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39th IECON 2013: Vienna, Austria
- IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Vienna, Austria, November 10-13, 2013. IEEE 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-0224-8
- Marcelo Godoy Simões
, Salman Mohagheghi
, Pierluigi Siano, Peter Palensky, Xinghuo Yu
Advances in information technology for Smart Grids. 36-41 - Hamed Taheri, Ouassima Akhrif, Aime Francis Okou:
Contribution of PV generators with energy storage to grid frequency and voltage regulation via nonlinear control techniques. 42-47 - Ferenc Tajti, Géza Szayer, Bence Kovács, Balazs Daniel, Péter Korondi
CRM TC covering paper - Robotics trends. 48-53 - Hani Vahedi, Kamal Al-Haddad, Youssef Ounejjar
, Khaled E. Addoweesh
Crossover Switches Cell (CSC): A new multilevel inverter topology with maximum voltage levels and minimum DC sources. 54-59 - Luís Gomes, Eric Monmasson
, Marcian N. Cirstea
, Juan J. Rodríguez-Andina
Industrial electronic control: FPGAs and embedded systems solutions. 60-65 - Paulo Leitão
, Pavel Vrba, Thomas I. Strasser
Multi-agent systems as automation platform for intelligent energy systems. 66-71 - Siavash Beheshtaein:
Multi-objective selective harmonic mitigation for cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverters connected to photovoltaic systems using hierarchical multi-output support vector regression. 72-79 - Yasutaka Fujimoto
, Kiyoshi Ohishi
Newest developments and recent trends in sensors and actuators - A survey. 80-87 - Rubén Peña, Roberto Cárdenas
, Greg M. Asher:
Overview of control systems for the operation of DFIGs in wind energy applications. 88-95 - Juan David Bastidas-Rodriguez
, Giovanni Petrone
, Carlos Andrés Ramos-Paja
, Giovanni Spagnuolo
Photovoltaic modules diagnostic: An overview. 96-101 - Hani Vahedi, Salem Rahmani, Kamal Al-Haddad:
Pinned mid-points multilevel inverter (PMP): Three-phase topology with high voltage levels and one bidirectional switch. 102-107 - Stefan Gassmann, Antonio Luque, Francisco Perdigones
, José M. Quero, Lienhard Pagel:
Sensor structures generated with combination of SU8 and PCBMEMS. 108-112 - Yoseba K. Penya, Cruz E. Borges
, Jan Haase
, Dietmar Bruckner:
Smart buildings and the smart grid. 113-117 - Gustavo Monte, Victor Huang, Pablo Liscovsky, Damian Marasco, Ariel Agnello:
Standard of things, first step: Understanding and normalizing sensor signals. 118-123 - Fujio Kurokawa, Yudai Furukawa:
1MHz sampled quick response digital control DC-DC converter. 128-133 - Angelo Raciti, Salvatore Musumeci
, Fausto Xibilia, Filippo Chimento, Giovanni Privitera:
A bi-dimensional model for power MOSFET devices accounting for the behavior in unclamped inductive switching conditions. 134-139 - Xue Liu, Craig A. Baguley, Udaya K. Madawala, Duleepa J. Thrimawithana:
A compact power converter for high current and low voltage applications. 140-144 - Bhim Singh
, Sunil Kumar Dube, Sabha Raj Arya, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad:
A comparative study of adaptive control algorithms in Distribution Static Compensator. 145-150 - Jitendra Solanki
, Norbert Fröhleke, Joachim Böcker:
A completely modular power converter for high-power high-current DC applications. 151-156 - Yuebin Zhou, Daozhuo Jiang, Jie Guo, Yiqiao Liang, Pengfei Hu
, Zhiyong Lin:
A control system for large-scale modular multilevel converters. 163-168 - Xiaohui Qu, Siu Chung Wong
, Chi K. Tse
A current balancing scheme with high luminous efficiency for high power LED lighting. 169-174 - Todor Todorcevic, Jan Abraham Ferreira:
A DC-DC modular multilevel topology for electrostatic renewable energy converters. 175-180 - Florian Mezger, Dirk Killat:
A digital observer based current loop control for buck converters. 181-186 - Minsoo Jang, Vassilios G. Agelidis
A digitally controlled single-phase buck-boost-inverter using a dual-DSP. 187-192 - Jenn-Jong Shieh, Yuan-Hsin Chao, Weber Chuang:
A family of off-line SMPSs used in FCL with reducing secondary-side CM noise. 193-197 - JiTai Han, Chang-Soon Lim, Ja-Hwi Cho, Rae-Young Kim, Dong-Seok Hyun:
A high efficiency non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter with zero-voltage-transition. 198-203 - Ahmed A. Hakeem, Ahmed A. Elserougi, Amr El Zawawi, Shehab Ahmed, Ahmed M. Massoud:
A modified capacitor voltage control algorithm for suppressing the effect of measurement noise on grid-connected Z-source inverters controllers. 204-209 - Gerardo Vázquez, Panfilo R. Martinez-Rodriguez, José M. Sosa
, Gerardo Escobar, Jaime Arauz:
A modulation strategy for single-phase HB-CMI to reduce leakage ground current in transformer-less PV applications. 210-215 - Sandeep Kolluri
, Lakshmi Narasamma N:
A new auxiliary current injection circuit for improved transient response of step-up/step-down DC-DC converters. 216-221 - Jianlong Tian, Aiguo Patrick Hu
, Ali Abdolkhani, Ganesh R. Nagendra, Sunny Ren:
A current-fed energy injection power converter for wireless power transfer applications. 222-227 - Shaojun Huang
, Laszlo Mathe
, Remus Teodorescu
A new method to implement resampled uniform PWM suitable for distributed control of modular multilevel converters. 228-233 - Hoda Ghoreishy, Ali Yazdian Varjani
, Mustafa Mohamadian, Shahrokh Farhangi, Zhe Zhang
A new selective harmonic elimination pulse-width and amplitude modulation (SHE-PWAM) for drive applications. 234-239 - Shweta Hegde, Afshin Izadian
A new SEPIC inverter: Small signal modeling. 240-245 - Julio Brandelero
, Bernardo Cougo, Thierry Meynard, Nicolas Videau:
A non-intrusive method for measuring switching losses of GaN power transistors. 246-251 - Wenbo Wang, Sjoerd W. H. de Haan, Jan Abraham Ferreira, Frans Pansier:
A novel and simple method to distinguish winding loss from inductor loss under practical excitations. 252-257 - Jenn-Jong Shieh, Gwo-Tarng Chern, Weber Chuang:
A novel common-mode noise suppresser for off-line SPCs in fault current limiters used. 258-261 - Gianluca Gatto
, Ignazio Marongiu, Andrea Mocci, Alessandro Serpi
, Ivan Luigi Spano:
A novel continuous-time equivalent circuit for boost DC-DC converters. 262-267 - Xu Deng, Barrie C. Mecrow, Shady M. Gadoue
A novel converter topology for 6 phase switched reluctance motor drives. 268-273 - Abhijit Kulkarni, Vinod John:
A novel design method for SOGI-PLL for minimum settling time and low unit vector distortion. 274-279 - Hamid Afshang, Farzad Tahami
, Hamed Molla-Ahmadian:
A novel hybrid modeling of DC-DC series resonant converters. 280-286 - Jiong Ma, Hongyang Liu, Hao Ma, Zhihong Bai:
A novel hysteresis loss calculation method of filter inductor in PWM inverters. 287-292 - Shih-Ming Chen, Yong-Hong Huang, Yi-Yuan Chung, Yi-Hsun Hsieh, Tsorng-Juu Liang:
A novel interleaved LLC resonant converter. 293-297 - Xiangfeng Li, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu:
A novel PWM strategy for three-phase inverters based on controllability theory. 298-303 - Ja-Hwi Cho, Nam-Joon Ku, Ji-Tai Han, Rae-Young Kim, Dong-Seok Hyun:
A simple control method for neutral-point voltage oscillation reduction of three-level Neutral-Point-Clamped inverter. 304-309 - Mehdi Narimani, Venkata Yaramasu
, Bin Wu, Navid Reza Zargari, George Cheng, Gerry Moschopoulos:
A simple method for capacitor voltages balancing of diode-clamped multilevel converters using space vector modulation. 310-315 - Chin-Long Wey, Chung-Hsien Hsu, Gang-Neng Sung:
A single-inductor programmable-output (SIPO) DC-DC converter for low power applications. 316-320 - Yanhao Wu, Ziling Nie, Junjie Zhu:
A single-phase400Hz Dynamic Voltage Restorer with PR control. 321-327 - Alfonso Damiano
, Ignazio Marongiu, Mario Porru
, Alessandro Serpi
A suitable PWM for DC-link voltage equalization of Three-Level Neutral-Point Clamped Converters. 328-333 - D. S. B. Weerasinghe, Udaya K. Madawala, Duleepa J. Thrimawithana, D. Mahinda Vilathgamuwa
A technique for improving grid side harmonic distortion of matrix converter based bi-directional IPT systems. 334-339 - Suvankar Biswas, Sairaj V. Dhople, Ned Mohan:
A three-port bidirectional DC-DC converter with zero-ripple terminal currents for PV/microgrid applications. 340-345 - Shan Chai, Liuping Wang
A unified pulse generation approach for 2L-VSI from SVPWM to direct switching. 346-351 - Serge Raoul Naoussi Dzonde, Hervé Berviller, Charles Hubert Kom, Patrice Wira
A unique FPGA for the implementation of neural strategies for identifying harmonic distortions. 352-357 - Yuhua Fang, Mingyang Chen, Fenjie Yuan, Menglian Zhao, Yin Zhou, Xiaobo Wu:
A universal LED driver adaptive to multi-topologies based on energy-harvesting system. 358-361 - Guilherme S. da Silva
, Rafael Concatto Beltrame, Mário Lúcio da Silva Martins, Luciano Schuch
, Hélio Leães Hey
, Cassiano Rech
AC power source based on series-connection between modular multilevel converter and linear power amplifier. 362-367 - Vesa Vaisanen, Jani Hiltunen, Janne Nerg
, Pertti Silventoinen:
AC resistance calculation methods and practical design considerations when using litz wire. 368-375 - Piotr Musznicki
, Marek Turzynski, Piotr J. Chrzan:
Accurate modeling of quasi-resonant inverter fed IM drive. 376-381 - Ramon Guzman
, Luis García de Vicuña
, Antonio Camacho
, José Matas
, Miguel Castilla
, Jaume Miret:
Active damping control for a three phase grid-connected inverter using sliding mode control. 382-387 - Amit Vilas Sant, Vinod Khadkikar
, Weidong Xiao
, Hatem H. Zeineldin, Amer Al-Hinai
Adaptive control of grid connected photovoltaic inverter for maximum VA utilization. 388-393 - Gen Chen, Jianwen Zhang
, Xu Cai:
Adaptive digital gate control for series connected IGBTs. 394-399 - Byong-Jun Park, Ki-Young Choi, Rae-Young Kim:
An active feedforward compensation for a current harmonics reduction in three-phase grid-connected inverters. 400-405 - Nahidul Khan, S. F. Rabbi, Michael J. Hinchey, M. Azizur Rahman:
An adaptive nonlinear MPPT controller for stand alone marine current energy conversion systems. 406-411 - Gianluca Gatto
, Ignazio Marongiu, Andrea Mocci, Alessandro Serpi
, Ivan Luigi Spano:
An improved averaged model for boost DC-DC converters. 412-417 - Yichao Sun, Jianfeng Zhao, Zhendong Ji:
An improved CPS-PWM method for cascaded multilevel STATCOM under unequal losses. 418-423 - Yacine Daili, Jean-Paul Gaubert, Lazhar Rahmani, Monia Bouzid:
An improved voltage control scheme based on deadbeat-repetitive techniques of a single distributed generation unit in island mode. 424-429 - Syed Sabir Hussain Bukhari, Thomas A. Lipo, Byung-il Kwon:
An inrush current reduction technique for the line-interactive uninterruptible power supply systems. 430-434 - Nimrod Vázquez
, Jesús Leyva, Ilse Cervantes
, Luis Diaz, Claudia Hernández:
Analysis and study of high DC/DC boost converters. 435-440 - Yvonne Flicker, Felix A. Himmelstoss:
Analysis of a charger with autotransformer. 441-446 - Di Han, Jukkrit Noppakunkajorn, Bulent Sarlioglu:
Analysis of a SiC three-phase voltage source inverter under various current and power factor operations. 447-452 - V. S. S. Pavan Kumar Hari, G. Narayanan
, Rex Joseph
, Loganathan Umanand:
Analysis of the modulation process in advanced bus-clamping PWM techniques. 453-458 - John Rafferty, D. John Morrow
, Lie Xu:
Analysis of VSC-based HVDC system under DC faults. 459-464 - Marcin Zygmanowski
, Boguslaw Grzesik, Marek Fulczyk, Radoslaw Nalepa:
Analytical and numerical power loss analysis in Modular Multilevel Converter. 465-470 - Jeronimo Quesada
, Jose Antonio Sainz, Rafael Sebastián
, Manuel Castro:
Application of real-time fault-tolerant distributed control in parallel operation of inverters. 471-476 - Georgios Kampitsis
, Pantelis Stefas, Nikolaos Chrysogelos, Stavros Papathanassiou, Stefanos N. Manias:
Assessment of the reverse operational characteristics of SiC JFETs in a diode-less inverter. 477-482 - Ki-Bum Park, Sami Pettersson, Francisco Canales:
Auxiliary power supply for LV inverter with 1700 V SiC switch. 483-488 - Dong-Yub Hyun, Chang-Soon Lim, Rae-Young Kim, Dong-Seok Hyun:
Averaged modeling and control of a single-phase grid-connected two-stage inverter for battery application. 489-494 - Thomas Souvignet, Thomas Coulot, Yann David, Severin Trochut, Thierry Di Gilio, Bruno Allard:
Black box small-signal model of PMOS LDO voltage regulator. 495-500 - Sara Laali, Ebrahim Babaei:
Capacitor based asymmetric cascaded multilevel inverter with capability of charge balance control methods. 501-506 - Rui Wu, Frede Blaabjerg
, Huai Wang
, Marco Liserre, Francesco Iannuzzo
Catastrophic failure and fault-tolerant design of IGBT power electronic converters - an overview. 507-513 - Daiki Satou, Nobukazu Hoshi
, Junnosuke Haruna
Characteristics of cell voltage equalization circuit using LC series circuit in charging and discharging states. 514-519 - Marcelo Hahn Durgante, Haiglan Frank Batista Plotzki, Márcio Stefanello
Combined active damping with adaptive current control for converters with LCL filters. 520-525 - Ishtiyaq Ahmed Makda, Morten Nymand
, Udaya K. Madawala:
Common mode noise modeling and its suppression in ultra-high efficiency full bridge boost converter. 526-531 - Ji-Woong Gong, Suk-Ho Ahn, Hong-Je Ryoo
, Sung-Roc Jang:
Comparison of DCM and CCM operated resonant converters for high-voltage capacitor charger. 532-537 - Abel Ferreira, Adriano Carvalho, António Martins
, Filipe Pereira, Vitor Sobrado:
Comparison of PWM methods for current harmonic reduction in a non-ideal grid. 538-543 - Manoj Balakrishnan, Mark R. Sweet, Ekkanath Madathil Shankara Narayanan
Comparison of the thermal properties of polycrystalline diamond and aluminium nitride substrates. 544-548 - Jian Wang, Tianzhi Fang, Xinbo Ruan:
Compound control strategy for distributed input-series-output-parallel inverter system. 549-554 - Nicolae Cristian Sintamarean, Frede Blaabjerg
, Huai Wang
Comprehensive evaluation on efficiency and thermal loading of associated Si and SiC based PV inverter applications. 555-560 - Lais A. Vitoi, Remya Krishna, Deepak E. Soman, Mats Leijon, Sasi K. Kottayil:
Control and implementation of three level boost converter for load voltage regulation. 561-565 - Chaiyant Boonmee, Yuttana Kumsuwan:
Control of single-phase cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter with modified MPPT for grid-connected photovoltaic systems. 566-571 - Andrés Vazquez Sieber, Hernan Haimovich, Mónica E. Romero:
Control-oriented modelling and adaptive control of a single-phase quasi-Z-source inverter. 572-577 - Nisha Kondrath, Marian K. Kazimierczuk:
Control-to-output transfer function including feed-forward gains of peak current-mode controlled PWM DC-DC converters in CCM. 578-583 - Ki-Bum Park, Dae-Youn Cho, Gun-Woo Moon:
Coupled-inductor boost converter with simple resonant technique. 584-589 - Felix Rojas-Lobos
, Ralph Kennel, Roberto Cárdenas-Dobson
Current control and capacitor balancing for 4-leg NPC converters using finite set model predictive control. 590-595 - Rafael Pena-Alzola, Laszlo Mathe
, Marco Liserre, Frede Blaabjerg
, Tamas Kerekes
DC-bias cancellation for phase shift controlled dual active bridge. 596-600 - Jeronimo Quesada
, Jose Antonio Sainz, Rafael Sebastián
, Manuel Castro:
Decoupled droop control of inverters. 601-606 - Kazuhide Inoue, Tomoharu Nagashima, Xiuqin Wei, Hiroo Sekiya
Design of high-efficiency inductive-coupled wireless power transfer system with class-DE transmitter and class-E rectifier. 613-618 - Maria Teresa Outeiro, Adriano Carvalho:
Design, implementation and experimental validation of a DC-DC resonant converter for PEM fuel cell applications. 619-624 - Lina Huang, Zhe Zhang
, Michael A. E. Andersen:
Detailed behavior analysis for high voltage bidirectional flyback converter driving DEAP actuator. 625-630 - Enrique Ledezma, Kaiyu Wang, Thomas Keister, Ryan Edwards, Randy Pipho, Bhaskara Palle, Devdatta Kulkarni, Thomas E. Salem, John Curtiss Fox, Leila Parsa:
Development of a modular configurable multi-megawatt power amplifier. 631-636 - Michael K. Bourdoulis, Antonio T. Alexandridis:
Direct power flow modeling and simple controller design for ac/dc voltage-source converters. 637-642 - Tomas Komrska
, Zdenek Peroutka, Ivan Matuljak:
Distributed compensation including earth fault compensation for renewable energy resources. 643-648 - Hengwei Zhu, Tianzhi Fang, Xinbo Ruan:
Distributed voltage sharing control strategy for input-series-output-series inverters system. 649-654 - Xueguang Zhang, Jiaming Chen, Wenjie Zhang, Dianguo Xu:
Dual updating SVPWM-based circulating current control method for parallel three-phase inverters. 659-664 - Gamal M. Dousoky
, Masahito Shoyama, Haitham Abu-Rub
Dual-mode controller for MPPT in single-stage grid-connected photovoltaic inverters. 665-670 - Francesco A. Gervasio, Rosa A. Mastromauro
, Domenico Ricchiuto, Marco Liserre:
Dynamic analysis of active damping methods for LCL-filter-based grid converters. 671-676 - Cristian Busca, Remus Teodorescu
, Frede Blaabjerg
, Lars Helle, Tusitha Abeyasekera:
Dynamic thermal modelling and analysis of press-pack IGBTs both at component-level and chip-level. 677-682 - Deniss Stepins
Effect of frequency modulation on input current of switch-mode power converter. 683-688 - Bijan Zahedi, Lars E. Norum:
Efficiency analysis of shipboard dc power systems. 689-694 - Rasmus Ørndrup Nielsen, Lajos Torok
, Stig Munk-Nielsen
, Frede Blaabjerg
Efficiency and cost comparison of Si IGBT and SiC JFET isolated DC/DC converters. 695-699 - Maria Carmela di Piazza
, Marcello Pucci
, Gianpaolo Vitale
Efficiency modeling in voltage source inverters with several PWM techniques: A unified approach. 700-705 - Fernando Beltrame, Fabricio H. Dupont
, Hamiltom C. Sartori, Everton C. Cancian, Cassiano Rech
, Jose Renes Pinheiro
Efficiency optimization of DC/DC boost converter applied to the photovoltaic system. 706-711 - Giuseppe Greco
, Giovanni Vinci, Gaetano Bazzano, Angelo Raciti, Davide Cristaldi:
Electro-thermal model of Integrated Power Electronics Modules based on an innovative layered approach. 712-717 - Shan Yin, Tao Wang, King-Jet Tseng
, Jiyun Zhao
, Xiaolei Hu:
Electro-thermal modeling of SiC power devices for circuit simulation. 718-723 - Edgar Baeza, Nimrod Vázquez
, Elias Rodríguez, Claudia Hernández:
Electronic ballast based on the quasi 'Z' source inverter for HID lamp. 724-729 - Can Wang, Boon-Teck Ooi:
Elimination of low frequency harmonics of modular multilevel converters (MMC): Implications to MMC HVDC and STATCOM. 730-735 - Zian Qin
, Marco Liserre, Frede Blaabjerg
, Huai Wang
Energy storage system by means of improved thermal performance of a 3 MW grid side wind power converter. 736-742 - Marcos B. Ketzer, Antonio M. N. Lima
, Alexandre Cunha Oliveira
, Cursino Brandão Jacobina:
Evaluating circuit topologies for battery charge equalization. 743-748 - Aboubakr Salem
, Frederik De Belie, Araz Darba
, Mostafa M. Eissa
, Sherief Wasfy, Jan A. Melkebeek:
Evaluation of a dual-T-type converter supplying an open-end winding induction machine. 749-754 - Poh Chiang Loh, Amir Sajjad Bahman, Zian Qin
, Frede Blaabjerg
Evaluation of switch currents in nine-switch energy conversion systems. 755-760 - Mehdi Salehifar, Manuel Moreno-Eguilaz, Vicent Sala, Ramin Salehi Arashloo
Fault detection in multi-phase two-level inverters using Cauchy distribution of normalized phase currents. 761-766 - Pasi Peltoniemi
, Pasi Nuutinen:
Fault detection method for phase-to-ground faults in three-phase inverter applications. 767-772 - Michail Vasiladiotis, Alfred C. Rufer
Fictive Axis Emulator-based state feedback vector current control for single-phase voltage source converters. 773-778 - Matheepot Phattanasak
, Wattana Kaewmanee
, Phatiphat Thounthong
, Panarit Sethakul, Jean-Philippe Martin
, Serge Pierfederici, Bernard Davat:
Flatness based control of a dual active bridge converter for a fuel cell application. 779-784 - Ziad Nouman, Jan Knobloch, Bohumil Klima:
FPGA usage for power inverters diagnostics. 785-789 - Siavash Beheshtaein:
Fuzzy phase locked loop for three-phase power converters. 790-797 - Omar Ellabban
, Haitham Abu-Rub
Grid connected quasi-Z-Source direct matrix converter. 798-803 - Junjie Zhu, Weiming Ma, Ziling Nie, Yanhao Wu:
Harmonic analysis and sectional suppression of 400 Hz solid-state power supply. 804-809 - Eduardo Cabal-Yepez, Homero Miranda-Vidales
, Arturo Garcia-Perez, José Merced Lozano-García, Ricardo Alvarez-Salas
, Ana L. Martinez-Herrera:
Harmonic component estimation through DFSWT for active power filter applications. 810-815 - Giuseppe Sorrentino, Maurizio Melito, Alfonso Patti, Giovanni Parrino, Angelo Raciti:
GaN HEMT devices: Experimental results on normally-on, normally-off and cascode configuration. 816-821 - Yoon Choi, Moon-Hwan Keum, Sang-Kyoo Han, Jeong-Il Kang:
High efficiency and high power factor single-stage balanced forward-flyback converter. 822-827 - Moon-Hwan Keum, Yoon Choi, Sang-Kyoo Han, Jeong-Il Kang:
High efficiency voltage-clamped coupled-inductor boost converter. 828-833 - Ryuga Hosoki, Hirotaka Koizumi:
High-step-up dc-dc converter using voltage multiplier cell with ripple free input current. 834-839 - Daniel Heredero-Peris
, Cristian Chillon Anton
, Marc Pagès-Giménez, Gabriel Gross, Daniel Montesinos-Miracle
Implementation of grid-connected to/from off-grid transference for micro-grid inverters. 840-845 - Anup Kumar Singh, Anurag Kumar Singh:
Implementation of Direct Matrix Converter using hybrid modulation with minimized losses. 846-851 - Rogério Vani Jacomini, Edson Bim:
Implementation of the direct power control of a doubly fed induction generator by using a Takagi-Sugeno neuro-fuzzy inference system. 852-857 - Ilan Aharon
, Alon Kuperman, Doron Shmilovitz:
Analysis of bi-directional buck-boost converter for energy storage applications. 858-863 - Tuofu Liu, Zhengshi Wang, Jinyong Pang, Zhenli Lou, Hao Ma:
Improved high step-up DC-DC converter based on active clamp coupled inductor with voltage double cells. 864-869 - Eduardo Maurelia, José R. Espinoza
, Roberto O. Ramírez
, Marcelo E. Reyes
, Pedro E. Melin, César A. Silva, Javier A. Muñoz
Improved steady state and transient behavior of static power converters by means of an operating mode identifier algorithm. 870-875 - Shima Rashidi Aghdam, Ebrahim Babaei, Saeid Ghassem Zadeh
Improvement the performance of switched-inductor Z-source inverter. 876-881 - Kapil Jha, Santanu Mishra
Improving the large signal gain of dynamic linearizing modulator controlled boost converter. 882-887 - Yuma Hayashi, Takaharu Takeshita, Masakazu Muneshima, Yugo Tadano:
Independent control of input current and output voltage for Modular Matrix Converter. 888-893 - Filippo Pellitteri
, Valeria Boscaino, Antonino Oscar Di Tommaso
, Rosario Miceli
, Giuseppe Capponi:
Inductive Power Transfer for 100W battery charging. 894-899 - Gabriel Heo Peng Ooi, Ali I. Maswood, Ziyou Lim, Moreddy Abhinava Chaitanya:
Input current shaping of five-level Multiple-pole VIENNA rectifier topologies with reduced component and better performance. 900-905 - Seyyedmilad Ebrahimi, Milad Taghavi, Farzad Tahami
, Hashem Oraee:
Integrated bidirectional isolated soft-switched battery charger for vehicle-to-grid technology using 4-Switch 3Φ-rectifier. 906-911 - Damien Guilbert, Ali Mohammadi
, Arnaud Gaillard, Abdoul N'Diaye, Abdesslem Djerdir:
Interactions between fuel cell and DC/DC converter for fuel cell electric vehicle applications: Influence of faults. 912-917 - Shelas Sathyan, H. M. Suryawanshi
Interleaved high step up converter for renewable energy sources. 918-923 - Ali Mohammadpour, Leila Parsa, Maja Harfman Todorovic
, Rixin Lai, Rajib Datta:
Interleaved multi-phase ZCS isolated DC-DC converter for sub-sea power distribution. 924-929 - Georgios Konstantinou
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
, Josep Pou
Interleaved selective harmonic elimination PWM for single-phase rectifiers in traction applications. 930-935 - Koichi Matsumura, Hirotaka Koizumi:
Interleaved soft-switching multilevel boost converter. 936-941 - Nick Baker, Marco Liserre, Laurent Dupont
, Yvan Avenas
Junction temperature measurements via thermo-sensitive electrical parameters and their application to condition monitoring and active thermal control of power converters. 942-948 - Reham Haroun
, Abdelali El Aroudi, Angel Cid-Pastor
, Germain Garcia, Luis Martínez-Salamero:
Large-signal modeling and stability analysis of two-cascaded boost converters connected to a PV panel under SMC with MPPT. 949-954 - Xianghua Shi, Ting Tang, Jinming Xu
, Ruhai Huang, Shaojun Xie
, Jiarong Kan:
Leakage current elimination mechanism for photovoltaic grid-tied inverters. 955-960 - Hernan Miranda Delpino, Dinesh Kumar
Line harmonics on systems using reduced DC-link capacitors. 961-966 - Vojtech Blahnik
, Zdenek Peroutka, Jakub Talla, Ivan Matuljak:
Low ripple current source based on resonant controllers. 967-972 - Harold Saavedra, Jordi-Roger Riba
, Luis Romeral
Magnet shape influence on the performance of AFPMM with demagnetization. 973-977 - Ting-ting Wang, Mei-ling Lu, Xiao-Zhong Zhao, Hui-zhen Wang, Xiao-Li Meng:
Magnetic field analysis and structure optimization of high speed EEFS machine. 978-983 - Shima Rashidi Aghdam, Ebrahim Babaei, Sara Laali:
Maximum constant boost control method for switched-inductor Z-source inverter by using battery. 984-989 - Yu Wang, Yunxiang Xie, Xiang Liu, Jianbing Hu:
Minimum DC-side voltage design for three-phase four-wire Active Power Filter. 990-994 - Xing Tan, Xinbo Ruan:
Mode analysis and optimal design of LCC resonant converter operating in DCM. 995-1000 - Bhanu Naga V. Angirekula, Olorunfemi Ojo:
Modeling and analysis of single phase multi string five level inverter for distributed energy resources. 1001-1006 - Zhao Lin, Hao Ma:
Modeling and analysis of three-phase inverter based on generalized state space averaging method. 1007-1012 - Jian Wu, Shen Zhang, Dianguo Xu:
Modeling and control of multi-terminal HVDC with offshore wind farm integration and DC chopper based protection strategies. 1013-1018 - Faycal Bensmaine, Slim Tnani
, Gérard Champenois
, Emile Mouni:
Modeling and parameter identification of supercapacitors using a bidirectional DC-AC converter. 1019-1024 - Lin Zhou, Mi Zhang:
Modeling and stability of large-scale PV plants due to grid impedance. 1025-1030 - Inus Grobler, Michael N. Gitau
Modelling and measurement of high switching frequency conducted EMI. 1031-1036 - Gean Jacques Maia de Sousa, Marcelo Lobo Heldwein
Modular multilevel converter based unidirectional medium/high voltage drive system. 1037-1042 - Ines Sanz, Emilio José Bueno, Francisco Javier Rodríguez, Miguel Moranchel, A. Mayor:
Modulation and balancing methods for a NPC converter connected to the grid in a medium voltage application: A STATCOM system. 1043-1048 - Eduard Solano, Ana M. Llor
, Thierry Meynard, Maurice Fadel
, Guillaume Gateau, Marco Rivera:
MPC algorithms for parallel multicell converters. 1049-1055 - Jeroen Zwysen
, Ratmir Gelagaev, Johan Driesen
, Stijn Goossens, Kris Vanvlasselaer, Wim Symens, Bert Schuyten:
Multi-objective design of a close-coupled inductor for a three-phase interleaved 140kW DC-DC converter. 1056-1061 - Hyun-Keun Ku, Jang-Mok Kim:
Multiple open-switch faults detection and fautls tolerant method of three-level three-phase NPC active rectifier. 1062-1067 - Alessandro Lidozzi
, Giovanni Lo Calzo, Luca Solero
, Fabio Crescimbini
Multiple resonant controller with load-adaptive phase compensation capabilities. 1068-1073 - Fernanda Carnielutti
, Humberto Pinheiro:
New modulation strategy for asymmetrical cascaded multilevel converters under fault conditions. 1074-1079 - Dan Floricau
, Vasile Pangratie:
New unidirectional five-level VIENNA rectifier for high-current applications. 1080-1085 - Philip Dost
, Constantinos Sourkounis
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
On influence of deterministic and non-deterministic modulation schemes in two-level filter-less inverter performance driving a permanent magnet synchronous motor. 1086-1093 - Yueh-Ru Yang:
One-switch and two-switch transition-mode ZVS inverters for cooker magnetron drives. 1094-1099 - Marcin Sedlak, Sebastian Stynski
, Marian P. Kazmierkowski, Mariusz Malinowski
Operation of four-leg three-level flying capacitor grid-connected converter for RES. 1100-1105 - Ahmed Shahin
, Jean-Philippe Martin
, Babak Nahid-Mobarakeh
, Serge Pierfederici:
Optimal efficiency operation of non-isolated DC/DC converter for high voltage ratio applications. 1106-1111 - Philip J. Garsed, Richard A. McMahon:
Optimising the dynamic performance of an all-wide-bandgap cascode switch. 1112-1117 - Dorin O. Neacsu:
Optimization of double-sampled PWM used within power supplies. 1118-1123 - Bijan Zahedi, Lars E. Norum, Kristine B. Ludvigsen:
Optimization of fuel consumption in shipboard power systems. 1124-1129 - Chunlin Zhu, Ian Deviny, Ben Yu, Lee Coulbeck, Gary Liu, Jim Thomson:
Optimization of p-emitter/n-buffer using laser annealing technique in IGBT design. 1130-1135 - Thiemo Kleeb, Benjamin Dombert, Florian Fenske, Peter Zacharias:
Optimized size design of a low cost automotive on-board power supply. 1136-1141 - Bor-Ren Lin, Tung-Yuan Shiau, Chia-Hung Chao:
Parallel DC converter for medium power application. 1142-1147 - Aitor Laka, Jon Andoni Barrena
, Javier Chivite-Zabalza, Miguel Ángel Rodriguez Vidal:
Passive balancing of the DC bus midpoint for Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) based Voltage Source Converters. 1148-1153 - Ahmed A. Elserougi, Ayman S. Abdel-Khalik
, Ahmed M. Massoud, Shehab Ahmed:
Performance assessment of renewable energy-fed three-phase grid-connected voltage source converters and boost inverters during DC side faults. 1154-1158 - Jan Kuzdas, Pavel Vorel
Powerful charger for electric aircraft. 1165-1168 - Xin Yang, Xueqiang Zhang, Jin Zhang, Patrick R. Palmer
Predictive optimisation of high-power IGBT switching under Active Voltage Control. 1169-1174 - Filipe Pereira, Abel Ferreira, Vitor Sobrado, António Martins
, Adriano Carvalho:
Push-Pull DC-DC converter with planar transformer for PV applications. 1180-1184 - Iraide Lopez
, Salvador Ceballos
, Jon Andreu
, Iñigo Kortabarria
, Josep Pou
PWM algorithm with adaptive offset for three-level multi-phase Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters. 1185-1190 - Taro Takiguchi, Hirotaka Koizumi:
Quasi-Z-source dc-dc converter with voltage-lift technique. 1191-1196 - Tan Ma, Osama Mohammed
Real-time plug-in electric vehicles charging control for V2G frequency regulation. 1197-1202 - Chi Jin, Yi Tang
, Peng Wang, Xiong Liu, Dexuan Zhu, Frede Blaabjerg
Reduction of dc-link capacitance for three-phase three-wire shunt active power filters. 1203-1208 - Artan Ndokaj, Augusto Di Napoli, Giovanni Pede
, Giovanni Pasquali:
Regulation strategy of an Ultracapacitor storage model for a gantry crane. 1209-1216 - S. M. Asif Iqbal, Udaya K. Madawala, Duleepa J. Thrimawithana, Akshya K. Swain
, Frede Blaabjerg
Reliability analysis of an LCL tuned track segmented bi-directional inductive power transfer system. 1217-1222 - Matthias Boettcher, Jan Reese, Friedrich Wilhelm Fuchs:
Reliability comparison of fault-tolerant 3L-NPC based converter topologies for application in wind turbine systems. 1223-1229 - Yu Tang, Yaohua He, Xianmei Dong, Shaojun Xie
Research of a single-stage buck-boost inverter under dual mode modulation. 1230-1235 - Qianhong Chen, Leilei Jiang, Jia Hou, Xiaoyong Ren, Xinbo Ruan:
Research on bidirectional contactless resonant converter for energy charging between EVs. 1236-1241 - Hui Liu, Poh Chiang Loh, Frede Blaabjerg
Review of fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control for modular multilevel converter of HVDC. 1242-1247 - Rafael Pena-Alzola, Marco Liserre, Frede Blaabjerg
, Yongheng Yang
Robust design of LCL-filters for active damping in grid converters. 1248-1253 - Junsheng Wei, Dieter Gerling, Marek Galek
S-parameters characterization and sequence model of three-phase EMI filter. 1254-1259 - Quan Yu, Xuemei Wang, Bo Zhang:
Simultaneous CCM and DCM operations of boost converter by a PWM hybrid control strategy. 1260-1265 - Marwa Ben Saïd-Romdhane, Mohamed Wissem Naouar, Ilhem Slama-Belkhodja
, Eric Monmasson
Sliding mode direct power control of three-phase PWM boost rectifier using a single DC current sensor. 1266-1271 - Bor-Ren Lin, Chih-Chieh Chen, Chia-Hung Chao:
Soft switching resonant converter with flying capacitor. 1272-1277 - Salvador Alepuz
, Francisco González, Jacinto Martin-Arnedo, Juan A. Martinez:
Solid state transformer with low-voltage ride-through and current unbalance management capabilities. 1278-1283 - Andrea Cantillo, Giulia Di Capua
, Nicola Femia
, Giovanni Spagnuolo
, Walter Zamboni:
Stability limit analysis for peak-current-controlled Ćuk converter. 1284-1289 - Levy Ferreira Costa
, Samir Ahmad Mussa
, Ivo Barbi
Steady-state analysis of a 5-level bidirectional buck+boost dc-dc converter. 1290-1295 - Yongxiao Liu, Jinbin Zhao, Keqing Qu, Yang Fu:
Steady-state and dynamic analysis of hysteretic buck converter with indirect-feedforward and feedback control. 1296-1301 - Ting Wang, Yu Tang, Dongjin Fu, Yaohua He, Jiarong Kan:
Study of a coupled inductor converter based active-network. 1302-1307 - Yu Tang, Ting Wang, Yaohua He, Dongjin Fu:
Study of a high step-up voltage gain DC/DC converter with passive lossless clamp circuit. 1308-1313 - Nima Yousefpoor, Sungmin Kim, Subhashish Bhattacharya
, Babak Parkhideh
Supervisory control of convertible static transmission controller in shunt-shunt mode of operation. 1314-1319 - Wenpeng Deng, Gehan A. J. Amaratunga:
Switch mode constant current LED Driver with high efficiency, high precision and wide dimming ratio. 1320-1324 - Qian Jin, Xinbo Ruan:
Switch-linear hybrid envelope-tracking power supply with multilevel structure. 1325-1330 - Michele Macellari, Luigi Schirone:
Switching losses in low-voltage TLNPC step-up converters. 1337-1342 - A. Marcos-Pastor, Enric Vidal-Idiarte
, Angel Cid-Pastor
, Luis Martínez-Salamero:
Synthesis of a sliding loss-free resistor based on a semi-bridgeless boost rectifier for power factor correction applications. 1343-1348 - Yun Wan, Steven Liu
, Jianguo Jiang:
Systematic modeling and control of indirect modular multilevel converter (MMC) with grid unbalance estimation. 1349-1354 - Yuye Wang, Fengling Han
, Wei Xiang, Guangrui Xu:
The electromagnetic relay test system based on TMS320F28335. 1355-1358 - Ralf Walter:
Thermal considerations about modern energy saving power-MOSFET: Is the reduced thickness of the silicon a drawback for short high power load conditions? 1359-1361 - Elvira Baygildina, Pasi Peltoniemi
, Olli Pyrhönen, Ke Ma, Frede Blaabjerg
Thermal loading of wind power converter considering dynamics of wind speed. 1362-1367 - Kyohei Fukuda, Hirotaka Koizumi:
Three-level buck-boost dc-dc converter with voltage-lift-type switched-inductor. 1368-1373 - Thomas Geury
, Sonia Pinto
, Johan Gyselinck:
Three-phase power controlled PV current source inverter with incorporated active power filtering. 1374-1379 - Eun-Woo Lee, Sung-Hoon Byun, Chan-Ook Hong, Chun-Suk Yang, Jeong-Bin Kim:
Time-based current detection method with three shunt resistors in the 3-phase PWM inverter. 1380-1385 - Woo-In Choi, Bo-Hyung Cho:
Topology and control design of converters for short-circuit fault protection in DC microgrids. 1386-1391 - Heiko Figge, Tobias Grote, Frank Schafmeister, Norbert Fröhleke, Joachim Böcker:
Two-phase interleaving configuration of the LLC resonant converter - Analysis and experimental evaluation. 1392-1397 - Qing-Chang Zhong, Yu Zeng:
Parallel operation of inverters with different types of output impedance. 1398-1403 - Chang-Hyeon Sung, Kyung-Min Lee, Bongkoo Kang:
Voltage equalizer for li-ion battery string using LC series resonance. 1404-1409 - A. S. Vijay, Suryanarayana Doolla
, Mukul C. Chandorkar:
Voltage sag emulation using power electronic converters. 1410-1415 - Ali Abdolkhani, Aiguo Patrick Hu
, Mahsa Moridnejad, Aaron Croft:
Wireless charging pad based on travelling magnetic field for portable consumer electronics. 1416-1421 - Pengfei Hu
, Daozhuo Jiang, Yiqiao Liang, Yuebin Zhou, Zhiyong Lin, Jie Guo:
Zero tracking error nearest level modulation for modular multilevel converters. 1422-1426 - Chonlatee Photong:
A comparison of three-phase grid-tied photovoltaic converters based on current fed configurations. 1436-1443 - Fernando Medina, Nimrod Vázquez
, Claudia Hernández, Jaime Arau, Eslí Vázquez:
A different DC / DC high boost converter for autonomous system application. 1444-1449 - Wattana Kaewmanee
, Matheepot Phattanasak
, Panarit Sethakul, Melika Hinaje, Bernard Davat:
A dynamic equivalent circuit model for gas diffusion layers of PEMFC. 1450-1453 - Lenos Hadjidemetriou, Elias Kyriakides
, Frede Blaabjerg
A grid side converter current controller for accurate current injection under normal and fault ride through operation. 1454-1459 - Konstantinos F. Krommydas, Antonio T. Alexandridis:
A new design approach of stable nonlinear PI controllers for stand-alone photovoltaic systems. 1460-1465 - Junji Tamura, Marwan Rosyadi
, Rion Takahashi, Atsushi Umemura, Tomoyuki Fukushima, Akira Kuwayama, Kazuki Yoshioka, Tomohisa Kaiso:
A new method for analyzing frequency and voltage fluctuations of power system with wind generators installed. 1466-1471 - Francisco Kleber de Araujo Lima, Marcos Antonio N. Nunes, Ernande Eugenio C. Morais, Joacillo Luz Dantas, Carlos Gustavo C. Branco
A new proposal for DFIG grid-side converter as double-tuned hybrid filter to improve the power quality. 1472-1477 - Koray Sener Parlak:
A New reconfiguration method for PV array system. 1478-1483 - Raúl Gregor
, Yoshihico Takase, Jorge Rodas, Leonardo Carreras, Andres Lopez, Marco Rivera:
A novel design and automation of a biaxial solar tracking system for PV power applications. 1484-1489 - Stefan Daraban, Dorin Petreus
, Cristina Morel:
A novel global MPPT based on genetic algorithms for photovoltaic systems under the influence of partial shading. 1490-1495 - Ioan Serban
A novel transistor-less power decoupling solution for single-phase inverters. 1496-1500 - Dennis Michaelson, Hisham Mahmood, Jin Jiang
A predictive energy management strategy with pre-emptive load shedding for an islanded PV-battery microgrid. 1501-1506 - Truong Duc Trung:
A robust decentralized controller design for inverter-based Microgrids with dynamic loads. 1507-1512 - Lian Lian Jiang, D. R. Nayanasiri
, Douglas L. Maskell, D. Mahinda Vilathgamuwa
A simple and efficient hybrid maximum power point tracking method for PV systems under partially shaded condition. 1513-1518 - Panbao Wang, Wei Wang, Dianguo Xu, Guihua Liu, Ming Li:
An autonomous control scheme for DC micro-grid system. 1519-1523 - Francisco Kleber de Araujo Lima, Carlos Gustavo C. Branco
, Josep M. Guerrero
, Luis Juarez C. B. C. Neto, Samuel S. Carvalho, René P. Torrico-Bascope:
Analysis, modelling, and simulation of droop control with virtual impedance loop applied to parallel UPS systems. 1524-1529 - Jeremie Jousse, Elisabeth Lemaire
, Nicolas Ginot, Christophe Batard, Jean-Francois Diouris:
Assessment of lithium ion LiFePO4 cells usage in photovoltaic standalone systems. 1530-1535 - Tasuku Anno, Hirotaka Koizumi:
Bidirectional chopper using cell voltage equalizing with flyback transformer. 1536-1541 - Wenjie Chen, Dehong Xu
, Min Chen, Frede Blaabjerg
Comparison of control strategies for DFIG under symmetrical grid voltage dips. 1542-1547 - Flavio Ciccarelli, Diego Iannuzzi
, Ivan Spina
Comparison of energy management control strategy based on wayside ESS for LRV application. 1548-1554 - Aivar Auvaart
, Argo Rosin
, Kai Rosin, Imre Drovtar, Madis Lehtla
Comparison of renewable electricity generation options with household electrical load patterns. 1555-1560 - Yubin Wang, Xichang Yu:
Comparison study of MPPT control strategies for double-stage PV grid-connected inverter. 1561-1565 - Georgios Karmiris, Tomas Tengner:
Control method evaluation for battery energy storage system utilized in renewable smoothing. 1566-1570 - Sam J. Williamson
, Antonio Griffo
, Bernard H. Stark, Julian D. Booker
Control of parallel single-phase inverters in a low-head pico-hydro off-grid network. 1571-1576 - Leonardo Palma
Current source converter topology selection for low frequency ripple current reduction in PEM fuel cell applications. 1577-1582 - Zheng Wang
, Bing Zhang, Kai Chu:
Design and experimentation of interleaved PWM and generalized control schemes for paralleled grid converters of wind energy systems. 1583-1588 - Zulhani Rasin
, Kazi Ahsanullah, M. F. Rahman:
Design and simulation of quasi-Z-source grid-connected PV inverter with bidirectional power flow for battery storage management. 1589-1594 - Zhixue Zheng
, Raffaele Petrone, Marie-Cécile Péra, Daniel Hissel
, Mohamed Becherif, Cesare Pianese
Diagnosis of a commercial PEM fuel cell stack via incomplete spectra and fuzzy clustering. 1595-1600 - Adeola Balogun, Olorunfemi Ojo, Frank Okafor:
Efficiency optimization of doubly-fed induction generator transitioning into shorted-stator mode for extended low wind speed application. 1601-1606 - Alaric Montenon, Pascal Maussion
Energy optimization of control loops for concentrated solar plants with the design of experiments. 1607-1612 - Pavels Suskis
, Ilya Galkin
Enhanced photovoltaic panel model for MATLAB-simulink environment considering solar cell junction capacitance. 1613-1618 - Kai-Wei Hu, Chang-Ming Liaw:
Establishment of an IPMSG system with Vienna SMR and its applications to microgrids. 1619-1626 - Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt
Evaluation of reactive power compensations for the phase I of Paraguaná wind based on system voltages. 1627-1631 - Simon Morando, Samir Jemei
, Rafael Gouriveau
, Noureddine Zerhouni, Daniel Hissel
Fuel Cells prognostics using echo state network. 1632-1637 - Gang Shi, Miao Zhu, Xu Cai, Zhibing Wang, Liangzhong Yao:
Generalized average model of DC wind turbine with consideration of electromechanical transients. 1638-1643 - Khairul Nisak Md Hasan, Antoni Mir Cantarellas, Alvaro Luna, J. Ignacio Candela
, Pedro Rodríguez
Grid harmonic detection and system resonances indentification in wave power plant applications. 1644-1649 - Muhamad Zahim Sujod, István Erlich:
Harmonics and common mode voltage in a DFIG with two-level and three-level NPC converter using standard PWM techniques. 1650-1655 - Xunwei Yu, Xu She
, Alex Q. Huang
Hierarchical power management for DC microgrid in islanding mode and Solid State transformer enabled mode. 1656-1661 - Rongwu Zhu, Zhe Chen
, Xiaojie Wu, Hongzhi Liu:
High order sliding mode control of doubly-fed induction generator under unbalanced grid faults. 1662-1667 - Omar Hazem Mohammed, Yassine Amirat
, Mohamed Benbouzid, Tianhao Tang:
Hybrid generation systems planning expansion forecast: A critical state of the art review. 1668-1673 - Felipe Teixeira Fernandes, Leonardo Correa, Carlos R. de Nardin, Adriano J. Longo, Felix Alberto Farret
Improved analytical solution to obtain the MPP of PV modules. 1674-1678 - Zhe Zhang
, Michael A. E. Andersen:
Interleaved boost-half-bridge dual-input DC-DC converter with a PWM plus phase-shift control for fuel cell applications. 1679-1684 - A. K. AbdelSalam, Shu Ting Goh
, Ossama Abdelkhalik
, S. Ahmed
, Ahmed M. Massoud:
Iterated unscented Kalman filter-based maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic applications. 1685-1693 - Mariam Ahmed, Ahmad Hably
, Seddik Bacha
Kite generator system periodic motion planning via virtual constraints. 1694-1699 - Yaser M. Roshan, Mehrdad Moallem:
Load current control of a boost converter using output redefinition. 1700-1705 - Monika Jain, Sushma Gupta
, Deepika Masand, Gayatri Agnihotri:
Load sharing and power quality enhancement of micro grid using FL-BESS system. 1706-1711 - Chun-xia Dou, Bin Liu, Josep M. Guerrero
MAS based event-triggered hybrid control for smart microgrids. 1712-1717 - Leonardo C. Corrêa, João Manoel Lenz
, Cláudia G. Ribeiro, Jordan G. Trapp, Felix Alberto Farret
Maximum power point tracking for magnus wind turbines. 1718-1722 - José M. Sosa
, Panfilo R. Martinez-Rodriguez, Gerardo Vázquez, Juan P. Serrano, Gerardo Escobar
, Andres A. Valdez-Fernandez
Model based controller for an LCL coupling filter for transformerless grid connected inverters in PV applications. 1723-1728 - Low Wen Yao, Junaidi Abdul Aziz
, Pui Yee Kong, Nik Rumzi Nik Idris
Modeling of lithium-ion battery using MATLAB/simulink. 1729-1734 - Mohamed S. Diab
, Ahmed A. Elserougi, Ayman S. Abdel-Khalik
, Ahmed M. Massoud, Shehab Ahmed:
Modified modulation scheme for photovoltaic fed grid-connected three-phase boost inverter. 1735-1740 - Nahla E. Zakzouk, Ahmed Kadry Abdelsalam, Ahmed A. Helal, Barry W. Williams:
Modified variable-step incremental conductance maximum power point tracking technique for photovoltaic systems. 1741-1748 - Eunice Ribeiro, A. J. Marques Cardoso
, Chiara Boccaletti
Modular hybrid storage system for renewable energy standalone power supplies. 1749-1754 - Michele Macellari, Umberto Grasselli, Luigi Schirone:
Modular MPPT converter with series-connection for PV installations embedded in the urban environment. 1755-1760 - Ciro Attaianese
, Matilde D'Arpino
, Mauro Di Monaco
, Giuseppe Tomasso:
Multiple inverters modulation technique for photovoltaic systems. 1767-1772 - Jianfang Xiao, Peng Wang:
Multiple modes control of household DC microgrid with integration of various renewable energy sources. 1773-1778 - Dimitri Torregrossa, Mario Paolone
Novel experimental investigation of supercapacitor ageing during combined life-endurance and power-cycling tests. 1779-1785 - Patrizio Manganiello
, Mattia Ricco, Eric Monmasson
, Giovanni Petrone
, Giovanni Spagnuolo
On-line optimization of the P&O MPPT method by means of the system identification. 1786-1791 - Jeroen D. M. De Kooning, Louis Gevaert, Jan Van de Vyver, Tine L. Vandoorn, Lieven Vandevelde
Online estimation of the power coefficient versus tip-speed ratio curve of wind turbines. 1792-1797 - Chris de Beer, Paul S. Barendse
, Pragasen Pillay
, Brian Bullecks, Raghunathan Rengaswamy
Online fault diagnostics and impedance signature mapping of High Temperature PEM fuel cells using rapid small signal injection. 1798-1803 - Elmer P. T. Cari
, Jose N. Neto, István Erlich, José Luis Rueda:
A methodology for parameter estimation of equivalent wind power plant. 1804-1808 - Emilio Lorenzani
, Fabio Immovilli
, Claudio Bianchini
, Alberto Bellini
Performance analysis of a modified Current Source Inverter for photovoltaic microinverter applications. 1809-1814 - Saeed Safari, Alberto Castellazzi
, Pat Wheeler
Performance evaluation of normaly-off SiC JFET in matrix converter without antiparrallel diodes. 1815-1820 - Ahmed Bouabdallah, Salvy Bourguet
, Jean-Christophe Olivier, Mohamed Machmoum
Photovoltaic energy for the fixed and tracking system based on the modeling of solar radiation. 1821-1826 - José Gomes de Matos
, Luiz Antônio de Souza Ribeiro, Evandro de Carvalho Gomes:
Power control in AC autonomous and isolated microgrids with renewable energy sources and energy storage systems. 1827-1832 - Alberto Causo, Andrea Salati, Emilio Lorenzani
, Fabio Immovilli
, Claudio Bianchini
Power losses analysis in interleaved flyback based PV grid connected micro-inverters. 1833-1838 - Mostafa S. Hamad
, AbdAlla Fahmy, Mostafa Abd El-Geliel
Power quality improvement of a single-phase grid-connected PV system with fuzzy MPPT controller. 1839-1844 - Hyeonah Park, Hyosung Kim:
PV cell modeling on single-diode equivalent circuit. 1845-1849 - Carlos R. de Nardin, Felipe Teixeira Fernandes, Adriano J. Longo, Sabrina Cunha, Luciano Porto Lima, Felix Alberto Farret
, Eliana Maria Ferranti:
Reduction of electrical load for air conditioning by electronically controlled geothermal energy. 1850-1855 - Dejan Vasic
, Yuyin Chen, François Costa:
Self-powered piezoelectric energy harvester for bicycle. 1856-1861 - Hannes Rathmann, Christoph Weber, Wolfgang Benecke, Dirk Kaehler
Sophisticated estimation of hardly measurable conditions of lithium-ion batteries. 1862-1866 - Guihua Liu, Yulin Yang, Pangbao Wang, Wei Wang, Dianguo Xu:
Stability control method based on virtual inductance of grid-connected PV inverter under weak grid. 1867-1872 - Kenta Koiwa, Atsusi Umemura, Rion Takahashi, Junji Tamura:
Stand-alone hydrogen production system composed of wind generators and electrolyzer. 1873-1879 - Qiaoming Shi, Gang Wang, Lijun Fu, Lei Yuan, He Huang:
State-space averaging model of wind turbine with PMSG and its virtual inertia control. 1880-1886 - Lenos Hadjidemetriou, Elias Kyriakides
, Frede Blaabjerg
Synchronization of grid-connected renewable energy sources under highly distorted voltages and unbalanced grid faults. 1887-1892 - Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt
Systemic impact caused by the integration of La Guajira wind farm. 1893-1897 - Mohan Lal Kolhe
, K. M. Iromi Udumbara Ranaweera, A. G. B. Sisara Gunawardana:
Techno-economic optimum sizing of hybrid renewable energy system. 1898-1903 - Dao Zhou
, Frede Blaabjerg
Thermal analysis of two-level wind power converter under symmetrical grid fault. 1904-1909 - Eduardo Alarcon-Gallo:
Third harmonic injection on sliding mode control for a three-phase, three-wire inverter. 1910-1915 - Miloud Rezkallah, Ambrish Chandra, Bhim Singh
Three-leg four-wire voltage source inverters for hybrid standalone system feeding unbalanced load. 1916-1921 - Daniel Thomas Gladwin
, Christopher R. Gould, David A. Stone
, Martin P. Foster:
Viability of "second-life" use of electric and hybridelectric vehicle battery packs. 1922-1927 - Silvio Rodrigues, Pavol Bauer
, Jan Pierik:
A clustering approach for the wind turbine micro siting problem through genetic algorithm. 1938-1943 - Panfilo R. Martinez-Rodriguez, José M. Sosa
, Gerardo Vázquez, Gerardo Escobar
, Andres A. Valdez-Fernandez
, Michael Hernandez-Gomez:
A model-based controller for a half-bridge NPC used as an active power filter. 1944-1949 - Mirko Bodetto, Abdelali El Aroudi, Angel Cid-Pastor
, Javier Calvente
, Luis Martínez-Salamero:
A novel control strategy to improve the power factor of a Ćuk converter for HBLEDs application. 1950-1955 - Cynthujah Vivekananthan, Yateendra Mishra
, Gerard Ledwich
A novel real time pricing scheme for demand response in residential distribution systems. 1956-1961 - Meisam Farrokhifar
, R. Esmaeilzadeh, M. Heydari, A. R. Milani:
A study on practical methods to decrease short circuit level in transmission grids. 1962-1967 - Gulnara Zhabelova, Valeriy Vyatkin, Ziang Zhang, Mo-Yuen Chow
Agent-based distributed consensus algorithm for decentralized economic dispatch in Smart Grid. 1968-1973 - Mehdi Monadi, Alvaro Luna, Jose Ignacio Candela
, Joan Rocabert
, Mostafa Fayezizadeh, Pedro Rodríguez
Analysis of ferroresonance effects in distribution networks with distributed source units. 1974-1979 - Paramet Wirasanti, Egon Ortjohann, Marius Hoppe, Hakam Saffour, Sasiphong Leksawat, Danny Morton:
Automated active distribution network with multi-level cluster control approach. 1980-1985 - Danilo Sipoli Sanches, Sérgio Carlos Mazucato Júnior, Marcelo Favoretto Castoldi, Alexandre C. B. Delbem
, João Bosco A. London Jr.
Combining subpopulation tables, non-dominated solutions and Strength Pareto of MOEAs to treat service restoration problem in large-scale distribution systems. 1986-1991 - Omar Mansouri, Gerard Aroquiadassou, Augustin Mpanda Mabwe:
Common-mode voltage reduction in static inverter using a pre-calculated switching method. 1992-1997 - Weihao Hu
, Chi Su, Jiakun Fang, Zhe Chen
Comparison study of power system small signal stability improvement using SSSC and STATCOM. 1998-2003 - Kumars Rouzbehi
, Catalin Gavriluta
, Jose Ignacio Candela
, Alvaro Luna, Pedro Rodríguez
Comprehensive analogy between conventional AC grids and DC grids characteristics. 2004-2010 - Sicong Tan, Shiping Yang, Jian-Xin Xu:
Consensus based approach for economic dispatch problem in a smart grid. 2011-2015 - Artjoms Timofejevs, Daniel Gamboa, Marco Liserre, Remus Teodorescu
, Sanjay K. Chaudhary
Control of transformerless MMC-HVDC during asymmetric grid faults. 2016-2021 - Meisam Farrokhifar
, S. M. Mahaei, J. Jafarzadeh, M. Gholami:
Distribution networks reconfiguration for loss minimization based on variable behavior of loads and energy cost curves. 2022-2026 - Karol Wawrzyniak
, Grzegorz Orynczak, Michal Klos
, Aneta Goska, Marcin Jakubek
Division of the energy market into zones in variable weather conditions using Locational Marginal Prices. 2027-2032 - M. V. Pronin, A. G. Vorontsov, Gregorii A. Gogolev, Maksim E. Kuzin:
Electric and hydraulic process connection in hydraulic and pumped storage hydroelectric power stations. 2033-2038 - Jan Reese, Daniel Janning, Friedrich Wilhelm Fuchs:
Evaluation of harmonic compensation algorithms with parallel autonomously controlled inverters in isolated microgrids. 2039-2044 - Markel Zubiaga
, Sergio Aurtenetxea, Javier Chivite, Agurtzane Etxegarai
, Esther Torres, Pablo Eguía
Frequency restoration in insular grids with high penetration of wind power. 2045-2050 - Chunyu Zhang, Yi Ding, Jacob Østergaard
, Qiuwei Wu:
Generation expansion planning considering integrating large-scale wind generation. 2051-2056 - Rodrigo Teixeira Pinto, Sílvio F. Rodrigues, Pavol Bauer
, Jan Pierik:
Grid code compliance of VSC-HVDC in offshore multi-terminal DC networks. 2057-2062 - Rong-Ceng Leou, Chun-Lien Su, Chan-Nan Lu:
Impact analysis of electric vehicles on distribution systems considering uncertainties. 2063-2068 - Parvathy Chittur Ramaswamy, Geert Deconinck
Impact of varying photovoltaic penetration on minimum loss reconfiguration. 2069-2074 - Carlos Gonzalez de Miguel
, Tom De Rybel, Johan Driesen
Implementation of a digital directional Fault Passage Indicator. 2075-2080 - Michael Schael, Constantinos Sourkounis
Influences of power supply quality on electric equipment in production processes. 2081-2086 - Francois Bronchart, Yves Mollet, Johan Gyselinck:
LCL Filters for a grid emulator application - Comparative study of active damping techniques. 2087-2092 - Martin Sirový, Zdenek Peroutka, Miroslav Byrtus
, Jan Michalik:
Medium-voltage drive fan save: Energy efficient fan systems in power engineering. 2093-2098 - Pawel Malysz, Shahin Sirouspour, Ali Emadi:
MILP-based rolling horizon control for microgrids with battery storage. 2099-2104 - Fábio Lima
, Fabiano Camargo Rosa, Marco Antonio Fumagalli:
MRAS-based sensorless control for high-speed induction machine connected to the grid. 2105-2110 - Masoud Vaezi
, Afshin Izadian
Multiple-model adaptive estimation of a hydraulic wind power system. 2111-2116 - Mohamadreza Baradar, Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh, Mehrdad Ghandhari:
Ohmic loss minimization in AC transmission systems with embedded DC grids. 2117-2120 - Chun-Lien Su, Rong-Ceng Leou, Jun-Chang Yang, Chan-Nan Lu:
Optimal electric vehicle charging stations placement in distribution systems. 2121-2126 - Mishel Mahmoodi, Pourya Shamsi
, Babak Fahimi:
Optimal scheduling of microgrid operation considering the time-of-use price of electricity. 2127-2132 - Isha Sharma, Kankar Bhattacharya
Optimal sizing of battery energy storage systems in unbalanced distribution feeders. 2133-2138 - Sérgio Carlos Mazucato Júnior, Bruno Leandro Galvao Costa, Marcelo Favoretto Castoldi, Bruno A. Angelico
, Danilo Sipoli Sanches, Rodrigo de Andrade Ramos
Parallel simultaneous and coordinated tuning of PSSs using Ant Colony Optimization. 2139-2144 - Ranjeeta Patel, Anup Kumar Panda
, Suresh Mikkili
PI and fuzzy logic controller based 3-phase 4-wire interleaved buck active power filter for mitigation of harmonics with the Id-Iq control strategy. 2145-2150 - Oscar De Sousa-Perez, Jaume Miret, Antonio Camacho
, Pau Martí, Ramon Guzman
Power sharing control in islanded microgrid using event driven communication. 2151-2156 - Chi Su, Weihao Hu
, Jiakun Fang, Zhe Chen
Residue-based coordinated selection and parameter design of multiple power system stabilizers (PSSs). 2157-2162 - Pedro M. Fonte
, Cláudio Monteiro
, Fernando Pires Maciel Barbosa
Sensing Cloud Optimization applied to a non-convex constrained economical dispatch. 2163-2168 - AbdAlla Fahmy, Khaled H. Ahmed
, Mostafa S. Hamad
, Grain Philip Adam:
Single-phase grid connected distributed generation interfacing converter with power quality improvement capability. 2169-2174 - Agha Francis Nnachi, Josiah L. Munda
, Dan V. Nicolae, Augustin Mpanda Mabwe:
Small power tapping limit on dc-link of VSC HVDC transmission system. 2175-2179 - K. R. Krishnanand
, Bhuneshwar Prasad, Duc Chinh Hoang
, Akshay K. Rathore, Sanjib Kumar Panda
Smart-metering for monitoring building power distribution network using instantaneous phasor computations of electrical signals. 2180-2184 - Sami Najar, Jean-François Tissier, Erik Etien
, Sebastien Cauet
Soft sensor design for oil temperature in distribution transformer (type ONAN). 2185-2190 - Baya Hadid, Erik Etien
, Régis Ouvrard, Thierry Poinot
, Laurent Le Brusquet, Anne Grau, Gilbert Schmitt:
Soft sensor design for power measurement and diagnosis in electrical furnace: A parametric estimation approach. 2191-2196 - Keith A. Corzine:
Dc micro grid protection with the z-source breaker. 2197-2204 - Dawei He, Jie Mei
, Ronald G. Harley, Thomas G. Habetler:
Utilizing building-level demand response in frequency regulation of actual microgrids. 2205-2210 - Fernando Pereira
, Luís Gomes:
Automatic synthesis of VHDL hardware components from IOPT Petri net models. 2214-2219 - Ramiro Gomes Correia, Susana O. Catarino
, José Gerardo V. da Rocha, Graça Minas
CMOS control and actuation system of piezoelectric transducers for pumping, mixing and heating microfluids in lab-on-a-chip devices. 2220-2225 - Mohamed Khalil Hani, Vishnu P. Nambiar, Muhammad N. Marsono
Co-simulation methodology for improved design and verification of hardware neural networks. 2226-2231 - Fco. Manuel Sánchez, Raúl Mateos, Emilio José Bueno, Javier Mingo, Ines Sanz:
Comparative of HLS and HDL implementations of a grid synchronization algorithm. 2232-2237 - Laurentiu Acasandrei, Angel Barriga
Design methodology for face detection acceleration. 2238-2243 - Herminio Martínez-Garcia
, Antoni Grau-Saldes
, Yolanda Bolea-Monte:
Design of a 4.5-V, 450-mA low-dropout voltage linear regulator based on a cascoded OTA. 2244-2249 - Hakaru Tamukoh, Masatoshi Sekine:
Design of networked hw/sw complex system using hardware object model and its application. 2250-2255 - Richard Prokesch:
Evaluation of parallelization of an image processing algorithm for an embedded multicore platform using manual parallelization and the OpenMP parallel framework. 2256-2260 - Julen Gomez-Cornejo
, Aitzol Zuloaga
, Uli Kretzschmar, Unai Bidarte
, Jaime Jimenez:
Fast context reloading lockstep approach for SEUs mitigation in a FPGA soft core processor. 2261-2266 - Roberto Fernandez Molanes
, José Fariña
, Juan J. Rodríguez-Andina
Field-Programmable System-on-Chip for high-accuracy frequency measurements in QCM sensors. 2267-2272 - Mohamed Khalil Hani, Yee Hui Lee:
FPGA embedded hardware system for finger vein biometric recognition. 2273-2278 - Martin Valtierra-Rodriguez
, René de Jesús Romero-Troncoso, Arturo Garcia-Perez, Roque Alfredo Osornio-Rios
FPGA-based instantaneous estimation of unbalance/symmetrical components through the Hilbert transform. 2279-2284 - Nicolas Aguirre-Dobernack, Hipólito Guzmán-Miranda
, Miguel A. Aguirre
Implementation of a machine vision system for real-time traffic sign recognition on FPGA. 2285-2290 - Mostafa S. Hamad
, Mahmoud I. Masoud
, Khaled H. Ahmed
, Barry W. Williams:
Medium voltage 6-pulse CSR with a novel shunt active power filter connection. 2291-2296 - José Ángel Araujo, Jesús Lázaro
, Armando Astarloa
, Naiara Moreira, Alain García:
Memory requirements analysis for PRP and HSR hardware implementations on FPGAs. 2297-2302 - Bruno dos Santos, Rui Esteves Araujo
, Diogo Varajao
, Claudio Pinto:
Rapid Prototyping Framework for real-time control of power electronic converters using simulink. 2303-2308 - Soo-Yong Kim, Chaehag Yi, Tomas Scherrer, Suk Won Kim, Keunhwi Koo, Sang Woo Kim:
Real-time adjustment of power management policy for a time-based power control architecture. 2317-2322 - Naiara Moreira, Armando Astarloa
, Uli Kretzschmar:
SHA-3 based Message Authentication Codes to secure IEEE 1588 synchronization systems. 2323-2328 - Armando Astarloa
, Jesús Lázaro
, Unai Bidarte
, Aitzol Zuloaga
, Mikel Idirin:
System-on-Chip implementation of Reliable Ethernet Networks nodes. 2329-2334 - Thang Nguyen, Andrei-Daniel Basa:
Verification methodology of sophisticated automotive sensor interfaces integrated in modern system-on-chip airbag system. 2335-2340 - Takashi Yoshida, Naoyuki Aikawa:
A design method of TYPE IV digital FIR differentiators with maximally flat criterion at an arbitrary frequency. 2344-2347 - Kai-qi Zhao, Zhi-yuan Qi, Xiao Zhong:
A new direct torque controller to reduce torque ripple for permanent magnet synchronous motor drives. 2348-2353 - Ginny Y. Wong
, Frank H. F. Leung
, Sai-Ho Ling
A novel evolutionary preprocessing method based on over-sampling and under-sampling for imbalanced datasets. 2354-2359 - Masayoshi Nakamoto
, Naoyuki Shimizu, Toru Yamamoto:
A system identification approach for design of IIR digital filters. 2360-2365 - Litong Feng, Lai-Man Po
, Xuyuan Xu, Ka-Ho Ng, Chun-Ho Cheung
, Kwok-Wai Cheung:
An adaptive background biased depth map hole-filling method for Kinect. 2366-2371 - Hidenori Maruta, Yusuke Iida, Fujio Kurokawa:
Anisotropic LBP descriptors for robust smoke detection. 2372-2377 - Jose Luis Mato, Manuel Álvarez Souto, Roberto Besteiro, Juan Antonio Moledo:
Automated counting of palletized slate slabs based on machine vision. 2378-2383 - Petter Hagqvist
, Anna-Karin Christiansson:
Automatic detection of material phase transitions from spectroscopic data. 2384-2389 - Daoud Boumazouza, Yasmine Sefouane, Mohamed Djeddi, Boualem Khelouat, Karima Benatchba:
Bees for block matching. 2390-2394 - Toma Miyata, Naoyuki Aikawa, Yasuyuki Nishida:
Designing IIR filters with variable stopbands using SP method. 2395-2400 - Christian Ratzenbock, Johann Emhofer
, Christian Maszl
, Thomas Fleckl:
Development of an advanced software for a single aperture Defocusing Micro Particle Tracking Velocimetry application. 2401-2407 - Peter Bernard Ashleigh Phear, Rajprasad Kumar Rajkumar, Dino Isa:
Efficient non-iterative fixed-period SVM training architecture for FPGAs. 2408-2413 - Toshihiro Shinohara:
Expression of individual woven yarn of textile fabric based on segmentation of three dimensional CT image considering distribution of filaments. 2414-2419 - Hiroaki Iwata, Keiji Saneyoshi:
Forward obstacle detection in a lane by stereo vision. 2420-2425 - Ren C. Luo, Li Wen Chang, Shih-Che Chou:
Human age classification using appearance images for human-robot interaction. 2426-2431 - Raymundo Cordero Garcia
, Walter Issamu Suemitsu, João Onofre Pereira Pinto, Andre Muniz Soares:
Implementation of quadric perceptron with hardlims activation function in a FPGA for nonlinear pattern classification. 2432-2437 - Takanori Koga, Noriaki Suetake, Tsuyoshi Kato, Eiji Uchino:
Impulse noise removal by using one-dimensional switching median filter applied along space-filling curve reflecting structural context of image. 2438-2441 - Taiki Yamamoto, Hirokatsu Kataoka, Masaki Hayashi, Yoshimitsu Aoki, Kyoko Oshima, Masamoto Tanabiki:
Multiple players tracking and identification using group detection and player number recognition in sports video. 2442-2446 - Kejiu Zhang, Shiguo Luo, Lisa Li, Thomas X. Wu, Issa Batarseh
New insights on multiphase synchronous buck converter design: A comprehensive consideration. 2447-2454 - Dinko Osmankovic, Haris Supic
, Jasmin Velagic:
Performance and quality assessment of R-tree based nearest neighbour search in the scalar field mapping technique. 2455-2459 - Petra Kocmanová, Ludek Zalud
Proximity laser scanner calibration for rescue robotics. 2460-2465 - Michael Weyrich
, Yongheng Wang, Matthias Scharf:
Quality assessment of row crop plants by using a machine vision system. 2466-2471 - Hirokatsu Kataoka, Kimimasa Tamura, Yoshimitsu Aoki, Yasuhiro Matsui, Kenji Iwata, Yutaka Satoh:
Robust feature descriptor and vehicle motion model with tracking-by-detection for active safety. 2472-2477 - Kiyoshi Hashimoto, Hirokatsu Kataoka, Yoshimitsu Aoki, Yuji Sato:
Robust human tracking using statistical human shape model with postural variation. 2478-2483 - Huijun Gao, Jiangyuan Mei
, Changxing Ding, Chunwei Song:
Surface damage inspection of E-shaped magnetic core elements using K-tSL-center clustering method. 2484-2489 - Geyverson Teixeira de Paula, José Roberto B. de A. Monteiro
, Thales E. P. de Almeida, Marcelo Patrício de Santana, W. C. A. Pereira, I. Santini:
A comparative study of different slot configurations for PM brushless machines used for vehicle traction. 2500-2505 - Ana B. M. Aguiar, Arezki Merkhouf, Kamal Al-Haddad:
A new approach for computation of magnetic core losses in large hydro electrical generator. 2506-2511 - Saki Nohara, Mutuwo Tomita, Masaru Hasegawa, Shinji Doki, Shinji Kato:
A new design method of full-order extended electromotive force observer for position sensorless control of IPMSM. 2512-2517 - Shambhu Sau
, R. Vandana, Baylon G. Fernandes
A new direct torque control method for switched reluctance motor with high torque/ampere. 2518-2523 - Qiankun Chang, Qiongxuan Ge, Shutian Zhang:
A new integration algorithm for stator flux estimation in sensorless AC motor drives. 2524-2529 - Mohammad Jannati
, Nik Rumzi Nik Idris
, Junaidi Abdul Aziz
A new method for RFOC of Induction Motor under open-phase fault. 2530-2535 - Simin Jiang, Lijuan Wang, Liqiang Wang, Peng Ye, Zhaoli Hao:
A new thermal protection approach for permanent magnet synchronous motor. 2536-2540 - Atsushi Matsumoto, Shinji Doki, Masaru Hasegawa:
A novel correction method for current control of PMSM operating within voltage saturation region. 2541-2546 - Alfonso Damiano
, Gianluca Gatto
, Ignazio Marongiu, Alessandro Serpi
, Aldo Perfetto:
A novel flux-weakening approach for Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines. 2547-2552 - Bhim Singh
, Vashist Bist:
A PFC based BLDC motor drive using a Bridgeless Zeta converter. 2553-2558 - Ayman S. Abdel-Khalik
, Ahmed A. Elserougi, Ziyad Shafik, Shehab Ahmed, Ahmed M. Massoud:
A Scott connection-based three-phase to five-phase power transformer. 2559-2564 - Mihai Comanescu:
A sensorless sliding mode observer for the flux magnitude of the induction motor based on the synchronous reference frame model. 2565-2570 - Andreas Lindner, Ingo Hahn, Andreas Boehm:
A simple method for the parameter identification of the Jiles-Atherton model using only symmetric hysteresis loops. 2571-2577 - Ines Omrane, Erik Etien
, Olivier Bachelier, Wissam Dib:
A simplified least squares identification of permanent magnet synchronous motor parameters at standstill. 2578-2583 - Tian-Hua Liu
, Chih-Chien Tseng, Jui-Ling Chen, Jian-Feng Tsai, Chien-Hsun Wu:
A wide-range adjustable speed control method for multi-motor drive systems. 2584-2589 - José Manuel Rodríguez, Rubén Meneses, Javier Orús
Active vibration control for electric vehicle compliant drivetrains. 2590-2595 - Martin Mohr, Oszkar Bíró
, Andrej Stermecki, Franz Diwoky:
An extended finite element based model approach for permanent magnet synchronous machines including rotor eccentricity. 2596-2601 - Phuoc Hoa Truong
, Damien Flieller, Ngac Ky Nguyen
, Jean Mercklé, Guy Sturtzer:
An investigation of Adaline for torque ripple minimization in Non-Sinusoidal Synchronous Reluctance Motors. 2602-2607 - Paolo Guglielmi
, Michele Pastorelli, Andrea Carrer, Alessio Beato, Antonio D'Antonio, Luigi Fagnano:
An IPM-PMASR motor for home appliance washing machines. 2608-2613 - Christian Sanabria-Walter, Henk Polinder
Analytical-numerical hybrid model for flux-switching permanent magnet machines. 2614-2619 - Claudio Bianchini
, Fabio Immovilli
, Emilio Lorenzani
, Alberto Bellini
, Lorenzo Felici:
Axial flux permanent magnet machine desing and optimization using multi-layer 2-D simulation. 2620-2625 - Kanokvate Tungpimolrut, Seubsuang Kachapornkul, Prapon Jitkreeyarn, Pakasit Somsiri, Nattapon Chayopitak, Akira Chiba
Bipolar excitation for double three-phase full bridge converter based three-phase switched reluctance motor drive system. 2626-2631 - Luca Ferraris
, Emir Poskovic
Bonded magnets for brushless fractional machines: Process parameters effects evaluation. 2632-2637 - Zhuoran Zhang, Li Sun, Yangguang Yan:
Brushless Doubly Salient machines with stator field winding for DC power generation applications. 2638-2643 - Luca Castellini
, Mauro Carmignano, Moreno D'Andrea, Marco Villani:
Brushless PM actuator for metal bending machine. 2644-2649 - Li Sun, Zhuoran Zhang, Le Qian:
Calculation and analysis of iron loss in Doubly Salient Brushless DC generator. 2650-2655 - Lu Gan, Liuping Wang
Cascaded model predictive position control of induction motor with constraints. 2656-2661 - Hye-Ung Shin, Mohammad Modarres, Byung-Il Kwon:
Characteristic analysis of double excited 3-DOF actuator by using nonlinear equivalent magnetic circuit. 2662-2667 - Yao Zhao, Huizhen Wang, Xiaozhong Zhao, Lan Xiao, Chunying Gong:
Characteristics analysis of five-phase fault-tolerant doubly salient electro-magnetic generators. 2668-2673 - Javier Martinez, Anouar Belahcen
, Antero Arkkio:
Combined FE and two dimensional spectral analysis of broken cage faults in induction motors. 2674-2679 - Filip Kutt, Michal Michna
, Grzegorz Kostro
, Mieczyslaw Ronkowski:
Comparative analysis of salient and non-salient pole brushless synchronous generator for application in autonomous electric power system. 2680-2684 - Ludek Schreier, Jiri Bendl, Miroslav Chomat:
Comparison of five-phase induction machine operation with various stator-winding arrangements. 2685-2690 - Wooyoung Choi, Silong Li
, Bulent Sarlioglu:
Core loss estimation of high speed electric machines: An assessment. 2691-2696 - Toshio Hiraide, Kodai Abe, Kiyoshi Ohishi
, Hitoshi Haga:
Current harmonics reduction method of electrolytic capacitor-less diode rectifier using inverter-controlled IPM motor. 2697-2702 - Pavel Ponomarev, Juha J. Pyrhönen:
Current linkage harmonics and air-gap harmonic leakage inductance of tooth-coil permanent-magnet synchronous machines. 2703-2708 - Jewon Lee, Yong-Ju Jeon, Doo-Chul Choi, Seung Hun Kim, Sang Woo Kim:
Demagnetization fault diagnosis method for PMSM of electric vehicle. 2709-2713 - Wenliang Zhao, Thomas A. Lipo, Byung-Il Kwon:
Design and analysis of a novel dual stator axial flux spoke-type ferrite permanent magnet machine. 2714-2719 - Eric L. Severson
, Astrid Røkke, Robert Nilssen, Tore Undeland, Ned Mohan:
Design and measurement of a passive thrust magnetic bearing for a bearingless motor. 2720-2725 - Jie Fang, Martin Kleine Jager, Volker Staudt
, Andreas Steimel:
Modeling and implementing of energy efficient pump drives based on hardware-in-the-loop. 2726-2731 - Lucian Nicolae Tutelea, Sorin Ioan Deaconu, Ion Boldea, Nicolae Budisan:
Design, control and 2D-FEM validation for an Double Stator Winding Induction Generator. 2732-2737 - Marcos A. A. Costa, Edgar R. Braga-Filho, Antonio M. N. Lima
Designing a low cost high performance permanent magnet motor drive system. 2738-2743 - Yoshihiro Nakata, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Kenji Kitani, Tatsuya Fujimoto, Katsuhiro Hirata:
Development and control of a novel cylindrical IPM linear vernier motor for compliant robot actuation. 2744-2749 - Hermann Lang, Andrej Stermecki, Oszkar Bíró
, Georg Ofner:
Development of a new simulation tool for computation of the synchronous generator end-winding deformations. 2750-2755 - Davide Barater
, Giampaolo Buticchi
, Chris Gerada
, Jesus Arellano-Padilla:
Diagnosis of incipient faults in PMSMs with coaxially insulated windings. 2756-2761 - Kazi Ahsanullah, Rukmi Dutta
, M. F. Rahman:
Distributed and concentrated winding Interior PM Synchronous Machine (IPMSM) for direct drive wind turbine. 2762-2767 - Maria Carmela di Piazza
, Graziella Giglia, Massimiliano Luna
, Gianpaolo Vitale
EMI and reliability improvement in DC-fed induction motor drives by filtering techniques. 2768-2773 - Yuanpeng Zhang, Wilfried Hofmann:
Energy-efficient control of induction motors with high torque dynamics and transient skin effect. 2774-2779 - D. Shah, Mickaël Hilairet, Imen Bahri
Enhanced Direct Instantaneous Torque Control of Switched Reluctance Machine with phase current limitation. 2780-2785 - Jun Cai
, Qing-Chang Zhong, Zhiquan Deng:
Estimation of SRM rotor position based on coordinate transformation. 2786-2791 - Paul Handgruber, Andrej Stermecki, Oszkar Bíró
, Georg Ofner:
Evaluation of interlaminar eddy currents in induction machines. 2792-2797 - Konstantinos N. Gyftakis
, Joya C. Kappatou:
Evaluation of the broken bar fault detectability depending on the rotor bar number. 2798-2803 - Monia Ben Khader Bouzid, Gérard Champenois
Experimental compensation of the negative sequence current for accurate stator fault detection in induction motors. 2804-2809 - Francesco Cupertino
, Stefano Ettorre:
Experimental evaluation of current carrying capacity of printed circuit stator coils. 2810-2815 - Bernhard Weilharter, Mathias Mair, Hermann Lang, Katrin Ellermann
, Oszkar Bíró:
Experimental investigation of the vibration behaviour of a laminated stack with winding. 2816-2820 - Mohammad Naser Hashemnia
, Farzad Tahami
, Estanis Oyarbide:
Experimental investigations on the core loss effects in an inverter fed Brushless Doubly Fed Machine. 2821-2826 - Zhengyu Lin
, Donald S. Reay, Binxin Zhou:
Experimental measurement of Switched Reluctance Motor non-linear characteristics. 2827-2832 - Kvetoslav Belda
, David Vosmik:
Explicit Generalized Predictive algorithms for speed control of PMSM drives. 2833-2838 - Jianing Lin, Nigel Schofield
, Ali Emadi:
External-rotor 6-10 switched reluctance motor for an electric bicycle. 2839-2844 - Manuel Bordasch, Peter Göhner:
Fault prevention in industrial automation systems by means of a functional model and a hybrid abnormity identification concept. 2845-2850 - Moussa Boukhnifer
, Aziz Raisemche, Demba Diallo
, Chérif Larouci
Fault tolerant control to mechanical sensor failures for Induction Motor drive: A comparative study of voting algorithms. 2851-2856 - Ramin Salehi Arashloo
, Mehdi Salehifar, Jose Luis Romeral Martinez
, Vicent Sala:
Fault-tolerant model predictive control of five-phase permanent magnet motors. 2857-2862 - Ioannis K. Pallis, Konstantinos N. Gyftakis
, Joya C. Kappatou:
FEM study of the bar number impact on the stator core losses of the cage induction motor. 2863-2868 - Kazuya Chiba, Masatsugu Takemoto
, Satoshi Ogasawara, Woo Gyong Yim:
Ferrite-magnet spoke-type IPMSM with W-shaped magnet placement. 2869-2874 - Thomas Hinterdorfer, Alexander Schulz, Harald Sima
Force prediction and radial force compensation of a switched reluctance motor. 2875-2880 - Lassi Aarniovuori
, Antti Kosonen, Markku Niemela, Juha J. Pyrhönen:
Frequency converter driven induction motor losses. 2881-2886 - Xiao Zhi Gao, Xiaolei Wang, Kai Zenger, Xiaofeng Wang, Jun Zhang
Harmony Search method-based multi-modal optimal design of a wind generator. 2887-2892 - Markus Seilmeier, Bernhard Piepenbreier
Identification of steady-state inductances of PMSM using polynomial representations of the flux surfaces. 2899-2904 - Seppo E. Saarakkala
, Marko Hinkkanen
Identification of two-mass mechanical systems in closed-loop speed control. 2905-2910 - Ryunosuke Akimatsu, Shinji Doki:
Improve torque response using the inverter overmodulation range in position sensorless control system of PMSM. 2911-2916 - Ademir Nied
, José de Oliveira, Luiz H. R. C. Stival, Horacio B. Polli:
Improving washing machine performance using single-phase induction motor field-oriented control. 2917-2922 - Francesco Ferracuti
, Andrea Giantomassi, Sabrina Iarlori
, Gianluca Ippoliti
, Sauro Longhi
Induction motor fault detection and diagnosis using KDE and Kullback-Leibler divergence. 2923-2928 - Damiano Mingardi, Nicola Bianchi, Emanuele Fornasiero, Luigi Alberti
Induction motor with an intentionally created saliency for sensorless applications. 2929-2934 - Baris Tugrul Ertugrul, Eyyup Sincar, Yucel Demir, Metin Aydin
Influence of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet corrosion on permanent magnet synchronous motor performance. 2935-2940 - Pia M. Lindh
, Juha J. Pyrhönen, Pavel Ponomarev, Dmitri Vinnikov
Influence of wedge material on losses of a traction motor with tooth-coil windings. 2941-2946 - Emmanuel B. Agamloh
, Aldo Boglietti, Andrea Cavagnino
Interchanging induction motors for fifty Hertz and sixty Hertz operation. 2947-2952 - Dariusz Janiszewski
Load torque estimation for sensorless PMSM drive with output filter fed by PWM converter. 2953-2959 - Nikita Uzhegov, Juha J. Pyrhönen, Sergey V. Shirinskii
Loss minimization in high-speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with tooth-coil windings. 2960-2965 - Sorin Musuroi, Ciprian Sorandaru
, Marian Greconici
, Nicola-Valeriu Olarescu, Martin Weinman:
Low-cost ferrite permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance rotor an alternative solution for rare earth permanent magnet synchronous motors. 2966-2970 - Lidan Zhao, Zhiquan Deng, Xin Cao:
Mathematical model of single-winding bearingless switched reluctance motor considering two-phase coupling. 2971-2976 - Wenjia Wang, Zhuoran Zhang:
Maximum torque control of hybrid excitation synchronous machine drives based on field current self-optimizing method. 2977-2982 - Sami Zaim, Babak Nahid-Mobarakeh
, Farid Meibody-Tabar, Régis Meuret:
Model-independent sensorless control for non-salient PM Synchronous Motors at low speeds including standstill. 2983-2988 - Jie Fang, Volker Staudt
, Andreas Steimel:
Modeling of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator with strong slot harmonic. 2989-2994 - Ting Qian, Xin Cao, Zhiquan Deng:
Modelling and control of radial forces for the Bearingless Switched Reluctance Motor with short-circuit fault. 2995-3000 - Miroslav Graf, Ludek Buchta
, Lukas Pohl:
Nonlinear predictive controller design of PMSM with field weakening performance. 3001-3005 - Mustapha Debbou, Maria Pietrzak-David:
Novel tolerant fault DFIM drive for naval propulsion. 3006-3011 - Ninh Van Cuong, Takafumi Koseki, Eisuke Isobe:
Numerical analysis for the influence of the construction of the secondary reaction plate on the characteristics of linear induction motor. 3012-3017 - Jakub Vonkomer, Milan Zalman:
On the stability of current based MRAS. 3018-3023 - Ivo Veselý
, Lukas Pohl:
Parameters identification of PMSM through Hammerstein model. 3030-3035 - Luis Alberto Pereira, Sergio Haffner
, Luís Fernando Alves Pereira
, Ricardo S. da Rosa:
Performance comparison of five phase and three phase induction machines under steady state including losses and saturation. 3036-3041 - Ashwin Murali, U. Madhava Rao:
Performance evaluation of Fuzzy logic speed controller for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor drives on a SoC platform. 3042-3047 - Hakim Teiar, Hicham Chaoui, Pierre Sicard:
PMSM control based on adaptive fuzzy logic and sliding mode. 3048-3053 - Xiaohan Ma, Xiaolin Wang, Zhiquan Deng, Pengfei Zhou, Yao Zhao:
Position sensorless starting method of BLDC motor based on SVPWM and stator magnetomotive force control. 3054-3059 - Chenjie Lin, Babak Fahimi:
Prediction of acoustic noise in switched reluctance machines. 3060-3065 - Ju Hyung Kim, Bulent Sarlioglu:
Preliminary design of axial flux permanent magnet machine for marine current turbine. 3066-3071 - Lukas Pohl, Ivo Veselý
, Miroslav Graf:
Real-time implementation of ℋ∞ LPV controller for PMSM drive. 3072-3077 - Aimeng Wang, Chunmei Wang, Longya Xu, Yazan M. Alsmadi:
Reducing torque pulsation in interior permanent magnet machine with FSCW for hybrid electric vehicle. 3078-3083 - David Uzel, Václav Smídl, Zdenek Peroutka:
Resolver motivated sensorless rotor position estimation of wound rotor synchronous motors with Kalman filter. 3084-3089 - Ilya Petrov, Maria Polikarpova, Juha J. Pyrhönen:
Rotor surface ferrite magnet synchronous machine for generator use in a hybrid application - Electro-magnetic and thermal analysis. 3090-3095 - Antti Kosonen, Lassi Aarniovuori
, Juha J. Pyrhönen, Jero Ahola
, Markku Niemela, Kari Tammi
Scalable open- and balance-type calorimeter for measuring power electronics and motors. 3096-3101 - Maria Perdomo, Mario Pacas, Thomas Eutebach, Jochen Immel:
Sensitivity analysis of the identification of variable inertia with an extended Kalman Filter. 3102-3107 - Sidath Diao, Zaatar Makni, Jean-Francois Bisson, Demba Diallo
, Claude Marchand:
Sensor fault diagnosis for improving the availability of electrical drives. 3108-3113 - Hicham Chaoui, Pierre Sicard:
Sensorless ANN-based control for permanent magnet synchronous machine drives. 3114-3119 - Jongwon Choi, Ilsu Jeong, Kwanghee Nam, Sung-Yoon Jung:
Sensorless control for electrically energized synchronous motor based on signal injection to field winding. 3120-3129 - Ines Omrane, Wissam Dib, Erik Etien
, Olivier Bachelier:
Sensorless control of PMSM based on a nonlinear observer and a high-frequency signal injection for automotive applications. 3130-3135 - Niklas Forster, Roberto Leidhold
Sensorless method for the compensation of cogging torque in PM synchronous machines. 3136-3141 - Marko Huikuri, Niko Nevaranta
, Markku Niemela, Juha J. Pyrhönen:
Sensorless positioning of a non-salient permanent magnet linear motor by combining open-loop current angle rotation method and back-EMF estimator. 3142-3148 - Radoslav Cipin, Miroslav Patocka:
Skin effect in rotor bars of induction motor in form of transfer function. 3149-3153 - Mihai Comanescu:
Speed and rotor position estimation of the PMSM by cascaded sliding mode observers with single and double compound manifolds. 3154-3158 - MeiLing Lu, Tingting Wang, Xiaozhong Zhao, Xiaoli Meng, Lan Xiao:
Static characteristics analysis of a novel flux-switching electromagnetic machine. 3159-3164 - Ebrahim Amiri:
Study of linear induction motor end effects using 3-D FEM and equivalent circuit. 3165-3170 - Cristian Lascu
, Ion Boldea, Frede Blaabjerg
Super-twisting sliding mode control of torque and flux in permanent magnet synchronous machine drives. 3171-3176 - Andy-Sorin Isfanuti, Mircea Baba, Lucian N. Tutelea, Ana Moldovan, Ion Boldea:
Surface NdFeB versus Ferrite IPM motor drive for low power (100W to 2000W) applications: FEM embedded optimal design with full step torque response validation in sensorless vector control. 3177-3182 - Luis Alberto Pereira
, Sérgio Haffner
, Luís F. A. Pereira
, Ricardo S. da Rosa:
Torque capability of high phase induction machines with sinusoidal and trapezoidal airgap field under steady state. 3183-3188 - Peter Nussbaumer, Clemens Zöller, Thomas M. Wolbank, Markus A. Vogelsberger:
Transient distribution of voltages in induction machine stator windings resulting from switching of power electronics. 3189-3194 - Hanafy H. Hanafy, Tamer M. Abdo, Amr A. Adly
Using 2D finite element analysis in the calculation of current and force distributions for induction motors with broken bars. 3195-3200 - Ping-Yi Lin, Yen-Shin Lai:
Voltage trajectory control for vector-controlled induction motor drives to achieve six-step operation. 3201-3206 - Paolo Mercorelli
, Nils Werner:
A cascade regulator using Lyapunov's PID-PID controllers for an aggregate actuator in automotive applications. 3210-3215 - Felipe Bezerra Reis, Vinicius F. Carida, Orides Morandin, Renan L. Castro, Carlos C. M. Tuma:
A collaborative fuzzy CPN system for conflict solution of flexible manufacturing system. 3216-3221 - Aurelio Tergolina Salton
, Jeferson Vieira Flores
, Luís Fernando Alves Pereira
, Daniel Ferreira Coutinho:
A complementary approach to resonant-repetitive controllers for the control of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). 3222-3227 - Manuel Beschi
, Antonio Visioli
, Manuel Berenguel
, Lidia Roca
A feedback linearization-based two-degree-of-freedom constrained controller strategy for a solar furnace. 3228-3233 - Paolo Mercorelli
A geometric approach for controlling an electromagnetic actuator with the help of a linear Model Predictive Control. 3234-3239 - Behzad Mahdavikhah, S. M. Ahsanuzzaman, Aleksandar Prodic:
A hardware-efficient programmable two-band controller for PFC rectifiers with ripple cancellation circuits. 3240-3245 - Yuya Hasuike, Masaki Izutsu, Shoshiro Hatakeyama:
A identification method of a nonlinear ARX model with variable order for nonlinear systems. 3246-3251 - Claudia Fischer, Sébastien Mariéthoz, Manfred Morari:
A model predictive control approach to reducing low order harmonics in grid inverters with LCL filters. 3252-3257 - Zhongjian Dai, Hao Dong, Qinglin Wang:
A multi-intersection coordinated control algorithm based on game theory and maximal flow. 3258-3263 - Pawel Szczepankowski, Janusz Nieznanski, Wojciech Sleszynski:
A new three-dimensional space vector modulation for multilevel four-leg converters based on the shape functions of tetrahedral element. 3264-3269 - Mehrdad Yazdanian, Ali Mehrizi-Sani
, Mohsen Mojiri:
A novel approach for ringdown detection using extended Kalman filter. 3270-3274 - Yoshiki Ohno, Ryohei Kozuki, Keita Shimamoto, Kouhei Ohnishi:
A novel time-delay compensation method for multi degree-of-freedom bilateral control system with different configuration. 3275-3280 - Daiki Suzuki, Koyo Yu, Kouhei Ohnishi:
A quantitative stiffness assessment method in liver biopsy teleoperations. 3281-3286 - Hansheng Wu:
A simple robust adaptive control scheme for model reference adaptive control systems with nonlinear delayed state perturbations. 3287-3292 - Maud Geoffriault, Emmanuel Godoy, Dominique Beauvois, Gwennael Favennec:
Active reduction of vibrations in synchronous motors. 3293-3298 - Cesáreo Raimúndez, Antonio Barreiro Blas:
Adaptive tracking in mobile robots with input-output linearization. 3299-3304 - Lukas Lohaus, Emanuel Leicht, Stefan Dietrich, Ralf Wunderlich, Stefan Heinen:
Advanced color control for multicolor LED illumination systems with parametric optimization. 3305-3310 - Luís Fernando Alves Pereira
, Fabio Medeiros de Carvalho, Jeferson Vieira Flores
Alternative resonant controller design for Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS). 3311-3316 - Shen Yin
, Guang Wang:
An approach for robust data-driven fault detection with industrial application. 3317-3322 - Ryan Kurte
, Kevin I-Kai Wang, Duleepa J. Thrimawithana, Udaya K. Madawala, Zoran Salcic
An intelligent hybrid communication system for a distributed renewable energy management. 3323-3328 - Osmar Betazzi Dordal
, André Pinz Borges, Denise Maria Vecino Sato
, Fabrício Enembreck
, Edson Emílio Scalabrin, Bráulio Coelho Ávila:
An Intelligent System for train overtaking using distributed coordination. 3329-3334 - Isabel S. Jesus
, Ramiro S. Barbosa
Application of fuzzy fractional PD+I controllers tuned by a Genetic Algorithm. 3335-3340 - Jeng-Dao Lee, Suiyang Khoo, Zhi-Bin Wang:
Backstepping-based current and voltage control strategy for maglev position device. 3341-3346 - Emilio Mamarelis, Giovanni Petrone
, Giovanni Spagnuolo
Capacitor peak current control for MPPT photovoltaic applications. 3347-3352 - Darlan A. Fernandes
, Fabiano Fragoso Costa
, Montie Alves Vitorino
, Kurios I. P. M. Queiroz, Fabiano Salvadori
Carrier-based PWM scheme for three-phase four-leg inverters. 3353-3358 - Mehdi Karbalaye Zadeh, Bijan Zahedi, Marta Molinas
, Lars E. Norum:
Centralized stabilizer for marine DC microgrid. 3359-3363 - Maude-Josée Blondin, Pierre Sicard:
Combined ACO algorithm - Nelder-Mead simplex search for controller and anti-windup tuning for a motion system with flexible transmission. 3364-3369 - Mohebullah Wali, Shinji Wakui:
Combining the positive stage and base plate jerk feedback schemes to speedup a pneumatic stage. 3370-3375 - Marc Anthony Mannah
, Nicolas Ginot, Christophe Batard:
Communication over a pulse width modulated network: Impact of the power cable. 3376-3381 - Zikrija Avdagic, Ingmar Besic
, Emir Buza
, Samir Omanovic
Comparation of controllers based on Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks for reducing vibration of the driver's seat. 3382-3387 - Kwang-Soo Park, Gu-Young Jung, Kee-Ho Yu:
Comparative evaluation of remote controller for manual operation of quad-rotor. 3388-3391 - Ramiro S. Barbosa
, Isabel S. Jesus
Comparative study of fuzzy integer and fractional PID controller. 3392-3397 - Jun-Ya Nagase, Kazuki Hamada, Toshiyuki Satoh
, Norihiko Saga
, Koichi Suzumori
Comparison between PFC and PID control system for tendon-driven balloon actuator. 3398-3403 - Mircea-Bogdan Radac
, Radu-Emil Precup
, Stefan Preitl, Claudia-Adina Dragos
, Emil M. Petriu:
Constrained data-driven controller tuning for nonlinear systems. 3404-3409 - Sabin-Constantin Carpiuc, Corneliu Lazar:
Constrained state-feedback control of permanent magnet synchronous machines for automotive applications. 3410-3415 - Arnau Dòria-Cerezo
, Paul F. Puleston, Cristian Kunusch:
Control of an active rectifier with an inductive-capacitive-inductive filter using a Twisting based algorithm. 3416-3421 - Yesim Oniz
, Ayse Cisel Aras, Okyay Kaynak
Control of Antilock Braking System using Spiking Neural Networks. 3422-3427 - Ramona Leewe, Mehrdad Moallem, Ken Fong:
Control of RF cavity resonance frequency using reflected power measurements. 3428-3432 - Nesa Rasic, Milan Z. Bebic
, Leposava B. Ristic, Borislav I. Jeftenic, Sasa Statkic:
Control of the main working axes of bucket wheel excavators according to the criterion of desired capacity. 3433-3438 - Fuminori Kubota, Seiya Matsumoto, Yudai Arai, Toshiko Nakagawa:
Control techniques of levitation and guidance for processing and carrying very thin steel plates. 3439-3444 - Koichi Suyama, Nobuko Kosugi:
Controller reset strategy for anti-windup based on L2 gain analysis. 3445-3450 - Fouad Mokhtari, Pierre Sicard:
Decentralized control design using Integrator Backstepping for controlling web winding systems. 3451-3456 - Alexander Broekhof, Richard A. McMahon, Jan M. Maciejowski:
Decoupling method for vector control of the brushless doubly-fed machine. 3457-3462 - Joo-Seok Lee, Hyeon-Bo Park, Gu-Young Jung, Kee-Ho Yu:
Design of virtual flight system for evaluation of solar powered UAV. 3463-3467 - A. Marcos-Pastor, Enric Vidal-Idiarte
, Angel Cid-Pastor
, Luis Martínez-Salamero:
Digital Loss-Free Resistor for power factor correction applications. 3468-3473 - Marcos Orellana, Robert Griñó
Discrete-time AFC control of a single-phase full-bridge LCL PWM rectifier. 3474-3479 - Zi-Jiang Yang, Pan Qin:
Distributed synchronized tracking control of Euler-Lagrange systems on directed graphs. 3480-3485 - Saikat Kumar Shome, Sourav Pradhan, Arpita Mukherjee, Uma Datta:
Dither based precise position control of piezo actuated micro-nano manipulator. 3486-3491 - Gelu Laurentiu Ioanas, Toma-Leonida Dragomir:
Dynamic models adaptation for a 4 Inj - 2PP common-rail pressure system. 3492-3497 - Burkhard Hensel
, Alexander Dementjev
, Heinz-Dieter Ribbecke, Klaus Kabitzsch:
Economic and technical influences on feedback controller design. 3498-3504 - Daniel Regulin, Christopher Krooss, Sebastian Rehberger, Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Efficient modeling of mechatronic systems regarding variety and complexity in the field of automotive. 3505-3510 - Daniel Yuh Chao, Tsung Hsien Yu:
Enumeration of reachable (forbidden, live, and deadlock) states of top k-th order system (with a non-sharing resource place) of Petri nets. 3517-3523 - Amardeep Singh, Afshin Izadian
, Sohel Anwar:
Fault diagnosis of Li-Ion batteries using multiple-model adaptive estimation. 3524-3529 - Sérgio Almeida, Rui Esteves Araujo
Fault-tolerant control using sliding mode techniques applied to multi-motor electric vehicle. 3530-3535 - Koichi Suyama:
Fault-tolerant servo systems against actuator failures using limited integrators. 3536-3542 - Oleg Buchholz, Joachim Böcker:
FPGA-based dynamically reconfigurable control of induction motor drives. 3543-3548 - Tomasz Klopot
, Krzysztof Stebel, Jacek Czeczot, Piotr Laszczyk
Function block practical implementation of Balance-Based Adaptive Control for pH process. 3549-3554 - Said Grami
, Yousef Gharbia:
GMS friction compensation in robot manipulator. 3555-3560 - Manuel R. Arahal, Federico Barrero
, Mario J. Durán
, Manuel G. Ortega:
Harmonic content in VSI operated with homogeneous pulse width. 3561-3567 - Yukinori Nakamura, Satoru Goto, Takuya Horie, Shinji Wakui:
Implementation of a smith predictor for pneumatic vibration isolators with dead time. 3574-3579 - Arash Edalatnoor, Afshin Izadian
, Masoud Vaezi
Indirect adaptive control of droplet dispensing in digital microfluidic systems. 3580-3585 - Luca Consolini
, Alessandro Costalunga, Aurelio Piazzi
, Marco Vezzosi:
Minimum-time feedforward control of an open liquid container. 3592-3597 - Amardeep Singh, Afshin Izadian
, Sohel Anwar:
Model predictive control of MEMS LCR. 3598-3602 - Edin Dragolj, Jasmin Velagic, Nedim Osmic
Modelling of nonlinear helicopter model and loopshaping based controller synthesis. 3603-3608 - Mikulás Huba
Modular PID-controller design with different filtering properties. 3609-3614 - D. I. Oviedo, M. C. Romero-Ternero
, Alejandro Carrasco
, Francisco Sivianes
, M. D. Hernández, J. I. Escudero
Multiagent system powered by neural network for positioning control of solar panels. 3615-3620 - Steffen Büchner, Viktor Schreiber, Arvid Amthor, Christoph Ament
, Mike Eichhorn:
Nonlinear modeling and identification of a dc-motor with friction and cogging. 3621-3627 - Leandro Luttiane da Silva Linhares, José Medeiros de Araújo, Fábio Meneghetti Ugulino de Araújo
Nonlinear system identification of a lower limb model by Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Networks. 3628-3633 - Philip Dost
, Constantinos Sourkounis
Novel direct-torque-constraint-hysteresis controller. 3634-3639 - Sohom Chakrabarty
, Bijnan Bandyopadhyay:
On digital implementation of continuous sliding mode control. 3640-3644 - Elham Mohammadalipour Tofighi, Amin Mahdizadeh, Mohammad Reza Feyzi:
Online estimation of induction motor parameters using a modified particle swarm optimization technique. 3645-3650 - Patrick Diekhake, Eckehard Schnieder:
Online monitoring of a distributed building automation system to verify large sequences of bus messages by causal Petri net models. 3651-3655 - Ming Luo, Zhao Xu, Hian-Leng Chan, Marjan Alavi:
Online predictive maintenance approach for semiconductor equipment. 3662-3667 - Mikulás Huba
Open flexible PD-controller design for different filtering properties. 3668-3674 - Andreas Bartl, Miguel Díaz-Cacho
, Antonio Barreiro
, Emma Delgado
Passivity framework and traffic reduction for the teleoperation of a gantry crane. 3675-3680 - Emre Sariyildiz
, Kouhei Ohnishi:
Performance and robustness trade-off in disturbance observer design. 3681-3686 - Yue Qiao, Lin Zhou, Chengbin Ma
Polynomial-based inertia ratio controller design for vibration suppression in two-mass system. 3687-3692 - YuKang Liu, Yuming Zhang, Bo Fu, Ruigang Yang
Predictive control for robot arm teleoperation. 3693-3698 - Mohsen Vatani
, Morten Hovd
Predictive control of converter switches in a multi-terminal HVDC system. 3699-3704 - Hao Su
, Gong-You Tang
Quasi-internal model-based vibration control for vehicle suspension systems. 3705-3710 - Simone Buso
, Tommaso Caldognetto
Rapid prototyping of digital controllers for microgrid inverters. 3711-3716 - Koyo Yu, Sho Iwata, Kouhei Ohnishi, Hiromasa Kawana, Shin Usuda:
Real-time CT value estimation method for robotic drilling system based on thrust force and torque. 3717-3722 - Balakrishnan Shankar, M. K. Sarithlal, S. Sharat, Joshua Freeman, Krishnashree Achuthan:
Remote triggered virtual laboratory for Hooke's law using LabVIEW. 3729-3734 - Yali Xue, Jie Wen, Yanli Du:
Robust adaptive control for near space vehicles based on wavelet neural network. 3735-3739 - Kentaro Hirata, Masayuki Sato
, Kazuyoshi Hatada, Yoichiro Masui:
Robust controller synthesis for a class of uncertain systems and application to visual feedback control. 3740-3745 - Christopher Stone, Ali Mehrizi-Sani
Set point adjustment strategy for mitigating transients in a microgrid. 3746-3751 - Domingo Biel, Arnau Dòria-Cerezo
, Enric Fossas:
Sliding mode control of a single-phase LCL full-bridge rectifier. 3752-3757 - Srinivasan Ganesh Kumar
, Srinivasan Hosimin Thilagar:
Soft sensing of speed in load torque estimation for boost converter fed DC motor. 3758-3763 - Jonas Roberto Tibola, Alexandre Trevisan Pereira, Macklini Dalla Nora
, Mário Lúcio da Silva Martins, Hilton Abílio Gründling
, Humberto Pinheiro:
Speed control for ethanol engine of variable speed gensets. 3764-3769 - Jorge Perez, Santiago Cóbreces, Francisco J. Rodríguez, Emilio José Bueno, Ines Sanz, Francisco Huerta
, Robert Griñó
Static reference frame LQR optimal state-feedback control for static-series compensators. 3776-3781 - Jilong Liu, Xu Yang, Fei Xiao, Ruitian Wang:
Study on synchronization methods in switchable fiber ring net for distributed control. 3782-3787 - Takashi Ronte, Yukinori Nakamura, Shinji Wakui:
Switching control of an air type anti-vibration apparatus under earthquake ground motion. 3788-3793 - Raymundo Cordero Garcia
, Walter Issamu Suemitsu, João Onofre Pereira Pinto:
Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy model and control of a boost converter using Type-I Internal Model Control. 3794-3799 - Houssem Saafi
, Med Amine Laribi
, Saïd Zeghloul, M. Yousef Ibrahim:
Tele-operation control system for non-homothetic master/slave kinematics for minimally-invasive surgery. 3800-3805 - José David Rojas
, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez
, Cristian Kunusch:
Thermal modelling approach and model predictive control of a water-cooled PEM fuel cell system. 3806-3811 - Yasuhiko Mutoh:
Trajectory stabilization for non-linear systems with non-lexicographically fixed linear approximate model. 3812-3817 - Beibei Ren, Qing-Chang Zhong:
UDE-based robust control of variable-speed wind turbines. 3818-3823 - Pawel Szczepankowski, Janusz Nieznanski
Virtual Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation algorithm for three-level NPC converters based on the final element shape functions. 3824-3829 - Seul-Ki Han, Won-Sang Ra, Jin Bae Park:
Warhead tracking based on probabilistic data association filter with feature information. 3830-3835 - Bao-Lin Zhang, Yu Zhang, Gong-You Tang
Wave Attenuating delay-dependent H∞ control for offshore platforms with parameter uncertainties. 3836-3841 - YuKang Liu, YuMing Zhang:
Weld penetration control in gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process. 3842-3847 - Thomas Guther, Holger Bönicke, Christoph Ament
, Silke Augustin, Thomas Fröhlich
A model-based temperature estimator for improving sensor dynamics in vehicle exhaust systems. 3852-3857 - Alexandre Baratella Lugli, Reinaldo Borsato Rodrigues, Max Mauro Dias Santos
A new method of planar inductive sensor for industrial application. 3858-3863 - Ivor Dulk, Tamás Kovácsházy
A novel experimental setup for solenoid actuators. 3864-3869 - Burkhard Hensel
, Klaus Kabitzsch:
Adaptive controllers for level-crossing sampling: Conditions and comparison. 3870-3876 - Abdoulkarim Bouabana, Constantinos Sourkounis
Analysis of a measurement system in respect to the dependency of the current sensor sampling rate and the inverter switching time. 3877-3882 - Diego Antolín
, Nicolás Medrano, Belén Calvo:
Analysis of the operating life for battery-operated wireless sensor nodes. 3883-3886 - José Prado, Gonçalo Cabrita, Lino Marques
Bayesian sensor fusion for land-mine detection using a dual-sensor hand-held device. 3887-3892 - Christian Brecher, Stephan Bäumler, Birk Brockmann:
Closed-loop position control of a membrane based electrohydraulic actuator for an active damping system for portal milling machines. 3893-3897 - Cristian Morales, Fernando Lotero, Daniel Sbarbaro:
Comparative analysis of manifold learning algorithms for tomographic sensor processing. 3898-3903 - Roland Ryndzionek
, Mieczyslaw Ronkowski, Michal Michna
, Lukasz Sienkiewicz
, Jean-Francois Rouchon:
Design, modelling and analysis of a new type of piezoelectric motor. Multicell piezoelectric motor. 3910-3915 - Holger Bönicke, Thomas Guther, Christoph Ament
Development of a controllable air passage system for integration into window frame extensions or walls. 3916-3921 - María Dolores Valdés
, María José Moure
, Luis Manuel Menéndez:
Full autonomous sensor and actuator network for maturity estimation in early age concrete structures. 3922-3927 - Matthaeus Brela, Markus Michalski, Hans-Joerg Gebhardt, Jörg Franke
Hall measurement method for the detection of material defects in plastic-embedded permanent magnets of rotors. 3928-3934 - Marco Felix, Andres Medel, Miguel Bravo
, Citlalli Anguiano, Heriberto Marquez
, David Salazar:
Heated area measurement and analysis of optical setups for focused IR light soldering system. 3935-3939 - Lukasz Sienkiewicz
, Mieczyslaw Ronkowski, Grzegorz Kostro
, Roland Ryndzionek
, Jean-Francois Rouchon:
Identification of the mechanical properties of the skin by electromechanical impedance analysis of resonant piezoelectric actuator. 3940-3945 - Yoshitomo Matsumi, Daiki Suzuki, Kouhei Ohnishi:
Large scale micro-macro bilateral control using piezoelectric cantilever with plant nominalization. 3946-3951 - Ivan Dolezal:
Optoelectronic detector for a glass cullet sorter. 3952-3957 - Takaaki Uemoto, Yukinori Nakamura, Shinji Wakui:
Performance evaluation and analysis of a vertical type absolute displacement sensor. 3958-3963 - Edin Golubovic, Zhenishbek Zhakypov
, Tarik Uzunovic
, Asif Sabanovic
Piezoelectric motor driver: Design and evaluation. 3964-3969 - Daniel García-Romeo, Maria Pilar Pina, Nicolás Medrano, Belén Calvo, Javier Sesé
, Ismael Pellejero
, Diego Antolín
Portable low-power electronic interface for gas detection using microcantilevers. 3970-3975 - Andreas Gödecke, Wolfgang Zöls, Georg Bachmaier:
Ratchet-type micro-hydraulic actuator to mimic muscle behavior. 3976-3981 - Misako Sasayama, Toshiyuki Murakami:
Realization of gait rehabilitation using compliant force coordinate transformation control. 3982-3987 - Rentao Wang, Ken Deevy:
Reconfigurable adaptive wireless sensor node technology using IEEE 1451.4 standard. 3988-3993 - J. Michael Wooten, David M. Bevly, John Y. Hung:
Robust large-area piezoelectric polymer-based collision detection sensor. 3994-3999 - Thomas Gallien, Bernhard Schweighofer, Manes Recheis, Hannes Wegleiter:
State of charge determination of LiFePO4 batteries using an external applied magnetic field. 4000-4004 - Makoto Ito, Keiji Saneyoshi:
Study of the contraction characteristics of a large-scale stacked-type electrostatic actuator. 4005-4010 - Mihai Hulea
, George Dan Mois
, Silviu Folea, Liviu Miclea, Vio Biscu:
Wi-sensors: A low power Wi-Fi solution for temperature and humidity measurement. 4011-4015 - Fabien Chraim, Kris Pister:
Wireless valve position monitoring: A MEMS approach. 4016-4021 - Pedro Neto
, J. Norberto Pires
, António Paulo Moreira
3-D position estimation from inertial sensing: Minimizing the error from the process of double integration of accelerations. 4026-4031 - Masayoshi Wada, Fujio Kameda, Yukimichi Saito:
A joystick steering control system with variable sensitivity for stable high speed driving. 4032-4036 - Taygun Kekec, Baris Can Ustundag, Mehmet Ali Guney, Alper Yildirim, Mustafa Unel:
A modular software architecture for UAVs. 4037-4042 - Eray A. Baran, Orhan Ayit, Victor B. Santiago, Sergio Lopez-Doriga, Asif Sabanovic
A self optimizing autofocusing scheme for microscope integrated visual inspection systems. 4043-4048 - Yuta Noguchi, Masami Iwase, Shoshiro Hatakeyama, Masaki Izutsu:
A yoyo trick realized by parallel-link manipulator. 4049-4054 - Yosuke Mizutani, Seiichiro Katsura:
Achievement of high scaling gain macro-micro bilateral control system. 4055-4060 - Johannes Mayr, Hubert Gattringer, Hartmut Bremer:
Bipedal balancing control based on the centroidal momentum pivot and the best COM-CMP regulator. 4061-4066 - D. Kasun Prasanga, Takahiro Mizoguchi, Kazuki Tanida, Kouhei Ohnishi:
Compensation of backlash for teleoperated geared motor drive systems. 4067-4072 - Fábio Silveira Vidal, Paulo Fernando Ferreira Rosa, Adao de Melo Neto, Thiago Eustaquio Alves de Oliveira:
Cooperating robots for mapping tasks with a multilayer perceptron. 4073-4078 - Soner Ulun, Mustafa Unel:
Coordinated motion of UGVs and a UAV. 4079-4084 - Hiroki Tomori, Hiroshi Oshika, Taro Nakamura
, Hisashi Osumi, Kazunobu Hashimoto, Akitoshi Nozawa:
Development and control of 1-DOF manipulator using electrostrictive rubber actuator. 4085-4090 - Takumi Watanabe, Dai Tanaka, Daichi Kamo, Taro Nakamura
Development and control of 7-DOF artificial muscle manipulator considering redundancy. 4091-4096 - Houssem Saafi
, Med Amine Laribi
, Saïd Zeghloul, M. Yousef Ibrahim:
Development of a spherical parallel manipulator as a haptic device for a tele-operation system: Application to robotic surgery. 4097-4102 - Kenichi Katoh, Akiyuki Kawaguchi, Kazuki Uya, Makoto Nishikori:
Development of non-pulsatile tube pump. 4103-4108 - Dirk Rokossa:
Efficient robot programming with knowledge-integrated functional modules. 4109-4113 - Alok Agrawal, Bhuneshwar Prasad, Vinothkumar Viswanathan, Rajesh Kumar
, Sanjib Kumar Panda
Estimation and optimization of robotic fish design parameters for thrust velocity maximization. 4114-4119 - Daiki Takahashi, Takayuki Furuya, Sho Sakaino, Toshiaki Tsuji
, Yasuyoshi Kaneko:
Experimental evaluation of bilateral control of velocity control system using electric and hydraulic actuators. 4120-4125 - Hai-Peng Ren
, Chao Huang:
Experimental tracking control for pneumatic system. 4126-4130 - Takami Miyagi, Seiichiro Katsura:
Frequency model of haptic information in rubbing motion. 4132-4137 - Zhenishbek Zhakypov
, Edin Golubovic, Asif Sabanovic
Galvanometric optical laser beam steering system for microfactory application. 4138-4143 - Ioannis Arvanitakis
, Anthony Tzes
, Michalis Thanou:
Geodesic motion planning on 3D-terrains satisfying the robot's kinodynamic constraints. 4144-4149 - Joonhee Jo, Sung-Kyun Kim, Yonghwan Oh, Sang-Rok Oh
Grasping force control of a robotic hand based on a torque-velocity transformation using F/T sensors with gravity compensation. 4150-4155 - Mokutaro Kataoka, Hitoshi Kimura, Norio Inou:
Hermetically-sealed flexible mobile robot "MOLOOP" for narrow terrain exploration. 4156-4161 - Nguyen Anh Dung, Akira Shimada:
Humanoid climbing robot modeling in matlab-simechanics. 4162-4167 - Jesús Morales
, Jorge L. Martínez
, Anthony Mandow
, Antonio J. Reina
, Javier Serón
, Alfonso García-Cerezo
Improving 3D scan matching time of the coarse binary cubes method with fast spatial subsampling. 4168-4173 - Christos Papachristos, Kostas Alexis, Anthony Tzes
Linear quadratic optimal trajectory-tracking control of a longitudinal thrust vectoring-enabled unmanned Tri-TiltRotor. 4174-4179 - Jasmin Velagic, Admir Kaknjo, Muhidin Hujdur, Faruk Dautovic, Nedim Osmic
Localization of holonomous mobile robot HOLBOS using extended Kalman filter (EKF) and robotic vision. 4180-4185 - Mariko Mizuochi, Kouhei Ohnishi:
Low-impact dither-based contact detection in motion control. 4186-4191 - Yuki Nagatsu, Seiichiro Katsura:
Macro-micro bilateral control using Kalman filter based state observer for noise reduction and decoupling of modal space. 4192-4197 - Bernhard Mahler, Jan Haase
Mathematical model and control strategy of a two-wheeled self-balancing robot. 4198-4203 - Amir Maravandi, Mehrdad Moallem:
Modeling and design of a motion converter for utilization as a vibration energy harvester. 4204-4209 - Kae Doki, Kohjiro Hashimoto, Shinji Doki:
Modeling method of human action with HS considering its temporal and spatial differences. 4210-4215 - Hiroki Nagashima, Seiichiro Katsura:
Motion-copying system for different environmental impedance. 4216-4221 - Octavian Craciun, Veronica Biagini, Gunther Mechler, Gregor Stengel, Christian Reuber:
Multi-domain simulation and analysis of electromagnetically actuated reclosers. 4222-4227 - Zhenishbek Zhakypov
, Edin Golubovic, Tarik Uzunovic
, Asif Sabanovic
Nanometric positioning of a piezo walker. 4228-4234 - Pedro Neto
Off-line programming and simulation from CAD drawings: Robot-assisted sheet metal bending. 4235-4240 - Oleg Yu. Sergiyenko
, Daniel Hernández-Balbuena
, Alexander G. Gurko
, Igor V. Yanchevskiy, Vera Tyrsa, Moises Rivas-López, Julio Cesar Rodríguez-Quiñonez
Optimal kinematic control of a robotic excavator with laser TVS feedback. 4241-4246 - Takahiko Mori:
Power assist system with motion estimation using constrained predictive functional control. 4247-4252 - Masahito Ota, Takeki Ogitsu, Hiroshi Hisahara, Hiroshi Takemura, Yuki Ishii, Hiroshi Mizoguchi
Recovery function for human following robot losing target. 4253-4257 - Emma Delgado
, Miguel Díaz-Cacho
, Pablo Falcón, Antonio Barreiro
Robust stability in γ-4C based teleoperation. 4258-4263 - Naoyuki Kurita, Hiroki Hasunuma, Sho Sakaino, Toshiaki Tsuji
Simplified whole-body tactile sensing system using soft material at contact areas. 4264-4269 - Sajad Salmanipour
, Shahin Sirouspour:
Teleoperation of a mobile robot with model-predictive obstacle avoidance control. 4270-4275 - Eiichi Saito, Roberto Oboe
, Seiichiro Katsura:
Time delay compensation method based on reflected wave rejection. 4276-4281 - Takashi Yoshimi, Yuu Ohnuki, Kazutaka Yaguchi, Yoshinobu Ando, Makoto Mizukawa:
Trajectory generation for beverage can opening operation by single and dual robot arm. 4282-4287 - Danai Phaoharuhansa, Akira Shimada:
Trajectory tracking for wheeled inverted pendulum robot using tilt angle control. 4288-4293 - Takanori Kiyota, Yuki Fujita, Yasuhiro Minamiyama, Noboru Sugimoto:
Two-link pneumatic artificial muscle manipulator based on passive dynamic control. 4294-4299 - Sho Iwata, Yoshitomo Matsumi, Kouhei Ohnishi:
Two-step scaling micro-macro bilateral control using double master slave system. 4300-4305 - Caner Sahin
, Mustafa Unel:
Under vehicle perception for high level safety measures using a catadioptric camera system. 4306-4311 - Fernando J. Mendiburu, Marcos R. A. Morais, Antonio M. N. Lima
Visual feedback trajectory planning for object handling and obstacle avoidance. 4312-4317 - Ren C. Luo, Hong-Hao Chang, Jun Sheng, Peng-Hsi Chang:
Walking pattern generation with non-constant body height biped walking robot. 4318-4323 - Wenbin William Dai, Valeriy Vyatkin:
A component-based design pattern for improving reusability of automation programs. 4328-4333 - Mohammad Azam Javed, Seong-Hoon Peter Won, Mir Behrad Khamesee, William W. Melek, William S. Owen:
A laser scanning based reverse engineering system for 3D model generation. 4334-4339 - Ichiro Satoh:
A software testing framework for networked industrial systems. 4340-4345 - Pardis Khayyer, Ümit Özgüner, Orhan Behiç Alankus
A study on bus convoy energy consumption using Monte Carlo analysis. 4346-4350 - Ruth Cremer, Martin Bleider, Marcel Scheibmayer:
An energy wastage identification and prevention approach for the manufacturing industry. 4351-4356 - Hadi Akbarzadeh Khorshidi
, Indra Gunawan, M. Yousef Ibrahim:
An optimization model for multi-state weighted kout-of-n system reliability value. 4357-4361 - Mehdi Foumani
, M. Yousef Ibrahim, Indra Gunawan:
Cyclic scheduling in small-scale robotic cells served by a multi-function robot. 4362-4367 - Michael Steinegger, Alois Zoitl
, Martin Fein, Georg Schitter
Design patterns for separating fault handling from control code in discrete manufacturing systems. 4368-4373 - László Horváth, Imre J. Rudas:
Elevated level design intent and behavior driven feature definition for product modeling. 4374-4379 - Marcin Hurkala, Bryan O'Halloran, Heikki Nikula, Seppo A. Sierla
, Tommi Karhela, Valeriy Vyatkin:
Evaluation of electric grid automation under flood hazards. 4380-4385 - Christoph Legat
, Jens Folmer, Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Evolution in industrial plant automation: A case study. 4386-4391 - Lisa Abele, Stephan Grimm:
Knowledge-based integration of industrial plant models. 4392-4397 - Morteza Hashemi Farzaneh
, Stefan Feldmann, Christoph Legat
, Jens Folmer, Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Modeling Multicore Programmable Logic Controllers in Networked Automation Systems. 4398-4403 - Kamran Javed, Rafael Gouriveau
, Noureddine Zerhouni:
Novel failure prognostics approach with dynamic thresholds for machine degradation. 4404-4409 - José Ángel Araujo, Jesús Lázaro
, Armando Astarloa
, Aitzol Zuloaga
, Alain García:
PRP and HSR version 1 (IEC 62439-3 Ed.2), improvements and a prototype implementation. 4410-4415 - Ryosuke Nakamura, Kenji Sawada, Seiichi Shin, Kenji Kumagai, Hisato Yoneda:
Simultaneous optimization of dispatching and routing for OHT systems via hybrid system modeling. 4416-4421 - Angelica N. Nieto Lee, Luis E. Gonzalez Moctezuma, Jose L. Martinez Lastra
Visualization of Information in a Service-Oriented Production Control System. 4422-4428 - Bhaskar Pediredla, Kevin I-Kai Wang, Zoran Salcic
, Ameer Ivoghlian:
A 6LoWPAN implementation for memory constrained and power efficient wireless sensor nodes. 4432-4437 - Shingo Hattori, Kentaro Kobayashi, Hiraku Okada, Masaaki Katayama:
A note on adaptive coding scheme for improvement of reference tracking in wireless feedback control systems. 4438-4443 - Gaetano Patti
, Sebastiano Denaro, Giuliana Alderisi, Lucia Lo Bello
A three-tiered architecture based on IEEE 802.15.4 and Ethernet for precision farming applications. 4444-4450 - José Ángel Araujo, Jesús Lázaro
, Armando Astarloa
, Aitzol Zuloaga
, Naiara Moreira:
Duplicate and circulating frames discard methods for PRP and HSR (IEC62439-3). 4451-4456 - Stefan Szucsich, Lukas Krammer, Wolfgang Kastner
, Thomas Novak:
Efficient broadcast authentication for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks. 4457-4463 - Mohamed A. Ahmed
, Young-Chon Kim:
Efficient transmission of wind turbine upstream traffic in EPON-based communication network. 4464-4469 - Benjamin Dönz, Dietmar Bruckner:
Extracting and integrating structured information from web databases using rule-based semantic annotations. 4470-4475 - Pedro Reboredo, Matthias Keinert:
Integration of discrete manufacturing field devices data and services based on OPC UA. 4476-4481 - Hitoshi Yamazaki, Katumi Konishi, Seiichi Shin, Kenji Sawada:
Multistep scheduling algorithm for parallel and distributed processing with communication costs. 4482-4487 - Haris Isakovic, Armin Wasicek:
Secure channels in an integrated MPSoC architecture. 4488-4493 - Takeshi Tsujimura, Shigeki Muta, Kiyotaka Izumi
Transmission line switching technique based on active free-space optics system. 4494-4499 - Huanjia Yang, Weiwei Wu:
UWB-assisted real-time localization in wireless sensor networks. 4500-4505 - Ralf Schlesinger, Andreas Springer
VABS - A new approach for Real Time Ethernet. 4506-4511 - Jun-ichi Asano, Keiichiro Kondo:
A damping control method to enhance regenerative brake power under light consumption load conditions. 4516-4521 - Konstantinos N. Genikomsakis
, Christos S. Ioakimidis
, Hannes Eliasstam, Rainer Weingraber, Dragan Simic:
A non-myopic approach for a domotic battery management system. 4522-4527 - Nan Liu, Thomas G. Habetler:
A study of designing a universal inductive charger for Electric Vehicles. 4528-4533 - Kenta Tsukahara, Keiichiro Kondo:
A study on methods to design and select energy storage devices for Fuel Cell hybrid powered railway vehicles. 4534-4539 - João Pedro F. Trovão
, Victor D. N. Santos
, Paulo G. Pereirinha
, Humberto M. Jorge
, Carlos Henggeler Antunes
A unified energy management strategy for a dual-source electric vehicle. 4540-4545 - Majid Pahlevaninezhad, Shangzhi Pan, Praveen K. Jain:
A ZVS phase-shift full-bridge DC/DC converter with optimized reactive current used for electric vehicles. 4546-4551 - Daniela Chrenko, Alexandre Ravey
, Abdesslem Djerdir, Abdellatif Miraoui:
Adaptive control of hybrid vehicle depending on driving cycle analysis. 4552-4557 - Dexuan Zhu, Yi Tang
, Chi Jin, Peng Wang, Frede Blaabjerg
An efficiency improved single-phase PFC converter for electric vehicle charger applications. 4558-4563 - Mario A. Silva, Hugo Neves de Melo, João Pedro F. Trovão
, Paulo G. Pereirinha
, Humberto M. Jorge
An integrated fuzzy logic energy management for a dual-source electric vehicle. 4564-4569 - Eleni Gati, Stefanos N. Manias:
Asymmetric loading of a series resonant R-L-C circuit for power transfer increase in inductive chargers. 4570-4575 - Dalibor Cervinka
, Ivo Pazdera
, Petr Procházka
, Bohumil Klima:
Battery for small electric airplane. 4576-4579 - Xinan Zhang
, D. Mahinda Vilathgamuwa
, Gilbert Hock Beng Foo, King-Jet Tseng
, Karthik Kandasamy, Amit Kumar Gupta, Chandana Jayampathi Gajanayake:
Cascaded sliding mode control for global stability of three phase AC/DC PWM rectifier with rapidly varying power electronic loads. 4580-4587 - Philipp Spichartz, Constantinos Sourkounis
Conception of a novel converter topology for higher energy recuperation in electric vehicles. 4588-4593 - Karthik Kandasamy, D. Mahinda Vilathgamuwa
, Udaya K. Madawala, Robert Kuhn:
Contactless and replaceable modularized battery energy storage system for electric vehicles. 4594-4599 - Felipe Machado, João Pedro F. Trovão
, Carlos Henggeler Antunes
DC-link stability control for dual-source electric vehicles using an extended kalman filter. 4600-4605 - Ganesh R. Nagendra
, John T. Boys, Grant A. Covic, Baljit S. Riar
, Akshat Sondhi:
Design of a double coupled IPT EV highway. 4606-4611 - Saurabh P. Nikam, Shambhu Sau
, Baylon G. Fernandes
Design of switched reluctance motor based electric drive-train for intra-campus two wheeler. 4612-4617 - Michael Schael, Philipp Spichartz, M. Rehlander, Constantinos Sourkounis
Electric differential for electric vehicles using doubly-fed induction motors. 4618-4623 - Ivo Pazdera
, Petr Procházka
, Dalibor Cervinka
, Bohumil Klima:
Electrical drivetrain of the small airplane and mutual interaction of this drivetrain. 4624-4629 - Joni Markkula, Jussi Parviainen
, Jussi Collin
, Jarkko Tuomi, Pertti Järventausta
, Jarmo Takala
Energy consumption analysis for green routing - Data collection from electric vehicles. 4630-4634 - Xiaoliang Huang, Joao Marcus Abreu Curti, Yoichi Hori:
Energy management strategy with optimized power interface for the battery supercapacitor hybrid system of Electric Vehicles. 4635-4640 - Manes Recheis, Armin Buchroithner, Ivan Andrasec, Thomas Gallien, Bernhard Schweighofer, Michael Bader, Hannes Wegleiter:
Improving kinetic energy storage for vehicles through the combination of rolling element and active magnetic bearings. 4641-4646 - Nandha Kumar Kandasamy
, Balakrishnan Sivaneasan, Ping Lam So, David Z. W. Wang
Methodology for optimizing the number of electric vehicles deployed under a smart grid. 4647-4652 - Sangmin Lee, Jeeho Lee, Hyeongcheol Lee
, Sang Hoon Lee:
Modeling and control of Plug-In Hybrid Excavator. 4653-4659 - Abhijit Choudhury, Pragasen Pillay
, Sheldon S. Williamson:
Modified DC-link voltage balancing algorithm for a 3-level neutral point clamped (NPC) traction inverter based electric vehicle PMSM drive. 4660-4665 - Mazhar Moshirvaziri, Christo Malherbe, Andishe Moshirvaziri, Olivier Trescases:
Power-mix optimization for a hybrid ultracapacitor/battery pack in an electric vehicle using real-time GPS data. 4666-4671 - Bernardo Peschiera, Sheldon S. Williamson:
Review of inductive power transfer technology for electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. 4672-4677 - Mikhail Simonov, Antonio Attanasio, Davide Luzio:
Semantically-enriched electric car recharge optimization toolkit for load control. 4678-4683 - Marcio C. B. P. Rodrigues, Igor D. N. Souza, Andre A. Ferreira, Pedro G. Barbosa
, Henrique A. C. Braga
Simultaneous active power filter and G2V (or V2G) operation of EV on-board power electronics. 4684-4689 - Takuya Katayama, Takeki Ogitsu, Hikaru Kokumai, Hiroshi Takemura, Tomohiro Nakayama, Hiroshi Mizoguchi
Study on effect of neutral voltages on shaft voltages causing bearing currents. 4690-4693 - Nicolas Damay, Christophe Forgez, Marie-Pierre Bichat, Guy Friedrich, Alejandro Ospina
Thermal modeling and experimental validation of a large prismatic Li-ion battery. 4694-4699 - Davide Rivola, Alessandro Giusti
, Matteo Salani, Andrea Emilio Rizzoli
, Roman Rudel, Luca Maria Gambardella
A decentralized approach to demand side load management: The Swiss2Grid project. 4704-4709 - Tim Dethlefs, Wolfgang Renz:
A distributed registry for service-based energy management systems. 4710-4714 - Simon Ostermann
, Thomas S. Eiter, Vlad Nae, Radu Prodan
A framework for region-based instrumentation of energy consumption of program executions. 4715-4720 - Sebastian Ruthe, Christian Rehtanz
, Sebastian Lehnhoff:
A market-oriented stochastic optimization framework and its application in the energy domain. 4721-4726 - Christoph M. Flath
An optimization approach for the design of time-of-use rates. 4727-4732 - Hông-Ân Cao, Christian Beckel, Thorsten Staake:
Are domestic load profiles stable over time? An attempt to identify target households for demand side management campaigns. 4733-4738 - Yannic Domigall, Antonia Albani, Robert Winter:
Effects of demand charging and photovoltaics on the grid. 4739-4744 - Samuel Pfaffen, Karl Werlen, Stephan Koch:
Evaluation of business models for the economic exploitation of flexible thermal loads. 4745-4750 - Carl Binding, Douglas Dykeman, Norbert Ender, Dieter Gantenbein, Fabian L. Mueller, Wolf-Christian Rumsch, Olle Sundström, Heiner Tschopp:
FlexLast: An IT-centric solution for balancing the electric power grid. 4751-4755 - Torsten Ullrich, Nelson Silva
, Eva Eggeling, Dieter W. Fellner:
Generative modeling and numerical optimization for energy efficient buildings. 4756-4761 - Andreas Berl, Sonja Klingert
, Michael Till Beck, Hermann de Meer:
Integrating data centres into demand-response management: A local case study. 4762-4767 - Verena Tiefenbeck, Vojkan Tasic, Samuel Schöb, Thorsten Staake:
Mechatronics to drive environmental sustainability: Measuring, visualizing and transforming consumer patterns on a large scale. 4768-4773 - Mats Larsson, Luis-Fabiano Santos, Andreas Surányi, Walter Sattinger, Roland Notter:
Monitoring of oscillations in the continental European transmission grid. 4774-4778 - Matthias Prandtstetter
, Markus Straub
, Jakob Puchinger
On the way to a multi-modal energy-efficient route. 4779-4784 - Stefan Sprick, Marcus Grieger, Andrej Werner:
Renewable energy supply chain management in the context of Virtual Power Systems. 4785-4790 - Andrea Monacchi, Wilfried Elmenreich, Salvatore D'Alessandro, Andrea M. Tonello:
Strategies for domestic energy conservation in Carinthia and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. 4791-4796 - Judith Schwarzer, Albert Kiefel, Dominik Engel
The role of user interaction and acceptance in a cloud-based demand response model. 4797-4802 - Christian Neureiter
, Günther Eibl
, Armin Veichtlbauer, Dominik Engel
Towards a framework for engineering smart-grid-specific privacy requirements. 4803-4808 - Sebastian Speiser, Andreas Wagner, Oliver Raabe, Andreas Harth
Web technologies and privacy policies for the Smart Grid. 4809-4814 - Binxin Zhou, Yueping Mo, Wei Jiang
, Stephen J. Finney, Barry W. Williams:
A linear equation solution space based control algorithm for the matrix converter. 4818-4823 - Saurabh Tewari, Ranjan Kumar Gupta, Apurva Somani, Ned Mohan:
A new sinusoidal input-output three-phase full-bridge direct power converter. 4824-4830 - Ashish Kumar Sahoo, Kaushik Basu
, Ned Mohan:
Comparison of filter components of back-to-back and matrix converter by analytical estimation of ripple quantities. 4831-4837 - Kentaro Inomata, Hidenori Hara, Shinya Morimoto, Junji Fujii, Kotaro Takeda, Eiji Yamamoto, Eiji Watanabe, Jun Kang:
Enhanced fault ride through capability of matrix converter for wind power system. 4838-4843 - Quoc-Hoan Tran
, Tae-Won Chun, Hong-Hee Lee:
Fault tolerant strategy for inverter stage in indirect matrix converter. 4844-4849 - Omar Ellabban
, Haitham Abu-Rub
, Baoming Ge:
Field oriented control of an induction motor fed by a quasi-Z-source direct matrix converter. 4850-4855 - Thiago Batista Soeiro
, Marcelo Lobo Heldwein
High efficiency Indirect Matrix Converter topologies. 4856-4861 - Goh Teck Chiang, Koji Orikawa, Yoshiya Ohnuma, Jun-ichi Itoh:
Improvement of output voltage with SVM in three-phase AC to DC isolated matrix converter. 4862-4867 - Qiong Wang, Bo Wen, Xuning Zhang, Rolando Burgos
, Paolo Mattavelli, Dushan Boroyevich
Input and output EMI filter design procedure for matrix converters. 4868-4873 - Carlos A. Reusser, César A. Silva, Pablo Dominguez:
Low frequency sensorless Field Oriented Control of an induction machine fed by a direct matrix converter. 4874-4879 - Nathalie Holtsmark, Marta Molinas
Matrix converter modulation for series-connected wind turbines with high frequency link. 4880-4885 - Zhaoyang Yan, Ruixue Li, Shuchao Xu, Jianxia Li:
Modeling and control of high frequency link three-phase four-leg matrix converter. 4886-4891 - Gysler Castelino, Ned Mohan:
Modulation and commutation of Matrix Converter based Power Electronic Transformer using a single FPGA. 4892-4898 - Patricio Cortes, Jonas E. Huber
, Marcelo Silva, Johann W. Kolar:
New modulation and control scheme for phase-modular isolated matrix-type three-phase AC/DC converter. 4899-4906 - Pablo Petrowitsch, Marco Rivera, José Rodríguez
, Alejandro Olloqui, José Luis Elizondo
, Manuel E. Macías, Osvaldo M. Micheloud
, José R. Espinoza
, Pat Wheeler
, Pericle Zanchetta:
Predictive voltage control with imposed source current waveforms in an indirect matrix converter. 4907-4912 - Christian A. Rojas
, Marcelo A. Pérez, Alan Wilson, José Rodríguez
Reactive power control using a carrier-based modulation for Cascaded Matrix Converter. 4913-4918 - Janina Rzasa
Research on dual matrix converter feeding an open-end-winding load controlled with the use of rotating space vectors. 4919-4924 - Janina Rzasa
, Grzegorz Garus:
Research on dual matrix converter feeding an open-end-winding load controlled with the use of rotating space vectors. 4925-4930 - Siddharth Raju
, Ned Mohan:
Space vector modulated hybrid indirect multilevel matrix converter. 4931-4936 - Merlin Chai, Rukmi Dutta
, John E. Fletcher:
Space vector PWM for three-to-five phase indirect matrix converters with d2-q2 vector elimination. 4937-4942 - Sk Moin Ahmed, Haitham Abu-Rub
, Zainal Salam, Atif Iqbal:
Space vector PWM technique for a direct five-to-three-phase matrix converter. 4943-4948 - Sk Moin Ahmed, Haitham Abu-Rub
, Zainal Salam, Abdellah Kouzou
Space vector PWM technique for a novel three-to-seven phase matrix converter. 4949-4954 - Quanxue Guan
, Ping Yang, Quansheng Guan, Xiaohong Wang:
SVD-based indirect space vector modulation with feedforward compensation for matrix converters. 4955-4960 - Bo Feng, Hua Lin, Xingwei Wang:
Switching losses reduced modulation strategies for AC-DC Matrix Converter. 4961-4966 - Nathalie Holtsmark, Marta Molinas
Thermal analysis of matrix and Back-To-Back converters for series-connected wind turbines. 4967-4972 - Pavel Drábek, Martin Pittermann
, Miroslav Los, Bedrich Bednár:
Traction drive with medium-frequency transformer - Smoothing trolley current by inserting zero vectors. 4973-4978 - Ahmed M. Gaouda:
Adaptive Partial Discharge monitoring system for future smart grids. 4982-4987 - Kaustav Basu
, Vincent Debusschere
, Seddik Bacha
Residential appliance identification and future usage prediction from smart meter. 4994-4999 - Thomas Bier, Dirk Benyoucef, Djaffar Ould Abdeslam, Jean Mercklé, Philipp Klein:
Smart meter systems measurements for the verification of the detection & classification algorithms. 5000-5005 - Philipp Klein, Jean Mercklé, Dirk Benyoucef, Thomas Bier:
Test bench and quality measures for non-intrusive load monitoring algorithms. 5006-5011 - Hector Sarnago
, Oscar Lucía
, Arturo Mediano, José M. Burdio
A comparative evaluation of high-efficiency resonant converters for domestic induction heating. 5016-5022 - Naoki Yamamoto, Eiji Hiraki, Toshihiko Tanaka, Yukiharu Yamada, Tatsuya Nagao, Yasuhiro Miyake, Yujiro Noda:
A study on GaN inverter based MHz frequency induction heating for tiny metals. 5023-5027 - Takayuki Hirokawa, Eiji Hiraki, Toshihiko Tanaka, Makoto Imai, Kenji Yasui, Shinichiro Sumiyoshi:
Dual-frequency multiple-output resonant soft-switching inverter for induction heating cooking appliances. 5028-5033 - Alberto Domínguez, Aránzazu Otín
, Luis Angel Barragan, José Ignacio Artigas
, Denis Navarro, Isidoro Urriza
Frequency-to-output-power transfer function measurement of a resonant inverter for domestic induction heating applications. 5034-5039 - Federico Moro
, Piergiorgio Alotto
, Massimo Guarnieri, Andrea Stella:
Impedance design of cooking appliances with multilayer induction-efficient cookware. 5040-5045 - Takanori Isobe, Ryuichi Shimada:
New power supply topologies enabling high performance induction heating by using MERS. 5046-5051 - Al-Thaddeus Avestruz
, Arthur H. Chang, Shahriar Rohinton Khushrushahi, Arijit Banerjee
, Steven B. Leeb:
Single-sided AC magnetic fields for induction heating. 5052-5057 - Raul Rabinovici, Vadim Berdichevsky, Moshe Shvartsas:
Stability of a levitation melting system fed by an ideal series resonant converter. 5058-5063 - Yoshinori Nagao, Tetsuzo Sakamoto:
Temperature distribution analysis for modeling of metal ring induction heater. 5064-5069 - Xiaohua Ge
, Qing-Long Han, Fuwen Yang
, Xian-Ming Zhang
Distributed event-triggered H∞ filtering over sensor networks with coupling delays. 5074-5079 - Xian-Ming Zhang
, Qing-Long Han:
Event-triggered mixed H∞ and passive control of linear systems via dynamic output feedback. 5080-5085 - Jia Wang, Qing-Long Han, Fuwen Yang
Event-triggered output feedback dissipative control for network-based systems. 5086-5091 - Antoni Mir Cantarellas, Elyas Rakhshani
, Daniel Remon, Pedro Rodríguez
Grid connection control of VSC-based high power converters for wave energy applications. 5092-5097 - Bao-Lin Zhang, Guan-Nan Zhang, Qing-Long Han:
Network-based control for offshore steel jacket platform subject to wave-induced force. 5098-5102 - Vesa Hasu, Mikael Björkbom:
On suboptimal Kalman filtering in case of cluttered observations. 5103-5108 - Hao Su
, Gong-You Tang
Quasi-internal model control approach for networked control systems with disturbances. 5109-5114 - Najath Abdul Azeez, Jaison Mathew
, K. Gopakumar, Carlo Cecati
A 5th and 7th order harmonic suppression scheme for open-end winding asymmetrical six-phase IM drive using capacitor-fed inverter. 5118-5123 - Jorge Rodas, Raúl Gregor
, Yoshihico Takase, Higinio Moreira, Marco Rivera:
A comparative study of reduced order estimators applied to the speed control of six-phase generator for a WT applications. 5124-5129 - Victor F. M. B. Melo, Cursino Brandão Jacobina, Nady Rocha
AC-DC-AC six-phase machine drive system based on single-phase bridge converters. 5130-5135 - Milan Darijevic, Martin Jones, Emil Levi:
Analysis of dead-time effects in a five-phase open-end drive with unequal DC link voltages. 5136-5141 - Stefano Serri, Angelo Tani, Giovanni Serra:
Analytical model of radial forces considering mutual effects between torque and levitation current space vectors in 5-phase PM bearingless motors. 5142-5147 - Saifullah Payami, Ranjan Kumar Behera, Atif Iqbal:
Common mode voltage elimination for three-level five-phase neutral point clamped inverter. 5148-5154 - Alejandro G. Yepes
, Jano Malvar, Ana Vidal
, Óscar Lopez, Jesús Doval-Gandoy
Current harmonic compensation in symmetrical multiphase machines by resonant controllers in synchronous reference frames - Part 1: Extension to any phase number. 5155-5160 - Alejandro G. Yepes
, Jano Malvar, Ana Vidal
, Óscar Lopez, Jesús Doval-Gandoy
Current harmonic compensation in symmetrical multiphase machines by resonant controllers in synchronous reference frames - Part 2: Computational load. 5161-5166 - Shaikh Moinoddin, Haitham Abu-Rub
, Atif Iqbal:
Dual five-phase power supply system using a three to ten-phase transformer connection. 5167-5172 - Angelo Tani, Giovanni Serra, Michele Mengoni
, Luca Zarri
, Giancarlo Rini, Domenico Casadei
Dynamic stator current sharing in quadruple three-phase induction motor drives. 5173-5178 - Hang Seng Che, Martin Jones, Emil Levi, José A. Riveros
, Blas Bogado, Federico Barrero
Experimental magnetizing inductance identification in five-phase induction machines. 5179-5184 - Jelena Loncarski
, Obrad Dordevic, Gabriele Grandi
Experimental verification of current ripple amplitude in five-phase PWM VSIs. 5185-5190 - Fabien Meinguet, Ngac Ky Nguyen
, Paul Sandulescu, Xavier Kestelyn
, Eric Semail
Fault-tolerant operation of an open-end winding five-phase PMSM drive with inverter faults. 5191-5196 - Jano Malvar, Óscar Lopez, Alejandro G. Yepes
, Ana Vidal
, Jesús Doval-Gandoy
Interactions between time and spatial harmonics in a series-connected five-phase two-motor drive. 5197-5202 - Gabriele Rizzoli
, Giovanni Serra, Paolo Maggiore
, Alberto Tenconi:
Optimized design of a multiphase induction machine for an open rotor aero-engine shaft-line-embedded starter/generator. 5203-5208 - Nandor Bodo, Martin Jones, Emil Levi, Atif Iqbal:
PWM techniques for an open-end winding seven-phase drive with a single DC source supply. 5209-5214 - Blas Bogado, Federico Barrero
, Manuel R. Arahal, Sergio Toral, Emil Levi:
Sensitivity to electrical parameter variations of Predictive Current Control in multiphase drives. 5215-5220 - Shixiong Fan
, Jin Yang
, Weiwei Ma, Guangyi Liu, Zhanyong Yang, Barry W. Williams:
A coordinated control scheme for power demand changes in a PMSG based multi-terminal DC wind farm. 5224-5229 - Hongrae Kim, Jyoti Sastry, Jouko Niiranen, Di Pan:
Active compensator augmented diode bridge rectifier wind system. 5230-5235 - Ahmed A. Aboushady
, Khaled H. Ahmed
, Barry W. Williams:
Compact multi-modular design of high power DC/DC resonant converters for offshore wind energy HVDC transmission. 5236-5241 - Javier Chivite-Zabalza, Carlos Girones, Ainhoa Carcar, Igor Larrazabal, Eneko Olea, Mikel Zabaleta:
Comparison of power conversion topologies for a multi-megawatt off-shore wind turbine, based on commercial Power Electronic Building Blocks. 5242-5247 - Lila Croci, André Martinez, Patrick Coirault
, Gérard Champenois
, Jean-Paul Gaubert:
Comparison of two Passivity-Based Control strategies for a wind power generator. 5248-5253 - Enrique Belenguer
, Ricardo Vidal
, Hector Beltran, Ramón Blasco Giménez:
Control strategy for islanded operation of offshore wind power plants connected through a VSCHVDC link. 5254-5259 - Edin Golubovic, E. Emre Ozsoy
, Metin Gokasan
, Asif Sabanovic
Design and analysis of robust rotor current controller for doubly fed induction generator. 5260-5265 - Alfonso Damiano
, Ignazio Marongiu, Andrea Monni, Mario Porru
Design of a 10 MW multi-phase PM synchronous generator for direct-drive wind turbines. 5266-5270 - Sohail Khan
, Mohsin Shahzad, Peter Palensky, Khurram Jahangir:
Dynamics of wind-turbine driven Self-Excited Induction Generator with online parameter calculation. 5271-5275 - Ignacio Gonzalez, Mario J. Durán
, Hang Seng Che, Emil Levi, Federico Barrero
Fault-tolerant control of six-phase induction generators in wind energy conversion systems with series-parallel machine-side converters. 5276-5281 - Zhong Zheng, Geng Yang, Hua Geng:
High voltage ride-through control strategy of grid-side converter for DFIG-based WECS. 5282-5287 - Lirong Zhang, Yi Wang, Heming Li, Pin Sun:
Hybrid power control of cascaded STATCOM/BESS for wind farm integration. 5288-5293 - Yunlu Guo, Hua Geng, Geng Yang:
LVRT capability and improved control scheme of PMSG-based WECS during asymmetrical grid faults. 5294-5299 - Abdelouahab Khattara
, Mohamed Becherif
, Mohamed-Yacine Ayad, Mbarek Bahri, Abdennacer Aboubou
Optimal number of DFIG wind turbines in farm using Pareto genetic algorithm to minimize cost and turbines fault effect. 5300-5305 - Salvador Alepuz
, Alejandro Calle, Sergio Busquets-Monge
, Joan Nicolas-Apruzzese
, Josep Bordonau:
Predictive current control of a back-to-back NPC wind energy conversion system to meet low voltage ride-through requirements. 5306-5311 - Jie Tian
, Chi Su, Zhe Chen
Reactive power capability of the wind turbine with Doubly Fed Induction Generator. 5312-5317 - Xueguang Zhang, Dakun Duan, Hanlin Zhan, Dianguo Xu:
Research on DFIG flux damping control strategy based on imaginary damping winding. 5318-5323 - Valeriy Vyatkin, Cheng Pang, Yinbai Deng, Majid Sorouri, Horst Mayer:
System-level architecture for building automation systems: Object-orientated design and simulation. 5334-5339 - Filip Andren
, Thomas I. Strasser
, Wolfgang Kastner
Towards a common modeling approach for Smart Grid automation. 5340-5346 - Chen-Wei Yang, Jeffrey Yan, Valeriy Vyatkin:
Towards implementation of Plug-and-Play and distributed HMI for the FREEDM system with IEC 61499. 5347-5353 - Andrea Benigni, Antonello Monti, Ravinder Venugopal:
Advancements and challenges of a multi-platform real time simulation lab for power applications. 5358-5363 - Karl Schoder, James Langston, Michael Steurer:
Commissioning of MW-scale Power Hardware-in-the-Loop interfaces for experiments with AC/DC Converters. 5364-5367 - Antonio Griffo
, Daniel Edward Salt, Rafal Wrobel, David Drury
Computationally efficient modelling of permanent magnet synchronous motor drives for real-time Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation. 5368-5373 - Mohamed Dagbagi, Asma Hemdani, Lahoucine Idkhajine
, Mohamed Wissem Naouar, Eric Monmasson
, Ilhem Slama-Belkhodja
FPGA-based Real-Time Hardware-In-the-Loop validation of a 3-phase PWM rectifier controller. 5374-5379 - Bogdan-Ionut Craciun, Tamas Kerekes
, Dezso Sera
, Remus Teodorescu
, Ron Brandl
, Thomas Degner, Dominik Geibel, Hermes Hernández:
Grid integration of PV power based on PHIL testing using different interface algorithms. 5380-5385 - In-Kwon Park, Paul Forsyth, Rick Kuffel, Ehsan Tara:
Hardware in the loop (HILS) testing of a power electronics controller with RTDS. 5386-5391 - Evgenije M. Adzic, Stevan Grabic, Marko Vekic, Vlado Porobic, Nikola Fischer Celanovic:
Hardware-in-the-Loop optimization of the 3-phase grid connected converter controller. 5392-5397 - Panos Kotsampopoulos
, Nikos D. Hatziargyriou, Benoît Bletterie, Georg Lauss, Thomas I. Strasser
Introduction of advanced testing procedures including PHIL for DG providing ancillary services. 5398-5404 - Can Wang, Wei Li, Jean Bélanger:
Real-time and faster-than-real-time simulation of Modular Multilevel Converters using standard multi-core CPU and FPGA chips. 5405-5411 - Christian Seitl, Johannes Kathan, Georg Lauss, Felix Lehfuss:
Selection and implementation of a generic battery model for PHIL applications. 5412-5417 - Jean Bélanger, Amine Yamane, Andy Yen, Sébastien Cense, Pierre-Yves Robert:
Validation of eHS FPGA reconfigurable low-latency electric and power electronic circuit solver. 5418-5423 - Danping He, Jorge Portilla
, Teresa Riesgo:
A 3D multi-objective optimization planning algorithm for wireless sensor networks. 5428-5433 - Ángeles Rodríguez-Serrano, Antonio Torralba
, Enrique Rodríguez-Valencia, Jose Tarifa-Galisteo:
A communication system from EV to EV Service Provider based on OCPP over a wireless network. 5434-5438 - Elena Aguilar, Antonio J. Torralba
, Luis Collar, Daniel Villalba:
A Service Oriented Wireless Platform for Acquisition and Control (SOWPAC). 5444-5449 - Tae-Hun Ki, Hyunseok Kim, Chelho Chung, Young-Han Kim, Kyusung Bae, Jongbae Kim:
Design of a low-power digital processor for a security passive RFID tag. 5450-5454 - Gabriel Mujica, Victor Rosello, Jorge Portilla
, Teresa Riesgo:
On-the-fly dynamic reprogramming mechanism for increasing the energy efficiency and supporting multi-experimental capabilities in WSNs. 5455-5460 - Shanthi Vellingiri, Apala Ray, Mallikarjun Kande:
Wireless infrastructure for oil and gas inventory management. 5461-5466 - Eduardo Hidalgo Fort, Fernando Muñoz
, Alfonso Guerrero de Mier, Ramón G. Carvajal, Rubén Martín-Clemente
Wireless inventory of traffic signs based on passive RFID technology. 5467-5471 - Mohamed Lamine Masmoudi, Erik Etien
, Sandrine Moreau, Anas Sakout
Bearing Fault diagnosis using a pre-filtering and a spectral identification algorithm. 5476-5481 - Shahin Hedayati Kia, Humberto Henao, Gérard-André Capolino
Gear tooth surface damage fault profile identification using stator current space vector instantaneous frequency. 5482-5488 - Vinicius Prado da Fonseca, Paulo F. F. Rosa:
Indoors object location protocol in a smart home. 5492-5497 - Van-Dung Hoang
, My-Ha Le, Danilo Cáceres Hernández, Kang-Hyun Jo
Localization estimation based on Extended Kalman filter using multiple sensors. 5498-5503 - Young-Yong Kim, Mun-Ho Jeong, Dong Joong Kang:
Mobile robot calibration. 5504-5506 - Donguk Seo, Hansung Park, Kang-Hyun Jo
, Kangik Eom, Sungmin Yang, Taeho Kim:
Omnidirectional stereo vision based vehicle detection and distance measurement for driver assistance system. 5507-5511 - Jae Seok Jang, Kwang Hee Won, Soon Ki Jung
Rotation estimation for visual odometry using 3D vector correspondence. 5512-5515 - Alexander Filonenko, Kang-Hyun Jo
Visual surveillance with sensor network for accident detection. 5516-5521 - Petros S. Karvelis
, Ioannis P. Tsoumas
, George K. Georgoulas, Chrysostomos D. Stylios, Jose Alfonso Antonino-Daviu
, Vicente Climente-Alarcon
An intelligent icons approach for rotor bar fault detection. 5526-5531 - Qi Wang, Xiling Tang, Cheng Ding, Yao He, Yanjun Fang:
Automatic alignment system based on center point recognition of analog measuring instruments dial. 5532-5536 - Thomas W. Rauber, Flávio Miguel Varejão, Fábio Fabris, Alexandre Rodrigues, Marcos Pellegrini Ribeiro:
Automatic diagnosis of submersible motor pump conditions in offshore oil exploration. 5537-5542 - Mohammed Obaid Mustafa
, George Nikolakopoulos, Thomas Gustafsson
Experimental evaluation of a broken rotor bar fault detection scheme based on Uncertainty Bounds violation. 5543-5548 - Ahmed Abu-Siada
, Syed Mofizul Islam
Image processing-based on-line technique to detect power transformer winding faults. 5549-5554 - Jose Alfonso Antonino-Daviu
, Vicente Climente-Alarcon
, Ioannis P. Tsoumas
, George K. Georgoulas, Rafael B. Pérez:
Multi-harmonic tracking for diagnosis of rotor asymmetries in wound rotor induction motors. 5555-5560 - Marcin Wolkiewicz
, Czeslaw T. Kowalski:
On-line neural network-based stator fault diagnosis system of the converter-fed induction motor drive. 5561-5566 - Apala Ray, Johan Åkerberg, Mikael Gidlund
, Mats Björkman:
A solution for industrial device commissioning along with the initial trust establishment. 5570-5575 - Junqi Duan, Dong Yang, Sidong Zhang, Jing Zhao, Mikael Gidlund
A trust management scheme for industrial wireless sensor networks. 5576-5581 - Song Han, Yi-Hung Wei, Aloysius K. Mok, Deji Chen, Mark Nixon, Eric Rotvold:
Building wireless embedded internet for industrial automation. 5582-5587 - Behdad Aminian, José Araújo
, Mikael Johansson, Karl Henrik Johansson
GISOO: A virtual testbed for wireless cyber-physical systems. 5588-5593 - Kan Yu, Mikael Gidlund
, Johan Åkerberg, Mats Björkman:
Low jitter scheduling for Industrial Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks. 5594-5599 - Mohamed Hamid, Javier Ferrer-Coll, Niclas Björsell, José Chilo, Wendy Van Moer:
Multi-interference detection algorithm using discriminant analysis in industrial environments. 5600-5604 - Federico Tramarin
, Stefano Vitturi
Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11g multi-rate support for industrial applications. 5605-5610 - Joni Silvo, Lasse M. Eriksson, Mikael Björkbom, Shekar Nethi:
Ultra-reliable and real-time communication in local wireless applications. 5611-5616 - Razvan-Ioan Dinita
, George B. Wilson
, Adrian Winckles, Marcian N. Cirstea
, Tim Rowsell:
A novel autonomous management distributed system for cloud computing environments. 5620-5625 - Gina Torres, Manel Velasco
, Pau Martí, Josep M. Fuertes, Enric X. Martín:
An Alternative Discrete-Time Model for Networked Control Systems with time delay less than the sampling period. 5626-5631 - Koichi Kobayashi, Kunihiko Hiraishi:
Controller design of networked control systems with multiple delays using interval methods. 5632-5637 - Yufeng Lin, Qing-Long Han, Fuwen Yang
, Dennis Jarvis:
Event-triggered H∞ filtering for networked systems based on network dynamics. 5638-5643 - Yanpeng Guan, Qing-Long Han, Chen Peng:
Event-triggered output feedback control for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. 5644-5649 - Ignacio Peñarrocha
, Adrian Dinu, Roberto Sanchis
Experimental test of power saving strategies in a networked based control over a wireless platform. 5650-5655 - Koichi Kobayashi, Kunihiko Hiraishi:
Modeling and optimal control of multi-hop control networks based on the MLD framework. 5656-5661 - Naohiro Yamamoto, Tadanao Zanma
, Kang-Zhi Liu
Optimal control for networked control systems with stochastic data dropout. 5662-5667 - Olli Kilkki, Mikael Björkbom:
Optimization of control transmissions by event-driven model prediction. 5668-5673 - Ahmet Kuzu, Eray A. Baran, Seta Bogosyan, Metin Gokasan
, Asif Sabanovic
Performance comparison of compression techniques used in bilateral control. 5674-5679 - Hiroshi Miyata, Mitaro Namiki, Mikiko Sato:
sQoS: The design and prototyping of secure QoS for process automation system. 5680-5685 - Ahmet Kuzu, Eray A. Baran, Seta Bogosyan, Metin Gokasan
, Asif Sabanovic
WPT based compression for bilateral control. 5686-5691 - Johannes Fütterer
, Ana Constantin, Martin Schmidt, Rita Streblow, Dirk Müller
, Elias B. Kosmatopoulos:
A multifunctional demonstration bench for advanced control research in buildings - Monitoring, control, and interface system. 5696-5701 - Lukas Krammer, Dominik Bunyai, Wolfgang Kastner
A software-based redundancy concept for building automation networks. 5702-5709 - Sérgio Leal, Daniele Basciotti, Ralf-Roman Schmidt:
Deployment of a wireless monitoring system for indoor comfort assessment in a smart heat load-shifting context. 5710-5715 - Markus Jung, Wolfgang Kastner
Efficient group communication based on Web services for reliable control in wireless automation. 5716-5722 - Seung Ho Hong, Se Hwan Kim, Jin Ho Kim, Yun Gi Kim, Gi Myung Kim, Won Seok Song:
Integrated BACnet-ZigBee communication for building energy management system. 5723-5728 - Michael Rathmair, Jan Haase
Load identification and management framework for private households. 5729-5734 - Tarik Ferhatbegovic, Stefan Hauer, Gerhard Zucker:
Methodology for deploying model based control concepts for load shaping in the non-residential building sector. 5735-5740 - Peder Bacher
, Henrik Madsen
, Henrik Aalborg Nielsen:
Online short-term heat load forecasting for single family houses. 5741-5746 - Sérgio Leal, Florian Dubisch, Florian Stift, Gerhard Zucker, Peter Palensky:
Semi-automated deployment of Simulation-aided Building Controls. 5747-5754 - Yoseba K. Penya, Cruz E. Borges
, Aitor Peña, Oihane Kamara Esteban:
Service-orientation vs. real-time: Integrating smart-homes into the smart-grid. 5755-5760 - Luca Tarisciotti
, Pericle Zanchetta, Alan J. Watson
, Jon C. Clare
, Stefano Bifaretti
, Marco Rivera:
A new predictive control method for cascaded multilevel converters with intrinsic modulation scheme. 5764-5769 - Roberto O. Ramírez
, José R. Espinoza
, Felipe A. Villarroel, Eduardo A. Maurelia, Marcelo E. Reyes
, Eduardo E. Espinosa
A novel hybrid finite control set model predictive control scheme with reduced switching. 5770-5775 - Mohamed Trabelsi
, Lazhar Ben-Brahim, Khalid A. Ghazi:
An improved Real-Time Digital Feedback Control for grid-tie multilevel inverter. 5776-5781 - Ki Chun Ng, Liuping Wang
Cascaded and centralized model predictive control of power converter. 5782-5787 - Sergio Vazquez, Carlos Montero, Carlos Bordons
, Leopoldo García Franquelo
Design and experimental validation of a Model Predictive Control strategy for a VSI with long prediction horizon. 5788-5793 - Pablo Lezana
, Margarita Norambuena
, Ricardo P. Aguilera
, Daniel E. Quevedo
Dual-stage model predictive control for Flying Capacitor Converters. 5794-5799 - Eduardo E. Espinosa
, José R. Espinoza
, Roberto O. Ramírez
, Marcelo E. Reyes
, Pedro E. Melin, Javier A. Muñoz
, Carlos R. Baier
Finite Control Set - Model Predictive Control applied to multicell rectifiers. 5800-5805 - Maria Stefania Carmeli
, Gabrio Superti-Furga
Generalized master-slave current tracking for multiswitching converters with predictive slave algorithm. 5806-5811 - Mostafa Mosa, Haitham Abu-Rub
, José Rodríguez
High performance predictive control applied to three phase grid connected Quasi-Z-Source Inverter. 5812-5817 - Petros P. Karamanakos
, Tobias Geyer, Nikolaos Oikonomou, Frederick Kieferndorf, Stefanos N. Manias:
Model predictive control in power electronics: Strategies to reduce the computational complexity. 5818-5823 - Gionata Cimini
, Valentino Fossi, Gianluca Ippoliti
, Stefano Mencarelli, Giuseppe Orlando
, Matteo Pirro:
Model predictive control solution for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors. 5824-5829 - Jaime Addin Rohten, José R. Espinoza
, Felipe Villarroel, Javier A. Muñoz
, Carlos R. Baier
, Pedro E. Melin, Daniel Sbarbaro:
Predictive control for static power converters working in wide frequency ranges. 5830-5835 - Santiago A. Verne, Sergio A. González, María Inés Valla:
Predictive control of a cascade asymmetric multilevel converter with split redundant states. 5836-5841 - P. Zavala, Marco Rivera, Samir Kouro
, José Rodríguez
, Bin Wu, Venkata Yaramasu
, Carlos R. Baier
, Javier A. Muñoz
, José R. Espinoza
, Pedro E. Melin:
Predictive control of a current source rectifier with imposed sinusoidal input currents. 5842-5847 - Marcelo Pozo-Palma, Mario Pacas:
Predictive torque control for an induction machine with a virtual multilevel inverter. 5848-5853 - Omar Ellabban
, Haitham Abu-Rub
, José Rodríguez:
Predictive torque control of an induction motor fed by a bidirectional quasi Z-source inverter. 5854-5859 - Andraz Kontarcek, Primoz Bajec, Mitja Nemec, Vanja Ambrozic
Single open-phase fault detection in permanent magnet synchronous machine through current prediction. 5860-5865 - Manuel R. Arahal, María Castilla
, José Domingo Álvarez
, Jorge A. Sanchez:
Subharmonic content in Finite-State Model Predictive Current Control of IM. 5866-5872 - Masato Koyama, Yasutaka Fujimoto
Comparison between zero power control methods of spiral motor. 5876-5881 - Ko Okiyama, Toshiyuki Murakami:
Integration of robot task and human skill with bilateral control. 5882-5887 - Hiroki Onoyama, Seiichiro Katsura:
Motion-copying system for education system with variable reproductivity. 5888-5893 - Yusuke Furuya, Takahiro Mikami, Tatsuya Suzuki, Yasutaka Fujimoto
On an active prosthetic knee joint driven by a high thrust force helical motor. 5894-5899 - Kazumasa Miura, Seiichiro Katsura:
Velocity control of MR-fluid clutch actuator based on disturbance observer. 5900-5905 - Naoki Oda, Kazushi Kushida:
Vision-based compliant control with landing adaptation to obstacle for biped walking robot. 5906-5911 - Qing-Chang Zhong, Dushan Boroyevich
A droop controller is intrinsically a phase-locked loop. 5916-5921 - Indrek Roasto, Enrique Romero-Cadaval
, João Martins
Active power electronic transformer based on modular building blocks. 5922-5927 - Víctor Miñambres-Marcos, Miguel Angel Guerrero-Martinez, Enrique Romero-Cadaval
, María Isabel Milanés-Montero:
Active power injection control of a photovoltaic system through ultracapacitor storage. 5928-5933 - J. G. Pinto
, Vitor Monteiro
, Henrique Gonçalves
, Bruno Exposto
, Delfim Pedrosa
, Carlos Couto
, João Luiz Afonso
Bidirectional battery charger with Grid-to-Vehicle, Vehicle-to-Grid and Vehicle-to-Home technologies. 5934-5939 - Olegs Tetervenoks:
Choice of power and control coupling elements for dimmable led driver for smart lighting networks. 5940-5944 - António Roque, José Maia
, Elmano Margato
, Duarte M. Sousa, Gil D. Marques
Control and dynamic behaviour of a FFC NMR power supply. 5945-5950 - Pawel Mlodzikowski, Adam Milczarek
, Sebastian Stynski
, Mariusz Malinowski
, Samir Kouro
Control of simplified multilevel AC-DC-AC converter for small power generation systems. 5951-5956 - Szymon Piasecki
, Antoni Mir Cantarellas, Jacek Rabkowski
, Pedro Rodríguez
Design of AC-DC power converters with LCL + tuned trap line filter using Si IGBT and SiC MOSFET modules. 5957-5962 - Bruno Exposto
, J. G. Pinto
, Henrique Gonçalves
, Vitor Monteiro
, Delfim Pedrosa
, Carlos Couto
, João Luiz Afonso
Evaluation of a Shunt Active Power Filter with energy backup capability. 5963-5968 - Oleksandr Husev
, Serhii Stepenko
, Carlos Roncero-Clemente
, Enrique Romero-Cadaval
, Ryszard Strzelecki
Experimental Investigation of high frequency 3L-NPC qZS inverter for photovoltaic application. 5969-5974 - Andrei Blinov
, Andrii Chub
, Dmitri Vinnikov
, Toomas Rang:
Feasibility study of Si and SiC MOSFETs in high-gain DC/DC converter for renewable energy applications. 5975-5978 - Carlos Roncero-Clemente
, Enrique Romero-Cadaval
, Oleksandr Husev
, Dmitri Vinnikov
, Serhii Stepenko
Grid-connected PV system based on a single-phase three-level qZS inverter. 5979-5984 - Gerardo Escobar
, Michael Hernandez-Gomez, Glendy A. Catzin
, Panfilo R. Martinez-Rodriguez, Andres A. Valdez-Fernandez
Implementation of repetitive controllers subject to fractional delays. 5985-5990 - Carlos Rosa, Dmitri Vinnikov
, Enrique Romero-Cadaval
, Vitor Fernão Pires
, João Martins
Low-power wind generation grid-connected system with MPPT and PC control. 5991-5996 - Máximo Pérez-Romero, Javier Gallardo-Lozano, Enrique Romero-Cadaval
, Miguel Angel Guerrero-Martinez:
Optimized energy consumption management for residential applications controlled by a Local Energy Management Unit. 5997-6002 - Bartlomiej Ufnalski
, Lech Marian Grzesiak
Particle swarm optimization of an online trained repetitive neurocontroller for the sine-wave inverter. 6003-6009 - Szymon Piasecki
, Jacek Rabkowski
, Grzegorz Wrona
, Tadeusz Platek:
SiC-based Support Converter for passive front-end AC drive applications. 6010-6015 - Ilya Galkin
, Olegs Tetervenoks
Validation of direct current control in LED lamp with non-inverting buck-boost converter. 6021-6026 - Josep Balcells
, Paco Bogónez-Franco
Voltage control in a LV microgrid by means of an SVC. 6027-6030 - Stefan Dietrich, Sebastian Strache, Lukas Lohaus, Ralf Wunderlich, Stefan Heinen:
A capacitor-free single-inductor multiple-output LED driver. 6034-6039 - Tiago De Sá Ferreira
, Lenin Martins Ferreira Morais
, S. I. Seleme Júnior, Pedro Francisco Donoso-Garcia, Porfírio C. Cortizo:
A study of HPS lamp models performance and behavior with third harmonic injection to avoid acoustic resonance. 6040-6045 - Fernando Bereta dos Reis
, Julio Cesar Marques de Lima, Fernando S. dos Reis, Reinaldo Tonkoski
Development of a flexible public lighting system. 6046-6051 - Vitor Cristiano Bender, Norton D. Barth, Guilherme C. Flores, Marco A. Dalla Costa, Tiago B. Marchesan
, Pedro S. Almeida
, Henrique A. C. Braga
Electrothermal methodology applied to flicker analysis in off-line LED systems. 6052-6057 - K. H. Leung, C. S. Wong
, Ka Hong Loo
, William Y. M. Lai, Martin H. L. Chow
Elimination of electrolytic capacitor through high-voltage driving of LED aided by third-order harmonic current injection. 6058-6062 - Xuecong Lv, Ka Hong Loo
, William Y. M. Lai, Chi K. Tse
Energy efficient LED driving system for large-scale Video display panel. 6063-6068 - Cristiano G. Casagrande
, Fernando J. Nogueira, Marcos F. C. Campos, Henrique A. C. Braga
, Claudio R. B. S. Rodrigues:
Evaluation of lighting systems through adaptation of photometric quantities. 6069-6074 - Hongming Yang, Ashish Pandharipande
Full-duplex relay VLC in LED lighting linear system topology. 6075-6080 - Ashish Pandharipande
, Shuai Li:
Illumination and light sensing for daylight adaptation with an LED array: Proof-of-principle. 6081-6086 - Thomas Novak, Heimo Zeilinger, Samer Schaat:
Increasing energy efficiency with traffic adapted intelligent streetlight management. 6087-6092 - Pablo J. Quintana
, Jorge García
, Emilio L. Corominas
, Antonio Javier Calleja
, Pablo Garcia:
Minimization of current harmonics content in conventional lighting distribution lines without current sensing. 6093-6098 - Vitor Cristiano Bender, Odirlan Iaronka, Tiago B. Marchesan
Study on the thermal performance of LED luminaire using Finite Element Method. 6099-6104 - Nagarajan Akshay
, Sasi Deepu, E. S. Rahul
, R. Ranjith, Jose James
, R. Unnikrishnan
, Rao R. Bhavani:
Design and evaluation of a Haptic simulator for vocational skill Training and Assessment. 6108-6113 - Mototsugu Omura, Tomoyuki Shimono, Yasutaka Fujimoto
Development of a half-circle-shaped tubular permanent magnet machine. 6114-6119 - Yoshitaka Abe, Seiichiro Katsura:
Energy bilateral control for a new control scheme. 6120-6125 - Thao Tran Phuong, Kiyoshi Ohishi
, Yuki Yokokura:
Improvement of force sensing by harmonics suppression in a motion-copying system. 6126-6131 - Ayaka Matsui, Seiichiro Katsura:
Motion-copying system using modal information for motion reproduction. 6132-6137 - Hidetaka Morimitsu, Seiichiro Katsura:
Performance enhancement of bilateral control with different control performances. 6138-6143 - Navid Rahbari Asr, Mo-Yuen Chow
, Zaiyue Yang, Jiming Chen:
Network cooperative distributed pricing control system for large-scale optimal charging of PHEVs/PEVs. 6148-6153 - Giovani Guarienti Pozzebon, Ricardo Q. Machado
, Simone Buso
, Giorgio Spiazzi
A grid-connected multilevel converter for interfacing PV arrays and energy storage devices. 6158-6163 - Eduardo E. Espinosa
, José R. Espinoza
, Roberto O. Ramírez
, Jaime Addin Rohten, Felipe Villarroel, Pedro E. Melin, Johan I. Guzman
A new modulation technique for 15-level asymmetric inverter operating with minimum THD. 6164-6169 - Richa Mishra
, Anshuman Shukla:
A Proportional Resonator-based control scheme to suppress AC components in circulating current of Modulator Multilevel Converter. 6170-6175 - P. Roshan Kumar, R. Sudharshan Kaarthik, K. Gopakumar, P. P. Rajeevan, José I. Leon, Leopoldo García Franquelo
A seventeen-level inverter with a single DC-link for motor drives. 6176-6181 - Xiaoqian Li
, Wenhua Liu, Qiang Song, Hong Rao, Shukai Xu:
An enhanced MMC topology with DC fault ride-through capability. 6182-6188 - Pedro E. Melin, José R. Espinoza
, Johan I. Guzman
, Marco Rivera, Eduardo E. Espinosa
, Jaime Rothen:
Analysis and design of a Cascaded H-Bridge topology based on current-source inverters. 6189-6194 - Bruno R. Baroni
, Marcos A. Severo Mendes, Porfírio C. Cortizo, Adriano Chaves Lisboa
, Rodney R. Saldanha:
Application of modular multilevel converter for HVDC transmission with selective harmonics. 6195-6200 - Nicolas Muller
, Samir Kouro
, Mariusz Malinowski
, Sebastian Rivera
, Bin Wu:
Cascaded H-bridge multilevel converter interface for Wave Dragon energy conversion system. 6201-6206 - Carlos R. Baier
, Pedro E. Melin, Johan I. Guzman
, Marco Rivera, Javier A. Muñoz
, Jaime Rothen, José R. Espinoza
Current-source cascaded multilevel converters based on single-phase power cells. 6207-6212 - Francisco Umbría
, Francisco Gordillo
, Francisco Salas
, Sergio Vazquez:
Direct power control of three-phase three-level neutral-point-clamped converters with control input saturation. 6213-6218 - Sebastian Rivera
, Bin Wu, Jiacheng Wang
, Hussain S. Athab, Samir Kouro
Electric vehicle charging station using a neutral point clamped converter with bipolar DC bus and voltage balancing circuit. 6219-6226 - Joan Nicolas-Apruzzese
, Sergio Busquets-Monge
, Josep Bordonau, Salvador Alepuz
, Alejandro Calle-Prado, Àlber Filbà-Martínez
Experimental efficiency comparison between a four-level active-clamped and a two-level topology. 6227-6232 - Ricard Picas
, Salvador Ceballos
, Josep Pou
, Jordi Zaragoza
, Georgios Konstantinou
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
Improving capacitor voltage ripples and power losses of modular multilevel converters through discontinuous modulation. 6233-6238 - Gilbert Bergna, Jon Are Suul, Alejandro Garcés
, Erik Berne, Philippe Egrot, Amir Arzande, Jean-Claude Vannier, Marta Molinas
Improving the dynamics of lagrange-based MMC controllers by means of adaptive filters for single-phase voltage, power and energy estimation. 6239-6244 - Ricardo Lizana
, Marcelo A. Pérez, José Rodríguez, Bin Wu:
Modular Multilevel Converter Machine Drive using current source H-bridges. 6245-6250 - Àlber Filbà-Martínez
, Sergio Busquets-Monge
, Josep Bordonau:
Modulation and capacitor voltage balancing control of a three-level NPC dual-active-bridge DC-DC converter. 6251-6256 - Youssef Ounejjar
, Kamal Al-Haddad:
Multiband hysteresis controller of the novel three phase seven-level PUC-NPC converter. 6257-6262 - Sumit K. Chattopadhyay, Chandan Chakraborty:
Multilevel inverters with level doubling network: A new topological variation. 6263-6268 - Ashish Kumar Sahoo, Ruben Otero-De-Leon, Visweshwar Chandrasekaran, Ned Mohan:
New 3-level submodules for a modular multilevel converter based HVDC system with advanced features. 6269-6274 - Pedro E. Melin, Carlos R. Baier
, José R. Espinoza
, Javier A. Muñoz
, Roberto O. Ramírez
, Eduardo A. Maurelia:
On the DC inductors size reduction in a multi-cell topology based on current source converters by means of magnetic couplings. 6275-6280 - Michail Vasiladiotis, Nicolas Cherix, Daniel Siemaszko, Alfred C. Rufer
Operation of Modular Multilevel Converters under grid asymmetries. 6281-6286 - Amarendra Edpuganti
, Akshay K. Rathore:
Optimal low switching frequency pulsewidth modulation of medium voltage seven-level cascade-5/3H inverter. 6287-6292 - Amer M. Y. M. Ghias
, Josep Pou
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
, Mihai Ciobotaru
Optimum state voltage balancing method for stacked multicell converters. 6293-6298 - Ajit Narwal, Sungmin Kim, Nima Yousefpoor, Subhashish Bhattacharya
Performance evaluation and control of modular multilevel converter under system fault conditions. 6299-6304 - Marcelo Vasquez, Jorge Pontt, Juan Vargas:
Predictive control of an asymmetric cascaded multilevel inverter with a single DC source. 6305-6310 - Ming Lei, Yaohua Li, Qiongxuan Ge, Xiaoxin Wang:
Research on the control scheme of modular multilevel converter for AC drive applications. 6311-6315 - Antonios Antonopoulos
, Lennart Angquist, Lennart Harnefors, Kalle Ilves, Hans-Peter Nee:
Stability analysis of modular multilevel converters with open-loop control. 6316-6321 - Dusan Janik, Tomás Kosan
, Petr Kamenicky, Zdenek Peroutka:
Universal precharging method for dc-link and flying capacitors of four-level Flying Capacitor Converter. 6322-6327 - Amer M. Y. M. Ghias
, Josep Pou
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
, Mihai Ciobotaru
Voltage balancing method for a seven-level stacked multicell converter using reduced switching transitions. 6328-6333 - Amer M. Y. M. Ghias
, Josep Pou
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
, Mihai Ciobotaru
Voltage balancing method using phase-shifted PWM for stacked multicell converters. 6334-6339 - Tomoya Imanishi, Yasumasa Hayashi, Hiroaki Nishi
Demand control of a pool by means of residual chlorine sensor. 6344-6349 - Masaaki Ikeda, Shigeki Hikasa, Keigo Watanabe, Isaku Nagai:
A CPG design of considering the attitude for the propulsion control of a Manta robot. 6354-6358 - Akira Yanou, Mamoru Minami, Tomohide Maeba, Yosuke Kobayashi:
A first step of humanoid's walking by two degree-of-freedom generalized predictive control combined with Visual Lifting Stabilization. 6359-6364 - So-Youn Park, Ju-Jang Lee:
A multi-objective covariance matrix adaptation evolutionary strategy based on decomposition for analog circuit design. 6365-6370 - Shiho Takahama, Junichi Tanida, Minami Takato, Fumio Uchikoba, Ken Saito:
Biomimetics micro robot with CMOS IC neural networks locomotion control. 6371-6376 - Akimasa Otsuka, Fusaomi Nagata, Maki K. Habib
, Keigo Watanabe:
Evaluation of subsumption architecture controller by wireless multiple mobile robots system. 6377-6382 - Kimiko Motonaka, Keigo Watanabe, Shoichi Maeyama:
Motion planning of a UAV using a kinodynamic motion planning method. 6383-6387 - Suguru N. Kudoh, Yasuhiro Hukui, Hidekatsu Ito:
Neurorobot Vitroid as a model of brain-body interaction. 6388-6391 - Keigo Watanabe, Tatsuya Kato, Shoichi Maeyama:
Obstacle avoidance for mobile robots using an image-based fuzzy controller. 6392-6397 - Md. Shamim Reza, Mihai Ciobotaru
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
A demodulation based technique for accurate estimation of real-time single-phase grid voltage fundamental parameters. 6402-6407 - Md. Shamim Reza, Mihai Ciobotaru
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
A frequency adaptive technique for accurate estimation of single-phase grid voltage fundamental parameters. 6408-6413 - Thien Minh Nguyen, Patrice Wira
A new approach based on a linear Multi-Layer Perceptron for identifying on-line harmonics. 6414-6419 - Md. Shamim Reza, Mihai Ciobotaru
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
A recursive DFT based technique for accurate estimation of grid voltage frequency. 6420-6425 - Moinul Islam, Hossein Ali Mohammadpour, Philip Stone, Yong-June Shin
Time-frequency based power quality analysis of variable speed wind turbine generators. 6426-6431 - Kazuya Hirata, Miyuki Kamatani, Toshiyuki Murakami:
Advanced motion control of two-wheel wheelchair for slope environment. 6436-6441 - Yoshihiro Maeda, Makoto Iwasaki:
Circle condition-based PID controller design considering robust stability against plant perturbations. 6442-6447 - Yan Zhi Tan, Chee Khiang Pang, Tong Heng Lee, Tat Joo Teo:
Convex separable parametrization in integrated servo-mechanical design for high-performance mechatronics. 6448-6453 - Kenta Seki, Kazuhiro Sugita, Makoto Iwasaki:
Design of disturbance compensation signals aided by multi-body dynamics software in shaking table systems. 6454-6459 - Sakiya Watanabe, Hiroshi Fujimoto:
Elasticity estimation for sample by AFM utilizing previous line sample surface topography. 6460-6465 - Kiyoto Ito
, Binh Minh Nguyen, Yafei Wang
, Masaki Odai, Hironori Ogawa, Erii Takano, Tomohiro Inoue, Masahiro Koyama, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Yoichi Hori:
Fast and accurate vision-based positioning control employing multi-rate Kalman filter. 6466-6471 - Teruaki Ishibashi, Hiroshi Fujimoto:
Force sensorless control of cutting resistance for NC machine tools by spindle motor control using variable pulse number T-method. 6472-6477 - Koichi Sakata, Hiroyoshi Asaumi, Kazuyuki Hirachi, Kazuaki Saiki, Hiroshi Fujimoto:
Frequency separation self resonance cancellation for vibration suppression control of a large-scale stage using multiple position sensors. 6478-6483 - Francesco Biral
, Daniele Giovannini, Davide Moser, Luca Zaccarian:
Longitudinal speed control of a prototype vehicle via engine map identification and backstepping approach. 6484-6489 - Tatsuya Nakazaki, Naohide Sakimura, Takahiro Ohashi, Kiyoshi Ohishi
, Toshimasa Miyazaki:
Minimum trajectory control of focusing and tracking of optical disk systems by two-dimensional feedforward compensator. 6490-6495 - Valerio Salvucci, Takafumi Koseki:
Non-Linear Phase Different Control to improve dynamics of bi-articularly actuated manipulators. 6496-6501 - Chao-Jen Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng, Ke-Han Su:
Observer-based impedance control and passive velocity control of power assisting devices for exercise and rehabilitation. 6502-6507 - Travis Baratcart, Valerio Salvucci, Takafumi Koseki:
On the continuity of Cascaded Generalized Inverse redundancy resolution, with application to kinematically redundant manipulators. 6508-6513 - Hiroshi Fujimoto, Kenta Maeda:
Optimal yaw-rate control for electric vehicles with active front-rear steering and four-wheel driving-braking force distribution. 6514-6519 - Naoto Sugiura, Kazuaki Ito
, Katsumi Inuzuka:
Performance improvement of bilateral control systems using model-based friction compensation and interpolation of position information. 6520-6525 - Kazuaki Ito
, Riccardo Antonello, Roberto Oboe
Performance improvement of motion control systems with low resolution position sensors using MEMS accelerometers. 6526-6532 - Wataru Ohnishi, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Koichi Sakata, Kazuhiro Suzuki, Kazuaki Saiki:
Proposal of attitude control for high-precision stage by compensating nonlinearity and coupling of Euler's equation and rotational kinematics. 6533-6538 - Hongzhong Zhu, Hiroshi Fujimoto:
Proposal of nonlinear friction compensation approach for a ball-screw-driven stage in zero-speed region including non-velocity-reversal motion. 6539-6544 - Masaki Higashino, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Yoshiyasu Takase, Hiroshi Nakamura:
Proposal of step climbing of wheeled robot using slip ratio control. 6545-6550 - Emre Sariyildiz
, Kouhei Ohnishi:
Robust force control via disturbance observer. 6551-6556 - Kenji Iwazaki, Kiyoshi Ohishi
, Yuki Yokokura, Koichi Kageyama, Masaru Takatsu, Shiro Urushihara:
Robust pressure control of electric injection molding machine using automatic parameter switching reaction force observer. 6557-6562 - Michael Ruderman
, Wataru Maebashi, Makoto Iwasaki:
Semi-dual loop control of two-mass actuator system using Luenberger state observer. 6563-6568 - Satoshi Nishimura, Seiichiro Katsura:
Topology analysis of position information in multilateral communication system. 6569-6574 - Hiroyuki Sekiguchi, Hidetoshi Ikeda:
Vibration suppression control for two-frequency vibrations with automatic adjustment. 6575-6580 - Ryosuke Matsuzaki, Yasutaka Fujimoto
Walking assist device using Control Moment Gyroscopes. 6581-6586 - Staffan Norrga
, Lebing Jin, Oskar Wallmark, Anna Mayer, Kalle Ilves:
A novel inverter topology for compact EV and HEV drive systems. 6590-6595 - Mohamed I. Daoud, Ayman S. Abdel-Khalik
, Ahmed A. Elserougi, Shehab Ahmed, Ahmed M. Massoud:
DC bus control of an advanced flywheel energy storage kinetic traction system for electrified railway industry. 6596-6601 - M. W. Arab, Xavier Rain, Mickaël Hilairet, P. Garcia Estebanez, Hala Hannoun, Claude Marchand:
Design of an enhanced adaptive hybrid controller for switched reluctance motors. 6602-6607 - Wilhelm Peters, Joachim Böcker:
Discrete-time design of adaptive current controller for interior permanent magnet synchronous motors (IPMSM) with high magnetic saturation. 6608-6613 - Daisuke Gunji, Hiroshi Fujimoto:
Efficiency analysis of powertrain with toroidal continuously variable transmission for Electric Vehicles. 6614-6619 - Karel Jezernik, Miran Rodic
Predictive sliding mode controller design of induction motor. 6620-6625 - Shingo Harada, Hiroshi Fujimoto:
Range extension control system for electric vehicles during acceleration and deceleration based on front and rear driving-braking force distribution considering slip ratio and motor loss. 6626-6631 - Giuseppe Buja, Manuele Bertoluzzo
, Ritesh Kumar Keshri
, Roberto Menis
Stationary plane based investigation of the behavior of PM BLDC drives. 6632-6637 - Samer Schaat, Alexander Wendt, Dietmar Bruckner:
A multi-criteria exemplar model for holistic categorization in autonomous agents. 6642-6647 - Samer Schaat, Klaus Doblhammer, Alexander Wendt, Friedrich Gelbard, Lukas Herret, Dietmar Bruckner:
A psychoanalytically-inspired motivational and emotional system for autonomous agents. 6648-6653 - Nardine Osman
, Mark d'Inverno, Carles Sierra
, Leila Amgoud
, Henri Prade, Matthew Yee-King, Roberto Confalonieri
, Dave de Jonge, Katina Hazelden:
An experience-based BDI logic: Motivating shared experiences and intentionality. 6654-6659 - Matthias Jakubec, Benjamin Dönz, Dietmar Bruckner:
Grounding of relations and abstract symbols in the decision unit of an embodied agent. 6660-6665 - Dietmar Dietrich, Samer Schaat, Dietmar Bruckner, Klaus Doblhammer, Georg Fodor:
The current state of psychoanalytically-inspired AI. 6666-6671 - Alexander Wendt, Samer Schaat, Friedrich Gelbard, Clemens Muchitsch, Dietmar Bruckner:
Usage of spreading activation for content retrieval in an autonomous agent. 6672-6677 - Lucie Langer, Florian Skopik
, Georg Kienesberger, Qin Li:
Privacy issues of smart e-mobility. 6682-6687 - Feng Gao
, Lei Zhang
, Yong Zhao:
A unified power compensation system for the large-scale grid-tied renewable energy generation system. 6692-6697 - Tasneem Rumman Huq, Sheldon S. Williamson:
Comprehensive comparative analysis of piezoelectric energy harvesting circuits for battery charging applications. 6698-6702 - Jun-ichi Itoh, Kenta Tanaka, Yuji Saiki, Noboru Yamada
, Koji Kato:
Design and experimental evaluation of the flywheel system for power leveling. 6703-6708 - Tao Wang, King-Jet Tseng
, Shan Yin, Xiaolei Hu:
Development of a one-dimensional thermal-electrochemical model of lithium ion battery. 6709-6714 - Ryohei Fukui, Hirotaka Koizumi:
Double-tiered switched capacitor battery charge equalizer with chain structure. 6715-6720 - Martin Giegerich, Stéphane Koffel
, Radu Filimon, Joshua L. Grosch, Tim Fühner, Martin M. Wenger, Markus Gepp, Vincent R. H. Lorentz
Electrothermal modeling and characterization of high capacity lithium-ion battery systems for mobile and stationary applications. 6721-6727 - Federico Baronti
, Walter Zamboni, Nicola Femia
, Roberto Roncella
, Roberto Saletti
Experimental analysis of open-circuit voltage hysteresis in lithium-iron-phosphate batteries. 6728-6733 - Daniel-Ioan Stroe
, Maciej Swierczynski
, Ana-Irina Stan, Remus Teodorescu
, Søren Juhl Andreasen
Experimental investigation on the internal resistance of Lithium iron phosphate battery cells during calendar ageing. 6734-6739 - Bernhard Schweighofer, Manes Recheis, Thomas Gallien, Hannes Wegleiter:
Fast and accurate battery model including temperature dependency. 6740-6745 - Z. Shi, François Auger, Emmanuel Schaeffer
, Philippe Guillemet, Luc Loron:
Interconnected Observers for online supercapacitor ageing monitoring. 6746-6751 - Unai Iraola
, Iosu Aizpuru
, Jose Maria Canales, Ander Etxeberria, Iñigo Gil:
Methodology for thermal modelling of lithium-ion batteries. 6752-6757 - Federico Baronti
, Cinzia Bernardeschi
, Luca Cassano
, Andrea Domenici
, Roberto Roncella
, Roberto Saletti
Mitigation of Single Event Upsets in the control logic of a charge equalizer for Li-ion batteries. 6758-6763 - He Yin, Chen Zhao, Mian Li, Chengbin Ma
Optimization based energy control for battery/super-capacitor hybrid energy storage systems. 6764-6769 - Marcello Pucci
, Gianpaolo Vitale
, Giansalvo Cirrincione
, Maurizio Cirrincione:
Parameter identification of a Double-Layer-Capacitor 2-branch model by a least-squares method. 6770-6776 - Guishi Wang, Mihai Ciobotaru
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
Power management of hybrid energy storage system for a MW photovoltaic system. 6777-6782 - Rocco Restaino
, Walter Zamboni:
Rao-blackwellised particle filter for battery state-of-charge and parameters estimation. 6783-6788 - Thilini Wickramasinghe, Nihal Kularatna
, D. Alistair Steyn-Ross:
Reduced-switch SCALDO technique for high-current VRM implementation. 6789-6793 - Habiballah Rahimi-Eichi, Bharat Balagopal, Mo-Yuen Chow
, Tae-Jung Yeo:
Sensitivity analysis of lithium-ion battery model to battery parameters. 6794-6799 - Nicola Femia
, Davide Toledo, Walter Zamboni:
Storage unit and load management in photovoltaic inverters for residential application. 6800-6805 - Akram Eddahech, Olivier Briat
, Jean-Michel Vinassa:
Strategy for lithium-ion battery performance improvement during power cycling. 6806-6811 - Abdenour Soualhi, Ali Sari, Hubert Razik, Pascal Venet, Guy Clerc, Ronan German
, Olivier Briat
, Jean-Michel Vinassa:
Supercapacitors ageing prediction by neural networks. 6812-6818 - Luigi Debarberis, Paolo Lazzeroni
, Sergio Olivero, Vito A. Ricci, Federico Stirano, Maurizio Repetto
Technical and economical evaluation of a PV plant with energy storage. 6819-6824 - Maciej Swierczynski
, Daniel-Ioan Stroe
, Ana-Irina Stan, Remus Teodorescu
The lifetime of the LiFePO4/C battery energy storage system when used for smoothing of the wind power plant variations. 6825-6830 - Lino Di Leonardo
, Francesco Parasiliti Collazzo
, Marco Tursini
, Marco Villani:
Transient analysis of PM synchronous motor drives by finite element model co-simulation. 6834-6840 - Alexander Fay
, Stefan Biffl, Dietmar Winkler, Rainer Drath, Mike Barth
A method to evaluate the openness of automation tools for increased interoperability. 6844-6849 - Richard Mordinyi, Christoph Prybila, Dietmar Winkler, Stefan Biffl:
Communication in multi-discipline engineering projects using local data point references. 6850-6857 - Estefanía Serral
, Richard Mordinyi, Olga Kovalenko, Dietmar Winkler, Stefan Biffl:
Evaluation of semantic data storages for integrating heterogenous disciplines in automation systems engineering. 6858-6865 - Petr Novák, Radek Sindelár:
Ontology-based industrial plant description supporting simulation model design and maintenance. 6866-6871 - Mona Shemshaki, Thomas Zemen, Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker
Antenna selection diversity for IEEE 802.11p. 6876-6879 - Levent Ekiz, Timo Patelczyk, Oliver Klemp, Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker:
Compensation of vehicle-specific antenna radome effects at 5.9 GHz. 6880-6884 - Paul Fuxjäger, Stefan Rührup, Dieter Smely:
Impact of CCA threshold, contention window, and transmit rate on VANET simulations. 6885-6890 - Erik G. Ström
On 20 MHz channel spacing for V2X communication based on 802.11 OFDM. 6891-6896 - Rajesh K. Sharma, Christian Schneider, Wim Anton Theo Kotterman, Gerd Sommerkorn
, Peter Große, Frank Wollenschläger, Giovanni Del Galdo
, Matthias A. Hein, Reiner S. Thomä:
Over-the-air testing of Car-to-Car and car-to-infrastructure communication in a virtual electromagnetic environment. 6897-6902 - Arndt Lüder, Nicole Schmidt
, Ronald Rosendahl:
Behavior validation of production systems within different phases of the engineering process. 6906-6911 - Martin Hufner, Christian Sonntag, Sebastian Engell, Sebastian Grobosch:
A customized design framework for the model-based development of engine control systems. 6916-6921 - David Kampert, Ulrich Epple:
A service interface for exchange of property information. 6922-6927 - Sebastian Mechs, Stephan Grimm, Dagmar Beyer, Steffen Lamparter:
Evaluation of prediction accuracy for energy-efficient switching of automation facilities. 6928-6933 - Michael Gepp, Michael Amberg, Jan Vollmar:
Performance assessments of engineering departments: An empirical study. 6934-6939 - Sebastian Schröck, Florian Zimmer, Thomas Holm, Alexander Fay
, Tobias Jäger:
Principles, viewpoints and effect links in the engineering of automated plants. 6940-6945 - Giovanni Di Orio
, Gonçalo Cândido, José Barata
, Sebastian Scholze
, Oliver Kotte, Dragan Stokic:
Self-Learning approach to support lifecycle optimization of Manufacturing processes. 6946-6951 - Chakravartula Anandababu, Baylon G. Fernandes
A novel neutral point clamped transformerless inverter for grid-connected photovoltaic system. 6962-6967 - Sebastian Strache, Jan Henning Mueller, Ralf Wunderlich, Stefan Heinen:
Advanced digital current prediction for current ripple reduction in DC-DC converters for photovoltaic applications. 6968-6973 - Katharina Baumann, Sebastian Strache, Ralf Wunderlich, Stefan Heinen:
Concept study for fully integrated and photovoltaic inverter. 6974-6979 - Baburaj Karanayil, Vassilios G. Agelidis
, Josep Pou
Evaluation of DC-link decoupling using electrolytic or polypropylene film capacitors in three-phase grid-connected photovoltaic inverters. 6980-6986 - D. R. Nayanasiri
, D. Mahinda Vilathgamuwa
, Douglas L. Maskell:
High-frequency-link micro-inverter with front-end current-fed half-bridge boost converter and half-wave cycloconverter. 6987-6992 - Marcelo A. Pérez, David Arancibia, Samir Kouro
, José Rodríguez:
Modular multilevel converter with integrated storage for solar photovoltaic applications. 6993-6998 - Javier Echeverria, Samir Kouro
, Marcelo A. Pérez, Haitham Abu-Rub
Multi-modular cascaded DC-DC converter for HVDC grid connection of large-scale photovoltaic power systems. 6999-7005 - Alberto Pigazo
, Marco Liserre, Frede Blaabjerg
, Tamas Kerekes
Robustness analysis of the efficiency in PV inverters. 7015-7020 - Cristian Verdugo, Samir Kouro
, Marcelo A. Pérez, Mariusz Malinowski
, Thierry Meynard:
Series-connected T-type Inverters for single-phase grid-connected Photovoltaic Energy System. 7021-7027 - Dipankar Debnath, Kishore Chatterjee:
Transformer coupled multi-input two stage standalone solar photovoltaic scheme for rural areas. 7028-7033 - Michael Chochole, Franz Zeilinger, Rainer Schlager, Markus Heimberger:
Balancing in low voltage grids to increase decentralized generation. 7038-7043 - Nanfang Yang, Damien Paire
, Fei Gao
, Weiguo Liu, Abdellatif Miraoui:
Power distribution using tariff-driven gain-scheduling in residential DC microgrids. 7044-7049 - Klaus Pollhammer, Georg Kienesberger, Mario Faschang, Marcus Meisel, Alexander Wendt, Thomas Leber, Pavlos Dimitriou:
Smart energy grids in Austria - innovative solutions and concepts. 7050-7055 - Salla Annala, Satu Viljainen, Jussi Tuunanen, Kristiina Hukki:
Smart use of electricity - How to get consumers involved? 7056-7061 - Alexander Wendt, Mario Faschang, Thomas Leber, Klaus Pollhammer, Tobias Deutsch:
Software architecture for a smart grids test facility. 7062-7067 - Klaus Pollhammer, Georg Kienesberger:
Using vector-metrics for the comparison of communication technologies in smart grids. 7068-7071 - Maria Teresa Outeiro, Roberto Visintini, Giuseppe Buja:
Considerations in designing power supplies for particle accelerators. 7076-7081 - Ramkrishan Maheshwari
, Benoit Bidoggia, Stig Munk-Nielsen
, Frede Blaabjerg
High performance current controller for particle accelerator magnets supply. 7082-7087 - Rasmus Ørndrup Nielsen, Benoit Bidoggia, Ramkrishan Maheshwari
, Lajos Torok
Innovative digitally controlled particle accelerator magnet power supply. 7088-7092 - Roberto Visintini, Marco Cautero, Stefano Cleva:
New remote control strategies for the magnet power supplies of the Elettra Storage Ring. 7093-7097 - Lajos Torok
, Laszlo Mathe
, Stig Munk-Nielsen
Robust control of boost PFC converter using adaptive PLL for line synchronization. 7098-7102 - Philippe Fraboulet, Kristian Ambrosch, Ivan De Cesaris, Andre Beuret:
The current and field regulation system of the MedAustron Ion-Beam accelerator. 7103-7108 - Gang Yao, Yu Lu, Tianhao Tang, Mohamed Benbouzid, Yukai Zheng, Tianzhen Wang:
A central control strategy of parallel inverters in AC microgrid. 7112-7117 - Olive Ray, Santanu Mishra
A multi-port converter topology with simultaneous isolated and non-isolated outputs. 7118-7123 - Po-Hsu Huang, Weidong Xiao
, Mohamed Shawky El Moursi:
A practical load sharing control strategy for DC microgrids and DC supplied houses. 7124-7128 - Byoung-Woong An, Hag-Wone Kim
, Kwan-Yuhl Cho
, Byung-Moon Han, Gyo-Bum Chung:
Active damping of LCL filter without capacitor voltage sensors for three phase PWM inverter. 7129-7133 - Antonio Camacho
, Miguel Castilla
, Jaume Miret, José Matas
, Ramon Guzman
, Oscar De Sousa-Perez, Pau Martí, Luis García de Vicuña
Control strategies based On effective power factor for Distributed Generation power plants during unbalanced grid voltage. 7134-7139 - Dan Wu, Fen Tang, Tomislav Dragicevic
, Juan C. Vasquez
, Josep M. Guerrero
Coordinated primary and secondary control with frequency-bus-signaling for distributed generation and storage in islanded microgrids. 7140-7145 - Soumya Shubhra Nag, Adda Ravindranath
, Olive Ray, Santanu Kumar Mishra
Current-Fed Switched Inverter based hybrid topology for DC Nanogrid application. 7146-7151 - Sk Moin Ahmed, Haitham Abu-Rub
, Omar Ellabban
Development of a new three-to-five phase bi-directional partial resonant AC Link converter. 7152-7156 - Sirichai Tammaruckwattana, Kazuhiro Ohyama:
Experimental verification of variable speed wind power generation system using permanent magnet synchronous generator by boost converter circuit. 7157-7162 - Jeevan Adhikari, Sanjib Kumar Panda
, Akshay Kumar Rathore:
Harnessing high altitude wind power using light gas filled blimp. 7163-7168 - Lucas G. Scherer, Celso B. Tischer, Fabio C. Posser, Claiton M. Franchi
, Robinson F. de Camargo
Hybrid topology for voltage regulation applied in three-phase four-wire micro hydro power station. 7169-7174 - Sumith Madampath Sreechithra, Panida Jirutitijaroen, Akshay Kumar Rathore:
Impacts of reactive power injections on thermal performances of PV inverters. 7175-7180 - Omair Khan, Fonkwe Fongang Edwin, Weidong Xiao
Loss modeling for enhancement mode gallium nitride field efect transistor in power converter applications. 7181-7186 - Jeevan Adhikari, Akshay K. Rathore, Sanjib Kumar Panda
Modular interleaved ZVS current fed isolated DC-DC converter for harvesting high altitude wind power. 7187-7192 - Wynand Malan, Duleepa J. Thrimawithana, Udaya K. Madawala:
Performance study on a low cost converter for micro-wind generarion systems. 7193-7198 - Davis Meike
, Armands Senfelds
, Leonids Ribickis
Power converter for DC bus sharing to increase the energy efficiency in drive systems. 7199-7204 - Gilberto Schneider, Vanessa F. de Lima, Lucas G. Scherer, Robinson F. de Camargo
, Claiton M. Franchi
SCADA system applied to micro hydropower plant. 7205-7209 - Liuping Wang
, Ki Chun Ng:
Sensitivity analysis of PI cascade control of power converter. 7210-7215 - Itaru Ando, Kodai Abe, Masashi Ochiai, Kiyoshi Ohishi
Soft-switching-interleaved power factor correction converter with lossless snubber. 7216-7221 - Lexuan Meng
, Tomislav Dragicevic
, Josep M. Guerrero
, Juan C. Vasquez
Stability constrained efficiency optimization for droop controlled DC-DC conversion system. 7222-7227 - Anping Hu, David Xu, Bin Wu, Jianhui Su:
A novel SVM based gating strategy for high-power current-source converters with reduced common-mode voltage and improved harmonic performance. 7232-7237 - Pierre Massonnat, Fei Gao, David Bouquain, Abdellatif Miraoui:
A real-time 2D PEMFC model for fuel cell vehicle hardware-in-the-loop applications. 7238-7243 - Ivan Subotic, Emil Levi, Martin Jones, Dusan Graovac:
An integrated battery charger for EVs based on an asymmetrical six-phase machine. 7244-7249 - Subrata Banerjee, Mrinal Kanti Sarkar
, Chandan Chakraborty:
Analysis, design, fabrication and testing of three actuators based electromagnetic levitation system for vehicle applications. 7250-7255 - Suk-Ho Ahn, Ji-Woong Gong, Hong-Je Ryoo
, Sung-Roc Jang:
Implementation of 60-kW fast charging system for electric vehicle. 7256-7261 - Lesedi Masisi
, Abhijit Choudhury, Pragasen Pillay
, Sheldon S. Williamson:
Performance comparison of a two-level and three-level inverter permanent magnet synchronous machine drives for HEV application. 7262-7266 - M. C. Di Piazza
, Massimiliano Luna
, Marcello Pucci
, Gianpaolo Vitale
PV-based Li-ion battery charger with neural MPPT for autonomous sea vehicles. 7267-7273 - Shuo Wang
, David George Dorrell
Review of wireless charging coupler for electric vehicles. 7274-7279 - Kohei Aoyama, Naoki Motoi, Giuseppe Guidi, Yukinori Tsuruta, Atsuo Kawamura
Ultra high efficient battery voltage compensation against decrease in the terminal voltage of electric vehicles. 7280-7285 - Mircea Popescu
, David George Dorrell
A method for determining ipm motor parameters from simple torque test data. 7290-7294 - Qingjun Huang, Mucun Sun, Xudong Zou
, Li Tong, Wei Xiong, Jianqing Chen:
A reverse current tracking based LVRT strategy for doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). 7295-7300 - Qingjun Huang, Xudong Zou
, Li Tong, Yong Kang, Xiuqin Yang:
An accurate transient analysis method for DFIG with crowbar protection under grid faults. 7301-7306 - David George Dorrell
, Alexander Hermann, Bogi Bech Jensen:
Analysis of unbalanced magnetic pull in wound rotor induction machines using finite element analysis - Transient, motoring and generating modes. 7307-7312 - Weizhong Fei, Patrick Chi-Kwong Luk, Demin Wu, Bing Xia:
Approximate three-dimensional finite element analysis of large permanent magnet sychronous generators with stator radial ventilating ducts. 7313-7318 - Weizhong Fei, Patrick Chi-Kwong Luk, Bing Xia, Demin Wu:
Design improvement of outer-rotor permanent magnet flux switching machine for direct-drive urban electric vehicle propulsion. 7319-7324 - Kazuhiro Ohyama, Yoshihiro Nakazawa, Kazuma Nozuka, Hiroaki Fujii, Hitoshi Uehara, Yasushi Hyakutate:
Design of high efficient switched reluctance motor for electric vehicle. 7325-7330 - Lei Zhang
, David George Dorrell
Genetic Algorithm based optimal component sizing for an electric vehicle. 7331-7336 - Masahiro Aoyama, Toshihiko Noguchi:
Rare-earth-less motor with field poles excited by space harmonics. 7337-7342 - Tianzhen Wang, Man Xu, Tianhao Tang, Jingang Han, Xiong Hu:
A fault detection method based on dynamic peakvalley limit under the non-steady conditions. 7346-7351 - Jinane Harmouche, Claude Delpha
, Demba Diallo
A global approach for the classification of bearing faults conditions using spectral features. 7352-7357 - El Houssin El Bouchikhi, Vincent Choqueuse, Mohamed El Hachemi Benbouzid:
A parametric spectral estimator for faults detection in induction machines. 7358-7363 - Abdulrahman Youssef, Jinane Harmouche, Claude Delpha
, Demba Diallo:
Capability evaluation of incipient fault detection in noisy environment: A theoretical Kullback-Leibler Divergence-based approach for diagnosis. 7364-7369 - Marjan Alavi, Danwei Wang, Ming Luo:
Fault diagnosis in voltage-fed PWM motor drives based on discrete voltage states. 7370-7375 - El Houssin El Bouchikhi, Vincent Choqueuse, Mohamed El Hachemi Benbouzid:
Non-stationary spectral estimation for wind turbine induction generator faults detection. 7376-7381 - Heng-Chao Yan, Chee Khiang Pang, Jun-Hong Zhou:
Precognitive maintenance and probabilistic assessment of tool wear using particle filters. 7382-7387 - Hui Chang, Tianyuan Tan, Jiangjun Ruan, Yunpeng Gao, Kaipei Liu:
Research on temperature retrieval and fault diagnosis of the cable joint. 7388-7393 - Yassine Amirat
, Mohamed Benbouzid, Tianzhen Wang, Sylvie Turri:
Smart grid voltage sag detection using instantaneous features extraction. 7394-7399 - Pedro Ferreira
, Stefanos Doltsinis, Athanasios Anagnostopoulos, Flávio Páscoa, Niels Lohse
A performance evaluation of industrial agents. 7404-7409 - Luis Ribeiro, Andre Rocha
, José Barata
A study of JADE's messaging RTT performance using distinct message exchange patterns. 7410-7415 - Arndt Lüder, Peter Göhner, Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Agent based control of production systems. 7416-7421 - Tobias Linnenberg, Ireneus Wior, Alexander Fay
Analysis of potential instabilities in agent-based smart grid control systems. 7422-7427 - Bilal Ahmad
, Xiangjun Kong, Robert Harrison, Johannes Watermann, Armando Walter Colombo
Automatic generation of Human Machine Interface screens from component-based reconfigurable virtual manufacturing cell. 7428-7433 - Joao Dias Ferreira, Luis Ribeiro, Mauro Onori, José Barata
Bio-inspired self-organised mechatronic-agent interactions to support product emergence. 7434-7439 - Philippe Nappey, Charbel El Kaed, Armando W. Colombo
, Jens Eliasson, Andrey Kruglyak, Rumen Kyusakov, Christian Hübner, Thomas Bangemann, Oscar Carlsson:
Migration of a legacy plant lubrication system to SOA. 7440-7445 - Ines Seixas, Paulo Leitão
Standards compliance in industrial agents applications. 7446-7451 - Alfred Einfalt, Franz Zeilinger, Roman Schwalbe, Benoît Bletterie, Serdar Kadam:
Controlling active low voltage distribution grids with minimum efforts on costs and engineering. 7456-7461 - Jorge Valero-Rodriguez, Manuel Garcia-Plaza, Joaquin Eloy-Garcia Carrasco:
Dynamic performance of a back-to-back converter under grid disturbances with a classical DC-bus voltage control loop v.s. a DC-bus voltage control loop with Ni-Cd and Ion-Li batteries. 7462-7468 - Pietro Raboni
, Weihao Hu
, Sanjay K. Chaudhary
, Zhe Chen
Modeling and control of low voltage flexible units for enhanced operation of distribution feeders. 7469-7474 - Brian K. Perera, Phil Ciufo
, Sarath Perera:
Point of common coupling (PCC) voltage control of a grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) system. 7475-7480 - Parvathy Chittur Ramaswamy, Geert Deconinck
, Jayakrishnan Radhakrishna Pillai:
Scenario analysis to account for photovoltaic generation uncertainty in distribution grid reconfiguration. 7481-7486 - Lucian Mihet-Popa, Henrik W. Bindner
Simulation models developed for voltage control in a distribution network using energy storage systems for PV penetration. 7487-7492 - Sandro Iacovella, Kris Lemkens, Pieter Vingerhoets, Frederik Geth, Geert Deconinck
, Reinhilde D'hulst, Koen Vanthournout:
Standalone LV distribution network voltage control mechanism. 7493-7498 - Michael Drechsel, Martin Bornschlegl
, Simon Spreng, Markus Bregulla, Jörg Franke
A new approach to integrate value stream analysis into a continuous energy efficiency improvement process. 7502-7507 - Rafael Fink:
A priority rule based multi criteria scheduling framework for energy efficiency aware detailed production planning. 7508-7512 - Stefan Mätzler, Martin Wollschlaeger
, Andreas Fernbach, Wolfgang Kastner
, Michael Huschke:
An OPC UA cross-domain information model for energy management in automation systems. 7513-7518 - Rafal Cupek
, Kamil Folkert, Lukasz Huczala, Dariusz Zonenberg, Jakub Tomczyk:
End-point device compressed air consumption analysis by reverse engineering algorithm. 7519-7524 - Gökan May
, Marco Taisch, David Kelly:
Enhanced energy management in manufacturing through systems integration. 7525-7530 - Chee Khiang Pang, Cao Vinh Le:
Integrated control and reactive scheduling for FMSs under power consumption uncertainties. 7531-7536 - Andrea Cataldo, Marco Taisch, Bojan Stahl:
Modelling, simulation and evaluation of energy consumptions for a manufacturing production line. 7537-7542 - Artur Frankiewicz, Rafal Cupek
Smart passive infrared sensor - Hardware platform. 7543-7547 - Andrés Bustillo
, Julien Negre, Iñigo Lazcanotegui:
Towards higher machine-tool eco-efficiency with an Information Sharing Platform. 7548-7553 - Najd Ouhajjou, Peter Palensky, Matthias Stifter, Jessen Page, Stefan Fenz
, A Min Tjoa
A modular methodology for the development of urban energy planning support software. 7558-7563 - Muhammad Usman Awais
, Peter Palensky, Wolfgang Mueller, Edmund Widl
, Atiyah Elsheikh:
Distributed hybrid simulation using the HLA and the Functional Mock-up Interface. 7564-7569 - Ralf Mosshammer, Friederich Kupzog, Mario Faschang, Matthias Stifter:
Loose coupling architecture for co-simulation of heterogeneous components. 7570-7575 - Steffen Schütte, Astrid Nieße, Sebastian Rohjans, Henning Rohlfs:
OPC UA compliant coupling of multi-agent systems and Smart Grid simulations. 7576-7581 - Maria Carmen Falvo
, Luigi Martirano
, Danilo Sbordone, Ilaria Bertini, Biagio Di Pietra, F. Vellucci:
A flexible Customer Power Device for energy management in a real Smart Micro-Grid. 7586-7591 - Daniel Matte Freitas, João Onofre Pereira Pinto, Ruben Barros Godoy, Luigi Galotto, Pedro Eugenio M. J. Ribeiro, Alexandra M. A. C. Pinto:
Decision support system for the management of electricity consumption contracts for Smart Grids environment using Differential Evolution and Artificial Neural Network. 7592-7597 - Gerasimos G. Rigatos, Pierluigi Siano, Nikolaos A. Zervos, Carlo Cecati
Derivative-free nonlinear Kalman Filtering for control of three-phase voltage source converters. 7598-7603 - Gerasimos G. Rigatos, Pierluigi Siano, Nikolaos A. Zervos:
Doubly-fed induction generators control using the derivative-free nonlinear Kalman Filter. 7604-7609 - Yifei Wang, Xiandong Ma
, Malcolm John Joyce
Enhancing condition monitoring of distributed generation systems through optimal sensor selection. 7610-7616 - Matthew Mascioli, Majid Pahlevaninezhad, Praveen K. Jain:
FPGA-based implementation of an adaptive notch filter used for grid synchronization of grid-connected converters. 7617-7622 - Paolo Tenti, Tommaso Caldognetto
, Alessandro Costabeber, Paolo Mattavelli:
Microgrids operation based on master-slave cooperative control. 7623-7628 - H. S. V. S. Kumar Nunna
, Suryanarayana Doolla
, Anshuman Shukla:
Multi-agent application for demand response in microgrids. 7629-7634 - Maria Luisa Di Silvestre, Mariano Giuseppe Ippolito, Eleonora Riva Sanseverino, Enrico Telaretti, Gaetano Zizzo
, Giorgio Graditi:
Multi-objective strategies for management and design of distributed electric storage systems in a Mediterranean island. 7635-7641 - Rafael Sebastián
, Rafael Pena-Alzola, Jeronimo Quesada
Peak shaving simulation in a wind diesel power system with battery energy storage. 7642-7647 - Gonçalo Cardoso, Michael Stadler
, Mohammad Chehreghani Bozchalui, Ratnesh Sharma, Chris Marnay, Ana Barbosa-Póvoa
, Paulo Ferrão
Stochastic programming of vehicle to building interactions with uncertainty in PEVs driving for a medium office building. 7648-7653 - Pierluigi Siano
, Antonio Piccolo, Gerasimos G. Rigatos:
Wind turbines allocation in smart grids. 7654-7659 - Ramón Blasco Giménez, Salvador Añó-Villalba
, Rubén S. Peña:
Control of PMSG-based wind turbines in weak grids during unbalanced faults. 7664-7669 - Mohamed Benbouzid, Brice Beltran, Yassine Amirat
, Gang Yao, Jingang Han, Herve Mangel:
High-Order Sliding Mode control for DFIG-based Wind Turbine Fault Ride-Through. 7670-7674 - George Caraiman, Cristian Nichita, Brayima Dakyo
, Chul Hee Jo:
HILS systems applied to real time emulation for wind energy study. 7675-7680 - Marwa Ezzat, Mohamed Benbouzid, S. M. Muyeen
, Lennart Harnefors:
Low-voltage ride-through techniques for DFIG-based wind turbines: state-of-the-art review and future trends. 7681-7686 - Yulin Si, Hamid Reza Karimi, Huijun Gao:
Parameter tuning for nacelle-based passive structural control of a spar-type floating wind turbine. 7687-7691 - Alan McGibney, Susan Rea
, Matthias Lehmann, Safietou Raby Thior, Suzanne Lesecq, Martijn Hendriks, Claire Guyon-Gardeux, Tuan Linh Mai
, François Pacull, Joern Ploennigs
, Twan Basten
, Dirk Pesch
A systematic engineering tool chain approach for self-organizing building automation systems. 7696-7701 - Matthias Dehof, Arndt Lüder, Maria Heinze:
An approach for modelling communication networks in industrial control systems. 7702-7707 - Franck Bernier, Joern Ploennigs
, Dirk Pesch
, Suzanne Lesecq, Twan Basten
, Menouer Boubekeur, Dee Denteneer, Fred Oltmanns, François Bonnard, Matthias Lehmann, Tuan Linh Mai
, Alan McGibney
, Susan Rea
, François Pacull, Claire Guyon-Gardeux, Laurent-Frederic Ducreux, Safietou Raby Thior, Martijn Hendriks, Jacques Verriet
, Szymon Fedor
Architecture for self-organizing, co-operative and robust Building Automation Systems. 7708-7713 - Tuan Linh Mai
, Matthias Lehmann, Joern Ploennigs
, Klaus Kabitzsch:
Complexity reduction for automated design problems of building automation systems. 7714-7719 - Elena Chervakova, Wolfram Kattanek:
QoS-driven design and operation of adaptive, self-organizing wireless sensor systems. 7720-7725 - François Pacull, Laurent-Frederic Ducreux, Safietou Raby Thior, Hector Moner, Davide Pusceddu, Oussama Yaakoubi, Claire Guyon-Gardeux, Szymon Fedor
, Suzanne Lesecq, Menouer Boubekeur, Dirk Pesch
Self-organisation for Building Automation Systems: Middleware LINC as an Integration Tool. 7726-7732 - Karin Greimel, Norman Seßler, Thomas Klotz:
Model checking specifications of smart cards. 7736-7741 - Carna Radojicic, Javier Moreno, Xiao Pan, Christoph Grimm
On more dependable assertion-based verification. 7742-7747 - Emanuele Alidori, Gionata Cimini
, Gianluca Ippoliti
, Giuseppe Orlando
, Matteo Pirro:
A passivity-based solution for CCM-DCM boost converter Power Factor Control. 7752-7757 - Hadi Youssef Kanaan, Cédric Somers, Kamal Al-Haddad:
Design and implementation of a modified Sheppard-Taylor Power Factor Corrector operating in Discontinuous Capacitor Voltage Mode and very low output voltage level. 7758-7762 - Thiago Batista Soeiro
, Gean J. Maia, Marcio S. Ortmann
, Marcelo Lobo Heldwein
High efficiency three-phase unidirectional bucktype PFC rectifier concepts. 7763-7768 - Shin-Won Kang, Sang-Il Kim
, Rae-Young Kim, Dong-Seok Hyun:
High power factor control of an inverter-controlled synchronous motor drive system with small DC-link capacitor. 7769-7774 - Abdelhamid Hamadi, Salem Rahmani, Khaled E. Addoweesh
, Kamal Al-Haddad:
A modeling and control of DFIG wind and PV solar energy source generation feeding four wire isolated load. 7778-7783 - Catherine Nasr El-Khoury, Hadi Youssef Kanaan, Imad Mougharbel, Kamal Al-Haddad:
A review of matrix converters applied to PMSG based wind energy conversion systems. 7784-7789 - Jan Chysky
, Jaroslav Novak
, Martin Novak
Losses in sinusoidal filter chokes. 7790-7794 - Cassius R. Aguiar
, Amilcar Flamarion Querubini Goncalves, Renan F. Bastos
, Giovani Guarienti Pozzebon, Jose R. B. A. Monteiro, Ricardo Q. Machado
Reduction of positive feedback gain on Anti-islanding method based on frequency. 7795-7800 - Hiroki Sasabuchi, Kazuyuki Morioka
A map building system for Mobile Intelligent Space using human-following robot. 7804-7809 - Masahiro Arai, Sousuke Nakamura, Hirokazu Ono, Tomoki Kono, Hideki Hashimoto:
A representation of occlusion between real objects and virtual information in Intelligent Room - for AR. 7810-7813 - Géza Husi
, Peter Tamas Szemes
, Eszter David, Timotei István Erdei:
Building Mechatronics Research Centre as energy aware Intelligent Space. 7814-7818 - Yasuharu Kunii, Ryota Karitani:
Evaluation of tele-navigation system using Command Data Compensation. 7819-7824 - Frank Sanabria-Macias
, Enrique Juan Marañón Reyes, Pedro Soto-Vega, Marta Marrón Romera
, Javier Macías Guarasa
, Daniel Pizarro-Perez
Face likelihood functions for visual tracking in intelligent spaces. 7825-7830 - Balazs Daniel, Péter Korondi
, Trygve Thomessen:
New approach for industrial robot controller user interface. 7831-7836 - Csaba Szász, Géza Husi
Novel multimodal communication skills implementation on the NI-9631 robot. 7837-7842 - Sousuke Nakamura
, Shun Hashimoto, Hideki Hashimoto:
Preliminary development of an Energy Logistics as a new wireless power transmission method. 7843-7848 - JongSeung Park, Toshitake Nunogaki, Joo-Ho Lee
The research on the algorithm for the optimal position and path for MoMo. 7849-7854 - Mihoko Niitsuma
, Ryuichi Numakunai, Akira Onodera:
Tuning of behavioral characteristics in an ethologically inspired robot behavior model based on verbal communication. 7855-7861 - Ferenc Tajti, Géza Szayer, Bence Kovács, Péter Korondi
Universal RT-middleware robot controller. 7862-7867 - Giusi Quartarone, Norma Anglani:
A new proposal of a centralized configuration for a multilevel pressure network: A real time controller in closed loop. 7872-7879 - Zichuan Fan
, Yan Shi, Junpeng Sun, Maolin Cai:
A review of energy saving technologies on compressed air system. 7880-7885 - Chong Liu, Dewen Kong, Zichuan Fan, Qihui Yu, Maolin Cai:
Large flow compressed air load forecasting based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine within the Bayesian evidence framework. 7886-7891 - Giusi Quartarone, Norma Anglani, Stefano Riverso
Model predictive control: First application of a novel control strategy for adjustable speed drive compressors. 7892-7897 - Remy Rigo-Mariani
, Bruno Sareni
, Xavier Roboam
A fast optimization strategy for power dispatching in a microgrid with storage. 7902-7907 - María del Mar Castilla
, José Domingo Álvarez
, Julio E. Normey-Rico
, Francisco Rodríguez
, Manuel Berenguel
A multivariable nonlinear MPC control strategy for thermal comfort and indoor-air quality. 7908-7913 - Lidia Roca
, Luis José Yebra
Distillate control to reduce electricity consumption in a solar multi-effect plant. 7914-7919 - Mario Pereira, Daniel Limón, Teodoro Alamo
, Luis Valverde
, Carlos Bordons
Economic model predictive control of a smartgrid with hydrogen storage and PEM fuel cell. 7920-7925 - Matheepot Phattanasak
, Wattana Kaewmanee
, Phatiphat Thounthong
, Panarit Sethakul, Jean-Philippe Martin
, Serge Pierfederici, Bernard Davat:
Flatness based control of a dual active bridge converter for DC microgrid. 7926-7931 - Felix Garcia-Torres, Carlos Bordons
Optimal economic dispatch for renewable energy microgrids with hybrid storage using Model Predictive Control. 7932-7937 - Esko K. Juuso, Luis José Yebra
Optimisation of solar energy collection with smart adaptive control. 7938-7943 - Seyed Mehdi Hakimi
, Seyed Masoud Moghaddas Tafreshi
, Hamid Hassanzadehfard, Gareth A. Taylor
, Mohsen M. Alamuti:
Optimization of a reliable combined cooling, heat and power microgrid system. 7944-7949 - Johanna Salazar, Luis Valverde
, Fernando Tadeo
Predictive control of a renewable energy microgrid with operational cost optimization. 7950-7955 - Jose Aguero, Francisco Rodríguez
, María del Mar Castilla
, Mario Pereira:
Productiveness and Real Time Prices in energy management for HVAC systems. 7956-7961 - Felix Garcia-Torres, Carlos Bordons
Regulation service for the short-term management of renewable energy microgrids with hybrid storage using Model Predictive Control. 7962-7967 - Alexander Micallef
, Maurice Apap
, Cyril Spiteri Staines
, Josep M. Guerrero
Selective virtual capacitive impedance loop for harmonic voltage compensation in islanded MicroGrids. 7968-7973 - Thanh Hai Nguyen, Dong-Choon Lee
, Chan-Ki Kim:
A cost-effective converter system for HVDC links integrated with offshore wind farms. 7978-7983 - Samir Hazra, Subhashish Bhattacharya
, Chandan Chakraborty:
A novel control principle for a high frequency transformer based multiport converter for integration of renewable energy sources. 7984-7989 - Ajay Kumar Morya, Anshuman Shukla, Suryanarayana Doolla
Control of grid connected cascaded H-bridge multilevel converter during grid voltage unbalance for photovoltaic application. 7990-7995 - Chakravartula Anandababu, Baylon G. Fernandes
Improved full-bridge neutral point clamped transformerless inverter for photovoltaic grid-connected system. 7996-8001 - Lingling Cao, Ka Hong Loo
, William Y. M. Lai:
Reduction of low-frequency current ripples in fuel cell power conditioning systems using proportional-resonant control. 8002-8007 - Mitra Mirhosseini, Josep Pou
, Vassilios G. Agelidis
Single-stage inverter-based grid-connected photovoltaic power plant with ride-through capability over different types of grid faults. 8008-8013 - Bin Chen, Yong Feng
, Minghao Zhou:
Terminal sliding-mode control scheme for grid-side PWM converter of DFIG-based Wind Power System. 8014-8018 - Lucio Ciabattoni
, Massimo Grisostomi, Gianluca Ippoliti
, Sauro Longhi
A Fuzzy Logic tool for household electrical consumption modeling. 8022-8027 - Tim Buber, Serafin von Roon, Anna Gruber, Jochen Conrad:
Demand Response potential of electrical heat pumps and electric storage heaters. 8028-8032 - Aaron Croft, John T. Boys, Grant Covic:
Net energy stored control for residential demand-side management. 8033-8038 - Sara Ghaemi, Simon Schneider:
Potential analysis of residential Demand Response using GridLAB-D. 8039-8045 - Lukas Kreuder, Anna Gruber, Serafin von Roon:
Quantifying the costs of Demand Response for industrial businesses. 8046-8051 - Johanna L. Mathieu
, Marina González Vayá, Göran Andersson:
Uncertainty in the flexibility of aggregations of demand response resources. 8052-8057 - Lucio Ciabattoni
, Gianluca Ippoliti
, Sauro Longhi
A novel photovoltaic-thermal collector prototype: Design, modeling, experimental validation and control. 8062-8067 - Stefan Mitterhofer, Jakob D. Pühringer, Viktor Schlosser:
An acoustic set up for the vibration analysis of silicon wafers. 8068-8073 - Alfonso Damiano
, Ignazio Marongiu, Claudia Musio, Maura Musio:
Concentrator photovoltaic standards: Experimental analyses of technical requirements. 8074-8079 - Peter Jonke, Christoph Eder, Johannes Stockl
, Michael Schwark:
Development of a module integrated photovoltaic monitoring system. 8080-8084 - Viktor Schlosser:
Imaging the transmission of light through a crystalline silicon wafer with a silicon detector array. 8085-8089 - Michael Schwark, Karl Berger, Rita Ebner, Gusztav Ujvari, Christina Hirschl, Lukas Neumaier
, Wolfgang Mühleisen:
Investigation of potential induced degradation (PID) of solar modules from different manufacturers. 8090-8097 - Xiaofeng Wu, Martin Bliss
, Tom Betts, Ralph Gottschalg
, Archana Sinha
, Rajesh Gupta:
Modeling spatial electrical properties in photovoltaic modules using PV-oriented nodal analysis. 8098-8103 - Rita Ebner, Bernhard Kubicek
, Gusztav Ujvari:
Non-destructive techniques for quality control of PV modules: Infrared thermography, electro- and photoluminescence imaging. 8104-8109 - Alfonso Damiano
, Ignazio Marongiu, Claudia Musio, Maura Musio:
Outdoor characterization of a Cassegrain-type concentrator photovoltaic receiver. 8110-8115 - Johann Summhammer:
Short flash and constant load PV-module tester. 8116-8120 - Christos S. Ioakimidis
, Sergio Lopez, Konstantinos N. Genikomsakis
, Pawel Rycerski, Dragan Simic:
Solar production forecasting based on irradiance forecasting using artificial neural networks. 8121-8126 - Michele Pellegrino, Giovanni Flaminio, Giorgio Graditi:
Testing and Standards for new BIPV products. 8127-8132 - Minako Ito, Hiroaki Nishi
A practical case study of HVAC control with MET measuring in HEMS environment. 8136-8141 - Kenta Kuzuhara, Hiroaki Nishi
Accurate indoor condition control based on PMV prediction in BEMS environments. 8142-8147 - Mariapia Martino
, Alessandra Guerrisi, Michele Pastorelli, Michele Tartaglia, Stoyan Danov, Fabio Renda:
ICT top-level architecture and services for energy consumption management in social housing. 8148-8153 - Sandeep Patil
, Valeriy Vyatkin, Bruce M. McMillin
Implementation of FREEDM Smart Grid distributed load balancing using IEC 61499 function blocks. 8154-8159 - Mutaz Tuffaha
, Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Mixed-integer formulation of unit commitment problem for power systems: Focus on start-up cost. 8160-8165 - Cruz E. Borges
, Aitor Peña, Yoseba K. Penya:
On the influence of surrounding load demand to improve primary substation STLF. 8166-8171 - Mario Faschang
, Friederich Kupzog, Ralf Mosshammer, Alfred Einfalt:
Rapid control prototyping platform for networked smart grid systems. 8172-8176 - Seyed Saeid Moosavi, Abdesslem Djerdir, Youcef Ait-Amirat, Davood Arab Khaburi
Fault detection investigation in a full bridge thyristor base AC-DC converter. 8180-8185 - Ali Mohammadi
, Damien Guilbert, Arnaud Gaillard, David Bouquain, Davood Arab Khaburi
, Abdesslem Djerdir:
Faults diagnosis between PEM fuel cell and DC/DC converter using neural networks for automotive applications. 8186-8191 - Dorin O. Neacsu:
Fault-tolerant isolated converter in low-voltage technology for automotive AC auxiliary power. 8192-8197 - Sébastien Sanchez, Damien Risaletto, Frédéric Richardeau, Thierry Meynard, Emmanuel Sarraute:
Pre-design methodology and results of a robust monolithic Inter Cell Transformer (ICT) for parallel multicell converter. 8198-8203 - Bekheïra Tabbache, Mohamed Benbouzid, Abdelaziz Kheloui, Jean-Matthieu Bourgeot
, Abdeslam Mamoune:
PWM inverter-fed induction motor-based electrical vehicles fault-tolerant control. 8204-8209 - Teresa Orlowska-Kowalska, Piotr Sobanski:
Simple sensorless diagnosis method for open-switch faults in SVM-VSI-fed induction motor drive. 8210-8215 - Luigi Alberti
, Nicola Bianchi, Silverio Bolognani
Comparison of different synchronous machines for sensorless drives. 8220-8226 - Václav Smídl, Robert Nedved, Tomás Kosan
, Zdenek Peroutka:
FPGA implementation of marginalized particle filter for sensorless control of PMSM drives. 8227-8232 - Václav Smídl, David Vosmik, Zdenek Peroutka:
Kalman filters unifying model-based and HF injection-based sensorless control of PMSM drives. 8233-8238 - Tomas Glasberger, Vendula Muzikova, Zdenek Peroutka, Václav Smídl:
Sensorless direct torque control of PMSM with reduced model Extended Kalman filter. 8239-8244 - Yaping Dai, Long Gao, Qiang Guo, Qunjie Zou, Zida Song:
A Portable Networked Plant in E-experiment application. 8248-8252 - Daisuke Chugo, Tatsuya Higuchi, Yuki Sakaida, Sho Yokota
, Hiroshi Hashimoto:
An assistive wheelchair based on a concept of a passive robotics. 8253-8258 - Toshiyuki Kusu, Masahiko Takahashi, Yuta Nomoto, Yuka Ito, Yosuke Tsuchiya, Masahiko Narita, Yuka Kato:
An RPG-like campus tour service using remote control robots. 8259-8264 - Yihsin Ho, Toru Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro Kawagishi, Eri Sato-Shimokawara
, Norio Tagawa:
Construction of user model for an assistance system with sensor network. 8265-8270 - Satoshi Muramatsu, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Tetsuo Tomizawa, Shunsuke Kudoh, Takashi Suehiro:
Development of the robust delivery robot system with the unknown object in indoor environment. 8271-8276 - Akio Gofuku, Ikumi Matsuura, Taro Sugihara:
Experimental investigation of information type in plant operation manuals. 8277-8282 - Koji Makino, Wasantha Samarathunga, Hubais Abdelrahman, Jin-Hua She, Yasuhiro Ohyama, Hiroshi Hashimoto:
Human touch behavior classification to therapy robot using SOM. 8283-8287 - Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine
, Thierry Poulain, Serge Debernard
Human-Machine Cooperation and manufacturing system. 8288-8293 - Satoshi Muramatsu, Kazuhiro Takahashi, Tetsuo Tomizawa, Shunsuke Kudoh, Takashi Suehiro:
Improvement of the space observation model for robust mobile robot loclaization with unknown obstacles. 8294-8299 - Takahiko Nakamura, Satoshi Suzuki:
Kindergarten SLAM utilizing laser range sensor and retro-reflective markers. 8300-8305 - Akinori Sasaki, Hiroshi Hashimoto:
Measurement of hand skin deformation in dexterous manipulation. 8306-8311 - Tomoya Tabata, Yoshinori Kobayashi, Yoshinori Kuno
Recognition of request through hand gesture for mobile care robots. 8312-8316 - Masahiko Narita, Sen Okabe, Yuka Kato
, Yoshihiko Murakawa, Keiju Okabayashi, Shinji Kanda:
Reliable cloud-based robot services. 8317-8322 - Meifen Cao, Hiroshi Hashimoto:
Specific person recognition and tracking of mobile robot with Kinect 3D sensor. 8323-8328 - Sho Yokota
, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Daisuke Chugo, Kuniaki Kawabata
The assistive walker using hand haptics. 8329-8334 - Mahdi Bohlouli
, Fazel Ansari
, Yogesh Patel, Madjid Fathi, Miguel Loitxate Cid, Lefteris Angelis:
Towards analytical evaluation of professional competences in Human Resource Management. 8335-8340 - Toshio Asano, Takahiro Kondoh, Shunji Maeda:
Unified evaluation method of white uniformity for electronic displays. 8341-8345 - Daniel Gonzalez Montoya
, Carlos Andrés Ramos-Paja
, Roberto Giral
A new solution of maximum power point tracking based on sliding mode control. 8350-8355 - Peter Stumpf, András Lörincz, István Nagy:
Analysis and compensation of oscillations in digitally controlled PFC converter. 8356-8361 - Fan Xie, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu, Ru Yang, Herbert Ho-Ching Iu:
Complex bifurcation and torus breakdown in higher order converters with an inductive impedance load. 8362-8366 - Abdelali El Aroudi, Javier Calvente
, Roberto Giral
, Luis Martínez-Salamero:
Effects of non-ideal current sensing on subharmonic oscillation boundary in DC-DC switching converters under CMC. 8367-8372 - Meng Huang, Chi K. Tse, Siu Chung Wong, Xinbo Ruan, Cheng Wan:
Interacting bifurcation phenomenon in three-phase voltage source converter connected to non-ideal power grid. 8373-8378 - B. G. M. Robert:
On electronic saturation influence on chaos in a PWM inverter. 8379-8384 - Vinicius Stramosk, Luis Benadero
, Daniel J. Pagano
, Enrique Ponce
Sliding mode control of interconnected power electronic converters in DC microgrids. 8385-8390 - Damian Giaouris, Christos A. Yfoulis
, Spyridon Voutetakis, Simira Papadopoulou
Stability analysis of digital state feedback controlled boost converters. 8391-8396 - Toshiyasu Ohata, Toshimichi Saito:
Stability of multi-phase synchronization in parallel DC-DC boost converters with WTA switching. 8397-8402 - Neraj P. Bobra, Zhenbo Wang, Wenfeng Zhang, An Luo:
A high-quality, low-energy, small-size system-on-chip (SoC) solution enabling ECG mobile applications. 8406-8409 - Bernard Fong, Wing K. Ling:
A power efficient asynchronous dithering scheme for mass-produced hearing aids and personal sound amplifying devices. 8410-8414 - Hao Ran Chi
, Wai Hei Chow, Kwok Tai Chui
, Kim-Fung Man
, Gerhard Petrus Hancke
A remote moniotring patient Homecare Gateway supporting streaming vital sign monitoring. 8415-8419 - Kwok Tai Chui
, Kim Fung Tsang
, Shu Hung Chung, Lam Fat Yeung
Appliance signature identification solution using K-means clustering. 8420-8425 - Joseph N. Mak, Rosa H. M. Chan, Savio W. H. Wong
Evaluation of mental workload in visual-motor task: Spectral analysis of single-channel frontal EEG. 8426-8430 - Bingo Wing-Kuen Ling, Charlotte Yuk-Fan Ho, Jiang-Zhong Cao, Qingyun Dai:
Optimal joint design of orthonormal real valued short time block code and linear transceiver for next generation home. 8431-8436 - Son Minh Huynh, Aljuhara Alshubaily, Farsheed Manzoor Mir, Oleg Smirnov, Meetu Thomas, Joseph Olaolu Ogunyebi, David Parry, Alvis Cheuk M. Fong:
Pharmacy Drug Administration System. 8437-8442 - Kevin Hung
Pupillary dynamic monitoring for mobile health. 8443-8446 - Wah Ching Lee
, Joseph Ng, Lam Fat Yeung
Sensitivity improved ZigBee RF receiver for a medical sensor. 8447-8453 - Hoi Yan Tung, Ka Lun Lam, Gerhard P. Hancke, C. C. Lee
Service management for convergent automation network supporting health and sustainable applications. 8454-8459 - Hoi Ching Tung, Veselin Rakocevic, Kim Fung Tsang
, Loi Lei Lai
ZigBee mobility management for Multipurpose Patient Monitoring system. 8460-8465 - Saptarshi Basak
, A. V. Ravi Teja, Chandan Chakraborty, Yoichi Hori:
A new model reference adaptive formulation to estimate stator resistance in field oriented induction motor drive. 8470-8475 - Sergei Peresada
, Sergey Kovbasa
, Dmitriy Prystupa
, Sergey Edward Lyshevski
Identification of induction motor parameters adaptively controlling stator currents. 8476-8481 - Teresa Orlowska-Kowalska, Grzegorz Tarchala
Integral Sliding Mode Direct Torque Control of the induction motor drives. 8482-8487 - Gerd Bramerdorfer, Wolfgang Amrhein, Stephan Lanser:
PMSM for high demands on low torque ripple using optimized stator phase currents controlled by an iterative learning control algorithm. 8488-8493 - Yusheng Tian, Qirong Jiang:
A dual-current-loop control method based on system current detection for LCL-filter-based Active Power Filters. 8498-8503 - Adusumalli N. R. Sankara Siddartha, Tuhin S. Basu, Chandan Chakraborty:
A simple time domain approach for harmonic, load unbalance and reactive power compensation. 8504-8509 - Italo Roger F. M. P. da Silva
, Alexandre Cunha Oliveira
, Cursino Brandão Jacobina, Camila S. Gehrke
, Victor F. M. B. Melo:
Active Power Line Conditioner based on Modular Multilevel Cascade Converter - Double-Star Chopper-Cells. 8510-8515 - Pablo Acuña
, Luis Morán
, Marco Rivera, Juan W. Dixon, Rolando Burgos
An active power filter using single-phase NPC converters and predictive control for medium voltage distribution systems. 8516-8521 - Siddharthsingh K. Chauhan, P. N. Tekwani
Current error space phasor based hysteresis controller for two-level and three-level converters used in Shunt Active Power Filters. 8522-8527 - Davide Barater
, Giampaolo Buticchi
, Carlo Concari
, Luca Concari, Giovanni Franceschini
Single-phase matrix converter for active power filter applications. 8528-8533 - Javier A. Muñoz
, Carlos R. Baier
, José R. Espinoza
, Marco Rivera, Johan I. Guzman
, Jaime Addin Rohten:
Switching losses analysis of an asymmetric multilevel Shunt Active Power Filter. 8534-8539

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