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ICRA 1999: Detroit, Michigan, USA
- 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Marriott Hotel, Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA, May 10-15, 1999, Proceedings. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society 1999
Mobile Robot Maneuvering
- Sungon Lee, Youngil Youm, Wan Kyun Chung:
Control of a Car-Like Mobile Robot for Parking Problem. 1-6 - Fernando Díaz del Río, Gabriel Jiménez, José Luis Sevillano, Saturnino Vicente Diaz, Antón Civit Balcells:
A Generalization of Path Following for Mobile Robots. 7-12 - Wen J. Li, Takashi Tsubouchi, Shin'ichi Yuta:
On a Manipulative Difficulty of a Mobile Robot with Multiple Trailers for Pushing and Towing? 13-18 - Doh-Hyun Kim, Jun-Ho Oh:
Experiments of Backward Tracking Control for Trailer System. 19-22
Navigation In Unknown Environment
- Xianyi Yang, Max Q.-H. Meng:
A Neural Network Approach to Real-Time Collision-Free Navigation of 3-D.O.F. Robots in 2D. 23-28 - Matthias Strobel:
Navigation in Partially Unknown, Narrow, Cluttered Spaces. 29-34 - Nicholas Roy, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox, Sebastian Thrun:
Coastal Navigation: Mobile Robot Navigation with Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments. 35-40 - Weiguo Wu, Ping Jiang, Huitang Chen:
Optimal Motion Planning for a Wheeled Mobile Robot. 41-46
Biped Robots I
- Ambarish Goswami:
Foot Rotation Indicator (FRI) Point: A New Gait Planning Tool to Evaluate Postural Stability of Biped Robots. 47-52 - Abhay Kataria, Hitay Özbay
, Hooshang Hemami:
Point to Point Motion of Skeletal Systems with Multiple Transmission Delays. 53-58 - Filipe M. Silva, José António Tenreiro Machado:
Energy Analysis During Biped Walking. 59-64 - Qiang Huang, Shuuji Kajita, Noriho Koyachi, Kenji Kaneko, Kazuhito Yokoi, Hirohiko Arai, Kiyoshi Komoriya, Kazuo Tanie:
A High Stability, Smooth Walking Pattern for a Biped Robot. 65-71
Underwater Vehicles
- Massimo Caccia, Gabriele Bruzzone, Gianmarco Veruggio:
Hovering and Altitude Control for Open-Frame UUVs. 72-77 - Gianluca Antonelli, Stefano Chiaverini
, Roberto Finotello, Emanuele Morgavi:
Real-Time Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. 78-83 - Tarun Kanti Podder, Nilanjan Sarkar:
Fault Tolerant Decomposition of Thruster Forces of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. 84-89 - I-Ming Chen
, Hsi-Shang Li, Arnaud Cathala:
Design and Simulation of Amoebot-A Metamorphic Underwater Vehicle. 90-95
Robot Planning and Programming For Assembly
- Toshio Fukuda, Kousuke Sekiyama, Yoshiaki Hasebe, Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Susumu Shibata, Hironobu Yamamoto, Yuji Inada:
Distributed Control of Flexible Transfer System (FTS) Using Learning Automata. 96-101 - Xiaobu Yuan, Yuqing Gu:
An Integration of Robot Programming and Sequence Planning. 102-107 - Xuan F. Zha:
An Integrated Intelligent Approach and System for Rapid Robotic Assembly Prototyping, Planning and Control. 108-113 - Yunxian Chu, Jianbo Gou, Zexiang Li:
A Geometric Algorithm for Hybrid Localization/Inspection/Machinability Problem. 114-119
Discrete Event Control of Manufacturing Systems
- Alejandro Ramirez-Serrano, C. Sriskandarajah, Beno Benhabib:
Control of Flexible-Manufacturing Workcells Using Extended Moore Automata. 120-125 - Satya Ranjan Mohanty, Vigyan Chandra, Ratnesh Kumar:
A Computer Implementable Algorithm for the Synthesis of an Optimal Controller for Acyclic Discrete Event Processes. 126-130 - Michael Heymann, Feng Lin, George Meyer, Satya Ranjan Mohanty, Vigyan Chandra, Ratnesh Kumar:
Discrete Event Control with Active Events. 131-136 - Euisu Park, Dawn M. Tilbury, Pramod P. Khargonekar:
Performance Analysis of Machining Systems with Modular Logic Controllers. 137-144
Motion Planning I
- Mehran Mehrandezh, M. N. Sela, Robert G. Fenton, Beno Benhabib:
Proportional Navigation Guidance in Robot Trajectory Planning for Intercepting Moving Objects. 145-150 - Florent Lamiraux, Lydia E. Kavraki:
Path Planning for Elastic Plates Under Manipulation Constraints. 151-156 - S. Bobyr, Vladimir J. Lumelsky:
Control of Dynamics and Sensor Based Motion Planning for a Differential Drive Robot. 157-162 - Ishay Kamon, Ehud Rivlin, Elon Rimon:
Range-Sensor Based Navigation in Three Dimensions. 163-169
Robot Control I
- M. A. Jarrah, Omar M. Al-Jarrah:
Position Control of a Robot Manipulator Using Continuous Gain Scheduling. 170-175 - Shih-Lang Chang, Chi-haur Wu, D. T. Lee:
A Muscular-Like Compliance Control for Active Vehicle Suspension. 3275-3280 - D. M. Miljanovic, Elizabeth A. Croft:
A Taxonomy for Robot Control. 176-181 - Shuguang Huang, Joseph M. Schimmels:
The Extremal Properties of Spatial Stiffness Matrices. 182-187
- Naoyuki Takesue, Guoguang Zhang, Junji Furusho, Masamichi Sakaguchi:
High Stiffness Control of Direct-Drive Motor System by a Homogeneous ER Fluid. 188-192 - Shigeo Hirose, Craig Tibbetts, Tetsuo Hagiwara:
Development of X-Screw: A Load-Sensitive Actuator Incorporating a Variable Transmission. 193-199 - Navid Niksefat, N. Sepehri:
Robust Force Controller Design for an Electro-Hydraulic Actuator Based on Nonlinear Model. 200-206 - Kyunghwan Kim, Nicola J. Ferrier
Distributed Control Scheme for Motor Networks with Communication-Constrained Channels. 207-212
Teleoperation I: Force and Position Control
- Sooyong Lee, Jangwook Lee, Dae-Sung Choi, Munsang Kim, Chong-Won Lee:
The Distributed Controller Architecture for a Masterarm and Its Application to Teleoperation with Force Feedback. 213-218 - Ning Xi, Tzyh Jong Tarn:
Action Synchronization and Control of Internet Based Telerobotic Systems. 219-224 - Robert L. Williams II, Jason M. Henry, Mark A. Murphy, Daniel W. Repperger:
Free and Constrained Motion Teleoperation via Naturally-Transitioning Rate-to-Force Control. 225-230 - Wen-Hong Zhu, Septimiu E. Salcudean:
Teleoperation with Adaptive Motion/Force Control. 231-237
Contact and Grasping Control
- Xuerong Ji, Jing Xiao:
Automatic Generation of High-Level Contact State Space. 238-244 - Sascha Stoeter, Stephan Voss, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos, Heiko Mosemann:
Planning of Regrasp Operations. 245-250 - Jianda Han, Yuechao Wang, Wei Liang Xu:
Experimental Investigation into Contact Transition Control with Joint Acceleration Feedback Damping. 251-256 - Mikhail M. Svinin, Kanji Ueda, Makoto Kaneko:
Analytical Conditions for the Rotational Stability of an Object in Multi-Finger Grasping. 257-262
Visual Servo Control I
- Koichi Hashimoto, Toshiro Noritsugu:
Visual Servoing with Linearized Observer. 263-268 - Joon-Soo Lee, Il Hong Suh, Bum-Jae You, Sang-Rok Oh:
A Novel Visual Servoing Approach Involving Disturbance Observer. 269-274 - Paul Y. Oh, Peter K. Allen:
Performance of a Partitioned Visual Feedback Controller. 275-280 - Kevin G. Stanley, Q. M. Jonathan Wu, Ali Jerbi, William A. Gruver:
Neural Network-Based Vision Guided Robotics. 281-286
Tactile Sensing
- Darwin G. Caldwell, Nikolaos G. Tsagarakis, C. Giesler:
An Integrated Tactile/Shear Feedback Array for Stimulation of Finger Mechanoreceptor. 287-292 - Martin Nilsson:
Tactile Sensing with Minimal Wiring Complexity. 293-298 - Javad Dargahi, Shahram Payandeh, M. Parameswaran:
A Micromachined Piezoelectric Teeth-like Laparoscopic Tactile Sensor: Theory, Fabrication and Experiments. 299-304 - Guilio Ambrosi, Antonio Bicchi, Danilo De Rossi, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo
The Role of Contact Area Spread Rate in Haptic Discrimination of Softness. 305-310
Mobile Robots and Applications
- K. Jiang, Lakmal D. Seneviratne:
A Sensor Guided Autonomous Parking System for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots. 311-316 - Moëz Cherif:
Kinodynamic Motion Planning for All-Terrain Wheeled Vehicles. 317-322 - Raul Mihali, Tarek M. Sobh
The Formula One Tire Changing Robot (F-T.C.R.). 323-328 - Xiaowei Ma, Yili Fu, Yufei Yuan, Wang Wei, Yulin Ma, Hegao Cai:
The Path Planning of Mobile Manipulator with Genetic-Fuzzy Controller in Flexible Manufacturing Cell. 329-334
Sensor-Based Navigation
- Zvi Shiller:
On-Line Sub-Optimal Obstacle Avoidance. 335-340 - Oliver Brock, Oussama Khatib:
High-Speed Navigation Using the Global Dynamic Window Approach. 341-346 - Sharon L. Laubach, Joel W. Burdick:
An Autonomous Sensor-Based Path-Planner for Planetary Microrovers. 347-354 - Hiroshi Noborio, Kenji Urakawa:
On the Near-Optimality of Sensor-Based Navigation in a 2-D Unknown Environment with Simple Shape. 355-360
Biped Robots II
- Samuel Agus Setiawan, Sang-Ho Hyon, Jin'ichi Yamaguchi, Atsuo Takanishi:
Physical Interaction Between Human and a Bipedal Humanoid Robot: Realization of Human-Follow Walking. 361-367 - Jin'ichi Yamaguchi, Eiji Soga, Sadatoshi Inoue, Atsuo Takanishi:
Development of a Bipedal Humanoid Robot: Control Method of Whole Body Cooperative Dynamic Biped Walking. 368-374 - Masahiro Yagi, Vladimir J. Lumelsky:
Biped Robot Locomotion in Scenes with Unknown Obstacles. 375-380 - Chee-Meng Chew, Jerry E. Pratt, Gill A. Pratt:
Blind Walking of a Planar Bipedal Robot on Sloped Terrain. 381-386
Underwater Robotics: Sensing, Navigation, and Control
- Nilanjan Sarkar, Tarun Kanti Podder:
Motion Coordination of Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator Systems Subject to Drag Optimization. 387-392 - Junku Yuh, Jing Nie, C. S. George Lee:
Experimental Study on Adaptive Control of Underwater Robots. 393-398 - Louis L. Whitcomb, Dana R. Yoerger, Hanumant Singh:
Advances in Doppler-Based Navigation of Underwater Robotic Vehicles. 399-406 - Liu Hsu, Ramon R. Costa
, Fernando C. Lizarralde
, José Paulo Vilela Soares da Cunha:
Passive Arm Based Dynamic Positioning System for Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles. 407-412
Flexible Manipulators I
- Jee-Hwan Ryu, Dong-Soo Kwon, Youngjin Park:
A Robust Controller Design Method for a Flexible Manipulator with a Time Varying Payload and Parameter Uncertainties. 413-418 - Francis Ching, David Wang:
An Infinite-Dimensional Analysis of a PD-Controlled Single Flexible Link in Collision. 419-426 - Milind Ghanekar, David W. L. Wang, Glenn R. Heppler:
Scaling Laws for the Dynamics and Control of Flexible-Link Manipulators. 427-434 - José A. Somolinos, Vicente B. Feliu, Luis Sánchez, José Antonio Cerrada:
Modeling and Control of a New Three-Degree-of-Freedom Flexible Arm with Simplified Dynamics. 435-440
Task Scheduling
- Il-Jun Jeong, George P. Papavassilopoulos, David S. Bayard:
Task Scheduling on Spacecraft by Hydrid Genetic Algorithms. 441-446 - Young Cheol Cho, Zavarin Gagov, Wook Hyun Kwon:
Elevator Group Control with Accurate Estimation of Hall Call Waiting Times. 447-452 - Wan-rong Jih, Jane Yung-jen Hsu:
Dynamic Vehicle Routing Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithms. 453-458 - Ming-Hung Lin, Li-Chen Fu:
A new generation of evaluation tool for online design and scheduling in an advanced manufacturing system. 459-464
Motion Planning II
- Eliana P. L. Aude, Gustavo H. M. B. Carneiro, Henrique Serdeira, Julio T. C. Silveira, Mario F. Martins, Ernesto P. Lopes:
CONTROLAB MUFA: A Multi-Level Fusion Architecture for Intelligent Navigation of a Telerobot. 465-472 - Steven M. LaValle, James J. Kuffner Jr.:
Randomized Kinodynamic Planning. 473-479 - Chia-Yu E. Wang, Wojciech K. Timoszyk, James E. Bobrow:
Weightlifting Motion Planning for a Puma 762 Robot. 480-485 - Scott K. Ralph, Dinesh K. Pai:
Computing Fault Tolerant Motions for a Robot Manipulator. 486-493
Robot Control II
- Chien-Chern Cheah, Sadao Kawamura, Suguru Arimoto, K. Lee:
PID Control of Robotic Manipulator with Uncertain Jacobian Matrix. 494-499 - Anthony M. Bloch, Naomi Ehrich Leonard, Jerrold E. Marsden:
Stabilization of the Pendulum on a Rotor Arm by the Method of Controlled Lagrangians. 500-505 - Dragomir N. Nenchev, Yuichi Tsumaki, Masaru Uchiyama:
Real-Time Motion Control in the Neighborhood of Singularities: A Comparative Study Between the SC and the DLS Method. 506-511 - Fabrizio Caccavale, Ciro Natale, Luigi Villani:
Task-Space Tracking Control Without Velocity Measurements. 512-517
Actuators and Joint Actuation
- Shunmugham R. Pandian, Fumiaki Takemura, Yasuhiro Hayakawa, Sadao Kawamura:
Control Performance of an Air Motor: Can Air Motors Replace Electric Motors? 518-524 - Darwin G. Caldwell, Nikolaos G. Tsagarakis, Gustavo A. Medrano-Cerda, J. Schofield, S. Brown:
Development of a Pneumatic Muscle Actuator Driven Manipulator Rig for Nuclear Waste Retrieval Operations. 525-530 - Sungbok Kim:
Joint Actuation Switching in Closed-Chain Mechanisms for High Task Adaptability. 531-536 - Tetsuo Hagiwara, Shigeo Hirose:
Development of Dual Mode X-Screw: A Novel Load-Sensitive Linear Actuator with a Wide Transmission Range. 537-542
Teleoperation II: Sensor-Based Teleoperation
- S. E. Everett, Y. Isoda, Rajiv V. Dubey, C. Dumont:
Vision-Based End-Effector Alignment Assistance for Teleoperation. 543-549 - Martin Jägersand:
Image Based Predictive Display for Tele-Manipulation. 550-556 - Takafumi Matsumaru
, Shun'ichi Kawabata, Tetsuo Kotoku, Nobuto Matsuhira, Kiyoshi Komoriya, Kazuo Tanie, Kunikatsu Takase:
Task-Based Data Exchange for Remote Operation System Through a Communication Network. 557-564 - Miguel Hernando, Ernesto Gambao
, E. Pinto, Antonio Barrientos
Collision Control in Teleoperation by Virtual Force Reflection: An Application to the ROBTET System. 565-570
Contact Geometry
- Ernesto Staffetti, Lluís Ros, Federico Thomas:
A Simple Characterization of the Infinitesimal Motions Separating General Polyhedra in Contact. 571-577 - Iddo Drori, Leo Joskowicz, Elisha Sacks:
Contact Analysis of Spatial Fixed-Axes Pairs Using Configuration Spaces. 578-584 - Tetsuya Mouri, Takayoshi Yamada, Yasuyuki Funahashi, Nobuharu Mimura:
Identification of Contact Conditions from Contaminated Data of Contact Moment. 585-591 - Min-Hyung Choi, James F. Cremer:
Interactive Manipulation of Articulated Objects with Geometry Awareness. 592-598
Visual Servo Control II
- Rafael Kelly, Fernando Reyes-Cortés, Javier Moreno-Valenzuela, Seth Hutchinson:
A Two Loops Direct Visual Control of Direct-Drive Planar Robots with Moving Target. 599-604 - Wen-Chung Chang, A. Stephen Morse:
Exponentially Stable Positioning of a Rigid Robot Using Stereo Vision. 605-610 - Noah J. Cowan, Daniel E. Koditschek:
Planar Image Based Visual Servoing as a Navigation Problem. 611-617 - Hong Zhang, James P. Ostrowski:
Visual Servoing with Dynamics: Control of an Unmanned Blimp. 618-623
Sonar-Based Sensing
- Paul Gilkerson, Penelope Probert:
A Diffuse Reflection Model for Time of Flight Sonar. 624-629 - Teruko Yata, Akihisa Ohya, Shin'ichi Yuta:
A Fast and Accurate Sonar-Ring Sensor for a Mobile Robot. 630-636 - Youngjoon Han, Hernsoo Hahn:
Localization and Classification of Target Surfaces Using Two Pairs of Ultrasonic Sensors. 637-643 - Keiji Nagatani, Howie Choset, Nicole A. Lazar:
The Arc-Transversal Median Algorithm: An Approach to Increasing Ultrasonic Sensor Accuracy. 644-651
Mobile Robot-Environment Interaction
- Amol Dattatraya Mali:
Marker-Augmented Robot-Environment Interaction. 652-657 - Jamieson Schulte, Charles R. Rosenberg, Sebastian Thrun:
Spontaneous, Short-Term Interaction with Mobile Robots. 658-663 - Paul E. Rybski, Richard M. Voyles
Interactive Task Training of a Mobile Robot through Human Gesture Recognition. 664-669 - Hedvig Sidenbladh, Danica Kragic, Henrik I. Christensen:
A Person Following Behaviour for a Mobile Robot. 670-675
Mobile Robot Motion Planning I
- Ioannis M. Rekleitis
, Vida Dujmovic, Gregory Dudek:
Efficient Topological Exploration. 676-681 - S. Sathiya Keerthi, Chong Jin Ong, Eugene Huang, Elmer G. Gilbert:
EquiDistance Diagram: A New Roadmap Method for Path Planning. 682-687 - Nancy M. Amato, Lucia K. Dale:
Probabilistic Roadmap Methods are Embarrassingly Parallel. 688-694 - Peter Leven, Seth Hutchinson, Darius Burschka, Georg Färber:
Perception-Based Motion Planning for Indoor Exploration. 695-701
Biology-Inspired Methods
- Karsten Berns, Tamim Asfour, Rüdiger Dillmann:
ARMAR: An Anthropomorphic Arm for Humanoid Service Robot. 702-707 - Richard M. Voyles
, Pradeep K. Khosla:
Gesture-Based Programming: A Preliminary Demonstration. 708-713 - Katsu Yamane, Yoshihiko Nakamura:
Dynamics Computation of Structure-Varying Kinematic Chains for Motion Synthesis of Humanoid. 714-721 - D. Um, Vladimir J. Lumelsky:
Fault Tolerance via Component Redundancy for a Modularized Sensitive Skin. 722-727
Service and Underwater Robots
- Prasad Akella, Michael A. Peshkin, J. Edward Colgate, Wit Wannasuphoprasit, Nidamaluri Nagesh, Jim Wells, Steve Holland, Tom Pearson, Brian Peacock:
Cobots for the Automobile Assembly Line. 728-733 - Byung-Ju Yi, Jai Hoon Lee:
Feedforward Modulation of Dynamic Behaviour in Anthropomorphic Robots via Force Redundancies. 734-740 - H. F. Machiel Van der Loos, J. Joseph Wagner, Niels Smaby, Kyong-Sok Chang, O. Madrigal, Larry J. Leifer, Oussama Khatib:
ProVAR Assistive Robot System Architecture. 741-746 - Josep Amat, Alicia Casals, Josep Fernández:
Vision Based Assisted Operations in Underwater Environments Using Ropes. 747-752
Flexible Manipulators II
- Xiang-Rong Xu, Won-Jee Chung, Young-Hyu Choi:
Modeling of Kineto-Elastodynamics of Robots with Flexible Links. 753-758 - Frédéric Boyer, N. Glandais:
Simulation of Flexible Manipulators with Elastic Non-Linearities. 759-766 - Shinichi Tokumoto, Yoshiaki Fujita, Shinichi Hirai:
Deformation Modeling of Viscoelastic Objects for Their Shape Control. 767-772 - Richard Mason, Joel W. Burdick:
Propulsion and Control of Deformable Bodies in an Ideal Fluid. 773-780
Manufacturing Planning and Scheduling
- Angela Di Febbraro, Riccardo Minciardi, Simona Sacone:
An Operational Approach for the Control of Manufacturing Processes. 781-786 - Peter B. Luh, Xiaohui Zhou, Robert N. Tomastik:
An Effective Method to Reduce Inventory in Job Shops. 787-792 - Hyung Seok Kim, Naehyuck Chang, Wook Hyun Kwon:
A Translation Method for Ladder Diagram with Application to a Manufacturing Process. 793-798 - Hsien-Jung Wu:
Methodology of Generating Recovery Procedures in a Robotic Cell. 799-804
Constraint and Nonholonomic System
- Hanqi Zhuang, Shui H. Motaghedi, Zvi S. Roth:
Robot Calibration with Planar Constraints. 805-810 - Wei Liang Xu, Bao Li Ma, Shiu Kit Tso:
Curve Fitting Approach to Motion Planning of Nonholonomic Chained Systems. 811-816 - Sepanta Sekhavat, M. Chyba:
Nonholonomic Deformation of a Potential Field for Motion Planning. 817-822 - Marilena Vendittelli, Jean-Paul Laumond, Giuseppe Oriolo:
Steering Nonholonomic Systems via Nilpotent Approximations: The General Two-Trailer System. 823-829

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