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21st EUSIPCO 2013: Marrakech, Morocco
- 21st European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2013, Marrakech, Morocco, September 9-13, 2013. IEEE 2013
- Daniel Paredes, Paul Rodríguez:
Multi-scale image inpainting with label selection based on local statistics. 1-5 - Jean-Pierre Da Costa, Stefan Oprean, Pierre Baylou, Christian Germain:
Estimating the distribution of 3D generalized cylinders angles from an image. 1-5 - Piya Pal, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Conditions for identifiability in sparse spatial spectrum sensing. 1-5 - Cagdas Bilen, Gilles Puy, Rémi Gribonval, Laurent Daudet:
Blind phase calibration in sparse recovery. 1-5 - Jianshu Chen, Ali H. Sayed:
On the benefits of diffusion cooperation for distributed optimization and learning. 1-5 - Radu-Sebastian Marinescu, Andi Buzo, Horia Cucu, Corneliu Burileanu:
Fast accurate time delay estimation based on enhanced accumulated Cross-power Spectrum Phase. 1-5 - Renata C. Borges, Márcio H. Costa, Julio A. Cordioli, Luciana F. C. Assuiti:
An adaptive occlusion canceller for hearing aids. 1-5 - Lotfi Chaâri, Jean-Yves Tourneret, Hadj Batatia:
Sparse Bayesian regularization using Bernoulli-Laplacian priors. 1-5 - Charles-Alban Deledalle, Loïc Denis, Florence Tupin:
Template matching with noisy patches: A contrast-invariant GLR test. 1-5 - Omar Aldayel, Mats Bengtsson, Saleh A. Alshebeili:
Evaluation of MIMO channel non-stationarity. 1-5 - Mostafa Sadeghi, Massoud Babaie-Zadeh, Christian Jutten:
A new algorithm for learning overcomplete dictionaries. 1-4 - Denis Fortun, Chen Chen, Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, François Waharte, Jean Salamero, Charles Kervrann:
Correlation and variational approaches for motion and diffusion estimation in fluorescence imaging. 1-5 - Muhammad Asim, Mounir Ghogho, Desmond C. McLernon:
Ofdm receiver design in the presence of frequency selective iq imbalance and CFO. 1-5 - Ceyhun Eksin, Pooya Molavi, Alejandro Ribeiro, Ali Jadbabaie:
Distributed filters for Bayesian network games. 1-5 - Arnaud Breloy, Luc Le Magoarou, Guillaume Ginolhac, Frédéric Pascal, Philippe Forster:
Maximum likelihood estimation of clutter subspace in non homogeneous noise context. 1-5 - Boaz Schwartz, Sharon Gannot, Emanuël A. P. Habets:
Multi-microphone speech dereverberation using expectation-maximization and Kalman smoothing. 1-5 - Sérgio Daniel Pequito, Stephen Kruzick, Soummya Kar, José M. F. Moura, A. Pedro Aguiar:
Optimal design of distributed sensor networks for field reconstruction. 1-5 - Xiaoxiang Zhu, Richard Bamler:
Sparse reconstruction techniques in tomographic SAR inversion. 1-5 - Ahmet Mert, Aydin Akan:
Hilbert-Huang Transform based hierarchical clustering for EEG denoising. 1-5 - Nicolás López, Mounira Maazaoui, Yves Grenier, Gaël Richard, Ivan Bourmeyster:
Does dereverberation help multichannel source separation? A case study. 1-5 - Pascal Schöttle, Aron Laszka, Benjamin Johnson, Jens Grossklags, Rainer Böhme:
A game-theoretic analysis of content-adaptive steganography with independent embedding. 1-5 - Gabriel Martín, José M. Bioucas-Dias, Antonio Plaza:
Hyperspectral coded aperture (HYCA): A new technique for hyperspectral compressive sensing. 1-5 - Suvadip Mukherjee, Barry G. Condron, Scott T. Acton:
Chasing the neurome: Segmentation and comparison of neurons. 1-4 - Zoran Utkovski, Tome Eftimov:
A pre-log region for the non-coherent MIMO two-way relaying channel. 1-5 - Konstantinos E. Themelis, Athanasios A. Rontogiannis, Konstantinos Koutroumbas:
Variational Bayesian sparse adaptive filtering using a Gauss-Seidel recursive approach. 1-5 - Judith Mengelkamp, Martin Weis, Peter Husar:
Evaluation of multi-dimensional decomposition models using synthetic moving EEG potentials. 1-5 - Manh Kha Hoang, Joerg Schmalenstroeer, Christian Drueke, Dang Hai Tran Vu, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach:
A hidden Markov model for indoor user tracking based on WiFi fingerprinting and step detection. 1-5 - Konstantinos Manolakis, Christian Oberli, Lurys Herrera, Volker Jungnickel:
Analytical models for channel aging and synchronization errors for base station cooperation. 1-5 - Luoyang Fang, Dongliang Duan, Liuqing Yang, Louis Scharf:
Error floor elimination for DFT-based frequency estimators. 1-5 - Symeon Nikitidis, Anastasios Tefas, Ioannis Pitas:
Maximum Margin Discriminant Projections for facial expression recognition. 1-5 - Achille Murangira, Christian Musso:
Proposal distribution for particle filtering applied to terrain navigation. 1-5 - Przemyslaw Dymarski, Rafal Romaniuk:
Sparse signal modeling in a scalable CELP coder. 1-5 - Simone Chiappino, Lucio Marcenaro, Pietro Morerio, Carlo S. Regazzoni:
Run length encoded Dynamic Bayesian Networks for probabilistic interaction modeling. 1-5 - Sadiq Ali, Magnus Jansson, Gonzalo Seco-Granados, José A. Lopez-Salcedo:
Novel collaborative spectrum sensing based on spatial covariance structure. 1-5 - Ioannis Kyriakides, Radmila Pribic:
Bayesian compressive sensing using Monte Carlo methods. 1-5 - Youssif Fawzi Sharkasi, Mounir Ghogho, Desmond C. McLernon, Syed Ali Raza Zaidi:
Performance analysis of cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio using stochastic geometry. 1-5 - Nasser Mohammadiha, W. Bastiaan Kleijn, Arne Leijon:
Gamma hidden Markov model as a probabilistic Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. 1-5 - Takuya Yoshioka, Tomohiro Nakatani:
Dereverberation for reverberation-robust microphone arrays. 1-5 - Athanasios E. Lois, Emmanouil Z. Psarakis, Erion-Vasilis M. Pikoulis:
A new thresholding type technique for the detection of seismic events. 1-5 - Bouchra Benammar, Nathalie Thomas, Marie-Laure Boucheret, Charly Poulliat, Mathieu Dervin:
Analytical expressions of Power Spectral Density for general spectrally shaped SC-FDMA systems. 1-5 - Takao Jinno, Shigeru Kuriyama, Masahiro Okuda:
Tone-mapping for an HDR surveillance system using SIFT features. 1-5 - Mohammad Niknazar, Hanna Becker, Bertrand Rivet, Christian Jutten, Pierre Comon:
Robust 3-way tensor decomposition and extended state Kalman filtering to extract fetal ECG. 1-5 - Yuan Zeng, Richard C. Hendriks, Richard Heusdens:
Clique-based distributed beamforming for speech enhancement in wireless sensor networks. 1-5 - Masashi Unoki, Kyohei Sasaki, Ryota Miyauchi, Masato Akagi, Nam Soo Kim:
Blind method of estimating speech transmission index from reverberant speech signals. 1-5 - Masahiro Fukui, Suehiro Shimauchi, Yusuke Hioka, Hitoshi Ohmuro, Yoichi Haneda:
Acoustic echo reduction robust against echo-path change with instant echo-power-level adjustment. 1-5 - Peter Zolliker, Zofia Baranczuk, Dennis Küpper, Iris Sprow, Tobias Stamm:
Creating HDR video content for visual quality assessment using stop-motion. 1-5 - Auréline Quatrehomme, Ingrid Millet, Denis Hoa, Gérard Subsol, William Puech:
Assessment of an automatic system classifying hepatic lesions on multi-phase computer tomography images. 1-5 - Ruben Grigoryan, Tobias Lindstrøm Jensen, Thomas Arildsen, Torben Larsen:
Reducing the computational complexity of reconstruction in compressed sensing nonuniform sampling. 1-5 - Santosh Shah, Baltasar Beferull-Lozano:
Adaptive quantization for multihop progressive estimation in wireless sensor networks. 1-5 - Boguslaw Szlachetko, Olivier Venard:
Simulation methodology for Hybrid Filter Bank Analog to Digital Converters. 1-5 - Philippos Karagiannakis, Stephan Weiss, Giuliano Punzo, Malcolm Macdonald, J. Bowman, Robert W. Stewart:
Impact of a Purina fractal array geometry on beamforming performance and complexity. 1-5 - Benoit Vandame:
Fast and efficient resampling for multi-frame super-resolution. 1-5 - Ronan Boitard, Dominique Thoreau, Rémi Cozot, Kadi Bouatouch:
Impact of temporal coherence-based Tone Mapping on video compression. 1-5 - Heyfa Ammar-Badri, Amel Benazza-Benyahia:
Improved blotch detection in color old films through a robust preprocessing. 1-5 - Cristian Rusu, Bogdan Dumitrescu:
Block orthonormal overcomplete dictionary learning. 1-5 - Hüseyin Akçay, Semiha Türkay:
Subspace-based spectrum estimation by nuclear norm minimization. 1-5 - Álvaro Gonzalo-Ayuso, Jesús Pérez:
Rate adaptation in cognitive radio links with time-varying channels. 1-5 - Glenn Eric Hall, Hassan Ezzaidi, Mohammed Bahoura, C. Volat:
Classification of pizzicato and sustained articulations. 1-5 - Maria Greco, Fulvio Gini, Ami Wiesel:
ML estimate and CRLB of Covariance Matrix for Complex Elliptically Symmetric distribution. 1-5 - Radoslaw Mazur, Jan Ole Jungmann, Alfred Mertins:
Optimized dyadic sorting for solving the permutation ambiguity in acoustic blind source separation. 1-5 - Roland Badeau, Alexey Ozerov:
Multiplicative updates for modeling mixtures of non-stationary signals in the time-frequency domain. 1-5 - Andrei Anghel, Gabriel Vasile, Remus Cacoveanu, Cornel Ioana, Silviu Ciochina:
Nonlinearity correction algorithm for wideband FMCW radars. 1-5 - Konstantinos Slavakis, Yannis Kopsinis, Sergios Theodoridis:
New operators for fixed-point theory: The sparsity-aware learning case. 1-5 - Baiqiang Xia, Boulbaba Ben Amor, Di Huang, Mohamed Daoudi
, Yunhong Wang, Hassen Drira:
Enhancing gender classification by combining 3D and 2D face modalities. 1-5 - Xiao Fu, Wing-Kin Ma, Tsung-Han Chan, José M. Bioucas-Dias, Marian-Daniel Iordache:
Greedy algorithms for pure pixels identification in hyperspectral unmixing: A multiple-measurement vector viewpoint. 1-5 - Ted Kronvall, Naveed R. Butt, Andreas Jakobsson:
Computationally efficient robust widely linear beamforming for improper non-stationary signals. 1-5 - Zhao Liu, Josiane Zerubia
Towards automatic acne detection using a MRF model with chromophore descriptors. 1-5 - Hany Said, Akbar Sheikh Akbari, Mansour Moniri:
An adaptive reference frame re-ordering algorithm for H.264/AVC based multi-view video codec. 1-5 - Jüri Sildam, Paolo Braca, Kevin D. LePage, Peter Willett:
Unsupervised track classification based on Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes. 1-5 - Elias Aboutanios:
Windowed iterative estimation of the parameters of a damped complex exponential in noise. 1-5 - Guilhem Villemin, Caroline Fossati, Salah Bourennane:
Alternative to coherent signal subspace based method for buried objects localization. 1-5 - Youssef Oualil, Friedrich Faubel, Dietrich Klakow:
A fast cumulative Steered Response Power for multiple speaker detection and localization. 1-5 - Mohamad El-Abed, Alexandre Ninassi, Christophe Charrier, Christophe Rosenberger:
Fingerprint quality assessment using a no-reference image quality metric. 1-5 - Ailbhe Cullen, Naomi Harte:
Late integration of features for acoustic emotion recognition. 1-5 - Azime Can, Luis F. Chaparro:
Asynchronous bank of filters for sparse signal decomposition. 1-5 - Yijie Wang, Xiaoning Qian:
Blockmodel module identification in protein interaction networks through Markov random walk. 1-5 - Hiroki Katahira, Nobutaka Ono, Shigeki Miyabe, Takeshi Yamada, Shoji Makino:
Virtually increasing microphone array elements by interpolation in complex-logarithmic domain. 1-5 - Patric Nader, Paul Honeine, Pierre Beauseroy:
Intrusion detection in scada systems using one-class classification. 1-5 - Liyun Gong, Asoke K. Nandi:
Clustering by non-negative matrix factorization with independent principal component initialization. 1-5 - Ali Tajer, H. Vincent Poor:
Quick search for rare spectrum opportunities. 1-5 - Nobutaka Ono:
Blind source separation on iPhone in real environment. 1-5 - Jianshu Zhang, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, Arash Khabbazibasmenj, Martin Haardt:
Sum rate maximization in multi-operator two-way relay networks with a MIMO AF relay via POTDC. 1-5 - Hasan Basri Çelebi, Lutfiye Durak-Ata, Hasari Celebi:
Multi-coset sampling and reconstruction of signals: Exploiting sparsity in spectrum monitoring. 1-5 - Raoul Prévost, Martial Coulon, Philippe Paimblanc, Julia LeMaitre, Jean-Pierre Millerioux, Jean-Yves Tourneret:
Ship localization using ais signals received by satellites. 1-5 - Jie Chen, Cédric Richard, José Carlos M. Bermudez, Paul Honeine:
Non-stationary analysis of the convergence of the Non-Negative Least-Mean-Square algorithm. 1-5 - Lori A. Dalton:
Application of the sample-conditioned MSE to non-linear classification and censored sampling. 1-5 - Giorgio Battistelli, Luigi Chisci, Claudio Fantacci, Alfonso Farina, Antonio Graziano:
Distributed multitarget tracking with Range-Doppler sensors. 1-5 - Ines Meganem, Shahram Hosseini, Yannick Deville:
Positivity-based separation of stellar spectra using a parametric mixing model. 1-5 - James Eaton, Patrick A. Naylor:
Detection of clipping in coded speech signals. 1-5 - Xavier Mestre, Pascal Vallet, Philippe Loubaton:
On the resolution probability of conditional and unconditional maximum likelihood DOA estimation. 1-5 - Saurav Subedi, Yimin D. Zhang, Moeness G. Amin, Braham Himed:
Robust motion parameter estimation in multistatic passive radar. 1-5 - Shanglin Ye, Elias Aboutanios:
Localised Capon spectral estimator with application to the processing of NMR signal. 1-5 - Babar Aziz, Samba Traore, Daniel Le Guennec:
Non-uniform spectrum sensing for Cognitive Radio using sub-nyquist sampling. 1-5 - Riccardo Palamà, Maria Greco, Pietro Stinco, Fulvio Gini:
Statistical analysis of netrad high resolution sea clutter. 1-5 - Dimitrios Giannoulis, Dan Stowell, Emmanouil Benetos, Mathias Rossignol, Mathieu Lagrange, Mark D. Plumbley:
A database and challenge for acoustic scene classification and event detection. 1-5 - Axel Plinge, Gernot A. Fink:
Online multi-speaker tracking using multiple microphone arrays informed by auditory scene analysis. 1-5 - Jianxing Jiang, Shaohua Hong, Lin Wang:
A space-variant cubic-spline interpolation. 1-5 - Othmane Alaoui Fdili, François-Xavier Coudoux, Youssef Fakhri, Patrick Corlay, Driss Aboutajdine:
Energy efficient adaptive video compression scheme for WVSNs. 1-5 - Yunlong Wang, Petar M. Djuric:
Sequential estimation of linear models in distributed settings. 1-5 - Jutta Hämmerle-Uhl, Stefan Jenisch, Andreas Uhl:
Format compliant RoI encryption of JPEG XR bitstreams based on tiling. 1-5 - Jethro Dowell, Stephan Weiss, David Hill, David Infield:
A cyclo-stationary complex multichannelwiener filter for the prediction of wind speed and direction. 1-5 - Yunlong Wang, Petar M. Djuric:
Reaching Bayesian consensus in cognitive systems by decision exchanges. 1-5 - Maher M. Sabbah, Bassam Moslem, Mohamad O. Diab:
Validation of magneto hydrodynamics model. 1-5 - Pratik Shah, Steven L. Grant, Jacob Benesty:
A fast compressive sensing method with application to network echo cancellation. 1-5 - Alireza Masnadi-Shirazi, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Cartesian tracking of unknown time-varying number of speakers using distributed microphone pairs. 1-5 - Sergio Barbarossa, Stefania Sardellitti:
Optimal bit and power allocation for rate-constrained decentralized detection and estimation. 1-5 - Raouia Ayadi, Inès Kammoun, Mohamed Siala:
Optimal OFDM pulse design, analysis and implementation over doubly dispersive channel. 1-5 - Nizar Bouhlel, S. Lori Bridal, Alain Coron:
Dual mode registration to improve estimation of perfusion parameters for ultrasound image sequences. 1-5 - Tomohiro Takahashi, Katsumi Konishi, Toshihiro Furukawa:
Hankel structured matrix rank minimization approach to signal declipping. 1-5 - Sam Karimian-Azari, Jesper Rindom Jensen, Mads Græsbøll Christensen:
Fast joint DOA and pitch estimation using a broadband MVDR beamformer. 1-5 - Victor Maurandi, Christophe De Luigi, Eric Moreau:
Fast Jacobi like algorithms for joint diagonalization of complex symmetric matrices. 1-5 - Symeon Chouvardas, Gerasimos Mileounis, Nicholas Kalouptsidis, Sergios Theodoridis:
Training-based and blind algorithms for sparsity-aware distributed learning. 1-5 - Marcus Bjork, Petre Stoica:
Fast denoising techniques for transverse relaxation time estimation in MRI. 1-5 - Md. Akmal Haidar, Douglas D. O'Shaughnessy:
PLSA enhanced with a long-distance bigram language model for speech recognition. 1-5 - Ashley Hughes, James R. Hopgood, Neil M. Robertson:
Height approximation for audio source localisation and tracking. 1-5 - Olivier Janssens, Jonas De Vylder, Jan Aelterman, Steven Verstockt, Wilfried Philips, Dominique Van Der Straeten, Sofie Van Hoecke, Rik Van de Walle:
Leaf segmentation and parallel phenotyping for the analysis of gene networks in plants. 1-5 - Máximo Morales Céspedes, Ana García Armada, Jesús Gutiérrez Terán:
Achievable throughput with Block Diagonalization on OFDM indoor demonstrator. 1-5 - Oliver Thiergart, Maja Taseska, Emanuël A. P. Habets:
An informed MMSE filter based on multiple instantaneous direction-of-arrival estimates. 1-5 - James Eaton, Mike Brookes, Patrick A. Naylor:
A comparison of non-intrusive SNR estimation algorithms and the use of mapping functions. 1-5 - María Elena Domínguez Jiménez, Nuria González-Prelcic:
A class of circular sparse rulers for compressive power spectrum estimation. 1-5 - Leïla Najjar Atallah:
Pilot allocation by Genetic Algorithms for sparse channel estimation in OFDM systems. 1-5 - Sebastian Braun, Emanuël A. P. Habets:
Dereverberation in noisy environments using reference signals and a maximum likelihood estimator. 1-5 - Jinkyu Lee, Hyunson Seo, Hong-Goo Kang:
Adaptation of HMM dynamic parameters in reverberant environment. 1-5 - Sadiq Ali, Gonzalo Seco-Granados, José A. Lopez-Salcedo:
Multi-sensor quickest detection by exploiting radio correlation. 1-5 - Paolo Rota, Habib Ullah, Nicola Conci, Nicu Sebe, Francesco G. B. De Natale:
Particles cross-influence for entity grouping. 1-5 - Shima Sepehri, Jean-Philippe Thiran:
Direct detection of small motion from dynamic computed tomography images. 1-5 - Asma Selmi, Mohamed Siala, Hatem Boujemaa:
Efficient combination of HARQ-I with AMC and power control operating in tracking mode. 1-5 - Tong Qiao, Florent Retraint, Rémi Cogranne:
Image authentication by statistical analysis. 1-5 - Ozlem Tugfe Demir, T. Engin Tuncer:
Optimum design of discrete transmit phase only beamformer. 1-5 - Jordi Serra, Montse Nájar:
Double shrinkage correction in sample LMMSE estimation. 1-5 - Matilde Sánchez Fernández, Sergio Valcarcel Macua, Santiago Zazo:
A unified framework for linear function approximation of value functions in stochastic control. 1-5 - Olga Zoidi, Anastasios Tefas, Ioannis Pitas:
Exploiting discriminant and SVM constraints in NMF. 1-5 - Achintya Kumar Sarkar, Claude Barras:
Multi-class UBM-based MLLR m-vector system for speaker verification. 1-5 - Jorge Muñoz-Minjares, Jesús Cabal-Aragón, Yuriy S. Shmaliy:
Jitter probability in the breakpoints of discrete sparse piecewise-constant signals. 1-5 - Antonis Kalis, Marios Milis, Anastasis Kounoudes, Anthony G. Constantinides:
Bandwidth efficient localization for sustainable and safe building environments. 1-5 - Mónica F. Bugallo, Jonathan Beaudeau, Petar M. Djuric:
A mobile system for non-centralized target tracking in presence of dynamic interferences. 1-5 - Ryunosuke Hamada, Takatomi Kubo, Kazushi Ikeda, Zujie Zhang, Tomohiro Shibata, Takashi Bando, Masumi Egawa:
Applying Bayesian nonparametrics to non-homogeneous driving operation data towards prediction. 1-5 - Bogdan C. Sicleru, Bogdan Dumitrescu:
Greedy sparse spectral factorization using reduced-size Gram matrix parameterization. 1-5 - Julien Roussel, Michel Haritopoulos, Philippe Ravier, Olivier Buttelli:
Cyclostationary analysis of electromyographic signals. 1-5 - Matern P. G. Otten, Wim L. van Rossum, R. Tan, W. J. Vlothuizen, Jacco J. M. de Wit:
Multi-channel processing for digital beam forming SAR. 1-5 - Markus V. S. Lima, Paulo S. R. Diniz:
Fast learning set theoretic estimation. 1-5 - Georgios Orfanidis, Nikolaos Nikolaidis, Ioannis Pitas:
Facial image clustering in 3D video using constrained Ncut. 1-5 - Dmitri Dranishnikov, Paul D. Gader, Alina Zare, Taylor C. Glenn:
Unmixing using a combined microscopic and macroscopic mixture model with distinct endmembers. 1-5 - Alberto Piacenza, Fabrizio Guerrini, Nicola Adami, Riccardo Leonardi:
Improved face tracking thanks to local features correspondence. 1-5 - Mihails Pudzs, Rihards Fuksis, Rinalds Ruskuls, Davis Barkans, Teodors Eglitis, Modris Greitans:
FPGA implementation of CMF for embedded palm biometric system. 1-5 - Dimitris Milioris, George Tzagkarakis, Philippe Jacquet, Panagiotis Tsakalides:
WLAN-based indoor path tracking using compressive RSS measurements. 1-5 - Martin Sundin, Magnus Jansson, Saikat Chatterjee:
Conditional prior based lmmse estimation of sparse signals. 1-5 - Pawel Korus, Jaroslaw Bialas, Andrzej Dziech:
High-quality self-embedding for JPEG-compressed digital images. 1-5 - Yu Wang, Mike Brookes:
A subspace method for speech enhancement in the modulation domain. 1-5 - Yoonseob Lim, Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham, Timothy J. Gardner:
Stable time-frequency contours for sparse signal representation. 1-5 - Suzan Ureten, Abbas Yongaçoglu, Emil M. Petriu:
Primary emitter localization using smartly initialized Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. 1-5 - Ashwin Bellur, Hema A. Murthy:
A novel application of group delay function for identifying tonic in Carnatic music. 1-5 - Ashish Bagri, Franck Thudor, Alexey Ozerov, Pierre Hellier:
A scalable framework for joint clustering and synchronizing multi-camera videos. 1-5 - Gerald Enzner, Dominic Schmid, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach:
On acoustic channel identification in multi-microphone systems via adaptive blind signal enhancement techniques. 1-5 - P. Almeida, Cristina Montagner, Rui Jesus, Nuno Correia, Márcia Vilarigues, Maria J. Melo, Sérgio M. C. Nascimento:
Analysis of paintings using multi-sensor data. 1-5 - Peng Zhang, Lu Gan, Sumei Sun, Cong Ling:
Deterministic sequences for compressive MIMO channel estimation. 1-5 - Reza Vahidnia, Shahram Shahbazpanahi:
Single-carrier equalization and distributed beamforming for asynchronous two-way relay networks. 1-5 - Felicia Lim, Patrick A. Naylor:
Robust speech dereverberation using subband multichannel least squares with variable relaxation. 1-5 - Li Geng, Mónica F. Bugallo, Petar M. Djuric:
Tracking with asynchronous binary readings and layout information in RFID systems with sense-a-tags. 1-5 - José Portelo, Bhiksha Raj, Petros Boufounos, Isabel Trancoso, Alberto Abad:
Speaker verification using Secure Binary Embeddings. 1-5 - Bruno Amizic, Leonidas Spinoulas, Rafael Molina, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Variational Bayesian compressive blind image deconvolution. 1-5 - Mohamed Al Mashrgy, Nizar Bouguila, Khalid Daoudi:
A statistical framework for positive data clustering with feature selection: Application to object detection. 1-5 - Subhro Das, José M. F. Moura:
Distributed Kalman filtering. 1-5 - Wentao Fan, Nizar Bouguila:
Video background subtraction using online infinite dirichlet mixture models. 1-5 - Dushyant Sharma, Patrick A. Naylor, Mike Brookes:
Non-intrusive speech intelligibility assessment. 1-5 - Ye Zhang, Haolong Wang, Tenglong Yu, Wenwu Wang:
Subset pursuit for analysis dictionary learning. 1-5 - Vipul Arora, Laxmidhar Behera:
Discriminative PLCA based polyphonic source identification. 1-5 - Antti Hurmalainen, Tuomas Virtanen:
Acquiring variable length speech bases for factorisation-based noise robust speech recognition. 1-5 - Zacharie Irace, Hadj Batatia:
Motion-based interpolation to estimate spatially variant PSF in Positron Emission Tomography. 1-5 - Aurelien J. Schutz, Lionel Bombrun, Yannick Berthoumieu, Mohamed Najim:
Centroid-based texture classification using the generalized Gamma distribution. 1-5 - Suminori Nishie, Masato Akagi:
Acoustic sound source tracking for a moving object using precise Doppler-Shift measurement. 1-5 - Hadi Jamali Rad, Hamid Ramezani, Geert Leus:
Blind sparsity-aware multi-source localization. 1-5 - Andrea M. Tonello, Mauro Girotto:
Cyclic Block FMT modulation for communications in time-variant frequency selective fading channels. 1-5 - Ante Jukic, Ivica Kopriva, Andrzej Cichocki:
Canonical polyadic decomposition for unsupervised linear feature extraction from protein profiles. 1-5 - Bashar I. Ahmad, Mustafa Al-Ani, Andrzej Tarczynski, Wei Dai, Cong Ling:
Compressive and non-compressive reliable wideband spectrum sensing at sub-Nyquist rates. 1-5 - Sami Touati, Hatem Boujemaa, Nazha Abed:
Cooperative ARQ protocols for underlay cognitive radio networks. 1-5 - Viktor Edman, Maria Andersson, Karl Granström, Fredrik Gustafsson:
Pedestrian group tracking using the GM-PHD filter. 1-5 - Paul Honeine, Henri Lantéri, Cédric Richard:
Constrained Kaczmarz's cyclic projections for unmixing hyperspectral data. 1-5 - Mariano Vergara, Felix Antreich, Gonzalo Seco-Granados:
Multicarrier chip pulse shape design with low PAPR. 1-5 - Wajih Ben Abdallah, Riadh Abdelfattah:
A modification to the ASM filter for improving SAR interferograms. 1-5 - Francois Le Chevalier:
Wider bandwidths for improved angle and velocity resolution. 1-5 - Jonas Unger, Joel Kronander, Per Larsson, Stefan Gustavson, Anders Ynnerman:
Temporally and spatially varying image based lighting using HDR-video. 1-5 - Foad Ghaderi, Sirko Straube:
An adaptive and efficient spatial filter for event-related potentials. 1-5 - Bouchra Senadji, Kevin Chang:
Detection of dynamic primary user with cooperative spectrum sensing. 1-5 - Amor Keziou, Hassan Fenniri, Khalid Messou, Eric Moreau:
Blind source separation of independent/dependent signals using a measure on copulas. 1-5 - Xiangrong Wang, Elias Aboutanios:
Adaptive beampattern synthesis with antenna selection by Iterative Shrinkage Continuation method. 1-5 - Joerg Schmalenstroeer, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach:
Sampling rate synchronisation in acoustic sensor networks with a pre-trained clock skew error model. 1-5 - Alexandros Iosifidis, Anastasios Tefas, Ioannis Pitas:
Dynamic action classification based on iterative data selection and Feedforward Neural networks. 1-5 - Jehandad Khan, Nidhal Bouaynaya, Hassan M. Fathallah-Shaykh:
Compressive Kalman filtering for recovering temporally-rewiring genetic networks. 1-5 - Panagiotis Niavis, George V. Moustakides:
Unbiased adaptive system identification for correlated input and noise. 1-5 - Boris Kouassi, Dirk T. M. Slock, Irfan Ghauri, Luc Deneire:
Enabling the implementation of spatial interweave LTE cognitive radio. 1-5 - Fauzia Ahmad, Jiang Qian, Moeness G. Amin:
Wall mitigation using discrete prolate spheroidal sequences for sparse indoor image reconstruction. 1-5 - Mohamed Amine Mezghich, Malek Sellami, Slim M'hiri, Faouzi Ghorbel:
Shape prior for an edge-based active contours using phase correlation. 1-5 - Michal Meler, Maciej Niedzwiecki:
Built in performance evaluation for an adaptive notch filter. 1-5 - Wim Buyens, Bas van Dijk, Jan Wouters, Marc Moonen:
A harmonic/percussive sound separation based music pre-processing scheme for cochlear implant users. 1-5 - Didier Pinchon, Pierre Siohan:
Derivation of analytical expressions for flexible PR low complexity FBMC systems. 1-5 - Yasar Kemal Alp, Orhan Arikan, Aydin Bayri:
Phase-only beam synthesis by iterative semidefinite relaxations with rank refinement. 1-5 - Mathieu Des Noes, Valentin Savin, Laurent Ros, Jean-Marc Brossier:
Improving the decoding of m-sequences by exploiting their decimation property. 1-5 - Ulug Bayazit, Muzaffer Ege Alper:
View dependent 3-D mesh coding by fast, view image quality optimized, region based rate allocation. 1-5 - Samer J. Alabed, Marius Pesavento, Anja Klein:
Distributed differential space-time coding for two-way relay networks using analog network coding. 1-5 - S. Ranoeliarivao, Frank de Morsier, Devis Tuia, S. Rakotoniaina, Maurice Borgeaud, Jean-Philippe Thiran, S. Rakotondraompiana:
Multisource clustering of remote sensing images with Entropy-based Dempster-Shafer fusion. 1-5 - Sabrina Ugazio, Letizia Lo Presti:
Effects of noise correlation on least squares filtering in multipath detection for GNSS. 1-5 - Zhixin Wang, Cheung-Fat Chan:
HRIR customization using common factor decomposition and joint support vector regression. 1-5 - Ziad Khalaf, Jacques Palicot, Amor Nafkha, Honggang Zhang:
Blind free band detector based on the sparsity of the Cyclic Autocorrelation function. 1-5 - Daniel Sage, Hagai Kirshner, Cédric Vonesch, Stamatios Lefkimmiatis, Michael Unser:
Benchmarking image-processing algorithms for biomicroscopy: Reference datasets and perspectives. 1-4 - Meryem Jabloun, Philippe Ravier, Olivier Buttelli:
Theoretical insights into the Phase Rectified Averaging method and application to HRV analysis. 1-5 - Yanfeng Liang, Jack Harris, Gaojie Chen, Syed Mohsen Naqvi, Christian Jutten, Jonathon A. Chambers:
Auxiliary function based iva using a source prior exploiting fourth order relationships. 1-5 - Wassim Suleiman, Marius Pesavento, Abdelhak M. Zoubir:
Decentralized direction finding using partly calibrated arrays. 1-5 - Omar Mehanna, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
, Efthymios Tsakonas:
Model-based power spectrum sensing from a few bits. 1-5 - Alexander Bertrand, Marc Moonen:
Topology-aware distributed adaptation of Laplacian weights for in-network averaging. 1-5 - Abdelouahab Boudjellal, Karim Abed-Meraim, Adel Belouchrani, Philippe Ravier:
Sliding window adaptive Constant Modulus Algorithm based on complex Hyperbolic Givens rotations. 1-5 - Isao Yamada, Shunsuke Ono:
Signal recovery by minimizing the Moreau envelope over the fixed point set of nonexpansive mappings. 1-5 - Patrizio Campisi, Emanuele Maiorana, Kurt Debattista, Alan Chalmers:
High Dynamic Range media watermarking issues and challanges. 1-5 - Daniel Patricio Nicolalde Rodríguez, José Antonio Apolinário, Luiz W. P. Biscainho:
Audio authenticity based on the discontinuity of ENF higher harmonics. 1-5 - Felix Albu, Kiyoshi Nishikawa:
The kernel proportionate NLMS algorithm. 1-5 - Kun Yuan, Qing Ling, Wotao Yin, Alejandro Ribeiro:
A linearized bregman algorithm for decentralized basis pursuit. 1-5 - Zhen Zhang, Xiao Ai, Naim Dahnoun:
Efficient disparity calculation based on stereo vision with ground obstacle assumption. 1-5 - Dyonisius Dony Ariananda, Geert Leus:
Compressive joint angular-frequency power spectrum estimation. 1-5 - Roland Badeau, Mark D. Plumbley:
Probabilistic time-frequency source-filter decomposition of non-stationary signals. 1-5 - Muhammad-Adeel Waris, Honglei Zhang, Iftikhar Ahmad, Serkan Kiranyaz, Moncef Gabbouj:
Analysis of textural features for face biometric anti-spoofing. 1-5 - Péter Kovács, Serkan Kiranyaz, Moncef Gabbouj:
Hyperbolic particle swarm optimization with application in rational identification. 1-5 - Jianming Liu, Steven L. Grant:
An improved variable step-size affine projection sign algorithm for echo cancellation. 1-5 - Franck Iutzeler, Philippe Ciblat:
Fully distributed signal detection: Application to cognitive radio. 1-5 - Yimin D. Zhang, Moeness G. Amin, Braham Himed:
Reduced interference time-frequency representations and sparse reconstruction of undersampled data. 1-5 - Tomer Peleg, Rémi Gribonval, Mike E. Davies:
Compressed sensing and best approximation from unions of subspaces: Beyond dictionaries. 1-5 - Eduardo Luiz Ortiz Batista, Rui Seara:
Improving the convergence of adaptive Hammerstein filters. 1-5 - Masaaki Fujiyoshi:
A separable lossless data embedding scheme in encrypted images considering hierarchical privilege. 1-5 - Sundeep Prabhakar Chepuri, Geert Leus, Alle-Jan van der Veen:
Sparsity-exploiting anchor placement for localization in sensor networks. 1-5 - Nicolas Tremblay, Pierre Borgnat:
Multiscale community mining in networks using spectral graph wavelets. 1-5 - Ayoub Tamim, Khalid Minaoui, Khalid Daoudi, Hussein M. Yahia, Abderrahman Atillah, Mohammed Faouzi Smiej, Driss Aboutajdine:
A simple and efficient approach for coarse segmentation of Moroccan coastal upwelling. 1-5 - Mikko Vehkaperä, Yoshiyuki Kabashima, Saikat Chatterjee:
Statistical mechanics approach to sparse noise denoising. 1-5 - Frank de Morsier, M. Rasamimalala, D. Tuiaz, Maurice Borgeaud, S. Rakotoniaina, S. Rakotondraompiana, Jean-Philippe Thiran:
Detection of floods in SAR images with non-linear kernel clustering and topographic prior. 1-5 - Alina Santillán-Guzmán, Martin Fischer, Ulrich Heute, Gerhard Schmidt:
Real-time Empirical Mode Decomposition for EEG signal enhancement. 1-5 - Ezio Biglieri, Nabil Ali Alrajeh:
Robust coding and modulation for body-area networks. 1-5 - George-Othon Glentis, Andreas Jakobsson:
Computationally efficient damped Capon and APES spectral estimation. 1-5 - Umut Simsekli, Beyza Ermis, A. Taylan Cemgil, Evrim Acar:
Optimal weight learning for Coupled Tensor Factorization with mixed divergences. 1-5 - Evripidis Karseras, Kin K. Leung, Wei Dai:
Hierarchical Bayesian Kalman filters for wireless sensor networks. 1-5 - Stefan Ingi Adalbjornsson, Johan Sward, Andreas Jakobsson:
Likelihood-based estimation of periodicities in symbolic sequences. 1-5 - Mozhdeh Seifi, Loïc Denis, Corinne Fournier:
Fast diffraction-pattern matching for object detection and recognition in digital holograms. 1-5 - Yuriy S. Shmaliy, Daniel J. Simon:
Iterative algorithms for unbiased FIR state estimation in discrete time. 1-5 - Loic Dubois, William Puech, Jacques Blanc-Talon:
Confidentiality metrics and Smart Selective Encryption for HD H.264/AVC videos. 1-5 - Mireille El Gheche, Anna Jezierska, Jean-Christophe Pesquet, Joumana Farah:
A proximal approach for signal recovery based on information measures. 1-5 - Bo Han, Antonis Kalis, Constantinos B. Papadias, Ramjee Prasad:
Energy efficient MIMO transmission with high order modulations for wireless sensor network. 1-5 - Eduard A. Jorswieck, Pan Cao:
Matching and exchange market based resource allocation in MIMO cognitive radio networks. 1-5 - Vicente Zarzoso, Marianna Meo, Olivier Meste:
Low-rank signal approximations with reduced error dispersion. 1-5 - Yaqub Alwan, Zoran Cvetkovic, Michael J. Curtis:
High-dimensional discriminant analysis of human cardiac arrhythmias. 1-5 - Rohan Soman, Toula Onoufriou, Marios Kyriakides:
Damage assessment of bridges using compound SHM- signal processing and communication challenges. 1-5 - Stylianos Gisdakis, Dimitrios Katselis, Panos Papadimitratos:
Allocating adversarial resources in wireless networks. 1-5 - Ulrich Nickel:
Applications of superresolution for radar: Examples, problems and solutions. 1-5 - Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Robert Schober:
Spectral efficient optimization in OFDM systems with wireless information and power transfer. 1-5 - Christian Weiss, Abdelhak M. Zoubir:
Fiber sensing using UFWT-lasers and sparse acquisition. 1-5 - Pedro Miguel Rodrigues, Bruno C. Bispo, Diamantino Freitas, João Paulo Ramos Teixeira, Alicia Carreres:
Evaluation of EEG spectral features in Alzheimer disease discrimination. 1-5 - Jorge F. Schmidt, Roberto López-Valcarce:
Low complexity primary user protection for cognitive OFDM. 1-5 - Huang-Ming Chang, Leonid Ivonin, Marta Díaz, Andreu Català, Wei Chen, Matthias Rauterberg:
What do we feel about archetypes: Self-reports and physiological signals. 1-5 - Omar Cherrak, Hicham Ghennioui, El Hossein Abarkan, Nadège Thirion-Moreau:
Non-Unitary Joint Block Diagonalization of matrices using a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. 1-5 - Yohei Kawaguchi, Masahito Togami, Hisashi Nagano, Yuichiro Hashimoto, Masuyuki Sugiyama, Yasuaki Takada:
Mass spectra separation for explosives detection by using PLCA with an attenuation model. 1-5 - Lyubomir Zegov, Radmila Pribic, Geert Leus:
Optimal waveforms for compressive sensing radar. 1-5 - Ibrahim Onaran, Nuri Firat Ince:
Spatially sparse spatio-spectral filters for feature extraction in BMI applications. 1-5 - Jared Tanner, Ke Wei:
Matrix completion algorithms with optimal phase transition. 1-2 - Nasser Mourad, Rami K. Niazy:
Automatic correction of eye blink artifact in single channel EEG recording using EMD and OMP. 1-5 - Shiori Sugimoto, Shinya Shimizu, Hideaki Kimata, Akira Kojima:
Reduced resolution update for depth map compression on the basis of texture and predicted image. 1-5 - Kenta Niwa, Yusuke Hioka, Kazunori Kobayashi, Ken'ichi Furuya, Yoichi Haneda:
Evaluation of microphone array based on diffused sensing with various filter design methods. 1-5 - Jérémy Rapin, Jérôme Bobin, Anthony Larue, Jean-Luc Starck:
Sparse redundant formulations and non-negativity in Blind Source Separation. 1-5 - Masahiro Yukawa, Ryu-ichiro Ishii:
Online model selection and learning by multikernel adaptive filtering. 1-5 - Marcelo F. Caetano, George P. Kafentzis, Athanasios Mouchtaris, Yannis Stylianou:
Adaptive sinusoidal modeling of percussive musical instrument sounds. 1-5 - Vineet Kumar, Jürgen T. Hahn, Abdelhak M. Zoubir:
Band selection for hyperspectral images based on self-tuning spectral clustering. 1-5 - Thomas Oberlin, Sylvain Meignen, Stephen McLaughlin:
A novel time-frequency technique for multicomponent signal denoising. 1-5 - Rahul Mourya, Sloven Dubois, Olivier Alata, Alain Trémeau:
Improving dynamic texture recognition by using a color spatio-temporal decomposition. 1-5 - Fredrik Andersson, Marcus Carlsson, Jean-Yves Tourneret, Herwig Wendt:
Frequency estimation based on Hankel matrices and the alternating direction method of multipliers. 1-5 - Anisia Florescu, Emilie Chouzenoux, Jean-Christophe Pesquet, Philippe Ciuciu, Silviu Ciochina:
A complex-valued Majorize-Minimize Memory Gradient method with application to parallel MRI. 1-5 - Ronen Talmon, Israel Cohen, Sharon Gannot, Ronald R. Coifman:
Graph-based bayesian approach for transient interference suppression. 1-5 - R. Perenon, Eric Sage, Ali Mohammad-Djafari, Laurent Duraffourg, Sebastien Hentz, A. Brenac, Robert Morel, P. Grangeat:
Bayesian inversion of multi-mode NEMS mass spectrometry signal. 1-5 - Johan Brynolfsson, Maria Hansson-Sandsten:
Optimal time frequency analysis of multiple time-translated locally stationary processes. 1-5 - Yubin Kuang, Kalle Åström:
Stratified sensor network self-calibration from TDOA measurements. 1-5 - Lai-Yan Wong, Yuk-Hee Chan:
Resolving the biases in threshold decomposition-based multitoning. 1-5 - Raj Thilak Rajan, Alle-Jan van der Veen:
Joint non-linear ranging and affine synchronization basis for a network of mobile nodes. 1-5 - Michal Seeman, Pavel Zemcík, Bronislav Pribyl:
Hue correction in HDR tone-mapping. 1-5 - Walid Hachicha, Azeddine Beghdadi, Faouzi Alaya Cheikh:
1D directional DCT-based stereo residual compression. 1-5 - Raul Hernandez-Aquino, Desmond C. McLernon, Mounir Ghogho, Syed Ali Raza Zaidi:
Energy efficiency in MIMO large scale two-tier networks with beamforming and adaptive modulation. 1-5 - Yoann Altmann, Nicolas Dobigeon, Jean-Yves Tourneret:
Bayesian unsupervised unmixing of hyperspectral images using a post-nonlinear model. 1-5 - Hang Ma, Pascal Acco, Marie-Laure Boucheret, Daniele Fournier-Prunaret:
Chaos-based TOA estimator for DS-UWB ranging systems in multiuser environment. 1-5 - Malek Messai, Souhaila Fki, Thierry Chonavel, Abdeldjalil Aïssa-El-Bey:
An adaptive radius blind equalization algorithm based on pdf fitting. 1-5 - Angshul Majumdar, Rabab K. Ward, Tyseer Aboulnasr:
Focuss algorithm for rank aware row-sparse MMV recovery. 1-5 - Anurag Kumar, Rajesh M. Hegde, Rita Singh, Bhiksha Raj:
Event detection in short duration audio using Gaussian Mixture Model and Random Forest Classifier. 1-5 - Mohammad Mahdi Naghsh, Mojtaba Soltanalian, Petre Stoica, Mahmoud Modarres-Hashemi:
Radar code optimization for moving target detection. 1-5 - Joachim Thiemann, Emmanuel Vincent:
A FAST EM algorithm for Gaussian model-based source separation. 1-5 - Tõnu Trump:
On a combination of M adaptive filters. 1-5 - Kefei Liu, João Paulo Carvalho Lustosa da Costa, Hing-Cheung So, Florian Roemer, Lei Huang, Rafael Timóteo de Sousa Júnior:
On the use of order selection rules for accurate parameter estimation in threshold region. 1-5 - Yun Wu, John McAllister:
Bounded selective spanning with extended fast enumeration for MIMO-OFDM systems detection. 1-5 - Tommy Nilsson, Stefan Ingi Adalbjornsson, Naveed R. Butt, Andreas Jakobsson:
Multi-pitch estimation of inharmonic signals. 1-5 - Akihiko Sugiyama, Ryoji Miyahara, Kwangsoo Park:
Impact-noise suppression with phase-based detection. 1-5 - Jae-Mo Yang, Hong-Goo Kang:
Adaptive multichannel linear prediction based dereverberation in time-varying room environments. 1-5 - Harri Pölönen, Gerald Schubert:
Segmentation of rib bones from MR data using tracking approach and polynomial parametrization. 1-5 - Konstantinos I. Tsianos, Michael G. Rabbat:
Simple iteration-optimal distributed optimization. 1-5 - Sidsel Marie Nørholm, Jesper Rindom Jensen, Mads Græsbøll Christensen:
On the influence of inharmonicities in model-based speech enhancement. 1-5 - Jorge Muñoz-Minjares, Jesús Cabal-Aragón, Yuriy S. Shmaliy:
Probabilistic bounds for estimates of genome DNA copy number variations using HR-CGH microarray. 1-5 - Thaísa Leal da Silva, Luciano Volcan Agostini, Luís Alberto da Silva Cruz:
Speeding up HEVC intra coding based on tree depth inter-levels correlation structure. 1-5 - Maxime Boizard, Guillaume Ginolhac, Frédéric Pascal, Sebastian Miron, Philippe Forster:
Numerical performance of a tensor MUSIC algorithm based on HOSVD for a mixture of polarized sources. 1-5 - Eugenia Koblents, Joaquín Míguez:
Robust mixture populationmonte Carlo scheme with adaptation of the number of components. 1-5 - Manuel Sanchez-Castillo, Isabel M. Tienda-Luna, David Blanco, Maria Carmen Carrion Perez, Yufei Huang:
Bayesian sparse factor model for transcriptional regulatory networks inference. 1-4 - Alessandro Neri, Cosimo Stallo, Andrea Coluccia, Veronica Palma, Marina Ruggieri, Fabrizio Toni, Pietro Salvatori, Francesco Rispoli:
On Board Unit design for train positioning by GNSS. 1-5 - Jirí Málek:
Blind compensation of memoryless nonlinear distortions in sparse signals. 1-5 - Ahmed Abdou, Guillaume Ferré, Éric Grivel, Mohamed Najim:
Interference cancellation in multiuser hybrid overlay cognitive radio. 1-5 - Zhong Chen, Xiaodong Wang, Xianda Zhang:
Continuous power allocation strategies for sensing-based multiband spectrum sharing. 1-5 - Laura Anitori, Wim Van Rossum, Matern Otten, Arian Maleki, Richard G. Baraniuk:
Compressive sensing radar: Simulation and experiments for target detection. 1-5 - Pascal Bondon, Li Song:
AR processes with non-Gaussian asymmetric innovations. 1-5 - Abderrahim Halimi, Corinne Mailhes, Jean-Yves Tourneret:
Cramér-Rao bounds and estimation algorithms for delay/Doppler and conventional altimetry. 1-5 - Michael Unser, Daniel Sage, Ricard Delgado-Gonzalo:
Advanced image processing for biology, and the Open Bio Image Alliance (OBIA). 1-5 - Aleksandr Diment, Toni Heittola, Tuomas Virtanen:
Semi-supervised learning for musical instrument recognition. 1-5 - Luiz F. O. Chamon, Cássio Guimarães Lopes:
Transient performance of an incremental combination of LMS filters. 1-5 - Abhijit Pradhan, S. Aswin Shanmugam, Anusha Prakash, Kamakoti Veezhinathan, Hema A. Murthy:
A syllable based statistical text to speech system. 1-5 - Christos Tzagkarakis, Athanasios Mouchtaris:
Sparsity based robust speaker identification using a discriminative dictionary learning approach. 1-5 - Stefan Leier, Martin Kronig, Abdelhak M. Zoubir:
A modified version of the mosaic phase gradient autofocus. 1-5 - Cyrus Jahanchahi, Danilo P. Mandic:
An adaptive diffusion quaternion LMS algorithm for distributed networks of 3D and 4D vector sensors. 1-5 - Sai Han, Florian Pflug, Tim Fingscheidt:
Improved amr wideband error concealment for mobile communications. 1-5 - Fabrice de Chaumont, Stephane Dallongeville, Thomas Provoost, Timothee Lecomte, Alexandre Dufour, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin:
Icy: A user-friendly environment for algorithm development and deployment. 1-5 - Dang Hai Tran Vu, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach:
Blind speech separation exploiting temporal and spectral correlations using 2D-HMMs. 1-5 - Rob Heylen, Muhammad Awais Akhter, Paul Scheunders:
Solving the hyperspectral unmixing problem with projection onto convex sets. 1-5 - Hayssam Dahrouj, Wei Yu, Taiwen Tang, Jerry Chow, Radu Selea:
Coordinated scheduling for wireless backhaul networks with soft frequency reuse. 1-5 - Joachim H. G. Ender:
A compressive sensing approach to the fusion of PCL sensors. 1-5 - Jelena Skulic, Athanasios Gkelias, Kin K. Leung:
Node placement in linear Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Ion Candel, Cindy Bernard, Cornel Ioana, Bertrand Reeb, Didier Boldo:
Sparse representation of channel's impulse response for underwater inhomogeneities tracking. 1-5 - Martin Krawczyk, Robert Rehr, Timo Gerkmann:
Phase-sensitive real-time capable speech enhancement under voiced-unvoiced uncertainty. 1-5 - Mohammed El Rhabi, Hassan Fenniri, Abdelilah Hakim, Eric Moreau:
A new image deblurring approach using a special convolution expansion. 1-5 - Clement Magnant, Audrey Giremus, Éric Grivel:
Jeffreys divergence between state models: Application to target tracking using multiple models. 1-5 - Vahid Jamali, Nikola Zlatanov, Aïssa Ikhlef, Robert Schober:
Adaptive mode selection in bidirectional buffer-aided relay networks with fixed transmit powers. 1-5 - Junyan Tan, Virginie Fresse, Frédéric Rousseau:
Adaptive NoC-based MPSoC system for spectral imaging algorithm dedicated to art authentication. 1-5 - Priyanka J. Raja, Justin Jacob, Byung-Jun Yoon, Geoffrey Bartholomeusz, Arvind Rao:
Automated image analysis and inference of gene function from high - Content screens. 1-5 - Ronen Talmon, Sharon Gannot:
Relative transfer function identification on manifolds for supervised GSC beamformers. 1-5 - Thi Le Thu Nguyen, François Septier, Gareth W. Peters, Yves Delignon:
Bayesian model selection and parameter estimation in penalized regression model using SMC samplers. 1-5 - Alastair H. Moore, Mike Brookes, Patrick A. Naylor:
Room geometry estimation from a single channel acoustic impulse response. 1-5 - Maarten Jansen:
Noise reduction in an adaptive multiscale local polynomial decomposition. 1-5 - Chengfang Ren, Jérôme Galy, Eric Chaumette, Pascal Larzabal, Alexandre Renaux:
High resolution techniques for radar: Myth or reality? 1-5 - Hamed Shamsi, I. Yücel Özbek:
Heart sound detection in respiratory sound using Hidden Markov Model. 1-5 - Ryudo Nagase, Kunio Oishi, Toshihiro Furukawa:
A cepstrum prefiltering approach for DOA estimation of speech signal in reverberant environments. 1-5 - Ivan Stupia, Luc Vandendorpe:
A generalized Nash game for energy efficiency optimization: A quasi variational inequality approach. 1-5 - Hussain F. Jaafar, Asoke K. Nandi, Waleed Al-Nuaimy:
Automated localisation of the optic disc and fovea to assist diabetic retinopathy screenings. 1-5 - Wentao Fan, Nizar Bouguila:
Spatio-temporal object recognition using variational learning of an infinite statistical model. 1-5 - Jinane Harmouche, Claude Delpha, Demba Diallo:
A theoretical approach for incipient fault severity assessment using the Kullback-Leibler Divergence. 1-5 - Sylvain Marchand:
Fourier-based methods for the spectral analysis of musical sounds. 1-5 - Pablo Ruiz, Javier Mateos, María C. Cárdenas, Shinichi Nakajima, Rafael Molina, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Light field acquisition from blurred observations using a programmable coded aperture camera. 1-5 - Sara Bahamou, Amor Nafkha:
Noise uncertainty analysis of energy detector: Bounded and unbounded approximation relationship. 1-4 - Christian Jungreuthmayer, Margot Sonnleitner, Gerald Striedner, Jürgen Mairhofer, Jürgen Zanghellini:
Designing an optimally ethanol producing E. coli strain using constrained minimal cut sets. 1-5 - Pierre Comon, Khalid Minaoui, Awatif Rouijel, Driss Aboutajdine:
Performance index for tensor polyadic decompositions. 1-5 - Abdullatif Al-Rabah, Mudassir Masood, Anum Ali, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri:
Receiver-based Bayesian PAPR reduction in OFDM. 1-5 - Nawal Alioua, Aouatif Amine, Mohammed Rziza, Abdelaziz Bensrhair, Driss Aboutajdine:
Head pose estimation based on steerable filters and likelihood parametrized function. 1-5 - Daniele Inserra, Andrea M. Tonello:
Training symbol exploitation in CP-OFDM for DoA estimation in multipath channels. 1-5 - Guillaume Bourmaud, Rémi Mégret, Audrey Giremus, Yannick Berthoumieu:
Discrete Extended Kalman Filter on Lie groups. 1-5 - Amin Hassani, Alexander Bertrand, Marc Moonen:
Distributed node-specific direction-of-arrival estimation in wireless acoustic sensor networks. 1-5 - Youngchun Kim, Ahmed H. Tewfik:
Low energy and latency touch detection using group testing. 1-5 - Jorge Plata-Chaves, Nikola Bogdanovic, Kostas Berberidis:
Distributed incremental-based rls for node-specific parameter estimation over adaptive networks. 1-5 - Zeina Mheich, Florence Alberge, Pierre Duhamel:
On the efficiency of transmission strategies for broadcast channels using finite size constellations. 1-5 - A. Hari, Osama A. S. Alkishriwo, Luis F. Chaparro, Aydin Akan:
Non-stationary decomposition using the Discrete Linear Chirp transform (DLCT) for FM demodulation. 1-5 - Habti Abeida, Mosleh M. Al-Harthi:
Carrier frequency offset estimation in time-selective Rayleigh flat-fading channels. 1-5 - Hamid Ramezani, Geert Leus:
DMC-MAC: Dynamic multi-channel MAC in underwater acoustic networks. 1-5 - Reda Jourani, Khalid Daoudi, Régine André-Obrecht, Driss Aboutajdine:
Combination of SVM and large margin GMM modeling for speaker identification. 1-5 - Simon Burgess, Yubin Kuang, Kalle Åström:
TOA sensor network calibration for receiver and transmitter spaces with difference in dimension. 1-5 - Peter Jancovic, Münevver Köküer, Masoud Zakeri, Martin J. Russell:
Unsupervised discovery of acoustic patterns in bird vocalisations employing DTW and clustering. 1-5 - Makoto Nakashizuka:
Soft morphological image prior. 1-5 - Xionghu Zhong, Xiaoyi Chen, Wenwu Wang, Atiyeh Alinaghi, A. Benjamin Premkumar:
Acoustic vector sensor based reverberant speech separation with probabilistic time-frequency masking. 1-5 - Modris Greitans, Rolands Shavelis:
Extended Fourier series for time-varying filtering and reconstruction from level-crossing samples. 1-5 - Hanwen Cao, Wei Jiang, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Asim Burak Guven, Yue Wang, Yuan Gao, Animar Rabbani, Michael Wiemeler, Theo Kreul, Feng Zheng, Thomas Kaiser:
The design of an LTE-A system enhanced with cognitive radio. 1-5 - Isidoros Rodomagoulakis, Gerasimos Potamianos, Petros Maragos:
Advances in Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition in Greek: Modeling and nonlinear features. 1-5 - Edouard Buchoud, Valeriu Vrabie, Jérôme I. Mars, Alexandre Girard, Guy D'Urso, Sylvain Blairon, Jean-Marie Henault:
Nonnegative unmixing methodology applied on Brillouin Optical Fiber Sensor. 1-5 - Ina Kodrasi, Simon Doclo:
Regularized subspace-based acoustic multichannel equalization for speech dereverberation. 1-5 - Patrick Hannon, Mohamed Krini, Ingo Schalk-Schupp:
Advanced speech enhancement with partial speech reconstruction. 1-5 - Emre Yilmaz, Jort F. Gemmeke, Hugo Van hamme:
Exemplar selection techniques for sparse representations of speech using multiple dictionaries. 1-5 - Dominik Schnitzer, Arthur Flexer, Jan Schlueter:
The relation of hubs to the Doddington zoo in speaker verification. 1-5 - Ervin Sejdic, Luis F. Chaparro:
Time-frequency representations based on compressive samples. 1-4 - Jochen O. Schrattenecker, Stefan Schuster, Andreas Haderer, Guenther Reinthaler, Andreas Stelzer:
Accuracy limits of a seam-tracking algorithm for microwave systems at mm-wave frequencies. 1-5 - Konrad Kowalczyk, Alexandra Craciun, Emanuël A. P. Habets:
Generating virtual microphone signals in noisy environments. 1-5 - Maria Hansson-Sandsten:
Matched Gaussian multitaper spectrogram. 1-5 - Daniel Bonilla Licea, Desmond C. McLernon, Mounir Ghogho, Syed Ali Raza Zaidi:
An energy saving robot mobility diversity algorithm for wireless communications. 1-5 - Tracey Kah-Mein Lee, Sharon S. W. Gan, Saeid Sanei, Samaneh Kouchaki:
Assessing rehabilitative reach and grasp movements with Singular Spectrum Analysis. 1-5 - Joseph Szurley, Alexander Bertrand, Ingrid Moerman, Marc Moonen:
Network topology selection for distributed speech enhancement in wireless acoustic sensor networks. 1-5 - Raffaele Grasso, Paolo Braca, John Osler, Jim Hansen:
Asset network planning: Integration of environmental data and sensor performance for counter piracy. 1-5 - Paolo Di Lorenzo, Sergio Barbarossa:
Distributed control of wireless ad-hoc networks connectivity incorporating realistic channel models. 1-5 - Lu Wang, Laurent Albera, Huazhong Shu, Lotfi Senhadji:
A new Jacobi-like nonnegative joint diagonalization by congruence. 1-5 - Toon van Waterschoot, Bruno Defraene, Moritz Diehl, Marc Moonen:
Embedded optimization algorithms for multi-microphone dereverberation. 1-5 - L. Gharsalli, Bernard Duchêne, Ali Mohammad-Djafari, Hacheme Ayasso:
Microwave tomography for breast cancer detection within a variational Bayesian approach. 1-5 - Cindy Bernard, Cornel Ioana:
Generalized Complex time-distribution using modified analytical continuation. 1-5 - Constantin Paleologu, Jacob Benesty, Silviu Ciochina, Victor Popescu:
Robust general Kalman filter for echo cancellation. 1-5 - Anatole Chessel, François Waharte, Jean Salamero, Charles Kervrann:
A Maximum Likelihood method for lifetime estimation in photon counting-based Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy. 1-5 - Volkan Kilic, Mark Barnard, Wenwu Wang, Josef Kittler:
Adaptive particle filtering approach to audio-visual tracking. 1-5 - Amina Djema, Youcef Chibani:
Binarization of historical documents using self-learning classifier based on K-Means and SVM. 1-5 - Antonio Napolitano, Ivana Perna:
On synchronization of Doppler-stretched GPS signals. 1-5 - Colin McGuire, Stephan Weiss:
Power-optimised multi-radio network under varying throughput constraints for rural broadband access. 1-5 - Alice Combernoux, Frédéric Pascal, Guillaume Ginolhac, Marc Lesturgie:
Random matrix theory applied to low rank stap detection. 1-5 - Maja Taseska, Emanuël A. P. Habets:
An online EM algorithm for source extraction using distributed microphone arrays. 1-5 - Mostafa Sadeghi, Mohsen Joneidi, Massoud Babaie-Zadeh, Christian Jutten:
Sequential subspace finding: A new algorithm for learning low-dimensional linear subspaces. 1-5 - Renato Candido, Marcio Eisencraft, Magno T. M. Silva:
Channel equalization for synchronization of Ikeda maps. 1-5 - Mehmet Yamac, Çagatay Dikici, Bülent Sankur:
Robust watermarking of compressive sensed measurements under impulsive and Gaussian attacks. 1-5 - Mohammad Mahdi Naghsh, Mahmoud Modarres-Hashemi, Shahram Shahbazpanahi, Mojtaba Soltanalian, Petre Stoica:
Majorization-minimization technique for multi-static radar code design. 1-5 - Bruno Defraene, Toon van Waterschoot, Moritz Diehl, Marc Moonen:
Embedded-optimization-based loudspeaker compensation using a generic Hammerstein loudspeaker model. 1-5 - Milos Ajcevic, Agostino Accardo, Elisa Fornasa, Umberto Lucangelo:
Estimation of pressure drop in pediatric endotracheal tubes during HFPV. 1-5 - Jorge Rubio, Miguel Vega, Rafael Molina, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
A general sparse image prior combination in Compressed Sensing. 1-5 - Mohammed Khalil, Adil El Bahi, Abdellah Adib:
A high capacity blind watermarking for two-channel audio signals based on CDMA-ICA. 1-5 - Li Guo, Dajiang Zhou, Satoshi Goto:
Lossless embedded compression using multi-mode DPCM & averaging prediction for HEVC-like video codec. 1-5 - Yasser Fadlallah, Abdeldjalil Aïssa-El-Bey, Karine Amis, Dominique Pastor, Ramesh Pyndiah:
New decoding strategy for underdetermined MIMO transmission using sparse decomposition. 1-5 - Shota Kawabuchi, Chiyomi Miyajima, Norihide Kitaoka, Kazuya Takeda:
Modeling subjective evaluation of music similarity using tolerance. 1-5 - Sandy Mahfouz, Farah Mourad-Chehade, Paul Honeine, Joumana Farah, Hichem Snoussi:
Decentralized localization using fingerprinting and kernel methods inwireless sensor networks. 1-5 - Konstantinos I. Diamantaras, Theophilos Papadimitriou:
Blind identification of PAM-MIMO systems based on the distribution of output differences. 1-5 - Alberto Rico-Alvariño, Robert W. Heath Jr.:
Learning based link adaptation in multiuser MIMO-OFDM. 1-5 - Faisal Farooq, Preben Kidmose:
Random forest classification for p300 based brain computer interface applications. 1-5 - Andreas Maier, Andreas Uhl:
Areamap and Gabor filter based Vickers hardness indentation measurement. 1-5 - Sanda Drakulic, Driton Statovci, Martin Wolkerstorfer:
Performance of linear crosstalk cancelation in fourth generation wired broadband access networks. 1-5 - Jeffrey J. Micallef, Reuben A. Farrugia, Carl James Debono:
Improving decoding speed for parallel Distributed Video Coding architectures. 1-5 - N. Özben Önhon, Müjdat Çetin:
SAR moving target imaging using group sparsity. 1-5 - Dimuthu Jayasingha, Jingxin Zhang:
Joint MMSE transceiver design for noisy MIMO channel with erasures. 1-5 - Alessandro Neri, Veronica Palma, Francesco Rispoli, Anna Maria Vegni:
Track constrained PVT estimation based on the double-difference technique for railway applications. 1-5 - Rui Fa, Basel Abu-Jamous, Asoke K. Nandi:
Object based validation algorithm and its application to consensus clustering. 1-5 - Yinan Yu, Tomas McKelvey:
A unified subspace classification framework developed for diagnostic system using microwave signal. 1-5 - Taisaku Ishiwata, Yoshinao Shiraki:
A new weighting function improving the convergence performance of IRWLS-based all-pass IIR filters. 1-5 - Cesar F. Caiafa, Ercan E. Kuruoglu:
Using Generic Order Moments for separation of dependent sources with linear conditional expectations. 1-5 - Zhiyuan Weng, Petar M. Djuric:
Distributed estimation in the presence of correlated noises. 1-5 - Omid Namvar Gharehshiran, Vikram Krishnamurthy, Gang George Yin:
Game-theoretic learning for activation of diffusion least mean squares. 1-5 - Angeliki V. Katsenou, Lisimachos P. Kondi, Evangelos Papapetrou:
Distortion-aware joint scheduling and resource allocation for wireless video transmission. 1-5 - Richard C. Hendriks, Zekeriya Erkin, Timo Gerkmann:
Privacy preserving distributed beamforming based on homomorphic encryption. 1-5 - Chung-Kai Yu, Mihaela van der Schaar, Ali H. Sayed:
Cluster formation over adaptive networks with selfish agents. 1-5 - Yesenia Lacouture-Parodi, Emanuël A. P. Habets:
Robust ITD error estimation for crosstalk cancellation systems with a microphone-based head-tracker. 1-5 - Alexandre Bony, Benjamin Bringier, Majdi Khoudeir:
Tridimensional reconstruction by photometric stereo with near spot light sources. 1-5 - Rajan Golda Brunet, Hema A. Murthy:
Analysis of vowel deletion in continuous speech. 1-5 - Nicoletta Saulig, Nelly Pustelnik, Pierre Borgnat, Patrick Flandrin, Victor Sucic:
Instantaneous counting of components in nonstationary signals. 1-5 - Thanh Trung Dang, Azeddine Beghdadi, Mohamed-Chaker Larabi:
Perceptual evaluation of digital image completion quality. 1-5 - Francisco Eugenio, Javier Martín Abasolo, Javier Marcello, Juan A. Bermejo:
Worldview-2 high resolution remote sensing image processing for the monitoring of coastal areas. 1-5 - Marcelo Lucena, José Antonio Apolinário, Mobien Shoaib:
The inverse QRD set-membership RLS algorithm. 1-5 - Nevine Demitri, Abdelhak M. Zoubir:
Mean-shift based algorithm for the measurement of blood glucose in hand-held devices. 1-5 - Angshul Majumdar, Rabab K. Ward, Tyseer Aboulnasr:
Generalized Non-linear Sparse Classifier. 1-5 - Hiram Madero Orozco, Pablo Ruiz, Javier Mateos, Rafael Molina, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Image deblurring combining poisson singular integral and total variation prior models. 1-5 - Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri, Muhammad Moinuddin:
Exact tracking analysis of the NLMS algorithm for correlated Gaussian inputs. 1-5 - Xiangrong Wang, Elias Aboutanios:
Theoretical analysis of reconfigurable adaptive antenna array in GNSS applications. 1-5

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