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IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Volume 11
Volume 11, Number 1, February 1995
- Alessandro Agnetis
, Fernando Nicolò, Claudio Arbib
, Mario Lucertini:
Task assignment and subassembly scheduling in flexible assembly lines. 1-20 - Johann Borenstein:
Control and kinematic design of multi-degree-of freedom mobile robots with compliant linkage. 21-35 - Yansong Shan, Yoram Koren:
Obstacle accommodation motion planning. 36-49 - Charles A. Klein, Caroline Chu-Jenq, Shamim Ahmed:
A new formulation of the extended Jacobian method and its use in mapping algorithmic singularities for kinematically redundant manipulators. 50-55 - Armando Fox, Seth Hutchinson
Exploiting visual constraints in the synthesis of uncertainty-tolerant motion plans. 56-71 - Konstantinos A. Tarabanis
, Roger Y. Tsai, Peter K. Allen:
The MVP sensor planning system for robotic vision tasks. 72-85 - Konstantinos A. Tarabanis
, Peter K. Allen, Roger Y. Tsai:
A survey of sensor planning in computer vision. 86-104 - Gary M. H. Leung, Bruce A. Francis, Jacob Apkarian:
Bilateral controller for teleoperators with time delay via μ-synthesis. 105-116 - John T. Welch:
The clause counter map: an event chaining algorithm for online programmable logic. 117-125 - R. Balakrishna, Ashitava Ghosal
Modeling of slip for wheeled mobile robots. 126-132 - Johann Borenstein, Yoram Koren:
Error eliminating rapid ultrasonic firing for mobile robot obstacle avoidance. 132-138 - Gregory Walsh, S. Shankar Sastry:
On reorienting linked rigid bodies using internal motions. 139-146 - Dukhyun Kang, Ken Goldberg
Sorting parts by random grasping. 146-152 - Sanjeev Seereeram, John T. Wen:
A global approach to path planning for redundant manipulators. 152-160 - Jihong Lee
A dynamic programming approach to near minimum-time trajectory planning for two robots. 160-164 - Han Ho Choi, Hyung Kyi Yi, Myung Jin Chung:
Comments on "A sliding mode controller with bound estimation for robot manipulators". 165-166
Volume 11, Number 2, April 1995
- Joaquín Ezpeleta
, José Manuel Colom
, Javier Martínez:
A Petri net based deadlock prevention policy for flexible manufacturing systems. 173-184 - Andrew A. Goldenberg, Jacek Wiercienski, Pawel Kuzan, C. Szymczyk, Robert G. Fenton, B. Shaver:
A remote manipulator for forestry operation. 185-197 - Michael Barbehenn
, Seth Hutchinson
Efficient search and hierarchical motion planning by dynamically maintaining single-source shortest paths trees. 198-214 - Antonio Bicchi, Claudio Melchiorri, Andrea Balluchi:
On the mobility and manipulability of general multiple limb robots. 215-228 - Jeffrey C. Trinkle, Dora C. Zeng:
Prediction of the quasistatic planar motion of a contacted rigid body. 229-246 - Jürgen Guldner, Vadim I. Utkin:
Sliding mode control for gradient tracking and robot navigation using artificial potential fields. 247-254 - Fabrice R. Noreils, Raja Chatila:
Plan execution monitoring and control architecture for mobile robots. 255-266 - Jean-Marc Lavest, Gérard Rives, Michel Dhome:
Modeling an object of revolution by zooming. 267-271 - Harry G. Kwatny, Gilmer L. Blankenship:
Symbolic construction of models for multibody dynamics. 271-281 - Byoung Wook Choi, Jong Hwa Won, Myung Jin Chung:
Evaluation of dexterity measures for a 3-link planar redundant manipulator using constraint locus. 282-285 - Tan Fung Chan, Rajiv V. Dubey:
A weighted least-norm solution based scheme for avoiding joint limits for redundant joint manipulators. 286-292 - M. Erlic, Wu-Sheng Lu:
A reduced-order adaptive velocity observer for manipulator control. 293-303 - Xiaoping Hu, Narendra Ahuja:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for a unique solution of plane motion and structure. 304-308 - Randall H. Wilson:
Minimizing user queries in interactive assembly planning. 308-312 - Mahmoud Tarokh, Gregory J. McDermott:
Comments on "A sliding mode controller with bound estimation for robot manipulators". 313-
Volume 11, Number 3, June 1995
- MuDer Jeng, Frank DiCesare:
Synthesis using resource control nets for modeling shared-resource systems. 317-327 - Billur Barshan
, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte:
Inertial navigation systems for mobile robots. 328-342 - Kikuo Fujimura:
Time-minimum routes in time-dependent networks. 343-351 - John M. Hollerbach, David M. Lokhorst:
Closed-loop kinematic calibration of the RSI 6-DOF hand controller. 352-359 - Shir-Kuan Lin:
Minimal linear combinations of the inertia parameters of a manipulator. 360-373 - Raju S. Mattikalli, David Baraff, Pradeep K. Khosla, Bruno Repetto:
Gravitational stability of frictionless assemblies. 374-388 - Amir Fijany, Inna Sharf
, Gabriele M. T. D'Eleuterio:
Parallel O(log N) algorithms for computation of manipulator forward dynamics. 389-400 - Krzysztof Tchon:
A normal form of singular kinematics of robot manipulators with smallest degeneracy. 401-404 - Jean Côté, Clément M. Gosselin
, Denis Laurendeau:
Generalized inverse kinematic functions for the Puma manipulators. 404-408 - Lydia E. Kavraki
Computation of configuration-space obstacles using the fast Fourier transform. 408-413 - Hyunbo Cho, T. K. Kumaran, Richard A. Wysk:
Graph-theoretic deadlock detection and resolution for flexible manufacturing systems. 413-421 - B. Hu, C. L. Teo, H. P. Lee:
Local optimization of weighted joint torques for redundant robotic manipulators. 422-425 - Chun-Yi Su, Yury Stepanenko:
Hybrid adaptive/robust motion control of rigid-link electrically-driven robot manipulators. 426-432 - Tomohide Naniwa, Suguru Arimoto:
Learning control for robot tasks under geometric endpoint constraints. 432-441 - Sara Fleury
, Philippe Souères, Jean-Paul Laumond, Raja Chatila:
Primitives for smoothing mobile robot trajectories. 441-448 - Kristin Glass, Richard Colbaugh, David Lim, Homayoun Seraji:
Real-time collision avoidance for redundant manipulators. 448-457 - Gang Feng
A new adaptive control algorithm for robot manipulators in task space. 457-462 - Keith L. Doty, Claudio Melchiorri, Eric M. Schwartz, Claudio Bonivento:
Robot manipulability. 462-468 - Sanjay E. Ramaswamy, Debra J. Hoitomt, Peter B. Luh:
Comments on "A practical approach to job shop scheduling problems" [and reply]. 469-470 - Hanqi Zhuang, Radu Horaud:
A note on "On single-scanline camera calibration" [and reply]. 470-471 - Han Ho Choi, Hyung Kyi Yi, Myung Jin Chung, Chun-Yi Su:
Comments on "A sliding mode controller with bound estimation for robot manipulators". 471-473
Volume 11, Number 4, August 1995
- Monica L. Visinsky, Joseph R. Cavallaro
, Ian D. Walker:
A dynamic fault tolerance framework for remote robots. 477-490 - David J. Montana:
The kinematics of multi-fingered manipulation. 491-503 - Marcelo H. Ang Jr.
, Gerry B. Andeen:
Specifying and achieving passive compliance based on manipulator structure. 504-515 - Billibon H. Yoshimi, Peter K. Allen:
Alignment using an uncalibrated camera system. 516-521 - Ayman Farahat, Peter F. Stiller, Jeffrey C. Trinkle:
On the geometry of contact formation cells for systems of polygons. 522-536 - Dieter Vischer, Oussama Khatib:
Design and development of high-performance torque-controlled joints. 537-544 - Jeffrey C. Trinkle, Ayman Farahat, Peter F. Stiller:
First-order stability cells of active multi-rigid-body systems. 545-557 - Sanjay B. Joshi
, Erik G. Mettala, Jeffrey S. Smith, Richard A. Wysk:
Formal models for control of flexible manufacturing cells: physical and system model. 558-570 - Abhinandan Jain, Guillermo Rodríguez:
Diagonalized Lagrangian robot dynamics. 571-584 - Abhinandan Jain, Guillermo Rodríguez:
Base-invariant symmetric dynamics of free-flying manipulators. 585-597 - Anil S. Rao, Kenneth Y. Goldberg
Manipulating algebraic parts in the plane. 598-602 - Louis J. Everett, Thomas W. Ives:
Automatic maintenance of robot programs. 603-606 - Scott McMillan, David E. Orin:
Efficient computation of articulated-body inertias using successive axial screws. 606-611 - Jing Yuan:
Adaptive control of robotic manipulators including motor dynamics. 612-617 - Mrdjan Jankovic:
Observer based control for elastic joint robots. 618-623
Volume 11, Number 5, October 1995
- Andrew Blake, Gabriel Hamid, Lionel Tarassenko:
A design for a visual motion transducer. 625-633 - Yasushi Yagi, Yoshimitsu Nishizawa, Masahiko Yachida:
Map-based navigation for a mobile robot with omnidirectional image sensor COPIS. 634-648 - Hanqi Zhuang, Kuanchih Wang, Zvi S. Roth:
Simultaneous calibration of a robot and a hand-mounted camera. 649-660 - Curtis L. Collins, Gregory L. Long:
The singularity analysis of an in-parallel hand controller for force-reflected teleoperation. 661-669 - Sing Bing Kang, Katsushi Ikeuchi:
Toward automatic robot instruction from perception-temporal segmentation of tasks from human hand motion. 670-681 - Yun-Hui Liu, Suguru Arimoto:
Finding the shortest path of a disc among polygonal obstacles using a radius-independent graph. 682-691 - Nukala Viswanadham, Krishna R. Pattipati, V. Gopalakrishna:
Performability studies of automated manufacturing systems with multiple part types. 692-709 - Charles W. Wampler
, John M. Hollerbach, Tatsuo Arai:
An implicit loop method for kinematic calibration and its application to closed-chain mechanisms. 710-724 - Nikolaos P. Papanikolopoulos, Bradley J. Nelson
, Pradeep K. Khosla:
Six degree-of-freedom hand/eye visual tracking with uncertain parameters. 725-732 - Krishnendu Chaudhury, Rajiv Mehrotra:
A trajectory-based computational model for optical flow estimation. 733-741 - Keiichi Kemmotsu, Takeo Kanade:
Uncertainty in object pose determination with three light-stripe range measurements. 741-747 - Bruno Gaujal, Mohsen A. Jafari, Melike Baykal-Gürsoy
, Gülgün Alpan
Allocation sequences of two processes sharing a resource. 748-753 - Ziren Lu, Sadao Kawamura, Andrew A. Goldenberg:
An approach to sliding-mode based control. 754-759 - Zheng-Hua Luo, Nobuyulu Kitamura, Bao-Zhu Guo:
Shear force feedback control of flexible robot arms. 760-765 - Romeo Ortega, Rafael Kelly, Antonio Loría
A class of output feedback globally stabilizing controllers for flexible joints robots. 766-770 - Fengfeng Xi, Robert G. Fenton:
Point-to-point quasi-static motion planning for flexible-link manipulators. 770-776 - Sheng-Wen Shih, Yi-Ping Hung, Wei-Song Lin:
Comments on "A linear solution to the kinematic parameter identification of robot manipulator" and some modifications. 777-780
Volume 11, Number 6, December 1995
- Gregory S. Chirikjian, Joel W. Burdick:
The kinematics of hyper-redundant robot locomotion. 781-793 - Gregory S. Chirikjian, Joel W. Burdick:
Kinematically optimal hyper-redundant manipulator configurations. 794-806 - Dawn M. Tilbury, Ole Jakob Sørdalen, Linda Bushnell
, S. Shankar Sastry:
A multisteering trailer system: conversion into chained form using dynamic feedback. 807-818 - Guy Desaulniers
, François Soumis:
An efficient algorithm to find a shortest path for a car-like robot. 819-828 - Shahriar Negahdaripour, Brian Y. Hayashi, Yiannis Aloimonos:
Direct motion stereo for passive navigation. 829-843 - Septimiu E. Salcudean
, N. M. Wong, Ralph L. Hollis:
Design and control of a force-reflecting teleoperation system with magnetically levitated master and wrist. 844-858 - Prasad Akella
, Mark R. Cutkosky:
Contact transition control with semiactive soft fingertips. 859-867 - Jean Ponce, Bernard Faverjon:
On computing three-finger force-closure grasps of polygonal objects. 868-881 - K. Yamanaka, Glenn R. Heppler, Koncay Huseyin:
The stability of a flexible link with a tip rotor and a compressive tip load. 882-887 - Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado, Daryush Agahi:
A recursive singularity-robust Jacobian generalized inverse. 887-892 - Fridtjof Stein, Gérard G. Medioni:
Map-based localization using the panoramic horizon. 892-896 - Kamal K. Gupta, Zhenping Guo:
Motion planning for many degrees of freedom: sequential search with backtracking. 897-906 - D. Ben-Dov, Septimiu E. Salcudean
A force-controlled pneumatic actuator. 906-911 - Sunil K. Singh, Dan O. Popa:
An analysis of some fundamental problems in adaptive control of force and impedance behavior: theory and experiments. 912-921 - Hanqi Zhuang, Zvi S. Roth:
A note on "a linear solution to the kinematic parameter identification of robot manipulators". 922-

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