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19th IJCAI 2005: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Alessandro Saffiotti:
IJCAI-05, Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 30 - August 5, 2005. Professional Book Center 2005, ISBN 0938075934
Case-Based Reasoning
- Eyke Hüllermeier:
Cho-k-NN: A Method for Combining Interacting Pieces of Evidence in Case-Based Learning. 3-8 - David McSherry, Christopher Stretch:
Automating the Discovery of Recommendation Knowledge. 9-14 - David W. Patterson, Niall Rooney, Vladimir Dobrynin, Mykola Galushka:
Sophia: A novel approach for Textual Case-based Reasoning. 15-20 - Timo Steffens:
Partial, Vague Knowledge for Similarity Measures. 21-26 - Hui Wang, Werner Dubitzky:
A flexible and robust similarity measure based on contextual probability. 27-34
Constraint Satisfaction and Search
- Fahiem Bacchus, Toby Walsh:
Propagating Logical Combinations of Constraints. 35-40 - Joachim Peter Bekmann, Achim G. Hoffmann:
Improved Knowledge Acquisition for High-Performance Heuristic Search. 41-46 - Marco Benedetti:
Extracting Certificates from Quantified Boolean Formulas. 47-53 - Christian Bessiere, Romuald Debruyne:
Optimal and Suboptimal Singleton Arc Consistency Algorithms. 54-59 - Christian Bessiere, Emmanuel Hebrard, Brahim Hnich, Zeynep Kiziltan, Toby Walsh:
The Range and Roots Constraints: Specifying Counting and Occurrence Problems. 60-65 - Hubie Chen, Yannet Interian:
A Model for Generating Random Quantified Boolean Formulas. 66-71 - David A. Cohen, Peter Jeavons, Marc Gyssens:
A Unified Theory of Structural Tractability for Constraint Satisfaction and Spread Cut Decomposition. 72-77 - Joseph C. Culberson, Yong Gao, Calin Anton:
Phase Transitions of Dominating Clique Problem and Their Implications to Heuristics in Satisfiability Search. 78-83 - Simon de Givry, Federico Heras, Matthias Zytnicki, Javier Larrosa:
Existential arc consistency: Getting closer to full arc consistency in weighted CSPs. 84-89 - Thomas Eiter, Giovambattista Ianni, Roman Schindlauer, Hans Tompits:
A Uniform Integration of Higher-Order Reasoning and External Evaluations in Answer-Set Programming. 90-96 - Thomas Eiter, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran:
On Solution Correspondences in Answer-Set Programming. 97-102 - Ariel Felner, Uzi Zahavi, Jonathan Schaeffer, Robert C. Holte:
Dual Lookups in Pattern Databases. 103-108 - Alan M. Frisch, Christopher Jefferson, Bernadette Martínez Hernández, Ian Miguel:
The Rules of Constraint Modelling. 109-116 - Alex S. Fukunaga, Richard E. Korf:
Bin-Completion Algorithms for Multicontainer Packing and Covering Problems. 117-124 - David Furcy, Sven Koenig:
Limited Discrepancy Beam Search. 125-131 - Timothy Furtak, Masashi Kiyomi
, Takeaki Uno, Michael Buro:
Generalized Amazons is PSPACE-Complete. 132-137 - Ian P. Gent, Peter Nightingale, Kostas Stergiou:
QCSP-Solve: A Solver for Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems. 138-143 - Judy Goldsmith, Jérôme Lang, Miroslaw Truszczynski, Nic Wilson:
The computational complexity of dominance and consistency in CP-nets. 144-149 - Georg Gottlob, Gianluigi Greco, Francesco Scarcello:
The Complexity of Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems under Structural Restrictions. 150-155 - Jinbo Huang, Adnan Darwiche:
DPLL with a Trace: From SAT to Knowledge Compilation. 156-162 - Tudor Hulubei, Barry O'Sullivan:
Optimal Refutations for Constraint Satisfaction Problems. 163-168 - Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, Thomas Stützle:
Efficient Stochastic Local Search for MPE Solving. 169-174 - Philip Kilby, John K. Slaney, Toby Walsh:
The Backbone of the Travelling Salesperson. 175-180 - Philippe Laborie:
Complete MCS-Based Search: Application to Resource Constrained Project Scheduling. 181-186 - Frédéric Lardeux, Frédéric Saubion, Jin-Kao Hao:
Three Truth Values for the SAT and MAX-SAT Problems. 187-192 - Javier Larrosa, Federico Heras:
Resolution in Max-SAT and its relation to local consistency in weighted CSPs. 193-198 - Christophe Lecoutre, Stéphane Cardon:
A Greedy Approach to Establish Singleton Arc Consistency. 199-204 - Mark H. Liffiton, Michael D. Moffitt, Martha E. Pollack, Karem A. Sakallah:
Identifying Conflicts in Overconstrained Temporal Problems. 205-211 - Mitja Lustrek, Matjaz Gams, Ivan Bratko:
Why Minimax Works: An Alternative Explanation. 212-217 - Lawrence Mandow, José-Luis Pérez-de-la-Cruz:
A New Approach to Multiobjective A* Search. 218-223 - Radu Marinescu, Rina Dechter:
AND/OR Branch-and-Bound for Graphical Models. 224-229 - Robert Mateescu, Rina Dechter:
AND/OR Cutset Conditioning. 230-235 - Deepak Mehta, Marc R. C. van Dongen:
Reducing Checks and Revisions in Coarse-grained MAC Algorithms. 236-241 - Michael D. Moffitt, Martha E. Pollack:
Applying Local Search to Disjunctive Temporal Problems. 242-247 - Pascal Nicolas, Laurent Garcia, Igor Stéphan:
Possibilistic Stable Models. 248-253 - Austin Parker, Dana S. Nau, V. S. Subrahmanian:
Game-Tree Search with Combinatorially Large Belief States. 254-259 - Gilles Pesant:
Counting Solutions of CSPs: A Structural Approach. 260-265 - Adrian Petcu, Boi Faltings:
A Scalable Method for Multiagent Constraint Optimization. 266-271 - Jean-Francois Puget:
Breaking symmetries in all different problems. 272-277 - Stuart Russell, Jason Andrew Wolfe:
Efficient belief-state AND-OR search, with application to Kriegspiel. 278-285 - Martin Sachenbacher, Brian C. Williams:
Bounded Search and Symbolic Inference for Constraint Optimization. 286-291 - Jonathan Schaeffer, Yngvi Björnsson, Neil Burch, Akihiro Kishimoto, Martin Müller, Robert Lake, Paul Lu, Steve Sutphen:
Solving Checkers. 292-297 - Meinolf Sellmann, Pascal Van Hentenryck:
Structural Symmetry Breaking. 298-303 - Özgür Simsek, David D. Jensen:
Decentralized Search in Networks Using Homophily and Degree Disparity. 304-310 - Barbara M. Smith, Paula Sturdy:
Value Ordering for Finding All Solutions. 311-316 - Nathan R. Sturtevant:
Leaf-Value Tables for Pruning Non-Zero-Sum Games. 317-323 - Shavit Talman, Rotem Toister, Sarit Kraus:
Choosing between heuristics and strategies: an enhanced model for decision-making. 324-330 - Nic Wilson:
Decision Diagrams for the Computation of Semiring Valuations. 331-336 - Ke Xu, Frédéric Boussemart, Fred Hemery, Christophe Lecoutre:
A Simple Model to Generate Hard Satisfiable Instances. 337-342 - Weixiong Zhang, Moshe Looks:
A Novel Local Search Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem that Exploits Backbones. 343-350
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Philippe Adjiman, Philippe Chatalic, François Goasdoué, Marie-Christine Rousset, Laurent Simon:
Scalability Study of Peer-to-Peer Consequence Finding. 351-356 - Chen Avin, Ilya Shpitser, Judea Pearl:
Identifiability of Path-Specific Effects. 357-363 - Franz Baader, Sebastian Brandt, Carsten Lutz:
Pushing the EL Envelope. 364-369 - Grégory Batt, Delphine Ropers, Hidde de Jong, Johannes Geiselmann, Radu Mateescu, Michel Page, Dominique Schneider:
Analysis and Verification of Qualitative Models of Genetic Regulatory Networks: A Model-Checking Approach. 370-375 - Salem Benferhat, Sylvain Lagrue, Odile Papini:
Revision of Partially Ordered Information: Axiomatization, Semantics and Iteration. 376-381 - Thomas Bittner, Maureen Donnelly:
Computational ontologies of parthood, componenthood, and containment. 382-387 - Alexander Bochman:
Propositional Argumentation and Causal Reasoning. 388-393 - Richard Booth, Alexander Nittka:
Reconstructing an Agent's Epistemic State from Observations. 394-399 - Martin Brooks, Yuhong Yan, Daniel Lemire:
Scale-Based Monotonicity Analysis in Qualitative Modelling with Flat Segments. 400-405 - Francesco Calimeri
, Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, Simona Perri:
Declarative and Computational Properties of Logic Programs with Aggregates. 406-411 - Hubie Chen:
Parameterized Compilability. 412-417 - Thomas Eiter, Esra Erdem, Michael Fink, Ján Senko:
Updating Action Domain Descriptions. 418-423 - Patricia Everaere, Sébastien Konieczny, Pierre Marquis:
Quota and Gmin Merging Operators. 424-429 - Wolfgang Faber, Kathrin Konczak:
Strong Equivalence for Logic Programs with Preferences. 430-435 - Alberto Finzi, Fiora Pirri:
Representing Flexible Temporal Behaviors in the Situation Calculus. 436-441 - Andreas Herzig, Ivan Varzinczak:
Cohesion, coupling and the meta-theory of actions. 442-447 - Ian Horrocks, Ulrike Sattler:
A Tableaux Decision Procedure for SHOIQ. 448-453 - Zhisheng Huang, Frank van Harmelen, Annette ten Teije:
Reasoning with Inconsistent Ontologies. 454-459 - Aaron Hunter, James P. Delgrande:
Iterated Belief Change: A Transition System Approach. 460-465 - Ullrich Hustadt, Boris Motik, Ulrike Sattler:
Data Complexity of Reasoning in Very Expressive Description Logics. 466-471 - Katsumi Inoue, Chiaki Sakama:
Equivalence in Abductive Logic. 472-477 - Yi Jin, Michael Thielscher:
Iterated Belief Revision, Revised. 478-483 - Sébastien Konieczny, Jérôme Lang, Pierre Marquis:
Reasoning under inconsistency: the forgotten connective. 484-489 - Gerhard Lakemeyer, Hector J. Levesque:
Semantics for a useful fragment of the situation calculus. 490-496 - Noël Laverny, Jérôme Lang:
From knowledge-based programs to graded belief-based programs, part II: off-line reasoning. 497-502 - Joohyung Lee:
A Model-Theoretic Counterpart of Loop Formulas. 503-508 - Hector J. Levesque:
Planning with Loops. 509-515 - Fangzhen Lin, Yin Chen:
Discovering Classes of Strongly Equivalent Logic Programs. 516-521 - Yongmei Liu, Hector J. Levesque:
Tractable Reasoning with Incomplete First-Order Knowledge in Dynamic Systems with Context-Dependent Actions. 522-527 - Laura S. Mastella, Mara Abel, Luís C. Lamb, Luis Fernando De Ros:
Cognitive Modelling of Event Ordering Reasoning in Imagistic Domains. 528-533 - Gustav Nordh, Bruno Zanuttini:
Propositional Abduction is Almost Always Hard. 534-539 - Maurice Pagnucco, David Rajaratnam:
Inverse Resolution as Belief Change. 540-545 - Peter F. Patel-Schneider:
Building the Semantic Web Tower from RDF Straw. 546-551 - Guilin Qi, Weiru Liu, David A. Bell:
Measuring conflict and agreement between two prioritized belief bases. 552-557 - Floris Roelofsen, Luciano Serafini:
Minimal and Absent Information in Contexts. 558-563 - Paulo E. Santos, Brandon Bennett, Georgios Sakellariou:
Supervaluation Semantics for an Inland Water Feature Ontology. 564-569 - Luciano Serafini, Alexander Borgida, Andrei Tamilin:
Aspects of Distributed and Modular Ontology Reasoning. 570-575 - Luciano Serafini, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Holger Wache:
A Formal Investigation of Mapping Language for Terminological Knowledge. 576-581 - Steven Shapiro, Yves Lespérance, Hector J. Levesque:
Goal Change. 582-588 - Afsaneh Shirazi, Eyal Amir:
First-Order Logical Filtering. 589-595 - Dorian Suc, Ivan Bratko:
Combining Learning Constraints and Numerical Regression. 596-602 - David Toman, Grant E. Weddell:
On the Interaction between Inverse Features and Path-functional Dependencies in Description Logics. 603-608 - Dmitry Tsarkov, Ian Horrocks:
Ordering Heuristics for Description Logic Reasoning. 609-614 - Fusun Yaman, Dana S. Nau, V. S. Subrahmanian:
Going Far, Logically. 615-620 - Fusun Yaman, Dana S. Nau, V. S. Subrahmanian:
A Motion Closed World Asumption. 621-626 - Yan Zhang, Norman Y. Foo, Kewen Wang:
Solving Logic Program Conflict through Strong and Weak Forgettings. 627-634
- Isabelle Alvarez, Stephan Bernard:
Ranking Cases with Decision Trees: a Geometric Method that Preserves Intelligibility. 635-640 - Nicos Angelopoulos, James Cussens:
Exploiting Informative Priors for Bayesian Classification and Regression Trees. 641-646 - Martin Atzmüller, Frank Puppe, Hans-Peter Buscher:
Exploiting Background Knowledge for Knowledge-Intensive Subgroup Discovery. 647-652 - Dorit Avrahami-Zilberbrand, Gal A. Kaminka:
Fast and Complete Symbolic Plan Recognition. 653-658 - Massimiliano Ciaramita, Aldo Gangemi, Esther Ratsch, Jasmin Saric, Isabel Rojas:
Unsupervised Learning of Semantic Relations between Concepts of a Molecular Biology Ontology. 659-664 - Shay B. Cohen, Eytan Ruppin, Gideon Dror:
Feature Selection Based on the Shapley Value. 665-670 - William W. Cohen, Vitor Rocha de Carvalho:
Stacked Sequential Learning. 671-676 - Jesse Davis, Elizabeth S. Burnside, Inês de Castro Dutra, David Page, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Vítor Santos Costa, Jude W. Shavlik:
View Learning for Statistical Relational Learning: With an Application to Mammography. 677-683 - Michelangelo Diligenti, Marco Gori, Marco Maggini:
Learning Web Page Scores by Error Back-Propagation. 684-689 - Eyal Even-Dar, Sham M. Kakade, Yishay Mansour:
Reinforcement Learning in POMDPs Without Resets. 690-695 - Alan Fern:
A Simple-Transition Model for Relational Sequences. 696-701 - Peter A. Flach, Shaomin Wu:
Repairing Concavities in ROC Curves. 702-707 - Aram Galstyan, Paul R. Cohen:
Inferring Useful Heuristics from the Dynamics of Iterative Relational Classifiers. 708-713 - Yuhong Guo, Russell Greiner, Dale Schuurmans:
Learning Coordination Classifiers. 714-721 - Vu Ha, Tariq Samad:
Generalization Bounds for Weighted Binary Classification with Applications to Statistical Verification. 722-727 - Yaniv Hamo, Shaul Markovitch:
The COMPSET Algorithm for Subset Selection. 728-733 - Michael R. James, Britton Wolfe, Satinder Singh:
Combining Memory and Landmarks with Predictive State Representations. 734-739 - Rong Jin, Huan Liu:
Learning with Labeled Sessions. 740-745 - Rong Jin, Huan Liu:
A Novel Approach to Model Generation for Heterogeneous Data Classification. 746-751 - Nicholas K. Jong, Peter Stone:
State Abstraction Discovery from Irrelevant State Variables. 752-757 - Emir Kapanci, Avi Pfeffer:
Signal-to-Score Music Transcription using Graphical Models. 758-765 - Jonathan Lester, Tanzeem Choudhury, Nicky Kern, Gaetano Borriello, Blake Hannaford:
A Hybrid Discriminative/Generative Approach for Modeling Human Activities. 766-772 - Lin Liao, Dieter Fox, Henry A. Kautz:
Location-Based Activity Recognition using Relational Markov Networks. 773-778 - Bhaskara Marthi, Stuart Russell, David Latham, Carlos Guestrin:
Concurrent Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. 779-785 - Andrew McCallum, Andrés Corrada-Emmanuel, Xuerui Wang:
Topic and Role Discovery in Social Networks. 786-791 - Kenneth McGarry, Stefan Wermter:
Training without data: Knowledge Insertion into RBF Neural Networks. 792-797 - Philippos Mordohai, Gérard G. Medioni:
Unsupervised Dimensionality Estimation and Manifold Learning in high-dimensional Spaces by Tensor Voting. 798-803 - Shinichi Nakajima, Sumio Watanabe:
Generalization Error of Linear Neural Networks in an Empirical Bayes Approach. 804-810 - Nicolas Pernot, Antoine Cornuéjols, Michèle Sebag:
Phase Transitions within Grammatical Inference. 811-816 - Rob Powers, Yoav Shoham:
Learning against opponents with bounded memory. 817-822 - Ronaldo C. Prati, Peter A. Flach:
ROCCER: An Algorithm for Rule Learning Based on ROC Analysis. 823-828 - Xipeng Qiu, Lide Wu:
Stepwise Nearest Neighbor Discriminant Analysis. 829-834 - Eddie J. Rafols, Mark B. Ring, Richard S. Sutton, Brian Tanner:
Using Predictive Representations to Improve Generalization in Reinforcement Learning. 835-840 - Hema Raghavan, Omid Madani, Rosie Jones:
InterActive Feature Selection. 841-846 - Taisuke Sato, Yoshitaka Kameya, Neng-Fa Zhou:
Generative Modeling with Failure in PRISM. 847-852 - Jürgen Schmidhuber, Daan Wierstra, Faustino J. Gomez:
Evolino: Hybrid Neuroevolution/Optimal Linear Search for Sequence Learning. 853-858 - Michèle Sebag, Nicolas Tarrisson, Olivier Teytaud, Julien Lefèvre, Sylvain Baillet:
A Multi-Objective Multi-Modal Optimization Approach for Mining Stable Spatio-Temporal Patterns. 859-864 - Brian Tanner, Richard S. Sutton:
Temporal-Difference Networks with History. 865-870 - Asmir Tobudic, Gerhard Widmer:
Learning to Play Like the Great Pianists. 871-876 - Alexey Tsymbal, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Padraig Cunningham:
Sequential Genetic Search for Ensemble Feature Selection. 877-882 - Julien Velcin, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia:
Stereotype Extraction with Default Clustering. 883-888 - Dana F. Wilkinson, Michael H. Bowling, Ali Ghodsi:
Learning Subjective Representations for Planning. 889-894 - Daniel H. Wilson, Matthai Philipose:
Maximum A Posteriori Path Estimation with Input Trace Perturbation: Algorithms and Application to Credible Rating of Human Routines. 895-901 - Hui Yang, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Sameep Mehta:
Mining Spatial Object Associations for Scientific Data. 902-907 - Zhi-Hua Zhou, Ming Li:
Semi-Supervised Regression with Co-Training. 908-916
Multi-Agent Systems
- Alon Altman, Moshe Tennenholtz:
On the Axiomatic Foundations of Ranking Systems. 917-922 - Gal Bahar, Moshe Tennenholtz:
Sequential-Simultaneous Information Elicitation in Multi-Agent Systems. 923-928 - Craig Boutilier, Relu Patrascu, Pascal Poupart, Dale Schuurmans:
Regret-based Utility Elicitation in Constraint-based Decision Problems. 929-934 - Sylvain Bouveret, Jérôme Lang:
Efficiency and envy-freeness in fair division of indivisible goods: logical representation and complexity. 935-940 - Yann Chevaleyre, Ulle Endriss, Nicolas Maudet:
On Maximal Classes of Utility Functions for Efficient one-to-one Negotiation. 941-946 - Sanmay Das, Emir Kamenica:
Two-Sided Bandits and the Dating Market. 947-952 - Boi Faltings, Quang Huy Nguyen:
Multi-agent Coordination using Local Search. 953-958 - Sébastien Lahaie, Florin Constantin, David C. Parkes:
More on the Power of Demand Queries in Combinatorial Auctions: Learning Atomic Languages and Handling Incentives. 959-964 - Josep M. Pujol, Jordi Delgado, Ramon Sangüesa, Andreas Flache:
The Role of Clustering on the Emergence of Efficient Social Conventions. 965-970 - Silvia Rossi, Sanjeev Kumar, Philip R. Cohen:
Distributive and Collective Readings in Group Protocols. 971-976 - Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Michael P. Wellman, Satinder Singh:
Learning Payoff Functions in Infinite Games. 977-982 - Dongmo Zhang:
A Logical Model of Nash Bargaining Solution. 983-990
Natural Language
- Markus Becker, Miles Osborne:
A Two-Stage Method for Active Learning of Statistical Grammars. 991-996 - Branimir Boguraev, Rie Kubota Ando:
TimeML-Compliant Text Analysis for Temporal Reasoning. 997-1003 - Bernd Bohnet, Robert Dale:
Viewing Referring Expression Generation as Search. 1004-1009 - Yee Seng Chan, Hwee Tou Ng:
Word Sense Disambiguation with Distribution Estimation. 1010-1015 - Boris Chidlovskii, Jérôme Fuselier:
A Probabilistic Learning Method for XML Annotation of Documents. 1016-1021 - Paul R. Cohen, Clayton T. Morrison, Erin Cannon:
Maps for Verbs: The Relation Between Interaction Dynamics and Verb Use. 1022-1027 - William W. Cohen, Einat Minkov, Anthony Tomasic:
Learning to Understand Web Site Update Requests. 1028-1033 - Doug Downey, Oren Etzioni, Stephen Soderland:
A Probabilistic Model of Redundancy in Information Extraction. 1034-1041 - Stephanie Elzer, Sandra Carberry, Ingrid Zukerman, Daniel Chester, Nancy L. Green, Seniz Demir:
A Probabilistic Framework for Recognizing Intention in Information Graphics. 1042-1047 - Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Shaul Markovitch:
Feature Generation for Text Categorization Using World Knowledge. 1048-1053 - Eugene Grois, David C. Wilkins:
Learning Strategies for Open-Domain Natural Language Question Answering. 1054-1060 - Sanda M. Harabagiu, Cosmin Adrian Bejan, Paul Morarescu:
Shallow Semantics for Relation Extraction. 1061-1066 - Zheng Ping Jiang, Jia Li, Hwee Tou Ng:
Semantic Argument Classification Exploiting Argument Interdependence. 1067-1072 - Richard Johansson, Anders Berglund, Magnus Danielsson, Pierre Nugues:
Automatic Text-to-Scene Conversion in the Traffic Accident Domain. 1073-1078 - Bernd Kiefer:
Redundancy-free Island Parsing of Word Graphs. 1079-1084 - Mirella Lapata, Regina Barzilay:
Automatic Evaluation of Text Coherence: Models and Representations. 1085-1090 - Matthew Michelson, Craig A. Knoblock:
Semantic annotation of unstructured and ungrammatical text. 1091-1098 - Dan I. Moldovan, Christine Clark, Sanda M. Harabagiu:
Temporal Context Representation and Reasoning. 1099-1104 - Hwee Tou Ng, Yu Zhou, Robert Dale, Mary Gardiner:
A Machine Learning Approach to Identification and Resolution of One-Anaphora. 1105-1110 - Eric Nichols, Francis Bond, Dan Flickinger:
Robust Ontology Acquisition from Machine-Readable Dictionaries. 1111-1116 - Vasin Punyakanok, Dan Roth, Wen-tau Yih:
The Necessity of Syntactic Parsing for Semantic Role Labeling. 1117-1123 - Vasin Punyakanok, Dan Roth, Wen-tau Yih, Dav Zimak:
Learning and Inference over Constrained Output. 1124-1129 - Pascal Soucy, Guy W. Mineau:
Beyond TFIDF Weighting for Text Categorization in the Vector Space Model. 1130-1135 - Peter D. Turney:
Measuring Semantic Similarity by Latent Relational Analysis. 1136-1141 - Raghavendra Udupa, Hemanta Kumar Maji:
Theory of Alignment Generators and Applications to Statistical Machine Translation. 1142-1147 - Tony Veale:
Analogy Generation with HowNet. 1148-1153 - Paul Vogt:
Meaning development versus predefined meanings in language evolution models. 1154-1159 - Nianwen Xue, Martha Stone Palmer:
Automatic Semantic Role Labeling for Chinese Verbs. 1160-1165 - Eiko Yamamoto, Kyoko Kanzaki, Hitoshi Isahara:
Extraction of Hierarchies Based on Inclusion of Co-occurring Words with Frequency Information. 1166-1174
Philosophical Foundations
- Samir Chopra, Laurence White:
Attribution of Knowledge to Artificial Agents and their Principals. 1175-1180 - David V. Pynadath, Stacy Marsella:
PsychSim: Modeling Theory of Mind with Decision-Theoretic Agents. 1181-1186 - Aaron Sloman, Jackie Chappell:
The Altricial-Precocial Spectrum for Robots. 1187-1194
- Anthony Barrett:
Model Compilation for Real-Time Planning and Diagnosis with Feedback. 1195-1200 - J. Christopher Beck, Nic Wilson:
Proactive Algorithms for Scheduling with Probabilistic Durations. 1201-1206 - J. Benton, Minh Binh Do, Subbarao Kambhampati:
Over-Subscription Planning with Numeric Goals. 1207-1213 - Olivier Buffet, Douglas Aberdeen:
Robust Planning with (L)RTDP. 1214-1219 - Maria Fox, Derek Long, Julie Porteous:
Abstraction-based Action Ordering in Planning. 1220-1225 - Alfonso Gerevini, Alessandro Saetti, Ivan Serina:
Integrating Planning and Temporal Reasoning for Domains with Durations and Time Windows. 1226-1231 - Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Masaki Fukuchi, Masahiro Fujita:
Real-Time Path Planning for Humanoid Robot Navigation. 1232-1237 - Carlos Hernández, Pedro Meseguer:
LRTA*(k). 1238-1243 - Mausam, Emmanuel Benazera, Ronen I. Brafman, Nicolas Meuleau, Eric A. Hansen:
Planning with Continuous Resources in Stochastic Domains. 1244-1251 - Marco Pistore, Annapaola Marconi, Piergiorgio Bertoli, Paolo Traverso:
Automated Composition of Web Services by Planning at the Knowledge Level. 1252-1259 - Jussi Rintanen:
Conditional Planning in the Discrete Belief Space. 1260-1265 - Steve R. Schaffer, Bradley J. Clement, Steve A. Chien:
Probabilistic Reasoning for Plan Robustness. 1266-1271 - Freek Stulp, Michael Beetz:
Optimized Execution of Action Chains Using Learned Performance Models of Abstract Actions. 1272-1280
- Salem Benferhat, Henri Prade:
Encoding formulas with partially constrained weights in a possibilistic-like many-sorted propositional logic. 1281-1286 - Daniel S. Bernstein, Eric A. Hansen, Shlomo Zilberstein:
Bounded Policy Iteration for Decentralized POMDPs. 1287-1292 - Jennifer Boger, Pascal Poupart, Jesse Hoey, Craig Boutilier, Geoff R. Fernie, Alex Mihailidis:
A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Task Assistance for Persons with Dementia. 1293-1299 - Hei Chan, Adnan Darwiche:
Sensitivity Analysis in Markov Networks. 1300-1305 - Mark Chavira, Adnan Darwiche:
Compiling Bayesian Networks with Local Structure. 1306-1312 - Cassio Polpo de Campos, Fábio Gagliardi Cozman:
The Inferential Complexity of Bayesian and Credal Networks. 1313-1318 - Rodrigo de Salvo Braz, Eyal Amir, Dan Roth:
Lifted First-Order Probabilistic Inference. 1319-1325 - Dmitri A. Dolgov, Edmund H. Durfee:
Stationary Deterministic Policies for Constrained MDPs with Multiple Rewards, Costs, and Discount Factors. 1326-1331 - Jesse Hoey, Pascal Poupart:
Solving POMDPs with Continuous or Large Discrete Observation Spaces. 1332-1338 - Andreas Krause, Carlos Guestrin:
Optimal Nonmyopic Value of Information in Graphical Models - Efficient Algorithms and Theoretical Limits. 1339-1345 - Branislav Kveton, Milos Hauskrecht:
An MCMC Approach to Solving Hybrid Factored MDPs. 1346-1351 - Brian Milch, Bhaskara Marthi, Stuart Russell, David A. Sontag, Daniel L. Ong, Andrey Kolobov:
BLOG: Probabilistic Models with Unknown Objects. 1352-1359 - Brenda Ng, Avi Pfeffer, Richard Dearden:
Continuous Time Particle Filtering. 1360-1365 - Jeffrey Junfeng Pan, James T. Kwok, Qiang Yang, Yiqiang Chen:
Accurate and Low-cost Location Estimation Using Kernels. 1366-1371 - Patrice Perny, Olivier Spanjaard, Paul Weng:
Algebraic Markov Decision Processes. 1372-1377 - Riccardo Rosati, Georg Gottlob:
Asymptotic Conditional Probability in Modal Logic: A Probabilistic Reconstruction of Nonmonotonic Logic. 1378-1383 - Scott Sanner, David A. McAllester:
Affine Algebraic Decision Diagrams (AADDs) and their Application to Structured Probabilistic Inference. 1384-1390 - Rita Sharma, David Poole:
Probabilistic Reasoning with Hierarchically Structured Variables. 1391-1397 - Alvaro Soto:
Self Adaptive Particle Filter. 1398-1406
User Interface and Modeling
- Christine Alvarado, Randall Davis:
Dynamically Constructed Bayes Nets for Multi-Domain Sketch Understanding. 1407-1412 - Pierre W. Ferrez, José del R. Millán:
You Are Wrong! - Automatic Detection of Interaction Errors from Brain Waves. 1413-1418 - Barry Smyth, Evelyn Balfe, Oisín Boydell, Keith Bradley, Peter Briggs, Maurice Coyle, Jill Freyne:
A Live-User Evaluation of Collaborative Web Search. 1419-1424 - Siriwan Suebnukarn, Peter Haddawy:
Clinical-Reasoning Skill Acquisition through Intelligent Group Tutoring. 1425-1432
Vision and Robotics
- Eyal Amir:
Learning Partially Observable Deterministic Action Models. 1433-1439 - Anthony M. Dearden, Yiannis Demiris:
Learning Forward Models for Robots. 1440-1445 - Arnab Dhua, Florin Cutzu:
Inferring Image Templates from Classification Decisions. 1446-1451 - Nicolas Do Huu, Williams Paquier, Raja Chatila:
Combining Structural Descriptions and Image-based Representations for Image, Object, and Scene Recognition. 1452-1457 - Bassam Khadhouri, Yiannis Demiris:
Compound Effects of Top-down and Bottom-up Influences on Visual Attention During Action Recognition. 1458-1463 - Sergey Kornienko, Olga Kornienko, Paul Levi:
Collective AI: context awareness via communication. 1464-1470 - Benson Limketkai, Lin Liao, Dieter Fox:
Relational Object Maps for Mobile Robots. 1471-1476 - Amy Loutfi, Silvia Coradeschi, Alessandro Saffiotti:
Maintaining Coherent Perceptual Information Using Anchoring. 1477-1482 - Graham McNeill, Sethu Vijayakumar:
2D Shape Classification and Retrieval. 1483-1488 - Esben Hallundbæk Østergaard:
Efficient Distributed "Hormone" Graph Gradients. 1489-1494 - Justin Werfel, Yaneer Bar-Yam, Radhika Nagpal:
Building Patterned Structures with Robot Swarms. 1495-1504
Poster Papers: AI and Cognitive Architectures
- Kathryn Kasmarik, William T. B. Uther, Mary Lou Maher:
Motivated Agents. 1505-1506 - David Kortenkamp, Scott Bell:
Using AI and simulations to design and control space habitats. 1507-1508 - Shane Legg, Marcus Hutter:
A Universal Measure of Intelligence for Artificial Agents. 1509-1510 - Neil Madden, Brian Logan:
It's About Time. 1511-1512 - G. Michael Youngblood, Edwin O. Heierman III, Lawrence B. Holder, Diane J. Cook:
Automation Intelligence for the Smart Environment. 1513-1514
Poster Papers: Constraint Satisfaction and Search
- Luca Benini, Davide Bertozzi, Alessio Guerri, Michela Milano:
Allocation and Scheduling for MPSoCs via decomposition and no-good generation. 1517-1518 - Jérôme Fortin, Pawel Zielinski, Didier Dubois, Hélène Fargier:
Minimizing a Makespan Under Uncertainty. 1519-1520 - David Furcy, Sven Koenig:
Scaling up WA* with Commitment and Diversity. 1521-1522 - Jörg Hoffmann, Sebastian Kupferschmid:
A Covering Problem for Hypercubes. 1523-1524 - Xiangxue Jia, Jian Zhang:
Predicate-Oriented Isomorphism Elimination in Model Finding. 1525-1516 - Nysret Musliu
Combination of Local Search Strategies for Rotating Workforce Scheduling Problem. 1529-1530 - Barry O'Sullivan, Barry O'Callaghan, Eugene C. Freuder:
Corrective Explanation for Interactive Constraint Satisfaction. 1531-1532 - Igor Razgon, Amnon Meisels:
CSP Search with Responsibility Sets and Kernels. 1533-1534 - Marko Samer:
Hypertree-decomposition via Branch-decomposition. 1535-1536 - Martí Sánchez-Fibla, Javier Larrosa, Pedro Meseguer:
Improving Tree Decomposition Methods With Function Filtering. 1537-1538 - Casey Smith, Carla P. Gomes, Cèsar Fernández:
Streamlining Local Search for Spatially Balanced Latin Squares. 1539-1540
Poster Papers: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Marco Alberti, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Paolo Torroni:
Abduction with Hypotheses Confirmation. 1545-1546 - Jonathan Bell, Neal Snooke, Chris J. Price:
A language for functional interpretation of model based simulation. 1547-1548 - Guido Boella, Leendert W. N. van der Torre:
A Non-monotonic Logic for Specifying and Querying Preferences. 1549-1550 - Francesca Carmagnola, Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Ilaria Torre:
A Multidimensional Semantic Framework for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems. 1551-1552 - Maurice Coyle, Barry Smyth:
Explaining Search Results. 1553-1555 - Jim Davies, Ashok K. Goel, Nancy J. Nersessian:
A Cognitive Model of Visual Analogical Problem-Solving Transfer. 1556-1557 - Louise A. Dennis:
An Architecture for Proof Planning Systems. 1558-1559 - Sylvie Doutre, Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon, Paul E. Dunne:
Explaining preferences with argument positions. 1560-1561 - Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, Francesco Ricca:
Heuristics for Hard ASP Programs. 1562-1563 - Alban Grastien, Marie-Odile Cordier, Christine Largouët:
Incremental Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems. 1564-1665 - Jihie Kim:
Reflection Patterns for Interactive Knowledge Capture. 1566-1567 - Yasuo Kudo, Tetsuya Murai:
A Unified Framework of Propositional Knowledge Base Revision and Update Based on State Transition Models. 1568-1569 - Ivan López-Arévalo, A. Rodríguez-Martínez, Arantza Aldea, René Bañares-Alcántara, Laureano Jiménez:
Redesign Support Framework based on Hierarchical Multiple Models. 1570-1571 - Xiaoqi Ma, Xiaochun Cheng, Rachel McCrindle:
Knowledge Based Approach for Mechanically Verifying Security Protocols. 1572-1573 - Dympna O'Sullivan, Eoin McLoughlin, Michela Bertolotto, David C. Wilson:
Capturing and Reusing Case-Based Context for Image Retrieval. 1574-1576 - Marco Ragni, Alexander Scivos:
Dependency Calculus Reasoning in a General Point Relation Algebra. 1577-1578 - Deepak Ramachandran, Eyal Amir:
Compact Propositional Encodings of First-Order Theories. 1579-1580 - Kaile Su, Abdul Sattar, Kewen Wang, Guido Governatori:
Computationally Grounded Model of BDI-Agents. 1581-1582 - Yu Sun, Yuefei Sui:
The Ontology Revision. 1583-1584 - Georgios Tagalakis, Daniela Ferrari, Mark T. Keane:
A CLP-Based, Diagnosticity-Driven System for Concept Combinations. 1585-1586 - Daniel Winterstein, David Aspinall, Christoph Lüth:
Proof General / Eclipse: A Generic Interface for Interactive Proof. 1587-1588 - Tingshao Zhu, Russell Greiner, Gerald Häubl, Kevin Jewell, Robert Price:
Using Learned Browsing Behavior Models to Recommend Relevant Web Pages. 1589-1590
Poster Papers: Learning and Information Extraction
- Oisín Boydell, Barry Smyth, Cathal Gurrin, Alan F. Smeaton:
A Study of Selection Noise in Collaborative Web Search. 1595-1597 - Atsushi Fujii, Tetsuya Ishikawa:
Image Retrieval and Disambiguation for Encyclopedic Web Search. 1598-1599 - Ugo Galassi, Attilio Giordana, Lorenza Saitta, Marco Botta:
Learning Complex Event Descriptions by Abstraction. 1600-1601 - Fadila Hadj-Bouziane, Hélène Frankowska, Martine Meunier, Driss Boussaoud:
Conditional Visuomotor Learning and Viability Theory. 1602-1603 - David R. Hardoon, Larry M. Manevitz:
fMRI Analysis via One-class Machine Learning Techniques. 1604-1605 - Shen-Shyang Ho, Harry Wechsler:
Adaptive Support Vector Machine for Time-Varying Data Streams Using Martingale. 1606-1607 - Daniel Kelleher, Saturnino Luz:
Automatic Hypertext Keyphrase Detection. 1608-1609 - Rinat Khoussainov, Nicholas Kushmerick:
Relational Learning for Email Task Management. 1610-1612 - Petri Kontkanen, Petri Myllymäki:
A Fast Normalized Maximum Likelihood Algorithm for Multinomial Data. 1613-1615 - Moshe Koppel, Jonathan Schler:
Using Neutral Examples for Learning Polarity. 1616-1617 - William Krueger, Tim Oates, Tom Armstrong, Paul R. Cohen, Carole R. Beal:
Transfer in Learning by Doing. 1618-1619 - Hongyu Li, Wenbin Chen, I-Fan Shen:
Supervised Local Tangent Space Alignment for Classification. 1620-1621 - Dragos D. Margineantu:
Active Cost-Sensitive Learning. 1622-1613 - Hermine Njike Fotzo, Thierry Artières, Patrick Gallinari, Julien Blanchard, Guillaume Letellier:
Automatic learning of domain model for personalized hypermedia applications. 1624-1625 - Andrea Passerini, Paolo Frasconi:
Kernels on Prolog Ground Terms. 1626-1627 - Rafael Ramírez, Amaury Hazan:
A Learning Scheme for Generating Expressive Music Performances of Jazz Standards. 1628-1629 - David A. Rosenblueth:
Incorporating a folding rule into inductive logic programming. 1630-1631 - David Sánchez, Antonio Moreno:
Development of new techniques to improve Web search. 1632-1633 - Zhongmin Shi, Anoop Sarkar:
Intimate Learning: A Novel Approach for Combining Labelled and Unlabelled Data. 1634-1635 - Parag Singla, Pedro M. Domingos:
Collective Object Identification. 1636-1637 - Menno van Zaanen, Luiz Augusto Sangoi Pizzato, Diego Mollá:
Question Classification by Structure Induction. 1638-1639 - Alexandre Vautier, Marie-Odile Cordier, Rene Quiniou:
An Inductive Database for Mining Temporal Patterns in Event Sequences. 1640-1641 - Takashi Washio, Fuminori Adachi, Hiroshi Motoda:
Discovering Time Differential Law Equations Containing Hidden State Variables and Chaotic Dynamics. 1642-1644 - Xiaofeng Zhang, William K. Cheung:
Learning Global Models Based on Distributed Data Abstractions. 1645-1646
Poster Papers: Multi-Agent Systems
- Martin Allen, Claudia V. Goldman, Shlomo Zilberstein:
Language Learning in Multi-Agent Systems. 1649-1650 - Ricardo Matsumura de Araújo, Luís C. Lamb:
On the Evolution of Memory Size in the Minority Game (extended abstract). 1651-1652 - Yoram Bachrach, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein:
Achieving Allocatively-Efficient and Strongly Budget-Balanced Mechanisms in the Network Flow Domain for Bounded-Rational Agents. 1653-1654 - Guido Boella, Leendert W. N. van der Torre:
The Evolution of Artificial Social Systems. 1655-1556 - Teddy Candale, Sandip Sen:
Fast convergence to satisfying distributions. 1657-1658 - Stephen Cranefield:
A rule language for modelling and monitoring social expectations in multi-agent systems. 1659-1660 - Joseph Kopena, William C. Regli:
A Framework for Communication Planning on Mobile Devices. 1661-1662 - John O'Donovan, Barry Smyth:
Trust No One: Evaluating Trust-based Filtering for Recommenders. 1663-1665 - Armin Stranjak, Igor Cavrak, Mario Zagar:
Inter-Agent Communication: A Cost-Reduction Approach Using an Autonomous Mobile Mailbox. 1666-1667 - Makoto Yokoo, Vincent Conitzer, Tuomas Sandholm, Naoki Ohta, Atsushi Iwasaki:
Coalitional Games in Open Anonymous Environments. 1668-1669 - Jie Zhang, Ali A. Ghorbani:
Value-Centric Trust Model with Improved Familiarity Measurement. 1670-1671
Poster Papers: Natural Language and User Interfaces
- Karen Church, Mark T. Keane, Barry Smyth:
Towards More Intelligent Mobile Search. 1675-1676 - Rodrigo de Salvo Braz, Roxana Girju, Vasin Punyakanok, Dan Roth, Mark Sammons:
An Inference Model for Semantic Entailment in Natural Language. 1678-1679 - Paul E. Dunne, Sylvie Doutre, Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon:
Discovering Inconsistency through Examination Dialogues. 1680-1681 - Oren Glickman, Ido Dagan, Moshe Koppel:
A Probabilistic Lexical Approach to Textual Entailment. 1682-1683 - Alexander Gutkin, David E. Gay:
Structural Representation and Matching of Articulatory Speech Structures based on the Evolving Transformation System (ETS) Formalism. 1684-1685 - Ben Hachey, Claire Grover:
Sentence Extraction for Legal Text Summarisation. 1686-1687 - Helmut Horacek, Magdalena Wolska:
Fault-Tolerant Context-Based Interpretation of Mathematical Formulas. 1688-1691 - Ben Hutchinson:
MDL-based Acquisition of Substitutability Relationships between Discourse Connectives. 1690-1691 - Takanori Komatsu:
Can we assign attitudes to a computer based on its beeps? Toward an effective method for making humans empathize with artificial agents. 1692-1693 - Jonas Kuhn:
Correspondence-guided Synchronous Parsing of Parallel Corpora. 1694-1695 - Rafal Rzepka, Yali Ge, Kenji Araki:
Naturalness of an Utterance Based on the Automatically Retrieved Commonsense. 1696-1697 - Violeta Seretan:
Induction of Syntactic Collocation Patterns from Generic Syntactic Relations. 1698-1699 - Somayajulu Sripada, Ehud Reiter, Lezan Hawizy:
Evaluating an NLG System using Post-Editing. 1700-1701 - Takahiro Tanaka, Yoshiaki Yasumura, Daisuke Katagami, Katsumi Nitta:
Online Support System for Mediator Education. 1702-1703 - Sandra Williams, Ehud Reiter:
Appropriate Microplanning Choices for Low-Skilled Readers. 1704-1705
Poster Papers: Planning
- John L. Bresina, Ari K. Jónsson, Paul H. Morris, Kanna Rajan:
Mixed-Initiative Activity Planning for Mars Rovers. 1709-1710 - Marta Cialdea Mayer, Carla Limongelli, Andrea Orlandini, Valentina Poggioni:
Planning with graded fluents and actions. 1711-1712 - Tjerk de Greef, Peter-Paul van Maanen:
Automated Adaptive Support for Task and Information Prioritizing. 1713-1714 - AnYuan Guo, Victor R. Lesser:
Planning for Weakly-Coupled Partially Observable Stochastic Games. 1715-1716 - Damien Pellier, Humbert Fiorino:
Multi-Agent Assumption-Based Planning. 1717-1718 - Mark O. Riedl, Robert Michael Young:
Open-World Planning for Story Generation. 1719-1720 - Kristen Brent Venable, Neil Yorke-Smith:
Disjunctive Temporal Planning with Uncertainty. 1721-1722
Poster Papers: Robotics and Perception
- Jean-Christophe Baillie, Matthieu Nottale:
Talking Robots: a Fully Autonomous Implementation of the Talking Heads. 1725-1726 - Simon Dixon:
An On-Line Time Warping Algorithm for Tracking Musical Performances. 1727-1728 - Froduald Kabanza, Roger Nkambou, Khaled Belghith:
Path-Planning for Autonomous Training on Robot Manipulators in Space. 1729-1731 - Mark H. Lee, Qinggang Meng:
Growth of Motor Coordination in Early Robot Learning. 1732-1733 - Avi Rosenfeld, Gal A. Kaminka, Sarit Kraus:
Measuring the Cost of Robotic Communication. 1734-1735 - Elena Sánchez-Nielsen, Mario Hernández-Tejera:
An Heuristic Search based Approach for Moving Objects Tracking. 1736-1737 - Kenji Shoji, Fubito Toyama, Juichi Miyamichi:
3-D Interpretation of Single Line Drawings. 1738-1739 - Miguel Ángel Sotelo, Jesús Nuevo, David Fernández, Ignacio Parra, Luis Miguel Bergasa, Manuel Ocaña, Ramón Flores:
SVM-based Obstacles Recognition for Road Vehicle Applications. 1740-1741 - Gerald Steinbauer, Franz Wotawa:
Detecting and locating faults in the control software of autonomous mobile robots. 1742-1743 - Marc Toussaint, Sethu Vijayakumar:
Learning discontinuities for switching between local models. 1744-1745
Poster Papers: Uncertainty
- Masoumeh T. Izadi, Doina Precup:
Model minimization by linear PSR. 1749-1750 - Masoumeh T. Izadi, Ajit V. Rajwade, Doina Precup:
Using core beliefs for point-based value iteration. 1751-1753 - Robert F. Lax, Guoli Ding, Peter P. Chen, Jianhua Chen:
Approximating Pseudo-Boolean Functions on Non-Uniform Domains. 1754-1755 - Churn-Jung Liau, Tuan-Fang Fan:
A Modal Logic for Reasoning about Possibilistic Belief Fusion. 1756-1757 - Ranjit Nair, Pradeep Varakantham, Milind Tambe, Makoto Yokoo:
Networked Distributed POMDPs: A Synergy of Distributed Constraint Optimization and POMDPs. 1758-1760 - Mathieu Serrurier, Henri Prade:
Coping with exceptions in multiclass ILP problems using possibilistic logic. 1761-
Research Excellence Award
- Geoffrey E. Hinton:
What kind of graphical model is the brain? 1765-

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