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IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 66
Volume 66, Number 1, January 2018
- Zhijin Qin
, Yue Gao
, Mark D. Plumbley
Malicious User Detection Based on Low-Rank Matrix Completion in Wideband Spectrum Sensing. 5-17 - Adarsh Patel
, Hukma Ram, Aditya K. Jagannatham
, Pramod K. Varshney
Robust Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks Under CSI Uncertainty. 18-33 - Luiz F. O. Chamon
, Alejandro Ribeiro
Greedy Sampling of Graph Signals. 34-47 - Isabel Schlangen
, Emmanuel Delande, Jeremie Houssineau
, Daniel E. Clark
A Second-Order PHD Filter With Mean and Variance in Target Number. 48-63 - An Liu
, Vincent K. N. Lau:
Two-Timescale User-Centric RRH Clustering and Precoding Optimization for Cloud RAN via Local Stochastic Cutting Plane. 64-76 - Weizhi Lu
, Tao Dai
, Shu-Tao Xia:
Binary Matrices for Compressed Sensing. 77-85 - Engin Masazade
, Abdulkadir Kose
A Proportional Time Allocation Algorithm to Transmit Binary Sensor Decisions for Target Tracking in a Wireless Sensor Network. 86-100 - Bashir Sadeghi, Runyi Yu
, Ruili Wang:
Shifting Interpolation Kernel Toward Orthogonal Projection. 101-112 - Arthur Mensch, Julien Mairal, Bertrand Thirion, Gaël Varoquaux:
Stochastic Subsampling for Factorizing Huge Matrices. 113-128 - Renbo Zhao
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
A Unified Convergence Analysis of the Multiplicative Update Algorithm for Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. 129-138 - Le Zheng
, Marco Lops
, Xiaodong Wang
, Emanuele Grossi
Joint Design of Overlaid Communication Systems and Pulsed Radars. 139-154 - Konstantinos Benidis
, Yiyong Feng, Daniel P. Palomar
Sparse Portfolios for High-Dimensional Financial Index Tracking. 155-170 - Oskari Tervo
, Harri Pennanen, Dimitrios Christopoulos, Symeon Chatzinotas
, Björn E. Ottersten:
Distributed Optimization for Coordinated Beamforming in Multicell Multigroup Multicast Systems: Power Minimization and SINR Balancing. 171-185 - Yang Liu
, John R. Buck:
Gaussian Source Detection and Spatial Spectral Estimation Using a Coprime Sensor Array With the Min Processor. 186-199 - Ronghua Gui, Wen-Qin Wang
, Can Cui
, Hing-Cheung So:
Coherent Pulsed-FDA Radar Receiver Design With Time-Variance Consideration: SINR and CRB Analysis. 200-214 - Nikolai Dokuchaev
A Closed Equation in Time Domain for Band-Limited Extensions of One-Sided Sequences. 215-223 - Samith Abeywickrama
, Tharaka Samarasinghe
, Chin Keong Ho, Chau Yuen
Wireless Energy Beamforming Using Received Signal Strength Indicator Feedback. 224-235 - Greg Ongie
, Sampurna Biswas, Mathews Jacob
Convex Recovery of Continuous Domain Piecewise Constant Images From Nonuniform Fourier Samples. 236-250 - Jinane Harmouche, Dominique Fourer, François Auger, Pierre Borgnat
, Patrick Flandrin:
The Sliding Singular Spectrum Analysis: A Data-Driven Nonstationary Signal Decomposition Tool. 251-263 - Kaushik Mahata, Md Mashud Hyder
Fast Frequency Estimation With Prior Information. 264-273
Volume 66, Number 2, January 2018
- Suqi Li
, Wei Yi
, Reza Hoseinnezhad
, Giorgio Battistelli
, Bailu Wang
, Lingjiang Kong:
Robust Distributed Fusion With Labeled Random Finite Sets. 278-293 - Maher Al-Shoukairi
, Philip Schniter
, Bhaskar D. Rao:
A GAMP-Based Low Complexity Sparse Bayesian Learning Algorithm. 294-308 - Alireza Masnadi-Shirazi
, Bhaskar D. Rao:
A Covariance-Based Superpositional CPHD Filter for Multisource DOA Tracking. 309-323 - Nir Shlezinger
, Ron Dabora
, Yonina C. Eldar:
Measurement Matrix Design for Phase Retrieval Based on Mutual Information. 324-339 - Xiangrong Wang
, Moeness G. Amin
, Xianbin Cao
Analysis and Design of Optimum Sparse Array Configurations for Adaptive Beamforming. 340-351 - Chengcheng Wang
, Yonggang Zhang
, Bicheng Ying
, Ali H. Sayed
Coordinate-Descent Diffusion Learning by Networked Agents. 352-367 - Suqi Li
, Wei Yi
, Reza Hoseinnezhad
, Bailu Wang
, Lingjiang Kong:
Multiobject Tracking for Generic Observation Model Using Labeled Random Finite Sets. 368-383 - Christian Steffens
, Marius Pesavento
Block- and Rank-Sparse Recovery for Direction Finding in Partly Calibrated Arrays. 384-399 - Bo Tang
, Yu Zhang, Jun Tang:
An Efficient Minorization Maximization Approach for MIMO Radar Waveform Optimization via Relative Entropy. 400-411 - Weiyu Huang
, Alejandro Ribeiro
Network Comparison: Embeddings and Interiors. 412-427 - Engin Cemal Menguc
, Nurettin Acir
An Augmented Complex-Valued Least-Mean Kurtosis Algorithm for the Filtering of Noncircular Signals. 438-448 - Xiaoxu Zhang
, Jian Xu
An Extended Synchronization Method to Identify Slowly Time-Varying Parameters in Nonlinear Systems. 438-448 - Bo Xin
, Yizhou Wang, Wen Gao, David P. Wipf
Building Invariances Into Sparse Subspace Clustering. 449-462 - Min Dong
, Wen Li, Fatemeh Amirnavaei:
Online Joint Power Control for Two-Hop Wireless Relay Networks With Energy Harvesting. 463-478 - Gang Wang
, Liang Zhang
, Georgios B. Giannakis
, Mehmet Akçakaya
, Jie Chen
Sparse Phase Retrieval via Truncated Amplitude Flow. 479-491 - Johann A. Bengua
, Hoang Duong Tuan, Trung Quang Duong, H. Vincent Poor
Joint Sensor and Relay Power Control in Tracking Gaussian Mixture Targets by Wireless Sensor Networks. 492-506 - Yili Xia
, Danilo P. Mandic
Augmented Performance Bounds on Strictly Linear and Widely Linear Estimators With Complex Data. 507-514 - Mostafa Medra
, Timothy N. Davidson
Low-Complexity Robust MISO Downlink Precoder Design With Per-Antenna Power Constraints. 515-527 - Cristian Rusu
, John Thompson, Neil M. Robertson:
Sensor Scheduling With Time, Energy, and Communication Constraints. 528-539 - Elina Nayebi
, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Semi-blind Channel Estimation for Multiuser Massive MIMO Systems. 540-553
Volume 66, Number 3, February 2018
- Alan Wisler
, Visar Berisha
, Andreas Spanias, Alfred O. Hero III:
Direct Estimation of Density Functionals Using a Polynomial Basis. 558-572 - Fabien Héliot
, Rahim Tafazolli
Optimal Energy-Efficient Source and Relay Precoder Design for Cooperative MIMO-AF Systems. 573-588 - Jing Zhang, Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis
Statistical Anomaly Detection via Composite Hypothesis Testing for Markov Models. 589-602 - Wenrui Dai, Yong Li, Junni Zou, Hongkai Xiong
, Yuan F. Zheng:
Fully Decomposable Compressive Sampling With Joint Optimization for Multidimensional Sparse Representation. 603-616 - Lin Zhang
, Zhen Luo
, Shu-Hung Leung
An Efficient Approximation of Spatial Correlation Based on Gauss-Hermite Quadrature. 617-626 - Thakshila Wimalajeewa
, Pramod K. Varshney
Compressive Sensing-Based Detection With Multimodal Dependent Data. 627-640 - Shuli Sun
, Fangfang Peng, Honglei Lin:
Distributed Asynchronous Fusion Estimator for Stochastic Uncertain Systems With Multiple Sensors of Different Fading Measurement Rates. 641-653 - Jani Boutellier
, Jiahao Wu, Heikki Huttunen
, Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya
PRUNE: Dynamic and Decidable Dataflow for Signal Processing on Heterogeneous Platforms. 654-665 - Siheng Chen
, Dong Tian
, Chen Feng
, Anthony Vetro, Jelena Kovacevic:
Fast Resampling of Three-Dimensional Point Clouds via Graphs. 666-681 - Sara Al-Sayed
, Jorge Plata-Chaves
, Michael Muma
, Marc Moonen, Abdelhak M. Zoubir
Node-Specific Diffusion LMS-Based Distributed Detection Over Adaptive Networks. 682-697 - Jing Liu
, Pamela C. Cosman
, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Robust Linear Regression via ℓ0 Regularization. 698-713 - Yan Liu
, Yuan Shen
, Dongning Guo
, Moe Z. Win
Network Localization and Synchronization Using Full-Duplex Radios. 714-728 - Mingchi Xie
, Wei Yi
, Thia Kirubarajan, Lingjiang Kong:
Joint Node Selection and Power Allocation Strategy for Multitarget Tracking in Decentralized Radar Networks. 729-743 - Jisheng Dai
, Hing-Cheung So
Sparse Bayesian Learning Approach for Outlier-Resistant Direction-of-Arrival Estimation. 744-756 - Yifeng Xiong
, Nan Wu
, Yuan Shen
, Moe Z. Win
Cooperative Network Synchronization: Asymptotic Analysis. 757-772 - Chao Xu
, Rakshith Rajashekar
, Naoki Ishikawa
, Shinya Sugiura
, Lajos Hanzo
Single-RF Index Shift Keying Aided Differential Space-Time Block Coding. 773-788 - Kai Cao
, Peizhong Lu
, Chaochao Sun, Yan Zou, Jingsong Wang, Lin Ling:
Frequency Locator Polynomial for Wideband Sparse Spectrum Sensing With Multichannel Subsampling. 789-803 - Phillip Mark Seymour Burt
, José Henrique de Morais Goulart
Efficient Computation of Bilinear Approximations and Volterra Models of Nonlinear Systems. 804-816 - Francesco Grassi
, Andreas Loukas, Nathanaël Perraudin
, Benjamin Ricaud:
A Time-Vertex Signal Processing Framework: Scalable Processing and Meaningful Representations for Time-Series on Graphs. 817-829 - François Rottenberg
, Xavier Mestre
, François Horlin
, Jérôme Louveaux:
Performance Analysis of Linear Receivers for Uplink Massive MIMO FBMC-OQAM Systems. 830-842
Volume 66, Number 4, feb15 2018
- Bruno Clerckx
Wireless Information and Power Transfer: Nonlinearity, Waveform Design, and Rate-Energy Tradeoff. 847-862 - Christine Evers
, Patrick A. Naylor
Optimized Self-Localization for SLAM in Dynamic Scenes Using Probability Hypothesis Density Filters. 863-878 - Fateme Ghayem
, Mostafa Sadeghi
, Massoud Babaie-Zadeh
, Saikat Chatterjee, Mikael Skoglund, Christian Jutten:
Sparse Signal Recovery Using Iterative Proximal Projection. 879-894 - Kainam Thomas Wong
, Chibuzo Joseph Nnonyelu
, Yue Ivan Wu
A Triad of Cardioid Sensors in Orthogonal Orientation and Spatial Collocation - Its Spatial-Matched-Filter-Type Beam-Pattern. 895-906 - Augusto Aubry
, Antonio De Maio
, Luca Pallotta
A Geometric Approach to Covariance Matrix Estimation and its Applications to Radar Problems. 907-922 - Benjamin Friedlander
Antenna Array Manifolds for High-Resolution Direction Finding. 923-932 - Zhenghan Zhu
, Steven Kay
On Bayesian Exponentially Embedded Family for Model Order Selection. 933-943 - Athanasios P. Liavas, Georgios Kostoulas, Georgios Lourakis, Kejun Huang, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
Nesterov-Based Alternating Optimization for Nonnegative Tensor Factorization: Algorithm and Parallel Implementation. 944-953 - Ahmad Mouri Sardarabadi
, Alle-Jan van der Veen
Complex Factor Analysis and Extensions. 954-967 - Ziyang Cheng
, Zishu He, Bin Liao
, Min Fang:
MIMO Radar Waveform Design With PAPR and Similarity Constraints. 968-981 - Edouard Pauwels, Amir Beck, Yonina C. Eldar, Shoham Sabach:
On Fienup Methods for Sparse Phase Retrieval. 982-991 - Chao Wang
, Qing Zhao
, Chen-Nee Chuah
Optimal Nested Test Plan for Combinatorial Quantitative Group Testing. 992-1006 - Rafael G. da Cunha Pereira Pinto, Ricardo Merched
A Compressed Sensing Approach to Block-Iterative Equalizers. 1007-1022 - Laleh Badriasl
, Sanjeev Arulampalam, Anthony Finn:
A Novel Batch Bayesian WIV Estimator for Three-Dimensional TMA Using Bearing and Elevation Measurements. 1023-1036 - Tamir Bendory
, Nicolas Boumal
, Chao Ma, Zhizhen Zhao
, Amit Singer
Bispectrum Inversion With Application to Multireference Alignment. 1037-1050 - Liming Wang
, Yuejie Chi
Stochastic Approximation and Memory-Limited Subspace Tracking for Poisson Streaming Data. 1051-1064 - Sandra Lagén
, Antonio Pascual-Iserte
, Olga Muñoz
, Josep Vidal
Energy Efficiency in Latency-Constrained Application Offloading From Mobile Clients to Multiple Virtual Machines. 1065-1079 - Jun Liu
, Shenghua Zhou, Weijian Liu
, Jibin Zheng
, Hongwei Liu
, Jian Li:
Tunable Adaptive Detection in Colocated MIMO Radar. 1080-1092 - Ha Q. Nguyen
, Emrah Bostan, Michael Unser
Learning Convex Regularizers for Optimal Bayesian Denoising. 1093-1105 - Neda Adib
, Scott C. Douglas
Extending the Stansfield Algorithm to Three Dimensions: Algorithms and Implementations. 1106-1117
Volume 66, Number 5, March 2018
- Wen-Jun Zeng
, Hing-Cheung So
Outlier-Robust Matrix Completion via ℓp-Minimization. 1125-1140 - Jianhua Mo, Philip Schniter
, Robert W. Heath Jr.
Channel Estimation in Broadband Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems With Few-Bit ADCs. 1141-1154 - Renbo Zhao
, William B. Haskell, Vincent Y. F. Tan:
Stochastic L-BFGS: Improved Convergence Rates and Practical Acceleration Strategies. 1155-1169 - Saurabh Khanna
, Chandra R. Murthy
On the Restricted Isometry of the Columnwise Khatri-Rao Product. 1170-1183 - Shibsankar Das
, Srdjan Z. Budisin, Sudhan Majhi
, Zi Long Liu
, Yong Liang Guan
A Multiplier-Free Generator for Polyphase Complete Complementary Codes. 1184-1196 - Yongzhe Li
, Sergiy A. Vorobyov
Fast Algorithms for Designing Unimodular Waveform(s) With Good Correlation Properties. 1197-1212 - Kaan Gökcesu
, Suleyman Serdar Kozat:
Online Anomaly Detection With Minimax Optimal Density Estimation in Nonstationary Environments. 1213-1227 - Itsik Bergel, Yair Noam
Lower Bound on the Localization Error in Infinite Networks With Random Sensor Locations. 1228-1241 - Saeid Haghighatshoar, Giuseppe Caire:
Signal Recovery From Unlabeled Samples. 1242-1257 - Stephen Kruzick, José M. F. Moura:
Optimal Filter Design for Signal Processing on Random Graphs: Accelerated Consensus. 1258-1272 - Frederik Van Eeghem
, Otto Debals
, Lieven De Lathauwer:
Tensor Similarity in Two Modes. 1273-1285 - Xuejing Zhang
, Zishu He, Bin Liao
, Xuepan Zhang, Weilai Peng:
Pattern Synthesis for Arbitrary Arrays via Weight Vector Orthogonal Decomposition. 1286-1299 - Sean M. O'Rourke
, Pawan Setlur, Muralidhar Rangaswamy, A. Lee Swindlehurst
Relaxed Biquadratic Optimization for Joint Filter-Signal Design in Signal-Dependent STAP. 1300-1315 - Chenguang Shi
, Fei Wang, Mathini Sellathurai
, Jianjiang Zhou, Sana Salous:
Power Minimization-Based Robust OFDM Radar Waveform Design for Radar and Communication Systems in Coexistence. 1316-1330 - Danilo Spano
, Maha Alodeh
, Symeon Chatzinotas
, Björn E. Ottersten
Symbol-Level Precoding for the Nonlinear Multiuser MISO Downlink Channel. 1331-1345 - Yuan Gao
, A. J. Han Vinck, Thomas Kaiser:
Massive MIMO Antenna Selection: Switching Architectures, Capacity Bounds, and Optimal Antenna Selection Algorithms. 1346-1360 - Steven Herbert
, James R. Hopgood
, Bernard Mulgrew
MMSE Adaptive Waveform Design for Active Sensing With Applications to MIMO Radar. 1361-1373 - Jincheng Dai
, Kai Niu
, Zhongwei Si, Chao Dong
, Jiaru Lin:
Polar-Coded Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access. 1374-1389
Volume 66, Number 6, March 2018
- Proloy Das
, Behtash Babadi
Dynamic Bayesian Multitaper Spectral Analysis. 1394-1409 - Benjamín Béjar Haro
, Martin Vetterli
Sampling Continuous-Time Sparse Signals: A Frequency-Domain Perspective. 1410-1424 - Michael Fauss
, Abdelhak M. Zoubir:
On the Minimization of Convex Functionals of Probability Distributions Under Band Constraints. 1425-1437 - Pascal Chevalier
, Rémi Chauvat
, Jean Pierre Delmas:
Enhanced Widely Linear Filtering to Make Quasi-Rectilinear Signals Almost Equivalent to Rectilinear Ones for SAIC/MAIC. 1438-1453 - Xiaoqiang Ren
, Jiaqi Yan
, Yilin Mo
Binary Hypothesis Testing With Byzantine Sensors: Fundamental Tradeoff Between Security and Efficiency. 1454-1468 - Yu-Ping Tian
, Xiao-Jing Sun, Ouya Tian:
Detection Performance of the Majority Dominance Rule in m-Ary Relay Trees With Node and Link Failures. 1469-1482 - Christian Steffens, Marius Pesavento, Marc E. Pfetsch
A Compact Formulation for the $\ell _{2, 1}$ Mixed-Norm Minimization Problem. 1483-1497 - Aleksandar Ignjatovic
, Chamith Wijenayake
, Gabriele Keller
Chromatic Derivatives and Approximations in Practice - Part I: A General Framework. 1498-1512 - Aleksandar Ignjatovic
, Chamith Wijenayake
, Gabriele Keller
Chromatic Derivatives and Approximations in Practice - Part II: Nonuniform Sampling, Zero-Crossings Reconstruction, and Denoising. 1513-1525 - Linlong Wu
, Prabhu Babu, Daniel P. Palomar
Transmit Waveform/Receive Filter Design for MIMO Radar With Multiple Waveform Constraints. 1526-1540 - Abhinav Kumar Singh
, Bikash C. Pal
Decentralized Robust Dynamic State Estimation in Power Systems Using Instrument Transformers. 1541-1550 - Le Xiao
, Yimin Liu
, Tianyao Huang
, Xiang Liu, Xiqin Wang:
Distributed Target Detection With Partial Observation. 1551-1565 - Min Xiang
, Sithan Kanna
, Danilo P. Mandic
Performance Analysis of Quaternion-Valued Adaptive Filters in Nonstationary Environments. 1566-1579 - Jianwei Hu
, Yueming Cai, Nan (Jonas) Yang
Secure Transmission Design With Feedback Compression for the Internet of Things. 1580-1593 - Daniel Egea-Roca
, José A. Lopez-Salcedo
, Gonzalo Seco-Granados
, H. Vincent Poor
Performance Bounds for Finite Moving Average Tests in Transient Change Detection. 1594-1606 - Lixiang Lian
, An Liu
, Vincent K. N. Lau:
Weighted LASSO for Sparse Recovery With Statistical Prior Support Information. 1607-1618 - Nikola Rozic
, Paolo Banelli
, Dinko Begusic, Josko Radic
Multiple-Threshold Estimators for Impulsive Noise Suppression in Multicarrier Communications. 1619-1633 - Zifeng Wang
, Zheng Yu, Qing Ling
, Dimitris Berberidis
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Decentralized RLS With Data-Adaptive Censoring for Regressions Over Large-Scale Networks. 1634-1648 - Gang Wang
, Ahmed S. Zamzam
, Georgios B. Giannakis
, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
Power System State Estimation via Feasible Point Pursuit: Algorithms and Cramér-Rao Bound. 1649-1658
Volume 66, Number 7, April 2018
- Panagiotis A. Traganitis
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Sketched Subspace Clustering. 1663-1675 - Raja Giryes
, Yonina C. Eldar, Alexander M. Bronstein, Guillermo Sapiro:
Tradeoffs Between Convergence Speed and Reconstruction Accuracy in Inverse Problems. 1676-1690 - Tianyu Qiu
, Xiao Fu
, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
, Daniel P. Palomar
MISO Channel Estimation and Tracking from Received Signal Strength Feedback. 1691-1704 - Gen Li, Yuantao Gu
Restricted Isometry Property of Gaussian Random Projection for Finite Set of Subspaces. 1705-1720 - Micael Bernhardt
, Fernando H. Gregorio, Juan E. Cousseau
, Taneli Riihonen:
Self-Interference Cancelation Through Advanced Sampling. 1721-1733 - Meng Sun
, Wee Peng Tay
, Xin He:
Toward Information Privacy for the Internet of Things: A Nonparametric Learning Approach. 1734-1747 - Jun Shi, Xiaoping Liu, Fenggang Yan
, Weibin Song
Error Analysis of Reconstruction From Linear Canonical Transform Based Sampling. 1748-1760 - Sha Hu
, Fredrik Rusek
, Ove Edfors
Beyond Massive MIMO: The Potential of Positioning With Large Intelligent Surfaces. 1761-1774 - Saumya Dwivedi
, Poonam Aggarwal, Aditya K. Jagannatham
Fast Block LMS and RLS-Based Parameter Estimation and Two-Dimensional Imaging in Monostatic MIMO RADAR Systems With Multiple Mobile Targets. 1775-1790 - Vincenzo Carotenuto
, Antonio De Maio
, Danilo Orlando
, Luca Pallotta
Adaptive Radar Detection Using Two Sets of Training Data. 1791-1801 - Syed Awais Wahab Shah
, Karim Abed-Meraim, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri
Blind Source Separation Algorithms Using Hyperbolic and Givens Rotations for High-Order QAM Constellations. 1802-1816 - Shuang Li
, Dehui Yang
, Gongguo Tang
, Michael B. Wakin
Atomic Norm Minimization for Modal Analysis From Random and Compressed Samples. 1817-1831 - Saeid Haghighatshoar
, Giuseppe Caire
Low-Complexity Massive MIMO Subspace Estimation and Tracking From Low-Dimensional Projections. 1832-1844 - Sijia Liu
, Pin-Yu Chen
, Alfred O. Hero III:
Accelerated Distributed Dual Averaging Over Evolving Networks of Growing Connectivity. 1845-1859 - Guiqiang Peng
, Leibo Liu
, Sheng Zhou
, Yang Xue, Shouyi Yin
, Shaojun Wei:
Algorithm and Architecture of a Low-Complexity and High-Parallelism Preprocessing-Based K -Best Detector for Large-Scale MIMO Systems. 1860-1875 - Jeremy Emile Cohen
, Nicolas Gillis
Dictionary-Based Tensor Canonical Polyadic Decomposition. 1876-1889 - Zhilin Chen, Foad Sohrabi, Wei Yu:
Sparse Activity Detection for Massive Connectivity. 1890-1904 - Arun Kadavankandy
, Konstantin Avrachenkov
, Laura Cottatellucci
, Rajesh Sundaresan:
The Power of Side-Information in Subgraph Detection. 1905-1919 - Pantelis Bouboulis
, Symeon Chouvardas, Sergios Theodoridis
Online Distributed Learning Over Networks in RKH Spaces Using Random Fourier Features. 1920-1932 - Liusha Yang
, Matthew R. McKay
, Romain Couillet:
High-Dimensional MVDR Beamforming: Optimized Solutions Based on Spiked Random Matrix Models. 1933-1947
Volume 66, Number 8, April 2018
- Pier Luigi Dragotti
Editorial A Brief Message From the New Editor-in-Chief. 1952 - Yan Pan
, Fabing Duan
, François Chapeau-Blondeau
, Derek Abbott
Noise Enhancement in Robust Estimation of Location. 1953-1966 - Fatemeh Sheikholeslami
, Dimitris Berberidis
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Large-Scale Kernel-Based Feature Extraction via Low-Rank Subspace Tracking on a Budget. 1967-1981 - Roozbeh Dehghannasiri
, Mohammad Shahrokh Esfahani
, Xiaoning Qian
, Edward R. Dougherty:
Optimal Bayesian Kalman Filtering With Prior Update. 1982-1996 - Jonathan Bosse
, Olivier Rabaste:
Subspace Rejection for Matching Pursuit in the Presence of Unresolved Targets. 1997-2010 - Xuan Xue
, Yongchao Wang
, Linglong Dai
, Christos Masouros
Relay Hybrid Precoding Design in Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems. 2011-2026 - Sunil Rudresh
, Sudarshan Nagesh
, Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula
Asymmetric Pulse Modeling for FRI Sampling. 2027-2040 - Florent Bouchard
, Jérôme Malick, Marco Congedo
Riemannian Optimization and Approximate Joint Diagonalization for Blind Source Separation. 2041-2054 - Daniel Romero
, Donghoon Lee
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Blind Radio Tomography. 2055-2069 - Jiangfan Zhang
, Xiaodong Wang, Rick S. Blum
, Lance M. Kaplan:
Attack Detection in Sensor Network Target Localization Systems With Quantized Data. 2070-2085 - Peng Zhang
, Lu Gan, Cong Ling
, Sumei Sun
Uniform Recovery Bounds for Structured Random Matrices in Corrupted Compressed Sensing. 2086-2097 - Eduardo Martínez-Enríquez
, Jesús Cid-Sueiro
, Fernando Díaz-de-María
, Antonio Ortega:
Optimized Update/Prediction Assignment for Lifting Transforms on Graphs. 2098-2111 - Jason L. Williams
, Roslyn A. Lau
Multiple Scan Data Association by Convex Variational Inference. 2112-2127 - Nele Noels
, Marc Moeneclaey
On the Use of Extrinsic Probabilities in the Computation of Non-Bayesian Cramér-Rao Bounds for Coded Linearly Modulated Signals. 2128-2140 - Jinsung Yoon
, William R. Zame, Mihaela van der Schaar
ToPs: Ensemble Learning With Trees of Predictors. 2141-2152 - Shengheng Liu
, Yimin D. Zhang
, Tao Shan
, Ran Tao
Structure-Aware Bayesian Compressive Sensing for Frequency-Hopping Spectrum Estimation With Missing Observations. 2153-2166 - Rodrigo Mendoza-Smith, Jared Tanner
, Florian Wechsung
A Robust Parallel Algorithm for Combinatorial Compressed Sensing. 2167-2177 - Benjamin Stucky
, Sara A. van de Geer:
Asymptotic Confidence Regions for High-Dimensional Structured Sparsity. 2178-2190 - Joe Khalife
, Kimia Shamaei
, Zaher M. Kassas
Navigation With Cellular CDMA Signals - Part I: Signal Modeling and Software-Defined Receiver Design. 2191-2203 - Joe Khalife
, Zaher M. Kassas
Navigation With Cellular CDMA Signals - Part II: Performance Analysis and Experimental Results. 2204-2218
Volume 66, Number 9, May 2018
- Amrit S. Bedi
, Ketan Rajawat
Asynchronous Incremental Stochastic Dual Descent Algorithm for Network Resource Allocation. 2229-2244 - Pengfei Zhang
, Ido Nevat
, Gareth W. Peters
, François Septier, Michael A. Osborne
Spatial Field Reconstruction and Sensor Selection in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks With Stochastic Energy Harvesting. 2245-2257 - Jian-Feng Gu, Kuangda Wang, Ke Wu:
System Architecture and Signal Processing for Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave Radar Using Active Backscatter Tags. 2258-2272 - Miguel Ángel Vázquez
, Luis Blanco, Ana I. Pérez-Neira
Hybrid Analog-Digital Transmit Beamforming for Spectrum Sharing Backhaul Networks. 2273-2285 - Samer Bazzi
, Wen Xu
On the Amount of Downlink Training in Correlated Massive MIMO Channels. 2286-2299 - Tsung-Hui Chang
, Ya-Feng Liu
, Shih-Chun Lin
QoS-Based Linear Transceiver Optimization for Full-Duplex Multiuser Communications. 2300-2313 - Meng-Yang Chen
, Francesco Renna
, Miguel R. D. Rodrigues:
Compressive Sensing With Side Information: How to Optimally Capture This Extra Information for GMM Signals? 2314-2329 - Jarkko Kaleva
, Antti Tölli
, Markku J. Juntti
, Randall A. Berry
, Michael L. Honig:
Decentralized Joint Precoding With Pilot-Aided Beamformer Estimation. 2330-2341 - Ziping Zhao
, Daniel P. Palomar
Mean-Reverting Portfolio With Budget Constraint. 2342-2357 - Zhaoyang Zhang
, Xiao Cai
, Chunguang Li
, Caijun Zhong
, Huaiyu Dai:
One-Bit Quantized Massive MIMO Detection Based on Variational Approximate Message Passing. 2358-2373 - Qianli Wang
, Zhiqin Zhao
, Zhuming Chen, Zaiping Nie
Grid Evolution Method for DOA Estimation. 2374-2383 - Fangqing Tan
, Tiejun Lv
, Pingmu Huang:
Global Energy Efficiency Optimization for Wireless-Powered Massive MIMO Aided Multiway AF Relay Networks. 2384-2398 - Eduardo Pavez
, Hilmi E. Egilmez
, Antonio Ortega
Learning Graphs With Monotone Topology Properties and Multiple Connected Components. 2399-2413 - Cheng-Rung Tsai
, Yu-Hsin Liu
, An-Yeu Wu
Efficient Compressive Channel Estimation for Millimeter-Wave Large-Scale Antenna Systems. 2414-2428 - Jie Ding
, Shahin Shahrampour
, Kathryn Heal
, Vahid Tarokh
Analysis of Multistate Autoregressive Models. 2429-2440 - Emanuele Grossi
, Marco Lops
, Luca Venturino
, Alessio Zappone
Opportunistic Radar in IEEE 802.11ad Networks. 2441-2454 - Yuan Chen
, Soummya Kar
, José M. F. Moura
Resilient Distributed Estimation Through Adversary Detection. 2455-2469 - Talha Cihad Gülcü:
Choice of Quantization Interval for Finite-Energy Fields. 2470-2479 - Zhiyuan Jiang
, Sheng Zhou
, Zhisheng Niu
Optimal Discrete Spatial Compression for Beamspace Massive MIMO Signals. 2480-2493 - Xingxing Li
, Dangwei Wang
, Xiaoyan Ma
, Wen-Qin Wang
FDS-MIMO Radar Low-Altitude Beam Coverage Performance Analysis and Optimization. 2494-2506
Volume 66, Number 10, May 2018
- Thomas Lundgaard Hansen
, Bernard Henri Fleury
, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Superfast Line Spectral Estimation. 2511-2526 - Zeyu You
, Raviv Raich, Xiaoli Z. Fern, Jinsub Kim:
Weakly Supervised Dictionary Learning. 2527-2541 - Andreas Lenz
, Manuel S. Stein
, A. Lee Swindlehurst
Joint Transmit and Receive Filter Optimization for Sub-Nyquist Delay-Doppler Estimation. 2542-2556 - Manuel S. Stein
, Shahar Bar
, Josef A. Nossek
, Joseph Tabrikian
Performance Analysis for Channel Estimation With 1-Bit ADC and Unknown Quantization Threshold. 2557-2571 - Aurelien Bonvard
, Sébastien Houcke
, Roland Gautier
, Mélanie Marazin
Classification Based on Euclidean Distance Distribution for Blind Identification of Error Correcting Codes in Noncooperative Contexts. 2572-2583 - Jisheng Dai
, An Liu
, Vincent K. N. Lau:
FDD Massive MIMO Channel Estimation With Arbitrary 2D-Array Geometry. 2584-2599 - Weiyu Huang
, Alejandro Ribeiro
Hierarchical Clustering Given Confidence Intervals of Metric Distances. 2600-2615 - Kaiming Shen
, Wei Yu
Fractional Programming for Communication Systems - Part I: Power Control and Beamforming. 2616-2630 - Kaiming Shen
, Wei Yu
Fractional Programming for Communication Systems - Part II: Uplink Scheduling via Matching. 2631-2644 - Atulya Yellepeddi
, James C. Preisig
Efficient System Tracking With Decomposable Graph-Structured Inputs and Application to Adaptive Equalization With Cyclostationary Inputs. 2645-2658 - Stephan Weiss
, Jennifer Pestana
, Ian K. Proudler:
On the Existence and Uniqueness of the Eigenvalue Decomposition of a Parahermitian Matrix. 2659-2672 - Nicolas Brisebarre
, Silviu-Ioan Filip
, Guillaume Hanrot
A Lattice Basis Reduction Approach for the Design of Finite Wordlength FIR Filters. 2673-2684 - Elio D. Di Claudio
, Raffaele Parisi
, Giovanni Jacovitti:
Space Time MUSIC: Consistent Signal Subspace Estimation for Wideband Sensor Arrays. 2685-2699 - Wei Fan
, Yongxiang Li
, Kwok Leung Tsui
, Qiang Zhou
A Noise Resistant Correlation Method for Period Detection of Noisy Signals. 2700-2710 - Orod Raeesi
, Ahmet Hasim Gokceoglu
, Mikko Valkama
Estimation and Mitigation of Channel Non-Reciprocity in Massive MIMO. 2711-2723 - Wenqi Wang, Vaneet Aggarwal
, Shuchin Aeron
Tensor Train Neighborhood Preserving Embedding. 2724-2732 - Srikanth Venkata Tenneti
, Palghat P. Vaidyanathan
Minimum Data Length for Integer Period Estimation. 2733-2745 - Sha Hu
, Fredrik Rusek
, Ove Edfors
Beyond Massive MIMO: The Potential of Data Transmission With Large Intelligent Surfaces. 2746-2758 - Lu Wang
, Lifan Zhao
, Susanto Rahardja
, Guoan Bi
Alternative to Extended Block Sparse Bayesian Learning and Its Relation to Pattern-Coupled Sparse Bayesian Learning. 2759-2771 - Peng Sun
, Zhongyong Wang
, Philip Schniter
Joint Channel-Estimation and Equalization of Single-Carrier Systems via Bilinear AMP. 2772-2785
Volume 66, Number 11, June 2018
- Jonathan Mei
, José M. F. Moura
SILVar: Single Index Latent Variable Models. 2790-2803 - Linxiao Yang
, Jun Fang
, Huiping Duan
, Hongbin Li
, Bing Zeng
Fast Low-Rank Bayesian Matrix Completion With Hierarchical Gaussian Prior Models. 2804-2817 - Gang Wang
, Georgios B. Giannakis
, Yousef Saad
, Jie Chen
Phase Retrieval via Reweighted Amplitude Flow. 2818-2833 - Jinshan Zeng
, Wotao Yin
On Nonconvex Decentralized Gradient Descent. 2834-2848 - Jie Zhuang
, Hao Xiong, Wei Wang, Zhi Chen:
Application of Manifold Separation to Parametric Localization for Incoherently Distributed Sources. 2849-2860 - Hyunsu Cha
, Sang-Woon Jeon
, Dong Ku Kim:
Blind Interference Alignment for the K-User MISO BC Under Limited Symbol Extension. 2861-2875 - Junyeong Seo
, Youngchul Sung
Beam Design and User Scheduling for Nonorthogonal Multiple Access With Multiple Antennas Based on Pareto Optimality. 2876-2891 - Mingjian Zhang
, Xiaohua Li
, Jun Peng
Using Joint Generalized Eigenvectors of a Set of Covariance Matrix Pencils for Deflationary Blind Source Extraction. 2892-2904 - David Neumann
, Thomas Wiese
, Wolfgang Utschick
Learning the MMSE Channel Estimator. 2905-2917 - Pengzhi Gao, Ren Wang
, Meng Wang
, Joe H. Chow
Low-Rank Matrix Recovery From Noisy, Quantized, and Erroneous Measurements. 2918-2932 - Liang Liu
, Wei Yu
Massive Connectivity With Massive MIMO - Part I: Device Activity Detection and Channel Estimation. 2933-2946 - Liang Liu
, Wei Yu
Massive Connectivity With Massive MIMO - Part II: Achievable Rate Characterization. 2947-2959 - Aditya Vempaty
, Lav R. Varshney, Gregory J. Koop
, Amy H. Criss
, Pramod K. Varshney
Experiments and Models for Decision Fusion by Humans in Inference Networks. 2960-2971 - Amine Mezghani
, A. Lee Swindlehurst
Blind Estimation of Sparse Broadband Massive MIMO Channels With Ideal and One-bit ADCs. 2972-2983 - Chuili Kong
, Amine Mezghani, Caijun Zhong
, A. Lee Swindlehurst
, Zhaoyang Zhang
Multipair Massive MIMO Relaying Systems With One-Bit ADCs and DACs. 2984-2997 - Arindam Bose
, Mojtaba Soltanalian
Constructing Binary Sequences With Good Correlation Properties: An Efficient Analytical-Computational Interplay. 2998-3007 - Rakesh Malladi
, Don H. Johnson
, Giridhar P. Kalamangalam
, Nitin Tandon, Behnaam Aazhang:
Mutual Information in Frequency and Its Application to Measure Cross-Frequency Coupling in Epilepsy. 3008-3023 - Kaiyu Huang
, Jing Liu
Inner-Outer Support Set Pursuit for Distributed Compressed Sensing. 3024-3039 - Yuthika Gardiyawasam Punchihewa
, Ba-Tuong Vo
, Ba-Ngu Vo
, Du Yong Kim
Multiple Object Tracking in Unknown Backgrounds With Labeled Random Finite Sets. 3040-3055 - Habib Senol
, Xiaofeng Li, Cihan Tepedelenlioglu:
Rapidly Time-Varying Channel Estimation for Full-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward One-Way Relay Networks. 3056-3069
Volume 66, Number 12, June 2018
- Mianzhi Wang
, Zhen Zhang, Arye Nehorai:
Performance Analysis of Coarray-Based MUSIC in the Presence of Sensor Location Errors. 3074-3085 - Zhenqian Wang
, Yongqiang Wang
Pulse-Coupled Oscillators Resilient to Stealthy Attacks. 3086-3099 - David Dov
, Ronen Talmon
, Israel Cohen:
Sequential Audio-Visual Correspondence With Alternating Diffusion Kernels. 3100-3111 - Jesus Selva
Efficient Wideband DOA Estimation Through Function Evaluation Techniques. 3112-3123 - Alican Nalci
, Igor Fedorov
, Maher Al-Shoukairi
, Thomas T. Liu
, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Rectified Gaussian Scale Mixtures and the Sparse Non-Negative Least Squares Problem. 3124-3139 - Gabriel Schamberg
, Demba E. Ba, Todd P. Coleman
A Modularized Efficient Framework for Non-Markov Time Series Estimation. 3140-3154 - Santiago Mazuelas
, Andrea Conti
, Jeffery C. Allen, Moe Z. Win
Soft Range Information for Network Localization. 3155-3168 - Pouya Ghofrani
, Tong Wang
, Anke Schmeink
A Fast Converging Channel Estimation Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. 3169-3184 - Jiwook Choi, Yunseo Nam, Namyoon Lee
Spatial Lattice Modulation for MIMO Systems. 3185-3198 - Xinyue Shen
, Yuantao Gu
Nonconvex Sparse Logistic Regression With Weakly Convex Regularization. 3199-3211 - Alireza Sani
, Azadeh Vosoughi:
On Distributed Linear Estimation With Observation Model Uncertainties. 3212-3227 - Vassilis N. Ioannidis
, Daniel Romero
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Inference of Spatio-Temporal Functions Over Graphs via Multikernel Kriged Kalman Filtering. 3228-3239 - Alec Koppel
, Santiago Paternain, Cédric Richard
, Alejandro Ribeiro
Decentralized Online Learning With Kernels. 3240-3255 - Nicholas Tsagkarakis
, Panos P. Markopoulos
, George Sklivanitis
, Dimitris A. Pados
L1-Norm Principal-Component Analysis of Complex Data. 3256-3267 - Haoyu Fu, Yuejie Chi
Quantized Spectral Compressed Sensing: Cramer-Rao Bounds and Recovery Algorithms. 3268-3279 - Marko Angjelichinoski
, Anna Scaglione
, Petar Popovski
, Cedomir Stefanovic:
Decentralized DC Microgrid Monitoring and Optimization via Primary Control Perturbations. 3280-3295 - Xu Zhang
, Wei Cui
, Yulong Liu
Recovery of Structured Signals With Prior Information via Maximizing Correlation. 3296-3310 - Jehyuk Jang
, Sanghun Im, Heung-No Lee
Intentional Aliasing Method to Improve Sub-Nyquist Sampling System. 3311-3326 - Naoki Murata, Shoichi Koyama
, Norihiro Takamune, Hiroshi Saruwatari
Sparse Representation Using Multidimensional Mixed-Norm Penalty With Application to Sound Field Decomposition. 3327-3338 - Shan Zhang
, Sijia Liu, Vinod Sharma
, Pramod K. Varshney:
Optimal Sensor Collaboration for Parameter Tracking Using Energy Harvesting Sensors. 3339-3353
Volume 66, Number 13, July 2018
- Miguel Calvo-Fullana
, Carles Antón-Haro
, Javier Matamoros, Alejandro Ribeiro
Stochastic Routing and Scheduling Policies for Energy Harvesting Communication Networks. 3363-3376 - Christos Thrampoulidis
, Weiyu Xu, Babak Hassibi:
Symbol Error Rate Performance of Box-Relaxation Decoders in Massive MIMO. 3377-3392 - Bolei Wang
, Feifei Gao
, Shi Jin
, Hai Lin
, Geoffrey Ye Li:
Spatial- and Frequency-Wideband Effects in Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems. 3393-3406 - Pin-Yu Chen
, Alfred O. Hero III:
Phase Transitions and a Model Order Selection Criterion for Spectral Graph Clustering. 3407-3420 - Minming Li
, Hongyu Liang, Shengxin Liu
, Chung Keung Poon
, Hao Yuan:
Asymptotically Optimal Algorithms for Running Max and Min Filters on Random Inputs. 3421-3435 - Arash Owrang
, Magnus Jansson
A Model Selection Criterion for High-Dimensional Linear Regression. 3436-3446 - Yuriy S. Shmaliy
, Frédéric Lehmann, Shunyi Zhao
, Choon Ki Ahn
Comparing Robustness of the Kalman, H∞, and UFIR Filters. 3447-3458 - Shanying Zhu
, Cailian Chen
, Jin-Ming Xu
, Xinping Guan
, Lihua Xie
, Karl Henrik Johansson
Mitigating Quantization Effects on Distributed Sensor Fusion: A Least Squares Approach. 3459-3474 - Xiao-Feng Gong
, Qiu-Hua Lin
, Fengyu Cong
, Lieven De Lathauwer
Double Coupled Canonical Polyadic Decomposition for Joint Blind Source Separation. 3475-3490 - Trung-Kien Le, K. C. Ho
, Trung-Hieu Le:
Rank Properties for Matrices Constructed From Time Differences of Arrival. 3491-3503 - Junhui Qian
, Marco Lops
, Le Zheng
, Xiaodong Wang
, Zishu He
Joint System Design for Coexistence of MIMO Radar and MIMO Communication. 3504-3519 - Holger Boche, Ullrich J. Mönich
Peak-to-Average Power Control via Tone Reservation in General Orthonormal Transmission Systems. 3520-3528 - Nicolas Auguin
, David Morales-Jiménez
, Matthew R. McKay
, Romain Couillet:
Large-Dimensional Behavior of Regularized Maronna's M-Estimators of Covariance Matrices. 3529-3542 - Ziyang Cheng
, Bin Liao
, Zishu He
, Yufeng Li, Jun Li:
Spectrally Compatible Waveform Design for MIMO Radar in the Presence of Multiple Targets. 3543-3555 - Çagri Göken, Sinan Gezici
ECRB-Based Optimal Parameter Encoding Under Secrecy Constraints. 3556-3570 - Honglei Lin
, Shuli Sun
Optimal Sequential Fusion Estimation With Stochastic Parameter Perturbations, Fading Measurements, and Correlated Noises. 3571-3583 - Paolo Di Lorenzo
, Paolo Banelli
, Elvin Isufi
, Sergio Barbarossa
, Geert Leus
Adaptive Graph Signal Processing: Algorithms and Optimal Sampling Strategies. 3584-3598 - Hessam Pirzadeh
, A. Lee Swindlehurst
Spectral Efficiency of Mixed-ADC Massive MIMO. 3599-3613 - Zhihui Zhu
, Qiuwei Li
, Gongguo Tang
, Michael B. Wakin
Global Optimality in Low-Rank Matrix Optimization. 3614-3628
Volume 66, Number 14, July 2018
- Giorgio Matteo Vitetta
, Emilio Sirignano
, Francesco Montorsi:
Particle Smoothing for Conditionally Linear Gaussian Models as Message Passing Over Factor Graphs. 3633-3648 - Shuai Wang, Shaodan Ma
, Chengwen Xing, Shiqi Gong
, Jianping An
, H. Vincent Poor
Optimal Training Design for MIMO Systems With General Power Constraints. 3649-3664 - Mikael Sørensen
, Ignat Domanov
, Lieven De Lathauwer
Coupled Canonical Polyadic Decompositions and Multiple Shift Invariance in Array Processing. 3665-3680 - Fan Liu
, Christos Masouros
, Ang Li
, Tharmalingam Ratnarajah, Jianming Zhou:
MIMO Radar and Cellular Coexistence: A Power-Efficient Approach Enabled by Interference Exploitation. 3681-3695 - Sunav Choudhary
, Urbashi Mitra
On the Properties of the Rank-Two Null Space of Nonsparse and Canonical-Sparse Blind Deconvolution. 3696-3709 - Zhichao Sheng
, Hoang Duong Tuan
, Trung Quang Duong
, H. Vincent Poor
Beamforming Optimization for Physical Layer Security in MISO Wireless Networks. 3710-3723 - Alireza Karbalayghareh
, Xiaoning Qian
, Edward R. Dougherty:
Optimal Bayesian Transfer Learning. 3724-3739 - David Neumann
, Thomas Wiese
, Michael Joham
, Wolfgang Utschick
A Bilinear Equalizer for Massive MIMO Systems. 3740-3751 - Yuichi Tanaka
Spectral Domain Sampling of Graph Signals. 3752-3767 - Reto A. Wildhaber
, Nour Zalmai
, Marcel Jacomet
, Hans-Andrea Loeliger
Windowed State-Space Filters for Signal Detection and Separation. 3768-3783 - Chenming Li
, Wenguang Wang
, Thia Kirubarajan, Jinping Sun
, Peng Lei:
PHD and CPHD Filtering With Unknown Detection Probability. 3784-3798 - Cem Tekin
, Eralp Turgay
Multi-objective Contextual Multi-armed Bandit With a Dominant Objective. 3799-3813 - Songfu Cai
, Vincent K. N. Lau:
Zero MAC Latency Sensor Networking for Cyber-Physical Systems. 3814-3823 - Xue Jiang
, Jiayi Chen, Hing-Cheung So
, Xingzhao Liu:
Large-Scale Robust Beamforming via ℓ∞-Minimization. 3824-3837 - Antonio De Maio
, Sudan Han
, Danilo Orlando
Adaptive Radar Detectors Based on the Observed FIM. 3838-3847 - Mahsa Mousavi
, YouZhe Fan, Chi-Ying Tsui, Jie Jin, Bin Li, Hui Shen:
Efficient Partial-Sum Network Architectures for List Successive-Cancellation Decoding of Polar Codes. 3848-3858 - ChenYang Xia
, Ji Chen, YouZhe Fan, Chi-Ying Tsui, Jie Jin, Hui Shen, Bin Li:
A High-Throughput Architecture of List Successive Cancellation Polar Codes Decoder With Large List Size. 3859-3874 - Nilanjan Biswas
, Goutam Das, Priyadip Ray
Optimal Hybrid Spectrum Sensing Under Control Channel Usage Constraint. 3875-3890 - Jiho Song
, Junil Choi
, Taeyoung Kim, David J. Love
Advanced Quantizer Designs for FDD-Based FD-MIMO Systems Using Uniform Planar Arrays. 3891-3905 - Basty Ajay Shenoy, Satish Mulleti
, Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula
On Two-Dimensional Hilbert Integral Equations, Generalized Minimum-Phase Signals, and Phase Retrieval. 3906-3917 - Weijian Liu
, Jun Liu
, Qinglei Du, Yong-Liang Wang:
Distributed Target Detection in Partially Homogeneous Environment When Signal Mismatch Occurs. 3918-3928
Volume 66, Number 15, August 2018
- Zijie Zheng
, Lingyang Song
, Zhu Han
, Geoffrey Ye Li, H. Vincent Poor
Game Theory for Big Data Processing: Multileader Multifollower Game-Based ADMM. 3933-3945 - Junkun Yan
, Wenqiang Pu
, Hongwei Liu
, Bo Jiu
, Zheng Bao:
Robust Chance Constrained Power Allocation Scheme for Multiple Target Localization in Colocated MIMO Radar System. 3946-3957 - Sebastian Semper
, Florian Roemer
, Thomas Hotz, Giovanni Del Galdo:
Sparsity Order Estimation From a Single Compressed Observation Vector. 3958-3971 - Sheng Wang
, Nazanin Rahnavard:
A Framework for Clustered and Skewed Sparse Signal Recovery. 3972-3986 - Amir Aminjavaheri
, Arman Farhang
, Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
Filter Bank Multicarrier in Massive MIMO: Analysis and Channel Equalization. 3987-4000 - Hamed Abdzadeh-Ziabari
, Wei-Ping Zhu
, M. N. S. Swamy
Joint Carrier Frequency Offset and Doubly Selective Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDMA Uplink With Kalman and Particle Filtering. 4001-4012 - Robin Demesmaeker
, Maria Giulia Preti
, Dimitri Van De Ville
Augmented Slepians: Bandlimited Functions That Counterbalance Energy in Selected Intervals. 4013-4024 - Mario Coutino
, Sundeep Prabhakar Chepuri
, Geert Leus
Submodular Sparse Sensing for Gaussian Detection With Correlated Observations. 4025-4039 - Pierre Ablin
, Jean-François Cardoso
, Alexandre Gramfort
Faster Independent Component Analysis by Preconditioning With Hessian Approximations. 4040-4049 - Motoya Ohnishi
, Masahiro Yukawa
Online Nonlinear Estimation via Iterative L2-Space Projections: Reproducing Kernel of Subspace. 4050-4064 - Zhe Li
, Yili Xia
, Wenjiang Pei
, Kai Wang, Danilo P. Mandic
An Augmented Nonlinear LMS for Digital Self-Interference Cancellation in Full-Duplex Direct-Conversion Transceivers. 4065-4078 - Mahsa Lotfi
, Mathukumalli Vidyasagar
A Fast Noniterative Algorithm for Compressive Sensing Using Binary Measurement Matrices. 4079-4089 - Jeremias Sulam
, Vardan Papyan
, Yaniv Romano
, Michael Elad
Multilayer Convolutional Sparse Modeling: Pursuit and Dictionary Learning. 4090-4104 - Vishnu V. Ratnam
, Andreas F. Molisch, Ozgun Y. Bursalioglu, Haralabos C. Papadopoulos:
Hybrid Beamforming With Selection for Multiuser Massive MIMO Systems. 4105-4120 - Cédric Févotte
, Matthieu Kowalski
Estimation With Low-Rank Time-Frequency Synthesis Models. 4121-4132 - Muran Guo
, Yimin D. Zhang
, Tao Chen
DOA Estimation Using Compressed Sparse Array. 4133-4146
Volume 66, Number 16, August 2018
- Clayton G. Davis
, Kevin S. Lorenz
, Joel Goodman
, George Stantchev, Luciano Boglione, Bryan Nousain
Alias-Free Products of Signals Near Nyquist Rate. 4151-4159 - Murat Torlak
, Won Namgoong
Sub-Nyquist Sampling Receiver for Overlay Cognitive Radio Users. 4160-4169 - Maksim Butsenko
, Johan Sward
, Andreas Jakobsson
Estimating Sparse Signals Using Integrated Wideband Dictionaries. 4170-4181 - Siamak Zamani Dadaneh
, Edward R. Dougherty, Xiaoning Qian
Optimal Bayesian Classification With Missing Values. 4182-4192 - Sissi Xiaoxiao Wu
, Hoi-To Wai
, Anna Scaglione
Estimating Social Opinion Dynamics Models From Voting Records. 4193-4206 - Wen Fan
, Junli Liang
, Jian Li
Constant Modulus MIMO Radar Waveform Design With Minimum Peak Sidelobe Transmit Beampattern. 4207-4222 - Licheng Zhao
, Daniel P. Palomar
A Markowitz Portfolio Approach to Options Trading. 4223-4238 - Paulo S. R. Diniz
On Data-Selective Adaptive Filtering. 4239-4252 - Gordana Draskovic
, Frédéric Pascal:
New Insights Into the Statistical Properties of M-Estimators. 4253-4263 - Fan Liu
, Longfei Zhou
, Christos Masouros
, Ang Li
, Wu Luo, Athina P. Petropulu
Toward Dual-functional Radar-Communication Systems: Optimal Waveform Design. 4264-4279 - Andrew K. Bolstad
Identification of Generalized Memory Polynomials Using Two-Tone Signals. 4280-4290 - Guanyu Wang
, Jiang Zhu
, Rick S. Blum
, Peter Willett
, Stefano Maranò
, Vincenzo Matta
, Paolo Braca
Signal Amplitude Estimation and Detection From Unlabeled Binary Quantized Samples. 4291-4303 - Tales Imbiriba
, José Carlos M. Bermudez
, Jean-Yves Tourneret
, Neil J. Bershad
A New Decision-Theory-Based Framework for Echo Canceler Control. 4304-4314 - David Cohen, Deborah Cohen
, Yonina C. Eldar
, Alexander M. Haimovich:
SUMMeR: Sub-Nyquist MIMO Radar. 4315-4330 - Shenglong Zhou
, Naihua Xiu, Hou-Duo Qi
A Fast Matrix Majorization-Projection Method for Penalized Stress Minimization With Box Constraints. 4331-4346 - Hanshen Xiao
, Yufeng Huang, Yu Ye
, Guoqiang Xiao
Robustness in Chinese Remainder Theorem for Multiple Numbers and Remainder Coding. 4347-4361 - Zhichao Sheng
, Hoang Duong Tuan
, Trung Quang Duong
, H. Vincent Poor
, Yong Fang
Low-Latency Multiuser Two-Way Wireless Relaying for Spectral and Energy Efficiencies. 4362-4376 - Ming Zhang
, Xiaojian Wang, Xiaoming Chen
, Anxue Zhang
The Kernel Conjugate Gradient Algorithms. 4377-4387 - Guy J. J. Warmerdam
, Rik Vullings
, Lars Schmitt, Judith O. E. H. Van Laar
, Jan W. M. Bergmans
Hierarchical Probabilistic Framework for Fetal R-Peak Detection, Using ECG Waveform and Heart Rate Information. 4388-4397 - Jia Chen, Gang Wang
, Yanning Shen
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Canonical Correlation Analysis of Datasets With a Common Source Graph. 4398-4408 - Maboud Farzaneh Kaloorazi
, Rodrigo C. de Lamare
Subspace-Orbit Randomized Decomposition for Low-Rank Matrix Approximations. 4409-4424
Volume 66, Number 17, September 2018
- Kien-Giang Nguyen
, Quang-Doanh Vu
, Markku J. Juntti
, Le-Nam Tran
Energy Efficiency Maximization for C-RANs: Discrete Monotonic Optimization, Penalty, and ℓ0-Approximation Methods. 4435-4449 - Xiaoqiang Ren
, Yilin Mo
Secure Detection: Performance Metric and Sensor Deployment Strategy. 4450-4460 - Weiliang Zuo, Jingmin Xin
, Nanning Zheng, Akira Sano:
Subspace-Based Localization of Far-Field and Near-Field Signals Without Eigendecomposition. 4461-4476 - Hang Geng
, Zidong Wang
, Yuhua Cheng
Distributed Federated Tobit Kalman Filter Fusion Over a Packet-Delaying Network: A Probabilistic Perspective. 4477-4489 - Taposh Banerjee
, Hamed Firouzi
, Alfred O. Hero III:
Quickest Detection for Changes in Maximal kNN Coherence of Random Matrices. 4490-4503 - Seyed Morteza Razavi
Beamformer Design for MIMO Interference Broadcast Channels With Semidefinite Programming. 4504-4515 - Adam R. Wichman
, Lawrence E. Larson:
A Background Spread-Spectrum Radio Frequency Nonlinear Parameter Measurement Technique. 4516-4526 - Jun Zhang
, Urbashi Mitra
, Kuan-Wen Huang, Nicolò Michelusi
Support Recovery From Noisy Random Measurements via Weighted ℓ1 Minimization. 4527-4540 - Julien Flamant
, Pierre Chainais
, Nicolas Le Bihan
A Complete Framework for Linear Filtering of Bivariate Signals. 4541-4552 - Yan-Nan Sun, Bing-Zhao Li
Sliding Discrete Linear Canonical Transform. 4553-4563 - Salvador Moreno-Picot, Francesc J. Ferri
, Miguel Arevalillo-Herráez
, Wladimiro Díaz Villanueva
Efficient Analysis and Synthesis Using a New Factorization of the Gabor Frame Matrix. 4564-4573 - Samuel Pinilla
, Jorge Bacca
, Henry Arguello
Phase Retrieval Algorithm via Nonconvex Minimization Using a Smoothing Function. 4574-4584 - Andrew T. Walden
, Zia Ziang Leong
Tapering Promotes Propriety for Fourier Transforms of Real-Valued Time Series. 4585-4597 - Danil Kuzin
, Olga Isupova
, Lyudmila Mihaylova
Spatio-Temporal Structured Sparse Regression With Hierarchical Gaussian Process Priors. 4598-4611 - Ali Koochakzadeh
, Heng Qiao
, Piya Pal
On Fundamental Limits of Joint Sparse Support Recovery Using Certain Correlation Priors. 4612-4625 - Nima Akbarzadeh
, Cem Tekin
, Mihaela van der Schaar
Online Learning in Limit Order Book Trade Execution. 4626-4641 - Hanjie Pan
, Thierry Blu
, Martin Vetterli
Efficient Multidimensional Diracs Estimation With Linear Sample Complexity. 4642-4656 - Zhenlong Xiao
, Shengbo Shan, Li Cheng
Identification of Cascade Dynamic Nonlinear Systems: A Bargaining-Game-Theory-Based Approach. 4657-4669 - Harshit Gupta
, Julien Fageot
, Michael Unser
Continuous-Domain Solutions of Linear Inverse Problems With Tikhonov Versus Generalized TV Regularization. 4670-4684 - Matthew W. Morency
, Sergiy A. Vorobyov
, Geert Leus
Joint Detection and Localization of an Unknown Number of Sources Using the Algebraic Structure of the Noise Subspace. 4685-4700 - Hao Cheng
, Yili Xia
, Yongming Huang
, Luxi Yang
, Danilo P. Mandic
A Normalized Complex LMS Based Blind I/Q Imbalance Compensator for GFDM Receivers and Its Full Second-Order Performance Analysis. 4701-4712
Volume 66, Number 18, September 2018
- Liesbet Van der Perre
, Liang Liu
, Erik G. Larsson
Efficient DSP and Circuit Architectures for Massive MIMO: State of the Art and Future Directions. 4717-4736 - Panagiotis A. Traganitis
, Alba Pagès-Zamora
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Blind Multiclass Ensemble Classification. 4737-4752 - Eweda Eweda
, Neil J. Bershad
, José Carlos M. Bermudez
Stochastic Analysis of the LMS and NLMS Algorithms for Cyclostationary White Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Inputs. 4753-4765 - Pascal Chevalier
, Jean Pierre Delmas
, Mustapha Sadok
Third-Order Volterra MVDR Beamforming for Non-Gaussian and Potentially Non-Circular Interference Cancellation. 4766-4781 - Arie Yeredor
, Amir Weiss
, Anthony J. Weiss
High-Order Analysis of the Efficiency Gap for Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Nonlinear Gaussian Models. 4782-4795 - An Liu
, Lixiang Lian
, Vincent K. N. Lau, Xiaojun Yuan
Downlink Channel Estimation in Multiuser Massive MIMO With Hidden Markovian Sparsity. 4796-4810 - Jun Chen
, Fei Wang
, Jianjiang Zhou, Ling Li
, Danny Crookes
, Huiyu Zhou
Short-Time Velocity Identification and Coherent-Like Detection of Ultrahigh Speed Targets. 4811-4825 - Hsiao-Han Chao
, Lieven Vandenberghe
Entropic Proximal Operators for Nonnegative Trigonometric Polynomials. 4826-4838 - Wenyan Ma
, Chenhao Qi
Beamspace Channel Estimation for Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO System With Hybrid Precoding and Combining. 4839-4853 - Nikos Kargas, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
, Xiao Fu
Tensors, Learning, and "Kolmogorov Extension" for Finite-Alphabet Random Vectors. 4854-4868 - Aritra Konar
, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
A Simple and Effective Approach for Transmit Antenna Selection in Multiuser Massive MIMO Leveraging Submodularity. 4869-4883 - Xinjie Yang
, A. Lee Swindlehurst
Limited Rate Feedback for Two-User MISO Gaussian Interference Channel With and Without Secrecy. 4884-4897 - Bruno Silva
, Gustavo Fraidenraich
Performance Analysis of the Classic and Robust Chinese Remainder Theorems in Pulsed Doppler Radars. 4898-4903 - Oskari Tervo
, Le-Nam Tran
, Harri Pennanen, Symeon Chatzinotas
, Björn E. Ottersten, Markku J. Juntti
Energy-Efficient Multicell Multigroup Multicasting With Joint Beamforming and Antenna Selection. 4904-4919 - Shahar Bar
, Joseph Tabrikian
The Risk-Unbiased Cramér-Rao Bound for Non-Bayesian Multivariate Parameter Estimation. 4920-4934 - Steven Herbert
, James R. Hopgood
, Bernard Mulgrew
Computationally Simple MMSE (A-Optimal) Adaptive Beam-Pattern Design for MIMO Active Sensing Systems via a Linear-Gaussian Approximation. 4935-4945 - Xiufang Shi
, Junfeng Wu
To Hide Private Position Information in Localization Using Time Difference of Arrival. 4946-4956 - Jeremie Houssineau
, Daniel E. Clark:
Multitarget Filtering With Linearized Complexity. 4957-4970 - Daesung Kim
, In-Cheol Park
A Fast Successive Cancellation List Decoder for Polar Codes With an Early Stopping Criterion. 4971-4979 - Anit Kumar Sahu
, Dusan Jakovetic
, Soummya Kar
CIRFE: A Distributed Random Fields Estimator. 4980-4995
Volume 66, Number 19, October 2018
- Amir Weiss
, Sher Ali Cheema
, Martin Haardt
, Arie Yeredor
Performance Analysis of the Gaussian Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Approach for Independent Vector Analysis. 5000-5013 - Chengzhu Yang
, Xinyue Shen
, Hongbing Ma, Yuantao Gu
, Hing-Cheung So
Sparse Recovery Conditions and Performance Bounds for ℓp-Minimization. 5014-5028 - Liang Zhang
, Gang Wang
, Georgios B. Giannakis
, Jie Chen
Compressive Phase Retrieval via Reweighted Amplitude Flow. 5029-5040 - K. P. Arunkumar
, Chandra R. Murthy
Iterative Sparse Channel Estimation and Data Detection for Underwater Acoustic Communications Using Partial Interval Demodulation. 5041-5055 - Holger Boche, Ullrich J. Mönich
Distributional Behavior of Convolution Sum System Representations. 5056-5065 - Weiyu Huang
, Antonio G. Marques
, Alejandro Ribeiro
Rating Prediction via Graph Signal Processing. 5066-5081 - Nagendra Kumar
, Rohit Sinha
Improved Structured Dictionary Learning via Correlation and Class Based Block Formation. 5082-5095 - Cheng-Rung Tsai
, An-Yeu Wu
Structured Random Compressed Channel Sensing for Millimeter-Wave Large-Scale Antenna Systems. 5096-5110 - Muhammet Fatih Bayramoglu
, Markku J. Juntti
Equalization of Frequency Selective Channels Using Multirate Signal Processing. 5111-5126 - Panos N. Alevizos
, Xiao Fu
, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
, Ye Yang
, Aggelos Bletsas
Limited Feedback Channel Estimation in Massive MIMO With Non-Uniform Directional Dictionaries. 5127-5141 - Yuan-Pei Lin
Hybrid MIMO-OFDM Beamforming for Wideband mmWave Channels Without Instantaneous Feedback. 5142-5151 - Jialin Dong, Yuanming Shi
Nonconvex Demixing From Bilinear Measurements. 5152-5166 - Dimitris Berberidis
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Data-Adaptive Active Sampling for Efficient Graph-Cognizant Classification. 5167-5179 - Yunmei Shi
, Aritra Konar
, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
, Xingpeng Mao
, Yongtan Liu:
Learning to Beamform for Minimum Outage. 5180-5193 - Eren Babatas, Alper T. Erdogan
An Algorithmic Framework for Sparse Bounded Component Analysis. 5194-5205 - Augusto Aubry
, Antonio De Maio
, Alfonso Farina
Comments on "Waveform Design for Radar STAP in Signal Dependent Interference". 5206-5207
Volume 66, Number 20, October 2018
- Eweda Eweda
Tracking Analysis of High Order Stochastic Gradient Adaptive Filtering Algorithms. 5228-5239 - David W. Lin
An Analysis of the Performance of ML Blind OFDM Symbol Timing Estimation. 5324-5337 - Junan Zhu
, Dror Baron
Performance Limits With Additive Error Metrics in Noisy Multimeasurement Vector Problems. 5338-5348 - Nhan Thanh Nguyen
, Kyungchun Lee
Coverage and Cell-Edge Sum-Rate Analysis of mmWave Massive MIMO Systems With ORP Schemes and MMSE Receivers. 5349-5363 - Shiqi Gong
, Shuai Wang
, Sheng Chen
, Chengwen Xing, Xing Wei:
Time-Invariant Joint Transmit and Receive Beampattern Optimization for Polarization-Subarray Based Frequency Diverse Array Radar. 5364-5379 - Tao Sun
, Hao Jiang, Lizhi Cheng, Wei Zhu
Iteratively Linearized Reweighted Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for a Class of Nonconvex Problems. 5380-5391 - Freweyni K. Teklehaymanot
, Michael Muma
, Abdelhak M. Zoubir:
Bayesian Cluster Enumeration Criterion for Unsupervised Learning. 5392-5406 - Pol del Aguila Pla
, Joakim Jaldén
Cell Detection by Functional Inverse Diffusion and Nonnegative Group Sparsity - Part I: Modeling and Inverse Problems. 5407-5421 - Pol del Aguila Pla
, Joakim Jaldén
Cell Detection by Functional Inverse Diffusion and Non-Negative Group Sparsity - Part II: Proximal Optimization and Performance Evaluation. 5422-5437 - Haoran Sun
, Xiangyi Chen, Qingjiang Shi
, Mingyi Hong
, Xiao Fu
, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
Learning to Optimize: Training Deep Neural Networks for Interference Management. 5438-5453 - Thomas Lundgaard Hansen
, Peter Bjørn Jørgensen
, Mihai-Alin Badiu
, Bernard Henri Fleury
An Iterative Receiver for OFDM With Sparsity-Based Parametric Channel Estimation. 5454-5469 - Binnan Zhuang
, Dongning Guo
, Ermin Wei
, Michael L. Honig:
Large-Scale Spectrum Allocation for Cellular Networks via Sparse Optimization. 5470-5483 - Shahar Bar
, Joseph Tabrikian
A Sequential Framework for Composite Hypothesis Testing. 5484-5499
Volume 66, Number 21, November 2018
- Ban-Sok Shin
, Masahiro Yukawa
, Renato Luís Garrido Cavalcante
, Armin Dekorsy
Distributed Adaptive Learning With Multiple Kernels in Diffusion Networks. 5505-5519 - Jiaxi Ying
, Jian-Feng Cai, Di Guo
, Gongguo Tang
, Zhong Chen
, Xiaobo Qu
Vandermonde Factorization of Hankel Matrix for Complex Exponential Signal Recovery - Application in Fast NMR Spectroscopy. 5520-5533 - Lei Cheng
, Yik-Chung Wu
, H. Vincent Poor
Scaling Probabilistic Tensor Canonical Polyadic Decomposition to Massive Data. 5534-5548 - Ziyang Cheng
, Chunlin Han, Bin Liao
, Zishu He
, Jun Li:
Communication-Aware Waveform Design for MIMO Radar With Good Transmit Beampattern. 5549-5562 - Hongteng Xu
, Licheng Yu, Mark A. Davenport
, Hongyuan Zha:
A Unified Framework for Manifold Landmarking. 5563-5576 - Yongchan Gao, Hongbin Li
, Braham Himed:
Adaptive Subspace Tests for Multichannel Signal Detection in Auto-Regressive Disturbance. 5577-5587 - Yaoqing Yang
, Siheng Chen
, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali
, Pulkit Grover
, Soummya Kar
, Jelena Kovacevic:
Fast Temporal Path Localization on Graphs via Multiscale Viterbi Decoding. 5588-5603 - Cagdas Bilen
, Alexey Ozerov
, Patrick Pérez:
Solving Time-Domain Audio Inverse Problems Using Nonnegative Tensor Factorization. 5604-5617 - Henri Nurminen
, Tohid Ardeshiri
, Robert Piché
, Fredrik Gustafsson:
Skew-t Filter and Smoother With Improved Covariance Matrix Approximation. 5618-5633 - Yizhen Xu
, Peng Cheng
, Zhuo Chen
, Yonghui Li
, Branka Vucetic
Mobile Collaborative Spectrum Sensing for Heterogeneous Networks: A Bayesian Machine Learning Approach. 5634-5647 - Mark R. Leonard
, Abdelhak M. Zoubir:
Robust Sequential Detection in Distributed Sensor Networks. 5648-5662 - Nariman Farsad
, Andrea Goldsmith
Neural Network Detection of Data Sequences in Communication Systems. 5663-5678 - Steven Sandoval
, Phillip L. De Leon
The Instantaneous Spectrum: A General Framework for Time-Frequency Analysis. 5679-5693 - Soosan Beheshti
, Saba Sedghizadeh
Number of Source Signal Estimation by the Mean Squared Eigenvalue Error. 5694-5704 - Zhiyang Wang, Ruida Zhou, Cong Shen
Regional Multi-Armed Bandits With Partial Informativeness. 5705-5717 - Nil Garcia
, Henk Wymeersch
, Dirk T. M. Slock
Optimal Precoders for Tracking the AoD and AoA of a mmWave Path. 5718-5729 - Fatemeh Sheikholeslami
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Identification of Overlapping Communities via Constrained Egonet Tensor Decomposition. 5730-5745 - Benjamin Girault
, Antonio Ortega
, Shrikanth S. Narayanan
Irregularity-Aware Graph Fourier Transforms. 5746-5761 - Abhay Sharma, Chandra R. Murthy
On Finding a Subset of Non-Defective Items From a Large Population. 5762-5775 - Wassim Suleiman
, Pouyan Parvazi, Marius Pesavento
, Abdelhak M. Zoubir:
Non-Coherent Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Using Partly Calibrated Arrays. 5776-5788 - Devendra Kumar Yadav
, Gajraj Kuldeep
, Shiv Dutt Joshi:
Orthogonal Ramanujan Sums, Its Properties, and Applications in Multiresolution Analysis. 5789-5798
Volume 66, Number 22, November 2018
- Ribhu Chopra
, Chandra Ramabhadra Murthy
, Govindan Rangarajan:
Statistical Tests for Detecting Granger Causality. 5803-5816 - Alireza Haqiqatnejad
, Farbod Kayhan, Björn E. Ottersten:
Symbol-Level Precoding Design Based on Distance Preserving Constructive Interference Regions. 5817-5832 - Yehuda Dar
, Michael Elad
, Alfred M. Bruckstein
Restoration by Compression. 5833-5847 - Yihao Zhang
, Jianping An
, Kai Yang
, Xiaozheng Gao
, Jinsong Wu
Energy-Efficient User Scheduling and Power Control for Multi-Cell OFDMA Networks Based on Channel Distribution Information. 5848-5861 - Golnoosh Elhami
, Michalina Pacholska
, Benjamín Béjar Haro
, Martin Vetterli
, Adam Scholefield
Sampling at Unknown Locations: Uniqueness and Reconstruction Under Constraints. 5862-5874 - Amichai Painsky
, Saharon Rosset
, Meir Feder
Linear Independent Component Analysis Over Finite Fields: Algorithms and Bounds. 5875-5886 - Zhihui Zhu
, Santhosh Karnik, Michael B. Wakin
, Mark A. Davenport
, Justin Romberg
ROAST: Rapid Orthogonal Approximate Slepian Transform. 5887-5901 - Rongbin Zhang
, Shu-Hung Leung
, Zhen Luo
, Hong Wang
Precoding Design for Correlated MIMO-AF Relay Networks With Statistical Channel State Information. 5902-5916 - Ya-Ping Hsieh
, Yu-Chun Kao, Rabeeh Karimi Mahabadi, Alp Yurtsever, Anastasios Kyrillidis, Volkan Cevher
A Non-Euclidean Gradient Descent Framework for Non-Convex Matrix Factorization. 5917-5926 - Bo Wang
, Yu-Ping Tian
Distributed Network Localization: Accurate Estimation With Noisy Measurement and Communication Information. 5927-5940 - An Liu
, Vincent K. N. Lau, Min-Jian Zhao:
Online Successive Convex Approximation for Two-Stage Stochastic Nonconvex Optimization. 5941-5955 - Chengwei Zhou
, Yujie Gu
, Xing Fan, Zhiguo Shi
, Guoqiang Mao
, Yimin D. Zhang
Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Coprime Array via Virtual Array Interpolation. 5956-5971 - Omer Tanovic
, Alexandre Megretski, Yan Li, Vladimir Stojanovic, Mitra Osqui:
Equivalent Baseband Models and Corresponding Digital Predistortion for Compensating Dynamic Passband Nonlinearities in Phase-Amplitude Modulation-Demodulation Schemes. 5972-5987 - Kobi Cohen
, Amir Leshem
Spectrum and Energy Efficient Multiple Access for Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. 5988-6001 - Steffen Limmer
, Slawomir Stanczak
A Neural Architecture for Bayesian Compressive Sensing Over the Simplex via Laplace Techniques. 6002-6015 - Xiao-Zhi Zhang
, Bingo Wing-Kuen Ling
, Hai Huyen Dam, Kok Lay Teo, Changzhi Wu
Optimal Joint Design of Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform Matrices and Mask Coefficients for Multichannel Filtering in Fractional Fourier Domains. 6016-6030 - Yuqing Du
, Guangxu Zhu
, Jiayao Zhang
, Kaibin Huang
Automatic Recognition of Space-Time Constellations by Learning on the Grassmann Manifold. 6031-6046 - Anais Badoual
, Julien Fageot
, Michael Unser
Periodic Splines and Gaussian Processes for the Resolution of Linear Inverse Problems. 6047-6061 - Sajjad Beygi, Amr Elnakeeb
, Sunav Choudhary
, Urbashi Mitra
Bilinear Matrix Factorization Methods for Time-Varying Narrowband Channel Estimation: Exploiting Sparsity and Rank. 6062-6075 - Abdullahi Daniyan
, Sangarapillai Lambotharan
, Anastasios Deligiannis
, Yu Gong
, Wen-Hua Chen
Bayesian Multiple Extended Target Tracking Using Labeled Random Finite Sets and Splines. 6076-6091
Volume 66, Number 23, December 2018
- Amir Amini
, Amir Asif
, Arash Mohammadi
CEASE: A Collaborative Event-Triggered Average-Consensus Sampled-Data Framework With Performance Guarantees for Multi-Agent Systems. 6096-6109 - Feiyu Wang, Jun Fang
, Huiping Duan
, Hongbin Li
Phased-Array-Based Sub-Nyquist Sampling for Joint Wideband Spectrum Sensing and Direction-of-Arrival Estimation. 6110-6123 - Jun Liu
, Weijian Liu
, Yongchan Gao
, Shenghua Zhou
, Xiang-Gen Xia
Persymmetric Adaptive Detection of Subspace Signals: Algorithms and Performance Analysis. 6124-6136 - Frederik Van Eeghem, Otto Debals
, Nico Vervliet
, Lieven De Lathauwer:
Coupled and Incomplete Tensors in Blind System Identification. 6137-6147 - Takanori Hasegawa
, Kaname Kojima, Yosuke Kawai, Masao Nagasaki
Time-Series Filtering for Replicated Observations via a Kernel Approximate Bayesian Computation. 6148-6161 - Chengcheng Zhao
, Jiming Chen
, Jianping He, Peng Cheng
Privacy-Preserving Consensus-Based Energy Management in Smart Grids. 6162-6176 - Daniel S. Bryant
, Ba-Tuong Vo
, Ba-Ngu Vo
, Brandon A. Jones
A Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter With Object Spawning. 6177-6189 - Minh Trinh-Hoang
, Mats Viberg
, Marius Pesavento
Partial Relaxation Approach: An Eigenvalue-Based DOA Estimator Framework. 6190-6203 - Sylvain Meignen
, Duong-Hung Pham
Retrieval of the Modes of Multicomponent Signals From Downsampled Short-Time Fourier Transform. 6204-6215 - Holger Boche, Ullrich J. Mönich
Optimal Tone Reservation for CDMA Systems. 6216-6227 - Tianyao Huang
, Yimin Liu
, Xingyu Xu, Yonina C. Eldar
, Xiqin Wang:
Analysis of Frequency Agile Radar via Compressed Sensing. 6228-6240 - Zhenlong Xiao
, Xianbin Wang
Nonlinear Polynomial Graph Filter for Signal Processing With Irregular Structures. 6241-6251 - Praneeth Jayasinghe
, Antti Tölli
, Jarkko Kaleva
, Matti Latva-aho:
Bi-Directional Beamformer Training for Dynamic TDD Networks. 6252-6267 - David Ramírez
, Daniel Romero
, Javier Vía, Roberto López-Valcarce
, Ignacio Santamaría
Testing Equality of Multiple Power Spectral Density Matrices. 6268-6280 - Xianghui Mao
, Kai Qiu, Tiejian Li, Yuantao Gu
Spatio-Temporal Signal Recovery Based on Low Rank and Differential Smoothness. 6281-6296 - Yi Cao
, Weifeng Su
, Stella N. Batalama:
A Novel Receiver Design and Maximum-Likelihood Detection for Distributed MIMO Systems in Presence of Distributed Frequency Offsets and Timing Offsets. 6297-6309 - Cheng Qian
, Yunmei Shi, Lei Huang
, Hing-Cheung So
Robust Harmonic Retrieval via Block Successive Upper-Bound Minimization. 6310-6324 - Stephan Weiss
, Jennifer Pestana
, Ian K. Proudler
, Fraser K. Coutts:
Corrections to "On the Existence and Uniqueness of the Eigenvalue Decomposition of a Parahermitian Matrix". 6325-6327
Volume 66, Number 24, December 2018
- Seyyed Hamed Fouladi
, Sung-En Chiu, Bhaskar D. Rao, Ilangko Balasingham:
Recovery of Independent Sparse Sources From Linear Mixtures Using Sparse Bayesian Learning. 6332-6346 - Muhammad Asad Lodhi
, Waheed U. Bajwa
Detection Theory for Union of Subspaces. 6347-6362 - Hiroki Kuroda
, Masao Yamagishi
, Isao Yamada
Exploiting Sparsity in Tight-Dimensional Spaces for Piecewise Continuous Signal Recovery. 6363-6376 - Yixian Liu
, Yingbin Liang, Shuguang Cui
Data-Driven Nonparametric Existence and Association Problems. 6377-6389 - Cheng Qian
, Xiao Fu
, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
, Ye Yang
Tensor-Based Channel Estimation for Dual-Polarized Massive MIMO Systems. 6390-6403 - Jun Shi, Xiaoping Liu, Xiaojie Fang, Xuejun Sha, Wei Xiang, Qinyu Zhang:
Linear Canonical Matched Filter: Theory, Design, and Applications. 6404-6417 - Dionysios S. Kalogerias
, Athina P. Petropulu
Spatially Controlled Relay Beamforming. 6418-6433 - Sofia Suvorova
, Andrew Melatos
, Rob J. Evans, William Moran, Patrick Clearwater, Ling Sun
Phase-Continuous Frequency Line Track-Before-Detect of a Tone With Slow Frequency Variation. 6434-6442 - Ryo Hayakawa
, Kazunori Hayashi
Discreteness-Aware Approximate Message Passing for Discrete-Valued Vector Reconstruction. 6443-6457 - Bracha Laufer-Goldshtein
, Ronen Talmon
, Sharon Gannot
Source Counting and Separation Based on Simplex Analysis. 6458-6473 - Enrica d'Afflisio
, Paolo Braca
, Leonardo Maria Millefiori
, Peter Willett
Detecting Anomalous Deviations From Standard Maritime Routes Using the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process. 6474-6487 - Amr Elnakeeb
, Urbashi Mitra
Line Constrained Estimation With Applications to Target Tracking: Exploiting Sparsity and Low-Rank. 6488-6502 - Charilaos I. Kanatsoulis
, Xiao Fu
, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
, Wing-Kin Ma
Hyperspectral Super-Resolution: A Coupled Tensor Factorization Approach. 6503-6517 - Augusto Aubry
, Antonio De Maio
, Alessio Zappone
, Meisam Razaviyayn, Zhi-Quan Luo:
A New Sequential Optimization Procedure and Its Applications to Resource Allocation for Wireless Systems. 6518-6533 - Jun Shi, Xiaoping Liu, Yanan Zhao, Shuo Shi, Xuejun Sha, Qinyu Zhang:
Filter Design for Constrained Signal Reconstruction in Linear Canonical Transform Domain. 6534-6548 - Jun Liu
, Jinwang Han, Zi-Jing Zhang, Jian Li
Bayesian Detection for MIMO Radar in Gaussian Clutter. 6549-6559

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