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Robotica, Volume 10
Volume 10, Number 1, January 1992
- J. A. Rose, Ernest W. Kent, Philippe Coiffet, Brian H. Rudall:
Editorials. 1-3
- Neal S. Widmer, Shimon Y. Nof, George R. Karlan:
An interactive robotic device with progress monitoring. 11-18 - Sabri Cetinkunt, Babu Ittop:
Computer Automated Symbolic Modeling of Dynamics of Robotic Manipulators with Flexible Links. 19-24 - S. B. Lee, Hyung Suck Cho:
Dynamic characteristics of balanced robotic manipulators with joints flexibility. 25-34 - Yacine Amirat, Francis Artigue, Jean Pontnau:
Six degrees of freedom parallel robots with C5 links. 35-44 - Witold Jacak, Jerzy W. Rozenblit:
Automatic simulation of a robot program for a sequential manufacturing process. 45-56 - John Stoner, Robert H. Davis:
A gait simulator for a quadruped walking robot. 57-64 - John L. Gordon, David Williams, C. Allan Hobson:
Using Short and Long Term Memory to induce environmental information from simple events. 65-74 - Hoda A. ElMaraghy, J. M. Rondeau:
Automated planning and programming environments for robots. 75-82
- F. H. George:
Continuous Heuristics by Alex Andrew. Prentice-Hall, Hemel Hempstead, Herts., UK, 1991, x + 175 pp. (£35.00). 85 - Iain D. Craig:
Design Theory and Computer Science by Subrata Dasgupta. Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science 15, CUP, Cambridge, 1991, 425 pages (incl. bibliography and index) (£30.00). 85-86 - Iain D. Craig:
Neural Computing: Putting Neural Nets To Work. IBC Technical Services, Ltd, London, 1991. No price. No page numbers. No index. 86 - F. E. Collis:
Autofact '90 ... Conference Proceedings, SME, Detroit, Michigan (USA), 1990, 608 pp. index (no price). 86 - F. E. Collis:
From Animals To Animats, edited by Jean-Arcady Meyer and Stewart W. Wilson The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), 1991, x + 551, author index (Pbk £49.50). 87 - F. E. Collis:
Advances In Automation And Robotics, A Research Manual, Knowledge-based Systems for Intelligent Automation, edited by G. N. Saridis, vol 2. Jai Press, Greenwich, Connecticut, USA, 1990, xvi + 302 pp., references at end of each chapter (£48). 87 - F. E. Collis:
Intersection And Decomposition Algorithms For Planar Arrangements, by P.K. Agarwal C.U.P., Cambridge 1991 xviii + 277 pp., index (£22.50). 87 - Alex M. Andrew:
Robotics, Control And Society: Essays In Honor Of Thomas B. Sheridan, edited by N. Moray, W.R. Ferrell and W.B. Rouse Taylor and Francis, London, 1990, viii + 268 pp. (£35). 87-88
- J. A. Rose:
Obituary (Professor T.C. Helvey). 91
Volume 10, Number 2, March 1992
- Malik Mallem
, Florent Chavand, Etienne Colle:
Computer-assisted visual perception in teleoperated robotics. 93-103 - Guy Jumarie:
New methods in artificial vision by using entropies of deterministic functions. 105-112 - Hoda A. ElMaraghy, J. M. Rondeau:
Automatic robot program synthesis for assembly. 113-123 - Alain Pruski
Multivalue coding: application to autonomous robots. 125-133 - Woosoon Yim, Jichun Zuang, Sahjendra N. Singh:
Experimental dual-mode control of a flexible robotic arm. 135-145 - Aleksandar Timcenko, Nenad Kircanski, Dragan Urosevic
, Miomir Vukobratovic:
SYM-program environment for manipulator modeling, control and simulation. 147-153 - Mehrdad Mehdian, H. Rahnejat:
An Intelligent Part Sorting Robot in Unstructured Manufacturing Environments. 155-164 - P. H. Channon, S. H. Hopkins, D. T. Pham:
Derivation of optimal walking motions for a bipedal walking robot. 165-172 - Suk-Hwan Suh, Myung-Soo Kim:
An algebraic approach to collision-avoidance trajectory planning for dual-robot systems: Formulation and optimization. 173-182 - Gareth J. Monkman
Compliant robotic devices, and electroadhesion. 183-185
- World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics. 187-188
Volume 10, Number 3, May 1992
- Ki-Kap Kim, Yong-San Yoon:
Trajectory planning of redundant robots by maximizing the moving acceleration radius. 195-203 - S. D. Voliotis, Manolis A. Christodoulou:
Continuous path planning via a non-inverting parallel algorithm. 205-216 - Han-Pang Huang, Pei-Chien Lee:
A Real-time Algorithm for Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous Mobile Robots. 217-227 - D. T. Pham, Erturul Tacgin:
CAD of Devices for Gripping Prismatic Components. 229-237 - Mehrdad Mehdian:
Tactile image computation using a feature extraction algorithm. 241-254 - Won Jee Chung, Wan Kyun Chung, Youngil Youm:
Kinematic control of planar redundant manipulators by extended motion distribution scheme. 255-262 - Leon Beiner:
Kinematics of a n-bay triangle-triangle variable geometry truss manipulator. 263-267 - Jing Yuan
, Yury Stepananko:
Computing a Manipulator Regressor Without Acceleration Feedback. 269-275
- Alex M. Andrew:
Logic and Information by Keith Devlin Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991, xii + 308 pp., (Hbk: £17.95). 277 - Iain D. Craig:
3D Model Recognition from Stereoscopic Cues by John E. W. Mayhew and John P. Frisby MIT Press, London, 1991, 269 pages (no index) (£40.50). 278 - Iain D. Craig:
Genetic Algorithms and Robotics by Yuval Davidor World Scientific, Singapore, 1991, 164 pages (inc. index and bibliography) (£19.00). 278 - Tony Owen:
Computer Integrated Manufacture for the Engineering Industry by the Strathclyde Institute FT Business Information Ltd, 1990, 121 pages, no index (£195). 278 - Alex M. Andrew:
Virtual Reality: Exploring the Brave New Technologies of Artificial Experience and Interactive Worlds from Cyberspace to Teledildontics by Howard Rheingold Seeker and Warburg, London, 1991, Hard cover, 415 pp. (£16.99). 278-279
- World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics. 285-286
Volume 10, Number 4, July 1992
- Tony Owen:
Letter to the Editor. 287-288
- D. T. Pham, M. W. M. G. Dissanayake:
A vibratory sensor for locating parts. 289-302 - Luís Gonzaga Trabasso
, Cezary Zielinski
Semi-automatic calibration procedure for the vision-robot interface applied to scale model decoration. 303-308 - Jae-Hoon Kim, Hyung Suck Cho:
Real-time determination of a mobile robot's position by linear scanning of a landmark. 309-319 - Manja V. Kircanski, Olga Timcenko:
A geometric approach to manipulator path planning in 3D space in the presence of obstacles. 321-328 - Oded Maimon, A. Kapitanovsky:
Conceptual graph-based system for assembly program synthesis. 329-338 - Edward Cheung, Vladimir J. Lumelsky:
Real-time path planning procedure for a whole-sensitive robot arm manipulator. 339-349 - David B. Reister:
A new wheel control system for the omnidirectional HERMIES-III robot. 351-360 - P. Minotti, P. Pracht:
Design of robots driven by linear servo systems. 361-368 - Giovanni Legnani, Rodolfo Faglia:
Harmonic drive transmissions: the effects of their elasticity, clearance and irregularity on the dynamic behaviour of an actual SCARA robot. 369-375 - Edward T. Lee, Fred Y. Wu:
Algorithms for simple object reconstruction using the largest possible object approach. 377-381
- World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics Ninth Iccs '93 - Ninth International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems. 382
Volume 10, Number 5, September 1992
- Ray A. Jarvis:
3D Shape and surface colour sensor fusion for robot vision. 389-396 - Veljko Potkonjak:
Application of redundant robots to constrained-motion tasks. 397-407 - D. S. Ahn, Hyung Suck Cho, Koji Ide, Fumio Miyazaki, Suguru Arimoto:
Learning Task Strategies in Robotic Assembly Systems. 409-418 - Ali Meghdari, Hassan Sayyaadi:
Optimizing motion trajectories of dextrous fingers by dynamic programming technique. 419-426 - John F. Gardner:
Efficient computation of force distributions for walking machines on rough terrain. 427-433 - Seo-Wook Park, Jun-Ho Oh:
An inverse kinematics algorithm for robot manipulators using incremental unit computation method. 435-446 - Anat Kotzev, Dale B. Cherchas, Peter D. Lawrence, Nariman Sepehri:
Generalized predictive control of a robotic manipulator with hydraulic actuators. 447-459 - Robert Stone:
Virtual reality and telepresence. 461-467
- Tony Owen:
Numerical Recipes Book (PASCAL) by William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky and William T. Vetterling Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990, 759 pages including index (£30.00 hdb).Numerical Recipes Diskette (PASCAL) version 2.0 by William H. Press, et al. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 03 1990 (£21.50).Numerical Recipes Example Handbook (PASCAL) by William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky and William T. Vetterling Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 09 1990, 223 pages including index of demonstrated procedures (£19·50, hdb).Numerical Recipes Example Diskette (PASCAL) version 2.0 by William H. Press et al. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 02 1990 (£21.50).Numerical Recipes Routines and Examples in Basic by Julian C. Sprott Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (paperback), 1991, 398 pages including index of programs (£19.50; pbk).Numerical Recipes Diskette Basic version 1.0 by Julian C. Sprott Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991 (£21.50). 469-470 - Tony Owen:
Brains - Uk, Management School & Business College Research Annual 1992 Compiled by Kilmartin Publishing, 1992, 304 pages, no index (£150.00). 470 - Tony Owen:
Logic and Information by Keith Devlin Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991, 308 pages, including index (£17.95). 470 - Tony Owen:
Images and Understanding edited by Horace Barlow, Colin Blakemore and Mianda Weston-Smith Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 09, 1990 [paperback 0-521-36944-4] 401 pages, including index (hbk £45.00; pb £15.00). 470-471 - Tony Owen:
The Art Of Electronics (2nd Edition), by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990, 1, 125 pages, including index (£32.00).Student Manual For The Art Of Electronics by Thomas C. Hayes and Paul Horowitz Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991, 614 pages including, index (£15.95). 471 - Tony Owen:
Robotics Research - 1990, edited by K. Youcef-Toumi and H. Kazerooni The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dearborn, MI, USA, (£50.00). 471 - Tony Owen:
Flexible Assembly Systems - 1991, edited by A.H. Soni The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1991, 107 pages, author index onlys (£31.00). 471 - Tony Owen:
Structural Vibration And Acoustics, edited by T.C. Huang, H.S. Tzou, P. Baimum, K.J. Saczalski, S.H. Sung, B.K. Wada and B.P. Wang The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1991, 337 pages, author index only (£57.00). 471-472 - Tony Owen:
Assembly Automation And Product Design by Geoffrey Boothroyd Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 199, 413 pages including index ($114.50 or ca. £65.00). 472 - P. J. Esrom:
Sensors And Signal Conditioning, by R. Pallas-Areny and J.G. Webster J. Wiley and Sons, New York and Chichester (UK), 1991 xii + 398pp., index (£47.50). 472 - Alex M. Andrew:
Artificial Vision For Mobile Robots: Stereo Vision And Multisensory Perception by Nicholas Ayache MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1991, Hard cover, 342 pp. (£40.50). 472-473 - Alex M. Andrew:
Principles of Expert Systems by Peter Lucas and Linda van der Gaag Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, 1991, xiii + 518 pp., index (£21.95). 473 - Alex M. Andrew:
From Animals To Animats, Proceedings of the First Internalional Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour, edited by Jean-Arcady Meyer and Stewart W. Wilson MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1991, Soft cover, x + 551pp. (£49.50). 473-474 - Alex M. Andrew:
Do The Right Thing: Studies In Limited Rationality by Stuart Russell and Eric Wefald, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1991, Hard cover, xx + 200 pp. (£24.75). 474-475 - Alex M. Andrew:
Object Recognition By Computer: The Role Of Geometric Constraints by W. Eric, L. Grimson, with contributions from Tomás Lazano-Pérez and Daniel P. Huttenlocher, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1990, Hard cover, xv + 512 pp. (£40.50). 475 - Alex M. Andrew:
Designing Autonomous Agents: Theory And Practice From Biology To Engineering And Back, edited by Pattie Maes, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, (also Elsevier, Amsterdam), 1990, Soft cover, 194 pp. (£17.95). 475-476
Volume 10, Number 6, November 1992
- S. B. Lee, Hyung Suck Cho:
Dynamic Characteristics of Balanced Robotic Manipulators with Joint Flexibility. 485-495 - Sharon A. Stansfield:
Haptic Perception with an Articulated, Sensate Robot Hand. 497-508 - Albert Y. Zomaya
, Alan S. Morris:
A Distributed-Processing Approach for Robot Dynamics Tuning. 509-520 - Ju-Jang Lee, Jung-Hoon Lee, Jong-Soo Lee:
Efficient Sliding Mode Control for Robot Manipulator with Prescribed Tracking Performance. 521-530 - Witold Jacak, Ignacy Duleba
, Pawel Rogalinski:
A Graph-Searching Approach to Trajectory Planning of Robots. 531-537 - Dong Hun Shin, Sanjiv Singh, Ju-Jang Lee:
Explicit Path Tracking by Autonomous Vehicles. 539-554 - D. T. Pham, K. Hafeez:
Fuzzy Qualitative Model of a Robot Sensor for Locating Three-dimensional Objects. 555-562 - Anupam Bagchi, Himanshu Hatwal:
Fuzzy Logic-based Techniques for Motion Planning of a Robot Manipulator Amongst Unknown Moving Obstacles. 563-574
- Tony Owen:
Analysis And Control Of Industrial Processes edited by Dobrivoje Popovoć Freidr. Vieweg & Sohn GmbH, Braunschweig, 06340-8 1991, 281 pages incl. index (£39.95). 579 - Tony Owen:
Robots For Shearing Sheep: Shear Magic by James P. Trevelyan Oxford Science Publications, Oxford University Press, 1992, 398 pages incl index (£40.00). 579 - Tony Owen:
Robots And Manufacturing Automation (second edition) by C. Ray Asfall John Wiley & Sons, 487 pages incl. index (£18.50). 579-580 - Tony Owen:
Agv System Specification, Procurement And Implementation Guide by Guy Castleberry AGV Decisions Inc. (available through John Wiley & Sons) 1992, 206 pages incl. index (£135.00). 580 - Tony Owen:
Intelligent Design And Manufacturing edited by Andrew Kusiak John Wiley & Sons, 1992, 753 pages incl. index (£79.00). 580 - Alex M. Andrew:
Toward A Practice Of Autonomous Systems: Proceedings Of The First European Conference On Artificial Life edited by Francisco J. Varela and Paul Bourgine, MIT Press (Bradford), Cambridge, Mass 1992, large-format softcover, xvii + 515 pp. (£49.50). 580-581 - H. L. Fox:
Dynamic, Genetic And Chaotic Programming, The Sixth Generation by B. Souček and The IRIS Group, J. Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK, 1992, xiii + 567 pp., index (£71.00). 581-582

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