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8th TEEM 2020: Salamanca, Spain
- Francisco José García-Peñalvo, Alicia García-Holgado:
TEEM'20: Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, Salamanca, Spain, 21-23 October, 2020. ACM 2020, ISBN 978-1-4503-8850-4 - Daniel Burgos, Ahmed Tlili:
Openness as the key factor to support education in times of crisis. 1-4 - David Fonseca, Marc Alier, Patricia Sánchez-Holgado
Re-thinking, connecting, sharing and starting synergies. Using a collaborative AGORA session for new educational and research connections. 5-9 - Francisco José García-Peñalvo, Miguel Ángel Conde, José Gonçalves
, José Lima
Advances in Computational thinking and robotics in education. 10-13 - Miguel Ángel Conde, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Lera
, David Fernández González
, Francisco Jesús Rodríguez-Sedano, Ángel Manuel Guerrero-Higueras, Camino Fernández:
SUFFER - SimUlation Framework for Education in Robotics. 14-17 - Juan David Rodríguez-García, Jesús Moreno-León
, Marcos Román-González
, Gregorio Robles
Introducing Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals with LearningML: Artificial Intelligence made easy. 18-20 - Shuyang Hu, Esyin Chew
The Investigation and Novel Trinity Modeling for Museum Robots. 21-28 - Dhekra Ferjaoui, Lilia Cheniti-Belcadhi:
A Conceptual Model for Personalized Learning based on Educational Robots. 29-33 - José Figueiredo
, Francisco José García-Peñalvo:
Intelligent Tutoring Systems approach to Introductory Programming Courses. 34-39 - Miguel Ángel Conde, Francisco Jesús Rodríguez-Sedano, Camino Fernández, María-João Ramos, Jonny Alves, Susana Celis-Tena, José Gonçalves
, José Lima
, Daniela Reimann, Ilkka Jormanainen, Francisco José García-Peñalvo:
Adaption of RoboSTEAM Project to the Pandemic Situation. 40-47 - Annastasia Shipepe, Ilkka Jormanainen, Erkki Sutinen:
Educational Robotics initiatives in Namibia and worldwide. 48-53 - Ilkka Jormanainen, Markku Tukiainen:
Attractive Educational Robotics Motivates Younger Students to Learn Programming and Computational Thinking. 54-60 - Bjarke Kristian Maigaard Kjær Pedersen, Jørgen Christian Larsen
, Jacob Nielsen
The PANaMa Project - RoboCamp 2019 a Case Study: Lessons Learned from an Educational Robotics based Science Camp. 61-68 - João Moreira
, Vítor H. Pinto
, José Gonçalves
, Paulo Gomes Costa
Using a low-cost robotic manipulator towards the study of over-sensored systems and state estimation. 69-74 - Clara Viegas, Arcelina Marques
, Gustavo R. Alves
Engineering Education: Professional Demands. 75-77 - Clara Viegas, Arcelina Marques
, Gustavo R. Alves
Brainstorming Students' Needs versus Engineering Demands. 78-83 - Pablo Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, Cristina Allende-Prieto
, Manuel Rodríguez-Martín:
Learning physical geodesy. Application case to geoid undulation computation. 84-90 - Pablo Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, Cristina Allende-Prieto, Manuel Rodríguez-Martín:
Learning and comprehension of terrain representation in cartographic design. 91-97 - Manuel Rodríguez-Martín, Pablo Rodríguez-Gonzálvez:
Interpretation of cavitation using CFD simulation as a low-cost learning activity compatible with e-learning. 98-104 - Pedro Mauricio Acosta Castellanos
, Araceli Queiruga Dios, Laura Gomez Araque, Paula Rojas Ramos:
The Evolution from the Environmental Education Model to the Education for Sustainable Development Model. Case Study of Environmental Engineering at Santo Tomas University, Colombia. 105-113 - M. Teresa Sena Esteves, Cristina Morais, Margarida M. Ribeiro, Isabel M. Brás Pereira, Anabela Guedes, Filomena O. Soares
, Celina P. Leão
The Relationship of Higher Education Access with Final Marks in a Core Chemical Engineering Topic. 114-120 - Bertil P. Marques, Marílio Cardoso, Rosa M. Reis
, Rui Marques:
Evaluate manuscripts or digital assignments fairly and easily. 121-125 - Alicia García-Holgado
, Carina Soledad González-González, Aruquia Peixoto, Pino Caballero-Gil, Pedro Plaza Merino:
Bridging the diversity gap: actions and experiences fostering diversity in STEM. 126-129 - Harold Tinoco-Giraldo, Patrick Voorhies:
LGBTQIA+ employee learning needs assessment using an ethnographic approach. 130-136 - Dolores Pereira, Ana J. López
Is helping to bridge the gender gap in STEM considered as transfer of knowledge?: Transfer of Knowledge in STEM. 137-141 - Maria Giulia Ballatore
, Gavin Duffy
, Sheryl A. Sorby, Anita Tabacco:
SAperI: approaching gender gap using Spatial Ability training week in high-school context. 142-148 - Carolina Pereira, Filomena O. Soares
, Celina Pinto Leão
Higher Education Students' Perception and Behavior During Pandemic Reality: A Pilot Study. 149-157 - Sonia Verdugo-Castro, M. Cruz Sánchez-Gómez
, Alicia García-Holgado
, Margarita Bakieva
Pilot study on university students' opinion about STEM studies at higher education. 158-165 - Sulema Torres-Ramos
, Patricia del R. Retamoza-Vega, Nicte Selene Fajardo-Robledo, Cristina Neri-Cortés, Verónica-Marís Rodríguez-Betancourtt
, Lourdes Adriana Pérez-Carrillo:
Towards increasing of STEM-women professionals by implementing projects that reduce the gender gap: a study case in Universidad de Guadalajara. 166-172 - Eva Cernadas, Encina Calvo Iglesias
Gender perspective in Artificial Intelligence (AI). 173-176 - Natalia Corvo-Sampedro, Adriana Gamazo:
Do teens hold sexist beliefs? An assessment of secondary education students' attitudes towards equality and gender roles. 177-181 - Irais Monserrat Santillán-Rosas, Yolanda Heredia-Escorza:
Empowering women's digital literacy with transformative learning: Reducing the gap in the T of STEM. 182-186 - Luz María Tobar Subía Contento
, Brizeida Nohemi Gamez Aparicio:
The Gender Gap broad the path for Women in STEM. 187-192 - Ana María Pinto Llorente, M. Cruz Sánchez-Gómez
, António Pedro Dias da Costa:
Qualitative and Mixed Methods Researches in Social Sciences. 193-196 - José Antonio Yañez-Figueroa, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
, Francisco José García-Peñalvo:
Validation of the K-Social-C questionnaire for measuring the Social Construction of Knowledge from Open Innovation in Social Innovation Laboratories: Instrument Validation. 197-205 - Yu Zhao, María Cruz Sánchez Gómez
, Ana María Pinto Llorente:
Digital Competence in higher education: A case study of teachers' perception of working with technologies. 206-210 - Hilda Angélica Del Carpio Ramos
, Pedro Antonio Del Carpio Ramos
, José E. Tarrillo Carrasco, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo, Manuel A. Morante Dávila
Online instrument: Perception of virtual learning of the doctorate in the context of COVID-19. 211-218 - Yuddy Alejandra Castro Ortegón
, Pedro Mauricio Acosta Castellanos
, Mario Alejandro Pardo Garcia, Sebastian Alejandro Guisa Arias:
Design of an Aquaponic Production System for the Quinchas of the Municipality of Otanche - Boyacá, under the Approach of the New Rurality. 219-224 - Sonia Verdugo-Castro, Alicia García-Holgado
, M. Cruz Sánchez-Gómez
Interviews of Spanish women in STEM: a multimedia analysis about their experiences. 225-230 - Rafael Molina-Carmona, Carlos J. Villagrá Arnedo, Francisco José Gallego-Durán, Faraón Llorens-Largo, Inmaculada Meca
, Ana Pérez Escoda, Sergio Serrano-Iglesias, Esther Sobrino, Alex Rabasa, Adolfo Ruiz-Calleja:
Research topics on Smart Learning. 231-237 - Adolfo Ruiz-Calleja, Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo, Juan I. Asensio-Pérez, Guillermo Vega-Gorgojo, Yannis A. Dimitriadis, Alejandra Martínez-Monés
, Eduardo Gómez-Sánchez, Sergio Serrano-Iglesias:
Automatic creation of Moodle activities out of the Web of Data to link formal and informal learning contexts. 238-244 - Inmaculada Meca
, Alex Rabasa, Esther Sobrino, José-Juan López-Espín
Early Warning Methodology for dropping out of university degrees. 245-249 - Luis Miguel Pedrero Esteban, Ana Pérez Escoda, Alberto Pedrero Esteban:
Framing ethical considerations on artificial intelligence bias applied to voice interfaces. 250-255 - Francisco José Gallego-Durán
, Carlos J. Villagrá Arnedo, Rafael Molina-Carmona, Faraón Llorens-Largo:
Smartly Learning through step decomposition, automation and Gamification. 256-262 - María Luisa Sein-Echaluce
, Ángel Fidalgo Blanco:
TEEM20. Track 6: Educational Innovation. 263-266 - Josep Petchamé
, Ignasi Iriondo
, David Riu
, Toni Masi, Albert Almajano, David Fonseca:
Project Based Learning or the Rethinking of an Engineering Subject: Measuring Motivation. 267-272 - Harold Tinoco-Giraldo, Eva María Torrecilla Sánchez, Francisco José García-Peñalvo:
Developing a design phase for a mentoring mobile app. 273-282 - David Fonseca, Mónica V. Sánchez-Sepúlveda, Alia Besné, Ernest Redondo
, Héctor Zapata, Isidro Navarro, Jaume Pla, Juan Sánchez, Clara Solà:
Combining BIM systems and Video-Games engines in Educational Ephemeral Urban and Architectural Proposals. 283-290 - María Goretti Alonso de Castro
, Francisco José García-Peñalvo:
Overview of European educational projects on eLearning and related methodologies: Data from Erasmus+ Project Results Platform. 291-298 - Jesús Honorato-Errázuriz, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
Intervention model to promote reading in basic education: contributions to public policies. 299-303 - Alexios Brailas:
A Systems Thinking Approach to Reflective Practice in Blogs: Implications on Social-Emotional Learning and Resilience Building. 304-308 - Alexios Brailas:
Rhizomatic Learning in Action: A Virtual Exposition for Demonstrating Learning Rhizomes. 309-314 - Catalina Huilcapi-Collantes
, Azucena Hernández Martín, Juan Pablo Hernández-Ramos:
Pedagogical and user interface usability evaluation of an educational mobile app that promotes visual literacy. 315-321 - Sergio Alberto Nava Lara, José Antonio Canchola González:
Computer supported collaborative learning. A peer-to-peer experience at the Ph.D. level. 322-325 - Jesús Honorato-Errázuriz, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
Innovative public policies in the development of reading skills in basic education: Regarding the systematic mapping protocol. 326-333 - Maycon Carvalho, Cleyton Caetano de Souza, Inaka Barreto:
How the Lack of Knowledge Management Policies affects Employees Behavior on Educational Institutions: A Study about Petitions in a Brazilian Federal Institute. 334-338 - Guillem Villa Fernández, José Antonio Montero Morales, Alba Llauró Moliner:
Educational coaching applied to group tutoring sessions: An experience with first-year engineering students. 339-344 - Ángel Fidalgo Blanco, Laura García-Ruesgas, Pilar Fernández Blanco, Susana Sastre-Merino
ACCI 3.0. Technique of classification, organization, creation and use of collective knowledge. 345-352 - Susana Sastre-Merino
, José Luis Martín-Núñez
, Amparo Verdú-Vázquez:
Research-based learning with future educators through collaborative learning. 353-357 - Ruth Montes-Martínez, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
Training in Entrepreneurship Competences, Challenges for Educational Institutions: Systematic Literature Review. 358-364 - Alfonso Infante Moro, Juan Carlos Infante-Moro, Julia Gallardo-Pérez:
Motivational factors in the insertion of digital skills in teaching. 365-370 - Marián Queiruga Dios:
Education for Social Responsibility: New challenges in higher education.: The use of Twitter in Education for Social Responsibility. 371-376 - Nancy MacCann-Alfaro
, Ana García-Valcárcel
, Erla Mariela Morales Morgado:
Critical Debate in the Classroom using ICT: An Innovation Proposal with University Students. 377-385 - Amelie Dorn, Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Anna Romano, Thomas Jekel, Anna Gawin:
Evaluating effectiveness of innovative education formats for 21st century skills: The example of DaVinciLab YouthHackathon Workshops 2019/2020. 386-392 - Filomena O. Soares
, Celina P. Leão
, Sílvia Araújo
Cheat Sheets and Padlet: a metacognitive learning tool. 393-398 - Alicia García-Holgado
, Francisco José García-Peñalvo, Colin de la Higuera
, Antonio Moreira Teixeira
, Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, James Brunton
, Fabio Nascimbeni, Natalia Padilla Zea
, Daniel Burgos:
Promoting Open Education Through Gamification in Higher Education: the OpenGame project. 399-404 - Ángel Fidalgo Blanco, María Luisa Sein-Echaluce
, Francisco José García-Peñalvo:
Hybrid Flipped Classroom: adaptation to the COVID situation. 405-409 - Samuel Marcos Pablos
, Juan Antonio Juanes Méndez, Michael L. Walters:
State-of-the-art technologies at the service of medical training and practice to foster Digital Health Ecosystems. 410-413 - Santiago González Izard, Cristina Vivo Vicent, Juan Antonio Juanes Méndez, Ramon Palau
Virtual Reality In Higher Education: An Experience With Medical Students: Research into how Virtual Reality can be used as a powerful training tool for medicine students. 414-421 - Roberto Pinillos Herrero, Samuel Marcos Pablos
, Jaime Gómez García-Bermejo
, Eduardo Zalama Casanova
Towards the acceptance of care robots by senior users. 422-429 - Lourdes Asensio Romero
, Manuel Asensio Gómez, Juan A. Juanes Méndez:
Assessment of an interactive anatomo-radiological atlas for 3D visualization of the female pelvis. 430-437 - Ildefonso Alvear-Órdenes, Sara Fernández-Iglesias, José A. Fernández-Rodríguez, David Paz-Arias, Iker Zaldua-del-Olmo, Pablo Rodríguez-Gonzálvez:
Thermography as a method of acquiring competences in Physiology. Application case for hand blood flow control. 438-442 - Juan Antonio Juanes Méndez, Beatriz Framiñán Aparicio:
Mobile Apps in Education: Focusing on the Anatomy of the Eye. 443-449 - Beatriz Montejo Maillo, Alonso Blaya San Pedro
, Pedro Armisén Bobo, Maria Esther Montero Moreno, Fernando Blaya Haro
, Juan A. Juanes:
Methodology of custom design and manufacturing of 3D external breast prostheses∗. 450-457 - José María de Agustín del Burgo, Fernando Blaya Haro
, Roberto D'Amato
, Juan Antonio Juanes Méndez:
Smart splint for diagnosis during initial stage of treatment. 458-466 - Jaime Solleiro Rodriguez, Juan Antonio Juanes Méndez, Fernando Blaya Haro
, Roberto D'Amato
, Alessandro Ruggiero
, José Antonio Rodríguez Montes:
Ergonomics in surgical environments. 467-474 - Emilio Lechosa Urquijo, Fernando Blaya Haro
, Roberto D'Amato
, Juan Antonio Juanes Méndez:
Finite Element model of an elbow under load, muscle effort analysis when modeled using 1D rod element. 475-482 - Andrés Marcelo Chaquinga Caisaluisa, Fernando Blaya Haro
, Roberto D'Amato
, Almudena Ochoa Mendoza, Juan Antonio Juanes Méndez:
Design of an auricular prosthesis for patients with grade III or IV microtia. 483-490 - Manuel Casal Guisande
, Jorge Cerqueiro-Pequeño
, Alberto Comesaña-Campos
, José Benito Bouza-Rodríguez:
Proposal of a Methodology based on Expert Systems for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Condition. 491-495 - Manuel Casal Guisande
, Jorge Cerqueiro-Pequeño
, Alberto Comesaña-Campos
, José Benito Bouza-Rodríguez:
Conceptual Proposal of a Hierarchization System for Patients Candidate to Intensive Care Units in Health Catastrophe Situations. 496-500 - Fernando Blaya Haro
, Roberto D'Amato
, Alejandro Luján González
, Alonso Blaya San Pedro
, Silvia Nuere
Analysis Method for The Design and Manufacture of Sports Transtibial Prostheses. 501-509 - Félix Buendía, Joaquín Gayoso-Cabada, José-Luis Sierra:
An Annotation Approach for Radiology Reports Linking Clinical Text and Medical Images with Instructional Purposes. 510-517 - Andrea Vázquez-Ingelmo
, Jesús Sampedro-Gómez, Antonio Sánchez-Puente
, Víctor Vicente-Palacios
, Pedro Ignacio Dorado-Díaz
, Pedro L. Sánchez, Francisco José García-Peñalvo:
A platform for management and visualization of medical data and medical imaging. 518-522 - Nídia Caetano
, Manuel Carlos Felgueiras:
Teaching sustainable development in higher education: Changing attitudes, the soft way. 523-527 - Manuel C. Felgueiras, Nídia Caetano
, Ricardo Costa:
Higher Education for Sustainable Development: Practices and Challenges. 528-534 - Svetlana V. Karkina, Gulnara I. Batyrshina
, Roza A. Valeeva:
A sustainable approach to music education: towards a cultural ecology in the digital age. 535-541 - Shamila Janakiraman:
Digital Games for Environmental Sustainability Education: Implications for Educators. 542-545 - Ana Martins, Mara Madaleno
, Marta Ferreira Dias
Energy Literacy: does age matters? 546-551 - Nuno Escudeiro, Paula Escudeiro, Ricardo Almeida
, Paulo Matos
The ATHENA European University model for Sustainable Education: Mainstreaming good practices for all-inclusive life-long sustainable learning in the digital era. 552-557 - Filipe Pereira
, Manuel Carlos Felgueiras:
Learning Automation from Remote Labs in Higher Education. 558-562 - Carlos Arcila Calderón, David Blanco-Herrero
New scenarios and tools for a changing world. Editorial of the Communication, Education and Social Media Track of the TEEM Conference 2020. 563-565 - Inma García-Martín, Félix Ortega Mohedano:
Communication and Education at Museums in Castille and León: Digital habits in a crossroad revolution. 566-570 - Santiago Tejedor, Laura Cervi
, Ana Pérez-Escoda, Fernanda Tusa Jumbo:
Smartphone usage among students during COVID-19 pandemic in Spain, Italy and Ecuador. 571-576 - Ariadna Santos, Mònica Figueras:
Instagram and gender inequalities: The discourse of young women regarding social networks. 577-581 - Daniel Sobreira, Debora Santos de Oliveira
, Francisco José García-Peñalvo:
The Use of Instagram as a Digital Marketing Tool by the Brazilian Library Councils in times of Covid-19. 582-587 - Miguel Varela-Rodríguez
, Miguel Vicente-Mariño:
Automated image extraction from Instagram for social research: A technical and ethical exploration. 588-592 - Mónica Bonilla-del-Río, Bárbara Castillo-Abdul, Sabina Civila:
Impact of the MOOCx's conventional educational design. 593-599 - Camino López García, María Cruz Sánchez Gómez
, Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso:
Scales for measuring Internet Addiction in Covid-19 times: Is the time variable still a key factor in measuring this addiction? 600-604 - Camino López García, María Cruz Sánchez Gómez
Approaches and guidelines for creating educational projects based on Internet addiction: Presentation of a new approach linked to digital competence. 605-610 - Vanessa Farias Dantas, Cassia Isac, Cleyton Caetano de Souza, Aruquia Peixoto:
Assessing Students' Feelings During COVID-19 Pandemic Situation in Brazil: A Case Study in Paraiba Inland. 611-616 - Patricia Sánchez-Holgado
, David Blanco-Herrero
, Javier Jiménez-Amores
, Maximiliano Frías-Vázquez, Carlos Arcila Calderón:
Formation in Data Science in Secondary Education: Big Data as a transversal competence. 617-624 - David Blanco-Herrero
, Patricia Sánchez-Holgado
, Javier J. Amores
, Maximiliano Frías-Vázquez, Carlos Arcila Calderón:
News media behaviour in Twitter during a major political event: Study of the Twitter accounts of the main Spanish news media before the 10N General Elections. 625-630 - Alfonso Infante Moro, Juan Carlos Infante-Moro, Julia Gallardo-Pérez:
Key factors in the implementation of Cloud Computing as a service and communication tool in universities. 631-636 - Joan Arnedo-Moreno, Carina S. González-González
4th International Symposium on Gamification and Games for Learning (GamiLearn'20). 637-639 - Pierre Bourdin
, Laura Calvet, Susanna Tesconi, Joan Arnedo-Moreno:
Reflecting on Attitudes Towards Death Through the use of Immersive Virtual Reality Commercial Video Games. 640-647 - Manuel J. Gomez
, José A. Ruipérez-Valiente, Pedro A. Martínez, Yoon Jeon Kim:
Exploring the Affordances of Sequence Mining in Educational Games. 648-654 - Juan Antonio Martín-García, Diana Pérez-Marín
A gamified mobile-based APP to help university students to manage their tasks. 655-661 - Alma Gloria Barrera Yañez, Cristina Alonso-Fernandez, Baltasar Fernández-Manjón:
Review of serious games to educate on gender equality. 662-668 - Terence Govender
, Joan Arnedo-Moreno:
A Survey on Gamification Elements in Mobile Language-Learning Applications. 669-676 - Cristo Gonzalez-Rodríguez, Daniel Herzog-Cruz, Carina S. González-González:
Conversational game to improve digital health literacy. 677-681 - Rosa María Gil Iranzo
, Joan Arnedo-Moreno:
Designing an activity to help reflect on "Healthy Engagement vs Video Game Addiction". 682-687 - Tuula Nousiainen
, Mikko Vesisenaho
, Emilia Ahlstrom
, Marika Peltonen, Santiago Fort
, Sacha Gómez:
Gamifying Teacher Students' Learning Platform: Information and Communication Technology in Teacher Education courses. 688-693 - Jessica Reuter, Marta Ferreira Dias
, Marlene Amorim
, Cláudia Figueiredo
, Claudia Veloso
How to create Educational Escape rooms? Strategies for creation and design. 694-698 - Luiz A. L. Rodrigues, Armando M. Toda, Paula T. Palomino, Wilk Oliveira, Seiji Isotani:
Personalized gamification: A literature review of outcomes, experiments, and approaches. 699-706 - Daniel Fraga Viera, Carina S. González-González, Rosa María Gil Iranzo
, Patricia Paderewski, Francisco Luis Gutiérrez Vela
Inclusive Design Toolkit for the Creation of Intergenerational Gamified Experiences. 707-712 - Ángel Hernández-García
, Miguel Ángel Conde, Julián Chaparro-Peláez:
Learning Analytics: A Time to Shine. 713-718 - Miguel Á. Conde, Francisco Jesús Rodríguez-Sedano, Camino Fernández, Alexis Gutiérrez-Fernández
, Laura Fernández-Robles, Manuel Castejón Limas
A Learning Analytics tool for the analysis of students' Telegram messages in the context of teamwork virtual activities. 719-724 - Marc Alier, María José Casany Guerrero, Charles R. Severance, Daniel Amo:
Learner Privacy, a pending assignment. 725-729 - Daniel Amo, Ricardo Torres Kompen, Xavier Canaleta
, Javier Herrero-Martín
, Cristina Rodríguez-Merino
, David Fonseca:
Seven principles to foster privacy and security in educational tools: Local Educational Data Analytics. 730-737 - Juan Bartolomé
, Pablo Garaizar
, Leire Bastida
Validating item response processes in digital competence assessment through eye-tracking techniques. 738-746 - Ainhoa Alvarez
, Mikel Villamañe
, Leire Ibargutxi
Helping Teachers to Identify Students at Risk and Analyze their Learning Process. 747-751 - Antonio Balderas
, Juan Antonio Caballero Hernández:
Analysis of Learning Records to Detect Student Cheating on Online Exams: Case Study during COVID-19 Pandemic. 752-757 - Rubén A. Pazmiño-Maji, Fernando Badillo, Miguel Ángel Conde González, Francisco José García-Peñalvo:
Ecuadorian Higher Education in COVID-19: A Sentiment Analysis. 758-764 - Joana d'Arc Prat Farran
, Ariadna Llorens-Garcia, Marc Alier, Francesc Salvador, Daniel Amo:
Impact of Covid-19 on UPC's Moodle platform and ICE's role. 765-769 - María José Rodriguez-Conde, Susana Olmos-Migueláñez, Adriana Gamazo, José Carlos Sánchez Prieto
, Joe O'Hara
Challenges in Evaluation in Education and Guidance: A Perspective from 2020. 770-774 - David Fonseca, Mónica V. Sánchez-Sepúlveda, Silvia Necchi, Enric Peña, Nuria Martí, Sergi Villagrasa, Ernest Redondo
, Jordi Franquesa, Isidro Navarro:
What is happening in the process of engaging Architectural Students and Teachers for Including Virtual and Interactive Systems in the Projects Developments? 775-783 - Josep Petchamé
, Ignasi Iriondo
, David Riu
, Toni Masi, Albert Almajano, David Fonseca:
Self & Peer to Peer Assessment: Evaluating Oral Presentations in a Final Year Engineering Subject. 784-790 - Javier Herrero-Martín
, Xavier Canaleta
, David Fonseca, Cristina Rodríguez-Merino
, Lisa Kinnear, Daniel Amo:
Designing a multi-scale and multi-dimensional assessment for a new national educational context. 791-796 - Juan Fontanillas-Moneo
, Patricia Torrijos Fincias, Adriana Gamazo, María José Rodríguez-Conde:
Pertinence of Emotional Education within the Ordinary Curriculum: Design and Assessment of a Regional Free Elective Subject on Emotional Intelligence. 797-802 - Maday Alicia Coronel-Santos
, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
An instrument to assess the research culture in formative processes: The validation of the instrument. 803-809 - Ricardo Pocinho
, Pedro Carrana
, Cristovão Margarido
, Rui Santos, Sandrina Milhano
, Bruno Trindade
, Gisela Santos:
The use of Digital Educational Resources in the Process of Teaching and Learning in Pandemic by COVID-19. 810-816 - Paulo Afonso, Bruno Trindade
, Domingos Santos
, Ricardo Pocinho
, Paulo Silveira
, Pedro Silva
Teachers' adaptation to technologies during the pandemic by COVID-19. 817-820 - Rui Santos, Cristovão Margarido
, Ricardo Pocinho
, Tânia Silva, Vanessa Póvoa:
Evaluation of an educational project for the development of the autonomy of life in young people leaving residential care. 821-826 - Cristovão Margarido
, Rui Santos, Emanuel Margarido, Sandrina Milhano
, Vanessa Póvoa:
Opera in Prison: Impact of an artistic project on the reintegration of young people in prison. 827-832 - Alberto Ortiz-López
, Susana Olmos-Migueláñez, José Carlos Sánchez Prieto
e-Learning quality assessment in higher education: A mapping study. 833-838 - Isolda Margarita Castillo-Martínez, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
Experts' validation of an instrument for self-perception of research skills to develop academic literacy. 839-844 - Susana Marrón-González
Building Bridges to the Integration of Culture in the EFL Secondary Classroom: Perspectives from Teachers and Learners. 845-852 - Gema Sanz, Aranzazu Gil, Beatrice Marnet, Loren Berlanga, Marta Tordesillas, Sofía Pérez Ruiz, Sacha Gómez:
Students' performance in French subjects in the COVID-19 confinement. 853-858 - Juanjo Mena
, Balwant Singh, Anthony Clarke:
New challenges for teacher education introduced by the use of ICT in the classrooms. 859-861 - Kiomi Matsumoto-Royo
, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
Teaching and assessment strategies in a Practice-based teacher education program. Instrument validation. 862-869 - Svetlana V. Karkina, Juanjo Mena
, Roza A. Valeeva:
Design of Online Course based on SPOC as a Signature Pedagogy in Music Teacher Education. 870-876 - Spyros Kolyvas
, Stefanos Nikiforos:
Role of the teacher training and the new technologies in the design of innovative educational projects in Greece. 877-884 - Lina Ntomene Lukusa, Sharon Geeling, Shallen Lusinga, Ulrike Rivett:
Teamwork and Project Success in Agile Software Development Methods: A Case Study in Higher Education. 885-891 - Isamélia Santos Guimarães Carvalho
The construction of Digital Teaching Skills: A challenge for Teacher Training. 892-895 - Anke Berns
, Salvador Reyes Sánchez
, Iván Ruiz-Rube:
Virtual reality authoring tools for teachers to create novel and immersive learning scenarios. 896-900 - Luis González Rodero:
Seminar on education in European innovative schools during COVID-19 lockdown: The collaborative work with wikis. 901-906 - Judith Martín-Lucas
, José Manuel Muñoz Rodríguez, Teresa Pessoa:
Identity, technology and education. Identity construction processes in hyperconnected ecosystems. 907-908 - Alicia Murciano Hueso
, Patricia Torrijos Fincias, Sara Serrate González:
Youth Perception of Connectivity: Times and Uses. 909-914 - Alberto Sánchez-Rojo:
ICT and Young People Identity Development: The Importance of Solitud. 915-918 - José Javier Rodriguez Santos
Digital ecosystem of Salamanca City Council as a complement to the learning-outside-the-classroom: Educational actions implemented by Salamanca City Council during the State of Alarm. 919-924 - José Manuel Muñoz Rodríguez, Teresa Pessoa, Judith Martín-Lucas
The OnLife self: CONECT-ID. Construction of Youth Identity in a Hyperconnected World. 925-929 - Bárbara Mariana Gutiérrez Pérez, Antonio Víctor Martín-García, Ana Paula Cardoso:
Construction of Digital Identity through B-Learning Training: Resource Evaluation. 930-934 - Jesús Ruedas, Sara Serrate González, José Manuel Muñoz:
Hyper-Connected Youth: : The standpoint of families facing their children's virtual interaction. 935-939 - Belen González-Larrea
, María José Hernández-Serrano
Digital identity built through social networks: New trends in a hyperconnected world. 940-944 - Enedina Ortega Gutiérrez, Martha Velázquez Díaz, José Manuel Islas Pacheco, Manuel de Jesús Villalobos, Pedro Luis Grasa Soler, Judith Ruíz Godoy Rivera, Julio E. Rubio:
University Contribution to Solving Social Problems through the Construction of an Innovative, Humane, Social and Educational Ecosystem: The case of two organizations on the coffee route: Puerta a la Montaña and Cooperativa Comon Yaj Noptic. 945-951 - Francisco José García-Peñalvo, Alicia García-Holgado
, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
Introduction for the TEEM 2020 Doctoral Consortium track. 952-956 - Elsa Nadia Ontiveros-Ortíz, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
University Social Responsibility Technology-Based Model Through Social Appropriation of Knowledge. 957-961 - María Goretti Alonso de Castro
, Francisco José García-Peñalvo:
Methodological guide for the successful use of digital technologies in education: Improvement of learning through European educational projects. 962-968 - Claudia Rodríguez-Hidalgo
, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
, Diana Rivera-Rogel, Ignacio Aguaded:
Media competences in the training of Andean Community journalists: Needs and challenges in the face of misinformation. 969-976 - May Portuguez Castro
, Marcela Georgina Gómez Zermeño:
Educational Innovation Supported by ICT to Identify Entrepreneurial Skills in Students in Higher Education. 977-984 - Maday Alicia Coronel-Santos
, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
Connecting the Research Culture of Teachers to the Development of Undergraduate Student Competencies. 985-990 - Anran Wang, Lifen Cheng:
Social representations in media communication and their effects on the public environmental cognition: Based on a case study of air pollution in China. 991-996 - Alejandra Carina Santos
, Ana Iglesias Rodríguez, Ana María Pinto Llorente:
Identification of characteristics and functionalities for the design of an academic analytics model for Higher Education. 997-1003 - Vanessa Soto-Gogué, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
, Ángel Hernando Gómez
, Paula Renés-Arellano:
Academic success in universities: a comparative study in Centers of America. 1004-1007 - Augusto Cabrera Duffaut, Ana María Pinto Llorente, Ana Iglesias Rodríguez:
Efficiency in the application of virtual reality in the teaching processes to generate competences in the university environment. 1008-1013 - Isolda Margarita Castillo-Martínez, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
Research competencies to develop academic literacy in higher education students through innovative models. 1014-1019 - Ruth Montes-Martínez, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
Educational and Social Entrepreneurship of Future Teachers in the Framework of Open Education and Sustainable Development. 1020-1025 - Cristina Frade-Martínez
, Susana Olmos-Migueláñez, Adriana Gamazo:
School effectiveness and PISA tests. Factors of school success. 1026-1030 - Paula Mariel Reyes-Carrasco
, Ángela Barrón, Francisco Heras Hernández:
Education for Sustainable Development and Climate Change: Pedagogical study of the social movement Fridays For Future Salamanca. 1031-1036 - Nicia Guillén Yparrea
, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
Intercultural and Global Competencies Development to Foster Professional Collaboration among Countries: Doctoral Thesis Research Project. 1037-1041 - Enzo Ferrari-Lagos
, Fernando Martínez-Abad, Camilo Ruíz
The importance of motivation and communication in MOOCs as elements to increase completion rates: A study at MOOCs on Climate Change. 1042-1047 - Silvia-Catalina Farías Gaytán
, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
, Ignacio Aguaded:
Research plan on the digital transformation of faculty to advance to the global era. 1048-1052 - Andrea Vázquez-Ingelmo
, Francisco José García-Peñalvo, Roberto Therón
Advances in the use of domain engineering to support feature identification and generation of information visualizations. 1053-1056 - Li Yang
, Alicia García-Holgado
, Fernando Martínez-Abad:
A Study to Analyze the Digital Competence of Pre-service Teachers and In-service Teachers in China. 1057-1061 - Montserrat García-Guerrero
, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
, Francisco José García-Peñalvo:
Towards an Open Science technological ecosystem for a Mexican University. 1062-1066 - Ma Elena Fernández-Martínez, Alicia García-Holgado
, María José Rodríguez-Conde:
Learning ecosystems for health professionals in the hospital environment. 1067-1072 - Lourdes Sancho, María José Rodríguez-Conde, Susana Olmos-Migueláñez:
The perspective of inclusive education within large scale evaluation models in Secondary Education: Research Plan. 1073-1077 - Olga Nájar Sánchez
, Erla Mariela Morales Morgado:
Knowledge Management and Collective Intelligence through Web Tools. 1078-1084

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