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24th AMCIS 2018: New Orleans, LA, USA
- 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA, August 16-18, 2018. Association for Information Systems 2018, ISBN 978-0-9966831-6-6
Accounting Information Systems (SIGASYS)
- Alexander Ekow Asmah, Michael Kyobe:
A Practice-Based Study on the Challenges of IT Governance Auditing in Ghana. - Anna Zaitsev:
Agile Methods as a Risk Management Strategy Tool - A Fintech Case Study. - Yuxin Wang, Joris Hulstijn, Yao-Hua Tan:
Analyzing Transaction Codes in Manufacturing for Compliance Monitoring. - Moutaz Haddara, Kuan Lin Su, Kholoud Alkayid, Maged Ali:
Applications of Big Data Analytics in Financial Auditing- A Study on The Big Four. - Daphne Simmonds, Amanuel F. Tadesse, Uday S. Murthy:
ERP System Implementation and Sustainability Performance Rating and Reputation. - Teagen Nabity, Trevor Sorensen, Peter Johnson:
Go Tell It on the Internet: Twitter Effects on Expectations Management. - Md. Shariful Islam, Jaeung Lee:
Internal Audit Function (IAF)'s Competencies and Cybersecurity Audit. - Mostafa Hassan, Samar Mouakket:
Structuration analysis of accounting-based ERP system organizational change. - Gary F. Templeton, Andrew Miller, Martin J. Ndicu:
The Changing Liability Structures of Information Technology Firms. - Rafael Almeida, João Souza Neto, Miguel Mira da Silva:
Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for COBIT 5 Process Prioritization.
Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (SIGADIT)
- Jalal Sarabadani, Michelle Carter, Deborah Compeau:
10 Years of Research on Technostress Creators and Inhibitors: Synthesis and Critique. - A. K. M. Najmul Islam, Nicholas B. Mavengere, Ulla-Riitta Ahlfors, Mikko J. Ruohonen, Alexander Serenko, Prashant Palvia:
A Stress-Strain-Outcome Model of Job Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Professional Self-efficacy. - Vikram Sadhya, Harshali Sadhya:
Barriers to Adoption of Blockchain Technology. - Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice: Ten Lessons Learned about Enterprise Wearable Computer Systems. - Siddharth Baswani, Joey F. George, Anthony M. Townsend:
Connected Homes and Online Retail: The Case of IoT Enabled Online Shopping. - Yang Shen, Xiaoxia Zhang, Yongchen Guo:
Discrete-Event Simulation of Aviation Rescue Efficiency on Earthquake Medical Evacuation. - Tobias Kißmer, Tobias Potthoff, Stefan Stieglitz:
Enterprise Digital Nudging: Between adoption gain and unintended rejection. - Sarbottam Bhagat, Dan J. Kim:
Examining the Role of Individuals' Need for Online Social Interactions and Interpersonal Incompetence in Game Addiction. - Ruben Post, Koen Smit, Martijn Zoet:
Identifying Factors Affecting Blockchain Technology Diffusion. - Carlo Gabriel Porto Bellini, Malu Lacet Serpa:
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: An Experiment on Feedback and Overconfidence in Computer-Mediated Tasks. - Michael Strobel, Catherine Dwyer:
Obstacles to Adopting Speech Recognition in Emergency Services Solutions. - Claudia Loebbecke, Katherina Michalenko, Stefan Cremer:
Operationalizing Cultural Differences in the Use of New Media Technology. - Deepikah Amirthalingam, Gabrielle Peko, David Sundaram:
People, Process, And Technology Dimensions Of Smart Home Adoption. - Jean-Charles Pillet, Kevin Carillo, Claudio Vitari, Federico Pigni:
Perceived IT Ambiguity: Development of a Measurement Instrument. - Amir Hossein Ghapanchi, Amir Talaei-Khoei:
Rethinking Technology Acceptance: Towards a Theory of Technology Utilization. - Rhoda C. Joseph:
Ride-Sharing Services: The Tumultuous Tale of the Rural Urban Divide. - Joy Galaige, Sebastian Binnewies, Geraldine Torrisi-Steele, Kewen Wang:
The Effect of Students' Technology Readiness on Technology Acceptance. - Fariba Nosrati, Brian Detlor:
The Role of Media on User Satisfaction with City Cultural Digital Stories: A Case Study. - Yang Li:
The Strategic Decision on Mobile Payment: A Study on Merchants' Adoption. - Jason A. Williams, Saurabh Gupta:
There and back again: the cyclical process of IT use. - Kenan Degirmenci:
Toward a Gamified Mobile Application to Improve Eco-Driving: A Design and Evaluation Approach. - Grace Fox, John Mooney, Pierangelo Rosati, Wipawee Victoria Paulsson, Theo Lynn:
Towards an Understanding of Farmers' Mobile Technology Adoption: A Comparison of Adoption and Continuance Intentions. - S. P. Ng, Eric W. T. Ngai, Chun Fong Lei:
Understanding the Effect of Trust, Familiarity and Uncertainty on Use Airbnb. - Margarita Gladkaya, Jana Gundlach, Cora Bergert, Annika Baumann, Hanna Krasnova:
We Need to Talk! Antecedents and Consequences of Children's Smartphone Use - A Literature Review. - Claus-Peter H. Ernst, Birte Malzahn:
'If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again' Might Not Always Make Sense: On the Influence of Past Technology Category Satisfaction on Technology Usage.
Advances in Management Information Systems Research (General Track)
- Donald Kerr, Amir Talaei-Khoei, Amir Hossein Ghapanchi:
A paradigm shift for bring your own device (BYOD). - Arthur Carvalho, Denise Kroon:
A Study on the Behavior of Crowd Workers when Reporting Forecasts under Proper Scoring Rules. - Badr Alsamani:
Better Trust Between Users in Sharing Economy Platforms. - Asma Aleidi, Daniel Chandran:
Budding Female IT Entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia: Impact of IT and Institutional Environment. - Agnieszka Onuchowska, Saurav Chakraborty, Wolfgang Jank, Utkarsh Shrivastava:
Detection and Classification of Attacks on IoT Networks. - Weiyu Wang, Keng Siau:
Ethical and Moral Issues with AI. - Kelly J. Fadel, Thomas O. Meservy, C. Brock Kirwan:
Expectation Disconfirmation in ENP Information Filtering: An fMRI Experiment. - Michel Kuhlmann, Felix Maximilian Roth, Christian Becker, Erik Theissen:
FinCare - A Digital Spending Conscience or "Do you really need a flamethrower?". - Sonakshi Sharma, Tracy Ann Sykes:
Goal Orientations and Their Impacts on Advice Ties and Employee Outcomes: A Longitudinal Field Study of an Enterprise System Implementation. - Muhammad Binsawad, Osama Sohaib, Igor T. Hawryszkiewycz, Asma Aleidi:
Individual Creativity Towards Technology Business Incubator Performance. - Saman Bina, Glenn Browne:
Information Avoidance in Requirements Determination for Systems Development. - Mathieu Chanson, Marten Risius, Felix Wortmann:
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs): An Introduction to the Novel Funding Mechanism Based on Blockchain Technology. - Jason H. Sharp, Jeffry S. Babb:
Is Information Systems Late to the Party? The Current State of DevOps Research in the Association for Information Systems eLibrary. - James Wairimu, Jun Sun:
Is Smartwatch Really for Me? An Expectation-Confirmation Perspective. - Eric Bogert:
Mechanical Turk and Financial Dependency on Crowdsourcing. - Marie Esposito, Philip L. Roth, Jason Thatcher:
Signaling your Religion: How Strength of Religious Identity Presentation over Social Media Effects Hireability Assessments. - Weihong Ning, Fred D. Davis, Roman Taraban:
Smartphone Addiction and Cognitive Performance of College Students. - Bih-Huang Jin, Yung-Ming Li, Zhi-Wei Li:
Study on Crowdfunding Patterns and Factors in Different Phases. - Jöran Tesse, Ingrid Schirmer, Paul Drews, Sebastian Saxe, Ulrich Baldauf:
Supporting Diffusion of IoT Solutions Exemplified by the ChainPORT Initiative. - Sampath Bemgal:
Technology Materiality and Individual Sensemaking. - David Goldberg, Nohel Zaman:
Text Analytics for Employee Dissatisfaction in Human Resources Management. - Stephanie Andel, Triparna de Vreede, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Balaji Padmanabhan, Vivek K. Singh, Paul E. Spector:
The Development of a Multidimensional Engagement Measure. - Weian Wang, Lakshmi S. Iyer, Prabin Kumar Panigrahi:
The Impact of BYOD Use on Employees' Proactive Behaviors: A Job Crafting Perspective. - Dale Goodhue, William Lewis, Ronald L. Thompson:
What Do You Mean, My Results are Incorrect? The Impact of Multicollinearity and Measurement Error in Tests of Statistical Significance. - Claus-Peter H. Ernst:
What Drives In-App Purchase Intention in Video Games? An Examination of Patience and the Enjoyment of Routine Tasks. - Deborah Bunker, Christian Ehnis, Linda Levine, Abdul Babar, Anthony Sleigh:
When Worlds Collide: Alignment of Information Systems (IS) Incompatibilities Abstract for Effective Disaster Recovery. - Cameron Chi Sum Taylor, Tiru S. Arthanari:
ZigBee Architecture for Disaster Relief Supply Chain Visibility and Supply Chain Coordination.
Analysis Design
- Mala Kaul, Veda Storey, Carson Woo:
Feasibility of Blockchain Applications. - Dominik Bork, Dimitris Karagiannis, Benedikt Pittl:
How are Metamodels Specified in Practice? Empirical Insights and Recommendations. - Jennifer Hehn, Falk Uebernickel:
Towards an understanding of the Role of Design Thinking for Requirements Elicitation - Findings from a Multiple-Case Study.
Culture in IS
- Sonya Zhang, Mohammad Salehan, Andrew Leung, Ishmene Cabral, Navid Aghakhani:
A Recommender System for Cultural Restaurants Based on Review Factors and Review Sentiment. - Mohammadreza Mousavizadeh, Bidyut Hazarika, Alan Rea:
A Study of News Credibility and Trust on Social Media - A Multi-Cultural Evaluation. - Andrea North-Samardzic:
Audience Evaluation and Biometric Technology: Challenges and Opportunities. - Osam Sato, Prashant Palvia, Tim Jacks, Hiroshi Sasaki:
Effects of Occupational Culture of IT Professionals on Job Satisfaction in Japan. - Karma Sherif, Omolola Jewisimi:
Electronic Performance Monitoring Friend or Foe: Empowering Employees through Data Analytics. - Narasimha Rao Vajjhala, Kenneth David Strang:
Examining Internet Behavior of Young Technology-Literate Consumers in India. - Jobany Rico, Weidong Xia:
Incorporating Culture into The Theory of IT Affordances. - Gaurav Bansal, Wenkai Zhou:
Web-Image Signifier Congruency Theory (WISC): Conceptualization and Examination in an Online Donation Context.
Data Science and Analytics for Decision Support (SIGDSA)
- Divyaa L. R., Aniruddha Tamhane, Nargis Pervin:
A Clustering Based Social Matrix Factorization Technique for Personalized Recommender Systems. - Amirkiarash Kiani, Sameh Al-Natour, Ozgur Turetken:
A Comparison of Sentiment Analysis Tools. - Sérgio Viademonte, Cleidson R. B. de Souza, Níkolas Carneiro, Jair Ferreira, Wallace P. Lira:
A Computational Framework for Railway Incident Analysis: from Data Mining to Data Visualization. - Moataz Soliman, Michael Bliemel, Binod Sundararajan:
A Framework of AR-Enabled GIS Affordances for Disaster Response. - Christian Dremel, Emanuel Stöckli, Jochen Wulf, André Herrmann:
Archetypes of Data Analytics Providers in the Big Data Era. - Srikanth Venkatesan, Sanjukta Das Smith, Raj Sharman, Vandana Prabhu:
Bi-modal Network Relationships in Online Health Networks. - Fabiane Fernando, Tobias Engel:
Big Data and Business Analytic Concepts: A Literature Review. - Kent Marett, Shan Xiao:
Broadband Internet Access as a Localized Facilitator for Improving Security Knowledge. - Yuyang Liang, Young Lee-Argyris, Aziz Muqaddam:
Changing Brand Attitudes through Influencer Marketing. - Christopher Claypool:
Course Offering Support System. - Marilex Rea Llave, Eli Hustad, Dag H. Olsen:
Creating Value from Business Intelligence and Analytics in SMEs: Insights from Experts. - Tejaswi Volety, Rohit Valecha, Naga Vemprala, Kyounghee Hazel Kwon, H. Raghav Rao:
Cyber-rumor Sharing: The Case of Zika Virus. - Natalie Gerhart, Mehrdad Koohikamali:
Decision Support to Business Intelligence and Big Data. - Kenneth D. Russell, Paidi O'Raghallaigh, Philip O'Reilly, Jeremy Hayes:
Digital Privacy GDPR: A Proposed Digital Transformation Framework. - Trevor Clohessy, Thomas Acton:
Enterprise Personal Analytics: A Research Agenda. - Pratik Shivarkar, Wei Wei:
Exploit Social Relations in Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Content for Disaster Management. - Au Vo, Miloslava Plachkinova, Ala Saleh D. Alluhaidan:
Exploring the Spatial Relationships between Language Education and Surrounding Communities. - Gokul Bhandari, David Bussiere, Peter Voyer:
How Loud is the Scream of a Clickstream? Insights from Big Data Analysis. - Jiawei Chen, Hongyan Liu, Jun He, Sanpu Han:
Interaction-Aware Watching Duration Prediction on Live Streaming Platforms. - Anna Sidorova:
Interests and Agency in AI: The case of image with Inception 3 model. - Omar F. El-Gayar, Tareq Nasralah, Ahmed El Noshokaty:
IT for diabetes self-management - What are the patients' expectations? - Vlad Krotov, Leiser Silva:
Legality and Ethics of Web Scraping. - Jay Claiborne, Ashish Gupta:
Machine Learning Classifiers for Predicting Transit Fraud. - Wuyue Shangguan, Shichao Wang, Xi Chen, Alvin Chung Man Leung:
Mining the Value of Network Structure on Stock Performance. - Joel Fredrickson, Michael Mannino, Omar Saad Alqahtani, Farnoush Banaei Kashani:
Mortality Prediction Performance using Similarity Measures for Medical Event Sequences. - Yen-Yao Wang:
Online WOM Spillover Effect in the U.S. Automobile Industry. - Lionel Robert:
Personality in the Human Robot Interaction Literature: A Review and Brief Critique. - David Hoffman:
Privacy with Big Data: A Framework. - Gaurav Jetley, Shivendu Shivendu:
Q&As and Reviews: Substitutes or Complements? - Uchenna Peters, Eric Villafranca, Hope Koch:
Scaling Up Beyond Walls: Discovering New Revenue Streams. - Luwen Huangfu, Daniel Zeng:
Social Media-based Overweight Prediction Using Deep Learning. - Lea Katharina Müller, Jens Mattke, Christian Maier:
#Sponsored #Ad: Exploring the Effect of Influencer Marketing on Purchase Intention. - Kangkang Qi, Yen-Yao Wang:
The Impact of Social Media on Ventures' Success. - Michael Koelbl, Franz Lehner, Saji K. Mathew:
The IT Department's Role in Enabling Business Value from Business Analytics. - Curtis L. Smith, David Schuff:
The role of feedforward-enabled analytics in improving decision quality: a field study. - Caihua Liu, Amir Talaei-Khoei, Didar Zowghi:
Theoretical Support for Enhancing Data Quality: Application in Electronic Medical Records. - Pratyush Bharati, Carol Lee, Romilla Syed:
Trolls and Social Movement Participation: An Empirical Investigation. - Xuan Wang, Helmut Schneider:
Using analytics to gain insights into the cryptocurrency market. - Morgan Anne Wood, Yong Seog Kim:
Validating Hollywood Golden Rules: A Preliminary Study. - Claudia Caceres, Sarah Osailan:
Water Wells Site Selection in East Africa Using GIS Applications.
Digital Agility
- Daniel Gerster, Christian Dremel, Prashant Kelker:
"Agile Meets Non-Agile": Implications of Adopting Agile Practices at Enterprises. - Lila Rao, Maurice McNaughton, Gunjan Mansingh:
An Agile Integrated Methodology for Strategic Business Intelligence (AimS-BI). - Ghazwan Hassna, Paul Benjamin Lowry:
Big Data Capability, Customer Agility, and Organization Performance: A Dynamic Capability Perspective. - Joshua Ofoeda, Richard Boateng:
Institutional Effects on API Development and Integration in Developing Countries: Evidence from Ghana. - Edna Dias Canedo, Ruyther Parente da Costa:
Methods and Metrics for Estimating and Planning Agile Software Projects. - Yi-Ming Tai, Shu-Chiung Lin:
Product Lifecycle Management System and NPD Performance: The Role of Coordination Capability and Organizational Ambidexterity. - Ying Wang, Jaeki Song, Jeff Baker, Yong Jin Kim:
The Role of Service Standardization Capability in Service Innovation: Evidence from the Knowledge-Intensive Service Firms.
eBusiness and eCommerce Digital Commerce (SIGeBIZ)
- Yun Wan, Makoto Nakayama, Jin Qin:
A Test of Search-Experience-Credence Framework Through Online Review. - Xia Zhao, Lei Wang, Cheng Zhang:
Content Snacking and Pricing in Mobile Channels. - Yichen Cheng, Wael Jabr, Sanjay Srivastava, Kai Zhao:
Dynamics of Information Revelation in Online Reviews. - Keertana V. Chidambaram, Nargis Pervin:
Effect of Agglomeration in the Restaurant Industry. - Yen-Hao Hsieh, Hsiao-Hsuan Chiu, Wei-Lun Chang:
Examining the Determinants of Valuable Customer Experiences in O2O Commerce Contexts. - Hsin-Yi Huang, Sheng-Pao Shih:
Exploring an individual's commitment toward the social network sites. - Jing Li, Xin Xu, Eric Ngai:
How Prior Users' Helpfulness Votes on a Review Influence Subsequent Users' Trust of the Review and Corresponding Product Evaluations in E-commerce Context. - Guohou Shan, Dongsong Zhang, Lina Zhou, Lingge Suo, Jaewan Lim, Chunming Shi:
Inconsistency Investigation between Online Review Content and Ratings. - Chris Leberknight, Nivitha Raveendran:
Internet Censorship and Economic Impacts: A case study of Internet outages in India. - Xiaoyu Li, Xia Zhao, Lakshmi S. Iyer:
Investigating of In-app Advertising Features' Impact on Effective Clicks for Different Advertising Formats. - Cong Zhang, Derek L. Nazareth:
Modeling the Impact of the Sharing Economy on Traditional Firms. - Supavich (Fone) Pengnate, Alex Young, Jeffrey Chen:
NEW DETAILS EMERGE! Revealing the Effects of Clickbait Headlines on User Responses. - Brian Cusack, Gerard Ward:
Points of Failure in the Ransomware Electronic Business Model. - Chaoqun Deng, T. Ravichandran:
Positivity Bias: Effects of Discrete Emotions on Review Helpfulness. - Anqi Wu, Dharma Kwon, Sung Kim:
Reputation in Repeated Pay-to-Bid Auctions. - Babett Kühne, Tilo Böhmann:
Requirements for Representing Data-Driven Business Models - Towards Extending the Business Model Canvas. - Yili Hong, Jing Peng, Gordon Burtch, Ni Huang:
Role of Communication in Online Platforms. - Patrick Mikalef, Kshitij Sharma, Ilias O. Pappas:
Social commerce and consumer search behavior: An eye-tracking study. - Mina Tajvidi, Yichuan Wang, Nick Hajli:
Technological Advancement in Marketing: Co-creation of Value with Customers. - May Wang, Younghoon Chang:
Technology Leadership, Brand Equity, and Customer Loyalty towards Fintech Service Providers in China. - Yinan Yu, Warut Khern-am-nuai, Alain Pinsonneault:
The Impact of Performance-Contingent Monetary Incentives on User-Generated Content Contribution. - Wael Jabr, Zirun Qi, Ritu Lohtia, Monica D. Guillory:
The Influence of Information Display and Availability on Reviewer Usefulness Status. - Ya-Ling Wu, Chun-Yu Hsiung:
Understanding Online Produce Cue Effects on Consumer Behavior: Evidence from EEG Data. - Ying Wang, Yue Guo, Jaeki Song:
Using Image-based and Text-based Information for Sales Prediction: A Deep Neural Network Model. - Chi Hon Li, Vincent Siu-king Lai, Waiman Cheung, Xiling Cui:
Why Does Investment Experience Matter in Herding Rationality in P2P Lending?
E-Government (SIGEGOV)
- Ilias O. Pappas, Panos E. Kourouthanassis, Patrick Mikalef, Michail N. Giannakos:
Combining system success factors with trust to explain e-government adoption using fsQCA. - Dario Bonaretti:
Effective Use of Twitter Data in Crisis Management: The Challenge of Harnessing Geospatial Data. - Anthony Simonofski, Hajer Ayed, Benoît Vanderose, Monique Snoeck:
From Traditional to Agile E-Government Service Development: Starting from Practitioners' Challenges. - Mohammad Alomari:
Mobile Government Adoption: Citizen-Centric Approach. - Akemi Takeoka Chatfield, Christopher G. Reddick:
Open Data Policy and Open Data Services. - Jeffrey James Pittaway, Ali Reza Montazemi:
Seeking the 'Smart' in Cities: Managing the process of Innovating with IT. - Yara Khoury, Sandeep Purao, Marybeth Duffy:
The Influence of Values on the Use of Citizen Services: The Elderly Perspective. - Martha Liliana Correa Ospina, Beatriz Helena Diaz Pinzon:
Theoretical Perspectives on Usage of e-Government Services: A Literature Review. - Lihua Wang, Xin (Robert) Luo:
Using Government Microblogs to Enhance Citizen Engagement.
Enterprise Systems (SIGEntSys)
- Nuno Miguel Carvalho da Silva, Miguel Mira da Silva, Pedro Manuel Antunes Sousa:
CO-EVOC: An Enterprise Architecture Model Co-Evolution Operations Catalog. - Alixandre Santana, Daniel Simon, Hermano Perrelli de Moura, Kai Fischbach, Matthias Kreimeyer:
Deriving Viewpoints for Enterprise Architecture Analysis. - María Camila Romero, Mario E. Sánchez, Jorge Villalobos:
Executable Business Model Blueprints. - Khushboo Agrawal, Monideepa Tarafdar, Sanjiv D. Vaidya:
Monitoring, Surveillance and Technostress-An Enterprise Application Case. - Fabian Burmeister, Paul Drews, Ingrid Schirmer:
Towards an Extended Enterprise Architecture Meta-Model for Big Data - A Literature-based Approach. - Thomas Schäffer, Christian Leyh, Katja Bley, Mario Schimmele:
Towards an Open Ecosystem for Maturity Models in the Digital Era: The Example of the Data Quality Management Perspective.
Green IS and Sustainability (SIGGREEN)
- Nelson K. Y. Leung, Sim Kim Lau, Hannarong Shamsub, Sim Yee Lau:
A Study of Perception Factors that Affect Green IT Behavior. - Viet T. Dao, Thomas Abraham:
An Exploratory Empirical Examination of the Integrated Sustainability Framework via Case Study. - Kenan Degirmenci, Jan Recker:
Creating Environmental Sensemaking through Green IS: An Experimental Study on Eco-Nudging Paper Printing Behavior. - Christopher Wood, Asfahaan Mirza, Gabrielle Peko, David Sundaram:
Crowd Sourced approach towards Sustainability and Productivity. - Max Leyerer, Marc-Oliver Sonneberg, Michael H. Breitner:
Decision Support for Urban E-Grocery Operations. - Dario Bonaretti, Gabriele Piccoli:
Digital Volunteers for Emergency Management: Lessons from the 2016 Central Italy Earthquake. - Jan Moritz Anke, Matthias Schumann:
E-Learning Modules for Sustainable Management: Potentials and Challenges. - Yazeed Alsuhaibany, Yan Li:
Estimating Rooftop Photovoltaic (PV) Potential in The Northern Region of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. - Matthias Gottlieb, Markus Böhm:
Measurement Model for the Construct 'Eco-Driving': A Mockup for Real-Time Eco-Feedback. - Benedikt Kirpes, Christian Becker:
Processing Electric Vehicle Charging Transactions in a Blockchain-based Information System.
Healthcare Informatics & Health Information Technology (SIGHealth)
- Joana Gaia, Xunyi Wang, Jenn Basile, G. Lawrence Sanders, David Murray:
A Study of Factors in HIPAA Non Complaint Behavior. - Mohammed Shubber, Tomas Östlind, Ann Svensson, Lena Larsson:
Acceptance of Video Conferencing in Healthcare Planning in Hospitals. - Osama A. Mujallid, Salem Alghamdi:
ADR Reporting Through Twitter from Patient Perspective. - Tripti Singh, Allen C. Johnston, Paul Michael Di Gangi, Gregory Bott:
An Examination of Risk Perceptions and Protected Health Information Disclosure Intentions: A Construal Level Theory Perspective. - Haoqiang Jiang, Debra E. VanderMeer, Paulo Gomes:
Balancing Workload and Care Communication Costs in Nurse Patient Assignment. - Bahae Samhan, Roslin Hauck:
Can Information Security Awarness Mitigate Resistance Towards Patients Healthcare Portals? - Massara Alazazi, Jun Sun, Nan Xiao:
Clinician Satisfaction with In-house and Cloud-based EHR Vendors. - Michael Kizito, Evelyn Kigozi Kahiigi:
Conflicting logics in IT Governance: Achieving ambidexterity in healthcare organisations. - James (Jim) Ryan, Barbara Doster, Sandra Daily, Carmen Lewis:
Data Quality Assurance via Perioperative EMR Reconciliation. - Maya Patel, Aman Shah, Krisha Shah, Miloslava Plachkinova:
Designing a Mobile App to Help Young Adults Develop and Maintain Mental Well-Being. - Saeede Eftekhari, Niam Yaraghi, Ram D. Gopal, Ram Ramesh:
Designing Incentive-Pricing Mechanisms to Promote Health Information Exchange. - Shadi Erfani, Kimiya Ramin:
Developing and testing a smartphone health application for older people to improve their mental health. - Niels Frederik Garmann-Johnsen, Migle Helmersen, Tom Roar Eikebrokk:
Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Enabling Employee Co-Creation through Web 2.0. - Kaushik Ghosh, Michael Dohan, Hareesh Veldandi:
Digital Transformation Strategies for Healthcare Providers: Perspectives from Senior Leadership. - Renato Kuroe, Robson Bonidia, Luiz A. L. Rodrigues, Jacques Brancher, Danilo Sipoli Sanches, Willyan Nazima, Fabrício Furtado:
EcoCloud: A Specialized Computer System for Elaboration Echocardiography Reports. - Rogier van de Wetering, Johan Versendaal, Pien Walraven:
Examining the relationship between a hospital's IT infrastructure capability and digital capabilities: a resource-based perspective. - Luwen Huangfu, Stephen C. Hayne, James Ma, Nicholas H. Roberts:
Exploratory Study for Readmission in Cancer Patients. - Marius Müller, Oliver Heger, Björn Niehaves:
Exploring Ethical Design Dimensions of a Physiotherapeutic mHealth Solution through Value Sensitive Design. - Mohammed Sajedur Rahman, Rakibul Hoque:
Factors Affecting the Adoption of Telemedicine in Rural Areas of Bangladesh. - Shuqing Chen, Xiaofeng Ju, Xitong Guo, Stella Wen Tian:
Factors Influencing Physician's Well-being Management within the Mobile Health Context: A Scoping Review. - Manoj A. Thomas, Diya Suzanne Abraham, Dapeng Liu:
Federated Machine Learning for Translational Research. - Luisa Schulz, Ton Spil, Sjoerd de Vries:
Gamified Wearables in Obesity Therapy for Youth. - Joseph M. Woodside, Shahram Amiri:
Healthcare Hyperchain: Digital Transformation in the Healthcare Value Chain. - Mohan John Blooma, Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Jayan Chirayath Kurian:
Identifying Similar Questions in Healthcare Social Question Answering: A Design Science Research. - Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Bodil Rasmussen, Freimut Bodendorf, Vibeke Zoffmann, Lars Kayser, Judy Curry:
Leveraging the IoT to Support the Guided Self-determination method. - Bouabre Koffi, Adel Yazdanmehr, RadhaKanta Mahapatra:
Mobile Health Privacy Concerns - A Systematic Review. - Xinying Liu, Upkar Varshney:
Multiple Scenarios for Rewards and Punishments in Medication Adherence. - Fei Liu, Xitong Guo, Xiaofeng Ju:
Routine Use of Mobile Health Services: Promotion or Prevention. - Nicole O'Brien, Yufei Yuan:
Social Networking Site Use on Social Capital of Older Adults. - Pouyan Esmaeil Zadeh, Mahed Maddah:
The effects of perceived health status on privacy concerns and opt-in intention toward Health Information Exchanges (HIEs). - Tamuchin McCreless:
The Impact of Online Health Searches on Medical Outcomes: Some Evidence from Google Trends. - Becky Deitenbeck, Sajda Qureshi, Jason Jie Xiong:
The Role of mHealth for Equitable Access to Healthcare for Rural Residents. - Mohamed Abdelhamid, Spyridon Samonas:
The Role of Security Beliefs in the Use of Personal Health Records (PHR). - Alexander J. McLeod Jr., Diane Dolezel:
Understanding Healthcare Data Breaches: Crafting Security Profiles. - Iman Ben Hamouda, Olfa Chourabi, Imed Boughzala:
Understanding the barriers to Knowledge sharing in the French healthcare system: a conceptual model and research propositions. - Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Imran Muhammad, Jeremy Grummet, Louise O'Connor:
Understanding the E-Viewer System Implementation. - Anton Ivanov, Sanjukta Smith, Raj Sharman:
Using Twitter to Predict County-Level Cancer Mortality: Five Stages of Grief Framework. - Arif Reza Anwary, Hongnian Yu, Michael Vassallo:
Wearable Sensor Based Gait Asymmetry Visualization Tool. - Andrew Miller, Merrill Warkentin:
Why Lie?: Deception of Health Information.
Human Capital in Information Systems (SIGLEAD)
- Ali Ghawe, Kathryn Brohman:
Conceptual Foundations of Information Systems Leadership. - Benjamin Yeo, Alexander Serenko, Prashant Palvia, Osam Sato, Hiroshi Sasaki, Jie Yu, Yue Guo:
Exploring Job Satisfaction of IT Workers in Taiwan, Japan, and China: The Role of Employee Demographics, Job Demographics, and Uncertainty Avoidance. - Luiz Antonio Joia, Mariella Fontenelle de Assis:
Turnaway Intention in the IT Area: A Delphi-based Investigation.
Human-Computer Interaction (SIGHCI)
- Mostafa Mesgari:
Affordance-based Use Case Mining. - Ryan M. Schuetzler, G. Mark Grimes, Justin Scott Giboney:
An Investigation of Conversational Agent Relevance, Presence, and Engagement. - Avijit Sengupta, Theresa Beckie, Kaushik Dutta:
Designing User Interfaces for Ecological Momentary Assessments for Superior User Engagement: A Theory Driven Approach. - Guillaume Faddoul, Samir Chatterjee:
Development of a Measuring Instrument for Storytelling via a Virtual Narrator. - Omar Ibrahim Aboulola:
Direct Application of Research Study Findings in a Practitioner Setting: The Application of the Small Retail Facilities Model for Retail Facility Assessment. - Liliane Ableitner, Verena Tiefenbeck, Elgar Fleisch, Thorsten Staake:
Eco-Feedback Interventions: Selective Attention and Actual Behavior Change. - Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, Tejaswini Yelamanchili, Langtao Chen, Keng Siau, Chandana Mallapragada:
Neural Correlates of Flow Experience. - Lianlian Jiang:
Prediction Tool for Consumer Decision Making in E-Commerce: Exploring "If not" type of Explanation Facilities on Trust. - Oscar Lopez, Traci J. Hess:
Privacy Assurances and Information Sensitivity on the Intention to Disclose. - Makafui Nyamadi, Richard Boateng:
The Influence of IT Artifacts on Players Leading to Internet Gaming Addiction among University Students in Africa. - Jan-Paul Huttner, Kathrin Robbert:
The Role of Mental Factors for the Design of a Virtual Memory Palace. - Quynh N. Nguyen, Anna Sidorova:
Understanding user interactions with a chatbot: a self-determination theory approach. - Anna Carolina Muller Queiroz, Alexandre Moreira Nascimento, Thomas Brashear Alejandro, Romero Tori, Vinícius Veloso de Melo, Fernando de Souza Meirelles, Maria Isabel da Silva Leme:
Virtual Reality in Marketing: Technological and Psychological immersion. - Owen Schaffer, Xiaowen Fang:
What Makes Games Fun? Card Sort Reveals 34 Sources of Computer Game Enjoyment.
ICTs in Global Development (SIGGlobDev)
- Büsra Alma, Erman Coskun, Mehtap Ozsahin:
A Framework Proposal for Examining the Effect of ICT Adoption Level on Innovativeness in SMEs. - Sameer Verma, Andreas Gros, Martin Dluhos:
An Architectural Design for Learning Analytics in Remote Education Environments. - Emmanuel Kwame Owusu-Oware, John Effah, Richard Boateng:
Biometric Technology for Fighting Fraud in National Health Insurance: Ghana's Experience. - Monika Ziobrowska:
Decision-making participation and locus of control among military MIS managers in Poland. - Meduduetso Tsumake, Michael Kyobe:
E-Business Value in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Southern Africa: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Websites. - Margaret Meiling Luo, Sophea Chea:
E-Commerce and Social Media Use in Cambodia. - Zheng Xu, David Brown, Mark Stevenson:
Enterprise Systems Adoption and Implementation in Chinese SMEs: Exploring relationships between user firms and technology providers through ANT. - Benjamin Yeo:
Exploring the Continued Economic Importance of High Tech Industries: Trends and Implications. - Vikram S. Bhadauria, RadhaKanta Mahapatra, Sridhar P. Nerur:
ICT4D: Exploring Emergent Themes. - Fred Amankwah-Sarfo, John Effah, Richard Boateng:
Import Clearance Digitalization and Socioeconomic Development: The Case of Ghana. - Zaakirah Roomaney, Jean-Paul Van Belle, Pitso Tsibolane:
Mobile Micro-work in South Africa. - Ariane-Tabea Schüller:
The impact of product placements in YouTube tutorials on the buying decision. - Minxu Shen, Jason Chan, Yi Ding, Jin Chen:
The Impact of Prosocial Microlending on Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: A Cross-National Natural Experiment. - Wendy Currie, Jonathan J. M. Seddon, Ricky Cooper, Ben Van Vliet:
Theories for Analysing Innovation and Technology in Emerging Financial Markets: The Case of Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading. - Lu Wang, Xin (Robert) Luo, Botong Xue:
Too Good to Be True? Understanding How Blockchain Revolutionizes Loyalty Programs. - Sin-Jie Wang, Jack Shih-Chieh Hsu, Yuzhu Li, Tung-Ching Lin:
Using Signaling Theory to Understand the Impact of Information Disclosure on Online Collaborative Consumption. - Dorota Dobija, Grzegorz Mazurek, Narcyz Roztocki, Heinz Roland Weistroffer:
What Attracts the Best Information Technology Talents? Employer Branding in Transition Economies. - Wenxiu Nan:
Who Are the Users of Digital Innovation for Financial Inclusion? The Case of M-Shwari.
Information Systems Security and Privacy (SIGSec)
- Mohsen M. Jozani, Emmanuel Ayaburi, Myung Ko, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo:
A Conceptual Model to Understand Privacy Concerns in a Social P2P Payment App. - Martha McNeil, Omar F. El-Gayar, Cherie Noteboom:
A Framework for Creating Secure and Memorable Passwords. - Iqbal Amiri, Ling Wang, Yair Levy, Inkyoung Hur:
An Empirical Study on the Factors Contributing to Disclosing Personal Information Online: Insecurity in the Digital Age. - Randi Jiang, Jae Ung Lee:
Assessing Fraud Risks in IT Security. - Alaa Nehme, Joey F. George:
Behind Cyber Doors: Securing the Internet of Self. - Martin (Dae Youp) Kang, Sungyong Um, Euntae Ted Lee, Horim Kim:
Benchmarking Methodology Development for Establishing Information System Security Policy: A Design Science Approach. - Andrew Miller, Kent Marett:
Blame Distribution Following Information Security Breaches. - Arunabha Mukhopadhyay, Baidyanath Biswas, Shounak Pal:
C-R-P-M-I: A framework to model cyber risk from phishing and mitigation through insurance. - Abhijit Chaudhury, Debasish Mallick:
Can an Ego Defense Mechanism Model Help Explain Dysfunctional IS Security Behavior? - Donald Privitera, Lei Li:
Can IoT Devices Be Trusted? An Exploratory Study. - Grace Fox, Colin Tonge, Theo Lynn, John Mooney:
Communicating Compliance: Developing a GDPR Privacy Label. - Shounak Pal, Arunabha Mukhopadhyay:
Cyber Risk Quantification and Mitigation Framework for Healthcare using Machine Learning. - Zahra Aivazpour, Nicole Beebe:
Cyberbullying: Investigating the Roles of Power and Communication Medium. - David Harborth, Sebastian Pape
Examining Technology Use Factors of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: The Role of Perceived Anonymity and Trust. - Dejan Kosutic, Federico Pigni:
Exploring the Impact of Information Security Practices on Competitive Advantage. - Shounak Pal, Arunabha Mukhopadhyay:
Framework to explain factors affecting severity of exposure of medical data breach: a statistical analysis. - Yuan Li, Adel Yazdanmehr, Jingguo Wang, H. Raghav Rao:
How Do You Cope: Individuals' Responses to Identity Theft Victimization. - Bonnie Brinton Anderson, Daniel Bjorn, Jeffrey L. Jenkins, C. Brock Kirwan, Anthony Vance:
Improving Security Message Adherence through Improved Comprehension: Neural and Behavioral Insights. - Robert E. Crossler, France Bélanger, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo:
Intelligent Home Assistant Use in the Home Environment. - Philip Menard, Gregory Bott:
Investigating Privacy Concerns of Internet of Things (IoT) Users. - Kelvin King-Kizito, Jun Sun:
Investigating User Disclosure of Sensitive Information: An Extended ELM Theory. - Alaa Nehme, Joey F. George:
Iterating the Cybernetic Loops in Anti-Phishing Behavior: A Theoretical Integration. - Hamid Reza Nikkhah, Ali Balapour, Rajiv Sabherwal:
Mobile Applications Security: Role of Privacy. - Punit Ahluwalia, Mohammad I. Merhi:
Moral and Subjective Norms: How do they Effect Information Security Compliance? - Fereshteh Ghahramani, Daniel Chen, Jingguo Wang:
Organizations' Proactive Information Security Behavior. - Vivek Kumar Singh, Kaushik Dutta:
Predicting Security Events in Cloud Computing. - Christian Kurtz, Martin Semmann, Tilo Böhmann:
Privacy by Design to Comply with GDPR: A Review on Third-Party Data Processors. - Fagner Roger Pereira Couto, Sergio Zorzo:
Privacy Negotiation Mechanism in Internet of Things Environments. - Beverly Medlin, Sandra A. Vannoy, Austin Eggers:
Privacy, Security and Legislative Actions Related to Drone Usage. - Qian Wang, E. W. T. Ngai:
Resource-based Perspective on Slack and Data Breach. - Michael Adelmeyer, Lukas Beike, Mirko Buggenthin, Sebastian Osada, Frank Teuteberg:
RisCC - A Risk Management Tool for Cloud Computing Environments. - Kelvin King-Kizito, Nan Xiao:
Russian Roulette or A Game of Whack A Mole? Effect of Overconfidence in Protecting Information Systems. - Brian Cusack, Eghbal Ghazizadeh:
Satisfying Secure Load Balancing Expectations in the Cloud. - Radha Appan, Dinko Bacic, Sreedhar Madhavaram:
Security Related Information Sharing among Firms: Potential Theoretical Explanations. - Sahar Farshadkhah, Jaeung Lee:
Security Violation Prevention; CPTED in the context of information Security. - Joonghee Lee, Dianne J. Hall, Casey G. Cegielski:
Spillover of Information Security Incidents' Impact: The Moderating Role of Social Networks and IT. - Taha Havakhor, Tianjian Zhang, Bryan I. Hammer:
The Business Value of Engaging in Counter-Breach Initiatives. - Ruby Booth:
The Effect of Values on Hacker Participation Volume in Online Communities. - Alex Zarifis, Xusen Cheng:
The Impact of Extended Global Ransomware Attacks on Trust: How the Attacker's Competence and Institutional Trust Influence the Decision to Pay. - Obi Ogbanufe:
The Mediating Role of Psychological Ownership in Increasing Information Security Stewardship Behaviors. - Henry G. Torres, Saurabh Gupta:
The Misunderstood Link: Information Security Training Strategy. - Keiona Davis, Yair Levy, Bostjan Delak:
Towards a Development of Cybersecurity Risk-Responsibility Taxonomy of Small Enterprises for Data Breach Risk Mitigation. - Nasim Talebi, Mohsen M. Jozani, Tejaswini (Teju) Herath, H. Raghav Rao:
Using Cognitive Dissonance Theory to Explain Information Security Policy Violations. - Alan T. Litchfield, Abid Shahzad:
Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of XEN Hypervisor.
IS in Education, IS Curriculum, Education and Teaching Cases (SIGED)
- Guillermo Rodríguez-Abitia, Marina Kriscautzky-Laxague:
A Framework for ICT Usage Classification of Higher Education Institutions. - Anil Singh, Vikram S. Bhadauria, Anil Gurung:
A Problem-Solving Based Approach to Teaching Database Design. - April H. Reed, Mark Angolia:
Advantage of Simulation in Online Project Management Education. - Lakshmi S. Iyer, Mitchell Church, Dan Emery:
An In-depth Analysis of Careers in Data Science: A K-Means Clustering Approach. - Timo Lainema, A. K. M. Najmul Islam, Kirsi Lainema:
Assessing the potential Learning from simulation Games. - Amy J. Connolly, Daniel Rush:
Classroom Strategies for Overworked Faculty of Intro to MIS: Harnessing the Power of Cooperative Learning. - Rachida Parks, Fay Cobb Payton:
Designing a Healthcare Data Analytics Course: A Contextual Active Learning Approach. - Muthupoltotage Udayangi Perera, Lesley A. Gardner:
Digital Literacy and Self-Regulated Learning: Testing Reciprocal Relationships with Longitudinal Data. - Carol McGuire, John Benamati:
Driving Relevance into the Introductory Information Systems Course. - Safa'a AbuJarour, Hanna Krasnova:
E-Learning as a Means of Social Inclusion: The Case of Syrian Refugees in Germany. - Kingsley Ofosu-Ampong, Richard Boateng:
Gamifying Sakai: Understanding Game Elements for Learning. - Biagio Palese, Sun Tae Kim, Joaquin Alfredo Rodriguez, Gabriele Piccoli:
Go Back to Your Room: Designing a Scalable In-Class Required College Course. - Tai-Yin Chi:
Hands-on Exercises and Assignments on Google Cloud Platform. - Anna Carolina Muller Queiroz, Alexandre Moreira Nascimento, Romero Tori, Thomas Brashear Alejandro, Vinícius Veloso de Melo, Fernando de Souza Meirelles, Maria Isabel da Silva Leme:
Immersive Virtual Environments in Corporate Education and Training. - Marcelo Amorim, Fernando Meirelles, Alberto Albertin, Maria Alexandra Cunha:
Influence of Digital Transformation on Teaching Practices. - Rosana Abutakka Vasconcelos dos Anjos, Cristiano Maciel, Cassyra L. Vuolo, Alexandre Martins dos Anjos, Marina de Andrade:
Innovating Citizenship and Social Control Courses through Distance Education. - João Varajão, Isabel C. Moura:
Leading Information Systems Academic Teams to High Performance. - Olfa Chourabi, Imed Boughzala, Daniel Lang:
Learning Information System Consulting through the Serious Game CityOne. - Amir Talaei-Khoei, Donald Kerr, Luvai Motiwalla:
Lessons Learned from using Gamification for Teaching Business Informatics to First Year Undergraduate Students. - Michael Litman, Daniela Field:
Mendix as a solution for present gaps in Computer Programming in Higher Education. - Linda Eckardt, Steve Grogorick, Susanne Robra-Bissantz:
Play to Learn: Conducting a Playtest Session for Improving an Educational Game. - Gary Spurrier, Heikki Topi:
Resolving the Pedagogical Disconnect between User Stories and Use Cases in Systems Analysis and Design Textbooks. - Amir Talaei-Khoei, Jay Daniel, Mohsen Dokhanchi:
Students' Learning Experience in Flipped Classes Using Social Media. - Md Rasel Al Mamun, Dan Kim:
The Effect of Perceived Innovativeness of Student Response Systems (SRSs) on Classroom Engagement. - Sean Eom:
The effects of Students' Motivation and Student-Student Dialogue, Student-Instructor Dialogue on Students' Perceived E-Learning Outcomes. - Saifur Bhuiyan, Soheil Goodarzi, Jennifer Large, Christina Serrano, Susan Bristow:
Understanding ERP Learning Success in Flipped Classrooms. - Michael Kallookaran, Dominik Siemon, Susanne Robra-Bissantz:
Understanding students' learning behavior outside of the classroom. - Josué Kuika Watat, Samuel Fosso Wamba, Jean Robert Kala Kamdjoug:
Use and Influence of Social Media on student performance in Higher Education Institutions in Cameroon. - Claus-Peter H. Ernst, Birte Malzahn, Katharina Simbeck:
Using Experiential Learning to Effectively Inform People About Web Privacy Risks. - Nathan Garrett:
Video Tutorials Improve Students' Ability to Recover from Errors. - Nathan Garrett:
What-if Model Games in Excel. - Lakshmi S. Iyer, Indika Dissanayake, Rudolph Bedeley:
'Doing Good Matters': The Role of Problem Context in Improving Programming Projects.
IT Project Management (SIGITProjMgmt)
- Noel Carroll, Mairead O'Connor, Henry Edison:
A Review on the Identification and Classification of Impediments in Software Flow. - Steven Presley, Jeffrey P. Landry, Jordan Shropshire:
Cybersecurity Threats in the Context of Project Meta-Phases. - Elahe Javadi, Season Tanner:
Design and Implementation of an Agile Teaching Framework. - Jordan Shropshire, Jeffrey P. Landry, Steven Presley:
Development of a Metric for Assessing Full-Stack Developers' Expertise. - Jeff Saltz, Nicholas Hotz, David J. Wild, Kyle Stirling:
Exploring Project Management Methodologies Used Within Data Science Teams. - Wagner Ueno, Rodolfo M. Barros, Jacques Duílio Brancher:
Gaia Maturity Model to Deploy IT Services Continuity. - Eunhee Park, Jongwoo Kim, Elaine Shan:
Guilt Appeals and Information Security Policy Compliance. - Michael J. Cuellar:
How Do We Know If Our Project is Successful? A Call to Reconceptualize Project Success. - Anna Wiedemann, Manuel Wiesche:
How to Implement Clan Control in DevOps Teams. - Rita Marques, Gonçalo Costa, Miguel Mira da Silva, Daniel Gonçalves, Pedro Gonçalves:
Improving Scrum Adoption with Gamification. - Mogens Frank Mikkelsen:
In search of project leadership principles for navigating the complexity of IT projects. - Abhishek Tripathi, Deepak Khazanchi:
IS/T Leadership: A Comprehensive Review of Published Research. - Hamid Reza Nikkhah, Franck Loic Soh Noume, Beverly A. Hodges-McDaniel, Rajiv Sabherwal:
IT and Knowledge in Teams: A Longitudinal Study. - Michael Gall, Federico Pigni:
Leveraging DevOps for mission critical software. - Anna Zaitsev, Uri Gal, Barney Tan:
Reviewing the Role of the Agile Manifesto and Agile Methods in Literature.
Meta Research
- Alexandre Moreira Nascimento, Maria Alexandra Viegas Cortez da Cunha, Fernando de Souza Meirelles, Eusebio Scornavacca Jr., Vinícius Veloso de Melo:
A Literature Analysis of Research on Artificial Intelligence in Management Information System (MIS). - Michael J. Cuellar, Hirotoshi Takeda, Duane Truex:
A Methodological Improvement in the Evaluation of Research Output: an Adapted use of the Scholarly Capital Model. - Jean-Charles Pillet, Claudio Vitari, Federico Pigni, Kevin Carillo:
Detecting Biased Items When Developing a Scale: a Quantitative Approach. - Abdullah Oguz, Wei Xie, Prashant Palvia, Kwasi Amoako-Gyampah:
Information and Communications Technologies as an Enabler of Supply Chain Integration. - Inderjeet Kaur, Sumedha Chauhan:
IS Success at Organizational Level: A Meta-analysis. - James S. Denford, Kurt B. Schobel:
Manual Versus Online Card Sorts: A Cautionary Tale for IS Researchers. - Zakariya Belkhamza, Geoffrey S. Hubona:
Nomological Networks in IS Research. - Anna Kupfer:
Research Methods in the Information Systems Discipline: A Literature Analysis of Conference Papers. - Rania Fahim El-Gazzar, Fathul Wahid, Karen Stendal:
Unpacking Knowledge on Cloud Computing: An Umbrella Review. - Darius Schlangenotto, Martin Poniatowski, Dennis Kundisch:
What Drives Paid Search Success? A Systematic Literature Review. - Harshali Sadhya, Vikram Sadhya:
What We Know and What We Need to Know about Peer Platforms - Airbnb and Uber.
Openness in Research and Practice (SIGOPEN)
- André Luiz de Gusmão, Cleidson R. B. de Souza, Rodrigo Quites Reis, Adailton M. Lima:
A proposal of a methodology for software ecosystems development. - Georg J. P. Link, Matt Germonprez:
Assessing Open Source Project Health. - Yanni Hu, Yuanfeng Cai, Radhika Jain:
Examining Determinants of Controls in Open Source Software Development. - Isabela Ferraz, Carlos Santos Jr.:
Governance of collaborative projects organized as communities. - Vinod Ahuja, Matt Germonprez:
Measuring Open Source Software Impact. - Max-Marcel Theilig, Thorsten Pröhl, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
Requirements Analysis for an Open iPaaS: Exploring the CSP, ISP, and SME View. - Kevin Lumbard:
Shared Design: Design Discourse in Open Source Software Communities.
Organizational Transformation & Information Systems (SIGORSA)
- Franck Loic Soh Noume, Jennifer Large, Beverly A. Hodges-McDaniel:
A portfolio of knowledge integration mechanisms in open ecosystems. - Lucas Gren:
Agile Process Consultation - An Applied Psychology Approach to Agility. - Michael Könning, Kai Heinrich, Patrick Zschech, Christian Leyh:
Analyzing Influences on Pivotal ITO Contract Features: A Quantitative Multi-Study Design with Evidence from Western Europe. - Jan Hendrik Betzing:
Beacon-based Customer Tracking across the High Street: Perspectives for Location-based Smart Services in Retail. - Stefan Hopf, Claudia Loebbecke, Michel Avital:
Blockchain Technology Impacting Property Rights and Transaction Cost Regimes. - Robert Ohene-Bonsu Simmons:
Disruptive Digital Technology Services: The Case of Uber Car Ridesharing in Ghana. - Leonard Agbenyo, David Asamoah, Benjamin Agyei-Owusu:
Drivers and Effects of Inter-Organizational Systems (IOS) use in a developing country. - Monideepa Tarafdar, Helena Wenninger:
Effects of 'Fit' on Email Overload. - Nabil Georges Badr:
Enabling Bimodal IT: Practices for Improving Organizational Ambidexterity for Successful Innovation Integration. - Samuli Tahvanainen, Eetu Luoma:
Examining the Competencies of the Chief Digital Officer. - Benedikt von Bary:
How to bring IT home: Developing a common terminology to compare cases of IS Backsourcing. - Tobias Kissmer, Julian Knoll, Stefan Stieglitz, Rainer Groß:
Knowledge Workers' Expectations Towards a Digital Workplace. - Andrea Zasada, Tung Bui:
More Than Meets the Eye: A Case Study on the Role of IT Affordances in Supporting Compliance. - Christian Sillaber, Nikolas Huber, Andrea Mussmann, Ruth Breu:
Post-Merger IT Integration Success and Performance Measurement: A Systematic Literature Study. - Joseph Nwankpa, Yaman Roumani:
Relationship between Digital Business Intensity and Process Innovation: An Empirical Examination. - Ali Baker, Timothy Ellis:
The Interaction Between Organizational Culture and Knowledge Sharing via Socialization. - Florian Wiesböck:
Thinking Outside of the IT Capability Box. - Salma Trid:
Third parties in the context of Smart Grid: information processing theory based approach. - Melanie Huber, Stephan Zimmermann, Christopher Rentrop, Carsten Felden:
Toward a Conceptual Decision Framework for Shadow IT Integration.
Philosophy in Information Systems (SIG Philosophy)
- Melanie Swan, Sabine Brunswicker:
Blockchain Economic Networks and Algorithmic Trust. - Karl van der Schyff, Kirstin Krauss, Jan H. Kroeze:
Facebook and Dataveillance: Demonstrating a Multimodal Discourse Analysis. - Bianca Rodrigues Teixeira, Flávia Maria Santoro, Fernanda Baião:
MyMemory: an ontology for privacy protection in external digital memories. - Cesar Bandera, Katia Passerini:
Personality Traits and the Digital Entrepreneur: A New Breed or Same Actor?
Replication Research
- Jason A. Williams, Henry G. Torres, Traci A. Carte:
A review of the IS strategic alignment literature: A replication study. - Bastian Kordyaka, Marius Müller, Katharina Jahn, Oliver Heger, Björn Niehaves:
Costumes in League of Legends - Replicating Findings from Cyworld and Habbo. - Zahra Aivazpour, V. Srinivasan (Chino) Rao:
Impulsivity and Risky Cybersecurity Behaviors: A Replication.
Semantics, Ontologies, Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (SIGODIS)
- Matthias Volk, Matthias Pohl, Klaus Turowski:
Classifying Big Data Technologies - An Ontology-based Approach. - Aurona Gerber:
Computational Ontologies as Classification Artifacts in IS Research. - Samreen Kazi, Quratulain Rajput, Shakeel A. Khoja:
CSSO: Ontology-Based Framework for Semantic Interoperatability Between Heterogeneous Web Sources. - Romilla Syed, Haonan Zhong:
Cybersecurity Vulnerability Management: An Ontology-Based Conceptual Model. - Kai Heinrich, Vera Fleißner:
Deep Intelligent Systems for Time Series Prediction: Champion or Lame Duck? - Evidence from Crude Oil Price Prediction. - Habibullah Aminu, Muhammadou M. O. Kah, Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson:
Extending Web Services with Agent Models and Patterns. - Adeyinka K. Akanbi
, Muthoni Masinde:
IKON-OWL: Using Ontologies for Knowledge Representation of Local Indigenous Knowledge on Drought. - Michael J. Pritchard, Cherie Noteboom:
Theory of Dataphoric Space. - Adrian Hernandez-Mendez, Anne Faber, Gloria Bondel, Florian Matthes:
Towards an Ontology-Based Information System for Smart City Ecosystems. - Naga Vemprala, Charles Zhechao Liu, Rachael Ruizhu Xiong, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo:
Using Social Media Data to Improve Situational Awareness during Emergent Events.
Social Computing
- Ting-Kai Hwang, Yung-Ming Li, Jun-Fei Wan:
A Social Recommendation Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Lending. - James Burleson, Bruce E. Greenbaum:
An Examination of the Incidental Emotions from Personal Use of Technology at Work. - Jacqueline Corbett, Tony Savarimuthu, Mahmoud Mohanna:
Are Electricity Prosumers More Engaged? An Analysis of Brand-Follower Engagement on Twitter. - Hang Dong, Jie Ren, Jeffrey Nickerson:
Be Careful What You Read - Evidence of Demand-driven Media Bias. - Nargess Tahmasbi, Alexander Fuchsberger:
Challenges and Future Directions of Automated Cyberbullying Detection. - Saulo Brito, Ariane Baldykowski, Sandro Miczevski, Thiago Silva:
Cheers to Untappd! Preferences for Beer Reflect Cultural Differences Around the World. - Sarbottam Bhagat, James L. Parrish:
Examining the Role of Information Quality, Relevance, Expertise in News Sharing on Social Media. - Natascha Pavlovic:
Factors affecting Herd Behaviour in Buying Decisions influenced by Online Communities. - Hongming Gao, Carol Xiaojuan Ou, Hongwei Liu, Paul A. Pavlou, Hui Zhu, Mingjun Zhan:
Predicting Re-loan Success based on Friendship Network Characteristics in the Online Micro-loan Marketplace. - A. K. M. Najmul Islam, Eoin Whelan, Stoney L. Brooks:
Social Media Overload and fatigue: the Moderating Role of Multitasking Computer Self-Efficacy. - Timothy Kaskela, Jaeki Song:
Social Media Response Based Upon Media Richness. - Fatuma Namisango, Kyeong Kang:
Social Media, Organisation-Community Relationships and Co-creation: A Case of Nonprofit Organizations. - Rasha Alahmad, Casey Pierce, Michelle Carter, Lionel Robert:
The Impact of Enterprise Social Media Identity on Job Performance and Job Satisfaction. - Han-Min Kim, Gee-Woo Bock:
The Role of Attention and Neutralization in Posting Malicious Comments Online.
Social Technical and Social Inclusion Issues (SIGSI)
- Ibtissam Zaza, Deborah J. Armstrong:
A Look on the Generational Differences in IT Self-Service Engagement. - Eleanor T. Loiacono, Lakshmi S. Iyer, Shiya Cao:
Academic Career Advancement in IS: Does Gender Matter? - Aparna Venkatesan:
An Analysis of Cultural Factors Influencing Career Persistence for Indian Women's ICT Careers. - Lauren Rhue:
An Overview of Crowd-based Markets and Racial Discrimination. - Jie Du, Gregory Schymik:
Gender Difference on Students' Email Security Behaviors. - Andrea Everard, Scott McCoy, Kent St. Pierre:
Lack of Female Authorship in the High-Impact IS Journals: Where are the Women? - Mina Tari, Hala Annabi:
Someone On My Level: How Women of Color Describe the Role of Teaching Assistants in Creating Inclusive Technology Courses. - Caroline Ernestine Oehlhorn:
The Paradox Evaluation of IT Stereotypes -A Post-hoc Analysis of Women's Missing Interest in IT Study Programs. - Curtis Cain, Allison J. Morgan Bryant, Carlos D. Buskey, Rajni Goel:
The Role of Tech Corporations at Historically Black Colleges and Universities in American STEM Education. - Hala Annabi:
The Untold Story: The Masked Experiences of Women with Autism Working in IT. - Hyerin Kim, Younghoon Chang, Siew Fan Wong:
Understanding the Factors that Hinder Online Civic Participation. - Jennifer Large, Christina Serrano:
What Does it Mean to be Autistic? Examining How Identity Threats and Coping Strategies Influence the ASD Identity through Analysis of Identity Talk in Online Communities. - Jordana J. George, Dorothy E. Leidner:
Why Marginalized Groups Struggle to Leverage Digital Activism.
Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin America (LACAIS Chapter)
- Dénis Rodrigues, Maria Alexandra Cunha, Fernando Meirelles, Eduardo Henrique Diniz:
Benefits of Blockchain for Digital Social Currency. - Marcelo Henrique de Araujo, Nicolau Reinhard:
Caracterizando os usuários de Internet no Brasil: uma anãlise a partir das habilidades digitais - Characterizing Brazilian Internet Users: An analysis based on Digital Skills. - Valter Moreno, Wagner Carvalho, Flavia Cavazotte:
Does Business Intelligence and Analytics Leverage Dynamic and Operational Capabilities? An Empirical Study in a Brazilian Telecommunications Company. - Alejandro J. Cataldo, Gustavo Farias, Cristobal Gonzalez:
Dynamics of the IT adoption: exploring changes in the cognitive models of a user. - Valentina Bustos, Aurora Sánchez-Ortiz:
E-Services Provided by Local Governments in Chile: A Comparative Analysis. - Luis Alberto Gómez del Campo, Guillermo Rodríguez-Abitia:
Evaluación de Efectividad de Recursos Educativos Digitales - Evaluation of Effectiveness of Digital Educational Resources. - Michael van der Linden, Cesar Alexandre de Souza:
Factors Influencing Premium Pricing in e-Marketplaces. - Jose Ortiz:
Facts or Opinions? Making Sense through Social Media. - Érica Siqueira, Eduardo Henrique Diniz, Raphael Albino:
Fintech Social: Definição, Categorização e Ilustrações Empíricas - Social Fintech: Definition, Categorization and Empirical Illustration. - Yuri Zaidan, Raquel Janissek-Muniz:
From Signs to Insights: the Moderating Role of the Absorptive Capacity between Strategic Foresight and the Firm's Sustainability. - Luiz Antonio Joia, Gustavo Marchisotti:
It Is So (If You Think So): Social Representation Theory and Constructs Definition in the MIS Area in Brazil. - Luis Carpio Ali, Alex Oviedo Meneses, Shirley Reynozo Torres, Arnaldo Tejada Espinoza, Jose Antonio Robles-Flores:
Mejorando la Circulación de Vehículos: Simulación con Semãforos Inteligentes - Improving Traffic: Simulation with Smart Traffic Lights. - Marco Antonio Vera-Ramírez, Guillermo Rodríguez-Abitia:
Necesidad de Uso de Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje y el Conocimiento en Adolescentes - Need of Use of Knowledge and Learning Technologies in Adolescents. - Bruno Araújo, Adriana Viana, Daielly Mantovani, Celso Machado Jr.:
Quality of Tests in Virtual Learning Environments: a Study Based on Classical Test Theory and Facility and Discrimination Indexes. - Víctor Wilfredo Bohórquez López, Edwin Huaynate, Christiam Mendez:
Uso de CRM Social para mejorar Campañas de Marketing Dirigido en Sector Minorista - Use of Social CRM to improve Targeted Marketing Campaigns in the Retail Sector.
Strategic and Competitive Use of Information Technology (SCUIT)
- Gilbert Fridgen, Jannik Lockl, Sven Radszuwill, Alexander Rieger, André Schweizer, Nils Urbach:
A Solution in Search of a Problem: A Method for the Development of Blockchain Use Cases. - Prithvi Bhattacharya:
Aligning Enterprise Systems Capabilities with Business Strategy: An extension of the Strategic Alignment Model (SAM) using Enterprise Architecture. - Johannes Hintsch, Karthik Gali, Naoum Jamous, Klaus Turowski:
An Application System Landscape Engineering Process Framework (ASLEP). - Jörg Weking, Maria Stöcker, Marek Kowalkiewicz, Markus Böhm, Helmut Krcmar:
Archetypes for Industry 4.0 Business Model Innovations. - Yang Lu, Xianrong Zheng:
Block Chain Based Double Auction Design. - Hosea Ofe:
Building a Platform's User-base: An Investigation of Value-driven Lock-ins in Digital Service Innovation. - Thiagarajan Ramakrishnan, Abhishek Kathuria, Jiban Khuntia:
Business Analytics Capability and Supply Chain Management. - Fernanda da Silva Momo, Giovana S. Schiavi, Ariel Behr:
Business Models and Blockchain: What can Change? - Don MacLean, Ryad Titah:
Conceptualizing IT Service Management as a Management Control System for Business-IT Alignment. - David Rueckel, Barbara Krumay, Philipp Wicke:
Decision Engineering in Case of Intuitive Decisions. - Mayur P. Joshi, Nuruddin Ahmed, Jean-Philippe Vergne:
Digital Currencies & Cryptocurrencies as Alternative Providers of Institutional Trust. - Jon Heales, Renae Agrey, Tri Khai Lam:
Employee Database Creates Value for Labor Hire Firm and Clients. - Nikhil Bandodkar, Renu Singh:
Entrepreneurial IT Firm Value Signaling and the Application of Acquisition Discounts. - Alessio De Santo, Ulysse Rosselet, Cédric Gaspoz:
Evaluation of cross-organizational business processes for data collection initiatives. - Benjamin Agyei-Owusu, David Asamoah, Leonard Agbenyo:
Examining the effects of Information Technology Outsourcing on Competitive Advantage. - Ho-Chang Chae:
First-Mover (Dis)Advantages of Investment in Innovative IT Applications: Lesson from ERP Adoption. - Matthias Murawski, Julian Bühler, Malte Martensen, Christina Rademacher, Markus Bick:
How Digital Business Strategy Affects Profitability: Opening the 'Black Box' of Performance. - Vetrivadivel Vel, Insu Park:
How ECS Improve Creative Use of Employees' Knowledge? - Yue Guo, Fu Xin, Qiong Jia, Stuart J. Barnes, Ying Wang:
How traditional incumbents react to sharing economy entrants? Evidence from the car industry. - Naoum Jamous, Christian Haertel, Marco Finkendei, Matthias Volk, Johannes Hintsch:
IT Operation Management - A possibility in the flux of digitization. - Patrick Mikalef:
IT-enabled dynamic capabilities, environmental uncertainty, and competitive performance: A configurational approach. - Dominik Siemon, Rangina Ahmad, Jan-Paul Huttner, Susanne Robra-Bissantz:
Predicting the Performance of Basketball Players Using Automated Personality Mining. - Salman Aljazzaf, Sunil Mithas, Ali Tafti:
The Complementarity between Information Technology Management and Human Resource Management. - Dheyaaldin Alsalman, Insu Park:
The Determinant of Selfless Misuse Intention and the Role of System Resilience under the Context of Disasters. - Tobias Riasanow, Fiona Burckhardt, David Soto Setzke, Markus Böhm, Helmut Krcmar:
The Generic Blockchain Ecosystem and its Strategic Implications. - Ugur Demirbas, Heiko Gewald, Bernhard Moos:
The Impact of Digital Transformation on Sourcing Strategies in the Financial Services Sector: Evolution or Revolution? - Christoph Buck, David Eder:
The Impact of Digitization on Business Models - A Systematic Literature Review.
TREOs and PDSs
- Parham Amiri, Mahdi Moqri:
A Citation Analysis of the Basket of Eight IS Journals. - Jason Triche:
A Framework for Teaching the Undergraduate Data Analytics Course. - Roopa Raman, Merete Hvalshagen:
A Networked Taxonomy of Perceptions towards Electronic Medical Record Systems and the Circumstances in Which They Are Formed. - Michael Erskine, Misagh Faezipour:
A Review of Systems Science in the Information Systems Discipline. - Olanike Sharon Nicholas-Omoregbe, Romanus Osabohien, David Ibidapo, Nicholas A. Omoregbe, Efosa C. Idemudia, Victor Mbarika, Jose Noguera:
A Study of Factors Affecting Technology Usage. - Hassan Alyami, James Boit, Omar F. El-Gayar:
A Study of IT Security Policies. - Patrick Ndayizigamiye, Manoj S. Maharaj:
A Systematic review of mHealth interventions for public healthcare in East Africa. - Thant Syn:
Alert Fatigue and Personality. - Anjee Gorkhali:
Alleviating Emergency Department Congestion. - Christopher Sibona:
An Exploration of Agile Project Management & Technical Debt. - Daniel J. Power, Dale Cyphert, Roberta M. Roth:
Analytics and Evidence-based Decision Making. - Jiang Hu:
Analyze the Factors of Firms to Rely on Internal and External Suppliers. - Divakaran Liginlal, Silvia Pessoa, Maria Pia Gomez Laich, Chadi Aoun:
Applying the Onion Model to Scaffold Writing Development in Information Systems Courses. - Rishikesh Jena, Vishal Shah:
Architectural Drivers of EHR Integration and Assimilation. - Yixiu (Ashley) Yu, Fred D. Davis:
Are the "Best Answers" in Online Question-Answering (Q&A) Sites Really Best? - Chaitra Venkatesan, Sharon Medcalf, Ann L. Fruhling:
Assessing Wearable Technology's Role to Reduce HAZMAT Health Risks. - Getachew Hailemariam Mengesha, Solomon Negash, Ruth Leuleged, Joseph Van Matre, Philip F. Musa:
Assessment of Readiness for Launching Cloud Computing Services: The case of Ethio telecom, Ethiopia. - Ronnie Jia, Zachary R. Steelman:
Autistic Tendency, Attachment Insecurity, and Intrinsic Interest in IT. - James Nowotarski:
Balancing Innovation and Standardization in IS Course Content. - Q Chung:
Beyond Lift in Predictive Modeling: Duo-mining to Glean Strategic Insights. - Mina Tajvidi, Nick Hajli, Yichuan Wang:
Big Data Analytics for New Product Success (Product Innovation). - Helen Han-Haas, Gang Peng:
Big Data Analytics in Human Resource Management and Their Impact: Theoretical Development and Empirical Results. - Sumali Conlon, Chad Diaz II:
Big Data Sentiment Analysis of Customers' Reviews, and the Prediction of Companies' Stock Performance. - Luiz Fernando Gopi Valente, Claudia Cappelli, Luciana Salgado:
Bimodal IT: Predictability versus Exploration. - J. Leon Zhao, Shaokun Fan, Eric Zheng:
Blockchain-Enabled Trust: The Case of Inter-Firm Dataflow. - Rima Artonian Gibbings, Nilmini Wickramasinghe:
Care Coordination Conceptual Framework. - Michael E. Whitman:
Challenges in the Instruction of Risk Management. - Stephen Larson:
Community-Engaged Projects in System Analysis and Design. - James S. Gray, Elizabeth White Baker:
Comparing the Use of Agile Methodologies in the Classroom. - Hassan Alyami, Omar F. El-Gayar:
Comprehensive Framework for the Design of Diabetes Registries. - Jungwoo Lee, Wooju Kim, Taeyon Kim, Jaemin Myung, Hong Won Suh, Soyoun Kang:
Conceptualizing and Developing a Future Ready Competency and Educational Content Curation (CECC) Platform. - Roslin Hauck:
Creating Win-Win Opportunities: Integrating Community Engagement into the IS Classroom. - Laurel Miller:
Data Science: Recruiting, Comforting and Intertwining Multi-disciplinary Students in the General Education Curriculum. - Monika Ziobrowska:
Decision-making participation and locus of control among military MIS managers in Poland. - Bunyamin Ozaydin, Upender Manne, Sue S. Feldman:
Design of a Colorectal Cancer Data Warehouse. - Kavita Krishnan, Yun Wan:
Detection of Review Manipulation. - Gerard De Leoz, Farouq Alhourani:
Developing IT Applications without Coding: An Experiential Inter-Team-Based Approach. - Carmella Parker, Lily Pharris, Eddie Horton:
Digital Currencies and Employers' Expectations of Business Graduates. - Jonathan P. Allen:
Digital Entrepreneurship: A Path to a More Inclusive Digital Future. - Abayomi Baiyere, Tommi Tapanainen, Hannu Salmela:
Digital Transformation - Role of Agility in Business Processes. - Ziyue Huang, Prashant Palvia:
Do You Regret Using Social Media? Understanding the Role of Dark Side of Social Media in Regret and Discontinuance Behavior. - Jeanette Rose, John R. Windle, Ryan M. Schuetzler, Ann L. Fruhling:
Evaluation of Voice Authentication for Patient Health Record Access. - Jiang Hu, Wei He:
Experience on Consumer Purchasing Decision-making: a Study of Anchoring Effects. - Roberto Sandoval:
Exploring the Effects of System Alert Notifications on End-User Security Behavior Intentions. - Minoo Modaresnezhad, Jeff Cummings:
Factors Influencing Student Enrollment in the Information Systems Major. - Yair Levy, Herbert J. Mattord:
Final Report of the ACM/IEEE/AIS/IFIP Joint Task Force (JTF) on Cybersecurity Education. - Abdou Karim Jallow:
Formulation of Integrated e-Government Implementation Framework (eGovIF): case of developing economies. - Nargess Tahmasbi, Alexander Fuchsberger:
Gamification for Achieving Sustained Engagement in Programming Classes. - Tareq Nasralah, Abdullah Wahbeh, Cherie Noteboom, Yong Wang:
Geographic Variations and The Utilization of Health Care Resources. - Hyeyoung Hah, Xuan Tan, Manjul Gupta:
Health Consumers' Information Search: Daily Search Triggers and Preferred Media Capability. - Lily Popova Zhuhadar:
Healthcare Analytical System to Predict Necessary Resources in Case of Crises. - Jeff Cummings:
How Does This Benefit Me? An Employee's Value Perception of Enterprise Social Media. - Yiyang Bian, Jianwei Liu, Dong Jing, Qiang Ye:
Impact of Free Online Medical Consulting Service on Physician Performance. - Timothy Olsen:
Implications of Web APIs for Teaching and Research. - Vikas Sahu, Ann L. Fruhling:
Improving Decision-Making for Incident Commanders by Analyzing Visualizations for First Responder's Vital Information. - Nick Hajli:
Information Credibility and Perceived Privacy in Social Commerce Age. - Ariann Nassel, Sue S. Feldman, Benjamin L. Schooley, James Galbraith, Suzanne Muir:
Information Systems and the Opioid Crisis. - Balaraman Rajan, Surendra Sarnikar:
Information Systems Design Considerations for Reducing Alarm Fatigue in ICU. - Mahdi Moqri, Akmal Mirsadikov, Parham Amiri:
Information Systems Research Impact on Informing Policy. - Neetu Singh, Sumantra Sarkar, Upkar Varshney:
Integration of Mobile Health and EHR. - Hossein Kalantar:
Investigating the impact of governance on value co-creation in analytics ecosystems. - Bruce C. Herniter, Michele Maasberg:
IT Project Crisis and Escalation. - Suhanthi Kamesh, Simon Jin:
IT Strategy and Business Strategy Alignment: Assessing Risk of Misalignment in Large Financial Institutions. - Dinesh Batra:
Large-Scale Agile Methodology Acceptance. - Robert Schanke, Indira R. Guzman, Hyo-Joo Han:
Leadership and Group Cohesion on Team Performance in Virtual Teams. - Jolanta Kowal, Alicja Keplinger, Juho Mäkiö, Magdalena Kapala:
Leadership competency and quality of life of IT professionals in transition economies. - Michel Thomsen, Maria Åkesson:
Master Curriculum in "Digital Service Innovation". - Mohammed Zakaria, Divakaran Liginlal, Chadi Aoun:
Measuring Corporate Transparency in Sustainability Reporting. - Iris Reychav, Roger McHaney, Lin Zhu, Rami Moshonov:
Media Impact on Patient Empowerment in Complicated Medical Situations. - Zonayed Mahid, Gina Green, Hope Koch, Shelby L. Garner, Julia Hitchcock, Phil Young:
mHeath Technology: Collaborating for Good. - Daniel Narh Treku, Nan Xiao:
Motivating Health Information Exchange Use as a Formative Construct for Measuring Quality of IT-Enabled Healthcare Delivery. - James Boit, Hassan Alyami, Omar F. El-Gayar:
NLP in Electronic Health Records: A Decade Perspective. - Manas Tripathi, Inderjeet Kaur:
Oil Prices Forecasting: A Hybrid Approach. - Yin Yang, Keng Siau:
Organizational Change in the Artificial Intelligence Age - The Case of Marketing and Sales. - Carey Cole, Devin Boehmer, Thomas W. Dillon, Diane Lending:
Patterns of Requirements Gathering for a CIS Capstone Course. - Ian-Manuel Markwei, Sandeep Purao:
Platforms for Sharing Health-related Information: A Preliminary Design Proposal. - Andrés Díaz López:
Post-Course Continuity of Entrepreneurial Class Projects. - Amir Hassan Zadeh, Ramesh Sharda:
Predicting Brand Post Popularity in Online Social Networks: An Ex-Ante Approach. - V. S. Prakash Attili, Saji K. Mathew, Vijayan Sugumaran:
Privacy and Security: An Organization wide DSS Framework. - Hamed Majidi Zolbanin:
Processing Electronic Medical Records to Improve Predictive Analytics for Hospital Readmissions. - Chongyang Chen:
Quitting the Problematic Use of Social Networking Sites: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Examination of Organizational Employees. - Tina Susan Thomas, Abraham Cyril Issac:
Real time Monitoring of the Health of Infants. - Chikodili Ugwuishiwu, Mathew Okoronkwo, Caroline Asogwa:
Real-Time Integrated Crime Information System Model. - John Gallaugher, John FitzGibbon, Shirley Cho, Jorge Alberto Mahecha:
Rethinking Into Programming: A light-lifting, high-impact flipped class teaching programming through iOS app development. - Asim Shrestha:
Self-congruency Models for Self-disclosure: A Comparative Analysis. - Asif Shaikh:
Shadow-IT system and Insider Threat: Opportunity as a Situational Perspective. - David Bourrie:
Smart Locks: Evaluating the Roles of Security, Trust, and Perceived Risk on Consumer Adoption. - Ruiyun Xu, Hailiang Chen, J. Leon Zhao:
smartCVC: Data Science Meets Corporate Venture Capital. - Teun Koldeweij, Ton A. M. Spil, Björn Kijl:
Smartwatches as Smart Shopping Devices: Enhanced Information Retrieval in an Omni-channel Environment. - Sandeep Purao, Yanling Xu:
So Talk to Me: Designing Voice-enabled Tools for Health-related Information. - Alsius David, Md Rasel Al Mamun, Daniel A. Peak:
Social Networking in a Virtual Environment. - David Firth:
Teaching Blockchain in the MIS Curriculum. - Akum Dhillon:
Teenage social media use and coping with stress: the case of Alzheimer's. - Andrés Díaz López, Yuan Xue, Xiang Guo:
Text Mining for Factors. - Roozmehr Safi:
The Effect of Age of Information on Its Perceived Usefulness: Implication For "The Right to be Forgotten". - Vivek K. Singh, Anol Bhattacherjee, Jaideep Kalapatapu, Utkarsh Srivastava, Shixuan Fu:
The Effect of Image Choice on Airbnb Reservations: A Combination of Deep Learning and Econometric Analysis. - Efosa C. Idemudia, Ogechi Adeola, Nubi Achebo, Mahesh S. Raisinghani, Nicholas A. Omoregbe:
The Effects of Gender On The Adoption of Smartphone: An Empirical Investigation. - Chad Diaz II, Sumali Conlon, Milorad Novicevic, Tony Ammeter:
The Emergence of Discursive Leaders in Online Communities. - Chih-Yuan Chou:
The Exploration of E-personality in IT-enabled Value Co-creation. - Kari Sandouka, Cherie Noteboom, Surendra Sarnikar:
The Fit of Data Visualization Design for Knowledge Activation. - Lily Pharris, Mary Beth Tarver, Curtis Penrod:
The GMetrix Exam: Does It Add Value? - Melinda Korzaan, Michael Erskine:
The Influence of Goal Orientation, Goal Commitment, and Implementation Mindset on Project Success. - John R. Talburt, Yumeng Ye, Bingyi Zhong, Xinming Li, James true, Sapna Srimal:
The OYSTER Open Source Project for Introducing Entity Resolution and MDM into Information Systems Curricula. - Ziqing Yuan, Hailiang Chen:
The Relationship between Mobile Web and Mobile App Channels for Retailers. - Michael A. Erskine, Paola A. González, Dietmar Nedbal:
The Role of IT Steering Committees in Attaining Effective IT Governance. - Jennifer L. Ziegelmayer, Laurie Barfitt:
The Role of Trust and Self-Efficacy in Mitigating Perceptions of Privacy Risk in Online Self-Disclosure. - Michael J. Pritchard, Cherie Noteboom:
Theory of Dataphoric Space: A Dataphoric Systems Theory. - Colleen Carraher Wolverton:
Towards an Understanding of the Influence of Personality on Student Engagement in Distance Learning Courses. - Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva:
Towards Guidelines for Building Ecosystem Business Models in the Software Industry. - Iaroslava Dutchak:
Transparency of Customer-Facing Order Processes: Can We Ever Have Too Much of a Good Thing? - Henning Schneider, Thomas Friedl, Miloslava Plachkinova:
Trusted Apps - Analysis and Evaluation of Mobile Medical Applications. - Weiyu Wang, Keng Siau:
Trusting Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. - Rishikesh Jena, Vishal Shah:
Understanding EHR Assimilation Using Social Information Processing Cues. - Swathi Jagannath, Kimberley Hemmings-Jarrett, Ali Jazayeri:
Understanding Information and Communication Technology Diffusion in Developing Countries. - Benjamin L. Schooley, John Brooks, Charles Thigpen, Neset Hikmet:
User Experience Design of a Patient Reported Outcome System for Musculoskeletal Care. - Daniel Narh Treku, Jun Sun:
User-Centered Changes in Workflow Agreement and Solution Satisfaction: An Expectation-Confirmation Perspective. - Alejandro Cataldo:
Using mental models to understand the ICT adoption process. - Chi Zhang:
Using Open Healthcare Datasets to Teach Health Data Analytics. - Dawn Owens, Gaurav Shekhar:
Using SCRUM principles to transform the classroom. - Shikha Modi, Sue S. Feldman:
Value of Electronic Health Records since HITECH: A Literature Review. - Manas Tripathi, Arunabha Mukhopadhyay:
Vulnerable Paths Assessment in Cloud for DDoS Attacks. - Ali Reza Afshari, Jolanta Kowal:
What are the problems and their solutions in IT Project manager selection? - Carlos Denner dos Santos:
Whose Stake in Open Source Software Projects. - Marko Budler, Peter Trkman:
Why do You Like Me? Why Users Like an SME Page.
Virtual Communities and Collaboration
- Allie Blaising, David A. Askay, Yasmine Kotturi, Chinmay Kulkarni:
A Qualitative Investigation of Unmet Information-Seeking Needs of Online Workers. - David M. Murungi, Sandeep Purao, David J. Yates:
Beyond Facts: A New Spin on Fake News in the Age of Social Media. - Fadi Almazyad, Eleanor T. Loiacono, Purvi Shah:
Bringing Dead Brands Back From the Grave: The Power of Social Media. - Ersin Dincelli, Xin Zhou:
Disclosure of Stigmatized Sexual Health Issues in Online Support Communities. - James Wairimu, Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo:
Factors that Influence Lurking Behaviors in Open Innovation Communities: The Role of Social Capital. - Mikhail Tsoy, D. Sandy Staples:
Role of reputation cues in trust formation for a developer's decision to join Open Source Software projects. - Morteza Mashayekhi, Milena M. Head:
Taking Advantage of Using Professionally-Oriented Social Network Sites: The Role of Users' Actions and Profiles. - Onochie Fan-Osuala, Daniel Zantedeschi, Wolfgang Jank:
Talk your way to serial success: Creator post-campaign interaction in crowdfunding. - Ghazwan Hassna, J. Leon Zhao:
The Impact of Online Consumption Communities on Crowdfunding Success. - Ayman Alfahid:
The Role of Emotional Intelligence Training in Moderating Conflict Resolution in Virtual Teams. - Maximilian Haug, Heiko Gewald:
To eWOM, or not? Investigating the Restricting Factors to Provide Online Ratings for Physicians. - Ana Paula O. Bertholdo, Claudia de O. Melo, Artur Simões Rozestraten, Marco Aurélio Gerosa, Heather O'Brien:
User engagement in an open collaboration community after the insertion of a game design element: An online field experiment. - Jiayuan Liu:
What promote the mobilization and coordination of knowledge for crowdsourced digital innovation? - Langtao Chen, Aaron Baird, Detmar W. Straub:
Why Do Users Participate in Online Communities? The Effect of Motivational Affordances, Comments, and Peer Contribution on Continuance.
- Meg Murray:
An Examination of the Blockchain, the Emerging Technology that Promises to Transform Digital Tracking of Assets. - Thomas F. Stafford, Tawei Wang, Rhonda Syler, Md. Shariful Islam:
Analytics for Accounting Information Systems Applications. - Munir Mandviwalla, Mark Thouin, Rassule Hadidi, Andrew Wasser, Balasubramaniam Ramesh:
Are graduate programs offered by IS relevant in the age of digital disruption? - Kai R. Larsen:
Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) for all Business Majors and Levels. - Elliot B. Sloane, Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Vijay Gehlot, Angelo E. Thalassinidis, Doug B. Fridsma, Robert E. Hoyt:
Best Practices for Development and Delivery of Graduate Health Informatics Curriculum. - Eduardo Salcedo, Jose Pineda, Karlene Cousins, Daniel Conway, Lina Bouayad, Alpen Sheth, Hemang Subramanian:
Blockchain and Information Systems. - Gary F. Templeton, Aaron M. French, Kai R. Larsen, Stacie Petter, Ben Pace:
Information Technology Firms: Creating Value Through Digital Disruption. - Jeffrey S. Saltz, Michael Goul, Frank Armour, Ramesh Sharda:
Key Management and Governance Challenges when Executing Data Science / Analytics Projects. - YoungKi Park, James S. Denford:
Set-Theoretic Methods: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) for IS Research. - Jean-François Michon, Forough Karimi Alaghehband, Félix Gaudet-Lafontaine:
Simulation Games for Active Learning of ERP Concepts. - Brian Hilton, Anthony Corso, Sarah Osailan:
Social Media Operationalized for Locational Analytics: A Hands-on Tutorial Utilizing NLP, Topic Modeling, and GIS. - Thuan Nguyen:
Teaching Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning with Cloud Technology and Python. - Aaron M. French, Marten Risius, Jung P. Shim, Patrick S. Bordnick, Jeffrey Parsons, David Holtman:
Virtual Reality and Blockchain Technology in the Era of 5G: Disrupting Business and Society.

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