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34th ICMC 2008: Belfast, Ireland
- Proceedings of the 2008 International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2008, Belfast, Ireland, August 24-29, 2008. Michigan Publishing 2008
- Eduardo R. Miranda:
Autonomous Development of singing-like Intonations by interacting babbling robots. - Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney, Thomas Lysaght:
Split-sideband synthesis. - David Berezan:
In flux - a New Approach to sound diffusion Performance Practice for fixed Media Music. - Nick Collins:
Errant sound synthesis. - Nick Collins:
Reinforcement Learning for Live Musical Agents. - Rodrigo Sigal:
The Mexican Centre for Music and Sonic arts Studio Report. - Victor Lazzarini:
A Toolkit for Music and audio Activities on the XO Computer. - Victor Lazzarini:
Interactive audio signal Scripting. - Alexis Kirke, Eduardo R. Miranda:
An Instance Based Model for Generating Expressive Performance during Composition. - Jason Freeman, Mark Godfrey:
Technology, Real-Time Notation, and Audience Participation in Flock. - Mike Solomon:
Stability Space and the below-n Threshold: a Computational Approach to Music Analysis. - Nick Collins:
Infno: Generating Synth Pop and Electronic Dance Music on demand. - Victor Lazzarini, Rory Walsh, Martin Brogan:
Two Cross-Platform Csound-Based Plugin Generators. - Mathew Adkins:
Towards 'a Beautiful land': the Influence of Rothko and Abstract expressionism in Composing five panels (no. 5). - Martin Neukom, Jan C. Schacher:
Ambisonics Equivalent Panning. - Mika Kuuskankare, Mikael Laurson:
Survey of Music Analysis and Visualization Tools in PWGL. - Adrian Moore:
Fracturing the Acousmatic: Merging Improvisation with Disassembled Acousmatic Music. - Paulo Ferreira-Lopes, Filipe Jensen:
Digital Music Instruments and sound expression. - Daniel Bisig, Martin Neukom, John Flury:
Interactive Swarm Orchestra a Generic Programming Environment for Swarm Based Computer Music. - António Pedro Oliveira, Amílcar Cardoso:
Towards bi-Dimensional Classification of Symbolic Music by Affective Content. - Nils Peters, Tristan Matthews, Jonas Braasch, Stephen McAdams:
Vimic - a Novel Toolbox for Spatial sound Processing in Max/MSP. - Klaus Petersen, Jorge Solis, Atsuo Takanishi:
Development of a Real-Time gestural Interface for hands-Free Musical Performance control. - Min-Joon Yoo, In-Kwon Lee:
Pattern-Specific Piano Exercise Retrieval. - Daniel Bisig, Martin Neukom, John Flury:
Interactive Swarm Orchestra an Artificial Life Approach to Computer Music. - Mary Simoni, Betty Anne Younker:
Project Lovelace: teenage girls and Technology-Based Composition. - Peter Lucas Hulen:
A low-Cost spherical loudspeaker array for Electroacoustic Music. - Carola Boehm:
"weeds in the cracks": interdisciplinarity and Music Technology in Higher Education. - Keith A. McMillen:
Computer input Device for Polyphonic Stringed Instruments. - Masatoshi Hamanaka, Keiji Hirata, Satoshi Tojo:
Melody Morphing Method Based on GTTM. - Keith A. McMillen:
Sensor BOWS & Application for Stringed Instruments. - Julio D'Escrivàn, Jan Trützschler von Falkenstein:
Teatracks: a demonstration of an auditory display of a Multitrack sound Sequencer. - David Kim-Boyle:
Network Musics - Play, engagement and the Democratization of Performance. - Francis Rousseaux, Alain Bonardi, Benjamin Roadley:
Digital Music Collections: a Place of Knowledge Emergence? - Nick Didkovsky, Georg Hajdu:
Maxscore: Music Notation in Max/MSP. - Sebastian Tomczak:
Authenticity and Emulation: Chiptune in the Early Twenty-First Century. - Bee Suan Ong, Sebastian Streich:
An Efficient off-Line beat tracking Method for Music with steady Tempo. - Sebastian Streich, Bee Suan Ong:
A Music Loop Explorer System. - Florian Thalmann, Guerino Mazzola:
The BigBang Rubette: gestural Music Composition with Rubato Composer. - Ge Wang, Georg Essl, Henri Penttinen:
Do Mobile phones Dream of Electric Orchestras? - Kia Ng, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Bee Ong, Alain Bonardi, Jérôme Barthélemy, Raffaele Ciavarella:
Ontology Management for Preservation of Interactive Multimedia performances. - Kia Ng, Tillman Weyde, Paolo Nesi:
I-Maestro: Technology-Enhanced Learning for Music. - Kamil Adiloglu, Robert Anniés, Klaus Obermayer, Yon Visell, Carlo Drioli:
Adaptive bottle. - Dante Tanzi:
Digital Time: Complexity and perception. - Kristine H. Burns:
How to Make your Wife Listen: the portrayal of women in Music Technology Publications. - Alexander Harker, Angie Atmadjaja, Jethro Bagust, Ambrose Field:
The Worldscape Laptop Orchestra: Creating Live, Interactive Digital Music for an Ensemble of Fifty performers. - Christopher Burns, Greg Surges:
Nrci: Software Tools for Laptop Ensemble. - Leandro Lesqueves Costalonga, Eduardo R. Miranda:
Equipping Artificial Guitar Players with Biomechanical Constrains: a Case Study of Precision and Speed. - Miha Ciglar:
A Full-body Gesture Recognition System and its Integration in the Composition "3rd. Pole". - Graham Percival, Torsten Anders:
Generating Targeted rhythmic Exercises for Music Students with Constraint Satisfaction Programming. - Kjetil Matheussen:
Realtime Music Programming using snd-RT. - G. Douglas Barrett, Francesco Gagliardi:
Performing the City: An Urban Performance Workshop. - Wei Pan, Micah K. Johnson, Larry Polansky, Daniel N. Rockmore, Douglas Repetto:
Owt: a Real-Time Optimal Tuning Application. - Vesa Norilo, Mikael Laurson:
A Unified Model for Audioand control signals in Pwglsynth. - Bob L. Sturm, Curtis Roads, Aaron McLeran, John J. Shynk:
Analysis, Visualization, and Transformation of audio signals using Dictionary-Based Methods. - Ian Whalley:
Technology, Culture and Location in a Recent New Zealand Sonic Art Project. - Matthew D. Hoffman, Perry R. Cook, David M. Blei:
Data-Driven Recomposition using the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Model. - Xenia Pestova, Mark T. Marshall, Jacob David Sudol:
Analogue to Digital: Authenticiy vs. Sustainability in Stockhausen's MANTRA (1970). - Margaret Schedel, Alison Rootberg:
Scoring the Color of Waiting. - Juan Pablo Cáceres, Alain Renaud:
Playing the Network: the Use of Time delays as Musical Devices. - Gascia Ouzounian:
The Spatial Politics of Radio: Anna Friz's Critical Utopias. - Yohei Kobayashi, Naotoshi Osaka:
Construction of an Electronic Timbre Dictionary for Environmental sounds by Timbre symbol. - William Hsu:
Two Approaches for Interaction Management in Timbre-Aware Improvisation Systems. - Mick Grierson:
Composing with Brainwaves: Minimal Trial P300 Recognition as an Indication of subjective Preference for the control of a Musical Instrument. - James B. Maxwell, Arne Eigenfeldt:
The MusicDB: A Music Database Query System for Recombinance-based Composition in Max/MSP. - Rob Goodman:
The Enigma of Vitruvian resonating Vases and the Relevance of the Concept for Today. - Kjell Bäckman:
Automatic Fitness in Generative Jazz Improvisation. - Kerry L. Hagan:
Textural Composition: Implementation of an Intermediary Aesthetic. - Enrico Cupellini, Costantino Rizzuti, Eleonora Bilotta, Pietro S. Pantano, Michael Wozniewski, Jeremy R. Cooperstock:
Exploring Musical mappings and Generating Accompaniment with Chaotic Systems. - Jérôme Barthélemy, Alain Bonardi, Guillaume Boutard, Raffaele Ciavarella:
Our Research for lost Route to Root. - Samantha Brough:
Applications of Geoscientific Sonification: Preliminary Results - where is my reservoir? - Enda Bates, Dermot Furlong, Donnacha Dennehy:
Adapting Polyphonic pickup Technology for Spatial Music Performance. - John ffitch, Julian A. Padget:
Maintaining and using Provenance Data in Computer Music. - Stephen David Beck:
The Lab for Creative arts & Technologies 2008 Studio Report. - Garry Quested, Roger Boyle, Kia Ng:
Polyphonic note tracking using Multimodal Retrieval of Musical Events. - Torsten Anders, Eduardo R. Miranda:
Constraint-Based Composition in Realtime. - Torsten Anders, Eduardo R. Miranda:
Higher-order Constraint applicators for Music Constraint Programming. - Pedro Kröger, Alexandre Passos, Marcos Sampaio:
Rameau: a System for Automatic harmonic Analysis. - Ivica Ico Bukvic, Denis Gracanin, Francis K. H. Quek:
Investigating Artistic potential of the Dream Interface: the Aural Painting. - Michael Young, John Drever, Mick Grierson, Ian Stonehouse:
Goldsmiths Electronic Music Studios: 40 Years. - Per Anders Nilsson:
The walking Machine. - James Mooney, David Moore:
Resound: Open-Source Live sound spatialisation. - Jukka Holm:
Popularity of Music Player parameters and Features. - Róisín Loughran, Jacqueline Walker, Michael O'Neill, Marion O'Farrell:
The Use of Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients in Musical Instrument Identification. - Alex McLean, Geraint A. Wiggins:
Vocable synthesis. - Rodrigo F. Cádiz, Patricio de la Cuadra:
Stochastic resonance sound synthesis. - David Kim-Boyle:
Spectral spatialization - an Overview. - Jean-Julien Filatriau, Loïc Kessous:
Visual and sound Generation Driven by brain, heart and respiration signals. - Cléo Palacio-Quintin, Mark Zadel:
Interactive Composition and Improvisation on the Hyper-Flute. - Nicholas J. Bailey, Douglas McGilvray, Graham Hair, Ingrid Pearson, Amanda Morrison, Richard Parncutt:
The Rosegarden Codicil: Rehearsing Music in nineteen-tone equal Temperament. - Georges Bloch, Shlomo Dubnov:
Introducing video Features and spectral Descriptors in the Omax Improvisation System. - Koray Tahiroglu, Hannah Drayson, Cumhur Erkut:
An Interactive Bio-Music Improvisation System. - Chris Kiefer, Nick Collins, Geraldine Fitzpatrick:
Evaluating the Wiimote as a Musical controller. - Richard W. Dobson, John ffitch, Russell J. Bradford:
High-Performance audio Computing - a position Paper. - Fabien Gallot, Owen Lagadec, Myriam Desainte-Catherine, Sylvain Marchand:
Iklax: a New Musical audio Format for Interactive Music. - Grace Leslie, Navid Hassanpour:
A Game Theoretical Model for Musical Interaction. - Pierre Hanna, Matthias Robine, Pascal Ferraro:
Visualisation of Musical Structure by Applying Improved Editing Algorithms. - Anna Jordanous:
Voice separation in Polyphonic Music: a Data-Driven Approach. - Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Kristian Nymoen, Rolf Inge Godøy:
A Multilayered Gdif-Based setup for Studying coarticulation in the movements of Musicians. - To Yip Sang, Kam Wong:
Multi-User hand Gesture Based Musical element Mapping with Traditional Musical Elements. - Alexis Kirke, Eduardo R. Miranda:
Comper: towards a Model for Generating Compositions from Expressive Music performances. - Chrisoula Alexandraki, Panayotis Koutlemanis, Petros Gasteratos, Nikolas Valsamakis, Demosthenes Akoumianakis, Giannis Milolidakis:
Towards the Implementation of a Generic Platform for Networked Music Performance: the DIAMOUSES Approach. - Greg Wilder:
Adaptive Melodic Segmentation and Motivic identification. - Rui Penha, Paulo Maria Rodrigues, Fabien Gouyon, Luis Gustavo Martins, Carlos Guedes, Álvaro Barbosa:
Studio Report: Digitópia at Casa da Música. - Vincent Akkermans, Than van Nispen tot Pannerden:
Two Network Installations: '1133' & 'Computer Voices'. - Ben Fields, Michael A. Casey, Kurt Jacobson, Mark B. Sandler:
Do You sound like your Friends? Exploring Artist Similarity via Artist Social Network Relationships and audio signal Processing. - Adam M. Stark, Matthew E. P. Davies, Mark D. Plumbley:
Rhythmic Analysis for Real-Time audio effects. - Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos, Panagiotis Tzevelekos, Claude Cadoz, Georgios Kouroupetroglou:
Using the cordis-Anima Formalism for the Physical Modeling of the Greek zournas Shawm. - Niels Bogaards, Chunghsin Yeh, Juan José Burred:
Introducing Asannotation: a Tool for sound Analysis and Annotation. - Roger B. Dannenberg:
The Nyquist Composition Environment: Supporting Textual Programming with a Task-Oriented User Interface. - Ricardo Climent, David Berezan, Andrew Davison:
Novars Research Centre, University of Manchester, UK. Studio Report. - Scott Hewitt, Pierre Alexandre Tremblay:
Sound Communication: a Standard Syntax for Inter-Application, Inter-Device and Interplayer Communication over OSC. - Olivier Bélanger:
Ounk - an audio Scripting Environment for signal Processing and Music Composition. - Jean-Baptiste Thiebaut, Patrick G. T. Healey, Nick Bryan-Kinns:
Drawing Electroacoustic Music. - Artur Capela, Jaime S. Cardoso, Ana Rebelo, Carlos Guedes:
Integrated Recognition System for Music Scores. - Alfonso Pérez, Esteban Maestre, Stefan Kersten, Rafael Ramírez:
Expressive Irish Fiddle Performance Model Informed with Bowing. - Eric D. Lyon:
Articulated noise. - Arne Eigenfeldt, Ajay Kapur:
Multi-Agent Multimodal Performance Analysis. - Jaime Oliver, Mathew Jenkins:
The Silent Drum controller: a New percussive gestural Interface. - Diemo Schwarz, Sylvain Cadars, Norbert Schnell:
What Next? Continuation in Real-Time Corpus-Based concatenative synthesis. - Andy Schmeder, Adrian Freed:
Implementation and Applications of Open sound control Timestamps. - Knut Guettler, Hans Wilmers, Victoria Johnson:
Victoria counts - a Case Study with Electronic Violin Bow. - Juhani Räisänen:
Designing New Instruments for the Human touch - Case Sormina. - Jônatas Manzolli:
Continuamente: Integrating Percussion, audiovisual and Improvisation. - Paulo Ferreira-Lopes:
Interaction typologies : traditional music instruments versus digital music instruments. - Christopher McClelland, Michael Alcorn:
Exporing New Composer/Performer Interactions using Real-Time Notation. - John Chowning:
Out of Sync: a Simple Score Based GUI for quick Correction in Performer Computer Interaction. - Scott Wilson:
Spatial Swarm Granulation. - Matthew Bruns, Gary S. Kendall:
The effect of Air turbulence on sound and its Application to Musical signal Processing. - Tom Davis:
Cross-Pollination: towards an Aesthetics of the Real. - José Ignacio López Ramírez-Gastón:
Cuando CANTO Bajan los Cerros: an Initiative for Interface Development Informed by a Latin-American Context. - Matthias Robine, Thomas Rocher:
Improvements of Symbolic Key Finding Methods. - Timothy A. Place, Trond Lossius, Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Nils Peters:
Flexible control of Composite parameters in Max/MSP. - Anna Saranti, Manuela Meier:
"Underground sounds" Experimenting with the sounds of Earthquakes. - Charles O'Neill, Kia Ng:
Design and Development of an Interactive Sonification Interface for hearing Images. - Jaime Serquera, Eduardo R. Miranda:
Spectral synthesis and control with Cellular Automata. - Kazuaki Shiota:
{TranSpell}. - Gary S. Kendall:
WHAT IS AN EVENT? The EVENT Schema, Circumstances, Metaphor And Gist. - Ahmad Wasim, Hüseyin Hacihabiboglu, Ahmet M. Kondoz:
Analysis-synthesis Model for transient Impact sounds by stationary Wavelet transform and singular Value Decomposition. - Matthew Yee-King, Martin Roth:
Synthbot: an Unsupervised Software synthesizer Programmer. - David Wessel, Roger B. Dannenberg, Yann Orlarey, Miller S. Puckette, Peter Van Roy, Ge Wang:
Reinventing Audio and Music Computation for Many-Core Processors. - Sylvain Le Groux, Aleksander Väljamäe, Jônatas Manzolli, Paul F. M. J. Verschure:
Implicit Physiological Interaction for the Generation of Affective Musical sounds. - Carr Wilkerson, Sasha Leitman, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:
Ccrma Studio Report. - Richard Andrews:
Studio Report: UC Berkeley Center for New Music and audio Technologies (CNMAT). - Tom Lieber, Ananya Misra, Perry R. Cook:
Freedom in Tapestrea! Voice-Aware Track Manipulations. - Gary P. Scavone, Nathan Whetsell:
The Music Technology Program at McGill University. - Mark Zadel, Gary P. Scavone:
Recent Developments in the Different Strokes Environment. - Matthew Wright, W. Andrew Schloss, George Tzanetakis:
Visualization Tools for Musical Timing Applied to Afro-Cuban Percussion. - Robert Hamilton:
Q3osc or: How I Learned to Stopworrying and Love the Bomb Game. - George Tzanetakis, Randy Jones, Carlos Castillo, Luis Gustavo Martins, Luís Filipe Teixeira, Mathieu Lagrange:
Interoperability and the MARSYAS 0.2 Runtime. - Tae Hong Park, Zhiye Li, Jonathan Biguenet:
Not Just More FMS: Taking IT to the Next Level. - Tamara Smyth, Alireza Fathi:
Voice synthesis usingthe generalized pressure-Controlled valve. - Parag Chordia, Alex Rae:
Tabla Gyan: a System for Realtime Tabla Recognition and resynthesis. - Mara Helmuth:
Intercultural Exploration: the Computer and Traditional Music Cultures. - Arshia Cont:
Antescofo: Anticipatory Synchronization and control of Interactive parameters in Computer Music. - Rebecca Fiebrink, Ge Wang, Perry R. Cook:
Foundations for on-the-Fly Learning in the Chuck Programming Language. - Stuart Pullinger, Douglas McGilvray, Nicholas J. Bailey:
Music and Gesture File: Performance Visualisation, Analysis, Storage and Exchange. - Georg Boenn:
The Importance of Husserl's phenomenology of Internal Time-Consciousness for Music Analysis and Composition. - Daniel Trueman:
The cyclotron: a Tool for Playing with Time. - David Plans Casal:
Time after Time : Short-circuiting the Emotional Distance between Algorithm and Human Improvisors. - Katarzyna Chuchacz, Roger F. Woods, Sile O'Modhrain:
Novel percussive Instrument Design - Converting Mathematical Formulae into engaging Musical Instruments. - Gary S. Kendall, Nils Peters, Matthias Geier:
Towards an Interchange Format for Spatial audio Scenes. - Sarah Adair, Michael Alcorn, Chris Corrigan:
A Study into the perception of envelopment in Electroacoustic Music. - Aristotelis Hadjakos, Erwin Aitenbichler, Max Mühlhäuser:
Parameter Controlled Remote Performance (Pcrp): Playing Together Despite High delay. - Matthias Geier, Sascha Spors:
Asdf: audio Scene Description Format. - Nils Peters:
Proposing Spatdif - the Spatial sound Description Interchange Format. - Gary S. Kendall:
Interchange Formats and the Art of Spatial audio. - Gabriel Gatzsche, Frank Melchior:
Spatial audio Authoring and Rendering: Forward Research through Exchange. - Trond Lossius:
Controlling Spatial sound within an Installation Art Context. - Jonas Braasch:
Telematic Music - Restrictions and Advantages Compared to Traditional One-Site Music Events. - Miller S. Puckette:
Not being there. - Robert Rowe:
Composing for Relative Time in Distributed Performance. - Chris Chafe:
Tapping into the Internet as an acoustical and Musical Medium. - Pauline Oliveros:
Networked Music : low & High Tech. - Georg Hajdu:
Real-Time Composition and Notation in Network Music Environments. - Andrew Gerzso:
Richard Wagner was the First Network Artist. - Pedro Rebelo, Franziska Schroeder, Alain Renaud:
Network dramaturgy: being on the Node. - Yann Orlarey, Stéphane Letz:
Multicore Technologies in Jack and FAUST. - Jérôme Joy, Peter Sinclair:
Networked Sonic Spaces. - Antonio Camurri, Corrado Canepa, Paolo Coletta, Simone Ghisio, Roberto Girolin, Gualtiero Volpe:
The Networked Performance Project for LO SPECCHIO Confuso dall'ombra of Roberto Girolin. - Roger B. Dannenberg:
Is Music Audio Processing Embarrassingly Parallel? - Ge Wang:
A comment on Many-Core Computing and Real-Time audio Software Systems (2008). - Eric D. Lyon:
Conditions for Development of an Interchange Format for Spatial audio. - Winfried Ritsch, Thomas Musil, Alois Sontacchi, Johannes Zmölnig, Franz Zotter:
Remote 3D-audio Performance with spatialized Distribution. - Andrea Cera:
Music that Listens to What's Going to Happen: Internet Enhanced, Self-Adapting soundscapes. - Peter Van Roy:
The Challenges and Opportunities of Multiple Processors: Why Multi-Core Processors are Easy and Internet is Hard. - Stephen Travis Pope:
Interchange Formats for Spatial audio. - Miller S. Puckette:
Thoughts on Parallel Computing for Music.

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