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IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 55
Volume 55, Number 1, 2008
- David G. Rand
, Qinlian Zhou, Gregery T. Buzzard
, Jeffrey J. Fox
Computationally Efficient Strategy for Modeling the Effect of Ion Current Modifiers. 3-13 - Denise Guliato, Rangaraj M. Rangayyan
, Juliano Daloia de Carvalho, Sérgio A. Santiago:
Polygonal Modeling of Contours of Breast Tumors With the Preservation of Spicules. 14-20 - R. Hollis Whittington, Gregory T. A. Kovacs:
A Discrete-Time Control Algorithm Applied to Closed-Loop Pacing of HL-1 Cardiomyocytes. 21-30 - Sarah E. Geneser, Robert M. Kirby
, Robert S. MacLeod
Application of Stochastic Finite Element Methods to Study the Sensitivity of ECG Forward Modeling to Organ Conductivity. 31-40 - Marta Neve, Giuseppe De Nicolao, Laura Marchesi:
Nonparametric Identification of Population Models: An MCMC Approach. 41-50 - Suvi Tiinanen, Mikko Tulppo
, Tapio Seppänen:
Reducing the Effect of Respiration in Baroreflex Sensitivity Estimation With Adaptive Filtering. 51-59 - Martin Risdal
, Sven Ole Aase, Jo Kramer-Johansen
, Trygve Eftestøl:
Automatic Identification of Return of Spontaneous Circulation During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. 60-68 - Melissa Zavaglia, Laura Astolfi
, Fabio Babiloni
, Mauro Ursino
The Effect of Connectivity on EEG Rhythms, Power Spectral Density and Coherence Among Coupled Neural Populations: Analysis With a Neural Mass Model. 69-77 - Dario Farina, Marie-Françoise Lucas, Christian Doncarli:
Optimized Wavelets for Blind Separation of Nonstationary Surface Myoelectric Signals. 78-86 - Frédéric Senny, Jacques Destiné, Robert Poirrier:
Midsagittal Jaw Movement Analysis for the Scoring of Sleep Apneas and Hypopneas. 87-95 - Elliot Moore, Mark A. Clements, John W. Peifer, Lydia Weisser:
Critical Analysis of the Impact of Glottal Features in the Classification of Clinical Depression in Speech. 96-107 - Aaron Lewicke, Edward Sazonov
, Michael J. Corwin
, Michael R. Neuman, Stephanie A. C. Schuckers
Sleep Versus Wake Classification From Heart Rate Variability Using Computational Intelligence: Consideration of Rejection in Classification Models. 108-118 - James McNames, Mateo Aboy
Statistical Modeling of Cardiovascular Signals and Parameter Estimation Based on the Extended Kalman Filter. 119-129 - Klaus Rheinberger
, Thomas Steinberger
, Karl Unterkofler
, Michael Baubin, Andreas Klotz
, Anton Amann:
Removal of CPR Artifacts From the Ventricular Fibrillation ECG by Adaptive Regression on Lagged Reference Signals. 130-137 - Pontus Linderholm, Laurent Marescot, Meng Heng Loke, Philippe Renaud:
Cell Culture Imaging Using Microimpedance Tomography. 138-146 - Smadar Gefen, Nahum Kiryati
, Jonathan Nissanov:
Atlas-Based Indexing of Brain Sections via 2-D to 3-D Image Registration. 147-156 - David Delgado-Gómez
, Constantine Butakoff
, Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll
, William V. Stoecker:
Independent Histogram Pursuit for Segmentation of Skin Lesions. 157-161 - Walid S. Kamoun, Stephen Schmugge, Jerrod P. Kraftchick, Mark G. Clemens, Min C. Shin:
Liver Microcirculation Analysis by Red Blood Cell Motion Modeling in Intravital Microscopy Images. 162-170 - Kang Kim, Sheng-Wen Huang, Timothy L. Hall, Russell S. Witte, Thomas L. Chenevert
, Matthew O'Donnell:
Arterial Vulnerable Plaque Characterization Using Ultrasound-Induced Thermal Strain Imaging (TSI). 171-180 - Lianggang Hu, Xiaomei Xu, Yongsheng Gong, Xiaofang Fan, Liangxing Wang, Jianhua Zhang, Yanjun Zeng:
Percutaneous Biphasic Electrical Stimulation for Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. 181-187 - Tae-Ho Kang, Carey R. Merritt, Edward Grant, Behnam Pourdeyhimi
, H. Troy Nagle
Nonwoven Fabric Active Electrodes for Biopotential Measurement During Normal Daily Activity. 188-195 - Phil Corbishley, Esther Rodríguez-Villegas:
Breathing Detection: Towards a Miniaturized, Wearable, Battery-Operated Monitoring System. 196-204 - Kenji Shiba, Masayuki Nukaya, Toshio Tsuji
, Kohji Koshiji:
Analysis of Current Density and Specific Absorption Rate in Biological Tissue Surrounding Transcutaneous Transformer for an Artificial Heart. 205-213 - Fernando Bardati, Santina Iudicello:
Modeling the Visibility of Breast Malignancy by a Microwave Radiometer. 214-221 - Rashida A. Abbas, Shien-Fong Lin, David Mashburn, Junkai Xu, John P. Wikswo:
A Phased-Array Stimulator System for Studying Planar and Curved Cardiac Activation Wavefronts. 222-229 - Mark C. Converse, Muwu Hou, David M. Mahvi, John G. Webster:
Feasibility Study of Tumor Size Estimation Through Time Domain Peak Monitoring. 230-236 - Shakti K. Davis, Barry D. Van Veen, Susan C. Hagness, Frederick Kelcz:
Breast Tumor Characterization Based on Ultrawideband Microwave Backscatter. 237-246 - David W. Winters, Jacob D. Shea, Ernest L. Madsen, Gary R. Frank, Barry D. Van Veen, Susan C. Hagness:
Estimating the Breast Surface Using UWB Microwave Monostatic Backscatter Measurements. 247-256 - Angel V. Peterchev
, Reza Jalinous, Sarah H. Lisanby
A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator Inducing Near-Rectangular Pulses With Controllable Pulse Width (cTMS). 257-266 - Chi-Wei Wu, Zi-Yu Huang:
Using the Phase Change of a Reflected Microwave to Detect a Human Subject Behind a Barrier. 267-272 - Pradeep Shenoy, Kai J. Miller, Jeffrey G. Ojemann
, Rajesh P. N. Rao
Generalized Features for Electrocorticographic BCIs. 273-280 - Jayaganesh Swaminathan, Ananthanarayan Krishnan, Jackson T. Gandour, Yisheng Xu:
Applications of Static and Dynamic Iterated Rippled Noise to Evaluate Pitch Encoding in the Human Auditory Brainstem. 281-287 - Chu-Chang Tyan, Shing-Hong Liu, Jan-Yow Chen, Jian-Jung Chen, Wen-Miin Liang:
A Novel Noninvasive Measurement Technique for Analyzing the Pressure Pulse Waveform of the Radial Artery. 288-297 - Junning Li, Z. Jane Wang, Janice J. Eng
, Martin J. McKeown
Bayesian Network Modeling for Discovering "Dependent Synergies" Among Muscles in Reaching Movements. 298-310 - Alfred C. Schouten
, Erwin de Vlugt, J. J. Bob van Hilten, Frans C. T. van der Helm:
Quantifying Proprioceptive Reflexes During Position Control of the Human Arm. 311-321 - Jeremy L. Emken, Susan J. Harkema, Janell A. Beres-Jones, Christie K. Ferreira, David J. Reinkensmeyer:
Feasibility of Manual Teach-and-Replay and Continuous Impedance Shaping for Robotic Locomotor Training Following Spinal Cord Injury. 322-334 - Sheng-Hao Tseng, Carole K. Hayakawa, Jerome Spanier, Anthony J. Durkin
Determination of Optical Properties of Superficial Volumes of Layered Tissue Phantoms. 335-339 - Tong San Koh:
On the a Priori Identifiability of the Two-Compartment Distributed Parameter Model From Residual Tracer Data Acquired by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Imaging. 340-344 - Luke E. Hallum
, Shaun L. Cloherty
, Nigel H. Lovell
Image Analysis for Microelectronic Retinal Prosthesis. 344-346 - Omid Sayadi, Mohammad Bagher Shamsollahi:
Model-Based Fiducial Points Extraction for Baseline Wandered Electrocardiograms. 347-351 - Xiangrong Zhou, Hiroaki Ninomiya, Takeshi Hara, Hiroshi Fujita, Ryujiro Yokoyama, Huayue Chen
, Takuji Kiryu, Hiroaki Hoshi:
Automated Estimation of the Upper Surface of the Diaphragm in 3-D CT Images. 351-353 - Yue-Der Lin, Yu Hen Hu:
Power-Line Interference Detection and Suppression in ECG Signal Processing. 354-357 - K. W. Sum
, Paul Y. S. Cheung:
Vessel Extraction Under Non-Uniform Illumination: A Level Set Approach. 358-360 - Gernot R. Müller-Putz
, Gert Pfurtscheller:
Control of an Electrical Prosthesis With an SSVEP-Based BCI. 361-364 - Cristian Munteanu, Francisco Cabrera Morales, Juan Ruiz-Alzola
Speckle Reduction Through Interactive Evolution of a General Order Statistics Filter for Clinical Ultrasound Imaging. 365-369 - Eugenijus Kaniusas
, Helmut Pfützner, Lars Mehnen, Jürgen Kosel
, Giedrius Varoneckas
, Audrius Alonderis, Linas Zakarevicius:
Cardiovascular Oscillations of the Carotid Artery Assessed by Magnetoelastic Skin Curvature Sensor. 369-372 - Lotte N. S. Struijk
, Metin Akay, Johannes J. Struijk
The Single Nerve Fiber Action Potential and the Filter Bank - A Modeling Approach. 372-375 - Hong Lin:
Identification of Spinal Deformity Classification With Total Curvature Analysis and Artificial Neural Network. 376-382
Volume 55, Number 2, Part 1, 2008
- Scott A. Stevens, Jesse Stimpson, William D. Lakin, Nimish J. Thakore
, Paul L. Penar:
A Model for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension and Associated Pathological ICP Wave-Forms. 388-398 - Matthias Reumann, Julia Bohnert, Gunnar Seemann, Brigitte Osswald, Olaf Dössel
Preventive Ablation Strategies in a Biophysical Model of Atrial Fibrillation Based on Realistic Anatomical Data. 399-406 - Alexander Roytvarf, Vladimir Shusterman
A Large-Scale, Energetic Model of Cardiovascular Homeostasis Predicts Dynamics of Arterial Pressure in Humans. 407-418 - Yih-Choung Yu, Marwan A. Simaan
, S. E. Mushi, Nicholas V. Zorn:
Performance Prediction of a Percutaneous Ventricular Assist System Using Nonlinear Circuit Analysis Techniques. 419-429 - Robert H. Clewley, John M. Guckenheimer, Francisco J. Valero Cuevas:
Estimating Effective Degrees of Freedom in Motor Systems. 430-442 - Youssef Belhamadia:
A Time-Dependent Adaptive Remeshing for Electrical Waves of the Heart. 443-452 - Patricio S. La Rosa, Arye Nehorai, Hari Eswaran, Curtis Lowery, Hubert Preissl
Detection of Uterine MMG Contractions Using a Multiple Change Point Estimator and the K-Means Cluster Algorithm. 453-467 - Esther Pueyo
, Leif Sörnmo, Pablo Laguna
QRS Slopes for Detection and Characterization of Myocardial Ischemia. 468-477 - Natalia M. Arzeno, Zhi-De Deng
, Chi-Sang Poon:
Analysis of First-Derivative Based QRS Detection Algorithms. 478-484 - Wei Xu, David L. Mathine, Jennifer K. Barton:
Analog CMOS Design for Optical Coherence Tomography Signal Detection and Processing. 485-489 - Laurent Albera, Anne Ferréol, Delphine Cosandier-Rimélé, Isabelle Merlet
, Fabrice Wendling
Brain Source Localization Using a Fourth-Order Deflation Scheme. 490-501 - Frida Sandberg
, Martin Stridh
, Leif Sörnmo:
Frequency Tracking of Atrial Fibrillation Using Hidden Markov Models. 502-511 - Samanwoy Ghosh-Dastidar, Hojjat Adeli, Nahid Dadmehr:
Principal Component Analysis-Enhanced Cosine Radial Basis Function Neural Network for Robust Epilepsy and Seizure Detection. 512-518 - Michael I. Fuller, Karthik Ranganathan, Shiwei Zhou, Travis N. Blalock, John A. Hossack, William F. Walker:
Experimental System Prototype of a Portable, Low-Cost, C-Scan Ultrasound Imaging Device. 519-530 - Luís Augusto Motta Mello, Cícero Ribeiro de Lima
, Marcelo Britto Passos Amato
, Raul Gonzalez Lima, Emílio Carlos Nelli Silva:
Three-Dimensional Electrical Impedance Tomography: A Topology Optimization Approach. 531-540 - Rosebet Miranda-Luna, Christian Daul, Walter Blondel, Yahir Hernández-Mier, Didier Wolf, François Guillemin:
Mosaicing of Bladder Endoscopic Image Sequences: Distortion Calibration and Registration Algorithm. 541-553 - Kavitha Arunachalam, Lalita Udpa, Satish S. Udpa:
A Computational Investigation of Microwave Breast Imaging Using Deformable Reflector. 554-562 - Ali Gholipour, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Richard W. Briggs, Kaundinya S. Gopinath, Wendy Ringe, Anthony Whittemore, Sergey Cheshkov, Khamid Bakhadirov:
Validation of Non-Rigid Registration Between Functional and Anatomical Magnetic Resonance Brain Images. 563-571 - César Alexandre Teixeira
, Maria da Graça Ruano, António E. B. Ruano
, Wagner Coelho A. Pereira:
A Soft-Computing Methodology for Noninvasive Time-Spatial Temperature Estimation. 572-580 - Stephan Reichelt
, Jens Fiala, Armin Werber, Katharina Förster, Claudia Heilmann
, Rolf Klemm, Hans Zappe
Development of an Implantable Pulse Oximeter. 581-588 - Bertoldo Schneider Jr.
, Paulo José Abatti
Electrical Characteristics of the Sparks Produced by Electrosurgical Devices. 589-593 - Chee-Earn Chong, Yoke-Lin Tan:
A New Geometric Factor for In Situ Resistivity Measurement Using Four Slender Cylindrical Electrodes. 594-602 - Jae-Joon Han, Peter C. Doerschuk, Saul B. Gelfand, Sean J. O'Connor:
Models and Signal Processing for an Implanted Ethanol Bio-Sensor. 603-613 - Wei-Chih Wang, William R. Ledoux
, Chu-Yu Huang, Cheng-Sheng Huang, Glenn K. Klute
, Per G. Reinhall:
Development of a Microfabricated Optical Bend Loss Sensor for Distributive Pressure Measurement. 614-625 - Darren A. Hooks, Mark L. Trew:
Construction and Validation of a Plunge Electrode Array for Three-Dimensional Determination of Conductivity in the Heart. 626-635 - Ken Nishihara, Hisashi Kawai, Toshiaki Gomi, Miho Terajima, Yu Chiba:
Investigation of Optimum Electrode Locations by Using an Automatized Surface Electromyography Analysis Technique. 636-642 - Zachary G. Forbes, Benjamin B. Yellen, Derek S. Halverson, Gregory Fridman
, Kenneth A. Barbee, Gary Friedman:
Validation of High Gradient Magnetic Field Based Drug Delivery to Magnetizable Implants Under Flow. 643-649 - Ryan J. Halter, Alex Hartov, Keith D. Paulsen:
A Broadband High-Frequency Electrical Impedance Tomography System for Breast Imaging. 650-659 - Luca Mesin
, Roberto Merletti:
Distribution of Electrical Stimulation Current in a Planar Multilayer Anisotropic Tissue. 660-670 - Norbert Leitgeb, Roman Cech:
Dosimetric Assessment of Simultaneous Exposure to ELF Electric and Magnetic Fields. 671-674 - Reinhold Scherer
, Felix Lee, Alois Schlögl
, Robert Leeb, Horst Bischof
, Gert Pfurtscheller:
Toward Self-Paced Brain-Computer Communication: Navigation Through Virtual Worlds. 675-682 - Céline Moulin, Alain Glière, Daniel Barbier, Sébastien Joucla, Blaise Yvert, Pascal Mailley
, Régis Guillemaud:
A New 3-D Finite-Element Model Based on Thin-Film Approximation for Microelectrode Array Recording of Extracellular Action Potential. 683-692 - Angelika Dimoka, Spiros H. Courellis, Ghassan I. Gholmieh, Vasilis Z. Marmarelis, Theodore W. Berger:
Modeling the Nonlinear Properties of the in vitro Hippocampal Perforant Path-Dentate System Using Multielectrode Array Technology. 693-702 - Roland Eichardt, Jens Haueisen
, Thomas R. Knösche, Ernst Günter Schukat-Talamazzini:
Reconstruction of Multiple Neuromagnetic Sources Using Augmented Evolution Strategies - A Comparative Study. 703-712 - Janne Lehtonen, Pasi Jylänki, Laura Kauhanen, Mikko Sams:
Online Classification of Single EEG Trials During Finger Movements. 713-720 - Richelle L. Gaw, Bruce H. Cornish, Brian J. Thomas:
The Electrical Impedance of Pulsatile Blood Flowing Through Rigid Tubes: A Theoretical Investigation. 721-727 - Ørjan Grøttem Martinsen
, Sverre Grimnes, Jon Kerr Nilsen, Christian Tronstad, Wooyoung Jang, Hongsig Kim, Kunsoo Shin, Majid Naderi, FrankThielmann:
Gravimetric Method for in Vitro Calibration of Skin Hydration Measurements. 728-732 - Ahmad Keshtkar, Asghar Keshtkar:
Modeled Current Distribution Inside the Normal and Malignant Human Urothelium Using Finite Element Analysis. 733-738 - Yuichi Kurita
, Roland Kempf, Yoshichika Iida, Jumpei Okude, Makoto Kaneko, Hiromu K. Mishima, Hidetoshi Tsukamoto, Eiichiro Sugimoto, Seiki Katakura, Ken Kobayashi, Yoshiaki Kiuchi:
Contact-Based Stiffness Sensing of Human Eye. 739-745 - Rick A. Hyde, Laurence P. Ketteringham, Simon A. Neild, Rosie J. S. Jones:
Estimation of Upper-Limb Orientation Based on Accelerometer and Gyroscope Measurements. 746-754 - Hooman Dejnabadi, Brigitte M. Jolles, Kamiar Aminian
A New Approach for Quantitative Analysis of Inter-Joint Coordination During Gait. 755-764 - Natasha Alves, Tom Chau:
Vision-Based Segmentation of Continuous Mechanomyographic Grasping Sequences. 765-773 - Eric Wagnac, Carl-Eric Aubin, Jean Dansereau:
A New Method to Generate a Patient-Specific Finite Element Model of the Human Buttocks. 774-783 - Mario C. Faustini, Richard R. Neptune, Richard H. Crawford, Steven J. Stanhope:
Manufacture of Passive Dynamic Ankle-Foot Orthoses Using Selective Laser Sintering. 784-790 - Anirban Dutta
, Rudi Kobetic, Ronald J. Triolo
Ambulation After Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury With EMG-Triggered Functional Electrical Stimulation. 791-794 - Ashraf A. Aly, M. Imran Cheema
, Murtuza Tambawala, Ryan Laterza, Eileen Zhou, Kalani Rathnabharathi, Frank S. Barnes:
Effects of 900-MHz Radio Frequencies on the Chemotaxis of Human Neutrophils in Vitro. 795-797 - Roberto Hornero
, Mateo Aboy
, Carlos Gómez
, Daniel S. Hagg, Charles R. Phillips:
Complexity Analysis of Arterial Pressure During Periods of Abrupt Hemodynamic Changes. 797-801 - Max Mignotte, Jean Meunier, Jean-Paul Soucy:
DCT-Based Complexity Regularization for EM Tomographic Reconstruction. 801-805 - Janusz Jezewski
, Tomasz Kupka
, Krzysztof Horoba
Extraction of Fetal Heart-Rate Signal as the Time Event Series From Evenly Sampled Data Acquired Using Doppler Ultrasound Technique. 805-810
Volume 55, Number 2, Part 2, 2008
- Qingyu Ma
, Bin He
Magnetoacoustic Tomography With Magnetic Induction: A Rigorous Theory. 813-816 - Erik D. Engeberg, Sanford G. Meek:
Improved Grasp Force Sensitivity for Prosthetic Hands Through Force-Derivative Feedback. 817-821 - Bin Guo, Jian Li:
Waveform Diversity Based Ultrasound System for Hyperthermia Treatment of Breast Cancer. 822-826 - Tilak Jain, Jit Muthuswamy
Microelectrode Array (MEA) Platform for Targeted Neuronal Transfection and Recording. 827-832 - Carole Garnier, Cyril Lafon
, Jean-Louis Dillenseger
3-D Modeling of the Thermal Coagulation Necrosis Induced by an Interstitial Ultrasonic Transducer. 833-837 - Daniel V. Palanker
, Alexander Vankov, Philip Huie:
Electrosurgery With Cellular Precision. 838-841
Volume 55, Number 3, 2008
- Mohsen Mahvash, Liming M. Voo, Diana Kim, Kristin Jeung, Joshua Wainer, Allison M. Okamura
Modeling the Forces of Cutting With Scissors. 848-856 - Gianni Marchetti
, Massimiliano Barolo
, Lois Jovanovic, Howard C. Zisser, Dale E. Seborg:
An Improved PID Switching Control Strategy for Type 1 Diabetes. 857-865 - Pablo Lamata
, Enrique J. Gómez
, Félix L. Hernández, Alfonso Oltra Pastor, Francisco Miguel Sánchez-Margallo
, Francisco del Pozo
Understanding Perceptual Boundaries in Laparoscopic Surgery. 866-873 - Yoshihito Sawaguchi, Eiko Furutani, Gotaro Shirakami, Mituhiko Araki, Kazuhiko Fukuda:
A Model-Predictive Hypnosis Control System Under Total Intravenous Anesthesia. 874-887 - Tarik A. Chowdhury, Paul F. Whelan
, Ovidiu Ghita:
A Fully Automatic CAD-CTC System Based on Curvature Analysis for Standard and Low-Dose CT Data. 888-901 - Laura Astolfi
, Febo Cincotti
, Donatella Mattia
, Fabrizio de Vico Fallani, Andrea Tocci, Alfredo Colosimo
, Serenella Salinari, Maria Grazia Marciani
, Wolfram Hesse, Herbert Witte, Mauro Ursino
, Melissa Zavaglia, Fabio Babiloni
Tracking the Time-Varying Cortical Connectivity Patterns by Adaptive Multivariate Estimators. 902-913 - Dario Farina, Ernest Nlandu Kamavuako
, Jian Wu, Francesco Naddeo:
Entropy-Based Optimization of Wavelet Spatial Filters. 914-922 - Pierre W. Ferrez, José del R. Millán
Error-Related EEG Potentials Generated During Simulated Brain-Computer Interaction. 923-929 - Ki-Seung Lee:
EMG-Based Speech Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models With Global Control Variables. 930-940 - Iku Nemoto, Masaya Abe, Makoto Kotani:
Multiplicative Correction of Subject Effect as Preprocessing for Analysis of Variance. 941-948 - Clive Cheong Took, Saeid Sanei, Scott Rickard, Jonathon A. Chambers, Stephen Dunne:
Fractional Delay Estimation for Blind Source Separation and Localization of Temporomandibular Joint Sounds. 949-956 - Athanasios Koutras
, George K. Kostopoulos, Andreas A. Ioannides:
Exploring the Variability of Single Trials in Somatosensory Evoked Responses Using Constrained Source Extraction and RMT. 957-969 - Hongze Liu, Aaron R. Hawkins
, Stephen M. Schultz, Travis E. Oliphant:
Fast Nonlinear Image Reconstruction for Scanning Impedance Imaging. 970-977 - Hongjian Shi
, Aly A. Farag, Rachid Fahmi
, Dongqing Chen:
Validation of Finite Element Models of Liver Tissue Using Micro-CT. 978-984 - Massimo Mischi
, Harrie van den Bosch, Annemieke H. M. Jansen, Mischa Sieben, Ronald M. Aarts
, Hendrikus H. M. Korsten:
Quantification of Regional Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony by Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 985-995 - Matthew J. Gounis, Baruch B. Lieber, Keith A. Webster
, Ajay K. Wakhloo:
A Novel Angiographic Methodology for the Quantification of Angiogenesis. 996-1003 - Xin Chen, Kestutis J. Barkauskas, Brent D. Weinberg
, Jeffrey L. Duerk
, Fadi W. Abdul-Karim, Simi Paul, Gerald M. Saidel
Dynamics of MRI-Guided Thermal Ablation of VX2 Tumor in Paraspinal Muscle of Rabbits. 1004-1014 - Murat Dundar, Glenn Fung, Balaji Krishnapuram, R. Bharat Rao:
Multiple-Instance Learning Algorithms for Computer-Aided Detection. 1015-1021 - Jing Wang
, Hongbing Lu, Junhai Wen, Zhengrong Liang:
Multiscale Penalized Weighted Least-Squares Sinogram Restoration for Low-Dose X-Ray Computed Tomography. 1022-1031 - Eric J. Seibel, Robert E. Carroll, Jason A. Dominitz
, Richard S. Johnston, C. David Melville, Cameron M. Lee, Steven M. Seitz, Michael B. Kimmey:
Tethered Capsule Endoscopy, A Low-Cost and High-Performance Alternative Technology for the Screening of Esophageal Cancer and Barrett's Esophagus. 1032-1042 - Jonathon W. Sensinger, Richard F. Weir:
User-Modulated Impedance Control of a Prosthetic Elbow in Unconstrained, Perturbed Motion. 1043-1055 - Matthew R. Behrend, Ashish K. Ahuja, James D. Weiland
Dynamic Current Density of the Disk Electrode Double-Layer. 1056-1062 - Niclas Roxhed
, Björn Samel, Lina Nordquist
, Patrick Griss, Göran Stemme
Painless Drug Delivery Through Microneedle-Based Transdermal Patches Featuring Active Infusion. 1063-1071 - Alfred C. H. Yu
, Eric Cohen-Solal, Balasundar I. Raju, Shervin Ayati:
An Automated Carotid Pulse Assessment Approach Using Doppler Ultrasound. 1072-1081 - Ming De Lin
, Lutao Ning, Cristian T. Badea
, Nilesh Mistry, Yi Qi, G. Allan Johnson
A High-Precision Contrast Injector for Small Animal X-Ray Digital Subtraction Angiography. 1082-1091 - Mihai Popescu, Elena-Anda Popescu, Tszping Chan, Shannon D. Blunt
, Jeffrey David Lewine:
Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction of Bilateral Auditory Steady-State Responses Using MEG Beamformers. 1092-1102 - David Gutiérrez
, Arye Nehorai:
Array Response Kernels for EEG and MEG in Multilayer Ellipsoidal Geometry. 1103-1111 - Kensuke Sekihara, Kenneth E. Hild II, Sarang S. Dalal
, Srikantan S. Nagarajan:
Performance of Prewhitening Beamforming in MEG Dual Experimental Conditions. 1112-1121 - Frank Rattay
Current Distance Relations for Fiber Stimulation With Pointsources. 1122-1127 - Pradeep Shenoy, Kai J. Miller, Beau Crawford, Rajesh P. N. Rao
Online Electromyographic Control of a Robotic Prosthesis. 1128-1135 - James FitzGerald
, Stéphanie P. Lacour, Stephen B. McMahon
, James W. Fawcett:
Microchannels as Axonal Amplifiers. 1136-1146 - Alain Rakotomamonjy, Vincent Guigue:
BCI Competition III: Dataset II- Ensemble of SVMs for BCI P300 Speller. 1147-1154 - Carlos Eduardo Pedreira
, Elaine S. Costa
, M. Elena Arroyo, Julia Almeida, Alberto Orfao:
A Multidimensional Classification Approach for the Automated Analysis of Flow Cytometry Data. 1155-1162 - Rafael González-Landaeta
, Oscar Casas
, Ramon Pallas-Areny:
Heart Rate Detection From Plantar Bioimpedance Measurements. 1163-1167 - Ahdy Helmy, Michael Holdmann, Maher E. Rizkalla:
Application of Thermography for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Thyroid Gland Disease. 1168-1175 - Vijaya B. Kolachalama
, Neil W. Bressloff, Prasanth B. Nair
, Clifford P. Shearman:
Predictive Haemodynamics in a One-Dimensional Human Carotid Artery Bifurcation. Part II: Application to Graft Design. 1176-1184 - Yoshinori Tegawa, Yohsuke Kinouchi:
Dental Magnetic Attachment: Toward Third Generation Devices. 1185-1190 - Jun Shi, Yong-Ping Zheng
, Qing-Hua Huang, Xin Chen:
Continuous Monitoring of Sonomyography, Electromyography and Torque Generated by Normal Upper Arm Muscles During Isometric Contraction: Sonomyography Assessment for Arm Muscles. 1191-1198 - Cheryl D. Metcalf
, Scott V. Notley, Paul H. Chappell, Jane H. Burridge
, Victoria T. Yule:
Validation and Application of a Computational Model for Wrist and Hand Movements Using Surface Markers. 1199-1210 - Christine Tse, Marwa J. Zohdy, Jing Yong Ye, Matthew O'Donnell:
Penetration and Precision of Subsurface Photodisruption in Porcine Skin Tissue With Infrared Femtosecond Laser Pulses. 1211-1218 - Shantanu Sarkar, David Ritscher, Rahul Mehra:
A Detector for a Chronic Implantable Atrial Tachyarrhythmia Monitor. 1219-1224 - Fusheng You, Xuetao Shi
, Xiuzhen Dong, Feng Fu, Ruigang Liu, Wanjun Shuai, Zheng Li:
A Quantitative Method Based on Total Relative Change for Dynamic Electrical Impedance Tomography. 1224-1226 - Shi Wei Gong, Heow Pueh Lee, Chun Lu
Dynamic Response of a Human Head to a Foreign Object Impact. 1226-1229 - Neila Mezghani, Sabine Husse, Karine Boivin, Katia Turcot
, Rachid Aissaoui, Nicola Hagemeister, Jacques A. de Guise
Automatic Classification of Asymptomatic and Osteoarthritis Knee Gait Patterns Using Kinematic Data Features and the Nearest Neighbor Classifier. 1230-1232 - Evangelia I. Zacharaki
, Cosmina Hogea, George Biros, Christos Davatzikos
A Comparative Study of Biomechanical Simulators in Deformable Registration of Brain Tumor Images. 1233-1236 - Patrick M. Aubin, Matthew S. Cowley, William R. Ledoux
Gait Simulation via a 6-DOF Parallel Robot With Iterative Learning Control. 1237-1240 - Dale W. Evertson, Mark R. Holcomb, Matthew D. C. Eames, Mark-Anthony Bray, Veniamin Y. Sidorov, Junkai Xu, Holley Wingard, Hana M. Dobrovolny
, Marcella C. Woods, Daniel J. Gauthier
, John P. Wikswo:
High-Resolution High-Speed Panoramic Cardiac Imaging System. 1241-1243 - Claudio Zizzo, Aimen Hassani, Delphine Turner:
Automatic Detection and Imaging of Ischemic Changes During Electrocardiogram Monitoring. 1243-1247 - Zu-yao Chang, Gheorghe A. M. Pop, Gerard C. M. Meijer:
A Comparison of Two- and Four-Electrode Techniques to Characterize Blood Impedance for the Frequency Range of 100 Hz to 100 MHz. 1247-1249
Volume 55, Number 4, 2008
- Johanna Pettersson, Karljohan E. Lundin Palmerius, Hans Knutsson, Ola Wahlstrom, Bo Tillander, Magnus Borga:
Simulation of Patient Specific Cervical Hip Fracture Surgery With a Volume Haptic Interface. 1255-1265 - Lu Gaohua
, Hidenori Kimura:
A Mathematical Model of Respiratory and Biothermal Dynamics in Brain Hypothermia Treatment. 1266-1278 - Laurent Autrique
, Corine Lormel:
Numerical Design of Experiment for Sensitivity Analysis - Application to Skin Burn Injury Prediction. 1279-1290 - Xin-Yu Zhang, Emma MacPherson, Yuan-Ting Zhang
Relations Between the Timing of the Second Heart Sound and Aortic Blood Pressure. 1291-1297 - Ranjan K. Dash, Yanjun Li, Jaeyeon Kim, Gerald M. Saidel
, Marco E. Cabrera:
Modeling Cellular Metabolism and Energetics in Skeletal Muscle: Large-Scale Parameter Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis. 1298-1318 - Catalina Monica Fira, Liviu Goras
An ECG Signals Compression Method and Its Validation Using NNs. 1319-1326 - Guofa Shou, Ling Xia, Mingfeng Jiang
, Qing Wei, Feng Liu
, Stuart Crozier
Truncated Total Least Squares: A New Regularization Method for the Solution of ECG Inverse Problems. 1327-1335 - Azadeh Yadollahi
, Zahra Moussavi:
Respiratory Sounds Compression. 1336-1343 - Raul Benitez
, Zoran Nenadic
Robust Unsupervised Detection of Action Potentials With Probabilistic Models. 1344-1354 - Miguel A. Fuentes, Adnan Trakic
, Stephen James Wilson, Stuart Crozier
Analysis and Measurements of Magnetic Field Exposures for Healthcare Workers in SelectedMR Environments. 1355-1364 - D. Michael Ackermann Jr., Brian Smith, Xiao-Feng Wang, Kevin L. Kilgore
, P. Hunter Peckham:
Designing the Optical Interface of a Transcutaneous Optical Telemetry Link. 1365-1373 - Alec Ginggen, Yanik Tardy, Rocco Crivelli, Toralf Bork, Philippe Renaud:
A Telemetric Pressure Sensor System for Biomedical Applications. 1374-1381 - Jan Stegenga, Joost le Feber, Enrico Marani, Wim L. C. Rutten:
Analysis of Cultured Neuronal Networks Using Intraburst Firing Characteristics. 1382-1390 - Ravindra P. Joshi, Ashutosh Mishra, Jiahui Song, Andrei G. Pakhomov
, Karl H. Schoenbach:
Simulation Studies of Ultrashort, High-Intensity Electric Pulse Induced Action Potential Block in Whole-Animal Nerves. 1391-1398 - Timothy Ellis, James McNames, Brahm Goldstein:
Optimal Filter Design to Compute the Mean of Cardiovascular Pressure Signals. 1399-1407 - Andrew E. Pollard, Charles D. Ellis, William M. Smith:
Linear Electrode Arrays for Stimulation and Recording Within Cardiac Tissue Space Constants. 1408-1414 - Katia Turcot
, Rachid Aissaoui, Karine Boivin, Michel Pelletier, Nicola Hagemeister, Jacques A. de Guise
New Accelerometric Method to Discriminate Between Asymptomatic Subjects and Patients With Medial Knee Osteoarthritis During 3-D Gait. 1415-1422 - Guillaume Desroches, Rachid Aissaoui, Daniel Bourbonnais
The Effect of Resultant Force at the Pushrim on Shoulder Kinetics During Manual Wheelchair Propulsion: A Simulation Study. 1423-1431 - Xiangqun Xu, Qiuhong Zhu:
Feasibility of Sonophoretic Delivery for Effective Skin Optical Clearing. 1432-1437 - Matthew S. Leigh, Julian J. Armstrong, Alexandre Paduch, Jennifer H. Walsh
, David R. Hillman
, Peter R. Eastwood
, David D. Sampson
Anatomical Optical Coherence Tomography for Long-Term, Portable, Quantitative Endoscopy. 1438-1446 - Fredrik Johansson, Martin Kanje, Cecilia E. Linsmeier, Lars Wallman:
The Influence of Porous Silicon on Axonal Outgrowth in Vitro. 1447-1449 - Jie Cui, Willy Wong
Investigation of Short-Term Changes in Visual Evoked Potentials With Windowed Adaptive Chirplet Transform. 1449-1454 - Katrina Wendel
, Nathaniel G. Narra
, Markus Hannula, Pasi Kauppinen, Jaakko Malmivuo:
The Influence of CSF on EEG Sensitivity Distributions of Multilayered Head Models. 1454-1456 - Ashish K. Ahuja, Matthew R. Behrend, John J. Whalen
, Mark S. Humayun, James D. Weiland
The Dependence of Spectral Impedance on Disc Microelectrode Radius. 1457-1460
Volume 55, Number 5, 2008
- Antonio Tristán-Vega
, Juan Ignacio Arribas:
A Radius and Ulna TW3 Bone Age Assessment System. 1463-1476 - Andrei V. Gribok, Mark J. Buller, Jaques Reifman:
Individualized Short-Term Core Temperature Prediction in Humans Using Biomathematical Models. 1477-1487 - Raymond J. Spiteri
, Ryan C. Dean:
On the Performance of an Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta Method in Models of Cardiac Electrical Activity. 1488-1495 - Jérémy Terrien, Catherine Marque
, Guy Germain:
Ridge Extraction From the Time-frequency Representation (TFR) of Signals Based on an Image Processing Approach: Application to the Analysis of Uterine Electromyogram AR TFR. 1496-1503 - Huaien Luo, Sadasivan Puthusserypady
Analysis of fMRI Data With Drift: Modified General Linear Model and Bayesian Estimator. 1504-1511 - Kin L. Siu, Jae M. Ann, Kihwan Ju, Myoungho Lee, Kunsoo Shin, Ki H. Chon:
Statistical Approach to Quantify the Presence of Phase Coupling Using the Bispectrum. 1512-1520 - Gokul Swamy, Ramakrishna Mukkamala
Estimation of the Aortic Pressure Waveform and Beat-to-Beat Relative Cardiac Output Changes From Multiple Peripheral Artery Pressure Waveforms. 1521-1529 - Nuo Gao, Bin He
Noninvasive Imaging of Bioimpedance Distribution by Means of Current Reconstruction Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography. 1530-1538 - Gabriel Tsechpenakis, Laura Bianchi
, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Monica Driscoll:
A Novel Computational Approach for Simultaneous Tracking and Feature Extraction of C. elegans Populations in Fluid Environments. 1539-1549 - Fernando Nuño
, Alberto Martín-Pernia
, Juan Díaz
, Juan Angel Martinez Esteban
, José A. Alvarez-Canal:
A New Electronic Tonometer for Ocular Epipalpebral Measurements. 1550-1559 - Janice J. Li, Amy L. Ouellette, Laurent Giovangrandi, David E. Cooper, Antonio J. Ricco
, Gregory T. A. Kovacs:
Optical Scanner for Immunoassays With Up-Converting Phosphorescent Labels. 1560-1571 - Erik D. Engeberg, Sanford G. Meek, Mark A. Minor
Hybrid Force-Velocity Sliding Mode Control of a Prosthetic Hand. 1572-1581 - Chin-Teng Lin
, Yu-Chieh Chen, Teng-Yi Huang, Tien-Ting Chiu, Li-Wei Ko
, Sheng-Fu Liang, Hung-Yi Hsieh, Shang Hwa Hsu, Jeng-Ren Duann:
Development of Wireless Brain Computer Interface With Embedded Multitask Scheduling and its Application on Real-Time Driver's Drowsiness Detection and Warning. 1582-1591 - Quentin Noirhomme
, Richard Kitney
, Benoît Macq:
Single-Trial EEG Source Reconstruction for Brain-Computer Interface. 1592-1601 - Abigail Swillens, Lieve Lanoye, Julie De Backer
, Nikos Stergiopulos
, Pascal R. Verdonck, Frank Vermassen, Patrick Segers
Effect of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm on Wave Reflection in the Aorta. 1602-1611 - Alfred C. Schouten
, Erwin de Vlugt, Frans C. T. van der Helm:
Design of Perturbation Signals for the Estimation of Proprioceptive Reflexes. 1612-1619 - Jean-José Jacq, Thierry Cresson, Valérie Burdin, Christian Roux:
Performing Accurate Joint Kinematics From 3-D In Vivo Image Sequences Through Consensus-Driven Simultaneous Registration. 1620-1633 - Kai J. Miller, Pradeep Shenoy, Marcel den Nijs, Larry B. Sorensen, Rajesh P. N. Rao
, Jeffrey G. Ojemann
Beyond the Gamma Band: The Role of High-Frequency Features in Movement Classification. 1634-1637 - Kaytlin Brinker, Bradley J. Roth
The Effect of Electrical Anisotropy During Magnetoacoustic Tomography With Magnetic Induction. 1637-1639 - Laurence Cnockaert, Pierre-François Migeotte, Lise Daubigny, G. Kim Prisk, Francis Grenez, Rui Carlos Sa
A Method for the Analysis of Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Using Continuous Wavelet Transforms. 1640-1642
Volume 55, Number 6, 2008
- Luca Mesin
Simulation of Surface EMG Signals for a Multilayer Volume Conductor With a Superficial Bone or Blood Vessel. 1647-1657 - Roberto Hornero
, Javier Escudero
, Alberto Fernández
, Jesús Poza
, Carlos Gómez
Spectral and Nonlinear Analyses of MEG Background Activity in Patients With Alzheimer's Disease. 1658-1665 - Yen Chieh Ouyang
, Hsian-Min Chen, Jyh Wen Chai, Clayton Chi-Chang Chen, Sek-Kwong Poon, Ching-Wen Yang, San-Kan Lee, Chein-I Chang:
Band Expansion-Based Over-Complete Independent Component Analysis for Multispectral Processing of Magnetic Resonance Images. 1666-1677 - Trevor C. Williams, Jeff M. Sill, Elise C. Fear
Breast Surface Estimation for Radar-Based Breast Imaging Systems. 1678-1686 - António V. Sousa
, Ana Maria Mendonça
, Aurélio J. C. Campilho
Chromatographic Pattern Classification. 1687-1696 - Hooi Been Lim, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nhung, Er-Ping Li, Nguyen Duc Thang:
Confocal Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection: Delay-Multiply-and-Sum Image Reconstruction Algorithm. 1697-1704 - Pietro Valdastri
, Arianna Menciassi, Paolo Dario:
Transmission Power Requirements for Novel ZigBee Implants in the Gastrointestinal Tract. 1705-1710 - Thomas Degen, Heinz Jäckel:
Continuous Monitoring of Electrode-Skin Impedance Mismatch During Bioelectric Recordings. 1711-1715 - Tolga E. Özkurt, Mingui Sun, Robert J. Sclabassi:
Decomposition of Magnetoencephalographic Data Into Components Corresponding to Deep and Superficial Sources. 1716-1727 - Gus K. Lott, Ronald R. Hoy:
A Polyimide Pressure-Contact Multielectrode Array for Implantation Along a Submillimeter Neural Process in Small Animals. 1728-1732 - Wei Wu, Xiaorong Gao, Bo Hong
, Shangkai Gao:
Classifying Single-Trial EEG During Motor Imagery by Iterative Spatio-Spectral Patterns Learning (ISSPL). 1733-1743 - Ashish K. Ahuja, Matthew R. Behrend, Masako Kuroda, Mark S. Humayun, James D. Weiland
An In Vitro Model of a Retinal Prosthesis. 1744-1753 - Haihong Zhang, Cuntai Guan
, Chuanchu Wang:
Asynchronous P300-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Computational Approach With Statistical Models. 1754-1763 - Tim Idzenga
, Johan Pel, Ron van Mastrigt:
Toward an Acoustic Noninvasive Diagnosis of Urinary Bladder Outlet Obstruction. 1764-1771 - Chulwoo Son, Babak Ziaie:
A Wireless Implantable Passive Microdosimeter for Radiation Oncology. 1772-1775 - Phillip A. Shaltis, Andrew T. Reisner, H. Harry Asada:
Cuffless Blood Pressure Monitoring Using Hydrostatic Pressure Changes. 1775-1777
Volume 55, Number 7, 2008
- Michael Sherback, Raffaello D'Andrea:
Visuomotor Optimality and its Utility in Parametrization of Response. 1783-1791 - Chenguo Yao, Yan Mi, Chengxiang Li, Xiaoqian Hu, Xin Chen, Caixin Sun:
Study of Transmembrane Potentials on Cellular Inner and Outer Membrane - Frequency Response Model and Its Filter Characteristic Simulation. 1792-1799 - Hua O. Wang, Feng Liu
, Adnan Trakic
, Stuart Crozier
An Improved Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Scheme for Induced Field Evaluation Based on the Biconjugate Gradient Method. 1800-1808 - Patrick Celka, Khoa N. Le, Tim R. H. Cutmore:
Noise Reduction in Rhythmic and Multitrial Biosignals With Applications to Event-Related Potentials. 1809-1821 - Omar S. Al-Kadi
, D. Watson:
Texture Analysis of Aggressive and Nonaggressive Lung Tumor CE CT Images. 1822-1830 - C. Dewey Buescher, Karlene A. Hoo, Herbert F. Janssen:
An Experimental Approach to Measure Mass Diffusion in Rat Tumor Tissue. 1831-1839 - Ragnar Olafsson, Russell S. Witte, Sheng-Wen Huang, Matthew O'Donnell:
Ultrasound Current Source Density Imaging. 1840-1848 - Deborah Pareto
, Pablo Aguiar
, Javier Pavía, Juan Domingo Gispert
, Albert Cot, Carles Falcón
, Antonio Benabarre, Francisco Lomeña, Eduard Vieta
, Domènec Ros
Assessment of SPM in Perfusion Brain SPECT Studies. A Numerical Simulation Study Using Bootstrap Resampling Methods. 1849-1853 - Samer Tamaz, Richard Gourdeau, Arnaud Chanu, Jean-Baptiste Mathieu, Sylvain Martel:
Real-Time MRI-Based Control of a Ferromagnetic Core for Endovascular Navigation. 1854-1863 - Kenji Shiba, Tomohiro Nagato, Toshio Tsuji
, Kohji Koshiji:
Energy Transmission Transformer for a Wireless Capsule Endoscope: Analysis of Specific Absorption Rate and Current Density in Biological Tissue. 1864-1871 - Sebastian Stopp, Daniel Svejdar, Emanuel von Kienlin, Herbert Deppe, Tim C. Lueth
A New Approach for Creating Defined Geometries by Navigated Laser Ablation Based on Volumetric 3-D Data. 1872-1880 - David J. Schutt, Dieter Haemmerich
Sequential Activation of a Segmented Ground Pad Reduces Skin Heating During Radiofrequency Tumor Ablation: Optimization via Computational Models. 1881-1889 - Aditya Gupta
, Arthur R. Weeks, Samuel M. Richie:
Simulation of Elevated T-Waves of an ECG Inside a Static Magnetic Field (MRI). 1890-1896 - Lillian Y. Chang, Nancy S. Pollard:
Method for Determining Kinematic Parameters of the In Vivo Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint. 1897-1906 - Clemens M. Zierhofer
, Reinhold Schatzer:
Simultaneous Intracochlear Stimulation Based on Channel Interaction Compensation: Analysis and First Results. 1907-1916 - Valentina Agostini
, Silvia Delsanto, Marco Knaflitz, Filippo Molinari
Noise Estimation in Infrared Image Sequences: A Tool for the Quantitative Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Registration Algorithms. 1917-1920 - Eddie B. L. Filho, Eduardo A. B. da Silva, Murilo B. de Carvalho:
On EMG Signal Compression With Recurrent Patterns. 1920-1923 - Eddie B. L. Filho, Nuno M. M. Rodrigues
, Eduardo A. B. da Silva, Sérgio M. M. de Faria
, Vítor Manuel Mendes da Silva, Murilo B. de Carvalho:
ECG Signal Compression Based on Dc Equalization and Complexity Sorting. 1923-1926 - Natasa Pavselj, Damijan Miklavcic
A Numerical Model of Permeabilized Skin With Local Transport Regions. 1927-1930
Volume 55, Number 8, 2008
- Reza Sameni
, Christian Jutten, Mohammad Bagher Shamsollahi:
Multichannel Electrocardiogram Decomposition Using Periodic Component Analysis. 1935-1940 - Jessi E. Johnson, Takashi Takenaka, Toshiyuki Tanaka:
Two-Dimensional Time-Domain Inverse Scattering for Quantitative Analysis of Breast Composition. 1941-1945 - Wilbur W. P. Chan, Henrietta L. Galiana:
Modeling the Nonlinear Context Dependency of the Neural Integrator in the Vestibuloocular Reflex. 1946-1955 - Mohammadreza Asghari Oskoei
, Huosheng Hu
Support Vector Machine-Based Classification Scheme for Myoelectric Control Applied to Upper Limb. 1956-1965 - Sheng Lu, Xinnian Chen, Jørgen K. Kanters
, Irene C. Solomon, Ki H. Chon:
Automatic Selection of the Threshold Value r for Approximate Entropy. 1966-1972 - Strahinja Dosen
, Dejan B. Popovic
Accelerometers and Force Sensing Resistors for Optimal Control of Walking of a Hemiplegic. 1973-1984 - Hyun-Chool Shin, Xiaofeng Jia
, Robert Nickl, Romergryko G. Geocadin, Nitish V. Thakor
A Subband-Based Information Measure of EEG During Brain Injury and Recovery After Cardiac Arrest. 1985-1990 - Moritz Grosse-Wentrup
, Martin Buss:
Multiclass Common Spatial Patterns and Information Theoretic Feature Extraction. 1991-2000 - Ki-Seung Lee:
SNR-Adaptive Stream Weighting for Audio-MES ASR. 2001-2010 - Yifan Chen, Erry Gunawan, Kay Soon Low
, Shih-Chang Wang, Cheong Boon Soh, Thomas C. Putti:
Effect of Lesion Morphology on Microwave Signature in 2-D Ultra-Wideband Breast Imaging. 2011-2021 - Alexandra Branzan Albu, Trevor Beugeling, Denis Laurendeau:
A Morphology-Based Approach for Interslice Interpolation of Anatomical Slices From Volumetric Images. 2022-2038 - Lei Sun
, Xiaochen Xu, William D. Richard, Ching Feng, Jeffrey A. Johnson, K. Kirk Shung:
A High-Frame Rate Duplex Ultrasound Biomicroscopy for Small Animal Imaging In vivo. 2039-2049 - Tyler Simpson, Colin Broughton, Michel J. A. Gauthier, Arthur Prochazka:
Tooth-Click Control of a Hands-Free Computer Interface. 2050-2056 - Werner Irnich:
The Hyperbolic Strength-Duration Relationship of Defibrillation Threshold. 2057-2063 - Kilian Imfeld, Simon Neukom, Alessandro Maccione
, Yannick Bornat
, Sergio Martinoia
, Pierre-André Farine, Milena Koudelka-Hep, Luca Berdondini:
Large-Scale, High-Resolution Data Acquisition System for Extracellular Recording of Electrophysiological Activity. 2064-2073 - Anael Dossevi, Diego Cosmelli
, Line Garnero, Habib Ammari:
Multivariate Reconstruction of Functional Networks From Cortical Sources Dynamics in MEG/EEG. 2074-2086 - Cheolkyun Kim, Ann P. O'Rourke, James A. Will, David M. Mahvi, John G. Webster:
Finite-Element Analysis of Hepatic Cryoablation Around a Large Blood Vessel. 2087-2093 - Emily Lim, Dean M. Karantonis, John A. Reizes, Shaun L. Cloherty
, David G. Mason, Nigel H. Lovell
Noninvasive Average Flow and Differential Pressure Estimation for an Implantable Rotary Blood Pump Using Dimensional Analysis. 2094-2101 - Bradley J. Roth
Photon Density Measured Over a Cut Surface: Implications for Optical Mapping of the Heart. 2102-2104 - Benjamin J. Fregly
Computational Assessment of Combinations of Gait Modifications for Knee Osteoarthritis Rehabilitation. 2104-2106 - Christer Ahlström
, Katja Hoglund
, Peter Hult, Jens Haggstrom
, Clarence Kvart, Per Ask:
Assessing Aortic Stenosis Using Sample Entropy of the Phonocardiographic Signal in Dogs. 2107-2109
Volume 55, Number 9, 2008
- Carlos Vicente Rizzo Sierra
, Maarten J. Versluis, Johannes M. Hoogduin, Hendrikus Duifhuis:
Acoustic fMRI Noise: Linear Time-Invariant System Model. 2115-2123 - Matti Stenroos, Jens Haueisen
Boundary Element Computations in the Forward and Inverse Problems of Electrocardiography: Comparison of Collocation and Galerkin Weightings. 2124-2133 - Guanglin Li
, Todd A. Kuiken:
Modeling of Prosthetic Limb Rotation Control by Sensing Rotation of Residual Arm Bone. 2134-2142 - Oliver Stegle
, Sebastian V. Fallert, David J. C. MacKay, Søren Brage:
Gaussian Process Robust Regression for Noisy Heart Rate Data. 2143-2151 - Hossein Rabbani
, Mansur Vafadust, Purang Abolmaesumi
, Saeed Gazor
Speckle Noise Reduction of Medical Ultrasound Images in Complex Wavelet Domain Using Mixture Priors. 2152-2160 - Clara M. Ionescu
, Robin De Keyser, Bismark Claure Torrico
, Tom De Smet, Michel M. R. F. Struys
, Julio E. Normey-Rico
Robust Predictive Control Strategy Applied for Propofol Dosing Using BIS as a Controlled Variable During Anesthesia. 2161-2170 - Daniel E. Abásolo
, Roberto Hornero
, Javier Escudero
, Pedro Espino:
A Study on the Possible Usefulness of Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of the Electroencephalogram Background Activity in Alzheimer's Disease. 2171-2179 - Zeynep Erim, Winsean Lin:
Decomposition of Intramuscular EMG Signals Using a Heuristic Fuzzy Expert System. 2180-2189 - James D. Wilson, Rathinaswamy B. Govindan, Jeff O. Hatton, Curtis Lowery, Hubert Preissl
Integrated Approach for Fetal QRS Detection. 2190-2197 - Todd R. Farrell
, Richard F. Weir:
A Comparison of the Effects of Electrode Implantation and Targeting on Pattern Classification Accuracy for Prosthesis Control. 2198-2211 - R. Koray Çiftçi, Bülent Sankur, Yasemin P. Kahya, Ata Akin
Multilevel Statistical Inference From Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Data During Stroop Interference. 2212-2220 - Kianoush Nazarpour, Yodchanan Wongsawat, Saeid Sanei, Jonathon A. Chambers, Soontorn Oraintara:
Removal of the Eye-Blink Artifacts From EEGs via STF-TS Modeling and Robust Minimum Variance Beamforming. 2221-2231 - Loukianos Spyrou, Saeid Sanei:
Source Localization of Event-Related Potentials Incorporating Spatial Notch Filters. 2232-2239 - Omid Sayadi, Mohammad Bagher Shamsollahi:
ECG Denoising and Compression Using a Modified Extended Kalman Filter Structure. 2240-2248 - Da Zhang, Molly Donovan Wong, Laurie Lee Fajardo, Ann Archer, Xizeng Wu, Hong Liu:
Preliminary Feasibility Study of an In-line Phase Contrast X-Ray Imaging Prototype. 2249-2257 - Kunal J. Paralikar, Ryan S. Clement
Collagenase-Aided Intracortical Microelectrode Array Insertion: Effects on Insertion Force and Recording Performance. 2258-2267 - Elad Maor, Antoni Ivorra
, Jonathan Leor, Boris Rubinsky:
Irreversible Electroporation Attenuates Neointimal Formation After Angioplasty. 2268-2274 - Giandomenico Nollo
, Mattia Marconcini, Luca Faes
, Francesca Bovolo
, Flavia Ravelli
, Lorenzo Bruzzone
An Automatic System for the Analysis and Classification of Human Atrial Fibrillation Patterns from Intracardiac Electrograms. 2275-2285 - Chi Tang, Fusheng You, Guang Cheng, Dakuan Gao, Feng Fu, Guosheng Yang, Xiuzhen Dong:
Correlation Between Structure and Resistivity Variations of the Live Human Skull. 2286-2292 - Jeffrey J. Kang, Moshe Eizenman, Elias Daniel Guestrin, Erez Eizenman:
Investigation of the Cross-Ratios Method for Point-of-Gaze Estimation. 2293-2302 - Andreas A. Linninger, Mahadevabharath R. Somayaji, Libin Zhang, adhu Smitha Hariharan, Richard D. Penn:
Rigorous Mathematical Modeling Techniques for Optimal Delivery of Macromolecules to the Brain. 2303-2313 - Radoslav Bortel
, Pavel Sovka:
Electrode Position Scaling in Realistic Laplacian Computation. 2314-2316
Volume 55, Number 10, 2008
- Golnaz Vahedi, Babak Faryabi
, Jean-François Chamberland
, Aniruddha Datta, Edward R. Dougherty:
Intervention in Gene Regulatory Networks via a Stationary Mean-First-Passage-Time Control Policy. 2319-2331 - Andrew Keong Ng
, Tong San Koh, Kathiravelu Puvanendran, Udantha R. Abeyratne
Snore Signal Enhancement and Activity Detection via Translation-Invariant Wavelet Transform. 2332-2342 - Marie Guéguin, Emmanuel Roux
, Alfredo Hernández, Fabienne Porée
, Philippe Mabo, Laurence Graindorge, Guy Carrault:
Exploring Time Series Retrieved from Cardiac Implantable Devices for Optimizing Patient Follow-Up. 2343-2352 - Jürgen Dammers
, Michael Schiek
, Frank Boers, Carmen Silex, Mikhail Zvyagintsev
, Uwe Pietrzyk
, Klaus Mathiak:
Integration of Amplitude and Phase Statistics for Complete Artifact Removal in Independent Components of Neuromagnetic Recordings. 2353-2362 - Yu Sun, John M. Hollerbach, Stephen A. Mascaro:
Predicting Fingertip Forces by Imaging Coloration Changes in the Fingernail and Surrounding Skin. 2363-2371 - Camille Gomez-Laberge, Andy Adler, Ian Cameron, Thanh Binh Nguyen, Matthew J. Hogan:
Selection Criteria for the Analysis of Data-Driven Clusters in Cerebral fMRI. 2372-2380 - David Alonso-Caneiro
, D. Robert Iskander, Michael J. Collins
Estimating Corneal Surface Topography in Videokeratoscopy in the Presence of Strong Signal Interference. 2381-2387 - Edward J. Ciaccio, Gary M. Drzewiecki:
Tonometric Arterial Pulse Sensor With Noise Cancellation. 2388-2396 - Kavitha Arunachalam, Paolo F. Maccarini, Paul R. Stauffer
A Thermal Monitoring Sheet With Low Influence From Adjacent Waterbolus for Tissue Surface Thermometry During Clinical Hyperthermia. 2397-2406 - Hao-Li Liu, Heng-Wen Chen, Zhen-Hao Kuo, Wen-Cheng Huang:
Design and Experimental Evaluations of a Low-Frequency Hemispherical Ultrasound Phased-Array System for Transcranial Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption. 2407-2416 - Benjamin Maurin, Bernard Bayle
, Olivier Piccin
, Jacques Gangloff, Michel de Mathelin, Christophe Doignon, Philippe Zanne, Afshin Gangi
A Patient-Mounted Robotic Platform for CT-Scan Guided Procedures. 2417-2425 - Carlos de la Rosa, Peter A. Tilley
, Julie D. Fox, Karan V. I. S. Kaler:
Microfluidic Device for Dielectrophoresis Manipulation and Electrodisruption of Respiratory Pathogen Bordetella pertussis. 2426-2432 - Matthew A. Schaning, Kurt A. Kaczmarek:
A High-Voltage Bipolar Transconductance Amplifier for Electrotactile Stimulation. 2433-2443 - Mariya Lazebnik, Changfang Zhu, Gregory M. Palmer
, Josephine M. Harter, Sarah Sewall, Nirmala Ramanujam
, Susan C. Hagness:
Electromagnetic Spectroscopy of Normal Breast Tissue Specimens Obtained From Reduction Surgeries: Comparison of Optical and Microwave Properties. 2444-2451 - Benjamin Blankertz, Florian Losch, Matthias Krauledat, Guido Dornhege, Gabriel Curio
, Klaus-Robert Müller
The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: Accurate Performance From First-Session in BCI-NaÏve Subjects. 2452-2462 - Shing-Hong Liu, Jia-Jung Wang, Kuo-Sheng Huang:
A New Oscillometry-Based Method for Estimating the Brachial Arterial Compliance Under Loaded Conditions. 2463-2470 - Pras Pathmanathan, David Gavaghan
, Jonathan P. Whiteley, S. Jonathan Chapman
, J. Michael Brady:
Predicting Tumor Location by Modeling the Deformation of the Breast. 2471-2480 - Kun Wang, Shanan Zhu, Bryon A. Mueller, Kelvin O. Lim
, Zhongming Liu
, Bin He
A New Method to Derive White Matter Conductivity From Diffusion Tensor MRI. 2481-2486
Volume 55, Number 11, 2008
- Aimee L. Betker, Zahra Moussavi, Tony Szturm:
Ambulatory Center of Mass Prediction Using Body Accelerations and Center of Foot Pressure. 2491-2498 - Teddy M. Cheng, Andrey V. Savkin, Branko G. Celler, Steven W. Su
, Lu Wang:
Nonlinear Modeling and Control of Human Heart Rate Response During Exercise With Various Work Load Intensities. 2499-2508 - Robert L. Burr, Catherine J. Kirkness, Pamela H. Mitchell:
Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Intracranial Pressure Predicts Outcome Following Traumatic Brain Injury. 2509-2518 - Álvaro Alesanco Iglesias
, José García
Automatic Real-Time ECG Coding Methodology Guaranteeing Signal Interpretation Quality. 2519-2527 - Yi Zhu, Amirali Shayan Arani, Wanping Zhang, Tong Lee Chen, Tzyy-Ping Jung
, Jeng-Ren Duann, Scott Makeig, Chung-Kuan Cheng:
Analyzing High-Density ECG Signals Using ICA. 2528-2537 - Mathieu Lemay
, Yann Prudat
, Vincent Jacquemet, Jean-Marc Vesin:
Phase-Rectified Signal Averaging Used to Estimate the Dominant Frequencies in ECG Signals During Atrial Fibrillation. 2538-2547 - Wen Fang, Kap Luk Chan, Sheng Fu, Shankar Muthu Krishnan:
Incorporating Temporal Information Into Level Set Functional for Robust Ventricular Boundary Detection From Echocardiographic Image Sequence. 2548-2556 - Christopher T. Wilke
, Lei Ding, Bin He
Estimation of Time-Varying Connectivity Patterns Through the Use of an Adaptive Directed Transfer Function. 2557-2564 - Jonathan Boisvert, Farida Cheriet, Xavier Pennec
, Hubert Labelle, Nicholas Ayache:
Articulated Spine Models for 3-D Reconstruction From Partial Radiographic Data. 2565-2574 - Ashton Peters, J. Geoffrey Chase, Elijah E. W. Van Houten:
Digital Image Elasto-Tomography: Combinatorial and Hybrid Optimization Algorithms for Shape-Based Elastic Property Reconstruction. 2575-2583 - Farid G. Mitri, Brian J. Davis
, Azra Alizad, James F. Greenleaf, Torrence M. Wilson, Lance A. Mynderse, Mostafa Fatemi
Prostate Cryotherapy Monitoring Using Vibroacoustography: Preliminary Results of an Ex Vivo Study and Technical Feasibility. 2584-2592 - Chih-Hung King, Martin O. Culjat, Miguel L. Franco, James W. Bisley
, Erik P. Dutson, Warren S. Grundfest:
Optimization of a Pneumatic Balloon Tactile Display for Robot-Assisted Surgery Based on Human Perception. 2593-2600 - Tzu-Jen Kao, Gary J. Saulnier, David Isaacson, Tomas L. Szabo, Jonathan C. Newell:
A Versatile High-Permittivity Phantom for EIT. 2601-2607 - Wangsong Gong, Csilla Haburcakova, Daniel M. Merfeld:
Vestibulo-Ocular Responses Evoked Via Bilateral Electrical Stimulation of the Lateral Semicircular Canals. 2608-2619 - In-Duk Hwang, John G. Webster:
Direct Interference Canceling for Two-Electrode Biopotential Amplifier. 2620-2627 - Masoud Roham, Jeffrey M. Halpern
, Heidi B. Martin, Hillel J. Chiel
, Pedram Mohseni:
Wireless Amperometric Neurochemical Monitoring Using an Integrated Telemetry Circuit. 2628-2634 - Pedro Xavier de Oliveira
, Rosana Almada Bassani
, José Wilson Magalhães Bassani:
Lethal Effect of Electric Fields on Isolated Ventricular Myocytes. 2635-2642 - Jon B. Nysæther, Elizabeth Dorph, Ivan Rafoss, Petter Andreas Steen:
Manikins With Human-Like Chest Properties - A New Tool for Chest Compression Research. 2643-2650 - Jonathan P. Mynard
, Daniel J. Penny, Joseph J. Smolich:
Accurate Automatic Detection of End-Diastole From Left Ventricular Pressure Using Peak Curvature. 2651-2657 - Iñaki Romero, Neil R. Grubb, Gareth R. Clegg
, Colin E. Robertson, Paul S. Addison, James N. Watson:
T-Wave Alternans Found in Preventricular Tachyarrhythmias in CCU Patients Using a Wavelet Transform-Based Methodology. 2658-2665 - Jonathan B. Dingwell
, Jason E. Joubert, Fernando Diefenthaeler
, Joel D. Trinity:
Changes in Muscle Activity and Kinematics of Highly Trained Cyclists During Fatigue. 2666-2674 - Omar Feix do Nascimento
, Dario Farina:
Movement-Related Cortical Potentials Allow Discrimination of Rate of Torque Development in Imaginary Isometric Plantar Flexion. 2675-2678
Volume 55, Number 12, 2008
- Paolo Magni
, Massimiliano Germani, Giuseppe De Nicolao, Giulia Bianchini, Monica Simeoni, Italo Poggesi, Maurizio Rocchetti:
A Minimal Model of Tumor Growth Inhibition. 2683-2690 - Martin H. Plawecki
, Jae-Joon Han, Peter C. Doerschuk, Vijay A. Ramchandani
, Sean J. O'Connor:
Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Models for Ethanol. 2691-2700 - Wenjun Ying, Donald J. Rose, Craig S. Henriquez:
Efficient Fully Implicit Time Integration Methods for Modeling Cardiac Dynamics. 2701-2711 - Kristian Solem, Pablo Laguna
, Juan Pablo Martínez
, Leif Sörnmo:
Model-Based Detection of Heart Rate Turbulence. 2712-2722 - Valentina D. A. Corino, Luca T. Mainardi, Martin Stridh
, Leif Sörnmo:
Improved Time-Frequency Analysis of Atrial Fibrillation Signals Using Spectral Modeling. 2723-2730 - Wei Li, François Abram, Gilles Beaudoin, Marie-Josée Berthiaume, Jean-Pierre Pelletier, Johanne Martel-Pelletier:
Human Hip Joint Cartilage: MRI Quantitative Thickness and Volume Measurements Discriminating Acetabulum and Femoral Head. 2731-2740 - Yao Xie, Bin Guo, Jian Li, Geng Ku, Lihong V. Wang
Adaptive and Robust Methods of Reconstruction (ARMOR) for Thermoacoustic Tomography. 2741-2752 - Xiangqun Xu, Lingfeng Yu, Zhongping Chen:
Effect of Erythrocyte Aggregation on Hematocrit Measurement Using Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography. 2753-2758 - Paul Glass, Eugene Cheung, Metin Sitti
A Legged Anchoring Mechanism for Capsule Endoscopes Using Micropatterned Adhesives. 2759-2767 - Jiun-Yan Wu, Hongyu Sun, Ann P. O'Rourke, Shane M. Huebner, Peter S. Rahko, James A. Will, John G. Webster:
Taser Blunt Probe Dart-To-Heart Distance Causing Ventricular Fibrillation in Pigs. 2768-2771 - M. Edita de Rodriguez, Maria Vera-Isasa
, Veronica Santalla del Rio:
3-D-Microwave Breast Tumor Detection: Study of System Performance. 2772-2777 - Svein K. Jacobsen, Øystein Klemetsen:
Improved Detectability in Medical Microwave Radio-Thermometers as Obtained by Active Antennas. 2778-2785 - Michael J. Hoffmann, Paul E. Knudson, M. Barbara Silver-Thorn:
A Device for Noninvasive Assessment of Vascular Impairment Risk in the Lower Extremity. 2786-2791 - Earl Zastrow, Shakti K. Davis, Mariya Lazebnik, Frederick Kelcz, Barry D. Van Veen, Susan C. Hagness:
Development of Anatomically Realistic Numerical Breast Phantoms With Accurate Dielectric Properties for Modeling Microwave Interactions With the Human Breast. 2792-2800 - Douglas J. Kurrant, Elise C. Fear
, David T. Westwick
Tumor Response Estimation in Radar-Based Microwave Breast Cancer Detection. 2801-2811 - Arantxa Villanueva
, Rafael Cabeza
Evaluation of Corneal Refraction in a Model of a Gaze Tracking System. 2812-2822 - O. Carlton Deale, Kwong T. Ng, Bruce B. Lerman:
Orthogonal Field Calibration Analysis for Myocardial Electrode Arrays Used in Defibrillation Studies. 2823-2826 - Erika Kristensen, Trish E. Parsons, Benedikt Hallgrímsson
, Steven K. Boyd
A Novel 3-D Image-Based Morphological Method for Phenotypic Analysis. 2826-2831 - Nicolás Sáenz-Lechón
, Víctor Osma-Ruiz, Juan Ignacio Godino-Llorente
, Manuel Blanco-Velasco
, Fernando Cruz-Roldán
, Julián D. Arias-Londoño
Effects of Audio Compression in Automatic Detection of Voice Pathologies. 2831-2835 - Robert B. Szlavik:
A Novel Method for Characterization of Peripheral Nerve Fiber Size Distributions by Group Delay. 2836-2840 - Roel Wierts, Maurice J. A. Janssen, Herman Kingma:
Measuring Saccade Peak Velocity Using a Low-Frequency Sampling Rate of 50 Hz. 2840-2842 - Mir-Mahdi Ebrahimpour, Abbas Erfanian
Comments on "Sliding Mode Closed-Loop Control of FES: Controlling the Shank Movement. 2842-2843

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