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Management Science, Volume 62
Volume 62, Number 1, January 2016
- Michael F. Gorman:
Management Insights. iv-vii
- Pengyi Shi
, Mabel C. Chou
, Jiangang Dai, Ding Ding, Joe Sim:
Models and Insights for Hospital Inpatient Operations: Time-Dependent ED Boarding Time. 1-28 - Ola Andersson, Håkan J. Holm, Jean-Robert Tyran
, Erik Wengström
Deciding for Others Reduces Loss Aversion. 29-36 - Michèle Belot, Marina Schröder
The Spillover Effects of Monitoring: A Field Experiment. 37-45 - Richard Chung, Bryan Byung-Hee Lee
, Woo-Jong Lee, Byungcherl Charlie Sohn:
Do Managers Withhold Good News from Labor Unions? 46-68 - Michael S. O'Doherty
, Nathan Eugene Savin, Ashish Tiwari:
Evaluating Hedge Funds with Pooled Benchmarks. 69-89 - Vlado Kysucky, Lars Norden:
The Benefits of Relationship Lending in a Cross-Country Context: A Meta-Analysis. 90-110 - Leming Lin:
Collateral and the Choice Between Bank Debt and Public Debt. 111-127 - Julian Atanassov:
Arm's Length Financing and Innovation: Evidence from Publicly Traded Firms. 128-155 - Hillol Bala
, Viswanath Venkatesh:
Adaptation to Information Technology: A Holistic Nomological Network from Implementation to Job Outcomes. 156-179 - Sharad Goel, Ashton Anderson, Jake M. Hofman, Duncan J. Watts:
The Structural Virality of Online Diffusion. 180-196 - Marc Fischer
, Hyun S. Shin
, Dominique M. Hanssens:
Brand Performance Volatility from Marketing Spending. 197-215 - Bing Jing:
Customer Recognition in Experience vs. Inspection Good Markets. 216-224 - Onur Boyabatli
, Tiecheng Leng, L. Beril Toktay
The Impact of Budget Constraints on Flexible vs. Dedicated Technology Choice. 225-244 - Weixin Shang
, Albert Y. Ha, Shilu Tong:
Information Sharing in a Supply Chain with a Common Retailer. 245-263 - Michael Jong Kim, Andrew E. B. Lim:
Robust Multiarmed Bandit Problems. 264-285 - David M. Waguespack, Robert Salomon:
Quality, Subjectivity, and Sustained Superior Performance at the Olympic Games. 286-300
Volume 62, Number 2, February 2016
- Michael F. Gorman:
Management Insights. iv-vii
- Zhiguo He, Gregor Matvos
Debt and Creative Destruction: Why Could Subsidizing Corporate Debt Be Optimal? 303-325 - Özalp Özer
, Yanchong Zheng:
Markdown or Everyday Low Price? The Role of Behavioral Motives. 326-346 - Constantinos Antoniou, John A. Doukas, Avanidhar Subrahmanyam:
Investor Sentiment, Beta, and the Cost of Equity Capital. 347-367 - Min Dai
, Peifan Li, Hong Liu, Yajun Wang:
Portfolio Choice with Market Closure and Implications for Liquidity Premia. 368-386 - Zhi Da, Wei Yang, Hayong Yun:
Household Production and Asset Prices. 387-409 - Man Yu, Laurens G. Debo, Roman Kapuscinski
Strategic Waiting for Consumer-Generated Quality Information: Dynamic Pricing of New Experience Goods. 410-435 - Eduard Calvo, Víctor Martínez-de-Albéniz
Sourcing Strategies and Supplier Incentives for Short-Life-Cycle Goods. 436-455 - Susan Albring, Monica Banyi
, Dan Dhaliwal, Raynolde Pereira:
Does the Firm Information Environment Influence Financing Decisions? A Test Using Disclosure Regulation. 456-478 - Woo-Jin Chang
, Rachel M. Hayes, Stephen A. Hillegeist
Financial Distress Risk and New CEO Compensation. 479-501 - Daniele Nosenzo
, Theo Offerman
, Martin Sefton
, Ailko van der Veen:
Discretionary Sanctions and Rewards in the Repeated Inspection Game. 502-517 - Nicolas Fugger
, Elena Katok
, Achim Wambach:
Collusion in Dynamic Buyer-Determined Reverse Auctions. 518-533 - Andrea Mantovani, Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda
Equilibrium Innovation Ecosystems: The Dark Side of Collaborating with Complementors. 534-549 - H. Dharma Kwon
, Wenxin Xu
, Anupam Agrawal
, Suresh Muthulingam:
Impact of Bayesian Learning and Externalities on Strategic Investment. 550-570 - Minha Hwang, Raphael Thomadsen
How Point-of-Sale Marketing Mix Impacts National-Brand Purchase Shares. 571-590 - Vishal Narayan, Vrinda Kadiyali:
Repeated Interactions and Improved Outcomes: An Empirical Analysis of Movie Production in the United States. 591-607 - Joel Goh
, Jeffrey Pfeffer, Stefanos A. Zenios:
The Relationship Between Workplace Stressors and Mortality and Health Costs in the United States. 608-628
Volume 62, Number 3, March 2016
- Michael F. Gorman:
Management Insights. iv-vii
- Alexander Peysakhovich, David G. Rand:
Habits of Virtue: Creating Norms of Cooperation and Defection in the Laboratory. 631-647 - Giuseppe Attanasi
, Pierpaolo Battigalli, Elena Manzoni
Incomplete-Information Models of Guilt Aversion in the Trust Game. 648-667 - Raymond Montizaan, Andries de Grip, Frank Cörvers
, Thomas Dohmen
The Impact of Negatively Reciprocal Inclinations on Worker Behavior: Evidence from a Retrenchment of Pension Rights. 668-681 - Umit G. Gurun
, Rick Johnston, Stanimir Markov:
Sell-Side Debt Analysts and Debt Market Efficiency. 682-703 - Dietmar Harhoff, Georg von Graevenitz
, Stefan Wagner
Conflict Resolution, Public Goods, and Patent Thickets. 704-721 - Vikas Agarwal, Yan Lu, Sugata Ray:
Under One Roof: A Study of Simultaneously Managed Hedge Funds and Funds of Hedge Funds. 722-740 - Hengjie Ai, Dana Kiku:
Volatility Risks and Growth Options. 741-763 - Richard Sias
, Harry J. Turtle, Blerina Zykaj:
Hedge Fund Crowds and Mispricing. 764-784 - Richard Fu, Ajay Subramanian, Anand Venkateswaran
Project Characteristics, Incentives, and Team Production. 785-801 - Satheesh Seenivasan
, K. Sudhir, Debabrata Talukdar
Do Store Brands Aid Store Loyalty? 802-816 - Minha Hwang, Sungho Park:
The Impact of Walmart Supercenter Conversion on Consumer Shopping Behavior. 817-828 - Claire Senot
, Aravind Chandrasekaran, Peter T. Ward, Anita L. Tucker
, Susan D. Moffatt-Bruce
The Impact of Combining Conformance and Experiential Quality on Hospitals' Readmissions and Cost Performance. 829-848 - Ilya O. Ryzhov, Bin Han, Jelena Bradic
Cultivating Disaster Donors Using Data Analytics. 849-866 - Ming Hu
, Joseph Milner, Jiahua Wu
Liking and Following and the Newsvendor: Operations and Marketing Policies Under Social Influence. 867-879 - Yangfang (Helen) Zhou
, Alan Scheller-Wolf, Nicola Secomandi, Stephen F. Smith:
Electricity Trading and Negative Prices: Storage vs. Disposal. 880-898 - Chia-Li Wang:
On Socially Optimal Queue Length. 899-903
Volume 62, Number 4, April 2016
- Michael F. Gorman:
Management Insights. iv-vii
- Venkat Kuppuswamy
, Belén Villalonga:
Does Diversification Create Value in the Presence of External Financing Constraints? Evidence from the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis. 905-923 - Mark Grinblatt, Seppo Ikäheimo, Matti Keloharju
, Samuli Knüpfer:
IQ and Mutual Fund Choice. 924-944 - Markku Kaustia, Samuli Knüpfer, Sami Torstila:
Stock Ownership and Political Behavior: Evidence from Demutualizations. 945-963 - Fangjian Fu
, Sheng Huang:
The Persistence of Long-Run Abnormal Returns Following Stock Repurchases and Offerings. 964-984 - Jared Rubin, Roman M. Sheremeta:
Principal-Agent Settings with Random Shocks. 985-999 - Marie-Laure Allain
, Emeric Henry, Margaret Kyle:
Competition and the Efficiency of Markets for Technology. 1000-1019 - Min-Seok Pang, Ali Tafti, Mayuram S. Krishnan:
Do CIO IT Budgets Explain Bigger or Smaller Governments? Theory and Evidence from U.S. State Governments. 1020-1041 - Idris Adjerid
, Alessandro Acquisti
, Rahul Telang
, Rema Padman, Julia Adler-Milstein:
The Impact of Privacy Regulation and Technology Incentives: The Case of Health Information Exchanges. 1042-1063 - Anthony J. Dukes
, Lin Liu
Online Shopping Intermediaries: The Strategic Design of Search Environments. 1064-1077 - Itai Ashlagi
, Peng Shi:
Optimal Allocation Without Money: An Engineering Approach. 1078-1097 - Luyi Gui, Atalay Atasu, Özlem Ergun, L. Beril Toktay
Efficient Implementation of Collective Extended Producer Responsibility Legislation. 1098-1123 - Anita L. Tucker
The Impact of Workaround Difficulty on Frontline Employees' Response to Operational Failures: A Laboratory Experiment on Medication Administration. 1124-1144 - Dana G. Popescu, Pascale Crama
Ad Revenue Optimization in Live Broadcasting. 1145-1164 - Andrea Lodi, Enrico Malaguti, Nicolás E. Stier Moses
, Tommaso Bonino:
Design and Control of Public-Service Contracts and an Application to Public Transportation Systems. 1165-1187 - Oguz Solyali
, Jean-François Cordeau, Gilbert Laporte:
The Impact of Modeling on Robust Inventory Management Under Demand Uncertainty. 1188-1201 - Rodrigo Canales, Jason Greenberg:
A Matter of (Relational) Style: Loan Officer Consistency and Exchange Continuity in Microfinance. 1202-1224
Volume 62, Number 5, May 2016
- Michael F. Gorman:
Management Insights. iv-vii
- Iris Bohnet, Alexandra van Geen, Max H. Bazerman:
When Performance Trumps Gender Bias: Joint vs. Separate Evaluation. 1225-1234 - Maxime C. Cohen, Ruben Lobel, Georgia Perakis:
The Impact of Demand Uncertainty on Consumer Subsidies for Green Technology Adoption. 1235-1258 - Liying Mu, Milind Dawande
, Xianjun Geng, Vijay S. Mookerjee:
Milking the Quality Test: Improving the Milk Supply Chain Under Competing Collection Intermediaries. 1259-1277 - Aparupa Das Gupta, Uday S. Karmarkar, Guillaume Roels
The Design of Experiential Services with Acclimation and Memory Decay: Optimal Sequence and Duration. 1278-1296 - Xiao Huang, Tamer Boyaci, Mehmet Gümüs, Saibal Ray, Dan Zhang:
United We Stand or Divided We Stand? Strategic Supplier Alliances Under Order Default Risk. 1297-1315 - Christopher Armstrong, George Foster, Daniel Taylor:
Abnormal Accruals in Newly Public Companies: Opportunistic Misreporting or Economic Activity? 1316-1338 - Turgay Ayer, Oguzhan Alagöz
, Natasha K. Stout, Elizabeth S. Burnside:
Heterogeneity in Women's Adherence and Its Role in Optimal Breast Cancer Screening Policies. 1339-1362 - Stephen G. Dimmock
, Roy Kouwenberg
, Peter P. Wakker:
Ambiguity Attitudes in a Large Representative Sample. 1363-1380 - Diego C. Nocetti:
Robust Comparative Statics of Risk Changes. 1381-1392 - Mingfeng Lin
, Siva Viswanathan
Home Bias in Online Investments: An Empirical Study of an Online Crowdfunding Market. 1393-1414 - Haim Levy:
Aging Population, Retirement, and Risk Taking. 1415-1430 - Daniel Bauer
, George Zanjani:
The Marginal Cost of Risk, Risk Measures, and Capital Allocation. 1431-1457 - Tullio Jappelli, Mario Padula:
The Consumption and Wealth Effects of an Unanticipated Change in Lifetime Resources. 1458-1471 - Clemens Sialm
, T. Mandy Tham:
Spillover Effects in Mutual Fund Companies. 1472-1486 - Narayan Ramasubbu
, Chris F. Kemerer:
Technical Debt and the Reliability of Enterprise Software Systems: A Competing Risks Analysis. 1487-1510 - Dimitris Bertsimas, Allison O'Hair, Stephen Relyea, John Silberholz:
An Analytics Approach to Designing Combination Chemotherapy Regimens for Cancer. 1511-1531
Volume 62, Number 6, June 2016
- Michael F. Gorman:
Management Insights. iv-vii
- Ethan Mollick, Ramana Nanda:
Wisdom or Madness? Comparing Crowds with Expert Evaluation in Funding the Arts. 1533-1553 - Rajkamal Iyer
, Asim Ijaz Khwaja, Erzo F. P. Luttmer, Kelly Shue:
Screening Peers Softly: Inferring the Quality of Small Borrowers. 1554-1577 - Valentina Bruno
, Jess Cornaggia, Kimberly J. Cornaggia:
Does Regulatory Certification Affect the Information Content of Credit Ratings? 1578-1597 - Panayiotis Theodossiou
, Christos S. Savva
Skewness and the Relation Between Risk and Return. 1598-1609 - Joel A. C. Baum
, Anne Bowers, Partha Mohanram
Mutual Forbearance and Competition Among Security Analysts. 1610-1631 - Trond Døskeland, Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen:
Investing with Brain or Heart? A Field Experiment on Responsible Investment. 1632-1644 - Jeanine Miklós-Thal, Hannes Ullrich
Career Prospects and Effort Incentives: Evidence from Professional Soccer. 1645-1667 - Yuqing Ren, Jilin Chen, John Riedl:
The Impact and Evolution of Group Diversity in Online Open Collaboration. 1668-1686 - Marios Kokkodis, Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis
Reputation Transferability in Online Labor Markets. 1687-1706 - Blakeley B. McShane, David Gal:
Blinding Us to the Obvious? The Effect of Statistical Training on the Evaluation of Evidence. 1707-1718 - Sherif Nasser, Danko Turcic
To Commit or Not to Commit: Revisiting Quantity vs. Price Competition in a Differentiated Industry. 1719-1733 - Yinghao Zhang
, Karen Donohue, Tony Haitao Cui:
Contract Preferences and Performance for the Loss-Averse Supplier: Buyback vs. Revenue Sharing. 1734-1754 - Nikolay Osadchiy, Vishal Gaur
, Sridhar Seshadri:
Systematic Risk in Supply Chain Networks. 1755-1777 - Ilan Lobel, Jigar Patel, Gustavo J. Vulcano
, Jiawei Zhang:
Optimizing Product Launches in the Presence of Strategic Consumers. 1778-1799 - Kostas Bimpikis, Mihalis G. Markakis:
Inventory Pooling Under Heavy-Tailed Demand. 1800-1813 - Elena Kulchina:
Personal Preferences, Entrepreneurs' Location Choices, and Firm Performance. 1814-1829 - Jayakrishnan Nair, Adam Wierman, Bert Zwart:
Provisioning of Large-Scale Systems: The Interplay Between Network Effects and Strategic Behavior in the User Base. 1830-1841
Volume 62, Number 7, July 2016
- Michael F. Gorman:
Management Insights. iv-vii
- Raghuram G. Rajan, Rodney Ramcharan:
Constituencies and Legislation: The Fight Over the McFadden Act of 1927. 1843-1859 - Jose A. Guajardo, Morris A. Cohen, Serguei Netessine
Service Competition and Product Quality in the U.S. Automobile Industry. 1860-1877 - Ilona Babenko, Rik Sen
Do Nonexecutive Employees Have Valuable Information? Evidence from Employee Stock Purchase Plans. 1878-1898 - Fangruo Chen, Guoming Lai, Wenqiang Xiao:
Provision of Incentives for Information Acquisition: Forecast-Based Contracts vs. Menus of Linear Contracts. 1899-1914 - Raymond Kan, Cesare Robotti:
The Exact Distribution of the Hansen-Jagannathan Bound. 1915-1943 - Alexander W. Cappelen, Bjørn-Atle Reme, Erik Ø. Sørensen
, Bertil Tungodden:
Leadership and Incentives. 1944-1953 - Olivier Armantier, Nicolas Treich:
The Rich Domain of Risk. 1954-1969 - Markus Simeth
, Michele Cincera:
Corporate Science, Innovation, and Firm Value. 1970-1981 - Caroline Flammer, Aleksandra J. Kacperczyk:
The Impact of Stakeholder Orientation on Innovation: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. 1982-2001 - Philipp Ecken, Richard Pibernik:
Hit or Miss: What Leads Experts to Take Advice for Long-Term Judgments? 2002-2021 - Yu (Jeffrey) Hu, Jiwoong Shin, Zhulei Tang:
Incentive Problems in Performance-Based Online Advertising Pricing: Cost per Click vs. Cost per Action. 2022-2038 - Jing Wang, Catherine A. Cole:
The Effects of Age and Expertise on Product Evaluations: Does the Type of Information Matter? 2039-2053 - Aleksi Aaltonen
, Stephan Seiler
Cumulative Growth in User-Generated Content Production: Evidence from Wikipedia. 2054-2069 - André Berger
, James Gross, Tobias Harks, Simon Tenbusch:
Constrained Resource Assignments: Fast Algorithms and Applications in Wireless Networks. 2070-2089 - Napat Rujeerapaiboon
, Daniel Kuhn, Wolfram Wiesemann:
Robust Growth-Optimal Portfolios. 2090-2109 - Marlo Raveendran, Phanish Puranam, Massimo Warglien:
Object Salience in the Division of Labor: Experimental Evidence. 2110-2128 - Achal Bassamboo
, Ramandeep S. Randhawa:
Scheduling Homogeneous Impatient Customers. 2129-2147
Volume 62, Number 8, August 2016
- Michael F. Gorman:
Management Insights. iv-vii
- Ingvild Almås, Alexander W. Cappelen, Kjell G. Salvanes, Erik Ø. Sørensen
, Bertil Tungodden:
Willingness to Compete: Family Matters. 2149-2162 - Alexander Peysakhovich, Uma R. Karmarkar:
Asymmetric Effects of Favorable and Unfavorable Information on Decision Making Under Ambiguity. 2163-2178 - Kfir Eliaz, Pietro Ortoleva:
Multidimensional Ellsberg. 2179-2197 - Pierre Bajgrowicz, Olivier Scaillet
, Adrien Treccani:
Jumps in High-Frequency Data: Spurious Detections, Dynamics, and News. 2198-2217 - Sumit Agarwal
, Vincent Y. S. Chen
, Weina Zhang:
The Information Value of Credit Rating Action Reports: A Textual Analysis. 2218-2240 - Oktay Akkus, J. Anthony Cookson, Ali Hortaçsu:
The Determinants of Bank Mergers: A Revealed Preference Analysis. 2241-2258 - Vibhanshu Abhishek, Kinshuk Jerath, Z. John Zhang
Agency Selling or Reselling? Channel Structures in Electronic Retailing. 2259-2280 - Brad N. Greenwood
, Ritu Agarwal:
Matching Platforms and HIV Incidence: An Empirical Investigation of Race, Gender, and Socioeconomic Status. 2281-2303 - Ganesh Iyer, Zsolt Katona:
Competing for Attention in Social Communication Markets. 2304-2320 - Qiang Liu, Sachin Gupta, Sriram Venkataraman, Hongju Liu:
An Empirical Model of Drug Detailing: Dynamic Competition and Policy Implications. 2321-2340 - Panos Kouvelis
, Wenhui Zhao:
Supply Chain Contract Design Under Financial Constraints and Bankruptcy Costs. 2341-2357 - Fernando Bernstein, Yang Li, Kevin H. Shang:
A Simple Heuristic for Joint Inventory and Pricing Models with Lead Time and Backorders. 2358-2373 - Arash Asadpour, Hamid Nazerzadeh:
Maximizing Stochastic Monotone Submodular Functions. 2374-2391 - Forrest Briscoe
, Michelle Rogan
Coordinating Complex Work: Knowledge Networks, Partner Departures, and Client Relationship Performance in a Law Firm. 2392-2411 - Philipp Afèche, J. Michael Pavlin:
Optimal Price/Lead-Time Menus for Queues with Customer Choice: Segmentation, Pooling, and Strategic Delay. 2412-2436 - Qi (George) Chen, Stefanus Jasin, Izak Duenyas:
Real-Time Dynamic Pricing with Minimal and Flexible Price Adjustment. 2437-2455
Volume 62, Number 9, September 2016
- Michael F. Gorman:
Management Insights. iv-vii
- Michael J. Brennan, Sahn-Wook Huh, Avanidhar Subrahmanyam:
Asymmetric Effects of Informed Trading on the Cost of Equity Capital. 2460-2480 - Chris Parker, Kamalini Ramdas
, Nicos Savva:
Is IT Enough? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India's Agriculture Markets. 2481-2503 - Mike Qinghao Mao
, K. C. John Wei
Cash-Flow News and the Investment Effect in the Cross Section of Stock Returns. 2504-2519 - Joel F. Houston, Chen Lin, Zhongyan Zhu:
The Financial Implications of Supply Chain Changes. 2520-2542 - Chrysanthos Dellarocas
, Juliana Sutanto
, Mihai Calin, Elia Palme:
Attention Allocation in Information-Rich Environments: The Case of News Aggregators. 2543-2562 - Miguel Godinho de Matos
, Pedro A. Ferreira, Michael D. Smith
, Rahul Telang
Culling the Herd: Using Real-World Randomized Experiments to Measure Social Bias with Known Costly Goods. 2563-2580 - Aiyesha Dey, Valeri Nikolaev, Xue Wang:
Disproportional Control Rights and the Governance Role of Debt. 2581-2614 - Michael Kirchler, Jürgen Huber, Matthias Stefan, Matthias Sutter:
Market Design and Moral Behavior. 2615-2625 - Thomas Buser, Anna Dreber
The Flipside of Comparative Payment Schemes. 2626-2638 - Duncan S. Gilchrist, Michael Luca, Deepak Malhotra:
When 3 + 1 > 4: Gift Structure and Reciprocity in the Field. 2639-2650 - Tigran Melkonyan, Zvi Safra:
Intrinsic Variability in Group and Individual Decision Making. 2651-2667 - Wen Wen, Marco Ceccagnoli
, Chris Forman:
Opening Up Intellectual Property Strategy: Implications for Open Source Software Entry by Start-up Firms. 2668-2691 - Gonca P. Soysal, Lakshman Krishnamurthi
How Does Adoption of the Outlet Channel Impact Customers' Spending in the Retail Stores: Conflict or Synergy? 2692-2704 - Krista J. Li, Sanjay Jain
Behavior-Based Pricing: An Analysis of the Impact of Peer-Induced Fairness. 2705-2721 - Ruixue Guo, Hau L. Lee
, Robert Swinney
Responsible Sourcing in Supply Chains. 2722-2744 - Mirko Kremer, Enno Siemsen, Douglas J. Thomas:
The Sum and Its Parts: Judgmental Hierarchical Forecasting. 2745-2764
Volume 62, Number 10, October 2016
- Michael F. Gorman:
Management Insights. iv-vii
- Kevin J. Boudreau
, Eva C. Guinan, Karim R. Lakhani
, Christoph Riedl
Looking Across and Looking Beyond the Knowledge Frontier: Intellectual Distance, Novelty, and Resource Allocation in Science. 2765-2783 - Andra Ghent
, Rossen Valkanov:
Comparing Securitized and Balance Sheet Loans: Size Matters. 2784-2803 - Aaron K. Chatterji, Rui J. P. de Figueiredo Jr., Evan Rawley:
Learning on the Job? Employee Mobility in the Asset Management Industry. 2804-2819 - Ling Cen, Sudipto Dasgupta
, Rik Sen
Discipline or Disruption? Stakeholder Relationships and the Effect of Takeover Threat. 2820-2841 - Manuel Ammann, Philipp Horsch, David Oesch:
Competing with Superstars. 2842-2858 - Mirko S. Heinle
, Robert E. Verrecchia:
Bias and the Commitment to Disclosure. 2859-2870 - Allison Koester, Russell Lundholm, Mark Soliman:
Attracting Attention in a Limited Attention World: Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Extreme Positive Earnings Surprises. 2871-2896 - Martin Koudstaal, Randolph Sloof
, Mirjam van Praag:
Risk, Uncertainty, and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment. 2897-2915 - Jordi Brandts
, David J. Cooper, Enrique Fatas
, Shi Qi
Stand by Me - Experiments on Help and Commitment in Coordination Games. 2916-2936 - Edward D. Van Wesep:
The Quality of Expertise. 2937-2951 - William M. Hedgcock, Raghunath Singh Rao, Haipeng (Allan) Chen:
Choosing to Choose: The Effects of Decoys and Prior Choice on Deferral. 2952-2976 - Liang Guo:
Contextual Deliberation and Preference Construction. 2977-2993 - Noam Shamir, Hyoduk Shin:
Public Forecast Information Sharing in a Market with Competing Supply Chains. 2994-3022 - Mirko Kremer, Laurens G. Debo:
Inferring Quality from Wait Time. 3023-3038 - Stephen Leider, William S. Lovejoy:
Bargaining in Supply Chains. 3039-3058 - Michelle L. Blom
, Adrian R. Pearce
, Peter J. Stuckey:
A Decomposition-Based Algorithm for the Scheduling of Open-Pit Networks Over Multiple Time Periods. 3059-3084
Volume 62, Number 11, November 2016
- Michael F. Gorman:
Management Insights. iv-vi
- Christiane Bradler, Robert Dur
, Susanne Neckermann, Arjan Non
Employee Recognition and Performance: A Field Experiment. 3085-3099 - Ravi Bapna, Jui Ramaprasad, Galit Shmueli
, Akhmed Umyarov:
One-Way Mirrors in Online Dating: A Randomized Field Experiment. 3100-3122 - Mark Pigors, Bettina Rockenbach
Consumer Social Responsibility. 3123-3137 - Antonio Filippin
, Paolo Crosetto:
A Reconsideration of Gender Differences in Risk Attitudes. 3138-3160 - Karthik N. Kannan, Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Mohit Tawarmalani
Economic and Policy Implications of Restricted Patch Distribution. 3161-3182 - Dain C. Donelson
, Justin J. Hopkins:
Large Market Declines and Securities Litigation: Implications for Disclosing Adverse Earnings News. 3183-3198 - Daniel Ferreira
, Thomas Kittsteiner:
When Does Competition Foster Commitment? 3199-3212 - Juan Alcácer, Mercedes Delgado:
Spatial Organization of Firms and Location Choices Through the Value Chain. 3213-3234 - Brett W. Myers, Alessio Saretto:
Does Capital Structure Affect the Behavior of Nonfinancial Stakeholders? An Empirical Investigation into Leverage and Union Strikes. 3235-3253 - Yuming Fu, Wenlan Qian, Bernard Yeung:
Speculative Investors and Transactions Tax: Evidence from the Housing Market. 3254-3270 - Amber Anand, Jian Hua, Tim McCormick:
Make-Take Structure and Market Quality: Evidence from the U.S. Options Markets. 3271-3290 - Pedro M. Gardete
Competing Under Asymmetric Information: The Case of Dynamic Random Access Memory Manufacturing. 3291-3309 - Juanjuan Zhang:
Deadlines in Product Development. 3310-3326 - Fabio Caldieraro:
The Role of Brand Image and Product Characteristics on Firms' Entry and OEM Decisions. 3327-3350 - Dennis J. Zhang, Itai Gurvich
, Jan A. Van Mieghem
, Eric Park
, Robert S. Young, Mark V. Williams
Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program: An Economic and Operational Analysis. 3351-3371 - Scott E. Atkinson, Kamalini Ramdas
, Jonathan Williams:
Robust Scheduling Practices in the U.S. Airline Industry: Costs, Returns, and Inefficiencies. 3372-3391
Volume 62, Number 12, December 2016
- Michael F. Gorman:
Management Insights. iv-vii
- Dean S. Karlan
, Margaret McConnell, Sendhil Mullainathan
, Jonathan Zinman:
Getting to the Top of Mind: How Reminders Increase Saving. 3393-3411 - Michael Luca, Georgios Zervas:
Fake It Till You Make It: Reputation, Competition, and Yelp Review Fraud. 3412-3427 - Gilles Grolleau, Martin G. Kocher
, Angela Sutan
Cheating and Loss Aversion: Do People Cheat More to Avoid a Loss? 3428-3438 - Thomas Buser:
The Impact of Losing in a Competition on the Willingness to Seek Further Challenges. 3439-3449 - Rodrigo Belo
, Pedro A. Ferreira, Rahul Telang
Spillovers from Wiring Schools with Broadband: The Critical Role of Children. 3450-3471 - Gauri Bhat
, Jeffrey L. Callen, Dan Segal:
Testing the Transparency Implications of Mandatory IFRS Adoption: The Spread/Maturity Relation of Credit Default Swaps. 3472-3493 - Sumit Agarwal
, Richard J. Rosen, Vincent Yao:
Why Do Borrowers Make Mortgage Refinancing Mistakes? 3494-3509 - Hans Degryse
, Vasso Ioannidou
, Erik von Schedvin:
On the Nonexclusivity of Loan Contracts: An Empirical Investigation. 3510-3533 - Bruno Ferman
Reading the Fine Print: Information Disclosure in the Brazilian Credit Card Market. 3534-3548 - Inaki Rodríguez Longarela:
A Characterization of the SSD-Efficient Frontier of Portfolio Weights by Means of a Set of Mixed-Integer Linear Constraints. 3549-3554 - Upender Subramanian, Ram C. Rao:
Leveraging Experienced Consumers to Attract New Consumers: An Equilibrium Analysis of Displaying Deal Sales by Daily Deal Websites. 3555-3575 - T. Tony Ke, Zuo-Jun Max Shen
, J. Miguel Villas-Boas
Search for Information on Multiple Products. 3576-3603 - Xiang Hui
, Maryam Saeedi, Zeqian Shen, Neel Sundaresan:
Reputation and Regulations: Evidence from eBay. 3604-3616 - Timothy C. Y. Chan, Derya Demirtas
, Roy H. Kwon:
Optimizing the Deployment of Public Access Defibrillators. 3617-3635 - Isabel Fernandez-Mateo
, Roberto M. Fernandez:
Bending the Pipeline? Executive Search and Gender Inequality in Hiring for Top Management Jobs. 3636-3655 - Shiliang Cui
, Senthil K. Veeraraghavan:
Blind Queues: The Impact of Consumer Beliefs on Revenues and Congestion. 3656-3672

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