- Christina Matschke, Johannes Moskaliuk, Franziska Arnold, Ulrike Cress:
Patterns as Facilitators for Knowledge Building in Learning Organizations. CSCL 2011 - Camillia Matuk, Elissa Sato, Marcia C. Linn:
Agreeing to Disagree: Challenges with Ambiguity in Visual Evidence. CSCL 2011 - Marcelo Milrad, Dan Kohen-Vacs, Bahtijar Vogel, Miky Ronen, Arianit Kurti:
An Integrated Approach for the Enactment of Collaborative Pedagogical Scripts Using Mobile Technologies. CSCL 2011 - Toshio Mochizuki, Hiroshi Sasaki, Yoshihiko Kubota, Hideyuki Suzuki:
Tabletop Teaching Simulation: Collaborative Multivoiced Simulation for Improving Lesson Plans in Pre-service Training. CSCL 2011 - Gaëlle Molinari, Daniel Bodemer, Manu Kapur, Nikol Rummel, Armin Weinberger:
Design and Technologies for Supporting Collaborative Learning with Multiple Representations. CSCL 2011 - Neema Moraveji, Salman Ahmad, Chigusa Kita, Frank Chen, Sepandar D. Kamvar:
Weblines: Enabling the Social Transfer of Web Search Expertise using User-Generated Short-form Timelines. CSCL 2011 - Neema Moraveji, Roy Pea:
How Do Instructors Design Classroom-wide Interactive Formative Assessments? A Field Study with 18 Schools. CSCL 2011 - Johannes Moskaliuk, Johanna Bertram, Ulrike Cress:
Training in Virtual Training Environments: Connecting Theory to Practice. CSCL 2011 - Jin Mu, Karsten Stegmann, Elijah Mayfield, Carolyn P. Rosé, Frank Fischer:
ACODEA: A Framework for the Development of Classification Schemes for Automatic Classifications of Online Discussions. CSCL 2011 - Hedieh Najafi, Naxin Zhao, James D. Slotta:
Facilitating Knowledge Communities in Science Classrooms through Scripted Collaboration. CSCL 2011 - Michele P. Notari, Adrian Baumgartner:
Social Skills as Predictors of Satisfaction and Performance in a Project-based Learning CSCL Environment: An Empirical Study. CSCL 2011 - Michael Oehl, Hans-Rüdiger Pfister:
Modeling Efficient Grounding in Chat-based CSCL: An Approach for Adaptive Scripting? CSCL 2011 - Sami Paavola, Merja Bauters, Christoph Richter, Crina Damsa, Klas Karlgren, Eini Saarivesi, Seppo Toikka, Minna Lakkala, Hanni Muukkonen, Liisa Ilomäki:
Trialogical learning supported by Knowledge Practices Environment. CSCL 2011 - Roberto Pérez-Rodríguez, Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez:
An Execution Semantics to Support Flexibility in Collaborative Learning Scripts. CSCL 2011 - Vanessa L. Peters, Nancy Butler Songer:
Formative Evaluation of Activity Structures for a Middle School Climate Change Curriculum. CSCL 2011 - Patricia Peterson, Stephen Showalter:
A Web-based Doctoral Program to Develop Culturally Responsive Special Education Faculty. CSCL 2011 - Carmen Petrick, Matthew Berland, Taylor Martin:
Allocentrism and Computational Thinking. CSCL 2011 - Chris Phielix, Frans J. Prins, Jeroen Janssen, Paul A. Kirschner:
Using a Reflection Tool to Increase Reliability of Peer Assessments in a CSCL Environment. CSCL 2011 - Luis Pablo Prieto, Sara Villagrá-Sobrino, Yannis Dimitriadis, Patricia K. Schank, William R. Penuel, Angela Haydel DeBarger:
Mind the Gaps: Using Patterns to Change Everyday Classroom Practice Towards Contingent CSCL Teaching. CSCL 2011 - Edys S. Quellmalz, Barbara C. Buckley:
SimScientists: Using Science Simulations to Promote Model-Based Learning and Assessment. CSCL 2011 - Annelies Raes, Tammy Schellens, Ellen Vanderhoven:
Increasing anonymity in peer assessment using classroom response technology. CSCL 2011 - Annelies Raes, Tammy Schellens, Bram de Wever, Ellen Vanderhoven:
Multiple modes of scaffolding to enhance web-based inquiry. CSCL 2011 - Gabriel B. Reedy:
Making Meaning and Building Understanding Online: Designing an Innovative and Participative Assessment. CSCL 2011 - Christophe Reffay, Christopher Teplovs, François-Marie Blondel:
Productive re-use of CSCL data and analytic tools to provide a new perspective on group cohesion. CSCL 2011 - Mark D. Reilly, Haifeng Shen:
GroupNotes: Encouraging Proactive Student Engagement in Lectures through Collaborative Note-taking on Smartphones. CSCL 2011 - Monica Resendes, Maria Chuy, Bodong Chen, Marlene Scardamalia:
Ways of contributing to a knowledge-building dialogue in history. CSCL 2011 - Jeremy Roschelle, Charlie Patton, Patricia K. Schank, William R. Penuel, Chee-Kit Looi, Wenli Chen, Anwar Chan, Luis Pablo Prieto, Sara Villagrá-Sobrino, Yannis Dimitriadis:
CSCL and Innovation: In Classrooms, With Teachers, Among School Leaders, In Schools of Education. CSCL 2011 - Jeremy Roschelle, Charles Patton, Yukie Toyama:
Is CSCL the missing link between education and the 21st century economy? CSCL 2011 - Anja Rudat, Jürgen Buder, Daniel Bodemer:
Does news value help learners sharing relevant information? CSCL 2011 - Ellen Rusman, Jan van Bruggen, Peter B. Sloep, Rob Koper, Martin Valcke:
Trustworthy in the Eye of the Beholder? - A Cognitive Perspective on Personal Profile Information in Virtual Project Teams. CSCL 2011