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18th EUSIPCO 2010: Aalborg, Denmark
- 18th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2010, Aalborg, Denmark, August 23-27, 2010. IEEE 2010
- Muhammad Tahir Akhtar, Wataru Mitsuhashi:
A modified normalized FxLMS algorithm for active control of impulsive noise. 1-5 - Felix Albu, Constantin Paleologu, Jacob Benesty, Silviu Ciochina:
A low complexity proportionate affine projection algorithm for echo cancellation. 6-10 - Mehdi Bekrani, Andy W. H. Khong, Mojtaba Lotfizad:
A new partial update NLMS for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation. 11-15 - Christelle Yemdji, Moctar Mossi Idrissa, Nicholas W. D. Evans, Christophe Beaugeant:
Efficient low delay filtering for residual echo suppression. 16-20 - Muhammad Tahir Akhtar, Wataru Mitsuhashi:
Variable step-size based online acoustic feedback neutralization in single-channel active noise control systems. 21-25 - Laura Romoli, Stefano Squartini, Francesco Piazza:
A variable step-size frequency-domain adaptive filtering algorithm for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation. 26-30 - Yoshinobu Kajikawa, Ryotaro Hirayama:
Feedback active noise control system combining linear prediction filter. 31-35 - Romain Serizel, Marc Moonen, Jan Wouters, Søren Holdt Jensen:
Output SNR analysis of integrated active noise control and noise reduction in hearing aids under a single speech source scenario. 36-39 - Kim Ngo, Toon van Waterschoot, Mads Græsbøll Christensen, Marc Moonen, Søren Holdt Jensen, Jan Wouters:
Prediction-error-method-based adaptive feedback cancellation in hearing aids using pitch estimation. 40-44 - Oscar Gerardo Ibarra-Manzano, Yuriy S. Shmaliy, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Issa M. S. Panahi, Paula Castro-Tinttori:
Implementation of unbiased FIR filters with low-degree polynomial gains. 45-49 - Chien-Cheng Tseng, Su-Ling Lee:
Design of fractional order differentiator using discrete Hartley transform. 50-54 - Chien-Cheng Tseng, Su-Ling Lee:
Wideband fractional delay filter design based on interlaced sampling method. 55-59 - Chien-Cheng Tseng, Su-Ling Lee:
Design of digital IIR integrator using B-spline interpolation and Gauss-Legendre integration rule. 60-64 - Radu Matei:
A new design method for IIR diamond-shaped filters. 65-69 - Youssef Dandach, Pierre Siohan:
Design method of OFDM/OQAM systems using a weighted time-frequency localization criterion. 70-74 - Takao Hinamoto, Akimitsu Doi, Wu-Sheng Lu:
Minimal realization and L2-sensitivity analysis for 3-D separable-denominator digital filters. 75-79 - Pieter Soens, Werner Verhelst:
Robust temporal alignment of spontaneous and dubbed speech and its application for automatic dialogue replacement. 80-84 - Ünal Zubari, Ezgi Can Ozan, Banu Oskay Acar, Tolga Çiloglu, Ersin Esen, Tugrul K. Ates, Duygu Oskay Önür:
Speech detection on broadcast audio. 85-89 - Magdalena Kaniewska:
Voice transformations through instantaneous complex frequency modifications. 90-94 - Navin Chatlani, John J. Soraghan:
Local binary patterns for 1-D signal processing. 95-99 - Vahid Khanagha, Khalid Daoudi, Oriol Pont, Hussein M. Yahia:
Application of the microcanonical multiscale formalism to segmentation of speech signals. 100-104 - Simone Milani, Giancarlo Calvagno:
An object-oriented cognitive source coding architecture for 3D video communications. 105-109 - Tobias Lindstrøm Jensen, Jan Østergaard, Joachim Dahl, Søren Holdt Jensen:
Multiple descriptions using sparse decompositions. 110-114 - Dror Porat, David Malah:
Context-based multiple description wavelet image coding. 115-119 - Rafik Bensalma, Chaker Larabi:
Using binocular energy modeling for stereoscopic color image coding. 120-124 - Raphaël Soulard, Philippe Carré:
Quaternionic wavelets for image coding. 125-129 - Hiromichi Nakashima, Mitsuru Kawamoto, Toshiharu Mukai:
A localization method for multiple sound sources by using coherence function. 130-134 - Süleyman Baykut, Tayfun Akgül:
Multiscale zero-crossing statistics of intrinsic mode functions for white Gaussian noise. 135-138 - Diego Herranz, Francisco Argüeso, José Luis Sanz, Marcos López-Caniego:
A sparse approach to astronomical point source detection. 139-143 - Isabelle Smith, André Ferrari:
Bayesian detection with the posterior distribution of the likelihood ratio. 144-148 - Steeve Zozor, Laure-Line Rouve, Gilles Cauffet, Jean-Louis Coulomb, Hugues Henocq:
Compared performances of MF-based and locally optimal-based magnetic anomaly detection. 149-153 - Stefano Maranò, Vincenzo Matta, Fabio Mazzarella:
The Bayesian unlucky broker. 154-158 - Olivier Rabaste:
Multi-target tracking with MCMC-based particle filters. 159-163 - Jorge Plata-Chaves, Marcelino Lázaro:
Closed-form error exponent for the Neyman-Pearson fusion of two-dimensional Markov local decisions. 164-166 - Tharwat Morsy, Jürgen Götze:
Reducing complexity of generalized minimum mean square error detection. 169-173 - Luca Martino, Joaquín Míguez:
A rejection sampling scheme for posterior probability distributions via the ratio-of-uniforms method. 174-178 - Cesar Asensio-Marco, Baltasar Beferull-Lozano:
Finding sparse connectivity patterns in power-constrained ad-hoc networks for accelerating consensus algorithms. 179-183 - Dorina Thanou, Hyunggon Park, Effrosini Kokiopoulou, Pascal Fwssarr:
Polynomial filter design for quantized consensus. 184-188 - Stefania Sardellitti, Sergio Barbarossa, Ananthram Swami:
Average consensus with minimum energy consumption: Optimal topology and power allocation. 189-193 - Jan Østergaard, Daniel E. Quevedo, Anders Ahlén:
Predictive power control for dynamic state estimation over wireless sensor networks with relays. 194-198 - Ondrej Sluciak, Markus Rupp:
Steady-state analysis of a quantized average consensus algorithm using state-space description. 199-203 - Jonas Sjöberg, Erik Coelingh, Mohammad Ali, Mattias Brännström, Paolo Falcone:
Driver models to increase the potential of automotive active safety functions. 204-208 - Fabian Friedrichs, Bin Yang:
Drowsiness monitoring by steering and lane data based features under real driving conditions. 209-213 - Angelos Amditis, George C. Kiokes, Nikolaos K. Uzunoglu:
An FPGA-based physical layer implementation for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. 214-218 - Christian Lundquist, Lars Danielssorf, Fredrik Gustafsson:
Random set based road mapping using radar measurements. 219-223 - Philipp Heidenreich, David Stenmanns, Abdelhak M. Zoubir:
Computationally simple criteria for detecting a multi-target scenario in automotive radar array processing. 224-228 - Martin Rothbucher, Marko Durkovic, Hao Shen, Klaus Diepold:
HRTF customization using multiway array analysis. 229-233 - Daniele Giacobello, Toon van Waterschoot, Mads Græsbøll Christensen, Søren Holdt Jensen, Marc Moonen:
High-order sparse linear predictors for audio processing. 234-238 - Jesper Kjær Nielsen, Mads Græsbøll Christensen, Ali Taylan Cemgil, Simon J. Godsill, Søren Holdt Jensen:
Bayesian interpolation in a dynamic sinusoidal model with application to packet-loss concealment. 239-243 - Bernd Geiser, Martin Roggendorf, Peter Vary:
Multi-band pre-echo control using a filterbank equalizer. 244-248 - Frédéric Mustière, Hossein Najaf-Zadeh, Ramin Pichevar, Hassan Lahdili, Louis Thibault, Martin Bouchard:
Sparse audio coding via targeted dithering and combinatorial decoding. 249-253 - Cristian Segura, Isabel Barbancho, Lorenzo J. Tardón, Ana M. Barbancho:
Automatic search and delimitation of frontispieces in ancient scores. 254-258 - Rui Min, Angela D'Angelo, Jean-Luc Dugelay:
Efficient scarf detection prior to face recognition. 259-263 - Andres I. Gola, Begoña García Zapirain, Amaia Méndez Zorrilla, Ibon Ruiz Oleagordia:
Automated diagnosis of melanomas based on globular and reticular pattern recognition algorithms for epiluminiscence images. 264-268 - Francesco Santoro, Sergio Pedro, Zheng-Hua Tan, Thomas B. Moeslund:
Crowd analysis by using optical flow and density based clustering. 269-273 - Henrique Oliveira, Paulo Lobato Correia:
Automatic crack detection on road imagery using anisotropic diffusion and region linkage. 274-278 - Tiago Marques Santos, Luís Ducla Soares, Paulo Lobato Correia:
IRIS verification system with secure template storage. 279-283 - Hanqing Liao, William H. Nailon, Duncan B. McLaren, Steve McLaughlin:
Classification of bladder cancer on radiotherapy planning CT images using textural features. 284-288 - Takashi Komatsu, Takahiro Saito:
Universal sharpening-demosaicing for various types of color-filter array. 289-293 - Israa Amro, Javier Mateos, Miguel Vega:
General contourlet pansharpening method using Bayesian inference. 294-298 - Haidawati Nasir, Vladimir Stankovic, Stephen Marshall:
Image registration for super resolution using scale invariant feature transform, belief propagation and random sampling consensus. 299-303 - Salah Bourennane, Caroline Fossati, Alexis Cailly:
Improvement of target detection based on tensorial modelling. 304-308 - Chi-Shing Wong, Wan-Chi Siu:
Further improved Edge-Directed Interpolation and fast EDI for SDTV to HDTV conversion. 309-313 - Paul Rodríguez:
A non-negative quadratic programming approach to minimize the generalized vector-valued total variation functional. 314-318 - Aladine Chetouani, Mohamed A. Deriche, Azeddine Beghdadi:
Classification of image distortions using image quality metrics and linear discriminant analysis. 319-322 - Miguel Tallon, Javier Mateos, S. Derin Babacan, Rafael Molina, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Combining observation models in dual exposure problems using the Kullback-Leibler divergence. 323-327 - Muhammad Kashif Samee, Jürgen Götze:
Computationally efficient blind equalization based on digital watermarking. 328-332 - Ali Shariq Imran, Faouzi Alaya Cheikh:
Blind image quality metric for blackboard lecture images. 333-337 - Baptiste Hemery, Hélène Laurent, Christophe Rosenberger:
Subjective evaluation of image understanding results. 338-342 - Alfredo Restrepo Palacios, Luisa Junco:
Indicators of colour image quality for ησλ-SPACES. 343-347 - Erik Gudmundson, Andreas Jakobsson, Jørgen Arendt Jensen, Petre Stoica:
An iterative adaptive approach for blood velocity estimation using ultrasound. 348-352 - Michal Stanislaw Meller, Maciej Niedzwiecki:
An improved frequency estimator for an adaptive active noise control scheme. 353-357 - Mads Græsbøll Christensen, Andreas Jakobsson:
Improved subspace-based frequency estimation for real-valued data using angles between subspaces. 358-362 - Johan Sandberg, Maria Hansson-Sandsten:
Approximate optimal periodogram smoothing for cepstrum estimation using a penalty term. 363-367 - Ta-Hsin Li:
Robust coherence analysis in the frequency domain. 368-371 - Obilor Nwamadi, Xu Zhu, Asoke K. Nandi:
Low complexity mean enhanced greedy algorithms for dynamic subcarrier allocation in uplink LTE. 372-376 - Florian Roemer, Martin Haardt:
Sum-rate maximization in two-way relaying systems with MIMO amplify and forward relays via generalized eigenvectors. 377-381 - Waleed Al-Hanafy, Mohamed Nuri Hussin, Stephan Weiss:
Incremental rate maximisation power loading with BER improvements. 382-386 - Gilberto Berardinelli, Troels B. Sørensen, Luis Ángel Maestro Ruiz de Temiño, Preben E. Mogensen, Kari Pajukoski:
Open loop transmit diversity solutions for LTE-A uplink. 387-391 - Monique Düngen, Yajie Ruan, Hermann Rohling:
Crosstalk cancellation in VDSL systems. 392-396 - Dominique Würtz, Anja Klein, Martin Kuipers:
Seamless transition of power allocation in multi-user XDSL systems. 397-401 - Andrew P. Millar, Stephan Weiss:
Transceiver design for non-regenerative MIMO relay systems with decision feedback detection. 402-406 - Kun-Yu Wang, Tsung-Hui Chang, Wing-Kin Ma, Chong-Yung Chi:
A semidefinite relaxation based conservative approach to robust transmit beamforming with probabilistic sinr constraints. 407-411 - Jeffrey D. Blanchard, Andrew Thompson:
Pushing the RIP phase transition in compressed sensing. 412-416 - George Tzagkarakis, Panagiotis Tsakalides:
Greedy sparse reconstruction of non-negative signals using symmetric alpha-stable distributions. 417-421 - George Tzagkarakis, Panagiotis Tsakalides:
Distributed compressed sensing of non-negative signals using symmetric alpha-stable distributions. 422-426 - Vahid Abolghasemi, Saideh Ferdowsi, Bahador Makkiabadi, Saeid Sanei:
On optimization of the measurement matrix for compressive sensing. 427-431 - Ana B. Ramirez, Gonzalo R. Arce, Brian M. Sadler:
Fast algorithms for reconstruction of sparse signals from cauchy random projections. 432-436 - Soydan Redif, John G. McWhirter, Stephan Weiss:
Orthonormal subband coder design using polynomial eigenvalue decomposition. 437-441 - Daniel P. Jarrett, Emanuël A. P. Habets, Patrick A. Naylor:
3D source localization in the spherical harmonic domain using a pseudointensity vector. 442-446 - Stephan Weiss, Andrew P. Millar, Robert W. Stewart:
Inversion of parahermitian matrices. 447-451 - Joanne A. Foster, John G. McWhirter, Martin R. Davies, Sangarapillai Lambotharan, Jonathon A. Chambers:
Spatial-temporal mode transmission based upon the QR decomposition of a polynomial channel matrix with uncertainties. 452-456 - John G. McWhirter:
An algorithm for polynomial matrix SVD based on generalised Kogbetliantz transformations. 457-461 - Anil M. Nagathil, Timo Gerkmann, Rainer Martin:
Musical genre classification based on a highly-resolved cepstral modulation spectrum. 462-466 - Miroslav Zivanovic, Johan Schoukens:
Time-variant harmonic and transient signal modeling by joint polynomial and piecewise linear approximation. 467-471 - Shiva Sundaram, Robert Schleicher, Julia Seebode:
Clustering audio clips by context-free description and affective ratings. 472-476 - Bob L. Sturm, Marcela Morvidone, Laurent Daudet:
Musical instrument identification using multiscale Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients. 477-481 - Yongmin Li, Cheung-Fat Chan:
Code excited sample-by-sample gain adaptive coding for lossless compression of audio signals. 482-486 - Stepan Albrecht, Václav Smídl:
Improvements of continuous model for memory-based automatic music transcription. 487-491 - Yannis Panagakis, Constantine Kotropoulos, Gonzalo R. Arce:
Sparse multi-label linear embedding nonnegative tensor factorization for automatic music tagging. 492-496 - Michal Genussov, Israel Cohen:
Musical genre classification of audio signals using geometric methods. 497-501 - Jesper Rindom Jensen, Mads Græsbøll Christensen, Søren Holdt Jensen:
Fundamental frequency estimation using polynomial rooting of a subspace-based method. 502-506 - Anaïk Olivero, Bruno Torrésani, Richard Kronland-Martinet:
A new method for Gabor multipliers estimation: Application to sound morphing. 507-511 - Francisco J. Rodríguez-Serrano, Pedro Vera-Candeas, Pablo Cabañas Molero, Julio José Carabias-Orti, Nicolás Ruiz-Reyes:
Amplitude modulated sinusoidal modeling for audio onset detection. 512-516 - Bruno Defraene, Toon van Waterschoot, Hans Joachim Ferreau, Moritz Diehl, Marc Moonen:
Perception-based clipping of audio signals. 517-521 - Gabriel Caffarena, Juan A. López, Angel Fernandez Herrero, Carlos Carreras:
SQNR estimation of non-linear fixed-point algorithms. 522-526 - Veselin N. Ivanovic, Srdjan Jovanovski:
An efficient smart system for improved space/spatial-frequency representation of nonstationary 2-D signals. 527-531 - Cristian Anghel, Constantin Paleologu, Jacob Benesty, Silviu Ciochina:
FPGA implementation of a variable step-size affine projection algorithm for acoustic echo cancellation. 532-536 - Olli Mylläri, Lauri Anttila, Mikko Valkama:
Digital transmitter I/Q imbalance calibration: Real-time prototype implementation and performance measurement. 537-541 - Daniel Ménard, David Novo, Romuald Rocher, Francky Catthoor, Olivier Sentieys:
Quantization mode opportunities in fixed-point system design. 542-546 - Bertrand Le Gal, Aurélien Ribon, Lilian Bossuet, Dominique Dallet:
Area optimization of ROM-based controllers dedicated to digital signal processing applications. 547-551 - Karthick Parashar, Daniel Ménard, Romuald Rocher, Olivier Sentieys:
Estimating frequency characteristics of quantization noise for performance evaluation of fixed point systems. 552-556 - Alexey A. Petrovsky, Maxim Rodionov, Alexander A. Petrovsky:
Dynamic reconfigurable lifting-based wavelet packet pipeline processor for real-time audio application. 557-561 - Gabriel Caffarena, Carlos Carreras:
Precision-wise architectural synthesis of DSP circuits. 562-566 - Mohammed Zafar Ali Khan, Shaik A. Qadeer:
Streamlined real-factor FFTs. 567-571 - Jun-Won Suh, John H. L. Hansen:
Test token driven acoustic balancing for sparse enrollment data in cohort GMM speaker recognition. 572-575 - Srikanth Nagineni, Rajesh M. Hegde:
On line client-wise cohort set selection for speaker verification using iterative normalization of confusion matrices. 576-580 - Simon Bozonnet, Félicien Vallet, Nicholas W. D. Evans, Slim Essid, Gaël Richard, Jean Carrive:
A multimodal approach to initialisation for top-down speaker diarization of television shows. 581-585 - Christos Tzagkarakis, Athanasios Mouchtaris:
Robust text-independent speaker identification using short test and training sessions. 586-590 - Kong-Aik Lee, Haizhou Li, Chang Huai You, Tomi Kinnunen, Khe Chai Sim:
Discrete expected likelihood kernel for SVM-based speaker verification. 591-595 - Guillermo Garcia, Thomas Eriksson:
Sample iterative likelihood maximization for speaker verification systems. 596-600 - Guillermo Garcia, Thomas Eriksson:
Study of mutual information for speaker recognition features. 601-605 - Matthew Woods, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Efficient image correspondence measurements in airborne applications using inertial navigation sensors. 606-610 - Nelly Pustelnik, Jean-Christophe Pesquet, Caroline Chaux:
Proximal methods for image restoration using a class of non-tight frame representations. 611-615 - Salvador Villena, Miguel Vega, Rafael Molina, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Image prior combination in super-resolution image reconstruction. 616-620 - Martin Max Richter, Mathias Stober, Hartmut Schröder:
Quality controlled artifact reduction. 621-625 - Bruno Amizic, S. Derin Babacan, Rafael Molina, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Sparse Bayesian blind image deconvolution with parameter estimation. 626-630 - Stefan Uhlich, Bin Yang:
A parametric family of Bayesian estimators for non-standard loss functions. 631-635 - Chunfeng Yang, Régine Le Bouquin-Jeannès, Gérard Faucon:
Determining the flow direction of causal interdependence in multivariate time series. 636-640 - Maciej Niedzwiecki, Szymon Gackowski:
Medley filters - Simple tools for efficient signal smoothing. 641-645 - Mélanie Mahot, Philippe Forster, Jean Philippe Ovarlez, Frédéric Pascal:
Robustness analysis of covariance matrix estimates. 646-650 - Jordi Serra, Francisco Rubio:
BIAS corrections in linear MMSE estimation with large filters. 651-655 - Ali Dehghan Firoozabadi, Hamid Reza Abutalebi:
A new region search method based on DOA estimation for speech source localization by SRP-PHAT method. 656-660 - Dinh Thang Vu, Alexandre Renaux, Rémy Boyer, Sylvie Marcos:
Performance analysis of 2D and 3D antenna arrays for source localization. 661-665 - Mitsunori Mizumachi:
Statistical confidence measure for direction-of-arrival estimate. 666-670 - Anne Ferréol, Pascal Chevalier:
Higher order direction finding for arbitrary noncircular sources : The NC-2Q-music algorithm. 671-675 - Jonathan Bosse, Anne Ferréol, Pascal Larzabal:
A multiple narrowband emitters geolocation algorithm based on AOA estimations. 676-680 - Maria Isabel Valera Martinez
, Bamrung Tau Sieskul, Feng Zheng, Thomas Kaiser:
A hybrid SS-TOA wireless geolocation based on path attenuation under imperfect path loss exponent. 681-685 - Anne Ferréol, Jonathan Bosse, Pascal Larzabal:
A low-cost AOA-TDOA approach for blind geolocation in multi-paths context. 686-690 - Tarig Ballal, Chris J. Bleakley:
DOA estimation for a multi-frequency signal using widely-spaced sensors. 691-695 - Martin Weis, Dunja Jannek, Thomas Guenther, Peter Husar, Florian Roemer, Martin Haardt:
Temporally resolved multi-way component analysis of dynamic sources in event-related EEG data using parafac2. 696-700 - Delaram Jarchi, Bahador Makkiabadi, Saeid Sanei:
A new spatiotemporal filtering method for single-trial ERP subcomponent estimation. 701-705 - Akitoshi Itai, Arao Funase, Andrzej Cichocki, Hiroshi Yasukawa:
EOG-related noise rejection in EEG signal with eye movement task by tensor product expansion with absolute error. 706-710 - Bruno Torrésani, Emilie Villaron:
Harmonic hidden Markov models for the study of EEG signals. 711-715 - Stephane Mollai:
Recursive interferometric representations. 716-720 - Paolo Annibale, Rudolf Rabenstein:
Acoustic source localization and speed estimation based on time-differences-of-arrival under temperature variations. 721-725 - Masahito Togami, Yohei Kawaguchi:
A two-stage multichannel acoustic noise reduction under reverberant environments. 726-730 - Serap Kirbiz, Bilge Günsel:
A perceptually enhanced blind single-channel audio source separation by non-negative matrix factorization. 731-735 - Yohei Kawaguchi, Masahito Togami:
Soft masking based adaptation for time-frequency beamformers under reverberant and background noise environments. 736-740 - Masahito Togami, Takashi Sumiyoshi, Yasunari Obuchi, Yohei Kawaguchi, Hiroaki Kokubo:
Beamforming array technique with clustered multichannel noise covariance matrix for mechanical noise reduction. 741-745 - Wady Naanaa:
A geometric approach to blind separation of nonnegative and dependent source signals. 746-750 - Claire Masterson, Gavin Kearney, Frank Boland:
HRIR factorisation: A regularised approach. 751-755 - Thomas Drugman, Thierry Dutoit:
A comparative evaluation of pitch modification techniques. 756-760 - Alan Ó Cinnéide, David Dorran, Mikel Gainza, Eugene Coyle:
On the appearance of a positive real pole in the results of glottal closed phase linear prediction. 761-765 - Eric Böhmler, Jürgen Freudenberger, Michael Müller:
Performance evaluation of AMR wideband speech transmission for hands-free car kits. 766-770 - Saikat Chatterjee, Mikael Skoglund:
Structured Gaussian mixture model based product VQ. 771-775 - Ibrahim Baran Uslu, Asim Egemen Yilmaz, Hakki Gökhan Ilk:
Statistical digram and trigram analysis of Turkish in terms of coverage and entropy for possible language and speech based applications. 776-780 - Blaise Potard, Yves Laprie:
Automatic adaptation of a vocal tract model. 786-789 - Yoshiki Nambu, Masahiko Mikawa, Kazuyo Tanaka:
Flexible voice morphing based on linear combination of multi-speakers' vocal tract area functions. 790-794 - M. Shahidur Rahman, Tetsuya Shimamura:
Pitch characteristics of bone conducted speech. 795-799 - Todor Ganchev, Iosif Mporas, Nikos Fakotakis:
Automatic height estimation from speech in real-world setup. 800-804 - I. Yücel Özbek, Mübeccel Demirekler:
ML vs. Map parameter estimation of linear dynamic systems for acoustic-to-articulatory inversion: A comparative study. 805-809 - Deepayan Bhowmik, Charith Abhayaratne, Matthew Oakes:
Robustness analysis of blind watermarking for quality scalable image compression. 810-814 - Franco Del Colle, Juan Carlos Gómez:
A new DWT-SVD based perceptual fidelity metric for quality assessment of watermaking schemes. 815-819 - Sergio Bravo-Solorio, Asoke K. Nandi:
Fragile watermarking with improved tampering localisation and self-recovery capabilities. 820-824 - Kuo-Cheng Liu:
Pattern-based fragile watermarking for color images. 825-829 - Slobodan Djukanovic, Igor Djurovic:
Detection optimization for the DCT-domain image watermarking system. 830-834 - Kutluyil Dogancay:
Single- and multi-platform constrained sensor path optimization for angle-of-arrival target tracking. 835-839 - Julien Petitjean, Éric Grivel, Roberto Diversi, Roberto Guidorzi:
A recursive errors-in-variables method for tracking time varying autoregressive parameters from noisy observations. 840-844 - Sarmad Malik, Gerald Enzner:
Iterative learning of DFT-domain dynamical models subject to parameter variations. 845-849 - Friedrich Faubel, Dietrich Klakow:
Further improvement of the adaptive level of detail transform: Splitting in direction of the nonlinearity. 850-854 - Hector Poveda, Guillaume Ferré, Éric Grivel:
Joint channel and frequency offset estimation using sigma point Kalman filter for an OFDMA uplink system. 855-859 - Abbas Taherpour, Saeed Gazor, Abolfazl Taherpour:
Adaptive spectrum sensing and learning in cognitive radio networks. 860-864 - Bashar I. Ahmad, Andrzej Tarczynski:
A DASP approach to wideband multichannel spectrum sensing. 865-869 - Negin Sokhandan, Seyed Mostafa Safavi, Mahsa Shafiee:
Out-of-band radiation reduction in OFDM-based cognitive radio systems. 870-874 - A. Millot, Rym Feliachi, Rodolphe Weber, C. Léger:
Wireless water quality monitoring in the ISM frequency band: A software and cognitive radio approach. 875-879 - Guillaume Ferré, Mickael Raoult:
Flexible distributed wideband cognitive radio network with double threshold energy detector combining cooperative and spatial diversity. 880-884 - Xavier Luciani, André Lima Férrer de Almeida, Pierre Comon:
Blind identification of underdetermined mixtures of complex sources based on the characteristic function. 885-889 - Alon Slapak, Arie Yeredor:
Near-optimal weighting in characteristic-function based ICA. 890-894 - Hicham Saylani
, Shahram Hosseini, Yannick Deville:
Noisy cyclo-stationary BSS using frequency-domain pseudo-correlation. 895-899 - Bahador Makkiabadi, Foad Ghaderi, Saeid Sanei:
A new tensor factorization approach for convolutive blind source separation in time domain. 900-904 - Mikkel N. Schmidt, Morten Mørup:
Infinite non-negative matrix factorization. 905-909 - José A. Biurrun Manresa, Carsten Dahl Mørch, Ole Kæseler Andersen:
Teager-Kaiser energy operator improves the detection and quantification of nociceptive withdrawal reflexes from surface electromyography. 910-913 - Meryem Jabloun, Philippe Ravier, Olivier Buttelli:
Phase-rectified signal averaging method applied to heart rate variability signals for assessment of the changes in sympathovagal balance during rest and tilt. 914-918 - Hubert Cecotti, Ivan Volosyak, Axel Gräser:
Reliable visual stimuli on LCD screens for SSVEP based BCI. 919-923 - Hubert Cecotti, Bertrand Rivet, Marco Congedo, Christian Jutten, Olivier Bertrand, Emmanuel Maby, Jérémie Mattout:
Suboptimal sensor subset evaluation in a P300 brain-computer interface. 924-928 - Stéphane Bonnet, Pierre Jallon:
Hidden Markov models applied onto gait classification. 929-933 - Rajesh Chandrasekhara Panicker, Sadasivan Puthusserypady, Ananda P. Pryana, Ying Sun:
Asynchronous P300 BCI: SSVEP-based control state detection. 934-938 - Ivan Volosyak, Tatsiana Malechka, Diana Valbuena, Axel Gräser:
A novel calibration method for SSVEP based brain-computer interfaces. 939-943 - Umut Gundogdu, Aydin Akan:
EEG analysis using Bi-frequency coherence. 944-948 - Gary Garcia Molina, Danhua Zhu, Shirin Abtahi:
Phase detection in a visual-evoked-potential based brain computer interface. 949-953 - Heidi Christensen, Jon Barker:
Speaker turn tracking with mobile microphones: Combining location and pitch information. 954-958 - Adolfo López-Mendez, Cristian Canton-Ferrer, Josep R. Casas:
Virtual view appearance representation for human motion analysis in multi-view environments. 959-963 - Martina Andersen, Rasmus S. Andersen, Nikos Katsarakis, Aristodemos Pnevmatikakis, Zheng-Hua Tan:
Three-dimensional adaptive sensing of people in a multi-camera setup. 964-968 - Aristodemos Pnevmatikakis, Fotios Talantzis:
Person tracking in enhanced cognitive care: A particle filtering approach. 969-973 - Alessio Brutti, Oswald Lanz:
A joint particle filter to track the position and head orientation of people using audio visual cues. 974-978 - Hannu Pulakka, Ville Myllylä, Laura Laaksonen, Paavo Alku:
Bandwidth extension of telephone speech using a filter bank implementation for highband MEL spectrum. 979-983 - Feng Huang, Tan Lee, W. Bastiaan Kleijn:
A method of speech periodicity enhancement based on transform-domain signal decomposition. 984-988 - Klaus Reindl, Yuanhang Zheng, Walter Kellermann:
Analysis of two generic Wiener filtering concepts for binaural speech enhancement in hearing aids. 989-993 - Takayuki Inoue, Yu Takahashi, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Kiyohiro Shikano, Kazunobu Kondo:
Theoretical analysis of musical noise in generalized spectral subtraction: Why should not use power/amplitude subtraction? 994-998 - Jason Wung, Biing-Hwang Fred Juang, Bowon Lee:
Speech enhancement based on a log-spectral amplitude estimator and a postfilter derived from clean speech codebook. 999-1003 - Hagai Kirshner, Moshe Porat, Michael Unser:
A stochastic minimum-norm approach to image and texture interpolation. 1004-1008 - Yi Yin, Mouloud Adel, Mireille Guillaume, Salah Bourennane:
Bayesian tracking for blood vessel detection in retinal images. 1009-1013 - Andreas Weishaupt, Luigi Bagnato, Pierre Vandergheynst:
Fast structure from motion for planar image sequences. 1014-1018 - Aldo Maalouf, Mohamed-Chaker Larabi:
A no reference objective color image sharpness metric. 1019-1022 - Takahiro Saito, Yasutaka Ueda, Takashi Komatsu:
Color shrinkage for sparse coding of color images. 1023-1027 - Stefano Fortunati, Fulvio Gini, Maria Greco, Alfonso Farina, Antonio Graziano, Sofia Giompapa:
Cramér-Rao type lower bounds for relative sensor registration process. 1028-1032 - Igor Djurovic, Pu Wang, Cornel Ioana, Marko Simeunovic:
Cubic phase function for two-dimensional polynomial-phase signals. 1033-1037 - Naveed R. Butt, Andreas Jakobsson:
An iterative non-parametric approach to the estimation of polyspectra. 1038-1042 - Jérôme Juillard, Kian Jafari, Éric Colinet:
Estimation quality of a weighted least-square parameter estimation method based on binary observations. 1043-1047 - Alireza Roodaki, Julien Bect, Gilles Fleury:
An empirical Bayes approach for joint Bayesian model selection and estimation of sinusoids via reversible jump MCMC. 1048-1052 - Stefan Ingi Adalbjornsson, Andreas Jakobsson:
Relax-based estimation of Voigt lineshapes. 1053-1057 - Jeffrey O. Coleman:
Tapers for large planar phased arrays on regular grids: Simple design methods versus second-order cone programming. 1058-1062 - Scott G. McMillan, Yuri I. Abramovich, Ben A. Johnson:
Expected likelihood for temporally correlated (over-sampled) training data: Experiment results. 1063-1067 - C. Y. Chong, Frédéric Pascal, Jean Philippe Ovarlez, Marc Lesturgie:
Properties of robust MIMO detector. 1068-1072 - Tual Trainini, Xi-Lin Li, Eric Moreau, Tülay Adali:
A relative gradient algorithm for joint decompositions of complex matrices. 1073-1076 - Koray Kayabol, Emanuele Salerno, José Luis Sanz, Diego Herranz, Ercan E. Kuruoglu:
Blind source separation from multi-channel observations with channel-variant spatial resolutions. 1077-1081 - Javier Arribas, Carles Fernández-Prades, Pau Closas:
Receiver operating characteristic for array-based GNSS acquisition. 1082-1086 - Ali Cafer Gürbüz:
Analysis of unknown velocity and target off the grid problems in compressive sensing based subsurface imaging. 1087-1091 - Alexander Bertrand, Marc Moonen:
Efficient sensor subset selection and link failure response for linear MMSE signal estimation in wireless sensor networks. 1092-1096 - Christian Debes, Christian Weiss, Abdelhak M. Zoubir, Moeness G. Amin:
Wall-clutter mitigation using cross-beamforming in through-the-wall radar imaging. 1097-1100 - Bruno Demissie, Sebastian Kreuzer:
Statistical efficiency study of blind identification/equalization of two-path channels with the constant-modulus-criterion. 1101-1105 - Sabih Güzelgöz, Hasan Basri Çelebi, Hüseyin Arslan:
Analysis of a multi-channel receiver: Wireless and PLC reception. 1106-1110 - Shafayat Abrar, Asoke Kumar Nandi:
A blind equalization algorithm for multimodulus square-QAM signals. 1111-1114 - Yuehua Ding, Yide Wang, Jean-Francois Diouris:
Widely linear detector for QAM MIMO system. 1115-1119 - Luciano Izzo, Davide Mattera, Mario Tanda:
Multipath-aware joint symbol timing and CFO estimation in multiuser OFDM/OQAM systems. 1120-1124 - Gérard Favier, Thomas Bouilloc:
A constrained tensor-based approach for MIMO NL-CDMA systems. 1125-1129 - Christos Mavrokefalidis, Kostas Berberidis:
Improving the performance of the semi-blind cross-relation-based channel estimation method. 1130-1134 - Gökçen Çetinel, Cabir Vural:
Blind source separation and equalization of multiple-input multiple-output FIR channels for chaotic communication systems. 1135-1139 - Alain Y. Kibangou:
Blind receivers for MISO communication systems using a nonlinear precoder. 1140-1144 - Rizwan Akbar, Emanuel Radoi, Stéphane Azou:
Maximum likelihood and orthogonal subspace based approach for improved IR-UWB channel estimation. 1145-1149 - Lalitha Venkataramanan, Tarek M. Habashy, Denise E. Freed:
Application of fractional calculus to the analysis of Laplace transformed data. 1150-1153 - Kutluyil Dogancay:
Parametric convergence analysis of an aggregated Markov chain. 1154-1158 - Gustav Eje Henter, W. Bastiaan Kleijn:
Simplified probability models for generative tasks: A rate-distortion approach. 1159-1163 - Shane F. Cotter:
Weighted voting of sparse representation classifiers for facial expression recognition. 1164-1168 - Ying Ai Ju, Hyun Joo So, Nam Chul Kim, Mi Hye Kim:
Face recognition using local statistics of gradients and correlations. 1169-1173 - Salvatore Casale, Alessandra Russo, Salvatore Serrano:
Analysis of robustness of attributes selection applied to speech emotion recognition. 1174-1178 - Dimitrios Ververidis, Mark J. van Gils, Juha Koikkalainen, Jyrki Lötjönen:
Feature selection and time regression software: Application on predicting Alzheimer's disease progress. 1179-1183 - Muhammad Waqar Aslam, Asoke Kumar Nandi:
Detection of diabetes using genetic programming. 1184-1188 - Abdenour Bounsiar, Michael G. Madden:
Support vector one-class classification for multiple-distribution data. 1189-1193 - Laurent Galluccio, Olivier J. J. Michel, Pierre Comon:
Clustering on manifolds with dual-rooted minimal spanning trees. 1194-1198 - Henri Lantéri, Céline Theys, Cédric Richard, Cédric Févotte:
Split gradient method for nonnegative matrix factorization. 1199-1203 - Zhanyu Ma, Arne Leijon:
Human skin color detection in RGB space with Bayesian estimation of beta mixture models. 1204-1208 - Jonas De Vylder, Winnok De Vos, Wilfried Philips:
2D mapping of cell nuclei based on contour warping. 1209-1213 - Beatrice Chevaillier, Jean-Luc Collette, Damien Mandry, Michel Claudon, Olivier Pietquin:
Objective assessment of renal DCE-MRI image segmentation. 1214-1218 - Jenni Hukkanen, Andrea Hategan, Edmond Sabo, Ioan Tabus:
Segmentation of cell nuclei from histological images by ellipse fitting. 1219-1223 - Bálint Antal, András Hajdu:
Improving microaneurysm detection in color fundus images by using an optimal combination of preprocessing methods and candidate extractors. 1224-1228 - Michalis A. Savelonas, Eleftheria A. Mylona, Dimitrios E. Maroulis:
A level set approach for proteomics image analysis. 1229-1233 - Aboulnasr Hassanien, Sergiy A. Vorobyov:
Why the phased-MIMO radar outperforms the phased-array and MIMO radars. 1234-1238 - Hana Godrich, Athina P. Petropulu, H. Vincent Poor:
Resource allocation schemes for target localization in distributed multiple radar architectures. 1239-1243 - Yuri I. Abramovich, Gordon J. Frazer, Ben A. Johnson:
Transmit and receive antenna array geometries for mode selective HF OTH MIMO radar. 1244-1248 - Hai Deng, Braham Himed:
Optimum waveform design and clutter rejection processing for MIMO radar. 1249-1251 - Fauzia Ahmad, Moeness G. Amin:
Maximin robust radar waveform design for detection of weapons. 1252-1256 - Emmanuel Wolff, Cleo Bams, Cyrille Siclet:
Toward robustness of audio watermarking systems to acoustic channels. 1257-1261 - Seyed Omid Sadjadi, John H. L. Hansen:
A scanning window scheme based on SVM training error rate for unsupervised audio segmentation. 1262-1266 - Annamaria Mesaros, Toni Heittola, Antti J. Eronen, Tuomas Virtanen:
Acoustic event detection in real life recordings. 1267-1271 - Toni Heittola, Annamaria Mesaros, Antti J. Eronen, Tuomas Virtanen:
Audio context recognition using audio event histograms. 1272-1276 - Samuel Kim, Shiva Sundaram, Panayiotis G. Georgiou, Shrikanth S. Narayanan:
Acoustic stopwords for unstructured audio information retrieval. 1277-1280 - Antonio Napolitano:
Interpolation and decimation of spectrally correlated stochastic processes. 1281-1285 - Corneliu Rusu, Alexandru Lodin, Adrian Lodin, Jaakko Astola:
Ordering minimum-phase sets: Numerical properties and systematic searches. 1286-1290 - Alvaro Guevara, Rudolf Mester:
Signal reconstruction from noisy, aliased, and nonideal samples: What linear MMSE approaches can achieve. 1291-1295 - Seda Senay, Luis F. Chaparro, Mingui Sun, Robert J. Sclabassi:
Adaptive level-crossing sampling and reconstruction. 1296-1300 - Izumi Ito, Hitoshi Kiya:
Symmetric correlation and its properties. 1301-1305 - Manuel Rosa-Zurera, María-Pilar Jarabo-Amores, Roberto Gil-Pita, Enrique Alexandre, Lucas Cuadra:
Application of diametrical clustering to tree-based matching pursuit for sinusoidal modeling. 1306-1310 - Usman Saeed, Jean-Luc Dugelay:
Temporally consistent key frame selection from video for face recognition. 1311-1315 - Keita Inoue, Kota Murahira, Akira Taguchi:
Improvement of the accuracy of linear interpolation for double expansion of images. 1316-1320 - Riadh Fezzani, Frédéric Champagnat, Guy Le Besnerais:
Clarifying the implementation of warping in the combined local global method for optic flow computation. 1321-1325 - Mohammad Golbabaee, Simon Arberet, Pierre Vandergheynst:
Multichannel compressed sensing via source separation for hyperspectral images. 1326-1329 - Vincent Toujas, Marc Donias, Yannick Berthoumieu:
Structure tensor field regularization based on geometric features. 1330-1334 - Alvaro Muro, Begoña García Zapirain, Amaia Méndez, Ibon Ruiz:
fMRI processing tool for the analysis, parametrisation and comparison of preprocessed SPM images. 1335-1339 - Oguzhan Yavuz, Sadiye Nergis Tural-Polat, Vedat Tavsanoglu:
On the simulation of time derivative cellular neural networks. 1340-1343 - Haiping Jiang, Julien Marot, Caroline Fossati, Salah Bourennane:
Fuzzy contour characterization by subspace based methods of array processing and direct method. 1344-1348 - Hanna Becker, Pierre Comon, Laurent Albera, Martin Haardt, Isabelle Merlet:
Multiway space-time-wave-vector analysis for source localization and extraction. 1349-1353 - Dong Han, Salah Bourennane, Caroline Fossati:
Localization of buried objects in underwater acoustic in presence of phase errors and unknown noise. 1354-1358 - H. Abeida, Tareq Y. Al-Nafouri:
Data-aided DOA estimation of single source with time-variant Rayleigh amplitudes. 1359-1363 - Martin Kreißig, Bin Yang:
Efficient synthesis of consistent graphs. 1364-1368 - Jean-Jacques Fuchs:
DOA estimation in the presence of unknown colored noise, the global matched filter approach. 1369-1373 - Bogdan Cristea:
Viterbi algorithm for iterative decoding of parallel concatenated convolutional codes. 1374-1378 - Jarmo Niskanen, Janne Janhunen, Markku J. Juntti:
Selective spanning with fast enumeration detector implementation reaching LTE requirements. 1379-1383 - Rodolfo Torrea Duran, David Novo, Claude Desset, Frederik Naessens, Liesbet Van der Perre:
Adaptive early-stopping threshold for LTE turbo decoder. 1384-1388 - Hyunggon Park, Nikolaos Thomos, Pascal Frossard:
Transmission of correlated information sources with network coding. 1389-1393 - Wen Ji, Makoto Hamaminato, Hiroshi Nakayama, Satoshi Goto:
A novel hardware-friendly self-adjustable offset min-sum algorithm for ISDB-S2 LDPC decoder. 1394-1398 - Jean Pierre Delmas, Soumaya Sallem, Pascal Chevalier:
Sensitiviy of SAIC and MAIC concepts to residual frequency offsets. 1399-1403 - Ali Kotti, Soumaya Meherzi, Sylvie Marcos, Safya Belghith:
Spatiotemporal chaotic sequences for asynchronous DS-UWB systems. 1404-1408 - Naim Khodor, Jean-Pierre Cances, Vahid Meghdadi, Raymond Quéré:
Theoretical expression of error event probability for a trellis chaos coded modulation concatenated with space-time blok code. 1409-1413 - Adrian Florin Paun, Calin Vladeanu, Ion Marghescu, Safwan El Assad, Alexandru Martian:
On the QAM parallel turbo-TCM schemes using recursive convolutional GF(2N) encoders. 1414-1418 - S. Jafarzadeh, M. Khatami, Farokh Marvasti:
Decoding real numbered block and convolutional codes with erasure and impulsive noise channels. 1419-1423 - T. Justin Shaw, George C. Valley:
Angle of arrival detection using compressive sensing. 1424-1428 - Jie Yang, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum, Moeness G. Amin:
Multi-view through-the-wall radar imaging using compressed sensing. 1429-1433 - Henry Arguello, Gonzalo R. Arce:
Code aperture design for compressive spectral imaging. 1434-1438 - Anthony Griffin, Toni Hirvonen, Athanasios Mouchtaris, Panagiotis Tsakalides:
Multichannel audio coding using sinusoidal modelling and compressed sensing. 1439-1443 - Anthony Griffin, Eleni Karamichali, Athanasios Mouchtaris:
Speaker identification using sparsely excited speech signals and compressed sensing. 1444-1448 - Elena Veronica Belmega, Samson Lasaulce, Mérouane Debbah, Are Hjørungnes:
Learning distributed power allocation policies in MIMO channels. 1449-1453 - Marcin Parzy, Hanna Bogucka:
Distributed spectrum allocation with the Cournot competition. 1454-1458 - Benjamín Béjar Haro, Pavle Belanovic, Santiago Zazo:
Cooperative localisation in wireless sensor networks using coalitional game theory. 1459-1463 - Stefano Buzzi, Alessio Zappone:
Transceiver optimization and power control in wireless data networks with femtocells: A potential game-theoretic approach. 1464-1468 - Simona Maggio, Hagai Kirshner, Michael Unser:
Continuous-time AR model identification: Does sampling rate really matter? 1469-1473 - Cédric Herzet, Angélique Dremeau:
Bayesian pursuit algorithms. 1474-1478 - Ron Shiff, Arie Yeredor:
Sparsity-based single-channel blind separation of superimposed AR processes. 1479-1483 - Bogdan Dumitrescu, Ioan Tabus:
Greedy RLS for sparse filters. 1484-1488 - Lalit K. Jiwani, Shiv Dutt Joshi, G. S. Visweswaran:
FFT based sign modulated DWT filter bank. 1489-1893 - Haopeng Li, Guoqiang Zhang, W. Bastiaan Kleijn:
Adaptive playout scheduling for VoIP using the k-Erlang distribution. 1494-1498 - Luca Canini, Sergio Benini, Riccardo Leonardi:
Interactive video mashup based on emotional identity. 1499-1503 - Afif Masmoudi, Mohamed Salim Bouhlel, William Puech:
A new image cryptosystem based on chaotic map and continued fractions. 1504-1508 - Pooneh Bagheri Zadeh, Cristian V. Serdean:
Stereo correspondence matching: Balanced multiwavelets versus unbalanced multiwavelets. 1509-1513 - Iker Sobrón, Mikel Mendicute, Jon Altuna:
Full-rate full-diversity space-frequency block coding for digital TV broadcasting. 1514-1518 - Chengshi Zheng, Yi Zhou, Xiaohu Hu, Xiaodong Li:
Speech enhancement based on the structure of noise power spectral density. 1519-1523 - Ramun Schmid, Guido M. Schuster:
A Kalman filter based noise suppression algorithm using speech and noise models derived from spatial information. 1524-1528 - Nobuaki Tanaka, Tetsuji Ogawa, Kenzo Akagiri, Tetsunori Kobayashi:
Development of zonal beamformer and its application to robot audition. 1529-1533 - Jani Even, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Kiyohiro Shikano, Tomoya Takatani:
Blind signal extraction based joint suppression of diffuse background noise and late reverberation. 1534-1538 - R. F. Chen, Cheung-Fat Chan, Hing-Cheung So:
Noise suppression based on an analysis-synthesis approach. 1539-1543 - Navin Chatlani, Eghart Fischer, John J. Soraghan:
Spatial noise reduction in binaural hearing aids. 1544-1548 - Arata Kawamura, Weerawut Thanhikam, Youji Iiguni:
A speech spectral estimator using adaptive speech probability density function. 1549-1552 - Yasmina Benabderrahmane, Sid-Ahmed Selouani, Douglas D. O'Shaughnessy:
Blind speech separation for convolutive mixtures using an oriented principal components analysis method. 1553-1557 - Frédéric Mustière, Martin Bouchard, Miodrag Bolic:
Efficient SNR-based subband post-processing for residual noise reduction in speech enhancement algorithms. 1558-1561 - Lihua Liu, Mounir Ghogho, Desmond C. McLernon, Weidong Hu:
Ballistic missile precessing frequency extraction based on maximum likelihood estimation. 1562-1566 - Jean-François Coeurjolly, Pierre-Olivier Amblard, Sophie Achard:
On multivariate fractional brownian motion and multivariate fractional Gaussian noise. 1567-1571 - Foad Ghaderi, Hamid Reza Mohseni, Saeid Sanei:
A fast second order blind identification method for separation of periodic sources. 1572-1576 - Mohd Zuki Yusoff:
Estimation of visual evoked potential latencies using Karhunen Loeve Transform method. 1577-1581 - Stefania Colonnese, Stefano Rinauro, Gaetano Scarano:
Maximum likelihood scale parameter estimation: An application to gain estimation for QAM constellations. 1582-1586 - Bingxin Shen, Mónica F. Bugallo, Petar M. Djuric:
Multiple marginalized population Monte Carlo. 1587-1591 - Clemens Buchacher, Joachim Wehinger, Mario Huemer:
A semi-blind base station power estimation algorithm for interference aware HSDPA receivers. 1592-1596 - M. Karthik, K. M. M. Prabhu, Piet C. W. Sommen, Brian Bloemendal:
Robust and efficient filterbank structure for reconstruction from recurrent nonuniform samples. 1597-1601 - Ghadir Madi, Baptiste Vrigneau, Yannis Pousset, Rodolphe Vauzelle, Basile L. Agba:
Impulsive noise of partial discharge and its impact on minimum distance-based precoder of MIMO system. 1602-1606 - Modris Greitans, Rolands Shavelis:
Reconstruction of sequences of arbitrary-shaped pulses from its low-pass or band-pass approximations using spectrum extrapolation. 1607-1611 - Emmanuel C. Manasseh, Shuichi Ohno, Masayoshi Nakamoto:
Pilot symbol design for channel estimation in MIMO-OFDM systems with null subcarriers. 1612-1616 - Wen Zhang, Mounir Ghogho:
Improved fast modified double-block zero-padding (FMDBZP) algorithm for weak GPS signal acquisition. 1617-1621 - Hussain F. Jaafar, Asoke K. Nandi, Waleed Al-Nuaimy:
Automated detection of exudates in retinal images using a split-and-merge algorithm. 1622-1626 - S. M. Akramus Salehin, Thushara D. Abhayapala:
Photoacoustic image reconstruction from a frequency-invariant source localization perspective. 1627-1631 - Yuexian Zou, Yili Chen, Yali Zheng:
A stimulus pattern extraction algorithm based on saliency map for a 625-channel retinal prosthesis system. 1632-1635 - Nozomi Hayashi, Akira Taguchi:
A novel feature extraction for IRIS identification using morphological skeleton. 1636-1639 - Taoufik Elmissaoui, Nabila Soudani, Ridha Bouallegue:
New Radar system in medicine. 1640-1644 - Shahin Akhter, M. A. Haque:
ECG comptression using run length encoding. 1645-1649 - Jan Odstrcilík, Radim Kolár, Vratislav Harabis, Jirí Gazárek, Jirí Jan:
Retinal nerve fiber layer analysis via Markov random fields texture modelling. 1650-1654 - Mark S. Nixon, Imed Bouchrika, Banafshe Arbab-Zavar, John N. Carter:
On use of biometrics in forensics: Gait and ear. 1655-1659 - Peter K. Larsen, Erik B. Simonsen, Niels Lynnerup:
Use of photogrammetry and biomechanical gait analysis to identify individuals. 1660-1664 - Federico Cervelli, Francesca Dardi, Sergio Carrato:
A translational and rotational invariant descriptor for automatic footwear retrieval of real cases shoe marks. 1665-1669 - Marinella Cadoni, Andrea Lagorio, Enrico Grosso, Massimo Tistarelli:
Exploiting 3D faces in biometric forensic recognition. 1670-1674 - Francesca Uccheddu, Alessia De Rosa, Alessandro Piva, Mauro Barni:
Detection of resampled images: Performance analysis and practical challenges. 1675-1679 - Bo Gao, Nigel M. Allinson:
A novel multiresolution-based hybrid approach for 3D footwear outsole feature classification and extraction. 1680-1684 - Soo-Chang Pei, Chien-Cheng Tseng:
Design of stable two-dimensional IIR notch filter using root map. 1685-1689 - Mariem Kallel Smaoui, Soma Bouajma Saied, Yousra Ben Jemaa, Meriem Jaïdane:
Sub-quantization/orthogonalization and optimization of algorithm-architecture adequacy for optimal polynomial filtering. 1690-1694 - Radu Matei, Daniela Matei:
Design and applications of 2D directional filters based on frequency transformations. 1695-1699 - Liying Wei, Rodney A. Kennedy:
On spectral concentration of signals on the 2-sphere under a generalized moment weighting criterion. 1700-1703 - Zaka Ullah Sheikh, Oscar Gustafsson:
Design of narrow-band and wide-band frequency-response masking filters using sparse non-periodic sub-filters. 1704-1707 - Jan Geldmacher, Jürgen Götze, Edmund Coersmeier:
Application and performance of joint cooperative Cell-ID localization and robust map matching. 1708-1712 - Eduardo Luiz Ortiz Batista, Orlando José Tobias, Rui Seara:
Efficient implementation of adaptive FIR-IFIR filters using the LMS algorithm. 1713-1717 - Sérgio J. M. de Almeida, Márcio Holsbach Costa, José Carlos M. Bermudez:
A theoretical model for the deficient order pseudo-affine projection algorithm. 1718-1722 - Tanya Le Sage, Axel Bindel, Paul P. Conway, Laura Justham, Siân Slawson, Andrew A. West:
Kalman filter design for application to an INS analysing swimmer performance. 1723-1727 - Jie Chen, Cédric Richard, Paul Honeine, Henri Lantéri, Céline Theys:
System identification under non-negativity constraints. 1728-1732 - Abdelmalek B. C. Zidouri:
Convergence analysis of a mixed controlled L2-LP adaptive algorithm. 1733-1736 - Maria Hansson-Sandsten:
Multi taper wigner distribution with predetermined Doppler-lag bandwidth and sidelobe suppression. 1737-1741 - Jiasong Wu, Lu Wang, Lotfi Senhadji, Huazhong Shu:
Sliding conjugate symmetric sequency-ordered complex hadamard transform: Fast algorithm and applications. 1742-1746 - Soo-Chang Pei, Jian-Jiun Ding, Pai-Wei Wang, Wen Fu Wang:
Hybrid fast algorithm for S transforms. 1747-1751 - Erol Önen, Aydin Akan, Luis F. Chaparro:
A discrete fractional evolutionary transform. 1752-1755 - Sultan Aldirmaz, Lutfiye Durak-Ata, Aydin Akan, Luis F. Chaparro:
A signal-adaptive discrete evolutionary transform. 1756-1760 - Jose Marcio Faier, José Manoel de Seixas:
Data quality monitoring: Independent component analysis for time series. 1761-1765 - Soo-Chang Pei, Yu-Zhe Hsiao:
Colour image edge detection using quaternion quantized localized phase. 1766-1770 - Kazuhiko Takahashi, Takashi Oida, Jun-ichiro Hori, Masafumi Hashimoto:
Remarks on markerless human motion capture using multiple images of 3D articulated human CG model. 1771-1775 - Desire Sidibé, David Fofi, Fabrice Mériaudeau:
Using visual saliency for object tracking with particle filters. 1776-1780 - Jean-Loïc Rose, Thomas Grenier, Chantal Revol-Muller, Christophe Odet:
Unifying variational approach and region growing segmentation. 1781-1785 - Rafik Bensalma, Mohamed-Chaker Larabi:
Towards acomprehensive color stereoscopic matching model based on HVS behavior. 1786-1790 - Shin-Cheol Jeong, Byung Cheol Song:
Training-based super-resolution algorithm using k-means clustering and detail enhancement. 1791-1795 - Zoya Landa, David Malah, Meir Barzohar:
2D object description and recognition based on contour matching by implicit polynomials. 1796-1800 - Raju Shrestha, Jon Yngve Hardeberg:
Multispectral image capture using two RGB cameras. 1801-1805 - Guy Berdugo, Omri Soceanu, Yair Moshe, Dmitry Rudoy, Itsik Dvir:
Object reidentification in real world scenarios across multiple non-overlapping cameras. 1806-1810 - B. B. A. J. Bloemendal, Jakob van de Laar, Piet C. W. Sommen:
Robust blind extraction of a signal with the best match to a prescribed autocorrelation. 1811-1815 - Yiming Ji, Changbin Yu, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Bias-correction method in bearing-only passive localization. 1816-1820 - M. Melzi, Abdelaziz Ouldali, Zahir Messaoudi:
Multiple target tracking using the extended Kalman particle probability hypothesis density filter. 1821-1825 - Chahinez Chaouchi, Yannick Deville, Shahram Hosseini:
Cumulant-based estimation of quadratic mixture parameters for blind source separation. 1826-1830 - Shahjahan Shahid, Rakesh Kumar Sinha, Girijesh Prasad:
A bispectrum approach to feature extraction for a motor imagery based brain-computer interfacing system. 1831-1835 - Gabriele Bleser, Gustaf Hendeby:
Using optical flow for filling the gaps in visual-inertial tracking. 1836-1840 - D. Ait-Allal, R. Weber, Cedric Dumez-Viou, I. Cognard, G. Theureau:
RFI mitigation implementation for pulsar radioastronomy. 1841-1845 - Naveed R. Butt, Mikael G. Nilsson, Andreas Jakobsson, Anna Pettersson, Sara Wallin, Henne Östmark:
An improved classification scheme for standoff detection of explosives via Raman spectroscopy. 1846-1850 - Cheung-Fat Chan, Eric W. M. Yu:
An abnormal sound detection and classification system for surveillance applications. 1851-1855 - Nick Johnson, Steve McLaughlin, John S. Thompson:
Path tracing in TOR networks. 1856-1860 - Yoshinao Ito, Akitoshi Itai, Hiroshi Yasukawa, Ichi Takumi, Masayasu Hata:
HMM based anomalous signal detection from ELF electromagnetic wave signals. 1861-1864 - Marius Vasile Ghiurcau, Corneliu Rusu, Jaakko Astola, Radu Ciprian Bilcu:
Towards an application for detecting intruders in wildlife regions. 1865-1868 - Gonzalo Vaca-Castano, Domingo Rodríguez, Julio Castillo, Kejie Lu, Alejandro Rios, Fernando Bird:
A framework for bioacoustical species classification in a versatile service-oriented wireless mesh network. 1869-1873 - Soo-Chang Pei, Jian-Jiun Ding, Kuo-Wei Chang:
Eigenfunctions, eigenvalues, and fractionalization of the quaternion and biquaternion fourier transforms. 1874-1878 - Vladimir Stankovic, Lina Stankovic, Samuel Cheng:
Distributed source coding: Theory and applications. 1879-1883 - Vijayaraghavan Thirumalai, Pascal Frossard:
Joint reconstruction of correlated images from compressed linear measurements. 1884-1888 - Velotiaray Toto-Zarasoa, Aline Roumy, Christine Guillemot:
Non-uniform source modeling for distributed video coding. 1889-1893 - Kumar Viswanatha, Emrah Akyol, Sharadh Ramaswamy, Kenneth Rose:
Distributed source coding and dispersive information routing: An integrated approach with networking and database applications. 1894-1898 - Dushyant Sharma, Gaston Hilkhuysen, Nikolay D. Gaubitch, Patrick A. Naylor, Mike Brookes, Mark A. Huckvale:
Data driven method for non-intrusive speech intelligibility estimation. 1899-1903 - Nima Yousefian, Kostas Kokkinakis, Philipos C. Loizou:
A coherence-based algorithm for noise reduction in dual-microphone applications. 1904-1908 - Ulrik Kjems, Michael Syskind Pedersen, Jesper Bünsow Boldt, Thomas Lunner, DeLiang Wang:
Speech intelligibility of ideal binary masked mixtures. 1909-1913 - Gaston Hilkhuysen, Mark A. Huckvale:
Signal properties reducing intelligibility of speech after noise reduction. 1914-1918 - Bastian Sauert, Peter Vary:
Near end listening enhancement optimized with respect to speech intelligibility index and audio power limitations. 1919-1923 - Andrew Hines, Naomi Harte:
Evaluating sensorineural hearing loss with an auditory nerve model using a mean structural similarity measure. 1924-1928 - Haohai Sun, Shefeng Yan, U. Peter Svensson, Audun Solvang, Johan L. Nielsen:
Achievable maximum-directivity beamforming for spherical microphone arrays with random array errors. 1929-1933 - Bob L. Sturm, Guillaume DeFrance:
Detection and estimation of arrivals in room impulse responses by greedy sparse approximation. 1934-1938 - Paolo Peretti, Laura Romoli, Stefania Cecchi, Lorenzo Palestini, Francesco Piazza:
Phase approximation of linear geometry driving functions for sound field synthesis. 1939-1943 - Liang Wang, Andy W. H. Khong, Woon-Seng Gan:
On the conditioning of the propagation function in a near-field loudspeaker array. 1944-1948 - Ying Song, Susanto Rahardja:
Beamforming of circular microphone array with sound absorbent cylinder. 1949-1952 - Bram Cornelis, Marc Moonen, Jan Wouters:
A QRD-RLS based frequency domain multichannel wiener filter algorithm for noise reduction in hearing aids. 1953-1957 - Yasuharu Hashimoto, Masahiko Mikawa, Kazuyo Tanaka:
Sound propagation direction control using three configurations of two-dimensional loudspeaker arrays. 1958-1962 - Albenzio Cirillo, Raffaele Parisi, Michele Scarpiniti, Aurelio Uncini:
Simplified optimal line selection for acoustic localization in the presence of reverberation. 1963-1967 - Finnian Kelly, Naomi Harte:
A comparison of auditory features for robust speech recognition. 1968-1972 - Sami Keronen, Ulpu Remes, Kalle J. Palomäki, Tuomas Virtanen, Mikko Kurimo:
Comparison of noise robust methods in large vocabulary speech recognition. 1973-1977 - Tomas Dekens, Werner Verhelst, François Capman, Frédéric Beaugendre:
Improved speech recognition in noisy environments by using a throat microphone for accurate voicing detection. 1978-1982 - Roland Maas, Armin Sehr, Martin Gugat, Walter Kellermann:
A highly efficient optimization scheme for REMOS-based distant-talking speech recognition. 1983-1987 - Seliz Gulsen Karadogan, Jan Larsen, Michael Syskind Pedersen, Jesper Bünsow Boldt:
Robust isolated speech recognition using binary masks. 1988-1992 - Chang Huai You, Haizhou Li, Kong-Aik Lee:
A GMM-supervector approach to language recognition with adaptive relevance factor. 1993-1997 - Virginia Estellers, Paul M. Baggenstoss, Jean-Philippe Thiran:
Class-specific classifiers in audio-visual speech recognition. 1998-2002 - Gang Liu, Yun Lei, John H. L. Hansen:
Dialect identification: Impact of differences between read versus spontaneous speech. 2003-2006 - Hamed Ketabdar:
Improving posterior based confidence measures using enhanced local posteriors. 2007-2011 - Stefania Colonnese, Nicolas Herrero, Lorenzo Rossi, Gaetano Scarano:
Poliphase subsampling multiple description coding using robust edge-preserving interpolation. 2012-2016 - Liu Song, Dajiang Zhou, Xin Jin, Satoshi Goto:
A constant rate bandwidth reduction architecture with adaptive compression mode decision for video decoding. 2017-2021 - Adel Ahmadi, Hojjat Salehinejad, Siamak Talebi, Faroukh Koroupi:
Improved initial value prediction for global motion estimation. 2022-2026 - Rudi Primorac, Moshe Porat:
A new approach to color video coding using spatio-temporal correlation of primary colors. 2027-2031 - Ora Gendler, Moshe Porat:
Toward optimal video transcoding. 2032-2036 - Clément Strauss, François Pasteau, Marie Babel, Olivier Déforges, Laurent Bédat:
Improved image partitioning for compression and representation using the lab color space in the LAR image codec. 2037-2041 - Ralph Hänsel, Erika Müller:
Confidence features extraction for Wyner-Ziv video decoding. 2042-2046 - Stefano Asioli, Naeem Ramzan, Ebroul Izquierdo:
A novel technique for efficient peer-to-peer scalable video transmission. 2047-2051 - Ichiro Matsuda, Kyohei Unno, Hisashi Aomori, Susumu Itoh:
Block-based spatio-temporal prediction for video coding. 2052-2056 - Shinya Shimizu, Hideaki Kimata:
View synthesis motion estimation for multiview distributed video coding. 2057-2061 - Gerhard Doblinger:
Optimization of wideband fixed beamformers with adaptive sensor calibration. 2062-2066 - Ken'ichi Kumatani, Liang Lu, John W. McDonough, Arnab Ghoshal, Dietrich Klakow:
Maximum negentropy beamforming with superdirectivity. 2067-2071 - Xin Zhang, Wee Ser, Hiroshi Harada:
Adaptive circular beamforming using multi-beam structure. 2072-2076 - Yong Zhao, Wei Liu, Richard J. Langley:
Adaptive wideband beamforming with response variation constraints. 2077-2081 - Myung Jong Kim, Sung-Joo Lee, Hoirin Kim, Hyung Soon Kim:
A robust target signal detector based on statistical models using binaural cross-similarity information. 2082-2086 - Wei Liu:
Implementation of a wideband beamformer based on a rectangular array with spatial-only information. 2087-2090 - Jesper Rindom Jensen, Mads Græsbøll Christensen, Søren Holdt Jensen:
Joint DOA and fundamental frequency estimation methods based on 2-D filtering. 2091-2095 - Marco Crocco, Andrea Trucco:
A synthesis method for robust frequency-invariant very large bandwidth beamforming. 2096-2100 - Heinz Hofbauer, Andreas Uhl:
Selective encryption of the MC-EZBC bitstream and residual information. 2101-2105 - Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl:
(In)secure multimedia transmission over RTP. 2106-2110 - Alessandro Neri, Daniele Blasi, Patrizio Campisi, Emanuele Maiorana:
Joint authentication and forward error correction of still images. 2111-2115 - Zafar Shahid, Marc Chaumont, William Puech:
Over the real-time selective encryption of AVS video coding standard. 2116-2120 - Pepe Gil-Cacho, Toon van Waterschoot, Marc Moonen, Søren Holdt Jensen:
Multi-microphone acoustic echo cancellation using multi-channel warped linear prediction of common acoustical poles. 2121-2125 - Gerald Enzner:
Bayesian inference model for applications of time-varying acoustic system identification. 2126-2130 - Christine Evers, James R. Hopgood:
Articulatory based speech models for blind speech dereverberation using sequential Monte Carlo methods. 2131-2135 - Kristiaan Pelckmans, Toon van Waterschoot, Johan A. K. Suykens:
Efficient adaptive filtering for smooth linear FIR models. 2136-2140 - Francesca Bassi, Michel Kieffer, Claudio Weidmann:
Wyner-Ziv coding with uncertain side information quality. 2141-2145 - Lina Stankovic, Vladimir Stankovic, Shuang Wang, Samuel Cheng:
Distributed video coding with particle filtering for correlation tracking. 2146-2150 - Marco Grangetto, Enrico Magli, Gabriella Olmo:
Security applications of distributed arithmetic coding. 2151-2155 - Giovanni Petrazzuoli, Marco Cagnazzo, Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu:
Fast and efficient side information generation in distributed video coding by using dense motion representations. 2156-2160 - João Ascenso, Catarina Brites, Frédéric Dufaux, Anil Fernando, Touradj Ebrahimi, Fernando Pereira, Stefano Tubaro:
The VISNET II DVC codec: Architecture, tools and performance. 2161-2165 - Ljiljana D. Milic, Jovanka Gajica:
A computer model of the impulse noise produced by operation of breakers and switches in power electric system. 2166-2170 - Thomas Kurbiel, Daniel J. Alfsmann, Heinz G. Göckler:
Iteratively reweighted design of oversampling complex-modulated filter-banks for high output-signal quality. 2171-2175 - Djordje Babic, Heinz G. Göckler:
Polynomial-based digital filters as prototype filters in DFT modulated filter banks. 2176-2180 - Stephan Weiss, Andrew P. Millar, Robert W. Stewart, Malcolm D. Macleod:
Performance of transmultiplexers based on oversampled filter banks under variable oversampling ratios. 2181-2185 - Leonardo Gomes Baltar, Amine Mezghani, Josef A. Nossek:
MLSE and MMSE subchannel equalization for filter bank based multicarrier systems: Coded and uncoded results. 2186-2190 - Alexander Schasse, Rainer Martin:
Localization of acoustic sources based on the Teager-Kaiser Energy Operator. 2191-2195

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