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PDPTA 1999: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - Volume 2
Real-Time Systems
- Seung-Jin Moon, Dong-Ik Oh, Doo-Soon Park, S. H. Lee, I. G. Chun:
Real-Time Parallel Processing For Nested Transactions. PDPTA 1999: 579-585 - Inhye Kang:
TREAT: Timed REachability Analysis Tool. PDPTA 1999: 586-591 - Moon-hae Kim, Jung-Guk Kim:
An Environment for Real-Time Simulation Based on the TMO Model. PDPTA 1999: 592-598 - Hassan Aljifri, Alexander Perez-Pons, Moiez A. Tapia:
Using Pipeline for Tight Estimation of Worst-Case Execution Time in a Real-Time System. PDPTA 1999: 599-605 - Mário de Sousa, Adriano Carvalho:
Synchronisation Issues of RT CORBA Threads. PDPTA 1999: 606-612
Techniques and Tools for Parallel and Distributed Program Development and Run-Time Support
- Christoph W. Keßler:
NestStep: Nested Parallelism and Virtual Memory for the BSP Model. PDPTA 1999: 613-619 - Sergi Girona, Jesús Labarta:
Sensitivity of Performance Prediction of Message Passing Programs. PDPTA 1999: 620-626 - Rocco Aversa, Beniamino Di Martino, Nicola Mazzocca:
Reducing Parallel Program Simulation Complexity by Static Analysis. PDPTA 1999: 627-633 - Perry Fizzano, Steven Swanson:
General Techniques for Multithreading Algorithms. PDPTA 1999: 634-640 - Dieter Kranzlmüller, Jochen Messner, Christian Schaubschläger:
"Good Enough" Testing of Nondeterministic Parallel Programs. PDPTA 1999: 641-646
Distributed Processing Systems and Applications
- Hyung-Hwan Kim, Boo-Geum Jung, Eun-Hyang Lee, Dong-Sun Lim, Yoon Yong Park:
The UNIX Kernel Performance Observation Tool on Internet. PDPTA 1999: 647-652 - Dong C. Shin:
A Concurrency Control Algorithm to Ensure Consistency for Global Applications in Distributed Multidatabase Systems. PDPTA 1999: 653-659 - Ki-Yeol Ryu, Han-Soo Lee, Jung-Tae Lee, Seong Yong Ohm:
Implementation of a Group Object Model in CORBA. PDPTA 1999: 660-665 - Seung-Jin Sul, Keum-Suk Lee:
Agent-On-Demand for Distributed System Management. PDPTA 1999: 666-671 - Julien Bourgeois, François Spies, Michel Tréhel:
Performance Prediction of Distributed Applications Running on Network of Workstations. PDPTA 1999: 672-678 - T. Deshani Rodrigo:
The Evolution of Simulation in Network Centric Systems. PDPTA 1999: 679-683 - Samar Mouchawrab, Jocelyn Desbiens:
Real-Time Causal Order with Varible Message Lifetime. PDPTA 1999: 684-690 - Delbert Hart, Eileen T. Kraemer:
Agent Roles in Snapshot Assembly. PDPTA 1999: 691-697 - Hae-Kyung Rhee, Ung-Mo Kim:
Transaction Length-Sensitive Scheme for Livelock-Thin Scheduling. PDPTA 1999: 698-704 - Soeren Olesen, Vaidy S. Sunderam:
Computation and I/O Benchmarks on Networks of Workstations. PDPTA 1999: 705-708 - Vincent Boudet, Fabrice Rastello, Yves Robert:
A Proposal for a Heterogeneous Cluster ScaLAPACK (Dense Linear Solvers). PDPTA 1999: 709-712 - Rodrigo Mendoza, Efren D. Gutierrez, David H. Williams:
A Unix Distributed Shared Memory System. PDPTA 1999: 713-717 - Darshan Thaker, Vipin Chaudhary, Guy Edjlali, Sumit Roy:
Cost-Performance Evaluation of SMP Clusters. PDPTA 1999: 718-724 - Sau-Koon Ng, Kwok-Wai Cheung:
Protecting Mobile Agents Against Malicious Hosts by Intention Spreading. PDPTA 1999: 725-729 - Mauro Migliardi, Vaidy S. Sunderam:
Distributed, Reconfigurable Simulation in Harness. PDPTA 1999: 730-736 - Indra A. Tjandra, Jinxia Wang:
Modeling Distributed Systems with Assembly Line Pattern and CCS. PDPTA 1999: 737-743 - Manuel E. Acacio, José M. García, Pedro E. López-de-Teruel:
A Performance Evaluation of P-EDR in Different Parallel Environments. PDPTA 1999: 744-750 - Christian Kreiner, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiss:
Combining Different Models of Computation for Cosimulation of Heterogeneous Systems. PDPTA 1999: 751-757 - Kyeong-Deok Moon, Jun-Hee Park, Tae-Geun Kim, Kyung-Hee Choi:
Implementing the Scalable PC Clustering System. PDPTA 1999: 758-764 - Young-Sung Son, Oh-Young Kwon, Tae-Geun Kim, Sung-Soon Park:
A High Performance VOD Server and its I/O Scheme on PC-Clustering Environment. PDPTA 1999: 765-771 - Toni Cortes, Jesús Labarta:
HRaid: A Flexible Storage-system Simulator. PDPTA 1999: 772-778 - Benoît Planquelle, Jean-François Méhaut, Nathalie Revol:
MC-PM2: Multi-Cluster Approach With PM2. PDPTA 1999: 779-785 - Anirudh Modi, Lyle N. Long, Robert P. Hansen:
Unsteady Separated Flow Simulations Using a Cluster of Workstations. PDPTA 1999: 786-792 - Omar Rafiq, Leo Cacciari, Mohammed Benattou:
Coordination Issues in Distributed Testing. PDPTA 1999: 793-799 - Marie-Claude Pellegrini, Michel Riveill:
Dynamic Architecture Management of Component Based Applications. PDPTA 1999: 800-806 - Harold Castro, Sandra Castañeda:
A Parallel File System for a Virtual Parallel Machine. PDPTA 1999: 807-813 - Xianghui Xie, Chengde Han:
Adjusting Single-/Multi-writer to False Sharing in Software DSMs. PDPTA 1999: 814-820 - Benny Wang-Leung Cheung, Cho-Li Wang, Kai Hwang:
A Migrating-Home Protocol for Implementing Scope Consistency Model on a Cluster of Workstations. PDPTA 1999: 821-828
Web-based Applications and Systems
- Steve Lawrence, C. Lee Giles:
Text and Image Metasearch on the Web. PDPTA 1999: 829-835 - Kun-Lung Wu, Philip S. Yu:
Replication Issues on Proxy Cache Array. PDPTA 1999: 836-842 - Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Daoming Chen:
Distributed Middle-tier: A Programming Model for Web-based Scalable Java Computing. PDPTA 1999: 843-849 - Tainchi Lu, Chungnan Lee, Wenyang Hsia:
Design of Web-Based Distributed Simulation Using HLA. PDPTA 1999: 850-856 - Kevin Ying, David M. Arnow, Dayton Clark:
Evaluating Communication Protocols for WebComputing. PDPTA 1999: 857-868 - Nick Antonopoulos, Alexander V. Shafarenko:
A Massively Aliasing System for Support of Agent-based Internet Computing. PDPTA 1999: 869-875 - Debra Tang, Feng Wang, Xiaoyuan He:
A Fine-Grained, Detailed, Synchronized Measurement Toolkit for Web Client-Server Performance. PDPTA 1999: 876-882 - Chun-Mok Chung, Pil-Sup Shin, Shin-Dug Kim:
A Java Internet Computing Platform via Communication Libraries. PDPTA 1999: 883-889 - Hongxia Jin, Gregory F. Sullivan, Gerald M. Masson:
Run-time Result Certification for Distributed Computations. PDPTA 1999: 890-895 - Peter Stañski:
The Architecture of the PESOS Browser Server. PDPTA 1999: 896-901 - John P. Morrison, David A. Power, James J. Kennedy:
A Condensed Graphs Engine to Drive Metacomputing. PDPTA 1999: 902-908 - Hans-Peter Dommel, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves:
Multisites Coordination in Shared Multicast Trees. PDPTA 1999: 909-915 - Thomas J. Downar, Rudolf Eigenmann, José A. B. Fortes:
Issues and Approaches in Parallel Multi-Component and Multi-Physics Simulations. PDPTA 1999: 916-922 - Daniel Andresen, Tao Yang:
SWEB++: Algorithms and Techniques for Distributed Scheduling on WWW Servers. PDPTA 1999: 923-929 - Amin Vahdat:
Toward Wide-Area Resource Allocation. PDPTA 1999: 930-936
High-speed Networks and Mobile Computing
- Safiullah Faizullah, Arshad Shaikh:
A Feedback-Based UPC-Parameters Renegotiation Strategy. PDPTA 1999: 937-943 - Khaja Qutubudin, Daniel J. Pease:
Parallel Processing of Robotics Inverse Dynamics Computational Tasks of a Two-Rotational-Link Robot. PDPTA 1999: 944-948 - Ezzat S. Atieh, Mustafa M. Matalgah, Mohsen Guizani:
Calculating Buffer Requirements & Access Time for ABR & VBR ATM Traffic: Shared Approach. PDPTA 1999: 949-954 - Ezzat S. Atieh, Mustafa M. Matalgah, Mohsen Guizani:
Calculating Buffer Requirements & Access Time for ABR & VBR ATM Traffic: Dedicated Approach. PDPTA 1999: 955-962 - IlYoung Chung, JongMin Lee, Chong-Sun Hwang:
Transaction Processing using Asynchronous Broadcasting in Mobile Client-Server Databases. PDPTA 1999: 963-969 - Shigeaki Tagashira, O. Yasuda, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda:
A Cache System of Location Dependent Data for a Mobile Computer with Mobility Specification. PDPTA 1999: 970-976 - Kenya Sato, Keizo Saisho, Akira Fukuda:
A Cache System of Location Dependent Data for a Mobile Computer with Mobility Specification. PDPTA 1999: 977-983 - Kohei Yoshikawa, Heiichi Yamamoto:
Whole Data Visualization by Similarity Degree for Mobile and Adaptive Information Retrieval. PDPTA 1999: 984-990 - Yukikazu Nakamoto, Kazutoshi Usui, Yosharu Asakura:
An Implementation of Hybrid System Integrating the Java Runtime Environment and a Real-time OS. PDPTA 1999: 991-997 - Kazuhiro Aoki, Hiroshi Ishii, Souichi Miyata, Hiroaki Nishikawa:
Super-Integrated Data-Driven Processor for TINA-kTn Protocol Handling. PDPTA 1999: 998-1004 - Salim Omar, Thomas Kunz:
Reducing Power Consumption and Increasing Application Performances for PDAs through Mobile Code. PDPTA 1999: 1005-1011 - Stefania Gnesi, Laura Semini:
Implementation of Coordination Primitives in a Mobile Architecture. PDPTA 1999: 1012-1018 - SungSuk Kim, Soon Young Jung, Chong-Sun Hwang:
Optimistic Concurrency Control Algorithms Based on Recording in Mobile Computing Environments. PDPTA 1999: 1019-1025 - KwonWoo Yang, Joon-Min Gil, Kibom Kim, Chong-Sun Hwang:
Movement Locality-Based Location Tracking Strategy Reducing Location Management Cost in Mobile Computing Systems. PDPTA 1999: 1026-1032
Current Limits to Automated Verification for Distributed Systems
- S. J. Creese, A. W. Roscoe:
Formal Verification of Arbitrary Network Topologies. PDPTA 1999: 1033-1039 - Stefania Gnesi, Franco Mazzanti:
On the Fly Verification of Network of Automata. PDPTA 1999: 1040-1046 - Constance L. Heitmeyer:
Formal Methods for Developing Software Specifications: Paths to Wider Usage. PDPTA 1999: 1047-1053 - Somesh Jha, Doron A. Peled:
Generalized Stuttering Equivalence. PDPTA 1999: 1054-1060 - Carl Pixley, Kurt Shultz, Jun Yuan:
Integrated Formal and Informal Design Verification of Commercial Integrated Circuits. PDPTA 1999: 1061-1068
Qualtiy of Service in High-Performance Distributed Systems
- Michael Katchabaw, Hanan Lutfiyya, Michael A. Bauer:
Using User Hints to Guide Resource Management for Quality of Service. PDPTA 1999: 1069-1075 - Surjamukhi Chatterjea, Edwin K. P. Chong, Howard Jay Siegel, Steven D. Jones, I-Jeng Wang, Michael Jurczyk:
Quality of Service Attributes in a Hierarchical System for Global Information Dissemination: A Preliminary Study. PDPTA 1999: 1076-1082 - Ming Hou, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Design and Implementation of a Simulation Tool for QoS Management Over the Internet. PDPTA 1999: 1083-1089 - Muthucumaru Maheswaran:
Quality of Service Driven Resource Management Algorithms for Network Computing. PDPTA 1999: 1090-1096
Engineering and Hardware/Software Objects
- Jürgen Teich, Sándor P. Fekete, Jörg Schepers:
Compile-time Optimization of Dynamic Hardware Reconfigurations. PDPTA 1999: 1097-1103 - Kiran Bondalapati, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Hardware Object Selection for Mapping Loops onto Reconfigurable Architectures. PDPTA 1999: 1104-1110 - Jack S. N. Jean, Xuejun Liang, Karen A. Tomko:
Data Buffering and Allocation in Mapping Generalized Template Matching on Reconfigurable Systems. PDPTA 1999: 1111-1117 - Chang N. Zhang, Ming Y. Deng, Ralph Mason:
A VLSI Programmable Cellular Automata Array for Multiplication in GF (2n). PDPTA 1999: 1118-1123 - Pong P. Chu, Robert E. Jones:
Reconfigurable FPGA for Network Performance Evaluation. PDPTA 1999: 1124-1130 - Toomas P. Plaks, Oswaldo Cadenas, Graham M. Megson:
Experiences Using Reconfigurable FPGAs in Implementing Monte-Carlo Methods. PDPTA 1999: 1131-1137 - Alistair McEwan, Jonathan Saul, Andrew Bailey:
A High Speed Reconfigurable Firewall Based on Parameterization FPGA-Based Content Addressable Memories. PDPTA 1999: 1138-1144

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