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54th HICSS 2021: Kauai, Hawaii, USA
- 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2021, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, January 5, 2021. ScholarSpace 2021
Collaboration Systems and Technologies
AI and Future of Work
- Lena Waizenegger, Triparna de Vreede, Isabella Seeber:
Introduction to the Minitrack on AI and Future of Work. 1-2 - Joel S. Elson, Douglas C. Derrick, Luis A. Merino:
An Empirical Study Exploring Difference in Trust of Perceived Human and Intelligent System Partners. 1-10 - Milan Latinovic, Viktoria Pammer-Schindler:
Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering: Experiences, Challenges, and Opportunities. 1-10 - Anne Staaby, Kjeld Hansen, Tor-Morten Grønli:
Automation of Routine Work: A Case Study of Employees' Experiences of Work Meaningfulness. 1-10 - Triparna de Vreede, Mukhunth Raghavan, Gert-Jan de Vreede:
Design Foundations for AI Assisted Decision Making: A Self Determination Theory Approach. 1-10 - Saunak Basu, Aravinda Garimella, Wencui Han, Alan R. Dennis:
Human Decision Making in AI Augmented Systems: Evidence from the Initial Coin Offering Market. 1-10 - Sara Hekkala, Riitta Hekkala:
Integration of Artificial Intelligence into Recruiting Young Undergraduates: the Perceptions of 20-23-Year-Old Students. 1-10 - Peter W. Cardon, Haibing Ma, Anne Carolin Fleischmann, Jolanta Aritz:
Recorded Work Meetings and Algorithmic Tools: Anticipated Boundary Turbulence. 1-10 - Timo Sturm
, Mariska Fecho, Peter Buxmann:
To Use or Not to Use Artificial Intelligence? A Framework for the Ideation and Evaluation of Problems to Be Solved with Artificial Intelligence. 1-10
Business Intelligence and Big Data for Innovative and Sustainable Development of Organizations
- Celina M. Olszak, Jozef M. Zurada, Dilek Kozanoglu:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Business Intelligence and Big Data for Innovative and Sustainable Development of Organizations. 1-2 - Piotr Janus, Maria Ganzha, Artur Bicki, Marcin Paprzycki:
Applying Machine Learning to Study Infrastructure Anomalies in a Mid-size Data Center - Preliminary Considerations. 1-10 - Hussein Al-Ghattas, Olivera Marjanovic:
Business Analytics Capabilities for Organisational Resilience. 1-8 - Pawel Weichbroth, Mateusz Kalinowski, Jakub Baran:
The adaptive spatio-temporal clustering method in classifying direct labor costs for the manufacturing industry. 1-8 - Celina M. Olszak
, Osama Sohaib:
The Impact of Online Data Collection on Consumer Autonomy. 1-9
Collaboration for Data Science
- Lina Zhou, Souren Paul, Florian Schwade:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Collaboration for Data Science. 1 - Janine Hagen:
Collaboration for Big Data Analytics: Investigating the (Troubled) Relationship between Data Science Experts and Functional Managers. 1-10 - Raiane Coelho, Regina Braga, José Maria N. David, Mário Antônio Ribeiro Dantas, Victor Ströele, Fernanda Campos:
Integrating Blockchain for Data Sharing and Collaboration Support in Scientific Ecosystem Platform. 1-10 - Jie Tao, Xing Fang, Lina Zhou:
Unsupervised Deep Learning for Fake Content Detection in Social Media. 1-10
Collaboration in Online Communities: Information Processing and Decision Making
- Matthew L. Jensen, Kelly J. Fadel, Thomas O. Meservy:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Collaboration in Online Communities: Information Processing and Decision Making. 1-2 - Akhila Sri Manasa Venigalla, Sridhar Chimalakonda:
EmoG- Towards Emojifying Gmail Conversations. 1-10 - Matthew L. Jensen, Michael Matthews, Thomas O. Meservy, Kelly J. Fadel:
Expert vs. Peer: The Role of Situational Characteristics in Electronic Networks of Practice. 1-10 - Elisabeth Joyce, Pinar Öztürk, Jacqueline Pike:
Social Capital in Online Temporary Organizations: Addressing Critical, Complex Tasks through Deliberation. 1-10 - Jeongsik Jay Lee, Hyunwoo Park, Michael A. Zaggl:
When to Signal? The Contextual Conditions for Career-Motivated User Contributions in Online Collaboration Communities. 1-10
Collaboration with Cognitive Assistants and AI
- Eva A. C. Bittner, Philipp Ebel, Sarah Oeste-Reiß, Matthias Söllner:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Collaboration with Cognitive Assistants and AI. 1-2 - Max Leimkühler, Laura Sophie Gravemeier, Tim Biester, Oliver Thomas:
Deep learning object detection as an assistance system for complex image labeling tasks. 1-10 - Michael Winikoff, Jocelyn Cranefield, Jane Li, Cathal Doyle, Alexander Richter:
The Advent of Digital Productivity Assistants: The Case of Microsoft MyAnalytics. 1-10 - Beau G. Schelble, Christopher Flathmann, Lorenzo Barberis Canonico, Nathan J. McNeese:
Understanding Human-AI Cooperation Through Game-Theory and Reinforcement Learning Models. 1-10
Collaboration with Intelligent Systems: Machines as Teammates
- Douglas C. Derrick, Isabella Seeber, Joel S. Elson, Lena Waizenegger:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Collaboration with Intelligent Systems: Machines as Teammates. 1-2 - Anika Nissen, Katharina Jahn:
Between Anthropomorphism, Trust, and the Uncanny Valley: a Dual-Processing Perspective on Perceived Trustworthiness and Its Mediating Effects on Use Intentions of Social Robots. 1-10 - Eva A. C. Bittner, Milad Mirbabaie, Stefan Morana:
Digital Facilitation Assistance for Collaborative, Creative Design Processes. 1-10 - Patrick Cummings, Ryan Mullins, Manuel Moquete, Nathan Schurr:
Hello World! I am Charlie, an Artificially Intelligent Conference Panelist. 1-10 - Yi Lai, Atreyi Kankanhalli, Desmond C. Ong:
Human-AI Collaboration in Healthcare: A Review and Research Agenda. 1-10 - Christina Wiethof, Navid Tavanapour, Eva A. C. Bittner:
Implementing an Intelligent Collaborative Agent as Teammate in Collaborative Writing: toward a Synergy of Humans and AI. 1-10
Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration
- Daniel Beimborn, Ilsang Ko:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration. 1 - Carolin Fleischmann, Peter W. Cardon, Jolanta Aritz:
Acceptance of Speech-to-Text Technology: Exploring Language Proficiency and Psychological Safety in Global Virtual Teams. 1-10 - Shaoyang Bu, Liguo Lou, Joon Koh:
Are Online Parasites Really Different from Lurkers? 1-10 - Sebastian Opriel, Frederik Möller, Ute Burkhardt, Boris Otto:
Requirements for Usage Control based Exchange of Sensitive Data in Automotive Supply Chains. 1-10 - Ilsang Ko, Xiaolong Wei:
Virtual Leadership Matters: Capturing its Role in Facilitating Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Learning Environment. 1-9
Design, Development, and Evaluation of Collaboration Technologies
- Douglas C. Derrick, G. Mark Grimes, Ryan M. Schuetzler:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Design, Development, and Evaluation of Collaboration Technologies. 1 - Bruce A. Reinig, Robert O. Briggs:
An Experimental Test of the Yield Shift Theory of Satisfaction In the Field. 1-10 - Ross Pearson, Hannah Fraser, Martin Bush, Fallon Mody, Ivo Widjaja, Andy Head, David Peter Wilkinson, Richard O. Sinnott, Bonnie Wintle, Mark Burgman, Fiona Fidler, Peter Vesk:
Eliciting group judgements about replicability: a technical implementation of the IDEA Protocol. 1-10 - Michael Mazgaj, Alexis D'Amato, Joel S. Elson, Douglas C. Derrick:
Exploring the Effects of Real-Time Hologram Communication on Social Presence, Novelty, and Affect. 1-10 - Adela del-Río-Ortega, Joaquín Peña, Manuel Resinas, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés:
Productivity Challenges in Digital Transformation and its Implications for Workstream Collaboration Tools. 1-10
Distributed Collaboration in Organizations and Networks
- Derrick L. Cogburn, J. Alberto Espinosa, Alecia M. Santuzzi:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Distributed Collaboration in Organizations and Networks. 1-2 - Rongying Zhao, Zhuozhu Liu, Xiaoxi Zhang, Junling Wang, Zhaoyang Zhang:
Mapping World Scientific Collaboration on the Research of COVID-19: Authors, Journals, Institutions, and Countries. 1-10 - Samuel Reeb, Franziska Dilefeld, Philip Schebesta, Johanna Szabó:
Requirements for a Control Instrument of Intraorganizational Online Collaboration - A Maturity Model Analysis. 1-10 - Alistair Barros, Mohammad Jabbari, Reihaneh Bidar, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede, Nikolay Kazantsev:
Situational dimensions of a coordination theory for network-based team management. 1-10
Emerging Issues in e-Collaboration Distributed Group Decision-Making: Opportunities and Challenges
- Anil K. Aggarwal, Doug Vogel, Yuko Murayama:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Emerging Issues in e-Collaboration Distributed Group Decision-Making: Opportunities and Challenges. 1 - Ami Otsuka, Yasuhiro Fujihara, Yuko Murayama, Tatsuya Aoyagi:
Designing Warning Interfaces causing Discomfort for Awareness of Risks: Revisited. 1-9 - Yoshihisa Nitta, Himawari Ichikawa, Yuko Murayama:
Gesture Recognition with non-contact sensor for Natural User Interface in the COVID-19 era. 1-8 - Anil Aggarwal:
Herding in Virtual Teams: A Three Stage Model. 1-4 - Stephen McCarthy, Paidi O'Raghallaigh, Ciara Fitzgerald, Frédéric Adam:
The Rise and Fall of Collective Identity: Understanding Antecedents and Inhibitors of Social Identification in Distributed Teams. 1-10
Human‒Robot Interactions
- Sangseok You, Lionel P. Robert:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Human‒Robot Interactions. 1 - Davinia Rodríguez Cardona, Antje Henriette Annette Janssen, Nadine Guhr, Michael H. Breitner, Julian Milde:
A Matter of Trust? Examination of Chatbot Usage in Insurance Business. 1-10 - Viktor Vasylkovskyi, Sérgio Guerreiro, João Sequeira:
Designing and Validating a Blockchain-based Architecture to Enforce Privacy in Human Robot Interaction. 1-10 - Yanqing Lin, Xun Zhou, Wenjie Fan:
How Do Customers Respond to Robotic Service? A Scenario-Based Study from the Perspective of Uncertainty Reduction Theory. 1-10 - Yvonne O'Connor, Matesuz Kupper, Ciara Heavin:
Trusting Intentions Towards Robots in Healthcare: A Theoretical Framework. 1-10
IT Enabled Collaboration for Development
- Xusen Cheng, Xiangbin Yan, Deepinder S. Bajwa:
Introduction to the Minitrack on IT Enabled Collaboration for Development. 1 - Simon Fuger, Anna Köhl, Thomas Ströhle, Moritz Lang, Johann Füller, Katja Hutter:
Fighting the wicked problem of plastic pollution and its consequences for developing regions with expert and crowd solutions. 1-10 - Ying Bao, Xusen Cheng, Triparna de Vreede, Gert-Jan de Vreede:
Investigating the relationship between AI and trust in human-AI collaboration. 1-10 - Mariana Andrade Rojas, Terence Saldanha, Jiban Khuntia, Abhishek Kathuria, Wai Fong Boh:
Overcoming Innovation Deficiencies in Mexico: Use of Open Innovation through IT and Closed Innovation through IT by Small and Medium Enterprises. 1-10
Innovations in Collaborative Environments and Learning Technologies
- Olga Scrivner, Christian McKay, Nitocris Perez, James Scrivner:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies. 1-2 - Andy Nguyen, Herman Masindano Wandabwa, Aldrich Rasco, Lan Anh Le:
A Framework for Designing Learning Analytics Information Systems. 1-10 - Jani Holopainen, Antti Lähtevänoja, Niclas Sandström, Anne Nevgi, Osmo Mattila, Essi Pöyry, Petri Parvinen:
Applying Affordances Scale as a Design Method - Case Virtual Reality Course Design. 1-10 - Jörg H. Mayer, Mareen Wienand, Nadja Scholl, Sanjar Sayar, Reiner Quick:
Are You Flippin' the Classrooms Right - A Requirements Analysis of Two User Groups: Practitioners and Students. 1-10 - Subhasree Sengupta:
A Tale of Two Virtual Communities: A comparative analysis of culture and discourse in two online programming communities. 1-10 - Patrick Ward:
Constructing a Methodology for Developing a Cybersecurity Program. 1-10 - Thiemo Wambsganss
, Florian Weber, Matthias Söllner:
Design and Evaluation of an Adaptive Empathy Learning Tool. 1-10 - Aldrich Rasco, Johnny Chan, Gabrielle Peko, David Sundaram:
Evolution of Serious Games to Support Lifelong Learning and Decision Making: Design and Implementation of a Financial Literacy Game. 1-10 - Madison Corbin, Cherileigh Leavitt, Degan Kettles, Greg Anderson:
Experiential Learning Through a Week Long Information Systems Case Study. 1-10 - Riccardo Bonazzi, Yviane Rouiller:
The omitted variable: could DuoTest enable a new way to assess the link between individual and team performance in team-based learning? 1-10 - Yongqian Lin, Ayoung Suh:
The Role of Spatial Ability in Learning with Virtual Reality: A Literature Review. 1-10 - Christian Gabriel, Charlotte Hahne, Alina Zimmermann, Florian Lenk:
The Virtual Tutor: Tasks for conversational agents in Online Collaborative Learning Environments. 1-10 - Sarah A. Jessup, Sasha M. Willis, Gene M. Alarcon, Michael A. Lee:
Using Eye-Tracking Data to Compare Differences in Code Comprehension and Code Perceptions between Expert and Novice Programmers. 1-10 - Jaziar Radianti, Tim A. Majchrzak, Jennifer Fromm, Stefan Stieglitz, Jan vom Brocke:
Virtual Reality Applications for Higher Educations: A Market Analysis. 1-10
New Potentials of Mixed Reality and its Business Impact
- Thomas Keller, Roger Seiler:
Introduction to the Minitrack on New Potentials of Mixed Reality and its Business Impact. 1 - Mila Bujic, Nannan Xi, Juho Hamari:
Emotional Response to Extended Realities: The Effects of Augmented and Virtual Technologies in a Shopping Context. 1-10 - Marc Riar, Jakob J. Korbel, Nannan Xi, Rüdiger Zarnekow, Juho Hamari:
The Use of Augmented Reality in Retail: A Review of Literature. 1-10 - Jazz Rasool, Judith Molka-Danielsen, Carl H. Smith:
Transitioning from Transmedia to Transreality Storyboarding to Improve the Co-Creation of the Experience Space. 1-10
Open Science Practices in Information Systems Research
- Cathal Doyle, Markus Luczak-Rösch, Yi-Te Chiu, Tadhg Nagle:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Open Science Practices in Information Systems Research. 1-2 - Cathal Doyle:
How Can I Share My Work? A Review of the Open Access Policies of IS Journals. 1-10 - Stephen McCarthy, Carolanne Mahony, Wendy Rowan, Huy Tran-Karcher, Manon Potet:
The Pragmatic School of Thought in Open Science Practice: A Case Study of Multi-stakeholder Participation in Shaping the Future of Internet Governance. 1-10
Social Media and e-Business Transformation
- Christy M. K. Cheung, Matthew K. O. Lee, Christian Wagner, Marten Risius:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Media and e-Business Transformation. 1-2 - Kaveh Abhari, Nathan Ascue, Cooper Boer, Christopher Sahoo, Mahsa Zarei:
Enterprise Social Network Applications: Enhancing and Driving Innovation Culture and Productivity Through Digital Technologies. 1-10 - Libo Liu, Xiaofei Zhang, Chujun Zhang, Zhimin Hua:
How does Doctors' Information Sharing Behavior Influence Reputation in Online Health Consultation Platform? 1-10 - Samuli Laato, Bastian Kordyaka, A. K. M. Najmul Islam, Konstantinos Papangelis:
Landlords of the Digital World: How Territoriality and Social Identity Predict Playing Intensity in Location-based Games. 1-10 - Morteza Namvar, James Boyce, Jatin Sarna, Yuanyuan Zheng, Alton Yeow-Kuan Chua, Sina Ameli:
Moderating Effects of Time-Related Factors in Predicting the Helpfulness of Online Reviews: a Deep Learning Approach. 1-9 - Daricia Wilkinson, Moses Namara, Karishma Patil, Lijie Guo, Apoorva Manda, Bart P. Knijnenburg:
The Pursuit of Transparency and Control: A Classification of Ad Explanations in Social Media. 1-10
Social and Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research
- Triparna de Vreede, Gert-Jan de Vreede:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Social and Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research. 1 - Triparna de Vreede, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Naif Alawi:
Achieving Success in Community Crowdsourcing: Lessons from the Field. 1-10 - Christina Hymer, Susan A. Brown, Sherry M. B. Thatcher:
Perceptions of Virtual Team Communication Effectiveness: The Role of Team Member Identity Motives and Media Characteristics. 1-10 - Ivo Benke, Armin Heinzl, Alexander Maedche:
The Relationship of Collaboration Technologies and Cognition and Affect. 1-11 - Nadine Ratz, Victoria Reibenspiess, Andreas Eckhardt:
The Secret to Remote Work - Results of a Case Study with Dyadic Interviews. 1-10
Text Analytics
- Derrick L. Cogburn, Michael J. Hine, Normand Peladeau, Victoria Y. Yoon:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Text Analytics. 1-2 - Anthony J. Maeder, Jennifer Tieman, Bertha Naveda, Stephanie Champion, Tamara Agnew:
Automated topic analysis for restricted scope health corpora: methodology and comparison with human performance. 1-7 - Massara Alazazi, Bin Wang:
Comparison of Voluntary versus Mandatory Vaccine Discussions in Online Health Communities: A Text Analytics Approach. 1-10
The Sharing Economy
- Bo Xiao, Chee-Wee Tan:
Introduction to the Minitrack on The Sharing Economy. 1-2 - Stephen Choi, Sang-Hyun Kim:
An Exploratory Study of the Participation in the Sharing Economy: What are the Influencing Variables? 1-10 - Luis Sosa, Kaveh Abhari, Michael Pesavento, Farzan Koobchehr, Bo Sophia Xiao, Pocky Kohsuwan, Fernando Olivares:
Service Failure Recovery in the Sharing Economy: A Case Study of Airbnb. 1-10 - Patrícia Queirós, Stanislav Chankov:
What inspires us to "share"? Motives to provide goods and services in the sharing economy. 1-10
Decision Analytics and Service Science
Accountability, Evaluation, and Obscurity of AI Algorithms
- Radmila Juric, Robert Steele:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Accountability, Evaluation, and Obscurity of AI Algorithms. 1 - Sean M. Devine, Nathaniel D. Bastian:
An Adversarial Training Based Machine Learning Approach to Malware Classification under Adversarial Conditions. 1-10 - Ben Wagner, Soheil Human, Till Winkler:
Bias in Geographic Information Systems: The Case of Google Maps. 1-10 - Len Du, Marcus Hutter:
How Useful are Hand-crafted Data? Making Cases for Anomaly Detection Methods. 1-10 - Colin Galen, Robert Steele:
The Effect of Training Set Timeframe on the Future Performance of Machine Learning-based Malware Detection Models. 1-10
Analytics and Decision Support for Green IS and Sustainability Applications
- Omar F. El-Gayar, PingSun Leung, Arno Scharl:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Analytics and Decision Support for Green IS and Sustainability Applications. 1 - Felix Baumgarte, Luca Dombetzki, Christoph Kecht, Linda Wolf, Robert Keller:
AI-based Decision Support for Sustainable Operation of Electric Vehicle Charging Parks. 1-10 - Abdulrahman Nahhas, Jahnavi Thimmaiah Cheyyanda, Klaus Turowski:
An adaptive scheduling framework for the dynamic virtual machines placement to reduce energy consumption in cloud data centers. 1-10 - Martinson Ofori, Omar F. El-Gayar:
An Approach for Weed Detection Using CNNs And Transfer Learning. 1-8 - Keith Burton, Paidi O'Raghallaigh, Tadhg Nagle:
Developing a Green IS to support the move to eco-effective packaging: A Design Science Research study. 1-10 - Yaojie Li, Xuan Wang, Tom Stafford, Hanieh Javadi Khasraghi:
Green User Electronics Lifecycle Behavior and Planning Mechanisms. 1-10 - Danielle Curri, Tarek Aziz, John Baugh, Jeremiah Johnson:
Industrial Symbiosis Waste Exchange Identification and Optimization. 1-10 - Maximilian Schacker, Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva:
Understanding the Impact of Sustainability and CSR Information in D2C Online Shops on Consumer Attitudes and Behavior - A Literature Review. 1-10
Big Data and Analytics: Pathways to Maturity
- Stephen H. Kaisler, Frank Armour, J. Alberto Espinosa:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Big Data and Analytics: Pathways to Maturity. 1-4 - Joni Salminen, Soon-Gyo Jung, Bernard J. Jansen:
Automatically Mapping Ad Targeting Criteria between Online Ad Platforms. 1-9 - Jeff Saltz, Nicholas Hotz:
Factors that Influence the Selection of a Data Science Process Management Methodology: An Exploratory Study. 1-11 - Stephen H. Kaisler, Stephen J. Cohen, William H. Money:
Forensic Analysis of Failing Software Projects: Issues and Challenges. 1-10 - Manel Souibgui, Faten Atigui, Sadok Ben Yahia, Samira Si-Said Cherfi:
IRIS-DS: A New Approach for Identifiers and References Discovery in Document Stores. 1-10 - Sampsa Suvivuo:
Qualitative Big Data's Challenges and Solutions: An Organizing Review. 1-10 - Lucas Baier, Vincent Kellner, Niklas Kühl, Gerhard Satzger:
Switching Scheme: A Novel Approach for Handling Incremental Concept Drift in Real-World Data Sets. 1-10
Case Studies of Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Analytics Technologies for Industry Platforms
- Maarit Palo, James C. Spohrer:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Case Studies of Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Analytics Technologies for Industry Platforms. 1 - Petros Papapanagiotou, James Vaughan, Filip Smola, Jacques D. Fleuriot:
A Real-world Case Study of Process and Data Driven Predictive Analytics for Manufacturing Workflows. 1-10 - Claus-Peter H. Ernst, Frauke Geiger:
Business Intelligence in the Database Marketing - A Case Study of a German Insurance Company. 1-9 - Timo Koppe, Jonas Schatz:
Cloud-based ML Technologies for Visual Inspection: A Case Study in Manufacturing. 1-10 - Md. Abul Kalam Siddike, Kazuyoshi Hidaka, Youji Kohda:
Technology as Actors in Service Systems. 1-10 - Alka Roy:
The Responsible Innovation Framework: A Framework for Integrating Trust and Delight into Technology Innovation. 1-9
Data, Text and Web Mining for Business Analytics
- Dursun Delen, Hamed Majidi Zolbanin, Behrooz Davazdahemami:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Data, Text and Web Mining for Business Analytics. 1 - Julija Bainiaksinaite, Nikolaos Kaplis, Philip C. Treleaven:
ALGA: Automatic Logic Gate Annotator for Building Financial News Events Detectors. 1-11 - Severin Landolt, Thiemo Wambsganss
, Matthias Söllner:
A Taxonomy for Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing. 1-10 - Esther Maria Rojas Krugger, Ana Rocío Cárdenas Maita, Juliana Cristina Barbosa Alves, Marcelo Fantinato, Sarajane Marques Peres:
Business process analysis based on anomaly detection in event logs: a study on an incident management case. 1-10 - Rahul C. Basole:
Mining Logomaps for Ecosystem Intelligence. 1-10 - Joppe Geluykens, Sandra Mitrovic, Carlos Ortega Vázquez, Teodoro Laino, Alain C. Vaucher, Jochen De Weerdt:
Neural Machine Translation for Conditional Generation of Novel Procedures. 1-10 - Takuro Ogawa, Ryosuke Saga:
Text-based Causality Modeling with a Conceptual Label in a Hierarchical Topic Structure Using Bayesian Rose Trees. 1-10
Decision Analytics, Machine Learning, and Field Experimentation for Defense and Emergency Response
- Alexander B. Bordetsky, Steve Mullins, Bryan J. Hudgens:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Decision Analytics, Machine Learning, and Field Experimentation for Defense and Emergency Response. 1 - Paul Shigley, Clare Morton, Bob Tanner:
Defining Boundary Protection in Complexity Leadership Theory Through Fitness in Network Node Theory Approach. 1-8 - Richard Little, Madeline Roberts, William Wallace:
Observations on the Effects of a Global Pandemic on the Time To Recovery (TTR) from Natural Disasters. 1-8
Decision Support for Smart City
- Wei Xu, Jian Ma, Jianshan Sun:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Decision Support for Smart City. 1 - Lin Zhang, Cheng Liu, Qiang Yan, Junqiang Lu, Li Qu:
Case Study on Dynamic Scenario Model for Smart City. 1-10 - Yiting Zuo, Xusen Cheng, Ying Bao, Alex Zarifis:
Investigating user satisfaction of university online learning courses during the COVID-19 epidemic period. 1-10 - David Landsman, Philipp Kats, Aleksandra Nenko, Sergei Kudinov, Stanislav Sobolevsky:
Social Activity Networks Shaping St. Petersburg. 1-10
Digital Mobile Services for Everyday Life
- Pirkko Walden, Tomi Dahlberg, Anna Sell:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital Mobile Services for Everyday Life. 1 - Markus Makkonen, Tuomas Kari, Lauri Frank:
Changes in the Use Intention of Digital Wellness Technologies and Its Antecedents Over Time: The Use of Physical Activity Logger Applications Among Young Elderly in Finland. 1-10 - Zihan Yang, Richard O. Sinnott:
Snake Detection and Classification using Deep Learning. 1-10 - Brad McKenna, Petri Mäkinen, Tuure Tuunanen:
Switching Behaviour in Smart Phone Messaging Services - It's a Question of Context, Content, and Features of the Service. 1-10 - Jonna Järveläinen, Anna Sell, Pirkko Walden:
The impact of IT mindfulness on complex task performance. 1-10 - Tuomas Kari, Markus Makkonen, Joanna Carlsson, Lauri Frank:
Using a Physical Activity Application to Promote Physical Activity Levels Among Aged People: A Follow-Up Study. 1-10 - Eeva Kettunen:
Using Digital Coaching to Promote Physical Activity to University Students with Low Levels of Physical Activity: A Qualitative Intervention Study. 1-10
Digital and Cybernized Services
- Tuure Tuunanen, Tilo Böhmann, Jan Marco Leimeister:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital and Cybernized Services. 1-2 - Lisa Lohrenz, Simon Michalke, Susanne Robra-Bissantz, Christoph Lattemann:
Fostering Visibility, Commitment and Trust on Digital Platforms: Insights into Personal Engagement Platforms from the DACH Region. 1-10 - Jenny Elo, Juuli Lintula, Tuure Tuunanen:
Harnessing User Values to Understand Value Co-Creation and Co-Destruction in Augmented Reality Mobile Games. 1-10 - Mathis Poser, Sukhpreet Singh, Eva A. C. Bittner:
Hybrid Service Recovery: Design for Seamless Inquiry Handovers between Conversational Agents and Human Service Agents. 1-10 - Fabian Hunke, Hauke Thomsen, Gerhard Satzger:
Investigating Modular Reuse as an Underlying Mechanism of Conceptualization during Service Design - the Case of Key Activity Orchestration. 1-10
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)
- Christian Meske, Babak Abedin, Iris A. Junglas, Fethi A. Rabhi:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI). 1-2 - Enrico Bunde:
AI-Assisted and Explainable Hate Speech Detection for Social Media Moderators - A Design Science Approach. 1-10 - Maximilian Förster, Philipp Hühn, Mathias Klier, Kilian Kluge:
Capturing Users' Reality: A Novel Approach to Generate Coherent Counterfactual Explanations. 1-10 - Julie Gerlings, Arisa Shollo, Ioanna D. Constantiou:
Reviewing the Need for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (xAI). 1-10 - Tim Rädsch, Sven Eckhardt, Florian Leiser, Konstantin D. Pandl, Scott Thiebes, Ali Sunyaev:
What Your Radiologist Might be Missing: Using Machine Learning to Identify Mislabeled Instances of X-ray Images. 1-10
- Juho Hamari, Lobna Hassan, Nannan Xi:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Gamification. 1 - Simon Warsinsky, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Scott Thiebes, Ali Sunyaev:
Are Gamification Projects Different? An Exploratory Study on Software Project Risks for Gamified Health Behavior Change Support Systems. 1-10 - Enrica Loria, Jessica Rivera, Annapaola Marconi:
Do they Play as Intended? - Comparing Aggregated and Temporal Behavioral Analysis in a Persuasive Gamified System. 1-10 - Saman Bina, Jeffrey K. Mullins, Stacie Petter:
Examining Game-based Approaches in Human Resources Recruitment and Selection: A Literature Review and Research Agenda. 1-10 - Michelle Berger, Carolin Jung:
Gamification in Nutrition Apps - Users' Gamification Element Preferences: A Best-Worst-Scaling Approach. 1-10 - Georgina Guillen, Juho Hamari, Jaco Quist:
Gamification of Sustainable Consumption: a systematic literature review. 1-10 - Martin Huschens, Claus-Peter H. Ernst, Franz Rothlauf:
Individual Rank and Response: Survey-Based Evidence on the Effects of Rank-Based Performance Feedback. 1-10 - Caris Chua Xin Yi, Valerie Yu, Vivian Hsueh Hua Chen:
In the Mood for Doing Good: The influence of positive and negative emotions in game narratives on prosocial tendencies. 1-10 - Adam Palmquist:
Lost in translation: A study of (mis)conceptions, (mis)communication and concerns when implementing gamification in corporate (re)training. 1-10 - Andreas Schmid:
Rankings or Absolute Feedback? Investigating Two Feedback Alternatives for Negotiation Agreements in a Gamified Electronic Negotiation Training. 1-10 - Munifa Shaza, Valerie Yu, Katrina Paola B. Alvarez, Vivian Hsueh Hua Chen:
The Impact of Meaningful Game Narratives on Attitudes towards Racial Outgroups. 1-9
Intelligent Decision Support for Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Stefan Voß, Julia Pahl:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Intelligent Decision Support for Logistics and Supply Chain Management. 1 - No-San Lee, Philipp Gabriel Mazur, Moritz Bittner, Detlef Schoder:
An Intelligent Decision-Support System for Air Cargo Palletizing. 1-10 - Hyunjin Seo, Stuart Thorson:
Computable Approaches to Rational Choice and Decision-Making. 1-10 - Daniel Kiefer, Florian Grimm, Markus Bauer, Clemens van Dinther:
Demand Forecasting Intermittent and Lumpy Time Series: Comparing Statistical, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods. 1-10 - Gregor Blossey, Gerd J. Hahn, Achim Koberstein:
Managing Uncertainty in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains: A Structured Review. 1-10
Interactive Visual Analytics and Visualization for Decision Making
- Brian D. Fisher, David S. Ebert, Kelly P. Gaither:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Interactive Visual Analytics and Visualization for Decision Making. 1-2 - Yun Jang, Seokyeon Kim:
Multimodal Epidemic Visual Analytics and Modeling. 1-10 - Luke S. Snyder, Audrey Reinert, David S. Ebert:
PanViz 2.0: Intregating AI into Visual analytics to adapt to the novel challenges of COVID-19. 1-9 - Belgin Mutlu, Milot Gashi, Vedran Sabol:
Towards a Task-based Guidance in Exploratory Visual Analytics. 1-9 - Sungsoo Ray Hong, Rafal Kocielnik, Cecilia R. Aragon, Sarah Battersby, Juho Kim:
Understanding the Role of User Interface for Multi-Criteria Decision-Making in Supporting Exploratory Usage of Information Systems. 1-12 - Nikolina Jekic, Belgin Mutlu, Manuela Schreyer, Steffen Neubert, Tobias Schreck:
Visual Data Analysis of Production Quality Data for Aluminum Casting. 1-9
Internet of Everything and the Power of Where
- Tayfun Keskin, Frederick J. Riggins:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Internet of Everything and the Power of Where. 1 - Somnath Mazumdar, Thomas Jensen, Raghava Rao Mukkamala, Robert J. Kauffman, Jan Damsgaard:
Do Blockchain and IoT Architecture Create Informedness to Support Provenance Tracking in the Product Lifecycle? 1-10
Learning Analytics
- Galina Deeva, Sara Willermark, Anna Sigridur Islind, María Óskarsdóttir:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Learning Analytics. 1-2 - Aya Rizk, Adrián Rodríguez:
A Framework for Informal Learning Analytics - Evidence from the Literacy Domain. 1-10 - Yi-Ting Wang, Kuan-Yu Lin, Travis K. Huang:
An analysis of learners' intentions toward virtual reality online learning systems: a case study in Taiwan. 1-10 - Kyle M. L. Jones, Amy VanScoy, Kawanna Bright, Alison Harding:
Do They Even Care? Measuring Instructor Value of Student Privacy in the Context of Learning Analytics. 1-9 - Marie Utterberg Modén, Martin Tallvid, Johan Lundin, Berner Lindström:
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Why Teachers Abandoned a Technology Aimed at Automating Teaching Processes. 1-10
Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics in Accounting, Finance, and Management
- Peter Sarlin, József Mezei:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics in Accounting, Finance, and Management. 1-2 - Yang Duan, Chung-Hsing Yeh, David L. Dowe:
Accounting method selection using neural networks and multi-criteria decision making. 1-10 - Adam Brian Turner, Stephen McCombie, Allon J. Uhlmann:
Follow the money: Revealing risky nodes in a Ransomware-Bitcoin network. 1-13 - Henry Han:
Hierarchical learning for option implied volatility pricing. 1-10 - Frank Z. Xing, Duc-Hong Hoang, Dinh-Vinh Vo:
High-Frequency News Sentiment and Its Application to Forex Market Prediction. 1-10 - Pontus Wistbacka, Samuel Rönnqvist, Katia Vozian, Satchit Sagade:
Predicting stock price and spread movements from news. 1-8 - Jannik Rößler, Roman Tilly, Detlef Schoder:
To Treat, or Not to Treat: Reducing Volatility in Uplift Modeling Through Weighted Ensembles. 1-10
Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Reality: Services and Applications
- Essi Pöyry, Osmo Mattila, Juho Hamari, Jani Holopainen:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Reality: Services and Applications. 1-2 - Camen Teh, Chee Wei Phang, Alain Yee-Loong Chong, Zixiu Guo:
Augmented Reality in Offline Retail: Integrating the Affordance and Means-End Chain Perspectives. 1-10 - Peter Sommerauer:
Augmented Reality in VET: Benefits of a qualitative and quantitative study for workplace training. 1-10 - Antti Lähtevänoja, Jani Holopainen, Osmo Mattila, Essi Pöyry, Petri Parvinen, Tuure Tuunanen:
Problem Space Identification for Developing Virtual Reality Learning Environments. 1-10
Modeling and Decision Making in Manufacturing and Logistics in the Age of Industry 4.0
- Stefan Galka, Tobias Reggelin, Sebastian Lang, Dmitry Ivanov:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Modeling and Decision Making in Manufacturing and Logistics in the Age of Industry 4.0. 1-2 - Abdulrahman Nahhas, Marco Krist, Klaus Turowski:
An adaptive scheduling framework for solving multi-objective hybrid flow shop scheduling problems. 1-10 - Dirk Kauke, Stefan Galka, Johannes Fottner:
Digital Twins in Order Picking Systems for Operational Decision Support. 1-10 - Niels Schmidtke, Alina B. Rettmann, Fabian Behrendt:
Matrix Production Systems - Requirements and Influences on Logistics Planning for Decentralized Production Structures. 1-10 - Jan Cirullies, Christian Schwede:
On-demand Shared Digital Twins - An Information Architectural Model to Create Transparency in Collaborative Supply Networks. 1-10
Personal Data: Analytics and Management
- Philip Davies, Glenn C. Parry, Joo Oh:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Personal Data: Analytics and Management. 1 - Zena Wood, Phil Godsill:
Circular Insurance: customer-centric, data-driven services for the Circular Economy. 1-10 - Marta Stelmaszak, Glenn C. Parry:
Data are in the Eye of the Beholder: Co-creating the Value of Personal Data. 1-10 - Niklas Kühl, Dominik Martin, Clemens Wolff, Melanie Volkamer:
"Healthy surveillance": Designing a concept for privacy-preserving mask recognition AI in the age of pandemics. 1-10
Practitioner Research Insights: Applications of Science and Technology in Work
- Terri L. Griffith, Yassi Moghaddam, James C. Spohrer:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Practitioner Research Insights: Applications of Science and Technology in Work. 1 - Haytham Mohamed, Omar F. El-Gayar:
End-to-End Latency Prediction of Microservices Workflow on Kubernetes: A Comparative Evaluation of Machine Learning Models and Resource Metrics. 1-10
Service Analytics
- Thomas Setzer, Hansjörg Fromm, Niklas Kühl, Gerhard Satzger:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Service Analytics. 1 - Tim Rädsch, Melanie Reuter-Oppermann, Dave Richards:
Towards a Machine Learning-based Decision Support System for Dispatching Helicopters in New Zealand. 1-10 - Heri Wijayanto, Syauki Thamrin, Arbee L. P. Chen:
Upgrading Products based on Existing Dominant Competitors. 1-10 - Kunxiong Ling, Jan Thiele, Thomas Setzer:
Usage Space Sampling for Fringe Customer Identification. 1-10
Service Science
- Michael J. Shaw, Fu-Ren Lin, Paul P. Maglio:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Service Science. 1 - Viet-Cuong Trieu, Fu-Ren Lin:
Designing Local Food Service Ecosystem for Sustainability: An Agent-based Social Simulation Approach based on Service-Dominant Logic. 1-10 - Konstantin D. Pandl, Heiner Teigeler, Sebastian Lins, Scott Thiebes, Ali Sunyaev:
Drivers and Inhibitors for Organizations' Intention to Adopt Artificial Intelligence as a Service. 1-10 - Nabil Georges Badr, Monica Dragoicea, Leonard Walletzký, Luca Carrubbo, Angeliki Maria Toli:
Modelling for Ethical Concerns for Traceability in Time of Pandemic "Do no Harm" or "Better Safe than Sorry!". 1-10 - Can Azkan, Lennart Iggena, Frederik Möller, Boris Otto:
Towards Design Principles for Data-Driven Services in Industrial Environments. 1-10 - Prasanna P. Karhade, Abhishek Kathuria, Benn R. Konsynski:
When Choice Matters: Assortment and Participation for Performance on Digital Platforms. 1-10
Smart Building, Smart Community, and Smart City Digital Twins
- John Eric Taylor, Neda Mohammadi, Gisele Bennett:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Smart Building, Smart Community, and Smart City Digital Twins. 1 - Dimitri Mavrokapnidis, Neda Mohammadi, John Eric Taylor:
Community Dynamics in Smart City Digital Twins: A Computer Vision-based Approach for Monitoring and Forecasting Collective Urban Hazard Exposure. 1-9 - Marco Miotti, Rishee Jain:
Modeling aggregate human mobility patterns in cities based on the spatial distribution of local infrastructure. 1-10
Smart Mobility Ecosystems and Services
- Virpi Tuunainen, Matti Rossi, Juho Lindman:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Smart Mobility Ecosystems and Services. 1 - Keven Richly, Rainer Schlosser, Janos Brauer, Hasso Plattner:
A Probabilistic Location Prediction Approach to Optimize Dispatch Processes in the Ride-Hailing Industry. 1-11 - Arto Lanamäki:
How the Discourse of Urban Smart Mobility Portrays the Role of Automobility after 'The End of Car Ownership'. 1-8 - Katharina Keller, Christian Zimmermann, Jan Zibuschka, Oliver Hinz:
Trust is Good, Control is Better - Customer Preferences Regarding Control in Teleoperated and Autonomous Taxis. 1-10
Social Robots - Robotics and Toy Computing
- Patrick Hung, Sarajane Marques Peres, Shih-Chia Huang:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Robots - Robotics and Toy Computing. 1 - Roger Seiler, Annemarie Schär:
CHATBOTS, CONVERSATIONAL INTERFACES, AND THE STEREOTYPE CONTENT MODEL. 1-8 - Benjamin Yankson, André de Lima Salgado, Renata P. M. Fortes:
Recommendations to Enhance Privacy and Usability of Smart Toys. 1-10 - Curtis Gittens:
Remote-HRI: A Pilot Study to Evaluate a Methodology for Performing HRI Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic. 1-10 - Pirita Ihamäki, Katriina Heljakka:
Robot Dog Intervention with the Golden Pup: Activating Social and Empathy Experiences of Elderly People as Part of Intergenerational Interaction. 1-10 - Federico Gelsomini, Patrick Hung, Bill Kapralos, Alvaro J. Uribe-Quevedo, Michael Jenkin, Akira Tokuhiro, Kamen Kanev, Makoto Hosoda, Hidenori Mimura:
Specialized CNT-based Sensor Framework for Advanced Motion Tracking. 1-8
Soft Computing: Theory Innovations and Problem Solving Benefits
- Ignacio J. Pérez, Francisco Javier Cabrerizo, Enrique Herrera-Viedma:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Soft Computing: Theory Innovations and Problem Solving Benefits. 1-2 - Francisco Javier Cabrerizo, Ignacio J. Pérez, Juan Antonio Morente-Molinera, Enrique Herrera-Viedma:
A Distribution of Information Granularity to Deal With Inconsistency in Multi-Criteria and Heterogeneous Group Decision Making. 1-10 - Francisco Mata, Angeles Verdejo, Luis G. Pérez, Carlos Porcel:
A preliminary study of a citizen participation system based on consensus for Decision-making Processes. 1-10 - Ruben Heradio, David Fernández-Amorós, Cristina Cerrada, Manuel J. Cobo:
Machine Learning for Software Engineering: a Bibliometric Analysis from 2015 to 2019. 1-10 - Macarena Espinilla, Emiro de la Hoz Franco, Edna Bernal Monroy, Paola Ariza Colpas, Fabio Mendoza Palechor:
UJA Human Activity Recognition multi-occupancy dataset. 1-10
Technology and Analytics in Emerging Markets (TAEM)
- Wonseok Oh, Sang Pil Han, Gene Moo Lee, Sungho Park:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Technology and Analytics in Emerging Markets (TAEM). 1 - Yujin Hwang, Nakyung Kyung, Dongwon Lee, Jaemin Jung, Sung-Hyuk Park:
The Impact of Mobile Ordering Service on Offline Store Diversity and Product Diversity. 1-6
Digital Government
Cyber Deception and Cyber Psychology for Defense
- Matt Bishop, Cliff Wang, Kimberly Ferguson-Walter, Sunny Fugate:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Cyber Deception and Cyber Psychology for Defense. 1-2 - Debi Ashenden, Rob Black, Iain Reid, Simon Henderson:
Design Thinking for Cyber Deception. 1-10 - Robert S. Gutzwiller, Dirk Van Bruggen:
Human Factors in Automating Cyber Operations. 1-10 - Megan Nyre-Yu:
Identifying Expertise Gaps in Cyber Incident Response: Cyber Defender Needs vs. Technological Development. 1-10 - Frederico Araujo, Sailik Sengupta, Jiyong Jang, Adam Doupé, Kevin W. Hamlen, Subbarao Kambhampati:
Software Deception Steering through Version Emulation. 1-10 - Jason Landsborough, Luke Carpenter, Braulio Coronado, Sunny Fugate, Kimberly Ferguson-Walter, Dirk Van Bruggen:
Towards Self-Adaptive Cyber Deception for Defense. 1-10
Cybersecurity and Privacy in Government
- Gregory White, Wm. Arthur Conklin, Keith Harrison:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Cybersecurity and Privacy in Government. 1 - Debasis Bhattacharya, Leslie Ramos:
COVID-19: Privacy and Confidentiality Issues with Contact Tracing Apps. 1-10 - Ron Pike:
Enhancing Cybersecurity Capability in Local Governments through Competency-Based Education. 1-7 - Evelyn Kempe, Aaron Massey:
Regulatory and Security Standard Compliance Throughout the Software Development Lifecycle. 1-10 - Kira Gedris, Kayla Bowman, Aatish Neupane, Amanda Lee Hughes, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Ryan West, Jon Balzotti, Derek L. Hansen:
Simulating Municipal Cybersecurity Incidents: Recommendations from Expert Interviews. 1-10
Digital Government Theory: Development and Application
- Lemuria D. Carter, Ludwig Christian Schaupp, Elin Wihlborg:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital Government Theory: Development and Application. 1 - Qianli Yuan, Yenisel Gulatee, Mila Gascó-Hernández, Mariya Zheleva, Petko Bogdanov, J. Ramón Gil-García:
Understanding the Determinants of Adoption and Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Emergency Management: Proposing a Research Agenda based on Existing Academic Literature. 1-10
Digital Government and Business Process Management (BPM)
- Hernán Astudillo, Aurélie Montarnal, Cristina Cabanillas, Andrea Delgado:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital Government and Business Process Management (BPM). 1-2 - Cristian Gómez Macías, Francisco J. Pérez Blanco
, Juan Manuel Vara, Valeria de Castro, Esperanza Marcos:
Design and development of Smart Contracts for E-government through Value and Business Process Modeling. 1-10 - Laura González, Andrea Delgado:
Towards compliance requirements modeling and evaluation of E-government inter-organizational collaborative business processes. 1-10
Digital Society
- Stefan Stieglitz, Milad Mirbabaie:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital Society. 1 - Carlos Alberto Kamienski, Lucas Mazim de Souza, Claudio Luis de Camargo Penteado, Denise H. Goya, Daniel Vitor Beraldo di Genova, Fabrício Olivetti de França, Diogo Fornaziero Segura Ramos, Flávio E. A. Horita:
A Polarization Approach for Understanding Online Conflicts in Times of Pandemic: A Brazilian Case Study. 1-10 - Nicholas R. J. Frick, Julian Marx:
Integrating Digital Nomads in Corporate Structures: Managerial Contemplations. 1-10 - Eduard Anton, Kevin Kus, Frank Teuteberg:
Is Ethics Really Such a Big Deal? The Influence of Perceived Usefulness of AI-based Surveillance Technology on Ethical Decision-Making in Scenarios of Public Surveillance. 1-10
Digital Transformation and Government: Barriers to and Enablers of Change
- Jerald Hughes, Margit Scholl, Suha AlAwadhi:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital Transformation and Government: Barriers to and Enablers of Change. 1-2 - Elin Wihlborg, Carl-Johan Sommar, Aneta Kulanovic, Ahmed Kaharevic, Helena Iacobaeus:
Best practice of digital government in emerging democracies: Illustrations, challenges and reflections of state building processes. 1-10 - Fabian Birghan, Robert Hettenhausen, Christine Meschede:
Challenges, Barriers, and Approaches for Providing Digital Citizen Information. A Case-Study in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. 1-10 - Hans Christian Klein, Frederike Marie Oschinsky, Sarah Rubens:
Cultivating Creativity: Insights from German Local Governments about the Drivers and Barriers of Change. 1-10 - Michael Nartey Agbeko, John Effah, Richard Boateng:
Digital Transformation Initiative in a Public Sector Organization: Stakeholder Viewpoints and Responses in Ghana. 1-10 - Kevin C. Desouza, Franziska Götz, Gregory S. Dawson:
Maturity Model for Cognitive Computing Systems in the Public Sector. 1-10 - Yongjin Choi, J. Ramón Gil-García, G. Brian Burke, Jim Costello, Derek Werthmuller, Oguz M. Aranay:
Towards Data-Driven Decision-Making in Government: Identifying Opportunities and Challenges for Data Use and Analytics. 1-10 - Kathrine Vestues, Marius Mikalsen, Eric Monteiro:
Using digital platforms to promote a service-oriented logic in public sector organizations: A case study. 1-10
Digital and Hyperconnected Supply Chain Systems
- Louis Faugère, Matthieu Lauras, Samuel Fosso Wamba:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital and Hyperconnected Supply Chain Systems. 1-2 - Manon Grest, Matthieu Lauras, Benoît Montreuil:
Assessing Physical Internet potential for Humanitarian Supply Chains. 1-9 - Raphaël Oger, Frédérick Bénaben, Matthieu Lauras, Benoît Montreuil:
Making Strategic Supply Chain Capacity Planning more Dynamic to cope with Hyperconnected and Uncertain Environments. 1-10
Disaster Information, Resilience, for Emergency and Crisis Technologies
- Elsa Negre, Frédérick Bénaben, Mihoko Sakurai, Julie Dugdale, Andrea H. Tapia:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Disaster Information, Resilience, for Emergency and Crisis Technologies. 1-3 - Mengtian Zhao, Richard John:
Building Community Resilience Using Gain-Loss Framing to Nudge Homeowner Mitigation and Insurance Decision-making. 1-10 - Duygu Pamukçu, Christopher W. Zobel:
Characterizing 311 System Reactions to a Global Health Emergency. 1-10 - Julie Dugdale, Vincent Lemiale:
Citizens' behaviours related to smoke in bushfires and their implications for computational models of evacuation. 1-9 - Elsa Negre:
Crisis management and distrust: Study of an industrial accident in France. 1-10 - Nathan Jeffrey Elrod, Howard Hall, Pranav Mahajan, Rob Grace, Jess Kropczynski:
Data Census of a Geographically-Bounded Tweet Set to Enhance Common Operational Picture Tools. 1-10 - Tobias Enders, Niklas Kühl, Jannis Walk, Marc Muff:
Designing Chemical Emergency Response Systems Based on Open Data. 1-10 - Hieronymus Hansen, Adam Widera, Johannes Ponge, Bernd Hellingrath:
Machine Learning for Readability Assessment and Text Simplification in Crisis Communication: A Systematic Review. 1-10 - Hanna Shmagun, Charles Oppenheim, JangSup Shim, Kwang-Nam Choi, Jaesoo Kim:
Open Science at a time of the COVID-19 pandemic: a new opportunity to improve emergency response. 1-10 - Julien Coche, Guillermo Romera Rodriguez, Aurélie Montarnal, Andrea H. Tapia, Frédérick Bénaben:
Social media processing in crisis response : an attempt to shift from data to information exploitation. 1-10
Emerging Topics in Digital Government
- Robert Krimmer, J. Ramón Gil-García, Andriana Prentza:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Emerging Topics in Digital Government. 1-2 - Francesco Gualdi, Antonio Cordella:
Artificial Intelligence and Decision-Making: the question of Accountability. 1-10 - Francesca Fallucchi, Marco Gerardi, Michele Petito, Ernesto William De Luca:
Blockchain Framework in Digital Government for the Certification of Authenticity, Timestamping and Data Property. 1-10 - Samar Fatima, Kevin C. Desouza, Christoph Buck, Erwin Fielt:
Business Model Canvas to Create and Capture AI-enabled Public Value. 1-10 - Jaromir Durkiewicz, Tomasz Janowski:
Chain Action - How Do Countries Add Value Through Digital Government? 1-10 - Maik Brinkmann:
Relevance of Public Administrations: Visualization of Shifting Power Relations in Blockchain-Based Public Service Delivery. 1-10 - Cindy Schaefer, Kristina Lemmer, Kret Samy Kret, Maija Ylinen, Patrick Mikalef, Björn Niehaves:
Truth or Dare? - How can we Influence the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Municipalities? 1-10
Engaging Governance
- Lobna Hassan, Mattia Thibault, J. Tuomas Harviainen, Juho Hamari:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Engaging Governance. 1 - Daniel Fürstenau, Flavio Morelli, Kristina Meindl, Matthias Schulte-Althoff, Jochen Rabe:
A Social Citizen Dashboard for Participatory Urban Planning in Berlin: Prototype and Evaluation. 1-10 - Gerrit C. Küstermann, Eva A. C. Bittner:
Developing a GIS-integrated Tool to Obtain Citizens' Input in On-site Participation - Learnings from Participatory Urban Planning of a Large City. 1-10
Inclusion in Digital Government: Narrowing the Divides
- John Bertot, Jonathan Lazar, Simone D. J. Barbosa:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Inclusion in Digital Government: Narrowing the Divides. 1 - Irina Sigler:
Activating Older Unemployed Individuals: A Case Study of Online Job Search Peer Groups. 1-10 - Elin Wihlborg, Aneta Kulanovic, Ahmed Kaharevic, Mattias Elg:
Digital inclusion in a disadvantaged Swedish suburb - Trust and participation to form Quality of Government. 1-10
Policies and Strategies for Digital Government
- Antonio Cordella, Kyung Ryul Park, Frank Bannister:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Policies and Strategies for Digital Government. 1 - Benedicte Rex Fleron, Jan Pries-Heje, Richard L. Baskerville:
Digital Organizational Resilience: A History of Denmark as a Most Digitalized Country. 1-10 - Felippe Cronemberger, J. Ramón Gil-García:
Understanding Data Analytics Practices in Kansas City: The Importance of Multi-Level Stewardship, Collaborative Governance and an Incremental Strategy. 1-10
Sharing Economy in Rural Areas
- Lars-Olof Johansson, Livia Norström, Anna Sigridur Islind, Ulrika Snis:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Sharing Economy in Rural Areas. 1-2 - Johannes Einolander, Annamari Kiviaho:
Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis of EV Sharing in Nordic Rural Areas Affected by Seasonal Residence and Counterurbanization. 1-10
Smart and Connected Cities and Communities
- Mila Gascó-Hernández, Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar, Gabriela Viale Pereira, Theresa Pardo:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Smart and Connected Cities and Communities. 1-2 - Magdalena Ciesielska, Nina Rizun, Tomasz Janowski:
Interdisciplinarity in Smart Sustainable City education: exploring educational offerings and competencies worldwide. 1-10 - Calvin Chan, Dong Qiu, Felix T. C. Tan:
Smart Community and Social Resilience: Reflection on the COVID-19 Pandemic. 1-10 - Matthias Buchinger, Peter Kuhn, Anastasios Kalogeropoulos, Dian Balta:
Towards Interoperability of Smart City Data Platforms. 1-10 - Samaneh Bagheri, Tobias Brandt, Haydee S. Sheombar, Marcel van Oosterhout:
Value Creation through Urban Data Platforms: A Conceptual Framework. 1-10
The Impact of ICT on Citizens' Well-being and the Right to the City
- Magdalena Roszczynska-Kurasinska, Anna Domaradzka:
Introduction to the Minitrack on The Impact of ICT on Citizens' Well-being and the Right to the City. 1-3 - Laura Sartori, Davide Arcidiacono:
In Search for (the Lost) Smartness in the Evolution of the Smart Cities: Consumers or Citizens? 1-10 - Anna Wnuk, Tomasz Oleksy:
Place attachment and acceptance of smart city technologies. 1-10
Digital and Social Media
Big Data-driven Social Media Management
- Xiangbin Yan, Mingxin Gan, Hua Ye:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Big Data-driven Social Media Management. 1-2 - Kai Yang, Raymond Yiu-Keung Lau:
ExeAnalyzer: A Deep Generative Adversarial Network for Multimodal Online Impression Analysis and Startup Funding Prediction. 1-10 - Daniel Konadl, Janik Wörner, Susanne Leist:
Identifying Sentiment Influences Provoked by Context Factors - Results from a Data Analytics Procedure Performed on Tweets. 1-10 - Sayar Karmakar, Sanchari Das:
Understanding the Rise of Twitter-based cyberbullying due to COVID-19 through comprehensive statistical evaluation. 1-11
Critical and Ethical Studies of Digital and Social Media
- Tonia Sutherland, T. L. Cowan, Jasmine Rault, Kishonna Gray:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Critical and Ethical Studies of Digital and Social Media. 1-2 - Jessica Lingel:
A Queer and Feminist Defense of Being Anonymous Online. 1-10 - Amelia Acker, Lucy Flamm:
COVID-19 Community Archives and the Platformization of Digital Cultural Memory. 1-10 - Simon Kloker:
Design Triggers for Excessive Online Video Clip Watching. 1-10 - Anuttama Dasgupta, Prasanna P. Karhade, Abhishek Kathuria, Benn R. Konsynski:
Holding Space for Voices that Do Not Speak: Design Reform of Rating Systems for Platforms in GREAT Economies. 1-10 - Amber Grace Young, Ariel D. Wigdor:
"Ideal Speech" on Wikipedia: Balancing Social Marginalization Risks and Social Inclusion Benefits for Individuals and Groups. 1-11 - Julian Neylan:
The Impact of Online Disinformation on Democracy in Taiwan. 1-9
Culture, Identity, and Inclusion
- Derrick L. Cogburn, Nanette S. Levinson, Filippo Trevisan:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Culture, Identity, and Inclusion. 1-3 - Terika McCall, Heejun Kim, Eun Lee, Adnan Lakdawala, Clinton S. Bolton III:
Content and Social Network Analyses of Depression-related Tweets of African American College Students. 1-10 - Moshe Karabelnik:
Doing Visual Activism. A Practice-based Approach to the Study of Visual Social Media Use by Kia'i Mauna Kea. 1-10 - Zhasmina Tacheva, Leni Krsova, Anton Ivanov:
Examining the Social Media Antecedents of Racial Justice: Evidence from Twitter. 1-10 - Hossein Mosafer, Jalal Sarabadani:
Identity in the Digital Age: A Review of Information Technology Identity (ITID) Research in Information Systems. 1-10 - Safa'a AbuJarour, Antonia Köster, Hanna Krasnova, Manuel Wiesche:
Technology as a Source of Power: Exploring How ICT Use Contributes to the Social Inclusion of Refugees in Germany. 1-10 - Katharina Schäfer-Siebert, Nils Verhalen:
Thanks for Your Help! - The Value of Q&A Websites for Refugee Integration. 1-10 - Izabela Warwas, Malgorzata Dziminska, Aneta Krzewinska:
The Frequency of Using Websites and Social Media by Various Age Groups to Form Opinions about Scientific Topics: Findings from the European Context. 1-10
Data Analytics, Data Mining and Machine Learning for Social Media
- David J. Yates, Kevin Mentzer, Jeffry S. Babb:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Data Analytics, Data Mining and Machine Learning for Social Media. 1-2 - Amanda Oliveira, Frederico Araújo Durão:
A Group Recommendation Model Using Diversification Techniques. 1-10 - Mona Nashaat, James Miller:
Improving News Popularity Estimation via Weak Supervision and Meta-active Learning. 1-10 - Dritjon Gruda, Adegboyega Ojo:
Inferring the Relationship between Anxiety and Extraversion from Tweets during COVID19 - A Linguistic Analytics Approach. 1-10 - Souvick Ghosh:
Predicting Question Deletion and Assessing Question Quality in Social Q&A Sites using Weakly Supervised Deep Neural Networks. 1-10 - Wayne Kenney, Christopher S. Leberknight:
User Demographics and Censorship on Sina Weibo. 1-7
Decision Making in Online Social Networks
- Gabrielle Peko, David Sundaram, Valeria Sadovykh:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Decision Making in Online Social Networks. 1-2 - Katie Byrd, Richard John:
Tell me the Truth: Separating Fact from Fiction in Social Media Following Extreme Events. 1-10 - Anna Vogelaar, Anna Priante:
The Role of Social Media Normative Interventions and Environmental Awareness in Intentions to Change Pro-Environmental Behaviors. 1-10 - Wenjie Fan:
What Makes Consumer Perception of Online Review Helpfulness: Synthesizing the Past to Guide Future Research. 1-10
Digital Methods
- Alexander Halavais, Matthew Weber, Shawn Walker:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital Methods. 1-2 - Veruska Ayora, Flávio E. A. Horita, Carlos Kamienski:
Profiling Online Social Network Platforms: Twitter vs. Instagram. 1-10 - Lene Pettersen:
Researching Algorithms and Recommendation Systems Inside Out Using Reversed Engineering. 1-10
Digital and Social Media in Enterprise
- Ester Gonzalez, Xuefei (Nancy) Deng, Tawei Wang:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital and Social Media in Enterprise. 1-2 - Pamela Estell, Elizabeth J. Davidson, Kaveh Abhari:
Affording Employee Voice: How Enterprise Social Networking Sites (ESNS) Create New Pathways for Employee Expression. 1-10 - Emmanuel Appiah:
Ambidextrous Learning and Survival of Early International Firms-The Role of Social Media Usage. 1-10 - Cheng-Chieh Wu, Chao-Jung Chen, Tai-Wei Chiang:
Forming the Strategy for Live Streaming e-Commerce: An Action Research. 1-10 - Karin Högberg:
Technostress and Multiple Organizational Social Media - Investigating Negative and Positive Stressors and Strains from a Person-Technology-Fit Perspective. 1-10
Games and Gaming
- Kishonna Gray, Nathaniel D. Poor, Kelly Bergstrom:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Games and Gaming. 1-2 - Samuli Laato, Sampsa Rauti:
Central Themes of the Pokémon Franchise and why they Appeal to Humans. 1-10 - Lingyuan Li, Divine Maloney, Guo Freeman:
Collaboration, Dedication, and Social Pressure: A Comparative Analysis of Virtual and Face-to-Face Game Jams. 1-10 - Katrina Paola B. Alvarez, Vivian Hsueh Hua Chen:
Cultivating Community: Presentation of Self among Women Game Streamers in Singapore and the Philippines. 1-9 - Kyle Moore, Marcus Carter:
It is Not an Island It's A World: Fortnite and "Worldness". 1-10 - Evelyn T. S. Tan, Alex R. Wade, Athanasios Vasileios Kokkinakis, Georgia Heyes, Simon Demediuk, Anders Drachen:
Less is More: Analysing Communication in Teams of Strangers. 1-10 - Andrew M. Phelps, Mia Consalvo, Nick D. Bowman:
Streaming into the Void: An Analysis of Microstreaming Trends and Behaviors Utilizing a Demand Framework. 1-10 - Kelly Bergstrom, Jamie Sherman:
Who Stays in the Game? Similarities and Differences Between Current and Former Digital Games Players. 1-10
Mediated Conversation
- Sheizaf Rafaeli, Yoram M. Kalman, Seth C. Lewis:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Mediated Conversation. 1-3 - Arul Chib, Claire Stravato Emes:
Co-opted Marginality and Social Media in Singapore. 1-10 - Keri K. Stephens, Karim Nader, Anastazja Harris, Caroline Montagnolo, Amanda Lee Hughes, Ashley Stevens, Yasas Pramuditha Senarath Wijesuriya, Hemant Purohit:
Online-Computer-Mediated Interviews and Observations: Overcoming Challenges and Establishing Best Practices in a Human-AI Teaming Context. 1-10 - Susan Herring, SeungWoo Chae:
Prompt-Rich CMC on YouTube: To What or to Whom Do Comments Respond? 1-10 - Nika Mozafari, Welf H. Weiger, Maik Hammerschmidt:
Resolving the Chatbot Disclosure Dilemma: Leveraging Selective Self-Presentation to Mitigate the Negative Effect of Chatbot Disclosure. 1-8 - Yixue Wang, Nicholas Diakopoulos:
The Role of New York Times Picks in Comment Quality and Engagement. 1-10 - Yeweon Kim:
Understanding the Bystander Audience in Online Incivility Encounters: Conceptual Issues and Future Research Questions. 1-10
Network Analysis of Digital and Social Media
- Devan Rosen, George A. Barnett, Kar-Hai Chu:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Network Analysis of Digital and Social Media. 1-2 - Chamil Rathnayake, Daniel D. Suthers:
A Link Communities Analysis of the UK Instagram Covid-19 Searchable Metadiscourse. 1-10 - Ke Jiang, Qian Xu:
Building Images of "President Trump": Comparing Co-evolutions of the Trade War Discourse between Influencers and Regular Users on Twitter. 1-10 - Hyunjin Seo, Stuart Thorson, Matthew Blomberg, Scott Appling, Andrea Bras, Avery Davis-Roberts, Darcey Altschwager:
Country Characteristics, Internet Connectivity and Combating Misinformation: A Network Analysis of Global North-South. 1-10 - Fabrício Olivetti de França, Carlos da Silva dos Santos, Claudio Luis de Camargo Penteado, Denise H. Goya, Lucas Mazim de Souza, Carlos Kamienski, Daniel Vitor Beraldo di Genova, Diogo Fornaziero Segura Ramos:
Dynamics of Conflicts on the Twitter Social Network: a case study on the use of chloroquine in Brazil. 1-10
Social Information Systems
- Rainer Schmidt, Selmin Nurcan, Rainer Alt:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Information Systems. 1-2 - Eila Erfani, Andrew Samy Helmy Hanna, Layla Boroon:
Social Network Sites Use and Psychological distress: A Systematic Review. 1-7 - Annika Andersson, Karin Hedström, Steffi Siegert, Carl-Johan Sommar:
Teachers Falling off the Cliff Affordances and Constraints of Social Media in School. 1-10 - Aashka Patel, Christine Linda Cook, Donghee Yvette Wohn:
User Opinions on Effective Strategies Against Social Media Toxicity. 1-10
Social Networking and Communities
- Daniel D. Suthers, Ravi Vatrapu:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Networking and Communities. 1-2 - Yinan Sun, Dan Suthers:
Cultural Affordances and Social Media. 1-10 - Tali Gazit:
Exploring leadership in Facebook communities: personality traits and activities. 1-10 - Pascal Vogel, Christian Kurtz, Christian Grotherr, Tilo Böhmann:
Fostering Social Resilience via Online Neighborhood Social Networks During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: Status Quo, Design Dilemmas and Research Opportunities. 1-10 - Joseph Manga, Bin Wang:
Predicting User Response and Support Activities in Virtual Health Support Communities. 1-10 - Donghee Yvette Wohn, Chien Wen Yuan, John Scott Siri Jr.:
The Many Facets of Me: Multiple Account Management on Reddit. 1-10 - Lei Yang, Xue Wang, Margaret Meiling Luo:
Trust and Closeness: A Mixed Method for Understanding the Relationship of Social Network Users. 1-10
Streaming Media in Entertainment
- Franziska Zimmer, Maria Törhönen, Kaja Fietkiewicz, Juho Hamari:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Streaming Media in Entertainment. 1-2 - Gloria H. W. Liu, Mengdi Sun, Neil Chueh-An Lee:
How can live streamers enhance viewer engagement in eCommerce streaming? 1-11
Electric Energy Systems
Distributed, Renewable, and Mobile Resources
- Seth Blumsack:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Distributed, Renewable, and Mobile Resources. 1 - Yuting Mou, Céline Gérard, Anthony Papavasiliou, Philippe Chevalier:
Designing Menus for Multilevel Demand Subscription. 1-10 - Abhishek Banerjee, S. M. Shafiul Alam, Thomas M. Mosier:
Impact of Hybrid Energy Storage System Topology on Performance: Exploration for Hydropower Hybrids. 1-9 - Jorge García, Juan Víquez, José Incer, Francisco Escobar, Petros Aristidou, Gustavo Valverde:
Modeling Framework and Coordination of DER and Flexible Loads for Ancillary Service Provision. 1-10 - Andrew L. Liu, Zibo Zhao:
Multi-Agent Learning in Repeated Double-side Auctions for Peer-to-peer Energy Trading. 1-10 - Aaqib Peerzada, Miroslav M. Begovic, Wesam Rohouma, Robert S. Balog:
On Estimation of Equipment Failures in Electric Distribution Systems Using Bayesian Inference. 1-10 - Tianqiao Zhao, Jianhui Wang:
Resilient Distributed Control Approach for Online Voltage Regulation in Distribution Networks under Adversaries. 1-6 - Mengwei Liu, Patrick M. Reed, C. Lindsay Anderson:
Stochastic Synthetic Data Generation for Electric Net Load and Its Application. 1-11 - Julia Lindberg, Line Roald, Bernard C. Lesieutre:
The Environmental Potential of Hyper-Scale Data Centers: Using Locational Marginal CO2 Emissions to Guide Geographical Load Shifting. 1-10
Monitoring, Control and Protection
- Joseph Eto:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Monitoring, Control and Protection. 1 - Andy X. Sun, Amin Gholami:
A Distributed Scheme for Stability Assessment in Large Scale Structure-Preserving Models via Singular Perturbation. 1-9 - Backer Abu-Jaradeh, Mohammed Beshir:
A Novel Approach for Security Analysis using Shift Factors for Limited Synchrophasor Observability. 1-7 - Jim Follum, Urmila Agrawal, Pavel V. Etingov:
Evaluation of Mode Meters Robust to Forced Oscillations using Field-Measured Data. 1-10 - Rashid Baembitov, Tatjana Dokic, Mladen Kezunovic, Yi Hu, Zoran Obradovic:
Fast Extraction and Characterization of Fundamental Frequency Events from a Large PMU Dataset using Big Data Analytics. 1-10 - Miguel Jiménez-Aparicio, Santiago Grijalva, Matthew J. Reno:
Fast Fault Location Method for a Distribution System with High Penetration of PV. 1-9 - Romel Angel Cárdenas Javier, Francisco Alexander Zelaya Arrazabal, Mario Roberto Arrieta Paternina, Felipe Wilches-Bernal:
Identification of Linear Power System Models Using Probing Signals. 1-10 - Kunyu Zuo, Lei Wu:
Online Cooperative Feedback Control of Residential Community Microgrids with 100% Renewable Energy. 1-10 - Junbo Zhao, Shaobu Wang, Renke Huang, Rui Fan, Yijun Xu, Zhenyu Huang:
Robust Adaptive Nonlinear Kalman Filter for Synchronous Machine Parameter Calibration. 1-8 - Minghui Lu, Victor Purba, Sairaj V. Dhople, Brian B. Johnson:
Unified Equivalent-circuit Models for Voltage-source Inverters that Capture Averaged Dynamics and Power-flow Solutions in Distribution Networks. 1-10
Policy, Markets and Analytics
- Shmuel S. Oren:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Policy, Markets and Analytics. 1 - Yucheng Wu, Seth Blumsack:
A Cooperative Game Framework for the Joint Operation of Natural Gas Storage and Electric Power Generation. 1-10 - Armin Golla, Robin-Joshua Meinke, Mengwei Liu, Philipp Staudt, C. Lindsay Anderson, Christof Weinhardt:
Direct Policy Search for Multiobjective Optimization of the Sizing and Operation of Citizen Energy Communities. 1-10 - Amritanshu Pandey, Aayushya Agarwal, Larry T. Pileggi:
Incremental Model Building Homotopy Approach for Solving Exact AC-Constrained Optimal Power Flow. 1-10 - Richard Tabors:
Methodology for Calculation of the Marginal Emission Rates from a ComplexCogeneration Facility compared with that of the co-located NY ISO Bus. 1-8 - Masood Parvania, Bosong Li, Raymond Byrne:
Risk-based Stochastic Continuous-time Scheduling of Flexibility Reserve for Energy Storage Systems. 1-10 - Frederik vom Scheidt, Jingyi Qu, Philipp Staudt, Dharik S. Mallapragada, Christof Weinhardt:
The effects of electricity tariffs on cost-minimal hydrogen supply chains and their impact on electricity prices and redispatch costs. 1-10 - Sarah Henni, Philipp Staudt, Patrick Jaquart, Christof Weinhardt:
Towards Financial Risk Management for Intermittent Renewable Generation with Battery Storage. 1-10 - Huifen Zhou, Z. Jason Hou, Yuan Liu, Pavel V. Etingov:
Weather and Random Forest-based Load Profiling Approximation Models and Their Transferability across Climate Zones. 1-8
Resilient Networks
- Jeff Dagle:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Resilient Networks. 1 - Tong Huang, Sicun Gao, Xun Long, Le Xie:
A Neural Lyapunov Approach to Transient Stability Assessment in Interconnected Microgrids. 1-10 - Anna Bowker, David Newman, Benjamin A. Carreras, Daisy Huang, Ian Dobson, Clay Koplin:
Characteristics and Risk of Microgrid Outages from a Complex Systems Point of View. 1-10 - Jiahao Xie, A. P. Sakis Meliopoulos, George J. Cokkinides:
PMU-based Line Differential Protection under GPS Spoofing Attack. 1-9 - Bryan Arguello, Nathan Stewart, Matthew J. Hoffman:
Stochastic Optimization of Power System Dynamics for Grid Resilience. 1-9 - Md. Hossain, Donald Davies, Marc Bodson, Hyde Merrill:
Toward Preventing Cascading Blackouts: Vulnerability and Criticality Stress Metrics. 1-10 - Hanyue Li, Komal S. Shetye, Thomas J. Overbye, Katherine R. Davis, Shamina Hossain-McKenzie:
Towards the Automation of Remedial Action Schemes Design. 1-10
Information Technology in Healthcare
Big Data on Healthcare Application
- Kelvin Kam-fai Tsoi, Patrick Hung, Simon K. Poon:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Big Data on Healthcare Application. 1 - Salima Houta:
A Comparative Evaluation of Machine Learning Deployment Approaches in Real Term Environments using the Example of the Detection of Epileptic Seizures. 1-8 - Xiuyu Huang, Mark Latt, Matloob Khushi, Paulo Pelicioni, Matthew A. Brodie, Stephen R. Lord, Clement Loy, Simon K. Poon:
A Multi-view Classification Framework for Falls Prediction: Multiple-domain Assessments in Parkinson's Disease. 1-9 - Luca Heising, Spyros Angelopoulos:
Early Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment with 2-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network Classification of Magnetic Resonance Images. 1-9 - Jan Gross, Johannes Breitenbach, Hermann Baumgartl, Ricardo Buettner:
High-Performance Detection of Corneal Ulceration Using Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks. 1-10 - Ricardo Buettner, Michael Buechele, Benedikt Grimmeisen, Patrick Ulrich:
Machine Learning Based Diagnostics of Developmental Coordination Disorder using Electroencephalographic Data. 1-10 - Mahesh Balan U, Meet Gandhi, Swaminathan Rammohan:
Predicting Unplanned Hospital Readmissions using Patient Level Data. 1-9 - Helen W. Y. Lee, Christopher T. K. Chu, Karen K. L. Yiu, Kelvin Kam-fai Tsoi:
The Application of Image Recognition and Machine Learning to Capture Readings of Traditional Blood Pressure Devices: A Platform to Promote Population Health Management to Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases. 1-10 - Zeyuan Wang, Josiah Poon, Jie Yang, Simon K. Poon:
Warfarin Dose Estimation on High-dimensional and Incomplete Data. 1-9
Health Behavior Change Support Systems (HBCSS)
- Khin Than Win, Amanda Blok, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Health Behavior Change Support Systems (HBCSS). 1-2 - Nadine Ostern, Guido Perscheid, Jürgen Moormann:
Designing a Gamified Adherence System for Tuberculosis Treatment Support in Urban Vietnam. 1-8 - My Villius Zetterholm, Patrik Elm, Sadaf Salavati:
Designing for Pandemics - a Design Concept based on Technology Mediated Nudging for Health Behavior Change. 1-10 - Alexander Q. H. Chung, Lysanne Lessard, Pavel Andreev, Philip O'Reilly:
Designing Information Systems to Break Habits and Promote Preventive Behaviours During Large-Scale Disease Outbreaks. 1-10 - Desiree Azizoddin, Rosalind Adam, Daniela Kessler, Andrea Enzinger:
Leveraging Mobile Health Technology and Multidisciplinary Methodology to Optimize Self-Management Education for Advanced Cancer Pain: Development of STAMP. 1-10 - Jennifer Merrill, Scott Fogle, Holly K. Boyle, Nancy Barnett, Kate Carey:
Piloting the Alcohol Feedback, Reflection, and Morning Evaluation (A-FRAME) Program : A Smartphone-delivered Alcohol Intervention. 1-10 - Mohammed Sajedur Rahman, Juan A. Chavarria, Md. Rakibul Hoque, William D. Senn, Geethalakshmi S. Lakshmikanth, Javier Flores, Douglass Smith:
Toward Understanding the Technology Trust Calculus in Healthcare: A Generation Z and Millennial View. 1-10
ICT-enabled Self-management of Chronic Diseases and Conditions
- K. D. Joshi, Bahae Samhan, Majid Dadgar:
Introduction to the Minitrack on ICT-enabled Self-management of Chronic Diseases and Conditions. 1-2 - Chinedu I. Ossai, Nilmini Wickramasinghe:
Crowdsourcing Users' Comments for Clinical and Operational Features Analysis of Diabetes Mobile Apps. 1-10 - Alan Thorngeng Yang, Mala Kaul, Upkar Varshney:
Designing an Artifact to Support Incentives for Medication Adherence. 1-10 - Sanjoy Moulik, Samir Chatterjee:
DIL - A Conversational Agent for Heart Failure Patients. 1-10 - Anna Sigridur Islind, Helena Vallo Hult, Victoria Johansson, Eva Angenete, Martin Gellerstedt:
Invisible Work Meets Visible Work: Infrastructuring from the Perspective of Patients and Healthcare Professionals. 1-10
IT Adoption, Diffusion, and Evaluation in Healthcare
- Ton Spil, Karoly Bozan, Arnold Kamis, Akshat Kapoor:
Introduction to the Minitrack on IT Adoption, Diffusion, and Evaluation in Healthcare. 1-2 - Moayad Alshawmar:
A Review of the Applications of Affordance Theory in mHealth App Research. 1-10 - Robert Garcia, Peter Kallio, Olayele Adelakun:
Content Validity and Telemedicine Satisfaction Measures. 1-10 - Maike Greve, Morten Gantner, Christine Harnischmacher, Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Framing Research Questions Intersecting Information Systems and Health: A New Research Perspective at Micro- and Macro-Level. 1-10 - Joseph A. Manga, Emmanuel Ayaburi, Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo:
Is First Impression Relevant in Online Health Support Communities? Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Social Presence. 1-10 - Sune Müller, Matilde Kristensen, Kasper Lauridsen, Marlice Zwanenburg, Bo Løfgren:
IT, Situation Awareness, and Non-Technical Skills in Cardiac Arrest Teams. 1-10 - Meng-Hao Li, Naoru Koizumi:
Network Contagion vs. Spatial Contagion: The Diffusion of EHR Incentive Programs in Physician Networks. 1-9 - Richard Hobeck, Hannes Schlieter, Tim Scheplitz:
Overcoming Diffusion Barriers of Digital Health Innovations Conception of an Assessment Method. 1-10 - Rajendra Singh, Alexandra Durcikova, Lars Mathiassen:
Revenue Cycle Management in the Wake of EMR Implementation: A Competing Logics Perspective. 1-10 - Ewa Soja, Piotr Soja, Ella Kolkowska, Marite Kirikova, Agneta Muceniece:
Supporting Seniors in Independent and Healthy Ageing through ICT: Insights from a Value-Focused Thinking Study in Latvia, Poland and Sweden. 1-10 - Mona Isazad Mashinchi, Adegboyega Ojo, Francis J. Sullivan:
Towards a theoretical model of dashboard acceptance and use in healthcare domain. 1-10 - Johannes Wichmann, Michael Leyer:
Why do Visitors intend to use Indoor Navigation and Indoor Localization Systems in Hospitals? A Quantitative Survey from Germany. 1-10
IT Architectures and Implementations in Healthcare Environments
- Radmila Juric, Jörn Klein, Sang C. Suh:
Introduction to the Minitrack on IT Architectures and Implementations in Healthcare Environments. 1 - Gero Strobel:
Health in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Domain-Specific Modelling Language. 1-8 - Radmila Juric, Christopher Che Fuh, Inhwa Kim:
Software Architectures and Efficient Data Sharing for Promoting Continuous Drug Re-purposing. 1-9 - Rebecca Hermon, Patricia Williams, Vincent McCauley:
Software as a Medical Device (SaMD): Useful or Useless Term? 1-10
Implementation of Body Sensor Systems in Healthcare Practice
- Stephanie Carreiro, Jeffrey Lai, Peter R. Chai:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Implementation of Body Sensor Systems in Healthcare Practice. 1 - Kristen E. Miller, Mohammad Adrian Hasdianda, Guruprasad D. Jambaulikar, Christopher Baugh, Shreya Divatia, Edward W. Boyer, Peter R. Chai:
Deployment of a wearable biosensor system in the emergency department: a technical feasibility study. 1-6 - Michael Chary, Edward W. Boyer, Michele M. Burns:
Diagnosis of Poisoning Using Probabilistic Logic Networks. 1-10 - Ethan Kulman, Krishna K. Venkatasubramanian, Brittany P. Chapman, Stephanie Carreiro:
Identifying Opioid Withdrawal Using Wearable Biosensors. 1-10
Optimization, Simulation and IT for Healthcare Processes and Services
- Cameron G. Walker, Nikolaus Furian, Melanie Reuter-Oppermann:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Optimization, Simulation and IT for Healthcare Processes and Services. 1 - Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia, Márcio de Oliveira Barros:
Minimizing the usage of SARS-CoV-2 lab test resources through test pooling enhanced by classification techniques. 1-10 - Melanie Reuter-Oppermann, Clemens Wolff, Luisa Pumplun:
Next Frontiers in Emergency Medical Services in Germany: Identifying Gaps between Academia and Practice. 1-10 - Peggy Richter, Hannes Schlieter:
Patient Pathways for Comprehensive Care Networks - A Development Method and Lessons from its Application in Oncology Care. 1-10 - Iris Beerepoot, Xixi Lu, Inge van de Weerd, Hajo A. Reijers:
Seeing the Signs of Workarounds: A Mixed-Methods Approach to the Detection of Nurses' Process Deviations. 1-10
Personal Health and Wellness Management with Technologies
- Tuan Huy Ma, Freimut Bodendorf, Nilmini Wickramasinghe:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Personal Health and Wellness Management with Technologies. 1 - Pallavi Chavan, Brian Thoms, Jason T. Isaacs:
A Recommender System for Healthy Food Choices: Building a Hybrid Model for Recipe Recommendations using Big Data Sets. 1-10 - Shane Joachim, Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Prem Prakash Jayaraman, Abdur Forkan, Ahsan Morshed:
Design and Development of a Diabetes Self-Management Platform: A Case for Responsible Information System Development. 1-10 - Janek Frick, Thilo Rieg, Ricardo Buettner:
Detection of schizophrenia: A machine learning algorithm for potential early detection and prevention based on event-related potentials. 1-10 - Yao Sun, Hye Min Kim, Yusi Xu, Yunwen Wang, Jillian Kwong, Steffie S. Y. Kim, Do Own (Donna) Kim, Margaret McLaughlin:
GPS Tracking in Dementia Caregiving: Social Norm, Perceived Usefulness, and Behavioral Intent to Use Technology. 1-14 - Moayad Alshawmar, Haadi Mombini, Bengisu Tulu, Isaac Vaghefi:
Investigating the Affordances of Wellness mHealth Apps. 1-10 - Imrana Abdullahi, Tobias Dehling, Felix Kluge, Bjoern M. Eskofier, Ali Sunyaev:
Online at Will: A Novel Protocol for Mutual Authentication in Peer-to-Peer Networks for Patient-Centered Health Care Information Systems. 1-10 - Deborah Mateja, Evita Alieke Bartels, Luis Oberste, Lukas-Valentin Herm, Alexa Danelski:
Towards a Reference Architecture for Female-Sensitive Drug Management. 1-10
Security and Privacy Challenges for Healthcare
- Au Vo:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Security and Privacy Challenges for Healthcare. 1-2 - Aleise H. McGowan, Scott M. Sittig, Todd R. Andel:
Medical Internet of Things: A Survey of the Current Threat and Vulnerability Landscape. 1-9 - Chad Anderson, Richard L. Baskerville, Mala Kaul:
The Travel of Privacy Standards and Regulations in Healthcare. 1-10
Self-Quantification with Activity Tracking Technologies: Opportunities and Threats
- Aylin Ilhan, Kaja Fietkiewicz:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Self-Quantification with Activity Tracking Technologies: Opportunities and Threats. 1-2 - Kristin Masuch, Maike Greve, Simon Trang:
Fitness First or Safety First? Examining Adverse Consequences of Privacy Seals in the Event of a Data Breach. 1-10 - Hugo Paredes, Dennis Paulino, João Barroso, Catarina Abrantes, Isabel Maria da Rocha Machado, Ivone Silva:
Supervised physical exercise therapy of peripheral artery disease patients: M-health challenges and opportunities. 1-10
Seniors' Use of Digital Resources
- Doug Vogel, Heiko Gewald, Karoly Bozan:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Seniors' Use of Digital Resources. 1-2 - Yvonne O'Connor, Ian Twohig, Leona O'Brien:
Implementing Electric Consent Aimed at People Living with Dementia and Their Caregivers: Did We Forget Those Who Forget? 1-10 - Bhavye Jain, Kaustubh Trivedi, Swati Agarwal, Rahul Thakur:
MeshSOS: An IoT Based Emergency Response System. 1-10 - Pascal Vogel, Christian Grotherr, Franziska Von Mandelsloh, Uta Gaidys, Tilo Böhmann:
Older Adults' Use of Online Neighborhood Social Networks: Perceptions, Challenges and Effects. 1-10 - Lin Li, Wei Peng, Anastasia Kononova, Kendra Kamp, Shelia R. Cotten:
Rethinking Wearable Activity Trackers as Assistive Technologies: A Qualitative Study on Long-Term Use. 1-9
Socia Media and Healthcare Technology
- Beth Bock, Rochelle K. Rosen:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Socia Media and Healthcare Technology. 1-2 - Abdullah Wahbeh, Tareq Nasralah, Omar F. El-Gayar, Mohammad Al-Ramahi, Ahmed Elnoshokaty:
Adverse Health Effects of Kratom: An Analysis of Social Media Data. 1-10 - Stanislav Mamonov:
Blowing the Whistle on Opioid Overprescription: Insights from Patient Feedback on Physician Rating Websites. 1-10 - Alessio De Santo, Arielle Moro, Bruno Kocher, Adrian Holzer:
From Digital Community Engagement to Smoking Cessation: Insights from the Reddit r/StopSmoking Thread. 1-10 - Jeanette B. Ruiz, Jade D. Featherstone, George A. Barnett:
Identifying Vaccine Hesitant Communities on Twitter and their Geolocations: A Network Approach. 1-6
Ubiquitous and Comprehensive Healthcare: Expanding Technologies and Systems to Enable New Delivery Models
- Sue S. Feldman, Saif Khairat, Benjamin L. Schooley, Nick Patel:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Ubiquitous and Comprehensive Healthcare: Expanding Technologies and Systems to Enable New Delivery Models. 1-2 - Markus Schinle, Christina Erler, Wilhelm Stork:
Data Sovereignty in Data Donation Cycles - Requirements and Enabling Technologies for the Data-driven Development of Health Applications. 1-10 - Paras Bhatt, Yuanxiong Guo, Yanmin Gong:
Discounting Lives: Analyzing the causes of Hispanic Adversity raging in the Healthcare sector during Covid-19 using Cumulative Inequality Theory. 1-10
Unintended Consequences of IT Implementations in Healthcare
- Sweta Sneha, Virginia Ilie:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Unintended Consequences of IT Implementations in Healthcare. 1 - Suzanna Schmeelk, Denise Dragos, Joan DeBello:
What Can We Learn about Healthcare IT Risk from HITECH? Risk Lessons Learned from the US HHS OCR Breach Portal. 1-7
Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality in Healthcare
- Nargess Tahmasbi, Elham Rastegari:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality in Healthcare. 1 - Chi Zhang, Hao Irene Luo, Yi (Joy) Li:
Depression Detection Using Virtual Reality: A Literature Review. 1-8 - Yi (Joy) Li, Hao Luo, Chi Zhang:
Empathy Games for Depression Using Virtual Reality: A Literature Review and A Study Design. 1-10
Internet and the Digital Economy
Artificial Intelligence-based Assistants
- Rainer Schmidt, Rainer Alt, Alfred Zimmermann:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Artificial Intelligence-based Assistants. 1-3 - Rainer Schmidt, Rainer Alt, Alfred Zimmermann:
A Conceptual Model for Assistant Platforms. 1-10 - Soon-Gyo Jung, Joni Salminen, Bernard J. Jansen:
All About the Name: Assigning Demographically Appropriate Names to Data-Driven Entities. 1-9 - Rangina Ahmad, Dominik Siemon, Susanne Robra-Bissantz:
Communicating with Machines: Conversational Agents with Personality and the Role of Extraversion. 1-10 - Mengjun Li, Ayoung Suh:
Machinelike or Humanlike? A Literature Review of Anthropomorphism in AI-Enabled Technology. 1-10 - Marco Gärtler, Benedikt Schmidt:
Practical Challenges of Virtual Assistants and Voice Interfaces in Industrial Applications. 1-10 - Alex Mari, René Algesheimer:
The Role of Trusting Beliefs in Voice Assistants during Voice Shopping. 1-10 - Neda Mesbah, Christoph Tauchert, Peter Buxmann:
Whose Advice Counts More - Man or Machine? An Experimental Investigation of AI-based Advice Utilization. 1-10
Behavioral Economics in the Digital Economy: Digital Nudging and Interface Design
- Markus Weinmann, Christoph Schneider:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Behavioral Economics in the Digital Economy: Digital Nudging and Interface Design. 1 - Lorena Buchmann, Kazem Haki:
Digital Nudging for Technical Debt Management: Insights from a Technology-driven Organization. 1-10 - Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan, Jordan B. Barlow:
Sensitive to the Digital Touch? Exploring Sensory Processing Sensitivity and Its Impact on Anthropomorphized Products in E-Commerce. 1-10 - Torben Jan Barev, Melanie Schwede, Andreas Janson:
The Dark Side of Privacy Nudging - An Experimental Study in the Context of a Digital Work Environment. 1-10
Crowd-based Platforms
- Nina Huang, Kevin Hong, Bin Gu:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Crowd-based Platforms. 1-4 - Jiang Zhu, Olivera Marjanovic:
A Different Kind of Sharing Economy: A Literature Review of Platform Cooperatives. 1-10 - Anqi Wu, Aravinda Garimella, Ramanath Subramanyam:
Could Government Measures Crowd Out Grassroots Philanthropy? Empirical Evidence from an Education Crowdfunding Platform. 1-10 - Anthony Gibson, Gene M. Alarcon, Michael A. Lee, Izz Aldin Hamdan:
Could you please pay attention?' Comparing in-person and MTurk Responses on a Computer Code Review Task. 1-10 - Tengteng Ma, Yuheng Hu, Yingda Lu, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya:
Graph Neural Network for Customer Engagement Prediction on Social Media Platforms. 1-9 - Huai-Tzu Cheng, Yang Pan:
I'm Not a Chatbot: An Empirical Investigation of Humanized Profiles of Social Media Customer Service Representatives. 1-10 - Ana Claudia De Moxoto, Paulo Melo, Elias Soukiazes:
Initial Coin Offering (ICO): a systematic review of the literature. 1-10 - Lingfei Deng, Dapeng Xu, Qiang Ye:
Understanding the "Holiday Effect" in Online Restaurant Ratings. 1-10 - Maria Figueroa-Armijos, John P. Berns:
Vulnerable Populations in Prosocial Crowdfunding: Does the Framing Matter for Female and Rural Entrepreneurs? 1-10
Crowdsourcing and Digital Workforce in the Gig Economy
- Xuefei (Nancy) Deng, Joseph Taylor, Sara Moussawi:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Crowdsourcing and Digital Workforce in the Gig Economy. 1-2 - Hee Rui He, Julia Kotlarsky, Dorit Nevo:
A Process Perspective on Emerging Value in Tournament-based and Collaborative Crowdsourcing. 1-10 - Obed Niyomwungeri, Stanislav Chankov:
Internal Branding in the Gig and Sharing Economy: Enhancing Service Providers' Engagement to Achieve Higher Customer Satisfaction. 1-10
Electronic Marketing
- Lenita M. Davis, Ajit Kambil, Bruce D. Weinberg:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Electronic Marketing. 1 - Margaret Meiling Luo, Chih-Chia Chien:
Factors Affecting Negative E-WOM: A Literature Review and Merged Model. 1-10 - Gijs Overgoor, Rohan Mestri, William Rand:
In the Eye of the Reviewer: An Application of Unsupervised Clustering to User Generated Imagery in Online Reviews. 1-10 - Verena Thürmel, Benedikt Berger, Thomas Hess:
Look What I'm Interested in! Toward a Better Understanding of How Personalization and Self-Reference Drive News Sharing. 1-10 - Kim Vo, Tommi Laukkanen:
Psychological Factors Predicting Organic Food Consumption in Social Commerce. 1-10 - Emil Mirzayev, Zakaria Babutsitdze, William Rand, Thierry Delahaye:
Use of clustering for consideration set modeling in recommender systems. 1-9
Enterprise Blockchains
- Liudmila Zavolokina, Gerhard Schwabe, Andreas Hein, Helmut Krcmar:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Enterprise Blockchains. 1-2 - Alan Kernahan, Ulrik Bernskov, Roman Beck:
Blockchain out of the Box - Where is the Blockchain in Blockchain-as-a-Service? 1-10 - Tiphaine Henry, Nassim Laga, Julien Hatin, Walid Gaaloul, Imed Boughzala:
Cross-Collaboration Processes based on Blockchain and IoT: a survey. 1-10 - Julia Amend, Gilbert Fridgen, Alexander Rieger, Tamara Roth, Alexander Stohr:
The Evolution of an Architectural Paradigm - Using Blockchain to Build a Cross-Organizational Enterprise Service Bus. 1-10
Firm and User Generated Content in the Digital Economy: Key Players, Management and Impact
- Michael Klaas, Bettina Beurer-Zuellig:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Firm and User Generated Content in the Digital Economy: Key Players, Management and Impact. 1-2 - Lorin M. Hitt, Fujie Jin, Bowen Lou:
Does Employer Brand Matter: An Empirical Study on Online Job Reviews, Social Media Usage and Firm Performance. 1-10 - Jaebong Son, Dan Kim, Chang E. Koh:
Effectiveness of Online Consumer Product Review: The Role of Experiential Information. 1-10 - Pubali Mukherjee, Srikanth Parameswaran, Rohit Valecha:
Investigating the Effect of Multidimensional Review Text and Anonymity on Review Helpfulness: An Empirical Investigation in the Context of Employer Review Sites. 1-8 - Christoph Höllig:
Online Employer Reviews as a Data Source: A Systematic Literature Review. 1-10
Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues in the Digital Economy
- Pnina Fichman, Barbara Krumay, Edward Bernroider:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Global, International, and Cross-Cultural Issues in the Digital Economy. 1 - Keman Huang, Stuart E. Madnick:
Does High Cybersecurity Capability Lead to Openness in Digital Trade? The Mediation Effect of E-Government Maturity. 1-10 - Rifat Ara Shams, Mojtaba Shahin, Gillian C. Oliver, Waqar Hussain, Harsha Perera, Arif Nurwidyantoro, Jon Whittle:
Measuring Bangladeshi Female Farmers' Values for Agriculture Mobile Applications Development. 1-10
Human-Computer Interaction in the Digital Economy
- Christoph Schneider, Jeffrey L. Jenkins, Joseph S. Valacich:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Human-Computer Interaction in the Digital Economy. 1-2 - Michael Meyer, Dominik Siemon, Susanne Robra-Bissantz:
Emotion-based IS support for Customer-Salesperson Interaction. 1-10 - Henner Gimpel, Niclas Nüske, Christian Regal:
How to Conquer One's Weaker Self: Do Autonomy Affordance Increase Goal Performance and Well-being? 1-10 - Kathleen W. Guan, Joni Salminen, Lene Nielsen, Soon-Gyo Jung, Bernard J. Jansen:
Information Design for Personas in Four Professional Domains of User Experience Design, Healthcare, Market Research, and Social Media Strategy. 1-10 - Johannes Bührke, Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Sascha Lichtenberg, Maike Greve, Milad Mirbabaie:
Is Making Mistakes Human? On the Perception of Typing Errors in Chatbot Communication. 1-10 - Lingyuan Li, Guo Freeman:
Money vs. Social Life: Why People Choose Not to Use Facebook Messenger Payment. 1-10 - Sara Willermark, Nikola Pantic, Hannah Pehrson:
Subjectively Experienced Time and User Satisfaction: An Experimental Study of Progress Indicator Design in Mobile Application. 1-10 - Nannan Xi, Juan Chen, Filipe Gama, Henry Korkeila, Juho Hamari:
The Effect of Operating in Many Realities on Memory: An Experiment on Memory Recognition in Extended Realities. 1-10 - Sojung Yoon, Jai-Yeol Son:
The Roles of Digital Exhibition in Enhancing Immersive Experience and Purchase Intention. 1-10 - Kai Riemer, Mike Seymour:
Virtual Visitation: Conceptualization and Metrics for Digital Twinning of Large Interactive Social Events. 1-11
Human-centricity in a Sustainable Digital Economy
- Gustaf Neumann, Rainer Alt, Soheil Human:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Human-centricity in a Sustainable Digital Economy. 1-2 - Fumiya Akasaka, Momoko Nakatani:
Citizen Involvement in Service Co-creation in Urban Living Labs. 1-10 - Ernestine Dickhaut, Mahei Manhai Li, Andreas Janson, Jan Marco Leimeister:
Developing Lawful Technologies - A Revelatory Case Study on Design Patterns. 1-10 - Gautam Ramasubramanian, Aijaz A. Shaikh
, Ravishankar Sharma:
Examining the Impact of ICT on Sustainable Development: A Data-Driven Narrative. 1-10 - Lisa Patterson, Sue Chard, Bryan C. K. Ng, Ian Welch:
Internet of Things (IoT) Privacy and Security: A User-Focused Study of Aotearoa New Zealand Home Users. 1-10 - Nils Koester, Patrick Cichy, David Antons, Torsten-Oliver Salge:
Privacy Risk Perceptions in the Connected Car Context. 1-10
Innovative Behavioral IS Security and Privacy Research
- Merrill Warkentin, Allen C. Johnston, Anthony Vance:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Innovative Behavioral IS Security and Privacy Research. 1 - Sebastian Hengstler, Natalya Pryazhnykova, Simon Trang:
How do employees learn security behavior? Examining the influence of individual cultural values and social learning on ISP compliance behavior. 1-10 - Muriel Frank
, Clara Ament:
How Motivation Shapes the Sharing of Information Security Incident Experience. 1-10 - Muriel Frank, Vanessa Kohn:
How to Mitigate Security-Related Stress: The Role of Psychological Capital. 1-10 - Patrick Ulrich, Vanessa Frank, Ricardo Buettner:
One Single Click is enough - an Empirical Study on Human Threats in Family Firm Cyber Security. 1-9 - Jacques Ophoff, Karen Renaud:
Revealing the Cyber Security Non-Compliance "Attribution Gulf". 1-10 - Robert E. Crossler, France Bélanger, Carlos Torres, Allen C. Johnston, Merrill Warkentin:
Understanding Unstable Information Systems Phenomena: A Punctuated Equilibrium Perspective. 1-10
Internet of Nano Things (IoNT)
- Anoop Mishra, Deepak Khazanchi, Abhishek Tripathi:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Internet of Nano Things (IoNT). 1 - Gero Strobel, Judith Mittnacht:
Richard, Are We There Yet? - An Internet of Nano Things Information System Architecture. 1-9
Making Digital Transformation Real
- Carsten Felden, Elaine Mosconi, Sven Packmohr:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Making Digital Transformation Real. 1-3 - Thapedi Malope, John Andrew van der Poll, Ozias Ncube:
Digitalisation Practices in South-African State-Owned Enterprises: A Framework for Rapid Adoption of Digital Solutions. 1-10 - Timo Koppe, Nihal Wahl-Islam:
Digital Service Innovation in Plant and Mechanical Engineering: Exploring Contextual Factors in the Innovation Process. 1-10 - Fanny-Ève Bordeleau, Luis Antonio de Santa-Eulalia, Elaine Mosconi:
Digital Transformation Framework: Creating Sensing, Smart, Sustainable and Social (S^4) Organisations. 1-10
Privacy and Economics
- Lene Tolstrup Sørensen, Samant Khajuria, Knud Erik Skouby:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Privacy and Economics. 1-3 - Bright Frimpong, Jun Sun:
Individual Privacy Empowerment: Exploring the trade-offs between Information Sensitivity and Compensation. 1-9 - Ming Di Leom, Gaye Deegan, Ben Martini, John Boland:
Information Disclosure in Mobile Device: Examining the Influence of Information Relevance and Recipient. 1-9 - Alden Dima, Aaron Massey:
Semi-Automated Analysis of Large Privacy Policy Corpora. 1-10 - Sebastian Hermes, Anela Sutanrikulu, Maximilian Schreieck, Helmut Krcmar:
Who Quits Privacy-Invasive Online Platform Operators? A Segmentation Study with Implications for the Privacy Paradox. 1-10
Social Shopping: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Gabrielle Peko, David Sundaram, Valeria Sadovykh:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Shopping: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. 1-2 - Sebastian Lawrenz, Andreas Rausch:
Don't Buy A Pig In A Poke A Framework for Checking Consumer Requirements In A Data Marketplace. 1-10 - J. Tuomas Harviainen, Ari Haasio, Teemu Ruokolainen, Lobna Hassan, Piotr Siuda, Juho Hamari:
Information Protection in Dark Web Drug Markets Research. 1-8
The Diffusion, Impacts, Adoption and Usage of ICTs upon Society and Small Enterprises
- Jyoti Choudrie, David Sundaram, Sherah Kurnia:
Introduction to the Minitrack on The Diffusion, Impacts, Adoption and Usage of ICTs upon Society and Small Enterprises. 1-2 - Qian Huang, Md. Mahbubur Rahim, Susan Foster, Misita Anwar:
Critical Success Factors Affecting Implementation of Cloud ERP Systems: A Systematic Literature Review with Future Research Possibilities. 1-10 - Michal Kuciapski, Pawel Lustofin, Piotr Soja:
Examining the Role of Trust and Risk in the Software-as-a-Service Adoption Decision. 1-10 - Jason F. Cohen:
Exploring the Structural Conditions Shaping Business-to-Consumer Electronic Commerce. 1-10 - Michael Matthews, Heshan Sun:
Mindful Adaptation of Technology (MAT) in Extreme Research Contexts: A Theoretical Proposal. 1-10 - Christoph Niesel, Alireza Nili:
Older Professionals' Adaptation to New Information Technologies: A Study in the Context of Non-Standard Employment. 1-10 - Esko Penttinen, Tapani Rinta-Kahila, Jukka Sihvonen:
Pressuring trading partners to adopt a business-to-business connectivity platform - stick or carrot? 1-10 - Raoul Hentschel, Katja Bley, Hendrik Schön:
Shifting Micro-Enterprises into the Cloud: Guidelines for Cloud Service Providers. 1-10 - David Kenny, Grace Fox, Gary Sinclair, Theo Lynn:
The Antecedents and Consequences of Legitimate Corporate Participation in the DarkNet: A Preliminary Model. 1-10
The Digital Supply Chain of the Future: Applications, Implications, Business Models
- Alexander Pflaum, Freimut Bodendorf, Günter Prockl, Haozhe Chen:
Introduction to the Minitrack on The Digital Supply Chain of the Future: Applications, Implications, Business Models. 1-2 - Chiara Freichel, Adrian Hofmann, Isabel Ernst, Axel Winkelmann:
A Platform Business Model for Collaborative Additive Manufacturing. 1-10 - Charmaine Batulan, Felix T. C. Tan, Calvin Chan:
Bridging the Sustainability Leadership Chasm: A Case Study of the Sustainability Advantage Program of the NSW Government, Australia. 1-10 - Anika Schroder, Günter Prockl, Ioanna D. Constantiou:
How Digital Platforms with a Social Purpose Trigger Change towards Sustainable Supply Chains. 1-10 - Xiang Peng, Sherah Kurnia, Tingru Cui:
IT-Enabled Sustainable Supply Chain Management Capability Maturity. 1-10
The Internet of Everything: Converging the Internet of People (IoP) and the Internet of Things (IoT)
- Jan Kietzmann, Jeremy Beer, Hope Schau:
Introduction to the Minitrack on The Internet of Everything: Converging the Internet of People (IoP) and the Internet of Things (IoT). 1 - Ruowei Xiao, Zhanwei Wu, Oguz Turan Buruk, Juho Hamari:
Enhance User Engagement using Gamified Ineternet of Things. 1-10 - Gero Strobel:
Information Systems in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Domain-Specific Modelling Language. 1-8
Knowledge Innovation and Entrepreneurial Systems
Addressing Diversity in Digitalization
- Yolande Chan, Hannes Rothe, Janina Sundermeier:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Addressing Diversity in Digitalization. 1-2 - Annika Andersson, Mathias Hatakka, Hannu Larsson, Karin Hedström:
Citizen Diversity in e-Government Research: Moving the Field Forward. 1-10 - Isabel Gan, Rui Sun:
Digital Divide and Digital Barriers in Distance Education during COVID-19. 1-10 - Tawanna Dillahunt, Joey Chiao-Yin Hsiao:
SkillsIdentifier: A Tool to Promote Career Identity and Self-efficacy Among Underrepresented Job Seekers. 1-10
Augmented Intelligence
- Souren Paul, Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan, Alan R. Dennis:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Augmented Intelligence. 1 - Mike Seymour, Kai Riemer, Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan, Alan R. Dennis:
Beyond deep fakes: Conceptual framework, applications, and research agenda for neural rendering of realistic digital faces. 1-10 - Shaodong Wang, Qing Li, Wenli Zhang:
MD-Manifold: A Medical Distance Based Manifold Learning Approach for Heart Failure Readmission Prediction. 1-10
Design and Appropriation of Knowledge and AI Systems
- Pierre Hadaya, W. David Holford, Stefan Smolnik:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Design and Appropriation of Knowledge and AI Systems. 1 - Peter Hofmann, Philipp Stähle, Christoph Buck, Harald Thorwarth:
Data-driven Applications to Foster Absorptive Capacity: A Literature-based Conceptualization. 1-10 - Ali Intezari, Morteza Namvar, Ramin Taghinejad:
Knowledge Identity (KI): A New Approach to Integrating Knowledge Management into Enterprise Systems. 1-10 - Camille Grange, Alain Pinsonneault:
The Responsible Adoption of (Highly) Automated Decision-Making Systems. 1-10
Emerging Trends in Crowd Science
- Hope Schau, Melissa Akaka, Kerstin Heilgenberg:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Emerging Trends in Crowd Science. 1 - Michael A. Zaggl, Yao Sun, Ann Majchrzak, Arvind Malhotra:
Integrative Solutions in Online Crowdsourcing Innovation Challenges. 1-10 - Yao Sun, Ann Majchrzak, Arvind Malhotra:
Serial Integration, Real Innovation: Roles of Diverse Knowledge and Communicative Participation in Crowdsourcing. 1-9 - Adrian Bumann, Robin Teigland:
The Challenges of Knowledge Combination in ML-based Crowdsourcing - The ODF Killer Shrimp Challenge using ML and Kaggle. 1-10
Human-centered Design for Digital Innovations
- Matthias Söllner, Daniel Méndez, Falk Uebernickel, Manuel Wiesche:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Human-centered Design for Digital Innovations. 1 - Danielly F. O. de Paula, Jan Zarske Bueno, Altus Viljoen:
Defining Archetypes and Requirements for mHealth Interventions in Rural Kenya: An Investigation in Collaboration with CURAFA™. 1-10 - Selina Mayer, Thomas Haskamp, Danielly F. O. de Paula:
Measuring what Counts: An Exploratory Study about the Key Challenges of Measuring Design Thinking Activities in Digital Innovation Units. 1-10 - Charlotte Wehking, Lena Franziska Kaiser, Bernd Schenk, Jan vom Brocke:
Orchestration of employees' creativity: A phased approach. 1-10 - Bernard J. Jansen, Soon-Gyo Jung, Joni Salminen, Kathleen W. Guan, Lene Nielsen:
Strengths and Weaknesses of Persona Creation Methods: Guidelines and Opportunities for Digital Innovations. 1-10
Illuminating the Dark Side of Knowledge
- Hope Schau, Constantine S. Katsikeas, Jan Kietzmann:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Illuminating the Dark Side of Knowledge. 1-2 - Mark Hoksbergen, Gabrielle Peko, Johnny Chan, David Sundaram:
Fire in the Records: The Dark Side of Knowledge Management. 1-11
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice
- Cesar Bandera, Katia Passerini, Michael Bartolacci:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. 1-2 - René Eber, Julian Schirmer, Isabelle Bourdon:
32 ways to innovate business models through data: Emerging data-driven solution business model patterns from a study of 471 late stage data-driven startups. 1-10 - Julian Schirmer, René Eber, Mauro Florez, Isabelle Bourdon:
Emerging innovation patterns in digital agriculture: A study of 198 digital solutions from 116 startups. 1-10 - Yousra Harb, Yanyan Shang:
Linking Information Technology and Entrepreneurship: A Literature Review. 1-8 - Yovav Eshet, Itzhak Harpaz:
Outstanding Employees Performance: Personality Traits, Innovation and Knowledge Management. 1-12 - Stanislav Mamonov:
The Role of Information Technology in Fintech Innovation: Insights from the European Fintech Ecosystem. 1-10
Innovation in Organizations: Learning, Unlearning, and Intentional Forgetting
- Christof Thim, Julee Hafner:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Innovation in Organizations: Learning, Unlearning, and Intentional Forgetting. 1-2 - Satu Iho, Stéphanie Missonier:
Conceptualizing Knowledge in Digital Innovation Labs. 1-10
International Business and Born Digitals
- Arto Ojala, Mika Gabrielsson, Minna Rollins, Sara Fraccastoro:
Introduction to the Minitrack on International Business and Born Digitals. 1 - Agnes Asemokha, Jackson Musona, Ali Ahi, Lasse Torkkeli, Sami Sareenketo:
Business Model Innovation in the Internationalization of SMEs: The Role of Causation and Effectuation. 1-10 - Mika Gabrielsson, Sara Fraccastoro, Arto Ojala, Minna Rollins:
Digital Entrepreneurial Internationalizers: Definitions, Theoretical Implications, and Research Avenues. 1-10
Judgement, Big Data-Analytics and Decision-making
- Kasuni Weerasinghe, David Pauleen, Nazim Taskin, Ali Intezari:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Judgement, Big Data-Analytics and Decision-making. 1-2 - Tatiana Ermakova, Julia Blume, Benjamin Fabian, Elena Fomenko, Marcus Berlin, Manfred Hauswirth:
Beyond the Hype: Why Do Data-Driven Projects Fail? 1-10 - Melika Soleimani, Ali Intezari, Nazim Taskin, David Pauleen:
Cognitive biases in developing biased Artificial Intelligence recruitment system. 1-9 - Cory Campbell, Philip Cola, Kalle Lyytinen:
Factors Impacting the Influence of Analytic Capabilities on Organizational Performance in Higher Education. 1-10 - James Mcgaughan, Shobha Chengalur-Smith:
Investigating Insensitivity to Prior Probabilities in Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Decision Making. 1-10 - Lena Hylving, Susanne Lindberg:
Practical Wisdom and Big Data Dilemmas: The Case of the Swedish Transport Administration. 1-10
Knowledge Flow, Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange
- Mark E. Nissen, Lynne P. Cooper, Mika Yasuoka:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Knowledge Flow, Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange. 1 - Mika Yasuoka:
How To Transfer Tacit Knowledge for Living Lab Practice Consideration on Tacit Knowledge Representations. 1-10 - Souren Paul, Evette Maynard-Noel:
Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Homeland Security - The Roles of Trust, Technology, and Expectations. 1-10 - Yao Sun, Ann Majchrzak, Arvind Malhotra:
Understanding Collective Reflection in Crowdsourcing for Innovation: A Semantic Network Approach. 1-11
Knowledge Management and Entrepreneurship in Early Stage Firms
- Daniel Samson, Niharika Garud, Marianne Gloet:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Knowledge Management and Entrepreneurship in Early Stage Firms. 1 - Wei Shi, Matthew S. Weber:
Entrepreneurial Organizations and the Use of Strategic Silence. 1-10 - Wei Shi, Matthew S. Weber:
Media Multiplexity in Entrepreneur-Mentor Relationships. 1-10
Reports from the Field: Knowledge and Learning Applications in Practice
- Julee Hafner, Alexander Kaiser:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Reports from the Field: Knowledge and Learning Applications in Practice. 1-3 - Alexander Kaiser, Florian Fahrenbach, Hector Martinez:
Creating Shared Visions in Organizations - Taking an Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management Perspective. 1-10 - Yi-Te Chiu, Kristijan Mirkovski, Jocelyn Cranefield, Shruthi Shankar:
Exploring the Challenges and Barriers of Knowledge Retention in Information Systems Development Teams: The Case of Pēke. 1-10 - Myriam Benabid:
Organizational factors promoting the uptake of informal learning within NIEs: a dual case study of a consulting firm and legal / health professionals. 1-11
Securing Knowledge Systems and Managing Knowledge Risks
- Ilona Ilvonen, Alexandra Durcikova, Murray E. Jennex:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Securing Knowledge Systems and Managing Knowledge Risks. 1 - Michael Fruhwirth, Viktoria Pammer-Schindler, Stefan Thalmann:
A Network-based Tool for Identifying Knowledge Risks in Data-Driven Business Models. 1-10 - A. J. Burns:
Protecting Organizational Information Assets: Exploring the Influence of Regulatory Focus on Rational Choices. 1-10
The Technical, Socio-Economic and Ethical Aspects of AI
- Yichuan Wang, Yibai Li, Xuefei (Nancy) Deng:
Introduction to the Minitrack on The Technical, Socio-Economic and Ethical Aspects of AI. 1-2 - José Antonio Siqueira de Cerqueira, Lucas Dos Santos Althoff, Paulo Santos De Almeida, Edna Dias Canedo:
Ethical Perspectives in AI: A Two-folded Exploratory Study From Literature and Active Development Projects. 1-10 - Xingang Li, Charles Xie, Zhenghui Sha:
Part-Aware Product Design Agent Using Deep Generative Network and Local Linear Embedding. 1-10
Value, Success, and Performance Measurements of Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems
- Murray E. Jennex, Stefan Smolnik, David T. Croasdell:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Value, Success, and Performance Measurements of Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems. 1 - Timo Hammerl:
Identifying Critical Success Factors for the Implementation of a Social Knowledge Management in the Public Sector. 1-10 - Seok-Soo Kim, Hyoung-Yong Lee:
Research on the Influential Indicators and Measurements of Mediating and Moderating Roles on the Performance of SMEs by Industrial Sectors. 1-10 - Logan Willman, Murray E. Jennex, Eric G. Frost, John Persano:
Using Knowledge Management to Leverage Fusion Centers to Assess Regional Threats. 1-10
Location Intelligence
Location Intelligence Research
- James B. Pick, Avijit Sarkar:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Location Intelligence Research. 1-3 - Rizwan Ahmad, Uri Gal:
Challenges Posed by Locational Data Privacy. 1-12 - Constantinos Papantoniou, Brian Hilton:
Enterprise Solutions Criteria in the Age of GeoBlockchain: Land Ownership and Supply Chain. 1-10 - Agustín García Pereira, Lukasz Porwol, Adegboyega Ojo, Edward Curry:
Exploiting the Temporal Dimension of Remotely Sensed Imagery with Deep Learning Models. 1-10 - Pamela J. Schmidt, Jia Feng, Ronald D. Freeze:
Geographic Data Informs Funding and Management of Metro Bike Share System. 1-10 - Sasan Tavakkol, Feng Han, Brandon Mayer, Mark Phillips, Cyrus Shahabi, Yao-Yi Chiang, Raimondas Kiveris:
Kartta Labs: Collaborative Time Travel. 1-10 - Ingolf Becker, Rebecca Posner, Tasmina Islam, Paul Ekblom, Hervé Borrion, Michael McGuire, Shujun Li:
Privacy in Transport? Exploring Perceptions of Location Privacy Through User Segmentation. 1-10 - Isabella Sanders, Benoît Montreuil:
Reducing Transport Miles Through the Use of Mobile Hubs: A Case Study in Local Food Supply Chains. 1-10 - Alan Murray:
Replicability Challenges in Location Analytics. 1-9 - Lee Munnich, Travis Fried, Joanne Cho, Thomas Horan:
Spatial Location and Air Transport Connections: The Case of Minnesota's Medical Device Industry Cluster. 1-10
Organizational Systems and Technology
AI, Organizing, and Management
- Stefan Seidel, Aron Lindberg, Jeffrey S. Saltz, Jeffrey V. Nickerson:
Introduction to the Minitrack on AI, Organizing, and Management. 1-2 - Vanessa Laurim, Selin Arpaci, Barbara Prommegger, Helmut Krcmar:
Computer, Whom Should I Hire? - Acceptance Criteria for Artificial Intelligence in the Recruitment Process. 1-10 - Peter Hofmann, Timon Rückel, Nils Urbach:
Innovating with Artificial Intelligence: Capturing the Constructive Functional Capabilities of Deep Generative Learning. 1-10 - Anastasiya Henk, Frode Nilssen:
Is AI ready to become a state servant? A case study of an intelligent chatbot implementation in a Scandinavian Public Service. 1-10 - Edona Elshan, Christian Engel, Philipp Ebel:
Opening the Black Box of Music Royalties with the Help of Hybrid Intelligence. 1-10
Advances in Design Science Research
- Matti Rossi, Richard L. Baskerville, Tuure Tuunanen:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Advances in Design Science Research. 1-2 - Bastian Kordyaka, Samuli Laato, Marius Müller, Björn Niehaves:
Architecture of Belonging - A Social Identity-based Design Theory of Community Identification in Multiplayer Video Games. 1-10 - Thomas Neifer, Dennis Lawo, Margarita Esau:
Data Science Canvas: Evaluation of a Tool to Manage Data Science Projects. 1-10 - Joachim Baumann, Liudmila Zavolokina, Gerhard Schwabe:
Dealers of Peaches and Lemons: How Can Used Car Dealers Use Trusted Car Data to create value? 1-10 - Susan Gasson:
Managing Boundary-Spanning Cognition Through Emergent Problem-Framing in Enterprise Systems Design. 1-10 - Oscar Díaz, Haritz Medina, Jeremías Perez Contell
Promoting Design Knowledge Accumulation Through Systematic Reuse: The Case for Product Line Engineering. 1-10 - Erol Kazan, Tuure Tuunanen, Hadi Ghanbari, Mengcheng Li:
The Design Towards a News Aggregator Subscription Service: Results from An Online Experiment. 1-10 - Nicolas Prat:
What Are They Talking about? Relation Extraction from News to Identify Research Directions in Emerging Technologies. 1-10
Advances in Trust Research: Artificial Intelligence in Organizations
- Kirsimarja Blomqvist, Mareike Möhlmann, Sirkka Jarvenpaa:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Advances in Trust Research: Artificial Intelligence in Organizations. 1-4 - Steven Lockey, Nicole M. Gillespie, Daniel Holm, Ida Asadi Someh:
A Review of Trust in Artificial Intelligence: Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Future Directions. 1-10 - Simon Schafheitle, Antoinette Weibel, Alice Rickert:
The Bermuda Triangle of Leadership in the AI Era? Emerging Trust Implications From "Two-Leader-Situations" in the Eyes of Employees. 1-10 - Naim Zierau, Korbinian Flock, Andreas Janson, Matthias Söllner, Jan Marco Leimeister:
The Influence of AI-Based Chatbots and Their Design on Users' Trust and Information Sharing in Online Loan Applications. 1-10
Analyzing the Impact of Digitization on Business Operations
- Yabing Jiang, Abraham Seidmann, Jie Jennifer Zhang:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Analyzing the Impact of Digitization on Business Operations. 1 - Yang Gao, Huaxia Rui, Shujing Sun:
The Value of Humanization in Customer Service. 1-10
Blockchain Cases and Innovations
- Klitos Christodoulou, Marinos Themistocleous, Paulo Rupino da Cunha:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Blockchain Cases and Innovations. 1 - Mohammad Saidur Rahman, Ibrahim Khalil
, Abdelaziz Bouras:
A Framework for Modelling Blockchain based Supply Chain Management System to ensure soundness of Smart Contract Workflow. 1-10 - Youssef El Faqir, Javier Arroyo, Samer Hassan:
A Scalable Voting System: Validation of Holographic Consensus in DAOstack. 1-10 - Daniel Beverungen, Sebastian Overhage, Albert Gorlick', Pascal Moerchel, Sebastian Schuermann:
Blockchains for Pay-per-use Business Models: Insights from a Design Research Study. 1-10 - Christian Straubert, Eric Sucky, Jens Mattke:
Blockchain Technology for Tracking and Tracing in Supply Chains: A Critical Viewpoint. 1-10 - Marek Wester, Boris Otto:
BlockELM A Public Blockchain Freight Exchange Protocol. 1-10 - Muhammad Saleem Malik, Mehmood Chadhar, Madhu Chetty:
Factors Affecting the Organizational Adoption of Blockchain Technology: An Australian Perspective. 1-10 - Julia Eggers, Andreas Hein, Jörg Weking, Markus Böhm, Helmut Krcmar:
Process Automation on the Blockchain: An Exploratory Case Study on Smart Contracts. 1-10 - Marco Näf, Thomas Keller, Roger Seiler:
Proposal of a methodology for the sustainability assessment of cryptocurrencies. 1-10 - Chen Ye, Lin Zhao:
Public Perceptions of Facebook's Libra Digital Currency Initiative: Text Mining on Twitter. 1-9 - Venkata Marella, Maryam Roshan Kokabha, Jani Merikivi, Virpi Tuunainen:
Rebuilding Trust in Cryptocurrency Exchanges after Cyber-attacks. 1-10 - Xing Chen, Ashley D. Lloyd:
Understanding the Challenges of Blockchain Technology Adoption: Evidence from China's Developing Carbon Markets. 1-10
Business Intelligence, Business Analytics and Big Data: Innovation, Deployment, and Management
- Barbara Dinter, Olivera Marjanovic, Thilini Ariyachandra:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Business Intelligence, Business Analytics and Big Data: Innovation, Deployment, and Management. 1 - Tor Grønsund:
Assembling Algorithmic Decision-Making under Uncertainty: The Case of 'Edge Cases' in an Open Data Environment. 1-9 - Lukas Pfahlsberger, Jan Mendling, Andreas Eckhardt:
Design of a Process Mining Alignment Method for Building Big Data Analytics Capabilities. 1-10 - Faisal Rashed, Paul Drews:
Pathways of Data-driven Business Model Design and Realization: A Qualitative Research Study. 1-10 - Liza Kayser, Michael Fruhwirth, Roland M. Müller:
Realizing Value with Data and Analytics: A Structured Literature Review on Classification Approaches of Data-Driven Innovations. 1-10 - Martin Fadler, Christine Legner:
Toward big data and analytics governance: redefining structural governance mechanisms. 1-10 - Saskia Ramm, Eva-Maria Kopf, Barbara Dinter, Sarah Hönigsberg:
What Makes a Good Story - The Use and Acceptance of Storytelling in Business Intelligence. 1-10
Data Analytics, Control, and Risk Management
- Tu Xu, Jee-Hae Lim:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Data Analytics, Control, and Risk Management. 1-2 - Sebastian Stephan, Johannes Lahann, Peter Fettke:
A Case Study on the Application of Process Mining in Combination with Journal Entry Tests for Financial Auditing. 1-10 - Markus Michael Mützel
, Omid Tafreschi:
Data-Centric Risk Management for Business Processes. 1-10 - Philip Stahmann, Bodo Rieger:
Requirements Identification for Real-Time Anomaly Detection in Industrie 4.0 Machine Groups: A Structured Literature Review. 1-10 - Jakob Nonnenmacher, Felix Kruse, Gerrit Schumann, Jorge Marx Gómez:
Using Autoencoders for Data-Driven Analysis in Internal Auditing. 1-10
Designing for Digital
- Ales Popovic, Matej Cerne, Sut I Wong:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Designing for Digital. 1 - Rocco Xaver Richard Huber, Julia Renner, Bastian Stahl:
Combining Individual and Organizational Capabilities: An Integrated Maturity Model for Ambidexterity. 1-10 - Louise Harder Fischer, Nico Wunderlich:
Datafication of Knowledge Work: A Framework and Research Agenda. 1-10 - Chiara Freichel, Julius Fieger, Axel Winkelmann:
Developing a Taxonomy for Digital Platforms - A Conceptual Approach. 1-10 - Harshit Kumar Singh, Sanjay Verma:
Evolution of IS Competencies due to Mandatory Telework on Organizational scale - A Work-Systems Approach. 1-10
Digital Innovation, Transformation, and Entrepreneurship
- Youngjin Yoo, Kalle Lyytinen, Nicholas Berente:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital Innovation, Transformation, and Entrepreneurship. 1-2 - Kaveh Abhari, Chloe Ostroff, Bailey Barcellos, David Williams:
Co-Governance in Digital Transformation Initiatives: The Roles of Digital Culture and Employee Experience. 1-10 - Frida Ivarsson, Lisen Selander:
Coordinating Digital Content Generation. 1-10 - Kashif Saeed, Anna Sidorova:
Democratization of Corporate IT using IS Architecture Representation Framework (ISARF). 1-10 - Katja Hydle, Ole Hanseth, Margunn Aanestad, Tor Helge Aas:
Digital Transformation through Collaborative Platformization: A Study of Incumbent-Entrepreneur Relations. 1-10 - Lucas Göbeler, Willem Standaert, Xiao Xiao:
Hybrid Sport Configurations: The Intertwining of the Physical and the Digital. 1-10 - Désirée Krejci, Stéphanie Missonier:
Idea Management in a Digital World: An Adapted Framework. 1-10 - Vasili Mankevich, Fredrik Svahn:
Resourcing Digital Competence in Product Development: A Computational Study of Recruitment at Volvo Cars. 1-10 - Rahul C. Basole:
The Ecosystem of Machine Learning Methods. 1-10 - Michal Hron:
The Quest for New Theoretical Logics of Digital Innovation: Linking Properties of Digital Artifacts with their Conceptualizations in Organizations. 1-10 - Kevin O'Leary, Philip O'Reilly, Tadhg Nagle, Christos K. Filelis-Papadopoulos, Milad Dehghani:
The Sustainable Value of Open Banking: Insights from an Open Data Lens. 1-11 - Jun-Patrick Raabe, Paul Drews, Bettina Horlach, Ingrid Schirmer:
Towards an Intra- and Interorganizational Perspective: Objectives and Areas of Activity of Digital Innovation Units. 1-10 - Chen Hao Huang, Tzu-Chuan Chou, John S. Liu:
Understanding the intrinsic nature of the trends of digital innovation: A main path analysis. 1-10 - Aleksi Aaltonen, Esko Penttinen:
What Makes Data Possible? A Sociotechnical View on Structured Data Innovations. 1-10
Enterprise Ecosystem: Extending and Integrating Technology Serving the Enterprise
- Pamela J. Schmidt, Sathya Narasimhan, Ronald D. Freeze:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Enterprise Ecosystem: Extending and Integrating Technology Serving the Enterprise. 1-2 - Sutirtha Chatterjee, H. Kevin Fulk:
ICTs as Challenges to Enacting IS Project Control: An Interpretive Case Study of an ERP Implementation. 1-10 - Albert Plugge, Shahrokh Nikou:
Implementing Global Business Services in a Plural Sourcing Context: Conceptualizing Modes of Service Governance. 1-10
IT Governance and its Mechanisms
- Wim Van Grembergen, Anant Joshi, Steven De Haes, Tim Huygh:
Introduction to the Minitrack on IT Governance and its Mechanisms. 1-2 - Kent Ramchand, Mohan Baruwal Chhetri, Ryszard Kowalczyk:
An Approach for the Financial Viability Assessment of Cloud Migration Projects. 1-10 - Marc De Baat Doelman, Anant Joshi, Alexander Brüggen:
An Empirical Assessment of the Impact of Strategy Implementation Actions on Digital Business Strategy. 1-10 - Philip Cammin, Leonard Heilig, Stefan Voß:
Assessing Requirements for Agile Enterprise Architecture Management: A Multiple-Case Study. 1-10 - Pien Walraven, Rogier van de Wetering, Marjolein C. J. Caniëls, Johan Versendaal, Remko Helms:
Capturing Co-evolutionary Information Systems Alignment: Conceptualization and Scale Development. 1-10 - Mariana Rosa, Sérgio Guerreiro, Rúben Pereira:
Designing an IT Risk Management Ontology grounded on Systematic Literature Review. 1-10 - Dirk Steuperaert, Tim Huygh, Steven De Haes, Geert Poels:
Exploring the Dimensions and Attributes of A Maturity Model for IT Governance Organizational Structures. 1-10 - Laura Caluwe, Steven De Haes, Carla Wilkin, Tim Huygh:
How Boards of Directors Can Contribute to Governing IT. 1-10 - Truth Lumor, Ari P. Hirvonen, Mirja Pulkkinen:
The Role of Enterprise Architecture in Building and Sustaining Information Technology - Enabled Organizational Agility. 1-10 - Dominik Lis, Boris Otto:
Towards a Taxonomy of Ecosystem Data Governance. 1-10
Integration to Digital Platforms and Infrastructures
- Kari Smolander, Matti Rossi, Samuli Pekkola:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Integration to Digital Platforms and Infrastructures. 1 - Christian Marheine, Tobias Pauli, Emanuel Marx, Andrea Back, Martin Matzner:
From Suppliers to Complementors: Motivational Factors for Joining Industrial Internet of Things Platform Ecosystems. 1-10 - Kari M. Koskinen
, Sonja Hyrynsalmi, Matti Rossi, Kari Smolander:
Quest for Control: Managing Software Development in Networked Operating Environments. 1-10 - Nigel P. Melville, Rajiv Kohli:
Roadblocks to Implementing Modern Digital Infrastructure: Exploratory Study of API Deployment in Large Organizations. 1-10
Knowing What We Know: Where to Now?
- Benjamin Müller, Dirk Hovorka:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Knowing What We Know: Where to Now? 1-2 - Steven Alter:
An Open-Ended Work System Knowledge Model for Visualizing, Organizing, and Accessing Knowledge about Information Systems in Organizational Settings. 1-10 - Kevin C. Desouza, Yancong Xie:
Organizational Robustness and Information Systems. 1-10 - Anna Anisienia, Roland M. Mueller, Anna Kupfer, Thorsten Staake:
Research Method Classification with Deep Transfer Learning for Semi-Automatic Meta-Analysis of Information Systems Papers. 1-10
Managing the Dynamics of Platforms and Ecosystems
- Martha G. Russell, Hannes Rothe, Jukka Huhtamäki:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Managing the Dynamics of Platforms and Ecosystems. 1-4 - Joshua Gelhaar, Tobias Groß, Boris Otto:
A Taxonomy for Data Ecosystems. 1-10 - Christian Betz, Reinhard Jung:
Conceptualizing and Analyzing Business Ecosystem Service Offerings. 1-10 - Tobias Wulfert, Sarah Seufert, Christian Leyens:
Developing Multi-Sided Markets in Dynamic Electronic Commerce Ecosystems - Towards a Taxonomy of Digital Marketplaces. 1-10 - Sebastian Hermes, Rebekka Guhl, Maximilian Schreieck, Jörg Weking, Helmut Krcmar:
Moving beyond the Build-or-Join Decision: A Multiple Case Study on Multi-Platform Strategies of Incumbent Firms. 1-10 - Frank T. Piller, Marc Van Dyck, Dirk Lüttgens, Kathleen Diener:
Positioning Strategies in Emerging Industrial Ecosystems for Industry 4.0. 1-10 - Nicola Staub, Kazem Haki, Stephan Aier, Robert Winter:
Taxonomy of Digital Platforms: A Business Model Perspective. 1-10 - Evgheni Croitor, Dominick Werner, Alexander Benlian:
The Effects of Control Mechanisms on Complementors' Behavioral Intentions: An Empirical Study of Reward-Based Crowdfunding Platforms. 1-10 - Lars Stegemann, Martin Gersch:
The Emergence and Dynamics of Electronic Health Records - A Longitudinal Case Analysis of Multi-Sided Platforms from an Interoperability Perspective. 1-10 - Rahul C. Basole:
Visualizing the Evolution of the AI Ecosystem. 1-10
Organizational Cybersecurity: Advanced Cyber Defense, Cyber Analytics, and Security
- Miloslava Plachkinova, Stuart Steiner, Daniel Conte de Leon, Morgan Shepherd:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Organizational Cybersecurity: Advanced Cyber Defense, Cyber Analytics, and Security. 1-3 - Nan Sun, Jun Zhang, Shang Gao, Leo Yu Zhang, Seyit Camtepe, Yang Xiang:
My Security: An interactive search engine for cybersecurity. 1-10 - Patrick Ulrich, Alice Timmermann:
Organizational Aspects of Cyber Security in Family Firms - an Empirical Study of German Companies. 1-10 - Lei Li, Yide Shen, Meng Han:
Perceptions of Information Systems Security Compliance: An Empirical Study in Higher Education Setting. 1-6 - Carol Hsu, Tawei Wang:
Too Busy to Monitor? Board Busyness and the Occurrence of Reported Information Security Incidents. 1-10 - Yong Wang, Kaushik Ragothaman, Bijay Shakya:
Towards Trusted Data Processing for Information and Intelligence Systems. 1-10
Practice-based IS Research
- Ester Gonzalez, Bill Kettinger, Gabriele Piccoli, Michael Milovich:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Practice-based IS Research. 1 - Christian Engel, Edona Elshan, Philipp Ebel:
Deploying a Model for Assessing Cognitive Automation Use Cases: Insights from Action Research with a Leading European Manufacturing Company. 1-10 - Nikolay Harutyunyan, Dirk Riehle:
Getting Started with Corporate Open Source Governance: A Case Study Evaluation of Industry Best Practices. 1-12 - Maximilian Valta, Katharina Pflügner, Christian Maier:
Guiding Companies to Reduce Technostress: A Mixed-Methods Study Deriving Practice-Oriented Recommendations. 1-10 - Frederik Wulf, Tobias Lindner, Markus Westner, Susanne Strahringer:
IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS? The Why of Cloud Computing Delivery Model Selection - Vignettes on the Post-Adoption of Cloud Computing. 1-10 - Simon Bourdeau, Thibaut Coulon, Dragos Vieru:
Technological Evolution Agility and Dynamic IT Capabilities: A Delphi Study. 1-10
Promises and Perils of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Disruption, Adoption, Dehumanisation, Governance, Risk, and Compliance
- Valeria Sadovykh, David Sundaram, Johnny Chan:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Promises and Perils of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Disruption, Adoption, Dehumanisation, Governance, Risk, and Compliance. 1-2 - Banu Aysolmaz, Michael Leyer, Deniz Iren:
Acceptance of AI for delegating emotional intelligence: Results from an experiment. 1-10 - Luisa Pumplun, Mariska Fecho, Nihal Wahl-Islam, Peter Buxmann:
Machine Learning Systems in Clinics - How Mature Is the Adoption Process in Medical Diagnostics? 1-10 - Elena Mazurova, Esko Penttinen, Antti Salovaara:
Stakeholder-dependent views on biases of human- and machine-based judging systems. 1-10
Social Impact and Information Systems
- Sirkka Jarvenpaa, Jordana J. George, Amber Grace Young:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Impact and Information Systems. 1-2 - Terry Mcgovern, Janis L. Gogan:
Can Digital Badging Support an Inclusive New Normal in Higher Education? 1-10 - Silvia Masiero:
Digital Platform Workers under COVID-19: A Subaltern Perspective. 1-10 - Amber Grace Young, Yaping Zhu, Viswanath Venkatesh:
Emancipation Research in Information Systems: Integrating Agency, Dialogue, Inclusion, and Rationality Research. 1-10 - Jordana J. George, Thomas George, René Moquin:
I Can't Breathe: How Digital Video Becomes an Emancipatory Technology. 1-10 - Argha Ray, Joey F. George:
Online Hate and its Routes to Aggression: A Research Agenda. 1-11 - Claire Ingram Bogusz, Jonas Valbjørn Andersen:
Open or just Fragmented? Mobilization through Open Source Action Repertoires in the Blockchain Social Movement. 1-10 - Sandeep Suntwal, Susan A. Brown, Laura Brandimarte:
Pictographs, Ideograms, and Emojis (PIE): A Framework for Empirical Research Using Non-verbal Cues. 1-10 - Larissa Gebken, Paul Drews, Ingrid Schirmer:
Stakeholder and Value Orientation in Digital Social Innovation: Designing a Digital Donation Concept to Support Homeless Neighbors. 1-10
Social-Technical Issues in Organizational Information Technologies
- Ulrika H. Westergren, Simeon Vidolov, Dragos Vieru:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Social-Technical Issues in Organizational Information Technologies. 1-2 - Samia Cornelius, Dorothy E. Leidner:
Acceptance of Anthropomorphic Technology: A Literature Review. 1-10 - Tiina Nokkala, Altti Lagstedt, Robert Winter:
Context-Aware Digitalization - Adapting solution development to the organizational context of SMEs. 1-10 - Kuang-Yuan Huang:
Coping with Organizational Information Technology Events: A Perceived Organizational Support and Relationship-Focused Coping Perspective. 1-10 - Dragos Vieru, Stefan Klein, Simon Bourdeau, Jean-Bosco Ntakirutimana:
Developing Ambidextrous Routines in the IT Service Provider Industry. 1-10 - Jon Iden, Bendik Bygstad:
Managing Digital Transformation with Sociotechnical Micro-Foundations: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach. 1-10 - Sanchari Das, Ben Jelen, Andrew Kim, Lesa L. Huber, L. Jean Camp:
Non-Inclusive Online Security: Older Adults' Experience with Two-Factor Authentication. 1-10 - Julia Theresia Zielonka, Franz Rothlauf:
Techno-Eustress: The Impact of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use on the Perception of Work-Related Stressors. 1-10 - Nura Jabagi, Anne-Marie Croteau, Luc K. Audebrand, Josianne Marsan:
Unlocking Perceived Algorithmic Autonomy-Support: Scale Development and Validation. 1-10
Strategy, Information, Technology, Economics, and Society (SITES)
- Robert J. Kauffman, Thomas A. Weber:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Strategy, Information, Technology, Economics, and Society (SITES). 1-3 - Warut Khern-am-nuai, Yinan Yu:
Are Review Helpfulness Score and Review Unhelpfulness Score Two Sides of The Same Coin or Different Coins? 1-10 - Matthias Schulte-Althoff, Daniel Fürstenau, Gene Moo Lee:
A Scaling Perspective on AI Startups. 1-10 - Shujing Sun, Yang Gao, Huaxia Rui:
Chronic Complainers or Increased Awareness? The Dynamics of Social Media Customer Service. 1-10 - Thomas Weber:
Collaborative Innovation (or Not?!) when Product Performance is Critical. 1-8 - Michael Wessel, Rob Gleasure, Robert J. Kauffman:
Creators and Backers in Rewards-Based Crowdfunding: Will Incentive Misalignment Affect Kickstarter's Sustainability? 1-10 - Jingbo Hou, Pei-Yu Chen, Bin Gu:
Does Exposure to Shared Solutions Lead to Better Outcomes? An Empirical Investigation in Online Crowdsourcing Contests. 1-10 - Kelvin King, Bin Wang, Diego Escobari:
Effects of Sentiments on the Morphing of Falsehoods and Correction Messages on Social Media. 1-10 - Eric K. Clemons, Stina Teilmann-Lock:
Fundamentals for the Design of Products for a Circular Economy: Examples from Software Engineering To Motivate Efficient and Ethical Design of Physical Products. 1-10 - Abhishek Kathuria, Terence Saldanha, Jiban Khuntia, Mariana Andrade Rojas, Sunil Mithas, Hyeyoung Hah:
Inferring Supplier Quality in the Gig Economy: The Effectiveness of Signals in Freelance Job Markets. 1-10 - Shilei Li, Juan Feng:
Is Data Ownership Empowerment Welfare-Enhancing? 1-6 - Jan Fell, Galit Shmueli, Travis Greene, Jyun-Cheng Wang, Soumya Ray, Shu-Yuan Wu:
Seeing Humans in the Data: Ethical Blind Spots of Taiwan Academic Researchers in the Era of Behavioral Big Data. 1-10 - Debabrata Dey, Atanu Lahiri:
Should We Outlaw Ransomware Payments? 1-9
The Dark Side of Information Technology Use
- Ofir Turel, Isaac Vaghefi, Hamed Qahri-Saremi:
Introduction to the Minitrack on The Dark Side of Information Technology Use. 1-3 - Julius-Viktor Grummeck-Braamt, Ilja Nastjuk, Arash Najmaei, Marc T. P. Adam:
A Bibliometric Review of Technostress: Historical Roots, Evolution and Central Publications of a Growing Research Field. 1-10 - Raluca Stana, Hanne Westh Nicolajsen:
A Cautionary Tale: How Co-Constructed Work Obligations Lead to ICT-Related Technostress. 1-10 - Eric K. Clemons, Ravi V. Waran, Victoria Li, Sebastian Hermes, Maximilian Schreieck:
Computing and Social Welfare: Minimizing the Societal Harm From Digital Transfor-mation While Preserving the Benefits of Innovation. 1-10 - Fabian Burmeister, Paul Drews, Ingrid Schirmer:
Modeling the C(o)urse of Privacy-critical Location-based Services - Exposing Dark Side Archetypes of Location Tracking. 1-10 - Mena Teebken, Thomas Hess:
Privacy in a Digitized Workplace: Towards an Understanding of Employee Privacy Concerns. 1-10 - Zhuoran Jiang, Sirkka Jarvenpaa:
Review of Research on Privacy Decision Making from a Time Perspective. 1-10 - Eiman Ahmed, Isaac Vaghefi:
Social Media Addiction: A Systematic Review through Cognitive-Behavior Model of Pathological Use. 1-10 - Kristin Masuch, Sebastian Hengstler, Laura Schulze, Simon Trang:
The Impact of Threat and Efficacy on Information Security Behavior: Applying an Extended Parallel Process Model to the Fear of Ransomware. 1-10
Topics in Organizational Systems and Technology
- Kelly Rainer, Mark N. Frolick, Jim Ryan:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Topics in Organizational Systems and Technology. 1 - Mathieu Bérubé, Tanya Giannelia, Gregory Vial:
Barriers to the Implementation of AI in Organizations: Findings from a Delphi Study. 1-10 - Amitrajit Sarkar, Stephen Wingreen, John Ascroft, Ravishankar Sharma:
Bouncing Back after a Crisis: Lessons from Senior Management Team to Drive IS Resilience. 1-10 - Knut-Helge Rolland, Kalle Lyytinen:
Exploring the Tensions Between Management of Architectural Debt and Digital Innovation: The Case of a Financial Organization. 1-11 - Nan (Tina) Wang, Weijun Zheng, Wenbo Zhang:
Management Emotion and Firm's Propensity of Strategic IT Investment. 1-10 - Chandan Singh, Samuli Pekkola:
Packaged Enterprise System Customization - A Systematic Literature Review. 1-8 - Michael Bayer, Anders Haug, Jolina Lombardi, Lars Hvam:
The Midlife Crisis of IT: Accurate Versus Inaccurate Perception of IT Effects. 1-10
Software Technology
Agile and Lean: Organizations, Products and Development
- Jeffrey S. Saltz, Edward Anderson, Alex Sutherland:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Agile and Lean: Organizations, Products and Development. 1-2 - Burcu Tan, Shi Ying Lim, Edward G. Anderson Jr., Sungyong Um:
A Dynamic Model of Platform Versioning and Its Impact on Third-Party Developers. 1-10 - Cherie Noteboom, Martinson Ofori, Kruttika Sutrave, Omar F. El-Gayar:
Agile Project Management: A Systematic Literature Review of Adoption Drivers and Critical Success Factors. 1-10 - Morgan Rowse, Jason F. Cohen:
A Survey of DevOps in the South African Software Context. 1-10 - Geetha Kanaparan, Diane E. Strode:
A Theory of Coordination: From Propositions to Hypotheses in Agile Software Development. 1-11 - Veronika Huck-Fries, Francisca Nothaft, Manuel Wiesche:
Investigating the Role of Stakeholders in Agile Information Systems Development Projects: A Mixed Methods Approach. 1-10 - Viktoria Stray, Anastasiia Tkalich, Nils Brede Moe:
The Agile Coach Role: Coaching for Agile Performance Impact. 1-10 - Tim Dreesen, Phil Hennel, Christoph Rosenkranz, Thomas Kude:
"The Second Vice is Lying, the First is Running into Debt." Antecedents and Mitigating Practices of Social Debt: an Exploratory Study in Distributed Software Development Teams. 1-10
Blockchain Engineering
- Ralph Deters, Hong-Mei Chen, George Sanders:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Blockchain Engineering. 1 - Sean Sanders, Lukasz Ziarek:
A comparison and contrast of APKTool and Soot for injecting blockchain calls into Android applications. 1-9 - Shohil Kishore, Johnny Chan, Muthupoltotage Udayangi Perera, Nick Young, David Sundaram:
Blockchain-based Micro-credentials: Design, Implementation, Evaluation and Adoption. 1-9 - Johannes Sedlmeir, Philipp Ross, André Luckow, Jannik Lockl, Daniel Miehle, Gilbert Fridgen:
The DLPS: A New Framework for Benchmarking Blockchains. 1-10 - Lukas-Valentin Herm, Christian Janiesch:
Towards an Implementation of Blockchain-based Collaboration Platforms in Supply Chain Networks: A Requirements Analysis. 1-10
Cellular and Wireless Networks
- Edoardo Biagioni, John C. McEachen, Murali Tummala:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Cellular and Wireless Networks. 1 - Vikram Kanth, John C. McEachen, Murali Tummala:
A Bio-Inspired Trust Framework in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 1-8 - Alexander Schacht, Kayla Foster, John D. Roth:
Location Privacy in the Era of 5G. 1-9 - Stephanie Long, Richard Dill, Barry E. Mullins:
Security Analysis of the Masimo MightySat: Data Leakage to a Nosy Neighbor. 1-8
Co-Development with Software and Business Engineering Frameworks and Methods
- Robert Winter, Altti Lagstedt, Tomi Dahlberg:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Co-Development with Software and Business Engineering Frameworks and Methods. 1 - Tomi Dahlberg, Altti Lagstedt:
Fit to Context Matters - Selecting and Using Information Systems Development Methods to Develop Business in Digitalization Contexts. 1-10 - Ida Korpivaara, Tuure Tuunanen, Ville Seppänen:
Performance Measurement in Scaled Agile Organizations. 1-10
Computational Intelligence and State-of-the-Art Data Analytics
- William J. Yeager, Jean-Henry Morin:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Computational Intelligence and State-of-the-Art Data Analytics. 1-2 - Len Du:
Deep Learning Through the Lens of Classical SQL. 1-10
Cyber Operations, Defence, and Forensics
- Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, George Grispos, William Bradley Glisson:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Cyber Operations, Defence, and Forensics. 1-2 - Sri Nikhil Gupta Gourisetti, Md Touhiduzzaman, Travis Ashley, Seemita Pal, Penny McKenzie:
Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Framework for Externally Exposed Energy Delivery Systems. 1-9 - David D. Nguyen, David Liebowitz, Surya Nepal, Salil S. Kanhere:
HoneyCode: Automating Deceptive Software Repositories with Deep Generative Models. 1-10 - Thomas Watts, Ryan Benton, Jordan Shropshire, David Bourrie:
Insight from a Containerized Kubernetes Workload Introspection. 1-10 - Trevor J. Bihl, Joseph Schoenbeck, Christopher Rondeau, Aaron M. Jones, Yuki Adams:
Tuning Hyperparameters for DNA-based Discrimination of Wireless Devices. 1-10
Cyber Systems: Their Science, Engineering, and Security
- James Scrofani, Chad A. Bollmann, John D. Roth, Britta Hale:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Cyber Systems: Their Science, Engineering, and Security. 1-2 - Christopher Norine, Alan Shaffer, Gurminder Singh:
Artifact Mitigation in High-Fidelity Hypervisors. 1-9 - Ken St. Germain, Frank Kragh:
Multi-subcarrier Physical Layer Authentication Using Channel State Information and Deep Learning. 1-10 - Jamie L. Safar, Murali Tummala, John C. McEachen:
Spectral Graph-based Cyber Worm Detection Using Phantom Components and Strong Node Concept. 1-9 - Jacob Siebach, Justin Scott Giboney:
The Abacus: A New Architecture for Policy-based Authorization. 1-10 - Thomas Llansó, Martha McNeil:
Towards an Organizationally-Relevant Quantification of Cyber Resilience. 1-10
Cybersecurity and Software Assurance
- Luanne Chamberlain, Richard George, Thomas Llansó:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Cybersecurity and Software Assurance. 1 - Jeffrey Todd McDonald, Nathan Herron, William Bradley Glisson, Ryan Benton:
Machine Learning-Based Android Malware Detection Using Manifest Permissions. 1-10 - Ashley McAbee, Murali Tummala, John C. McEachen:
The use of partially observable Markov decision processes to optimally implement moving target defense. 1-10 - Kenta Kanakogi, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shinpei Ogata, Takao Okubo, Takehisa Kato, Hideyuki Kanuka, Atsuo Hazeyama, Nobukazu Yoshioka:
Tracing CAPEC Attack Patterns from CVE Vulnerability Information using Natural Language Processing Technique. 1-9 - Fabian Bruckner, Falk Howar:
Utilizing Remote Evaluation for Providing Data Sovereignty in Data-sharing Ecosystems. 1-10 - Irdin Pekaric, Michael Felderer, Philipp Steinmüller:
VULNERLIZER: Cross-analysis Between Vulnerabilities and Software Libraries. 1-10
Decentralized Federated Learning: Applications, Solutions, and Challenges
- Qi Zhang, Ali Dehghantanha, Katrin Franke, Reza M. Parizi:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Decentralized Federated Learning: Applications, Solutions, and Challenges. 1-3 - Robin Hirt, Akash Srivastava, Carlos Berg, Niklas Kühl:
Sequential Transfer Machine Learning in Networks: Measuring the Impact of Data and Neural Net Similarity on Transferability. 1-10
Internet of Things Security: CyberAssurance for Edge, Software Defined, and Fog Computing Systems
- Tyson Brooks, Shiu-Kai Chin:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Internet of Things Security: CyberAssurance for Edge, Software Defined, and Fog Computing Systems. 1-2 - Kaushik Nagarajan Muthusamy Ragothaman, Yong Wang:
A Systematic Mapping Study of Access Control in the Internet of Things. 1-10 - Stuart Steiner, Ibukun A. Oyewumi, Daniel Conte de Leon:
MAHIVE: Modular Analysis Hierarchical Intrusion Detection System Visualization Event Cybersecurity Engine for Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things Devices. 1-9
Machine Learning and Cyber Threat Intelligence and Analytics
- Ali Dehghantanha, Glenn Dietrich, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Machine Learning and Cyber Threat Intelligence and Analytics. 1-3 - Anna Fuchs, Kevin Fuchs, Fabian Gwinner, Axel Winkelmann:
A Meta-Model for Real-Time Fraud Detection in ERP Systems. 1-10 - Alberto Alejandro Ceballos Delgado, William Bradley Glisson, Narasimha K. Shashidhar, Jeffrey Todd McDonald, George Grispos, Ryan Benton:
Deception Detection Using Machine Learning. 1-10 - Tajuddin Manhar Mohammed, Lakshmanan Nataraj, Satish Chikkagoudar, Shivkumar Chandrasekaran, B. S. Manjunath:
Malware Detection Using Frequency Domain-Based Image Visualization and Deep Learning. 1-10
Security and Privacy Aspects of Human-Computer-Interactions
- Kristin Weber, Nicholas H. Müller, Paul Rosenthal:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Security and Privacy Aspects of Human-Computer-Interactions. 1-2 - Jianwei Lai, Ernest Arko:
A Shoulder-Surfing Resistant Scheme Embedded in Traditional Passwords. 1-9 - Philipp Ulsamer, Andreas E. Schütz, Tobias Fertig, Lisa Keller:
Immersive Storytelling for Information Security Awareness Training in Virtual Reality. 1-10 - Mingqing Kang, Matthew Shonman, Anshul Subramanya, Haoruo Zhang, Xiangyang Li, Anton Dahbura:
Understanding Security Behavior of Real Users: Analysis of a Phishing Study. 1-10 - Joakim Loxdal, Måns I. Andersson, Simon Hacks, Robert Lagerström:
Why Phishing Works on Smartphones: A Preliminary Study. 1-10
Smart (City) Application Development: Challenges and Experiences
- Peter Salhofer, Cezary Mazurek, Sandra Gesing:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Smart (City) Application Development: Challenges and Experiences. 1-2 - Harindu Korala, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Prem Prakash Jayaraman, Ali Yavari:
A Time-Sensitive IoT Data Analysis Framework. 1-10
Software Development for Mobile Devices, the Internet-of-Things, and Cyber-Physical Systems
- Hermann Kaindl, Tor-Morten Grønli, Tim A. Majchrzak:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Software Development for Mobile Devices, the Internet-of-Things, and Cyber-Physical Systems. 1-2 - Carlos V. Paradis, Rick Kazman, Damian Andrew Tamburri:
Architectural Tactics for Energy Efficiency: Review of the Literature and Research Roadmap. 1-10 - Matías Hirsch, Cristian Mateos, Alejandro Zunino, Tim A. Majchrzak, Tor-Morten Grønli, Hermann Kaindl:
A Simulation-based Performance Evaluation of Heuristics for Dew Computing. 1-10 - Pradeep Kumar Duraisamy Soundrapandian, Tiffany Bao, Jaejong Baek, Yan Shoshitaishvili, Adam Doupé, Ruoyu Wang, Gail-Joon Ahn:
MuTent: Dynamic Android Intent Protection with Ownership-Based Key Distribution and Security Contracts. 1-10 - Christian Eichler, Henriette Hofmeier, Stefan Reif, Timo Hönig, Jörg Nolte, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat:
Neverlast: Towards the Design and Implementation of the NVM-based Everlasting Operating System. 1-10
Software Survivability: Strategies for Long-Lasting and Usable Research Software
- Maytal Dahan, Joe Stubbs, Sandra Gesing:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Software Survivability: Strategies for Long-Lasting and Usable Research Software. 1-2 - Genevieve Milliken, Sarah Nguyen
, Vicky Steeves:
A Behavioral Approach to Understanding the Git Experience. 1-10 - Daniel S. Katz, Kenton McHenry, Jong S. Lee:
Research Software Sustainability: Lessons Learned at NCSA. 1-8 - Joe Stubbs, Richard Cardone, Sean B. Cleveland, Gwen A. Jacobs, Michael Packard, Anagha Jamthe, Smruti Padhy, Steve Black, Steve Terry, Julia Looney, Joseph Meiring, Maytal Dahan:
Sustainability in the Tapis Framework. 1-10
Systems and Applications of Video Analytics
- Fanny Nina Paravecino, J. Pablo Munoz:
Introduction to the Minitrack on Systems and Applications of Video Analytics. 1-2 - Tomasz Hyla, Natalia Wawrzyniak:
Identification of Vessels on Inland Waters Using Low-Quality Video Streams. 1-10

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