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5th ICONIP 1998: Kitakyushu, Japan
- Shiro Usui, Takashi Omori:
The Fifth International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP'R98, Kitakyushu, Japan, October 21-23, 1998, Proceedings. IOA Press 1998
Volume 1
Opening Lecture
- Masao Ito:
Future Perspectives and Challenges of Neuroscience. ICONIP 1998: 1
Keynote Lecture 1
- Semir Zeki, Andreas M. Bartels:
The Theory of Multi-Stage Integration in the Visual Brain. ICONIP 1998: 3-4
Special Panel 1: The 21st Century of the Brain
- Shun-ichi Amari:
Future Perspective of 'Creating Brain' Program. ICONIP 1998: 7 - Rolf Eckmiller:
Strategic, Scientific, and Financial Aspects of Neuroscience and Neurotechnology in the 21st Century. ICONIP 1998: 8 - Aike Guo:
Thinking in Brain Complexity. ICONIP 1998: 8-9 - Gen Matsumoto:
The Brain and Brainway Computer. ICONIP 1998: 9 - Lei Xu:
The Role of Statistical Theory in the Future Research on Brain-like Systems. ICONIP 1998: 9-10 - Robert Hecht-Nielsen:
Cortronic Neural Network Models of Cortical Function. ICONIP 1998: 11 - Harold Szu:
Barin-Style Information Processing in the Next Century - Pro & Con in Supervised versus Unsupervised Learnings. ICONIP 1998: 11-12 - Jacek M. Zurada:
From Chaos to Organization: Neurodynamics of 2D Active Medium. ICONIP 1998: 12 - Nikola K. Kasabov:
Evolving Connectionist Systems and Evolving Brains. ICONIP 1998: 12-13 - Soo-Young Lee:
Braintech'21: Korean Proposal for Creating Artificial Brains from Hint. ICONIP 1998: 13-17
Dynamic Brain 1
- Gert Hauske:
Aspects of Signal Representation in the Brain. ICONIP 1998: 21-22 - José Pedro Segundo, Ruben Budelli, Rafael Saa, Leonel Gómez, Michael Stiber:
Single Neurons with Many Weak Presynaptic Terminals: Coding, Uncertainty and Information. ICONIP 1998: 23-26 - André Longtin:
Firing Dynamics of Electroreceptors. ICONIP 1998: 27-30 - Tomoki Fukai, Seinichi Kanemura:
Synchrony with Depressive Synapses under Temporally-Fluctuating Stimulus Spikes. ICONIP 1998: 31-34
From Neuroscience / Neural Computation Research to Profitable Products
- Rolf Eckmiller, Steffen Suchert:
Strategy for the Foundation of a Neurotechnology Company. ICONIP 1998: 37-39 - Tetsuo Iga, Yoshifumi Arai, Shiro Usui:
Trend of a Present Color Management Technology in the Industry. ICONIP 1998: 40-43 - Masanobu Takahashi, Yukio Tanaka, Ken-ichi Tanaka, Kazuo Kyuma, Seiichi Tamai:
Pathological Diagnosis Support System Using Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 44-47 - Ken-ichi Tanaka, Kazuo Kyuma:
Artificial Vision Chip for Industrial Applications. ICONIP 1998: 48-49 - Nils Goerke, Valerij Ortmann, Rolf Eckmiller:
Industrial Applications for an Active Vision System Based on Primate Oculomotion and Neural Computation. ICONIP 1998: 50-52
Statistical & Mathematical Analysis of Networks
- Yoshihiro Mitani, Yoshihiko Hamamoto:
A Bootstrap-Based Learning with the Cross Validation. ICONIP 1998: 55-58 - Sumio Watanabe:
Inequalities of Generalization Errors for Layered Neural Networks in Bayesian Learning. ICONIP 1998: 59-62 - Jun Rokui, Hiroshi Shimodaira:
Improving the Generalization Performance of the Minimum Classification Error Learning and Its Application to Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 63-66 - Kenji Fukumizu:
Effect of Batch Learning in Multilayer Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 67-70 - Wing-Kai Lam, Lei Xu:
An Experimental Comparison of the Bayesian Ying-Yang Criteria and Cross Validation on Experts Number Selection in Original and Alternative Model for Mixture of Experts. ICONIP 1998: 71-74 - Kuniaki Uto, Yukio Kosugi:
Segmented Representation of Approximation Surface. ICONIP 1998: 75-78
Hardware Implementation of Neural Networks
- Yutaka Maeda, Toshiki Tada, Yakichi Tanaka:
HDL Design of Pulse Density Neural Network Using Simultaneous Perturbation. ICONIP 1998: 81-84 - Kuninori Nishizawa, Yuzo Hirai:
Hardware Implementation of PCA Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 85-88 - Masahiro Murakawa, Kazuyuki Hiraoka, Tetsuya Higuchi, Tatsumi Furuya, Shuji Yoshizawa:
Adaptive Blind Equalization Using Bottleneck Networks Implemented by Evolvable Hardware. ICONIP 1998: 89-92 - Norberto Eiji Nawa, Michael Korkin, Hugo de Garis:
Digital Spikes: Information Representation in ATR's CAM-Brain Machine. ICONIP 1998: 93-96 - Romuald Boné, Michel Crucianu, Pascal Makris, Jean Pierre Asselin de Beauville:
A Web Oriented Recurrent Neural Network Simulator. ICONIP 1998: 97-100 - Jung-Wook Cho, Soo-Young Lee:
Analog Neuro-Chips with On-Chip Learning Capability for Active Noise Canceling. ICONIP 1998: 101-104
Robotics & Control
- Heidar A. Talebi, Rajnikant V. Patel, Hikmet Asmer:
Neural Network based Identification of Flexible-Link Manipulator Dynamics. ICONIP 1998: 107-111 - Masumi Ishikawa, Shinya Kawashima, Naoto Homma:
Memory-Based Location Estimation and Navigation Using Bayesian Estimation. ICONIP 1998: 112-117 - Kentaro Mizutani, Takashi Omori:
Path Planning of Moving Robot by Discrete State Transition of Associative Memory. ICONIP 1998: 118-122 - Takamasa Koshizen:
Orientation Estimation Using Gaussian Mixture Bayes with Regularised EM Algorithm (GMB-REM) for Real Mobile Robot Localisation. ICONIP 1998: 123-126
Brain Imaging in Cognition and Behavior 1
- Toshiaki Imada, Masaki Kawakatsu, Makoto Kotani:
Neuromagnetic Studies on Visual Pattern Processings in the Human Brain. ICONIP 1998: 129-132 - Andreas A. Ioannides:
Fundamental Macro-Properties of Brain Activity Revealed by Magnetoencephalography (MEG). ICONIP 1998: 133-138 - Norio Fujimaki, Satoru Miyauchi:
Language-Related Neural Activity Measured by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetoencephalography. ICONIP 1998: 139-142 - Shoogo Ueno:
Functional Human Brain Mapping and Imaging by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Magnetoencephalography, and Direct Current MRI. ICONIP 1998: 143-145
Image & Signal Processing
- Zdenek Procházka, Takayuki Ito, Toshio Okamoto:
A New Method for Automated Image Warping Based on a Variational Approach. ICONIP 1998: 149-152 - Yoshihiro Kitaoka, Kiichi Urahama:
Monochromatic Visualization of Multimodal Images by Projection Pursuit. ICONIP 1998: 153-156 - Kenji Suzuki, Isao Horiba, Noboru Sugie, Michio Nanki:
A Recurrent Neural Filter for Reducing Noise in Medical X-Ray Image Sequences. ICONIP 1998: 157-160 - Dick de Ridder, Robert P. W. Duin, Piet W. Verbeek, Lucas J. van Vliet:
On the Application of Neural Networks to Non-Linear Image Processing Tasks. ICONIP 1998: 161-165 - Toshinao Ishii, Kazuo Kyuma:
Learning Template in Dynamic Link Matching Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 166-168 - Dongshik Kang, Sigeru Omatu:
Neuro-Classification of the New and Used Bills Using Time-Series Acoustic Data. ICONIP 1998: 169-172
Dynamic Brain 2
- Hiroyuki Ito:
Need for Development of Statistical Analysis Tools of Dynamical Neuronal Code -Statistical Evaluation of Joint-PSTH. ICONIP 1998: 175-178 - Leslie M. Kay:
System Dynamics and Olfactory Neural Coding. ICONIP 1998: 179-182 - Natsuhiro Ichinose, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Detection of Deterministic Correlations between Two Pulse Trains. ICONIP 1998: 183-186 - Wolfgang Maass:
Models for Fast Analog Computation with Spiking Neurons. ICONIP 1998: 187-188 - Jousuke Kuroiwa, Shigetoshi Nara, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Chaotic Behaviors of a Single Neuron Model for Signal Processing Elements. ICONIP 1998: 189-192
Distributed Processing Systems 1
- Antanas Verikas, Kerstin Malmqvist, Marija Bacauskiene, Arunas Lipnickas:
Soft Fusion of Neural Classifiers. ICONIP 1998: 195-198 - Bao-Liang Lu, Masami Ito:
Decomposition and Parallel Learning of Imbalanced Classification Problems by Min-Max Modular Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 199-202 - Jacek Mandziuk, Lokendra Shastri:
Incremental Class Learning Approach and its Application to Handwritten Digit Recognition. ICONIP 1998: 203-206 - Rishikesh Narayanan, Y. V. Venkatesh:
Experiments on Three-Dimensional Wire-Frame Object Recognition. ICONIP 1998: 207-210 - John Oersted Wisbeck, Allan Kardec Barros, Renato Garcia Ojeda:
Application of ICA in the Separation of Breathing Artifacts in ECG Signal. ICONIP 1998: 211-214 - Mieko Tanaka-Yamawaki:
Can Random Generation Measure the Human Brain? ICONIP 1998: 215-218
Neuro Dynamics & Unsupervised Learning
- Nobuaki Ootake, Kenji Nagasaka:
The Composition of Chaos Hopfield Neural Network and Gaussian Machine to the Traveling Salesman Problem. ICONIP 1998: 221-224 - Epifanio Bagarinao, Taishin Nomura, Khashayar Pakdaman, Shunsuke Sato:
Learning Dynamical Systems by Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 225-228 - Andrew Luk, Sandra Lien:
Effects of Sparsely Spaced Clusters on Lotto-Type Competitive Learning. ICONIP 1998: 229-232 - Yasuo Matsuyama, Naoki Takeda, Satoshi Furukawa, Takeshi Niimoto:
A Hierarchy from alfa-EM Algorithm to Vector Quantization and Self Organization. ICONIP 1998: 233-238 - Jinwen Ma, Lei Xu:
The Correct Convergence of the Rival Penalized Competitive Learning (RPCL) Algorithm. ICONIP 1998: 239-242 - Lei Xu:
Bayesian Ying-Yang System and Theory as a Unified Statistical Learning Approach (VII): Data Smoothing. ICONIP 1998: 243-248
Reinforcement Learning 1
- Kazuyuki Samejima, Takashi Omori:
Adaptive State Space Formation in Reinforcement Learning. ICONIP 1998: 251-255 - Koji Horikawa, Hideki Asoh, Jun Tani, Toshihiro Matsui, Masayoshi Kakikura:
Emergence of Expert Modules for Mobile Robot Navigation from a Mixture of Elman Networks. ICONIP 1998: 256-259 - Raju S. Bapi, Kenji Doya:
A Sequence Learning Architecture Based on Cortico-Basal Ganglionic Loops and Reinforcement Learning. ICONIP 1998: 260-263 - Shin'ichi Kobayashi, Koji Ito:
A Functional Model of Cortico-Basal Ganglia Loop in Motor Control. ICONIP 1998: 264-267 - Ron Sun, Todd Peterson:
Automatic Partitioning for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. ICONIP 1998: 268-271
Pattern Recognition
- James N. K. Liu, Raymond S. T. Lee:
Invariant Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition. ICONIP 1998: 275-278 - José Hiroki Saito, Kunihiko Fukushima:
Modular Structure of Neocognitron to Pattern Recognition. ICONIP 1998: 279-282 - Yoichi Motomura:
Integration of Situated Prior Probability and Neural Network Classifier in a Handwriting Recognition Task. ICONIP 1998: 283-286 - Satoshi Murakami, Masahiko Morita, Naoto Sakamoto:
Recognition of Spatiotemporal Patterns Using a Nonmonotone Neural Network with Hidden Neurons. ICONIP 1998: 287-290 - K. C. Jung, C. W. Lee, H. J. Kim:
Korean Character Recognition Using a TDNN. ICONIP 1998: 291-294 - Shunji Satoh, Jousuke Kuroiwa, Hirotomo Aso, Shogo Miyake:
Recognition of Hand Written Patterns by Rotation-Invariant Neocognitron. ICONIP 1998: 295-299
Early Vision 1
- Harold Szu, Charles Hsu, Takeshi Yamakawa:
Progress of Unsupervised Learning of Early Vision. ICONIP 1998: 303-306 - Takayuki Sugiura, Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Toshihiko Kaku, Masafumi Yano:
A Competition between Temporal and Spatial Factors in One-Shot Visual Apparent Motion: Directional Effect. ICONIP 1998: 307-310 - Eizo Ueyama, Hideo Yuasa, Shigeyuki Hosoe, Masami Ito:
Figure-Ground Separation from Motion-Subjective Contour and Front Dynamics. ICONIP 1998: 311-314 - Masayuki Kikuchi, Koichi Anada, Kunihiko Fukushima:
Neural Network Model Completing Occluded Contour. ICONIP 1998: 315-318 - Tsuyoshi Yamamura, Shin Kobayashi, Isao Horiba, Noboru Sugie, Hiroaki Kudo, Noboru Ohnishi:
A Neural Network Model of Dynamical Grouping Process. ICONIP 1998: 319-322
Brain Imaging in Cognition and Behavior 2
- Ryuta Kawashima, Kentaro Inoue, Hiroshi Fukuda:
Changes in Cerebral Activity during Visuomotor Learning with Optical Rotation: A Positron Emission Tomography Study. ICONIP 1998: 325-328 - Toshio Iijima, I. Takashima, M. Inase, R. Kajiwara, M. Shinoda, Toshimitsu Takahashi, K. Tsukada, Hideaki Hirose, K. Niisato:
Real-Time Optical Imaging Provides "Dynamic Map of Brain Activity". ICONIP 1998: 329-332 - Mitsuhiro Fukuda, Makoto Nishizaki, Manabu Tanifuji:
Functional Structures from Different Components of Intrinsic Signal in Cat Visual Cortex. ICONIP 1998: 333-336 - Hirokazu Koizumi, T. Ochiai, T. Okahashi, Y. Yamashita, A. Maki, T. Yamamoto, Y. Inagami, H. Yoshizawa, Masaya Iwata, Takashi Omori, Moritoshi Yasunaga:
Dynamic Optical Topography and the Real-Time PDP Chip: An Analytical and Synthetical Approach to Higher-Order Brain Functions. ICONIP 1998: 337-340
Image Processing
- Xuequn Li, Irwin King:
Noise Removal Based on Classification of Wavelet Coefficients Using Counterpropagation Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 343-346 - James Tin-Yau Kwok:
Automated Text Categorization Using Support Vector Machine. ICONIP 1998: 347-351 - Kazuhiro Matsui, Yukio Kosugi:
Image Segmentation Using Genetic Method to Select Feature Indices. ICONIP 1998: 352-355 - Akito Ohkubo, Marghny H. Mohamed, Koichi Niijima:
A Soil Moisture Map Generated from Satellite Data by Using Domains of Attraction in Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 356-359 - Márcio Leandro Gonçalves:
A Neural System for the Patterns Recognition of Remote Sensing Images. ICONIP 1998: 360-363 - Sachio Itoh, Shinji Ishiguro, Koichiro Yamauchi, Naohiro Ishii:
Face Image Segmentation by Detecting Attentive Regions of Artificial Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 364-368
Poster Session 1: Vision
- Terunori Mori, Seiji Kurosawa, Miho Matsumaru, Mizuki Matsuura:
Generalized Field Effect Method. ICONIP 1998: 371-374 - Nobuaki Hiromitsu, Masanori Idesawa:
A Study on the Influence of Intermediate Surface Structure in Depth Perception with Binocular Viewing. ICONIP 1998: 375-378 - Jun Saiki:
Binding with and without Attention: a Neural Network Model for Computation of Spatial Relation in Object Perception. ICONIP 1998: 379-382 - Akio Suzuki, Masafumi Yano:
A Representation of Form Included Illusory Contours. ICONIP 1998: 383-386 - Yasunari Yoshitomi, Tomohiro Shii, Tetsuro Kitazoe:
Fast Calculation Method for Stereoscopic Vision with Pattern Recognition Equation and Image Processing. ICONIP 1998: 387-390 - Tetsuro Kitazoe, Junichi Tomiyama, Yasunari Yoshitomi, Tomohiro Shii:
Sequential Stereoscopic Vision and Hysteresis. ICONIP 1998: 391-396 - Naoyuki Sato, Masafumi Yano:
A Dynamical Model of Stereopsis to Form 3-D Surfaces. ICONIP 1998: 397-400 - Hiroaki Kudo, Masayuki Umeda, Isao Horiba, Noboru Sugie, Tsuyoshi Yamamura, Noboru Ohnishi:
Correspondence Procedure for Recovery of Rigid Structure from Orthographically Projected Optical Flow - A computational Aspect of Kinetic Depth Effect. ICONIP 1998: 401-404 - Katsunari Shibata, Koji Ito:
Reconstruction of Visual Sensory Space on the Hidden Layer in Layered Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 405-408 - Shotaro Akaho, Yoshiyasu Goto, Takio Kurita, Hiroshi Mizoguchi:
Pursuit Movement of Pan-Tilt Camera by Feedback-Error-Learning. ICONIP 1998: 409-412 - Ken-ichiro Miura, Takashi Nagano, Kenji Kawano:
Self-Organizing Model for the Detection of Really Moving Objects. ICONIP 1998: 413-416 - Kiyomi Nakamura, Noriki Kinoshita, Tadataka Yoshikawa:
Face Shape and Position Recognition in Two-D Space by Spreading Associative Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 417-420
Cognitive Systems
- Kiyomi Nakamura, Kakuen Ohzawa, Jinjun Liu, Makoto Yoshida:
Learning and Recollection of Human Faces by Association Cortex to Entorhinal-Hippocampal Neural Network Model. ICONIP 1998: 421-424 - Ken Kato, Koichiro Kishi:
Simulation Studies on the Effects of Education in Alzheimer's Disease. ICONIP 1998: 425-427 - Hideaki Itoh, Kazuyuki Aihara:
For Grasping Brain Architecture. ICONIP 1998: 428-430 - Makoto Ito, Jousuke Kuroiwa, Shogo Miyake:
A Model of the Hippocampus - Neocortex for Episodic Memory. ICONIP 1998: 431-434
- Fang Chen, Jinghua Xu, Fanji Gu, Z. R. Liu, R. Liu:
A New Measurement of Complexity for Studying EEG Mutual Information. ICONIP 1998: 435-437 - Eung-Soo Kim, Duk-Yun Cho, You-Jung Lee, Chang-Su Ryu:
An Estimation of the Bispectrum for the EEG in Emotional States. ICONIP 1998: 438-441 - Sangbaek Han, Seunghyun Jin, Yeongsu Jeong, Jaeseung Jeong, Dae-Jin Kim, Chang-Hee Kim, Choon-Kil Kim, Soo Yong Kim:
Can an Alpha-Induced Stimulator Enhance a Memory Process in the Brain? ICONIP 1998: 442-445 - J. M. Choi, B. H. Bae, S. Y. Kim:
A General Relation among Power Spectral Values of the Human Spontaneous EEG. ICONIP 1998: 446-448 - Hyung-Rae Kim, Dae-Jin Kim, Soo Yong Kim, Hyojin Go:
Principal Pattern Analysis of Sleep Deprived Human EEG. ICONIP 1998: 449-454 - Jaeseung Jeong, Moo Seong Kim, Soo Yong Kim:
Tests for Deterministic Dynamics in EEG. ICONIP 1998: 455-458
- T. N. Macharashvili:
Investigation of Nonlinear Structure of Brain Dynamics Assuming a Text as a Time Series. ICONIP 1998: 459-462 - Akira Hirose:
Proposal of a Brain-Type System Architecture Based on Self-Organizing Consciousness Using Coherence. ICONIP 1998: 463-466 - Hiroshi Fukuda, Naohiro Fukumura, Masazumi Katayama, Yoji Uno:
Object Recognition and Formation of Hand Shape in Human Grasping Movements. ICONIP 1998: 467-470 - Kazunori Miyamoto, Youichi Tsubusaki, Torao Yanaru, Masahiro Nagamatsu:
Symbolized Particles Store Type Neuron Model and Its Application to Voiced Signals. ICONIP 1998: 471-473 - Naruki Shirahama, Masahiro Nagamatsu, Torao Yanaru:
An Emotion Processing System Based on Subjective Observation. ICONIP 1998: 474-477 - Hualou Liang, Nikos K. Logothetis:
Blind Signal Separation with a Flexible Non-Linearity. ICONIP 1998: 478-481 - Hiroshi Wakuya, Katsunori Shida:
Reversed Pattern Generation Phenomenon Observed in a Sensorimotor Coordinated System. ICONIP 1998: 482-485
Statistical & Mathematical Analysis of Networks
- Ping Guo:
Averaging Ensemble Neural Networks in Parameter Space. ICONIP 1998: 486-489 - Takashi Koshimizu, Masaaki Tsujitani:
Probabilistic and Statistical Aspects of Feed-Forward Nonlinear Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 490-493 - Takashi Takahashi, Ryuji Tokunaga:
Energy Functions for Efficient Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Multi Layer Perceptrons. ICONIP 1998: 494-497 - Michiel C. van Wezel, Walter A. Kosters, Joost N. Kok:
Maximum Likelihood Weights for a Linear Ensemble of Regression Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 498-501 - Katsuyuki Hagiwara, Kazuhiro Kuno, Shiro Usui:
Upper Bounds on the Expected Training Errors of Neural Networks Regressions for a Gaussian Noise. ICONIP 1998: 502-505 - Gunnar Rätsch, Takashi Onoda, Klaus-Robert Müller:
An Improvement of AdaBoost to Avoid Overfitting. ICONIP 1998: 506-509 - Dong-Gyu Jeong, Soo-Young Lee, Soo Yong Kim:
Analysis on the Nonlinear Transform of Weighted Sum Errors in Feedforward Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 510-513 - Hiroshi Yamakawa:
Proposing Matchability Criterion for Situation Decomposition - Extracting Situations each of which Contains a Rule. ICONIP 1998: 514-517
Neuro Dynamics & Unsupervised Learning
- Tohru Nitta:
The Stability of the Solution in Fully Connected Neural Networks with the Encouragement Factor. ICONIP 1998: 518-521 - Hongbing Zhu, Mamoru Sasaki, Takahiro Inoue, K. Sugitani:
A Proof of Convergence of Asynchronous Boltzmann Machine. ICONIP 1998: 522-525 - Masahiro Nakagawa:
A Periodic Chaos Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 526-529 - Yukito Iba:
Mean Field Approximation in Bayesian Variable Selection. ICONIP 1998: 530-533 - Takashi Kuroki, Toshiyuki Tanaka, Masao Taki:
Examination of Mean Field Approximation Based on Linear Response Theorem for Boltzmann Machine Learning. ICONIP 1998: 534-537 - Kazuhiro Kojima, Koji Ito:
A New Dynamical Memory System Based on Chaotic Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 538-541 - Tomohiro Yokoo, Kenji Nagasaka:
The Improvements of the Learning Vector Quantization Method. ICONIP 1998: 542-545 - Shinichi Yoshizawa, Shinji Doki, Shigeru Okuma:
A New Vector Quantization Algorithm with Annealing Operation for Time-Varying Data. ICONIP 1998: 546-549 - Kikuo Fujimura, Heizo Tokutaka, Masumi Ishikawa:
Modified Counter-Propagation Network. ICONIP 1998: 550-553 - Toshiyuki Tanaka:
Estimation of Third-Order Correlations within Mean Field Approximation. ICONIP 1998: 554-557
Hardware Implementation of Neural Networks
- Wei Lu, Bingxue Shi, Zhijian Li:
A Fuzzy Recognition Integrated Circuit. ICONIP 1998: 558-561 - Guoxing Li, Bingxue Shi:
A Current Mode VLSI Neural Fuzzy Classifier for Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral Classification. ICONIP 1998: 562-565 - Oh Jun Kwon, Sung Yang Bang:
A Unified Design Method which Generates a Fault Tolerant MLP while Minimizing the Quantization Effects. ICONIP 1998: 566-569 - Sei Takahashi, Hiroshi Hakoda, Yoshifumi Sekine:
Temporal Pattern Discrimination Using the Brain Mimic Processor. ICONIP 1998: 570-573 - Hideki Toda, Yuzo Hirai:
Summation Characteristics of PDM Digital Neural Network System. ICONIP 1998: 574-57 - Seiji Kameda, Akira Honda, Tetsuya Yagi:
An One-Dimensional analog Vision Chip System with Light-Adaptive Gain Control. ICONIP 1998: 578-581 - Souta Sakabayashi, Takashi Morie, Makoto Nagata, Atsushi Iwata:
Nonlinear Function Generators and Chaotic Signal Generators Based on Pulse-Phase Modulation. ICONIP 1998: 582-585 - Hiroshi Ando, Takashi Morie, Makoto Nagata, Atsushi Iwata:
Oscillator Networks for Image Segmentation and Their Circuits Using Pulse Modulation Method. ICONIP 1998: 586-589
Volume 2
Keynote Lecture 2
- Shun-ichi Amari:
Information Geometry of Neuro-Manifolds. ICONIP 1998: 591-593
Plenary Lecture 1
- Erkki Oja:
Signal Decomposition by Fast ICA. ICONIP 1998: 594-602
Plenary Lecture 2
- Okihide Hikosaka, Reiko Kawagoe, Yoriko Takikawa:
Translation of Motivation into Action in the Basal Ganglia. ICONIP 1998: 603-605
Dynamic Brain 3
- Hubert R. Dinse, Oliver Schlüter, R. Leonhardt, H. Reinke, Werner von Seelen:
Dynamics of Cortical Reorganization: Evidence for Task- and Modality-Specific Coding of Plasticity. ICONIP 1998: 609-612 - Hironori Matsuda, Takeshi Aihara, Masami Tatsuno, Minoru Tsukada:
The Effect of Chaotic Stimulation to Induce Long-Term Potentiation in The Hippocampal CA1 Area. ICONIP 1998: 613-616 - Masami Tatsuno:
Neuro-flow Dynamics and Model of Hippocampal LTP/LTD under Time-structured Stimuli. ICONIP 1998: 617-620 - Michael Stiber, Bosco Lau:
Long-Term Potentiation and Synaptic Coding of Time-Varying Inputs. ICONIP 1998: 621-624 - Takeshi Aihara, Minoru Tsukada:
Temporal-Pattern Dependent Spatial-Distribution of LTP and LTD in Hippocampal CA1 Area. ICONIP 1998: 625-628
Selection and Optimization of Neural Architectures 1
- Lei Xu:
BKYY Three Layer Net Learning, EM-Like Algorithm, and Selection Criterion for Hidden Unit Number. ICONIP 1998: 631-634 - Peter Géczy, Shiro Usui:
Theoretical Concept of Network Pruning Based on Functional Convergence. ICONIP 1998: 635-638 - Wlodzislaw Duch, Rafal Adamczak:
Statistical Methods for Construction of Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 639-642 - Ryotaro Kamimura:
Structural Information Control to Improve Generalization. ICONIP 1998: 643-646 - Sangbong Park, Cheol Hoon Park:
Empirical Study on Generalization of NN in Respect to Network Complexity. ICONIP 1998: 647-650
Early Vision 2 and Self Organization
- Kunihiko Fukushima, Kazuya Yoshimoto:
Self-Organization of Shift-Invariant Receptive Fields through Pre- and Post-Synaptic Competition. ICONIP 1998: 653-656 - Kenji Okajima:
"Complex Receptive Field" Obtained by Infomax Coincides with the Energy Model for Complex Cells in the Visual Cortex. ICONIP 1998: 657-660 - Shouji Sakamoto, Youichi Kobuchi:
Self-Organization of Topographic Mappings from Cell Layer to Cell Layer through Generalized Hebb Rules. ICONIP 1998: 661-664 - Ferdinand Peper, Michael P. Stryker:
Single-Neuron Hebb Learning Dynamics in the Presence of Inhibitory Autapses. ICONIP 1998: 665-668 - Martin Stetter, Péter Adorján, Hauke Bartsch, Klaus Obermayer:
Modelling Contrast Adaptation and Contextual Effects in Primary Visual Cortex. ICONIP 1998: 669-672
Distributed Processing Systems 2
- Shotaro Akaho:
Statistical Learning in Optimization: Gaussian Modeling for Population Search. ICONIP 1998: 675-678 - Shuichi Kurogi, Akira Ikushima, Shougang Ren:
Neuro-controllers Using Competitive Associative Nets Requiring Neither Parameterization of Plants Nor Special Training. ICONIP 1998: 679-682 - Shuichi Kurogi, T. Sakamoto, Shougang Ren:
An Analysis of Competitive Associative Nets. ICONIP 1998: 683-686 - Nikhil R. Pal, Kallol Banerjee, Yoichi Hayashi:
SUM-PI Network: A New Multilayered Feed-Forward Network. ICONIP 1998: 687-690 - Steven Phillips:
A Comparison of Learning Transfer in Networks and Humans. ICONIP 1998: 691-694 - Daijin Kim, Sunha Ahn:
Two Co-adaptation Schemes of Evolution and Learning for an Optimal VQ Codebook. ICONIP 1998: 695-699
Other Applications
- Kuhu Pal, Nikhil R. Pal:
Modeling Dehydriding Behavior of Hydrogen Storage Materials with Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 703-706 - Toru Watanabe, Satoru Kishida, Tadaaki Kawai, Kennei Ishihara, Heizo Tokutaka, Sei Fukushima:
Smoothing of Chemical Analysis Data by Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 707-709 - Muhammad Tariq Amin Chaudhary:
Structural Analysis of Multi-Storey Frames Through Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 710-712 - Lars Kindermann:
Computing Iterative Roots with Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 713-715 - JeongYon Shim, Chong-Sun Hwang:
Medical Diagnosis Using Hierarchical Structured Selective NeuroFuzzy System. ICONIP 1998: 716-719 - Ikuko Motoike, Kenichi Yoshikawa:
Logic Operation on an Excitable Field. ICONIP 1998: 720-722
Independent Component Analysis and Related Problems 1
- Erkki Oja:
The Nonlinear PCA Approach to ICA. ICONIP 1998: 725-728 - Andrzej Cichocki, Liqing Zhang:
Two-stage Blind Deconvolution Using State-space Models. ICONIP 1998: 729-732 - Yujiro Inouye, Shuichi Ohno:
Adaptive Algorithms for Implementing the Single-Stage Criterion for Multichannel Blind Deconvolution. ICONIP 1998: 733-736 - Shiro Ikeda, Noburo Murata:
A Method of Blind Separation Based on Temporal Structure of Signals. ICONIP 1998: 737-742 - Mitsuru Kawamoto, Allan Kardec Barros, Ali Mansour, Kiyotoshi Matsuoka, Noboru Ohnishi:
Blind Separation for Convolutive Mixtures of Non-stationary Signals. ICONIP 1998: 743-746
Soft Computing & Optimization & Learning
- Mikio Hasegawa, Tohru Ikeguchi, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Harnessing of Chaotic Dynamics for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems. ICONIP 1998: 749-752 - Michifumi Yoshioka, Sigeru Omatu:
Signal Separation Method Using Independent Component Analysis. ICONIP 1998: 753-756 - Koichiro Yamauchi, Naohiro Ishii:
Combination of Fast and Slow Learning Methods for Fast Adaptation and Pruning of Redundant Cells. ICONIP 1998: 757-760 - Koichiro Yamauchi, Toshie Imai, Naohiro Ishii:
An Incremental Learning Method of GRBF with Re-Generation of Input Patterns - Application for Case Based Reasoning Systems. ICONIP 1998: 761-766 - Masahiro Nagamatu, Torao Yanaru:
Parallel State Space Search for SAT with Lagrange Programming Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 767-770 - Itaru Nagayama, Masateru Kudaka, Tomio Takara:
High Performance Recognition of Pathology Objects by Using Evolutionary Self Growing Network. ICONIP 1998: 771-774
Dynamic Brain 4
- Péter Érdi, Ádám Kepecs, Máté Lengyel, Klaus Obermayer, Zoltán Szatmáry:
Dynamics of the Hippocampus: Multiple Strategies. ICONIP 1998: 777-780 - Yoko Yamaguchi, Bruce L. McNaughton:
Non-Linear Dynamics Generating Theta Phase Precession in Hippocampal Closed Circuit and Generation of Episodic Memory. ICONIP 1998: 781-784 - Guy Sandner:
Some Theoretical Animal Associative Learning Questions and Their Relevance for the Modelization of Some Aspects of Psychotic States in Humans. ICONIP 1998: 785-786 - Fanji Gu, Fang Chen, Jinghua Xu:
Dynamic Representations of Mutual Information Transmission in Human Brains Doing Mental Tasks. ICONIP 1998: 787-790
Selection and Optimization of Neural Architectures 2
- Michael J. Watts, Nikola K. Kasabov:
Genetic Algorithms for the Design of Fuzzy Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 793-796 - Hamid Bolouri, Rod Adams, Stella J. George, Alistair G. Rust:
Molecular Self-Organization in the Development Model for the Evolution of Large-scale Artificial Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 797-800 - David K. Y. Chiu, Mike Y. W. Leung:
Evaluating Input Dependency in a Feedforward Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 801-804 - Nick K. Treadgold, Tamás D. Gedeon:
Adaptive Regularization in a Constructive Cascade Network. ICONIP 1998: 805-808 - Damminda Alahakoon, Saman K. Halgamuge, Bala Srinivasan:
A Structure Adapting Feature Map for Optimal Cluster Representation. ICONIP 1998: 809-812
Early Vision 3
- Risto Miikkulainen, James A. Bednar, Yoonsuck Choe, Joseph Sirosh:
A Self-Organizing Neural Network Model of the Primary Visual Cortex. ICONIP 1998: 815-818 - Aike Guo, Haijian Sun, Lin Liu:
Knowledge-Dependent Perceptual Grouping. ICONIP 1998: 819-822 - Nicolangelo Iannella, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum, Shigeru Tanaka:
From Receptive Field to Connection Strengths. ICONIP 1998: 823-826 - Kô Sakai, Shigeru Tanaka:
Perception of Global Orientation: Phychophysical and Computational Analysis on Tilt Illusion. ICONIP 1998: 827-830 - Takashi Sakamoto, Toshikazu Kato:
Lateral Inhibition Model Taken Account of the Duality of Receptive Fields and Its Behavior for RGB Inputs. ICONIP 1998: 831-834
Reinforcement Learning 2
- Ahmet Onat, Hajime Kita, Yoshikazu Nishikawa:
Q-Learning with Recurrent Neural Networks as a Controller for the Inverted Pendulum Problem. ICONIP 1998: 837-840 - Taku Yoshioka, Shin Ishii, Minoru Ito:
Strategy Acquisition for the Game "Othello" Based on Reinforcement Learning. ICONIP 1998: 841-844 - Cheng-Yuan Liou, Chung-Hao Tan, Hwann-Tzong Chen, Jiun-Hung Chen:
Agents that have Desires and Adaptive Behaviors. ICONIP 1998: 845-849 - Jun Morimoto, Kenji Doya:
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning of Low-Dimensional Subgoals and High-Dimensional Trajectories. ICONIP 1998: 850-853 - Suk-Joon Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang:
Active Data Partitioning for Building Mixture Models. ICONIP 1998: 854-857
Sensory Motor Integration
- Hiromichi Nakashima, Noboru Ohnishi:
Learning Sound Source Localization by Interaction between Motion and Sensing - In a Non-Linear Motor System. ICONIP 1998: 861-854 - Taro Maeda, Susumu Tachi:
A Consideration of Perceptual-Motor Coordination with Active and Passive Movements. ICONIP 1998: 865-868 - Jae-Moon Chung, Noboru Ohnishi:
Self Development of Hand-Eye Coordination for Robotic Grasping via "Learn-by-Doing". ICONIP 1998: 869-872 - Naohiro Fukumura, Shigenao Otane, Yoji Uno, Ryoji Suzuki:
A Neural Network Model for Extracting Correlated Information in Sensory Integration. ICONIP 1998: 873-876 - Lei Xu:
Bayesian Ying-Yang System and Theory as a Unified Statistical Learning Approach: (V) Temporal Modeling for Temporal Perception and Control. ICONIP 1998: 877-884
Independent Component Analysis and Related Problems 2
- Harold Szu, Charles Hsu, Takeshi Yamakawa:
Progress in Unsupervised Neural Nets for Blind Communication De-Mixing. ICONIP 1998: 887-890 - Michifumi Yoshioka, Sigeru Omatu:
Signal Separation Method Using Independent Component Analysis. ICONIP 1998: 891-894 - Kimmo Kiviluoto, Erkki Oja:
Independent Component Analysis for Parallel Financial Time Series. ICONIP 1998: 895-898 - Ali Mansour, Allan Kardec Barros, Noboru Ohnishi:
Comparison among Three Estimators for High Order Statistics. ICONIP 1998: 899-902 - Yiu-ming Cheung, Lei Xu:
Rival Penalized Competitive Learning Based Separator on Binary Sources Separation. ICONIP 1998: 903-906
Knowledge & Rule Extraction
- Marylin L. Vaughn, E. Ong, Steven J. Cavill:
Direct Rule Extraction from a MLP Network that Performs Whole Life Assurance Risk Assessment. ICONIP 1998: 909-914 - Koji Oguri, Akira Iwata:
A Mathematical Investigation for Oligosaccharide Analysis Using Neural Network for Better Diagnosis. ICONIP 1998: 915-918 - Tomasz Pelc:
A Formal Model of an Artificial Neural Network Used to Store and Recognize the Semantics of Some Sentences of Natural Language. ICONIP 1998: 919-922 - Kaori Yoshida, Toshikazu Kato, Torao Yanaru:
A Model for Emotional Aspects on Visual Art Works. ICONIP 1998: 923-926 - Guang-Seng Khoo, Wai Cheong Yeong:
Data Mining Using AI Techniques to Enhance Decision-Making and Investments in the Capital Markets. ICONIP 1998: 927-930 - Youshou Wu, Chi Fang, Xiaofan Lin, Xiaoqing Ding:
Knowledge Extraction Based Multilayer Feedforward Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 931-935
Poster Session 2: Mathematical Theory of Brain Functions
- Yujian Li, Xiangdong Wang, Chuan Chen:
Analysis of Orthogonal Memory Patterns. ICONIP 1998: 939-942 - Lipo Wang:
Storage and Recall of Spatio-Temporal Sequences Using Any Multi-Associative Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 943-946 - Jinwen Ma:
The Memory Capacity of Recurrent Neural Networks for Storing Spatio-Temporal Sequences. ICONIP 1998: 947-950 - Yuichi Sakumura, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Stochastic Resonance by Modulation Detecting Neuron. ICONIP 1998: 951-954 - Yasuyuki Nakamura, A. Ryszard Ferchmin:
Static Properties of a Neural Network Composed of Two Kinds of Neurons. ICONIP 1998: 955-958 - Osamu Araki, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Emergent Synchronous Patterns in a Multilayer Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 959-962 - Hirohumi Hirayama, Yoshimitsu Okita:
A Method to Evaluate Associated Temporal Activity of a Neural Group Characterized by Different Activation Levels. ICONIP 1998: 963-968 - Ryoichi Wada, Shozo Sato, Kazutoshi Gohara:
Fractal Structure of Linear Recurrent Neural Networks with Temporal Input. ICONIP 1998: 969-972 - Xiaochuan Pan, Yun-jiu Wang, Xiang-lin Qi:
The Inhibition beyond the Receptive Field of Visual Cortical Neuron. ICONIP 1998: 973-976 - Yukifumi Sigematsu:
Characteristics Improved by Noise in Pulse Neural Cell Model. ICONIP 1998: 977-980 - Mitsuo Takase:
Plastic Effect of Feedback Connections to Memory Compression and Formation of Knowledge Structure Based on Hebb Rule and Inhibitory Cells. ICONIP 1998: 981-986
Soft Computing & Optimization & Learning
- So-Young Jeong, Minho Lee, Soo-Young Lee:
Hybrid Learning Algorithm for Curvature Smoothing. ICONIP 1998: 987-990 - Masayuki Mochizuki, Haruyuki Minamitani:
Learning Algorithm for Intermodular Connection Networks for Multimodular Associative Networks. ICONIP 1998: 991-994 - Manabu Kotani, Naoki Shiba, Kenzo Akazawa:
Application of Evolved Neural Networks to Real World Task. ICONIP 1998: 995-998 - Shakeel Ismail, Masahiro Nagamatu, Torao Yanaru:
Largrange Programming Neural Network for Wire Routing Problem. ICONIP 1998: 999-1003 - Itaru Nagayama, Hirotako Haneji, Tomio Takara:
Reliability Estimation of Electrical Parts by Using Evolutionary Neural Computation. ICONIP 1998: 1004-1007 - Sang-Hoon Oh, Soo-Young Lee:
Accelerating the Learning Speed of Multilayer Perceptrons with a New Error Function for Hidden Layer. ICONIP 1998: 1008-1011
- Taeho C. Jo:
Neural Approach to Time Series Prediction with Noise Addition. ICONIP 1998: 1012-1015 - Min Jang, Sungzoon Cho, Patrick M. Wong, Chun Che Fung, Kok Wai Wong:
Rock Porosity Prediction Using Multilayer Perceptrons. ICONIP 1998: 1016-1019 - Takashi Matsumoto, Hiroaki Hamagishi, Junjiro Sugi, Motoki Saito:
Chaotic Time Series Prediction via Hierarchical Bayesian Neural Net. ICONIP 1998: 1020-1023 - Alexandra I. Cristea, Toshio Okamoto:
The Development of a Feedforward NN for Financial Time Series Forecasts. ICONIP 1998: 1024-1027 - Ralf Herrmann, Martin Kreidler, Detlef Seese, Kai Zabel:
A Fuzzy-Hybrid Approach to Stock Trading. ICONIP 1998: 1028-1032 - Michel Crucianu, Romuald Boné, Jean Pierre Asselin de Beauville:
Model Comparison for Monthly Forecasts of the CAC 40. ICONIP 1998: 1033-1036 - Taeho C. Jo:
Forecasting Precipitation with Integrated and Separated pattern Generation Using Virtual Terms for MLP Training. ICONIP 1998: 1037-1040 - Yutao Wang, Jianchang Zhou, Shi Wang:
Neural Network for Time series Prediction and Its Application. ICONIP 1998: 1041-1044 - Zhaoyun Shi, Yoshiyasu Tamura, Tohru Ozaki:
RBF Neural Network is more Suitable for Function Approximating than Modeling in Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. ICONIP 1998: 1045-1048 - Ho Yin Kwok, Chi-Ming Chen, Lei Xu:
Comparison between Mixture of ARMA and Mixture of AR Model with Application to Time Series Forecasting. ICONIP 1998: 1049-1052
Image Processing
- Koji Miyazaki, Hirotaka Nakayama:
Facial Expression Synthesis by Caricature. ICONIP 1998: 1053-1056 - Tetsuya Takaoka, Masanori Izumida, Kenji Murakami:
A Study of the ART1 Classification Method without Depending on the Presentation Order of Patterns. ICONIP 1998: 1057-1060 - Bing Zhang, Mehdi N. Shirazi, Hideki Noda:
A Robust Segmentation Algorithm for the MRF Texture Images and Its Implementation by a Neural Circuitry. ICONIP 1998: 1061-1064 - Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan, Nikhil R. Pal:
Pattern Classification Using Multiple SOMs. ICONIP 1998: 1065-1068 - Satoshi Mitsuyama, Jun Motoike, Hitoshi Matsuo:
Adaptive Classification of Untypical Urinary Sediment Images Using Feedback Learning. ICONIP 1998: 1069-1072 - Kouji Tanaka, Tatsuya Sekiguchi, Kumiko Kawamoto, Masahiro Okamoto:
Recognition System of Pattern Similarity in Time Series Signals Using Neural Network being Composed of "Biochemical Neurons". ICONIP 1998: 1073-1077 - Tomonori Hayashi, Kenji Nagasaka:
Gray Scale Picture Transform into Binary Picture by Hopfield Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 1078-1081 - Masashi Nakamura, Syusaku Kodama, Noboru Kitamura, Masayoshi Umeno:
Vision Supporting System for Car Driver using Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 1082-1085
Pattern Recognition
- Shuichi Kurogi, Takeshi Nishida, Shougang Ren:
Recognition of Hand-Written Characters by a Multi-Layered Competitive Net. ICONIP 1998: 1086-1089 - Mingsheng Zhao, Youshou Wu:
Printed Chinese Optical Character Recognition by Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 1090-1093 - Yasuomi Inooka, Minoru Fukumi, Norio Akamatsu:
Numeral Recognition Using a Multi Neural Network Model. ICONIP 1998: 1094-1097 - Itaru Nagayama:
An Approach to Free Viewpoint Character Recognition by Using Modular Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 1098-1101
Robotics & Control
- Kunihiko Nabeshima, K. Inoue, K. Kudo, Kyoko Suzuki:
Early Fault Detection for Nuclear Power Plant Using Recurrent Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 1102-1105 - Ranajit Chatterjee, Fumitoshi Matsuno:
Autonomus Navigation of Mobile Robots using Neural Nets with Single Sided Reflex. ICONIP 1998: 1106-1109 - Sigeru Omatu, Yoshiyuki Kishida, Michifumi Yoshioka:
Self Tuning Neuro-PID for SIMO Systems. ICONIP 1998: 1110-1113 - Satoshi Yamaguchi, Hidekiyo Itakura:
Inverse Modeling of a Mobile Robot Using Feedback Error Learning. ICONIP 1998: 1114-1117
Other Applications
- Petri Salmela, Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen:
Noisy Digit Recognition with MLP and HMMS Using Modified Cost Function in MCE Training. ICONIP 1998: 1118-1121 - Kazuyuki Iwamoto, Heizo Tokutaka, Kazuhiro Yoshihara, Kikuo Fujimura, Toru Watanabe, Satoru Kishida:
Application of SOM to Quantitative Chemical Data Analysis. ICONIP 1998: 1122-1125 - Monica Bianchini, Stefano Fanelli, Marco Gori:
An Application of ELISA to Perfect Hashing with Deterministic Ordering. ICONIP 1998: 1126-1129 - Steven J. Cavill, Marylin L. Vaughn, Stewart J. Taylor, Michael A. Foy, Anthony J. B. Fogg:
Interpretation and Knowledge Discovery from the MLP Network that Performs Low Back Pain Classification. ICONIP 1998: 1130-1133 - Wei Xu, Xiaoyan Zhu:
A New Model of Recurrent Neural Networks for Speech Recognition. ICONIP 1998: 1134-1137 - Minoru Motoki, Yoshio Shimazu:
Connectionist Parser for Japanese sentence with Embedded Clauses. ICONIP 1998: 1138-1140 - Nobusuke Sasaki, Yasuji Sawada:
Neural Networks for Tsume-Go Problems. ICONIP 1998: 1141-1144 - Takehiko Ogawa, Yukio Kosugi, Hajime Kanada:
Bispectrum Estimation by Recurrent Network with Third-Order Moment Controllable Noise Source. ICONIP 1998: 1145-1148 - Koji Akatsuka, Hiroshi Tsujino:
Evaluation of the PCA Encoding Ability in Speech Recognition. ICONIP 1998: 1149-1152 - Jae-Hoon Jeong, Soo-Young Lee:
Speaker Adaptation Based on Spectral Transformation with Limited Adaptation Words. ICONIP 1998: 1153-1156 - Yugi Yata, Heizo Tokutaka, Kikuo Fujimura:
Learning of Simple Oscillating Wave Form by Adaptive Subspace SOM. ICONIP 1998: 1157-1159 - H. Elfawal-Mansour, Didier Georges, G. Bornard:
Identification of a Real Open-Channel Irrigation System Using a Neural Network Model. ICONIP 1998: 1160-1163 - Hiroki Aoki, Toshimichi Saito:
A SOM with Virtual Connection and Its Application to Fuzzy Systems. ICONIP 1998: 1164-1167 - Juan Moreno García, Gabriel Sebastián, Miguel Angel Fernández, Antonio Fernández-Caballero:
A Telephone Number Corrector Using a Counterpropagation Network. ICONIP 1998: 1168-1171 - Masaru Teranishi, Sigeru Omatu, Toshihisa Kosaka:
New and Used Bills Classification Using Competitive Neural Network Based on Cepstrum Pattern. ICONIP 1998: 1172-1175
Volume 3
Plenary Lecture 3
- Mitsuo Kawato:
Multiple Paired Forward-Inverse Models in the Cerebellum. ICONIP 1998: 1177-1180
Special Panel Session 2
- Yasuji Sawada, Hideki Kawahara:
Brain Creators: Japanese Initiative to Create Computational Models of Brain Functions. ICONIP 1998: 1193-1184 - Gen Matsumoto:
The Brain and Brainway Computer. ICONIP 1998: 1185-1189
Dynamic Brain 5
- Erhard Bauswein, Veit Stuphorn, Klaus-Peter Hoffmann:
Oculocentrically Organized Arm Movement-Related Activity in the Primate Superior Colliculus. ICONIP 1998: 1193-1195 - Taishin Nomura, Makoto Kobayashi, Takakazu Nakashima, Shunsuke Sato:
Phase-Dependent Walking Rhythm Reset and Bilateral Leg Coordination during Human Gait. ICONIP 1998: 1196-1199 - Xiang-lin Qi, Xiaochuan Pan, Yun-jiu Wang:
Modelling the Functional Role of Integration Field of Visual Cortex Neurons. ICONIP 1998: 1200-1203 - Yun-jiu Wang, He Cui, Xiang-lin Qi:
Initializing Receptive Field-Like Weights in BP Network. ICONIP 1998: 1204-1207
Learning 1
- Kazushi Umetsu, Toshimichi Saito:
A Simple Data Selection Algorithm for RBF Networks and Its Application to Bifurcation Prediction. ICONIP 1998: 1211-1214 - Kazushi Ikeda, Seiji Miyoshi, Kenji Nakayama:
Block-Size Optimization of Block Orthogonal Projection Algorithm for Linear Dichotomies. ICONIP 1998: 1215-1218 - Sung-Kil Lim, Chan-Ho Park, Hyon-Soo Lee:
A Constructive Neural Network using Adaptive Wavelet for Function Approximation. ICONIP 1998: 1219-1223 - Daqing Chen, Laiwan Chan:
An Adaptive Learning Rate for Training Ring-Structured Recurrent Network. ICONIP 1998: 1224-1227 - Péter András:
Neural Network Design Using Spectral Analysis. ICONIP 1998: 1228-1231 - Nikola K. Kasabov:
ECOS: Evolving Connectionist Systems and the ECO Learning Paradigm. ICONIP 1998: 1232-1235
Neurobiological Basis of Brain Function 1
- Kotaro Oka, Yoshichika Baba, Hiroto Ogawa:
Dendritic Calcium Regulates Synaptic Plasticity in Insect Nervous System. ICONIP 1998: 1239-1242 - Roman R. Poznanski:
Strong Coupling Can Reduce the Time-to-Peak of EEPSPs: A Substrate for Neural Synchronization. ICONIP 1998: 1243-1247 - Kim T. Blackwell, Keun-Hang Yang:
Analog Pattern Matching in a Model of Dendritic Spines. ICONIP 1998: 1248-1251 - Takanobu Yamanobe, Khashayar Pakdaman, Taishin Nomura, Shunsuke Sato:
The Response of Lobster Stretch Receptor Models to Single Pulses and Step Currents. ICONIP 1998: 1252-1255 - Yeongsu Jeong, S. Y. Kim:
A Continuous LTP and LTD Model. ICONIP 1998: 1256-1259
Single Neuron Model and Temporal Coding
- Hidekazu Fukai, Yoshinobu Maeda, Khashayar Pakdaman, Taishin Nomura, Shunsuke Sato:
Double Impulse Solutions in Reduced Hodgkin-Huxley Models. ICONIP 1998: 1263-1266 - Algis Garlauskas:
Modeling of Synapse-Dendrite-Soma Computational Brain Functions. ICONIP 1998: 1267-1272 - Kazutaka Someya, Atsushi Fujita, Katsutoshi Saeki, Yoshifumi Sekine, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Effects on an Active Feature on Neurodynamics and Chaotic Phenomena by Active Axon. ICONIP 1998: 1273-1276 - Wakako Hashimoto, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Does a Spiking Neuron Operate Like a Radial Basis Function? ICONIP 1998: 1277-1280 - Ryoko Futami, Nozomu Hoshimiya:
A Model of Neural Short-Term Memory for Time-coded Patterns. ICONIP 1998: 1281-1284 - Ken-ichi Amemori, Shin Ishii:
Self-Organizing Network Learning of Sub-Millisecond Temporal Coded Information. ICONIP 1998: 1285-1288
Attentive Vision
- Luiz Pessoa, Sergio Exel, Alexandre Roque, Ana Leitao:
Attentive Visual Recognition for Scene Exploration. ICONIP 1998: 1291-1294 - Ahmad F. Arif, Susumu Kuroyanagi, Akira Iwata:
Attentional System for Pattern Recognition. ICONIP 1998: 1295-1298 - Thomas Trappenberg:
Dynamic Cooperation and Competition in a Network of Spiking Neurons. ICONIP 1998: 1299-1302 - Masahiko Fujita, Kikumi Hoshi, Tomoari Seita:
Asymmetry in Deviation of Rapid-Targeting Eye Movement under the Sensation of Visually Induced Illusory Self-Motion. ICONIP 1998: 1303-1306 - Gert J. van Tonder, Yoshimichi Ejima:
Intermediate Level Shape Processing. ICONIP 1998: 1307-1310 - Masahide Nomura:
A Comfortable Brain Interface to Video Display Terminals. ICONIP 1998: 1311-1314
Neural Basis of Hearing - Towards New Experiments and Models of Auditory Processing
- Roy D. Patterson:
Auditory Images and a Computational Model. ICONIP 1998: 1317-1321 - Toshio Irino, Roy D. Patterson:
The Gammachirp for Optimal Auditory Filtering. ICONIP 1998: 1322-1326 - Alain de Cheveigné:
Time-Domain Processing in the Auditory System. ICONIP 1998: 1327-1332 - Makio Kashino:
A Modulation Filter Bank as a Basis for Auditory Spectro-Temporal Analysis. ICONIP 1998: 1333-1336
- Günther A. Hoffmann:
Predicting Response times in the Internet with Radial Basis Functions. ICONIP 1998: 1339-1342 - Keihiro Ochiai, Noboru Sonehara:
Precipitation Nowcast with Artificial Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 1343-1346 - Yoshinori Nakajima, Junjiro Sugi, Motoki Saito, Hiroaki Hamagishi, Takashi Matsumoto:
A Hierarchical Bayes Algorithm for Air-Conditioning Load Prediction: Nonlinear Dynamics Approach. ICONIP 1998: 1347-1350 - Wai Ching Wong, Fung Yip, Lei Xu:
Financial Prediction by Finite Mixture GARCH Model. ICONIP 1998: 1351-1354 - Florent Guhl, Bernard Bremond, Denis Gilbert:
Drinking Water Demand Using an Hourly Timestep. ICONIP 1998: 1355-1357
Dynamic Brain 6
- Christoph E. Schreiner, Sarah W. Wong:
Context-Dependent Excitation Bandwidth Changes in Cat Auditory Cortex. ICONIP 1998: 1361-1363 - Shin'ichiro Kanoh, Ryoko Futami, Nozomu Hoshimiya:
Temporal Sequence Processing in Human Auditory System and Its Hardware Implementation. ICONIP 1998: 1364-1367 - Giulietta Pinato, Stefano Battiston, Vincent Torre:
Neural Computation in the Leech Ganglion. ICONIP 1998: 1368-1369 - Masataka Watanabe, Kazuyuki Aihara:
What Functional Connectivity Can Do: Software Driven Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 1370-1373 - Wolfram-Manfred Lippe:
Advances in and Problems of the Implementation of Neural Algorithms on Specialized Hardware Platforms. ICONIP 1998: 1374-1377
Learning 2
- Peter Géczy, Shiro Usui:
Theoretical Analysis and Classification of Training Problem in Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 1381-1384 - Mikko Lehtokangas:
Fast Training with Maximum Covariance Initialized Centroid MLP. ICONIP 1998: 1385-1388 - Kazuyuki Hiraoka, Shuji Yoshizawa:
Recalling of Many-Valued Functions by Successive Iteration on Bottleneck Networks. ICONIP 1998: 1389-1392 - Daqing Chen, Laiwan Chan:
Training Recurrent Neural Networks by Using Parallel Recursive Prediction Error Algorithm. ICONIP 1998: 1393-1396 - Masa-aki Sato, Shin Ishii:
On-Line EM Algorithm for Mixture of Local Experts. ICONIP 1998: 1397-1401 - Yen-Wei Chen, Xiang-Yan Zeng, Zensho Nakao:
A Hybrid Neural Network Training Approach of Backpropagation and Genetic Algorithm for Classification of Remotely Sensed Images. ICONIP 1998: 1402-1405
Neurobiological Basis of Brain Function 2
- Byung Hoon Bae, Jung Mi Choi, Soo Young Kim:
Noninvasive Measurement of Human Brain Activity using Brain-Conductivity Probe. ICONIP 1998: 1409-1413 - Ken'ichi Kamijo, Tomoharu Kiyuna, Toshimasa Yamazaki:
Application of PDM Digital Neural Network System to Real-Time Brain Activity Source Localization. ICONIP 1998: 1414-1417 - Shuji Akiyama, Toshio Iijima:
A Neuro-Network Processing to Recognize Functional Regions from Distributed Neural Activities. ICONIP 1998: 1418-1421 - Hiroaki Okamoto, Susuma Kawakami, Hide-aki Saito, Eiki Hida, Keiichi Odajima, Daichi Tamanoi, Hiroshi Ohno:
Physiological Validation of Bimodal Direction Tunings Predicted by a Motion Detection Model in Area MT of Monkey. ICONIP 1998: 1422-1425 - Y. Yamaguchi, Y. Kanzaka, F. Tanaka, J. Horikawa, I. Taniguchi:
Bifurcation of Wave Propagation as a Base of Dynamical Linking in Auditory Recognition. ICONIP 1998: 1426-1429
Non-Linear Dynamics and Associative Memory
- Haruhiko Nishimura, Naofumi Katada, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Resonance Phenomena in the Response of Chaotic Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 1433-1436 - Sangbaek Han, Soo Yong Kim, Dong-yu. Jeong:
Informational Approach to Stochastic Resonance of the Artificial Neuron. ICONIP 1998: 1437-1441 - Gary Froyland, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Statistical Analysis of a Randomly Stimulated Neuron. ICONIP 1998: 1442-1445 - Satoshi Morinaga, Shuji Yoshizawa:
Control of Spurious Memories by Using Self-Coupling Weights. ICONIP 1998: 1446-1449
Cognitive Mechanisms
- Syozo Yasui, Toshiharu Watanabe, Hideaki Fujimura:
Connectionist Abstraction for Machine Learning by Analogy. ICONIP 1998: 1453-1458 - Robert Hecht-Nielsen:
A Theory of the Cerebral Cortex. ICONIP 1998: 1459-1464 - Hiroyuki Okada, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Takashi Omori:
Neural Network Model for the Perseveration Behavior of Frontal Lobe Injured Patients. ICONIP 1998: 1465-1469 - Neil Davey, Ray J. Frank, Tim M. Gale, Stella J. George:
A Neural Network Model of Visual Object Recognition Impairments after Brain Damage. ICONIP 1998: 1470-1473 - Norman D. Cook, Takefumi Hayashi:
Activation of Verbal Labels on Bilateral Self-Organized Maps. ICONIP 1998: 1474-1477
Neural Basis of Hearing - Towards new Experiments and Models of Auditory Processing
- Horishi Riquimaroux:
Time Information in the Auditory System: Frequency, Amplitude, Macro and Micro. ICONIP 1998: 1481-1484 - Neil P. McAngus Todd, D. J. O'Boyle, C. S. Lee:
A Sensory-Motor Theory of Rhythm and Timing in Music and Speech. ICONIP 1998: 1485-1489 - J. Devin McAuley, Mari Riess Jones:
The Role of Rhythm in Attending to Auditory Patterns. ICONIP 1998: 1490-1493
Distributed Processing Systems 3
- Romulo M. de Menezes, Gerson Zaverucha, Valmir Carneiro Barbosa:
A Penalty-Function Approach to Rule Extraction from Knowledge-Based Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 1497-1500 - Ryotaro Kamimura:
Integrated Information Processors with Multi-functional Components. ICONIP 1998: 1501-1506 - Rodrigo Basilio, Gerson Zaverucha, Artur S. d'Avila Garcez:
Inducing Relational Concepts with Neural Networks via the LINUS System. ICONIP 1998: 1507-1510
Poster Session 3: Neuro-biological Basis of Brain Functions
- Tatsuo Kitajima, Ken-ichi Hara:
Roles of Back-Propagating Action Potential in Synaptic Modifications. ICONIP 1998: 1513-1516 - Hiroshi Okamoto, Kazuhisa Ichikawa:
A Model for Synaptic Competition for a Finite Resource. ICONIP 1998: 1517-1520 - Toshihiro Aoyama, Yoshimi Kamiyama, Shiro Usui, Roman Blanco, Pedro de la Villa, Cecilia F. Vaquero:
Ionic Current Model of Rabbit Retinal Horizontal Cell. ICONIP 1998: 1521-1524 - Nicolas Schweighofer, Kenji Doya, Mitsuo Kawato:
A Model of the Electrophysiological Properties of the Inferior Olive Neurons. ICONIP 1998: 1525-1528 - Yuki Kobayashi, Takeshi Aihara, Hironori Matsuda, Hiroshi Sasaki, Minoru Tsukada:
Spatial Distribution of LTP and LTD Simultaneously Induced by Temporal-Pattern Stimuli in Hippocampal CA1 Area. ICONIP 1998: 1529-1532 - Katsumi Tateno, Hatsuo Hayashi, Satoru Ishizuka:
Spontaneous Spatiotemporal Activity of a Hippocampal CA3 Network Model Which Depends on the Connectivity. ICONIP 1998: 1533-1536 - Kiyohisa Natsume, Kaoru Kometani:
Desynchronization of Theta-Like Activity in Guinea-Pig Hippocampal Slices. ICONIP 1998: 1537-1540 - Koushi Nakashima, Hatsuo Hayashi, Satoru Ishizuka:
A Local Area where Polysynaptic LTP is Induced in Longitudinal Rat Hippocampal CA3 Slices is Highly Responsive to Weak Stimulation. ICONIP 1998: 1541-1546 - Jun Yamamoto, Mizuki Okanda, Hiroshi Sasaki, Minoru Tsukada, Yuichiro Anzai:
The Effect of Hippocampal Activity to Auditory Evoked Responses in Guinea Pig Revealed by Optical Imaging. ICONIP 1998: 1547-1550 - Eiki Hida, Hide-aki Saito, Hiroshi Ohno, Keiichi Odajima, Daichi Tamanoi:
Neural Correlate for the Perception of Two-Directional Transparent Visual Flow. ICONIP 1998: 1551-1554 - Susumu Takahashi, Jun Yamamoto, Yuichiro Anzai:
Visualization Tools for Firing Correlation Based on the Joint-PSTH. ICONIP 1998: 1555-1558 - Hideyuki Suzuki, Kazuyuki Aihara, Jun Murakami, Tateo Shimozawa:
An Application of ISI Reconstruction to Sensory Neurons of Crickets. ICONIP 1998: 1559-1562 - Takashi Tateno, Yasuhiko Jimbo, Akio Kawana:
Characterizing the Spontaneous Activity in Developing Networks of Cultured Rat Cortical Neurons. ICONIP 1998: 1563-1566
- Mikko Lehtokangas:
On Training of MLP with Adaptive Neuron Specific Preprocessing Units. ICONIP 1998: 1567-1570 - Mikko Lehtokangas:
Initialization of MLP with Adaptive Neuron Specific Preprocessing Units. ICONIP 1998: 1571-1574 - Yan Shi, Masaharu Mizumoto, Peng Shi:
On Designing of Learning Rates in the Neuro-Fuzzy Learning Algorithm. ICONIP 1998: 1575-1578 - Nobuyuki Matsui, Koichi Fujiwara, Teijiro Isokawa:
A Neural Network Model Based on BP Learning with Stochastic Resonance. ICONIP 1998: 1579-1582 - Mahdad Nouri Shirazi, Hideki Noda, Ikuo Yonemoto, Hidefumi Sawai:
A Growing Algorithm for Training of RBF Density Estimation Network. ICONIP 1998: 1583-1586 - Yoshihiro Hayakawa, Yasuji Sawada:
Local Feature Learning Algorithm for High Speed Learning. ICONIP 1998: 1587-1590 - Marghny H. Mohamed, Akito Ohkubo, Teruya Minamoto, Koichi Niijima:
Learning of Three Layer Neural Networks Based on Domains of Attraction. ICONIP 1998: 1591-1594 - Hiroshi Shiratsuchi, Hiromu Gotanda, Katsuhiro Inoue, Kousuke Kumamaru:
A Study on Initialization for BP Networks. ICONIP 1998: 1595-1599 - Phil D. Picton:
Training a Fuzzy Classifier Using Back-Propagation. ICONIP 1998: 1600-1603 - Koji Okuhara, Shunji Osaki:
Elimination of Redundant Neurons by Competitive Radial Basis Function Networks. ICONIP 1998: 1604-1607 - Seiichi Ozawa, Kazuyoshi Tsutsumi, Norio Baba:
Design of Modular Neural Network Architectures Using Genetic Algorithms. ICONIP 1998: 1608-1611 - Peter Géczy, Shiro Usui:
Deterministic Approach to Dynamic Sample Selection. ICONIP 1998: 1612-1615 - Chan-Ho Park, Hyon-Soo Lee:
Self-Organized Supervised Learning with Local Projection and Pattern Clustering. ICONIP 1998: 1616-1621 - Kanad Keeni, Kenji Nakayama, Hiroshi Shimodaira:
Automatic Generation of Initial Weights and Target Outputs of Multilayer Neural Networks and Its Application to Pattern Classification. ICONIP 1998: 1622-1625
Distributed Processing Systems
- Xiang Yu, Masumi Ishikawa, Huisheng Chi:
Rule Extraction from Data by Combining a Structural Learning with Forgetting and Linear Discriminant Functions. ICONIP 1998: 1626-1629 - Chi Fang, Mingsheng Zhao, Youshou Wu, Xiaoqing Ding:
Construct H-MFNN by Complexity Reduction Approach. ICONIP 1998: 1630-1633 - Algis Garliauskas:
Control Distributed Parameter Systems with Neural Network Based on Orthogonality. ICONIP 1998: 1634-1636 - Francesco E. Lauria, Roberto Prevete, Marta Milo, S. Visco:
A Boolean Neural Network as a Rule Based System Learning New Rules by Examples. ICONIP 1998: 1637-1642 - Peng Shi, El Kébir Boukas, Yan Shi, Ramesh K. Agarwal:
Disturbance Attenuation for Systems Governed by Markov Decision Processes. ICONIP 1998: 1643-1646 - C. Yalçin Kaya, Peng Shi, Yan Shi:
Kalman Filtering Design for Nonlinear Systems with Parametric Uncertainties. ICONIP 1998: 1647-1650 - Seiji Ishihara, Takashi Nagano:
A Modular Type Network for Incremental Learning. ICONIP 1998: 1651-1654 - Frederic Hamel, Hefin Rowlands:
S-Fuzzy ART, Adaptation of Fuzzy ART to Non-Parallel Systems. ICONIP 1998: 1655-1658 - Ingrid Anderson, Kazunori Miyamoto, Torao Yanaru:
Event Sequence Data Mining in Temporal Databases. ICONIP 1998: 1659-1661 - Toshiki Kindo, Hideyuki Yoshida, Taisuke Watanabe:
Personal Information Filtering System - An Application of Associative Memory. ICONIP 1998: 1662-1665 - Teresa Bernarda Ludermir, Wilson Rosa de Oliveira:
Extracting Rules from Boolean Neural Networks. ICONIP 1998: 1666-1669 - Zhenquan Li, Masahiro Nishikawa, Akira Ichikawa:
The Choices of Weights and Biases of Fuzzy Neural Networks Based on Fuzzy Number Operations. ICONIP 1998: 1670-1673

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