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IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, Volume 13
Volume 13, Number 1, Spring 2021
- Ljubo B. Vlacic
A Pandemic-Resilient Transportation System Paradigm [Editor's Column]. 3-4 - Wei-Bin Zhang:
Taking a Deeper Look [President's Message]. 5 - Hsien-Wen Deng, Mizanur Rahman, Mashrur Chowdhury
, M. Sabbir Salek
, Mitch Shue:
Commercial Cloud Computing for Connected Vehicle Applications in Transportation Cyberphysical Systems: A Case Study. 6-19 - Dajiang Suo
, Joshua Siegel
, Alexander Soley:
Driving Data Dissemination: The "Term" Governing Connected Car Information. 20-30 - Alptekin Durmusoglu
, Zeynep Didem Unutmaz Durmusoglu
Traffic Control System Technologies for Road Vehicles: A Patent Analysis. 31-41 - Susan Jia Xu, Qian Xie
, Joseph Y. J. Chow
, Xintao Liu
An Empirical Validation of Network Learning With Taxi GPS Data From Wuhan, China. 42-58 - Teng Liu
, Yang Xing
, Xiaolin Tang
, Hong Wang
, Huilong Yu
, Fei-Yue Wang
Cyber-Physical-Social System for Parallel Driving: From Concept to Application. 59-69 - Merkebe Getachew Demissie
, Lina Kattan, Santi Phithakkitnukoon
, Gonçalo Homem De Almeida Correia
, Marco Veloso
, Carlos Bento:
Modeling Location Choice of Taxi Drivers for Passenger Pickup Using GPS Data. 70-90 - Kelvin Wong
, Yanlei Gu
, Shunsuke Kamijo:
Mapping for Autonomous Driving: Opportunities and Challenges. 91-106 - Qingfeng Lin
, Shengbo Eben Li
, Shaobing Xu
, Xuejin Du
, Diange Yang
, Keqiang Li
Eco-Driving Operation of Connected Vehicle With V2I Communication Among Multiple Signalized Intersections. 107-119 - Markus Nager
, Marcel Baunach, Peter Priller
, Georg Macher
Real-Time Multiplexing of Mixed-Criticality Data Streams for Automotive Multi-Core Test Systems. 120-135 - Víctor Corcoba Magaña
, Xabiel G. Pañeda, Alejandro García-Tuero
, Laura Pozueco
, Roberto García
, David Melendi
, Abel Rionda:
A Method for Making a Fair Evaluation of Driving Styles in Different Scenarios With Recommendations for Their Improvement. 136-148 - Yi-Fei Pu
, Ni Zhang, Zhengning Wang
, Jian Wang
, Zhang Yi
, Yan Wang, Jiliu Zhou:
Fractional-Order Retinex for Adaptive Contrast Enhancement of Under-Exposed Traffic Images. 149-159 - Peng Zhang
, Fang-shu Lei, Yilin Ma, Lu Lu, Guangyu Zhu
The General System Model of Vehicle TDM Effect on Urban Road Traffic. 160-168 - Sheng Jin
, Jérémie Adjé Alagbé, Dongfang Ma
Drivers' Phone Use Behavior at Red Traffic Signals. 169-180 - Dalton A. Hahn, Arslan Munir
, Vahid Behzadan:
Security and Privacy Issues in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Classification and Challenges. 181-196 - Jianqing Wu
, Hao Xu
, Jianying Zheng, Junxuan Zhao:
Automatic Vehicle Detection With Roadside LiDAR Data Under Rainy and Snowy Conditions. 197-209 - Danut Ovidiu Pop
, Alexandrina Rogozan, Fawzi Nashashibi
, Abdelaziz Bensrhair:
Pedestrian Recognition Using Cross-Modality Learning in Convolutional Neural Networks. 210-224 - Nigel Williams
, Matthew J. Barth:
A Qualitative Analysis of Vehicle Positioning Requirements for Connected Vehicle Applications. 225-242 - Cristina Olaverri-Monreal
Sustainable Mobility and Railway Engineering Laboratory [ITS Research Lab]. 243-248 - Fei-Yue Wang
, Yidong Li, Wei-Bin Zhang, Gisele Bennett, Naiyue Chen:
Digital Twin and Parallel Intelligence Based on Location and Transportation: A Vision for New Synergy Between the IEEE CRFID and ITSS in Cyberphysical Social Systems [Society News]. 249-252 - Fei-Yue Wang
, Azim Eskandarian, Ljubo B. Vlacic
, Petros A. Ioannou:
The 2014-2017 George N. Saridis Best Transactions Paper Award [Society News]. 252-253 - Brendan Morris
ITS Society Conferences [Conference Reports]. 254 - Martin Lauer:
[Calendar]. 266
Volume 13, Number 2, Summer 2021
- Martin Lauer:
[Calendar]. C3 - Ljubo B. Vlacic
The 2009-2020 Chinese Program on Self Driving and Parallel Testing [Editor's Column]. 3-247 - Wei-Bin Zhang:
Adapting and Taking Action [President's Message]. 4-5 - Fei-Yue Wang
, Nanning Zheng
, Li Li
, Jingmin Xin
, Xiao Wang
, Linhai Xu, Bin Tian
, Guozheng Wu, Zhaotian Zhang, Chenghong Wang, Long Chen
China's 12-Year Quest of Autonomous Vehicular Intelligence: The Intelligent Vehicles Future Challenge Program. 6-19 - Thomas H. Weisswange
, Sven Rebhan, Bram Bolder, Nico Steinhardt, Frank Joublin, Jens Schmüdderich, Christian Goerick:
Intelligent Traffic Flow Assist: Optimized Highway Driving Using Conditional Behavior Prediction. 20-38 - Shaik Mullapathi Farooq, S. M. Suhail Hussain
, Taha Selim Ustun
A Survey of Authentication Techniques in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. 39-52 - Zijia Zhong
, Mark M. Nejad
, Earl E. Lee II:
Autonomous and Semiautonomous Intersection Management: A Survey. 53-70 - Linying Chen
, Rudy R. Negenborn
, Yamin Huang
, Hans Hopman:
Survey on Cooperative Control for Waterborne Transport. 71-90 - Kaveh Bakhsh Kelarestaghi
, Mahsa Foruhandeh, Kevin P. Heaslip
, Ryan M. Gerdes
Intelligent Transportation System Security: Impact-Oriented Risk Assessment of in-Vehicle Networks. 91-104 - Islam Tharwat Abdel-Halim
, Hossam Mahmoud Ahmad Fahmy:
Mobility Prediction in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: Prediction Aims, Techniques, Use Cases, and Research Challenges. 105-126 - Yang Zheng, Yougang Bian
, Shen Li, Shengbo Eben Li
Cooperative Control of Heterogeneous Connected Vehicles with Directed Acyclic Interactions. 127-141 - Vytautas Markevicius, Dangirutis Navikas
, Adam Idzkowski
, Algimantas Valinevicius, Mindaugas Zilys, Arturas Janeliauskas, Wojciech Walendziuk, Darius Andriukaitis
An Effective Method of Vehicle Speed Evaluation in Systems Using Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive Sensors. 142-151 - Benedetto Barabino
, Massimo Di Francesco:
Diagnosis of Irregularity Sources by Automatic Vehicle Location Data. 152-165 - Risto Öörni
, Gorazd Marinic, Ashweeni Kumar Beeharee, Harold Linke, Mick Trosh:
eCall for Heavy Goods Vehicles. 166-176 - Na Duan, Jianjun Cui, Lizheng Liu
, Lirong Zheng:
An End to End Recognition for License Plates Using Convolutional Neural Networks. 177-188 - Shuai Su, Tao Tang, Jing Xun
, Fang Cao, Yihui Wang
Design of Running Grades for Energy-Efficient Train Regulation: A Case Study for Beijing Yizhuang Line. 189-200 - Daobin Wang
, Zong Tian, Guangchuan Yang
Virtual Controller Interface Device for Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Traffic Signals. 201-216 - Christopher J. Holder
, Toby P. Breckon
Learning to Drive: End-to-End Off-Road Path Prediction. 217-221 - Yang Yu
, Rui Jiang, Xiaobo Qu
A Modified Full Velocity Difference Model with Acceleration and Deceleration Confinement: Calibrations, Validations, and Scenario Analyses. 222-235 - Vahid Behzadan, Arslan Munir
Adversarial Reinforcement Learning Framework for Benchmarking Collision Avoidance Mechanisms in Autonomous Vehicles. 236-241 - Yishing Lv:
Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility Transportation Cyber-Physical-Social Systems Laboratory [ITS Research Lab]. 242-245 - Yaobin Chen
, Jim Misener:
Enhancing Technical Activities Through Innovative and Strategic Initiatives [Technical Activities]. 246-247 - Chunzhao Guo:
It's a Great Time to Become a Member [Member Activities]. 248-249 - Brendan Morris
The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (Virtual) [Conference Reports]. 250-255
Volume 13, Number 3, Fall 2021
- Ljubo B. Vlacic
Shall the Rail Lines in Isolated Territories Be Replaced by "Autonomous Vehicle Trains"? 3-5 - Wei-Bin Zhang
Stimulating Continued Innovation and Growth. 4-5 - Yair Wiseman
COVID-19 Along With Autonomous Vehicles Will Put an End to Rail Systems in Isolated Territories. 6-12 - Bonan An, Yong Li
, Josep M. Guerrero
, Wei-Jen Lee
, Longfu Luo
, Zhixue Zhang:
Renewable Energy Integration in Intelligent Railway of China: Configurations, Applications and Issues. 13-33 - Ning Zhao, Zhongbei Tian
, Lei Chen, Clive Roberts
, Stuart Hillmansen:
Driving Strategy Optimization and Field Test on an Urban Rail Transit System. 34-44 - Yong Zhang
, Haifeng Wang, Ming Chai, Ruijun Cheng
Novel Graph-Based Train Control Data Verification Method for Chinese Train Control System. 45-57 - Jidong Lv
, Ehsan Ahmad
, Tao Tang:
Non-Deterministic Delay Behavior Testing of Chinese Train Control System Using UPPAAL-TRON. 58-82 - Hongtian Chen
, Bin Jiang
, Steven X. Ding:
A Broad Learning Aided Data-Driven Framework of Fast Fault Diagnosis for High-Speed Trains. 83-88 - Hatem Belhassen
, Eric Verney
Proof of Concept of Vehicle to Infrastructure Power Line Communication Link for Tramway CCTV. 89-98 - Mostafa Karimpour
, Sara Moridpour:
A Novel Method in Light-Rail Condition Monitoring Using Smartphones. 99-106 - Yuan Cao
, Yongkui Sun
, Lianchuan Ma:
A Fault Diagnosis Method for Train Plug Doors via Sound Signals. 107-117 - Hui Zhang
, Junfeng Wang, Xinyuan Zhang, Peng Xu
A Method on Improving the Carrying Capacity for CTCS-3 Railway. 118-130 - Heng Ding
, Hanyu Yuan, Xiaoyan Zheng, Haijian Bai, Wenjuan Huang, Chengbing Jiang:
Integrated Control for a Large-Scale Mixed Network of Arterials and Freeways. 131-145 - Ke Guan
, Juan Moreno
, Bo Ai
, Cesar Briso-Rodríguez
, Bile Peng
, Danping He
, Andrej Hrovat
, Zhangdui Zhong, Thomas Kürner:
5G Channel Models for Railway Use Cases at mmWave Band and the Path Towards Terahertz. 146-155 - Navid Mohajer
, Saeid Nahavandi
, Hamid Abdi, Zoran Najdovski
Enhancing Passenger Comfort in Autonomous Vehicles Through Vehicle Handling Analysis and Optimization. 156-173 - Ke Niu
, Weining Fang
, Qi Song, Beiyuan Guo:
Conceptual Model Development of Dispatching Team Task Complexity for Metro Operating Control Center. 174-191 - J. Javier Yebes
, David Montero, Ignacio Arriola:
Learning to Automatically Catch Potholes in Worldwide Road Scene Images. 192-205 - Zhenxing Yao
, Yu Zhong, Qiang Liao, Jie Wu, Haode Liu, Fei Yang:
Understanding Human Activity and Urban Mobility Patterns From Massive Cellphone Data: Platform Design and Applications. 206-219 - Luong H. Vu
, Benjamin N. Passow, Daniel Paluszczyszyn
, Lipika Deka
, Eric Goodyer
Estimation of Travel Times for Minor Roads in Urban Areas Using Sparse Travel Time Data. 220-233 - Elisa Marcelli
, Paola Pellegrini:
Literature Review Toward Decentralized Railway Traffic Management. 234-252 - Antonio Torralba
, María García-Castellano, Miguel Hernández-González, Juan Pablo García-Martín
, Ventura Pérez-Mira, Roberto Fernandez-Sanzo, Antonio Jacome-Moreno, Francisco Javier Gutierrez-Rumbao:
Smart Railway Operation Aid System for Facilities With Low-Safety Requirements. 253-267 - Fernando García Fernandez
, Zhixiong Li:
[PH.D. & M.PHIL. Theses' Abstracts]. 268-269 - Yisheng Lv
Chair for Intelligent Transportation Systems-Sustainable Transport Logistics 4.0. 270-275 - Nandor Alpar Kilyen, Rares Florin Lemnariu, George Dan Mois, Yaobin Chen, Brendan Tran Morris, Ionut Muntean
The IEEE ITSS and Bosch Future Mobility Challenge: A Hands-on Start to Autonomous Driving [Technical Activities]. 276-282 - Brendan Morris
ITS Society Conferences [Conference Reports]. 283-284 - Chunzhao Guo:
ITS Society Membership News [Member Activities]. 286 - Martin Lauer:
[Calnedar]. 288
Volume 13, Number 4, Winter 2021
- Ljubo B. Vlacic:
From Artificial Intelligence to Human Transportation Intelligence [Editor's Column]. 3-4 - Wei-Bin Zhang:
Thank You to All Volunteers [President's Message]. 5 - Monireh Abdoos
A Cooperative Multiagent System for Traffic Signal Control Using Game Theory and Reinforcement Learning. 6-16 - Jiahui Liu, Peiqun Lin
, Bin Ran:
A Reservation-Based Coordinated Transit Signal Priority Method for Bus Rapid Transit System With Connected Vehicle Technologies. 17-30 - Filipe Vital, Petros A. Ioannou, Arti Gupta:
Survey on Intelligent Truck Parking: Issues and Approaches. 31-44 - Danyang Tian, Chao Wang, Guoyuan Wu, Kanok Boriboonsomsin, Matthew J. Barth, Samer Rajab, Sue Bai:
An Innovative Framework to Evaluate the Performance of Connected Vehicle Applications: From the Perspective of Speed Variation-Based Entropy (SVE). 45-63 - Zhibin Li, Chengcheng Xu
, Yanyong Guo
, Pan Liu, Ziyuan Pu
Reinforcement Learning-Based Variable Speed Limits Control to Reduce Crash Risks Near Traffic Oscillations on Freeways. 64-70 - Yang Li, Keqiang Li, Yang Zheng, Bernhard Morys, Shuyue Pan, Jianqiang Wang:
Threat Assessment Techniques in Intelligent Vehicles: A Comparative Survey. 71-91 - Ji-Ming Chen, Zidong Yang, Peng Cheng, Yuanchao Shu:
Rebalancing Bike-Sharing System With Deep Sequential Learning. 92-98 - Akhil Gurram
, Onay Urfalioglu, Ibrahim Halfaoui, Fahd Bouzaraa, Antonio M. López
Semantic Monocular Depth Estimation Based on Artificial Intelligence. 99-103 - Syed R. Rizvi
, Susan Zehra, Stephan Olariu:
MAPark: A Multi-Agent Auction-Based Parking System in Internet of Things. 104-115 - Mohammad Aldibaja
, Ryo Yanase, Akisue Kuramoto, Tae Hyon Kim, Keisuke Yoneda, Naoki Suganuma:
Improving Lateral Autonomous Driving in Snow-Wet Environments Based on Road-Mark Reconstruction Using Principal Component Analysis. 116-130 - Ling Huang, Jianping Wu, Ronghui Zhang
, Dezong Zhao, Yinhai Wang
Comparative Analysis & Modelling for Riders' Conflict Avoidance Behavior of E-Bikes and Bicycles at Un-Signalized Intersections. 131-145 - Simeon C. Calvert, Bart van Arem
, Daniël D. Heikoop
, Marjan P. Hagenzieker
, Giulio Mecacci, Filippo Santoni de Sio:
Gaps in the Control of Automated Vehicles on Roads. 146-153 - Ambreen Joyo, Raziq Yaqub
, Nicholas Madamopoulos
Intelligent Traffic-Lights Management by Exploiting Smart Antenna Technology (ITSAT). 154-163 - De Zhao, Hua Wang
Longitudinal Influence of Autonomous Vehicles and Vehicular Communication on Post-Accident Traffic. 164-178 - Qingxia Huang, Bin Jia, Shengjie Qiang, Rui Jiang, Feng Liu, Ziyou Gao:
Simulation Evaluation of Threshold-Based Bus Control Strategy Under the Mixed Traffic Condition. 179-195 - Farid Bounini, Denis Gingras, Herve Pollart, Dominique Gruyer:
From Simultaneous Localization and Mapping to Collaborative Localization for Intelligent Vehicles. 196-216 - Liang Zhao
, Jiajia Li, Ahmed Yassin Al-Dubai
, Albert Y. Zomaya
, Geyong Min, Ammar Hawbani:
Routing Schemes in Software-Defined Vehicular Networks: Design, Open Issues and Challenges. 217-226 - Lieu-Hen Chen, Hao-Ming Hung, Cheng-Yu Sun, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Yasufumi Takama:
CANavi: Synthesizing Cartoon-Like Animation for Street Navigation Based on Google Maps. 227-238 - Francisco J. Belmonte
, Sergio Martín
, Elio San Cristóbal, José A. Ruipérez-Valiente, Manuel Castro:
Overview of Embedded Systems to Build Reliable and Safe ADAS and AD Systems. 239-250 - Soufiene Djahel
, Nafaâ Jabeur
, Farid Naït-Abdesselam, Thomas Wolstencroft:
A WAVE Based and Collaboration Driven Framework for Reduced Traffic Congestion in Smart Cities. 251-261 - Farzana Rahman, Elahe Aghapour, Jay A. Farrell:
Vehicle ECEF Position Accuracy and Reliability in the Presence of DGNSS Communication Latency. 262-272 - Fadi Al-Turjman
, Chadi Altrjman:
Enhanced Medium Access for Traffic Management in Smart-Cities' Vehicular-Cloud. 273-280 - Fernando García Fernández, Zhixiong Li:
[PH.D. & M.PHIL. Theses' Abstracts]. 282-283 - Yisheng Lv:
Laboratory of Emerging Transportation Systems at Chalmers University of Technology [ITS Research Lab]. 284-288 - Martin Lauer:
[Calendar]. 292

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