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WSC 2008: Miami, FL, USA
- Scott J. Mason, Raymond R. Hill, Lars Mönch, Oliver Rose, Thomas Jefferson, John W. Fowler:
Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, Global Gateway to Discovery, WSC 2008, InterContinental Hotel, Miami, Florida, USA, December 7-10, 2008. WSC 2008, ISBN 978-1-4244-2708-6
Opening Session
- Margaret L. Brandeau:
Modeling and simulation in public health: A little help can go a long way. 1
Titan Talks
- Bruce W. Schmeiser:
A practitioner, a vender, and a researcher walk into a bar: Trying to explain what researchers do. 2-9 - Michael Pidd:
Why modelling matters. 10
Simulation 101
- Barry Lawson, Lawrence Leemis:
Monte Carlo and discrete-event simulations in C and R. 11-16
Introductory Tutorials
- Ricki G. Ingalls:
Introduction to simulation. 17-26 - Michael C. Fu, Chun-Hung Chen, Leyuan Shi:
Some topics for simulation optimization. 27-38 - Averill M. Law:
How to build valid and credible simulation models. 39-47 - Michael E. Kuhl, Emily K. Lada, Natalie M. Steiger, Mary Ann Flanigan Wagner, James R. Wilson:
Introduction to modeling and generating probabilistic input processes for simulation. 48-61 - Marvin K. Nakayama:
Statistical analysis of simulation output. 62-72 - Susan M. Sanchez:
Better than a petaflop: The power of efficient experimental design. 73-84 - David T. Sturrock:
Tips for successful practice of simulation. 85-90 - Samik Raychaudhuri:
Introduction to Monte Carlo simulation. 91-100 - Charles M. Macal, Michael J. North:
Agent-based modeling and simulation: ABMS examples. 101-112
Advanced Tutorials
- Lee Schruben:
Analytical simulation modeling. 113-121 - Sujin Kim, Shane G. Henderson:
The mathematics of continuous-variable simulation optimization. 122-132 - Darryl K. Ahner, Jonathon K. Alt, Francisco Baez, John Jackson, Susan M. Sanchez, Thorsten Seitz:
Incorporating information networks into military simulations. 133-144 - Kalyan T. Talluri, Garrett J. van Ryzin, Itir Z. Karaesmen
, Gustavo J. Vulcano
Revenue management: Models and methods. 145-156 - Robert G. Sargent:
Verification and validation of simulation models. 157-169 - Pierre L'Ecuyer
, Bruno Tuffin:
Approximate zero-variance simulation. 170-181 - Thomas J. Schriber, Daniel T. Brunner:
Inside discrete-event simulation software: How it works and why it matters. 182-192 - Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stephen John Turner, Steffen Straßburger
Guidelines for commercial off-the-shelf Simulation Package interoperability. 193-204 - Warren B. Powell:
Approximate dynamic programming: Lessons from the field. 205-214
Vendor I
- David Krahl:
ExtendSim 7. 215-221 - Sang C. Park, Chang Mok Park, Gi-Nam Wang, Jonggeun Kwak, Sungjoo Yeo:
PLCStudio: Simulation based PLC code verification. 222-228 - Claude Dennis Pegden:
Introduction to Simio. 229-235 - Edwin Valentin, Rienk A. Bijlsma, Vincent de Gast:
Empowering decision support with simulation technology - Scenario Navigator. 236-244
Analysis Methodology
- Samuel Ehrlichman, Shane G. Henderson:
Comparing two systems: Beyond common random numbers. 245-251 - Marvin K. Nakayama:
Run-length variability of two-stage multiple comparisons with the best for steady-state simulations and its implications for choosing first-stage run lengths. 252-259 - Roy R. Creasey Jr., K. Preston White, Linda B. Wright, Cheryl F. Davis:
Comparison of bayesian priors for highly reliable limit models. 260-265 - John F. Shortle, Chun-Hung Chen:
A preliminary study of optimal splitting for rare-event simulation. 266-272 - Roberto Szechtman, Enver Yücesan:
A new perspective on feasibility determination. 273-280 - E. Jack Chen:
Restricted subset selection. 281-289 - Douglas J. Morrice, Mark W. Brantley, Chun-Hung Chen:
An efficient Ranking and Selection procedure for a linear transient mean performance measure. 290-296 - Stephen E. Chick, Noah Gans:
Update on economic approach to simulation selection problems. 297-304 - Peter I. Frazier
, Warren B. Powell:
The knowledge-gradient stopping rule for ranking and selection. 305-312 - Gang Zhao, Pirooz Vakili:
Monotonicity and stratification. 313-319 - Tarik Borogovac, Pirooz Vakili:
Control variate technique: A constructive approach. 320-327 - Robert J. Adler, Jose H. Blanchet, Jingchen Liu:
Efficient simulation for tail probabilities of Gaussian random fields. 328-336 - Martin Gaston, Teresa León
, Fermín Mallor
Functional Data Analysis for non homogeneous Poisson Processes. 337-343 - Ola Ghazi Batarseh, Yan Wang:
Reliable simulation with input uncertainties using an interval-based approach. 344-352 - Michael E. Kuhl, Shalaka C. Deo, James R. Wilson:
Smooth flexible models of nonhomogeneous poisson processes using one or more process realizations. 353-361 - Bruce E. Ankenman, Barry L. Nelson, Jeremy Staum:
Stochastic kriging for simulation metamodeling. 362-370 - Russell C. H. Cheng:
Selecting the best linear simulation metamodel. 371-378 - Hasan Gunes
, Hakki Ergun Cekli, Ulrich Rist:
Data enhancement, smoothing, reconstruction and optimization by kriging interpolation. 379-386 - Ali Tafazzoli, James R. Wilson, Emily K. Lada, Natalie M. Steiger:
Skart: A skewness- and autoregression-adjusted batch-means procedure for simulation analysis. 387-395 - Peter W. Glynn, Sandeep Juneja:
A large deviations view of asymptotic efficiency for simulation estimators. 396-406 - Wheyming Tina Song, Bruce W. Schmeiser:
Displaying statistical point estimators: The leading-digit procedure. 407-412 - Barry L. Nelson:
The more plot: Displaying measures of risk & error from simulation output. 413-416 - Joongsup Lee, Christos Alexopoulos, David Goldsman, Seong-Hee Kim
, Kwok-Leung Tsui
, James R. Wilson:
A distribution-free tabular CUSUM chart for correlated data with automated variance estimation. 417-425 - Wheyming Tina Song, Mingchang Chih
Implementable MSE-optimal dynamic partial-overlapping batch means estimators for steady-state simulations. 426-435 - Pierre L'Ecuyer, Jean-Sebastien Parent-Chartier, Maxime Dion:
Simulation of a Lévy process by PCA sampling to reduce the effective dimension. 436-443 - Carole Bernard
, Christiane Lemieux:
Fast simulation of equity-linked life insurance contracts with a surrender option. 444-452 - Xiaoqun Wang:
On the approximation error in high dimensional model representation. 453-462
Analysis Methodology II
- Rachel T. Johnson, Bradley A. Jones, John W. Fowler
, Douglas C. Montgomery:
Comparing designs for computer simulation experiments. 463-470 - Mustafa Hayri Tongarlak
, Bruce E. Ankenman, Barry L. Nelson, Laurent Borne, Kyle Wolfe:
Using simulation early in the design of a fuel injector production line. 471-478 - Jack P. C. Kleijnen:
Design Of Experiments: Overview. 479-488 - Jose H. Blanchet, Jingchen Liu, Bert Zwart:
Large deviations perspective on ordinal optimization of heavy-tailed systems. 489-494 - Wai Kin Chan
, Lee W. Schruben:
Mathematical programming representations for state-dependent queues. 495-501 - Honggang Wang, Bruce W. Schmeiser:
Discrete stochastic optimization using linear interpolation. 502-508 - Li Xia, Ming Xie, Wen Jun Yin, Jin Dong:
Max-Min optimality of service rates in queueing systems with customer-average performance criterion. 509-515 - Jingang Liu, Feng Yang:
Evaluating the transient behavior of queueing systems via simulation and transfer function modeling. 516-524 - Abhijit Gosavi
On step sizes, stochastic shortest paths, and survival probabilities in Reinforcement Learning. 525-531 - Kathryn Hoad, Stewart Robinson
, Ruth Davies:
Automating warm-up length estimation. 532-540 - William W. Franklin, K. Preston White:
Stationarity tests and MSER-5: Exploring the intuition behind mean-squared-error-reduction in detecting and correcting initialization bias. 541-546 - Philip G. Brabazon
Using slithers of simulation in a new approach for intelligent initialization of non-terminating systems. 547-555
Risk Analysis
- Peter W. Glynn:
Monte carlo simulation of diffusions. 556-559 - Kay Giesecke, Hossein Kakavand, Mohammad Mousavi:
Simulating point processes by intensity projection. 560-568 - Paul Glasserman, Kyoung-Kuk Kim:
Beta approximations for bridge sampling. 569-577 - Xian Hua Peng
, Steven S. G. Kou
Connecting the top-down to the bottom-up: Pricing CDO under a Conditional Survival (CS) model. 578-586 - Luca Capriotti
Reducing the variance of likelihood ratio greeks in Monte Carlo. 587-593 - Guangwu Liu
, L. Jeff Hong
Revisit of stochastic mesh method for pricing American options. 594-601 - Ming-Hua Hsieh:
Valuation of variable annuity contracts with cliquet options in Asia markets. 602-606 - Jose H. Blanchet, Sandeep Juneja, Leonardo Rojas-Nandayapa
Efficient tail estimation for sums of correlated lognormals. 607-614 - Soumyadip Ghosh:
A rate result for simulation optimization with conditional value-at-risk constraints. 615-620 - Sandeep Juneja:
Optimizing portfolio tail measures: Asymptotics and efficient simulation optimization. 621-628 - R. Evren Baysal, Barry L. Nelson, Jeremy Staum:
Response surface methodology for simulating hedging and trading strategies. 629-637 - Xianzhe Chen, Jun Zhang:
Supply chain risks analysis by using jump-diffusion model. 638-646 - Enlu Zhou, Michael C. Fu, Steven I. Marcus:
A particle filtering framework for randomized optimization algorithms. 647-654
Modeling Methodology
- James T. Sawyer, David M. Brann:
How to build better models: Applying agile techniques to simulation. 655-662 - Juta Pichitlamken, Supasit Kajkamhaeng, Putchong Uthayopas:
High performance spreadsheet simulation on a desktop grid. 663-670 - Levent Yilmaz
, Jeffrey S. Smith:
Prelude to the panel on what makes good research in Modeling & Simulation. 671-676 - Levent Yilmaz
, Paul Davis, Paul A. Fishwick, Xiaolin Hu, John A. Miller
, Maria Hybinette, Tuncer I. Ören, Paul Reynolds, Hessam S. Sarjoughian, Andreas Tolk
Panel discussion: What makes good research in modeling and simulation: Sustaining the growth and vitality of the M&S discipline. 677-688 - Jeffrey S. Smith, John A. Hamilton Jr., Richard E. Nance, Barry L. Nelson, George F. Riley, Lee W. Schruben:
Panel discussion: What makes good research in modeling and simulation: Assessing the quality, success, and utility of M&S research. 689-694 - David W. Bauer, Matthew T. McMahon, Ernest H. Page:
An approach for the effective utilization of GP-GPUS in parallel combined simulation. 695-702 - Jianrui Wang, Richard A. Wysk:
A Pi-calculus formalism for discrete event simulation. 703-711 - Ross Gore, Paul F. Reynolds Jr.:
Applying causal inference to understand emergent behavior. 712-721 - Durk-Jouke van der Zee, Arnout Pool, Jakob Wijngaard:
Lean engineering for planning systems redesign - staff participation by simulation. 722-730 - George Jiri Mejtsky:
The improved sweep metaheuristic for simulation optimization and application to job shop scheduling. 731-739 - Cecile Damiron, Anthony Nastasi:
Discrete Rate Simulation using linear programming. 740-749 - Heiko Aydt, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai
, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low
, Peter Lendermann, Boon-Ping Gan, Rassul Ayani:
Preventive what-if analysis in symbiotic simulation. 750-758 - Marcelo Moretti Fioroni, Luiz Augusto Gago Franzese
, Tales Jefferson Bianchi, Luiz Ezawa, Luiz Ricardo Pinto, Gilberto de Miranda Junior
Concurrent simulation and optimization models for mining planning. 759-767 - Karen Hovsepian, Peter Anselmo, Subhasish Mazumdar:
A modeling-based classification algorithm validated with simulated data. 768-776 - Steffen Straßburger
, Thomas Schulze, Richard Fujimoto:
Future trends in distributed simulation and distributed virtual environments: Results of a peer study. 777-785 - Paul A. Fishwick, Julie Henderson, Elinore Fresh, Franz Futterknecht, Benjamin D. Hamilton:
Simulating culture: An experiment using a multi-user virtual environment. 786-794 - Hyungwook Park, Paul A. Fishwick:
A fast hybrid time-synchronous/event approach to parallel discrete event simulation of queuing networks. 795-803 - Derek Riley, Kasandra Riley:
Simulation of stochastic hybrid systems with switching and reflecting boundaries. 804-812 - Rhys Goldstein, Gabriel A. Wainer
, James J. Cheetham, Roderick S. Bain:
Vesicle-synapsin interactions modeled with Cell-DEVS. 813-821 - Lenrick Johnston, Lee Schruben, Arden Yang, David Zhang
Establishing the credibility of a biotech simulation model. 822-826 - Jan Himmelspach, Roland Ewald, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
A flexible and scalable experimentation layer. 827-835 - Roland Ewald, Johannes Rossel, Jan Himmelspach, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
A plug-in-based architecture for random number generation in simulation systems. 836-844 - Hessam S. Sarjoughian, Sungung Kim, Muthukumar Ramaswamy, Stephen S. Yau:
A simulation framework for service-oriented computing systems. 845-853
Modeling Methodology II
- Yin Xiong, Maria Hybinette, Eileen T. Kraemer:
Transparent and adaptive computation-block caching for agent-based simulation on a PDES core. 854-862 - Andreas Tolk
, Robert J. Bowen, Patrick T. Hester:
Using agent technology to move from intention-based to effect-based models. 863-871 - Wai Kin Chan
An analysis of emerging behaviors in large-scale queueing-based service systems using agent-based simulation. 872-878 - Volkan Ustun, Jeffrey S. Smith:
Mental simulation for creating realistic behavior in physical security systems simulation. 879-885 - Seungho Lee, Young-Jun Son
Integrated human decision making model under Belief-Desire-Intention framework for crowd simulation. 886-894 - D. J. Kaup, Thomas L. Clarke, Rex Oleson, Linda C. Malone, Florian G. Jentsch:
Introducing age-based parameters into simulations of crowd dymanics. 895-902 - Torbjorn P. E. Ilar:
A simplified modeling approach for human system interaction. 903-908 - Seth N. Hetu, Gary Tan:
MMOHILS: A simpler approach to valid agents in human simulation studies. 909-913 - Shengping Dong, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu:
Modelling and simulation of team effectiveness emerged from member-task interaction. 914-922 - Alexander Verbraeck
, Edwin Valentin:
Design guidelines for simulation building blocks. 923-932 - Olivier Dalle, Bernard P. Zeigler, Gabriel A. Wainer
Extending DEVS to support multiple occurrence in component-based simulation. 933-941 - Mathias Röhl, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
Definition and analysis of composition structures for discrete-event models. 942-950 - Kathy Kotiadis
, Stewart Robinson
Conceptual modelling: Knowledge acquisition and model abstraction. 951-958 - Osman Balci, James D. Arthur, Richard E. Nance:
Accomplishing reuse with a simulation conceptual model. 959-965 - Andreas Tolk
, Saikou Y. Diallo, Charles D. Turnitsa:
Mathematical models towards self-organizing formal federation languages based on conceptual models of information exchange capabilities. 966-974 - Kitti Setavoraphan, Floyd H. Grant:
Conceptual simulation modeling: The structure of domain specific simulation environment. 975-986 - José Arnaldo Barra Montevechi, Rafael Florencio da Silva Costa, Fabiano Leal
, Alexandre Ferreira de Pinho
, Fernando Augusto Silva Marins
, Fabio Ferreira Marins, Jose Tadeu de Jesus:
Combined use of modeling techniques for the development of the conceptual model in simulation projects. 987-995 - Reid L. Kress, Pete Bereolos, Karen Bills, James Clinton, Jack Dixon, Phil Dunn, Julie Moore, Rob Wilson:
Experience in the broadening of a single-purpose simulation model. 996-1002 - Eric Bouillet, Parijat Dube, David George, Zhen Liu, Dimitrios E. Pendarakis, Li Zhang:
Distributed multi-layered workload synthesis for testing stream processing systems. 1003-1011 - Mark E. Coyne, Scott R. Graham
, Kenneth M. Hopkinson, Stuart H. Kurkowski:
A methodology for unit testing actors in proprietary discrete event based simulations. 1012-1019 - Isabel Beichl, Brian Cloteaux
Measuring the effectiveness of the s-metric to produce better network models. 1020-1028 - David W. Bauer, Mojdeh Mohtashemi:
An application of parallel Monte Carlo modeling for real-time disease surveillance. 1029-1037 - Yi Sun, Xiaolin Hu:
Partial-modular DEVS for improving performance of cellular space wildfire spread simulation. 1038-1046 - Bhakti Satyabudhi, Bhakti Stephan Onggo
Parallel discrete-event simulation of population dynamics. 1047-1054 - David W. Mutschler:
Deferred vs. immediate modification of simulation state in a parallel discrete event simulator using threaded worker pools. 1055-1060 - Michael Slavik, Imad Mahgoub
, Ahmed Badi:
Dynamic entity distribution in parallel discrete event simulation. 1061-1067 - George Vulov, Tianhao He, Maria Hybinette:
Quantitative assessment of an agent-based simulation on a time warp executive. 1068-1076
Simulation Interoperability
- Navonil Mustafee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Supporting simulation in industry through the application of grid computing. 1077-1085 - Michael Raab, Thomas Schulze, Steffen Straßburger
Management of HLA-based distributed legacy SLX-models. 1086-1093 - Csaba Attila Boer, Arie de Bruin, Alexander Verbraeck
Distributed simulation in industry - a survey Part 3 - the HLA standard in industry. 1094-1102 - Yuanxi Liang, Stephen John Turner, Boon-Ping Gan:
Predictive-conservative synchronization for commercial simulation package interoperability. 1103-1111 - Zengxiang Li, Wentong Cai
, Stephen John Turner
, Ke Pan:
Improving performance by replicating simulations with alternative synchronization approaches. 1112-1120 - Robert H. Kewley, James Cook, Niki Goerger, Dale Henderson, Edward Teague:
Federated simulations for systems of systems integration. 1121-1129 - François Rioux, François Bernier, Denis Laurendeau:
Design and implementation of an XML-based, technology-unified data pipeline for interactive simulation. 1130-1138 - Xiaoyu Zhang, Denis Gracanin
Service-Oriented-Architecture based framework for multi-user virtual environments. 1139-1147 - Charles D. Turnitsa, Andreas Tolk
Knowledge representation and the dimensions of a multi-model relationship. 1148-1156
Military Applications
- Ahmed Ghanmi, Gregory B. Campbell, Thomas A. Gibbons:
Modeling and simulation of multinational intra-theatre logistics distribution. 1157-1163 - Patricia Moorhead, Andrew Wind, Mira Halbrohr:
A discrete event simulation model for examining future sustainability of Canadian Forces operations. 1164-1172 - Lisa M. Fitzgerald, Tiffany J. Harper:
Application of simulation modeling for air force enterprise IT Transformation initiatives. 1173-1178 - Kyle Hurst, Nathan Klein, Mario Feliciano, Steven Warner, Scott Crino:
Feasibility study for replacing the MK19 automatic grenade launching system. 1179-1185 - Raman Pall:
On the availability of the CH149 Cormorant fleet. 1186-1193 - Joel J. Luna:
Automating the constraining process. 1194-1199 - Hugh Henry, Robert G. Chamberlain:
Creating and using non-kinetic effects: Training joint forces for asymmetric operations. 1200-1206 - Edgar C. Portante, Thomas N. Taxon, James A. Kavicky, Tarek Abdallah, Timothy K. Perkins:
Linear modeling and simulation of low-voltage electric system for single-point vulnerability assessment of military installation. 1207-1215 - J. Mark Belue, Stuart H. Kurkowski, Scott R. Graham
, Kenneth M. Hopkinson, Ryan W. Thomas, Joshua W. Abernathy:
Research and analysis of simulation-based networks through multi-objective visualization. 1216-1224 - Yongchang Li, Michael Balchanos
, Bassem Nairouz, Neil Weston, Dimitri Mavris
Modeling and simulation of integrated intelligent systems. 1225-1233 - Ugur Ziya Yildirim, Ihsan Sabuncuoglu, Barbaros Ç. Tansel, Ahmet Balcioglu:
A design of experiments approach to military Deployment Planning Problem. 1234-1241 - Alan W. Johnson, Charles Glasscock, Adam Little, Matthew Muha, David O'Malley, Michael Bennett:
C-5 Isochronal inspection process modeling. 1242-1249 - Yanshen Zhu, Maria T. Bull
, Haluk M. Akin, José A. Sepúlveda, Luis Rabelo:
Information fusion in underwater sonar simulation. 1250-1258 - Jimmy Perron, Jimmy Hogan, Bernard Moulin, Jean Berger, Micheline Bélanger:
A hybrid approach based on multi-agent geosimulation and reinforcement learning to solve a UAV patrolling problem. 1259-1267 - Adam J. Pohl, Gary B. Lamont:
Multi-objective UAV mission planning using evolutionary computation. 1268-1279 - John B. Gilmer Jr., Frederick J. Sullivan:
Assignment of probabilities to events for combat simulation. 1280-1288 - David R. Pratt, Robert W. Franceschini, Robert B. Burch, Robert S. Alexander:
A multi threaded and resolution approach to simulated futures evaluation. 1289-1295 - Andreas Tolk
, Thomas G. Litwin, Robert H. Kewley:
A systems engineering process supporting the development of operational requirements driven federations. 1296-1304
Homeland Security
- Tim Lant, Megan Jehn, Cody Christensen, Ozgur Merih Araz, John W. Fowler
Simulating pandemic influenza preparedness plans for a public university: A hierarchical system dynamics approach. 1305-1313 - Yue Li, Tyler A. Erickson:
Application of spatial visualization for probabilistic hurricanes risk assessment to build environment. 1314-1319 - William E. Weiss:
Dynamic security: An agent-based model for airport defense. 1320-1325
Simulation Around the World
- Muaz A. Niazi
, Amir Hussain
, Abdul Rauf Baig, Saeed Bhatti:
Simulation of the research process. 1326-1334 - Thoatsanope Kamnerdtong, Surachate Chutima, Jukkraphun Parirukvijit:
The improvement of deformations and charateristics of HGA during clamping using finite element analysis. 1335-1343 - Joshua C. C. Chan, Dirk P. Kroese
Randomized methods for solving the Winner Determination Problem in combinatorial auctions. 1344-1349 - Matthew P. J. Pepper
, Trevor A. Spedding:
Simulation down under. 1350-1355 - Jorge A. Alvarado
, Luis M. Pulido:
Simulation and experimental design applied to sizing supermarket cashiers in Colombia. 1356-1361 - Karol Perez, Laura Cardona, Sebastian Gomez, Tomas Olarte, Paula Escudero
Simulation and optimization in a health center in Medellin, Colombia. 1362-1367 - Gonzalo Mejía
, Diego Martínez, Fidel Torres:
Modeling and development of an ARENA® interface for Petri Nets. A case study in a Colombian cosmetics company. 1368-1375 - Carlos D. Paternina-Arboleda, Jairo R. Montoya-Torres
, Aldo Fabregas-Ariza:
Simulation-optimization using a reinforcement learning approach. 1376-1383 - Matthias Jeschke, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
Multi-resolution spatial simulation for molecular crowding. 1384-1392 - Andrea Matta
Simulation optimization with mathematical programming representation of discrete event systems. 1393-1400 - Pawel Pawlewski
, Paulina Golinska
, Marek Fertsch
, Jesús A. Trujillo, Zbigniew J. Pasek
Supportive role of the simulation in the process of ship engine crankcase production process of reengineering (case study). 1401-1409 - José Tavira-Mondragón, José Melgar-García, Jorge García-García, Rafael Cruz-Cruz:
Upgrade of a full-scope simulator for fossil-fuel power plants. 1410-1418 - Rodolfo Medina, Antonio Vazquez, Héctor A. Juárez, Ricardo A. Gonzalez:
Mexican Public Hospitals: A model for improving emergency room waiting times. 1419 - María de los Milagros Gutiérrez, Horacio Pascual Leone:
DE2M: A solution for analyzing supply chain. 1420-1428 - Sebastián Jaén
, Isaac Dyner:
Criminal cycles in the illegal drug industry: A system dynamics approach applied to Colombia. 1429-1436 - Claudia Barbará, Edmundo Eutrópio C. de Souza, Rosangela Catunda:
Modeling the cost of poor quality. 1437-1441 - Gary E. Horne, Klaus-Peter Schwierz:
Data Farming around the world overview. 1442-1447 - Chwee Seng Choo, Ee Chong Ng, Dave Ang, Ching Lian Chua:
Data Farming in Singapore: A brief history. 1448-1455 - Ching Lian Chua, Wee Chung Sim, Chwee Seng Choo, Victor Tay:
Automated Red Teaming: An objective-based Data Farming approach for Red Teaming. 1456-1462
Health Care
- Ronald E. Giachetti:
A simulation study of interventions to reduce appointment lead-time and patient no-show rate. 1463-1468 - Kirandeep Chahal, Tillal Eldabi
Applicability of hybrid simulation to different modes of governance in UK healthcare. 1469-1477 - Sally C. Brailsford
System dynamics: What's in it for healthcare simulation modelers. 1478-1483 - Murat M. Gunal
, Michael Pidd:
DGHPSim: Supporting smart thinking to improve hospital performance. 1484-1489 - Nancy Khurma, Gheorghe M. Bacioiu, Zbigniew J. Pasek
Simulation-based verification of lean improvement for emergency room process. 1490-1499 - Soemon Takakuwa, Athula Wijewickrama:
Optimizing staffing schedule in light of patient satisfaction for the whole outpatient hospital ward. 1500-1508 - Le Yin Meng, Trevor Spedding:
Modelling patient arrivals when simulating an Accident and Emergency Unit. 1509-1515 - Erik Michael Wilhelm Kolb, Jordan Peck, Sebastian Schoening, Taesik Lee:
Reducing Emergency Department overcrowding - five patient buffer concepts in comparison. 1516-1525 - Deborah J. Medeiros, Eric R. Swenson, Christopher DeFlitch:
Improving patient flow in a hospital emergency department. 1526-1531 - Ana R. Vila-Parrish, Julie Simmons Ivy, Russell E. King
A simulation-based approach for inventory modeling of perishable pharmaceuticals. 1532-1538 - Alkin Yurtkuran
, Erdal Emel
Simulation based decision-making for hospital pharmacy management. 1539-1546 - Todd R. Huschka, Brian T. Denton, Bradly J. Narr, Adam C. Thompson:
Using simulation in the implementation of an Outpatient Procedure Center. 1547-1552 - Wheyming Tina Song, Aaron E. Bair, Mingchang Chih
A simulation study on the impact of physician starting time in a physical examination service. 1553-1563 - Athula Wijewickrama, Soemon Takakuwa:
Outpatient appointment scheduling in a multi facility system. 1563-1571 - Francisco J. Ramis, Felipe F. Baesler, Edgar Berho, Liliana Neriz, José A. Sepúlveda:
A simulator to improve waiting times at a Medical Imaging Center. 1572-1577 - Margaret L. Brandeau:
Infectious disease Control policy: A role for simulation. 1578-1582 - Dhananjai Madhava Rao, Alexander Chernyakhovsky:
Parallel simulation of the global epidemiology of Avian Influenza. 1583-1591 - Ali Ekici
, Pinar Keskinocak, Julie L. Swann
Pandemic influenza response. 1592-1600 - Jill H. Iser, Brian T. Denton, Russell E. King
Heuristics for balancing Operating Room and post-anesthesia resources under uncertainty. 1601-1608 - Roberto Max Protil, Joelson Ricardo Stroparo, Gerson Linck Bichinho
Applying computer simulation to increase the surgical center occupation rate at a University Hospital in Curitiba - Brazil. 1609-1616 - Jean-Paul M. Arnaout
, Sevag Kulbashian:
Maximizing the utilization of operating rooms with stochastic times using simulation. 1617-1623 - Reza Yaesoubi, Stephen D. Roberts:
How much is a health insurer willing to pay for Colorectal Cancer screening tests? 1624-1631 - Marshall Ashby, David M. Ferrin, Martin J. Miller, Niloo Shahi:
Discrete event simulation: Optimizing patient flow and redesign in a replacement facility. 1632-1636 - Martin J. Miller, David M. Ferrin, Niloo Shahi, Richard R. Lavecchia:
Allocating outpatient clinic services using simulation and linear programming. 1637-1644
Business Process Modeling
- Liqing Di, Zhihua Xiong, XianHui Yang:
Nonlinear process modeling and optimization based on Multiway Kernel Partial Least Squares model. 1645-1651 - Eric Buist, Wyean Chan, Pierre L'Ecuyer
Speeding up call center simulation and optimization by Markov chain uniformization. 1652-1660 - Anshul Sheopuri, Sai Zeng, Chitra Dorai:
A new policy for the service request assignment problem with multiple severity level, due date and sla penalty service requests. 1661-1668 - Konstantin A. Aksyonov
, Eugene A. Bykov, Elena F. Smoliy, Alexey A. Khrenov:
Industrial enterprises business processes simulation with BPsim.MAS. 1669-1677 - Linlin Cui, Yueting Chai, Yi Liu:
Business process based simulation: a powerful tool for demand analysis of business process reengineering and information system implementation. 1678-1686 - Russell R. Barton
, Jun Shu:
Simulation of process execution monitoring and adjustment schemes. 1687-1693 - Changrui Ren, Wei Wang, Jin Dong, Hongwei Ding, Bing Shao, Qinhua Wang:
Towards a flexible business process modeling and simulation environment. 1694-1701 - Kanna Miwa, Soemon Takakuwa:
Simulation modeling and analysis for in-store merchandizing of retail stores with enhanced information technology. 1702-1710 - Hairong Lv, Xinxin Bai, Wen Jun Yin, Jin Dong:
Simulation based sales forecasting on retail small stores. 1711-1716
Manufacturing Applications
- Markus Rabe
, Sven Spieckermann, Sigrid Wenzel:
A new procedure model for verification and validation in production and logistics simulation. 1717-1726 - Anders Skoogh
, Björn Johansson
A methodology for input data management in discrete event simulation projects. 1727-1735 - Bikram Sharda, Scott J. Bury
A discrete event simulation model for reliability modeling of a chemical plant. 1736-1740 - Sankar Sengupta, Kanchan Das, Robert P. Van Til:
A new method for bottleneck detection. 1741-1745 - Eliseu Lima, Leonardo Chwif, Marcos Ribeiro Pereira Barreto:
Metodology for selecting the best suitable bottleneck detection method. 1746-1751 - Weida Xu, Tianyuan Xiao:
Mixed model assembly line balancing problem with fuzzy operation times and drifting operations. 1752-1760 - Gabriel A. Burnett, Deborah J. Medeiros, Daniel A. Finke
, Mark T. Traband:
Automating the development of Shipyard manufacturing models. 1761-1767 - Wolfgang Kuehn:
Advanced modeling of networked print production by use of XML-based job definition and job messaging communication. 1768-1776 - Frank Riddick, Y. Tina Lee:
Representing layout information in the CMSD specification. 1777-1784 - Hironori Hibino, Yoshiro Fukuda:
Emulation in manufacturing engineering processes. 1785-1793 - Devinder Thapa, Chang Mok Park, Kwan Hee Han, Sang C. Park, Gi-Nam Wang:
Architecture for modeling, simulation, and execution of PLC based manufacturing system. 1794-1801 - Jeffrey S. Smith, Younchol Cho:
Offline commissioning of a PLC-based control system using arena. 1802-1810 - Ahad Ali, Xiaohui Chen, Ziming Yang, Jay Lee
, Jun Ni:
Optimized maintenance design for manufacturing performance improvement using simulation. 1811-1819 - Pierpaolo Caricato
, Antonio Grieco, Francesco Nucci
Simulation and mathematical programming for a multi-objective configuration problem in a hybrid flow shop. 1820-1828 - Birkan Can, Andreas Beham
, Cathal Heavey:
A comparative study of genetic algorithm components in simulation-based optimisation. 1829-1837 - Adrián M. Aguirre, Enrique Muller, Sebastian Seffmo, Carlos A. Méndez
Applying a simulation-based tool to productivity management in an automotive-parts industry. 1838-1846 - Minh Dang Nguyen, Soemon Takakuwa:
Emergence of simulations for manufacturing line designs in Japanese automobile manufacturing plants. 1847-1855 - Patrick Kirchhof, Nicolas G. Meseth, Thomas Witte:
Simulation based evaluation of the Workload Control concept for a company of the automobile industry. 1856-1862 - Jose Francisco, Briones de la Torre, Antonio Espuña Camarasa, Luis Puigjaner i Corbella:
A proposal for coordinator control recipe in a batch process. 1863-1866 - Silvanus T. Enns, Paul Rogers:
Clarifying CONWIP versus push system behavior using simulation. 1867-1872 - Sanjay Jain:
Tradeoffs in building a generic supply chain simulation capability. 1873-1881 - Corinne MacDonald, Eldon A. Gunn:
A simulation based system for analysis and design of production control systems. 1882-1890 - Toni Ruohonen, Mikko Kamppila, Antti Jokitalo:
The use of simulation for process improvement in metal industry - case HT-Lasertekniikka. 1891-1895 - Karthik Krishna Vasudevan, Ravindra Lote, Edward J. Williams
, Onur M. Ülgen:
Iterative use of simulation and scheduling methodologies to improve productivity. 1896-1903 - Sreekanth Ramakrishnan, Pei-Fang Tsai, Christiana M. Drayer, Krishnaswami Srihari:
Using simulation with Design For Six Sigma in a server manufacturing environment. 1904-1912 - Matías Urenda Moris, Amos H. C. Ng, Jacob Svensson:
Simplification and aggregation strategies applied for factory analysis in conceptual phase using simulation. 1913-1921 - Juhani Heilala
, Saija Vatanen
, Hannele Tonteri, Jari Montonen
, Salla Lind, Björn Johansson
, Johan Stahre
Simulation-based sustainable manufacturing system design. 1922-1930
Manufacturing Applications II
- Siamak Tavakoli, Alireza Mousavi
, Alexander Komashie:
A generic framework for real-time discrete event simulation (DES) modelling. 1931-1938 - Jiping Niu, John Dartnall:
Application of fuzzy-MRP-II in fast moving consumer goods manufacturing industry. 1939-1945 - Tao Wu, Leyuan Shi, Benjamin Quirt, Neil A. Duffie:
Integrated dynamic and simulation model on coupled closed-loop workstation capacity controls in a multi-workstation production system. 1946-1951 - Mark Aufenanger, Wilhelm Dangelmaier, Christoph Laroque
, Nando Rüngener:
Knowledge-based event control for flow-shops using simulation and rules. 1952-1958 - David Briggs:
Embedding human scheduling in a steel plant simulation. 1959-1967 - Salla Lind, Boris Krassi, Juhani Viitaniemi, Sauli Kiviranta, Juhani Heilala
, Cecilia Berlin
Linking ergonomics simulation to production process development. 1968-1973 - Vahid Sarhangian, Abolfazl Vaghefi, Hamidreza Eskandari
, Mostafa K. Ardakani:
Optimizing inspection strategies for multi-stage manufacturing processes using simulation optimization. 1974-1980 - Benny Tjahjono
, Raul Fernandez:
Practical approach to experimentation in a simulation study. 1981-1988 - Daniel Noack, Oliver Rose:
A simulation based optimization algorithm for slack reduction and workforce scheduling. 1989-1994 - Maria G. Villarreal, Rachmat Mulyana, José M. Castro, Mauricio Cabrera-Ríos
Simulation optimization applied to injection molding. 1995-2003 - Marcus Andersson, Amos H. C. Ng, Henrik Grimm:
Simulation optimization for industrial scheduling using hybrid genetic representation. 2004-2011 - Wilhelm Dangelmaier, Matthias Fischer, Daniel Huber, Christoph Laroque
, Tim Süß:
Aggregated 3D-visualization of a distributed simulation experiment of a queuing system. 2012-2020
MASM - Operational Modeling and Simulation
- Sugato Bagchi, Ching-Hua Chen-Ritzo, Sameer T. Shikalgar, Michael Toner:
A full-factory simulator as a daily decision-support tool for 300MM wafer fabrication productivity. 2021-2029 - Wolfgang Scholl:
Coping with typical unpredictable incidents in a logic fab. 2030-2034 - Appa Iyer Sivakumar, Chao Qi, Andy Darwin Kasan Hidayat:
Experimental study on variations of WIPLOAD Control in semiconductor wafer fabrication environment. 2035-2040 - Andreas Klemmt, Sven Horn, Gerald Weigert, Thomas Hielscher:
Simulations-based and solver-based optimization approaches for batch processes in semiconductor manufacturing. 2041-2049 - Li-Pei Wong
, Chi Yung Puan, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low
, Chin Soon Chong:
Bee Colony Optimization algorithm with Big Valley landscape exploitation for Job Shop Scheduling problems. 2050-2058 - Carl Johnzen, Philippe Vialletelle, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
, Claude Yugma, Alexandre Derreumaux:
Impact of qualification management on scheduling in semiconductor manufacturing. 2059-2066 - Horst Zisgen
, Ingo Meents, Benjamin R. Wheeler, Thomas Hanschke:
A queueing network based system to model capacity and cycle time for semiconductor fabrication. 2067-2074 - Guy L. Curry, Natarajan Gautam:
Characterizing the departure process from a two server Markovian queue: A non-renewal approach. 2075-2082 - Kan Wu
, Leon F. McGinnis, Bert Zwart:
Queueing models for single machine manufacturing systems with interruptions. 2083-2092 - Chen-Fu Chien
, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
, Hans Ehm, John W. Fowler
, Zhibin Jiang, Shekar Krishnaswamy, Lars Mönch, Reha Uzsoy:
Modeling and analysis of semiconductor manufacturing in a shrinking world: Challenges and successes. 2093-2099 - John Benedict C. Tajan, Appa Iyer Sivakumar, Stanley B. Gershwin
Online control of a batch processor with incompatible job families under correlated future arrivals. 2100-2108 - Stephen Murray, John Geraghty
, Paul Young
, Steve Sievwright:
Time-Limited Next Arrival heuristic for batch processing and setup reduction in a re-entrant environment. 2109-2117 - Kilian Schmidt, Oliver Rose:
Simulation analysis of semiconductor manufacturing with small lot size and batch tool replacements. 2118-2126 - Tae-Eog Lee
A review of scheduling theory and methods for semiconductor manufacturing cluster tools. 2127-2135 - Julie Christopher:
Study of optimal load lock dedication for cluster tools. 2136-2140 - Amit Kumar Gupta, Peter Lendermann, Appa Iyer Sivakumar, John Priyadi:
Simulation analysis of cluster tool operations in wafer fabrication. 2141-2147 - Dima Nazzal
, Andrew L. Johnson
, Héctor J. Carlo, Jesus A. Jimenez:
An analytical model for conveyor based AMHS in semiconductor wafer fabs. 2148-2155 - Elisa Gebennini, Sara Dallari, Andrea Grassi
, Giuseppe Perrica, Cesare Fantuzzi
, Rita Gamberini:
A simulation based approach for supporting Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) systems design. 2156-2163 - Jens Zimmermann, Scott J. Mason, John W. Fowler
, Lars Mönch:
Determining an appropriate number of FOUPs in semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities. 2164-2170 - Martin Romauch, Walter Laure, Georg Seidel, Christian Almeder
Decision making and forecasting with respect to risk: A simulation study for a setup-problem. 2171-2175 - Durmus Fatih Irdem, Necip Baris Kacar, Reha Uzsoy:
An experimental study of an iterative simulation-optimization algorithm for production planning. 2176-2184 - Kamil Erkan Kabak
, Cathal Heavey, Vincent Corbett:
Analysis of multiple process flows in an ASIC fab with a detailed photolithography area model. 2185-2193 - Daniel Noack, Boon-Ping Gan, Peter Lendermann, Oliver Rose:
An optimization framework for waferfab performance enhancement. 2194-2200 - Chen-Fu Chien
, Wen-Chih Chen, Shao-Chung Hsu:
An indirect workforce (re)allocation model for semiconductor manufacturing. 2201-2208 - June-Young Bang, Jae-Hun Kang, Bong-Kyun Kim, Yeong-Dae Kim:
Multi-product lot merging/splitting algorithms for a semiconductor wafer fabrication. 2209-2215
MASM - Supply Chain Management and Fab Economics
- Wen-Chih Chen, Chen-Fu Chien
, Ming-Hsuan Chou:
Economic efficiency analysis of wafer fabrication facilities. 2216-2222 - Kristin Rust:
Using Little's Law to estimate cycle time and cost. 2223-2228 - I-Hsuan Hong
, Hsi-Mei Hsu, Yi-Mu Wu, Chun-Shao Yeh:
Pricing decision and lead time setting in a duopoly semiconductor industry. 2229-2236 - Woonghee Tim Huh, Mahesh Nagarajan:
Linear inflation rules for the random yield production control problem with uncertain demand: Analysis and computations. 2237-2243 - Yi-Nung Yang, Shi-Chung Chang
A contract of purchase commitments on shared yields as a risk-sharing mechanism among fabless-foundry partnership. 2244-2250 - Shi-Chung Chang
, Shin-Shyu Su, Ke-Ju Chen:
Priority mix planning for cycle time-differentiated semiconductor manufacturing services. 2251-2259 - Christoph Habla, Lars Mönch:
Solving volume and capacity planning problems in semiconductor manufaturing: A computational study. 2260-2266 - Ken Fordyce, Alfred Degbotse, R. John Milne, Robert Orzell, Chi-Tai Wang:
The ongoing challenge - an accurate assessment of supply linked to demand to create an enterprise-wide end to end detailed central supply chain plan. 2267-2270 - Bum C. Park, Eui S. Park, Byoung Kyu Choi, Byung H. Kim, Jin H. Lee:
Simulation based planning and scheduling system for TFT-LCD Fab. 2271-2276 - Ken Fordyce, Robert E. Bixby, Richard Burda:
Technology that upsets the social order - a paradigm shift in assigning lots to tools in a wafer fabricator - the transition from rules to optimization. 2277-2285 - Sang-Jin Lee, Tae-Eog Lee
Scheduling a multi-chip package assembly line with reentrant processes and unrelated parallel machines. 2286-2291 - Shrikant Jarugumilli, Mengying Fu, Naiping Keng, Chad DeJong, Ronald G. Askin, John W. Fowler
Framework for execution level capacity allocation decisions for Assembly - Test facilities using integrated optimization - simulation models. 2292-2297 - Steffen Kalisch, Robert Ringel, Jörg Weigang:
Managing WIP and cycle time with the help of Loop Control. 2298-2304 - Peter C. Bosch, Robert L. Wright:
High speed semiconductor fab simulation for large, medium and small lot sizes. 2305-2312
MASM - Enabling Computing Techniques and Statistical Methods
- Chen-Fu Chien
, Yun-Ju Chen, Jin-Tang Peng:
Demand forecast of semiconductor products based on technology diffusion. 2313-2322 - Chih-Min Fan, Yun-Pei Lu:
A Bayesian framework to integrate knowledge-based and data-driven inference tools for reliable yield diagnoses. 2323-2329 - An-Guo Chao, S. T. Tseng, David Shan-Hill Wong, Shi-Shang Jang, Shui-Pin Lee:
Systematic applications of multivariate analysis to monitoring of equipment health in semiconductor manufacturing. 2330-2334 - Jan Lange, Kilian Schmidt, Roy Borner, Oliver Rose:
Automated generation and parameterization of throughput models for semiconductor tools. 2335-2340 - Edward Huang, Ky Sang Kwon, Leon F. McGinnis:
Toward on-demand wafer fab simulation using formal structure & behavior models. 2341-2349 - Christiaan J. J. Paredis, Thomas Johnson:
Using OMG'S SYSML to support simulation. 2350-2352
Construction Engineering and Project Management
- Hoi-Ching Lam, Ming Lu:
Simulation-based, optimized scheduling of limited bar-benders over multiple building sites. 2353-2360 - Yang Liu
, Yasser Mohamed:
Multi-Agent Resource Allocation (MARA) for modeling construction processes. 2361-2369 - Michael E. Kuhl, Radhames A. Tolentino-Pena:
A dynamic crashing method for project management using simulation-based optimization. 2370-2376 - Matt Watkins, Amlan Mukherjee, Nilufer Onder:
Using situational simulations to collect and analyze dynamic construction management decision-making data. 2377-2386 - Lingguang Song, Fernando Ramos, Katie Arnold:
A framework for real-time simulation of heavy construction operations. 2387-2395 - Naimeh Sadeghi, Aminah Robinson Fayek:
A framework for simulating industrial construction processes. 2396-2401 - Chachrist Srisuwanrat, Photios G. Ioannou, Omer Tsimhoni
Simulation and optimization for construction repetitive projects using promodel and simrunner. 2402-2412 - Hosein Taghaddos
, Simaan M. AbouRizk
, Yasser Mohamed, Ivan Ourdev:
Distributed agent-based simulation of construction projects with HLA. 2413-2420 - Lokman Hossain, Janaka Y. Ruwanpura:
Optimization of Multi-Project Environment (OPMPE). 2421-2430 - Undram Chinbat, Soemon Takakuwa:
Using Operation Process Simulation for a Six Sigma project of Mining and Iron Production Factory. 2431-2438 - Fei Dai
, Ming Lu:
Photo-based 3D modeling of construction resources for visualization of operations simulation: Case of modeling a precast façade. 2439-2446 - Amir H. Behzadan, Vineet R. Kamat
Simulation and visualization of traffic operations in Augmented Reality for improved planning and design of road construction projects. 2447-2454 - Fangyi Zhou, Simaan M. AbouRizk
, Siri Fernando:
A simulation template for modeling tunnel shaft construction. 2455-2461 - Aly Abdel Fattah, Janaka Y. Ruwanpura:
An integrated CAD and simulation model for concrete operations. 2462-2470 - Osama M. Mohsen
, Paul J. Knytl, Basel Abdulaal, Jacek Olearczyk, Mohamed Al-Hussein:
Simulation of modular building construction. 2471-2478 - Gunnar Lucko, Perakath C. Benjamin, Michael G. Madden:
Harnessing the power of simulation in the project management / decision support aspects of the construction industry. 2479-2487 - Chang-sun Chin, Jeffrey S. Russell:
Identifying significant factors affecting Request For Information (RFI) process time. 2488-2496 - Khaled Shahata, Tarek M. Zayed
Simulation as a tool for life cycle cost analysis. 2497-2503 - Mohamed M. Marzouk, Moatassem Abdallah
, Moheeb Elsaid:
Tunnel_Sim: Decision support tool for planning tunnel construction using computer simulation. 2504-2511 - Gunnar Lucko, Angel A. Pena Orozco:
Calculating float in linear schedules with singularity functions. 2512-2518 - Xiaofeng Zhai, Robert L. K. Tiong, Hans C. Bjornsson, David K. H. Chua:
Simulation-based planning for precast production with two critical resources. 2519-2526
Simulation Education
- Ricki G. Ingalls, Mario Cornejo, Chinnatat Methapatara, Peerapol Sittivijan:
Integrating simulation and optimization research into a graduate supply chain modeling course. 2527-2533 - Li Zhou
, Ying Xie, Nigel Wild, Charles Hunt:
Learning and practising supply chain management strategies from a business simulation game: A comprehensive supply chain simulation. 2534-2542 - Jia Luo, Alpesh P. Makwana, Dezhi Liao, J. Peter Kincaid:
Hurricane! - A simulation-based program for science education. 2543-2548 - Heriberto Garcia, Eduardo Garcia:
Enhancing simulation as improvement and decision support system tool. 2549-2554 - Michele Fumarola, Alexander Verbraeck
Multiple worlds in simulation games for spatial decision making: Concept and architecture. 2555-2562 - Chris Poyner, Mary C. Court, Huong T. L. Pham, Jennifer L. Pittman:
A 3-D pyramid/prism approach to view knowledge requirements for the batch means method when taught in a language-focused, undergraduate simulation course. 2563-2571 - Timothy S. Vaughan:
In search of the memoryless property. 2572-2576
Logistics, Transportation and Distribution
- Aldo A. McLean, William E. Biles:
A simulation approach to the evaluation of operational costs and performance in liner shipping operations. 2577-2584 - Nicholas P. Anderson, Gerald W. Evans
Determination of operating policies for a barge transportation system through simulation and optimization modeling. 2585-2589 - Daniel Sasso, William E. Biles:
An object-oriented programming approach for a GIS data-driven simulation model of traffic on an inland waterway. 2590-2594 - Minghui Yang:
Using data driven simulation to build inventory model. 2595-2599 - Young M. Lee:
Analyzing dispensing plan for emergency medical supplies in the event of bioterrorism. 2600-2608 - Feng Cheng, Young M. Lee, Hongwei Ding, Wei Wang, Stuart Stephens:
Simulating order fulfillment and supply planning for a vertically aligned industry solution business. 2609-2615 - Malak T. Al-Nory, Alexander Brodsky:
Unifying simulation and optimization of strategic sourcing and transportation. 2616-2624 - Anna Syberfeldt
, Henrik Grimm, Amos H. C. Ng, Martin Andersson, Ingemar Karlsson:
Simulation-based optimization of a complex mail transportation network. 2625-2631 - Banu Yetkin Ekren
, Sunderesh S. Heragu
Simulation based optimization of multi-location transshipment problem with capacitated transportation. 2632-2638 - Csaba A. Boer, Yvo A. Saanen:
Controls: Emulation to improve the performance of container terminals. 2639-2647 - Xi Guo, Shell-Ying Huang, Wen-Jing Hsu, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low
Yard crane dispatching based on real time data driven simulation for container terminals. 2648-2655 - Thouraya Benna, Manfred Gronalt:
Generic simulation for rail-road container terminals. 2656-2660 - Marcial Lapp, Shervin AhmadBeygi, Amy Cohn, Omer Tsimhoni
A recursion-based approach to simulating airline schedule robustness. 2661-2667 - Chatabush Roongrat, Jay M. Rosenberger
, Brian Huff:
Simulation of unit loading device inventory in airline operations. 2668-2672 - Sanjiv Shresta, Ralf H. Mayer:
Modeling of air traffic arrival operations through agent-based simulation. 2673-2681 - Salvatore Cannella
, Elena Ciancimino:
The APIOBPCS Deziel and Eilon parameter configuration in supply chain under progressive information sharing strategies. 2682-2690 - Laigang Song, Xueping Li
, Alberto Garcia-Diaz:
Multi-echelon supply chain simulation using metamodel. 2691-2699 - Wei Wang, Jin Dong, Hongwei Ding, Changrui Ren, Minmin Qiu, Young M. Lee, Feng Cheng:
An introduction to IBM General Business Simulation Environment. 2700-2707 - Javier Faulin
, Miquel Gilibert, Angel A. Juan
, Xavier Vilajosana
, Rubén Ruiz
SR-1: A simulation-based algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. 2708-2716 - Pasquale Legato
, Rina Mary Mazza
, Roberto Trunfio
Simulation-based optimization for the quay crane scheduling problem. 2717-2725 - Loo Hay Lee
, Ek Peng Chew, Hai Xing Cheng, Yongbin Han:
A study on port design automation concept. 2726-2731 - Manuel D. Rossetti
, Vijith Varghese, Mehmet Miman, Edward A. Pohl:
Simulating inventory systems with forecast based policy updating. 2732-2740 - Aysegul Sarac, Nabil Absi
, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
A simulation approach to evaluate the impact of introducing RFID technologies in a three-level supply chain. 2741-2749 - Balagopal Gopakumar, Suvarna Sundaram, Shengyong Wang, Sumit Koli, Krishnaswami Srihari:
A simulation based approach for dock allocation in a food distribution center. 2750-2755 - Nicholas P. Anderson, Gerald W. Evans
Determination of operating policies for a barge transportation system through simulation and optimization modeling. 2756-2760 - Dwayne Henclewood, Michael Hunter, Richard Fujimoto:
Proposed methodology for a data-driven simulation for estimating performance measures along signalized arterials in real-time. 2761-2768 - Ralf Sprenger, Lars Mönch:
A simulation framework for assessing the performance of cooperative transportation planning algorithms. 2769-2776
General Applications I
- Richard B. Lam:
Constructing business simulations with service patterns. 2777-2782 - Young M. Lee, Lianjun An, Daniel Connors:
Managing workforce resource actions with multiple feedback control schemes. 2783-2791 - Fabian Menges, Bud Mishra, Giuseppe Narzisi
Modeling and simulation of e-mail social networks: A new stochastic agent-based approach. 2792-2800 - Carlos R. García-Alonso
, Gabriel M. Perez-Alcala:
Generating artificial populations using a multi-level fuzzy inference engine. 2801-2810 - Nathan J. Schmidt, Peter Kemper:
Phrase based browsing for simulation traces of network protocols. 2811-2819 - Yun Bae Kim, Jinsoo Park:
New approaches for inference of unobservable queues. 2820-2825
General Applications II
- Matulya Bansal, Mark Broadie:
A simulation model to analyze the impact of hole size on putting in golf. 2826-2834 - Jared Davis, Barbara Fordyce, James Cicala, Matthew Cooper, Omer Tsimhoni
Who's your Tiger? Using simulation to optimize the lineup of the Detroit Tigers offense. 2835-2843 - Alessandro Catania A., Roberto Revetria, Francesca Oliva, Lucia Cassettari
An integrated model for evaluating self sustainability of bio-energy settlements: Technological, economical and social aspects. 2844-2851 - Feng Gu
, Xiaolin Hu:
Towards applications of particle filters in wildfire spread simulation. 2852-2860 - Charles E. Knadler Jr.:
Models of a predator-prey relationship in a closed habitat. 2861-2870 - Lluís M. Plà-Aragonés
, Virginia Flores Marias, Sara V. Rodriguez-Sanchez:
A simulation model for intensive piglet production systems. 2871-2875
General Applications III
- Rouba Ibrahim, Ward Whitt:
REal-time delay estimation in call centers. 2876-2883 - Thomas R. Robbins, Terry P. Harrison:
A simulation based scheduling model for call centers with uncertain arrival rates. 2884-2890 - Akinbola Adetunji, Hadi Larijani:
Enhanced Bandwidth-Delay Based Routing Algorithm for a packet-switched virtual call centre environment. 2891-2900 - Martin J. Fischer, Denise M. Bevilacqua Masi, John Shortle:
Simulating the performance of a Class-Based Weighted Fair Queueing system. 2901-2908 - Christian Dehlendorff
, Murat Kulahci
, Klaus K. Andersen:
Designing simulation experiments with controllable and uncontrollable factors. 2909-2915 - Sven Dominka, Eduard Bröcker, Frank Schiller:
Automated execution of simulation studies demonstrated via a simulation of a car. 2916-2924
Case Studies
- Robert T. Brigantic, George A. Muller:
Simulation of passenger screening for pandemic influenza at U.S. airport ports of entry. 2925 - Marcelo Zottolo, Kathryn Peacock, Eric Lammers, Edward J. Williams
Throughput capacity verification of automated parking systems. 2926 - Roberto F. Lu, Cliff J. Kirkham:
A Six Sigma DMADV project: The 787 LCF scheduling tool. 2927 - Paul Babin, Gozde Agirbas:
Discrete event simulation aids new Lean Production System at Mimeo.com. 2928 - Joseph Stuart Hurvitz:
JTRS executable architecture. 2929 - Roberto F. Lu, Swee Leong, Nils Bengtsson, Björn Johansson
, Frank Riddick, Y. Tina Lee, Guodong Shao, Charles R. McLean, Al Salour, Laurance N. Hazlehurst, Sidney Ly:
Implementation of Core Manufacturing Simulation Data in aerospace industry. 2930 - Christopher Milligan, Doug Meiser:
Flexible simulations for manufacturing. 2931 - Feargal Timon:
Simulation as an integral part of the decision making processes in a service industry: Eircom's field technicians. 2932 - Tommy E. White:
The use of discrete event simulation for designing robustness into Ground Combat Vehicles. 2933 - Ted T. Tower:
Asset Reliability Modeling and Simulation. 2934 - Arai Monteforte:
Case study for usage modeling in the automotive industry. 2935 - Soheil Mardani, Mohammad Alkatheer:
Productivity evaluation of 56" pipe production unit. 2936 - Colm Higgins, Rory Collins, Tom Egar:
3D simulation supports business improvements in Small Medium Enterprises. 2937 - Colin Murray Eustace:
Simulation of Queensland coal rail operations. 2938 - Soheil Mardani, Pouyan Jalili:
Design & evaluation of engine assembly line layouts. 2939 - Marco Alessandro Corsaro:
Simulation of sublevel caving operation - simulation applied to mining. 2940
Poster Session
- Theo Wibisono, Dionne M. Aleman
, Brian Schwartz:
A non-homogeneous approach to simulating the spread of disease in a pandemic outbreak. 2941 - Karel Crombecq, Luciano De Tommasi, Dirk Gorissen, Tom Dhaene:
A comparison of sequential design methods for RF circuit block modeling. 2942 - Pau Fonseca:
SDL distributed simulator. 2943 - Gonzalez S. Fernando, Davila R. Diana, Sumoza S. Marlloly, Ramirez P. Luis:
Modeling of supply chain with variation of inventory systems at nodes. 2944 - Yan Gu, Yue Li:
An interdependent infrastructure risk analysis framework using parallel and distributed simulation. 2945 - Beate Jahn, Nikolai Muhlberger, Johannes Wurm, Uwe Siebert:
Decision-analytic models for breast cancer: Do currently published models meet the requirements of personalized medicine? 2946 - Samsun (Sem) Lampotang
, David E. Lizdas, John J. Tumino, Nikolaus Gravenstein, Harshdeep S. Wilkhu:
Panoramic screen-based simulation with dynamic background. 2947 - Nicolas G. Meseth, Patrick Kirchhof, Thomas Witte:
An XML-based language for DEVS components. 2948 - Halis Sak, Josef Leydold:
Better confidence intervals for importance sampling. 2949 - Jin Yan Shao, Ming Xie, Li Xia, Wen Jun Yin, Jin Dong:
Optimal service channel reconfiguration based on multi-agent simulation. 2950 - Chunhua Tian, Hao Zhang, Feng Li:
Rule flow logic verification: A simulation based approach. 2951 - Benny Tjahjono
, Rossella Stama:
Verifying the design of a cellular manufacturing system. 2952 - Jiang Wu, Bin Hu:
An agent-based simulation study of the dynamics of mobile viral advertising. 2953
PHD Colloquium
- Shane G. Henderson:
Staying sane on the tenure track. 2954-2959

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