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Robotica, Volume 17
Volume 17, Number 1, January 1999
- Kah Bin Lim:
Introduction to the special issue on Design and Applications in Robotics. 1-2 - Tamio Arai, Shojiro Matsumura, Yuji Yoshimura, Hisashi Osumi:
A proposal for a wire suspended manipulator: A kinematic analysis. 3-9 - Radoslaw Cieslak, Adam Morecki:
Elephant trunk type elastic manipulator - a tool for bulk and liquid materials transportation. 11-16 - Klaus Feldmann, Matthias Wenk, Josef Zeller:
Fast sensor guidance of industrial robots - experimental results. 17-21 - Peter Kopacek, Gernot Kronreif, Robert Probst:
A modular control system for flexible robotized manufacturing cells. 23-32 - Nils Karlsson:
A capacitance sensor for safeguarding operators of industrial robots. 33-39 - Hariharan Krishnan:
Design of force/position control laws for constrained robots, including effects of joint flexibility and actuator dynamics. 41-48 - Ken Taylor, Barney Dalton, James Trevelyan:
Web-based telerobotics. 49-57 - Tae-Wan Koo, Yong-San Yoon:
Dynamic instant gait stability measure for quadruped walking robot. 59-70 - G. Zhu, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Tong Heng Lee:
Simulation studies of tip tracking control of a single-link flexible robot based on a lumped model. 71-78 - Qing-hao Meng, Dawei Liu, Ming-Lu Zhang, Yi-cai Sun:
Wall-following by an Autonomously Guided Vehicle (AGV) Using a New Fuzzy-I (Integration) Controller. 79-86 - J. Luthiger, Etienne Burdet:
A modular and sensor-oriented motion planner. 87-95 - Miomir Vukobratovic, Atanasko Tuneski:
Contribution to the Adaptive Control of Multiple Compliant Manipulation of Dynamic Environments. 97-109
- IFR News. 111
Volume 17, Number 2, March 1999
- Reports and Surveys. 113-120
- Warren E. Dixon, Marcio S. de Queiroz, Fumin Zhang, Darren M. Dawson:
Tracking Control of Robot Manipulators with Bounded Torque Inputs. 121-129 - S. W. Lee, Bum Hee Lee, Ki Dong Lee:
A configuration space approach to collision avoidance of a two-robot system. 131-141 - F. M. Carter, Dale B. Cherchas:
Motion control of non-fixed base robotic manipulators. 143-157 - Jeng-Shi Chen, Fan-Tien Cheng, Kai-Tarng Yang, Fan-Chu Kung, York-Yih Sun:
Optimal force distribution in multilegged vehicles. 159-172 - Leon Beiner, Jouni Mattila:
An improved pseudoinverse solution for redundant hydraulic manipulators. 173-179 - Michael Goldfarb, Nikola L. Celanovic:
A flexure-based gripper for small-scale manipulation. 181-187 - Giovanni C. Pettinaro:
Behaviour-based peg-in-hole. 189-201 - Richard Colbaugh, M. Trabatti, Kristin Glass:
Redundant nonholonomic mechanical systems: characterization and control. 203-217
- Special Announcment. 218
- H. Zenkouar, A. Nachit:
Image coding using wavelet transforms and vector quantization with error correction. 219-227
- Alex M. Andrew:
Behavior-Based Robotics by Ronald C. Arkin, with a foreword by Michael Arbib, Intelligent Robots and Autonomous Agents series, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1998, xiv+491 pp, ISBN 0-262-01165-4 (£39.95; Hbk). 229-235 - Alex M. Andrew:
Introduction to Artificial Life by Christoph Adami, TELOS, The Electronic Library of Science, Santa Clara, an imprint of Springer-Verlag, New York, 1998, xviii+374 pp, ISBN 0-387-94646-2 (Hardback, with CD ROM, DM 118). 229-235 - Alex M. Andrew:
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series, MIT Press (Bradford Book), Cambridge, Mass., 1998, xviii + 322 pp, ISBN 0-262-19398-1, (hardback, £31.95). 229-235 - Alex M. Andrew:
In the Mind of the Machine: The Breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence by Kevin Warwick, Arrow Books (Random House), London, 1998, x+307 pp, ISBN 0-09-970301-7 (£7.99; Pbk). 229-235 - J. A. Prescott:
Geometry and Interpolation of Curves and Surfaces by Robin J. Y. Mcleod and M. Louisa Baart, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998, xiv + 414pp., index (£50; Hbk). 229-235 - Robot Learning, edited by Jonathan H. Connell and Sridhar Mahadevan, Kluwer, Boston, 1993/1997, xii+240 pp., ISBN 0-7923-9365-1 (Hardback, 218.00 Guilders, $120.00, £89.95). 229-235
- Alex M. Andrew:
Reinforcement Learning, edited by Richard S. Sutton, Kluwer, Boston, 1992/1996, 172 pp., ISBN 0-7923-9234-5 (Hardback, 245 Guilders, $135.00, £101.25), reprinted from special issue of Machine Learning, vol 8, nos 3-4 (1992). 229-235 - Alex M. Andrew:
Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Robots: Case Studies of Successful Robot Systems, edited by David Kortenkamp, R. Peter Bonasso and Robin Murphy, AAAI Press (American Association for Artificial Intelligence), Menlo Park, CA, and MIT Press, 1998, x+390 pp, ISBN 0-262-61137-6 (£29.95; Pbk). 229-235
- Announcments. 237-238
Volume 17, Number 3, May 1999
- Colin G. Johnson, Duncan Marsh:
Modelling robot manipulators with multivariate B-splines. 239-247 - Richard Colbaugh, Ernest Barany, M. Trabatti:
Control of nonholonomic mechanical systems using reduction and adaptation. 249-260 - Xiang-Rong Xu, Won-Jee Chung, Young-Hyu Choi, Xiang-Feng Ma:
A new dynamic formulation for robot manipulators containing closed kinematic chains. 261-267 - J. H. Shim, Dong-Soo Kwon, Hyung Suck Cho:
Kinematic analysis and design of a six DOF 3-PRPS in-parallel manipulator. 269-281 - Leon Zlajpah:
Influence of external forces on the behaviour of redundant manipulators. 283-292 - Zhen Huang, Y. Lawrence Yao:
Extension of Usable Workspace of Rotational Axes in Robot Planning. 293-301 - Rafael Kelly, Angel Coello:
Analysis and Experimentation of Transpose Jacobian-based Cartesian Regulators. 303-312 - Olivier Bruneau, Fethi Ben Ouezdou:
Distributed ground/walking robot interaction. 313-323 - G. H. Shah Hamzei, David J. Mulvaney, Ian P. W. Sillitoe:
Becoming incrementally reactive: on-line learning of an evolving decision tree array for robot navigation. 325-334 - Fengfeng Xi:
Dynamic balancing of hexapods for high-speed applications. 335-342 - G. de Rivals-Mazères, Woosoon Yim, Félix Mora-Camino, Sahjendra N. Singh:
Inverse control and stabilization of free-flying flexible robots. 343-350
- Special Announcement. 351
- IFR News. 353-354
Volume 17, Number 4, July 1999
- Carlos Sagüés, J. J. Guerrero:
Motion and structure for vision-based navigation. 355-364 - Yoav Lasovsky, Leo Joskowicz:
Motion planning in crowded planar environments. 365-371 - Kuo-Yang Tu, Tsu-Tian Lee, Chi-Hsu Wang, Cu-An Chang:
Design of a fuzzy walking pattern (FWP) for a shape memory alloy (SMA) biped robot. 373-382 - Yeh-Sun Hong, Hyoung-Ki Lee, Soo-Yeong Yi, Chong-Won Lee:
The design and control of a jointed-leg type of a quadrupedal robot for locomotion on irregular ground. 383-389 - Wenjie Chen, Huat Kin Low, Song Huat Yeo:
Adaptive gait planning for multi-legged robots with an adjustment of center-of-gravity. 391-403
- Special Announcement. 404
- Shaoping Bai, Huat Kin Low, Teresa Zielinska:
Quadruped Free Gait Generation Based on the Primary/Secondary Gait. 405-412 - S. Caux, René Zapata:
Modeling and control of biped robot dynamics. 413-426 - Gianluca Antonelli, Fabrizio Caccavale, Pasquale Chiacchio:
A systematic procedure for the identification of dynamic parameters of robot manipulators. 427-435 - Bruno Siciliano:
The Tricept robot: Inverse kinematics, manipulability analysis and closed-loop direct kinematics algorithm. 437-445 - C. J. Tsaprounis, Nikos A. Aspragathos:
Sliding mode with adaptive estimation force control of robot manipulators interacting with an unknown passive environment. 447-458
- Iain D. Craig:
Active Contours, by Andrew Blake and Michael Isard, Springer-Verlag London, 1998, 352 pages including index and bibliography, ($74.95). 459-462 - Alex M. Andrew:
Practical Motion Planning in Robots: Current Approaches and Future Directions, edited by Kamal Gupta and Angel P. del Pobil, Wiley, Chichester, 1998, xi+356 pp., ISBN 0-471-98163-X (Hardback, £65.00). 459-462 - Alex M. Andrew:
Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN'97, edited by Wulfram Gerstner, Alain Germond, Martin Hasler and Jean-Daniel Nicoud, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series No 1327, Springer, Berlin, 1997, xix+1274 pp., ISBN 3-540-63631-5 (Softcover, £81.50 or $129.00). 459-462 - Alex M. Andrew:
ROBOCUP-97: Robot Soccer World Cup 1, edited by Hiroaki Kitano, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series No 1395, Springer, Berlin, 1998, xiv+520 pp., ISBN 3-540-64473-3 (Softcover, £34.00 or $54.00). 459-462 - Iain D. Craig:
Genetic Programming and Data Structures, by William B. Langdon, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, 278 pages including bibliography and index. 459-462 - T. E. Sutton:
Optics of Light Scattering Media, Problems and Solutions by Alex A. Kokhanovsky, J. Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1999, ISBN 0-471-97260-6, x+ 217 pp., index (Hbk, £75.00). 459-462 - Alex M. Andrew:
Statistical Methord for Speech Recognition, by Frederick Jelinek, Language, Speech and Communication series, MIT Press (Bradford Book), Cambridge, Mass., 1997, xxi+283 pp., ISBN 0-262-10066-5 (Hardback, £29.00). 459-462 - J. A. Rose:
United Nations, World Robotics 1998 (Statistics, Market analysis, forecasts, case studies and profitability of robot investment), co-authored by The International Federation of Robotics, UN Economic Commission for Europe, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, 1998, 299 pp. ($120). 459-462
Volume 17, Number 5, September 1999
- B. H. Rudall:
Reports and Surveys. 463-473
- Zhen Huang, Y. Lawrence Yao:
A new closed-form kinematics of the generalized 3-DOF spherical parallel manipulator. 475-485 - Xinhua Zhao, Shangxian Peng:
A successive approximation algorithm for the inverse position analysis of serial manipulators. 487-489 - Farid El Hafi, Philippe Gorce:
Behavioural approach for a bipedal robot stepping motion gait. 491-501 - Woong Kwon, Beom Hee Lee, Myoung Hwan Choi:
Resolving kinematic redundancy of a robot using a quadratically constrained optimization technique. 503-511 - Gürsel Alici, Sadettin Kapucu, Sedat Bayseç:
Swing-free transportation of suspended objects with robot manipulators. 513-521 - V. O. Gamarra-Rosado, E. A. O. Yuhara:
Dynamic modeling and simulation of a flexible robotic manipulator. 523-528 - Marco Ceccarelli:
A manipulation analysis for robot programming. 529-541 - Khalid Munawar, Masaru Uchiyama:
Slip compensated manipulation of an object with cooperating multiple robots. 543-551 - Kokou Djath, Ali Siadet, Michel Dufaut, Didier Wolf:
Navigation of a mobile robot by locally optimal trajectories. 553-562 - Etienne Burdet, J. Luthiger:
Coordination learning of robot movements with vision processes. 563-570
- Alex M. Andrew:
The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, edited by Michael A. Arbib, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. and London, England, 1998, xv+1118 pp, ISBN 0-262-51102-9, paperback, £49.95 (cloth-bound version also available, originally published in 1995, ISBN 262-01148-4, £147.95). 571-572
Volume 17, Number 6, November 1999
- Brian H. Rudall:
Reports and Surveys. 573-582
- Jun Song, Huat Kin Low, Weimiao Guo:
A simplified hybrid force/position controller method for the walking robots. 583-589 - Erkan Zergeroglu, Warren E. Dixon, D. Haste, Darren M. Dawson:
A composite adaptive output feedback tracking controller for robotic manipulators. 591-600 - Antonio Visioli, Giovanni Legnani:
Experimental comparison of decentralized controllers for industrial robots. 601-612 - Nasser Rezzoug, Philippe Gorce:
Dynamic control of pushing operations. 613-620 - W. Haskiya, K. Maycock, J. Knight:
Robotic assembly: chamferless peg-hole assembly. 621-634 - Nigel W. Hardy, Aftab Ahmad Maroof:
ViSIAr - A virtual sensor integration architecture. 635-647 - Alireza Bab-Hadiashar, David Suter:
Robust segmentation of visual data using ranked unbiased scale estimate. 649-660 - José Luis Pons Rovira, Ramón Ceres Ruíz, Friedrich Pfeiffer:
Multifingered dextrous robotics hand design and control: a review. 661-674 - Khaled R. Atia, Matthew P. Cartmell:
A general dynamic model for a large-scale 2-DOF planar parallel manipulator. 675-683 - Venketesh N. Dubey, Richard M. Crowder, Paul H. Chappell:
Optimal object grasp using tactile sensors and fuzzy logic. 685-693
- J. A. Rose:
Conference Report. 695-696
- Iain D. Craig:
Introduction to Digital Systems, by Milós Ercegovac, Tomás Lang and Jaime H. Moreno, Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1999, 498 pages, inc. CD and Index (Hb; £29.50). 697-698 - Iain D. Craig:
VHDL for Logic Synthesis, by Andrew Rushton, Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1998, 375 pages, inc. Index (Hb, £29.95). 697-698 - Iain D. Craig:
Digital Systems Engineering, by William J. Day and John W. Poulton, CUP, Cambridge, UK, 1999, 663 pages, inc. References and Index (Hb, £40). 697-698 - Iain D. Craig:
Computational Geometry in C, Second Edition, by Joseph O'Rourke, CUP, Cambridge, UK, 1998, 376 pages, inc. References and Index (Pb, £55). 697-698
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