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EDUCON 2022: Tunis, Tunisia
- Ilhem Kallel, Habib M. Kammoun, Lobna Hsairi:
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2022, Tunis, Tunisia, March 28-31, 2022. IEEE 2022, ISBN 978-1-6654-4434-7 - Florian Huber, Georg Hagel:
Work-In-Progress: Converting textual software engineering class diagram exercises to UML models. 1-3 - Ivan A. Rumyancev, Margarita O. Aivazova, Zakharova A. Eleonora:
Work-in-Progress: LabVIEW Application Programming Interfaces for Remote Access to Oscilloscope and Arbitrary Waveform Generator. 4-6 - Christo Dichev, Darina Dicheva:
Work-in-Progress: What Motivators Matter When Gamifying a Learning Activity. 7-9 - Elvira G. Rincón Flores, Nadia Rodriguez-Rodriguez
, Brenda Nelly Santos Guevara
, Alberto Matsuura Sonoda, Hernan Quintana-Cruz
Gamit! Interactive platform for gamification. 10-13 - Alexa Ray Fernando, Jan Guiller U. Vergara, Christian Aldwin D. Canlapan:
Work in Progress: Perception of complex engineering problem among capstone design students. 14-16 - Joan E. DeBello, Suzanna Schmeelk, Denise M. Dragos, Erald Troja, Laura M. Truong:
Teaching effective Cybersecurity through escape the classroom paradigm. 17-23 - Adrian Koegl
, Peter Hubwieser, Mike Talbot, Johannes Krugel
, Michael Striewe
, Michael Goedicke:
Efficient Structural Analysis of Source Code for Large Scale Applications in Education. 24-30 - Nils Pancratz
, Lisa Schütte, Ira Diethelm:
Seek-and-Find-Drawings in the Research of Students' Conceptions in Computer Science Education. 31-35 - Ignacio Del Villar, Luis Rodriguez-Gil, Pablo Orduña:
Learning CAN bus communication with a remote laboratory. 36-40 - Nadejda Opletina, Maria Kunyaeva
Technology Assessment as a Field of Professional Competency of Technoscience Society Engineers. 41-44 - Ryoga Maruyama, Mizue Kayama, Takashi Nagai, Koki Otaku, Naomi Taguchi:
Practical UML Programming based on the Executable UML Method at Secondary School Students. 45-50 - Florian Huber, Georg Hagel:
Semi-automatic generation of textual exercises for software engineering education. 51-56 - Dirk Reith
, Martina Grein, Daniel Röthgen, Jan Behrendt, Tobias Held, Michael Malschützky
, Iris Gross:
How self-reliant Peer Teaching can be set up to augment learning outcomes for university learners. 57-62 - Emilio Cabezas-Zevallos, Luis Acosta-Soto, Jorge Alfonso Rodriguez-Tort, Samira Hosseini:
Half-full or half-empty? The impact of influential events pre- and intra- COVID 19 pandemic on enrolment, progression and completion of online courses. 63-72 - Kazunari Ito:
Pictoch: A Block-based Programming Learning Environment through Pictogram Content Creation. 73-78 - Apittha Unahalekhaka, Marina Umaschi Bers:
Clustering Young Children's Coding Project Scores with Machine Learning. 79-85 - Koby Mike, Orit Hazzan:
Interdisciplinary CS1 Course for Non-Majors: The Case of Graduate Psychology Students. 86-93 - Carlos Delgado Kloos, Yannis Dimitriadis, Davinia Hernández-Leo, Carlos Alario-Hoyos, Alejandra Martínez-Monés, Patricia Santos, Pedro J. Muñoz-Merino
, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez, Lluís Vicent Safont:
H2O Learn - Hybrid and Human-Oriented Learning: Trustworthy and Human-Centered Learning Analytics (TaHCLA) for Hybrid Education. 94-101 - Markus Dumschat, Joachim Rottmann, Phileas Schweizer, Benedikt Reick, Ralf Stetter
, Robert Bjekovic:
Using transdisciplinary problem-oriented teaching approaches to inspire students for the diversity of engineering sciences. 102-107 - Raúl Crespo, Edgar Lopez-Caudana
, Katya Romo, Alfredo Mantilla:
Scenarios for student-centered learning: RFiD Pocket Lab and IoT Platform as teaching tools. 108-116 - Majid Rouhani, Atle Olsø, Arne Styve, Kiran B. Raja:
An Experience Report on Transitioning to Blended Learning and Portfolio-assessment: a Cross-campus Course in Programming. 117-122 - Majid Rouhani, Miriam Lillebo, Veronica Farshchian, Monica Divitini:
Learning to Program: an In-service Teachers' Perspective. 123-132 - Nuno Pombo
, Dorilene Lamas:
Game-Based Learning for Young Children: A Case Study. 133-138 - Geraldo Cangondo, Nuno Pombo
, Leonice Souza-Pereira, Sofia Ouhbi
, Bruno M. C. Silva:
Computer Science Education in Angola: The Key Challenges. 139-147 - Zheng Song
, Nidhi Shah, Jinhua Guo, Qiang Zhu:
Applying Project-based Learning to Improve Computer Networks Courses: An Experience Report. 148-156 - Lilia Carolina Rodríguez-Galván, Eduardo Daniel Juárez
, José Manuel Velázquez:
The Ethical Competency Development Framework. 157-163 - Majid Rouhani, Monica Divitini, Amir Massoud Hashemi:
Computer Science in Schools: A Literature Mapping of Professional Development for In-Service Teachers. 164-173 - Radhika Amashi, Unnati Koppikar, Vijayalakshmi M
, Rohit Kandakatla
Investigation of Student's Engagement in Blended PBL-based Engineering Course and its Influence on Performance. 174-179 - Tina P. Nantsou
, George S. Tombras:
Hands-on Physics Experiments for K-6 Teachers at CERN. 180-188 - Paul Steffen Kleppe, Øystein Bjelland:
Implementation of Virtual Concurrent Engineering Tools in Engineering Education 4.0. 189-194 - Paul Steffen Kleppe, Øystein Bjelland, Irina-Emily Hansen, Ola Jon Mork:
Idea Lab: Bridging Product Design and Automatic Manufacturing in Engineering Education 4.0. 195-200 - Maria Aristeidou, Theodora Kouvara, Christoforos Karachristos, Natalia D. Spyropoulou
, Ana Benavides-Lahnstein, Bojana Vulicevic, Alexis Lacapelle, Theofanis Orphanoudakis, Zoe Batsi:
Virtual Museum Tours for Schools: Teachers' Experiences and Expectations. 201-209 - Marina Lepp
, Joosep Kaimre:
Providing Additional Support in an Introductory Programming Course. 210-216 - Greg Alpár, Sabiha Yeni, Efthimia Aivaloglou, Felienne Hermans:
Can Math Be a Bottleneck? Exploring the Mathematics Perceptions of Computer Science Students. 217-225 - Samuel Loyiso Gqibani
Online teaching and learning due to Covid-19: Case study on the impact on engineering students. 226-235 - Cristina Angel, Henrietta Steenkamp, Samuel Loyiso Gqibani
, Amukelani Baloyi, Nkeiruka Nwobodo-Anyadiegwu
Analysis of Graduate Attributes Assessment in Final Year Engineering Design Project-What are the Global Practices? 236-241 - Tina P. Nantsou
, George S. Tombras:
Hands-on Experiments in Electricity for Physics Teachers and Students. 242-248 - Tina P. Nantsou
, George S. Tombras:
STEM Lab on Climate Change with Simple Hands-on Experiments. 249-256 - Mahmoud Al Ahmad
, Lillian Joyce Among Olule
A Review of Student-Centered Evaluation: Functions and Perceptions. 257-260 - Olga Alekseevna Oreshkina, Yulia Anatolievna Safonova:
Academic Support for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Inclusive Engineering Education Programs: Key Decisions. 261-269 - Benjamin Alexander, Yunfei Hou
, Bilal Khan, Jennifer Kim Jin:
Learn Programming In Virtual Reality? A Case Study of Computer Science Students. 270-275 - Holger Timinger
, Matthias Vieth, Harald Wehens:
Cross-University Certification System as Proof of Competence in Project Management. 276-284 - Oscar I. Higuera-Martinez
, Liliana Fernandez-Samacá
, Andrea C. Alvarado-Fajardo, Luis A. Mesa-Mesa:
Fostering Creativity in Seniors and Freshman Students of Engineering. 285-291 - Siyuan Ji
, Tangming Yuan
Conversational Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Online Learning: What do Students and Tutors Say? 292-298 - Angel Sapena-Bano, Jordi Burriel-Valencia, Martin Riera-Guasp, Carla Terron-Santiago, Javier Martínez-Román:
Improving Student Outcomes Attainment by Project Based Learning in Electrical Machines. 299-306 - Jan Haase
Flipped Classroom with Digital Circuits: An HTML5-based Interactive Simulation Tool. 307-312 - Iván Celis Maldonado, Eduardo Daniel Juárez
, Lilia Carolina Rodríguez-Galván:
Are Negative Emotions Useful for Learning? 313-319 - Eniye Tebekaemi, Martin Zhao:
Cyber-Softbook: A Platform for Collaborative Content Development and Delivery for Cybersecurity Education. 320-327 - Christian Madritsch, Reinhard Langmann
Education and Training for Automation 4.0 in Thailand - ETAT. 328-332 - Iris Gross, Michael Malschützky
, Tobias Held, Jan Behrendt, Daniel Röthgen, Martina Grein, Dirk Reith
Self-reliant peer teaching as an additional dimension of university-level education for high potentials. 333-338 - Iris Gross, Ingo Gross:
Take Home Lab as a chance for practical experience and problem based learning in a remote working situation. 339-343 - Nazmun Nahar, Nazlee Siddiqui, Mohammad-Sahadet Hossain, Ahmed Tazmeen, Khawaja Sazzad Ali
Path to outcome based higher education in Bangladesh: an analysis of student engagement and socio-demographic factors. 344-350 - Valery Vodovozov, Zoja Raud, Eduard Petlenkov:
Active Learning of Students with Diverse Goals and Backgrounds in the Light of Industry 4.0 Requirements. 351-355 - Fernando López-Ostenero, Laura Plaza, Lourdes Araujo, Juan Martínez-Romo:
Self-Assesment tool with topic-driven navigation for algorithms learning. 356-363 - Andrew Valentine, Paul Vrbik
, Richard Thomas
A systematic review of paper-based versus computer-based testing in engineering and computing education. 364-372 - Unnati Koppikar, Radhika Amashi, Vijayalakshmi M
, Rohit Kandakatla
, Preethi Baligar
Evaluation of First-Year Student's Learning of Engineering Ethics in a Blended PBL Course. 373-378 - Finn Reiche, Claudia Doering:
Study on Massive Open Online Courses in Universities. 379-385 - Elliniadou E, Chrysa Sofianiopoulou:
A STEM intervention on Students' Attitudes Towards Science. 386-393 - Vianney Lara-Prieto
, María Ileana Ruiz-Cantisani, Claudio Mourgues, Luis Arturo Pinzón-Salcedo, Juanita Bernal-Alvarado
, L. Aarón Ramírez-Robles:
Design Process of Extended Reality Educational Resources in Engineering: A Comparison of Three Cases in Latin American Universities. 394-399 - Guilherme P. Temporão, Ana Maria Beltran Pavani:
Hybrid approach for e-learning in Electric and Electronic Circuits laboratory courses. 400-405 - Angel Sapena-Bano, Jordi Burriel-Valencia, Ruben Puche-Panadero, Manuel Pineda-Sánchez, Javier Martínez-Román:
Introducing Project Based Learning for Teaching and Learning Electrical Drives: A case of UPV. 406-412 - Axel Böttcher
, Robin Grellner:
Analysing Students' Problem Solving Capabilities to Support Teaching in Software Development. 413-418 - Nicola Brown
Teaching reflective practice in teams: In-person and virtual activities. 419-422 - Argelia B. Urbina Nájera, Rosa María Cantón Croda
Retention and support strategies for university students during COVID-19 pandemic. 423-427 - David S. Bowers
, Mihaela Sabin, Rajendra K. Raj
, John Impagliazzo:
Computing Competencies: Mapping CC2020 Dispositions to SFIA Responsibility Characteristics. 428-437 - Yichao Wang, Hua Chai, Jayashri Ravishankar:
Statistical Analysis Methods in Engineering Education Research: A state-of-the-art Review. 438-444 - Viviana Callea
, Germana Remigi, Roberta Tempone, Lia Matrisciano, Mihai Ursache:
COACH_ING EDUCATIONAL MODEL: analysis and application for business. 445-450 - Jesús Moreno-León
, Cristian Chushig, Gregorio Robles
Modeling At School - On the Benefits and Skill Development of the Use of Modeling Diagrams at School. 451-457 - Paul Cuffe
Codifying Systematic Manuscript Preparation Checklists as a Training and Productivity Resource for Research Students. 458-465 - Pedro Santos Bartolomé, Tom Van Gerven
From the classroom to the game: applying available pedagogical guidelines in game-based learning. 466-472 - David Smith, Aron Pasieka, Ralf Becker, Christina Perdikoulias:
Student Success in Asynchronous STEM Education: measuring and identifying contributors to learner outcomes. 473-479 - Araceli Zavala
, Ana Esquivel, María Jose Gutierrez, María Guadalupe Lomelí Plascencia, Olga García, Georgia García-Arellano:
Women Empowering Women: A mentoring program. 480-484 - Roberto J. Mora-Salinas, Hugo G. González-Hernández
Virtual labs: 5 ways to connect with Factory IO for mechatronics engineering courses. 485-490 - Veronika Thurner
A Course Design for Teaching Leadership Skills. 491-497 - Stefan Svetsky
, Dariusz Mikulowski, Oliver Moravcik
Universal IT Support Design for Engineering Education. 498-507 - Eduardo Daniel Juárez
, Noreha Abdul Malik, Ivo Ayala, Anis Nurashikin Nordin, Nadirah Binti Abdul Rahim:
A Framework for Self-Organized Learning Environments to Develop Soft Skills in Geographically Distributed and Multicultural Engineering Teams. 508-512 - S. Supraja
, Fun Siong Lim, Sophia Tan, Shen Yong Ho
, Beng Koon Ng, Andy W. H. Khong:
Factors Impacting Students' Creativity-related Self-efficacy in an Undergraduate Makerspace-based Course. 513-522 - Marge Kusmin
, Mart Laanpere:
Design of the Smart Schoolhouse Self-assessment Model. 523-531 - Eslam Ahmed, Rim Fares, Ali Ibrahim, Sofia Ouhbi
An Analysis of Gamified Mobile Applications to Educate Children about Astronomy. 532-536 - Wei Lek Kwan
, Gim-Yang Maggie Pee, Li Ling Apple Koh, Mei Xuan Tan:
Using Machine Learning Methods to Understand Students' Performance in an Engineering Course. 537-540 - Dena Hussain, Linda Söderlindh:
Software engineering, bridging theory and practice in an agile learning environment. 541-546 - Konstantina Marathaki, Michalis Feidakis, Charalampos Z. Patrikakis, Eleni Agrianiti:
Deploy Social Assistive Robot to develop symbolic play and imitation skills in students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 547-552 - Carlos Vázquez Hurtado, Consuelo Rodriguez-Padilla
Adapting a Very Small Size Soccer (VSSS) competition for learning robotics in virtual teaching. 553-558 - Edison Altamirano Avila, Diego Prado Chapa, Ivan Diaz Arenas
, Carlos Vázquez Hurtado:
A Digital Twin implementation for Mobile and collaborative robot scenarios for teaching robotics based on Robot Operating System. 559-564 - Da Yang Tan
, Wei Lek Kwan
, Li Ling Apple Koh, Gim-Yang Maggie Pee, Khim Tiam Lur, Zhen Yong Yeo:
Virtual Dissection Activities as a Strategy for Blended Synchronous Learning in the New Normal. 565-570 - Khim Tiam Lur, Da Yang Tan
, Chin Wei Cheah, Chee Huei Lee:
Connecting Design and Engineering Physics with Reverse Engineering. 571-578 - José Manuel Nieto Jalil, Aaron Castro Bazua, Luis Carlos Félix Herrán, Francisco I. Gutierrez-Castillo, Dionisio Othón Katase, Oscar Alberto González Valenzuela:
The virtual reality as a flexible resource to improve engineering education. 579-585 - Mohammed M. Bait-Suwailam
, Joseph Jervase, Hassan Al-Lawati, Zia Nadir
Enhancing Students' Critical Thinking and Visualization Skills of Three-Dimensional Problems in Electromagnetics. 586-589 - Gennady Veselov, Anton Pljonkin, Anna Opryshko, Tatiana Klimina:
Training of Engineers: Approaches to Customization of Educational Programs. 590-596 - Milind Khanapurkar
, Tanuja Khatavkar
, Kalyani Akant, Sonali Joshi
, Mahesh Potdar, Minakashai Atre:
Implementation of Learner Generated MOOC Through Inter-Institute Faculty - Student Peer Collaboration. 597-602 - Aikaterini Goltsiou
, Chrysa Sofianiopoulou:
Cultivating mathematical thinking with Scratch, or approaching programming via geometry? 603-609 - Preethi Baligar
, Gopalkrishna Joshi, Ashok Shettar
, Rohit Kandakatla
Penetration for Cooperative Learning in Engineering Education: A Systematic Literature Review. 610-619 - M. Fahim Ferdous Khan, Damar Masato Hadisumarto, Ken Sakamura:
A Tangible-Tool-Based Lesson Plan on Cipher Key Exchange Protocol for Early-Stage Learners. 620-627 - Amira Kamel Inoubli, Dhouha Melliti Ben Khedher:
Serious games in management to support the active construction of knowledge in engineering studies. 628-633 - Faten Ziadi, Naouel Boughattas, Wissal Neji
Reform of active pedagogy in the age of Covid. 634-639 - Sara Khosravi
, Ahsan Raza Khan, Ahmed Zoha, Rami Ghannam:
Self-Directed Learning using Eye-Tracking: A Comparison between Wearable Head-worn and Webcam-based Technologies. 640-643 - Kallirroi Zarkadoula, Michalis Xenos:
Evaluating Usability and Educational Effectiveness of a Serious Game for Programmers Using Alternative Interfaces and Types of Activities. 644-651 - Chenhui Wan, Tao Huang, Xi Zhang, Xin Zhang, Youmin Hu, Di Wang:
Application of Somatosensory Camera in Robot Remote Experimental Teaching. 652-655 - Georges Zissis, Laurent Canale
, Marta Krakowiak, Stylianos Zerefos, Evangelos-Nikolaos Madias, Marie-Pierre Alexandre:
Identify the necessary skills for designing the training tracks for the next-gen of lighting engineers. 656-662 - Maria de la O Laura del Carmen Cuevas-Cancino Esteva
, Maritza Peña-Becerril, Claudia Camacho-Zuñiga
, Eréndira Gabriela Avilés-Rabanales:
EDU Movies: using fiction movies for student-centered learning. 663-669 - Ahsan Raza Khan
, Sara Khosravi
, Sajjad Hussain, Rami Ghannam, Ahmed Zoha, Muhammad Ali Imran
EXECUTE: Exploring Eye Tracking to Support E-learning. 670-676 - Fadi Riad Shahroury, Luae Al-Tarawneh, Abdallah Al-Zoubi:
In-the-Online-Class Remote Lab in Post COVID-19 Pandemic. 677-682 - Angélica Lizeth Sánchez-López, Luis Marcelo Lozano-Sánchez, Alejandro Parra-Córdova, Janet Castañeda-Sedano, Jackeline Iturbe Ek
Implementation of hybrid chemistry labs as a learning strategy in post-COVID times. 683-686 - Ana M. B. Pavani
, William de Souza Barbosa
An Electric and Electronic Circuit Remote Laboratory in a Control Course. 687-694 - Sarantos Psycharis, Konstantinos Kalovrektis:
Assesement And Integrated Steam In Engineering Education. 695-703 - Neila Chettaoui, Ayman Atia
, Med Salim Bouhlel:
Predicting Students Performance Using Eye-Gaze Features in an Embodied Learning Environment. 704-711 - Prem Sundaramoorthy, Cornelis Vertegaal, María Cecilia Martínez
, Ramiro Serra, Chris J. M. Verhoeven, Anton Montagne, Mark J. Bentum:
Extracting Learning Performance Indicators from Digital Learning Environments. 712-718 - Outi T. Virkki
Reasoning Skills Assessment in Information Technology National Entrance Examination Reform; a Design Science Approach. 719-726 - Abdullah Bahmani, Rune Hjelsvold
Students' Expectations Towards Multi-Campus Courses. 727-732 - Eva Murphy, Lizbeth Goodman
Unintended Consequences when the Engineering Design Team is Noninclusive: An Exploration of the Literature. 733-738 - Alexander Chirtsov, Olga Alekseeva, Timofey Chirtsov, Nicolsky Dmitry:
Digital teaching system StudyWays© as a new educational concept. 739-745 - Cristina Páez Quinde
, Héctor E. Hurtado-Puga, Patricio Miranda-Ramos
, Carla S. Castro-Altamirano:
Children's learning based on the colors in the fruit's inquiry in the techno-emotional cooking: Case study of emotions delimitation. 746-751 - Cristina Páez Quinde
, Daniel Morocho-Lara, Catherine P. Culqui C, Marbella Escalante:
Gamification as a strategy in collaborative learning against virtual education in times of pandemic. 752-756 - Asma Ayari
, Mariem Chaabouni, Henda Ben Ghézala
Studying the impact of learning situation on learner model. 757-762 - Joan Verdaguer-Codina:
Linux, LaTeX, and Python in secondary and baccalaureate. 763-768 - Usman Naeem, Lisa Bosman
, Sukhpal Singh Gill
Teaching and Facilitating an Online Learning Environment for a Web Programming Module. 769-774 - Daniel Morocho-Lara
, Patricio Miranda-Ramos
, Héctor Neto-Chusín, Sarah Iza-Pazmiño:
Collaborative tools web 3.0 in the teaching of mathematics in times of Covid 19 pandemic. 775-779 - Paula Escudeiro, Nuno Escudeiro, Márcia Campos Gouveia:
Learning sign language basics supported by assistive technology. 780-784 - Cristina Páez Quinde
, Angela Chasipanta-Nieves, Carlos A. Hernández-Dávila
, Josué Arévalo-Peralta:
Flipped classroom in the meaningful learning of the students of the Basic Education Career: Case study Technical University of Ambato. 785-789 - Ismaila Temitayo Sanusi, Sunday Adewale Olaleye:
An Insight into Cultural Competence and Ethics in K-12 Artificial Intelligence Education. 790-794 - N. P. Subheesh
, Sobin C. C., Jahfar Ali, Meka Varsha:
Classification of Students' Misconceptions in Individualised Learning Environments (C-SMILE): An Innovative Assessment Tool for Engineering Education Settings. 795-800 - Redar Ismail, Theresa A. Steinbach, Craig S. Miller:
A Guide Towards a Definition of Computational Thinking in K-12. 801-810 - María Ileana Ruiz-Cantisani, Elvira G. Rincón Flores, Graciela Caffarel Rodriguez, Denisse I. Lopez-Ruiz:
Industrial engineering practice: Process approach for equity and inclusion culture. 811-815 - Luis H. Hernandez-Carrasco
, Monica D. Hernandez-Sanchez, Miguel X. Rodríguez-Paz
Developing disciplinary competencies in an "hybrid model" comparing "on-line" versus "face-to-face" interaction between students and lecturers. 816-821 - Emmanuel Carvalho, Ayrton Eusebio, Guilherme Ranoya
, Cristiano C. Araújo, Geber L. Ramalho:
A Proposal For Micromanagement Of People Through Rpg Cards In Education For Innovation. 822-828 - Eduardo Bastida-Escamilla
, Milton Carlos Elias-Espinosa, Froylan Franco-Herrera:
Service-learning as a bridge to connect theory and practice: A case study. 829-835 - Romeo Ballinas-Gonzalez, Rashid Abella, Julio Barrios, Raul Garibay, Juan Garrido:
A hydraulic 3D-lab based on virtual Gora dam visits at Call of Duty Warzone to Develop Student's Competencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic. 836-843 - Vijayalakshmi M
, Rohit Kandakatla
, Preethi Baligar
, Gopalkrishna Joshi, Ashok Shettar
Design of Research Canvas to align Research Efforts at Engineering Education Research Centre in India. 844-849 - Preethi Baligar
, Gopalkrishna Joshi, Ashok Shettar
Structuring research experiences for undergraduate engineering students through research problems in engineering education. 850-856 - Anastasios Ladias, Theodoros Karvounidis, Christos Douligeris:
Assessment of command structuring in Scratch programming using the SOLO taxonomy. 857-862 - Dhinesh Radhakrishnan, Rohit Kandakatla
, David A. Delaine
Participatory Approach to Engineering Service Learning Programs - Quality Framework for the Implementation of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Program in Indian Engineering Institution. 863-872 - Syed Haris Roman Hussaini, Akrom Mamasaliev, Amir Risan, Khalid Al Duweik, Jinane Mounsef, Boutheina Tlili:
A COVID-Band for a Safer School Environment. 873-877 - Fabienne Fariba Salimi, Frederic Salimi, Hosein Taghipoor, Rehyane Mokhtarname, Ali Akbar Safavi, Leonhard Urbas
Active Learning on the Collaborative Digital Twin of the Process Plants. 878-883 - Jinane Mounsef, Muhieddin Amer
Bringing the Industry Expertise to the Classroom for Enhancing Life-Long Learning. 884-889 - Ulrike Quapp, Klaus Holschemacher:
Influence of COVID-19 on the University Examination Situation of Students with Impairments. 890-893 - Unnati Koppikar, Vijayalakshmi M
, Poornima Mohanachandran, Ashok Shettar
Effectiveness of introducing concept-wise questions through post-tests in ensuring student learning. 894-900 - Mohammad Naiseh
, Caitlin M. Bentley, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn
Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS): Engaging TAS experts in curriculum design. 901-905 - Robert Luh, Sebastian Eresheim
, Stefanie Größbacher, Thomas Petelin, Florian Mayr, Paul Tavolato
, Sebastian Schrittwieser:
PenQuest Reloaded: A Digital Cyber Defense Game for Technical Education. 906-914 - Alexey Poletaykin, Sergey Sinitsa
, Nadezhda Dvurechenskaya, Lyubov Danilova, Yulia Shevtsova, Ekaterina Kunz:
Intelligent Analysis of Labor Market and Educational Content Matching. 915-920 - Andreas Theissler
, Philip Ritzer:
EduML: An explorative approach for students and lecturers in machine learning courses. 921-928 - Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigün
Continuous Examination by Automatic Quiz Assessment Using Spiral Codes and Image Processing. 929-935 - Parth Parikh, Oishik Chatterjee, Muskan Jain, Aman Harsh, Gaurav Shahani, Rathin Biswas, Kavi Arya:
Auto-Query - A simple natural language to SQL query generator for an e-learning platform. 936-940 - Aruna Nayak, Namrata Hiremath, Umadevi F. M, Vishwanath Garagad, Satyadhyan Chickerur:
Teaching Microcontrollers - using Arduino as a Platform. 941-945 - Kyriacos Yiasemides, Katerina Zachariadou, Nikolaos Moshonas, Maria Rangoussi, Angelos Charitopoulos:
Development and Assessment of a Web-based Platform for an Active Learning Physics Lab Session on the linear regression technique. 946-955 - Noor AlQallaf, Xinghao Chen, Yao Ge
, Ahsan Raza Khan, Ahmed Zoha, Sajjad Hussain, Rami Ghannam:
Teaching Solar Energy Systems Design using Game-Based Virtual Reality. 956-960 - Vivek Sabanwar
, Avijit Pandey, Rathin Biswas, Kavi Arya:
Easy or Difficult! MOOC difficulty and retention. 961-968 - Sourav Jena, Gayatri Ajit Ranade, Ruchi Pushpak Sharma, Kavi Arya:
Integrating Industry 4.0 in engineering education during a global pandemic: Approach and Learning Efficacy. 969-974 - Vian Ahmed, Hisham Ahmed, Hessa Zamzam, Sara Saboor:
Covid-19 and Online Learning Challenges in Engineering Education: A Case Study of the American University of Sharjah. 975-980 - Karolina Doulougeri
, Gunter Bombaerts
, Diana Adela Martin
, Adam Watkins, Michael Bots, Jan D. Vermunt
Exploring the factors influencing students' experience with challenge-based learning: a case study. 981-988 - Guanming Chen, Chuantao Yin, Yuanxin Ouyang, Wenge Rong, Zhang Xiong, Jinsong Cai:
A Recommendation Algorithm for University Master Tutors Based on Machine Learning. 989-997 - Chaofeng Zhang, Gaolei Li, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Zejun Zhang:
Digital Transformation (DX) for Skill Learners: The Design Methodology and Implementation of Educational Chatbot using Knowledge Connection and Emotional Expression. 998-1003 - Nathan Percival
, Pranathi Rayavaram, Sashank Narain, Claire Seungeun Lee:
CryptoScratch: Developing and evaluating a block-based programming tool for teaching K-12 cryptography education using Scratch. 1004-1013 - Natthakarn Suwannachan, Komkrit Chomsuwan
Development of Student's Innovative Solution Based on Work-Integrated Learning Activity. 1014-1019 - Saketh Kodumuru, Brendan Lucas, Vivek Sabanwar
, Sachin Patil, Deepa Avudiappan, Parth Parikh, Kavi Arya:
Towards developing a learning analytics dashboard for a massive online robotics competition. 1020-1025 - João Almeida, Ana Dias Daniel:
Student-led organisations and STEM education: a review. 1026-1030 - João Almeida, Ana Dias Daniel:
Student-led organisations and STEM education: a review. 1031-1035 - Ernesto Vega Janica:
IEEE Standards: Powering Innovation and Your Career. 1036-1043 - Yassine Safsouf, Khalifa Mansouri, Franck Poirier:
Understand the influence of learning analytics dashboards on learner self-regulation and academic success. 1044-1047 - Alex Bhattarai, Sampada Dhakal, Arun Kumar Timalsina
Enhancing Automatic Attendance System using Face Recognition. 1048-1054 - Razzaqul Ahshan:
Students' Perception and Satisfaction on Technology-enhanced Active Student Engagement in Remote Teaching and Learning. 1055-1061 - Svetlana G. Karstina
Engineering Training in The Context of Digital Transformation. 1062-1068 - Sigrid Schefer-Wenzl, Igor Miladinovic:
Integrating Research Elements into Computer Science Degree Programs: Preparing Students to Engage in Research Projects. 1069-1073 - Andreas Mallas, Semira Maria Evangelou, Michalis Xenos:
Software Engineering Students' Perceptions for a 3D Learning Environment Regarding Anxiety. 1074-1081 - Eduardo C. Oliveira, Ronaldo C. M. Correia, Rodolfo Azevedo, Simone Telles, Alessandra A. Macedo
, Roberto A. Bittencourt:
A Computational Thinking Course for Pre-Service Teachers. 1082-1088 - Rentao Gu, Ziyi Xi, Boyang Lin, Yuefeng Ji:
Teacher-guided Autonomous Learning Enabled by Artificial Intelligence Empowered Remote Experiment Platform. 1089-1094 - Rajlaxmi Chouhan:
Enhanced engagement through instructor-created interactive video assignments in a flipped electrical engineering classroom. 1095-1103 - Björn Kjellgren, Tanja Richter
Redesigning international student mobility for global competence development. 1104-1112 - Ming-Der May:
Physical and Virtual Game Based Experiential Learning for Supply Chain and Operations Management Teaching Practice and Effectiveness. 1113-1120 - Nizar Rokbani
, Khaled Shabou, Karim Essifi:
Design and deployment of K-12 Educational Robotics Activities in Tunisia Public Primary Schools. 1121-1127 - Kyong Jin Shim, Swapna Gottipati, Venky Shankararaman:
Coders Assembly - Peer Assisted Learning Model for Freshman Programming Courses. 1128-1134 - José Manuel Martins Ferreira:
An Innovative Course Delivery Model for Industry-Master Programs - Presentation of a Case-Study at the University of South-Eastern Norway. 1135-1143 - Christiane Hagedorn, Emma-Sophie Betz, Christoph Meinel:
Storified Programming MOOCs: A Case Study on Learner Engagement and Perception. 1144-1153 - Bernhard Standl, Nadine Schlomske-Bodenstein:
Development of a Vignette-based Instrument to Assess Students' Perception of the Teacher's Empathy during Collaborative Algorithmic Problem-solving Tasks. 1154-1160 - Saed Alrabaee, Mousa Al-Kfairy
, Ezedin Barka:
Efforts and Suggestions for Improving Cybersecurity Education. 1161-1168 - Latifa Al Kaabi, Wadha Al Ketbi, Aysha Al Khoori, Maitha Al Shamsi, Saed Alrabaee:
Safe: Cryptographic Algorithms and Security Principles Gamification. 1169-1178 - Sorin Buzura
, Bogdan Iancu, Vasile Dadarlat:
Creating Educational and Research Tools for QoS-Focused Software-Defined Networking Projects. 1179-1182 - Rubén Vázquez
, Alejandro Acuña
, Ana Sofía Zárate, Marcela Romero, Camilo Rojas:
Challenge based Collaborative Online International Learning: A case of Mexico and Colombia. 1183-1188 - Nathan Hurtig, Joseph E. Hollingsworth, Olga Scrivner:
Visualization of Students' Solutions as a Sequential Network. 1189-1194 - Mariana M. Silva, Alexandra R. Costa
, Ana Moura
, Gustavo R. Alves
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic to EDUCON: a bibliometric analysis. 1195-1202 - Atef Abdrabou:
Quantifying the Impact of Online Teaching of Fundamentals of Communication Systems on Students' Achievements. 1203-1207 - Daniel Pittich
, Tobias Ludwig:
Competence development in a student-centered learning environment. 1208-1212 - Hugo G. González-Hernández
, Dafne V. Peña-Cortes, A. Flores-Amado, Adriana Amozurrutia-Elizalde, Roberto J. Mora-Salinas:
Decreasing exam-anxiety levels with Mindfulness through EEG measurements. 1213-1220 - Courage Matobobo
, David Tatenda Risinamhodzi:
IT skills and language challenges hindering student-centred learning: A case of a rural Eastern Cape University in South Africa. 1221-1227 - Israel Zamora-Hernández, Miguel X. Rodríguez-Paz
, Jorge Alberto González-Mendivil:
An Effective Methodology for the Attraction of Students into Engineering Programs for Post-Covid Normality. 1228-1234 - Salma, M. S. Al Arefi:
Resilience Agency in Engineering Education. 1235-1240 - Dimitrios Loukatos
, Lygkoura Kalliopi-Argyri, Stavroula Misthou, Konstantinos G. Arvanitis:
Internet of Things Meets Machine Learning: A Water Usage Alert Example. 1241-1247 - Lukas Fuchs
, Gunter Bombaerts
Responsibility in University Ecosystems and Challenge Based Learning. 1248-1253 - Wooyoung Chung, Xiyu Zhang, Zunaira Ahmad, Hossein Sayadi, Setareh Rafatirad:
Machine Learning to the Rescue: ML-Assisted Framework for Equity-Driven Education. 1254-1263 - Alexander Johnson, Alejandra Martin, Marlen Quintero, Alison L. Bailey, Abeer Alwan:
Can Social Robots Effectively Elicit Curiosity in STEM Topics from K-1 Students During Oral Assessments? 1264-1268 - Oussama El Ghoul, Achraf Othman:
Virtual reality for educating Sign Language using signing avatar: The future of creative learning for deaf students. 1269-1274 - David Antonio Buentello-Montoya, Luis-Eduardo Garcia-Amezquita, Luis-Manuel Rico-Gutierrez
Experiential learning at home in an engineering thermodynamics course. 1275-1278 - Mose Bevilacqua, Marzia Milan, Mariana Lilley:
Towards flexible delivery in engineering education: students' perception on block teaching delivery. 1279-1284 - Lamine Yade
, Amadou Dahirou Gueye
Remote Practical Work Environment based on Containers to replace Virtual Machines. 1285-1290 - Wararuk Saimsakul, Komkrit Chomsuwan
Formation of Skill standards for Printed Circuit Board Assembly Inspection by Define-Measure-Analyze- Improve-Control method. 1291-1295 - Christoph Lang-Muhr, Simon Tjoa, Stefan Machhemdl, Daniel Haslinger:
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery A simulation game for holistic cyber security education. 1296-1302 - Erika Török, Eliza Angeli:
Analysis of dual and non-dual student learning outcomes and student dropout data. 1303-1309 - Miguel Díaz-Cacho, René Lastra Cid
, Jorge Marcos Acevedo, Alejandro Pereira Domínguez
Educational Test-bed for Maintenance 4.0. 1310-1315 - Alejandro Pereira Domínguez
, René Lastra Cid
, Jorge Marcos Acevedo, Miguel Díaz-Cacho:
PBL strategy for Learning Maintenance Engineering. 1316-1321 - Bojan Ilijoski
, Nevena Ackovska
Developing Applications for Children With Special Needs Into a Project Based Learning Approach at Human - Computer Interaction Course. 1322-1329 - Miguel X. Rodríguez-Paz
, Saúl E. Crespo-Sánchez, Luis H. Hernandez-Carrasco
, Monica D. Hernandez-Sanchez, Benjamin Sanchez
A Challenge Based Model for the Development of Digital Transformation and Disciplinary Competences in Structural Engineering Courses. 1330-1335 - Pablo C. Herrera
, Cristina Dreifuss-Serrano, Macarena Valenzuela-Zubiaur
, Vaneza Caycho
Fab Lab-based learning: an environment to promote Women and Leadership in Engineering Education. 1336-1345 - Borja Bordel, Ramón Alcarria, Tomás Robles:
A cybersecurity competition to support the autonomous, collaborative, and personalized learning in computer engineering. 1346-1354 - Jamir Leal Cota, José A. Tavares Rodríguez, Brandon García Alonso, Carlos Vázquez Hurtado:
Roadmap for development of skills in Artificial Intelligence by means of a Reinforcement Learning model using a DeepRacer autonomous vehicle. 1355-1364 - Ibrahim Rahhal
, Kathleen M. Carley, Ismail Kassou, Nada Sbihi:
Education Path: Student orientation based on the job market needs. 1365-1373 - Miguel X. Rodríguez-Paz
, Jorge Alberto González-Mendivil, Israel Zamora-Hernández, Martha Elena Nuñez:
A Flexible Teaching Model with Digital Transformation Competences for Structural Engineering Courses. 1374-1380 - Ilya Sheinman
, Alexey Sokolov, Alla Kovalevskaya, Irina Vezhenkova, Danil Ostapchuk, Rafael Jiménez-Castañeda, Taras Kustov, M. Rocio Rodríguez-Barroso
Implementation of an environmental laboratory workshop in a distance learning environment. 1381-1386 - Miruna Cont, Aurelia Ciupe, Bogdan Orza
, Irina Cohut, Georgiana Nitu:
Career Counseling Chatbot using Microsoft Bot Frameworks1. 1387-1392 - Gunter Bombaerts
, Diana Adela Martin
, Adam Watkins, Karolina Doulougeri
Reflection to support ethics learning in an interdisciplinary challenge-based learning course. 1393-1400 - Iliya Sheinman
, Natalia Kuzmina:
Virtual Laboratory Workshop in Physics. 1401-1404 - Kontilenia Maria Kotsifakou, Dimitrios Kotsifakos, Christos Douligeris:
Neural Network for Spam Recognition in Short Message Services as an Instructional Application for Students of Vocational Education and Training. 1405-1412 - Juan Manuel Campos, Leticia Almaguer, Lamberto Alvarez, Laura Elena Morales:
"Beautiful patterns" MIT and Tec de Monterrey International Bootcamp: engineering women students teaching IT to high-school women students. 1413-1418 - Isabel Maria João, João Miguel Silva:
The role of higher education towards sustainable consumption behavioural change: topics discussed in sustainable consumption education. 1419-1428 - Dimitrios A. Varsos, Georgios Dimitriou, Nikolaos C. Zygouris
The implementation of the flipped classroom model in the teaching of educational robotics: A study in secondary school students. 1429-1436 - Ana-Maria Ruscanu, Aurelia Ciupe, Serban Nicolae Meza
"arPcTECHture" - a gamified educational 3D virtual world for introductory concepts in computer architecture. 1437-1442 - Abdelsalam El Haffar
, Naser Tarhuni
, Amer Al-Hinai:
Micro-Grid Educational Laboratory Modernization using IEDs. 1443-1447 - Sami Ben Messaoud, Mounira Ilahi, Lilia Cheniti-Belcadhi:
Towards a personalized micro-credentials approach based on learning analytics for reducing the gap university-industry. 1448-1454 - Carla M. A. Pinto, Lurdes V. Babo
, Jorge Mendonça:
Is CoI framework a sign of deep and meaning learning outcomes? 1455-1459 - Prerna Rao
, Vaani Sundaresh, Varsha Venkatasubramanian, Viraj Kumar
, Supriya R, N. S. Kumar:
Gradual and Tolerant Programming for Novices. 1460-1466 - Benjamin Sanchez
, Romeo Ballinas-Gonzalez, Miguel X. Rodríguez-Paz
BIM and game engines for engineering online learning. 1467-1472 - Juan Carlos Márquez Cañizares, Juan Carlos Rojas
Ideas Generation and Integration: A Method For Teamwork In A Virtual Environment. 1473-1479 - Diana Andone, Radu Vasiu, Razvan Bogdan, Vlad Mihaescu, Silviu Vert, Alexandru Iovanovici, Valentin Ciupe, Florin Dragan:
International Innovative Labs - I-Living-Labs. 1480-1489 - Adam C. Funnell
, Jonathan Fullwood, Panagiotis Lazari, Gavin Williams:
One kit to rule them all: designing take home lab kits at programme level. 1490-1495 - Martin Cápay, Nika Kvassayová, Magdaléna Bellayová, Marek Mansell, Stefan Petrík
Programmable Hardware BBC Micro: Bit as a Tool for Developing Teacher Competencies. 1496-1501 - Wassim Alexan
Identifying the Motivational Influences on Students' Choice of Engineering Major. 1502-1511 - Mayra I. G. Barrera, Daniela Benalcázar Chicaiza, Dra. Carolina San Lucas S
Gamification in the teaching of prevention measures for Covid-19. 1512-1516 - Burton Dicht, Stephen Baker, Lynn Bowlby, Lorena Garcia
, Sadiq Mitchell, Dawna Schultz:
Using a Theory of Action to Define Effective Pre-University STEM Programs. 1517-1522 - Ignacio G. Bugueño-Córdova
, Reinaldo A. Sperberg-Parra, Cesar A. Mathias-Naranjo, Daniel E. Menares-Fernández, Alfonso O. Ehijo-Benbow:
From xc-MOOC to e-MOOC: A case study as a reference model and a proposed non-linear approach to an evolved MOOC. 1523-1532 - Daniel Morocho-Lara, Cristina Páez Quinde
, Héctor Neto-Chusín, Wilma Suárez-Mosquera
The flipped classroom in meaningful mathematics learning: case study eighth year of basic general education. 1539-1543 - Mayorie Chimbo-Cáceres, Estefanía Barragán-Mejía, Mauricio Sánchez-Galindo, Ruth Infante-Paredes:
The use of web 3.0 tools for reading skill development: case blogs in virtual education. 1544-1548 - Patricia Caratozzolo
, Jorge Rodríguez-Ruiz, Alvaro Alvarez-Delgado:
Natural Language Processing for Learning Assessment in STEM. 1549-1554 - Kelei Zhang, Simeon Wuthier
, Kay Yoon, Sang-Yoon Chang:
Designing and Using Capture The Flag for Coordination and Interaction in Engineering Education. 1555-1560 - Giusy Cristaldi, Keith Quille
, Andrew Paul Csizmadia
, Charles Riedesel, Gretchen M. Richards, Francesco Maiorana:
The intervention, intersection and impact of social sciences theories upon computing education. 1561-1570 - Paola Mussida, Pier Luca Lanzi
A computational tool for engineer dropout prediction. 1571-1576 - Solomon Sunday Oyelere, Ismaila Temitayo Sanusi, Friday Joseph Agbo
, Amos Sunday Oyelere
, Joseph Olamide Omidiora, Ademola Eric Adewumi, Christopher Ogbebor:
Artificial Intelligence in African Schools: Towards a Contextualized Approach. 1577-1582 - Maria Elena Olvera Luna, Juan Olivares Arce:
Circular Challenge: education for the creation of a zero waste world. 1583-1586 - Denis Gillet, Isabelle Vonèche Cardia
, Juan Carlos Farah
, Kim Lan Phan Hoang, María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana
Integrated Model for Comprehensive Digital Education Platforms. 1587-1593 - Limonka Koceva Lazarova
, Natasha Stojkovikj
, Aleksandra Stojanova
, Marija Miteva
Application of graph theory in teaching and understanding of the mathematical problems. 1594-1601 - Dirceu Maraschin, Karlise Nascimento, Cris Elena Padilha, Lucas Mendes Tortelli, Tiago Thompsen Primo, Tatiana A. Tavares:
How can we evaluate? A Systematic Mapping of Maker Activities and their Intersections with the Formal Education System. 1602-1608 - Ruth Infante-Paredes, Santiago Velasteguí-Viteri, Cristina Páez Quinde
, Wilma Suárez-Mosquera
Easle Educational Platform and Reading Skills. 1609-1614 - Reem Al Saud, Abel Nyamapfene
The transition from study to work: Early career experiences of recent UCL Integrated Engineering Programme (IEP) graduates. 1615-1620 - Wijdane Kaiss, Khalifa Mansouri, Franck Poirier:
Personalized e-learning recommender system based on a hybrid approach. 1621-1627 - Parth Parikh, Shantanu Kalamdane, Akash Rasal, Khushboo Mundada, Urmila Kalshetti:
SPArK-Bot: An Educational Robotic Platform. 1628-1633 - Juan Carlos Farah
, Basile Spaenlehauer, Vandit Sharma, María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana, Sandy Ingram
, Denis Gillet:
Impersonating Chatbots in a Code Review Exercise to Teach Software Engineering Best Practices. 1634-1642 - Keiichi Yonemura, Shinya Oyama, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Satoru Yamada, Keiichi Shiraishi, Satoru Izumi, Tatsuki Fukuda
, Hiroyuki Okamoto, Manabu Hirano, Youichi Fujimoto, Hideaki Moriyama, Yoshinori Sakamoto, Jun Sato, Kentaro Noguchi, Hisashi Taketani, Seiichi Kishimoto:
Teaching Expert Development Project by KOSEN Security Educational Community. 1643-1651 - Martin W. Hoffmann, Rainer Drath:
How to survive a PhD - using Design Thinking methods and the Business Model Canvas. 1652-1657 - Soukaina Gouraguine
, Mohammed Qbadou
, Khalifa Mansouri:
Handwriting treatment and acquisition in dysgraphic children using a humanoid robot-assistant. 1658-1663 - Imed Ben Dhaou:
Aligning Engineering Education with Industrial Needs through Specialized Courses. 1664-1669 - Irene Spada
, Filippo Chiarello, Alessandra Curreli, Gualtiero Fantoni
On the link between Education and Industry 4.0: a framework for a data-driven education design. 1670-1677 - Zaloa Aginako, Karmele Artano-Pérez
, Mikel Garmendia, Teresa Guraya, Pilar Martínez-Blanco, María Begoña Peña-Lang:
What do teachers think and do about Sustainability at engineering degrees? A new instrument to know it. 1678-1682 - Farooq Al Jahwari
, Sayyad Zahid Qamar
, Tasneem Pervez, Nasra Al Maskari:
Using CDIO Principles for Teaching of Mechanical Design Courses. 1683-1688 - Robert Logozar, Miroslav Horvatic, Ivan Sumiga, Matija Mikac
Challenges in Teaching Assembly Language Programming - Desired Prerequisites vs. Students' Initial Knowledge. 1689-1698 - Hamid Doost Mohammadian
, Abolfazl Kiani Bakhtiari, Manuel Castro, Volker Wittberg, Tim Brüggemann:
The Development of a Readiness Assessment Framework for Tomorrow's SMEs/SME 5.0 for Adopting the Educational Components of future of I4.0. 1699-1708 - Nelson Vaca, Félix García Loro, Sergio Martín, Miguel Rodríguez-Artacho:
Raspberry Pi Applications in Electronics and Control Laboratories. 1709-1713 - Man Liang
Innovative System Design for Remote Air Traffic Control Simulation Training. 1714-1720 - Dirk Ifenthaler, Jane Yin-Kim Yau:
Analytics for Supporting Teaching Success in Higher Education: A Systematic Review. 1721-1727 - Ahmed Mohamed Fahmy Yousef
, Ahmed M. Abd El-Haleem
, Mahmoud M. Elmesalawy
Identifying Success Criteria for Sustainable AI-based Online Laboratory Courseware System. 1728-1733 - Oscar Karnalim, Simon, William J. Chivers:
Work-In-Progress: Code Quality Issues of Computing Undergraduates. 1734-1736 - Hamid Doost Mohammadian
, Zeinab Ghasabzadeh Langari, Volker Wittberg:
Cyber Government for Sustainable Governance: Examining Solutions to Tomorrow's Crises and Implications through the 5th wave theory, Edu 5.0 concept, and 9PSG model. 1737-1746 - Hamid Doost Mohammadian
Mapping the Future Sustainable, through the Theory of Comprehensive Everything or the 5th Wave/Tomorrow Age Theory, with a focus on Hybrid SMEs/SME 5.0 Educationally. 1747-1761 - Isabel María del Águila
, Joaquín Cañadas
, José R. García-Lázaro:
Work-in-progress: A workflow for programming learning on remote version control repositories. 1762-1764 - Vidasha Ramnarain-Seetohul, Vandana Bassoo, Yasmine Rosunally:
Work-in-Progress: Computing Sentence Similarity for Short Texts using Transformer models. 1765-1768 - P. E. Kauser Jahan, Marc Ignarri, Patrick Marshall, Ning Wang, Jonathan Bell, Ryan Petzillo, Nicholas Matarazzo, Genna Brunetta:
WaterMobile & WaterTalk- Teaching K-12 Students about Water through Hands-on Experiments. 1769-1771 - Jorge Alberto González-Mendivil, Miguel X. Rodríguez-Paz
, Israel Zamora-Hernández:
Augmented Reality as an enabling technology to evaluate risk in working postures. 1772-1778 - Maria Eltsova
, Anna Melnikova, Dmitrii Repetskiy:
Work-in-Progress: The vector of Increasing the Attractiveness of Modern Master Degree Programmes in Engineering Education at a Regional University. 1779-1782 - Panagiota Koulouri, Panagiota Papapetrou, Aikaterini Kiropoiou, Lefkothea-Vasiliki Andreou
The Jennifer Aniston Neuron and Other Adventures in Neuroscience: an Informal Learning Environment. 1783-1784 - Anatolij Fandrich, Guido Casjens, Nils Pancratz
, Ira Diethelm:
Work-in-Progress: The Development of a Smart-Environments Learning Kit for Computer Science Classes. 1785-1787 - Arjun V. Singar, Shashi Jain, K. B. Akhilesh:
FRIYAY - A Contemporary Model of Education for Engineering and Management Institutions. 1788-1795 - Petros Lameras
A Vision of Teaching and Learning with AI. 1796-1803 - Sophie Heim
, Daniel Testor, Borys Levkovskyi, Holger Wittges, Helmut Krcmar:
Fostering Knowledge Sharing in Education-as-a-Service Communities: A Learning Management System for Lecturers. 1804-1813 - Ganzorig Batnasan, Munkhjargal Gochoo, Munkh-Erdene Otgonbold, Fady Alnajjar
, Timothy K. Shih:
ArSL21L: Arabic Sign Language Letter Dataset Benchmarking and an Educational Avatar for Metaverse Applications. 1814-1821 - Luran Wang, Abel Nyamapfene
Student Experiences of PBL During Remote Learning: A Case Study. 1822-1823 - Maria Belen Mora Arciniegas, Gladys Alicia Tenesaca Luna:
Paper Smart Cities data analysis with Power BI and R. 1824-1828 - Michelle Torres-Linke, Michelle Neumann, Marco Zielbauer, Clemens Drieschner, Matthias Christoph Utesch, Helmut Krcmar:
Promoting movement and strengthening arithmetic performance through gamification - The development of an IT-based learning app. 1829-1838 - Susana Masapanta-Carrión, J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide:
Replication of an Evaluation of Teacher Training in the Classification of Programming Exercises Using Bloom's Taxonomy. 1839-1848 - Borys Levkovskyi, Maksym Bondarenko, Marco Ring, George Strimbu, Matthias Utesch, Helmut Krcmar:
Toward a Game-like Experience: Design of a Modern User Interface of a Simulation Game for Teaching Business Process Digitalization. 1849-1857 - Maksym Bondarenko, Ihor Kudryk, Borys Levkovskyi, Matthias Utesch, Helmut Krcmar:
Learning by gaming: Improvement of User Experience of a Simulation Game for Teaching the Digital Transformation and its Administration Cockpit. 1858-1867 - Alex Zarifis
, Leonidas Efthymiou:
The four business models for AI adoption in education: Giving leaders a destination for the digital transformation journey. 1868-1872 - Gillian Roehrig, Heba El-Deghaidy
, Alicia García-Holgado, Dilek Kansan:
A closer look to STEM education across continents: insights from a multicultural panel discussion. 1873-1880 - Paraskevi Topali
, Alejandro Ortega-Arranz, Irene-Angelica Chounta, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez, Alejandra Martínez-Monés, Sara L. Villagrá-Sobrino:
Supporting instructors in the design of actionable feedback for MOOCs. 1881-1888 - Jyri Rajamäki, Rauno Pirinen:
Resilient Learning as a Tool for Excellence: Laurea's Students in the ECHO H2020 Project during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 1889-1894 - Alena Renner, Jenny Müller, Andreas Theissler
State-of-the-art on writing a literature review: An overview of types and components. 1895-1902 - Tracy S. Craig, Fulya Kula
, Tugçe Akkaya:
Now what? Pedagogical implications of a shift to open book assessment of vector calculus. 1903-1909 - Riadh Habash:
Phenomenon-based Learning for Age 5.0 Mindsets: Industry, society, and Education. 1910-1915 - Hamid Doost Mohammadian
, Zeinab Ghasabzadeh Langari, Manuel Castro, Volker Wittberg:
Smart Governance for Educational Sustainability: Hybrid SMEs & the 5th wave theory Towards Mapping the Future Education in Post-Covid Era. 1916-1926 - Sonia Morejon Labrada, Johann M. Márquez-Barja
Design Thinking: a didactic-methodological proposal for the training of computer science lecturers. 1927-1933 - Loubna Mekouar:
Watch and Learn Using Code Snippets. 1934-1937 - Pragashni Padayachee
Reconfiguring the boundaries between learning and assessment in a Vector Calculus course for engineering students. 1938-1941 - Isabel John, Tobias Fertig
Gamification for Software Engineering Students - an Experience Report. 1942-1947 - Rosa Ana Pérez-Herrera, María-Baralida Tomás
, Beatriz Santamaría, Alba De Las Heras, Clara Benedi-Garcia, Ana I. Gómez-Varela
, Martina Delgado-Pinar, Verónica González-Fernández
Gender analysis on the Ph.D. theses defended in Spain in the field of Optics and Photonics. 1948-1955 - Gizem Ates:
Work in Progress: Learning Fundamental Robotics Concepts Through Games at Bachelor Level. 1956-1958 - Derk Gonschor
, Marco Jung
, Jean Patrie Da Costa, Ron Brandl
Remote Hardware-in-the-Loop Laboratory and its Application in Engineering Education. 1959-1964 - Carlos Delgado Kloos, Carmen Fernández-Panadero
, Carlos Alario-Hoyos, Pedro Manuel Moreno-Marcos
, María-Blanca Ibáñez, Pedro J. Muñoz-Merino
, Boni García, Iria Estévez-Ayres:
Programming Teaching Interaction. 1965-1969 - Martín Liz-Domínguez, Martín Llamas Nistal
, Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez, Fernando A. Mikic-Fonte
LMS Logs and Student Performance: The Influence of Retaking a Course. 1970-1974 - Linda Engström, Olga Viberg, Olle Bälter, Stefan Hrastinski:
Students' Expectations of Learning Analytics in a Swedish Higher Education Institution. 1975-1980 - Bènène Fradi, Lilia Cheniti-Belcadhi:
Towards a Conceptual Model for a Smart Open learning environment based on Computational Thinking. 1981-1987 - Mhd Saeed Sharif, Wael Elmedany:
A Proposed Machine Learning Based Approach to Support Students with Learning Difficulties in The Post-Pandemic Norm. 1988-1993 - Samantha Rivera-Calderón, Rafael Pérez-San Lázaro, Carlos Vázquez Hurtado:
Online assessment of computer vision and robotics skills based on a digital twin. 1994-2001 - Matheus Oliveira De Andrade
, Mariana Zurita, Iva Burova, Abel Nyamapfene
Assessing higher levels of learning through real-life problems in engineering mathematics. 2002-2006 - René Lastra Cid
, Miguel Díaz-Cacho, Alejandro Pereira Domínguez
, Jorge Marcos Acevedo, Eva Garea Oya, Mohamed Belhaj:
The SM-TMC (South Mediterranean Tunisian Maintenance Centre of Excellence) project. 2007-2012 - Matthew Pears
, James Henderson, Iraklis Tsoupouroglou, Panagiotis D. Bamidis, Eirini C. Schiza
, Constantinos S. Pattichis, Natalia Stathakarou, Klas Karlgren
, Stathis Th. Konstantinidis:
Prototype for Crowd-based Co-creation of Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Conversational Agents. 2013-2021 - Abel Nyamapfene
, Stephen Lynch
, Iva Burova, Matheus Oliveira De Andrade
MATLAB and Python Open Book Assessments: Lessons from Two UK Institutions. 2022-2027 - Yussy Chinchay
, Javier Gomez
, Germán Montoro:
Orchestrating special education during the COVID-19 lockdown. A mapping study of the technologies and challenges. 2028-2032 - Fernando Benites, Monika Schlatter, Marcel Messerli, Rocco Custer:
Work-in-progress: Data Science Challenge-X: self-directed, competence-based, project-based learning. 2033-2036 - Salma M. S. Al Arefi:
Rethinking Women in Engineering Marginalisation: Beyond Interest Ignition. 2037-2043 - Hua Chai, Jayashri Ravishankar, Siva Krishnan, Matthew Priestley
Work-in-Progress: A Holistic Approach to Bridging the Gap between Power Engineering Education and Electric Power Industry. 2044-2048 - Anita L. Campbell
Work-in-progress: Designing internet-mediated and open book assessments to support wellbeing. 2049-2052 - Jordan Wathen, Aaron Kans, Gaurav Malik
CODI - A Web Application to Facilitate Live, Remote Programming Lab Sessions. 2053-2061 - L. Aarón Ramírez-Robles, Eréndira Gabriela Avilés-Rabanales, Ana Mónica Turcios-Esquivel
, Yerly Flores-García:
An immersive learning model by linking with companies as educational partners to improve the performance of industrial engineering students. 2062-2070 - Claudia Lizette Garay Rondero, Patricia Caratozzolo
, Jorge Membrillo-Hernández
, Daniele Busciantella-Ricci
Framework for inclusive design: an interdisciplinary, experiential learning approach in engineering education. 2071-2076 - Iván José Pérez-Colado, Víctor Manuel Pérez-Colado, Iván Martínez-Ortiz, Manuel Freire
, Baltasar Fernández-Manjón:
Using e-Learning Standards to Improve Serious Game Deployment and Evaluation. 2077-2083 - Bernardo Tabuenca, Vicente García-Alcántara, Carlos Gilarranz Casado, Alejandro Leo-Ramírez
, Juan Arquero-Gallego, Edmundo Tovar:
Engineering IoT systems in the convergence between agronomic and computer sciences. 2084-2087 - Epaminondas Epaminonda, Leonidas Efthymiou, Elli Doukanari:
Linking Digital Transformation to Learning Strategies and Pedagogy. 2088-2092 - Despo Ktoridou, Elli Doukanari, Epaminondas Epaminonda, Leonidas Efthymiou:
Developing Digital Transformation Management Graduate Education. 2093-2098 - Leonidas Efthymiou, Despo Ktoridou, Epaminondas Epaminonda, Maria Michailidis:
The relationship of strategy and technology in education: Bidirectional pedagogical considerations. 2099-2103 - Samuel Chikasha
, Wim Van Petegem
, Martin Valcke:
Impact of alternative designs of multimedia elaboration on learning outcomes: Towards personalized learning of Software Engineering. 2104-2113 - Zarine Cadersaib
, Hatem Ben Sta, Baby Gobin-Rahimbux
Enterprise Resource Planning integrated with Business Analytics in Higher Education. 2114-2120 - Yifan Zhang
, Matthew Pike
, Dave Towey
, Jia Cheng Han, Zhi Quan Zhou
Preparing Future SQA Professionals: An Experience Report of Metamorphic Exploration of an Autonomous Driving System. 2121-2126 - Monica Racha, Siva Chandrasekaran, Alex Stojcevski
Work in Progress - Augmented Reality Smart Tele-Assisting Technology for Enhancing Engineering Education. 2127-2130

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