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28th MMAR 2024: Międzyzdroje, Poland
- 28th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, MMAR 2024, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, August 27-30, 2024. IEEE 2024, ISBN 979-8-3503-6234-3
- Tadeusz Kaczorek:
Design of linear systems with desired poles and zeros of the transfer matrices. 1-4 - Krzysztof Oprzedkiewicz
, Wojciech Mitkowski
The Sensitivity Analysis of the Fractional Uncertain Order State Space Model of the One-Dimensional Heat Transfer Process. 5-10 - Jan Sokolowski, Yixin Tan:
Optimal control and optimum design of elasticity system: Topological derivative method for control problem. 11-16 - Nikolai P. Osmolovskii, Meizhi Qian, Jan Sokolowski:
Control and optimum design for networks with nonlinear state equations. 17-22 - Ahmed Faizul Haque Dhrubo
, Syed Tamim, Shahnewaz Siddique:
"IoT Towers of Resilience: A Revolutionary Approach to Weathering Climate Extremes and Enhancing Sustainability in Vulnerable Ecosystems". 23-28 - Felix Girke
, René Harmann
, Eric Guiffo Kaigom:
Systems of Digital Twins and Physical Systems: Interoperability, Decentralization, and Mobility in Robotic Applications. 29-34 - Joseph El Chartouni, Elio El Ghaoui, Gaby Abou Haidar, Roy Abi Zeid Daou:
Design and Implementation of a QR-Enabled Autonomous Bartender Using a User-Friendly Interface. 35-40 - Tomasz Ujazdowski, Robert Piotrowski:
Optimising sequencing batch reactor operation cycle planning using evolutionary algorithm. 41-46 - Szymon Król
Discrete quasi-sliding mode control of a two rotor aerodynamic system. 47-52 - Johannes Brunner, Jens Fortmann, Horst Schulte:
Model Reference Control for Wind Turbine Systems in Full Load Region based on Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems. 53-58 - Slawomir Stepien, Marcin Chodnicki:
Optimal control of unmanned robotic platform. 59-63 - Piotr Luba, Krzysztof Kolek
Data acquisition, mathematical model and energy saving strategy for a building heated with the central heating system. 70-75 - Daniel Wójtowicz, Krzysztof Puszynski, Adam Galuszka:
PDDL optimal planning as the Linear Programming Problem in a seaport container terminal. 76-81 - Pawel Nowak, Patryk Grelewicz, Michal Fratczak, Jakub Musial, Jakub Pospiech:
Efficient Heat Source Control with Transportation Delay Synchronization. 82-87 - Slawomir Stepien, Monika Pawlak, Wojciech Giernacki:
Unmanned aerial vehicle control method considering optimal compensation and gusts of wind. 88-92 - Damian Ignacy, Leszek Gomólka, Ryszard Kopka:
Development of a real-time framework between Matlab/Simulink and SIEMENS PLC for automated relocation of products in the warehouse. 93-97 - Piotr Mydlowski
Weather-Based Reliability Analysis System for Automotive Electronics: Assessing Environmental Impact on Component Performance. 98-101 - Pawel Ostapkowicz:
Improving the accuracy of leak localization through the use of an equivalent pipeline model. 102-107 - Damian Panasiuk West
, Przemyslaw Mazurek
Remote Control of Computer Motherboards using ISM Band. 108-112 - Adam Pawlowski, Slawomir Romaniuk, Cezary Kownacki, Zbigniew Kulesza:
Path planning with obstacle avoidance for a mobile robot supporting industrial processes. 113-118 - Arun Kumar Yadav, Janusz Szpytko:
Fault Detection Robotic System: Controlling and Experimental Validation of Overhead Crane Climbing Robot. 119-124 - Zoltán Gyenes, Barnabás Finta, Bálint Kiss, Emese Gincsainé Szádeczky-Kardoss:
Motion planning for mobile robots using the Safety Acceleration Velocity Obstacle method. 125-130 - Fouad Farah, Xavier Moreau, Roy Abi Zeid Daou:
Comparative Study of Two Sky Hook Strategies analyzed from a control theory perspective. 131-136 - Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Daniel Alvarado-Mejia:
Newton-Euler Modeling of Robot Dynamics Using Geometric Algebra. 137-143 - Max Anton Senkbeil, Dominik Raup, Christoph Wree, Bernd Finkemeyer:
Real-time simulation of ship movements for a robot-assisted e-fueling process: A pathway to decarbonization through sector coupling. 144-149 - Jezzy James Huaman Rojas
, Roger Fernando Asto Bonifacio, Edwin Ulises Llana Baldeon
, Daniel Llana Molina
Development of a Treatment System for the Production and Distribution of Purified Water for Water-Scarce Communities in Southern Peru. 150-155 - Mohammad Beyki
, Justus Pawlak, Martin Mutz, Robert Patzke, Franz Renz
Drive Modeling and Dynamic Control in Mössbauer Spectroscopy for Space & Terrestrial Applications. 156-161 - Krzysztof Lukas Trzcinka, Renata Markowska, Andrzej Maslowski:
Identification of the sources of radiated electromagnetic disturbances in mobile robots. 169-174 - Akkarapakam Suneesh Jacob
, Rituparna Datta, Ettaboina Madhusudan Raju:
An Analysis on the Impact of Approximation of Scaling and Manipulability Approaches in Dimensional Synthesis of Robots. 175-180 - Hakima Rahem, Rabah Mellah, Massinissa Zidane
Implementation of The Neuro-fuzzy Controller for Delayed Position-Position Teleoperation System Using Arduino Due Board. 181-186 - Dimitra Zotou, Stefanos Papadam, Christina Theodoridou, Andreas Kargakos, Kosmas Tsiakas, Dimitrios Alexiou, Ioannis Kostavelis, Dimitrios Giakoumis, Nikolaos Morenos, Dimosthenis Ioannidis, Dimitrios Tzovaras:
Warehouse automation solution through a goods-to-person AMR. 187-192 - Sanjeev Ranjan
, Somanath Majhi:
Prescribed-Time Attitude and Altitude Stabilization of Hexarotor UAV with External Disturbances. 193-198 - Huda Naji Al-sudany, Béla Lantos:
Adaptive Obstacle Avoidance of UAV Leader/Followers with Nonlinear Logarithm Quaternion Control. 199-204 - Zoltán Téczely, Csaba Fazekas, Bálint Kiss:
LPV Control of Systems via Nonlinear Actuator Dynamics Mapping. 205-210 - Tamen Thapa Sarkar, Ashruti Upadhyaya, Chitralekha Mahanta:
Design of Hysteresis Control based Adaptive Sliding Mode Control and Cuckoo Search based PI Control for DC-DC Boost Converters. 211-216 - Alexander Schöley, Torsten Jeinsch:
A Criterion for the Transient Stability of the PLL-based Grid Synchronization. 217-222 - Joanna Koszyk
, Lukasz Ambrozinski
, Piotr Labedz:
Hough Transform for Detection of 3D Point Cloud Rotation. 223-228 - Rafal Szczepanski, Faiza Gul:
Local Path Planning Algorithm Based On Artificial Potential Field With Adaptive Scaling Factor. 229-234 - Maksymilian Gorzelak, Tomasz Grzejszczak:
Controlling and programming a robot using virtual reality. 241-246 - Slawomir Romaniuk, Adam Wolniakowski, Roman Trochimczuk, Adam Pawlowski, Moulianitis Vassilis, Rabab Benotsmane, Kanstantsin Miatliuk:
Task-Oriented Trajectory Optimization For Planar 3R Robot. 247-252 - Roman Trochimczuk, Adam Wolniakowski, Zhuoqi Cheng
, Slawomir Romaniuk, Radoslaw Tomaszewski:
Overview of selected teleoperation positioning systems for controlling a robot arm operating in Remote Centre of Motion (RCM) mode. 253-258 - Piotr Lesniewski:
Reference model based sliding mode control of a platoon of vehicles. 259-263 - Pawel Majewski, Adam Lysiak, Lukasz Klar, Krzysztof Bochenek:
An intelligent vision system for the detection and classification of heterogeneous objects moving on a belt conveyor. 264-269 - Lukasz Hladowski, Bartlomiej Sulikowski
, Krzysztof Galkowski:
Design of Iterative Learning Control for a subclass of robotic systems with an alternative reference signal setting. 270-275 - Piotr Balik, Kamil Klimkowicz, Maciej Patan:
Multi-objective iterative learning control with application to vacuum heat treatment process. 276-281 - Mateusz Sewiolo, Arkadiusz Mystkowski:
Genetic algorithm for automatic construction, optimization and testing of multi-input forked convolutional neural networks used for diagnostics of rotating agricultural machines. 282-287 - Kacper Jarzyna, Bartlomiej Gaweda
, Jerzy Baranowski:
Diagnosing faults in electric motors using B-splines and Bayesian Mixture Model. 288-292 - Waldemar Bauer
, Adrian Dudek, Bartlomiej Gaweda
, Jerzy Baranowski, Mohamed Benbouzid:
Feature Evaluation for the Purpose of Biofouling Diagnostics in Tidal Turbines. 293-297 - Conrad Gstöttner, Bernd Kolar, Markus Schöberl:
A Triangular Normal Form for x-Flat Control-Affine Two-Input Systems. 298-303 - Bhavini Jeloka, Florentina Nicolau, Adnane Saoud, Ravi N. Banavar:
Trajectory Tracking for an Adaptive Cruise Control System Using Differential Flatness and Gaussian Processes. 304-309 - Marcin Nowicki, Witold Respondek:
Mechanical input-output linearization and decoupling of mechanical control systems. 310-315 - Mikolaj Mrotek, Jacek Michalski:
Trajectory Tracking with Generalized Active Disturbance Rejection Control Using Kalman Filter-based Extended State Observer. 316-321 - Tomasz P. Stefanski, Sebastian Dziedziewicz, Piotr Kowalczyk, Jacek Gulgowski:
Numerical Method for Stability Testing of Fractional Exponential Delay Systems. 322-327 - Kajetan Zielonacki, Jaroslaw Tarnawski:
Neural network model of ship magnetic signature for different measurement depths. 328-333 - Hubert Milanowski
, Adam Krzysztof Pilat
Towards experimental insight into magnetic flux distribution within the air gap of permanent magnet synchronous drive. 334-339 - Jacek Jagodzinski, Marta Lampasiak
On Some Properties of Padé Approximations for Fractional Order Transfer Function (FOTF). 340-345 - Gilberto González-Avalos, Gerardo Ayala-Jaimes
Modelling and Simulation of a Synchronous Generator Connected to Infinite Bus in a Bond Graph Approach. 346-351 - Tatsuki Hasebe, Kenji Uchiyama, Kai Masuda:
Multilayer Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Coupled Van der Pol Oscillators. 352-357 - Dawid Knapik
, Andrzej Turnau:
Formation Control of Three Mobile Robots With Varying Distances. 358-362 - Hirakjyoti Basumatary, Tamen Thapa Sarkar, Shyamanta M. Hazarika:
Robustifying a Reinforcement Learning based Grasped Object Slippage Prevention Controller through Adaptive Sliding Mode Control. 363-368 - Roger Fernando Asto Bonifacio, Jezzy James Huaman Rojas
, Edwin Ulises Llana Baldeon
, Daniel Llana Molina
Innovative Development of a Terrestrial Robot for the Accurate Assessment of pH in Barley Crops in Southern Peru. 369-374 - Artur Morys-Magiera
, Marek Dlugosz, Pawel Skruch
Multi-camera multi-robot visual localization system. 375-380 - Arpit Joon
, Wojciech Kowalczyk:
Computationally Effective Approximation of Integral Curves Lengths for Target Assignment of Mobile Robots Moving in Task-Space with Obstacle. 381-386 - Zdenek Boucek, Miroslav Flídr, Ondrej Straka:
Trajectory Tracking for UAVs: An Interpolating Control Approach. 387-392 - Shiv Prakash, Rangoli Singh, Sandip Ghosh:
Model-Predictive Control of a Two-Switch Forward Converter. 393-398 - Miroslaw Lawrynowicz, Jerzy Józefczyk:
Minimax regret optimization for the Scheduling-Location problem. 399-404 - Radoslaw Rudek:
A neighborhood search relaxation towards railway maintenance optimization. 405-410 - Stefan Domek, Marcin Witczak, Marcin Pazera:
Estimation of Faults for Some Class of Fractional-Order Systems. 411-416 - Przemyslaw Herman:
Applying Inertia Matrix Decomposition to Determine Controller Gains for Marine Vehicles. 417-422 - Bill Goodwine:
Effect of Network Size on Fractional-Order Dynamics in Large, Scale-Free Robotics Swarms and Platoons. 423-428 - Marek Rydel
, Rafal Stanislawski:
Poles sequence selection in implementation of fractional-order difference via Takenaka-Malmquist functions. 429-434 - Ryszard Kopka, Rafal Stanislawski:
Identification of the Thermal Model Parameters of Industrial Supercapacitors. 435-438 - Pawel Latosinski:
Output feedback sliding mode control of discrete-time systems. 439-444 - Arnab Pal, Asim Kumar Naskar:
Robust Consensus Control for Linear Descriptor Multi-agent Systems using Output Information. 445-450 - Wiktoria Jurczyk, Dorota Mozyrska, Malgorzata Wyrwas:
Stabilization of fractional order linear discrete-time control systems. 451-456 - Patryk Bartkowiak, Dariusz Pazderski:
Analysis of the decoupling control loop for a plant with input dynamics in the ADRC structure. 457-460 - Filippo Bernabei, Cristian Secchi:
A constraint based control architecture for Urban Autonomous Vehicles. 461-466 - Maciej Szymkowski, Wlodzimierz Wozniak, Bartosz Jura:
Artificial Intelligence models for prediction of passengers' flow in rail transport. 467-471 - Maciej Szymkowski, Wlodzimierz Wozniak, Bartosz Jura:
Time series for rail passengers flow prediction: a survey. 472-475 - Tomasz Owerko
, Maciej Wrzosek, Maciej Rochel
, Karolina Tomaszkiewicz
, Jedrzej Pasalski, Dariusz Kasznia, Pawel Laguna
Acceptance tests of BIM models using the IDS standards within openBIM. 476-480 - Edyta Brzychczy
, Barbara Kowal
, Wiktoria Konop, Elzbieta Nowak, Ewelina Markowska, Dominik Witkowski:
Understanding the passengers' behaviour as a key element of multimodal transport design. 481-487 - Robert Ranosz
, Barbara Kowal
, Tomasz Mos, Zbigniew Jancewicz:
Modeling the structure of efficiency indicators in railway station management. 488-493 - Tomasz Herzog, Krzysztof Bartecki:
Predictive maintenance for electrical motors: Current approach and usage of artificial intelligence algorithms. 494-498 - Tomasz Owerko
, Karolina Tomaszkiewicz
, Przemyslaw Kuras
, Szymon Glinka
, Maciej Rochel
Towards developing and maintaining digital twin for railway stations. 499-503 - Katarzyna Grobler-Debska, Rafal Mularczyk
, Waldemar Bauer
, Edyta Kucharska
Strategic Maintenance Optimization for Enhanced Operational Efficiency of Railway Station Infrastructure. 504-509 - Waldemar Bauer
, Katarzyna Grobler-Debska, Wlodzimierz Wozniak:
Concept of a data centralization system for a railway transportation and station management systems. 510-514 - Jörg Walter, Malte Grave:
Model-Based Design of Distributed ROS2 Systems Using IEC 61499. 515-520 - Bartlomiej Klin, Ryszard Beniak, Michal Podpora
, Arkadiusz Gardecki, Joanna Rut:
Multi-talker Verbal Interaction for Humanoid Robots. 521-526 - Dirceu Soares
, Alberto Luiz Serpa:
Excitation signals to state-space realization and linear-regression identification methods applied to a MIMO system. 527-532 - Timothée Schmoderer:
Regularised Homotopy Continuation Method for the Motion Planning Problem. 533-538 - Jacek Kabzinski
Robust Control of Duffing Oscillators with Unknown Parameters. 539-544 - Ewa Pawluszewicz:
The polynomial approach to accessibility of nonlinear fractional order difference system. 545-549 - Trung Kien La, René Harmann
, Eric Guiffo Kaigom:
Remote Monitoring and Control of Mobile Robots in Real-Time Using Multimodal Digital Twins. 550-555 - Germán Vega-Martínez, Javier Laserna Moratalla
, Paloma de la Puente:
AMCL hybrid localization through the incorporation of visual rectangular landmarks. 556-561 - Manish Kumar, Arindam Ghosh, Muneendra Ojha:
Multi-Robot Path Planning for Comprehensive Area Coverage in Complex Environments. 562-567 - Mikolaj Zarzycki, Magdalena Dudek
, Andrzej Razniak
, Andrzej Maslowski, Arkadiusz Perski, Rafal Czupryniak:
Development of criteria for the selection and investigation of PEMFC stacks as components of hybrid energy sources for UGVs. 568-573 - Andreas Rauh, Sara Ifqir
, Marit Lahme
A Zonotopic State Estimation Approach for Nonlinear Uncertain Systems with Bounded Uncertainty in the Measurement Time Instants. 574-579 - Pawel Majewski, Wojciech P. Hunek, Marek Krok, Tomasz Feliks, Emilia Helinska:
Robust GMVC algorithm undermining the employment of the Moore-Penrose inverse. 580-584 - Raj Narayan Dhara, Krzysztof E. Rutkowski, Katarzyna Szulc:
Numerical methods for solving the linearized model of a hinged-free reduced plate arising in flow structure interactions. 585-590 - Jacek Michalski, Mikolaj Mrotek, Stefan Brock:
Transfer Function Analysis and Algorithm Order Reduction for Active Disturbance Rejection Control. 591-596

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