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ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Volume 28
Volume 28, Number 1, January 2009
- Leslie Ikemoto, Okan Arikan, David A. Forsyth:
Generalizing motion edits with Gaussian processes. 1:1-1:12 - Patrick Degener, Reinhard Klein:
A variational approach for automatic generation of panoramic maps. 2:1-2:14 - Pieter Peers, Dhruv Mahajan, Bruce Lamond, Abhijeet Ghosh, Wojciech Matusik, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Paul E. Debevec:
Compressive light transport sensing. 3:1-3:18 - Jeremy Sugerman, Kayvon Fatahalian, Solomon Boulos, Kurt Akeley, Pat Hanrahan:
GRAMPS: A programming model for graphics pipelines. 4:1-4:11 - Steven Bergner, Mark S. Drew, Torsten Möller:
A tool to create illuminant and reflectance spectra for light-driven graphics and visualization. 5:1-5:11 - Jaeil Choi, Andrzej Szymczak:
Fitting solid meshes to animated surfaces using linear elasticity. 6:1-6:10 - Raanan Fattal:
Participating media illumination using light propagation maps. 7:1-7:11 - Ryo Kikuuwe, Hiroaki Tabuchi, Motoji Yamamoto:
An edge-based computationally efficient formulation of Saint Venant-Kirchhoff tetrahedral finite elements. 8:1-8:13 - Niranjan Damera-Venkata, Nelson L. Chang:
Display supersampling. 9:1-9:19 - Sumit Jain, Yuting Ye, C. Karen Liu:
Optimization-based interactive motion synthesis. 10:1-10:12 - Evangelos Kalogerakis, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Patricio D. Simari, James McCrae, Aaron Hertzmann, Karan Singh:
Data-driven curvature for real-time line drawing of dynamic scenes. 11:1-11:13
Volume 28, Number 2, April 2009
- Andrew J. Weber, Galen Gornowicz:
Collision-free construction of animated feathers using implicit constraint surfaces. 12:1-12:8 - Qingde Li, Jie Tian:
2D piecewise algebraic splines for implicit modeling. 13:1-13:19 - Bo Sun, Ravi Ramamoorthi:
Affine double- and triple-product wavelet integrals for rendering. 14:1-14:17 - Michael Wand, Bart Adams, Maks Ovsjanikov, Alexander Berner, Martin Bokeloh, Philipp Jenke, Leonidas J. Guibas, Hans-Peter Seidel, Andreas Schilling:
Efficient reconstruction of nonrigid shape and motion from real-time 3D scanner data. 15:1-15:15 - Marin Kobilarov, Keenan Crane, Mathieu Desbrun:
Lie group integrators for animation and control of vehicles. 16:1-16:14 - Abel João Padrão Gomes, José F. M. Morgado, Edgar S. Pereira:
A BSP-based algorithm for dimensionally nonhomogeneous planar implicit curves with topological guarantees. 17:1-17:24 - Cyril Soler, Kartic Subr, Frédo Durand, Nicolas Holzschuch, François X. Sillion:
Fourier depth of field. 18:1-18:12 - Jon Hasselgren, Jacob Munkberg, Tomas Akenine-Möller:
Automatic pre-tessellation culling. 19:1-19:10 - Marc Alexa, Anders Adamson:
Interpolatory point set surfaces - convexity and Hermite data. 20:1-20:10
Volume 28, Number 3, August 2009
Fast image processing and retargeting
- Andrew Adams, Natasha Gelfand, Jennifer Dolson, Marc Levoy:
Gaussian KD-trees for fast high-dimensional filtering. 21 - Raanan Fattal:
Edge-avoiding wavelets and their applications. 22 - Michael Rubinstein, Ariel Shamir, Shai Avidan:
Multi-operator media retargeting. 23 - Connelly Barnes, Eli Shechtman, Adam Finkelstein, Dan B. Goldman:
PatchMatch: a randomized correspondence algorithm for structural image editing. 24
- Romain Vergne, Romain Pacanowski, Pascal Barla, Xavier Granier, Christophe Schlick:
Light warping for enhanced surface depiction. 25 - William B. Kerr, Fabio Pellacini:
Toward evaluating lighting design interface paradigms for novice users. 26 - Min H. Kim, Tim Weyrich, Jan Kautz:
Modeling human color perception under extended luminance levels. 27 - Forrester Cole, Kevin Sanik, Douglas DeCarlo, Adam Finkelstein, Thomas A. Funkhouser, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Manish Singh:
How well do line drawings depict shape? 28
- Jiaping Wang, Yue Dong, Xin Tong, Zhouchen Lin, Baining Guo:
Kernel Nyström method for light transport. 29 - Craig Donner, Jason Lawrence, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Toshiya Hachisuka, Henrik Wann Jensen, Shree K. Nayar:
An empirical BSSRDF model. 30 - Ying Song, Xin Tong, Fabio Pellacini, Pieter Peers:
SubEdit: a representation for editing measured heterogeneous subsurface scattering. 31 - Tim Weyrich, Pieter Peers, Wojciech Matusik, Szymon Rusinkiewicz:
Fabricating microgeometry for custom surface reflectance. 32
- Ran Gal, Olga Sorkine, Niloy J. Mitra, Daniel Cohen-Or:
iWIRES: an analyze-and-edit approach to shape manipulation. 33 - Mirela Ben-Chen, Ofir Weber, Craig Gotsman:
Variational harmonic maps for space deformation. 34 - Weiwei Xu, Jun Wang, KangKang Yin, Kun Zhou, Michiel van de Panne, Falai Chen, Baining Guo:
Joint-aware manipulation of deformable models. 35 - Ilya Baran, Daniel Vlasic, Eitan Grinspun, Jovan Popovic:
Semantic deformation transfer. 36
- Changxi Zheng, Doug L. James:
Harmonic fluids. 37 - Patrick Mullen, Keenan Crane, Dmitry Pavlov, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun:
Energy-preserving integrators for fluid animation. 38 - Martin Wicke, Matt Stanton, Adrien Treuille:
Modular bases for fluid dynamics. 39 - Barbara Solenthaler, Renato Pajarola:
Predictive-corrective incompressible SPH. 40 - Christopher Horvath, Willi Geiger:
Directable, high-resolution simulation of fire on the GPU. 41
- Dhruv Mahajan, Fu-Chung Huang, Wojciech Matusik, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Peter N. Belhumeur:
Moving gradients: a path-based method for plausible image interpolation. 42 - Robert Carroll, Maneesh Agrawala, Aseem Agarwala:
Optimizing content-preserving projections for wide-angle images. 43 - Feng Liu, Michael Gleicher, Hailin Jin, Aseem Agarwala:
Content-preserving warps for 3D video stabilization. 44 - Yochay Tzur, Ayellet Tal:
FlexiStickers: photogrammetric texture mapping using casual images. 45
- Thomas J. Cashman, Ursula H. Augsdörfer, Neil A. Dodgson, Malcolm A. Sabin:
NURBS with extraordinary points: high-degree, non-uniform, rational subdivision schemes. 46 - Andre Schollmeyer, Bernd Fröhlich:
Direct trimming of NURBS surfaces on the GPU. 47 - Ashish Myles, Jörg Peters:
Bi-3 C2 polar subdivision. 48 - Jarke J. van Wijk:
Symmetric tiling of closed surfaces: visualization of regular maps. 49
- Peter Kaufmann, Sebastian Martin, Mario Botsch, Eitan Grinspun, Markus H. Gross:
Enrichment textures for detailed cutting of shells. 50 - Liliya Kharevych, Patrick Mullen, Houman Owhadi, Mathieu Desbrun:
Numerical coarsening of inhomogeneous elastic materials. 51 - Matthieu Nesme, Paul G. Kry, Lenka Jerábková, François Faure:
Preserving topology and elasticity for embedded deformable models. 52 - Jernej Barbic, Marco da Silva, Jovan Popovic:
Deformable object animation using reduced optimal control. 53
- Ares Lagae, Sylvain Lefebvre, George Drettakis, Philip Dutré:
Procedural noise using sparse Gabor convolution. 54 - Rachel McDonnell, Michéal Larkin, Benjamín Hernández, Isaac Rudomín, Carol O'Sullivan:
Eye-catching crowds: saliency based selective variation. 55 - Lvdi Wang, Yizhou Yu, Kun Zhou, Baining Guo:
Example-based hair geometry synthesis. 56 - Umar Mohammed, Simon J. D. Prince, Jan Kautz:
Visio-lization: generating novel facial images. 57 - Wojciech Palubicki, Kipp Horel, Steven Longay, Adam Runions, Brendan Lane, Radomír Mech, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz:
Self-organizing tree models for image synthesis. 58
- C. Karen Liu:
Dextrous manipulation from a grasping pose. 59 - Kevin Wampler, Zoran Popovic:
Optimal gait and form for animal locomotion. 60 - Satoru Ishigaki, Timothy White, Victor B. Zordan, C. Karen Liu:
Performance-based control interface for character animation. 61 - Aleka McAdams, Andrew Selle, Kelly Ward, Eftychios Sifakis, Joseph Teran:
Detail preserving continuum simulation of straight hair. 62
- Robert Y. Wang, Jovan Popovic:
Real-time hand-tracking with a color glove. 63 - Andrew Jones, Magnus Lang, Graham Fyffe, Xueming Yu, Jay Busch, Ian McDowall, Mark T. Bolas, Paul E. Debevec:
Achieving eye contact in a one-to-many 3D video teleconferencing system. 64 - Ilya D. Rosenberg, Ken Perlin:
The UnMousePad: an interpolating multi-touch force-sensing input pad. 65 - Floraine Grabler, Maneesh Agrawala, Wilmot Li, Mira Dontcheva, Takeo Igarashi:
Generating photo manipulation tutorials by demonstration. 66
- Zeev Farbman, Gil Hoffer, Yaron Lipman, Daniel Cohen-Or, Dani Lischinski:
Coordinates for instant image cloning. 67 - Litian Tao, Lu Yuan, Jian Sun:
SkyFinder: attribute-based sky image search. 68 - Jiangyu Liu, Jian Sun, Heung-Yeung Shum:
Paint selection. 69 - Xue Bai, Jue Wang, David Simons, Guillermo Sapiro:
Video SnapCut: robust video object cutout using localized classifiers. 70
- Andrea Tagliasacchi, Hao Zhang, Daniel Cohen-Or:
Curve skeleton extraction from incomplete point cloud. 71 - Yaron Lipman, Thomas A. Funkhouser:
Möbius voting for surface correspondence. 72 - Xiaobai Chen, Aleksey Golovinskiy, Thomas A. Funkhouser:
A benchmark for 3D mesh segmentation. 73 - Min Tang, Minkyoung Lee, Young J. Kim:
Interactive Hausdorff distance computation for general polygonal models. 74
- Jane Tournois, Camille Wormser, Pierre Alliez, Mathieu Desbrun:
Interleaving Delaunay refinement and optimization for practical isotropic tetrahedron mesh generation. 75 - Christopher Wojtan, Nils Thürey, Markus H. Gross, Greg Turk:
Deforming meshes that split and merge. 76 - David Bommes, Henrik Zimmer, Leif Kobbelt:
Mixed-integer quadrangulation. 77 - Ergun Akleman, Jianer Chen, Qing Xing, Jonathan L. Gross:
Cyclic plain-weaving on polygonal mesh surfaces with graph rotation systems. 78
- Manmyung Kim, Kyunglyul Hyun, Jongmin Kim, Jehee Lee:
Synchronized multi-character motion editing. 79 - Adriano Macchietto, Victor B. Zordan, Christian R. Shelton:
Momentum control for balance. 80 - Uldarico Muico, Yongjoon Lee, Jovan Popovic, Zoran Popovic:
Contact-aware nonlinear control of dynamic characters. 81 - Marco da Silva, Frédo Durand, Jovan Popovic:
Linear Bellman combination for control of character animation. 82
- Elmar Eisemann, Sylvain Paris, Frédo Durand:
A visibility algorithm for converting 3D meshes into editable 2D vector graphics. 83 - James McCann, Nancy S. Pollard:
Local layering. 84 - Yu-Kun Lai, Shi-Min Hu, Ralph R. Martin:
Automatic and topology-preserving gradient mesh generation for image vectorization. 85 - Michael Balzer, Thomas Schlömer, Oliver Deussen:
Capacity-constrained point distributions: a variant of Lloyd's method. 86
- David Harmon, Etienne Vouga, Breannan Smith, Rasmus Tamstorf, Eitan Grinspun:
Asynchronous contact mechanics. 87 - Nuttapong Chentanez, Ron Alterovitz, Daniel Ritchie, Lita Cho, Kris K. Hauser, Kenneth Y. Goldberg, Jonathan Richard Shewchuk, James F. O'Brien:
Interactive simulation of surgical needle insertion and steering. 88 - Bernd Bickel, Moritz Bächer, Miguel A. Otaduy, Wojciech Matusik, Hanspeter Pfister, Markus H. Gross:
Capture and modeling of non-linear heterogeneous soft tissue. 89 - Huamin Wang, Miao Liao, Qing Zhang, Ruigang Yang, Greg Turk:
Physically guided liquid surface modeling from videos. 90
- Rui Wang, Rui Wang, Kun Zhou, Minghao Pan, Hujun Bao:
An efficient GPU-based approach for interactive global illumination. 91 - Bruce Walter, Shuang Zhao, Nicolas Holzschuch, Kavita Bala:
Single scattering in refractive media with triangle mesh boundaries. 92 - Kevin Egan, Yu-Ting Tseng, Nicolas Holzschuch, Frédo Durand, Ravi Ramamoorthi:
Frequency analysis and sheared reconstruction for rendering motion blur. 93 - Jirí Bittner, Oliver Mattausch, Peter Wonka, Vlastimil Havran, Michael Wimmer:
Adaptive global visibility sampling. 94
- Amit K. Agrawal, Yi Xu, Ramesh Raskar:
Invertible motion blur in video. 95 - Dilip Krishnan, Rob Fergus:
Dark flash photography. 96 - Anat Levin, Samuel W. Hasinoff, Paul Green, Frédo Durand, William T. Freeman:
4D frequency analysis of computational cameras for depth of field extension. 97 - Ankit Mohan, Grace Woo, Shinsaku Hiura, Quinn Smithwick, Ramesh Raskar:
Bokode: imperceptible visual tags for camera based interaction from a distance. 98
Volume 28, Number 4, August 2009
- Sung-Hee Lee, Eftychios Sifakis, Demetri Terzopoulos:
Comprehensive biomechanical modeling and simulation of the upper body. 99:1-99:17 - Reynold J. Bailey, Ann McNamara, Nisha Sudarsanam, Cindy Grimm:
Subtle gaze direction. 100:1-100:14 - Yang Liu, Wenping Wang, Bruno Lévy, Feng Sun, Dong-Ming Yan, Lin Lu, Chenglei Yang:
On centroidal voronoi tessellation - energy smoothness and fast computation. 101:1-101:17 - Margarita Bratkova, Peter Shirley, William B. Thompson:
Artistic rendering of mountainous terrain. 102:1-102:17 - Josh Wills, Sameer Agarwal, David J. Kriegman, Serge J. Belongie:
Toward a perceptual space for gloss. 103:1-103:15 - Shi-Qing Xin, Guo-Jin Wang:
Improving Chen and Han's algorithm on the discrete geodesic problem. 104:1-104:8 - Pascal Volino, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, François Faure:
A simple approach to nonlinear tensile stiffness for accurate cloth simulation. 105:1-105:16 - Vitor F. Pamplona, Manuel M. Oliveira, Gladimir V. G. Baranoski:
Photorealistic models for pupil light reflex and iridal pattern deformation. 106:1-106:12
Volume 28, Number 5, December 2009
- Amir Rosenberger, Daniel Cohen-Or, Dani Lischinski:
Layered shape synthesis: automatic generation of control maps for non-stationary textures. 107 - Kai Xu, Daniel Cohen-Or, Tao Ju, Ligang Liu, Hao Zhang, Shizhe Zhou, Yueshan Xiong:
Feature-aligned shape texturing. 108 - Francisco González García, Gustavo Patow:
Continuity mapping for multi-chart textures. 109 - Chongyang Ma, Li-Yi Wei, Baining Guo, Kun Zhou:
Motion field texture synthesis. 110
- Carlos A. Vanegas, Daniel G. Aliaga, Bedrich Benes, Paul Waddell:
Interactive design of urban spaces using geometrical and behavioral modeling. 111 - Emily Whiting, John Ochsendorf, Frédo Durand:
Procedural modeling of structurally-sound masonry buildings. 112 - Nianjuan Jiang, Ping Tan, Loong Fah Cheong:
Symmetric architecture modeling with a single image. 113 - Jianxiong Xiao, Tian Fang, Peng Zhao, Maxime Lhuillier, Long Quan:
Image-based street-side city modeling. 114
- Tian Xia, Binbin Liao, Yizhou Yu:
Patch-based image vectorization with automatic curvilinear feature alignment. 115 - Stefan Jeschke, David Cline, Peter Wonka:
A GPU Laplacian solver for diffusion curves and Poisson image editing. 116 - Stefan Jeschke, David Cline, Peter Wonka:
Rendering surface details with diffusion curves. 117 - Kun Xu, Yong Li, Tao Ju, Shi-Min Hu, Tian-Qiang Liu:
Efficient affinity-based edit propagation using K-D tree. 118
- Jeffrey N. Chadwick, Steven S. An, Doug L. James:
Harmonic shells: a practical nonlinear sound model for near-rigid thin shells. 119 - Doyub Kim, Oh-Young Song, Hyeong-Seok Ko:
Stretching and wiggling liquids. 120 - Tobias Pfaff, Nils Thürey, Andrew Selle, Markus H. Gross:
Synthetic turbulence using artificial boundary layers. 121 - Rahul Narain, Abhinav Golas, Sean Curtis, Ming C. Lin:
Aggregate dynamics for dense crowd simulation. 122 - Theodore Kim, Doug L. James:
Skipping steps in deformable simulation with online model reduction. 123
- Tao Chen, Ming-Ming Cheng, Ping Tan, Ariel Shamir, Shi-Min Hu:
Sketch2Photo: internet image montage. 124 - Weiming Dong, Ning Zhou, Jean-Claude Paul, Xiaopeng Zhang:
Optimized image resizing using seam carving and scaling. 125 - Philipp Krähenbühl, Manuel Lang, Alexander Hornung, Markus H. Gross:
A system for retargeting of streaming video. 126 - Yu-Shuen Wang, Hongbo Fu, Olga Sorkine, Tong-Yee Lee, Hans-Peter Seidel:
Motion-aware temporal coherence for video resizing. 127
- Wojciech Matusik, Boris Ajdin, Jinwei Gu, Jason Lawrence, Hendrik P. A. Lensch, Fabio Pellacini, Szymon Rusinkiewicz:
Printing spatially-varying reflectance. 128 - Tobias Ritschel, Makoto Okabe, Thorsten Thormählen, Hans-Peter Seidel:
Interactive reflection editing. 129 - Adrien Bousseau, Sylvain Paris, Frédo Durand:
User-assisted intrinsic images. 130 - Jean-François Lalonde, Alexei A. Efros, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan:
Webcam clip art: appearance and illuminant transfer from time-lapse sequences. 131
- Tobias Ritschel, Thomas Engelhardt, Thorsten Grosch, Hans-Peter Seidel, Jan Kautz, Carsten Dachsbacher:
Micro-rendering for scalable, parallel final gathering. 132 - Jiaping Wang, Peiran Ren, Minmin Gong, John M. Snyder, Baining Guo:
All-frequency rendering of dynamic, spatially-varying reflectance. 133 - Sungkil Lee, Elmar Eisemann, Hans-Peter Seidel:
Depth-of-field rendering with multiview synthesis. 134 - Lei Yang, Diego F. Nehab, Pedro V. Sander, Pitchaya Sitthi-amorn, Jason Lawrence, Hugues Hoppe:
Amortized supersampling. 135
- Rony Zatzarinni, Ayellet Tal, Ariel Shamir:
Relief analysis and extraction. 136 - Ravish Mehra, Qingnan Zhou, Jeremy Long, Alla Sheffer, Amy Ashurst Gooch, Niloy J. Mitra:
Abstraction of man-made shapes. 137 - Kai Xu, Hao Zhang, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Ligang Liu, Guo Li, Min Meng, Yueshan Xiong:
Partial intrinsic reflectional symmetry of 3D shapes. 138 - Alexander Schiftner, Mathias Höbinger, Johannes Wallner, Helmut Pottmann:
Packing circles and spheres on surfaces. 139
- Ryan S. Overbeck, Craig Donner, Ravi Ramamoorthi:
Adaptive wavelet rendering. 140 - Toshiya Hachisuka, Henrik Wann Jensen:
Stochastic progressive photon mapping. 141 - Edgar Velázquez-Armendáriz, Shuang Zhao, Milos Hasan, Bruce Walter, Kavita Bala:
Automatic bounding of programmable shaders for efficient global illumination. 142 - Milos Hasan, Jaroslav Krivánek, Bruce Walter, Kavita Bala:
Virtual spherical lights for many-light rendering of glossy scenes. 143
- Jinwei Gu, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Peter N. Belhumeur, Shree K. Nayar:
Removing image artifacts due to dirty camera lenses and thin occluders. 144 - Sunghyun Cho, Seungyong Lee:
Fast motion deblurring. 145 - Jia Chen, Chi-Keung Tang, Jue Wang:
Noise brush: interactive high quality image-noise separation. 146 - Kartic Subr, Cyril Soler, Frédo Durand:
Edge-preserving multiscale image decomposition based on local extrema. 147
- Yotam I. Gingold, Takeo Igarashi, Denis Zorin:
Structured annotations for 2D-to-3D modeling. 148 - Ryan M. Schmidt, Azam Khan, Karan Singh, Gordon Kurtenbach:
Analytic drawing of 3D scaffolds. 149 - Matthew Fisher, Kayvon Fatahalian, Solomon Boulos, Kurt Akeley, William R. Mark, Pat Hanrahan:
DiagSplit: parallel, crack-free, adaptive tessellation for micropolygon rendering. 150 - Charles T. Loop, Scott Schaefer, Tianyun Ni, Ignacio Castaño:
Approximating subdivision surfaces with Gregory patches for hardware tessellation. 151
- Bernhard Kainz, Markus Grabner, Alexander Bornik, Stefan Hauswiesner, Judith Muehl, Dieter Schmalstieg:
Ray casting of multiple volumetric datasets with polyhedral boundaries on manycore GPUs. 152 - Qiming Hou, Kun Zhou, Baining Guo:
Debugging GPU stream programs through automatic dataflow recording and visualization. 153 - Dan A. Alcantara, Andrei Sharf, Fatemeh Abbasinejad, Shubhabrata Sengupta, Michael Mitzenmacher, John D. Owens, Nina Amenta:
Real-time parallel hashing on the GPU. 154 - Kun Zhou, Qiming Hou, Zhong Ren, Minmin Gong, Xin Sun, Baining Guo:
RenderAnts: interactive Reyes rendering on GPUs. 155
- Niloy J. Mitra, Mark Pauly:
Shadow art. 156 - Kui-Yip Lo, Chi-Wing Fu, Hongwei Li:
3D polyomino puzzle. 157 - Voicu Popescu, Paul Rosen, Nicoletta Adamo-Villani:
The graph camera. 158 - Matthew Hirsch, Douglas Lanman, Henry Holtzman, Ramesh Raskar:
BiDi screen: a thin, depth-sensing LCD for 3D interaction using light fields. 159
- Belén Masiá, Sandra Agustin, Roland W. Fleming, Olga Sorkine, Diego Gutierrez:
Evaluation of reverse tone mapping through varying exposure conditions. 160 - Yongjin Kim, Cheolhun Jang, Julien Demouth, Seungyong Lee:
Robust color-to-gray via nonlinear global mapping. 161 - Jianghao Chang, Benoît Alain, Victor Ostromoukhov:
Structure-aware error diffusion. 162 - Niloy J. Mitra, Hung-Kuo Chu, Tong-Yee Lee, Lior Wolf, Hezy Yeshurun, Daniel Cohen-Or:
Emerging images. 163
- Wenzel Jakob, Jonathan T. Moon, Steve Marschner:
Capturing hair assemblies fiber by fiber. 164 - Arno Zinke, Martin Rump, Tomás Lay, Andreas Weber, Anton Andriyenko, Reinhard Klein:
A practical approach for photometric acquisition of hair color. 165 - Cem Yuksel, Scott Schaefer, John Keyser:
Hair meshes. 166 - Jerry O. Talton, Daniel Gibson, Lingfeng Yang, Pat Hanrahan, Vladlen Koltun:
Exploratory modeling with collaborative design spaces. 167
- Jack M. Wang, David J. Fleet, Aaron Hertzmann:
Optimizing walking controllers. 168 - Yongjoon Lee, Seong Jae Lee, Zoran Popovic:
Compact character controllers. 169 - Stelian Coros, Philippe Beaudoin, Michiel van de Panne:
Robust task-based control policies for physics-based characters. 170 - Manfred Lau, Ziv Bar-Joseph, James Kuffner:
Modeling spatial and temporal variation in motion data. 171 - Sergey Levine, Christian Theobalt, Vladlen Koltun:
Real-time prosody-driven synthesis of body language. 172
- Xiaohan Shi, Hujun Bao, Kun Zhou:
Out-of-core multigrid solver for streaming meshes. 173 - Daniel Vlasic, Pieter Peers, Ilya Baran, Paul E. Debevec, Jovan Popovic, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Wojciech Matusik:
Dynamic shape capture using multi-view photometric stereo. 174 - Hao Li, Bart Adams, Leonidas J. Guibas, Mark Pauly:
Robust single-view geometry and motion reconstruction. 175 - Hui Huang, Dan Li, Hao Zhang, Uri M. Ascher, Daniel Cohen-Or:
Consolidation of unorganized point clouds for surface reconstruction. 176
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