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25th AMCIS 2019: Cancún, Mexico
- 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2019, Cancún, Mexico, August 15-17, 2019. Association for Information Systems 2019
Accounting Information Systems (SIGASYS)
- Camila de Oliveira, Ariel Behr, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada:
Establishing the Main Mechanisms for the Accounting Information Governance: a Delphi study with Accountants. - Ahmad H. Juma'h, Yazan Alnsour:
Exploring the Characteristics of Financial Reports of Companies Adopting Blockchain: Text Analytics Approach. - Abdullah Albizri, Yazan Alnsour:
Impact of Knowledge Creation on Financial Performance: An Exploratory Study. - Ravi Chandra Seethamraju, Rodney Coyte:
Technology frames, Accountants and ERP systems use.
Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (SIGADIT)
- Davinia Rodríguez Cardona, Oliver Werth, Svenja Schönborn, Michael H. Breitner:
A Mixed Methods Analysis of the Adoption and Diffusion of Chatbot Technology in the German Insurance Sector. - Jens Mattke:
Advertising-Funded IS: A Literature Review on Factors Influencing Users Clicking Behavior for In-App Ads. - Jasmin Manseau:
AI in the Workplace: The Case of Intelligent Employee Assistants. - Mehmet Akgul, Ali Reza Montazemi:
Ambivalence and Electronic Word of Mouth. - Dicle Berfin Köse, Juho Hamari:
Dual Information Systems: A Review Of Factors Affecting Their Use. - Babita Gupta, Subhasish Dasgupta, Mini Purushothaman:
Examining Organizational Culture Values and Acceptance of Biometric Identity Authentication Systems. - Vasilka Chergarova, Jeronimo Bezerra, Julio Ibarra, Heidi Morgan:
Factors influencing the adoption of Software Defined Networking by Research and Educational Networks. - Sulaiman Abdallah Alsheibani, Yen Cheung, Chris H. Messom:
Factors Inhibiting the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence at organizational-level: A Preliminary Investigation. - Minwoo Lee, Kiljae K. Lee, Kyung Young Lee, Agnes DeFranco:
Heuristic, Systematic, and Affective Components of Online Service Reviews : Impact on Intra-Organizational Adoption and Sharing. - Mayur P. Joshi, Nuruddin Ahmed, Jean-Philippe Vergne, Ning Su:
In Code We Trust! India's Demonetization, Trust Ambivalence & Electronic Currencies. - Pouyan Esmaeilzadeh, Hemang Subramanian, Karlene Cousins:
Individuals' Cryptocurrency Adoption: A Proposed Moderated-Mediation Model. - Farid Shirazi, Abbas Keramati:
Intelligent Digital Mesh Adoption for Big Data. - Victoria Alexandra Reibenspiess:
It is Hard Being Innovative from a Safe Distance - Theoretical Conceptualization about Innovation Awareness and Psychological Distance. - Katharina Pflügner, Christian Maier:
Mitigating Technostress: An Empirical Study of Mindfulness and Techno-Stressors. - Yafang Li, Robert E. Crossler, Deborah Compeau:
Regulatory Focus in the Context of Wearable Continuance. - Jean-Francois De Moya, Jessie Pallud, Eusebio Scornavacca Jr.:
Self-Tracking Technologies Adoption and Utilization: A Literature Analysis. - Abdolrasoul Habibipour, Ali Mohammad Padyab, Anna Ståhlbröst:
Social, Ethical and Ecological Issues in Wearable Technologies. - Murad A. Moqbel, Lauren Pulino:
The double-edged sword of smartphones: the moderating role of utilitarian app use. - Yaa Amponsah Twumasi, Richard Boateng, Eric Afful-Dadzie:
The Role of IT on Counterfeiting and Piracy in the Fashion and Beauty Industry: The Case of a Developing Country. - HanByeol Stella Choi, Minhyung Lee, Heeseok Lee:
Two Faces of Car Sharing: An Exploration on the Effect of Car Sharing on Car Accident. - Stanislav Mamonov, Raquel Benbunan-Fich:
Unlocking the Smart Home: An Examination of Factors Influencing Smart Lock Adoption Intention. - Sven Laumer, Fabian Tobias Gubler, Ana Racheva, Christian Maier:
Use Cases for Conversational Agents: An Interview-based Study. - Antje Henriette Annette Janssen, Jens Passlick, Michael H. Breitner:
Using Web Analytics Data: a participatory Design Model for Individual Web Traffic Report Development. - Kai Spindeldreher, Emre Ak, Jonas Fröhlich, Daniel Schlagwein:
Why Won't You Share? Barriers to Participation in the Sharing Economy.
Advances in Information Systems Research
- Gary F. Templeton, Laurie L. Burney, Martin Kang:
A Methodology for Developing Normalized Formative Indices Using Messy Data. - Anne Faber, Maximilian Riemhofer, Sven-Volker Rehm, Gloria Bondel:
A Systematic Mapping Study on Business Ecosystem Types. - Milkyas Bogale, Lemma Lessa, Solomon Negash:
Building an Information Security Awareness Program for a Bank: Case from Ethiopia. - Dissa Riandaso Chandra, Jos van Hillegersberg:
Creating Competitive Advantage for Air Freight Communities Using Cargo Community System: A Case Study in Schiphol Airport. - Carlos Bento, Paulo Rupino da Cunha, João Barata:
Cultivating Sociomaterial Transformations in Agriculture 4.0: The Case of Precision Viticulture. - Laszlo Sajtos, Yean Shan Beh, Gabrielle Peko, David Sundaram:
Developing an Affordance-based Conceptualization of Social Media Interactions. - Qin Weng, Wendy Wang, Jignya Patel:
Exploring the Formation of IT Identity: A Technology-Value Fit Model. - Abiy Woretaw, Lemma Lessa, Solomon Negash:
Factors Hindering Full-Fledged Information Security in Banking Sector in Ethiopia: Emphasis on Information Security Culture. - Saurabh Gupta, Clay Williams:
Five levels of Computer Self-Efficacy. - Ning Su, Mayur P. Joshi, Saeed Khanagha:
From Hierarchies to Markets: Transformation of Corporate Innovation at Ericsson. - Egidio Morsch, Pietro Cunha Dolci:
Governança de TI em Cooperativas de Crédito - uma proposta de framework. - Amy J. Connolly, Daniel Rush:
How Emotional Self-Control Relates to IT Mindfulness and Technostress in Students. - Carlos Ivan Torres, Robert E. Crossler:
Information Security Compliance: A Complete Values View. - Tsedale Yohannes, Lemma Lessa, Solomon Negash:
Information Security Incident Response Management in an Ethiopian Bank: A Gap Analysis. - Michael Meighu, John Alver Dobson:
Innovating in IS: a Pharmaceutical Case Study into Modelling Creative Climate. - Sarah Hönigsberg, Barbara Dinter:
Network Value Co-Creation Goes Digital - a Case Study. - Valeria Aleksandra Sadovykh, David Sundaram:
Online Social Networks Decision Support Architecture: Spaces for Modelling and Conversations. - Christian Betz, Marc Burkhalter, Reinhard Jung:
Prerequisites for Value Co-Creation in Business Ecosystems. - Khushbu Tilvawala, David Sundaram, Michael David Myers:
Serious Games for Sustainable Development: A Decision-driven Transformative Approach. - Carol Lee, Pratyush Bharati:
Social Media Platform and Green IS Awareness: An Empirical Investigation. - Gloria Bondel, Duc Huy Bui, Anne Faber, Dennis Seidel, Matheus Hauder:
Towards a Process and Tool Support for Collaborative API Proposal Management. - Sarbottam Bhagat, Kevin Kim:
Towards Integrating Blockchain and Digital Governance Structure in Supply Chain Collaboration (SCC). - Yao Shi, Mark Lee Gillenson, Xihui Zhang:
Value Estimation of Software Functional Test Cases. - Joseph Sebastian, Robert E. Crossler:
Why social media users share private images: Ignorance or Social Reward.
AI and Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Information Systems (SIGODIS)
- Xiaocong Cui, Jung Min Lee, JJ Po-An Hsieh:
An Integrative 3C evaluation framework for Explainable Artificial Intelligence. - Diego Saqui, José Hiroki Saito, Daniel Caio de Lima, Lúcio Abdré de Castro Jorge, Steve Ataky:
Approach based on SPEA2-band selection and Random Forest classifier to generate thematic maps from hyperspectral images. - Ransome Epie Bawack, Samuel Fosso Wamba, Kevin Carillo:
Artificial Intelligence in Practice: Implications for IS Research. - Anuja Kamat, Amit V. Deokar:
Computational Intelligence for Engineering Design Applications: A Case Study in Structural Engineering. - Kai Heinrich, Patrick Zschech, Tarek Skouti, Jakob Griebenow, Sebastian Riechert:
Demystifying the Black Box: A Classification Scheme for Interpretation and Visualization of Deep Intelligent Systems. - Frederico Araújo Durão, João Paulo Dias de Almeida, Daniel Santos Peixoto, Paulo Roberto de Souza, Carsten Schjønning, René Bech Rasmussen:
Exploiting Web Features for Relevance Feedback. - Al F. Salam, Shabnam Nahar, Sabbir Pervez:
Integrating Machine Learning and Grounded Theory Research. - Neda Mesbah, Christoph Tauchert, Christian Michael Olt, Peter Buxmann:
Promoting Trust in AI-based Expert Systems. - Samaa Elnagar, Manoj A. Thomas:
Real Estate Image-Based Appraisal Using Mask Region Based Convolutional Networks. - Patrick Zschech, Kai Heinrich, Richard Horn, Daniel Höschele:
Towards a Text-based Recommender System for Data Mining Method Selection. - Raphael Meyer von Wolff, Kristin Masuch, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
What Do You Need Today? - An Empirical Systematization of Application Areas for Chatbots at Digital Workplaces.
Cognitive Research in IS (SIGCORE)
- Samaa Elnagar, Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson:
A Cognitive Ideation Support Framework using IBM Watson Services. - Sarang Hashemi, Frada Burstein:
A Framework for Managing Cognitive Load in Electronic Medical Record Systems Training. - Xusen Cheng, Ying Bao, Alex Zarifis, Jian Mou:
A Model of Customer Trust in Sharing Economy-Driven Ride-Sharing Platforms Involving Psychological Contract Violation and Recovery. - Alexander Rühr, Benedikt Berger, Thomas Hess:
Can I Control My Robo-Advisor? Trade-Offs in Automation and User Control in (Digital) Investment Management. - Kevin Wang, Sumantra Sarkar:
Nudging Young People Towards Safe Internet Behavior. - Daniel Tozadore, João Pedro Hannauer Valentini, Victor Henrique Rodrigues, Julia Pazzini, Roseli A. F. Romero:
When Social Adaptive Robots meet School Environments.
Data Agility
- Fanny-Ève Bordeleau, Carsten Felden:
After the Plan: An Exploration of the Digitalization Application Barriers. - James Wairimu, Qinyu Liao:
Digital Business Intensity and Entrepreneurial Alertness in Organizational Learning. - Ömer Uludag, Sascha Nägele, Matheus Hauder:
Establishing Architecture Guidelines in Large-Scale Agile Development Through Institutional Pressures: A Single-Case Study. - Markus Philipp Zimmer:
Improvising Digital Transformation: Strategy Unfolding in Acts of Organizational Improvisation. - Dulce Gonçalves, Magnus Bergquist, Richard Bunk, Sverker Alänge:
The Influence of Cultural Values on Organizational Agility.
Data Science and Analytics for Decision Support (SIGDSA)
- Yanqing Duan, Ramakrishnan Ramanathan, Guangming Cao:
A Systematic Literature Review on the Applications of Big Data Analytics - Identifying Influential Factors and Impact. - Adam R. Albina:
Assessing the Impact of a GIS for Improving Novice Crisis Decision-Making. - Oluwafemi Akanfe, Myung Ko:
Big Data Analytics: Predicting Obesity Epidemic through Socioeconomic Data Analysis. - Abdulkareem Alsudais, Hovig Tchalian:
Clustering Prominent Named Entities in Topic-Specific Text Corpora. - Rachael Ruizhu Xiong, Charles Zhechao Liu, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Anthony Rios:
Complex contagions of information diffusion across social networking platforms. - Weidong Guo:
Credit Scoring in Peer-to-peer Lending with Macro Variables and Machine Learning as Feature Selection Methods. - Alton L. Bodley, Gunjan Mansingh, Kweku-Muata A. Osei-Bryson:
Data Mining in Cricket Team Selection. - Jeroen Baijens, Remko W. Helms:
Developments in knowledge discovery processes and methodologies: anything new? - Zhipeng Chen, YongCheng Zhan:
Distributed Representations of Users and Locations for Friendship Recommendation on Location-Based Social Network. - Khadija Ali Vakeel, Vijay Viswanathan, Mototaka Sakashita:
Effectiveness of Real-Time Mobile Messaging: A Natural Field Experiment. - Wangcheng Yan, Wenjun Zhou, Chang Tan, Lei Fan:
Employee Ridesharing: Reinforcement Learning and Choice Modeling. - Lakshmi S. Iyer, Miguel Sebastián de la Mata:
"EmPowering Change": An Energy Analytics Dashboard Intervention Study. - Minjung Choi:
Feature Generation Using Machine Learning from Large Sparse Financial Data. - Wagner Signoretti, Isabel Harb Manssour, Milene Silveira:
GeoMultiVis: helping decision-making through Interactive Visualizations from Geospatial Multivariate Data. - Hamid Khobzi:
Hashtagivism: Making Online News Great Again? - Carina Andrade, José Correia, Carlos Costa, Maribel Yasmina Santos:
Intelligent Event Broker: A Complex Event Processing System in Big Data Contexts. - Abdulkareem Alsudais, Timm Teubner:
Large-Scale Sentiment Analysis on Airbnb Reviews from 15 Cities. - Julia Petra Köhlke:
Learning vs. Bridging of Big Data for innovation development in the Smart Grid. - Jesse Roberts, Matthias Volk, Robert Neumann, Klaus Turowski:
Machine Learning Techniques for Annotations of Large Financial Text Datasets. - David M. Goldberg, Patricia Garvey, Long Xia, Sukhwa Hong:
Modeling Local Ambulance Resource Scheduling. - Imad Bani Hani, Olgerta Tona, Sven A. Carlsson:
Modes of Engagement in Self- Service Business Analytics: a Service Dominant Logic Perspective. - Yong Seog Kim:
Peeking Into Minds of iGeneration via Lyrics of Most Popular Songs over 50 Years. - Han-Min Kim, Gee-Woo Bock, Gunwoong Lee:
Predicting Ethereum Prices using Machine Learning and Block Chain Information. - Chunxiao Li, Hongchang Wang, Wei Min, Zhengyang Tang, Bin Gu:
Predicting Financial Risk Using Non-Financial Data: Design and Evaluation of a Predictive Analytics Framework. - Alok Dand, Khawaja A. Saeed, Mehmet Bayram Yildirim:
Prediction of Airline Delays based on Machine Learning Algorithms. - Erica Ivarsson, Roland M. Müller:
Racing Bib Number Recognition Using Deep Learning. - Wingyan Chung, Mehul Vora, Jinwei Liu, Yifan Huang, Elizabeth Mustaine, Vincent S. Lai:
Simulating Temporal Dynamics in Cryptocurrency Software Social Networks. - Patrick Felka:
Smart Communication Infrastructures: A Probabilistic and Context-Aware System Design for Efficient and Dynamic Cloudlet-Management. - Yong Seog Kim, Clay Moffitt:
Substitution Effect in Sport Event Attendance. - Manuela Frieß, Karin Hartl, Olaf Jacob:
Success Factors for Analytical Customer Relationship Management in B2B Companies. - Aaron M. French, Gabriel Baduqui:
The Digital Divide 2.0: Fintech versus traditional financial services. - Jaebong Son, Arash Negahban, Dalen Chiang:
Topic Diversity of Online Consumer Reviews and Its Effect on Review Helpfulness. - Ryan C. LaBrie, Gerhard Steinke:
Towards a Framework for Ethical Audits of AI Algorithms. - Long Xia, David M. Goldberg, Sukhwa Hong, Patricia Garvey:
Transfer Learning in Knowledge-Intensive Tasks: A Test in Healthcare Text Analytics. - Tareq Nasralah, Omar F. El-Gayar, Yong Wang:
What Social Media Can Tell Us About Opioid Addicts: Twitter Data Case Analysis. - Russell Torres, Natalie Gerhart:
When is Enough, Enough? The Critical Decision to Stop Building Business Analytics Models. - Andre Coelho Vaz Henriques, Maria Alexandra Cunha, Fernando de Souza Meirelles:
Where Are You Going Big Data?
Digital Government
- Yoshimasa Y. M. Masuda, Donald S. Shepard, Shuichiro Yamamoto:
Adaptive Governance on Electronic Health Record in a Digital IT era. - Keman Huang, Samuel Chinnery, Stuart E. Madnick:
Analysis of Cross-border Data Trade Restrictions using Mixture-based Clustering. - Edson Correa Tavares, Fernando de Souza Meirelles, Eduardo Correa Tavares, Maria Alexandra Cunha, Leandro Marcilio Schunk:
Blockchain in the Green Treasure: Different Investment Objectives. - Akemi Takeoka Chatfield, Christopher G. Reddick:
Blockchain Investment Decision Making in Central Banks: A Status Quo Bias Theory Perspective. - Urbano Cerqueira Matos, Jacqueline Corbett:
Creating Knowledge for Value Creation in Open Government Data Ecosystems. - Johan Magnusson, Andreas Nilsson, Michael Kizito:
Enacting Digital Ambidexterity: The Case of the Swedish Public Sector. - Timothy A. Pritchard, Santos M. Galvez, Indira R. Guzman, Xuefei (Nancy) Deng:
Government employees and their use of Digital Government. - Hadi Karimikia, Brian Donnellan:
The Impact of IT Boundary Spanners' Activities on Citizens' Perception of Smart IT Services and Smart IT Projects Success. - Anthony Simonofski, Ulf Melin, Ida Lindgren, Benoît Vanderose, Monique Snoeck:
Towards a Decision Support Guide for User Participation in Public e-Service Development. - Mateus Guimarães Belizario, Rita Cristina Galarraga Berardi:
Use of Smart and Open Data in Smart Cities. - Gerrit C. Küstermann, Eva A. C. Bittner, Navid Tavanapour:
Workshop-based E-participation: Guidelines and Requirements for Informed Design.
eBusiness and eCommerce Digital Commerce (SIGeBIZ)
- Pin-Rui Hwang:
A Study of Social Media Driven Value-transformation: Case of Home Planting Service. - Oliver Werth, Davinia Rodríguez Cardona, Jan Nowatschin, Matthias Werner, Nadine Guhr, Michael H. Breitner:
Challenges of the Financial Industry - An Analysis of Critical Success Factors for FinTechs. - Savanid Vatanasakdakul, Chadi Aoun, Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra:
Connecting the Dots through Social Media: A Lifeline for Micro Enterprises. - Tiina Nokkala, Hannu Salmela, Jouko Toivonen:
Data Governance in Digital Platforms. - Mengfan Cao, Lauren Rhue:
Disposed of Bitcoin? Using the Disposition Effect to Understand Financial News Sentiment and Bitcoin Returns. - Nicolai Bohn:
Do Digital Startups Prepare for Technology Pivots? - An Initial Analysis of Job Adverts. - Bin Fang, Xin Fu, Ziru Li, Shun Cai:
Effects of Free Return Policies on Digital Media Product Sales: Evidence from a Knowledge-Sharing Platform. - Lea Müller:
Enabling Digital Commerce: Advertising and the Influence of User Behavior. - Osden Jokonya:
Factors influencing the adoption of smart parking. - Babett Kühne, Andreas Zolnowski, Jennifer Bornholt, Tilo Böhmann:
Making Data Tangible for Data-driven Innovations in a Business Model Context. - Samira Farivar, Fang Wang, Yufei Yuan:
Meformer vs. Informer: Influencer type and Follower Behavioral Intentions. - Jürgen Neumann, Dominik Gutt:
Money Makes the Reviewer Go Round - Ambivalent Effects of Online Review Elicitation in B2B Markets. - Rainer Schmidt
, Michael Möhring, Barbara Keller, Alfred Zimmermann:
Potentials of Smart Contracts-based Disintermediation in Additive Manufacturing Supply Chains. - Ya-Ling Wu, Szu-Ting Lai:
The Effects of Hunger Marketing Strategy and Customer Emotion on Purchase Behavior. - Sheng-Pao Shih, Hsin-Yi Huang, Cheng-Ying Lin:
The role of commercial friendship between social network site and users. - Jakob J. Korbel, Kim Janine Blankenhagel, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
The Role of the Virtual Asset in the Distribution of Goods and Products. - Lei-da Chen, Zhenya Tang:
Understanding Brand Microblog Users' Unfollowing Motivations from the Perspective of Push-Pull-Mooring Model.
Enterprise System (SIGEntSys)
- Benedikt Betzwieser, Sebastian Franzbonenkamp, Tobias Riasanow, Markus Böhm, Harald Kienegger, Helmut Krcmar:
A Decision Model for the Implementation of Blockchain Solutions. - Alina Bockshecker, Sarah Hackstein, Ulrike Baumöl:
Adaptation of the Business Model Approach for Public Enterprises. - Fabian Burmeister, Paul Drews, Ingrid Schirmer:
An Ecosystem Architecture Meta-Model for Supporting Ultra-Large Scale Digital Transformations. - Thi Thanh Hoa Nguyen, Nazim Taskin, Shane Scahill, David Pauleen:
Antecedents of Supply Chain Information Visibility: The Complementarity Effect of IT Integration Capability and Interpersonal Communication Capability. - Mazen Shawosh, Hani Safadi, Nicholas Berente:
Remixing Generic Defaults with Specialized Software: The Case of Enterprise Collaboration Systems. - Richard Beetz, Yannik Riedl:
Robotic Process Automation: Developing a Multi-Criteria Evaluation Model for the Selection of Automatable Business Processes. - Prithvi Bhattacharya:
There is More to 'IT' than Improving Operations: Towards A Mechanism for Enterprise Systems-enabled M&A, Innovation and Strategic Decisions.
Global Development (SIG GlobDev)
- Richard Boateng, Eunice Yeboah Afeti, Eric Afful-Dadzie:
Adoption of Mobile Payments in Ghana: A Merchant Perspective. - Jorge Lopes, José Luís Pereira, João Varajão:
Blockchain Based E-voting System: A Proposal. - Rhyno Adendorff, Hanlie Smuts:
Critical Success Factors for Cloud Computing Adoption in South Africa. - Fred Kwaku Amankwah-Sarfo, John Effah, Richard Boateng:
Digital Infrastructure for Port Container Handling and Success or Failure of Stakeholders' Goals: A Case Study of Ghana. - Gaurav Mishra, Devinder Thapa, Jaya Kritika Ojha:
Ecological perspective on ICT and education: The case of i-Saksham in Bihar, India. - Dzifa Tomiwa Bibi, John Effah, Richard Boateng:
Evaluation of a National Digital Location Infrastructure: Stakeholders' Perspectives in Ghana. - Mansah Preko, Richard Boateng, John Effah:
Health Informatics and Brain Drain Mitigation in Ghana. - Abel Pires da Silva:
ICT for Development and Self-serving International Agencies: No Free-lunch Even in a Shattered Tropical Paradise. - Alfred Paa Gyaisey, Richard Boateng, Anthony Afful-Dadzie, Acheampong Owusu:
Individuals' Internet Security Perceptions and Behaviours: Polycontextual Contrast Between Ghana and Nigeria. - Zhaojun Yang, Jun Sun, Xiaoxu Li, Yali Zhang:
Informal Alignment in Digital Innovation for Corporate Sustainability. - Sajda Qureshi, Jason Jie Xiong:
Social Determinants of Health Equity: Does mHealth Matter for Human Development? - Xue Ning, Ronald Ramirez, Jiban Khuntia:
Technology to Shape Social Policy: Blockchain for Targeted Poverty Alleviation in China. - Sajda Qureshi, Jason Jie Xiong:
The effect of Bitcoin Transactions on Human Development: Emerging Business Models. - Anthony Renner-Micah, John Effah, Richard Boateng:
Understanding Digital Innovation in National Health Insurance: The Case of Ghana.
Global, International and Cross Cultural Research in Info System (SIGCCRIS)
- Olga Levina, Saskia Mattern, Felix Kiefer:
Extending Digital Platform Governance with Legal Context. - Mahmoud Abdelrahman:
Factors Affect Knowledge Sharing by Using Knowledge Management Systems to Support Decision Making Processes. - Jinho Kim, Yang Lu:
Information Communication Technology and Global Logistic Performance. - Cecil Chua, Cheng Chen, Ji-Ye Mao:
Strategic Gift Giving in Vendor Relationships: The Gift of Cognitive Regard.
Green IS and Sustainability (SIGGreen)
- Håkan Burden, Sandra Haraldson, Mathias Karlsson, Niklas Mellegård, Eddie Olsson:
Accelerating Acquisition in an Open Innovation Ecosystem. - Kyle Nash, Robin L. Wakefield:
Dare to Be Green: The Role of Environmental Passion and Green IT Identity on Green IT Practices. - Tim Brauner, Tobias Kraschewski:
Decision Support for Optimal Investments in Building Energy Systems. - Ravi Chandra Seethamraju, Geoffrey Frost:
Deployment of Information Systems for Sustainability Reporting and Performance. - Ravi S. Sharma, Stephen Wingreen, Nir Kshetri, Tharaka Mawanane Hewa:
Design Principles for Validating Use Cases of Blockchain for Food supply Chains. - Sebastian Kapser, Mahmoud Abdelrahman:
Extending UTAUT2 to Explore User Acceptance of Autonomous Delivery Vehicles. - Nataliya Shevchuk, Vladlena Benson, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen:
Risk and Self-Disclosure in Sustainable Persuasive Smart Home Technologies. - Maike Greve, Christine Harnischmacher, Sascha Lichtenberg, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Smart Grid in Container Terminals - Systematization of Cost Drivers for Using Battery Capacities of Electric Transport Vehicles for Grid Stability. - Hashai Papneja:
Theory-Guided AI for Intraday Solar Radiation Prediction. - Bernd Herrenkind, Tim-Benjamin Lembcke, Simon Trang, Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Where Do You Want to Go Today: Understanding the Adoption of IS-Enabled Business Trip Ridesharing Services.
Healthcare Informatics & Health Information Tech (SIGHealth)
- Nima Kordzadeh:
A Study of the Measures Used in Hospital-Prompted Patient Reviews of Physicians. - Samuel Anim-Yeboah, Richard Boateng, Emmanuel Awuni Kolog:
Adoption of Mobile Pedigree as an Anticounterfeiting Technology for Pharmaceuticals in Developing Countries. - Kristina Röding, Katharina Jahn, Björn Niehaves:
Better Burning than Burning Out - A Laboratory Experiment on the Impact of Training Work Avoidance on Psychological Detachment and Perceived Strain. - Rupesh Agrawal, Dursun Delen, Bruce Benjamin:
Clinical Intervention Research with EHR: A Big Data Analytics Approach. - Lysanne Lessard, Mark de Reuver:
Describing Health Service Platform Architectures: A Guiding Framework. - Mohamed Abouzahra:
Designing a System to Predict Inflammatory Bowel Disease Flares Using Machine Learning. - Yajiong Xue, Huigang Liang, Jun Yin:
Developing a Virtual Reality System to Alleviate Mild Cognitive Impairment in China. - Ramakrishna Dantu, Mohammad Moinul Islam Murad, Radha K. Mahapatra:
Diabetes self-care management using mobile applications among medically underserved population. - So-Hyun Lee, Gwanhoo Lee:
Does Activity Tracking Technology Increase Employee Participation in Their Employer's Wellness Programs?: A Self-Regulation Theory Perspective. - Xinyu Zhu, Ruidong Zhao, Mohan Tanniru, Weiwei Deng:
Does Social Media Adoption Reduce Overuse of Medical Resource: The Case of High-Cost Tests. - Renée M. E:
Pratt, Richelle L. Oakley, Donald E. Wynn Jr., Oscar Lopez: Examining the Impact of User Personality Traits on Concern for Information Privacy of Personal Health Information. - Mansah Preko, Richard Boateng, John Effah:
Healthcare Digitalisation in Ghana - Myth or Reality? - Anne-Katrin Witte, Kim Janine Blankenhagel, Jakob J. Korbel, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
How accurate is accurate enough? - An Evaluation of Commercial Fitness Trackers for Individual Health Management. - Deepti Singh, Shivendu Shivendu:
Impact of Health IT on Nature and Severity of Malpractice Claims. - Robert Rockmann, Heiko Gewald:
Individual Fitness App Use: The Role of Goal Orientations and Motivational Affordances. - Lena Otto, Lorenz Harst:
Investigating Barriers for the Implementation of Telemedicine Initiatives: A Systematic Review of Reviews. - Aleise H. McGowan, Scott M. Sittig, Philip Menard:
mHealth Cross-Contamination of User Health Data: Android Platform Analysis. - Shastri L. Nimmagadda, Torsten Reiners, Lincoln C. Wood, Sashi K. Chitti:
On Modelling Digital Healthcare Ecosystems and their Knowledge Management. - Morgan Anne Wood, Yong Seog Kim:
Pro-Suicide vs. Suicide Prevention Communities: An IT Perspective on Public Health. - Alexander Moltubakk Kempton, Miria Grisot:
Real Person, Digital Patient: Representations and Reflective Practices in Remote Care. - Xinying Liu, Upkar Varshney:
Reminders and Negative Reinforcement in Intervention for Medication Adherence. - Stacy Miller, William Bradley Glisson, Matt Campbell, Scott M. Sittig:
Risk Analysis of Residual Protected Health Information of Android Telehealth Apps. - Amin Shoja, George M. Marakas:
Security Failure in Electronic Health Record Systems: The Influence of Meaningful-use and IT Security Investment. - James (Jim) Ryan, Barbara Doster, Sandra Daily, Carmen Lewis:
Seeking Operational Excellence via the Digital Transformation of Perioperative Scheduling. - Bahae Samhan:
Self-Diagnosis Mobile Applications A Technology Trust Perspective. - Seyedezahra Shadi Erfani, Seyyede Maryam Erfani, Kimiya Ramin:
Support Groups for cancer Carers: a Qualitative Evaluation. - Liran Karni, Mevludin Memedi, Gunnar O. Klein:
Targeting Patient Empowerment via ICT interventions: An ICT-specific Analytical Framework. - Réza Mohammadi:
The Criteria of Evaluation in e-health: a Scoping Review of Literature. - Jean-Francois De Moya, Jessie Pallud:
The Determinants of Quantified-Self Adoption: Towards the development of a Risk/Benefit Model. - Jing Fan, Xuemei Huang, Yafang Li:
The Effect of Features on Information Quality and Knowledge Acquisition in Online Health Communities. - Guillaume Faddoul, Samir Chatterjee:
The Virtual Diabetician: A Prototype for a Virtual Avatar for Diabetes Treatment Using Persuasion Through Storytelling. - Sascha Lichtenberg, Maike Greve, Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Towards the Design of a Mobile Application to Support Decentralized Healthcare in Developing Countries - The Case of Diabetes Care in eSwatini. - Julien M. Meyer, Senanu R. Okuboyejo:
User Installs and Rating of Depression Apps by Functionality. - Mohamed Abouzahra:
Using Blockchain Technology to Enhance the Use of Personal Health Records. - Ester Gonzalez, Sinjini Mitra:
Wearable Technologies: The Motivational Impacts on Individual Well-Being.
Human-Computer Interaction (SIGHCI)
- Abdullah Azhari, Xiaowen Fang:
A Study of Gamification in Project Management Systems. - Amir Abbas Darbanibasmanj, Ajax Persaud, Umar Ruhi:
Application of Machine Learning to Mining Customer Reviews. - Philip Tin Yun Lee, Michael Chau:
Can Immersive Systems Improve Creativity Performance? An Exploratory Study. - Steven J. Pentland, Lee Spitzley, Christie M. Fuller, Douglas P. Twitchell:
Data Quality Relevance in Linguistic Analysis: The Impact of Transcription Errors on Multiple Methods of Linguistic Analysis. - Kyuhong Park, Dong-Joo Lee, Joowon Lee, Jaehyeon Ju, Jae-Hyeon Ahn:
Do Mobile Devices Change Shopping Behavior? An Eye-tracking Approach. - Christine Rzepka:
Examining the Use of Voice Assistants: A Value-Focused Thinking Approach. - Xunyi Wang, G. Lawrence Sanders:
For Money, and for Fun: Exploring the Effects of Gamification and Financial Incentives on Motivating Online Review Generation. - Tian Yu, George M. Marakas:
How People Perceive Sponsored Search Ads: Toward A Unified Research Model. - Jeffrey L. Jenkins, Haley Kirk, Joe S. Valacich:
Improving Compassion Measurement in the Workforce by Analyzing Users' Mouse-Cursor Movements. - Terri Lee, Krithika Jagannath, Nitin Aggarwal, Ramamurti Sridar, Shawn Wilde, Timothy R. Hill, Yu Chen:
Intelligent Career Advisers in Your Pocket? A Need Assessment Study of Chatbots for Student Career Advising. - Steffen Wölfl, Jasmin Maria Feste, Leonore Dorothea Katharina Peters:
Is Somebody There? Anthropomorphic Website Design and Intention to Purchase from Online Stores. - Ikram Bououd, Rania Fafi:
Learning Evolution: A proposal of Serious Game that automatically corrects dictation. - Martin Poniatowski, Jürgen Neumann, Dennis Kundisch:
Reviewing the Vendor or the Product - Analyzing Vendor versus Product Representation in B2B Review Systems. - Oscar Lopez, Traci J. Hess:
Spurring Participation: The Effect of Privacy Control Mechanisms on Trust and Self-Disclosure in Online Health Communities. - Inaiya Armeen, Ross B. Niswanger, Jaeki Song:
The Effort of User Participation Creates Psychological Buy-In. - Steffen Wölfl, Jasmin Maria Feste, Leonore Dorothea Katharina Peters:
The Perfect Match: Nonhuman-Type Avatar-Online Store Fit and Intention to Purchase. - Dirk Weitzel, Claus-Peter H. Ernst:
The Role of Sensory Attribute Categories in Online Fresh Food Purchase Behavior. - Md Rasel Al Mamun, Russell Torres, Robert Pavur, Daniel A. Peak, Victor R. Prybutok:
The Use of Intelligent Personal Assistants: The Role of Quality and Satisfaction. - Dongsong Zhang, Lina Zhou, Sailakshmi Pisupati:
Tracing One's Touches: Continuous Mobile User Authentication Based on Touch Dynamics. - Long The Nguyen, Traci J. Hess, Ying Liu, Zachary J. Sheffler:
Trust in Online Reviews: Integrating the Elaboration Likelihood Model and IS Trust. - Nannan Xi, Juho Hamari:
VR Shopping: A Review of Literature. - Rocco Raso, Johannes Lahann, Peter Fettke, Peter Loos:
Walkable Graph: An Immersive Augmented Reality Interface for Performing the Memory Palace Method.
Information Security and Privacy (SIGSEC)
- Angelica Marotta, Keri Pearlson:
A Culture of Cybersecurity at Banca Popolare di Sondrio. - Tamara Schwartz, David Schuff, Matt Wray:
A Dynamic Cyber-Based View of the Firm. - Dominik Huth, Florian Matthes:
"Appropriate Technical and Organizational Measures": Identifying Privacy Engineering Approaches to Meet GDPR Requirements. - David Sikolia:
Compliance with Information Security Policies: A Meta-Analysis of the role of the definition of the term "Security Policies". - J. P. Shim:
Cyber-physical Systems and Industrial IoT Cybersecurity: Issues and Solutions. - Aurelia Mandani, Ronald Ramirez:
Cybersecurity: Current State of Governance Literature. - Freeha S. Khan, Jung Hwan Kim, Robin L. Moore, Lars Mathiassen:
Data Breach Risks and Resolutions: A Literature Synthesis. - Brian Cusack, Eghbal Ghazizadeh:
Defining cloud identity security and privacy issues: A Delphi method. - Katia Guerra, Chang Koh:
Do legal systems affect the organizational consequences of IT innovation? - Dustin Ormond, Hwee-Joo Kam, Philip Menard:
Eating the Forbidden Fruit: Human Curiosity Entices Data Breaches. - Pranith Abbaraju, Kevin Harmon, Jaeki Song:
Effect of Dynamic Text on Habituation to Polymorphic Warnings. - Wu He, Mohd Anwar, Ivan K. Ash, Ling Li, Xiaohong Yuan, Li Xu, Xin Tian:
Effects of Evidence-Based Malware Cybersecurity Training on Employees. - Kevin R. Callies, Cherie Bakker Noteboom, Daniel Talley, Yong Wang:
Employee Acceptance of Employer Control Over Personal Devices. - Victoria Kisekka, Mohamed Abdelhamid:
Examining the influence of Government Cybersecurity Efforts on E-Services Use. - Tim-Benjamin Lembcke, Kristin Masuch, Simon Trang, Sebastian Hengstler, Patience Plics, Mustafa Pamuk:
Fostering Information Security Compliance: Comparing the Predictive Power of Social Learning Theory and Deterrence Theory. - Bao Duong, Sung Simon Jin, Jaeung Lee:
How much is your private information? Does Privacy Calculus Matter? - Cong Cao, Jun Yan, Mengxiang Li:
How to Understand the Role of Trusted Third Party in the Process of Establishing Trust for E-Commerce? - Xinhui Zhan, Fiona Nah, Keng Siau, Richard H. Hall, Maggie X. Cheng:
Impact of Framing and Base Size of Computer Security Risk Information. - Kane J. Smith, Gurpreet Dhillon, Ella Kolkowska:
Important Issues for Preventing Cyberstalking in India. - Patricia Akello, Oluwafemi Akanfe:
Information Security in Non-Corporate Cloud Services: The Challenge of Engaging Consumers in Security Behavior Change. - Obi Ogbanufe:
"Information Security Is Not Really My Job": Increasing Information Security Role Identity Salience in End-users. - Princely Ifinedo:
Investigating Employee Engagement in Nonmalicious, End-user Computing and Information Security Deviant Behavior. - Gregory Schymik, Jie Du, Andrew J. Kalafut:
Location Based Services and the Health Belief Model Based Investigation of Student Intentions and Behaviors. - Daniel Rösch, Thomas Schuster, Lukas Waidelich, Sascha Alpers:
Privacy Control Patterns for Compliant Application of GDPR. - Leandro Prado de Andrade, Sérgio Donizetti Zorzo:
Privacy Everywhere: a mechanism for decision making and privacy assurance in IoT environments. - Nathan Pike, Ronald Pike:
Progressing from the SOC to the EOC. - Tianjie Deng, Hyung Koo Lee, Sumantra Sarkar:
Reporting Information Security Policy Violations - An Exploratory Study. - Zach Singer, Beata M. Jones:
The Internet of Things: The Effects of Security Attitudes and Knowledge on Security Practices. - Joseph A. Manga, Nan Xiao, Emmanuel W. Ayaburi:
Think and Act Positively: A Motivational Organizational Citizenship Behavior Approach Towards Information Security Policy Compliance. - Osborne Obeng, Souren Paul:
Understanding HIPAA Compliance Practice in Healthcare Organizations in a Cultural Context. - Dinesh Reddy, Glenn Dietrich:
Unlocking the Mixed Results of the Effect of Self-Efficacy in Information Security on Compliance. - Jan Zibuschka, Michael Nofer, Christian Zimmermann, Oliver Hinz:
Users' Preferences Concerning Privacy Properties of Assistant Systems on the Internet of Things. - Kevin Kim, Sarbottam Bhagat, Katia Guerra:
When Do Users Begin to Worry About Privacy? - Baidyanath Biswas, Arunabha Mukhopadhyay:
Why do I get phished? The role of persuasion, design authenticity and contextualization.
IS in Education, IS Curriculum, Education and Teaching Cases (SIGED)
- Andrés Díaz López:
A Case of Entrepreneurial Class Projects. - Robert Häusler, Chris Bernhardt, Sascha Bosse, Klaus Turowski:
A Review of the Literature on Teaching and Learning Environments. - Alfred Sekyere Mbrokoh, Richard Boateng, Francis Banuro:
An Institutional Analysis of Cloud Computing Implementation in the Educational Sector: Evidence from a Developing Economy. - Eric W. T. Ngai, W. Chan, Jandia Poon:
An Integration of Expectation-Confirmation and Commitment Model for Mobile Learning Systems. - Pornpat Sirithumgul, Pimpaka Prasertsilp, Watanyoo Suksa-Ngiam, Lorne Olfman:
An Ontology-Based Framework as a Foundation of an Information System for Generating Multiple-Choice Questions. - Andrea Everard, Scott McCoy, Brian M. Jones:
Are IS Candidates Pivoting to Meet New University Teaching Needs? - Christopher Simpson, Omar F. El-Gayar, Dave Bishop:
Automated Deployment of Cybersecurity Labs in Cloud Computing Environments. - Thomas Case, Manouchehr Tabatabaei:
Built to Last? Applying a Program Sustainability Model to IS Degree Programs. - Jun He, Lee A. Freeman:
Can We Trust Teaching Evaluations When Response Rates are not High? Implications from a Monte Carlo Simulation. - Elahe Javadi, Judith Gebauer, Jianwei Lai:
Countering Selectivity and Enhancing Integrative Complexity through Visualizing Knowledge Bottlenecks. - Julian Busse, Aline Lange, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Development Approaches and Challenges of Content Design in Enterprises for Digital Learning Environments. - Franz Strich, Anne-Sophie Mayer, Marina Fiedler:
Digital Collaboration in Higher Education: Hype or Guarantee for Better Learning? - Abhijit Chaudhury, Kevin Mentzer, Debasish Mallick:
Does IT Promote Collaborative Processes and Improve Learning? An Activity Theory Approach. - Gergana Vladova, Jennifer Haase, Leo Sylvio Rüdian, Niels Pinkwart:
Educational Chatbot with Learning Avatar for Personalization. - Shadi Esnaashari, Lesley A. Gardner, Michael Rehm:
Educational Technology Tools: Longitudinal Views of Students. - Nimer Alrushiedat, Lorne Olfman:
Experience with Using Anchored Asynchronous Online Discussions in Business Analytics Courses. - Eija Koskivaara:
Finnish Paradox of IS graduates. - Shwadhin Sharma:
I Want It My Way: An Integrated Model of Habits, Consumerism, And Neutralization To Understand Students' Cyberslacking Behavior. - Jie Du, Hayden Wimmer:
Impact of Hour of Code: A Five-Year Study. - Michael Whitney, Patrick Guilbaud, Anna Romanova:
Introductory Information Systems Course: Driving 21st Century Skill Development with Student Response Systems. - Mohammad I. Merhi:
Learners' Satisfaction in Online Courses. - Mark-Oliver Kevor, Richard Boateng, Emmanuel Awuni Kolog:
MSIS 2016: What are we teaching in Sub-Saharan Africa? - Daniel Narh Treku, Qinyu Liao:
P2P Collaborative Consumption: Towards Sustainability in the Virtualization Processes of Knowledge Sharing Firms. - Miranda Kajtazi, Nicklas Holmberg, Saonee Sarker:
Preparing the Reflective Practitioner: Building a New Curriculum for a New Generation. - Shadi Esnaashari, Lesley A. Gardner, Michael Rehm:
Students' Motivation and its changes as the Course Progresses. - Mohammad Khojah:
Studying the impact of a Serious Game on Students Learning Using Task-Technology Fit Model. - Michael Whitney:
Synchronous Cloud Instruction: A Model to Improve Students' Learning Experience. - Avijit Sengupta, Shivendu Shivendu:
Technology Mediated Education: A Boon or Bane for Learning Outcomes of Students. - Atiya Avery, Richelle L. Oakley:
The Business Case for IT Security as a Core Course in IS Curriculum. - Ye Xiong, Yi-fang Brook Wu:
Understanding Students' Perceptions of an Automated Feedback System: an Empirical Study Based on UTAUT. - Natasha Narh, Richard Boateng, Eric Afful-Dadzie, Acheampong Owusu:
Virtual Platforms: Assessing the Challenges of E-Learning In Ghana.
IS Leadership and the IT Profession (SIGLEAD)
- Karma Samir Sherif, Ning Nan:
Career Success in the MIS Academy. - Joseph Taylor, Ramakrishna Dantu:
Carrots and Rainbows: An Empirical Comparison of Motivations of Open Source Software Contributors. - Ali Ghawe, Paola A. González:
Context in Information Systems Leadership. - Hiroshi Sasaki, Alexander Serenko, Osam Sato, Prashant Palvia:
Determinants of Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of IT Professionals in Japan. - Carola Funke, Rehan Syed:
The Leadership Influences in BPM Lifecycle. - Yuzhang Han, Prashant Palvia:
Unraveling Implicit Knowledge in Information Technology Jobs.
IT Project Management (SIG ITProjMgmt)
- Daniel Proba, Reinhard Jung:
Defining Situational Characteristics for Situational Agile Method Engineering. - Khet Khet Oo Tha:
Developing a Conceptual Model for Project Knowledge Management. - Khet Khet Oo Tha:
Developing a Framework for User Participation in Information System Development Projects. - Jeffrey S. Saltz, Ivan Shamshurin:
Exploring the Use of a Kanban Coach for Student Teams. - Lesley Land, Michelle Tandjung, Graham Low, Wynne W. Chin, R. Ryan Nelson, Kam Hay Fung:
Start-Up Tasks for Software Development Projects from Customer and Vendor Perspectives. - Johannes Christian Schopp, Matthias Goeken, Mona Möstl:
Success Factors in Project Management. A Systematic Review of Ten Years of Research Findings. - Marc L. Schmalz, Michelle Carter, Jin Ha Lee:
The I in Team: IT Identity and Project Behavior. - Heinz-Theo Wagner, Heiko Gewald, Bernhard Moos, Anna Wiedemann:
The Influence of Inter-Organizational Alignment on Consultancy Project Success. - Jeffrey S. Saltz:
Visualizing Kanban Work: Towards an Individual Contributor View.
Meta-Research in Information Systems
- Chitu Okoli:
A citation analysis of theoretical concept reviews. - Bruna Diirr, Gleison Santos:
A Systematic Literature Mapping on Interorganizational Information Systems. - Gomathi Thangavel, Mevludin Memedi, Karin Hedström:
A systematic review of Social Internet of Things: concepts and application areas. - Armando Schär, Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva:
Application of Digital Nudging in Customer Journeys - A Systematic Literature Review. - María Teresa Rodríguez, Beatriz Helena Bhdp Diaz Pinzón:
Assemblage Theory to explain the Information Technology Capability Development in Small Businesses. - Chitu Okoli:
Definitional Definitions and the Bare Minimum of Theory. - Markus Fischer, Kristina Rosenthal, Stefan Strecker:
Experimentation in Conceptual Modeling Research: A Systematic Review. - Yi Maggie Guo, Barbara D. Klein:
On the Status of Longitudinal Research in Information Systems: Research in Progress. - Richard Boateng, Bryan Acheampong, Ibrahim Bedi:
Preliminary Insights into Dominant Issues, Theories and Methodologies in Platform Interoperability Research. - W. Alec Cram:
(Re)considering the Concept of Reproducibility of Information Systems Literature Reviews. - Eleanor Wynn, Helena Vallo Hult:
Reputation Control and Theoretical Innovation in Two Academic Cultures. - Quirin Demlehner, Sven Laumer:
Setting the Hook - The Digital Transformation from a Manufacturing Point of View and what it Really Means. - R. Stefan Greulich, Alfred Benedikt Brendel:
Towards a Greater Appeal of Replication Research by Learning from the Field of Neuroscience. - Arne Gruettner:
What We Know and What We Do Not Know About Digital Technologies in the Sports Industry.
National Cultures and IS (SIG Culture)
- Eva Hartl:
A Characterization of Culture Change in the Context of Digital Transformation. - Hajer Kefi, Aziz Nanthaamornphong, Stéphane Bressan, Talel Abdessalem:
Determinants of Social Networking Usage and Regret in Two Cultural Settings: France and Thailand. - Parvathi Jayaprakash, Radhakrishna Pillai:
The Role of ICT and Effects of National Culture on Economic Growth.
Organizational Transformation & Information Systems (SIGORSA)
- Manuel Mühlburger, David Rückel, Stefan Koch:
A Framework of Factors Enabling Digital Transformation. - Victoria Alexandra Reibenspiess, Katharina Drechsler, Andreas Eckhardt, Heinz-Theo Wagner:
Blessings and Pitfalls of Harnessing Employee-Driven Innovation within a Work Model. - Zofia Saternus, Katharina Staab, Oliver Hinz:
Challenges for a Smart Availability Assistant - Availability Preferences. - Gang Peng:
Computerizability, Consequence of Error, and Job Automation. - Benjamin Faro, Babak Abedin, Dilek Cetindamar Kozanoglu:
Continuous Transformation of Public Sector Organisations in the Digital Era. - Uday R. Kulkarni, Jose Antonio Robles-Flores:
Data Analytics to Improve Citizen-Centric Smart City Services. - Stefan Hirschmeier, Johannes Werner Melsbach
Designing Radio in a Personalized World. - Robert Ohene-Bonsu Simmons, John Effah, Richard Boateng:
Digital Innovation and Taxi Services: The Case of Uru in Ghana. - Yevgen Bogodistov, Nadine Kathrin Ostern:
Digitization at Any Cost? Willingness to Trade Efficiency for Organizational, Human, and Relational Costs. - Martin Robert Enders, Nadja Hoßbach:
Dimensions of Digital Twin Applications - A Literature Review. - Jwan Khisro, Thomas Persson Slumpi:
Identifying Traces of Boundary Object Properties in Data Hub Development Narratives: Two Cases from Scandinavian Electricity Market. - Martin Kleehaus, Matheus Hauder, Ömer Uludag, Florian Matthes, Nicolas Corpancho Villasana:
IT Landscape Discovery via Runtime Instrumentation for Automating Enterprise Architecture Model Maintenance. - Pablo A. Gajardo, Ariel I. La Paz:
Measuring the strategic business and IT alignment in a digitally revolutionized economy. - Axel Hund, Heinz-Theo Wagner, Heiko Gewald:
The Impact of Digitization on Contemporary Innovation Management. - Jessica Ochmann, Sven Laumer, Jörg Franke:
The Power of Knowledge: A Literature Review on Socio-Technical Perspectives on Organizational Knowledge Management. - Álvaro de Meneses Prata, Simone C. Santos:
Towards Organizational Transformations: A Manageable Model to Communicate Changes. - Stefan Klotz, Markus Westner, Susanne Strahringer, Christian Schieder:
Transformed Knowledge Sharing Through Business-managed IT and Shadow IT. - Paul Wilhelm von Preußen, Daniel Beimborn:
Turning Mentoring Around - A Case-based Analysis of the Outcomes of Digital Reverse Mentoring. - Christian Kaiser, Alexander Stocker, Michael Fellmann:
Understanding Data-driven Service Ecosystems in the Automotive Domain. - Leandro Feitosa Jorge, Elaine Mosconi, Nathalie Cadieux:
Understanding digital transformation and disruptive technology impacts on bank managers' routine. - Ömer Uludag, Martin Kleehaus, Niklas Reiter, Florian Matthes:
What to Expect from Enterprise Architects in Large-Scale Agile Development? A Multiple-Case Study.
- Paul M. Leidig, Hannu Salmela:
ACM/AIS IS2020 Taskforce: Updating the Model Curriculum. - Paul M. Leidig, Hannu Salmela:
ACM/AIS IS2020 Taskforce: Updating the Model Curriculum. - Aaron M. French, Jung P. Shim, Marten Risius, Hemant K. Jain:
The 4th Industrial Revolution Powered by the Integration of 5G, AI, and Blockchain. - Aaron M. French, Jung P. Shim, Marten Risius, Hemant K. Jain:
The 4th Industrial Revolution Powered by the Integration of 5G, AI, and Blockchain. - Safa'a AbuJarour, Haya Ajjan, Jane Fedorowicz, Antonia Köster:
Turning the Dark Side of Social Media Bright! The Case of Immigration in the USA and Germany. - Safa'a AbuJarour, Haya Ajjan, Jane Fedorowicz, Antonia Köster:
Turning the Dark Side of Social Media Bright! The Case of Immigration in the USA and Germany.
Philosophical Approaches to Information Systems (SIGPHIL)
- Jobany Rico:
SNS-induced negative emotions and discontinuance decisions.
Rhetoric, Design, and Social Media in (Dis)Information Processing
- Michelle M. H. Seref, Onur Seref:
Rhetoric Mining for Fake News: Identifying Moves of Persuasion and Disinformation. - Agnieszka Onuchowska, Donald J. Berndt:
Towards Understanding Malicious Actions on Twitter.
Social Computing
- Wingyan Chung, Elizabeth Mustaine, Jinwei Liu, Mehul Vora:
A Theory-Driven Framework for Modeling Temporal Online Social Networks of GitHub. - Heeseung Lee:
Effect of Novelty and Tie Strength on Sharing Behavior for Firm Generated Content. - Sunil Reddy Kunduru, Rajendra K. Bandi:
Fluidity of Power Structures Underpinning Public Discourse on Social Media: A Multi-case Study on Twitter Discourse in India. - Shantanu Prabhat, Aditya Motwani, Isha Mangurkar, Nimmi Rangaswamy:
Framings in collective action: Case of online #boycott. - Shohil Kishore, Gabrielle Peko, David Sundaram:
Looking Through the Twitter Glass: Bridging the Data - Researcher Gap. - Ferry Nolte, Nadine Guhr, Michael H. Breitner:
Organizational Challenges for Enterprise Social Media at the Shop Floor. - Christoph Drodt, Mike Reuther:
Predicting User Interaction in Enterprise Social Systems Using Process Mining. - Colin Monroe, Nicole Merritt, Petter Lovaas:
Reputation: Preventing Social Media from Souring Democracy. - Nuruddin Ahmed, Mayur P. Joshi:
Social Media Data, Machine Learning and Causal Inference. - Kari Sandouka:
Text Analysis of Crowdfuding: A Literature Review. - Shane J. McLoughlin, Giovanni Maccani, Abhinay Puvvala, Brian Donnellan:
The impact of Social Networking Sites on Relationship Maintenance of Social Capital. - Karin Högberg:
The practice of organizational social media -an international longitudinal case study. - Madeleine Renyi, Elena Rombach, Frank Teuteberg, Christophe Kunze:
Towards Understanding the Use of Information Systems in Caring Communities. - Jürgen Neumann, Dominik Gutt, Thomas Görzen, Dennis Kundisch:
When does Local Status Matter? - The Relationship between Reviewer Location and Perceived Usefulness of Online Reviews.
Social Inclusion and Socio-Technical Issues (SIGSI)
- Mina Tari, Hala Annabi, Yvette Iribe Ramirez, Erin Beneteau, Stephanie Ballard:
A Critical Analysis on the Effects of Negative IS Stereotypes on Underserved Populations. - Lauren Rhue, Sherae L. Daniel:
Birds of a Feather Lodge Together?: Predicting Review Sentiment Using Social Categorization Theory. - Gang Peng, David Zhang:
Do Foreign IT Workers Substitute for or Complement the Natives? - Aparna Venkatesan:
Implications of Respectable Feminity Norms for Women's Social Networking in IT Careers. - Jobany Rico, Karlene Cousins:
Information technologies and democracy in a closed society. - Leander Cordeiro de Oliveira, Pricila Castelini, Patricia da Silva Leite, Leonelo Dell Anhol Almeida, Marília Abrahão Amaral:
"Personalities": a participatory approach for gender discussion. - Curtis C. Cain, Carlos D. Buskey, Allison J. Morgan Bryant, Gloria J. Washington, Legand Burge:
Research Implications of the Tech Exchange: Immersion of Howard University Computer Science and Informatics Students in Silicon Valley. - Nathan G. Burton, James E. Gaskin:
"Thank You, Siri": Politeness and Intelligent Digital Assistants. - Claus-Peter H. Ernst:
The Influence of Social Curiosity on Real-Time Ridesharing Service Usage. - Yvette Iribe Ramirez:
Understanding the Information Practices of Tseltal Maya Women and Role of Information Systems in Chiapas, Mexico. - Safa'a AbuJarour, Cora Bergert, Jana Gundlach, Antonia Köster, Hanna Krasnova:
"Your Home Screen is Worth a Thousand Words": Investigating the Prevalence of Smartphone Apps among Refugees in Germany.
Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin America (LACAIS Chapter)
- Samuel Linhares Santana, Rodrigo Quites Reis, Cleidson R. B. de Souza:
A Case Study of API Management Using Aspects in a Brazilian Organization. - Octavio González Aguilar:
A low-budget method for theorizing: the dolphin experiments. - Alexandre Grotta, Edmir Parada Vasques Prado:
Aplicação de APjBL no Ensino de Programação de Computadores no Brasil - Teaching Computer Programming via Agile Project-based Learning in Brazil. - Juan Pablo Macaya, Elizabeth E. Grandon, Patricio E. Ramírez-Correa:
Capital Usuario: validación del constructo en un contexto Latinoamericano. - Elizabeth E. Grandon, Leonor Gutiérrez González, Moisés Sifuentes Rodriguez:
Competitiveness in Mexican SMEs: ERP, a differentiating factor? / Competitividad en Pymes Mexicanas: ERP ¿un factor diferenciador? - Juan Carlos Montes de Oca López, Rodrigo Sandoval-Almazán:
Estudio del uso de las Redes Sociales en las Candidaturas Independientes a Presidente de México 2018. - Matheus Padilha, Alexandre R. Graeml:
Fomento de Inteligência Coletiva e Gestão do Conhecimento no Facebook. - Víctor Bohórquez, Christiam Mendez, Lucas Altube, Enmanuel Santana:
Identificación del sentimiento expresado usando redes sociales en un contexto político. - Juan Manuel Gómez Reynoso, Víctor Bohórquez:
Identificando los Factores Críticos para la Adopción de eMarketing en México. - Marco Antonio Vera-Ramírez, Pedro Miguel Tello-Galván, Guillermo Rodríguez-Abitia:
Implementación de un Proyecto Integral de TIC Durante un Cambio de Gobierno - Implementation of an integral ICT project during a change of Government. - Thassia Silva, Luiz Joia:
Intrafirm Knowledge Sharing in the Oil & Gas Industry in Brazil: A Delphi Approach. - Antonio Rafael Braga, Edgar E. Hassler, Danielo G. Gomes, Breno M. Freitas, Joseph A. Cazier:
IoT for Development: Building a Classification Algorithm to Help Beekeepers Detect Honeybee Health Problems Early. - Lizeth Itziguery Solano Romo, Marcelo de Jesus Perez Ramos:
Measuring the Effectiveness of Designing End-User Interfaces Using Design Theories. - Sandro L. A. C. dos Santos, Nicolli Rios, Manoel G. Mendonça, Rodrigo O. Spínola:
Monitoramento da Contribuição de Equipes de Desenvolvimento na Evolução de Itens da Dívida Técnica em Projetos de Software. - Lourdes Sánchez-Guerrero, Nancy Aguas-García, Jose Raymundo Lira Cortes, Alma Rosa García-Gaona, Guillermo Rodríguez-Abitia, Francisco Javier Álvarez Rodríguez:
Nuevos perfiles profesionales en TI: caso ANIEI-New professional profiles in IT: case of ANIEI. - Vivyane Caires, Nicolli Rios, Johannes Holvitie, Ville Leppänen, Sherlock A. Licorish, Stephen G. MacDonell, Jim Buchan, Manoel G. Mendonça, Rodrigo O. Spínola:
Processos e Práticas Ágeis Sensíveis à Dívida Técnica - Comparação dos Resultados de um Survey Executado no Brasil, Finlândia e Nova Zelândia. - Anibal Llanos, Elizabeth E. Grandon, Karina P. Rojas:
Proposal of a generic model of sales prediction: A Java application based on data extracted from SAP-ERP / Propuesta de un modelo genérico de predicción de ventas: Una aplicación Java basada en datos extraídos de SAP-ERP. - Roberta Rauber, Pietro Cunha Dolci, Rafael Alfonso Brinkhues:
Proposta de Modelo para Adoção de IA por Médicos Oncologistas Clínicos. - Vinicius Mandl, Daielly Mantovani, Adriana Backx Noronha Viana:
The Profile of the Digital Games Marketplace in the Entertainment Industry/O Perfil do Mercado de Jogos Digitais na Indústria do Entretenimento. - Francisco Carlos Lopes da Silva, Érica Siqueira, Lucas Queiroz Ferreira, Cesar Alexandre de Souza:
Transformação Digital das Seguradoras no Brasil: Uma possibilidade para Inclusão Financeira. - Giovana Sordi Schiavi, Fernanda da Silva Momo, Ariel Behr, Eusebio Scornavacca Jr.:
Understanding Smartphones Usage Context in the Classroom.
Strategic and Competitive Uses of Information Technology
- Bidyut Hazarika, Kuanchin Chen, Alan Rea, Mohammadreza Mousavizadeh:
A Study of the Antecedents of Trust in Social Media Posts. - Quang "Neo" Bui, Ezekiel Leo, Olayele Adelakun:
Achieving Strategic Innovation through Information Technology Outsourcing: A Configurational Approach. - Xue Ning, Mohan Tanniru, Jiban Khuntia:
Citizen-Government Ecosystem for Smart Technology Enabled City Performance. - Patrick Mikalef, Maria Boura, George Lekakos, John Krogstie:
Configurations of Big Data Analytics for Firm Performance: An fsQCA approach. - Abhishek Kathuria, Jiban Khuntia, Prasanna P. Karhade, Xue Ning:
Don't Ever Take Sides with Anyone Against the Family: Family Ownership and Information Management. - Fotis C. Kitsios, Maria Kamariotou:
Information Systems Strategy and Strategy-as-Practice: Planning Evaluation in SMEs. - Rafael Alfonso Brinkhues, Jose Mauricio Schumacher, José Carlos da Silva Freitas Junior, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada, Pietro Cunha Dolci:
IT Ambidexterity, Organizational Agility and Information Management Capability: A Brazilian case. - Chao Feng, Nannan Xi, Guijun Zhuang, Juho Hamari:
IT Capability and Firm Performance: The Mediating Roles of Interaction Praxis. - T. (Ravi) Ravichandran, Liang Zhao:
Managerial Incentives and Digital Strategic Posture: A Contingent View. - Andrew Bowman, Zach Steelman:
Organizational Signaling of Blockchain Investments: A Patent Filing Event Study. - Mariana Andrade, Yuqing Lin:
SMEs and Green innovation: Government or firms? A green digitization perspective. - Lakshmi Goel, Sean M. Davis, Robert Slater:
Social Media Exploration and Exploitation by Small and Medium Enterprises. - Mazen Shawosh, Nicholas Berente:
Software Development Outsourcing, Asset Specificity, and Vendor Lock-in. - Annabelle Geißler, Björn Häckel, Jochen Übelhör, Christian Voit:
Structuring the Anticipated Benefits of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. - Yolande Chan, Suchit Ahuja, Farzam Boroomand, Arman Sadreddin:
Technology Affordances in Digital Innovation Research: Quo Vadis? - Brett Danaher, Michael D. Smith, Xiaoying Tu:
The Impact of Early International Digital Release of Films on U.S. Box Office Revenues. - Salman Aljazzaf, Sunil Mithas, YoungKi Park:
The Information Technology Reporting Structure and Firm Performance: A Configurational Approach. - Ariel K. H. Lui, Eric W. T. Ngai:
The Long Term Effect of Blockchain Adoption on Firm Value. - Naoum Jamous, Salam Al-Hasan, Layan Al-Otaibi, Hiba Kayed, Asma'a Ahmad Abu-Hmaidan:
Toward Enhancing Customer's Experience in Digital Banking. - Daniel Staegemann, Matthias Volk, Naoum Jamous, Klaus Turowski:
Understanding Issues in Big Data Applications - A Multidimensional Endeavor. - Kevin Kim, Katia Guerra, Sarbottam Bhagat:
What IT Factors Increase Productivity? - Benedikt von Bary:
What Makes Companies Backsource IT Services? Exploring the Influence of Decision Makers' Preferences.
Systems Analysis and Design (SIGSAND)
- Fabian Wiser, Carolin Durst:
A Holistic Socio-Technical Approach to Systems Analysis: Trace-Linking Activity Theory to UML Activity Diagrams. - Hendrik Schön, Raoul Hentschel, Katja Bley:
Adaptation of a Cloud Service Provider's Structural Model via BROS. - Nicolli Rios, Manoel G. Mendonça, Carolyn B. Seaman, Rodrigo O. Spínola:
Causes and Effects of the Presence of Technical Debt in Agile Software Projects. - Afef Awadid, Selmin Nurcan:
Overlap-Driven Approach for the Conceptualization of Consistency Preserving Modeling Tools. - Ijeoma Enwereuzo, Pedro Antunes, David Johnstone:
Patterns of Testing Theory with Human Subjects: A Design Science Perspective. - Niklas Weiß, Manuel Wiesche, Helmut Krcmar:
Pure Coding Pleasure: How BMW Involves App Developers in the Design of Automotive Onboard APIs. - Tanja Elina Mäki-Runsas:
Towards Identifying Information Systems Development Method (ISDM) Cargo Cult Behavior. - Ijeoma Enwereuzo, Pedro Antunes, David Johnstone:
Towards the Development of a DSS Supporting the Integration of Crowdsourcing in Theory Testing: Analytical Framework Design.
Technology Research, Education, and Opinion (TREO) Talk Sessions
- Yun Wan, Qi Zhu:
A Case Study of Disaster Relief Supply Chain. - Shounak Pal, Arunabha Mukhopadhyay:
A CBSM Framework for requirement-based Proactive Security Measure in Hospitals. - Lin Zhao, Chen Ye:
A Comparison of Information Systems Journal Quality Standards. - Jake McCarthy, Ruben O. Callaghan, Christopher Stanley:
A Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Tokenization Suitability. - Suning Zhu, Jiahe Song:
A Longitudinal Investigation on the Economic Impact of Organizational Big Data Analytics Implementation. - Nilmini Wickramasinghe:
A Mobile Nursing Solution. - Sutirtha Chatterjee, Suranjan Chakraborty, H. Kevin Fulk, Suprateek Sarker:
A Sociomaterial Conception of Organizational Compassion. - Miloslava Plachkinova:
A Taxonomy of Cyberattacks against Critical Infrastructure. - Hasan B. Kartal, Neetu Singh, Yazan Alnsour, Rassule Hadidi:
A Taxonomy of Telehealth Services based on Survey of Hospital Websites. - Patrick Ndayizigamiye, Nurudeen Ajayi:
Adoption of Blockchain Technology to Enhance Public Healthcare Supply Chain in South Africa: A Systems Thinking Approach. - Yitian Luo, Keng Siau:
AI-Fashion: Collaborative AI in the Fashion Industry. - Marina Kriscautzky-Laxague:
AMCIS 2019 Cancun: TICómetro. Digital Skills Students Assessment at UNAM. - Andrew W. Green, Amy B. Woszczynski, James Smith, Jackson Draper:
An Analysis of Automated License Plate Reader Legislation. - Gabriel Leung, Vincent Cho:
An Empirical Study of Motivation, Justice and Self-Efficacy in Solvers' Continued Participation Intention in Microtask Crowdsourcing. - Lokesh Ramamoorthi, David Sundaram, Gabrielle Peko:
Analysis of Information Security Attacks on Mobile Messaging Applications. - Begona Perez-Mira, Sarah Wright:
Applying Gamification and Social Presence to Certification Classes. - Roozmehr Safi:
Assessing the Relative Weight of Various Facets of Quality: An Empirical Study of Online Product Reviews. - Michael Erskine, Stoney L. Brooks:
Attitude and Behavioral Intentions Regarding Autonomous Automobiles: Effects of Emotional Response and Locus of Control. - Samia Cornelius:
Blockchain Technology and Firm Performance. - Amy J. Connolly, Awo Mohamed:
Building an "I" for Inclusion in IS. - Yazmín Magallanes, Arlette Hernández, Yazmín Ruiz:
Challenges in the Development of a Virtual Office for Services to Teachers and Administrative Employees in Mexico. - Frank Lee:
Cross-Cultural Analysis of Data Breach and Forgiveness. - Eugene Young, Amber Grace Young:
Cyberactivism as Emancipatory Pedagogy: The Case of the Five Tribes Freedmen. - Scott Jensen, Leslie Albert, Esperanza Huerta, Subhankar Dhar:
Data Science for All. - Xihui Zhang, Ming Wang, M. Shane Banks, Qiunan Zhang:
Design of a Graduate Information Systems Management Course. - Glenn Papp, Omar F. El-Gayar, Petter Lovaas:
Designing Lawsourcing for E-Democracy in the United States. - Kitt Britton:
Differing Perspectives of an Examination of a Mentoring Mindset. - Ryan M. Schuetzler, Briana B. Morrison, Joseph Hayes:
Digital Excellence: A Missing Link. - Zhihui Ruan, Keng Siau:
Digital Marketing in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Age. - Kaushik Ghosh, Michael Dohan, Hareesh Veldandi, Monica J. Garfield:
Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Preliminary Results from a Senior Leadership Study. - Eric Villafranca:
Does Marxism Still Apply? Exploring Digital Worker Perspectives in the Sharing Economy. - Bin Mai:
Emergence of Human-Centric Information Security and an Integrated Model. - Gina Harden, Pamela Rogers:
ERP Skills in the Business Curriculum: Improving Program and Student Outcomes. - Leigh Jin, Rana Chakrabarti:
Experiential Learning and Design Thinking on Potential Technology Use and Impact at Workplace. - Schenita Floyd:
Explainable Robotics Systems for the Knowledge Worker. - Yasalde Jimenez:
Exploring How Firms Cocreate IT Value When Participating in Digital Platforms. - Mandy Li, Maria Zou, Vincent Cho:
[EXTENDED] A Study about Depression Identification via Social Media. - Rakhi Thakur:
[EXTENDED] Me and My Mobile Apps. - Miloslava Plachkinova, Au Vo:
Hacktivism and Its Impact on Society. - Daniel Asamoah:
Healthcare Service Quality in Emerging Economies: Perceptions via Social Media. - Yizhi Ma, Keng Siau:
Higher Education in the AI Age. - Mahesh S. Raisinghani:
How Blockchain Technology is Changing the Traditional Business Model-A Critical Perspective. - Keng Siau:
How can AI help to enhance diversity and inclusion? - Katia Passerini, Minna Aslama Horowitz:
How can we teach design thinking online? - Janine L. Spears:
How Does Bryan's Online Behavior Impact His Privacy Risk Exposure? - Pankush Kalgotra, Ramesh Sharda:
Identifying Mortality Related Cliques in a Comorbidity Network. - Olusola Samuel-Ojo, Lorne Olfman, Efosa C. Idemudia:
Image-based Methods for Character Recognition. - Roger McHaney, Iris Reychav, Lin Zhu, Lutfus Sayeed:
Implications for Gender and Status Differences in Online Teaching. - Kane Smith, Gurpreet Dhillon:
Improving the Cybersecurity of Financial Transactions: Assessing Blockchain Potential. - Claris Yee Seung Chung, David Sundaram:
Individual and Family Sustainability: The Measure-Model-Entertain-Transform Approach. - Yelnur Shildibekov, Nikolay Mehandjiev, Rudolf R. Sinkovics:
Industry 4.0: Cloud Computing and Global Value Chains. - Jyoti Jagasia, Rakhi Thakur, Renuka Kamath:
Influence of Display Ads on Additional Product Purchase. - Malgorzata Kolotylo-Kulkarni, Monica C. Tremblay, George M. Marakas:
Information Delivery and Context in Online Decision Support. - Amy Lavin:
Innovation in the IS Classroom: Live Clients in the Classroom. - Michael Erskine, Melinda Korzaan, Carol Clark:
Invoking Emotional Experiences to Improve IT Project Management Learning. - Rosemary J. Minniefield, Ashley Millsaps, Mahesh S. Raisinghani, BJing Zheng, Efosa C. Idemudia:
Is Lean the Path? - Anibal Galarreta, Martin Santana:
Key Factors in the Development of the Fintech Market in Peru. - Makoto Nakayama, Seth Kinnett:
Knowledge Gaps with the Agile Approach. - Alper Yayla, Sumantra Sarkar:
Legitimization of Information Security Policies in Organizations. - Bethany Niese:
Making Good Decisions: An Attribution Model of Decision Quality in Complex Decision Tasks. - Wouter Moedt, Reinhard Bernsteiner, Margeret Hall, Sachin Pawaskar, Peter Wolcott, Ann L. Fruhling:
Maximizing the Performance of Agile Teams for IoT Development. - Upkar Varshney:
Mobile Health Interventions for Opioid Epidemic. - Daniel Rios-Huerta, Alma Y. Alanis, Jorge D. Rios, Nancy Arana-Daniel:
Neural Identifier using Super-Twisting Differentiator Training Algorithm. - K. Pushpavathi, K. Somasundaram, Vijayan Sugumaran:
Ontology Mapping Techniques for Semantic Information Integration - A Literature Survey. - Arthur M. Pereira, Claudia Cappelli, Fernanda Baião, Vanessa Tavares Nunes:
OntoTrans: An Ontology on Transparency. - Dyego Alves Silva, Carlos Santos:
Open Government Data: From Transparency to Social Participation. - Manouchehr Tabatabaei, Michael J. Cuellar:
Perceptions Analysis of Importance and Skills of Effective Project Management. - Weiyu Wang, Keng Siau:
Potential Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Mental Well-Being. - Anabel Gutierrez Mendoza, Bhavini Desai, Claudia Peña Corona Rodriguez, Rita Barraza:
Privacy and Data Analytics in the growing digital sphere. - Eric Villafranca:
Properly Defining the Sharing Economy. - Ya-Ling Wu, Yi-Hua Sun:
Re-conceptualizing Scarcity Effects on Desirability for Hunger Marketing. - Chikodili Ugwuishiwu, Mathew Okoronkwo, Caroline Asogwa:
Real-Time Integrated Crime Information System Model. - Alsius David, Md Rasel Al Mamun, Daniel A. Peak:
Risk and Liability in Autonomous Vehicle Technology. - Mahesh S. Raisinghani:
Risks and Opportunities in the Next Frontier of the Digital Business Ecosystem: A Strategic Perspective. - Giovani Ribeiro, Daielly Mantovani:
Scale-up transition: Literature review and Brazilian health tech case study. - Jing Yang, Tao Wu:
Seller Reviews, Perceived Risk and Trust. - Daielly Mantovani, Durval Lucas Júnior, Adriana Backx Noronha Viana, Celso Machado Jr.:
Social Network Use for Communication by Municipalities in Brazil. - Chih-Yuan Chou:
Social Norms, Information Quality, and Trust. - Ricardo Tulio Gandelman, Flávia Maria Santoro, Claudia Cappelli:
Supporting the Analysis of IT Business Value Using Catalogues. - Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Monica Adya, Debra Hollahan, Steve Goldberg:
Sustaining Better Glucose Control. - Thi Tran, Rohit Valecha:
Taxonomy of Misinformation Harms from Social Media in Humanitarian Crises. - Amber Grace Young, Eugene Young, Rebecca M. Farley:
The Hegemony of Treating Students Like Machines: Insights from Emancipatory Theories and Human-Machine Functions. - Mart Doyle, Jeremy Shafer:
The Impact of Cold-Calling on Student Learning and Student Satisfaction. - Utkarsh Shrivastava, Jiahe Song, Bernard T. Han:
The implications of patient data security considerations for EHR interoperability and downtime recovery. - Mohamed Abdelhamid, Austin Chi:
The Influence of context and incentives on Private Information Sharing. - Raúl Díaz Parra:
The influence of digital transformation of government on peruvian citizen trust. - Qiunan Zhang, Xihui Zhang:
The Relationships among MMORPGs, Gamers, and Add-ons. - Xihui Zhang, John D. Crabtree, Mark G. Terwilliger, Janet T. Jenkins:
Tips for Teaching Introductory Programming. - Susan Muir:
To what extent is mHealth an effective Intervention in LMICs? - Ibtissam Zaza, Antoine Harfouche, Timothy H. Greer:
Types of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making in Organizations. - Dezhi Wu:
Understanding and Digitalizing Emerging Temporal Structures for Competitive Advantages. - Ryan M. Schuetzler, John J. Windle, Martina A. Clarke, Emily Pachunka, Ann L. Fruhling:
Understanding System-induced Cognitive Load with Eye Tracking. - Kirk Fiedler:
Virtual Reality in the Cloud: Amazon Sumerian as a Tool and Topic. - Amir Zadeh:
Wearable Technology and Data Science for Injury Prediction in Sports. - Scott M. Sittig, Matt Campbell, Sharon Fruh:
Willingness to Utilize mHealth for Health Promotion: An Evaluation of Influencing Factors Among College Nursing Students'.
Virtual Communities and Collaboration (VCC)
- Ramandeep Kaur Sandhu, Josephine Stanley-Brown, Kweku-Muata A. Osei-Bryson, Gustaff Barkstrom:
A Collaboration Mapping System (CMS): Who Knows What ? - Ariel D. Wigdor, Traci J. Hess, Zoe Zou:
A Review of Knowledge Contribution Measurement in Online Communities. - Jason Chan, Jiahui Mo, Nila Zhang:
Are Contests Effective for Online Labor Markets? - Nargess Tahmasbi, Alexander Fuchsberger:
ChatterShield - A Multi-Platform Cyberbullying Detection System for Parents. - Fernando Ressetti Pinheiro Marques Vianna, Jurandir Peinado, Alexandre R. Graeml:
Crowdsourcing Platforms: Objective, Activities and Motivation. - Minhyung Lee, HanByeol Stella Choi, Heeseok Lee:
Dark Side of the Sharing Economy: Empirical Study on the Effect of Car-sharing on the Crashes of Teenage Drivers. - Abayomi Baiyere, A. K. M. Najmul Islam, Matti Mäntymäki:
Duality of Work in Sharing Economy - Insights from Uber. - Massara Alazazi, Emmanuel W. Ayaburi:
Effect of Stigmatization and Privacy Concerns on Engagement in Virtual Health Communities. - Maximilian Haug:
Endorse the Source - The Impact of Information Assessment on News Sharing Behavior. - Ilias O. Pappas, Sofia Papavlasopoulou:
Experience, motivations and confirmation of expectations in SNS satisfaction. - Jinhong Cui, Qiong Wang:
Factors Influencing Financing Performance of Public Crowdfunding Projects. - Onochie Fan-Osuala:
Impact of subscription-based crowdfunding on creators' online channels: Evidence from YouTube. - Helena Vallo Hult, Eleanor Wynn:
Information Integrity and Human Infrastructure in Digital Health Care. - Youngsoo Kim, Gunwoong Lee:
Linkage of Virtual Activities with Real Money Spending in Online Games. - Thomas O. Meservy, Kelly J. Fadel, Ben Nelson, Michael Matthews:
Production vs. Consumption on Social Media: A Uses and Gratifications Perspective. - Eric Villafranca, Uchenna Peters:
Smart and Blissful? Exploring the Characteristics of Individuals That Share Fake News on Social Networking Sites. - Qingsong Ye, Yuanyue Feng, Pianpian Yang, Congcong Yang, Lusi Yang:
The Influence of Gamification Mechanics on Online Group-buying Participation. - Zimo Tang, Mariana Andrade, Lai Lai Tung:
The role of personal and environmental attributes in cyberbullying victimization in adults. - Navid Tavanapour, Eva A. C. Bittner, Marc Brügger:
Theory-Driven-Design for Open Digital Human Collaboration Systems. - Ruochen Liao, Rajiv Kishore, Michael Lee:
Users' Continued Usage of Online Healthcare Virtual Communities: An Empirical Investigation in the Context of HIV Support Communities. - Hui Xu, Yang Wu, Nannan Xi, Juho Hamari:
What Determines the Successfulness of a Crowdsourcing Campaign? A Study on Attributes of Crowdsourcing Campaigns.

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