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14th PATMOS 2004: Santorini, Greece
- Enrico Macii, Odysseas G. Koufopavlou, Vassilis Paliouras
Integrated Circuit and System Design, Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation; 14th International Workshop, PATMOS 2004, Santorini, Greece, September 15-17, 2004, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3254, Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-23095-5
Keynote Speech
- Hugo De Man:
Connecting E-Dreams to Deep-Submicron Realities. 1
Invited Talks
- Nick Kanopoulos:
Design Methodology for Rapid Development of SoC ICs Based on an Innovative System Architecture with Emphasis to Timing Closure and Power Consumption Optimization. 2 - Kiyoo Itoh, Kenichi Osada, Takayuki Kawahara
Low-Voltage Embedded RAMs - Current Status and Future Trends. 3-15 - Carlo Dallavalle:
Adaptive Subthreshold Leakage Reduction Through N/P Wells Reverse Biasing. 16
Embedded Tutorials
- Domenik Helms, Eike Schmidt, Wolfgang Nebel:
Leakage in CMOS Circuits - An Introduction. 17-35 - Hongliang Chang, Haifeng Qian
, Sachin S. Sapatnekar:
The Certainty of Uncertainty: Randomness in Nanometer Design. 36-47
Buses and Communication
- Jihong Ren, Mark R. Greenstreet:
Crosstalk Cancellation for Realistic PCB Buses. 48-57 - Sabino Salerno, Enrico Macii, Massimo Poncino:
A Low-Power Encoding Scheme for GigaByte Video Interfaces. 58-68 - Markus Tahedl, Hans-Jörg Pfleiderer:
Dynamic Wire Delay and Slew Metrics for Integrated Bus Structures. 69-78 - Mircea R. Stan
, Yan Zhang:
Perfect 3-Limited-Weight Code for Low Power I/O. 79-89 - Claudia Kretzschmar, Torsten Bitterlich, Dietmar Müller:
A High-Level DSM Bus Model for Accurate Exploration of Transmission Behaviour and Power Estimation of Global System Buses. 90-99
Circuits and Devices (I)
- Xavier Michel, Alexandre Verle, Philippe Maurine, Nadine Azémard, Daniel Auvergne:
Performance Metric Based Optimization Protocol. 100-109 - B. Lasbouygues, Robin Wilson, Philippe Maurine, Nadine Azémard, Daniel Auvergne:
Temperature Dependence in Low Power CMOS UDSM Process. 110-118 - Mauro Olivieri, Mirko Scarana, Giuseppe Scotti, Alessandro Trifiletti:
Yield Optimization by Means of Process Parameters Estimation: Comparison Between ABB and ASV Techniques. 119-128 - Nicola Dragone, Michele Quarantelli, Massimo Bertoletti, Carlo Guardiani:
High Yield Standard Cell Libraries: Optimization and Modeling. 129-137 - Gabriella Trucco
, Giorgio Boselli, Valentino Liberali:
A Study of Crosstalk Through Bonding and Package Parasitics in CMOS Mixed Analog-Digital Circuits. 138-147
Low Power (I)
- Jun-Cheol Park, Vincent John Mooney III, Philipp Pfeiffenberger:
Sleepy Stack Reduction of Leakage Power. 148-158 - Eunseok Song, Young-Kil Park, Soon Kwon, Soo-Ik Chae:
A Cycle-Accurate Energy Estimator for CMOS Digital Circuits. 159-168 - Christian Schuster, Jean-Luc Nagel, Christian Piguet, Pierre-André Farine:
Leakage Reduction at the Architectural Level and Its Application to 16 Bit Multiplier Architectures. 169-178 - André K. Nieuwland, Atul Katoch, Maurice Meijer:
Reducing Cross-Talk Induced Power Consumption and Delay. 179-188 - Ilham Hassoune, Amaury Nève, Jean-Didier Legat, Denis Flandre:
Investigation of Low-Power Low-Voltage Circuit Techniques for a Hybrid Full-Adder Cell. 189-197 - Geoff V. Merrett, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi:
Leakage Power Analysis and Comparison of Deep Submicron Logic Gates. 198-207
- Jie Ruan, Mark G. Arnold:
Threshold Mean Larger Ratio Motion Estimation in MPEG Encoding Using LNS. 208-217 - Armin Wellig, Julien Zory, Norbert Wehn:
Energy- and Area-Efficient Deinterleaving Architecture for High-Throughput Wireless Applications. 218-227 - Matthias Müller, Andreas Wortmann, Dominik Mader, Sven Simon:
Register Isolation for Synthesizable Register Files. 228-237 - Carlo Brandolese, William Fornaciari
, Fabio Salice:
Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation of Superscalar Microprocessor Architectures. 238-247 - Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos, Pavlos Kolovos, P. Kalogerakis, Dimitris Nikolos:
Design of High-Speed Low-Power Parallel-Prefix VLSI Adders. 248-257
Asynchronous Circuits
- Milos Krstic
, Eckhard Grass:
GALSification of IEEE 802.11a Baseband Processor. 258-267 - Kamel Slimani, Yann Rémond, Gilles Sicard, Marc Renaudin:
TAST Profiler and Low Energy Asynchronous Design Methodology. 268-277 - D. J. Kinniment, Alexandre Yakovlev:
Low Latency Synchronization Through Speculation. 278-288 - Yijun Liu, Stephen B. Furber:
Minimizing the Power Consumption of an Asynchronous Multiplier. 289-300 - Tobias Bjerregaard, Shankar Mahadevan, Jens Sparsø:
A Channel Library for Asynchronous Circuit Design Supporting Mixed-Mode Modeling. 301-310
System Design
- Murali Jayapala, Tom Vander Aa, Francisco Barat, Francky Catthoor, Henk Corporaal, Geert Deconinck
L0 Cluster Synthesis and Operation Shuffling. 311-321 - Anders Brødløs Olsen, Finn Büttner, Peter Koch:
On Combined DVS and Processor Evaluation. 322-331 - Christos Drosos, Labros Bisdounis, Dimitris Metafas, Spyros Blionas, Anna Tatsaki:
A Multi-level Validation Methodology for Wireless Network Applications. 332-341 - Eric Senn, Johann Laurent, Nathalie Julien, Eric Martin:
SoftExplorer: Estimation, Characterization, and Optimization of the Power and Energy Consumption at the Algorithmic Level. 342-351 - Emanuele Lattanzi
, Andrea Acquaviva, Alessandro Bogliolo:
Run-Time Software Monitor of the Power Consumption of Wireless Network Interface Cards. 352-361 - Meuse N. Oliveira Jr., Paulo Romero Martins Maciel, Raimundo S. Barreto, Fernando F. Carvalho:
Towards a Software Power Cost Analysis Framework Using Colored Petri Net. 362-371
Circuits and Devices (II)
- Francesco Pessolano, R. I. M. P. Meijer:
A 260ps Quasi-static ALU in 90nm CMOS. 372-380 - Jean Michel Daga, Caroline Papaix, Marylene Combe, Emmanuel Racape, Vincent Sialelli:
Embedded EEPROM Speed Optimization Using System Power Supply Resources. 381-391 - Stephan Henzler, Georg Georgakos, Jörg Berthold, Doris Schmitt-Landsiedel:
Single Supply Voltage High-Speed Semi-dynamic Level-Converting Flip-Flop with Low Power and Area Consumption. 392-401 - Uri Frank, Ran Ginosar:
A Predictive Synchronizer for Periodic Clock Domains. 402-412 - Jürgen Fischer, Ettore Amirante, Agnese Bargagli-Stoffi, Philip Teichmann, Dominik Gruber, Doris Schmitt-Landsiedel:
Power Supply Net for Adiabatic Circuits. 413-422
Interconnect and Physical Design
- Kazuki Fukuoka, Masaaki Iijima, Kenji Hamada, Masahiro Numa, Akira Tada:
A Novel Layout Approach Using Dual Supply Voltage Technique on Body-Tied PD-SOI. 423-432 - Jingjing Fu, Zuying Luo, Xianlong Hong, Yici Cai, Sheldon X.-D. Tan, Zhu Pan:
Simultaneous Wire Sizing and Decoupling Capacitance Budgeting for Robust On-Chip Power Delivery. 433-441 - Yin Wang, Xianlong Hong, Tong Jing, Yang Yang, Xiaodong Hu, Guiying Yan:
An Efficient Low-Degree RMST Algorithm for VLSI/ULSI Physical Design. 442-452 - Idris Kaya, Silke Salewski, Markus Olbrich, Erich Barke:
Wirelength Reduction Using 3-D Physical Design. 453-462 - Daniel A. Andersson, Lars J. Svensson, Per Larsson-Edefors:
On Skin Effect in On-Chip Interconnects. 463-470
Security and Safety
- Delong Shang, Frank P. Burns, Alexandre V. Bystrov
, Albert Koelmans, Danil Sokolov, Alexandre Yakovlev:
A Low and Balanced Power Implementation of the AES Security Mechanism Using Self-Timed Circuits. 471-480 - Marco Bucci, Michele Guglielmo, Raimondo Luzzi, Alessandro Trifiletti:
A Power Consumption Randomization Countermeasure for DPA-Resistant Cryptographic Processors. 481-490 - Ulrich Neffe, Klaus Rothbart, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiss, Edgar Rieger, Andreas Mühlberger:
A Flexible and Accurate Energy Model of an Instruction-Set Simulator for Secure Smart Card Software Design. 491-500 - Athanasios Kakarountas, Vassilis Spiliotopoulos, Spiridon Nikolaidis, Constantinos E. Goutis:
The Impact of Low-Power Techniques on the Design of Portable Safety-Critical Systems. 501-509
Low Power (II)
- David Atienza, Stylianos Mamagkakis, Francky Catthoor, Jose Manuel Mendias, Dimitrios Soudris:
Modular Construction and Power Modelling of Dynamic Memory Managers for Embedded Systems. 510-520 - Gianluca Palermo, Cristina Silvano:
PIRATE: A Framework for Power/Performance Exploration of Network-on-Chip Architectures. 521-531 - Anteneh A. Abbo, Richard P. Kleihorst, Vishal Choudhary, Leo Sevat:
Power Consumption of Performance-Scaled SIMD Processors. 532-540 - Andrea Bona, Vittorio Zaccaria, Roberto Zafalon:
Low Effort, High Accuracy Network-on-Chip Power Macro Modeling. 541-552 - Lap-Fai Leung, Chi-Ying Tsui, Xiaobo Sharon Hu:
Exploiting Dynamic Workload Variation in Offline Low Energy Voltage Scheduling. 553-563
Low-Power Processing (Poster)
- Ana Rusu, Alexei Borodenkov, Mohammed Ismail, Hannu Tenhunen:
Design of a Power/Performance Efficient Single-Loop Sigma-Delta Modulator for Wireless Receivers. 564-573 - Gustavo Sutter, Jean-Pierre Deschamps, Gery Bioul, Eduardo I. Boemo:
Power Aware Dividers in FPGA. 574-584 - Zahid Khan, Tughrul Arslan, Ahmet T. Erdogan
A Dual Low Power and Crosstalk Immune Encoding Scheme for System-on-Chip Buses. 585-592 - Nikolaos Vassiliadis, A. Chormoviti, Nikolaos Kavvadias, Spiridon Nikolaidis:
The Effect of Data-Reuse Transformations on Multimedia Applications for Different Processing Platforms. 593-602 - Patricia Guitton-Ouhamou, Hanene Ben Fradj, Cécile Belleudy, Michel Auguin:
Low Power Co-design Tool and Power Optimization of Schedules and Memory System. 603-612 - Kostas Masselos, Spyros Blionas, Jean-Yves Mignolet, A. Foster, Dimitrios Soudris, Spiridon Nikolaidis:
Hardware Building Blocks of a Mixed Granularity Reconfigurable System-on-Chip Platform. 613-622 - Sonia López, Oscar Garnica
, José Manuel Colmenar:
Enhancing GALS Processor Performance Using Data Classification Based on Data Latency. 623-632 - Nikolaos Kavvadias, Spiridon Nikolaidis:
Application Analysis with Integrated Identification of Complex Instructions for Configurable Processors. 633-642 - Amjad Mohsen, Richard Hofmann:
Power Modeling, Estimation, and Optimization for Automated Co-design of Real-Time Embedded Systems. 643-651 - Michalis D. Galanis, George Theodoridis, Spyros Tragoudas, Dimitrios Soudris, Constantinos E. Goutis:
Mapping Computational Intensive Applications to a New Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Data-Path. 652-661 - Kenny Johansson, Oscar Gustafsson
, Lars Wanhammar:
Power Estimation for Ripple-Carry Adders with Correlated Input Data. 662-674 - Mark G. Arnold:
LPVIP: A Low-Power ROM-Less ALU for Low-Precision LNS. 675-684
Digital Design (Poster)
- Leonardo Valencia:
Low Level Adaptive Frequency in Synthesis of High Speed Digital Circuits. 685-690 - Myeong-Hoon Oh, Dong-Soo Har:
A Novel Mechanism for Delay-Insensitive Data Transfer Based on Current-Mode Multiple Valued Logic. 691-700 - Jing-Ling Yang, Oliver Chiu-sing Choy, Cheong-Fat Chan, Kong-Pang Pun:
Pipelines in Dynamic Dual-Rail Circuits. 701-710 - Ali Manzak
, Chaitali Chakrabarti:
Optimum Buffer Size for Dynamic Voltage Processors. 711-721 - A. Landrault, Nadine Azémard, Philippe Maurine, Michel Robert
, Daniel Auvergne:
Design Optimization with Automated Cell Generation. 722-731 - Fabricio B. Bastian, Cristiano Lazzari, José Luís Almada Güntzel, Ricardo Reis
A New Transistor Folding Algorithm Applied to an Automatic Full-Custom Layout Generation Tool. 732-741 - Dimitris Karatasos, Athanasios Kakarountas, George Theodoridis, Constantinos E. Goutis:
A Novel Constant-Time Fault-Secure Binary Counter. 742-749 - Dimitrios Velenis, Eby G. Friedman:
Buffer Sizing for Crosstalk Induced Delay Uncertainty. 750-759 - Panagiotis D. Vouzis, Vassilis Paliouras
Optimal Logarithmic Representation in Terms of SNR Behavior. 760-769 - Y. S. Son, Jong Whoa Na:
A New Logic Transformation Method for Both Low Power and High Testability. 770-779 - Andrew Kinane, Valentin Muresan, Noel E. O'Connor, Noel Murphy, Seán Marlow:
Energy-Efficient Hardware Architecture for Variable N-point 1D DCT. 780-788
Modeling and Simulation (Poster)
- Stephan Henzler, Georg Georgakos, Jörg Berthold, Doris Schmitt-Landsiedel:
Two Level Compact Simulation Methodology for Timing Analysis of Power-Switched Circuits. 789-798 - Alexander Maili, Damian Dalton, Christian Steger:
A Generic Timing Mechanism for Using the APPLES Gate-Level Simulator in a Mixed-Level Simulation Environment. 799-808 - Howard Chen, Daniel L. Ostapko:
Modeling Temporal and Spatial Power Supply Voltage Variation for Timing Analysis. 809-818 - Tudor Murgan, Alberto García Ortiz, Clemens Schlachta, Heiko Zimmer, Mihail Petrov, Manfred Glesner:
On Timing and Power Consumption in Inductively Coupled On-Chip Interconnects. 819-828 - Alejandro Millán, Jorge Juan-Chico, Manuel J. Bellido, Paulino Ruiz-de-Clavijo, David Guerrero Martos, Enrique Ostúa
Signal Sampling Based Transition Modeling for Digital Gates Characterization. 829-837 - B. Lasbouygues, Robin Wilson, Philippe Maurine, Nadine Azémard, Daniel Auvergne:
Physical Extension of the Logical Effort Model. 838-848 - Peter Caputa, Henrik Fredriksson, Martin Hansson, Stefan Back Andersson, Atila Alvandpour, Christer Svensson:
An Extended Transition Energy Cost Model for Buses in Deep Submicron Technologies. 849-858 - Alberto García Ortiz, Tudor Murgan, Manfred Glesner:
Moment-Based Estimation of Switching Activity for Correlated Distributions. 859-868 - Minh Quang Do, Per Larsson-Edefors, Lars Bengtsson:
Table-Based Total Power Consumption Estimation of Memory Arrays for Architects. 869-878 - Tobias Gemmeke
, Tobias G. Noll:
A Physically Oriented Model to Quantify the Noise-on-Delay Effect. 879-888 - Stefan Cserveny, Jean-Marc Masgonty, Christian Piguet:
Noise Margin in Low Power SRAM Cells. 889-898 - Peter Celinski, Derek Abbott, Sorin Cotofana:
Delay Evaluation of High Speed Data-Path Circuits Based on Threshold Logic. 899-906

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