri, Andrea Guerra
, Sara Määttä, Mervi Könönen
, Vincenzo Di Lazzaro
, Giulio Iannello
Channel interpolation in TMS-EEG: A quantitative study towards an accurate topographical representation. 989-992 - Ali H. Al-nuaimi
, Emmanuel Jammeh
, Lingfen Sun
, Emmanuel C. Ifeachor:
Changes in the EEG amplitude as a biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer's disease. 993-996 - Alan Paris, George K. Atia, Azadeh Vosoughi, Stephen A. Berman:
Optimal causal filtering for 1 /fα-type noise in single-electrode EEG signals. 997-1001 - Hongda Wang, Chiu-sing Choy:
Automatic seizure detection using correlation integral with nonlinear adaptive denoising and Kalman filter. 1002-1005 - Shitanshu Kusmakar, Ramanathan Muthuganapathy, Bernard Yan, Terence J. O'Brien
, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
Gaussian mixture model for the identification of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures using a wearable accelerometer sensor. 1006-1009 - Lei Wang, Johan B. A. M. Arends, Xi Long
, Yan Wu, Pierre J. M. Cluitmans:
Seizure detection using dynamic warping for patients with intellectual disability. 1010-1013 - Mohamad Shamas
, Pascal Benquet
, Isabelle Merlet
, Wassim El Falou, Mohamad Khalil
, Fabrice Wendling
Computational modeling of high frequency oscillations recorded with clinical intracranial macroelectrodes. 1014-1017 - Hoda Rajaei, Mercedes Cabrerizo, Panuwat Janwattanapong, Alberto Pinzon-Ardila, Sergio M. Gonzalez-Arias, Malek Adjouadi
Connectivity maps of different types of epileptogenic patterns. 1018-1021 - Hanyue Zhou, Ying Li, Yue-Loong Hsin, Wentai Liu:
Phase-amplitude coupling analysis for seizure evolvement using Hilbert Huang Transform. 1022-1025 - Fatima Machado, César Alexandre Teixeira
, Clara Santos, Conceicao Bento, Francisco Sales
, António Dourado:
A-phases subtype detection using different classification methods. 1026-1029 - Hosein M. Golshan, Adam O. Hebb, Sara J. Hanrahan
, Joshua Nedrud, Mohammad H. Mahoor
A Multiple Kernel Learning approach for human behavioral task classification using STN-LFP signal. 1030-1033 - Keni Zheng
, Sokratis Makrogiannis
Bone texture characterization for osteoporosis diagnosis using digital radiography. 1034-1037 - Chisako Muramatsu, Ryo Takahashi, Tatsuro Hayashi, Takeshi Hara, Tatsumasa Fukui, Akitoshi Katsumata, Hiroshi Fujita:
Quantitative evaluation of alveolar bone resorption on dental panoramic radiographs by standardized dentition image transformation and probability estimation. 1038-1041 - Lulu Zhou, Ramnada Chav, Thierry Cresson, Gabriel Chartrand, Jacques A. de Guise:
3D knee segmentation based on three MRI sequences from different planes. 1042-1045 - Abhilash Rakkunedeth Hareendranathan, Dornoosh Zonoobi, Myles Mabee, Chad Diederichs, Kumaradevan Punithakumar
, Michelle Noga
, Jacob L. Jaremko:
Hip segmentation from MRI volumes in infants for DDH diagnosis and treatment planning. 1046-1049 - Dongxia Zhang, Yangzhou Gan, Zeyang Xia, Xinwen Zhou, Shoubin Liu, Jing Xiong, Guanglin Li
Molar axis estimation from computed tomography images. 1050-1053 - Ruhan Sa, William Owens, Raymond Wiegand, Vipin Chaudhary
Fast scale-invariant lateral lumbar vertebrae detection and segmentation in X-ray images. 1054-1057 - Yinan Li, Babak Fahimi:
Thermal analysis of multiple-antenna-excited breast model for breast cancer detection. 1058-1061 - Himanshu Madhu, Siva Teja Kakileti, Krithika Venkataramani, Susmija Jabbireddy:
Extraction of medically interpretable features for classification of malignancy in breast thermography. 1062-1065 - Ashkan Ghanbarzadeh Dagheyan, Ali Molaei, Richard Obermeier, José Ángel Martínez Lorenzo:
Preliminary imaging results and SAR analysis of a microwave imaging system for early breast cancer detection. 1066-1069 - Ji-Wook Jeong, Seung-Hoon Chae
, Eun Young Chae, Hak Hee Kim, Young-Wook Choi, Sooyeul Lee:
Simplified computer-aided detection scheme of microcalcification clusters in digital breast tomosynthesis images. 1070-1073 - Malik Saad Sultan, Nelson Martins, Diana Veiga, Manuel João Ferreira
, Miguel Tavares Coimbra
Tracking of the anterior mitral leaflet in echocardiographic sequences using active contours. 1074-1077 - Kumaradevan Punithakumar
, Abhilash Rakkunedeth Hareendranathan, Riitta Paakkanen, Nehan Khan, Michelle Noga
, Pierre Boulanger, Harald Becher:
Multiview echocardiography fusion using an electromagnetic tracking system. 1078-1081 - Angelica I. Avilés, Thomas Widlak, Alicia Casals
, Habib Ammari:
Towards estimating cardiac motion using low-rank representation and topology preservation for ultrafast ultrasound data. 1082-1086 - Abhishek Tiwari, Kedar A. Patwardhan
Mitral valve annulus localization in 3D echocardiography. 1087-1090 - Abhilash Rakkunedeth Hareendranathan, Michelle Hanbidge, Allen He, Michelle Noga, Pierre Boulanger, Harald Becher, Kumaradevan Punithakumar
Patient movement compensation for 3D echocardiography fusion. 1091-1094 - Zhaohui Wang
, Wei-Da Hao, Chung S. Leung, Sung-Won Park:
Polarity detection in ultrasound current source density imaging. 1095-1098 - Chenfei Ye, Jun Wu, Xuhui Chen, Changle Zhang, Hengtong Li, Shuai Mao, Heather T. Ma:
Structural changes of cingulate cortex in post stroke depression. 1099-1102 - Esmaeil Davoodi-Bojd, Kost V. Elisevich, Jason M. Schwalb
, Ellen L. Air
, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh
TLE lateralization using whole brain structural connectivity. 1103-1106 - Merry Mani
, Vincent Magnotta
, Douglas Kelley, Mathews Jacob
Comprehensive reconstruction of multi-shot multi-channel diffusion data using mussels. 1107-1110 - Hernán Darío Vargas Cardona, Álvaro Á. Orozco, Mauricio A. Álvarez:
Multi-output Gaussian processes for enhancing resolution of diffusion tensor fields. 1111-1114 - Miguel Guevara, Claudio Román
, Josselin Houenou
, Delphine Duclap, Cyril Poupon, Jean-François Mangin, Pamela Guevara
Creation of a whole brain short association bundle atlas using a hybrid approach. 1115-1119 - Gustavo R. Pinheiro, Guilherme S. Soares
, André Luis Costa, Roberto A. Lotufo
, Letícia Rittner
Divergence map from diffusion tensor imaging: Concepts and application to corpus callosum. 1120-1123 - Farzaneh Rahmani
, Mina Ansari, Atefeh Pooyan, Mehdi M. Mirbagheri, Mohammad Hadi Aarabi
Differences in white matter microstructure between Parkinson's disease patients with and without REM sleep behavior disorder. 1124-1126 - Bo-yong Park
, Jonghoon Kim, Hyunjin Park
Differences in connectivity patterns between child and adolescent attention deficit hyperactivity disorder patients. 1127-1130 - Matteo Mancini
, Giovanni Giulietti, Barbara Spanò
, Marco Bozzali
, Mara Cercignani
, Silvia Conforto:
Estimating multimodal brain connectivity in multiple sclerosis: An exploratory factor analysis. 1131-1134 - Sadia Shakil
, Shella D. Keilholz, Chin-Hui Lee:
Adaptive change point detection of dynamic functional connectivity networks. 1135-1138 - Keith Dillon, Yu-Ping Wang:
An image resolution perspective on functional activity mapping. 1139-1142 - Prokopis C. Prokopiou, Kevin Murphy
, Richard G. Wise, Georgios D. Mitsis:
Estimation of voxel-wise dynamic cerebrovascular reactivity curves from resting-state fMRI data. 1143-1146 - Baris Nasir, Fatos T. Yarman-Vural:
CEREBRA: A 3-D visualization tool for brain network extracted from fMRI data. 1147-1150 - Keyvan Kasiri, Paul W. Fieguth, David A. Clausi:
Sorted self-similarity for multi-modal image registration. 1151-1154 - Iyas Hamdan, Guillaume Dardenne, Julien Bert
, Dimitris Visvikis
Non-rigid MRI/CT registration for effective planning of prostate brachytherapy. 1155-1158 - Paschalis A. Bizopoulos
, Antonis I. Sakellarios, Lampros K. Michalis
, Dimitrios D. Koutsouris, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis:
3-D registration on carotid artery imaging data: MRI for different timesteps. 1159-1162 - Lina Guzman, Frederic Commandeur, Oscar Acosta
, Antoine Simon, Alain Fautrel
, Nathalie Rioux-Leclercq, Eduardo Romero, Romain Mathieu, Renaud de Crevoisier:
Slice correspondence estimation using SURF descriptors and context-based search for prostate whole-mount histology MRI registration. 1163-1166 - Parastoo Farnia
, Bahador Makkiabadi
, Alireza Ahmadian, Javad Alirezaie
Curvelet based residual complexity objective function for non-rigid registration of pre-operative MRI with intra-operative ultrasound images. 1167-1170 - Chaojie Zheng, Xiuying Wang
, Dagan Feng:
Topology guided demons registration with local rigidity preservation. 1171-1174 - Young Hwan Chang
, Guillaume Thibault, Vahid Azimi, Brett Johnson, Danielle Jorgens
, Jason Link, Adam A. Margolin, Joe W. Gray:
Quantitative analysis of histological tissue image based on cytological profiles and spatial statistics. 1175-1178 - Markus Gall, Xing Li, Xiaojun Chen
, Dieter Schmalstieg, Jan Egger:
Computer-aided planning and reconstruction of cranial 3D implants. 1179-1183 - Pedro M. Vieira
, Bruno Gonçalves, Carla R. Goncalves, Carlos S. Lima
Segmentation of angiodysplasia lesions in WCE images using a MAP approach with Markov Random Fields. 1184-1187 - Sara Moccia
, Veronica Penza
, Gabriele Omodeo Vanone, Elena De Momi
, Leonardo S. Mattos
Automatic workflow for narrow-band laryngeal video stitching. 1188-1191 - Ameneh Boroomand, Edward Li, Mohammad Javad Shafiee, Masoom A. Haider, Farzad Khalvati, Alexander Wong:
A unified Bayesian-based compensated magnetic resonance imaging. 1192-1195 - Samar M. Alsaleh, Angelica I. Avilés, Pilar Sobrevilla, Alicia Casals
, James K. Hahn:
Adaptive segmentation and mask-specific Sobolev inpainting of specular highlights for endoscopic images. 1196-1199 - Maedeh Jamali, Shadrokh Samavi, Nader Karimi
, S. Mohamad R. Soroushmehr, Kevin Ward
, Kayvan Najarian:
Robust watermarking in non-ROI of medical images based on DCT-DWT. 1200-1203 - Farhan Riaz, Ali Hassan
, Pedro Pimentel-Nunes
, Diogo Libnio e Jorge Lage, Miguel Tavares Coimbra
How well can the fusion of Gabor filters and local binary patterns help in identifying gastric lesions? 1204-1207 - Mahmoud Abdolhoseini
, Frederick Rohan Walker, Sarah J. Johnson
Automated tracing of microglia using multilevel thresholding and minimum spanning trees. 1208-1211 - Fatma Taher
, Alavi Kunhu, Hussain Al-Ahmad
A new hybrid watermarking algorithm for MRI medical images using DWT and hash functions. 1212-1215 - Paul Marie Lefebvre, Kevin Tse Ve Koon, Elisabeth Brusseau, Stéphane Nicolle
, Jean-François Palierne, Simon Auguste Lambert, Denis Grenier:
Comparison of viscoelastic property characterization of plastisol phantoms with magnetic resonance elastography and high-frequency rheometry. 1216-1219 - Susann Beier
, John Ormiston, Mark Webster, John E. Cater
, Stuart Norris
, Pau Medrano-Gracia
, Alistair A. Young, Kathleen Gilbert, Brett R. Cowan:
Overcoming spatio-temporal limitations using dynamically scaled in vitro PC-MRI - A flow field comparison to true-scale computer simulations of idealized, stented and patient-specific left main bifurcations. 1220-1223 - Kasireddy V. Reddy, Abhishek Mitra, Phaneendra K. Yalavarthy
Fast analytical spectral filtering methods for magnetic resonance perfusion quantification. 1224-1227 - Kathleen Gilbert, Genevieve Farrar, Brett R. Cowan, Avan Suinesiaputra
, Christopher Occleshaw, Beau Pontre, James C. Perry, Sanjeet Hegde, Jeffrey H. Omens, Andrew D. McCulloch, Alistair A. Young:
Improving assessment of congenital heart disease through rapid patient specific modeling. 1228-1231 - Saeko Sunohara, Satoshi Yatsushiro
, Ken Takizawa, Mitsunori Matsumae, Nao Kajihara, Kagayaki Kuroda
Investigation of driving forces of cerebrospinal fluid motion by power and frequency mapping based on asynchronous phase contrast technique. 1232-1235 - James P. Carson, Monique Y. Rennie, Michael Danilchik
, Kent L. Thornburg, Sandra Rugonyi
A chicken embryo cardiac outflow tract atlas for registering changes due to abnormal blood flow. 1236-1239 - Li Wang, Xiaoliang Xie, Zhan-Jie Gao, Gui-Bin Bian, Zeng-Guang Hou:
Guide-wire detecting using a modified cascade classifier in interventional radiology. 1240-1243 - Lei Chen
, Nathanael Kuo, Fereshteh Aalamifar, David Narrow, Devin Coon, Jerry L. Prince, Emad M. Boctor:
Surgical fiducial segmentation and tracking for pose estimation based on ultrasound B-mode images. 1244-1247 - Alfredo Illanes, Johannes Krug, Hamideh Abadi, Michael Friebe
Distortion indicator algorithm for simple artifact assessment of passive MRI markers. 1248-1251 - Hamideh Abadi, Johannes Krug, Alfredo Illanes, Michael Friebe
Passive artifact behavior prediction of interventional tools in high-field MRI using a 0.55T portable benchtop MR scanner. 1252-1255 - Elena Lucano, Micaela Liberti
, Tom Lloyd, Francesca Apollonio
, Steve Wedan, Wolfgang Kainz, Leonardo M. Angelone
RF induced energy for partially implanted catheters: A computational study. 1256-1259 - Kyungmin Jo, Bareum Choi, Songe Choi, Youngjin Moon, Jaesoon Choi:
Automatic detection of hemorrhage and surgical instrument in laparoscopic surgery image. 1260-1263 - Nazanin Tahmasebi, Pierre Boulanger, Kumaradevan Punithakumar
Lung tumor boundary tracking in MRI with moving mesh correspondences for adaptive radio therapy. 1264-1267 - Jiangdian Song, Di Dong
, Yanqi Huang
, Yali Zang, Zaiyi Liu, Jie Tian:
Association between tumor heterogeneity and progression-free survival in non-small cell lung cancer patients with EGFR mutations undergoing tyrosine kinase inhibitors therapy. 1268-1271 - Jun Wang, Xia Liu, Di Dong
, Jiangdian Song, Min Xu, Yali Zang, Jie Tian:
Prediction of malignant and benign of lung tumor using a quantitative radiomic method. 1272-1275 - Jie Yang, Xinyang Feng
, Elsa D. Angelini
, Andrew F. Laine:
Texton and sparse representation based texture classification of lung parenchyma in CT images. 1276-1279 - Grigorios-Aris Cheimariotis, Mariam Al-Mashat, Kostas Haris, Anthony H. Aletras
, Jonas Jögi
, Marika Bajc, Nikolaos Maglaveras, Einar Heiberg:
Automatic segmentation of lungs in SPECT images using active shape model trained by meshes delineated in CT images. 1280-1283 - Jung won Cha, Mohammad Mehdi Farhangi, Neal Dunlap, Amir A. Amini:
4D lung tumor segmentation via shape prior and motion cues. 1284-1287 - Huazhu Fu
, Yanwu Xu
, Damon Wing Kee Wong
, Jiang Liu
, Mani Baskaran, Shamira A. Perera
, Tin Aung:
Automatic anterior chamber angle structure segmentation in AS-OCT image based on label transfer. 1288-1291 - G. N. Girish
, Abhishek R. Kothari, Jeny Rajan
Automated segmentation of intra-retinal cysts from optical coherence tomography scans using marker controlled watershed transform. 1292-1295 - Fabio Scarpa
, Alfredo Ruggeri:
Automated morphometric description of human corneal endothelium from in-vivo specular and confocal microscopy. 1296-1299 - Sohini Roychowdhury, Dara D. Koozekanani, Keshab K. Parhi
Automated detection of neovascularization for proliferative diabetic retinopathy screening. 1300-1303 - Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Pallab Kanti Roy, Suman Sedai
, Rahil Garnavi:
A CNN based neurobiology inspired approach for retinal image quality assessment. 1304-1307 - Behzad Aliahmad, Dinesh K. Kumar
Adaptive Higuchi's dimension-based retinal vessel diameter measurement. 1308-1311 - Peng Tian
, Esra Ataer Cansizoglu, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Susan Ostmo, Karyn Jonas, R. V. P. Chan, J. Peter Campbell, Michael F. Chiang
, Deniz Erdogmus:
Toward a severity index for ROP: An unsupervised approach. 1312-1315 - Yao-Chuan Chang
, Steven T. Walston, Robert H. Chow, James D. Weiland
In vivo characterization of genetic expression of virus-transduced calcium indicators in retinal ganglion cells using a low-cost funduscope. 1316-1319 - Vishal Vijayakumar, Dara D. Koozekanani, Robert White, James Kohler, Sohini Roychowdhury, Keshab K. Parhi
Artery/vein classification of retinal blood vessels using feature selection. 1320-1323 - Shuang Yu, Di Xiao, Yogesan Kanagasingam:
Automatic detection of neovascularization on optic disk region with feature extraction and support vector machine. 1324-1327 - Annan Li
, Jun Cheng, Damon Wing Kee Wong
, Jiang Liu
Integrating holistic and local deep features for glaucoma classification. 1328-1331 - Pedro Guimarães
, Jeffrey Wigdahl, Alfredo Ruggeri:
Automatic estimation of corneal nerves focused tortuosities. 1332-1335 - Yuji Hatanaka, Hirokazu Tachiki, Kazunori Ogohara
, Chisako Muramatsu, Susumu Okumura, Hiroshi Fujita:
Artery and vein diameter ratio measurement based on improvement of arteries and veins segmentation on retinal images. 1336-1339 - Avisek Lahiri, Abhijit Guha Roy, Debdoot Sheet, Prabir Kumar Biswas:
Deep neural ensemble for retinal vessel segmentation in fundus images towards achieving label-free angiography. 1340-1343 - Khaled Alsaih, Guillaume Lemaitre, Joan Massich Vall, Mojdeh Rastgoo, Désiré Sidibé
, Tien Yin Wong
, Ecosse Lamoureux, Dan Milea, Carol Yim-lui Cheung, Fabrice Mériaudeau:
Classification of SD-OCT volumes with multi pyramids, LBP and HOG descriptors: Application to DME detections. 1344-1347 - Huiying Liu, Damon Wing Kee Wong
, Ai Ping Yow, Yanwu Xu
, Fengshou Yin, Augustinus Laude, Tock Han Lim:
Determining the difference in eyegaze measurements in individuals with Age related Macular Degeneration. 1348-1351 - Yasmeen M. George
, Mohammad Aldeen, Rahil Garnavi:
Pixel-based skin segmentation in psoriasis images. 1352-1356 - Mohammad H. Jafari, Shadrokh Samavi, Nader Karimi
, S. Mohamad R. Soroushmehr, Kevin Ward
, Kayvan Najarian:
Automatic detection of melanoma using broad extraction of features from digital images. 1357-1360 - Mani Abedini
, Noel C. F. Codella, Rajib Chakravorty, Rahil Garnavi, David A. Gutman, Brian Helba
, John R. Smith:
Multi-scale classification based lesion segmentation for dermoscopic images. 1361-1364 - Md Nafiul Alam, Tamanna T. K. Munia, Kouhyar Tavakolian, Fartash Vasefi, Nick MacKinnon
, Reza Fazel-Rezai:
Automatic detection and severity measurement of eczema using image processing. 1365-1368 - Saher Sabbaghi, Mohammad Aldeen, Rahil Garnavi:
A deep bag-of-features model for the classification of melanomas in dermoscopy images. 1369-1372 - Ebrahim Nasr-Esfahani
, Shadrokh Samavi, Nader Karimi
, S. Mohamad R. Soroushmehr, Mohammad H. Jafari, Kevin Ward
, Kayvan Najarian:
Melanoma detection by analysis of clinical images using convolutional neural network. 1373-1376 - Mrityunjoy Chakraborty, Samrat Mukhopadhyay, Avijit Dasgupta, Santanu Patsa, Nishat Anjum, Jay Gopal Ray:
A new approach of oral cancer detection using bilateral texture features in digital infrared thermal images. 1377-1380 - Carina B. Pereira
, Xinchi Yu, Vladimir Blazek, Boudewijn Venema, Steffen Leonhardt
Multisensor data fusion for enhanced respiratory rate estimation in thermal videos. 1381-1384 - Stephanie L. Bennett, Rafik A. Goubran, Brendan Bennett, Rebecca A. Bennett, Frank Knoefel:
The use of a thermal camera and Eulerian enhancement in the examination of pedal pulse and microvascular health. 1385-1388 - Yang Liu, Andrea Polo, Martha Zequera
, Rachid Harba, Raphaël Canals
, Luis Vilcahuaman
, Y. Bello:
Detection of diabetic foot hyperthermia by using a regionalization method, based on the plantar angiosomes, on infrared images. 1389-1392 - Keiko Fukuda, Hiroki Takemoto, Akira Ikeda:
Analytical approach to the temporal changes in NIRS signals to separate hemodynamic change from brain activity. 1393-1396 - Mauren Abreu de Souza
, Andriy Guilherme Krefer, Gustavo Benvenutti Borba
, Gustavo J. Vizinoni e Silva, Ana Paula G. O. Franco, Humberto Remigio Gamba
Generation of 3D thermal models for dentistry applications. 1397-1400 - Saeid Barzegarjalali, Alice C. Parker:
A neuromorphic circuit mimicking biological short-term memory. 1401-1404 - Gene J. Yu, Dong Song
, Theodore W. Berger:
Place field detection using grid-based clustering in a large-scale computational model of the rat dentate gyrus. 1405-1408 - Ana E. Uriarte, Lars Haab, Narsis Salafzoon, Daniel J. Strauss
Thalamic gamma band desynchronization in a computational model of the auditory pathway. 1409-1412 - Phillip J. Hendrickson, Clayton S. Bingham, Dong Song
, Theodore W. Berger:
A bi-directional communication paradigm between parallel NEURON and an external non-neuron process. 1413-1416 - Federico Wadehn, Stephan Schaller
, Thomas Eissing
, Markus Krauss, Lars Kuepfer:
A multiscale, model-based analysis of the multi-tissue interplay underlying blood glucose regulation in type I diabetes. 1417-1421 - Atasi Sarkar, Anup K. Sadhu, S. Basu Thakur, Sanghamitra Sengupta, Anirban Mukherjee
, Jyotirmoy Chatterjee:
Multimodal characterization of radiologically detectable lung lesions. 1422-1425 - Mengdi Qian, Alexandru Almasan, Evren Gurkan-Cavusoglu
Computational analysis of androgen receptor dependent radiosensitivity in prostate cancer. 1426-1429 - Androniki Alevyzaki, Stelios Sfakianakis, Ekaterini S. Bei, Eva Obermayr
, Robert Zeillinger, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, Michalis E. Zervakis:
Biclustering strategies for genetic marker selection in gynecologic tumor cell lines. 1430-1433 - Clyde F. Phelix, Allen K. Bourdon, Greg Villareal, Richard G. LeBaron:
Modeling non-clinical and clinical drug tests in Gaucher disease. 1434-1438 - Hiroshi Inokawa, Norihiro Katayama, Mitsuyuki Nakao
Evaluation of multidrug cancer chronotherapy based on cell cycle model under influences of circadian clock. 1439-1442 - Maya Gough, Elebeoba E. May:
An in silico model of the effects of vitamin D3 on mycobacterium infected macrophage. 1443-1446 - Su-Ping Deng, Dongdong Lin, Vince D. Calhoun
, Yu-Ping Wang:
Predicting schizophrenia by fusing networks from SNPs, DNA methylation and fMRI data. 1447-1450 - Khalid A. Alonazi, Nigel H. Lovell
, Socrates Dokos:
Simulation of motor current waveforms in monitoring aortic valve state during ventricular assist device support. 1451-1454 - Mathias Foo
, Rucha Sawlekar, Vishwesh V. Kulkarni, Declan G. Bates:
Biologically inspired design of feedback control systems implemented using DNA strand displacement reactions. 1455-1458 - George D. O'Clock:
Modeling of coupled differential equations for cellular chemical signaling pathways: Implications for assay protocols utilized in cellular engineering. 1459-1462 - Alexander Darlington, Declan G. Bates:
Host-aware modelling of a synthetic genetic oscillator. 1463-1466 - Rachel B. Clipp, Aaron Bray, Rodney Metoyer, M. Cameron Thames, Jeffrey B. Webb:
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling in BioGears. 1467-1470 - Vardaan Pahuja, Ritwik Kumar Layek, Pabitra Mitra:
Learning a Probabilistic Boolean Network model from biological pathways and time-series expression data. 1471-1475 - Niannan Xue, Wei Pan
, Yike Guo:
Parameter estimation for gene regulatory networks: A two-stage MCMC Bayesian approach. 1476-1479 - Gamze Giirsoy, Anna Terebus, Youfang Cao, Jie Liang:
Mechanisms of stochastic focusing and defocusing in biological reaction networks: Insight from accurate Chemical Master Equation (ACME) solutions. 1480-1483 - Jun'ichi Sato, Yoshikazu Washizawa:
Neural decoding of code modulated visual evoked potentials by spatio-temporal inverse filtering for brain computer interfaces. 1484-1487 - Felix Gembler, Piotr Stawicki
, Ivan Volosyak
Exploring the possibilities and limitations of multitarget SSVEP-based BCI applications. 1488-1491 - Kaori Suefusa, Toshihisa Tanaka:
Decoding of responses to mixed frequency and phase coded visual stimuli using multiset canonical correlation analysis. 1492-1495 - Marisol Rodriguez-Ugarte, Enrique Hortal
, Álvaro Costa, Eduardo Iáñez
, Andrés Úbeda
, José Maria Azorín:
Detection of intention of pedaling start cycle through EEG signals. 1496-1499 - Hachem A. Lamti, Philippe Gorce
The effect of time pressure on stress levels during virtual wheelchair navigation. 1500-1503 - Danut Irimia
, Nikolaus Sabathiel, Rupert Ortner, Marian Poboroniuc
, William Coon, Brendan Z. Allison, Christoph Guger:
recoveriX: A new BCI-based technology for persons with stroke. 1504-1507 - Nicolai Westergren, Rasmus L. Bendtsen, Troels W. Kjær, Carsten E. Thomsen, Sadasivan Puthusserypady
, Helge B. D. Sørensen
Steady state visual evoked potential based brain-computer interface for cognitive assessment. 1508-1511 - Jonas Isaksen
, Ali Mohebbi, Sadasivan Puthusserypady
A comparative study of pseudorandom sequences used in a c-VEP based BCI for online wheelchair control. 1512-1515 - Shingo Ryu, Hiroshi Higashi, Toshihisa Tanaka, Shigeki Nakauchi
, Tetsuto Minami:
Spatial smoothing of canonical correlation analysis for steady state visual evoked potential based brain computer interfaces. 1516-1519 - John Mundahl, Jianjun Meng, Jeffrey He, Bin He
Soft drink effects on sensorimotor rhythm brain computer interface performance and resting-state spectral power. 1520-1523 - Filip Melinscak
, Luis Montesano
Sample size determination for BCI studies: How many subjects and trials? 1524-1527 - Leah Muller, Sarah H. Felix, Kedar G. Shah, Kye Young Lee, Satinderpall Pannu, Edward F. Chang:
Thin-film, high-density micro-electrocorticographic decoding of a human cortical gyrus. 1528-1531 - Werner Jiang, Tejaswy Pailla, Benjamin K. Dichter, Edward F. Chang, Vikash Gilja:
Decoding speech using the timing of neural signal modulation. 1532-1535 - Fei Wang, Yanbin He, Jun Qu, Qiuyou Xie, Qing Lin, Xiaoxiao Ni, Yan Chen, Ronghao Yu, Chin-Teng Lin
, Yuanqing Li:
An audiovisual BCI system for assisting clinical communication assessment in patients with disorders of consciousness: A case study. 1536-1539 - Christian Herff, Garett D. Johnson, Lorenz Diener, Jerry J. Shih, Dean J. Krusienski, Tanja Schultz
Towards direct speech synthesis from ECoG: A pilot study. 1540-1543 - Yile Jin, Mingwei Lu, Xiaotian Wang, Shaomin Zhang
, Junming Zhu, Xiaoxiang Zheng:
Electrocorticographic signals comparison in sensorimotor cortex between contralateral and ipsilateral hand movements. 1544-1547 - Trieu Phat Luu, Yongtian He
, Sho Nakagome
, Jeffrey Gorges, Kevin Nathan, José L. Contreras-Vidal
Unscented Kalman filter for neural decoding of human treadmill walking from non-invasive electroencephalography. 1548-1551 - Christopher Schildt, Sarah H. Thomas, Elizabeth S. Powell, Lumy Sawaki, Sridhar Sunderam
Closed-loop afferent electrical stimulation for recovery of hand function in individuals with motor incomplete spinal injury: Early clinical results. 1552-1555 - Nengneng Peng, Rui Zhang, Haihua Zeng, Fei Wang, Kai Li, Yuanqing Li, Xiaobin Zhuang:
Control of a nursing bed based on a hybrid brain-computer interface. 1556-1559 - Junhyuk Choi, Hyolim Kang, Sang Hun Chung, Yeonghun Kim, Ung Hee Lee, Jong Min Lee, Seung-Jong Kim, Min Ho Chun, Hyungmin Kim:
Detecting voluntary gait intention of chronic stroke patients towards top-down gait rehabilitation using EEG. 1560-1563 - Jing Wu, Benjamin R. Shuman, Bingni W. Brunton, Katherine M. Steele
, Jared D. Olson
, Rajesh P. N. Rao
, Jeffrey G. Ojemann:
Multistep model for predicting upper-limb 3D isometric force application from pre-movement electrocorticographic features. 1564-1567 - Lenis Mauricio Merino, Tapsya Nayak
, Garrett Hall, Daniel J. Pack, Yufei Huang:
Detection of control or idle state with a likelihood ratio test in asynchronous SSVEP-based brain-computer interface systems. 1568-1571 - Jordan J. Williams, Rex. N. Tien, Yoh Inoue, Andrew B. Schwartz:
Idle state classification using spiking activity and local field potentials in a brain computer interface. 1572-1575 - Fatemeh Karimi, Jonathan Kofman, Natalie Mrachacz-Kersting
, Dario Farina, Ning Jiang:
Comparison of EEG spatial filters for movement related cortical potential detection. 1576-1579 - David Nicoladie Tam
, Luca Pollonini
, George Zouridakis
Decoding movement direction using phase-space analysis of hemodynamic responses to arm movements based on functional near-infrared spectroscopy. 1580-1583 - Samantha L. Klosterman, Justin R. Estepp, Jason W. Monnin, James C. Christensen:
Day-to-day variability in hybrid, passive brain-computer interfaces: Comparing two studies assessing cognitive workload. 1584-1590 - Song Xu, Yang Li, Xudong Wang, Rosa H. M. Chan:
Identification of time-varying neural dynamics from spiking activities using Chebyshev polynomials. 1591-1594 - Fikret E. Kapucu, Jarno E. Mikkonen, Jarno M. A. Tanskanen
, Jari A. K. Hyttinen
Analyzing the feasibility of time correlated spectral entropy for the assessment of neuronal synchrony. 1595-1598 - Quynh Tran Ly, A. M. Ardi Handojoseno, Moran Gilat
, Tuan Nghia Nguyen, Rifai Chai
, Yvonne Tran
, Simon J. G. Lewis, Hung T. Nguyen
Detection of Gait Initiation Failure in Parkinson's disease patients using EEG signals. 1599-1602 - Saeed Pouryazdian, Andrew Chang
, Dan J. Bosnyak, Laurel J. Trainor
, Soosan Beheshti, Sridhar Krishnan
Multi-domain feature selection in auditory MisMatch Negativity via PARAFAC-based template matching approach. 1603-1607 - Fei Peng, Nan Xia, Xing Wang, Xiao L. Zheng, Yi Zhou, Xing Y. Fan, Wen S. Hou:
Neural representation of different mandarin tones in the inferior colliculus of the guinea pig. 1608-1611 - Qi She, Winnie K. Y. So, Rosa H. M. Chan:
Effective connectivity matrix for neural ensembles. 1612-1615 - Gaetano Valenza
, Gianluca Vannucci, Enzo Wanke, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo:
Stochastic modeling of spontaneous bursting activity to simulate neural responses of in-vitro networks on multielectrode arrays. 1616-1619 - Dong Song
, Robert E. Hampson, Brian S. Robinson, Vasilis Z. Marmarelis, Sam A. Deadwyler, Theodore W. Berger:
Decoding memory features from hippocampal spiking activities using sparse classification models. 1620-1623 - Brian S. Robinson, Theodore W. Berger, Dong Song
Monte Carlo validation of spike-timing-dependent plasticity identification from spiking activity. 1624-1627 - Xiaochen Zhang
, Qin Gong, Tao Zhang
Cortical auditory evoked potentials (CAEPs) represent neural cues relevant to pitch perception. 1628-1631 - Akinyinka Omigbodun, Werner K. Doyle, Orrin Devinsky
, Daniel Friedman, Thomas Thesen
, Vikash Gilja:
Hidden-Markov Factor Analysis as a spatiotemporal model for electrocorticography. 1632-1635 - Adil A. Tobaa, Matthew D. Best, Karthikeyan Balasubramanian, Kazutaka Takahashi
, Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos:
Properties of primary motor cortical local field potentials in the leg and trunk representations during arm movements. 1636-1639 - Dillon M. Huffman, Kendra E. Staggs, Farid Yaghouby, Anuj Agarwal, Bruce F. O'Hara, Kevin D. Donohue, Eric M. Blalock, Sridhar Sunderam
Tunable somatosensory stimulation for selective sleep restriction studies in rodents. 1640-1643 - Asmaa Ajwad
, Farid Yaghouby, Dillon M. Huffman, Bruce F. O'Hara, Sridhar Sunderam
Effect of temperature on sleep regulation in an animal epilepsy model. 1644-1647 - Clara Genna, Fiorenzo Artoni
, Chiara Fanciullacci, Carmelo Chisari, Calogero M. Oddo, Silvestro Micera
Long-latency components of somatosensory evoked potentials during passive tactile perception of gratings. 1648-1651 - Anwesha Sengupta, Abhishek Tiwari, Aritra Chaudhuri
, Aurobinda Routray:
Analysis of loss of alertness due to cognitive fatigue using Motif Synchronization of EEG records. 1652-1655 - Hao Wang, Farid Yaghouby, Sridhar Sunderam
A mathematical model of ultradian sleep-wake regulation in rodents. 1656-1659 - Pen-Ning Yu, Shokofeh A. Naiini, Christi N. Heck, Charles Yu Liu, Dong Song
, Theodore W. Berger:
A sparse Laguerre-Volterra autoregressive model for seizure prediction in temporal lobe epilepsy. 1664-1667 - Begona Garcia-Conde, Christopher J. James:
On the development of a low-cost EMG switch for communication using minimal muscle contractions. 1668-1671 - Pouyan Mehryar
, Mohammad Sharif Shourijeh, Hafiz Farhan Maqbool, Mahdi Torabi, Abbas A. Dehghani-Sanij:
Muscle synergy analysis in transtibial amputee during ramp ascending activity. 1676-1679 - Mina Nouredanesh, Sunil L. Kukreja, James Tung:
Detection of compensatory balance responses using wearable electromyography sensors for fall-risk assessment. 1680-1683 - Xiangxin Li, Rui Xu, Oluwarotimi Williams Samuel, Lan Tian, Haiqing Zou, Xiufeng Zhang, Shixiong Chen, Peng Fang
, Guanglin Li
A new approach to mitigate the effect of force variation on pattern recognition for myoelectric control. 1684-1687 - Ville Rantanen
, Mirja Ilves, Antti Vehkaoja
, Anton Kontunen
, Jani Lylykangas, Eeva Makela, Markus Rautiainen, Veikko Surakka, Jukka Lekkala
A survey on the feasibility of surface EMG in facial pacing. 1688-1691 - Si Li, Cheng Zhuang, Xiao Zhang, Chuanxin Minos Niu, Qing Xie, Ning Lan:
Analysis of muscle synergy for evaluation of task-specific performance in stroke patients. 1692-1695 - Rami N. Khushaba
, Ali Al-Timemy
, Ahmed Al-Ani, Adel Al-Jumaily
Myoelectric feature extraction using temporal-spatial descriptors for multifunction prosthetic hand control. 1696-1699 - Mingxing Zhu, Wanzhang Yang, Oluwarotimi Williams Samuel, Yun Xiang, Jian-Ping Huang, Haiqing Zou, Guanglin Li
A preliminary evaluation of myoelectrical energy distribution of the front neck muscles in pharyngeal phase during normal swallowing. 1700-1703 - Vincent Carriou, Jérémy Laforêt, Sofiane Boudaoud
, Mariam Al Harrach
Realistic motor unit placement in a cylindrical HD-sEMG generation model. 1704-1707 - Mahboube Lotfian, Mehdi M. Mirbagheri, Mohamad Reza Kharazi
, Farnoosh Dadashi, Rohollah Nourian
, Ashkan Irani
, Alireza Mirbagheri
Pendulum test measure correlates with gait parameters in children with cerebral palsy. 1708-1711 - Mahsa A. Golkar, Robert E. Kearney:
Effects of input frequency content and signal-to-noise ratio on the parametric estimation of surface EMG-torque dynamics. 1712-1716 - Somayeh B. Shafiei
, Scott Doyle, Khurshid A. Guru:
Mentor's brain functional connectivity network during robotic assisted surgery mentorship. 1717-1720 - Souksakhone Bounyong, Shinobu Adachi, Tetsuro Yoshimoto, Tomohiro Ota, Jun Ozawa:
Controlling interfered area in interferential current stimulation by electrode-area patterning. 1721-1724 - Chow Khuen Chan, Timothy Guojun Fu, Chen-Hua Yeow
Comparison of mean frequency and median frequency in evaluating muscle fiber type selection in varying gait speed across healthy young adult individuals. 1725-1728 - Majdi Mansouri
, Parmida Moradi Birgani, Mohamad Reza Kharazi
, Mahboube Lotfian, M. Naeimipoor, Mehdi M. Mirbagheri:
Estimation of gait parameter using sonoelastography in children with cerebral palsy. 1729-1732 - Rakesh Pilkar, Arvind Ramanujam, Erica Garbarini, Gail F. Forrest:
Validation of empirical mode decomposition combined with notch filtering to extract electrical stimulation artifact from surface electromyograms during functional electrical stimulation. 1733-1736 - Jourdan K. Ewoldt, Emily C. Lazzaro, Elliot J. Roth, Nina L. Suresh:
Quantification of a single score (1+) in the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS), a clinical assessment of spasticity. 1737-1740 - Yogi A. Patel, Andrew Willsie, Isaac P. Clements, Ricardo Aguilar, Swaminathan Rajaraman, Robert J. Butera
Microneedle cuff electrodes for extrafascicular peripheral nerve interfacing. 1741-1744 - Alireza Ghahari, Tudor C. Badea
Robust spike sorting of retinal ganglion cells tuned to spot stimuli. 1745-1749 - Brad J. Raos
, E. Scott Graham, Charles P. Unsworth:
Investigation of the Ca2+ response of human hNT astrocytes to laser removal of cellular processes. 1750-1753 - Rui Bastos, Sofia R. Fernandes
, Ricardo Salvador, Cornelia Wenger, Mamede de Carvalho, Pedro Cavaleiro Miranda:
The effect of inter-electrode distance on the electric field distribution during transcutaneous lumbar spinal cord direct current stimulation. 1754-1757 - Leo Ai, Jerel K. Mueller, Andrea N. Grant
, Yigitcan Eryaman
, Wynn Legon:
Transcranial focused ultrasound for BOLD fMRI signal modulation in humans. 1758-1761 - Suleman Ayub, Falk Barz
, Oliver Paul, Patrick Ruther:
Heterogeneous 3D optrode with variable spatial resolution for optogenetic stimulation and electrophysiological recording. 1762-1765 - Yuxiao Yang
, Maryam Modir Shanechi:
Generalized binary noise stimulation enables time-efficient identification of input-output brain network dynamics. 1766-1769 - Jeong Hoan Park, Chaebin Kim, Seung-Hee Ahn, Tae Mok Gwon, Joonsoo Jeong
, Sang Beom Jun, Sung June Kim:
A distributed current stimulator ASIC for high density neural stimulation. 1770-1773 - Abhishek Datta
, Matthew R. Krause, Praveen K. Pilly, Jaehoon Choe, Theodoros P. Zanos
, Chris Thomas, Christopher C. Pack:
On comparing in vivo intracranial recordings in non-human primates to predictions of optimized transcranial electrical stimulation. 1774-1777 - Laura Santos
, Miguel Martinho, Ricardo Salvador, Cornelia Wenger, Sofia R. Fernandes
, Oscar Ripolles
, Giulio Ruffini, Pedro Cavaleiro Miranda:
Evaluation of the electric field in the brain during transcranial direct current stimulation: A sensitivity analysis. 1778-1781 - Fuliang Xu, Manzhao Hao
, Shao-Qing Xu, Zi-Xiang Hu, Qin Xiao, Ning Lan:
Development of a closed-loop system for tremor suppression in patients with Parkinson's disease. 1782-1785 - Mahboubeh Parastarfeizabadi
, Abbas Z. Kouzani, Ian Gibson
, Susannah J. Tye
A miniature closed-loop deep brain stimulation device. 1786-1789 - Ines S. Verissimo, Isabel M. Barradas, Tiago T. Santos, Pedro Cavaleiro Miranda, Hugo Alexandre Ferreira
Effects of prefrontal anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on working-memory and reaction time. 1790-1793 - John Lachapelle, Caroline K. Bjune, Alex Kindle, Andrew Czarnecki, John R. Burns, Julianne E. Grainger, Carlos Segura, Brian Nugent, Tirunelveli S. Sriram, Philip D. Parks, Edward W. Keefer, Jonathan Cheng:
An implantable, designed-for-human-use peripheral nerve stimulation and recording system for advanced prosthetics. 1794-1797 - Artin Petrossians, John J. Whalen
, James D. Weiland
Improved electrode material for deep brain stimulation. 1798-1801 - Xuefeng Wei
, Mehdi Benmassaoud
, Miriam Meller, Sindhuja Kuchibhatla:
Novel fractal planar electrode design for efficient neural stimulation. 1802-1805 - Robert D. Graham
, Sharon Jose, Alex Kaiser, Nathalia Peixoto:
Synaptic depression depends on charge delivered to network. 1806-1809 - Mark J. Connolly, Robert E. Gross, Babak Mahmoudi:
The influence of the pre-stimulation neural state on the post-stimulation neural dynamics via distributed microstimulation of the hippocampus. 1810-1813 - Rajas P. Kale
, Abbas Z. Kouzani, Julian Berk
, Ken Walder, Michael Berk
, Susannah J. Tye
Electrical resistance increases at the tissue-electrode interface as an early response to nucleus accumbens deep brain stimulation. 1814-1817 - Amin Rashidi
, Niloofar Yazdani, Amir M. Sodagar:
Fully-implantable, multi-channel, microstimulator with tracking supply ribbon and energy recovery. 1818-1821 - Vrajeshri Patel, Martin K. Burns, Michael Pourfar, Alon Mogilner, Douglas Kondziolka, Ramana Vinjamuri:
QAPD: An integrated system to quantify symptoms of Parkinson's disease. 1822-1825 - Mahsa Shoaran
, Masoud Farivar
, Azita Emami
Hardware-friendly seizure detection with a boosted ensemble of shallow decision trees. 1826-1829 - Chunfang Wang, Jingang Du, Ying Zhang, Peng Zhou, Dong Ming:
The long-range temporal correlations of broadband EEG oscillations in poststroke depression subjects with basal ganglia infarction. 1830-1833 - Tomoyo I. Shiramatsu, Rie Hitsuyu, Kenji Ibayashi, Ryohei Kanzaki, Kensuke Kawai, Hirokazu Takahashi:
Effect of vagus nerve stimulation on neural adaptation in thalamo-cortical system in rats. 1834-1837 - Ahsan H. Khandoker
, Veena Luthra, Yousef Abou Allaban, Simanto Saha
, Khawza I. Ahmed
, Raqibul Mostafa, Nayeefa Chowdhury
, Herbert F. Jelinek
Identifying depressed patients with and without suicidal ideation by finger photo-plethysmography. 1842-1845 - Leanne M. Young, Rishabh Choudhary
, Xiaofeng Jia
Multimodel quantitative analysis of somatosensory evoked potentials after cardiac arrest with graded hypothermia. 1846-1849 - Jukka Kortelainen
, Eero Väyrynen, Usko Huuskonen, Jouko Laurila, Juha Koskenkari, Janne T. Backman, Seppo Alahuhta, Tapio Seppänen, Tero Ala-Kokko:
Using Hilbert-Huang Transform to assess EEG slow wave activity during anesthesia in post-cardiac arrest patients. 1850-1853 - Reza Amanipour
, Robert D. Frisina
, Samantha A. Cresoe, Teresa J. Parsons, Xiaoxia Zhu, Cesario V. Borlongan, Joseph P. Walton:
Impact of mild traumatic brain injury on auditory brain stem dysfunction in mouse model. 1854-1857 - Junyun He, Leanne M. Young, Xiaofeng Jia
Dihydrocapsaicin-induced hypothermia after asphyxiai cardiac arrest in rats. 1858-1861 - Lianyang Li, Xianghong Arakaki
, Thao Tran, Michael Harrington
, Nikhil S. Padhye
, George Zouridakis
Brain activation profiles in mTBI: Evidence from ERP activity of working memory response. 1862-1865 - Rui Li
, Zibo Cai, WeeSit Lee, Daniel T. H. Lai:
A wearable biofeedback control system based body area network for freestyle swimming. 1866-1869 - Rohan S. Puri, Athanasios G. Athanassiadis
, Niharika Gill, Sai Sri Sathya, Geetanjali Rathod, Akshat Wahi, Guy Satat, Maulik Majmudar, Pratik Shah:
Design and preliminary evaluation of a wearable device for mass-screening of sleep apnea. 1870-1873 - Cassim Ladha, Silvia Del Din
, Kianoush Nazarpour
, Aodhán Hickey, Rosie Morris
, Michael Catt
, Lynn Rochester
, Alan Godfrey
Toward a low-cost gait analysis system for clinical and free-living assessment. 1874-1877 - Mio Tsukahara, Motofumi Nakanishi, Shintaro Izumi, Yozaburo Nakai, Hiroshi Kawaguchi
, Masahiko Yoshimoto:
Low-power metabolic equivalents estimation algorithm using adaptive acceleration sampling. 1878-1881 - Anahita Hosseini, Haik Kalantarian, Majid Sarrafzadeh:
Adaptive data processing for real-time nutrition monitoring. 1882-1885 - Nagaraj Hegde, Edward L. Melanson, Edward Sazonov
Development of a real time activity monitoring Android application utilizing SmartStep. 1886-1889 - John F. Drazan
, Michael T. Wassick, Reena Dahle, Luke A. Beardslee, Nathaniel C. Cady
, Eric H. Ledet:
A simple sensing mechanism for wireless, passive pressure sensors. 1890-1893 - Ali Shafti
, Beatriz Urbistondo Lazpita, Oussama Elhage
, Helge A. Wurdemann
, Kaspar Althoefer:
Analysis of comfort and ergonomics for clinical work environments. 1894-1897 - Bernardo Melai, Pietro Salvo, Nicola Calisi
, Letizia Moni, Andrea Bonini
, Clara Paoletti, Tommaso Lomonaco
, Vincenzo Mollica, Roger Fuoco, Francesco Ferracuti:
A graphene oxide pH sensor for wound monitoring. 1898-1901 - Roya Sheybani
, Anita Shukla:
Complementary sensors for rapid and sensitive detection of wound bacteria. 1902-1905 - Yu-Pin Hsu, Zemin Liu, Mona Mostafa Hella:
An ultra low-power front-end IC for wearable health monitoring system. 1906-1909 - Tse-An Chen, Chia-Ling Wei
, Bin-Da Liu:
Comparative frequency response analysis system for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements. 1910-1913 - Virgilio Valente, Dai Jiang
, Andreas Demosthenous
Dual-mode CMOS analog front-end (AFE) for electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) systems. 1914-1917 - Yusuke Izawa, Toshihisa Osaki
, Koki Kamiya
, Satoshi Fujii, Norihisa Miki, Shoji Takeuchi
Stability of the microdroplets for portable biosensor. 1918-1921 - Song Zhang, Yilin Song, Jun Jia, Guihua Xiao, Lili Yang, Min Sun, Mixia Wang, Xinxia Cai
An implantable microelectrode array for dopamine and electrophysiological recordings in response to L-dopa therapy for Parkinson's disease. 1922-1925 - Jonathan Schachtele:
A bifrequent passive sensor system for measurement of the pulse wave velocity in a stent. 1926-1929 - John F. Drazan
, Omar T. Abdoun, Michael T. Wassick, George A. Marcus, Reena Dahle, Luke A. Beardslee, Nathaniel C. Cady
, Eric H. Ledet:
Reducing the effect of parasitic capacitance on implantable passive resonant sensors. 1930-1933 - Miao Meng
, Mehdi Kiani:
Optimal resonance configuration for ultrasonic wireless power transmission to millimeter-sized biomedical implants. 1934-1937 - Fabian Boeser, Benjamin G. Lang, Thomas Stieglitz
, Dennis T. T. Plachta:
Epoxy casting used as nonhermetic encapsulation technique for implantable electronic devices. 1938-1941 - Takashi Ota, Naoya To, Yoshihiko Kanno, Norihisa Miki:
Evaluation of biofouling for implantable micro dialysis system. 1942-1945 - Daniel N. Roxby, Nham Tran
, Pak-Lam Yu, Hung T. Nguyen
Effect of growth solution, membrane size and array connection on microbial fuel cell power supply for medical devices. 1946-1949 - Mohammad H. Behfar, Emily Abada, Lauri Sydänheimo
, Ken Goldman, Aaron J. Fleischman, Nalin Gupta, Leena Ukkonen, Shuvo Roy:
Inductive passive sensor for intraparenchymal and intraventricular monitoring of intracranial pressure. 1950-1954 - Dean G. Johnson
, Sabrina Pan, Andrew Hayden, James L. McGrath
Nanoporous membrane robustness / stability in small form factor microfluidic filtration system. 1955-1958 - Jingzhen Li, Yuhang Liu, Jingjing Ma, Ze-dong Nie, Lei Wang:
Characterization and analysis of dynamic implant communication channels based on inhomogeneous model. 1959-1962 - Paul Cvancara, Simone Lauser, Linda Rudmann, Thomas Stieglitz
Investigations on different epoxies for electrical insulation of microflex structures. 1963-1966 - Lorenzo Bisoni
, Matthias Müller, Paul Cvancara, Caterina Carboni, Roberto Puddu, Luigi Raffo
, Massimo Barbaro
, Thomas Stieglitz
Investigation on the hermeticity of an implantable package with 32 feedthroughs for neural prosthetic applications. 1967-1970 - Christopher S. Springston, Rui Bao, Aydin Farajidavar:
A 32-channel wireless system for recording gastric electrical activity. 1971-1974 - Hesam Sadeghi Gougheri, Mehdi Kiani:
Optimal wireless receiver structure for omnidirectional inductive power transmission to biomedical implants. 1975-1978 - Max T. Curran
, Jong-Kai Yang, Nick Merrill, John Chuang
Passthoughts authentication with low cost EarEEG. 1979-1982 - Andre V. Pigatto
, Karina O. A. Moura, Gabriela W. Favieiro, Alexandre Balbinot
A new crank arm based load cell, with built-in conditioning circuit and strain gages, to measure the components of the force applied by a cyclist. 1983-1986 - Halim Tannous
, Dan Istrate
, Aziz Benlarbi-Delaï, Julien Sarrazin
, Mohamad Idriss, Marie Christine Ho Ba Tho
, Tien-Tuan Dao
Exploring various orientation measurement approaches applied to a serious game system for functional rehabilitation. 1987-1990 - Niloofar Hezarjaribi, Cody A. Reynolds, Drew T. Miller, Naomi Chaytor
, Hassan Ghasemzadeh:
S2NI: A mobile platform for nutrition monitoring from spoken data. 1991-1994 - Guillermo Dufort, Federico Favaro
, Federico Lecumberry, Alvaro Martín, Juan Pablo Oliver, Julian Oreggioni
, Ignacio Ramírez, Gadiel Seroussi, Leonardo Steinfeld
Wearable EEG via lossless compression. 1995-1998 - Ganesh R. Naik
, Gita Pendharkar, Hung T. Nguyen
Wavelet PCA for automatic identification of walking with and without an exoskeleton on a treadmill using pressure and accelerometer sensors. 1999-2002 - Jae-Hwan Ryu, Byeong-Hyeon Lee, Deok-Hwan Kim:
EMG signal-based gait phase recognition using a GPES library and ISMF. 2003-2006 - Daniel S. Hedin, Paul L. Gibson, Adam J. Bartsch, Sergey Samorezov:
Development of a head impact monitoring "Intelligent Mouthguard". 2007-2009 - Wei Lu
, Changhong Wang, Michael C. Stevens
, Stephen James Redmond, Nigel H. Lovell
Low-power operation of a barometric pressure sensor for use in an automatic fall detector. 2010-2013 - Yongsu Lee, Hyeonwoo Lee, Seunghyup Yoo
, Hoi-Jun Yoo:
Sticker-type ECG/PPG concurrent monitoring system hybrid integration of CMOS SoC and organic sensor device. 2014-2017 - Markus Hessinger, Tobias Pilic, Roland Werthschützky, Peter P. Pott:
Miniaturized force/torque sensor for in vivo measurements of tissue characteristics. 2022-2025 - Jason Wheeler, Anirban Mazumdar, Lisa Marron, Kevin Dullea, Joan Sanders, Kate Allyn:
A pressure and shear sensing liner for prosthetic sockets. 2026-2029 - Bruce J. P. Mortimer, Gary A. Zets, Brian J. Altenbernd, Tharaka Goonetilleke:
Development of a planar shear sensor. 2030-2033 - Mojtaba Jafari Tadi
, Eero Lehtonen
, Mikko Pänkäälä, Antti Saraste, Tuija Vasankari, Mika Teräs, Tero Koivisto:
Gyrocardiography: A new non-invasive approach in the study of mechanical motions of the heart. Concept, method and initial observations. 2034-2037 - Lin Ye, Steven W. Su, Dong Lei, Hung T. Nguyen
An online recursive autocalibration of triaxial accelerometer. 2038-2041 - Eri Nishi, Yuiko Nagamatsu, Takuya Niikawa:
Measurement of force applied by infant tongue to the nipple during sucking and investigation of the mechanism of tongue movement. 2042-2045 - M. Amin Khorsandi, Nader Karimi
, Shadrokh Samavi, Mohsen Hajabdollahi, S. Mohamad R. Soroushmehr, Kevin Ward
, Kayvan Najarian:
Hardware image assessment for wireless endoscopy capsules. 2050-2053 - Oleksandr Makeyev
, Walter G. Besio:
Finite element method modeling to assess Laplacian estimates via novel variable inter-ring distances concentric ring electrodes. 2054-2057 - Oleksandr Makeyev
, Walter G. Besio:
Analytic assessment of Laplacian estimates via novel variable interring distances concentric ring electrodes. 2058-2062 - Leonardo Di Perna, Nicola Di Stefano
, Domenico Formica, Valentina Focaroli, Fabrizio Taffoni:
The sound of actions: A new tool to study music perception in young children. 2063-2066 - Alexander Vorobyov
, Eleni Daskalaki, Cédric Hennemann
, Jean-Dominique Decotignie:
Human physical condition RF sensing at THz range. 2067-2070 - Seyed Hadi Nasrollaholhosseini, Preston Steele, Walter G. Besio:
Electrode-electrolyte interface model of tripolar concentric ring electrode and electrode paste. 2071-2074 - Naoki Wadamori:
Possible photoacoustic gas detection for a smart endoscope. 2075-2078 - Ryogo Horiuchi, Norihisa Miki:
Fatigue evaluation using a glass-shape optical sensors system. 2079-2082 - Boris I. Afinogenov
, James B. Coles, Sailashri Parthasarathy, Jessica Press-Williams, Ralina Tsykunova, Anastasia Vasilenko, Jaya Narain, Nevan Hanumara, Amos Winter, PremNandhini Satgunam
Wearable optical-digital assistive device for low vision students. 2083-2086 - Nuno M. M. Pires, Tao Dong:
Highly sensitive detection of human cancer antigens by an immunogold-silver assay chip coupled with a polythiophene-based optical sensor. 2087-2090 - Ryo Furukawa
, Yoji Sanomura, Shinji Tanaka, Shigeto Yoshida, Ryusuke Sagawa, Marco Visentini Scarzanella, Hiroshi Kawasaki:
3D endoscope system using DOE projector. 2091-2094 - Nikhil Bhalla
, Shivani Sathish, Amy Q. Shen
Novel refractive index biosensing of microcontact printed molecules on lithium niobate. 2095-2098 - Benjamin Esterer, Johannes Razenbock, Marianne Hollensteiner
, David Fuerst, Andreas Schrempf:
Development of artificial tissue-like structures for a hybrid epidural anesthesia simulator. 2099-2102 - Hen-Wei Huang
, Andrew J. Petruska
, Mahmut Selman Sakar, Maria Skoura, Franziska Ullrich
, Qi Zhang, Salvador Pané, Bradley J. Nelson
Self-folding hydrogel bilayer for enhanced drug loading, encapsulation, and transport. 2103-2106 - Tao Zhang
, Steven W. Su, Hung T. Nguyen
The hybrid bio-inspired aerial vehicle: Concept and SIMSCAPE flight simulation. 2107-2110 - Chengzhi Hu, Katharina Riederer, Michael Klemmer, Salvador Pané, Bradley J. Nelson
Electrosynthesis of magnetoresponsive microrobot for targeted drug delivery using calcium alginate. 2111-2114 - Onder Erin, Nishant Pol, Luis E. Valle, Yong-Lae Park:
Design of a bio-inspired pneumatic artificial muscle with self-contained sensing. 2115-2119 - Muhammad Afif B. Husman, Hafiz Farhan Maqbool, Mohammed I. Awad
, Alireza Abouhossein
, Abbas A. Dehghani-Sanij:
A wearable skin stretch haptic feedback device: Towards improving balance control in lower limb amputees. 2120-2123 - Hossein Taheri, David J. Reinkensmeyer, Eric T. Wolbrecht
Model-based assistance-as-needed for robotic movement therapy after stroke. 2124-2127 - Hossein Taheri, Stephen A. Goodwin, James A. Tigue, Joel C. Perry, Eric T. Wolbrecht
Design and optimization of PARTNER: A parallel actuated robotic trainer for NEuroRehabilitation. 2128-2132 - Peng Qi
, Chen Qiu, Aadarsh Mehndiratta, I-Ming Chen
, Haoyong Yu:
Large-deflection statics analysis of active cardiac catheters through co-rotational modelling. 2133-2136 - Andrea Sofia, Agatino Christian Tavilla, Roberto Gardenghi, Daniele Nicolis, Igor Stefanini
Power transfer for rotating medical machine. 2137-2140 - Tahmid Latif
, Fengyuan Gong, Michael D. Dickey
, Mihail L. Sichitiu
, Alper Bozkurt:
Using liquid metal alloy (EGaIn) to electrochemically enhance SS stimulation electrodes for biobotic applications. 2141-2144 - Adam Ryason, Ganesh Sankaranarayanan, Kathryn L. Butler, Marc de Moya, Suvranu De
3D force/torque characterization of emergency cricothyroidotomy procedure using an instrumented scalpel. 2145-2148 - Edwin Johnatan Avila Mireles, Dalia De Santis, Pietro Morasso, Jacopo Zenzeri:
Transferring knowledge during dyadic interaction: The role of the expert in the learning process. 2149-2152 - Carlo Massaroni, Eugenio Cassetta, Irisz K. Levai, Samantha L. Winter
, John W. Dickinson, Sergio Silvestri
Optical measurement of breathing: Algorithm volume calibration and preliminary validation on healthy trained subjects. 2153-2156 - Miguel Moises Serrano, Yu-Ping Chen, Ayanna M. Howard, Patricio A. Vela
Lower limb pose estimation for monitoring the kicking patterns of infants. 2157-2160 - Miguel Moises Serrano, Yu-Ping Chen, Ayanna M. Howard, Patricio A. Vela
Automated feet detection for clinical gait assessment. 2161-2164 - Tyagi Ramakrishnan
, Haris Muratagic, Kyle B. Reed
Combined gait asymmetry metric. 2165-2168 - Takuya Murata, Kouhei Sakurada, Toshio Tsuji
, Yuichi Kurita
Prediction of posture-dependent tremor by the calculation of the endpoint compliance. 2169-2172 - Robert Peter Matthew, Victor Shia, Gentiane Venture
, Ruzena Bajcsy:
Generating physically realistic kinematic and dynamic models from small data sets: An application for sit-to-stand actions. 2173-2178 - Kyle R. Embry, Dario J. Villarreal, Robert D. Gregg:
A unified parameterization of human gait across ambulation modes. 2179-2183 - Tahmid Latif
, Meng Yang, Edgar J. Lobaton
, Alper Bozkurt:
Preliminary statistical assessment towards characterization of biobotic control. 2184-2187 - Ryuki Nohara, Yui Endo, Akihiko Murai, Hiroshi Takemura, Makiko Kouchi, Mitsunori Tada:
Multiple regression based imputation for individualizing template human model from a small number of measured dimensions. 2188-2193 - Irfan Anjum Manarvi
An investigation of animal and human bones for predicting probable location of fractures. 2194-2197 - Si-Myung Park, Deukhee Lee, Jung-Woo Lee, Youngjun Kim, Laehyun Kim, Gunwoo Noh
Stability of the permanently bent plates used in mandibular reconstructive surgery. 2198-2201 - Marianne Hollensteiner
, Markus Samrykit, Michael Hess, David Fuerst, Benjamin Esterer, Andreas Schrempf:
Inexpensive bone cement substitute for vertebral cement augmentation training. 2202-2205 - Yoshiyuki Midorikawa, Hiroshi Takemura, Hiroshi Mizoguchi
, Kohei Soga
, Masao Kamimura
, Kazuhiro Suga, Wei-Jen Lai, Zuisei Kanno, Motohiro Uo
Six-axis orthodontic force and moment sensing system for dentist technique training. 2206-2209 - Andrew G. Herbert-Copley, Edward D. Lemaire
, Natalie Baddour
Evaluation of a variable resistance orthotic knee joint. 2210-2213 - Zachary F. Lerner, Diane L. Damiano, Thomas C. Bulea
A robotic exoskeleton to treat crouch gait from cerebral palsy: Initial kinematic and neuromuscular evaluation. 2214-2217 - Christina-Anne Lahiff, Tyagi Ramakrishnan
, Seok Hun Kim, Kyle B. Reed
Knee orthosis with variable stiffness and damping that simulates hemiparetic gait. 2218-2221 - Byungjune Choi, Younbaek Lee, Jeonghun Kim, Minhyung Lee, Jongwon Lee, Se-gon Roh, Hyundo Choi, Yong-Jae Kim, Jung-Yun Choi:
A self-aligning knee joint for walking assistance devices. 2222-2227 - Max K. Shepherd, Elliott J. Rouse
Design and characterization of a torque-controllable actuator for knee assistance during sit-to-stand. 2228-2231 - Harshal Tankaria, Xavier J. Jackson, Raunak Borwankar, Goutham N. K. Srichandhru, Anh Le Tran, Janakinadh Yanamadala, Gregory M. Noetscher, Ara Nazarian, Sara Louie, Sergey N. Makarov:
VHP-Female full-body human CAD model for cross-platform FEM simulations - Recent development and validations. 2232-2235 - Richard Hummel, T. Douglas Bradley, Devin Packer, Hisham Alshaer
Distinguishing obstructive from central sleep apneas and hypopneas using linear SVM and acoustic features. 2236-2240 - Paritosh Parmar, Brendan Tran Morris
Measuring the quality of exercises. 2241-2244 - Sha Wu
, Eiko Furutani:
Nonlinear model predictive glycemic control of critically ill patients using online identification of insulin sensitivity. 2245-2248 - Sahar Harati, Andrea Crowell, Helen S. Mayberg, Jun Kong, Shamim Nemati:
Discriminating clinical phases of recovery from major depressive disorder using the dynamics of facial expression. 2254-2257 - Somayeh Molaei, Frederick K. Korley
, S. M. Reza Soroushmehr, Hayley Falk, Haris I. Sair, Kevin Ward
, Kayvan Najarian:
A machine learning based approach for identifying traumatic brain injury patients for whom a head CT scan can be avoided. 2258-2261 - Hiroki Tanaka
, Sakriani Sakti, Graham Neubig, Hideki Negoro, Hidemi Iwasaka, Satoshi Nakamura:
Automated social skills training with audiovisual information. 2262-2265 - Chen Chen, Adrien Ugon
, Xun Zhang
, Amara Amara, Patrick Garda, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Carole Philippe, Andréa Pinna:
Personalized sleep staging system using evolutionary algorithm and symbolic fusion. 2266-2269 - Navid Resalat, Joseph El Youssef, Ravi Reddy, Peter G. Jacobs:
Design of a dual-hormone model predictive control for artificial pancreas with exercise model. 2270-2273 - Benjamin Hotrabhavananda, Anup K. Mishra
, Marjorie Skubic, Nijaporn Hotrabhavananda, Carmen Abbott:
Evaluation of the microsoft kinect skeletal versus depth data analysis for timed-up and go and figure of 8 walk tests. 2274-2277 - Maria Ignacia Aguilera, Esteban J. Pino
Design of an intraoperative peritoneal lavage device. 2278-2281 - Jian Cao, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
Portable forced oscillation device for point-of-care pulmonary function testing. 2282-2286 - Jie Chen, Xianbiao Qi, Osmo Tervonen, Olli Silvén
, Guoying Zhao
, Matti Pietikäinen:
Thorax disease diagnosis using deep convolutional neural network. 2287-2290 - Ayumi Amemiya, Hiroshi Noguchi, Makoto Oe, Hiromi Sanada, Taketoshi Mori
Establishment of a measurement method for in-shoe pressure and shear stress in specific regions for diabetic ulcer prevention. 2291-2294 - Diana Mendes, Simão Paredes
, Teresa Rocha
, Paulo Carvalho, Jorge Henriques
, João Morais
Improving clinical models based on knowledge extracted from current datasets: A new approach. 2295-2298 - Jeonghee Kim
, Claire Parnell, Thomas Wichmann, Stephen P. DeWeerth:
Quantitative assessment of arm tremor in people with neurological disorders. 2299-2302 - Eduardo Peña-Mercado
, Mario Garcia-Lorenzana, Elena Aréchaga Ocampo
, Claudia Haydée González de la Rosa, Nohra E. Beltran:
Gastric mucosa injury quantification in an ischemia - Reperfusion experimental model. 2303-2306 - Francisco J. Fraga
, Eliezyer F. Oliveira
, Paulo A. M. Kanda
EEG epoch selection: Lack of alpha rhythm improves discrimination of Alzheimer's disease. 2307-2310 - Davide Meroni, Dario Bovio
, Pietro A. Frisoli, Andrea Aliverti:
Measurement of electrical impedance in different ex-vivo tissues. 2311-2314 - Ryo Nagaoka, Katsuhiro Sasaki, Seiichi Zama, Masaaki Nagone, Hiroshi Nagai, Yasuhito Takeuchi, Yoshifumi Saijo:
Perspective imaging of flow in arterial model obtained with continuous wave Doppler focusing technique. 2315-2318 - Ajay K. Verma, Amanmeet Garg, Andrew P. Blaber
, Reza Fazel-Rezai, Kouhyar Tavakolian:
Analysis of causal cardio-postural interaction under orthostatic stress using convergent cross mapping. 2319-2322 - Michael Tenorio, Olugbenga A. Williams, Maeve Leonard, Debbie White, Frank McKenna, Colum Dunne
, David Meagher, Chris Exton:
The Letter and Shape Drawing (LSD) test: An efficient and systematised approach to testing of visuospatial function. 2323-2326 - Vinit Kumar Chugh, Kubera Kalyan, C. S. Anoop:
Feasibility study of a giant Magneto-Resistance based respiration rate monitor. 2327-2330 - Shigeyuki Okahara
, Zu Soh, Shinya Takahashi, Taijiro Sueda, Toshio Tsuji
Blood viscosity monitoring during cardiopulmonary bypass based on pressure-flow characteristics of a Newtonian fluid. 2331-2334 - Lisa Guigue, Carole Lavault, Francis Grimbert, Yves Lavault, Norbert Noury
, Francois R. Boucher:
Analysis and experimental simulation of blood pressure signal distortions observed on intensive care patients monitored by a catheter in radial artery. 2335-2338 - João Paulo da Silva Cunha
, Ana Patricia Rocha, Hugo Miguel Pereira Choupina
, José Maria Fernandes
, Maria Jose Rosas, Rui Vaz, Felix Achilles, Anna Mira Loesch, Christian Vollmar, Elisabeth Hartl, Soheyl Noachtar:
A novel portable, low-cost kinect-based system for motion analysis in neurological diseases. 2339-2342 - Michael Brave, Dhanunjaya R. Lakkireddy, Mark W. Kroll
, Dorin Panescu:
Validity of the small swine model for human electrical safety risks. 2343-2348 - Pablo Aqueveque
, Cristopher Gutierrez, Francisco Saavedra
, Esteban J. Pino
Noninvasive health condition monitoring device for workers at high altitudes conditions. 2349-2352 - Lawrence Fomundam, Jenshan Lin
Multi-layer low frequency tissue equivalent phantoms for noninvasive test of shallow implants and evaluating antenna-body interaction. 2353-2356 - Hadas Sara Hershkovich, Ze'ev Bomzon, Cornelia Wenger, Noa Urman, Aafia Chaudhry, Dario Garcia-Carracedo, Eilon D. Kirson, Uri Weinberg, Yoram Wasserman, Yoram Palti:
First steps to creating a platform for high throughput simulation of TTFields. 2357-2360 - Eugenio Mattei
, Elena Lucano, Federica Censi, Leonardo M. Angelone
, Giovanni Calcagnini:
High dielectric material in MRI: Numerical assessment of the reduction of the induced local power on implanted cardiac leads. 2361-2364 - Lauren Samy, Paul M. Macey
, Majid Sarrafzadeh:
A daytime obstructive sleep apnea severity assessment framework. 2365-2369 - Mojtaba Jafari Tadi
, Eero Lehtonen
, Olli Lahdenoja, Mikko Pänkäälä, Tero Koivisto:
An adaptive approach for heartbeat detection based on S-transform in seismocardiograms. 2370-2373 - Harutoyo Hirano
, Ryosuke Katsumata, Masato Futagawa, Toshio Tsuji
, Shinji Kishimoto, Nozomu Oda, Masato Kajikawa, Tatsuya Maruhashi, Yukihito Higashi:
Development of an earlobe crease identification system to support diagnosis of arteriosclerosis. 2374-2377 - Mariam Al Harrach
, Babak Afsharipour, Sofiane Boudaoud
, Vincent Carriou, Frédéric Marin
, Roberto Merletti:
Extraction of the Brachialis muscle activity using HD-sEMG technique and canonical correlation analysis. 2378-2381 - Lik-Kwan Shark, Hongzhi Chen, Wei Quan, John Goodacre:
Acoustic emission and angular movement variations from early adulthood healthy knees to late adulthood osteoarthritic knees. 2382-2385 - Keisuke Kamata, Koichi Fujiwara
, Toshiki Yamakawa, Manabu Kano
Missing RRI interpolation for HRV analysis using locally-weighted partial least squares regression. 2386-2389 - Martin Kasparick
, Max Rockstroh, Stefan Schlichting, Frank Golatowski
, Dirk Timmermann
Mechanism for safe remote activation of networked surgical and PoC devices using dynamic assignable controls. 2390-2394 - Irene Yu-Hua Gu
, Grzegorz Sowulewski, Yixiao Yun, Anders Flisberg, Magnus Thordstein:
3D limb movement tracking and analysis for neurological dysfunctions of neonates using multi-camera videos. 2395-2398 - Julio Oscanoa
, Franco Doimi, Richard Dyer
, Jhahaira Araujo
, Joseph Pinto
, Benjamín Castañeda
Automated segmentation and classification of cell nuclei in immunohistochemical breast cancer images with estrogen receptor marker. 2399-2402 - Iman Nekooeimehr, Susana K. Lai-Yuen, Paul Bao, Alfredo Weitzenfeld, Stuart Hart:
Automated tracking, segmentation and trajectory classification of pelvic organs on dynamic MRI. 2403-2406 - U. Kit Pun, Huanying Gu, Ziqian Dong
, N. Sertac Artan:
Classification and visualization tool for gait analysis of Parkinson's disease. 2407-2410 - Thomas Schmidt, Annmarie Lassen
, Uffe Kock Wiil
Occurrence of elevated shock index in acute patients and development of a proportional shock index metric. 2411-2414 - Emmanuel Jammeh
, Peng Zhao, Camille Carroll
, Stephen Pearson, Emmanuel C. Ifeachor:
Identification of blood biomarkers for use in point of care diagnosis tool for Alzheimer's disease. 2415-2418 - Yanting Shen, Yang Yang, Sarah Parish, Zhengming Chen, Robert Clarke, David A. Clifton:
Risk prediction for cardiovascular disease using ECG data in the China kadoorie biobank. 2419-2422 - Meru A. Patil, Ravindra B. Patil, P. Krishnamoorthy, Jacob John:
A machine learning framework for auto classification of imaging system exams in hospital setting for utilization optimization. 2423-2426 - Talia Tron, Abraham Peled, Alexander Grinsphoon, Daphna Weinshall:
Differentiating facial incongruity and flatness in schizophrenia, using structured light camera data. 2427-2430 - Sana Tmar-Ben Hamida, Martin Glos, Thomas Penzel
, Beena Ahmed
How many sleep stages do we need for an efficient automatic insomnia diagnosis? 2431-2434 - K. Sabeena Beevi, Madhu S. Nair
, G. R. Bindu:
Detection of mitotic nuclei in breast histopathology images using localized ACM and Random Kitchen Sink based classifier. 2435-2439 - Sameer Mishra, Chanchala D. Kaddi, May D. Wang
Pan-cancer analysis for studying cancer stage using protein and gene expression data. 2440-2443 - Geoffrey Roman-Jimenez, Oscar Acosta
, Julie Leseur, Anne Devillers, Henri Der Sarkissian, Lina Guzman, Éloïse Grossiord, Juan David Ospina, Renaud de Crevoisier:
Random forests to predict tumor recurrence following cervical cancer therapy using pre- and per-treatment 18F-FDG PET parameters. 2444-2447 - Yanru Bai, Xin Chen, Changfeng Dong, Yingxia Liu, Zhiguo Zhang:
A comparison of multimodal biomarkers for chronic hepatitis B assessment using recursive feature elimination. 2448-2451 - Ieva Vasiljeva, Ognjen Arandjelovic
Towards sophisticated learning from EHRs: Increasing prediction specificity and accuracy using clinically meaningful risk criteria. 2452-2455 - Venkateshwarlu Y. Gudur, Sandeep Thallada, Abhinay R. Deevi, Venkata Krishna Gande, Amit Acharyya, Vasundhra Bhandari
, Paresh Sharma, S. Saqib Khursheed, Ganesh R. Naik
Reconfigurable hardware-software codesign methodology for protein identification. 2456-2459 - Yi Zheng, Chaowang Lan, Hui Peng, Jinyan Li:
Using constrained information entropy to detect rare adverse drug reactions from medical forums. 2460-2463 - Mark Hoogendoorn
, Ali el Hassouni
, Kwongyen Mok, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Peter Szolovits:
Prediction using patient comparison vs. modeling: A case study for mortality prediction. 2464-2467 - Hao Dong, Juechen Yin, James M. Schafer, Aura Ganz:
Spatial-temporal forensic analysis of mass casualty incidents using video sequences. 2468-2470 - Victor Andrei, Ognjen Arandjelovic
Identification of promising research directions using machine learning aided medical literature analysis. 2471-2474 - Saeed Mehrang
, Elina Helander
, Angela Chieh, Ilkka Korhonen
Seasonal weight variation patterns in seven countries located in northern and southern hemispheres. 2475-2478 - Yongwook Bryce Kim, Erik Hemberg, Una-May O'Reilly:
Stratified locality-sensitive hashing for accelerated physiological time series retrieval. 2479-2483 - Ibrahim Sadek
, Jit Biswas, Yongwei Zhu, Haihong Zhang, Maniyeri Jayachandran, Zhihao Chen, Ju Teng Teo, Soon Huat Ng, Mounir Mokhtari:
Sensor data quality processing for vital signs with opportunistic ambient sensing. 2484-2487 - Alvaro Sobrinho
, Paulo Cunha, Leandro Dias da Silva
, Angelo Perkusich
, Thiago D. Cordeiro, Jarbas Segundo:
Arguing effectiveness of biomedical signal acquisition devices using colored Petri Nets models and assurance cases in GSN: An ECG case study. 2488-2491 - Jiaying Du
, Daniel Kade, Christer Gerdtman, Oguzhan Özcan, Maria Lindén:
The effects of perceived USB-delay for sensor and embedded system development. 2492-2495 - Dalel Bouslimi, Reda Bellafqira, Gouenou Coatrieux:
Data hiding in homomorphically encrypted medical images for verifying their reliability in both encrypted and spatial domains. 2496-2499 - Pantelis Natsiavas
, Dimitris Filos
, Ioanna Chouvarda
, Christos Maramis, Remco van der Heijden, Helen Schonenberg, Steffen Pauws, Cristina Bescos, Nicos Maglaveras
A data model to support the evaluation of coordinating care EU programmes in the context of the ACT programme. 2500-2503 - Lara J. Kanbar, Wissam Shalish, Doina Precup, Karen A. Brown, Guilherme M. Sant'Anna, Robert E. Kearney:
Automated ongoing data validation and quality control of multi-institutional studies. 2504-2507 - Riho Kawasaki, Megumi Nakao
, Yuichiro Imai, Nobuhiro Ueda
, Toshihide Hatanaka, Mao Shiba, Tadaaki Kirita, Tetsuya Matsuda:
Sparse shape model for fibular transfer planning in mandibular reconstruction. 2508-2511 - Youngjun Kim, Sunhee Kim, Hannah Kim, Hyunchul Cho, Deukhee Lee, Laehyun Kim, Se Hyung Park, Jung-Woo Lee:
Automatic segmentation and user-friendly software techniques for virtual surgical planning of mandibular reconstruction. 2512-2515 - Abhishek Sengupta, Vaibhav Rajan
, Sakyajit Bhattacharya, G. R. K. Sarma:
A statistical model for stroke outcome prediction and treatment planning. 2516-2519 - Ali Jalali, Dieter Bender, Mohamed Rehman, Vinay M. Nadkarni, Chandrasekhar Nataraj:
Advanced analytics for outcome prediction in intensive care units. 2520-2524 - Chandan Srivastava, Sonal Sharma, Ali Jalali:
A novel algorithm for reducing false arrhythmia alarms in intensive care units. 2525-2528 - Adnan Vilic, John Asger Petersen
, Karsten Hoppe, Helge B. D. Sørensen:
Visualizing patient journals by combining vital signs monitoring and natural language processing. 2529-2532 - Daniel R. Harris
, Adam D. Baus, Tamela J. Harper, Traci D. Jarrett, Cecil R. Pollard, Jeffery C. Talbert
Using i2b2 to bootstrap rural health analytics and learning networks. 2533-2536 - Reda Bellafqira, Gouenou Coatrieux, Dalel Bouslimi, Gwenolé Quellec
An end to end secure CBIR over encrypted medical database. 2537-2540 - Emmanouil G. Spanakis
, Marios Spanakis
, Apostolos Karantanas, Kostas Marias
Secure access to patient's health records using SpeechXRays a mutli-channel biometrics platform for user authentication. 2541-2544 - Erik Linstead, Ryan Burns, Duy Nguyen, David Tyler:
AMP: A platform for managing and mining data in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. 2545-2549 - Jorge M. Luna, Natalie Yip, Rimma Pivovarov
, David K. Vawdrey:
Representativeness comparisons of nurse and computer charting of heart rate across nursing-intensity protocols. 2550-2553 - Megumi Nakao
, Kojiro Taura, Tetsuya Matsuda:
Deformable resection process map for intraoperative cutting guides. 2554-2557 - Yeshaswini Nagaraj
, Christian Benedicks, Philipp Matthies, Michael Friebe
Advanced inside-out tracking approach for real-time combination of MRI and US images in the radio-frequency shielded room using combination markers. 2558-2561 - Xiaoliu Zhang, Yingying Tang, Yisheng Zhu, Yao Li, Shanbao Tong:
Study of functional brain homogeneity in female patients with major depressive disorder. 2562-2565 - Mai Kasai, Yuka Iijima, Hiroshi Takemura, Hiroshi Mizoguchi
, Tomoko Ohshima, Naho Satomi:
Dental plaque assessment lifelogging system using commercial camera for oral healthcare. 2566-2569 - Yuki Kato, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, Yoshihiro Kuroda
, Masataka Imura, Shingo Yamashita, Toshihiko Ogura, Osamu Oshiro:
Noninvasive simultaneous measurement of blood pressure and blood flow velocity for hemodynamic analysis. 2570-2573 - Elena Radici, Stefano Bonacina
, Gianluca De Leo
Design and development of an AAC app based on a speech-to-symbol technology. 2574-2577 - Marc C. Robini, Yuemin Zhu
, Wanyu Liu, Isabelle E. Magnin:
A stochastic framework for spot-scanning particle therapy. 2578-2581 - Chihwen Cheng, Hang Wu, Pamela J. Thompson, Julie R. Taylor, Barbara A. Zehnbauer, Karlyn K. Wilson, May D. Wang
Anticoagulation manager: Development of a clinical decision support mobile application for management of anticoagulants. 2582-2585 - Dimitris Gavrilis, George K. Georgoulas, Nikolaos Vasiloglou, George Nikolakopoulos:
An intelligent assistant for physicians. 2586-2589 - Maziyar Baran Pouyan, Javad Birjandtalab, Mehrdad Nourani:
Distance metric learning using random forest for cytometry data. 2590 - Chih-Lin Chi, Kourosh Ravvaz, John Weissert, Peter J. Tonellato:
Optimal decision support rules improve personalize warfarin treatment outcomes. 2594-2597 - Farah Deeba
, Shahed K. Mohammed, Francis M. Bui
, Khan A. Wahid:
An empirical study on the effect of imbalanced data on bleeding detection in endoscopic video. 2598-2601 - Hao Du, Mohammad M. Ghassemi, Mengling Feng:
The effects of deep network topology on mortality prediction. 2602-2605 - Chris E. Zwilling
, Michelle Y. Wang:
Covariance based outlier detection with feature selection. 2606-2609 - Marco Altini, Oliver Amft:
HRV4Training: Large-scale longitudinal training load analysis in unconstrained free-living settings using a smartphone application. 2610-2613 - Ihor V. Vasyltsov, Changgyu Bak:
Method for seamless unlock function for mobile applications. 2614-2617 - Renato G. Barelli, Plinio Thomaz Aquino
, Maria Cláudia Ferrari de Castro
Mobile interface for neuroprosthesis control aiming tetraplegic users. 2618-2621 - Quentin Mourcou, Anthony Fleury, Bruno Diot, Nicolas Vuillerme
iProprio: A smartphone-based system to measure and improve proprioceptive function. 2622-2625 - Robert LeMoyne
, Timothy Mastroianni:
Implementation of a smartphone as a wireless gyroscope platform for quantifying reduced arm swing in hemiplegie gait with machine learning classification by multilayer perceptron neural network. 2626-2630 - Qiao Wang, Suhas Lohit, Meynard John Toledo, Matthew P. Buman
, Pavan K. Turaga
A statistical estimation framework for energy expenditure of physical activities from a wrist-worn accelerometer. 2631-2635 - Huseyin Atakan Varol:
MOSES: A Matlab-based open-source stochastic epidemic simulator. 2636-2639 - Zhuorui Yang, Aura Ganz:
Vision-based responders localization techniques in urban search and rescue scenarios. 2640-2643 - Aura Ganz, James M. Schafer, Zhuorui Yang, Jun Yi, Gregory R. Ciottone
DIORAMA enhances efficiency of a mass casualty incident: System and experimentation. 2644-2647 - Behnaz Poursartip, Marie-Eve LeBel, Rajni V. Patel
, Michael D. Naish
, Ana Luisa Trejos
Energy-based metrics for laparoscopic skills assessment. 2648-2651 - Yong Zhang, Tina VanRiper, Brian W. Rague, Drew Weidman:
FEA modeling and fluid flow simulation of human rectum with inserted bowel catheters. 2652-2655 - Felipe Gabaldón Castillo, Leandro J. Cymberknop, Manuel R. Alfonso, Melisa Martinez Sartore, Ricardo L. Armentano
Evaluation of the impact of arterial wall viscosity in pressure morphology by means of a simplified 1D model. 2656-2658 - Panagiotis K. Siogkas, Michail I. Papafaklis
, Bill D. Gogas, Habib Samady, Lampros K. Michalis
, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis:
Computational estimation of the severity of coronary lesions with intravascular ultrasound images: A pilot study. 2664-2667 - Takumi Kawakami, Hiroyuki Takao, Chihiro Ichikawa, Kaoru Kamiya, Yuichi Murayama, Masahiro Motosuke
The impact of deformation of an aneurysm model under pulsatile flow on hemodynamic analysis. 2668-2671 - Ghufran Shafiq
, Sivanagaraja Tatinati
, Kalyana C. Veluvolu:
Automatic annotation of peaks in seismocardiogram for systolic time intervals. 2672-2675 - Ahmadreza Argha, Lin Ye, Steven W. Su, Hung T. Nguyen
, Branko G. Celler
Heart rate regulation during cycle-ergometer exercise using damped parameter estimation method. 2676-2679 - Ahmadreza Argha, Lin Ye, Steven W. Su, Hung T. Nguyen
, Branko G. Celler
Real-time modelling of heart rate response during exercise using a novel constrained parameter estimation method. 2680-2683 - Arto J. Hautala
, Jaro Karppinen
, Tapio Seppänen:
Short-term assessment of autonomic nervous system as a potential tool to quantify pain experience. 2684-2687 - Yu Meng, Zhipei Huang
, Jiankang Wu, Xinxia Cai
A model-based method to measure baroreflex sensitivity. 2688-2691 - Hamzah Alqudah, Kai Cao, Tao Zhang
, Azzam Haddad, Steven W. Su, Branko G. Celler
, Hung T. Nguyen
Cardiovascular fitness strengthening using portable device. 2692-2695 - Antonio Lanatà
, Andrea Guidi, Gaetano Valenza
, Paolo Baragli
, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo:
Quantitative heartbeat coupling measures in human-horse interaction. 2696-2699 - Andrés Ricardo Arcentales Viteri, Patricio Rivera
, Pere Caminal, Andreas Voss, Antonio Bayes-Genis
, Beatriz F. Giraldo:
Analysis of blood pressure signal in patients with different ventricular ejection fraction using linear and non-linear methods. 2700-2703 - Mathieu Nadeau, Michael Sage, Jean-Paul Praud, Renaud Tissier
, Hervé Walti, Philippe Micheau
Optimal control of inspired perfluorocarbon temperature for induction of hypothermia by total liquid ventilation in juvenile lamb model. 2704-2707 - Avishek Chatterjee, A. P. Prathosh, Pragathi Praveena
Real-time respiration rate measurement from thoracoabdominal movement with a consumer grade camera. 2708-2711 - Shadi S. Chreiteh, Dorthe B. Saadi, Bo Belhage, Nassim Nabipour, Karsten Hoppe, Erik V. Thomsen
A clinical study of short-term sternal photoplethysmography: Recordings from patients with obstructive airways diseases. 2712-2716 - Antoine Pironet, Pierre C. Dauby, J. Geoffrey Chase, Philippe Morimont, Nathalie Janssen, Bernard C. Lambermont, Shaun M. Davidson
, Thomas Desaive:
A comparison between four techniques to measure cardiac output. 2717-2720 - Francesco Vicario, Roberto Buizza
, William A. Truschel, Nicolas W. Chbat:
Noninvasive estimation of alveolar pressure. 2721-2724 - Shadi S. Chreiteh, Dorthe B. Saadi, Bo Belhage, Nassim Nabipour, Karsten Hoppe, Erik V. Thomsen
Long-term quasi-continuous oxygen saturation levels obtained from sternal photoplethysmography on patients with obstructive lung diseases. 2725-2728 - Anup Das, Mainul Haque
, Marc Chikhani, Wenfei Wang, Jonathan G. Hardman
, Declan G. Bates:
Creating virtual ARDS patients. 2729-2732 - Ryan Wade Selby, Anup Jonchhe, Chen Kaplan, Coeli M. Lopes, Behnaz Ghoraani:
Development of data acquisition components for simultaneous recording of 3D epicardial and surface ECG signals in the langendorff perfusion apparatus. 2733-2736 - Chuong Ngo, Silvia Briones Herranz, Berno J. E. Misgeld, Thomas Vollmer, Steffen Leonhardt
An object-oriented model of the cardiopulmonary system with emphasis on the gravity effect. 2737-2740 - Kristina E. Shillieto, Prasanth Ganesan
, Anthony J. Salmin, Elizabeth M. Cherry, Arkady M. Pertsov, Behnaz Ghoraani:
Catheter simulator software tool to generate electrograms of any multi-polar diagnostic catheter from 3D atrial tissue. 2741-2744 - Mohammad H. Shariat, Saeed Gazor
, Damian P. Redfearn:
Maximum likelihood cardiac conduction velocity estimation from sequential mapping in the presence of activation time noise with unknown variances. 2745-2748 - Dongping Du, Yuncheng Du:
Detection of the propagating direction of electrical wavefront in atrial fibrillation. 2749-2752 - Jianfei Wang, Lian Jin, Xiaomei Wu, Biao Song, Li Qian, Weiqi Wang:
Low-energy defibrillation research using a rabbit ventricular model: Optimizing the potential gradient distribution using multiple epicardial electrodes. 2753-2756 - Seung Hwan Lee, Hyoun Seok Myoung, Changhoon Kang, Eue-Keun Choi
, Kyoung Joung Lee:
Amplitude based beat detection for atrial fibrillation in pacemaker. 2757-2759 - Luis Mercado
, Angel Rodríguez-Liñán
, Luis M. Torres-Treviño, Griselda Quiroz:
Hybrid BCI approach to control an artificial tibio-femoral joint. 2760-2763 - Guofa Shou, Lei Ding:
EEG-based single-trial detection of errors from multiple error-related brain activity. 2764-2767 - Christina Farmaki, Georgios Christodoulakis, Vangelis Sakkalis:
Applicability of SSVEP-based brain-computer interfaces for robot navigation in real environments. 2768-2771 - Lucia Schiatti, Luca Faes
, Jacopo Tessadori
, Giacinto Barresi
, Leonardo S. Mattos
Mutual information-based feature selection for low-cost BCIs based on motor imagery. 2772-2775 - Colin M. McCrimmon, Ming Wang, Lucas Silva Lopes, Po T. Wang, Alireza Karimi-Bidhendi
, Charles Yu Liu, Payam Heydari, Zoran Nenadic
, An H. Do:
A small, portable, battery-powered brain-computer interface system for motor rehabilitation. 2776-2779 - Sinan Gok, Mesut Sahin:
Prediction of forelimb muscle EMGs from the corticospinal signals in rats. 2780-2783 - Shaun P. Marshall, Wei-Chen Lin, Paras R. Patel, Albert J. Shih
, Cynthia A. Chestek:
Effects of geometry and material on the insertion oi very small neural electrode. 2784-2788 - Jörg Scholvin, Justin P. Kinney, Jacob G. Bernstein, Caroline Moore-Kochlacs, Nancy J. Kopell, Clifton G. Fonstad, Edward S. Boyden:
Heterogeneous neural amplifier integration for scalable extracellular microelectrodes. 2789-2793 - Clayton S. Bingham, Kyle Loizos, Gene J. Yu, Andrew Gilbert
, Jean-Marie Bouteiller, Dong Song
, Gianluca Lazzi, Theodore W. Berger:
A large-scale detailed neuronal model of electrical stimulation of the dentate gyrus and perforant path as a platform for electrode design and optimization. 2794-2797 - Matthias Müller, Christian Böhler, Jan Jäger, Maria Asplund
, Thomas Stieglitz
A double-sided fabrication process for intrafascicular parylene C based electrode arrays. 2798-2801 - John R. Burns, Yee-Hsee Hsieh, Andrew Mueller, Juliette Chevallier, Tirunelveli S. Sriram, Stephen J. Lewis, Daniel Chew, Anil Achyuta, Jason Fiering
High density penetrating electrode arrays for autonomic nerves. 2802-2805 - Huijing Xu, Ahuva Weltman, Min-Chi Hsiao, Kee Scholten, Ellis Meng, Theodore W. Berger, Dong Song
A flexible parylene probe for in vivo recordings from multiple subregions of the rat hippocampus. 2806-2809 - Javier Escudero, Keith Smith
, Hamed Azami, Daniel Abásolo
Inspection of short-time resting-state electroencephalogram functional networks in Alzheimer's disease. 2810-2813 - Abner Cardoso Rodrigues
, Birajara S. Machado, Luis Otavio S. F. Caboclo, André Fujita, Luiz A. Baccalá, Koichi Sameshima
Source and sink nodes in absence seizures. 2814-2817 - Wentao Xiang
, Chunfeng Yang, Ahmad Karfoul, Régine Le Bouquin-Jeannès
Quantifying connectivity in a physiology based model using adaptive dynamic causal modelling. 2818-2821 - Maria Anastasiadou
, Avgis Hadjipapas
, Manolis Christodoulakis, Eleftherios S. Papathanasiou, Savvas S. Papacostas
, Georgios D. Mitsis:
Epileptic seizure onset correlates with long term EEG functional brain network properties. 2822-2825 - Keith Smith
, Daniel Abásolo
, Javier Escudero:
A comparison of the cluster-span threshold and the union of shortest paths as objective thresholds of EEG functional connectivity networks from Beta activity in Alzheimer's disease. 2826-2829 - Carlos Gómez
, Jesús Poza
, Javier Gomez-Pilar
, Alejandro Bachiller
, Celia Juan-Cruz, Miguel Ángel Tola-Arribas
, Alicia Carreres, Mónica Cano
, Roberto Hornero
Analysis of spontaneous EEG activity in Alzheimer's disease using cross-sample entropy and graph theory. 2830-2833 - Gary Garcia Molina
, Sreeram Vissapragada, Anandi Mahadevan, Robert Goodpaster, Brady Alexander Riedner, Michele Bellesi
, Giulio Tononi:
Probabilistic characterization of sleep architecture: Home Based study on healthy volunteers. 2834-2838 - Alexander Tataraidze, Lyudmila Korostovtseva, Lesya Anishchenko, Mikhail Bochkarev
, Yurii Sviryaev
, Sergey I. Ivashov:
Bioradiolocation-based sleep stage classification. 2839-2842 - Jialei Yang, James M. Keller, Mihail Popescu
, Marjorie Skubic:
Sleep stage recognition using respiration signal. 2843-2846 - Eliran Dafna, Matan Halevi, Dvir Ben Or, Ariel Tarasiuk, Yaniv Zigel
Estimation of macro sleep stages from whole night audio analysis. 2847-2850 - Taikang Ning, J. Harry Blaise, Mariam Avagyan, Prawesh Dahal:
Developmental differences of dimension complexity of hippocampal EEG during REM sleep. 2851-2854 - Sobhan Salari Shahrbabaki
, Beena Ahmed
, Thomas Penzel
, Dean Cvetkovic:
Photoplethysmography derivatives and pulse transit time in overnight blood pressure monitoring. 2855-2858 - Chikayoshi Sumi:
Plural spectral frequency divisions for ultrasonic tissue displacement vector measurement. 2859-2864 - Anne J. Pigula
, Jim S. Wu, Matthew W. Gilbertson, Basil T. Darras
, Seward B. Rutkove
, Brian W. Anthony:
Force-controlled ultrasound to measure passive mechanical properties of muscle in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. 2865-2868 - Ghulam Rasool
, Allison B. Wang, William Zev Rymer, Sabrina S. M. Lee:
Altered viscoelastic properties of stroke-affected muscles estimated using ultrasound shear waves - Preliminary data. 2869-2872 - Pooya Sobhe Bidari, Javad Alirezaie
, Jahan Tavakkoli:
Shear wave elastography using Wigner-Ville distribution: A simulated multilayer media study. 2873-2876 - Amir A. Khan, Joseph C. Hecker, Brajesh K. Lal, Siddhartha Sikdar
Clinical viability of carotid plaque strain estimation using B-mode ultrasound image sequences. 2877-2880 - Julien Rouyer
, Gabriela Torres
, Matthew W. Urban, Roberto J. Lavarello
Tissue characterization using simultaneous estimation of backscatter coefficient and elastic shear modulus. 2881-2884 - Annan Li, Jun Cheng, Ai Ping Yow, Ruchir Srivastava, Damon Wing Kee Wong
, Hong Liang Tey, Jiang Liu
Automated basal cell carcinoma detection in high-definition optical coherence tomography. 2885-2888 - Haixiao Liu, Zhenhua Hu, Muhan Liu, Jie Tian:
Forward-backward pursuit algorithm for Cerenkov luminescence tomography. 2889-2892 - Juan Heredia Juesas, Jeffrey E. Thatcher, Yang Lu, John J. Squiers
, Darlene King
, Wensheng Fan, J. Michael DiMaio, Jose A. Martinez-Lorenzo:
Non-invasive optical imaging techniques for burn-injured tissue detection for debridement surgery. 2893-2896 - Ruby N. Huynh, Christopher B. Raub:
Noninvasive surface damage assessment of bovine articular cartilage expiants by reflected polarized light microscopy. 2897-2900 - Yasmin M. Kassim, V. B. Surya Prasath
, Rengarajan Pelapur, Olga V. Glinskii, Richard James Maude
, Vladislav V. Glinsky
, Virginia H. Huxley, Kannappan Palaniappan:
Random forests for dura mater microvasculature segmentation using epifluorescence images. 2901-2904 - Ming L. Cheuk, Callum M. Johnston
, June-Chiew Han, Denis S. Loiselle, Poul M. F. Nielsen, Andrew J. Taberner
Cardiac muscle energetics: Improved normalisation of heat using optical coherence tomography. 2905-2908 - Mikhail Kozlov, Pierre-Louis Bazin
, Nikolaus Weiskopf, Harald E. Möller:
Effects of the geometry and size of the cerebrospinal fluid on MRI transmit and safety efficiencies at 300 MHz. 2909-2912 - Vassiliki T. Potsika, Konstantinos N. Grivas, Theodoros Gortsas
, Vasilios C. Protopappas, Demosthenes K. Polyzos, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis:
Boundary element simulation of ultrasonic backscattering during the fracture healing process. 2913-2916 - Teng Zhang
, Siwei Bai, Ian Cook, Michal Szczesniak
, Julia Maclean, Socrates Dokos
Modeling of pharyngoesophageal segment during tracheoesophageal phonation in total laryngectomy patients with preliminary validation. 2917-2920 - Takashi Suzuki
, Cosmin Nita, Saikiran Rapaka
, Hiroyuki Takao, Viorel Mihalef, Soichiro Fujimura, Chihebeddine Dahmani, Puneet Sharma, Hiroya Mamori, Toshihiro Ishibashi, Thomas Redel, Makoto Yamamoto, Yuichi Murayama:
Verification of a research prototype for hemodynamic analysis of cerebral aneurysms. 2921-2924 - Ryo Soga
, Tomoyo I. Shiramatsu, Ryohei Kanzaki, Hirokazu Takahashi:
Sound preference test in animal models of addicts and phobias. 2925-2928 - Hongzhu Cui, Dmitry Korkin:
Effect-specific analysis of pathogenic SNVs in human interactome: Leveraging edge-based network robustness. 2929-2932 - Alberto Porta, Beatrice De Maria
, Vlasta Bari
, Andrea Marchi, Kalliopi Marinou
, Riccardo Sideri
, Gabriele Mora
, Laura Dalla Vecchia
Comparison between K-nearest-neighbor approaches for conditional entropy estimation: Application to the assessment of the cardiac control in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. 2933-2936 - Vlasta Bari
, Marco Ranucci, Andrea Marchi, Beatrice De Maria
, Valeria Pistuddi
, Alberto Porta:
Cardiovascular interactions assessed via conditional joint transfer entropy in patients developing atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. 2937-2940 - Zahra Kouchaki, Mark Butlin
, Ahmad Qasem, Alberto P. Avolio
Quantification of peripheral and central blood pressure variability using a time-frequency method. 2941-2944 - Nuno Pinheiro, Ricardo Couceiro
, Jorge Henriques
, Jens Muehlsteff, Isabel Quintal, Lino Gonçalves
, Paulo Carvalho:
Can PPG be used for HRV analysis? 2945-2949 - Guy J. J. Warmerdam, Rik Vullings
, Judith O. E. H. Van Laar, M. Beatrijs van der Hout-van der Jagt
, Jan W. M. Bergmans, Lars Schmitt, S. Guid Oei:
Selective heart rate variability analysis to account for uterine activity during labor and improve classification of fetal distress. 2950-2953 - Ahsan H. Khandoker
, Thuraia Al Khoori, Takuya Ito, Rika Sugibayashi, Yoshitaka Kimura:
Assessment of autonomic neurodevelopment in the mouse fetuses by using fetal electrocardiography. 2954-2957 - Keith Dillon, Yu-Ping Wang:
On efficient meta-filtering of big data. 2958-2961 - Chen Kan, Fabio Leonelli, Hui Yang
Map reduce for optimizing a large-scale dynamic network - the Internet of hearts. 2962-2965 - Paul Nickerson, Patrick James Tighe
, Benjamin Shickel, Parisa Rashidi
Deep neural network architectures for forecasting analgesic response. 2966-2969 - Zhe He
, Zhiwei Chen, Thomas J. George
, Gloria P. Lipori, Jiang Bian:
Assessing the population representativeness of colorectal cancer treatment clinical trials. 2970-2973 - Jinghui Yu, Huajian Mao, Mei Li, Dan Ye, Dongsheng Zhao:
CSDC - A nationwide screening platform for stroke control and prevention in China. 2974-2977 - Shamim Nemati, Mohammad M. Ghassemi, Gari D. Clifford:
Optimal medication dosing from suboptimal clinical examples: A deep reinforcement learning approach. 2978-2981 - Abbas Hammoud, Ahmad Chamseddine, Dang Khoa Nguyen, Mohamad Sawan:
Towards an implantable bio-sensor platform for continuous real-time monitoring of anti-epileptic drugs. 2982-2985 - Xiaojian Yu, Kambiz Moez, I-Chyn Wey, Jie Chen:
Power management design for lab-on-chip biosensors. 2986-2989 - Maximilian P. Reymann, Eva Dorschky
, Benjamin H. Groh, Christine Martindale
, Peter Blank, Björn M. Eskofier
Blood glucose level prediction based on support vector regression using mobile platforms. 2990-2993 - Alireza Avakh Kisomi, Hamza Landari, Mounir Boukadoum
, Amine Miled, Benoit Gosselin
Towards a multi-wavelength spectroscopy platform for blood characterization and analysis. 2994-2997 - Frédéric Tessier, Myriam Laprise-Pelletier, Eric Boilard, Marc-André Fortin, Amine Miled:
Automated and reconfigurable platform for niosome generation based on a microfluidic architecture. 2998-3001 - Sujittra Poorahong
, Florent Lefevre, Marie-Claude Perron, Philippe Juneau
, Ricardo Izquierdo:
Integration of optical and electrochemical sensors on a microfluidic platform using organic optoelectronic components and silver nanowires. 3002-3005 - Mary Lundy, Juan Aceros
A community-based, interdisciplinary rehabilitation engineering course. 3006-3009 - Bahar Khalighinejad, Laura Kathleen Long, Nima Mesgarani:
Designing a hands-on brain computer interface laboratory course. 3010-3014 - Steve Warren, Punit Prakash
, David E. Thompson, Bala Natarajan
, Charles Carlson, Kim R. Fowler, Ed Brokesh, Jack Xin, Wayne Piersel, Janine Kesterson, Steve Stoffregen:
Design projects motivated and informed by the needs of severely disabled autistic children. 3015-3018 - Daniel Pereira, Pedro Gomes
, Sofia Faria, Ricardo Cruz-Correia
, Miguel T. Coimbra
Teaching cardiopulmonary auscultation in workshops using a virtual patient simulation technology - A pilot study. 3019-3022 - Lunal Khuon, Karl R. Zum, Jane Brooks Zurn
, Gerald M. Herrera
Teaching biomedical design through a university-industry partnership. 3023-3026 - John F. Drazan, Heather Danielsen, Matthew Vercelletto, Amy Loya, James Davis
, Ron Eglash
A case study for integrated STEM outreach in an urban setting using a do-it-yourself vertical jump measurement platform. 3027-3030 - Md. Shamsul Arefin
, Jean-Michel Redoute
, Mehmet Rasit Yuce
Meandered conformai antenna for ISM-band ingestible capsule communication systems. 3031-3034 - Hidetoshi Ohta, Masanobu Honda, Makoto Takamiya:
Interventional placement of thin coil shaped implants powered wirelessly for monitoring vital signals and controlling abnormal activities by electro-stimulation. 3035-3038 - Ryota Nakamura, Shintaro Izumi, Hiroshi Kawaguchi
, Hidetoshi Ohta, Masahiko Yoshimoto:
Swallowable sensing device for long-term gastrointestinal tract monitoring. 3039-3042 - Murat Kuscu, Özgür B. Akan:
On the capacity of diffusion-based molecular communications with SiNW FET-based receiver. 3043-3047 - Günter Vermeeren, Emmeric Tanghe, Arno Thielens
, Luc Martens, Wout Joseph:
In-to-out body path loss for wireless radio frequency capsule endoscopy in a human body. 3048-3051 - Fabio Boi
, Marianna Semprini
, Alessandro Vato
A non-linear mapping algorithm shaping the control policy of a bidirectional brain machine interface. 3052-3055 - Hongbao Li, Fang Wang, Qiaosheng Zhang, Shaomin Zhang
, Yiwen Wang, Xiaoxiang Zheng, José C. Príncipe:
Maximum correntropy based attention-gated reinforcement learning designed for brain machine interface. 3056-3059 - Luozheng Li, Wenhao Zhang, Yuanyuan Mi, Dahui Wang, Xiaohan Lin, Si Wu:
Dynamical information encoding in neural adaptation. 3060-3063 - David B. McNiel, John S. Choi, John P. Hessburg, Joseph T. Francis
Reward value is encoded in primary somatosensory cortex and can be decoded from neural activity during performance of a psychophysical task. 3064-3067 - Preeya Khanna, Vivek R. Athalye, Suraj Gowda, Rui M. Costa
, Jose M. Carmena:
Modeling distinct sources of neural variability driving neuroprosthetic control. 3068-3071 - Ferdi Sarac, Volkan Uslan
, Huseyin Seker, Ahmed Bouridane:
Unsupervised selection of RV144 HIV vaccine-induced antibody features correlated to natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxic reactions. 3072-3075 - Elham Pashaei
, Alper Yilmaz
, Mustafa Ozen
, Nizamettin Aydin
A novel method for splice sites prediction using sequence component and hidden Markov model. 3076-3079 - Elnaz Pashaei
, Mustafa Ozen
, Nizamettin Aydin
Biomarker discovery based on BBHA and AdaboostM1 on microarray data for cancer classification. 3080-3083 - David A. Friedenberg
, Chad E. Bouton, Nicholas V. Annetta, Nicholas Skomrock, Mingming Zhang
, Michael Schwemmer, Marcia A. Bockbrader, W. Jerry Mysiw, Ali R. Rezai, Herbert S. Bresler, Gaurav Sharma:
Big data challenges in decoding cortical activity in a human with quadriplegia to inform a brain computer interface. 3084-3087 - Charalambos Chrysostomou
, Huseyin Seker:
Structural classification of protein sequences based on signal processing and support vector machines. 3088-3091 - Öznur Sengel, Olcay Kursun
Path-based connectivity for clustering genome sequences. 3092-3095 - Anirudh Som
, Narayanan Krishnamurthi, Vinay Venkataraman, Pavan K. Turaga
Attractor-shape descriptors for balance impairment assessment in Parkinson's disease. 3096-3100 - Angela Sucerquia
, José David López
, Jesús Francisco Vargas-Bonilla
Two-threshold energy based fall detection using a triaxial accelerometer. 3101-3104 - Yuchao Ma, Hassan Ghasemzadeh:
An asynchronous multi-view learning approach for activity recognition using wearables. 3105-3108 - Nicholas B. Bolus, Geza F. Kogler, Omer T. Inan:
A novel method to assess angle sensor performance for wearable exoskeletal joint kinematics. 3109-3112 - Hakan Toreyin, Hyeon Ki Jeong, Sinan Hersek, Caitlin N. Teague, Omer T. Inan:
Real-time activity classification in a wearable system prototype for knee health assessment via joint sounds. 3113-3116 - Priyanka Madhushri
, Armen Dzhagaryan
, Emil Jovanov
, Aleksandar Milenkovic
A Smartphone Application Suite for Assessing Mobility. 3117-3120 - Sofia R. Fernandes
, Ricardo Salvador, Cornelia Wenger, Mamede de Carvalho, Pedro Cavaleiro Miranda:
Influence of electrode configuration on the electric field distribution during transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation of the cervical spine. 3121-3124 - Zainab Moazzam, Paul B. Yoo:
Electrical stimulation of the saphenous nerve in anesthetized rats: A novel therapeutic approach to treating overactive bladder. 3125-3128 - Christopher W. Elder, Paul B. Yoo:
Co-activation of saphenous nerve fibers: A potential therapeutic mechanism of percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation? 3129-3132 - Navya S. Davuluri, Kiran Nimmagadda, Artin Petrossians, Mark S. Humayun, James D. Weiland
Strategies to improve stimulation efficiency for retinal prostheses. 3133-3138 - Anish A. Sarma, Britni Crocker, Sydney S. Cash, Wilson Truccolo:
A modular, closed-loop platform for intracranial stimulation in people with neurological disorders. 3139-3142 - Stephen Canton, Kamyar Momeni, Arvind Ramanujam, Erica Garbarini, Gail F. Forrest:
Neuromotor response of the leg muscles following a supine, stand retraining with/without neuromuscular electrical stimulation training intervention for individuals with SCI: A case series. 3143-3146 - Martin Cerný, Norbert Noury
Estimation of walked distance using inertial sensors under real conditions. 3147-3150 - Christopher J. James, James D. Amor, Catherine Holloway
, Tsu-Jui Cheng, Laurence P. J. Kenney
AART-BC: A sensor system for monitoring Assistive Technology use beyond the clinic. 3151-3154 - Delaram Jarchi
, Alexander J. Casson:
Estimation of heart rate from foot worn photoplethysmography sensors during fast bike exercise. 3155-2158 - John C. Batchelor
, Stephen G. Yeates, Alexander J. Casson:
Conformai electronics for longitudinal bio-sensing in at-home assistive and rehabilitative devices. 3159-3162 - Takashi Aoki, Jonathan Feng-Shun Lin, Dana Kulic
, Gentiane Venture
Segmentation of human upper body movement using multiple IMU sensors. 3163-3166 - Catherine Holloway
, Behzad Momahed Heravi, Giulia Barbareschi
, Sarah Nicholson, Stephen Hailes:
Street rehab: Linking accessibility and rehabilitation. 3167-3170 - J. Harry Blaise, Taikang Ning:
Application of independent component analysis to remove linear dependencies in EEG recorded in hippocampus. 3171-3174 - Sonia Charleston-Villalobos, Norma Castañeda-Villa
, Ramón González-Camarena, Mayra Mejia-Avila
, Heidegger Mateos-Toledo, Tomás Aljama-Corrales:
Acoustic evaluation of pirfenidone on patients with combined pulmonary fibrosis emphysema syndrome. 3175-3178 - Frank P.-W. Lo, Max Q.-H. Meng:
Double sensor complementary placement method to reduce motion artifacts in PPG using fast independent component analysis. 3179-3182 - Fiorenzo Artoni
, Elvira Pirondini, Alessandro Panarese
, Silvestro Micera
Exploring neuro-muscular synergies of reaching movements with unified independent component analysis. 3183-3186 - Gianluca Di Flumeri
, Pietro Aricò
, Gianluca Borghini
, Alfredo Colosimo, Fabio Babiloni
A new regression-based method for the eye blinks artifacts correction in the EEG signal, without using any EOG channel. 3187-3190 - Majd Saleh
, Ahmad Karfoul, Amar Kachenoura
, Lotfi Senhadji
, Laurent Albera:
Low cost and efficient kurtosis-based deflationary ICA method: Application to MRS sources separation problem. 3191-3194 - Ainara Garde
, Parastoo Dehkordi, John Mark Ansermino
, Guy Albert Dumont
Identifying individual sleep apnea/hypoapnea epochs using smartphone-based pulse oximetry. 3195-3198 - Jungyoon Kim, Hisham ElMoaqet
, Dawn M. Tilbury, Satya-Krishna Ramachandran
A new algorithm for the detection of sleep apnea events in respiration signals. 3199-3202 - Philip de Chazal
, Nadi Sadr:
Sleep apnoea classification using heart rate variability, ECG derived respiration and cardiopulmonary coupling parameters. 3203-3206 - Dvir Ben Or, Eliran Dafna, Ariel Tarasiuk, Yaniv Zigel
Obstructive sleep apnea severity estimation: Fusion of speech-based systems. 3207-3210 - Matan Halevi, Eliran Dafna, Ariel Tarasiuk, Yaniv Zigel
Can we discriminate between apnea and hypopnea using audio signals? 3211-3214 - Mehrnaz Shokrollahi, Shumit Saha, Peyman Hadi, Frank Rudzicz
, Azadeh Yadollahi
Snoring sound classification from respiratory signal. 3215-3218 - Clayton A. Baker
, Nima Akhlaghi, Huzefa Rangwala, Jana Kosecká, Siddhartha Sikdar
Real-time, ultrasound-based control of a virtual hand by a trans-radial amputee. 3219-3222 - Giulia Matrone, Alessandro Savoia
, Giosuè Caliano
, Giovanni Magenes:
Ultrasound plane-wave imaging with delay multiply and sum beamforming and coherent compounding. 3223-3226 - Ali Sadeghi-Naini
, Martin Stanisz, Hadi Tadayyon, Jaswinder Taank, Gregory J. Czarnota:
Low-frequency ultrasound radiosensitization and therapy response monitoring of tumors: An in vivo study. 3227-3230 - Gustavo R. Chau, Jeremy J. Dahl
, Roberto J. Lavarello
Effects of phase aberration correction methods on the minimum variance beamformer. 3231-3234 - Xun Wu, Jean Lunsford Sanders, Douglas N. Stephens, Ömer Oralkan
Photoacoustic-imaging-based temperature monitoring for high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy. 3235-3238 - Gwenolé Quellec
, Mathieu Lamard, Guy Cazuguel, Ali Erginay, Béatrice Cochener:
Mapping the retinas of a patient using a mixed set of fundus photographs from both eyes. 3239-3242 - Mahdieh Rezaeian
, Dana Georgevsky, S. Mojtaba Golzan
, Stuart L. Graham
High speed in-vivo imaging of retinal hemodynamics in a rodent model of hypertension. 3243-3246 - Carlos Hernandez-Matas
, Xenophon Zabulis
, Antonis A. Argyros
Retinal image registration through simultaneous camera pose and eye shape estimation. 3247-3251 - Ee Ping Ong
, Jimmy Addison Lee, Guozhen Xu, Beng Hai Lee, Damon Wing Kee Wong
An automatic quantitative measurement method for performance assessment of retina image registration algorithms. 3252-3255 - Sohini Roychowdhury:
Classification of large-scale fundus image data sets: A cloud-computing framework. 3256-3259 - Suman Sedai
, Pallab Kanti Roy, Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Rahil Garnavi:
Segmentation of optic disc and optic cup in retinal fundus images using shape regression. 3260-3264 - Luca Lonini, Aakash Gupta
, Konrad P. Körding
, Aran Jayaraman:
Activity recognition in patients with lower limb impairments: Do we need training data from each patient? 3265-3268 - Pierre Lepage, Dominic Létourneau, Mathieu Hamel, Simon Brière, Helene Corriveau, Michel Tousignant, François Michaud:
Telehomecare telecommunication framework - From remote patient monitoring to video visits and robot telepresence. 3269-3272 - Jannis Hagenah, Erik Werrmann, Michael Scharfschwerdt
, Floris Ernst
, Christoph Metzner:
Prediction of individual prosthesis size for valve-sparing aortic root reconstruction based on geometric features. 3273-3276 - Andrea L. Hartzler
, Anusha Venkatakrishnan, Shiwali Mohan
, Michael Silva, Paula Lozano, James D. Ralston, Evette Ludman, Dori Rosenberg, Katherine M. Newton, Les Nelson, Peter Pirolli:
Acceptability of a team-based mobile health (mHealth) application for lifestyle self-management in individuals with chronic illnesses. 3277-3281 - Chandrasekaran Jayaraman, Chaithanya K. Mummidisetty
, Arun Jayaraman:
Effect of wearable sensor dynamics on physical activity estimates: A comparison between SCI vs. healthy individuals. 3282-3285 - Peter Kerkhof, Guy R. Heyndrickx, John K.-J. Li:
Hemodynamic determinants and ventriculo-arterial coupling are sex-associated in heart failure patients. 3286-3289 - Dennis Medved
, Pierre Nugues
, Johan Nilsson
Selection of an optimal feature set to predict heart transplantation outcomes. 3290-3293 - Peter Kerkhof:
Fundamentals of left ventricular volume representation. 3294-3297 - Soichiro Fujimura, Hiroyuki Takao, Takashi Suzuki
, Chihebeddine Dahmani, Hiroya Mamori, Makoto Yamamoto, Yuichi Murayama:
Hemodynamic effects from coil distribution with realistic coil models in an aneurysm. 3298-3301 - Philipp Berg
, Samuel Voß, Mathias Becker, Steffen Serowy, Thomas Redel, Gábor Janiga, Martin Skalej
, Oliver Beuing:
Bringing hemodynamic simulations closer to the clinics: A CFD prototype study for intracranial aneurysms. 3302-3305 - Yuya Yamada, Takahiro Tsukahara, Masahiro Motosuke
, Yusuke Fujino:
CFD analysis of strut influence on blood flow in stent-implanted left main coronary artery bifurcation. 3306-3309 - Wenxing Hu, Dongdong Lin, Vince D. Calhoun
, Yu-Ping Wang:
Integration of SNPs-FMRI-methylation data with sparse multi-CCA for schizophrenia study. 3310-3313 - Turki Turki
, Zhi Wei
Learning approaches to improve prediction of drug sensitivity in breast cancer patients. 3314-3320 - Chandan K. Karmakar
, Budhaditya Saha, Marimuthu Palaniswami, Svetha Venkatesh
Multi-task transfer learning for in-hospital-death prediction of ICU patients. 3321-3324 - Hang Wu, May D. Wang
Multi-view non-negative tensor factorization as relation learning in healthcare data. 3325-3328 - Khalid Al-Jabery, Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi
, Gayla R. Olbricht, T. Nicole Takahashi, Stephen Kanne, Donald C. Wunsch:
Ensemble statistical and subspace clustering model for analysis of autism spectrum disorder phenotypes. 3329-3333 - Jeffrey C. Ames, Konstantinos P. Michmizos:
A biologically inspired image classifier: Adaptive feature detection. 3334-3337 - Michael J. Ackerman:
The visible human project®: From body to bits. 3338-3341 - Paul A. Yushkevich
, Yang Gao, Guido Gerig
ITK-SNAP: An interactive tool for semi-automatic segmentation of multi-modality biomedical images. 3342-3345 - Jackson W. Massey, Ali E. Yilmaz:
AustinMan and AustinWoman: High-fidelity, anatomical voxel models developed from the VHP color images. 3346-3349 - Gregory M. Noetscher, Janakinadh Yanamadala, Harshal Tankaria, Sara Louie, Alexander Prokop, Ara Nazarian, Sergey N. Makarov:
Computational human model VHP-FEMALE derived from datasets of the national library of medicine. 3350-3353 - Yasutaka Nakashima, Hiroki Noutsuka, Takanori Fukui, Motoji Yamamoto:
Split-belt controllable treadmill with differential velocity-based fall stimulation and motion analysis. 3354-3357 - Kai Sasaki, Yosuke Eguchi, Kenji Suzuki
A wheelchair with lever propulsion control for climbing up and down stairs. 3358-3361 - Puian Tadayon, Thomas Felderhoff
, Andreas Knopp, Gerhard H. Staude:
Fusion of inertial and magnetic sensors for 3D position and orientation estimation. 3362-3365 - Francesca Cordella
, Fabrizio Taffoni, Luigi Raiano
, Giorgio Carpino
, Michele Pantoni, Loredana Zollo
, Emiliano Schena, Eugenio Guglielmelli, Domenico Formica:
Design and development of a sensorized cylindrical object for grasping assessment. 3366-3369 - Rebecca L. Routson, Marcus Bailey, Isabelle Pumford, Joseph M. Czerniecki, Patrick M. Aubin:
A smart cane with vibrotactile biofeedback improves cane loading for people with knee osteoarthritis. 3370-3373 - Pouya Amiri, Luke J. MacLean, Robert E. Kearney:
Measurement of shank angle during stance using laser range finders. 3374-3377 - Joana S. Paiva
, Susana Rodrigues
, João Paulo da Silva Cunha
Changes in ST, QT and RR ECG intervals during acute stress in firefighters: A pilot study. 3378-3381 - Julia Canning, Kendall Helbert, Grigoriy Iashin, Jonathan Matthews, Jason Yang, Margaret K. Delano, Charles G. Sodini, Quan Zhang:
Noninvasive and continuous blood pressure measurement via superficial temporal artery tonometry. 3382-3385 - Guanqun Zhang, Amber C. Cottrell, Isaac C. Henry, Devin B. McCombie:
Assessment of pre-ejection period in ambulatory subjects using seismocardiogram in a wearable blood pressure monitor. 3386-3389 - Insoo Kim
, Yusuf A. Bhagat:
Towards development of a mobile RF Doppler sensor for continuous heart rate variability and blood pressure monitoring. 3390-3393 - Shamim Nemati, Mohammad M. Ghassemi, Vaidehi Ambai, Nino Isakadze
, Oleksiy Levantsevych, Amit J. Shah
, Gari D. Clifford:
Monitoring and detecting atrial fibrillation using wearable technology. 3394-3397 - Hooseok Lee, Hoon Ko, Tharoeun Thap, Jinseok Lee
Multiple switching light sources based motion artifacts reduction in reflectance photoplethysmography. 3398-3401 - Paolo Gabriel, Werner K. Doyle, Orrin Devinsky
, Daniel Friedman, Thomas Thesen
, Vikash Gilja:
Neural correlates to automatic behavior estimations from RGB-D video in epilepsy unit. 3402-3405 - Pierre Sacré
, Matthew S. D. Kerr, Sandya Subramanian, Kevin Kahn, Jorge Gonzalez-Martinez, Matthew A. Johnson
, Sridevi V. Sarma, John T. Gale:
The precuneus may encode irrationality in human gambling. 3406-3409 - Alireza Sheikhattar, Behtash Babadi:
Real-time Algorithms for Sparse Neuronal System Identification. 3410-3413 - Pablo Cevallos-Larrea, Thobias Pereira, Wagner Santos, Silvana M. Frota, Antonio F. Infantosi, Roberto Macoto Ichinose
, Carlos Julio Tierra-Criollo:
Assessment of frequency specific auditory steady-state response using amplitude modulation with 2-order exponential envelope. 3414-3117 - Farah I. Corona-Strauss, Daniel J. Strauss
Robust extraction of the N1-effect in dichotic listening using hardy space mappings of auditory late single trials. 3418-3421 - Zachary B. Kagan, Suzanne M. Wendelken, David M. Page, Tyler S. Davis
, Douglas T. Hutchinson, Gregory A. Clark, David J. Warren:
Linear methods for reducing EMG contamination in peripheral nerve motor decodes. 3422-3425 - John Gounley
, Rafeed Chaudhury, Madhurima Vardhan, Michael Driscoll, Girish Pathangey
, Kevin Winarta, Justin Ryan, David H. Frakes, Amanda Randles
Does the degree of coarctation of the aorta influence wall shear stress focal heterogeneity? 3429-3432 - Diego Pinheiro
, Farag Hamad, Martin Cadeiras, Ronaldo Menezes
, Nezamoddin Nezamoddini-Kachouie:
A data science approach for quantifying spatio-temporal effects to graft failures in organ transplantation. 3433-3436 - Habtom W. Ressom, Cristina Di Poto, Alessia Ferrarini
, Yunli Hu, Mohammad R. Nezami Ranjbar, Ehwang Song, Rency S. Varghese, Minkun Wang, Shiyue Zhou, Rui Zhu, Yiming Zuo, Mahlet G. Tadesse, Yehia Mechref
Multi-omic approaches for characterization of hepatocellular carcinoma. 3437-3440 - Volkan Uslan
, Huseyin Seker:
Binding affinity prediction of S. cerevisiae 14-3-3 and GYF peptide-recognition domains using support vector regression. 3445-3448 - Jorge Oliveira
, Theofrastos Mantadelis
, Miguel T. Coimbra
Why should you model time when you use Markov models for heart sound analysis. 3449-3452 - Omar J. Escalona, Marianela Mendoza:
Electrocardiographic waveforms fitness check device technique for sudden cardiac death risk screening. 3453-3556 - Naoki Nakamura, Masaru Yamashita, Shoichi Matsunaga:
Detection of patients considering observation frequency of continuous and discontinuous adventitious sounds in lung sounds. 3457-3460 - Mehrin Gilani, J. Mikael Eklund, Masoud Makrehchi:
Automated detection of atrial fibrillation episode using novel heart rate variability features. 3461-3464 - Sung-Nien Yu
, Po-Chuan Tsai:
Myocardial ischemic beat and episode detection based on morphology and correcting window method. 3465-3468 - Sobhan Salari Shahrbabaki
, Beena Ahmed
, Thomas Penzel
, Dean Cvetkovic:
Pulse transit time and heart rate variability in sleep staging. 3469-3472 - Rupin Dalvi, Adrian M. Suszko, Vijay S. Chauhan:
An algorithm for rotor tracking in atrial fibrillation using graph search-based periodic peak detection. 3473-3477 - Alexander Tataraidze, Lyudmila Korostovtseva, Lesya Anishchenko, Mikhail Bochkarev
, Yurii Sviryaev
Sleep architecture measurement based on cardiorespiratory parameters. 3478-3481 - Nasim Hajari, Irene Cheng, Bin Zheng, Anup Basu:
Determining team cognition from delay analysis using cross recurrence plot. 3482-3485 - Ahmed H. Dallal
, Yiran Chen, Douglas J. Weber, Zhi-Hong Mao:
Dictionary learning for sparse representation and classification of neural spikes. 3486-3489 - Mario Banuelos, Rubi Almanza, Lasith Adhikari
, Roummel F. Marcia, Suzanne Sindi:
Constrained variant detection with SPaRC: Sparsity, parental relatedness, and coverage. 3490-3493 - Micaela Morettini
, Francesco Di Nardo
, Carla E. Cogo, Emanuela Faelli, Sandro Fioretti, Laura Burattini, Piero Ruggeri
Estimation of second-phase insulin secretion in the Zucker fatty rat. 3494-3497 - Clare Muireann Davidson, Giuseppe De Vito
, Madeleine M. Lowery:
Effect of oral glucose supplementation on surface EMG during fatiguing dynamic exercise. 3498-3502 - Phyo Phyo San, Sai-Ho Ling, Hung T. Nguyen
Deep learning framework for detection of hypoglycemic episodes in children with type 1 diabetes. 3503-3506 - Zeinab Mahmoudi, Sabrina Lyngbye Wendt
, Dimitri Boiroux, Morten Hagdrup, Kirsten Nørgaard
, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen, Henrik Madsen, John Bagterp Jørgensen:
Comparison of three nonlinear filters for fault detection in continuous glucose monitors. 3507-3510 - Yang Wang, Zhiwen Liu, Bin Dong:
Heart rate monitoring from wrist-type PPG based on singular spectrum analysis with motion decision. 3511-3514 - Marcel Mlynczak
, Martin Berka, Wiktor Niewiadomski
, Gerard Cybulski
Body position classification for cardiorespiratory measurement. 3515-3518 - Lukás Smital
, Clifton R. Haider, Pavel Leinveber
, Pavel Jurák
, Barry K. Gilbert, David R. Holmes:
Towards real-time QRS feature extraction for wearable monitors. 3519-3522 - Kwai C. A. Patrick, Syed Anas Imtiaz
, Stuart A. Bowyer
, Esther Rodríguez-Villegas:
An algorithm for automatic detection of drowsiness for use in wearable EEG systems. 3523-3526 - Bauyrzhan Aubakir, Birzhan Nurimbetov, Iliyas Tursynbek, Huseyin Atakan Varol:
Vital sign monitoring utilizing Eulerian video magnification and thermography. 3527-3530 - Kiran H. J. Dellimore, Ralph W. C. G. R. Wijshoff, Christoph Haarburger, Vincent Aarts, Rene Derkx, Jakob van de Laar, Krishnakant Nammi, James K. Russell
, Pia Hubner, Fritz Sterz, Jens Muehlsteff:
Towards an algorithm for automatic accelerometer-based pulse presence detection during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 3531-3534 - Guangwei Chen, Stuart A. Bowyer
, Esther Rodríguez-Villegas:
Low-complexity prediction of frequency-rich biosignals for lossless compression in wearable technologies. 3535-3538 - Zhenzhen Tian, Rendong Ying, Peilin Liu, Guoxing Wang, Yong Lian
A low power level-crossing ADC for wearable wireless ECG sensors. 3543-3546 - Aleksandr A. Fedotov, Anna S. Akulova, Sergey A. Akulov:
Modeling digital pulse waveforms by solving one-dimensional Navier-stokes equations. 3547-3550 - Erik Messier, Behnaz Ghoraani:
Development of MATLAB software to control data acquisition from a multichannel systems multi-electrode array. 3551-3554 - Ravindra B. Patil, P. Krishnamoorthy:
A method to detect tortuosity of vessel using non imaging ultrasound approach in carotid structure. 3555-3559 - Mimma Nardelli
, Alberto Greco
, Matteo Bianchi
, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo, Gaetano Valenza
On the pleasantness of a haptic stimulation: How different textures can be recognized through heart rate variability nonlinear analysis. 3560-3563 - Vinh Phuc Tran
, Adel Ali Al-Jumaily
Non-contact real-time estimation of intrapulmonary pressure and tidal volume for chronic heart failure patients. 3564-3567 - Luigi Casacanditella, Gloria Cosoli
, Sara Casaccia, Enrico Primo Tomasini, Lorenzo Scalise:
Indirect measurement of the carotid arterial pressure from vibrocardiographic signal: Calibration of the waveform and comparison with photoplethysmographic signal. 3568-3571 - Rupin Dalvi, Adrian M. Suszko, Vijay S. Chauhan:
Identification and annotation of multiple periodic pulse trains using dominant frequency and graph search: Applications in atrial fibrillation rotor detection. 3572-3575 - Agathe Houze de l'Aulnoit
, Samuel Boudet
, Romain Demailly, Laurent Peyrodie
, Régis Beuscart, Denis Houze de l'Aulnoit:
Baseline fetal heart rate analysis: Eleven automatic methods versus expert consensus. 3576-3581 - Argentina Leite
, Maria Eduarda Silva
, Ana Paula Rocha
Modeling volatility in heat rate variability. 3582-3585 - Alexander J. Weir
, Cheng-Xiang Wang
, Stuart Parks:
Pre-clinical investigations of multi-path propagation in transcranial Doppler ultrasound flow phantom. 3586-3589 - René Machts, Alexander Hunold, Carsten Leu, Jens Haueisen
, Michael Rock
Development of a head-phantom and measurement setup for lightning effects. 3590-3593 - Hua Xie
, Ranadip Pal
, Sunanda Mitra:
A descriptive model of resting-state networks using Markov chains. 3594-3597 - Abdul Rauf Anwar
, Muhammad Yousaf Hashmy, Bilal Imran, Muhammad Hussnain Riaz, Sabtain Muhammad Muntazir Mehdi, Makii Muthalib
, Stéphane Perrey
, Günther Deuschl
, Sergiu Groppa
, Muthuraman Muthuraman:
Complex network analysis of resting-state fMRI of the brain. 3598-3601 - Siouar Bensaid, Amar Kachenoura
, Nathalie Costet
, Victor De Ledinghen, Julien Vergniol, Fabrice Laine
, Bruno Turlin
, Hugues Tariel, Lotfi Senhadji
Early diagnosis of NAFLD-NASH transition using mid infrared spectroscopy. 3602-3605 - Bhaskar Sen, Gail A. Bernstein, Tingting Xu, Bryon A. Mueller, Mindy W. Schreiner
, Kathryn R. Cullen, Keshab K. Parhi
Classification of obsessive-compulsive disorder from resting-state fMRI. 3606-3609 - Maritza León-Bejarano, Guadalupe Dorantes-Méndez
, Miguel Ramírez-Elías
, Martín O. Méndez, Alfonso Alba, Ildefonso Rodríguez-Leyva
, M. Jiménez:
Fluorescence background removal method for biological Raman spectroscopy based on empirical mode decomposition. 3610-3613 - John M. O'Toole
, Mmoloki Kenosi
, Daragh Finn, Geraldine B. Boylan
, Eugene M. Dempsey
Features of cerebral oxygenation detects brain injury in premature infants. 3614-3617 - Shiyu Liu
, Hao Nan, Nemat Dolatsha, Amin Arbabian:
Extracting dielectric spectroscopic properties from microwave-induced thermoacoustic signals. 3618-3621 - Agnese Sbrollini
, Angela Agostinelli, Francesco Di Nardo
, Elvira Maranesi
, Alessandro Mengarelli
, Sandro Fioretti, Laura Burattini:
Evaluation of the low-frequency components in surface electromyography. 3622-3625 - Herbert Buchner, Eike Petersen
, Marcus Eger, Philipp Rostalski:
Convolutive blind source separation on surface EMG signals for respiratory diagnostics and medical ventilation control. 3626-3629 - Pedro M. Vieira
, João F. Ferreira, Pedro R. Gomes
, Carlos S. Lima
An adapted double threshold protocol for spastic muscles. 3630-3633 - Gregg Johns, Evelyn Morin, Keyvan Hashtrudi-Zaad:
The role of electromechanical delay in modelling the EMG-force relationship during quasi-dynamic contractions of the upper-limb. 3634-3637 - Ariba Siddiqi, Sridhar P. Arjunan
, Dinesh K. Kumar
Age related neuromuscular changes in sEMG of m. Tibialis Anterior using higher order statistics (Gaussianity & linearity test). 3638-3641 - George Rigas
, Dimitris Gatsios
, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, Maria Chondrogiorgi
, Christos Tsironis, Spyridon Konitsiotis
, Giovanni Gentile
, Andrea Marcante
, Angelo Antonini
Tremor UPDRS estimation in home environment. 3642-3645 - Alessandro Mengarelli
, Stefano Cardarelli
, Federica Verdini, Laura Burattini, Sandro Fioretti, Francesco Di Nardo
A MATLAB-based graphical user interface for the identification of muscular activations from surface electromyography signals. 3646-3649 - Van Nguyen
, Abdul Qadir Javaid, Mary Ann Weitnauer:
Detection of motion and posture change using an IR-UWB radar. 3650-3653 - Adrian Bingham
, Sridhar P. Arjunan
, Dinesh K. Kumar
Estimating the progression of muscle fatigue based on dependence between motor units using high density surface electromyogram. 3654-3657 - Kiran Marri, Ramakrishnan Swaminathan:
Analyzing the influence of curl speed in fatiguing biceps brachii muscles using sEMG signals and multifractal detrended moving average algorithm. 3658-3661 - Kah Jun Hong, Wee Ser, David Chee-Guan Foo:
An analysis of sounds for lungs with excessive water. 3662-3665 - Jane Hanratty, Catherine Deegan
, Mary Walsh, Barry Kirkpatrick:
Analysis of glottal source parameters in Parkinsonian speech. 3666-3669 - Chandan K. A. Reddy, Yiya Hao, Issa M. S. Panahi:
Two microphones spectral-coherence based speech enhancement for hearing aids using smartphone as an assistive device. 3670-3673 - Chetan Vahanesa, Chandan K. A. Reddy, Issa M. S. Panahi:
Improving quality and intelligibility of speech using single microphone for the broadband fMRI noise at low SNR. 3674-3678 - Luis Mendes, Ioannis M. Vogiatzis, Eleni Perantoni, Evangelos Kaimakamis
, Ioanna Chouvarda
, Nicos Maglaveras
, Jorge Henriques
, Paulo Carvalho, Rui Pedro Paiva
Detection of crackle events using a multi-feature approach. 3679-3683 - Corinna Bernarding, Farah I. Corona-Strauss, Ronny Hannemann, Daniel J. Strauss
Objective assessment of listening effort: Effects of an increased task demand. 3684-3687 - Sezer Ulukaya
, Gorkem Serbes
, Yasemin P. Kahya:
Resonance based respiratory sound decomposition aiming at localization of crackles in noisy measurements. 3688-3691 - Annachiara Strazza, Alessandro Mengarelli
, Valentina Agostini
, Marco Knaflitz, Laura Burattini, Sandro Fioretti, Francesco Di Nardo
Dynamic knee muscle co-contraction quantified during walking. 3692-3695 - Alessandro Mengarelli
, Annachiara Strazza, Agnese Sbrollini
, Angela Agostinelli, Laura Burattini, Sandro Fioretti, Francesco Di Nardo
Co-activation periods of gastrocnemius and vastus lateralis during walking evaluated by surface electromyography. 3696-3699 - Jeevan K. Pant, Sridhar Krishnan
Compressive sensing of foot-gait signals by enhancing group block-sparse structure on the first-order difference. 3700-3703 - Sadra Hemmati, Eric Wade
Detecting postural transitions: A robust wavelet-based approach. 3704-3707 - Sivanagaraja Tatinati
, Yan Naing Aye, Anand Pual, Wei Tech Ang, Kalyana C. Veluvolu:
Three-dimensional modeling of physiological tremor for hand-held surgical robotic instruments. 3708-3711 - Alan K. Bourke, Jochen Klenk
, Lars Schwickert, Kamiar Aminian
, Espen A. F. Ihlen
, Sabato Mellone
, Jorunn L. Helbostad, Lorenzo Chiari
, Clemens Becker:
Fall detection algorithms for real-world falls harvested from lumbar sensors in the elderly population: A machine learning approach. 3712-3715 - Lili Li, Guanghua Xu, Jun Xie, Min Li, Sicong Zhang, Ailing Luo:
EEG-based mental fatigue detection by spectral non-negative matrix factorization. 3716-3719 - Carlos A. Loza, José C. Príncipe:
Estimation and modeling of EEG amplitude-temporal characteristics using a marked point process approach. 3720-3723 - Pablo Núñez
, Jesús Poza
, Javier Gomez-Pilar
, Alejandro Bachiller
, Carlos Gómez
, Alba Lubeiro
, Vicente Molina, Roberto Hornero
Analysis of the non-stationarity of neural activity during an auditory oddball task in schizophrenia. 3724-3727 - Hayato Maki, Tomoki Toda
, Sakriani Sakti, Graham Neubig, Satoshi Nakamura:
Removing noise from event-related potentials using a probabilistic generative model with grouped covariance matrices. 3728-3731 - Erik Schebsdat, Horst Hessel, Harald Seidler, Daniel J. Strauss
Detection of binaural interaction in free-field evoked auditory brainstem responses by time-scale representations. 3732-3735 - Sebastian Ulloa, Pablo A. Estévez
, Pablo Huijse
, Claudio M. Held, Claudio A. Perez, Rodrigo Chamorro
, Marcelo Garrido, Cecilia Algarin, Patricio Peirano:
Sleep-spindle identification on EEG signals from polysomnographie recordings using correntropy. 3736-3739 - Jesus Monge-Alvarez
, Carlos Hoyos-Barcelo
, Paul Lesso, Javier Escudero, Keshav P. Dahal
, Pablo Casaseca-de-la-Higuera
Effect of importance sampling on robust segmentation of audio-cough events in noisy environments. 3740-3744 - Sezer Ulukaya
, Gorkem Serbes
, Ipek Sen, Yasemin P. Kahya:
A lung sound classification system based on the rational dilation wavelet transform. 3745-3748 - Thomas A. McCartan
, Terence E. Taylor
, Imran Sulaiman, Richard W. Costello
, Richard B. Reilly
Changes in inhaler inhalation acoustic features during induced bronchoconstriction: A pilot study. 3749-3752 - Ahsan H. Khandoker
, Faezeh Marzbanrad
, Yoshitaka Kimura, Saeed Al Nuaimi, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
Assessing the development of fetal myocardial function by a novel Doppler myocardial performance index. 3753-3756 - Babak Afsharipour, Milap S. Sandhu
, Ghulam Rasool
, Nina L. Suresh, William Zev Rymer:
Using surface electromyography to detect changes in innervation zones pattern after human cervical spinal cord injury. 3757-3760 - Hamed Azami, Keith Smith
, Javier Escudero:
MEMD-enhanced multivariate fuzzy entropy for the evaluation of complexity in biomedical signals. 3761-3764 - Khaled Safi, Emilie Hutin, Samer Mohammed, Inke Marie Albertsen, Éric Deléchelle, Yacine Amirat, Mohamad Khalil
, Jean-Michel Gracies:
Human static postures analysis using empirical mode decomposition. 3765-3768 - Alexander Neergaard Olesen
, Julie A. E. Christensen
, Helge B. D. Sørensen
, Poul Jennum:
A Noise-Assisted Data Analysis Method for Automatic EOG-Based Sleep Stage Classification Using Ensemble Learning. 3769-3772 - Haleh Aghajani, Ahmet Omurtag
Assessment of mental workload by EEG+FNIRS. 3773-3776 - Hana Moshirvaziri, Nima Ramezan-Arab, Shadnaz Asgari:
Prediction of the outcome in cardiac arrest patients undergoing hypothermia using EEG wavelet entropy. 3777-3780 - Yinjun Tu, Zhe Zhang, Xudong Gu, Qiang Fang:
Surface electromyography based muscle fatigue analysis for stroke patients at different Brunnstrom stages. 3781-3784 - Luis Estrada
, Abel Torres
, Javier Garcia-Casado
, Leonardo Sarlabous
, Gema Prats-Boluda
, Raimon Jané
Time-frequency representations of the sternocleidomastoid muscle electromyographic signal recorded with concentric ring electrodes. 3785-3788 - Elgison da Luz dos Santos, M. C. Santos, Eddy Krueger
, Guilherme Nunes Nogueira-Neto
, Percy Nohama
Mechanomyography signals in spastic muscle and the correlation with the modified Ashworth scale. 3789-3792 - Aleksandr A. Fedotov, Anna S. Akulova, Sergey A. Akulov:
Applicability of multiresolution wavelet analysis for QRS-waves detection. 3793-3796 - Nicholas N. Lepine, Takuro Tajima, Takayuki Ogasawara
, Ryoichi Kasahara, Hiroshi Koizumi:
Robust respiration rate estimation using adaptive Kalman filtering with textile ECG sensor and accelerometer. 3797-3800 - Matteo Cesari
, Jesper Mehlsen, Anne-Birgitte Mehlsen, Helge B. D. Sørensen
Application of a new robust ECG T-wave delineation algorithm for the evaluation of the autonomic innervation of the myocardium. 3801-3804 - Rossana Castaldo
, William Xu, Paolo Melillo, Leandro Pecchia
, Lorena Santamaría
, Christopher J. James:
Detection of mental stress due to oral academic examination via ultra-short-term HRV analysis. 3805-3808 - Hassan Adam Mahamat, Sabir Jacquir
, Cliff Khalil, Gabriel Laurent, Stéphane Binczak:
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome: The detection of delta wave in an electrocardiogram (ECG). 3809-3812 - Maikel Noriega
, Enrique Juan Marañón, Daniel Romero
, Michele Orini
, Rute Almeida
Respiratory rate estimation from multilead directions, based on ECG delineation. 3813-3816 - Mohammod Abdul Motin
, Chandan K. Karmakar
, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
An EEMD-PCA approach to extract heart rate, respiratory rate and respiratory activity from PPG signal. 3817-3820 - Gorkem Serbes
, Nizamettin Aydin
Analysis of embolic signals with directional dual tree rational dilation wavelet transform. 3821-3824 - Praotasna Sombune, Phongphan Phienphanich, Sombat Muengtaweepongsa
, Anuchit Ruamthanthong, Charturong Tantibundhit:
Automated embolic signal detection using adaptive gain control and classification using ANFIS. 3825-3828 - Cicero Ferreira Fernandes Costa Filho, Bárbara Lobato dos Santos, Robson Silva de Souza, Jonilson Roque dos Santos, Marly Guimarães Fernandes Costa:
A new method for recognizing hand configurations of Brazilian gesture language. 3829-3834 - Anastasia Pampouchidou
, Kostas Marias
, Manolis Tsiknakis, Panagiotis G. Simos
, Fan Yang, Guillaume Lemaitre, Fabrice Mériaudeau:
Video-based depression detection using local Curvelet binary patterns in pairwise orthogonal planes. 3835-3838 - Mehrdad Heydarzadeh
, Mehrdad Nourani, Sarah Ostadabbas:
In-bed posture classification using deep autoencoders. 3839-3842 - Antonio Carlos Furtado, Irene Cheng, Eric Fung, Bin Zheng, Anup Basu:
Low resolution tool tracking for microsurgical training in a simulated environment. 3843-3846 - Dongrae Cho, Boreom Lee
Non-contact robust heart rate estimation using HSV color model and matrix-based IIR filter in the face video imaging. 3847-3850 - Ling Wang, Hong Cheng, Hai Lan, Yingjie Zheng, Kainan Li:
Automatic recognition of pertrochanteric bone fractures in femur using level sets. 3851-3854 - Rajib Chakravorty, Sisi Liang, Mani Abedini, Rahil Garnavi:
Dermatologist-like feature extraction from skin lesion for improved asymmetry classification in PH2 database. 3855-3858 - Sabine Thürauf
, Florian Vogt, Oliver Hornung, Mario Körner, M. Ali Nasseri
, Alois C. Knoll
Experimental evaluation of the accuracy at the C-arm pose estimation with x-ray images. 3859-3862 - Hao Wu, Beilei Xu, Himanshu Madhu, Jing Zhou:
A view invariant gait cycle segmentation for ambient monitoring. 3863-3866 - Satoshi Yatsushiro
, Saeko Sunohara, Ken Takizawa, Mitsunori Matsumae, Nao Kajihara, Kagayaki Kuroda
Characterization of cardiac- and respiratory-driven cerebrospinal fluid motions using correlation mapping with asynchronous 2-dimensional phase contrast technique. 3867-3870 - Farah Deeba
, Shahed K. Mohammed, Francis M. Bui
, Khan A. Wahid:
Unsupervised abnormality detection using saliency and Retinex based color enhancement. 3871-3874 - Sandy Rihana, Elie Younes, Dimitris Visvikis
, Hadi Fayad
Kinect2 - Respiratory movement detection study. 3875-3878 - Yusuke Sakaue, Masaaki Makikawa:
Signal source estimation inside the human heart during ventricular activation using switching voltage divider. 3879-3882 - Israr Ul Haq, Ryo Nagoaka, Takahiro Makino, Takuya Tabata, Yoshifumi Saijo:
3D Gabor wavelet based vessel filtering of photoacoustic images. 3883-3886 - Shiwen Zhu, Roy E. Welsch, Paul Matsudaira:
A method to quantify co-localization in biological images. 3887-3890 - Jophin G. Joseph, Sailaja Nanda, Sheetal Vennamalla, Govardhan Bhure, Ranjana Singh, Soumya Jana, Lopamudra Giri:
Integrated quantification based on confocal imaging: Cell crowding modulates heterogeneity in GPCR-mediated calcium oscillation. 3891-3894 - Ai Ping Yow, Jun Cheng, Annan Li
, Ruchir Srivastava, Jiang Liu
, Damon Wing Kee Wong
, Hong Liang Tey:
Automated in vivo 3D high-definition optical coherence tomography skin analysis system. 3895-3898 - Elham Fathiazar, Jörn Anemüller, Jutta Kretzberg:
Statistical identification of stimulus-activated network nodes in multi-neuron voltage-sensitive dye optical recordings. 3899-3903 - Mayank Kumar, James Suliburk
, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
PulseCam: High-resolution blood perfusion imaging using a camera and a pulse oximeter. 3904-3909 - Ferdaous Ouertani, Hamid Amiri, Jihene Bettaib, Rihab Yazidi, Afif Ben Salah
Hybrid segmentation of fluorescent leschmania-infected images using a watersched and combined region merging based method. 3910-3913 - Yuan-Hsiang Chang, Hideo Yokota, Kuniya Abe, Jung Hsien Liu, Ming-Dar Tsai:
Detection and localization of mouse induced pluripotent stem cell formation using time-lapse fluorescence microscopy images. 3914-3917 - Masato Ohmi, Yuki Wada:
Dynamic analysis of mental sweating of eccrine sweat gland of human fingertip by time-sequential piled-up en face optical coherence tomography images. 3918-3921 - Manmohan Singh
, Chen Wu, David Mayerich
, Mary E. Dickinson, Irina V. Larina, Kirill V. Larin:
Multimodal embryonic imaging using optical coherence tomography, selective plane illumination microscopy, and optical projection tomography. 3922-3925 - Yu Gan
, Xinwen Yao
, Ernest Chang, Syed Bin Amir, Hanina Hibshoosh, Sheldon Feldman, Christine P. Hendon
Comparative study of texture features in OCT images at different scales for human breast tissue classification. 3926-3929 - Ethan B. Blackford, Alyssa M. Piasecki, Justin R. Estepp:
Measuring pulse rate variability using long-range, non-contact imaging photoplethysmography. 3930-3936 - Philipp Flotho, Alejandro Romero-Santiago, Karsten Schwerdtfeger, Jacek Szczygielski
, Matthias Hulser, Lars Haab, Daniel J. Strauss
Motion invariant contrast enhancement of optical imaging data in the gradient domain. 3937-3940 - Ilija Uzelac, Conner Herndon, James Farmer
, Flavio H. Fenton:
Electrocardiogram reconstruction from high resolution voltage optical mapping. 3941-3944 - Mohammadhasan Owlia, Mostafa Khabbazan, Mehdi M. Mirbagheri, Alireza Mirbagheri
Real-time tracking of laparoscopic instruments using kinect for training in virtual reality. 3945-3948 - Weikang Zhang, Jiansen Li, Jianqi Sun, Jun Zhao:
FBP initialized few-view CT reconstruction algorithm using similar prior image constraint. 3949-3952 - Marwan Abdellah, Asem Abdelaziz, Eslam Ali, Sherief Abdelaziz, Abdel Rahman Sayed, Mohamed I. Owis, Ayman M. Eldeib:
Parallel generation of digitally reconstructed radiographs on heterogeneous multi-GPU workstations. 3953-3956 - Marwan Abdellah, Mohamed Abdallah, Mohamed Alzanati, Ayman M. Eldeib:
Efficient rendering of digitally reconstructed radiographs on heterogeneous computing architectures using central slice theorem. 3957-3960 - Faisal Mahmood
, Nauman Shahid, Pierre Vandergheynst, Ulf Skoglund:
Graph-based sinogram denoising for tomographic reconstructions. 3961-3664 - Imad Zyout
, Roberto Togneri
A new approach for the detection of architectural distortions using textural analysis of surrounding tissue. 3965-3968 - John Dixon, Junhua Ding:
An empirical study of parallel solutions for GLCM calculation of diffraction images. 3969-3972 - Gali Zimmerman-Moreno, Irina Marin, Moshe Lindner, Iris Barshack
, Yuval Garini
, Eli Konen, Arnaldo Mayer:
Automatic classification of cancer cells in multispectral microscopic images of lymph node samples. 3973-3976 - Nan Xu
, Peter C. Doerschuk:
Statistical characterization of ensembles of symmetric virus particles: 3-D stochastic signal reconstruction from electron microscope images. 3977-3980 - Zheng Zhang, Lee-Ling Sharon Ong
, Kong Fang, Athul Matthew, Justin Dauwels, Ming Dao
, H. Harry Asada:
Image classification of unlabeled malaria parasites in red blood cells. 3981-3984 - Lee-Ling S. Ong
, Xinghua Zhang, Binu Kundukad
, Justin Dauwels, Patrick Doyle, H. Harry Asada:
Detecting cell division of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria from bright-field microscopy images with hidden conditional random fields. 3985-3988 - Michael R. Nowak, Yoonsuck Choe:
Learning to distinguish cerebral vasculature data from mechanical chatter in India-ink images acquired using knife-edge scanning microscopy. 3989-3992 - Mahesh B. Shenai, Barton L. Guthrie:
A method to project clinical outcome topographies onto preoperative MRI to guide direct DBS targeting. 3993-3996 - Marilia Menezes de Oliveira
, Paul Wen
, Tony Ahfock:
Bio-heat transfer model of electroconvulsive therapy: Effect of biological properties on induced temperature variation. 3997-4000 - Srinivas Kota
, Adré du Plessis, An N. Massaro
, Taeun Chang
, Tareq Al-Shargabi, Rathinaswamy B. Govindan:
A frequency based spatial filter to mitigate volume conduction in electroencephalogram signals. 4001-4004 - Yvan Dietrich, Pierre-Antoine Eliat, Gabriel Dieuset, Hervé Saint-Jalmes, Charles Pineau
, Fabrice Wendling
, Benoît Martin:
Structural and functional changes during epileptogenesis in the mouse model of medial temporal lobe epilepsy. 4005-4008 - Yu-Hang Liu, Lun-De Liao
, Su Jing Chan, Aishwarya Bandla
, Nitish V. Thakor:
An integrated neuroprotective intervention for brain ischemia validated by ECoG-fPAM. 4009-4012 - Xiaoying Tang, Jiong Wu
Principal component analysis of the shape deformations of the hippocampus in Alzheimer's disease. 4013-4016 - Yafeng Zhan, Jianhua Ma, Kaibin Xu, Yanhui Ding, Yue Cui, Zhengyi Yang, Yong Liu:
Impaired episodic memory network in subjects at high risk for Alzheimer's disease. 4017-4020 - Shile Qi, Vince D. Calhoun
, Theo G. M. van Erp, Eswar Damaraju, Juan R. Bustillo, Yuhui Du, Jessica A. Turner, Daniel H. Mathalon, Judith M. Ford, James Voyvodic, Bryon A. Mueller, Aysenil Belger
, Sarah C. McEwen, Steven G. Potkin, Adrian Preda
, First Birn, Tianzi Jiang, Jing Sui
Supervised multimodal fusion and its application in searching joint neuromarkers of working memory deficits in schizophrenia. 4021-4026 - Navaneeth K. Kottayil, Rositsa Bogdanova, Irene Cheng, Bin Zheng, Anup Basu:
Investigation of gaze patterns in multi view laparoscopic surgery. 4031-4034 - Ahmad Chaddad
, Christian Desrosiers, Matthew Toews:
Radiomic analysis of multi-contrast brain MRI for the prediction of survival in patients with glioblastoma multiforme. 4035-4038 - Venkata Chaitanya Chirumamilla, Vinzenz Fleischer, Amgad Droby
, Tauqeer Anjum, Muthuraman Muthuraman, Frauke Zipp
, Sergiu Groppa
Functional connectivity analysis using whole brain and regional network metrics in MS patients. 4039-4042 - Rosita Shishegar, Mary Tolcos
, David W. Walker, Leigh A. Johnston:
Sulcal curve extraction using Laplace Beltrami eigenfunction level sets. 4043-4046 - Bing Yao, Shenli Pei, Hui Yang
Mesh resolution impacts the accuracy of inverse and forward ECG problems. 4047-4050 - Leonardo Duque-Muñoz
, Jesús Francisco Vargas-Bonilla
, José David López
Simplified EEG inverse solution for BCI real-time implementation. 4051-4054 - Peng Zhou, Jieqiong Wang, Ting Li, Ningli Wang, Junfang Xian, Huiguang He
Abnormal interhemispheric resting-state functional connectivity in primary open-angle glaucoma. 4055-4058 - Subrahmanyam Gorthi
Evaluation of the effect of doubling atlases using midsagittal plane on multi-atlas based segmentation of brain structures. 4059-4062 - Weimin Huang, Jiaqi Zhang
, Zhiping Lin, Su Huang, Yuping Duan, Zhongkang Lu:
Template based rodent brain extraction and atlas mapping. 4063-4066 - Brahim Belaoucha, Mouloud Kachouane, Théodore Papadopoulo
Multivariate autoregressive model constrained by anatomical connectivity to reconstruct focal sources. 4067-4070 - Hariharan Ravishankar, Radhika Madhavan
, Rakesh Mullick, Teena Shetty, Luca Marinelli, Suresh E. Joel:
Recursive feature elimination for biomarker discovery in resting-state functional connectivity. 4071-4074 - Ali Anjomshoa, Mahsa Dolatshahi, Fatemeh Amirkhani, Farzaneh Rahmani
, Mehdi M. Mirbagheri, Mohammad Hadi Aarabi
Structural brain network analysis in schizophrenia using minimum spanning tree. 4075-4078 - Aprinda Indahlastari
, Munish Chauhan
, Rosalind J. Sadleir:
Projected current density comparison in tDCS block and smooth FE modeling. 4079-4082 - Aydín Eresen, Stephen McConnell, Sharla M. Birch
, Jay F. Griffin, Joe N. Kornegay
, Jim Xiuquan Ji:
Localized MRI and histological image correlation in a canine model of duchenne muscular dystrophy. 4083-4086 - Aritra Chaudhuri
, Aurobinda Routray:
Source imaging of simple finger movements captured during auditory response tasks using space-time-frequency based sparsity constraints. 4087-4092 - Yusong Leng, Shuang Yu, Kok Kiong Tan, Philip Tildsley, Alex Tiong Heng Sia, Ban Leong Sng:
Development of a real-time lumbar ultrasound image processing system for epidural needle entry site localization. 4093-4096 - Nelson Martins, Malik Saad Sultan, Diana Veiga, Manuel Ferreira
, Miguel T. Coimbra
Segmentation of the metacarpus and phalange in musculoskeletal ultrasound images using local active contours. 4097-4100 - Arathi Sreekumari, K. S. Shriram, Vivek Vaidya:
Breast lesion detection and characterization with 3D features. 4101-4104 - Paul Hamelmann, Alexander F. Kolen, Lars Schmitt, Rik Vullings
, Hans C. van Assen
, Massimo Mischi
, Libertario Demi
, Judith Van Laar, Jan W. M. Bergmans:
Ultrasound transducer positioning aid for fetal heart rate monitoring. 4105-4108 - Sonia-Yuki Selmi, Emmanuel Promayon
, Jocelyne Troccaz
3D-2D ultrasound feature-based registration for navigated prostate biopsy: A feasibility study. 4109-4112 - Jing Jin, Ruixue Shen, Yue Zhao, Yang Xiao, Dandan Li, Yi Shen:
Multi-scale RANSAC algorithm for needle localization in 3D ultrasound guided puncture surgery. 4113-4116 - Pedro Cisneros-Velarde, Malena Correa, Holger Mayta
, Cynthia Anticona
, Monica Pajuelo
, Richard Oberhelman
, William Checkley
, Robert H. Gilman, Dante Figueroa, Mirko Zimic, Roberto J. Lavarello
, Benjamín Castañeda
Automatic pneumonia detection based on ultrasound video analysis. 4117-4120 - Pavan Annangi, Sigmund Frigstad, S. B. Subin, Anders Torp, Sundararajan Ramasubramaniam, Srinivas Varna:
An automated bladder volume measurement algorithm by pixel classification using random forests. 4121-4124 - Debarghya China
, Manas K. Nag, K. M. Mandana, Anup K. Sadhu, Pabitra Mitra, Chandan Chakraborty:
Automated in vivo delineation of lumen wall using intravascular ultrasound imaging. 4125-4128 - Omar Zenteno
, Benjamín Castañeda
, Roberto J. Lavarello
Spectral-based pneumonia detection tool using ultrasound data from pediatric populations. 4129-4132 - Julián Gil González, Mauricio A. Álvarez, Álvaro Á. Orozco:
A probabilistic framework based on SLIC-superpixel and Gaussian processes for segmenting nerves in ultrasound images. 4133-4136 - Maria Panayiotou, Peter Mountney
, Alexander Brost, Daniel Toth
, Thomas Jackson, Jonathan M. Behar, Christopher Aldo Rinaldi
, Richard James Housden
, Kawal S. Rhode
Dynamic mapping of ventricular function from cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging. 4137-4140 - Pengdong Xiao, Shuang Leng, Xiaodan Zhao, Hua Zou, Ru San Tan
, Philip Wong, Liang Zhong:
Atrioventricular junction (AVJ) motion tracking: A software tool with ITK/VTK/Qt. 4141-4144 - Wei-Ling Chen, Bing-Feng Huang, Ming-Long Yeh, Chung-Dann Kan:
Mechanical performances of endovascular aneurysm repair strategies with main aortic and chimney grafts. 4145-4148 - Hua Zou, Xiaodan Zhao, Xi Ce, Lik Chuan Lee
, Martin Genet
, Yi Su, Ru San Tan
, Liang Zhong
Characterization of patient-specific biventricular mechanics in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Hyperelastic warping. 4149-4152 - Helene Feuillatre, Jean-Claude Nunes
, Christine Toumoulin:
Inexact coronary tree matching algorithm with artificial nodes. 4153-4156 - José A. García-Berná, Juan M. Sanchez-Gomez, Judith Hermanns, Ginés García-Mateos
, José Luis Fernández-Alemán:
Calcification detection of abdominal aorta in CT images and 3D visualization in VR devices. 4157-4160 - Sofia Antunes, Antonio Esposito
, Anna Palmisano
, Caterina Colantoni
, Francesco de Cobelli
, Alessandro Del Maschio:
Characterization of normal and scarred myocardium based on texture analysis of cardiac computed tomography images. 4161-4164 - Eros Montin
, Susanna Migliori, Claudio Chiastra
, Caterina Credi
, Roberto Fedele
, Cristina Aurigemma
, Marinella Levi
, Francesco Burzotta
, Francesco Migliavacca
, Luca T. Mainardi:
A method for coronary bifurcation centerline reconstruction from angiographic images based on focalization optimization. 4165-4168 - Andrey Mikhailov, Fumihiro Sugiyama, Saori Mizuno, Yoshiyuki Sankai:
Bio-active polymer implants to adipose tissue as in situ source of reprogramming cells. 4169-4172 - Ramila Joshi, James Buchanan, Hossein Tavana:
Colony size effect on neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells microprinted on stromal cells. 4173-4176 - Pradip S. Thakuri, Stephanie L. Ham, Hossein Tavana:
Microprinted tumor spheroids enable anti-cancer drug screening. 4177-4180 - Monica A. Mejia, Lina M. Hoyos, Jenniffer Zapata
, Luz M. Restrepo, Maria E. Moneada:
Electrospinning of gelatin and SMPU with carbon nanotubes for tissue engineering scaffolds. 4181-4184 - Wei Zhu, Brent T. Harris, Lijie Grace Zhang
Gelatin methacrylamide hydrogel with graphene nanoplatelets for neural cell-laden 3D bioprinting. 4185-4188 - Agnese Denzi
, José A. A. Escobar, Claudia Nasta, Caterina Merla, Barbara Benassi, Claudia Consales
, Francesca Apollonio
, Micaela Liberti
A microdosimetry study for a realistic shaped nucleus. 4189-4192 - Andres F. Restrepo, Victoria E. Tobar, Ruben J. Camargo, Edinson Franco
, Carlos Rafael Pinedo Jaramillo
, José Oscar Gutierrez:
Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on in-vitro cellular cultures HeLa and CHO. 4193-4196 - Huanqing Cui, Xuemin Du, Juan Wang, Tianhong Tang, Tianzhun Wu:
Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogel-based shape-adjustable polyimide films triggered by near-human-body temperature. 4197-4200 - Shideh K. Ameri, P. K. Singh, Robert D'Angelo, Whitney Stoppel
, Lauren Black
, Sameer R. Sonkusale:
Three dimensional graphene scaffold for cardiac tissue engineering and in-situ electrical recording. 4201-4203 - Hongming Lyu, Xin Liu
, Nick Rogers, Vikash Gilja, Duygu Kuzum:
Graphene neural interfaces for artifact free optogenetics. 4204-4207 - Praveen Chapala, Swati Ghosh Acharyya, S. M. Shariff, Ganesh R. Naik
Novel Ti-Nb alloys with improved wear resistance for biomedical implant application. 4208-4211 - Hyunsu Park, Simon John, Hyowon Lee
Low-cost rapid prototyping of liquid crystal polymer based magnetic microactuators for glaucoma drainage devices. 4212-4215 - Pierre-Olivier Champagne, Dang Nguyen, Lionel Carmant, Alain Bouthillier, Nathalie T. Sanon, Mohamad Sawan:
Behavior of superparamagnetic nanoparticles in regard of brain activity - a proof of concept. 4216-4219 - Sravani Jaligama
, Po-Jung Huang, Jun Kameoka
Novel 3D coaxial flow-focusing nozzle device for the production of monodispersed collagen microspheres. 4220-4223 - Mostafa Ghobadi, Yuqian Zhang, Ankit Rana, Ehsan Tarkesh Esfahani
, Leyla Esfandiari:
Quantitative estimation of electro-osmosis force on charged particles inside a borosilicate resistive-pulse sensor. 4228-4231 - Agnese Denzi
, Caterina Merla, Maura Casciola, James C. M. Hwang
, Xuanhong Cheng, Francesca Apollonio
, Micaela Liberti
Microchambers for cell exposure: From the design to applications. 4232-4235 - Martin Proença
, Fabian Braun, Enric Muntané Calvo, Josep Solà, Andy Adler, Mathieu Lemay
, Jean-Philippe Thiran
, Stefano F. Rimoldi:
Non-invasive monitoring of pulmonary artery pressure at the bedside. 4236-4239 - Xiao-Rong Ding
, Yuan-Ting Zhang
, Hon Ki Tsang
, Walter Karlen
A pulse transit time based fusion method for the noninvasive and continuous monitoring of respiratory rate. 4240-4243 - Lukas Peter, Norbert Noury
, Martin Cerný, Igor Nykl:
Comparison of methods for the evaluation of NIBP from pulse transit time. 4244-4247 - Natalie Kurgan Canino, Ruisheng Rick Wang, Charles J. Robinson:
Using multiple placements of accelerometers to measure cardiovascular pulse transit times. 4248-4251 - Erik Bresch, Lars Schmitt, Dennis De Matteis, Jens Muehlsteff:
Cuff-pressure induced PAT changes - modelling and experimental verification towards calibration of blood pressure surrogates. 4252-4255 - P. M. Nabeel
, Jayaraj Joseph
, Vartika Awasthi, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam
Single source photoplethysmograph transducer for local pulse wave velocity measurement. 4256-4259 - Julie Fontecave Jallon, Pierre Baconnier:
A simple mathematical model of spontaneous swallow effects on breathing based on new experimental data. 4260-4263 - Simon Habran, Thomas Desaive, Philippe Morimont, Bernard C. Lambermont, Pierre C. Dauby:
Importance of metabolism variations in a model of extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal. 4264-4267 - Diliang Chen, Fei Chen
, Alan Murray
, Dingchang Zheng
A method for extracting respiratory frequency during blood pressure measurement, from oscillometric cuff pressure pulses and Korotkoff sounds recorded during the measurement. 4268-4271 - Nasim Alamdari, Kouhyar Tavakolian, Vahid Zakeri, Reza Fazel-Rezai, Alireza Akhbardeh:
A morphological approach to detect respiratory phases of seismocardiogram. 4272-4275 - Sara Argerich, Sergio Herrera
, Salvador Benito, Beatriz F. Giraldo:
Evaluation of periodic breathing in respiratory flow signal of elderly patients using SVM and linear discriminant analysis. 4276-4279 - Jordi Solà-Soler
, Beatriz F. Giraldo, José Antonio Fiz
, Raimon Jané
Study of phase estimation methods to analyse cardiorespiratory synchronization in OSA patients. 4280-4283 - Daniel Vena, Jonathan Rubianto, Milos R. Popovic
, Azadeh Yadollahi
Leg fluid accumulation during prolonged sitting. 4284-4287 - Varun Kanal, Raichel Alex, Nazaneen Mousavi, Kevin Jepsen, Donald E. Watenpaugh
, Rong Zhang, Khosrow Behbehani:
A study of apnea induced covariations of cerebral blood flow and exhaled CO2. 4288-4291 - Raichel Alex, Rong Zhang, Donald E. Watenpaugh
, Khosrow Behbehani:
Dynamic modeling of apnea induced concurrent variations in arterial blood pressure and cerebral blood flow velocity. 4292-4295 - Rita Brugarolas, Jose Manuel Valero-Sarmiento, Alper Bozkurt, Greg K. Essick:
Auto-adjusting mandibular repositioning device for in-home use. 4296-4299 - Yaxin Wang, Peter Alex Smith
, Daniel L. Timms, Po-Lin Hsu
, Richard A. McMahon:
Hemodynamic effects of synchronizing an intra-aortic VAD in reverse-rotation control with left ventricle: A mock loop study. 4300-4304 - Peter Johansen, Brandon R. Travis, Morten Smerup, Thomas Decker Christensen, Jonas Funder, Camilla Nyboe, Hans Nygaard, J. Michael Hasenkam:
The effect of the aortic valve orientation on cavitation. 4305-4308 - Koki Kawakami, Daisuke Sakota, Ryo Kosaka, Masahiro Nishida, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Osamu Maruyama:
Reaction mechanism of blood coagulation factors in shear flow field. 4309-4312 - Yusuke Tsuboko
, Yasuyuki Shiraishi
, Akihiro Yamada, Tomoyuki Yambe, Hidekazu Miura, Seitaro Mura, Masaaki Yamagishi:
Engineering based assessment for a shape design of a pediatric ePTFE pulmonary conduit valve. 4313-4316 - Vivian C. A. Koh, Einly Lim, Boon Chiang Ng, Yong Kuen Ho
, Nigel H. Lovell
A simplified state-space model of biventricular assist device-cardiovascular system interaction. 4317-4320 - Nikolaos Karamolegkos, Antonio Albanese, Fernando Isaza, Nicolas W. Chbat:
Patient emulator: A tool for testing mechanical ventilation therapies. 4321-4324 - Lara A. Thompson, A. Segun Adebayo, Nian Zhang, Sasan Haghani, Kathleen Dowell, Devdas Shetty:
Building a more diverse biomedical engineering workforce: Biomedical engineering at the university of the district of Columbia, a historically black college & university. 4325-4328 - Alexandra Lissel, Florian Ottenberg, Boris R. Bracio, Alice Ravizza
, Carmelo De Maria
, Arti Ahluwalia
, Licia Di Pietro, Peter Trommler:
Status and solutions to medical device regulations for improving the healthcare landscape in Africa. 4329-4332 - Joaquín Azpiroz-Leehan, Fabiola Martínez Licona, E. Gerardo Urbina Medal, Miguel Cadena Méndez, Emilio Sacristán Rock:
Defining new aims for BME programs in Latin America: The case of UAM-Iztapalapa. 4333-4336 - Angela N. Johnson:
Social norms of "good" design: Interdisciplinary perspectives from a survey of engineers and clinicians in bioengineering. 4337-4340 - Shalaleh Rismani, Matt Ratto
, H. F. Machiel Van der Loos:
Use of activity theory-based need finding for biomedical device development. 4341-4344 - Neha Srivathsa
, Dhananjaya Dendukuri:
Automated ABO Rh-D blood type detection using smartphone imaging for point-of-care medical diagnostics. 4345-4348 - Shilpa Sivashankar, Christos Sapsanis
, Sumeyra Agambayev, Ulrich Buttner, Khaled Nabil Salama
Label-free detection of sex determining region Y (SRY) via capacitive biosensor. 4349-4352 - Alexander Mariakakis
, Edward Jay Wang, Shwetak N. Patel, Joanne C. Wen:
A smartphone-based system for assessing intraocular pressure. 4353-4356 - Mériem Ben Abdallah, Marie Blonski, Sophie Wantz-Mézières, Yann Gaudeau, Luc Taillandier, Jean-Marie Moureaux:
Predictive models for diffuse low-grade glioma patients under chemotherapy. 4357-4360 - Joshua David Fischer, Dawie J. van den Heever
Portable video-oculography device for implementation in sideline concussion assessments: A prototype. 4361-4364 - Carlos Aguilera-Astudillo, Marx Chavez-Campos, Alan Gonzalez-Suarez
, Jose L. Garcia-Cordero
A low-cost 3-D printed stethoscope connected to a smartphone. 4365-4368 - Mikko Pänkäälä, Tero Koivisto, Olli Lahdenoja, Tuomas Kiviniemi
, Antti Saraste, Tuija Vasankari, Juhani Airaksinen
Detection of atrial fibrillation with seismocardiography. 4369-4374 - Guy Satat, Krithika Ramchander, Ramesh Raskar:
Identi-wheez - A device for in-home diagnosis of asthma. 4375-4378 - Phillip J. Hartin, Ian Cleland, Chris D. Nugent, Sally I. McClean, JoAnn T. Tschanz, Christine Clark, Maria C. Norton:
Assessing app quality through expert peer review: A case study from the gray matters study. 4379-4382 - Mehdi Ahmadi, Warren J. Gross, Samuel Kadoury:
A real-time remote video streaming platform for ultrasound imaging. 4383-4386 - Stephanie M. George, Brandon D. Langley, Elizabeth M. B. Weaver, Sonya R. Hardin, Jianchu Yao:
Design of peripheral edema measurement device for home use. 4387-4390 - Mohammad Ali Ghaderi, Mehrdad Heydarzadeh
, Mehrdad Nourani, Gopal Gupta, Lakshman Tamil
Augmented reality for breast tumors visualization. 4391-4394 - Liang Liu, Sanjay Mehrotra:
Patient walk detection in hospital room using Microsoft Kinect V2. 4395-4398 - Laura Juliana Vargas Escobar, Sergio Alexander Salinas
e-Health prototype system for cardiac telemonitoring. 4399-4402 - Mériem Ben Abdallah, Marie Blonski, Sophie Wantz-Mézières, Yann Gaudeau, Luc Taillandier, Jean-Marie Moureaux:
Statistical evaluation of manual segmentation of a diffuse low-grade glioma MRI dataset. 4403-4406 - Priyanka Chaurasia
, Sally I. McClean, Chris D. Nugent, Ian Cleland, Shuai Zhang
, Mark P. Donnelly, Bryan W. Scotney, Chelsea Sanders, Ken Smith, Maria C. Norton, JoAnn T. Tschanz:
Technology adoption and prediction tools for everyday technologies aimed at people with dementia. 4407-4410 - Brent A. Ponce, Eugene W. Brabston, Shin Zu, Shawna L. Watson
, Dustin Baker, Dennis Winn, Barton L. Guthrie, Mahesh B. Shenai:
Telemedicine with mobile devices and augmented reality for early postoperative care. 4411-4414 - Luis Enrique Díez
, Alfonso Bahillo
, Safaa Bataineh, Antonio D. Masegosa
, Asier Perallos:
Enhancing improved heuristic drift elimination for step-and-heading based pedestrian dead-reckoning systems. 4415-4418 - Tuan Le, Gabriel Salles-Loustau, Laleh Najafizadeh, Mehdi Javanmard, Saman A. Zonouz:
BioMEMS-based coding for secure medical diagnostic devices. 4419-4422 - Juyoung Park, Mingon Kang, Junbeom Hur, Kyungtae Kang:
Recommendations for antiarrhythmic drugs based on latent semantic analysis with fc-means clustering. 4423-4426 - Amalric Montalibet
, Walid Arkouche, Paco Bogónez-Franco, Stéphane Bonnet, Antoine Clarion, Georges Delhomme, Claudine Géhin
, Sadok Gharbi, Régis Guillemaud, Pierre Jallon, Bertrand Massot
, Pascale Pham, Eva Ribbe-Cornet, Eric McAdams:
Localised impedance monitoring device for the remote clinical assessment of home-based dialysis patients. 4427-4430 - Andrew D. Wiens, Sampath Prahalad, Omer T. Inan:
VibroCV: A computer vision-based vibroarthrography platform with possible application to Juvenile idiopathic arthritis. 4431-4434 - Vinicius N. Stock, Alexandre Balbinot
Movement imagery classification in EMOTIV cap based system by Naïve Bayes. 4435-4438 - Philipp Schönle
, Frederic Michoud, Noé Brun, Amelie Guex, Stéphanie P. Lacour, Qing Wang, Qiuting Huang:
A wireless system with stimulation and recording capabilities for interfacing peripheral nerves in rodents. 4439-4442 - Ryan G. L. Koh, José Zariffa
Effects of the choice of reference on the selectivity of a multi-contact nerve cuff electrode. 4443-4446 - Yung-Chiang Liu
, I-Chi Lee, Kin Fong Lei
Promotion and guidance of neural network formation on SU-8 photoresist microchannels adjusted with multilayer films. 4447-4450 - Zhi Yang, Jian Xu, Anh Tuan Nguyen
, Tong Wu, Wenfeng Zhao, Wing-Kin Tam
Neuronix enables continuous, simultaneous neural recording and electrical microstimulation. 4451-4454 - Nicholas L. Opie
, Gil S. Rind, Sam E. John, Stephen M. Ronayne, David B. Grayden, Anthony N. Burkitt
, Clive N. May, Terence J. O'Brien
, Thomas J. Oxley:
Feasibility of a chronic, minimally invasive endovascular neural interface. 4455-4458 - Zainab Moazzam, Austin R. Duke, Paul B. Yoo:
Posterior tibial nerve stimulation using a wirelessly powered system in anesthetized cats. 4459-4462 - Yan Tat Wong
, Nicholas L. Opie
, Sam E. John, Giulia Gerboni, Gil S. Rind, Stephen M. Ronayne, Kate E. Fox, Thomas J. Oxley, David B. Grayden:
Suitability of nitinol electrodes in neural prostheses such as endovascular neural interfaces. 4463-4466 - Clara A. Scholl, Yu Mike Chi, Michael Elconin, William R. Gray Roncal, Mark A. Chevillet, Eric A. Pohlmeyer:
Classification of pilot-induced oscillations during in-flight piloting exercises using dry EEG sensor recordings. 4467-4470 - Ali Moin, George Alexandrov, Benjamin C. Johnson
, Igor I. Izyumin, Fred L. Burghardt, Kedar Shah, Sat Pannu, Elad Alon, Rikky Muller, Jan M. Rabaey:
Powering and communication for OMNI: A distributed and modular closed-loop neuromodulation device. 4471-4474 - Ali Ersen
, Mesut Sahin:
A PDMS-based optical waveguide for transcutaneous powering of microelectrode arrays. 4475-4478 - Komal Kampasi, John P. Seymour
, Eran Stark
, György Buzsáki
, Kensall D. Wise, Euisik Yoon:
Efficient assembly of multi-color fiberless optoelectrodes with on-board light sources for neural stimulation and recording. 4479-4482 - Ranjani Sampath Kumaran, Bradley Greger
, Jennifer Blain Christen:
Design and evaluation of a low cost intracranial pressure monitoring system. 4483-4486 - Kanokwan Limnuson, Raj K. Narayan, Amrit Chiluwal, Chad Bouton, Ping Wang, Chunyan Li:
Development of a brain monitoring system for multimodality investigation in awake rats. 4487-4490 - Po T. Wang, Keulanna Gandasetiawan, Colin M. McCrimmon, Alireza Karimi-Bidhendi
, Charles Yu Liu, Payam Heydari, Zoran Nenadic
, An H. Do:
Feasibility of an ultra-low power digital signal processor platform as a basis for a fully implantable brain-computer interface system. 4491-4494 - Pyungwoo Yeon, Xingyuan Tong
, Byunghun Lee, S. Abdollah Mirbozorgi, Bruce Ash, Helmut Eckhardt, Maysam Ghovanloo:
Toward a distributed free-floating wireless implantable neural recording system. 4495-4498 - Philip R. Troyk, David M. Frim, Ben Roitberg, Vernon L. Towle, Kazutaka Takahashi
, Sungjae Suh, Martin Bak, Samuel Bredeson, Zhe Hu:
Implantation and testing of WFMA stimulators in macaque. 4499-4502 - Kay Palopoli-Trojani
, Virginia Woods, Chia-Han Chiang, Michael Trumpis
, Jonathan Viventi:
In vitro assessment of long-term reliability of low-cost μΕCoG arrays. 4503-4506 - Omar Tawakol, Samuel Bredeson, Philip R. Troyk:
Preparation of a neural electrode implantation device for in-vivo surgical use. 4507-4510 - John Hermiz, Nick Rogers, Erik J. Kaestner, Mehran Ganji, Dan Cleary, Joseph Snider
, David Barba, Shadi A. Dayeh
, Eric Halgren, Vikash Gilja:
A clinic compatible, open source electrophysiology system. 4511-4514 - Venkateswarlu Gonuguntla
, Rammohan Mallipeddi, Kalyana C. Veluvolu:
Identification of emotion associated brain functional network with phase locking value. 4515-4518 - Antonio Lanatà
, Andrea Guidi, Alberto Greco
, Gaetano Valenza
, Fabio Di Francesco
, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo:
Automatic recognition of pleasant content of odours through ElectroEncephaloGraphic activity analysis. 4519-4522 - Mauricio Alcocer-Sosa, David Gutiérrez
Electroencephalography in ellipsoidal geometry with fourth-order harmonics. 4523-4526 - Cristian A. Torres-Valencia
, M. Claudia Joana Santamaria, Mauricio A. Álvarez:
Kernel temporal enhancement approach for LORETA source reconstruction using EEG data. 4527-4530 - Winnie K. Y. So, Lingling Yang, Beth Jelfs
, Qi She, Savio W. H. Wong
, Joseph N. Mak, Rosa H. M. Chan:
Cross-frequency information transfer from EEG to EMG in grasping. 4531-4534 - N. Sertac Artan:
EEG analysis via multiscale Lempel-Ziv complexity for seizure detection. 4535-4538 - Koichi Yokosawa, Keisuke Kimura, Ryota Chitose, Takuya Momiki, Shinya Kuriki:
Alpha-band rhythm suppression during memory recall reflecting memory performance. 4539-4542 - Marion A. Vincent
, Olivier Rossel, Hugues Duffau, François Bonnetblanc
, David Guiraud:
A measure of cortico-cortical potentials evoked by 10Hz direct electrical stimulation of the brain and by means of a differential recording mode of electrocorticographic signals. 4543-4546 - Yih-Choung Yu, Sicheng Wang, Lisa Gabel:
A feasibility study of using event-related potential as a biometrics. 4547-4550 - Vikram Shenoy Handiru, A. Prasad Vinod
, Cuntai Guan
Multi-direction hand movement classification using EEG-based source space analysis. 4551-4554 - Alberto Greco
, Gaetano Valenza
, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo:
Valence-dependent changes in visual arousing elicitation: An exploratory study in EEG gamma oscillations. 4555-4558 - Yunqi Wang, Laleh Najafizadeh:
On the invariance of EEG-based signatures of individuality with application in biometric identification. 4559-4562 - Huimin Zhuge, Lei Wang, Fei Chen
, Dingchang Zheng
Assessing the effect of noise-reduction to the intelligibility of low-pass filtered speech. 4563-4566 - Ryoichiro Shiraishi, Hiroaki Kawamoto, Yoshiyuki Sankai:
Development of sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit training system for hemiplegie patients. 4567-4572 - Hieyong Jeong
, Michiko Kido, Yuko Ohno:
Linear discriminant analysis for symmetric lifting recognition of skilled logistic experts by center of pressure trajectory. 4573-4576 - Timothy Boerger
, Jacob Van Dehy, Tanya Onushko, Brian D. Schmit, Allison S. Hyngstrom:
Step length and width variability while walking on a motion simulator mounted treadmill. 4577-4580 - Dimitrios Menychtas, Tyler Sullins, Benjamin Rigsby, Stephanie Carey, Kyle B. Reed
Assessing the role of preknowledge in force compensation during a tracking task. 4581-4584 - Sarvenaz Chaeibakhsh, Elissa Phillips
, Amanda Buchanan, Eric Wade
Upper extremity post-stroke motion quality estimation with decision trees and bagging forests. 4585-4588 - Trieu H. Pham, Pubudu N. Pathirana
Quantifying the human finger reachable space. 4589-4592 - Mario Rojas
, Pedro Ponce, Arturo Molina
Skills based evaluation of alternative input methods to command a semi-autonomous electric wheelchair. 4593-4596 - Giulia Cartocci, Enrica Modica, Dario Rossi
, Anton Giulio Maglione, Isotta Venuti, Giulia Rossi, Elena Corsi, Fabio Babiloni
A pilot study on the neurometric evaluation of "effective" and "ineffective" antismoking public service announcements. 4597-4600 - Igor Crk, Timothy Kluthe:
Assessing the contribution of the individual alpha frequency (IAF) in an EEG-based study of program comprehension. 4601-4604 - Sanjana Sinha
, Brojeshwar Bhowmick, Kingshuk Chakravarty, Aniruddha Sinha
, Abhijit Das:
Accurate upper body rehabilitation system using kinect. 4605-4609 - Sara Contu, Francesca Marini, Leonardo Cappello
, Lorenzo Masia
Robot-assisted assessment of wrist proprioception: Does wrist proprioceptive acuity follow Weber's law? 4610-4613 - Sara Contu, Asif Hussain, Lorenzo Masia
, Domenico Campolo
A preliminary study for quantitative assessment of upper limb proprioception. 4614-4617 - Hyeon Seo, Donghyeon Kim, Sung Chan Jun
Effects of electrode displacement in high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation: A computational study. 4618-4621 - Luke Osborn
, Harrison Nguyen, Joseph Betthauser, Rahul R. Kaliki, Nitish V. Thakor:
Biologically inspired multi-layered synthetic skin for tactile feedback in prosthetic limbs. 4622-4625 - Xiangxin Li, Qifang Zhuo, Xu Zhang, Oluwarotimi Williams Samuel, Zeyang Xia, Xiaoqing Zhang, Peng Fang
, Guanglin Li
FMG-based body motion registration using piezoelectret sensors. 4626-4629 - Fan Zhang, Ming Liu
, He Huang
Tolerance of neural decoding errors for powered artificial legs: A pilot study. 4630-4633 - Anna T. Winslow, Justin A. Brantley, Fangshi Zhu
, José L. Contreras-Vidal, He Huang
Corticomuscular coherence variation throughout the gait cycle during overground walking and ramp ascent: A preliminary investigation. 4634-4637 - Koh Inoue, Ananya Paripunnochai, Takahiro Wada:
A control method for transfemoral prosthetic knees in level walking and stair ascending based on thigh angular motion. 4638-4641 - Aadeel Akhtar, Kyung Yun Choi
, Michael Fatina, Jesse Cornman, Edward Wu, Joseph Sombeck, Chris Yim, Patrick Slade, Jason Lee, Jack Moore, Daniel Gonzales, Alvin Wu, Garrett Anderson, David Rotter, Cliff Shin, Timothy Bretl:
A low-cost, open-source, compliant hand for enabling sensorimotor control for people with transradial amputations. 4642-4645 - Taeho Hwang, Miyoung Kim, Seunghyeok Hong
, Kwang Suk Park:
Driver drowsiness detection using the in-ear EEG. 4646-4649 - Reza Shoorangiz, Stephen John Weddell, Richard D. Jones
Prediction of microsleeps from EEG: Preliminary results. 4650-4653 - Rifai Chai
, Yvonne Tran
, Ganesh R. Naik
, Tuan Nghia Nguyen, Sai-Ho Ling, Ashley Craig, Hung T. Nguyen
Classification of EEG based-mental fatigue using principal component analysis and Bayesian neural network. 4654-4657 - Yingying Jiao, Bao-Liang Lu
Detecting slow eye movement for recognizing driver's sleep onset period with EEG features. 4658-4661 - Chang Sun, Runge Chen, Miao Tian, Xingwei An, Hongzhi Qi, Minpeng Xu, Xuemin Wang, Dong Ming, Peng Zhou:
Research on EEG features of attended & unattended vigilance. 4662-4665 - Chun-Shu Wei
, Yuan-Pin Lin
, Yu-Te Wang
, Chin-Teng Lin
, Tzyy-Ping Jung
Transfer learning with large-scale data in brain-computer interfaces. 4666-4669 - Shenglong Jiang, Zhongpeng Wang, Weibo Yi, Feng He, Shuang Liu, Hongzhi Qi, Dong Ming:
Cortical excitability effects of stimulation intensity change speed during NMES. 4670-4673 - Wanjoo Park
, Yun-Hee Kim, Sung-Phil Kim, Laehyun Kim:
EEG patterns of subacute stroke patients performing motor tasks correlate with motor functional outcome: Preliminary results. 4674-4677 - Ken'ichi Koyanagi
, Yuya Kuwahara, Takehiro Kamida, Takuya Ozawa, Rieko Mizukami, Kiyokazu Genda, Ayaka Mori, Tatsuo Motoyoshi, Hiroyuki Masuta, Toru Oshima:
Case studies in poststroke hemiplegic patients using SEMUL: A passive 2-DOF rehabilitation robot. 4678-4681 - Jeffrey Skidmore, Panagiotis K. Artemiadis
Sudden changes in walking surface compliance evoke contralateral EMG in a hemiparetic walker: A case study of inter-leg coordination after neurological injury. 4682-4685 - Bing Quan Huang, Oonagh M. Giggins, M. Tahar Kechadi
, Brian Caulfield:
The limb movement analysis of rehabilitation exercises using wearable inertial sensors. 4686-4689 - Maja Gorsic, Domen Novak:
Design and pilot evaluation of competitive and cooperative exercise games for arm rehabilitation at home. 4690-4694 - Yaesuk Jeong
, Hakan Toreyin, Anosh Daruwalla, Pamela T. Bhatti, Farrokh Ayazi:
A dual-axis single-proof-mass angular accelerometer for a vestibular prosthesis. 4695-4698 - Ghadir Salhab, Ahmad Rifaii Sarraj
, Soha Saleh:
Mirror therapy combined with functional electrical stimulation for rehabilitation of stroke survivors' ankle dorsiflexion. 4699-4702 - Seo Young Choi, Jonghyun Kim:
Improving modified tardieu scale assessment using inertial measurement unit with visual biofeedback. 4703-4706 - Marianna Semprini
, Fabio Boi
, Valter Tucci
, Alessandro Vato
A study on the effect of multisensory stimulation in behaving rats. 4707-4710 - Hossam H. Abolfotuh, Amr Jawwad, Bassem Amin Abdullah
, Hani M. K. Mahdi
, Seif Eldawlatly
Moving object detection and background enhancement for thalamic visual prostheses. 4711-4714 - Greg D. Watkins
, Brett A. Swanson
, Gregg J. Suaning
A simulation analysis of the variability of the roving level hearing test. 4715-4718 - Srihari Y. Sritharan, Andrew G. Richardson
, Pauline K. Weigand, Ivette Planell-Mendez, Xilin Liu
, Hongjie Zhu, Milin Zhang, Jan Van der Spiegel, Timothy H. Lucas:
Somatosensory encoding with cuneate nucleus microstimulation: Detection of artificial stimuli. 4719-4722 - Barry S. Gow, Gregg J. Suaning
A method to assess the location and positional stability of supra-choroidal retinal neuroprostheses. 4723-4726 - Heather L. Benz
, Talia R. Sieff, Mahsa Alborz, Kimberly Kontson, Elizabeth Kilpatrick, Eugene F. Civillico:
System to induce and measure embodiment of an artificial hand with programmable convergent visual and tactile stimuli. 4727-4730 - Jeevan K. Pant, Sridhar Krishnan
Efficient compressive sensing of ECG segments based on machine learning for QRS-based arrhythmia detection. 4731-4734 - Takashi Nagata, Naoteru Nakamura, Masato Miyatake, Akira Yuuki, Hiroyuki Yomo, Takashi Kawabata, Shinsuke Hara:
VO2 estimation using 6-axis motion sensor with sports activity classification. 4735-4738 - Naoteru Nakamura, Takashi Nagata, Masato Miyatake, Akira Yuuki, Hiroyuki Yomo, Takashi Kawabata, Shinsuke Hara:
Applying neural network to VO2 estimation using 6-axis motion sensing data. 4739-4742 - Ricard Delgado-Gonzalo
, Alia Lemkaddem, Philippe Renevey, Enric Muntané Calvo, Mathieu Lemay
, Kade Cox, Darren Ashby, Jared Willardson, Mattia Bertschi:
Real-time monitoring of swimming performance. 4743-4746 - Paul S. Addison, David M. H. Foo, Dominique Jacquel, Ulf Borg:
Video monitoring of oxygen saturation during controlled episodes of acute hypoxia. 4747-4750 - Andreas Stochholm
, Kaare B. Mikkelsen, Preben Kidmose
Automatic sleep stage classification using ear-EEG. 4751-4754 - Jambu A. Jambulingam, Russell McCrory, Leanne West, Omer T. Inan:
Non-invasive, multi-modal sensing of skin stretch and bioimpedance for detecting infiltration during intravenous therapy. 4755-4758 - Takayuki Ishii, Masaki Kyoso:
A fundamental study on visual impairment evaluation using N170. 4759-4762 - Makoto Yoshizawa, Norihiro Sugita, Makoto Abe, Akira Tanaka, Kazuma Obara, Tsuyoshi Yamauchi, Noriyasu Homma, Tomoyuki Yambe:
Blood perfusion display based on video pulse wave. 4763-4767 - Ahmed Elian
, Nisrein Sada, Ibrahim M. Elfadel
, Mohammed Saeed, Ayman Shabra:
A preliminary evaluation of continuous, shoe-integrated weight measurements for heart failure patients. 4768-4771 - Yudai Iida, Ryota Horie:
Implementation of a control system for a power wheelchair with induction of a β/α ratio by visual feedback. 4772-4775 - Esteban J. Pino
, Constanza Larsen, Javier A. P. Chavez, Pablo Aqueveque
Non-invasive BCG monitoring for non-traditional settings. 4776-4779 - B. S. Renganathan, S. P. Preejith, Sridhar Nagaiyan, Jayaraj Joseph
, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam
A novel system to tackle hospital acquired pressure ulcers. 4780-4783 - Sahil Shah, Hakan Toreyin, Omer T. Inan, Jennifer Hasler:
Reconfigurable analog classifier for knee-joint rehabilitation. 4784-4787 - Jaeho Park, Inkyu Park
Development of multi-spot impedance sensing biopsy needle based on attachable and flexible sensor film. 4788-4791 - José M. Vicente, Ernesto Ávila-Navarro
, Carlos G. Juan
, Nicolás M. García, José María Sabater-Navarro:
Design of a wearable bio-patch for monitoring patient's temperature. 4792-4795 - Xian Li, Hui Huang, Ye Sun:
TriboWalk: Triboelectric dual functional wireless system for gait monitoring and energy harvesting. 4796-4799 - Ahmed Ibrahim
, Mehdi Kiani:
Inductive power transmission to millimeter-sized biomedical implants using printed spiral coils. 4800-4803 - Hesam Sadeghi Gougheri, Mehdi Kiani:
Optimal frequency for powering millimeter-sized biomedical implants inside an inductively-powered homecage. 4804-4807 - Mikhail Kozlov, Gregor Schaefers:
Variation of radio frequency induced power deposition due to second surrounding tissue. 4808-4811 - Nam Trung Dang, Thang Viet Tran, Wan-Young Chung:
UHF wearable battery free sensor module for activity and falling detection. 4812-4815 - You Liang Lionel Wong, Gary K. Fedder
Elastic ribbon-like piezoelectric energy harvester for wearable devices with stretchable surfaces. 4816-4819 - Amir Javan-Khoshkholgh, Zaid Abukhalaf, Ji Li, Larry S. Miller, Mehdi Kiani, Aydin Farajidavar:
An inductive narrow-pulse RFID telemetry system for gastric slow waves monitoring. 4820-4823 - Madhav Venkateswaran, Mark Hillig, James E. Brown
, Paul J. Stadnik, Jeffrey A. Von Arx, Brian Sutton, Larry J. Stotts:
SAW-LC coupled resonator wideband VCO for medical telemetry. 4824-4827 - Yuzhe Ouyang, Kai Shan, Francis Minhthang Bui
An RF-based wearable sensor system for indoor tracking to facilitate efficient healthcare management. 4828-4831 - Shengyun Liang, Huiyu Jia, Zilong Li, Huiqi Li, Xing Gao, Zuchang Ma, Yingnan Ma, Guoru Zhao:
Fall risk factors analysis based on sample entropy of plantar kinematic signal during stance phase. 4832-4836 - Mixia Wang, Shengwei Xu, Nansen Lin, Yilin Song, Song Zhang, Xinxia Cai
Research on neural information detecting system measuring neuroelectricity in hippocampus in vivo and dopamine in vitro based on microelectrode array. 4837-4840 - Callum Laurenson, François Rivet
, Mehmet R. Yuce
, Jean-Michel Redoute
A 180 nm CMOS analog adaptive sampler for blood pressure feature extraction. 4841-4844 - Travis Hall, Nicholaus A. Malone, Jerry Tsay, Jerry Lopez, Tam Q. Nguyen, Ron E. Banister, Donald Y. C. Lie:
Long-term vital sign measurement using a non-contact vital sign sensor inside an office cubicle setting. 4845-4848 - Yu-Lung Chang, Yen-Cheng Feng, Oscal Tzyh-Chiang Chen:
Real-time physiological and facial monitoring for safe driving. 4849-4852 - Jeff Kilby, Krishnamachar Prasad, Grant A. Mawston:
Design of new multi-channel electrodes for surface electromyography signals for signal-processing. 4853-4856 - Hrishikesh Srinivas, Amr Al Abed
, François Ladouceur
, Nigel H. Lovell
, Leonardo Silvestri
Modeling the Debye dielectric response in the time domain for a liquid crystal-based biopotential optrode. 4857-4860 - Joo Yong Sim
, Chang-Geun Ahn, Eunju Jeong, Bong Kyu Kim:
Photoacoustic spectroscopy that uses a resonant characteristic of a microphone for in vitro measurements of glucose concentration. 4861-4864 - Aziz Yousif, Shawn K. Kelly:
Development of high impedance measurement system for water leakage detection in implantable neuroprosthetic devices. 4865-4868 - Huibin Du, Yiwen Zhao, Jianda Han, Zheng Wang, Guoli Song:
Data fusion of multiple kinect sensors for a rehabilitation system. 4869-4872 - Kubera Kalyan, Vinit Kumar Chugh, C. S. Anoop:
Non-invasive heart rate monitoring system using giant magneto resistance sensor. 4873-4876 - Anh Dinh, Francis Minhthang Bui
, Tam Nguyen:
An accelerometer based system to measure myocardial performance index during stress testing. 4877-4880 - Alan K. Bourke, Espen A. F. Ihlen
, Pepijn van de Ven
, John Nelson, Jorunn L. Helbostad:
Video analysis validation of a real-time physical activity detection algorithm based on a single waist mounted tri-axial accelerometer sensor. 4881-4884 - Xiao Chuan Ong, Amanda Willard, Mats Forssell
, Aryn Gittis, Gary K. Fedder
A silicon neural probe fabricated using DRIE on bonded thin silicon. 4885-4888 - Huang Hui, Xian Li, Ye Sun:
A triboelectric motion sensor in wearable body sensor network for human activity recognition. 4889-4892 - Ji Chen, Peter S. Lum:
Spring operated wearable enhancer for arm rehabilitation (SpringWear) after stroke. 4893-4896 - Yue Deng, Cheng Chen, Francis Tsow, Xiaojun Xian, Erica Forzani:
Unraveling fabrication and calibration of wearable gas monitor for use under free-living conditions. 4897-4900 - Beilei Xu, Himanshu Madhu, Lalit K. Mestha:
A study of the effect of subject motion to pulse rate estimation. 4901-4904 - Charles Carlson, Ahmad Suliman
, Punit Prakash
, David E. Thompson, Shangxian Wang, Bala Natarajan
, Steve Warren:
Bed-based instrumentation for unobtrusive sleep quality assessment in severely disabled autistic children. 4909-4912 - Masayuki Kagawa, Kazuki Suzumura, Takemi Matsui
Sleep stage classification by non-contact vital signs indices using Doppler radar sensors. 4913-4916 - Martin Kjaer Guul, Poul Jennum, Helge B. D. Sørensen:
Portable prescreening system for sleep apnea. 4917-4920 - Madison Cohen-McFarlane, James R. Green
, Frank Knoefel, Rafik A. Goubran:
Smart monitoring of fluid intake and bladder voiding using pressure sensitive mats. 4921-4924 - Henry Griffith, Yan Shi
, Subir Biswas:
Contactless on-bed activity sensing using first-reflection echolocation. 4925-4928 - Muhammad Farooq
, Edward Sazonov
Detection of chewing from piezoelectric film sensor signals using ensemble classifiers. 4929-4932 - Timothe Flenet
, Julie Fontecave Jallon, Stéphane Tanguy, François Boucher
, Pierre Baconnier, Pierre-Yves Gumery:
Non-invasive cardiac output monitoring in pharmacology: A plethysmographie solution in rats. 4933-4936 - Farrah Aida Arris, Mohamad Hafiz Ithnin, Wan Wardatul Amani Wan Salim
Characterizing graphene-modified electrodes for interfacing with arduino®-based devices. 4937-4940 - Hussein Moosavi, Francis Minhthang Bui
Routing over multi-hop fading wireless body area networks with reliability considerations. 4941-4945 - Behnaz Rezaei
, Jared Lowe, Jason R. Yee, Stephen W. Porges, Sarah Ostadabbas:
Non-contact automatic respiration monitoring in restrained rodents. 4946-4950 - José A. Montoya, Dulce M. Mariscal
, Edwar Romero:
Energy harvesting from human walking to power biomedical devices using oscillating generation. 4951-4954 - Sung-Gwi Cho, Masahiro Yoshikawa, Kohei Baba, Kazunori Ogawa, Jun Takamatsu, Tsukasa Ogasawara
Hand motion recognition based on forearm deformation measured with a distance sensor array. 4955-4958 - Asma Qureshi, Maïté Brandt-Pearce
, Myla D. Goldman:
Relationship between gait variables and domains of neurologic dysfunction in multiple sclerosis using six-minute walk test. 4959-4962 - Gareth L. Williams, Saiyi Li, Pubudu N. Pathirana
Preliminary investigation of energy comparation between gyroscope, electromyography and VO2 wearable sensors. 4963-4966 - Mohammad Ghamari
, Cinna Soltanpur, Sergio D. Cabrera, Rodrigo Romero, Radek Martinek
, Homayoun Nazeran:
Design and prototyping of a wristband-type wireless photoplethysmographic device for heart rate variability signal analysis. 4967-4970 - Haik Kalantarian, Costas Sideris, Tuan Le, Anahita Hosseini, Majid Sarrafzadeh:
Computation offloading for real-time health-monitoring devices. 4971-4974 - Christian Vogt, Jonas Reber
, Daniel Waltisberg, Lars Büthe, Josip Marjanovic, Niko Münzenrieder
, Klaas Paul Pruessmann, Gerhard Tröster:
A wearable bluetooth LE sensor for patient monitoring during MRI scans. 4975-4978 - Christoph M. Kanzler
, Jens Barth, Jochen Klucken
, Björn M. Eskofier
Inertial sensor based gait analysis discriminates subjects with and without visual impairment caused by simulated macular degeneration. 4979-4982 - Zemin Liu, Yu-Pin Hsu, Mona Mostafa Hella:
An RF powering system with adaptive impedance matching for individual health monitoring applications. 4983-4986 - Kyoung Jae Kim, Jennifer Lucarevic
, Christopher Bennett
, Ignacio Gaunaurd, Robert Gailey, Vibhor Agrawal:
Testing the assumption of normality in body sway area calculations during unipedal stance tests with an inertial sensor. 4987-4990 - Henry Griffith, Yan Shi
, Subir Biswas:
A wearable system for asymmetric contactless human sensing. 4991-4994 - Yang Zhou, Zhengguo Sheng, Victor C. M. Leung, Peyman Servati
Beacon-based opportunistic scheduling in wireless body area network. 4995-4998 - Ruhi Mahajan, Bashir I. Morshed, Gavin M. Bidelman
Design and validation of a wearable "DRL-less" EEG using a novel fully-reconfigurable architecture. 4999-5002 - Omar Aziz, Stephen N. Robinovitch
, Edward J. Park:
Identifying the number and location of body worn sensors to accurately classify walking, transferring and sedentary activities. 5003-5006 - Alexander Bermeo, Marco Bravo, Monica Huerta, Ángel Soto:
A system to monitor tremors in patients with Parkinson's disease. 5007-5010 - Kenta Nomura, Teru Yonezawa, Hiroshi Mizoguchi
, Hiroshi Takemura:
Measurement of the passive stiffness of ankle joint in 3 DOF using stewart platform type ankle foot device. 5011-5014 - Tayfun Efe Ertop, Tolga Yüksel, Erhan Ilhan Konukseven
Simulation of fluid environment using a robotic orthosis on human lower extremity for therapeutic purposes. 5015-5018 - Kevin D. Gemmell, Michael T. Leddy, Joseph T. Belter, Aaron M. Dollar
Investigation of a passive capstan based grasp enhancement feature in a voluntary-closing prosthetic terminal device. 5019-5025 - Irfan Anjum Manarvi
Hardness map of human meta tarsals and phalanges of toes. 5026-5029 - Xinyu Guan, Linhong Ji, Rencheng Wang, Wenjie Huang:
Optimization of an unpowered energy-stored exoskeleton for patients with spinal cord injury. 5030-5033 - Tomoya Shimokakimoto, Tomoyuki Ueno, Nanao Akimichi, Kenji Suzuki
Building blocks system for a prosthesis training of a child with congenital amputee. 5034-5037 - Ming Liu, Peter Bohlen, He Huang
Effect of environmental factors on level of trip disturbance: A simulation study. 5038-5041 - Deen Farooq, Omid Jahanian, Brooke A. Slavens
, Elizabeth T. Hsiao-Wecksler
Evaluation of a wrist orthosis on lofstrand crutch-assisted gait. 5042-5045 - Enrique I. Germany
, Esteban J. Pino
, Pablo Aqueveque
Myoelectric intuitive control and transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the forearm for vibrotactile sensation feedback applied to a 3D printed prosthetic hand. 5046-5050 - Seungmin Jung, Chankyu Kim, JiSu Park
, Dongyoub Yu, Jaehwan Park
, Junho Choi:
A wearable robotic orthosis with a spring-assist actuator. 5051-5054 - Huseyin Atakan Varol, Yerzhan Massalin
A feasibility study of depth image based intent recognition for lower limb prostheses. 5055-5058 - Ahmet Atasoy
, Engin Kaya, Ersin Toptas
, Shavkat Kuchimov, Erkan Kaplanoglu
, Mehmed Özkan
24 DOF EMG controlled hybrid actuated prosthetic hand. 5059-5062 - Yanggang Feng, Jinying Zhu, Qining Wang
Metabolic cost of level-ground walking with a robotic transtibial prosthesis combining push-off power and nonlinear damping behaviors: Preliminary results. 5063-5066 - Hafiz Farhan Maqbool, Muhammad Afif B. Husman, Mohammed I. Awad
, Alireza Abouhossein
, Pouyan Mehryar
, Nadeem Iqbal
, Abbas A. Dehghani-Sanij:
Real-time gait event detection for lower limb amputees using a single wearable sensor. 5067-5070 - Yue Wen
, Ming Liu, Jennie Si
, He Huang
Adaptive control of powered transfemoral prostheses based on adaptive dynamic programming. 5071-5074 - Andrea Brandt, Ming Liu, He Huang
Does the impedance of above-knee powered prostheses need to be adjusted for load-carrying conditions? 5075-5078 - Ann M. Simon, John A. Spanias, Kimberly A. Ingraham, Levi J. Hargrove:
Delaying ambulation mode transitions in a powered knee-ankle prosthesis. 5079-5082 - John A. Spanias, Ann M. Simon, Eric J. Perreault
, Levi J. Hargrove:
Preliminary results for an adaptive pattern recognition system for novel users using a powered lower limb prosthesis. 5083-5086 - Suat Coemert
, Anzhu Gao, John P. Carey, Mattias F. Traeger, Russell H. Taylor, Tim C. Lueth
, Mehran Armand:
Development of a snake-like dexterous manipulator for skull base surgery. 5087-5090 - Lihang Feng
, Paul Wilkening, Yunuscan Sevimli, Marcin Balicki, Kevin C. Olds, Russell H. Taylor:
Accuracy assessment and kinematic calibration of the robotic endoscopic microsurgical system. 5091-5094 - Yifan Yang, Amr Ahmed
, Shigang Yue, Xiang Xie, Hong Chen, Zhihua Wang:
An algorithm for accurate needle orientation. 5095-5098 - Anzhu Gao, Ryan J. Murphy, Hao Liu, Iulian Iordachita
, Mehran Armand:
Evaluating the deflection of dexterous continuum manipulators with unevenly distributed compliant joints. 5099-5102 - Farshid Alambeigi
, Yu Wang, Ryan J. Murphy, Iulian Iordachita
, Mehran Armand:
Toward robot-assisted hard osteolytic lesion treatment using a continuum manipulator. 5103-5106 - Berk Gonenc, Nhat Tran, Peter Gehlbach, Russell H. Taylor, Iulian Iordachita
Robot-assisted retinal vein cannulation with force-based puncture detection: Micron vs. the steady-hand eye robot. 5107-5111 - Tipakorn Greigarn, Taoming Liu, Murat Cenk Çavusoglu
Parameter optimization of pseudo-rigid-body models of MRI-actuated catheters. 5112-5115 - Marek Wartenberg, Niravkumar A. Patel
, Gang Li, Gregory S. Fischer:
Towards synergistic control of hands-on needle insertion with automated needle steering for MRI-guided prostate interventions. 5116-5119 - Ryosuke Tsumura
, Yusuke Takishita, Yuta Fukushima, Hiroyasu Iwata:
Histological evaluation of tissue damage caused by rotational needle insertion. 5120-5123 - Koki Yoshida, Hiroshi Yamada, Ryu Kato, Tatsuya Seki, Hiroshi Yokoi, Masaya Mukai:
Development of five-finger robotic hand using master-slave control for hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery. 5124-5127 - Ning Li, Gregory J. Mancini, Jindong Tan
Hardware design for a cable-free fully insertable wireless laparoscopic robotic camera. 5128-5131 - Pierre-Loup Schaefer, Gregory Chagnon
, Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry:
Advanced sensors placement for accurate 3D needle shape reconstruction. 5132-5135 - Laura Marchal-Crespo
, Tanja Baumann, Daniela Fichmann, Steve Maassen, Jaime E. Duarte, Robert Riener
Evaluation of a mixed controller that amplifies spatial errors while reducing timing errors. 5136-5139 - Fares Al-Shargie
, Tong Boon Tang
, Masashi Kiguchi
Mental stress grading based on fNIRS signals. 5140-5143 - M. H. Lee, Kate Fox, Sam Goldwasser, Desmond W. M. Lau, Behzad Aliahmad, Marc Sarossy:
Green lasers are beyond power limits mandated by safety standards. 5144-5147 - Priya N. Werahera, Edward A. Jasion, E. David Crawford, M. Scott Lucia, Adrie van Bokhoven, Holly T. Sullivan, Fernando J. Kim, Paul D. Maroni, J. David Port
, John W. Daily, Francisco G. La Rosa:
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy can differentiate high grade and low grade prostatic carcinoma. 5148-5151 - Kaushik Basak Chowdhury, Jayaraj Joseph
, Jayaraman Kiruthi Vasan, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam
ImQuant - An image based fluorescence reader for quantitative lateral flow immunoassays. 5152-5155 - Nikhil Deshpande, Manish Chauhan
, Claudio Pacchierotti
, Domenico Prattichizzo
, Darwin G. Caldwell, Leonardo S. Mattos
Robot-assisted microsurgical forceps with haptic feedback for transoral laser microsurgery. 5156-5159 - Meha Qassem
, Michelle Hickey, Panayiotis A. Kyriacou
Colorimetric determinations of lithium levels in drop-volumes of human plasma for monitoring patients with bipolar mood disorder. 5160-5163 - Xiang Zhang, Peiqing Ye, Hui Zhang:
The impact of different leaf limited accelerations on leaf-positional error of a self-developed MLC prototype. 5164-5167 - Mário Macedo, Cornelia Wenger, Ricardo Salvador, Sofia R. Fernandes
, Pedro Cavaleiro Miranda:
Investigating an alternative ring design of transducer arrays for tumor treating fields (TTFields). 5168-5171 - Amauri Amorin Assef
, Joaquim Miguel Maia
, Eduardo Tavares Costa
Initial experiments of a 128-channel FPGA and PC-based ultrasound imaging system for teaching and research activities. 5172-5175 - Paola Saccomandi
, Emiliano Schena, Michele Diana
, Francesco Maria Di Matteo, Guido Costamagna, Jacques Marescaux:
Multipoint temperature monitoring in liver undergoing computed tomography-guided radiofrequency ablation with fiber Bragg grating probes. 5174-5179 - Haakon Karlsen, Tao Dong:
Illumination and device independence for colorimetric detection of urinary biomarkers with smartphone. 5184-5187 - Mirko Gelsomini
, Franca Garzotto, Daniele Montesano, Daniele Occhiuto:
Wildcard: A wearable virtual reality storytelling tool for children with intellectual developmental disability. 5188-5191 - Daniel Chamberlain, Rahul Kodgule, Richard Ribón Fletcher:
A mobile platform for automated screening of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 5192-5195 - Stéphane Bonnet, Alain Bourgerette, Sadok Gharbi, Christophe Rubeck, Walid Arkouche, Bertrand Massot
, Eric McAdams, Amalric Montalibet
, Pierre Jallon:
Wearable impedance monitoring system for dialysis patients. 5196-5199 - Shu-Hao Lu
, Guo-Zhen Chen, Stanley Y. Y. Leung, David C. C. Lam:
Development of ocular viscosity characterization method. 5200-5203 - Malay Ilesh Shah
, Jayaraj Joseph
, T. Aryasree, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam
ARTSENS® mobile: A portable image-free platform for automated evaluation of vascular stiffness. 5204-5207 - Kunshan He, Yamin Mao, Jinzuo Ye, Yu An, Shixin Jiang, Chongwei Chi, Jie Tian:
A novel wireless wearable fluorescence image-guided surgery system. 5208-5211 - Alexander A. Bielski, Chris P. Lohmann, Mathias Maier, Daniel Zapp, M. Ali Nasseri
Graphical user interface for a robotic workstation in a surgical environment. 5212-5215 - Manish Chauhan
, Giacinto Barresi
, Nikhil Deshpande
, Darwin G. Caldwell, Leonardo S. Mattos
Novel modular 2-DOF microsurgical forceps for transoral laser microsurgeries: Ergonomic design and preliminary evaluation. 5216-5219 - Nataliya Stefanova, Markus Hessinger, Thomas Opitz, Roland Werthschützky:
Characteristic of a force sensing guide wire for minimally invasive cardiac surgery. 5220-5223 - Sangmyung Kim, Chul Min Park, Jeonghoon Yoo, Keri Kim:
Development of a finger-like mechanism of end-effector for micro surgery. 5224-5227 - Yang Wang
, Sungmin Kim, Everette Clif Burdette, Peter Kazanzides
, Iulian Iordachita
Robotic system with multiplex power transmission for MRI-guided percutaneous interventions. 5228-5232 - Bertram N. Ezenwa, Thomas Kernozek
Muscle fiber excitation system. 5233-5236 - Jonathan C. Palmer
, Megan S. Lord
, Jeremy L. Pinyon
, Andrew K. Wise
, Nigel H. Lovell
, Paul M. Carter
, Ya Lang Enke, Gary D. Housley
, Rylie Green
Understanding the cochlear implant environment by mapping perilymph proteomes from different species. 5237-5240 - Dorin Panescu, Mark W. Kroll
, Michael Brave:
Current distribution in tissues with conducted electrical weapons operated in drive-stun mode. 5241-5245 - Isar Nejadgholi, Herschel B. Caytak, Miodrag Bolic:
Using bioimpedance spectroscopy parameters as real-time feedback during tDCS. 5246-5249 - Epsy S. Edward, Abbas Z. Kouzani, Rajas P. Kale
, Susannah J. Tye
Portable closed-loop optogenetic stimulation device. 5250-5253 - Eri Takami, Javier J. Sanchez, Rose Province, Antonio J. Torres:
Implantable gastric electric stimulator with automatic daily activity compliance reporting. 5254-5257 - Sehyeon Jang, Donghyeon Kim, Junkil Been, Hohyun Cho
, Sung Chan Jun
Oscillatory brain activity changes by anodal tDCS - An ECoG study on anesthetized beagles. 5258-5261 - Francisco J. Fraga
, Claudemiro V. Noya, Maria I. Zimiani, Milton A. Avila, Rosana Shuhama
, Cristina M. Del-Ben
, Paulo R. Menezes
, Rodrigo San-Martin, Cristiane Salum
Simultaneous evaluation of prepulse inhibition with EMG and EEG using advanced artifact removal techniques. 5262-5265 - Alaa M. Al-kaysi
, Ahmed Al-Ani, Colleen K. Loo
, Michael Breakspear
, Tjeerd W. Boonstra:
Predicting brain stimulation treatment outcomes of depressed patients through the classification of EEG oscillations. 5266-5269 - Saswata Sahoo, Vijay N. Tiwari, Rangavittal Narayanan:
Endurance based personalized fitness planner. 5270-5274 - Konstantina Kourou, George Rigas
, Konstantinos P. Exarchos, Costas Papaloukas
, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis:
Prediction of oral cancer recurrence using dynamic Bayesian networks. 5275-5278 - Pekka Kuoppa, Mika P. Tarvainen
, Leila Karhunen, Johanna Närväinen:
Heart rate reactivity associated to positive and negative food and non-food visual stimuli. 5279-5282 - Nishat E.-Sharmin Trisha, Herbert F. Jelinek
, Mika P. Tarvainen
, David J. Cornforth, Dewan S. Alam, Megan Smith
Socioeconomic status, age and heart rate variability in a Bangladeshi community. 5283-5285 - Felipe Trenk, Luis Mendes
, Paulo Carvalho, Rui Pedro Paiva
, Jorge Henriques
, Nicos Maglaveras
, Ioanna Chouvarda
, Venetia Tsara, César Alexandre Teixeira
Evaluation of lung ventilation distribution in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients using the global inhomogeneity index. 5286-5289 - Miguel Altuve
, Gilberto Perpinan
, Erika Severeyn
, Sara Wong:
Comparing glucose and insulin data from the two-hour oral glucose tolerance test in metabolic syndrome subjects and marathon runners. 5290-5293 - Monika Jain, Niranjan Kumar
, Sujay Deb
An affordable cuff-less blood pressure estimation solution. 5294-5297 - Ryan S. McGinnis
, Shyamal Patel, Ikaro Silva, Nikhil Mahadevan, Steve DiCristofaro, Elise Jortberg, Melissa Ceruolo, A. J. Aranyosi
Skin mounted accelerometer system for measuring knee range of motion. 5298-5302 - Jeffry Bonar Fernando, Mototaka Yoshioka, Jun Ozawa:
Estimation of muscle fatigue by ratio of mean frequency to average rectified value from surface electromyography. 5303-5306 - Abdul Qadir Javaid, Carlo M. Noble, Russell Rosenberg, Mary Ann Weitnauer:
Towards detection of sleep apnea events by combining different non-contact measurement modalities. 5307-5310 - Glen Wright Colopy, Marco A. F. Pimentel, Stephen J. Roberts, David A. Clifton:
Bayesian Gaussian processes for identifying the deteriorating patient. 5311-5314 - Jiang Lu, Ting Zhang, Qingquan Sun, Sanobar Kadiwal, Ishaq Unwala, Fei Hu:
Monitoring of paces and gaits using binary PIR Sensors with rehabilitation treadmill. 5315-5318 - Marco Altini, Patrick Mullan, Michiel Rooijakkers, Stefan Gradl
, Julien Penders, Nele Geusens, Lars Grieten, Bjoern M. Eskofier
Detection of fetal kicks using body-worn accelerometers during pregnancy: Trade-offs between sensors number and positioning. 5319-5322 - Dae-Geun Jang, Byung-Hoon Ko, Sub Sunoo, Sang-Seok Nam, Hun-Young Park
, Sang-Kon Bae:
A preliminary study of a running speed based heart rate prediction during an incremental treadmill exercise. 5323-5326 - Tae Joon Jun, Hyun Ji Park, Hyuk Yoo, Young-Hak Kim, Daeyoung Kim:
GPU based cloud system for high-performance arrhythmia detection with parallel k-NN algorithm. 5327-5330 - Boxiao Liu, Guoxing Wang, Yong Lian
An efficient ECG baseline removal filter based on frequency response masking technique for wearable applications. 5331-5334 - Daniel M. Smith
, Mohammadreza Abtahi, Amir Mohammad Amiri, Kunal Mankodiya:
Bivariate autoregressive state-space modeling of psychophysiological time series data. 5335-5338 - Tharoeun Thap, Hee-Won Chung, Jinseok Lee
Heart activity monitoring using 3D hologram based on smartphone. 5339-5342 - Matthias Mielke, Rainer Brück:
AUDIS wear: A smartwatch based assistive device for ubiquitous awareness of environmental sounds. 5343-5347 - Matthias Mielke, Rainer Brück:
A home automation based environmental sound alert for people experiencing hearing loss. 5348-5351 - Van Kha Ly Ha, Tuan Nghia Nguyen, Hung T. Nguyen
A telepresence wheelchair using cellular network infrastructure in outdoor environments. 5352-5355 - Fadi Muheidat
, Harry W. Tyrer:
Can we make a carpet smart enough to detect falls? 5356-5359 - Andrew Ennis, Ian Cleland, Timothy Patterson, Chris D. Nugent, Federico Cruciani
, Cristiano Paggetti
, Gareth Morrison, Richard Taylor:
Doorstep: A doorbell security system for the prevention of doorstep crime. 5360-5363 - Vasilios C. Protopappas
, Konstantinos Tsiouris, Maria Chondrogiorgi
, Christos Tsironis, Spiros Konitsiotis
, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis:
ALZCARE: An information system for screening, management and tracking of demented patients. 5364-5367 - Aly Chkeir
, Doha Safieddine, D. Bera, Michele Collart, Jean-Luc Novella
, Moustapha Drame
, David J. Hewson, Jacques Duchêne:
Balance quality assessment as an early indicator of physical frailty in older people. 5368-5371 - Ziyang Chen, Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei
Location-aware distributed file allocation for low-delay access to electronic medical records. 5372-5375 - Andrei de Souza Inácio
, Alexandre Savaris, Joao Marcus Alves, Aldo von Wangenheim:
GISTelemed: An online-based GIS approach to epidemiological analysis in telemedicine systems. 5376-5379 - Alexandra La Cruz, Rubén Medina
, Francisco Vega, Wilson Pérez, Blanca Ochoa, Victor Saquicela
, Mauricio Espinoza
, Lizandro D. Solano-Quinde, Maria-Esther Vidal
Mobile teleradiology system suitable for m-health services supporting content and semantic based image retrieval on a grid infrastructure. 5380-5383 - Pedro Gomes, Sérgio Faria
, Miguel T. Coimbra
The effect of data exchange protocols on decision support systems for heart sounds. 5384-5387 - Ana Castro, Pedro Gomes
, Sandra da Silva Mattos
, Miguel T. Coimbra
Comparison between users of a new methodology for heart sound auscultation. 5388-5391 - Laurent Lambert, Syed Zahid Ahmed, Khalil Hachicha, Andréa Pinna, Patrick Garda:
High frame rate medical quality video compression for tele-EEG. 5392-5396 - Misa Esashi, Tomohiro Nakano, Nao Onose, Kikue Sato, Tomoko Hikita, Reiko Hoya, Kazuya Okamoto, Naoki Ohboshi, Tomohiro Kuroda:
Prototyping context-aware nursing support mobile system. 5397-5400 - Ashish Kumar, Chiew Tong Lau, Syin Chan, Maode Ma, William D. Kearns:
A unified grid-based wandering pattern detection algorithm. 5401-5404 - Joseph Rafferty
, Jonathan Synnott, Chris D. Nugent
A hybrid rule and machine learning based generic alerting platform for smart environments. 5405-5408 - Marianna Capecci
, M. Gabriella Ceravolo, Francesco Ferracuti
, Sabrina Iarlori
, Sauro Longhi
, Luca Romeo
, Severino N. Russi, Federica Verdini:
Accuracy evaluation of the Kinect v2 sensor during dynamic movements in a rehabilitation scenario. 5409-5412 - Jonathan Synnott, Joseph Rafferty
, Chris D. Nugent
Detection of workplace sedentary behavior using thermal sensors. 5413-5416 - Kwang-Jin Lee, Chanki Park, Boreom Lee
Tracking driver's heart rate by continuous-wave Doppler radar. 5417-5420 - Sergiu Lucut, Michael R. Smith:
Dermatological tracking of chronic acne treatment effectiveness. 5421-5426 - Seiji Nakagawa, Takuya Hotehama, Kazuhito Ito, Tomohiro Inagaki:
Development of bone-conduction mobile phones: Assessment of hearing mechanisms by measuring psychological characteristics and acoustical properties in the outer ear canal. 5427-5430 - Amr Jawwad, Hossam H. Abolfotuh, Bassem Amin Abdullah
, Hani M. K. Mahdi
, Seif Eldawlatly
Tuning electrical stimulation for thalamic visual prosthesis: An autoencoder-based approach. 5431-5434 - Alejandro Barriga-Rivera
, John W. Morley
, Nigel H. Lovell
, Gregg J. Suaning
Cortical responses following simultaneous and sequential retinal neurostimulation with different return configurations. 5435-5438 - Sasha B. Godfrey
, Matteo Bianchi
, Antonio Bicchi, Marco Santello:
Influence of force feedback on grasp force modulation in prosthetic applications: A preliminary study. 5439-5442 - Avi Caspi, Jessy D. Dorn, John B. Helder, Kapil D. Katyal, Arup Roy:
Eye movements as a marker for visual prosthesis spatial mapping - A feasibility study using a blind patient implanted with the Argus II retinal prosthesis. 5443-5446 - Timothy Esler, Anthony N. Burkitt
, David B. Grayden, Robert R. Kerr, Bahman Tahayori, Hamish Meffin
A computational model of orientation-dependent activation of retinal ganglion cells. 5447-5450 - Andrew C. Smith
, Maria Knikou
, Katrina L. Yelick, Abigail R. Alexander, Margaret M. Murnane, Andrew A. Kritselis, Paul J. Houmpavlis, Jacob G. McPherson, Marie Wasielewski, Mark A. Hoggarth
, James M. Elliott:
MRI measures of fat infiltration in the lower extremities following motor incomplete spinal cord injury: Reliability and potential implications for muscle activation. 5451-5456 - Eva Lendaro, Max Ortiz-Catalan:
Classification of non-weight bearing lower limb movements: Towards a potential treatment for phantom limb pain based on myoelectric pattern recognition. 5457-5460 - Melissa Dali
, Olivier Rossel, David Guiraud:
Numerical simulation of multipolar configuration and prepulse technique to obtain spatially reverse recruitment order. 5461-5464 - Parmida Moradi Birgani, Meghdad Ashtiyani, Amirhossein Rasooli, Maryam Shahrokhnia, Amin Shahrokhi, Mehdi M. Mirbagheri:
Can an anti-gravity treadmill improve stability of children with cerebral palsy? 5465-5468 - Oliver Alan Kannape
, Hugh M. Herr:
Split-belt adaptation and gait symmetry in transtibial amputees walking with a hybrid EMG controlled ankle-foot prosthesis. 5469-5472 - Hengameh Marzbani, Shokoofeh Parvin
, Saba Amiri, Mahboube Lotfian, Mohamad Reza Kharazi
, Shahla Azizi, Mehdi M. Mirbagheri:
The correlation between transcranial magnetic stimulation parameters and neuromuscular properties in children with cerebral palsy. 5473-5476 - Andrea Duggento, Gaetano Valenza
, Luca Passamonti
, Maria Guerrisi, Riccardo Barbieri
, Nicola Toschi
Reconstructing multivariate causal structure between functional brain networks through a Laguerre-Volterra based Granger causality approach. 5477-5480 - Britta Pester
, Feliberto de la Cruz
, Karl-Jürgen Bär, Herbert Witte, Lutz Leistritz:
Detecting spatially highly resolved network modules: A multi subject approach. 5481-5484 - Lutz Leistritz, Herbert Witte:
A time domain frequency-selective multivariate granger causality approach. 5485-5488 - Luca Faes
, Alessandro Montalto, Sebastiano Stramaglia
, Giandomenico Nollo
, Daniele Marinazzo
Multiscale analysis of information dynamics for linear multivariate processes. 5489-5492 - Pedro L. C. Rodrigues, Luiz A. Baccalá:
Statistically significant time-varying neural connectivity estimation using generalized partial directed coherence. 5493-5496 - Gaetano Valenza
, Alberto Greco
, Claudio Gentili
, Antonio Lanatà
, Nicola Toschi
, Riccardo Barbieri
, Laura Sebastiani
, Danilo Menicucci
, Angelo Gemignani
, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo:
Brain-heart linear and nonlinear dynamics during visual emotional elicitation in healthy subjects. 5497-5500 - Daniel Lachner Piza
, Jonas C. Bruder, Julia Jacobs, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage
, Thomas Stieglitz
, Matthias Dümpelmann
Differentiation of spindle associated hippocampal HFOs based on a correlation analysis. 5501-5504 - Tarmo Lipping
, Jaanika Saareleht, Elzbieta Olejarczyk
, Eila Sonkajarvi, Tuomo Ylinen, Ville Jäntti:
Synchronization of brain activity during induction of propofol anesthesia: Comparison of methods. 5505-5508 - Maristella Lucchini
, William P. Fifer
, Manuela Ferrario, Maria G. Signorini
Feasibility study for the assessment of cardio-respiratory coupling in newborn infants. 5509-5512 - Marios Antonakakis, Stavros I. Dimitriadis, Michalis E. Zervakis, Andrew C. Papanicolaou, George Zouridakis
Mining cross-frequency coupling microstates from resting state MEG: An application to mild traumatic brain injury. 5513-5516 - Stavros I. Dimitriadis, Yu Sun
, Nitish V. Thakor, Anastasios Bezerianos:
Mining cross-frequency coupling microstates (CFCμstates) from EEG recordings during resting state and mental arithmetic tasks. 5517-5520 - Urszula Malinowska
, Dana Boatman-Reich:
Cross-frequency coupling during auditory perception in human cortex. 5521-5524 - Mohammad-Reza Nazem-Zadeh, Susan M. Bowyer, John E. Moran, Esmaeil Davoodi-Bojd, Andrew Zillgitt, Hassan Bagher-Ebadian, Fariborz Mahmoudi, Kost V. Elisevich, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh
Application of DTI connectivity in lateralization of mTLE. 5525-5528 - Masoud Edalati, Gregory R. Lee, Hui Wang, Michael D. Taylor, Yu Y. Li:
Single-shot turbo spin echo acquisition for in vivo cardiac diffusion MRI. 5529-5532 - Nabin Koirala
, Vinzenz Fleischer, Oliver Granert, Günther Deuschl
, Muthuraman Muthuraman, Sergiu Groppa
Network effects and pathways in Deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease. 5533-5536 - Farzad Khalvati, Junjie Zhang, Masoom A. Haider, Alexander Wong:
Enhanced dual-stage correlated diffusion imaging. 5537-5540 - Andrea Duggento, Marco Giannelli
, Carlo Tessa, Simona Lanzafame, Maria Guerrisi, Nicola Toschi
Distribution-aware estimation of the minimum achievable uncertainty in diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI). 5541-5544 - Claudio Román
, Miguel Guevara, Delphine Duclap, Alice Lebois, Cyril Poupon, Jean-François Mangin, Pamela Guevara
Short association bundle atlas based on inter-subject clustering from HARDI data. 5545-5549 - Shohei Teramoto, Tsubasa Inaoka, Yumie Ono
Regional brain activity that determines successful and unsuccessful working memory formation. 5550-5553 - Soroosh Golbabaei
, Amin Dadashi, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh
Measures of the brain functional network that correlate with Alzheimer's neuropsychological test scores: An fMRI and graph analysis study. 5554-5557 - Behnaz Jarrahi, Dante Mantini
Identifying the effects of visceral interoception on human brain connectome: A multivariate analysis of covariance of fMRI data. 5558-5562 - Victor M. Vergara, Vince D. Calhoun
Randomness in resting state functional connectivity matrices. 5563-5566 - Behnaz Jarrahi, Dante Mantini
Tracking intrinsic connectivity brain network features during successive (Pseudo-) resting states and interoceptive task fMRI. 5567-5570 - Anees Abrol, Charlotte Chaze, Eswar Damaraju, Vince D. Calhoun
The chronnectome: Evaluating replicability of dynamic connectivity patterns in 7500 resting fMRI datasets. 5571-5574 - Hui Yang
, Yun Chen, Fabio Leonelli:
Whole heart modeling - Spatiotemporal dynamics of electrical wave conduction and propagation. 5575-5578 - Fabrizio Del Bianco, Piero Colli Franzone, Simone Scacchi, Lorenzo Fassina
Simulating the effects of growth and fiber dispersion on the electromechanical response of a cardiac ventricular wedge affected from concentric hypertrophy. 5579-5582 - Andrew Atkinson
, Sanjay R. Kharche
, Michael Bateman, Paul Anthony Iaizzo, Halina Dobrzynski
3D anatomical reconstruction of human cardiac conduction system and simulation of bundle branch block after TAVI procedure. 5583-5586 - Yuncheng Du, Dongping Du:
Propagation of parametric uncertainty for the K+ channel model in mouse ventricular myocytes. 5587-5590 - Mireia Calvo, Virginie Le Rolle
, Daniel Romero Perez
, Nathalie Behar, Pedro Gomis
, Philippe Mabo, Alfredo I. Hernández:
Analysis of a cardiovascular model for the study of the autonomic response of Brugada syndrome patients. 5591-5594 - Sidharta Andalam, Harshavardhan Ramanna, Avinash Malik, Partha S. Roop, Nitish D. Patel, Mark L. Trew:
Hybrid automata models of cardiac ventricular electrophysiology for real-time computational applications. 5595-5598 - Purnomo Husnul Khotimah, Yuichi Sugiyama, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Akihiro Hamasaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda:
Revealing oral medication patterns from reconstructed long-term medication history of type 2 diabetes. 5599-5603 - Faisal M. Khan, Casimir A. Kulikowski:
Impact of prostate biopsy tumor amount on imaging based prognostics employing transductive semi-supervised regression. 5604-5607 - Diogo Abrantes
, Pedro Gomes, Daniel Pereira, Miguel T. Coimbra
Measuring the intuitive response of users when faced with different interactive paradigms to control a gastroenterology CAD system. 5608-5611 - Shameek Ghosh, Hung T. Nguyen
, Jinyan Li:
Predicting short-term ICU outcomes using a sequential contrast motif based classification framework. 5612-5615 - Hao Wang, Zhongyi Li:
Tooth separation from dental model using segmentation field. 5616-5619 - Shreya Anand, Ravindra B. Patil, P. Krishnamoorthy:
An analytics based clinical decision support system for CVD risk assessment and management. 5620-5623 - Daniela C. L. Domingos, Luis F. S. G. Lima, Thiago F. Messias, Jose V. L. Feijo, Anthony A. R. Diniz, Heliana Bezerra Soares:
Blood hero: An application for encouraging the blood donation by applying gamification. 5624-5627 - Orazio Gambino
, Ester Minafo, Roberto Pirrone
, Edoardo Ardizzone
A tunable digital ishihara plate for pre-school aged children. 5628-5631 - Pablo Filipe Santana Chacon, Caroline Ferreira Schon, V. H. L. A. Furtado, G. L. A. M. Signoretti, Josiel P. P. Oliveira, Anna Giselle Ribeiro
, Caroline D. Vilar Wanderley, Anthony A. R. Diniz, Heliana Bezerra Soares:
Support and rehabilitation of patients with pulmonary expansion deficit by using game therapy. 5632-5635 - Suleman Atique
, Mowafa S. Househ, Luis Fernández-Luque, Elia Gabarron
, Marian Wan, Onkar Singh, Vicente Traver Salcedo, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li
, Syed Abdul Shabbir
Lessons learnt from a MOOC about social media for digital health literacy. 5636-5639 - Marios Spanakis
, Emmanouil G. Spanakis
, Haridimos Kondylakis, Stelios Sfakianakis, Irini Genitsaridi, Vangelis Sakkalis, Manolis Tsiknakis, Kostas Marias
Addressing drug-drug and drug-food interactions through personalized empowerment services for healthcare. 5640-5643 - Manuel Traver, Ignacio Basagoiti, Antonio Martinez-Millana, Carlos Fernández-Llatas
, Vicente Traver:
Experiences of a general practitioner in the daily practice about Digital Health Literacy. The real needs. 5644-5647 - Visa Suomi
, Jirí Jaros
, Bradley E. Treeby
, Robin O. Cleveland:
Nonlinear 3-D simulation of high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy in the Kidney. 5648-5651 - Gloria Cosoli
, Lorenzo Scalise, Gerardo Tricarico, Enrico Primo Tomasini, Graziano Cerri:
An innovative therapy for peri-implantitis based on radio frequency electric current: Numerical simulation results and clinical evidence. 5652-5655 - Sergio Morató, Belen Juste
, Rafael Miró, Gumersindo Verdú, Sergio Diez:
Experimental validation of neutron activation simulation of a varian medical linear accelerator. 5656-5659 - Susana O. Catarino
, Vânia C. Pinto
, Paulo J. Sousa
, Rui A. Lima
, João Mário Miranda, Graça Minas
A numerical and experimental study of acoustic micromixing in 3D microchannels for lab-on-a-chip devices. 5660-5663 - Cornelia Wenger, Ze'ev Bomzon, Ricardo Salvador, Peter J. Basser, Pedro Cavaleiro Miranda:
Simplified realistic human head model for simulating Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields). 5664-5667 - Keisuke Kitano, Akihito Ito, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi, Shigeru Wakida:
Estimation of joint center and measurement of finger motion by inertial sensors. 5668-5671 - Jing Xiong, Zeyang Xia, Yangzhou Gan:
Human-robot collaborated path planning for bevel-tip needle steering in simulated human environment. 5672-5675 - Carina Lott, Michelle J. Johnson:
Upper limb kinematics of adults with cerebral palsy on bilateral functional tasks. 5676-5679 - Yuhei Kamei, Shima Okada
Classification of forearm and finger motions using electromyogram and arm-shape-changes. 5680-5683 - Justin Horowitz, Yazan Abdel Majeed, James L. Patton:
A fresh perspective on dissecting action into discrete submotions. 5684-5688 - Simon Lind Kappel
, Christian Bech Christensen, Kaare B. Mikkelsen, Preben Kidmose
Reference configurations for ear-EEG steady-state responses. 5689-5692 - Xuhong Guo
, Weihua Pei, Yijun Wang, Qiang Gui, He Zhang, Xiao Xing, Yong Huang
, Hongda Chen, Ruicong Liu, Yuanyuan Liu:
Developing a one-channel BCI system using a dry claw-like electrode. 5693-5696 - Lorenz Fiedler
, Jonas Obleser, Thomas Lunner, Carina Graversen
Ear-EEG allows extraction of neural responses in challenging listening scenarios - A future technology for hearing aids? 5697-5700 - Hugo F. Posada-Quintero
, Ryan Rood, Yeon-Sik Noh, Ken Burnham, John Pennace, Ki H. Chon:
Novel dry electrodes for recording electrodermal activity. 5701-5704 - Patrique Fiedler
, Daniel Strohmeier, Alexander Hunold, Stefan Griebel
, Richard Mühle, Maria Schreiber, Paulo Pedrosa
, Beatriz Vasconcelos, Carlos Fonseca
, Filipe Vaz
, Jens Haueisen
Modular multipin electrodes for comfortable dry EEG. 5705-5708 - Hao Dong, Paul M. Matthews, Yike Guo:
A new soft material based in-the-ear EEG recording technique. 5709-5712 - Tejaswy Pailla, Werner Jiang, Benjamin K. Dichter, Edward F. Chang, Vikash Gilja:
ECoG data analyses to inform closed-loop BCI experiments for speech-based prosthetic applications. 5713-5716 - Syed Ahmar Shah
, Huiling Tan
, Peter Brown
Decoding force from deep brain electrodes in Parkinsonian patients. 5717-5720 - Rosa Q. So
, Camilo Libedinsky, Kai Keng Ang
, Wee Chiek Clement Lim, Kyaw Kyar Toe, Cuntai Guan
Adaptive decoding using local field potentials in a brain-machine interface. 5721-5724 - Johannes Thorling Hadsund, Mathias Brønd Sørensen, Albert Cid-Royo
, Imran Khan Niazi
, Helene Rovsing, Cecilie Rovsing, Mads Jochumsen
Feature domain-specific movement intention detection for stroke rehabilitation with brain-computer interfaces. 5725-5728 - Justin A. Brantley, Trieu Phat Luu, Recep Ozdemir, Fangshi Zhu
, Anna T. Winslow, He Huang
, José L. Contreras-Vidal
Noninvasive EEG correlates of overground and stair walking. 5729-5732 - Omid G. Sani, Ricardo Chavarriaga, Mohammad B. Shamsollahi, José del R. Millán
Detection of movement related cortical potential: Effects of causal vs. non-causal processing. 5733-5736 - Yusuke Kimura, Keigo Osada, Yoshinori Inoue, Masashi Ikeuchi, Koji Ikuta:
The development of real-time PCR micro device with optical sensor for early detection of cancer. 5737-5740 - Masoud Rezaei, Esmaeel Maghsoudloo, Mohamad Sawan, Benoit Gosselin
A 110-nW in-channel sigma-delta converter for large-scale neural recording implants. 5741-5744 - Chengjie Wang, Junli Zheng, Sebastian Magierowski, Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh:
Embedded CMOS basecalling for nanopore DNA sequencing. 5745-5748 - Ramtin Ardeshiri, Pouya Rezai
Lab-on-chips for manipulation of small-scale organisms to facilitate imaging of neurons and organs. 5749-5752 - Elnaz Ghodsevali, Hamza Landari, Mounir Boukadoum
, Benoit Gosselin
, Amine Miled:
A wide range and high sensitivity four-channel compact electrochemical biosensor for neurotransmitter detection on a microfluidic platform. 5753-5756 - Qi Yang
, Tran Nguyen, Chunan Liu, Jacob Miller, Jeffrey F. Rhoads, Jacqueline C. Linnes
, Hyowon Lee
Polyimide-based magnetic microactuators for biofouling removal. 5757-5760 - Annamalai Natarajan, Kevin S. Xu, Brian Eriksson:
Detecting divisions of the autonomic nervous system using wearables. 5761-5764 - Jangho Kwon, Da-Hye Kim, Wanjoo Park
, Laehyun Kim:
A wearable device for emotional recognition using facial expression and physiological response. 5765-5768 - Luis Estrada
, Abel Torres
, Leonardo Sarlabous
, Raimon Jané
Evaluating respiratory muscle activity using a wireless sensor platform. 5769-5772 - Wenxuan Dai, Yuan-Ting Zhang
, Jing Liu, Xiao-Rong Ding
, Ni Zhao
Dual-modality arterial pulse monitoring system for continuous blood pressure measurement. 5773-5776 - S. P. Preejith, Akshay S. Ravindran, Rohan Hajare, Jayaraj Joseph
, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam
A wrist worn SpO2 monitor with custom finger probe for motion artifact removal. 5777-5780 - Naomi Kuramoto, Dushyantha Jayatilake, Kikue Hidaka, Kenji Suzuki
Smartphone-based swallowing monitoring and feedback device for mealtime assistance in nursing homes. 5781-5784 - Gregory L. Damhorst
, Jonathan M. Kooiman, Rashid Bashir:
HIV-1 IIIB capture from whole blood on magnetic microparticles. 5785-5788 - Robert Karam, Swarup Bhunia
, Steve J. A. Majerus
, Steven W. Brose, Margot S. Damaser, Dennis Bourbeau:
Real-time, autonomous bladder event classification and closed-loop control from single-channel pressure data. 5789-5792 - Jamshid Sourati, Steven C. Kazmierczak, Murat Akçakaya, Jennifer G. Dy, Todd K. Leen, Deniz Erdogmus:
Assessing subsets of analytes in context of detecting laboratory errors. 5793-5796 - Carlo Massaroni, Emiliano Schena, Paola Saccomandi
, Sergio Silvestri
A novel tool and procedure for in-situ volumetric calibration of motion capture systems for breathing analysis. 5797-5800 - Zhe Cao, Shaojie Su, Hong Chen, Hao Tang, Yixin Zhou, Zhihua Wang:
Pose measurement of Anterior Pelvic Plane based on inertial measurement unit in total hip replacement surgeries. 5801-5804 - Debbie Lloyd, Dawie J. van den Heever
, Kiran H. J. Dellimore, Johan Smith
Development of a diagnostic feedback device to assess neonatal cardiopulmonary resuscitation chest compression performance. 5805-5808 - Sofia Assis
, Pedro Costa, Maria Jose Rosas, Rui Vaz, João Paulo da Silva Cunha
An adaptive model approach for quantitative wrist rigidity evaluation during deep brain stimulation surgery. 5809-5812 - Zhaoxiang Wang, Zhouyan Feng, Ying Yu, Yufang Zhu, Zheshan Guo
Detection of single unit spikes during orthodromic-high frequency stimulation in rat hippocampus. 5813-5816 - Zheshan Guo
, Zhouyan Feng, Ying Yu, Wenjie Zhou, Zhaoxiang Wang, Xuefeng Wei
Sinusoidal stimulation trains suppress epileptiform spikes induced by 4-AP in the rat hippocampal CA1 region in-vivo. 5817-5820 - Andrea Bohme, Ursula van Rienen
A comparative study of approaches to compute the field distribution of deep brain stimulation in the Hemiparkinson rat model. 5821-5824 - Shaoyu Qiao, Kevin A. Brown, Amy L. Orsborn
, Breonna Ferrentino
, Bijan Pesaran:
Development of semi-chronic microdrive system for large-scale circuit mapping in macaque mesolimbic and basal ganglia systems. 5825-5828 - Jaco Hofmann, Amir Zjajo, Carlo Galuzzi, René van Leuken:
Multi-chip dataflow architecture for massive scale biophysically accurate neuron simulation. 5829-5832 - Marie-Helene Milot, Mathieu Hamel, Philippe-Olivier Provost, Julien Bernier-Ouellet, Maxime Dupuis, Dominic Létourneau, Simon Brière, François Michaud:
Exerciser for rehabilitation of the Arm (ERA): Development and unique features of a 3D end-effector robot. 5833-5836 - Michael D. Ellis
, Carolina Carmona
, Justin M. Drogos
, Stuart Traxel, Julius P. A. Dewald:
Progressive abduction loading therapy targeting flexion synergy to regain reaching function in chronic stroke: Preliminary results from an RCT. 5837-5840 - Will Harrington, Andrew Greenberg, Edward King, James McNames, Lars Holmstrom, Fay B. Horak, Martina Mancini
Alleviating freezing of gait using phase-dependent tactile biofeedback. 5841-5844 - Shota Itoh, Keisuke Kubota, Kunihiro Ogata, Toshiaki Tsuji
Exercise system for eccentric tibialis anterior contraction to improve ambulatory function. 5845-5848 - Roopeswar Kommalapati, Konstantinos P. Michmizos:
Virtual reality for pediatric neuro-rehabilitation: Adaptive visual feedback of movement to engage the mirror neuron system. 5849-5852 - Dimitrios Andreou, Riccardo Poli:
Comparing EEG, its time-derivative and their joint use as features in a BCI for 2-D pointer control. 5853-5856 - Rupesh Kumar Chikara, Li-Wei Ko:
Phase modulation-based response-inhibition outcome prediction in translational scenario of stop-signal task. 5857-5860 - Irina-Emilia Nicolae
, Miruna M. C. Stefan, Bogdan Hurezeanu, Dragos-Daniel Taralunga, Rodica Strungaru, Titus Mihai Vasile, Ovidiu Alexandru Bajenaru, G. Mihaela Ungureanu
Investigating motor imagery tasks by their neural effects - A case study. 5861-5864 - Syed Salman Ali, Lei Zhang
Maximum entropy based common spatial patterns for motor imagery classification. 5865-5868 - Yubing Jiang, Hyeon-Seok Lee, Gang Li, Wan-Young Chung:
High performance wearable two-channel hybrid BCI system with eye closure assist. 5869-5872 - Ke Lin, Yijun Wang, Xiaorong Gao:
Time-frequency joint coding method for boosting information transfer rate in an SSVEP based BCI system. 5873-5876 - Manuel C. Kohl
, Daniel J. Strauss
A compact representation for the auditory full-range response and its fast denoising using an image filter based on the Radon Transform. 5877-5880 - Chenxi Yang
, Negar Tavassolian:
Motion noise cancellation in seismocardiogram of ambulant subjects with dual sensors. 5881-5884 - Yu Rao, Yiya Hao, Issa M. S. Panahi, Nasser Kehtarnavaz:
Smartphone-based real-time speech enhancement for improving hearing aids speech perception. 5885-5888 - Michael C. Stevens
, Wei Lu
, Changhong Wang, Stephen James Redmond, Nigel H. Lovell
A Kalman filter to estimate altitude change during a fall. 5889-5892 - Yue Zhou, Mary E. Jenkins, Michael D. Naish
, Ana Luisa Trejos
Design and validation of a high-order weighted-frequency fourier linear combiner-based Kalman filter for parkinsonian tremor estimation. 5893-5896 - Eleni I. Georga
, José C. Príncipe, Demosthenes Polyzos, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis:
Non-linear dynamic modeling of glucose in type 1 diabetes with kernel adaptive filters. 5897-5900 - Daniel E. Miller, Raj S. Shah, Wencong Zhang, Jaewook Yoo, Jaerock Kwon
, David Mayerich
, John Keyser
, Louise C. Abbott, Yoonsuck Choe:
Fast submicrometer-scale imaging of whole zebrafish using the knife-edge scanning microscope. 5901-5904 - Tuukka Karvonen, Yuki Uranishi, Tatsunori Sakamoto, Yosuke Tona
, Kazuya Okamoto, Hiroshi Tamura
, Tomohiro Kuroda:
3D reconstruction of cochlea using optical coherence tomography. 5905-5908 - Li Shen, Eric Todd Quinto, Shiqiang Wang, Ming Jiang:
Simultaneous reconstruction and segmentation with the Mumford-Shah functional for electron tomography. 5909-5912 - Sachin Meena, V. B. Surya Prasath
, Yasmin M. Kassim, Richard James Maude
, Olga V. Glinskii, Vladislav V. Glinsky
, Virginia H. Huxley, Kannappan Palaniappan:
Multiquadric spline-based interactive segmentation of vascular networks. 5913-5916 - Kieran A. Brennan, Bryan P. Ruddy
, Poul M. F. Nielsen, Andrew J. Taberner
Light source depth estimation in porcine skin using spatially resolved diffuse imaging. 5917-5920 - Alejandro Romero-Santiago, Philipp Flotho, Karsten Schwerdtfeger, Jacek Szczygielski
, Matthias Hulser, Lars Haab, Daniel J. Strauss
Compensation of pulsation artifacts during optical imaging with and without cranial chamber. 5921-5924 - Mohammad-Reza Nazem-Zadeh, Susan M. Bowyer, John E. Moran, Esmaeil Davoodi-Bojd, Andrew Zillgitt, Hassan Bagher-Ebadian, Fariborz Mahmoudi, Kost V. Elisevich, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh
Application of MEG coherence in lateralization of mTLE. 5925-5928 - Muhammad Naveed Iqbal Qureshi, Boreom Lee
Classification of ADHD subgroup with recursive feature elimination for structural brain MRI. 5929-5932 - Tao Li, Wensheng Zhang:
Classification of brain disease from magnetic resonance images based on multi-level brain partitions. 5933-5936 - Diana Paulina Martínez-Cancino
, Joaquín Azpiroz-Leehan, Luis Jiménez-Ángeles, Andrea Garcia-Quintanar, Rafael Santana-Miranda:
Effects of high frequency rTMS on sleep deprivation: A pilot study. 5937-5940 - Ryuichi Fujimoto, Chihiro Kondo, Koichi Ito
, Kai Wu, Kazunori Sato, Yasuyuki Taki, Hiroshi Fukuda, Takafumi Aoki:
Age estimation using effective brain local features from T1-weighted images. 5941-5944 - Mahsa Kadkhodaei, Shadrokh Samavi, Nader Karimi
, Hoda Mohaghegh
, S. Mohamad R. Soroushmehr, Kevin Ward
, Angelo All, Kayvan Najarian:
Automatic segmentation of multimodal brain tumor images based on classification of super-voxels. 5945-5948 - Thais Roque, Veerle Kersemans
, Sean Smart, Danny Allen
, Julia A. Schnabel
, Michael A. Chappell
A DCE-MRI imaging-based model for simulation of vascular tumour growth. 5949-5952 - Simone Perazzolo
, Rohan M. Lewis
, Bram G. Sengers
Modelling nutrient transfer based on 3D imaging of the human placental microstructure. 5953-5956 - Michael R. Nowak, Alexander Lozovskiy, Dimitri Dobroskok, Yoonsuck Choe:
Knife-edge scanning microscopy for in silico study of cerebral blood flow: From biological imaging data to flow simulations. 5957-5960 - Nikolaos S. Tachos
, Antonis I. Sakellarios, George Rigas
, Velibor Isailovic
, Guangjian Ni, Frank Böhnke, Nenad Filipovic
, Thanos Bibas
, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis:
Middle and inner ear modelling: From microCT images to 3D reconstruction and coupling of models. 5961-5964 - Vafa Andalibi, Timo Aaltonen, François Christophe
, Tommi Mikkonen:
SiMEA: A framework for simulating neurons on multi-electrode array. 5965-5968 - Georgios N. Dimitrakopoulos
, Panos Balomenos, Aristidis G. Vrahatis, Kyriakos N. Sgarbas
, Anastasios Bezerianos:
Identifying disease network perturbations through regression on gene expression and pathway topology analysis. 5969-5972 - Loïc Sevrin, Norbert Noury
, Nacer Abouchi, Fabrice Jumel, Bertrand Massot, Jacques Saraydaryan:
Detection of collaborative activity with Kinect depth cameras. 5973-5976 - Adriana Leal
, Ricardo Couceiro
, Ioanna Chouvarda
, Nicos Maglaveras
, Jorge Henriques
, Rui Pedro Paiva
, Paulo Carvalho, César Alexandre Teixeira
Detection of different types of noise in lung sounds. 5977-5980 - Georgia N. Athanasiou, Dimitrios K. Lymberopoulos:
A comprehensive Reputation mechanism for ubiquitous healthcare environment exploiting cloud model. 5981-5984 - Ishtiak Al Mamoon, Islam A. K. M. Muzahidul, Sabariah Baharun, Ashir Ahmed
, Shozo Komaki:
Cluster based architecture and network maintenance protocol for medical priority aware cognitive radio based hospital. 5985-5988 - Khondaker Abdullah Al Mamun, Sharmistha Bardhan, Md. Anwar Ullah, Evdokia Anagnostou, Jessica A. Brian, Shaheen Akhter, Mohammod Golam Rabbani:
Smart autism - A mobile, interactive and integrated framework for screening and confirmation of autism. 5989-5992 - Ebrahim Nemati, Konstantinos Sideris, Haik Kalantarian, Majid Sarrafzadeh:
A dynamic data source selection system for smartwatch platform. 5993-5996 - Shyamal Patel, Ryan S. McGinnis
, Ikaro Silva, Steve DiCristofaro, Nikhil Mahadevan, Elise Jortberg, Jaime Franco, Albert Martin, Joseph Lust, Milan Raj, Bryan McGrane, Paolo DePetrillo, A. J. Aranyosi
, Melissa Ceruolo, Jesus Pindado, Roozbeh Ghaffari:
A wearable computing platform for developing cloud-based machine learning models for health monitoring applications. 5997-6001 - Vaclav Burda, Daniel Novák, Jakub Schneider
Evaluation of diabetes mellitus compensation after one year of using Mobiab system. 6002-6005 - Navid Mohaghegh, Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh, Sebastian Magierowski:
Wearable diagnostic system for age-related macular degeneration. 6006-6009 - Ramin Fallahzadeh, Samaneh Aminikhanghahi
, Ashley Nichole Gibson, Diane J. Cook:
Toward personalized and context-aware prompting for smartphone-based intervention. 6010-6013 - Paul A. Yushkevich
, Laura E. M. Wisse, Daniel H. Adler, Ranjit Ittyerah, John Pluta, John L. Robinson, Theresa Schuck, John Q. Trojanowski, Murray Grossman, John A. Detre, Mark A. Elliott, Jon B. Toledo
, Weixia Liu, Stephen Pickup, Sandhitsu R. Das, David A. Wolk:
A framework for informing segmentation of in vivo MRI with information derived from ex vivo imaging: Application in the medial temporal lobe. 6014-6017 - Luz Maria Neira, R. Owen Mays, Susan C. Hagness:
Development and application of human breast phantoms in microwave diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. 6018-6021 - Hideyuki Kimpara
, Yuko Nakahira, Masami Iwamoto:
Development and validation of THUMS version 5 with 1D muscle models for active and passive automotive safety research. 6022-6025 - Peter Biggane, Xavier J. Jackson, Ara Nazarian:
Bone composition and healing: Open electromagnetic and biomechanical problems. 6026-6029 - Xinwen Zhou, Zeyang Xia, Yangzhou Gan, Dongxia Zhang, Jing Xiong, Peng Fang
, Guanglin Li
, Qunfei Zhao:
Orthodontic force simulation of Tooth-PDL-Bone Complex under archwire loading. 6030-6033 - Anne Schmitz, Davide Piovesan
Development of an open-source cosimulation method of the knee. 6034-6037 - Hui-hui Wu, Dong Wang, An-Bang Ma, Dong-Yun Gu:
Hip joint geometry effects on cartilage contact stresses during a gait cycle. 6038-6041 - Alejandro Lopez Rincon
, César Cantú, Rogelio Soto
, Shingo Shimoda:
Simulating the activation, contraction and movement of skeletal muscles using the bidomain model. 6042-6045 - Arvind Gautam, A. Bhargavi Rani, Miguel A. Callejas
, Swati Ghosh Acharyya, Amit Acharyya, Dwaipayan Biswas, Vasundhra Bhandari
, Paresh Sharma, Ganesh R. Naik
Shape memory alloy smart knee spacer to enhance knee functionality: Model design and finite element analysis. 6046-6049 - Akihiko Murai, Yusuke Kawano
, Ko Ayusawa, Mitsunori Tada, Noboru Matsumura, Takeo Nagura:
In-vitro identification of shoulder joint and muscle dynamics based on motion capture and musculoskeletal computation. 6050-6053 - Carlo Massaroni, Ciocchetti Ciocchetti, Giulia Di Tomaso, Paola Saccomandi
, Michele A. Caponero
, Andrea Polimadei, Domenico Formica, Emiliano Schena:
Design and preliminary assessment of a smart textile for respiratory monitoring based on an array of Fiber Bragg Gratings. 6054-6057 - Cristina Isaia
, Donal McNally
, Simon A. McMaster, David T. Branson
Investigation of changes in the electrical properties of novel knitted conductive textiles during cyclic loading. 6058-6061 - Roger B. Ribas Manero, Ali Shafti
, Brendan Michael
, Jug-Raj Grewal, J. Ll. Ribas Fernandez, Kaspar Althoefer, Matthew J. Howard
Wearable embroidered muscle activity sensing device for the human upper leg. 6062-6065 - Namsun Chou
, Sohee Kim
Wearable strain sensors fabricated by silver nanowire patterning method based on parylene stencil technique. 6066-6069 - Kwonjoon Lee, Kiseok Song, Taehwan Roh, Hoi-Jun Yoo:
A fabric wrist patch sensor for continuous and comprehensive monitoring of the cardiovascular system. 6070-6073 - Shannon Brown, Max Ortiz-Catalan, Joel Petersson, Kristian Rödby, Fernando Seoane
Intarsia-sensorized band and textrodes for real-time myoelectric pattern recognition. 6074-6077 - Carmina Reyes-Coronel, Markus Waser
, Heinrich Garn, Manfred Deistler, Peter Dal-Bianco, Thomas Benke, Gerhard Ransmayr, Dieter Grossegger, Reinhold Schmidt:
Predicting rapid cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease patients using quantitative EEG markers and neuropsychological test scores. 6078-6081 - Murtadha D. Hssayeni
, Michelle A. Burack, Behnaz Ghoraani:
Automatic assessment of medication states of patients with Parkinson's disease using wearable sensors. 6082-6085 - Aishwarya Bandla
, Chua Le Teng Sherry, Frances Lim, Chan Kim Chuan, Lun-De Liao
, Nitish V. Thakor:
Peripheral sensory stimulation is neuroprotective in a rat photothrombotic ischemic stroke model. 6086-6089 - Alessandro Napoli
, Christian R. Ward
, Stephen M. Glassd
, Carole A. Tucker, Iyad Obeid
Automated assessment of postural stability system. 6090-6093 - Quynh Tran Ly, A. M. Ardi Handojoseno, Moran Gilat
, Tuan Nghia Nguyen, Rifai Chai
, Yvonne Tran
, Simon J. G. Lewis, Hung T. Nguyen
Identifying montages that best detect the electroencephalogram power spectrum alteration during freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease patients. 6094-6097 - Xiaogang Hu, Babak Afsharipour, William Zev Rymer, Nina L. Suresh:
Impairment of muscle force transmission in spastic-paretic muscles of stroke survivors. 6098-6101 - Eric Y. Hu, Jean-Marie C. Bouteiller, Dong Song
, Theodore W. Berger:
Development of a detailed model of calcium dynamics at the postsynaptic spine of an excitatory synapse. 6102-6105 - Hiroshi Noborio, Kazuma Aoki, Takahiro Kunii, Kiminori Mizushino:
A potential function-based scalpel navigation method that avoids blood vessel groups during excision of cancerous tissue. 6106-6112 - Lilin Guo, Zhenzhong Wang, Malek Adjouadi
A supervised learning rule for classification of spatiotemporal spike patterns. 6113-6116 - John Stahl, Damon A. Miller:
Initial comparison of energy measures for neural stimulation in a single conductance channel. 6117-6120 - Kerstin Lenk
, Eero Raisanen, Jari A. K. Hyttinen
Understanding the role of astrocytic GABA in simulated neural networks. 6121-6124 - Anuj Deshpande
, Sibendu Samanta
, Haimabati Das
, Ritwik Kumar Layek:
A boolean approach to bacterial chemotaxis. 6125-6129 - Saeid Barzegarjalali, Alice C. Parker:
Neuromorphic circuit modeling directional selectivity in the visual cortex. 6130-6133 - Joseph D. Butner
, Vittorio Cristini
, Zhihui Wang:
Development of a three dimensional, lattice-free multiscale model of the mammary terminal end bud. 6134-6137 - Duy T. Truong, Christian Bahls
, J. Barbara Nebe, Ursula van Rienen
An implementation for the simulation of cells on micro-post arrays. 6138-6141 - Giorgos Tzedakis
, Evangelos Liapis, Eleftheria Tzamali, Giannis Zacharakis
, Vangelis Sakkalis:
A hybrid discrete-continuous model of in vitro spheroid tumor growth and drug response. 6142-6145 - Jamie L. S. Waugh
, Anton Trinh, Ryan R. Mohammed, William E. McIlroy
, Dana Kulic
Online learning of gait models for calculation of gait parameters. 6146-6149 - Elham Dolatabadi, Babak Taati
, Alex Mihailidis
Automated classification of pathological gait after stroke using ubiquitous sensing technology. 6150-6153 - Tamon Miyake
, Mariko Tsukune, Yo Kobayashi
, Shigeki Sugano
, Masakatsu G. Fujie:
Relationship between magnitude of applied torque in pre-swing phase and gait change for prevention of trip in elderly people. 6154-6157 - Kenta Saichi, Kazuhiro Yasuda, Yu Kitaji, Naomi Kaibuki, Hiroyasu Iwata:
Development and pilot clinical evaluation of a haptic-based perception-empathy biofeedback device for gait rehabilitation. 6158-6161 - Omid Jahanian, Alyssa J. Schnorenberg, Brooke A. Slavens
Evaluation of shoulder joint kinematics and muscle activity during geared and standard manual wheelchair mobility. 6162-6165 - Jeonghee Kim
, Claire Parnell, Thomas Wichmann, Stephen P. DeWeerth:
Longitudinal wearable tremor measurement system with activity recognition algorithms for upper limb tremor. 6166-6169 - Hua Xu, Leanne Lai-Hang Chan, Amine Bermak
Novel structure of carbon nanotube micro electrode for high-resolution stimulation of neurons. 6170-6173 - Andreas Schander
, Tobias Teßmann, Serge Strokov, Heiko Stemmann, Andreas K. Kreiter, Walter Lang
In-vitro evaluation of the long-term stability of PEDOT: PSS coated microelectrodes for chronic recording and electrical stimulation of neurons. 6174-6177 - Parisa Sabetian, Milos R. Popovic
, Paul B. Yoo:
Directionally-sensitive peripheral nerve recording: Bipolar nerve cuff design. 6178-6181 - Alejandra Gonzalez-Calle, James D. Weiland
Evaluation of effects of electrical stimulation in the retina with optical coherence tomography. 6182-6185 - He Zhang, Weihua Pei, Xiaowei Yang, Xuhong Guo
, Xiao Xing, Ruicong Liu, Yuanyuan Liu, Qiang Gui, Hongda Chen:
A sapphire based monolithic integrated optrode. 6186-6189 - Stanislav Culaclii, Brian Kim, Yi-Kai Lo, Wentai Liu:
A hybrid hardware and software approach for cancelling stimulus artifacts during same-electrode neural stimulation and recording. 6190-6193 - Fiorenzo Artoni
, Dario Martelli
, Vito Monaco, Silvestro Micera
Principal component analysis can decrease neural networks performance for incipient falls detection: A preliminary study with hands and feet accelerations. 6194-6197 - Nadi Sadr, Philip de Chazal
A fast approximation method for principal component analysis applied to ECG derived respiration for OSA detection. 6198-6201 - Jang-Han Bae, Young Ju Jeon, Sanghun Lee, Jaeuk U. Kim:
A feasibility study on age-related factors of wrist pulse using principal component analysis. 6202-6205 - A. R. M. Radzol, Khuan Y. Lee, Wahidah Mansor
, I. S. Omar:
PCA criterion for SVM (MLP) classifier for flavivirus biomarker from salivary SERS spectra at febrile stage. 6206-6209 - Krishna Chaitanya Patchava, Osamah Alrezj, Mohammed Benaissa, Hatim Behairy:
Savitzky-golay coupled with digital bandpass filtering as a pre-processing technique in the quantitative analysis of glucose from near infrared spectra. 6210-6213 - Safa Cherif, Dominique Pastor
, Quang-Thang Nguyen, Erwan L'Her:
Detection of artifacts on photoplethysmography signals using random distortion testing. 6214-6217 - Yuki Miki, Yasuyuki Suzuki
, Eiichi Watanabe, Junichiro Hayano
, Yoshiharu Yamamoto
, Taishin Nomura
, Ken Kiyono
Long-range correlations in amplitude variability of HF and LF components of heart rate variability. 6218-6221 - Radhagayathri K. Udhayakumar, Chandan K. Karmakar
, Peng Li
, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
Influence of embedding dimension on distribution entropy in analyzing heart rate variability. 6222-6225 - Rijil Thomas
, Ling Lieng Hsi, Cheong Boon Soh, Erry Gunawan:
Classification of severity of mitral regurgitation patients using multifractal analysis. 6226-6229 - Radhagayathri K. Udhayakumar, Chandan K. Karmakar
, Peng Li
, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
Effect of embedding dimension on complexity measures in identifying Arrhythmia. 6230-6233 - Rijil Thomas
, Ling Lieng Hsi, Cheong Boon Soh, Erry Gunawan:
Heart sound segmentation using fractal decomposition. 6234-6237 - Mikhail Kozlov, Gregor Schaefers:
Radio frequency induced heating of an insulated wire during magnetic resonance imaging. 6238-6241 - Mikhail Kozlov, Elena Lucano, Leonardo M. Angelone
Effects of tuning conditions on near field of MRI transmit birdcage coil at 64 MHz. 6242-6245 - Jiazheng Zhou, Ying-Hua Chu, Yi-Cheng Hsu, Pu-Yeh Wu
, Jason P. Stockmann, Fa-Hsuan Lin
Integrated RF-shim coil allowing two degrees of freedom shim current. 6246-6249 - Joseph Vincent Rispoli, Matthew D. Wilcox, Samantha By, Steven M. Wright, Mary P. McDougall:
Effects of coplanar shielding for high field MRI. 6250-6253 - Jhy-Neng Tasso Yeh, Fa-Hsuan Lin
Magnetic resonance imaging receiver coil decoupling using circumferential shielding structures. 6254-6257 - Matthew D. Wilcox, Romina Del Bosque, Kurt Parizek, Jeremy Sia, Edwin D. Eigenbrodt, Mary P. McDougall:
A three-element 1H-31P dual-tuned array for magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 4.7 T. 6258-6261 - Dario J. Villarreal, Robert D. Gregg:
Unified phase variables of relative degree two for human locomotion. 6262-6267 - Terry Taewoong Um, Dana Kulic
An unsupervised approach to detecting and isolating athletic movements. 6268-6272 - Rezvan Kianifar, Alex Lee, Sachin Raina, Dana Kulic
Classification of squat quality with inertial measurement units in the single leg squat mobility test. 6273-6276 - Stefan O. Schrade, Yvonne Bader, Michael R. Tucker
, Camila Shirota
, Roger Gassert
An adaptive and robust online method to predict gait events. 6277-6281 - Bryan Lao, Tomoya Tamei, Kazushi Ikeda:
Analysis of effective sit-to-stand therapy using kinematic synergies. 6282-6285 - Shusuke Yoshimoto, Teppei Araki, Takafumi Uemura
, Toshikazu Nezu, Masaya Kondo, Kenichi Sasai, Masayuki Iwase, Hideki Satake, Akio Yoshida, Mitsuru Kikuchi, Tsuyoshi Sekitani:
Wireless EEG patch sensor on forehead using on-demand stretchable electrode sheet and electrode-tissue impedance scanner. 6286-6289 - Maram Maheedhar, Aman Gaurav, Vivek Jilla, Vijay N. Tiwari, Rangavittal Narayanan:
StayFit: A wearable application for Gym based power training. 6290-6293 - Jia Xu, Xiaomeng Gao
, Alexander Lee, Shuhei Yamada, Ehsan Yavari, Victor Lubecke, Olga Boric-Lubecke:
Wrist-worn heartbeat monitoring system based on bio-impedance analysis. 6294-6297 - Mohammadreza Abtahi, Gozde Cay
, Manob Jyoti Saikia
, Kunal Mankodiya:
Designing and testing a wearable, wireless fNIRS patch. 6298-6301 - Ramin Fallahzadeh, Mahdi Pedram
, Hassan Ghasemzadeh:
SmartSock: A wearable platform for context-aware assessment of ankle edema. 6302-6306 - Emil Jovanov
, Vindhya R. Nallathimmareddygari, Jonathan E. Pryor:
SmartStuff: A case study of a smart water bottle. 6307-6310 - Oscar F. Cota, Dennis T. T. Plachta, Thomas Stieglitz
, Sarath Kundumattathil, Yiannos Manoli, Matthias Kuhl:
In vivo characterization of a versatile 8-channel digital biopotential recording system with sub-μVRMS input noise. 6311-6314 - Masoud Rezaei, Hadi Bahrami
, Seyed Abdollah Mirbozorgi, Leslie A. Rusch, Benoit Gosselin
A short-impulse UWB BPSK transmitter for large-scale neural recording implants. 6315-6318 - Takashi Tokuda, Satoki Noguchi, Satoru Iwasaki, Hiroaki Takehara, Toshihiko Noda, Kiyotaka Sasagawa
, Jun Ohta
CMOS-based opto-electronic neural interface devices for optogenetics. 6319-6322 - Yaoyao Jia, Zheyuan Wang, Daniel Canales, Morgan Tinkler, Chia-Chun Hsu
, Teresa E. Madsen, S. Abdollah Mirbozorgi, Donald Rainnie, Maysam Ghovanloo:
A wirelessly-powered homecage with animal behavior analysis and closed-loop power control. 6323-6326 - Nitish V. Thakor, Qihong Wang, Elliot Greenwald:
Bidirectional peripheral nerve interface and applications. 6327-6330 - Jeremy Holleman:
Design considerations for neural amplifiers. 6331-6334 - Kang Lin, Yueming Wang, Kedi Xu, Junming Zhu, Jian-Min Zhang, Xiaoxiang Zheng:
Localizing seizure onset zone by convolutional transfer entropy from iEEG. 6335-6338 - Cristina Martins, Nádia Moreira da Silva
, Guilherme Silva
, Verena E. Rozanski, João Paulo da Silva Cunha
Automated volumetry for unilateral hippocampal sclerosis detection in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. 6339-6342 - Athanasios Karapatis, Robert M. Seepers, Marijn N. van Dongen, Wouter A. Serdijn, Christos Strydis
Balancing accuracy, delay and battery autonomy for pervasive seizure detection. 6343-6348 - Diana Cogan, Mehrdad Heydarzadeh
, Mehrdad Nourani:
Personalization of NonEEG-based seizure detection systems. 6349-6352 - Mehdi Aghagolzadeh, Leigh R. Hochberg
, Sydney S. Cash, Wilson Truccolo:
Predicting seizures from local field potentials recorded via intracortical microelectrode arrays. 6353-6356 - Harleen K. Brar, Yunpeng Pan, Babak Mahmoudi, Evangelos A. Theodorou:
Cross-entropy optimization for neuromodulation. 6357-6360 - Han-Lin Hsieh
, Maryam Modir Shanechi:
Multiscale brain-machine interface decoders. 6361-6364 - Kenneth R. Lyons
, Sanjay S. Joshi
Real-time evaluation of a myoelectric control method for high-level upper limb amputees based on homologous leg movements. 6365-6368 - Sarah R. Chang, Mark J. Nandor, Lu Li, Kevin M. Foglyano, John R. Schnellenberger, Rudi Kobetic, Roger D. Quinn, Ronald J. Triolo
A stimulation-driven exoskeleton for walking after paraplegia. 6369-6372 - Joseph Betthauser, Christopher L. Hunt
, Luke Osborn
, Rahul R. Kaliki, Nitish V. Thakor:
Limb-position robust classification of myoelectric signals for prosthesis control using sparse representations. 6373-6376 - Kamyar Momeni, Stephen Canton, Arvind Ramanujam, Erica Garbarini, Gail F. Forrest:
Effects of lower limb electrical stimulation on trunk stability in persons with SCI during walking: A case series. 6377-6380 - Francisco Resquín, Jaime Ibáñez
, José González-Vargas, Fernando Brunetti
, Iris Dimbwadyo, Susana Alves, Laura Carrasco, Laura Torres, José Luis Pons:
Combining a hybrid robotic system with a bain-machine interface for the rehabilitation of reaching movements: A case study with a stroke patient. 6381-6384 - Kefeng Duan, Zhiliang Qian, Mohamed Atef
, Guoxing Wang:
A feature exploration methodology for learning based cuffless blood pressure measurement using photoplethysmography. 6385-6388 - Decho Surangsrirat, Chusak Thanawattano, Ronachai Pongthornseri, Songphon Dumnin, Chanawat Anan, Roongroj Bhidayasiri:
Support vector machine classification of Parkinson's disease and essential tremor subjects based on temporal fluctuation. 6389-6392 - Luqman R. Bachtiar, Richard D. Newcomb
, Andrew V. Kralicek, Charles P. Unsworth:
Improving odorant chemical class prediction with multi-layer perceptrons using temporal odorant spike responses from drosophila melanogaster olfactory receptor neurons. 6393-6396 - Sunil Belur Nagaraj, Sowmya M. Ramaswamy, Siddharth Biswal, Emily J. Boyle, David W. Zhou, Lauren M. McClain, Eric S. Rosenthal
, Patrick L. Purdon, M. Brandon Westover:
Heart rate variability as a biomarker for sedation depth estimation in ICU patients. 6397-6400 - Vasu Jindal, Javad Birjandtalab, Maziyar Baran Pouyan, Mehrdad Nourani:
An adaptive deep learning approach for PPG-based identification. 6401-6404 - Richard B. Woodward
, John A. Spanias, Levi J. Hargrove:
User intent prediction with a scaled conjugate gradient trained artificial neural network for lower limb amputees using a powered prosthesis. 6405-6408 - Manouane Caza-Szoka, Daniel Massicotte, François Nougarou, Martin Descarreaux
Surrogate analysis of fractal dimensions from SEMG sensor array as a predictor of chronic low back pain. 6409-6412 - Aya Sato, Xiang-Qun Liu, Tetsuya Torii
, Masakuni Iwahashi, Keiji Iramina:
Modulation of motor cortex excitability by peripheral magnetic stimulation of different stimulus sites and frequencies. 6413-6416 - Hamed Azami, Mostafa Rostaghi
, Alberto Fernández
, Javier Escudero:
Dispersion entropy for the analysis of resting-state MEG regularity in Alzheimer's disease. 6417-6420 - Ahmed M. Elbaz, Ahmed T. Ahmed, Ayman M. Mohamed, Mohamed A. Oransa
, Khaled S. Sayed, Ayman M. Eldeib:
Motor imagery based brain computer interface using transform domain features. 6421-6424 - Jose D. Bolanos, Montserrat Vallverdú, Pere Caminal, Daniel F. Valencia, Xavier Borrat
, Pedro L. Gambús
, José F. Valencia
Assessment of sedation-analgesia by means of poincaré analysis of the electroencephalogram. 6425-6428 - Sara Mariani, Ana F. T. Borges, Teresa Henriques
, Robert J. Thomas, Samuel J. Leistedt, Paul Linkowski, Jean-Pol Lanquart, Ary L. Goldberger, Madalena D. Costa:
Analysis of the sleep EEG in the complexity domain. 6429-6432 - Fei Gao, Min Zhang, Teresa Wu, Kevin M. Bennett:
3D small structure detection in medical image using texture analysis. 6433-6436 - Ayumi Yamada, Atsushi Teramoto, Tomoko Otsuka, Kohei Kudo, Hirofumi Anno, Hiroshi Fujita:
Preliminary study on the automated skull fracture detection in CT images using black-hat transform. 6437-6440 - Pierre Laurent, Thierry Cresson, Carlos Vázquez
, Nicola Hagemeister, Jacques A. de Guise:
A multi-criteria evaluation platform for segmentation algorithms. 6441-6444 - Sungjun Lim, Michael R. Nowak, Yoonsuck Choe:
Automated neurovascular tracing and analysis of the knife-edge scanning microscope Rat Nissl data set using a computing cluster. 6445-6448 - Mohammad Mehdi Farhangi, Hichem Frigui, Robert Bert, Amir A. Amini:
Incorporating shape prior into active contours with a sparse linear combination of training shapes: Application to corpus callosum segmentation. 6449-6452 - Negar Farzaneh, Shadrokh Samavi, S. M. Reza Soroushmehr, Hirenkumar Patel, Samuel Habbo-Gavin, David Paul Fessell, Kevin R. Ward
, Kayvan Najarian:
Liver segmentation using location and intensity probabilistic atlases. 6453-6456 - Pedro Cavaleiro Miranda, Ricardo Salvador, Cornelia Wenger, Sofia R. Fernandes
Computational models of non-invasive brain and spinal cord stimulation. 6457-6460 - Ze'ev Bomzon, Hadas Sara Hershkovich, Noa Urman, Aafia Chaudhry, Dario Garcia-Carracedo, Anders R. Korshoej
, Uri Weinberg, Cornelia Wenger, Pedro Cavaleiro Miranda, Yoram Wasserman, Eilon D. Kirson, Yoram Palti:
Using computational phantoms to improve delivery of Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) to patients. 6461-6464 - James E. Brown
, Rui Qiang, Paul J. Stadnik, Larry J. Stotts, Jeffrey A. Von Arx:
MR conditional safety assessment of implanted medical devices: Advantages of computational human phantoms. 6465-6468 - Arun Venkatasubramanian, Brandon Gifford:
Modeling and design of antennas for implantable telemetry applications. 6469-6472 - Sergey N. Makarov, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Aapo Nummenmaa:
Modeling fiber-like conductivity structures via the boundary element method using thin-wire approximation. I construction of basis functions. 6473-6476 - Kohei Tachibana, Ko Okada, Ryohei Kobayashi, Yasutoshi Ishihara:
Development of a high-sensitivity and portable cell using Helmholtz resonance for noninvasive blood glucose-level measurement based on photoacoustic spectroscopy. 6477-6480 - Jens Muehlsteff, Erik Bresch, Lars Schmitt, Jos Gelissen, Peter Bingley:
Comparison of pulse wave velocity derived from accelerometer and reflective photo-plethysmography signals placed at the carotid and femoral artery. 6481-6484 - Vasileios Papapanagiotou
, Christos Diou
, Lingchuan Zhou, Janet van den Boer
, Monica Mars
, Anastasios Delopoulos:
A novel approach for chewing detection based on a wearable PPG sensor. 6485-6488 - Anish S. Naidu
, Abelardo Escoto, Omar Fahmy
, Rajni V. Patel
, Michael D. Naish
An autoclavable wireless palpation instrument for minimally invasive surgery. 6489-6492 - Flavia Napoleoni, Michele A. Caponero
, Andrea Polimadei, Daniele Tosi, Paola Saccomandi
, Emiliano Schena:
Monitoring of thermal treatment by linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating sensors: Feasibility assessment during laser ablation on ex vivo liver. 6493-6496 - Zhizhen Wu, Chunyan Li, Jed A. Hartings
, Raj K. Narayan, Chong H. Ahn:
Polysilicon based flexible temperature sensor for high spatial resolution brain temperature monitoring. 6497-6500

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