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21st AIED 2020: Ifrane, Morocco
- Ig Ibert Bittencourt, Mutlu Cukurova, Kasia Muldner, Rose Luckin, Eva Millán:
Artificial Intelligence in Education - 21st International Conference, AIED 2020, Ifrane, Morocco, July 6-10, 2020, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12164, Springer 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-52239-1
Short Papers
- Solmaz Abdi, Hassan Khosravi, Shazia Sadiq:
Modelling Learners in Crowdsourcing Educational Systems. 3-9 - Sohail Alhazmi, Charles Thevathayan, Margaret Hamilton:
Interactive Pedagogical Agents for Learning Sequence Diagrams. 10-14 - Zeyad Alshaikh, Lasang Jimba Tamang, Vasile Rus:
A Socratic Tutor for Source Code Comprehension. 15-19 - Sungeun An, Robert Bates, Jen Hammock, Spencer Rugaber, Emily Weigel, Ashok K. Goel:
Scientific Modeling Using Large Scale Knowledge. 20-24 - Magdalena Andrzejewska, Agnieszka Skawinska:
Examining Students' Intrinsic Cognitive Load During Program Comprehension - An Eye Tracking Approach. 25-30 - Robert-Mihai Botarleanu, Mihai Dascalu, Scott Andrew Crossley, Danielle S. McNamara:
Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Automated Text Simplification. 31-36 - Andrzej Cader:
The Potential for the Use of Deep Neural Networks in e-Learning Student Evaluation with New Data Augmentation Method. 37-42 - Leon Camus, Anna Filighera:
Investigating Transformers for Automatic Short Answer Grading. 43-48 - Abdessamad Chanaa, Nour-Eddine El Faddouli:
Predicting Learners Need for Recommendation Using Dynamic Graph-Based Knowledge Tracing. 49-53 - Abdessamad Chanaa, Nour-Eddine El Faddouli:
BERT and Prerequisite Based Ontology for Predicting Learner's Confusion in MOOCs Discussion Forums. 54-58 - Penghe Chen, Yu Lu, Yan Peng, Jiefei Liu, Qi Xu:
Identification of Students' Need Deficiency Through a Dialogue System. 59-63 - Edwin Chng, Sofya Zeylikman, Bertrand Schneider:
The Double-Edged Sword of Automating Personalized Interventions in Makerspaces: An Exploratory Study of Potential Benefits and Drawbacks. 64-68 - Youngduck Choi, Youngnam Lee, Dongmin Shin, Junghyun Cho, Seoyon Park, Seewoo Lee, Jineon Baek, Chan Bae, Byungsoo Kim, Jaewe Heo:
EdNet: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Dataset in Education. 69-73 - Aubrey Condor:
Exploring Automatic Short Answer Grading as a Tool to Assist in Human Rating. 74-79 - Maria-Dorinela Dascalu, Stefan Ruseti, Mihai Dascalu, Danielle S. McNamara, Stefan Trausan-Matu:
Multi-document Cohesion Network Analysis: Visualizing Intratextual and Intertextual Links. 80-85 - Shayan Doroudi:
Mastery Learning Heuristics and Their Hidden Models. 86-91 - Stephen E. Fancsali, Kenneth Holstein, Michael Sandbothe, Steven Ritter, Bruce M. McLaren, Vincent Aleven:
Towards Practical Detection of Unproductive Struggle. 92-97 - Miguel García Iruela, Manuel J. Fonseca, Raquel Hijón-Neira, Teresa Chambel:
What Happens When Gamification Ends? 98-102 - Andrea Gauthier, Kaska Porayska-Pomsta, Denis Mareschal:
Using Eye-Tracking and Click-Stream Data to Design Adaptive Training of Children's Inhibitory Control in a Maths and Science Game. 103-108 - Yusuke Hayashi, Toshihiro Nomura, Tsukasa Hirashima:
Prediction of Group Learning Results from an Aggregation of Individual Understanding with Kit-Build Concept Map. 109-113 - Hind Hayati, Mohammed Khalidi Idrissi, Samir Bennani:
Automatic Classification for Cognitive Engagement in Online Discussion Forums: Text Mining and Machine Learning Approach. 114-118 - Martin Hlosta, Tina Papathoma, Christothea Herodotou:
Explaining Errors in Predictions of At-Risk Students in Distance Learning Education. 119-123 - Yun Huang, Vincent Aleven, Elizabeth A. McLaughlin, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
A General Multi-method Approach to Design-Loop Adaptivity in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 124-129 - Hamid Karimi, Tyler Derr, Kaitlin T. Torphy, Kenneth A. Frank, Jiliang Tang:
Towards Improving Sample Representativeness of Teachers on Online Social Media: A Case Study on Pinterest. 130-134 - Madiha Khan-Galaria, Mutlu Cukurova, Rose Luckin:
A Framework for Exploring the Impact of Tutor Practices on Learner Self-regulation in Online Environments. 135-139 - Ekaterina Kochmar, Dung Do Vu, Robert Belfer, Varun Gupta, Iulian Vlad Serban, Joelle Pineau:
Automated Personalized Feedback Improves Learning Gains in An Intelligent Tutoring System. 140-146 - Amruth N. Kumar:
Allowing Revisions While Providing Error-Flagging Support: Is More Better? 147-151 - Charles Lang:
Learner-Context Modelling: A Bayesian Approach. 152-156 - Heera Lee, Varun Mandalapu, Andrea Kleinsmith, Jiaqi Gong:
Distinguishing Anxiety Subtypes of English Language Learners Towards Augmented Emotional Clarity. 157-161 - Hang Li, Zhiwei Wang, Jiliang Tang, Wenbiao Ding, Zitao Liu:
Siamese Neural Networks for Class Activity Detection. 162-167 - Jiayin Lin, Geng Sun, Jun Shen, David Pritchard, Tingru Cui, Dongming Xu, Li Li, Ghassan Beydoun, Shiping Chen:
Deep-Cross-Attention Recommendation Model for Knowledge Sharing Micro Learning Service. 168-173 - Jionghao Lin, David Lang, Haoran Xie, Dragan Gasevic, Guanliang Chen:
Investigating the Role of Politeness in Human-Human Online Tutoring. 174-179 - Zhou Long, Dehong Luo, Kai Kiu, Hongli Gao, Jing Qu, Xiangen Hu:
Raising Academic Performance in Socio-cognitive Conflict Learning Through Gamification. 180-184 - Yu Lu, Deliang Wang, Qinggang Meng, Penghe Chen:
Towards Interpretable Deep Learning Models for Knowledge Tracing. 185-190 - Boniface Mbouzao, Michel C. Desmarais, Ian Shrier:
Early Prediction of Success in MOOC from Video Interaction Features. 191-196 - Kathryn S. McCarthy, Laura K. Allen, Scott R. Hinze:
Predicting Reading Comprehension from Constructed Responses: Explanatory Retrievals as Stealth Assessment. 197-202 - Guilherme Medeiros Machado, Geoffray Bonnin, Sylvain Castagnos, Lara Hoareau, Aude Thomas, Youssef Tazouti:
An Approach to Model Children's Inhibition During Early Literacy and Numeracy Acquisition. 203-207 - Michael Mogessie Ashenafi, J. Elizabeth Richey, Bruce M. McLaren, Juan Miguel L. Andres-Bray, Ryan S. Baker:
Confrustion and Gaming While Learning with Erroneous Examples in a Decimals Game. 208-213 - Sneha Mondal, Tejas I. Dhamecha, Smriti Pathak, Red Mendoza, Gayathri K. Wijayarathna, Paul Gagnon, Jan Carlstedt-Duke:
Learning Outcomes and Their Relatedness Under Curriculum Drift. 214-219 - Elizabeth K. Morales Urrutia, José Miguel Ocaña Ch., Diana Pérez-Marín, Celeste Pizarro-Romero:
Promoting Learning and Satisfaction of Children When Interacting with an Emotional Companion to Program. 220-223 - Ifeanyi G. Ndukwe, Chukwudi E. Amadi, Larian M. Nkomo, Ben Kei Daniel:
Automatic Grading System Using Sentence-BERT Network. 224-227 - Bogdan Nicula, Cecile A. Perret, Mihai Dascalu, Danielle S. McNamara:
Extended Multi-document Cohesion Network Analysis Centered on Comprehension Prediction. 228-233 - Jennifer K. Olsen, Catharine Oertel:
Supporting Empathy Training Through Virtual Patients. 234-239 - Kyungjin Park, Bradford W. Mott, Wookhee Min, Eric N. Wiebe, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, James C. Lester:
Generating Game Levels to Develop Computer Science Competencies in Game-Based Learning Environments. 240-245 - Thomas W. Price, Samiha Marwan, Michael Winters, Joseph Jay Williams:
An Evaluation of Data-Driven Programming Hints in a Classroom Setting. 246-251 - Shi Pu, Michael Yudelson, Lu Ou, Yuchi Huang:
Deep Knowledge Tracing with Transformers. 252-256 - Iulian Radu, Ethan Tu, Bertrand Schneider:
Relationships Between Body Postures and Collaborative Learning States in an Augmented Reality Study. 257-262 - Renah Razzaq, Korinn S. Ostrow, Neil T. Heffernan:
Effect of Immediate Feedback on Math Achievement at the High School Level. 263-267 - Miguel A. Rubio:
Automated Prediction of Novice Programmer Performance Using Programming Trajectories. 268-272 - Sreecharan Sankaranarayanan, Siddharth Reddy Kandimalla, Sahil Hasan, Haokang An, Christopher Bogart, R. Charles Murray, Michael Hilton, Majd Sakr, Carolyn P. Rosé:
Agent-in-the-Loop: Conversational Agent Support in Service of Reflection for Learning During Collaborative Programming. 273-278 - Bahar Shahrokhian Ghahfarokhi, Avinash Sivaraman, Kurt VanLehn:
Toward an Automatic Speech Classifier for the Teacher. 279-284 - Antonette Shibani:
Constructing Automated Revision Graphs: A Novel Visualization Technique to Study Student Writing. 285-290 - Björn Sjödén:
When Lying, Hiding and Deceiving Promotes Learning - A Case for Augmented Intelligence with Augmented Ethics. 291-295 - Caitlin Snyder, Nicole M. Hutchins, Gautam Biswas, Mona Emara, Bernard Yett, Shitanshu Mishra:
Understanding Collaborative Question Posing During Computational Modeling in Science. 296-300 - Rohan Ahuja, Daniyal Khan, Sara Tahir, Magdalene Wang, Danilo Symonette, Shimei Pan, Simon Stacey, Don Engel:
Machine Learning and Student Performance in Teams. 301-305 - Samantha Stranc, Kasia Muldner:
Scanpath Analysis of Student Attention During Problem Solving with Worked Examples. 306-311 - Kamilla Tenório, Geiser Chalco Challco, Diego Dermeval, Bruno Lemos, Pedro Nascimento, Rodrigo Santos, Alan Pedro da Silva:
Helping Teachers Assist Their Students in Gamified Adaptive Educational Systems: Towards a Gamification Analytics Tool. 312-317 - Xiaoyi Tian, Nichola Lubold, Leah Friedman, Erin Walker:
Understanding Rapport over Multiple Sessions with a Social, Teachable Robot. 318-323 - Hanshuang Tong, Yun Zhou, Zhen Wang:
Exercise Hierarchical Feature Enhanced Knowledge Tracing. 324-328 - Rurik Tywoniw, Scott A. Crossley, Jaclyn Ocumpaugh, Shamya Karumbaiah, Ryan Baker:
Relationships Between Math Performance and Human Judgments of Motivational Constructs in an Online Math Tutoring System. 329-333 - Masaki Uto, Yuto Uchida:
Automated Short-Answer Grading Using Deep Neural Networks and Item Response Theory. 334-339 - Shiting Xu, Wenbiao Ding, Zitao Liu:
Automatic Dialogic Instruction Detection for K-12 Online One-on-One Classes. 340-345 - Elmira Yadollahi, Marta Couto, Wafa Johal, Pierre Dillenbourg, Ana Paiva:
Exploring the Role of Perspective Taking in Educational Child-Robot Interaction. 346-351 - Bernard Yett, Nicole Hutchins, Caitlin Snyder, Ningyu Zhang, Shitanshu Mishra, Gautam Biswas:
Evaluating Student Learning in a Synchronous, Collaborative Programming Environment Through Log-Based Analysis of Projects. 352-357 - Ahmed H. Zaidi, Andrew Caines, Russell Moore, Paula Buttery, Andrew Rice:
Adaptive Forgetting Curves for Spaced Repetition Language Learning. 358-363 - Jia Zhu, Weihao Yu, Zetao Zheng, Changqin Huang, Yong Tang, Gabriel Pui Cheong Fung:
Learning from Interpretable Analysis: Attention-Based Knowledge Tracing. 364-368
Industry and Innovation Papers
- Miruna Cristus, Oscar Täckström, Lingyi Tan, Valentino Pacifici:
Identifying Beneficial Learning Behaviors from Large-Scale Interaction Data. 371-375 - Yang Pian, Yu Lu, Yuqi Huang, Ig Ibert Bittencourt:
A Gamified Solution to the Cold-Start Problem of Intelligent Tutoring System. 376-381 - Cleo Schulten, Sven Manske, Angela Langner-Thiele, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe:
Bridging Over from Learning Videos to Learning Resources Through Automatic Keyword Extraction. 382-386 - Iulian Vlad Serban, Varun Gupta, Ekaterina Kochmar, Dung Do Vu, Robert Belfer, Joelle Pineau, Aaron C. Courville, Laurent Charlin, Yoshua Bengio:
A Large-Scale, Open-Domain, Mixed-Interface Dialogue-Based ITS for STEM. 387-392
Doctoral Consortium Papers
- Paul S. Brown, Anthony G. Cohn, Glen Hart, Vania Dimitrova:
Contingent Scaffolding for System Safety Analysis. 395-399 - Chou Ching-En, Kaska Porayska-Pomsta:
The Exploration of Feeling of Difficulty Using Eye-Tracking and Skin Conductance Response. 400-404 - Ana Mouta, Eva María Torrecilla Sánchez, Ana María Pinto Llorente:
Sense of Agency in Times of Automation: A Teachers' Professional Development Proposal on the Ethical Challenges of AI Applied to Education. 405-408 - Huy Anh Nguyen, Yuqing Guo, John C. Stamper, Bruce M. McLaren:
Improving Students' Problem-Solving Flexibility in Non-routine Mathematics. 409-413
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