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BMC Bioinformatics, Volume 5
Volume 5, 2004
- Andrew Butterfield, Vivek Vedagiri, Edward Lang, Cath Lawrence, Matthew J. Wakefield
, Alexander Isaev, Gavin A. Huttley
PyEvolve: a toolkit for statistical modelling of molecular evolution. 1 - Vadim Alexandrov, Mark Gerstein:
Using 3D Hidden Markov Models that explicitly represent spatial coordinates to model and compare protein structures. 2 - Bin Li
, Warren J. Gallin:
VKCDB: Voltage-gated potassium channel database. 3 - France Denoeud
, Gilles Vergnaud
Identification of polymorphic tandem repeats by direct comparison of genome sequence from different bacterial strains : a web-based resource. 4 - Tomokazu Konishi:
Three-parameter lognormal distribution ubiquitously found in cDNA microarray data and its application to parametric data treatment. 5 - Daniel A. Pollard, Casey M. Bergman
, Jens Stoye
, Susan E. Celniker, Michael B. Eisen
Benchmarking tools for the alignment of functional noncoding DNA. 6 - Benjamin Schuster-Böckler
, Jörg Schultz, Sven Rahmann
HMM Logos for visualization of protein families. 7 - Estienne C. Swart
, Winston A. Hide
, Cathal Seoighe:
FRAGS: estimation of coding sequence substitution rates from fragmentary data. 8 - Romesh Stanislaus, Liu Hong Jiang, Martha Swartz, John M. Arthur
, Jonas S. Almeida:
An XML standard for the dissemination of annotated 2D gel electrophoresis data complemented with mass spectrometry results. 9 - Radu Dobrin
, Qasim K. Beg, Albert-László Barabási, Zoltán N. Oltvai:
Aggregation of topological motifs in the Escherichia coli transcriptional regulatory network. 10 - Erich J. Baker, Leslie Galloway, Barbara Jackson, Denise Schmoyer, Jay Snoddy:
MuTrack: a genome analysis system for large-scale mutagenesis in the mouse. 11 - Andreas Petri, Jan Fleckner, Mads Wichmann Matthiessen:
Array-A-Lizer: A serial DNA microarray quality analyzer. 12 - Bryan Chi, Ronald J. deLeeuw, Bradley P. Coe
, Calum MacAulay
, Wan L. Lam:
SeeGH - A software tool for visualization of whole genome array comparative genomic hybridization data. 13 - Afshin Nadershahi, Scott C. Fahrenkrug
, Lynda B. M. Ellis:
Comparison of computational methods for identifying translation initiation sites in EST data. 14 - Sara Light, Per Kraulis
Network analysis of metabolic enzyme evolution in Escherichia coli. 15 - Bing Zhang, Denise Schmoyer, Stefan Kirov, Jay Snoddy:
GOTree Machine (GOTM): a web-based platform for interpreting sets of interesting genes using Gene Ontology hierarchies. 16 - Zhenjun Hu, Joseph C. Mellor, Jie Wu, Charles DeLisi:
VisANT: an online visualization and analysis tool for biological interaction data. 17 - Dominic J. Allocco, Isaac S. Kohane, Atul J. Butte
Quantifying the relationship between co-expression, co-regulation and gene function. 18 - Jules J. Berman, Milton W. Datta, André Alexander Kajdacsy-Balla, Jonathan Melamed
, Jan Orenstein, Kevin Dobbin, Ashok Patel, Rajiv Dhir, Michael J. Becich:
The tissue microarray data exchange specification: implementation by the Cooperative Prostate Cancer Tissue Resource. 19 - Gaëlle Lelandais, Philippe Marc
, Pierre Vincens
, Claude Jacq, Stéphane Vialette:
MiCoViTo: a tool for gene-centric comparison and visualization of yeast transcriptome states. 20 - Kamesh Munagala, Robert Tibshirani, Patrick O. Brown:
Cancer characterization and feature set extraction by discriminative margin clustering. 21 - Rainer Merkl
SIGI: score-based identification of genomic islands. 22 - Shaun Mahony
, James O. McInerney, Terry J. Smith
, Aaron Golden:
Gene prediction using the Self-Organizing Map: automatic generation of multiple gene models. 23 - David Adalsteinsson, David R. McMillen
, Timothy C. Elston:
Biochemical Network Stochastic Simulator (BioNetS): software for stochastic modeling of biochemical networks. 24 - Remko de Knikker, Youjun Guo, Jin-Long Li, Albert K. H. Kwan, Kevin Y. Yip
, David W. Cheung, Kei-Hoi Cheung:
A web services choreography scenario for interoperating bioinformatics applications. 25 - Michael Wagner
, Dayanand N. Naik, Alex Pothen
, Srinivas Kasukurti, Raghu Ram Devineni, Bao-Ling Adam, O. John Semmes, George L. Wright Jr.:
Computational protein biomarker prediction: a case study for prostate cancer. 26 - Henry R. Bigelow, Adam S. Wenick, Allan Wong, Oliver Hobert
CisOrtho: A program pipeline for genome-wide identification of transcription factor target genes using phylogenetic footprinting. 27 - Shashi B. Pandit
, Rana Bhadra, V. S. Gowri, S. Balaji, B. Anand
, Narayanaswamy Srinivasan:
SUPFAM: A database of sequence superfamilies of protein domains. 28 - Pantelis G. Bagos
, Theodore Liakopoulos, Ioannis C. Spyropoulos, Stavros J. Hamodrakas:
A Hidden Markov Model method, capable of predicting and discriminating beta-barrel outer membrane proteins. 29 - Jan C. Biro, Josephine M. K. Biro:
Frequent occurrence of recognition Site-like sequences in the restriction endonucleases. 30 - Feng Gao, Barrett C. Foat, Harmen J. Bussemaker:
Defining transcriptional networks through integrative modeling of mRNA expression and transcription factor binding data. 31 - Petri Törönen:
Selection of informative clusters from hierarchical cluster tree with gene classes. 32 - Alberto Riva
, Isaac S. Kohane:
A SNP-centric database for the investigation of the human genome. 33 - Rainer Breitling
, Anna Amtmann
, Pawel Herzyk:
Iterative Group Analysis (iGA): A simple tool to enhance sensitivity and facilitate interpretation of microarray experiments. 34 - Anirban Bhaduri, Ganesan Pugalenthi
, Ramanathan Sowdhamini:
PASS2: an automated database of protein alignments organised as structural superfamilies. 35 - Ching Yu Austin Huang, Joel F. Studebaker, Anton Yuryev
, Jianping Huang, Kathryn E. Scott, Jennifer Kuebler, Shobha Varde, Steven Alfisi, Craig A. Gelfand, Mark Pohl, Michael T. Boyce-Jacino:
Auto-validation of fluorescent primer extension genotyping assay using signal clustering and neural networks. 36 - Artem Cherkasov, Steven J. M. Jones:
Structural characterization of genomes by large scale sequence-structure threading. 37 - Lan V. Zhang, Sharyl L. Wong, Oliver D. King, Frederick P. Roth
Predicting co-complexed protein pairs using genomic and proteomic data integration. 38 - Alexander V. Diemand, Holger Scheib:
MolTalk - a programming library for protein structures and structure analysis. 39 - Sohrab P. Shah, David Y. M. He, Jessica N. Sawkins, Jeffrey C. Druce, Gerald T. Quon
, Drew Lett, Grace X. Y. Zheng, Tao Xu, B. F. Francis Ouellette
Pegasys: software for executing and integrating analyses of biological sequences. 40 - Marc N. Offman, Ramil N. Nurtdinov
, Mikhail S. Gelfand
, Dmitrij Frishman:
No statistical support for correlation between the positions of protein interaction sites and alternatively spliced regions. 41 - Leah Barrera, Chris Benner, Yong-Chuan Tao, Elizabeth A. Winzeler
, Yingyao Zhou:
Leveraging two-way probe-level block design for identifying differential gene expression with high-density oligonucleotide arrays. 42 - Olga V. Matveeva, Brian T. Foley
, Vladimir A. Nemtsov, Raymond F. Gesteland, Senya Matsufuji, John F. Atkins
, Aleksey Y. Ogurtsov
, Svetlana A. Shabalina
Identification of regions in multiple sequence alignments thermodynamically suitable for targeting by consensus oligonucleotides: application to HIV genome. 44 - Timothy J. Harlow, J. Peter Gogarten
, Mark A. Ragan
A hybrid clustering approach to recognition of protein families in 114 microbial genomes. 45 - Guohui Zhou, Xinyu Wen, Hang Liu, Michael J. Schlicht, Martin J. Hessner, Peter J. Tonellato, Milton W. Datta:
B.E.A.R. GeneInfo: A tool for identifying gene-related biomedical publications through user modifiable queries. 46 - Jörg Rahnenführer
, Daniel Bozinov:
Hybrid clustering for microarray image analysis combining intensity and shape features. 47 - Timothy Hughes, Young Hyun, David A. Liberles:
Visualising very large phylogenetic trees in three dimensional hyperbolic space. 48 - Christopher S. Coffey, Patricia R. Hebert, Marylyn D. Ritchie, Harlan M. Krumholz, J. Michael Gaziano, Paul M. Ridker, Nancy J. Brown, Douglas E. Vaughan, Jason H. Moore
An application of conditional logistic regression and multifactor dimensionality reduction for detecting gene-gene Interactions on risk of myocardial infarction: The importance of model validation. 49 - Allegra Via, Manuela Helmer-Citterich
A structural study for the optimisation of functional motifs encoded in protein sequences. 50 - Shandar Ahmad
, M. Michael Gromiha, Hamed Fawareh
, Akinori Sarai:
ASAView: Database and tool for solvent accessibility representation in proteins. 51 - Srikanth Celamkoti, Sashidhara Kundeti, Anjan Purkayastha, Raja Mazumder
, Charles Buck, Donald Seto:
GeneOrder3.0: Software for comparing the order of genes in pairs of small bacterial genomes. 52 - Igor Dozmorov, Nicholas Knowlton
, Yuhong Tang, Michael Centola
Statistical monitoring of weak spots for improvement of normalization and ratio estimates in microarrays. 53 - Jeffrey P. Townsend
Resolution of large and small differences in gene expression using models for the Bayesian analysis of gene expression levels and spotted DNA microarrays. 54 - Vincent Nègre, Christoph Grunau
eL-DASionator: an LDAS upload file generator. 55 - Lachlan James M. Coin
, Alex Bateman
, Richard Durbin
Enhanced protein domain discovery using taxonomy. 56 - Davide Corà
, Ferdinando Di Cunto
, Paolo Provero, Lorenzo Silengo, Michele Caselle
Computational identification of transcription factor binding sites by functional analysis of sets of genes sharing overrep-resented upstream motifs. 57 - Laurent Fourrier, Cristina Benros, Alexandre G. de Brevern
Use of a structural alphabet for analysis of short loops connecting repetitive structures. 58 - Ian Korf:
Gene finding in novel genomes. 59 - Kellie J. Archer
, Catherine I. Dumur
, Viswanathan Ramakrishnan:
Graphical technique for identifying a monotonic variance stabilizing transformation for absolute gene intensity signals. 60 - Artem Cherkasov, Steven J. M. Jones
An approach to large scale identification of non-obvious structural similarities between proteins. 61 - Gavin C. Conant
, Andreas Wagner:
A fast algorithm for determining the best combination of local alignments to a query sequence. 62 - Tristan Mary-Huard, Jean-Jacques Daudin, Stéphane Robin, Frédérique Bitton, Eric Cabannes, Pierre Hilson:
Spotting effect in microarray experiments. 63 - Yvan Saeys
, Sven Degroeve, Dirk Aeyels, Pierre Rouzé, Yves Van de Peer
Feature selection for splice site prediction: A new method using EDA-based feature ranking. 64 - Gordana Pavlovic-Lazetic, Nenad S. Mitic
, Milos V. Beljanski:
Bioinformatics analysis of SARS coronavirus genome polymorphism. 65 - Qinghua Cui, Tianzi Jiang, Bing Liu
, Songde Ma:
Esub8: A novel tool to predict protein subcellular localizations in eukaryotic organisms. 66 - Meena K. Sakharkar, Pandjassarame Kangueane
Genome SEGE: A database for 'intronless' genes in eukaryotic genomes. 67 - Andrea Bisognin
, Stefania Bortoluzzi
, Gian Antonio Danieli:
Detection of chromosomal regions showing differential gene expression in human skeletal muscle and in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. 68 - Thomas Lütteke
, Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth:
pdb-care (PDB CArbohydrate REsidue check): a program to support annotation of complex carbohydrate structures in PDB files. 69 - Yingchun Liu, Markus Ringnér
Multiclass discovery in array data. 70 - Robin D. Dowell
, Sean R. Eddy
Evaluation of several lightweight stochastic context-free grammars for RNA secondary structure prediction. 71 - Lars Kiemer, Ole Lund
, Søren Brunak
, Nikolaj Blom
Coronavirus 3CLpro proteinase cleavage sites: Possible relevance to SARS virus pathology. 72 - Daniel A. Pollard, Casey M. Bergman, Jens Stoye
, Susan E. Celniker, Michael B. Eisen
Correction: Benchmarking tools for the alignment of functional noncodingDNA. 73 - Junbai Wang, Leonardo A. Meza-Zepeda, Stine H. Kresse, Ola Myklebost
M-CGH: Analysing microarray-based CGH experiments. 74 - Drew Lett, Michael Hsing, Frederic Pio
Interaction profile-based protein classification of death domain. 75 - Michelle L. Green, Peter D. Karp
A Bayesian method for identifying missing enzymes in predicted metabolic pathway databases. 76 - Helene H. Thygesen, Aeilko H. Zwinderman:
Comparing transformation methods for DNA microarray data. 77 - Kai Huang, Robert F. Murphy:
Boosting accuracy of automated classification of fluorescence microscope images for location proteomics. 78 - Francesca Diella, Scott Cameron
, Christine Gemünd, Rune Linding, Allegra Via, Bernhard Küster
, Thomas Sicheritz-Pontén
, Nikolaj Blom
, Toby J. Gibson
Phospho.ELM: A database of experimentally verified phosphorylation sites in eukaryotic proteins. 79 - Barry Zeeberg, Joseph Riss, David W. Kane, Kimberly J. Bussey
, Edward Uchio, W. Marston Linehan, J. Carl Barrett, John N. Weinstein
Mistaken Identifiers: Gene name errors can be introduced inadvertently when using Excel in bioinformatics. 80 - Hongying Jiang, Youping Deng
, Huann-Sheng Chen
, Lin Tao, Qiuying Sha, Jun Chen, Chung-Jui Tsai
, Shuanglin Zhang:
Joint analysis of two microarray gene-expression data sets to select lung adenocarcinoma marker genes. 81 - Tomokazu Konishi:
Correction: Three-parameter lognormal distribution ubiquitously found in cDNA microarray data and its application to parametric data treatment. 82 - Lisa C. Romero, Thanh Vinh Nguyen, Benoit Deville, Oluwasanmi Ogunjumo, Anthony A. James
The MB2 gene family of Plasmodium species has a unique combination of S1 and GTP-binding domains. 83 - Eric H. Baehrecke, Niem Dang, Ketan Babaria, Ben Shneiderman:
Visualization and analysis of microarray and gene ontology data with treemaps. 84 - Hao Zhu, Peter Y. H. Pang, Yan Sun, Pawan Dhar:
Asynchronous adaptive time step in quantitative cellular automata modeling. 85 - Keith A. Jolley
, Man-Suen Chan, Martin C. J. Maiden
mlstdbNet - distributed multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) databases. 86 - R. Henrik Nilsson
, Balaji Rajashekar, Karl-Henrik Larsson, Björn M. Ursing:
galaxieEST: addressing EST identity through automated phylogenetic analysis. 87 - Daniela Fera, Namhee Kim, Nahum Shiffeldrim, Julie Zorn, Uri Laserson, Hin Hark Gan, Tamar Schlick
RAG: RNA-As-Graphs web resource. 88 - Peisen Zhang, Huitao Sheng, Ryuhei Uehara
A double classification tree search algorithm for index SNP selection. 89 - Oleg N. Reva
, Burkhard Tümmler:
Global features of sequences of bacterial chromosomes, plasmids and phages revealed by analysis of oligonucleotide usage patterns. 90 - Luis Sánchez-Pulido
, Ana María Rojas, Karel H. M. van Wely
, Carlos Martínez-A, Alfonso Valencia
SPOC: A widely distributed domain associated with cancer, apoptosis and transcription. 91 - Matthias Wjst:
Target SNP selection in complex disease association studies. 92 - Matthew J. Cockerill
Delayed impact: ISI's citation tracking choices are keeping scientists in the dark. 93 - Olivier Andrieu, Anna-Sophie Fiston
, Dominique Anxolabéhère, Hadi Quesneville
Detection of transposable elements by their compositional bias. 94 - Marie-Christine Brun, Carl Herrmann
, Alain Guénoche:
Clustering proteins from interaction networks for the prediction of cellular functions. 95 - Ryan Brodie, Alex J. Smith, Rachel L. Roper
, Vasily Tcherepanov, Chris Upton
Base-By-Base: Single nucleotide-level analysis of whole viral genome alignments. 96 - Dankyu Yoon, Sung-Gon Yi, Ju-Han Kim, Taesung Park:
Two-stage normalization using background intensities in cDNA microarray data. 97 - Dariusz Plewczynski
, Leszek Rychlewski, Yuzhen Ye, Lukasz Jaroszewski, Adam Godzik
Integrated web service for improving alignment quality based on segments comparison. 98 - Bin Yao, Sanjay N. Rakhade, Qunfang Li, Sharlin Ahmed, Raul Krauss, Sorin Draghici
, Jeffrey A. Loeb:
Accuracy of cDNA microarray methods to detect small gene expression changes induced by neuregulin on breast epithelial cells. 99 - Rainer Breitling
, Anna Amtmann
, Pawel Herzyk:
Graph-based iterative Group Analysis enhances microarray interpretation. 100 - Artem Cherkasov, Shannan J. Ho Sui, Robert C. Brunham, Steven J. M. Jones:
Structural characterization of genomes by large scale sequence-structure threading: application of reliability analysis in structural genomics. 101 - Baozhen Qiao, Ronald M. Weigel:
A computer simulation analysis of the accuracy of partial genome sequencing and restriction fragment analysis in estimating genetic relationships: an application to papillomavirus DNA sequences. 102 - Chao Lu:
Improving the scaling normalization for high-density oligonucleotide GeneChip expression microarrays. 103 - Jens Reeder, Robert Giegerich:
Design, implementation and evaluation of a practical pseudoknot folding algorithm based on thermodynamics. 104 - Kishore J. Doshi, Jamie J. Cannone, Christian W. Cobaugh, Robin Ray Gutell
Evaluation of the suitability of free-energy minimization using nearest-neighbor energy parameters for RNA secondary structure prediction. 105 - Ruslan Sadreyev, Nick V. Grishin:
Estimates of statistical significance for comparison of individual positions in multiple sequence alignments. 106 - Roberto H. Higa, Roberto C. Togawa
, Arnaldo J. Montagner, Juliana F. Palandrani, Igor K. S. Okimoto, Paula R. Kuser, Michel E. B. Yamagishi
, Adauto L. Mancini, Goran Neshich:
STING Millennium Suite: integrated software for extensive analyses of 3d structures of proteins and their complexes. 107 - Bahrad A. Sokhansanj
, J. Patrick Fitch, Judy N. Quong, Andrew A. Quong:
Linear fuzzy gene network models obtained from microarray data by exhaustive search. 108 - Shane C. Dillon, Alex Bateman
The Hotdog fold: wrapping up a superfamily of thioesterases and dehydratases. 109 - James Lyons-Weiler
, Satish Patel, Michael J. Becich, Tony E. Godfrey
Tests for finding complex patterns of differential expression in cancers: towards individualized medicine. 110 - Laurent Gautier
, Morten Møller, Lennart Friis-Hansen
, Steen Knudsen:
Alternative mapping of probes to genes for Affymetrix chips. 111 - Jibin Sun
, An-Ping Zeng
IdentiCS - Identification of coding sequence and in silico reconstruction of the metabolic network directly from unannotated low-coverage bacterial genome sequence. 112 - Robert C. Edgar:
MUSCLE: a multiple sequence alignment method with reduced time and space complexity. 113 - Alexandre G. de Brevern
, Serge A. Hazout, Alain Malpertuy:
Influence of microarrays experiments missing values on the stability of gene groups by hierarchical clustering. 114 - Zhaoyang Feng, Christopher J. Cronin
, John H. Wittig Jr., Paul W. Sternberg, William R. Schafer
An imaging system for standardized quantitative analysis of C. elegans behavior. 115 - Arunachalam Vinayagam
, Rainer König, Jutta Moormann, Falk Schubert, Roland Eils
, Karl-Heinz Glatting, Sándor Suhai:
Applying Support Vector Machines for Gene ontology based gene function prediction. 116 - Kristian Flikka
, Fekadu Yadetie
, Astrid Lægreid, Inge Jonassen
XHM: A system for detection of potential cross hybridizations in DNA microarrays. 117 - Carsten O. Daub
, Ralf Steuer
, Joachim Selbig, Sebastian Kloska:
Estimating mutual information using B-spline functions - an improved similarity measure for analysing gene expression data. 118 - Ricardo Z. N. Vêncio
, Helena Paula Brentani
, Diogo F. C. Patrão
, Carlos A. de B. Pereira:
Bayesian model accounting for within-class biological variability in Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE). 119 - Yasuyuki Tomita, Shuta Tomida
, Yuko Hasegawa, Yoichi Suzuki, Taro Shirakawa, Takeshi Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Honda:
Artificial neural network approach for selection of susceptible single nucleotide polymorphisms and construction of prediction model on childhood allergic asthma. 120 - Huajun Wang, Hui Huang:
SED, a normalization free method for DNA microarray data analysis. 121 - Xinghua Lu, Chengxiang Zhai, Vanathi Gopalakrishnan
, Bruce G. Buchanan:
Automatic annotation of protein motif function with Gene Ontology terms. 122 - Richard J. Edwards
, Denis C. Shields:
GASP: Gapped Ancestral Sequence Prediction for proteins. 123 - Michael V. Osier, Hongyu Zhao
, Kei-Hoi Cheung:
Handling multiple testing while interpreting microarrays with the Gene Ontology Database. 124 - Julie Aubert, Avner Bar-Hen, Jean-Jacques Daudin, Stéphane Robin:
Determination of the differentially expressed genes in microarray experiments using local FDR. 125 - Sudhir Varma
, Richard Simon:
Iterative class discovery and feature selection using Minimal Spanning Trees. 126 - Anuradha Vivekanandan Giri, Sharmila Anishetty, Pennathur Gautam
Functionally specified protein signatures distinctive for each of the different blue copper proteins. 127 - Martin Schmollinger, Kay Nieselt
, Michael Kaufmann, Burkhard Morgenstern
DIALIGN P: Fast pair-wise and multiple sequence alignment using parallel processors. 128 - Saurabh Sinha, Mark D. Schroeder, Ulrich Unnerstall, Ulrike Gaul, Eric D. Siggia:
Cross-species comparison significantly improves genome-wide prediction of cis-regulatory modules in Drosophila. 129 - Sook Jung, Christopher Jesudurai, Margaret Staton, Zhidian Du, Stephen P. Ficklin
, Ilhyung Cho, Albert G. Abbott, Jeffrey Tomkins, Dorrie Main:
GDR (Genome Database for Rosaceae): integrated web resources for Rosaceae genomics and genetics research. 130 - Thomas A. Down, Tim J. P. Hubbard:
What can we learn from noncoding regions of similarity between genomes? 131 - Michael P. Cummings, Daniel S. Myers:
Simple statistical models predict C-to-U edited sites in plant mitochondrial RNA. 132 - Mark W. E. J. Fiers, Gijs A. Kleter, Herman Nijland, Jan Peter Nap, Roeland C. H. J. van Ham:
Allermatch(tm), a webtool for the prediction of potential allergenicity according to current FAO/WHO Codex alimentarius guidelines. 133 - Yanlin Huang, David Kowalski:
PATTERNFINDER: combined analysis of DNA regulatory sequences and double-helix stability. 134 - Gustavo Camps-Valls
, Alistair M. Chalk
, Antonio J. Serrano-López
, José David Martín-Guerrero
, Erik L. L. Sonnhammer
Profiled support vector machines for antisense oligonucleotide efficacy prediction. 135 - Bing Liu
, Qinghua Cui, Tianzi Jiang, Songde Ma:
A combinational feature selection and ensemble neural network method for classification of gene expression data. 136 - Michael P. Cummings, Mark R. Segal:
Few amino acid positions in rpoB are associated with most of the rifampin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 137 - Christiana K. Magkrioti, Ioannis C. Spyropoulos, Vassiliki A. Iconomidou, Judith H. Willis, Stavros J. Hamodrakas:
cuticleDB: a relational database of Arthropod cuticular proteins. 138 - Neil R. Smalheiser
, Vetle I. Torvik
A population-based statistical approach identifies parameters characteristic of human microRNA-mRNA interactions. 139 - Paul P. Gardner
, Robert Giegerich:
A comprehensive comparison of comparative RNA structure prediction approaches. 140 - Christian A. Rees, Janos Demeter
, John C. Matese
, David Botstein, Gavin Sherlock
GeneXplorer: an interactive web application for microarray data visualization and analysis. 141 - Anu Sharma, Gyan Prakash Srivastava, Vineet K. Sharma, Srinivasan Ramachandran:
ArrayD: A general purpose software for Microarray design. 142 - Céline Keime
, Francesca Damiola, Dominique Mouchiroud, Laurent Duret
, Olivier Gandrillon:
Identitag, a relational database for SAGE tag identification and interspecies comparison of SAGE libraries. 143 - Keith A. Baggerly, Li Deng, Jeffrey S. Morris, C. Marcelo Aldaz
Overdispersed logistic regression for SAGE: Modelling multiple groups and covariates. 144 - Jonathan D. Wren:
Extending the mutual information measure to rank inferred literature relationships. 145 - Diane E. Oliver, Gaurav Bhalotia, Ariel S. Schwartz, Russ B. Altman, Marti A. Hearst:
Tools for loading MEDLINE into a local relational database. 146 - Hao Chen, Burt M. Sharp:
Content-rich biological network constructed by mining PubMed abstracts. 147 - Dietmar E. Martin, Philippe Demougin, Michael N. Hall
, Michel Bellis:
Rank Difference Analysis of Microarrays (RDAM), a novel approach to statistical analysis of microarray expression profiling data. 148 - Laurent Noé
, Gregory Kucherov
Improved hit criteria for DNA local alignment. 149 - Florian Meereis, Michael Kaufmann:
PCOGR: Phylogenetic COG ranking as an online tool to judge the specificity of COGs with respect to freely definable groups of organisms. 150 - Ihab A. B. Awad, Christian A. Rees, Tina Hernandez-Boussard, Catherine A. Ball, Gavin Sherlock
Caryoscope: An Open Source Java application for viewing microarray data in a genomic context. 151 - Sergey V. Anisimov, Alexei A. Sharov:
Incidence of "quasi-ditags" in catalogs generated by Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE). 152 - Gareth Williams
, Patrick Doherty
Inter-residue distances derived from fold contact propensities correlate with evolutionary substitution costs. 153 - Nan Lin, Baolin Wu
, Ronald Jansen, Mark Gerstein, Hongyu Zhao
Information assessment on predicting protein-protein interactions. 154 - Tuangthong Wattarujeekrit, Parantu K. Shah, Nigel Collier
PASBio: predicate-argument structures for event extraction in molecular biology. 155 - Michael Hsing, Joel L. Bellenson, Conor Shankey, Artem Cherkasov:
Modeling of cell signaling pathways in macrophages by semantic networks. 156 - Andrew F. Neuwald, Jun S. Liu:
Gapped alignment of protein sequence motifs through Monte Carlo optimization of a hidden Markov model. 157 - Yin Liu, Hongyu Zhao
A computational approach for ordering signal transduction pathway components from genomics and proteomics Data. 158 - Kyu Baek Hwang
, Sek Won Kong, Steven A. Greenberg, Peter J. Park
Combining gene expression data from different generations of oligonucleotide arrays. 159 - Ki-Yeol Kim
, Byoung-Jin Kim, Gwan-Su Yi:
Reuse of imputed data in microarray analysis increases imputation efficiency. 160 - Jer-Ming Chia, Prasanna R. Kolatkar
Implications for domain fusion protein-protein interactions based on structural information. 161 - Andreas M. Boehm, Robert P. Galvin, Albert Sickmann
Extractor for ESI quadrupole TOF tandem MS data enabled for high throughput batch processing. 162 - Hanno Teeling, Jost Waldmann, Thierry Lombardot
, Margarete Bauer, Frank Oliver Glöckner:
TETRA: a web-service and a stand-alone program for the analysis and comparison of tetranucleotide usage patterns in DNA sequences. 163 - Yuanhui Xiao, Robert D. Frisina
, Alexander Gordon, Lev Klebanov
, Andrei Yakovlev:
Multivariate search for differentially expressed gene combinations. 164 - Zhining Wang, Mark G. Lewis, Martin E. Nau, Alma Arnold, Maryanne T. Vahey:
Identification and utilization of inter-species conserved (ISC) probesets on Affymetrix human GeneChip(r) platforms for the optimization of the assessment of expression patterns in non human primate (NHP) samples. 165 - Ian H. Holmes
A probabilistic model for the evolution of RNA structure. 166 - Saikat Chakrabarti, Nitin Bhardwaj, Prem A. Anand, Ramanathan Sowdhamini:
Improvement of alignment accuracy utilizing sequentially conserved motifs. 167 - Dominik Seelow
, Raffaello Galli, Siegrun Mebus, Hans-Peter Sperling, Hans Lehrach, Silke Sperling:
d-matrix - database exploration, visualization and analysis. 168 - Peter Meinicke, Maike Tech, Burkhard Morgenstern
, Rainer Merkl
Oligo kernels for datamining on biological sequences: a case study on prokaryotic translation initiation sites. 169 - Saurabh Sinha, Mathieu Blanchette, Martin Tompa:
PhyME: A probabilistic algorithm for finding motifs in sets of orthologous sequences. 170 - Chunlin Wang, Elliot J. Lefkowitz
SS-Wrapper: a package of wrapper applications for similarity searches on Linux clusters. 171 - Yi Lu, Shiyong Lu, Farshad Fotouhi, Youping Deng
, Susan J. Brown
Incremental genetic K-means algorithm and its application in gene expression data analysis. 172 - Sierra D. Stoneberg Holt, Jason A. Holt:
The InDeVal insertion/deletion evaluation tool: a program for finding target regions in DNA sequences and for aiding in sequence comparison. 173 - Nicolas Le Novère, Marco Donizelli:
The Molecular Pages of the mesotelencephalic dopamine consortium (DopaNet). 174 - Julien Gagneur
, Steffen Klamt
Computation of elementary modes: a unifying framework and the new binary approach. 175 - Charu G. Kumar, Richard D. LeDuc
, George Gong, Levan Roinishivili, Harris A. Lewin, Lei Liu:
ESTIMA, a tool for EST management in a multi-project environment. 176 - Henrik Bengtsson
, Göran Jönsson, Johan Vallon-Christersson
Calibration and assessment of channel-specific biases in microarray data with extended dynamical range. 177 - David M. A. Martin
, Matthew Berriman
, Geoffrey J. Barton
GOtcha: a new method for prediction of protein function assessed by the annotation of seven genomes. 178 - Maurizio Pellegrino
, Paolo Provero, Lorenzo Silengo, Ferdinando Di Cunto
CLOE: Identification of putative functional relationships among genes by comparison of expression profiles between two species. 179 - Neal O. Jeffries:
Performance of a genetic algorithm for mass spectrometry proteomics. 180 - Manuel Middendorf, Etay Ziv, Carter Adams, Jen Hom, Robin Koytcheff, Chaya Levovitz, Gregory Woods, Linda Chen, Chris Wiggins:
Discriminative topological features reveal biological network mechanisms. 181 - Manisha Desai, Mary J. Emond:
A new mixture model approach to analyzing allelic-loss data using Bayes factors. 182 - Richard Chung, Golan Yona:
Protein family comparison using statistical models and predicted structural information. 183 - Albert Burger, Duncan Davidson, Yiya Yang, Richard A. Baldock
Integrating partonomic hierarchies in anatomy ontologies. 184 - Virginie M. Aris, Michael J. Cody, Jeff Cheng, James J. Dermody, Patricia Soteropoulos, Michael Recce, Peter P. Tolias:
Noise filtering and nonparametric analysis of microarray data underscores discriminating markers of oral, prostate, lung, ovarian and breast cancer. 185 - Alessandro Dal Palù
, Agostino Dovier
, Federico Fogolari
Constraint Logic Programming approach to protein structure prediction. 186 - James Wasmuth
, Mark L. Blaxter
prot4EST: Translating Expressed Sequence Tags from neglected genomes. 187 - Enda D. Kelly, Fabian Sievers, Ross McManus
Haplotype frequency estimation error analysis in the presence of missing genotype data. 188 - Bernett T. K. Lee, Tin Wee Tan, Shoba Ranganathan
DEDB: a database of Drosophila melanogaster exons in splicing graph form. 189 - Tomas Radivoyevitch
A two-way interface between limited Systems Biology Markup Language and R. 190 - Yian Ann Chen
, David J. Mckillen, Shuyuan Wu, Matthew J. Jenny
, Robert Chapman, Paul S. Gross, Gregory W. Warr, Jonas S. Almeida:
Optimal cDNA microarray design using expressed sequence tags for organisms with limited genomic information. 191 - Gregory M. Cooper, Senthil A. G. Singaravelu, Arend Sidow:
ABC: software for interactive browsing of genomic multiple sequence alignment data. 192 - Thomas Breslin
, Patrik Edén, Morten Krogh:
Comparing functional annotation analyses with Catmap. 193 - John A. Berger, Sampsa Hautaniemi
, Anna-Kaarina Järvinen, Henrik Edgren, Sanjit K. Mitra, Jaakko Astola:
Optimized LOWESS normalization parameter selection for DNA microarray data. 194 - Joachim Theilhaber, Anatoly Ulyanov, Anish Malanthara, Jack Cole, Dapeng Xu, Robert Nahf, Michael Heuer, Christoph Brockel, Steven Bushnell:
GECKO: a complete large-scale gene expression analysis platform. 195 - Noam Kaplan
, Moriah Friedlich, Menachem Fromer
, Michal Linial
A functional hierarchical organization of the protein sequence space. 196 - Sara Cheek, Yuan Qi, S. Sri Krishna, Lisa N. Kinch, Nick V. Grishin:
SCOPmap: Automated assignment of protein structures to evolutionary superfamilies. 197 - Rohit Ghai
, Torsten Hain, Trinad Chakraborty:
GenomeViz: visualizing microbial genomes. 198 - Hongwu Ma, Jan Buer
, An-Ping Zeng
Hierarchical structure and modules in the Escherichia coli transcriptional regulatory network revealed by a new top-down approach. 199 - James A. Casbon, Mansoor A. S. Saqi
Analysis of superfamily specific profile-profile recognition accuracy. 200 - Kayvan Najarian, Maryam Zaheri, Ali Ajdari Rad, Siamak Najarian, Javad Dargahi:
A novel Mixture Model Method for identification of differentially expressed genes from DNA microarray data. 201 - Rajalakshmi Gurunathan, Bernard Van Emden, Sethuraman Panchanathan, Sudhir Kumar
Identifying spatially similar gene expression patterns in early stage fruit fly embryo images: binary feature versus invariant moment digital representations. 202 - Norman Pavelka
, Mattia Pelizzola
, Caterina Vizzardelli
, Monica Capozzoli, Andrea Splendiani
, Francesca Granucci
, Paola Ricciardi-Castagnoli:
A power law global error model for the identification of differentially expressed genes in microarray data. 203 - Gary W. Stuart, Michael W. Berry
An SVD-based comparison of nine whole eukaryotic genomes supports a coelomate rather than ecdysozoan lineage. 204 - Taner Z. Sen
, Andrzej Kloczkowski, Robert L. Jernigan
, Changhui Yan, Vasant G. Honavar
, Kai-Ming Ho, Cai-Zhuang Wang, Yungok Ihm, Haibo Cao, Xun Gu, Drena Dobbs
Predicting binding sites of hydrolase-inhibitor complexes by combining several methods. 205 - William H. Majoros, Steven Salzberg
An empirical analysis of training protocols for probabilistic gene finders. 206 - Jose C. Nacher, Nobuhisa Ueda, Takuji Yamada, Minoru Kanehisa, Tatsuya Akutsu
Clustering under the line graph transformation: application to reaction network. 207 - Antigoni L. Elefsinioti, Pantelis G. Bagos
, Ioannis C. Spyropoulos, Stavros J. Hamodrakas:
A database for G proteins and their interaction with GPCRs. 208 - Hao Li, Constance L. Wood, Thomas V. Getchell, Marilyn L. Getchell, Arnold J. Stromberg:
Analysis of oligonucleotide array experiments with repeated measures using mixed models. 209

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