28th PACIS 2024: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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Track 01: AI in Business and Society

Track 02: Blockchain, DLT, and Fintech

Track 03: Business Analytics and Data Science

Track 04: Design Science Research in IS

Track 05: Digital Innovation and New Business Models

Track 06: Digital Platforms and Ecosystems

Track 07: Digital Security, Privacy, and Resilience

Track 08: Digital Technologies and the Future of Work

Track 09: Digital Transformation and Change Management

Track 10: E-Business on Digital and Mobile Platforms

Track 11: Health IT and IS for Healthcare

Track 12: Human-Centric IS Design, Development and Use

Track 13: Human-Computer / AI Interaction

Track 14: IS Education, Pedagogy, and Digital Learning

Track 15: IS Governance, Strategy, and Value

Track 16: Sharing Economy and Crowd-based Platforms

Track 17: Social Media and Digital Collaboration

Track 18: Sustainability and Societal Impacts of Digital Technologies

Track 19: User Behavior, Engagement, and Consequences

Track 20: General and Emerging IS Topics

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