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40th ICIS 2019: Munich, Germany
- Helmut Krcmar, Jane Fedorowicz, Wai Fong Boh, Jan Marco Leimeister, Sunil Wattal:
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2019, Munich, Germany, December 15-18, 2019. Association for Information Systems 2019, ISBN 978-0-9966831-9-7
Analytics and Data Science
- Haifang Yang, Mingzheng Wang, Xiangpei Hu, Xiaobai Li:
A Decision Tree Approach for Assessing and Mitigating Background and Identity Disclosure Risks. - Xiaoping Liu, Xiaobai Li:
Acquiring Heterogeneous Customer Data for Business Analytics. - Schahin Tofangchi, André Hanelt, Siyuan Li:
Advancing Recommendations on Two-Sided Platforms: A Machine Learning Approach to Context-Aware Profiling. - Johannes Haupt, Daniel Jacob, Robin Marco Gubela, Stefan Lessmann:
Affordable Uplift: Supervised Randomization in Controlled Experiments. - Sapumal Ahangama, Danny Chiang Choon Poo:
Application of Deep User Activity Transfer Models for Cross Domain User Matching. - Sören Merting, Martin Bichler, Aykut Uzunoglu:
Assigning Course Schedules: About Preference Elicitation, Fairness, and Truthfulness. - Lin Qiu, Vaibhav Rajan, Bernard C. Y. Tan:
Battling Alzheimer's Disease through Early Detection: A Deep Multimodal Learning Approach. - Ziqing Yuan, Hailiang Chen:
Can Mobile App Usage Help Predict Firm-Level Stock Returns? - Álvaro Valencia-Parra, Ángel Jesús Varela-Vaca, María Teresa Gómez-López, Paolo Ceravolo:
CHAMALEON: Framework to improve Data Wrangling with Complex Data. - Carlos Fernandez, Foster J. Provost, Xintian Han:
Counterfactual Explanations for Data-Driven Decisions. - Suparna Ghanvatkar, Vaibhav Rajan:
Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Mortality Prediction in Intensive Care using Clinical Time Series at Multiple Resolutions. - Kai Yang, Raymond Y. K. Lau:
Detecting Senior Executives' Personalities for Predicting Corporate Behaviors: An Attention-based Deep Learning Approach. - Alper Beser, Richard Lackes, Markus Siepermann:
Different Prices for Different Customers - Optimising Individualised Prices in Online Stores by Artificial Intelligence. - Jiaheng Xie, Zhu Zhang, Xiao Liu, Daniel Zeng:
Discovering Barriers to Opioid Addiction Treatment from Social Media: A Similarity Network-Based Deep Learning Approach. - Wenping Zhang, Hui Yuan, Wei Xu, Raymond Y. K. Lau:
Hospital Reliability Evaluation in Chinese Context: A Study from the Decision Theory Perspective. - Kunpeng Zhang, Xueming Luo:
Leveraging Deep-learning and Field Experiment Response Heterogeneity to Enhance Customer Targeting Effectiveness. - Yang Gu, Gondy Leroy:
Mechanisms for Automatic Training Data Labeling for Machine Learning. - Uday Kulkarni, Amit Deokar, Haya Ajjan:
Mining Online Reviews to Uncover Consumer Brand Engagement. - Sherry Fowler, Antonis C. Stylianou, Dongsong Zhang, Shannon Reid, Reza Mousavi:
Predicting Violent Crime with Gang Social Media Postings. - Buomsoo (Raymond) Kim, Karthik Srinivasan, Sudha Ram:
Robust Local Explanations for Healthcare Predictive Analytics: An Application to Fragility Fracture Risk Modeling. - Stefan Fischer, Welf H. Weiger, Maik Hammerschmidt:
Same Same but Different? The Predictive Power of Association Types in Brand Buzz for Investor Returns. - Qiping Wang, Raymond Y. K. Lau:
The Impact of Investors' Surprise Emotion on Post-M&A Performance: A Social Media Analytics Approach. - Bernhard Lutz, Nicolas Pröllochs, Dirk Neumann:
The Longer the Better? The Interplay Between Review Length and Line of Argumentation in Online Consumer Reviews. - Christian Haas:
The Price of Fairness - A Framework to Explore Trade-Offs in Algorithmic Fairness. - Tian Lu, Yingjie Zhang, Beibei Li:
The Value of Alternative Data in Credit Risk Prediction: Evidence from a Large Field Experiment. - Patrick Zschech, Jonas Bernien, Kai Heinrich:
Towards a Taxonomic Benchmarking Framework for Predictive Maintenance: The Case of NASA's Turbofan Degradation. - Yidong Chai, Weifeng Li:
Towards Deep Learning Interpretability: A Topic Modeling Approach. - Jiaxu Peng:
Transfer Learning in Dynamic Business Environments: An Application in Earnings Forecast for Public Firms. - Heverton Roberto de Oliveira Cesar de Moraes, Otávio P. Sanchez, Susan A. Brown, Bin Zhang:
Trust and Distrust in Big Data Recommendation Agents. - Aaron Schecter, Noshir Contractor:
Uncovering Latent Archetypes from Digital Trace Sequences: An Analytical Method and Empirical Example.
Business Models and Digital Transformation
- Cristina A. Mihale-Wilson, Jan Zibuschka, Michael Kubach
Consumer-Based Ranking for Strategic Selection of IoT Business Models. - Dinh Khoi Nguyen, Thijs L. J. Broekhuizen, John Qi Dong, Peter C. Verhoef:
Digital readiness: construct development and empirical validation. - Christina Soh, Adrian Yeow, Qiwei Goh, Rina Hansen:
Digital Transformation: Of Paradoxical Tensions and Managerial Responses. - Silvana Hinsen, Jan Jöhnk, Nils Urbach:
Disentangling the Concept and Role of Continuous Change for IS Research - A Systematic Literature Review. - Dirk Schiereck, Martin Sternal:
Do Digital Giants Create Value by Mergers and Acquisitions? - Darshana Sedera, Sachithra Lokuge:
Do we put all eggs in one basket? A polynomial regression study of digital technology configuration strategies. - Yinan Yu, Jui Ramaprasad:
Engagement on Digital Platforms: A Theoretical Perspective. - David Egbert, Stefanie Paluch:
If the App Fits - Business Mobile Application Assimilation and Value Creation in SMEs. - Yunkun Zhao, Liwen Hou:
Online Advertising in Online-to-Offline Retailing Environments: The Moderating Effects of Salesforce and Product Lines. - Tobias M. Lohse, Jan Kemper:
Online Customer Reviews as Driver of Customer Loyalty. - Sreevathsan Sridhar, Subodha Kumar:
Optimal Advertising Strategy Across Multiple Channel For Film Distributions. - Zhiling Guo, Dan Ma:
Optimal Design and Ownership Structures of Innovative Retail Payment Systems. - Rania Afiouni:
Organizational Learning in the Rise of Machine Learning. - Dijo Tito Alexander, Kalle Lyytinen:
Organizing Around Big Data: Organizational Analytic Capabilities for Improved Performance. - Jonas Wanner, Adrian Hofmann, Marcus Fischer, Florian Imgrund, Christian Janiesch, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg:
Process Selection in RPA Projects - Towards a Quantifiable Method of Decision Making. - Katherine Hoffmann Pham, Panos Ipeirotis, Arun Sundararajan:
Ridesharing and the Use of Public Transportation. - Zherui Yang, Aaron Cheng, Ting Li:
Still Targeting Younger Customers? A Field Experiment on Digital Communication Channel Migration. - Jing Tian, Xia Zhao, Ling Xue:
Technological Compatibility between Platforms and Multi-homing of Third-Party Developers. - Friedrich Holotiuk, Daniel Beimborn:
Temporal Ambidexterity: How Digital Innovation Labs Connect Exploration and Exploitation for Digital Innovation. - Sarah Hönigsberg, Barbara Dinter:
Toward a Method to Foster the Digital Transformation in SME Networks. - Nila Zhang, Siew Kien Sia:
Understanding the Legitimacy Challenges for Sharing Economy Disruptors: A Topic Modeling Approach. - Qianran Jin, Animesh Animesh, Alain Pinsonneault:
When Popularity Meets Position.
Crowds, Social Media and Digital Collaborations
- Dan Ding, Prasanta Bhattacharya, Tuan Quang Phan:
A Tale of Two Networks: Characterizing the Interplay between Online and Offline Communication Networks. - Dharshani Tharanga Chandraskeara, Darshana Sedera:
#Activism versus Real Activism: Manifestations of Digital Social Influence in Social Networks. - Sijia Ma, Fei Wan, Fei Ren:
Agglomeration among competitors: Evidence of heterogeneous peer entry effect in sharing economy. - Qianran Jin, Animesh Animesh, Alain Pinsonneault:
Decision Making Under Conflicting Information. - Tianshu Sun, Siva Viswanathan, Nina Huang, Elena Zheleva:
Designing Promotion Incentive to Embrace Social Sharing: Evidence from Field and Lab Experiments. - Lisa Wimbauer, Patrick Figge, Carolin Haeussler:
Distant Search, but Local Implementation? Using the Crowd's Evaluation to Overcome Organizational Limitations in the Selection of Crowdsourced Ideas. - Feng Mai, Zihan Chen, Aron Lindberg:
Does Sleep Deprivation Cause Online Incivility? Evidence from a Natural Experiment. - Sangmi Kim, Lionel Peter Robert:
Emotional Carrying Capacity in Virtual Teams: Developing a Capability to Constructively Share a Range of Emotions. - Suparna Dhar, Indranil Bose:
Empirical Study of Social Capital Factors Formed through Digital Social Networking. - Roman Tilly, Robert Wintermeyer, Oliver Posegga:
Establishing Information Quality Guidelines in Social Information Systems: Comparison and Discussion of Two Approaches. - Janina Seutter, Jürgen Neumann:
Head over Feels? Differences in Online Rating Behavior for Utilitarian and Hedonic Service Aspects. - Kayla Guangrui Li, Sunil Mithas, Zhixing Zhang, Kar Yan Tam:
How does Algorithmic Filtering Influence Attention Inequality on Social Media? - Xueping Yang, Hua (Jonathan) Ye, Xinwei Wang:
How Does Social Media Improve Work Efficiency? Insights from the Theory of Communication Visibility. - Hissu Hyvärinen, Roman Beck:
How Emotions Unfold in Online Discussions After a Terror Attack. - Christian Meske, Iris A. Junglas, Johannes Schneider, Roope Jaakonmäki:
How Social is Your Social Network? Toward A Measurement Model. - Yimiao Zhang, Kim Huat Goh:
Impact of Online Reviews on Consumer Post-purchase Attitude Change and Transaction Failure. - Florian Kiesel, Thomas Pöppe, Sascha Kolaric, Dirk Schiereck:
Information or noise: How Twitter facilitates stock market information aggregation. - Hannes-Vincent Krause, Amina Wagner, Hanna Krasnova, Fenne große Deters, Annika Baumann, Peter Buxmann:
Keeping Up with the Joneses: Instagram Use and its Influence on Conspicuous Consumption. - Corey Brian Jackson, Carsten S. Østerlund, Mahboobeh Harandi, Dhruv Kharwar, Kevin Crowston:
Linguistic Changes in Online Citizen Science: A Structurational Perspective. - Qian Tang, Tingting Song, Liangfei Qiu, Ashish Agarwal:
Online Content Consumption: Social Endorsements, Observational Learning and Word-of-Mouth. - Marcel Rhyn, Ivo Blohm:
Patterns of Data-Driven Decision-Making: How Decision-Makers Leverage Crowdsourced Data. - Xiaohui Liu, Yijing Li, Fei Liu, Zhao Cai, Eric T. K. Lim:
Reinventing the Wheel: Explaining Question Duplication in Question Answering Communities. - Jie Tang, Ka Chung Ng:
Reposts Influencing the Effectiveness of Social Reporting System: An Empirical Study from Sina Weibo. - Ibtissam Zaza, Iris A. Junglas, Deborah J. Armstrong:
Studying the Artifacts of Q&A Platforms: The Central Role of the Crowd. - Indika Dissanayake, Sridhar P. Nerur, Jie Zhang:
Team Formation and Performance in Online Crowdsourcing Competitions: The Role of Homophily and Diversity in Solver Characteristics. - Cheuk Hang Au, Yuan Sun:
The Development of P2P Lending Platforms: Strategies and Implications. - Moritz Schulz, Ivo Blohm:
The Effectiveness of Governance Mechanisms in Crowdfunding. - Lev Poretski, Lior Zalmanson, Ofer Arazy:
The Effects of Co-Creation and Word-of-Mouth on Content Consumption - Findings from the Video Game Industry. - Attila Marton, Hamid R. Ekbia:
The Political Gig-Economy: Platformed Work and Labour. - Jing Tang, Jagdip Singh, Kalle Lyytinen:
The Power of Negative Reviews on a Freemium Platform: An Event Study of Pay-for-Negative Regulation. - Amin Sabzehzar, Gordon Burtch, Yili Hong, Raghu T. Santanam:
The Role of Religion in Online Prosocial Lending. - Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Andrew Jay Isaak, Baris Istipliler, Dennis M. Steininger:
The Star Citizen Phenomenon & the "Ultimate Dream Management" Technique in Crowdfunding. - Dawei Chen, Xuanqi Liu, Isam Faik:
Trust Building on Charitable Crowdfunding Platforms_The Case of Qfund. - Florence Klement, Timm Teubner:
Trust isn't blind: Exploring Visual Investor Cues in Equity Crowdfunding. - Yasser Rahrovani, Shamel Addas:
Understanding the Process of IS Switching in the Social Media Context. - Boying Li, Alain Yee-Loong Chong:
What Influences the Dissemination of Online Rumor Messages: Message Features and Topic-congruence. - Yuejun Wang, Xunhua Guo, Guoqing Chen:
Will You "Dashang"? Effects of Social Signals in Online Pay-What-You-Want.
Cyber-security, Privacy and Ethics of IS
- Jia Wei, Sebastian Walter Schuetz:
A Social Network Analysis Perspective on Users' Vulnerability to Socially Engineered Phishing Attacks. - Jaehyeon Ju, Youngsok Bang, Dong-Joo Lee, Jae-Hyeon Ahn:
Benefit Ambiguity and Asymmetric Herding in Privacy Decisions: A Field Experiment in a Mobile Application System. - Stefanie Sohn:
Can Conversational User Interfaces Be Harmful? The Undesirable Effects on Privacy Concern. - Tianjian Zhang, Taha Havakhor, David Biros:
Does Cybersecurity Slow Down Digitization? A Quasi-experiment of Security Breach Notification Laws. - Leting Zhang, Min-Seok Pang:
Does Sharing Make My Data More Insecure? An Empirical Study on Health Information Exchange and Data Breaches. - Sepideh Ebrahimi, Khaled Hassanein:
Empowering Users to Detect Data Analytics Discriminatory Recommendations. - Kathrin Figl, Samuel Kießling, Christiane Rank, Svitlana Vakulenko:
Fake News Flags, Cognitive Dissonance, and the Believability of Social Media Posts. - Meghanath M. Y., Beibei Li, Ying Natasha Zhang Foutz:
Geo-Targeting, Privacy, and the Rise of Consumer Location Trajectories. - Tripti Singh, Allen C. Johnston:
How Much is Too Much: Employee Monitoring, Surveillance, and Strain. - Dana Naous, Vaibhav Kulkarni, Christine Legner, Benoît Garbinato:
Information Disclosure in Location-based Services: An Extended Privacy Calculus Model. - David Harborth, Sebastian Pape:
Investigating Privacy Concerns Related to Mobile Augmented Reality Applications. - Andrew J. Harrison, Binny M. Samuel, Zhe Shan, Michael Cook, Tianhai Zu, Diksha Dawani:
Learning to See the Hook: Comparing Phishing Training Approaches. - Christian Michael Olt, Jin Gerlach, Rabea Sonnenschein, Peter Buxmann:
On the Benefits of Senior Executives' Information Security Awareness. - Lennart Jaeger, Gabriela Mallmann:
Security-Related Cynicism: A Double-Edged Sword? - Hüseyin Tanriverdi, Yaman Roumani, Joseph Nwankpa:
Structural Complexity and Data Breach Risk. - Ning Yang, Allen C. Johnston:
The Application of Operant Conditioning Theory in Employees' IS Security Behavioral Management. - He Li, Sungjin Yoo, William J. Kettinger:
The Changing Tides of Investments and Strategies and Their Impacts on Security Breaches. - Kayla Guangrui Li, Kai Lung Hui:
The Impact of Anonymity on Piracy - Evidence from China. - Nora Wessels, Jin Gerlach, Amina Wagner:
To Sell or not to Sell - Antecedents of Individuals' Willingness-to-Sell Personal Information on Data-Selling Platforms. - Emmanuel Ayaburi, Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo:
Understanding Phishing Susceptibility: An Integrated Model of Cue-utilization and Habits. - Agnieszka Onuchowska, Donald J. Berndt:
Using Agent-Based Modelling to Address Malicious Behavior on Social Media. - Jing Liu, Jun Zhang, Jingzhi Zhang:
Validating a Control-Based Model of Information Security Policy Compliance - A Meta-Analysis.
Design Science Research
- Benjamin Sturm, Ali Sunyaev:
A Good Beginning Makes a Good Ending: Incipient Sources of Knowledge in Design Science Research. - Inegbedion Usunobun, Emmanuel Anti, Fumin Hu, Levi Habila, Rakibul Sayed, Yixin Zhang, Tuure Tuunanen:
Cultural Values' Influences on Users' Preferences for Gamification Techniques. - Jasper Feine, Stefan Morana, Alexander Maedche:
Designing a Chatbot Social Cue Configuration System. - Raphael David Schilling, Stephan Aier, Robert Winter:
Designing an Artifact for Informal Control in Enterprise Architecture Management. - Daojun Sun, Wenchi Ying, Xinyan Zhang, Lang Feng:
Developing a Blockchain-based Loyalty Programs System to Hybridize Business and Charity: An Action Design Research. - Netta Iivari:
Discursive Struggles within Cross-Disciplinary Design. - Hazbi Avdiji, Robert Winter:
Knowledge Gaps in Design Science Research. - Andy Tao Li, De Liu, Sean Xin Xu:
Re-engaging underachievers: toward a participation internalization approach to gamified online learning design. - Christian Engel, Niklas Leicht, Philipp Ebel:
The Imprint of Design Science in Information Systems Research: An Empirical Analysis of the AIS Senior Scholars' Basket.
Digital Government and Smart Cities
- Xiaotong Sun, Qili Wang:
An Internet of Things Solution for Intelligence Security Management. - Stan Karanasios, Vanessa A. Cooper, Peter A. J. Hayes, Anouck Adrot:
"An iron hand in a velvet glove'': the embodiment of the platform logic in the emergency sector. - Rehan Syed, Wasana Bandara:
Controlling Corruption in Developing Country Public Sector: A Process Ecosystems Perspective. - Prakrit Silal, Ashutosh Jha, Debashis Saha:
From E-Government to Good Governance: The mediating role of Government E-Participation. - Fabian Burmeister, Paul Drews, Ingrid Schirmer:
Leveraging Architectural Thinking for Large-Scale E-Government Projects. - Priya Seetharaman, Jocelyn Cranefield, Surajit Chakravarty:
Making Indian Cities Smart: Framing Incongruencies and Reconciliation. - Nina-Birte Schirrmacher, Jan Ondrus, Felix T. C. Tan, Yvonne Ai-Chi Loh, David Roi Hardoon:
Overcoming Status Quo Bias: Nudging in a Government-Led Digital Transformation Initiative. - Philip Tin Yun Lee, Alvin Ying Lu, Feiyu E, Michael Chau:
Predicting success of online petitions from the perspective of agenda setting. - Akemi T. Chatfield, Christopher G. Reddick, Dirk Baldwin, Brian Donnellan, H. Michael Chung:
Rethinking Public Value Co-Creation in Smart City Ecosystems: A Meta-Analysis of Smart City Case Studies. - Hendrik Scholta, Ida Lindgren:
The Long and Winding Road of Digital Public Services - One Next Step: Proactivity. - Christian Grotherr, Thomas Wagenknecht, Martin Semmann:
Waking Up a Sleeping Giant: Lessons from Two Extended Pilots to Transform Public Organizations by Internal Crowdsourcing.
Digital Learning Environment and Future IS Curriculum
- Franz Strich, Anne-Sophie Mayer, Marina Fiedler:
A Social Network Approach to Blogs: Improving Digital Collaborative Learning. - Rainer Winkler, Julian Roos:
Bringing AI into the Classroom: Designing Smart Personal Assistants as Learning Tutors. - Bernd Schenk, Luiza Hoxhaj:
Challenges in Switching to Blended Learning Environments: An Analysis of Students' Attitudes and Performance. - You-Ying Wang, Qian Huang:
Conceptualizing social media-enabled fragmented learning of business professionals. - Oteng Ntsweng, Sharon Swee-Lin Tan:
Effects of Game Task Labelling on Meaningful Engagement in Learning. - Sebastian Hobert, Florian Berens:
Fostering Students' Motivation to Learn Daily on a Voluntary Basis - A Gamified Mobile Learning Approach for Formal Learning Settings. - Tobias Mettler, Ali Asker Guenduez:
From SuisseID to SwissID: Overcoming the key challenges in Switzerland's e-credential market. - Øystein Sæbø, Tommaso Federici, Alessio Maria Braccini:
From the Blogosphere into the Parliament: investigating the dynamics of the Five Star Movement case. - Sebastian Hobert:
Say Hello to 'Coding Tutor'! Design and Evaluation of a Chatbot-based Learning System Supporting Students to Learn to Program. - Hendrik Steinbeck, Julia Matthiessen, Gergana Vladova:
Student Learning Behaviour in the Digital Age. - Mahei Manhai Li, Jennifer Müller, Sissy-Josefina Ernst, Christoph Peters:
Take the wheel - Technology-driven Change in the Energy Sector. - Kristina Rosenthal, Stefan Strecker:
Toward a Taxonomy of Modeling Difficulties: A Multi-Modal Study on Individual Modeling Processes. - Benedict The, Lu Yang, Qiyun Wang:
What's on Your Mind? Promoting Cognitive Engagement Using Utterance Annotations in Online Collaborative Learning. - Oliver Krancher, Jens Dibbern, Paul Meyer:
When Less is More: How Short-message Feeds in Social Media Platforms Affect Collaborative Learning.
DLT, Blockchain and FinTech
- Tharuka Rupasinghe, Frada Burstein, Carsten Rudolph:
Blockchain based Dynamic Patient Consent: A Privacy-Preserving Data Acquisition Architecture for Clinical Data Analytics. - Maike Bruckes, Daniel Westmattelmann, Andreas Oldeweme, Gerhard Schewe:
Determinants and Barriers of Adopting Robo-Advisory Services. - Euro Bae, Daegon Cho:
Do Token Incentives Work? An Empirical Study in a Ride-Hailing Platform. - Hongchang Wang, Chunxiao Li, Bin Gu, Wei Min:
Does AI-based Credit Scoring Improve Financial Inclusion? Evidence from Online Payday Lending. - SangMyung Lee, NohYoon Seong:
Existence and Time Trend of the Psychological Barrier in Bitcoin Markets: Evidence from US, Europe, Hong Kong. - Mengli Yu, Yijing Li, Zhao Cai, Fei Liu, Chee-Wee Tan:
From Copy to Practice: Follower's Learning Behavior in Forex Social Trading. - Gianluca Miscione, Tobias Goerke, Stefan Klein, Gerhard Schwabe, Rafael Ziolkowski:
Hanseatic Governance: Understanding Blockchain as Organizational Technology. - Xudong Cai, Xi Zhao, Bin Zhang:
Identify Multiple Types of Social Influences on Smart Contract Adoption in Blockchain User Network: An Empirical Examination of CryptoKitties in Ethereum. - Zach Zhizhong Zhou, Sihan Kang:
Impact of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect on the Performance of A-H Pairs Trading. - Li-Chiou Chen, Daniel Farkas:
Individual Risk Perception and Choice using Cryptocurrency for Transactions. - Priyadharshini Muthukannan, Daniel Gozman:
Meeting the Challenge of Fintech Startups: The Development of Dynamic Capabilities at Incumbent Banks. - Ferdinand Regner, Nils Urbach, André Schweizer:
NFTs in Practice - Non-Fungible Tokens as Core Component of a Blockchain-based Event Ticketing Application. - Caroline Grau, David Bendig:
Open Innovation After Initial Coin Offerings - An Empirical Investigation of Crowd Participation and Third-Party Support. - Anna Verbovetska:
The Impact of Financial Technology on Customer Intention to Use Financial Services through the Lenses of Process Virtualization Theory. - Xiaobin Ran, Tianhui Tan, Tuan Quang Phan, Jussi Keppo:
The Role of Financial Literacy in Online Peer-to-Peer Lending: An Empirical Approach. - Olga Labazova:
Towards a Framework for Evaluation of Blockchain Implementations. - Alexander Keller, Michael Scholz:
Trading on Cryptocurrency Markets: Analyzing the Behavior of Bitcoin Investors. - Hanna Halaburda, Natalia Levina, Semi Min:
Understanding Smart Contracts as a New Option in Transaction Cost Economics. - Philipp Hülsemann, Andranik Tumasjan:
Walk this Way! Incentive Structures of Different Token Designs for Blockchain-Based Applications. - Jungkook An, Eunhee An:
What an Investor Wants; What an Investor Needs: Identifying Deceptive Projects on Blockchain Market.
Economics and IS
- Jiaying Deng, Stephanie Lee:
A Hidden Markov Model of Mobile Game-play Volume and Reward Ads Watching Behavior. - Bowen Lou, Lynn Wu:
Artificial Intelligence and Drug Innovation. - Brian Rongqing Han, Lixia Wu, Tianshu Sun, Leon Yang Chu, Yinghui Xu:
Connecting Customers and Merchants Offline: Experimental Evidence from the Commercialization of Last-Mile Pickup Stations at Alibaba. - Xue Guo, Jing Gong, Min-Seok Pang:
Creation or Destruction? STEM OPT Extension and Employment of Information Technology Professionals. - Gorkem Turgut Ozer, Brad Greenwood, Anandasivam Gopal:
Digital Multisided Platforms and Women's Health: An Empirical Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Lending. - Qi Wang, Xuanqi Liu, Kewei Huang:
Displaced or Augmented? How does Artificial Intelligence Affect Our Jobs: Evidence from LinkedIn. - Haonan Yin, Nina Huang, Zhijun Yan:
Effects of Online-offline Channel Integration on E-healthcare Providers: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. - Harrie Bastiaansen, Simon Dalmolen, Maarten Kollenstart, Matthijs Punter:
Infrastructural Sovereignty over Agreement and Transaction Data ('Metadata') in an Open Network-Model for Multilateral Sharing of Sensitive Data. - Mengyi Li, Huifang Li, Yulin Fang, Youwei Wang, Qingfei Ming:
Pricing-oriented Web Technologies and Product Returns in the E-marketplace: The Moderating Role of Seller Reputation. - Ding Li, Nan Chen, Khim-Yong Goh:
Selling Information When Attention is Limited: An Empirical Analysis of an Online Investment Advisory Platform. - Jason Chan, Yue Guo, Christina Jeong:
The Role of Workgroups on User Participation in Enterprise Social Media. - Yipu Deng, Warut Khern-am-nuai:
The Value of Editorial Reviews for UGC Platform. - Yifei Wang, Nishtha Langer, Anand Gopal:
Too Risky to Bid? Women in OLMs and STEM Competitive Environments. - Murat Mustafa Tunç, Huseyin Cavusoglu, Srinivasan Raghunathan:
Two-sided Adverse Selection and Bilateral Reviews in the Sharing Economy. - Huong May Truong, Alok Gupta, Wolfgang Ketter, Eric van Heck:
Understanding B2B Buyer Behavior in Multichannel Markets: How Posted Price Channel Affect Buyers' Strategic Behavior in Auctions. - Xin Zhang, Ran Zhang, Wei Thoo Yue, Yugang Yu:
What is Your Data Strategy? The Strategic Interactions in Data-Driven Advertising. - Lanfei Shi, Kunpeng Zhang:
Your Preference or Mine? A Randomized Field Experiment on Recommender Systems in Two-sided Matching Markets.
General Topics
- Sofia Schöbel, Andreas Janson, Abhay Nath Mishra:
A Configurational View on Avatar Design - The Role of Emotional Attachment, Satisfaction, and Cognitive Load in Digital Learning. - Farjana Parvin Chowdhury, Stan Karanasios, Vanessa A. Cooper:
Breakdowns in Inter-Organisational Information Sharing: The Case of Major Incidents in Bangladesh. - Yu Wang, Jie Zhang, Minqiang Li:
Compatibility Choices for Software Service Vendors under Behavior-based Price Discrimination. - Changhee Cho, Jaeung Sim, Daegon Cho:
Gender Economy in Live Streaming: Moderating Effects of Relational Motivation on Viewer Contributions. - Onochie Fan-Osuala:
Gender-based Differences in Online Reviews: An Empirical Investigation. - Sampath Bemgal, Nicole Haggerty:
Generative Mechanisms of Technology Enabled Transformation: A Critical Realist Evaluation of a Hospital Laboratory Unit Transformation. - Rainer Winkler, Maya Lisa Neuweiler, Eva A. C. Bittner, Matthias Söllner:
Hey Alexa, Please Help Us Solve This Problem! How Interactions with Smart Personal Assistants Improve Group Performance. - Syam Menon, Abhijeet Ghoshal, Sumit Sarkar:
Hiding Sensitive Itemsets in Shared Transactional Databases: Minimizing the Number of Items Removed. - Siddharth Bhattacharya, Heather Kennedy, Vinod Venkatraman, Daniel C. Funk:
How to Advertise? Role of Congruence and Involvement on Multiscreen Consumption. - Rainer Winkler, Claudio Büchi, Matthias Söllner:
Improving Problem-Solving Skills with Smart Personal Assistants: Insights from a Quasi Field Experiment. - Sumedha Chauhan, Parul Gupta, Nikhil Mehta, Sandeep Goyal:
Intention to use and Adoption of IT Innovations in Organizations: A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Moderating Role of Innovation Type and Socio-Economic Context. - Xiaolun Wang, Cheng Zhang, Ling Xue:
Investigating WOMs behind Crisis: Contingent Spillover Effect in Supply Chain Partnership. - Jing Tang, Jess Shoop, Kalle Lyytinen, Jagdip Singh:
IT Leader Effectiveness and Knowledge Use Mechanisms for Boundary Spanning. - Abhay Mishra, Chengxin Cao, Joey F. George:
IT-Induced Employment Irregularities and Deskilling: Impacts on Temporary Worker Welfare. - Yangting Li, Yuan Sun:
Leadership in the Digital Transformation of a Supply Network: A Revelatory Case Study. - Francesco Balocco, Ting Li:
LemonAds: Impression Quality in Programmatic Advertising. - Maike Gerken, Ulrich Bretschneider, Marcel Hülsbeck:
More than a need for knowledge: understanding drivers for knowledge seeking behavior in online communities. - Peter Gordon Rötzel, Dennis D. Fehrenbacher:
On the Role of Information Overload in Information Systems (IS) Success: Empirical Evidence from Decision Support Systems. - Lea Püchel:
Online Content Complexity: A Conceptual Framework to Categorize and Evaluate Presentation Modes. - Gordon Burtch, Qinglai He, Yili Hong, Dokyun Lee:
Peer Recognition Increases User Content Generation but Reduces Content Novelty. - Monika Malinova, Steven Groß, Jan Mendling:
Researching Information Systems Methods using Method Mining - A Case Study on Process Improvement Methods. - Mikhail Lysyakov, Kunpeng Zhang, Siva Viswanathan:
Retail Firms' Use of Social Media - Insights from Analysis of Large-Scale Twitter Data. - Katharina Drechsler, Heinz-Theo Wagner, Victoria Alexandra Reibenspiess:
Risk and Return of Chief Digital Officers' Appointment - An Event Study. - Sangseok You, Lionel Peter Robert:
Subgroup Formation in Human-Robot Teams. - Markus Weinmann, Abhay Mishra:
The Effect of Social Distance in Donation-Based Crowdfunding. - Chenxu Zheng, Bernard C. Y. Tan:
Theory-Driven Integrated Formative Feedback Design for Online Adult Learners. - Thiemo Wambsganss, Roman Rietsche:
Towards Designing an Adaptive Argumentation Learning Tool.
Governance, Strategy and Value of IS
- Xiaotong Sun, Qili Wang:
An Internet of Things Solution for Intelligence Security Management. - Stan Karanasios, Vanessa A. Cooper, Peter A. J. Hayes, Anouck Adrot:
"An iron hand in a velvet glove'': the embodiment of the platform logic in the emergency sector. - Anant Joshi, Mathijs van Peteghem, Sunil Mithas, Laury Bollen, Steven De Haes:
Board IT Competence and Firm Performance. - Rehan Syed, Wasana Bandara:
Controlling Corruption in Developing Country Public Sector: A Process Ecosystems Perspective. - Daniel Fuerstenau, Carson Woo:
Emergent Changes in Enterprise Architectures: Framework and Case Study. - Ho-Chang Chae:
First Mover (Dis)advantages in IT Investment in the Digital Age: Empirical Study of Mobile Banking. - Prakrit Silal, Ashutosh Jha, Debashis Saha:
From E-Government to Good Governance: The mediating role of Government E-Participation. - Hsiao-Tang Hsu, Fang-Chun Liu:
How Chief Information Officer Drives Innovation? - Juliane Wissel, Michael A. Zaggl, Aron Lindberg:
How Companies Govern Their Open Source Software Contributions: A Case Study. - Bardo Droege, Steffen Strese, Malte Brettel:
Investors' Digital Myopia - The Information Value of Being Digital. - Inmyung Choi, Alain Pinsonneault, Kunsoo Han:
IT Resource Orchestration, Strategic Moves, and Business Environment. - Fabian Burmeister, Paul Drews, Ingrid Schirmer:
Leveraging Architectural Thinking for Large-Scale E-Government Projects. - Priya Seetharaman, Jocelyn Cranefield, Surajit Chakravarty:
Making Indian Cities Smart: Framing Incongruencies and Reconciliation. - Barbara Krumay, David Rueckel, Stefan Koch:
Model for Strategic Positioning in Transformative Situations. - Zhenhua Wu, Chen Liang:
Online Labor Market Signaling with App-based Monitoring. - Nina-Birte Schirrmacher, Jan Ondrus, Felix T. C. Tan, Yvonne Ai-Chi Loh, David Roi Hardoon:
Overcoming Status Quo Bias: Nudging in a Government-Led Digital Transformation Initiative. - Philip Tin Yun Lee, Alvin Ying Lu, Feiyu E, Michael Chau:
Predicting success of online petitions from the perspective of agenda setting. - Akemi Takeoka Chatfield, Christopher G. Reddick, Dirk Baldwin, Brian Donnellan, H. Michael Chung:
Rethinking Public Value Co-Creation in Smart City Ecosystems: A Meta-Analysis of Smart City Case Studies. - Evelyn Ng, Barney Tan, Tian (Terry) Meng:
The Dark Side of the Sharing Economy: The Negative Implications of Ridesharing for a Traditional Taxi Business. - Haining Wang, Jimmy Huang, Zhewei Zhang:
The Impact of Deep Learning on Organizational Agility. - Sebastian Beutel, David Bendig, Malte Brettel:
The Intangible Value of Digitalization - Assessing the Relationship of Digital Orientation and Intangible Value Drivers. - Hendrik Scholta, Ida Lindgren:
The Long and Winding Road of Digital Public Services - One Next Step: Proactivity. - Svyatoslav Kotusev, Sherah Kurnia:
The Problem of Engagement in Enterprise Architecture Practice: An Exploratory Case Study. - Xue Ning, Jiban Khuntia, Terence Saldanha, Nigel P. Melville:
The Role of Green IS Governance: Climate Change Risk Identification and Carbon Disclosure Performance. - Hemin Jiang:
Understanding the Impact of Cyberloafing-Related Internet Monitoring on Employee Job Performance: A Field Experiment. - Christian Grotherr, Thomas Wagenknecht, Martin Semmann:
Waking Up a Sleeping Giant: Lessons from Two Extended Pilots to Transform Public Organizations by Internal Crowdsourcing.
Human Behavior and IS
- Anna Wiedemann, Manuel Wiesche, Jason Bennett Thatcher, Heiko Gewald:
A Control-Alignment Model for Product Orientation in DevOps Teams-A Multinational Case Study. - Nataliya Shevchuk, Kenan Degirmenci, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen:
Adoption of Gamified Persuasive Systems to Encourage Sustainable Behaviors: Interplay between Perceived Persuasiveness and Cognitive Absorption. - Azadeh Savoli, Henri Barki:
Affordance Networks: An Approach for Linking IT features-in-use to Their Effects. - Tim Lehrig, Oliver Krancher, Jens Dibbern:
Affordance Perceptions under Malleable Information Technology: A Social Cognitive Theory Perspective. - Nan Feng, Zhongtao Hu, Yi Wu:
Avoiding the Diffusion of Responsibility in SNS Group: An Investigation on Responses to Help-Requests during Online Marketing Campaigns. - Markus Nöltner, Julia Kroenung, Beatrice G. Kuhlmann:
Disarming Prejudice: How Ease of Use Mitigates the Detrimental Effect of IT-Based Stereotype Threat on the IT Task Performance of Older Adults. - Daniele Papismedov, Lior Fink:
Do Consumers Make Less Accurate Decisions When They Use Mobiles? - Zachary J. Sheffler, Shawn P. Curley, De Liu:
Do We Need Different Levels of Badges for Users with Different Participation Levels? A Field Experiment from a Bicycle Commuting Program. - Yongqiang Sun, Wenping Zou, Nan Wang, Xiao-Liang Shen:
Dual Process, Buffering/Coping Effects, and Reciprocal Dynamics: A Social Demands-Resources Model of SNS Discontinuance. - Yukuan Xu, Xin Xu, Ziqiong Zhang:
E-Word-of Mouth for Money - An Examination of the Impact of the Payment Timing on Knowledge Contribution Quality. - Eran Rubin, Amir Rubin:
Economic Externalities of Autocomplete: Empirical Analysis of Financial Markets. - René Schmoll:
Explaining Work Connectivity Behavior during Non-Work Time with an Extended Theory of Planned Behavior. - Kelly T. Slaughter:
Feature Repurposing and Cognitive Efficiency in Financial Trading Systems. - Michael Klesel, Steffi Haag, Frederike Marie Oschinsky, Kevin Ortbach:
Freedom of Technology Choice: An Experimental Evaluation. - Evelyn Ng, Barney Tan, Robert M. Davison, Yuan Sun:
Guanxi in the Digital Age: The Influence of Social Media on Guanxi Development. - Michelle Carter, Stacie Petter, Deborah Compeau:
Identifying with IT in a Digital World. - Vivien K. G. Lim, Thompson S. H. Teo, Egan Wee Khoon Lua:
Impact of Daily Commuting on Cyberloafing and Procrastination. - Yi Chen:
Impact of Heterogeneous Prior Contribution on Reciprocity in Online Sellers' Community. - Victor Barros, Isabel Ramos:
Impact of IT use on the collective attentional engagement to innovation: the case of a organization in the cork sector. - Yevgen Bogodistov, Jürgen Moormann:
Influence of Emotions on IT-driven Payment Process Design: Shorter, Simpler, and Riskier. - Tobias Wolf:
Intensifying User Loyalty Through Service Gamification: Motivational Experiences and Their Impact on Hedonic and Utilitarian Value. - Xixian Peng, Xinwei Wang, Hock-Hai Teo:
Interruptions are not all Bad! The Case of Choice Overload. - Chumisa Kelepu, Emma Coleman:
IS Employees Perceptions of Gender-Based Power Politics and its Impact on Women in IS: A Case of a South African Bank. - Saskia Müller, Frédéric Thiesse, Johannes Hewig, Steven Schwehm:
Personalization & Trust-Enhancing Signals in E-Commerce. - Lanfei Shi, Peng Huang:
Pragmatic Men, Romantic Women? Performance Feedback Design on Two-sided Matching Platforms. - Jana Mattern, Russell P. Haines, Stefan Schellhammer:
Predicting Constant Connectivity via one's Smartphone - the Role of Work Ethic, Expectations and Emotional Reward. - Kuang-Yuan Huang, Shobha Chengalur-Smith:
Received Support, Perceived Support, and Social Support Observation and Provision in Virtual Communities. - Xiayu Chen, Robert M. Davison:
Self-Awareness or Context-Awareness? The Role of Awareness in Herd Behavior. - Reza Alibakhshi, Shirish C. Srivastava:
Should We Say What We Show? Examining the Influence of Image and Text Sentiments on Social Media Engagement. - Katharina Schneider, Ruth Stock, Frank Lichtenberg:
The Impact of Digitization on Vocational Education - Measuring the Efficacy of Social Robots in Employee Coaching. - Katharina Ebner, Geneviève Bassellier, Stefan Smolnik:
The Role of IT Feature Recombinations in Individuals' Innovative Use of IT. - Henrik Freude, Oliver Heger, Björn Niehaves:
Unveiling Emotions: Attitudes Toward Affective Technology. - Anika Nissen, Caspar Krampe, Peter Kenning, Reinhard Schütte:
Utilizing Mobile fNIRS to Investigate Neural Correlates of the TAM in eCommerce. - Zhengzhi Guan, Fangfang Hou, Boying Li, Alain Yee-Loong Chong, Chee Wei David Phang:
What Encourages Purchase of Virtual Gifts in Live Streaming: Cognitive Absorption, Social Experience and Technological Environment. - Iris Beerepoot, Jelmer Jan Koorn, Inge van de Weerd, Bart van den Hooff, Henrik Leopold, Hajo A. Reijers:
Working Around Health Information Systems: The Role of Power.
Human Computer / Robot Interactions and Interfaces
- Katja Wagner, Hanna Schramm-Klein:
Alexa, Are You Human? Investigating Anthropomorphism of Digital Voice Assistants - A Qualitative Approach. - Omri Ross, Johannes Rude Jensen:
Assets under Tokenization: Can Blockchain Technology Improve Post-Trade Processing? - Lei (Nico) Zheng, Feng Mai, Deborah M. Gordon, Jeffrey Nickerson:
Bursty Coordination in Online Communities. - Xixian Peng, Xinwei Wang, Dezhi Wu:
Display "Why" Higher than "How": How Display Positioning Affects Construal Level. - Saunak Basu, Wencui Han, Aravinda Garimella:
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Decision Making on ICO Platforms. - Pratik Tarafdar, Alvin Chung Man Leung, Wei Thoo Yue, Indranil Bose:
Impact of Immersive Interface Design on Consumer Perceptions during Online Product Presentation. - Cheng Luo, Yi Shen, Yang Liu, Zhenhui Jack Jiang:
Look and Feel: The Importance of Sensory Feedback in Virtual Product Experience. - Joschka Mütterlein, Verena Thürmel, Thomas Hess:
Making Sense of Digital Innovations: The Role of the Material Artefact. - Amal Abdulrahman, Deborah Richards:
Modelling Working Alliance Using User- aware Explainable Embodied Conversational Agent for Behaviour Change: Framework and Empirical Evaluation. - Nicolas Pfeuffer, Martin Adam, Jonas Toutaoui, Oliver Hinz, Alexander Benlian:
Mr. and Mrs. Conversational Agent - Gender Stereotyping in Judge-Advisor Systems and the Role of Egocentric Bias. - Yijing Li, Eric T. K. Lim, Hefu Liu, Yong Liu:
Seizing Your Market Share: Deciphering the Role of Visual Branding with Deep Residual Networks. - Yue Guan, Yong Tan, Qiang Wei, Guoqing Chen:
The Dark Side of Images: Effect of Customer Generated Images on Product Assessment. - Jennifer Bornholt, Margareta Heidt:
To Drive or not to Drive - A Critical Review regarding the Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles. - Ruth Stock, Moritz Merkle, Dietmar Eidens, Martin Hannig, Paul Heineck, Mai Anh Nguyen, Johannes Völker:
When Robots Enter Our Workplace: Understanding Employee Trust in Assistive Robots.
Information Systems - The Heart of Innovation Ecosystems
- Robert Lorenz Törmer:
Becoming Ready for Internationalization: The Role of Platformization in the LEGO Group. - Juan Giraldo-Mora, Michel Avital, Jonas Hedman:
Development Dynamics of Digital Infrastructure and Organization: The Case of Global Payments Innovation. - Fabian Nischak, André Hanelt:
Ecosystem Change in the Era of Digital Innovation - A Longitudinal Analysis and Visualization of the Automotive Ecosystem. - Mario Müller, Phil Diegmann, Christoph Rosenkranz:
Evolution of Platform-based Open Source Ecosystems: Uncovering Socio-Technical Dynamics Using Digital Traces. - Daniel Fuerstenau, Hannes Rothe, Abayomi Baiyere, Matthias Schulte-Althoff, Dieter Masak, Kai Schewina, Daria Anisimova:
Growth, Complexity, and Generativity of Digital Platforms: The Case of Otto.de. - Roman Zeiss, Jan Recker, Mario Müller:
Hardware-layer Dynamics in Mobile Platform Ecosystems: The Case of Apple's iPhone Aftermarket. - Bingqing Xiong, Mengyao Fu, Weiquan Wang:
How Story Works in Mobile App Stores? Exploring the Same-Side Effect from the Storytelling Perspective. - Mario Schaarschmidt, Klaas-Jan Stol, Gianfranco Walsh, Matthias Bertram:
Lead Users' Innovative Work Behavior in Digital Platform Ecosystems: A Large Scale Study of App Developers. - Benedict Bender, Christof Thim, Felix Linke:
Platform Coring in the Browser Domain - An Exploratory Study. - George Kuk, Joel West:
Taming Rivalry: Reciprocity in Governing Digital Semi-Commons. - Tobias Mini, Thomas Widjaja:
Tensions in Digital Platform Business Models: A Literature Review. - Dan Luo, Yulin Fang, Peijian Song, Chong (Alex) Wang:
The Impact of Digital Platform Rapid Release Strategy on App Update Behavior: An Empirical Study of Firefox. - Chengcheng Kang, Aleksi Aaltonen, Ola Henfridsson:
The Impact of Platform Entry Strategies on the Quality of Complements in Multihoming. - Andreas Hein, David Soto Setzke, Sebastian Hermes, Jörg Weking:
The Influence of Digital Affordances and Generativity on Digital Platform Leadership. - Nikolai Stein, Benedikt Walter, Christoph Flath:
Towards Open Production: Designing a marketplace for 3D-printing capacities.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Sunghan Ryu, Kyungmin Choi, Daegon Cho:
A Stirring Effect of the Loss Leader Strategy in a Two-Sided Online Platform. - Nicolai Bohn, Dennis Kundisch:
All Things Considered? - Technology Design Decision-making Characteristics in Digital Startups. - Julian Woköck:
Business angel celebrities - How investors' social media signaling supports resource acquisition of early stage ventures. - Xiaoning Wang, Lynn Wu:
Can Social Media Alleviate Inequalities? Evidence from Venture Capital Financing. - Matthias Baum, Tanja Rabl:
Digital Capital as an Opportunity-Enhancer for Employee Corporate Entrepreneurship Decisions. - Frederik von Briel, Per Davidsson:
Digital Platforms and Network Effects: Using Digital Nudges for Growth Hacking. - Michelle D. Haurand, Christian Stummer:
Evaluating Market Entry Strategies for Two-Sided Digital Platforms under Competition: A Simulation Approach. - Mario Piel, Denise Fischer:
Motivation for Innovation - CEO Regulatory Focus as a Predictor of Innovation Performance. - Vijayaraghavan Venkataraman, Marco Ceccagnoli, Chris Forman:
Multihoming within Platform Ecosystems: The Strategic Role of Human Capital. - Julian Lehmann, Jan Recker:
Offerings that are "Ever-in-the-Making": Post-Launch Continuous Digital Innovation in Late-Stage Entrepreneurial Ventures. - Mikael Gustavsson, Jan Ljungberg:
Platformization of a Cloud Service. - Lin Hu, Zhenhua Wu, Bin Gu:
Product-driven Entrepreneurs and Crowdfunding. - Xi Wu, Min-Seok Pang:
That's Mine! Employee Side Projects, Intellectual Property Ownership, and Innovation. - Shaobo Wei, Liyong Gu, Hua Liu:
The Impact of IOS Use and Interpersonal Ties on Digital Innovation: Insights from Boundary Spanning and Institutional Theories. - Jan Schalowski, Christian Barrot:
The Long-term Diffusion of Digital Platforms - An Agent-based Model. - Yanpei Lin, Dongming Xu, Chee-Wee Tan:
Tri-Factors of IT-Enabled Innovation Success in Professional Services.
IS Development and Implementation
- Robert Keller, Alexander Stohr, Gilbert Fridgen, Jannik Lockl, Alexander Rieger:
Affordance-Experimentation-Actualization Theory in Artificial Intelligence Research - A Predictive Maintenance Story. - Philipp Hoffmann, Deborah Mateja, Kai Spohrer, Armin Heinzl:
Bridging the Vendor-User Gap in Enterprise Cloud Software Development through Data-Driven Requirements Engineering. - Bogdan Negoita, Gregory Vial, Maha Shaikh, Aurélie Labbe:
Code Forking and Software Development Project Sustainability: Evidence from GitHub. - Isabel Laux:
Coexisting Plan-driven and Agile Methods: How Tensions Emerge and Are Resolved. - Hassan Raza, Joao Baptista, Panos Constantinides:
Conceptualizing the Role of IS Security Compliance in Projects of Digital Transformation: Tensions and Shifts Between Prevention and Response Modes. - Thomas Fischer, Alan R. Hevner, René Riedl:
Control Portfolio Adaptation in Scrum: Initial Findings from a Practitioner Survey. - Michael Hüttermann, Christoph Rosenkranz:
DevOps: Walking the Shadowy Bridge from Development Success to Information Systems Success. - José Carlos Camposano, Kari Smolander:
Dialectic Tensions in the Context of Inter-organizational Integration. - Tanner Skousen, Elena Karahanna:
Diversity in Peer-Advice Networks and the Emergence of Collective Post-Adoptive Attitudes: A Multilevel Perspective. - Rogier van de Wetering:
Enterprise Architecture Resources, Dynamic Capabilities, and their Pathways to Operational Value. - Suzanne Rivard, Mohammad Moeini Aghkariz, Liette Lapointe:
Exploring the Dynamics of IT Implementers' Responses to User Resistance. - Florian Guggenmos, Peter Hofmann, Gilbert Fridgen:
How ill is your IT Portfolio? - Measuring Criticality in IT Portfolios Using Epidemiology. - Leonard Przybilla, Manuel Wiesche:
Investigating the Performance Effects of Diversity Faultlines in IT Project Teams. - Sharon Geeling, Irwin Brown, Peter Weimann:
Performing IS Development: Culture's Emergent Influence. - Roxana Ologeanu-Taddeï, Lauri Wessel, Isabelle Bourdon:
Persistent Paradoxes in Pluralistic Organizations: A Case Study of Continued Use of Shadow-IT in a French Hospital. - Sebastian Loss, Raffaele Ciriello, Jürgen Cito:
Revealing the Vicious Circle of Disengaged User Acceptance: A SaaS Provider's Perspective.
IS in Healthcare
- Bashir Mustapha, Olumide Babatope Longe, Muhammadou M. O. Kah:
A Realist Evaluation of the Sustainability of Disease Surveillance Intervention Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa. - Rahel Bekele, Tesfaye Biru, Johannes Sametinger, Iris Groher, Christiane Floyd, Gustav Pomberger:
Adapting Ethnography for Design Research: Lessons Learnt from Design of Mobile Systems for Rural Health Care in Ethiopia. - Rui Gu, Yili Kevin Hong:
Addressing Health Misinformation Dissemination on Mobile Social Media. - Elena Davcheva:
Classifying Mental Health Conditions Via Symptom Identification: A Novel Deep Learning Approach. - Roni Ramon-Gonen, Ofir Ben-Assuli, Tsipi Heart, Nir Shlomo, Robert Klempfner:
Cluster Evolution Analysis of Congestive Heart Failure Patients. - Margunn Aanestad, Polyxeni Vassilakopoulou, Egil Øvrelid:
Collaborative Innovation in Healthcare: Boundary Resources for Peripheral Actors. - Jieun Shin, Hyelim Oh, Atreyi Kankanhalli:
Effects of Expert- and User-Generated Evaluations on Food Product Choices via a Food Literacy App. - Anqi Xu, Xiao Liu, Paul Jen-Hwa Hu:
Examining Effects of Fit between Patient Need and Social Support: A Deep Learning Based Multi-Label Classification Approach. - Fang Zhou, Qiu-Hong Wang, Hock-Hai Teo:
Examining the Theoretical Mechanisms Underlying Health Information Exchange Impact on Healthcare Outcomes: A Physician Agency Perspective. - Marius Müller, Frederike Marie Oschinsky, Henrik Freude, Caroline Reßing, Michael Knop:
Exploring the Role of Cognitive Bias in Technology Acceptance by Physicians. - Pascal Meier, Jan Heinrich Beinke, Christian Fitte, Alina Behne, Frank Teuteberg:
FeelFit - Design and Evaluation of a Conversational Agent to Enhance Health Awareness. - Ricardo Buettner, Janek Frick, Thilo Rieg:
High-performance detection of epilepsy in seizure-free EEG recordings: A novel machine learning approach using very specific epileptic EEG sub-bands. - Nakyung Kyung, Sanghee Lim:
How Information Technology Can Help in the Fight Against an Opioid Epidemic: An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of E-Prescribing on Opioid Overdoses. - Xiaofei Zhang, Yi Wu, Joe S. Valacich, Jeffrey L. Jenkins, Kai Li:
How Online Patient-Physician Interaction Influences Patient Satisfaction. - Jungyeon Choi, Jong-Hoon Youn, Christian Haas:
Machine Learning Approach for Foot-side Classification using a Single Wearable Sensor. - Xinyu Zhu, Ji Wu, J. Leon Zhao:
Physicians' Social Media Use and In-hospital Service Quality: An Empirical Investigation. - Anna Penninger, Juho Lindman:
Procedural Knowledge Requirements in the Design of Genome Data Services. - Iman Taani, Isam Faik:
Resilience of Technology-Mediated Healthcare Ecosystems: A Relational Coordination Perspective. - Tanner Skousen, Hani Safadi, Elena Karahanna, Fouad Chebib, Colleen Young:
Tension Resolution and Sustaining Knowledge Flows in Online Communities. - Rebekah Eden, Andrew Burton-Jones, Raelene Donovan:
Testing the Links from Fit to Effective Use to Impact: A Digital Hospital Case. - Marie Gabel, J. Nils Foege, Stephan Nüesch:
The (In)Effectiveness of Incentives - A Field Experiment on the Adoption of Personal Electronic Health Records. - Kai Luo, Qiu-Hong Wang, Hock-Hai Teo:
The Dynamic Impacts of Online Healthcare Community on Physician Altruism: A Hidden Markov Model. - Michele Samorani, Shannon L. Harris:
The Impact of Probabilistic Classifiers on Appointment Scheduling with No-Shows. - Yu-Wei Lin, Mehmet Eren Ahsen, Michael Shaw, Sridhar Seshadri:
The Impacts of Patients' Sentiment Trajectory Features on Their Willingness to Share in Online Support Groups. - Ghazaleh Aghili, Liette Lapointe:
The Role of Online Communities in Vaccine Controversies. - Yufei Shen, Xitong Li:
The Spillover Effects of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) Integration and Data Sharing on Opioids Prescribing Rate. - Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Scott Thiebes, Sofia Schöbel, Ali Sunyaev:
Users' Game Design Element Preferences in Health Behavior Change Support Systems for Physical Activity: A Best-Worst-Scaling Approach. - Wei Xie, Prashant Palvia, Lakeisha Vance:
Value Co-Creation and Challenges in EHR. - Shan Jiang, Xuan Liu, Shan Lin, Yan Cheng:
When Do Patients Start Benefiting From Electronic Weak Ties? Empirical Examination of Online Social Capital Accumulation.
IS Research Methods, Theorizing and Philosophy of Science
- Ningning Cheng, Youngsok Bang:
A Comment on GMM Estimation in IS Research. - Matthew Jones:
Beyond Convergence: Rethinking Pluralism in IS Research. - Yunfei Shi:
Developing Critical Realist Process Theory via Explaining Generative Mechanisms. - David Dann, Alexander Maedche, Timm Teubner, Benjamin Mueller, Christian Meske, Burkhardt Funk:
DISKNET - A Platform for the Systematic Accumulation of Knowledge in IS Research. - Ignatius Chukwudi, Meng Zhang, Guy Gable:
Extensive Theory Testing Using Case Study. - Lennard Schmidt, Florian Dost, Erik Maier:
Filtering Survey Responses from Crowdsourcing Platforms: Current Heuristics and Alternative Approaches. - Göran Goldkuhl, Stefan Cronholm:
Grounded Theory in Information Systems Research - from Themes in IS Discourse to Possible Developments. - Mikko T. Siponen, Tuula Klaavuniemi:
How and Why 'Theory' Is Often Misunderstood in Information Systems Literature. - João Barata, Paulo Rupino da Cunha, António Dias de Figueiredo:
Implications for Futures: The Missing Section in Sustainable Information Systems Research. - Detlef Schoder, Daniel Schlagwein, Kai Fischbach:
Open Resource-Based View (ORBV): A Theory of Resource Openness. - Nik Rushdi Hassan:
Where are we headed in business analytics? A framework based on a paradigmatic analysis of the history of analytics. - Kai Riemer, Robert Bruce Johnston:
Wither Interpretivism? Re-interpreting interpretation to fit a world of ubiquitous ICT.
Mobile, IoT and Ubiquitous Computing
- Adrian Krenzer, Nikolai Stein, Matthias Griebel, Christoph Flath:
Augmented Intelligence for Quality Control of Manual Assembly Processes using Industrial Wearable Systems. - Henner Gimpel, Christian Regal, Marco Schmidt:
Design Knowledge on Mobile Stress Assessment. - Haoyue Gu, Yasser Rahrovani:
Designer Adaptation: A Feedback Perspective. - Changhoon Lee, Yongjin Park, Jae-Hyeon Ahn:
Early-Bird or Last-Minute? The Impact of Mobile Channel Adoption on Purchasing Behavior. - Kenan Degirmenci, J. P. Shim, Michael H. Breitner, Ferry Nolte, Jens Passlick:
Future of Flexible Work in the Digital Age: Bring Your Own Device Challenges of Privacy Protection. - Yutong Guo, Khim-Yong Goh, Mona Ragab Sayed:
Mobile Live Streaming: The Roles of Broadcasters' Screen Presence and Dynamic Emotions in Viewership Engagement. - Naama Ilany-Tzur, Lior Fink:
Mobile State of Mind: The Effect of Cognitive Load on Mobile Users' Cognitive Performance. - Dominik Gutt, Jürgen Neumann, Wael Jabr, Dennis Kundisch:
The App Updating Conundrum: Implications of Platform's Rating Resetting on Developers' Behavior. - Dominik Molitor, Peter Pal Zubcsek, Martin Spann, Philipp Reichhart:
The Interplay of Retargeting and Location Revisits in Location-Based Advertising.
- Emmanuel Monod, Saonee Sarker, Alan R. Hevner, Alok Gupta, Michael Barrett, Viswanath Venkatesh, Kalle Lyytinen, Richard J. Boland:
Are design sciences, economics and behavioral sciences critical enough on AI? A debate between three voices within the IS discipline. - Claudia Loebbecke, Omar El Sawy, Atreyi Kankanhalli, M. Lynne Markus, Dov Te'eni, Stefan Wrobel:
Artificial Intelligence Meets IS Researchers: Can it Replace Us? - Jane Fedorowicz, Yolande Chan, Yong Jin Kim, Fay Cobb Payton, Dov Te'eni:
Diversity and Inclusion in Academia: Does AIS Have a Problem? - Michael D. Myers, Hameed Chughtai, Elizabeth J. Davidson, Amber Grace Young:
Studying the Other or Becoming the Other: Engaging with Indigenous Peoples in IS Research. - Jean-Grégoire Bernard, Alan R. Dennis, Dennis F. Galletta, Ali Khan, Jane Webster:
The Tangled Web: Studying Online Fake News.
Practice-Orientated IS Research
- Christine Van Toorn, John D'Ambra, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, Michael C. Cahalane:
CC's for the CIO (Core Competencies for the Chief Information Officer). - Cheuk Hang (Allen) Au, Barney Tan, Chunmian Ge:
Fighting Fire with Fire: The Use of an Auxiliary Platform to Address the Inherent Weaknesses of a Platform-Based Business. - Herbert Endres, Marta Indulska, Arunava Ghosh, Abayomi Baiyere, Stefan Broser:
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Business Model Classification. - William J. Kettinger, He Li, Chen Zhang:
Information Management Capabilities in the Digital Era: The Senior Manager's Perspective. - Benjamin Pabst von Ohain:
Leader Attributes for Successful Digital Transformation. - Aleksandre Asatiani, Esko Penttinen, Tapani Rinta-Kahila, Antti Salovaara:
Organizational Implementation of Intelligent Automation as Distributed Cognition: Six Recommendations for Managers. - Nikhil Mehta, Vallabhajosyula Sambamurthy, Lakshmi S. Iyer:
Plate-Spinning for Success: CIOs, Embrace your Role Paradoxes! - Frederik Wulf, Markus Westner, Maximilian Schön, Susanne Strahringer, Claudia Loebbecke:
Preparing for a Digital Future: Cloud Strategy at Continental AG. - Ainara Novales, Martin Mocker, Eric van Heck:
Producer-side Use Cases of Digitized Products: What's Best for Your Company? - Ralf Plattfaut:
Robotic Process Automation - Process Optimization on Steroids?
Professional Development Workshops (PDW)
- Robert Gregory, Heinz-Theo Wagner, Sanja Tumbas, Katharina Drechsler:
At the Crossroads between Digital Innovation and Digital Transformation. - Fenne große Deters, Stefan Tams, Allen C. Johnston, Jason Thatcher:
Designing Experimental Studies. - Emmanouil Gkeredakis, Stella Pachidi:
Studying and Theorizing Knowledge Work in the Age of Intelligent Machines. - Jan Recker, Frederik von Briel:
The Future of Digital Entrepreneurship Research: Existing and Emerging Opportunities.
Smart Service Systems and Service Science
- Clemens Wolff, Steven Kimbrough, Niklas Kühl:
Analyzing the Impact of Strategic Behavior in System-Oriented Service Delivery. - Maria Torres Pena, Christoph F. Breidbach, Andrew Turpin:
Crafting Agent-based Models to Analyze Service Platforms. - Gianfranco Walsh, Mario Schaarschmidt, Edward Shiu, Louise Hassan:
Effectiveness of post-service failure email-based recovery efforts: some experimental evidence. - Stephan Diederich, Max Janssen-Müller, Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Stefan Morana:
Emulating Empathetic Behavior in Online Service Encounters with Sentiment-Adaptive Responses: Insights from an Experiment with a Conversational Agent. - Christoph Tauchert, Neda Mesbah:
Following the Robot? Investigating Users' Utilization of Advice from Robo-Advisors. - Dominik Schön:
The Influence of Automated Planning on the Task Performance of Process Modelers. - Ronny Schüritz, Killian Farrell, Barbara H. Wixom, Gerhard Satzger:
Value Co-Creation in Data-Driven Services: Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Joint Sphere. - Daniel Hodapp, Florian Hawlitschek, Denis Kramer:
Value Co-Creation in Nascent Platform Ecosystems: A Delphi Study in the Context of the Internet of Things.
Sustainable and Societal Impact of IS
- Andreas Paulsson, Shengnan Han, Eric-Oluf Svee:
A Review of Subjective Values and Their Implications for Green IS Research. - Nastaran Naseri, Yashar Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, John Collins:
A Trade-off Analysis Between the Spot and Real-time Electricity Markets for Batteries. - Arisa Shollo, Xiao Xiao:
Back to the Future: De-sequencing Time with Video Assistant Referee Technology. - Wencui Han, Xunyi Wang:
Does Home Sharing Impact Crime Rate? A Tale of Two Cities. - Thorsten Schoormann, Kristin Kutzner, Sebastian Pape, Ralf Knackstedt:
Elevating Social Sustainability in Business Processes: A Pattern-Based Approach. - Ayman Abdelwahed, Pieter L. van den Berg, Tobias Brandt:
Enabling Sustainable Public Transport in Smart Cities through Real-time Decision Support. - Konstantina Valogianni, Alok Gupta, Wolfgang Ketter, Soumya Sen, Eric van Heck:
Multiple Vickrey Auctions for Sustainable Electric Vehicle Charging. - Abdullah Alhauli, Anand Gopal, Wedad Elmaghraby:
Open Versus Closed? On the Effects of Mobile Phone Platform Openness in B2B Secondary Market Online Auctions. - Anselma Wörner, Liliane Ableitner, Arne Meeuw, Felix Wortmann, Verena Tiefenbeck:
Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in the Real World: Market Design and Evaluation of the User Value Proposition. - Stephan Diederich, Sascha Lichtenberg, Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Simon Trang:
Promoting Sustainable Mobility Beliefs with Persuasive and Anthropomorphic Design: Insights from an Experiment with a Conversational Agent. - Arielle Moro, Adrian Holzer:
Supporting Green IS through a Framework Predicting Consumption Sustainability Levels of Individuals. - Nakyung Kyung, Byungtae Lee:
The Effect of Broadband Adoption on the Labor-market Inclusion of the Disabled: An Empirical Analysis. - Parvathi Jayaprakash, Radhakrishna Pillai:
The Role of ICT for Sustainable Development: A Cross Country Analysis. - Julia Krönung, Florian Pethig:
The Social Mark of Specialized Information Systems for People with Disabilities.
The Future of Work
- Reza Mousavi, Maya Stewart:
Amazon Mechanical Turk and the Reconfiguration of Relations of Data Production. - Lauren Rhue:
Beauty's in the AI of the Beholder: How AI Anchors Subjective and Objective Predictions. - Julian Prester, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, Daniel Schlagwein:
Becoming a Digital Nomad: Identity Emergence in the Flow of Practice. - Matthias Murawski, Julian Bühler, Karl C. Blatz, Markus Bick:
Comparing the required competencies of sales professionals servicing digital and physical channels of sale: a case study of a German children's entertainment company. - Stefan Seidel, Nicholas Berente, John Gibbs:
Designing with Autonomous Tools: Video Games, Procedural Generation, and Creativity. - Sarah Lebovitz:
Diagnostic Doubt and Artificial Intelligence: An Inductive Field Study of Radiology Work. - Blair Wang, Daniel Schlagwein, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, Michael C. Cahalane:
Digital Nomadism and the Market Economy: Resistance and Compliance. - Michael T. Knierim, Mario Nadj, Maximilian Xiling Li, Christof Weinhardt:
Flow in Knowledge Work Groups - Autonomy as a Driver or Digitally Mediated Communication as a Limiting Factor? - Anna Feldmann, Frank Teuteberg:
From an idea to a prototype to a product ? Barriers after a co-creation event. - Elmira van den Broek, Anastasia V. Sergeeva, Marleen Huysman:
Hiring Algorithms: An Ethnography of Fairness in Practice. - Friedemann Kammler, Jonas Brinker, Jannis Vogel, Tahany Hmaid, Oliver Thomas:
How Do We Support Technical Tasks in the Age of Augmented Reality? Some Evidence from Prototyping in Mechanical Engineering. - Gerit Wagner, Julian Prester:
Information Systems Research on Digital Platforms for Knowledge Work: A Scoping Review. - Aymeric Hemon, Frantz Rowe:
IS Career Anchors, Professional Growth and Mobility Intentions: A DevOps Jobs Learning Effect? - Nicola Ens:
Shaming, Striving and Partying: Normative Control in Platform Work. - Dominick Werner, Christian Hovestadt, Martin Adam, Laura Schulze:
Shielding Focus Against Distractions: Designing Focus Assistants for Knowledge Workers. - Xue Guo, Aaron Cheng, Paul A. Pavlou:
Skill-Biased Technical Change Again? Estimating the Effect of TaskRabbit on Local Employment in the Housekeeping Industry. - René Schmoll, Verena Bader:
Who or what screens which one of me? The differential effects of algorithmic social media screening on applicants' job pursuit intention.

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