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19th CCE 2022: Mexico City, Mexico
- 19th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control, CCE 2022, Mexico City, Mexico, November 9-11, 2022. IEEE 2022, ISBN 978-1-6654-5508-4
- S. Moreno-Alcocer, Karen Rodriguez-Rosales, Jorge Cruz-Gómez
, Jose Santos-Cruz, A. Guillén-Cervantes, Francisco Javier De Moure-Flores:
Substrate temperature effect of CdTe films grown by PLD on photovoltaic properties of CdS/CdTe solar cells. 1-6 - Ali Alouache
Experimental Validation of Nonlinear Optimization Frameworks for Solving Bundle Adjustment in Structure from Motion. 1-5 - Jocabed Mendoza, Adolfo Perrusquía, Juan Alejandro Flores Campos:
Mechanical Advantage Assurance Control of Quick-return Mechanisms in Task Space. 1-6 - Jesús E. Pacheco-Villegas
, Vicente Parra-Vega, Anand Sánchez-Orta
BLF-based Robust Navigation of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Subject to Unmatched Disturbances. 1-6 - Jorge E. Ayala-Carrillo, Christian A. Trejo-Ramos, Ernesto Olguín Díaz, Vicente Parra-Vega:
Backstepping Control for Tracking of Solenoid Valve Actuated Pneumatic Continuum Soft Robots. 1-6 - D. Trejo-Zamudio
, J. G. Quiñones-Galván, Francisco Javier De Moure-Flores, M. L. Gómez-Herrera, Jose Santos-Cruz:
Structural and thermoelectric properties of SnO2: Bi thin films. 1-5 - I. Alejandro García, Benjamín Nicolás Trinidad, Salatiel García-Nava, Fabrice Le Bars, Sergio Salazar-Cruz, Filiberto Muñoz Palacios:
Development of a vision algorithm for close-range relative navigation of underwater vehicles. 1-6 - David Romero-Gonzalez, Javier Leal-Gutierrez, Oscar A. Garcia-Perez:
Optimal Positioning for Energy Harvesters on a T09 AEROMAX type Aircraft's Wing. 1-4 - J. A. Melchor-Robles, Jacobo Martínez-Reyes
, Karen Rodriguez-Rosales, Arturo Maldonado-Alvarez, Francisco Javier De Moure-Flores, María de la Luz Olvera-Amador:
Nanostructured Films of Bi2SeO5 Deposited by Pulsed Laser Ablation. 1-6 - Jorge Alberto Rodríguez Ramírez, Mario-Ibrahin Gutiérrez, Arturo Vera Hernández, Carlos Alther Negreira Casares, Lorenzo Leija Salas:
Acoustic and Thermal Analysis in Blood Vessel into Muscle for Pressure Study Related to Cavitation. 1-5 - Juan J. López-Solórzano, Yuriy S. Shmaliy:
H∞ FIR Filter Gain Computation for Disturbed Systems using Linear Matrix Inequality. 1-7 - Miguel Rosas, Miguel Ramírez-Barrios
, Manuel Mera, Rodrigo Mora, Alejandro Florencio:
Design and Performance Evaluation of PID Controllers for a Buck Converter for Electrosurgical Units. 1-6 - Jesus Guerrero, Jorge Torres, Monica Zúñiga:
Improvement of the PD controller Based on the Disturbance Observer for Trajectory Tracking in Underwater Vehicles. 1-7 - Javier Leal-Gutierrez, David Romero-Gonzalez, Oscar A. Garcia-Perez:
Experimental Modal Analysis for a T09 AEROMAX type Aircraft's Mechanical Structure. 1-5 - G. A. S. Contreras-Torres, Rodolfo García-Rodríguez, Carlos Roberto Domínguez Mayorga, Eduardo Steed Espinoza
Adaptive Backstepping Control for the Longitudinal Flight of a Blended Wing Body Aircraft. 1-6 - Eduardo Vázquez-Santacruz, Ja Vazquez-Santacruz, Rogelio de Jesus Portillo-Velez:
Analysis of a Sole-Profile Definition in an Ankle Foot Orthosis Device. 1-6 - Carlos Alexander Osorio Quero
, Daniel Durini, Jose de Jesus Rangel-Magdaleno, José Martínez-Carranza, Ruben Ramos-Garcia:
2D NIR-SPI spatial resolution evaluation under scattering condition. 1-6 - Fayçal Djeffal, Hichem Ferhati:
Numerical Investigation of a New GeSn MIR Phototransistor based on IGZO TFT Platform. 1-5 - A. D. García-Caballero, Karen Rodriguez-Rosales, Sandra Andrea Mayén-Hernández, C. E. Pérez-García, Jose Santos-Cruz, Francisco Javier De Moure-Flores:
Optoelectronic properties of CdS thin films doped with F by CBD and its application in CdTe-based solar cells. 1-6 - Mario Andres Aguilar-Orduña, Hebertt Sira-Ramírez, Brian Camilo Gómez-León:
Maximum Power Point Tracking for direct drive Wind Turbines: An Active Disturbance Rejection Control approach. 1-6 - A. Krishna Kumar
, D. Deepika, V. Ramakrishna
Design Of Smart Fertilizer Chain System From Factory To Farmer. 1-5 - Texar Javier Ramírez Guzmán, Arturo Vera Hernández, Lorenzo Leija Salas, Citlalli Jessica Trujillo Romero:
Comparative Study on Cooling System Antenna versus Non-Cooling System Antenna in Multilayer Phantoms using Low Treatment Power. 1-5 - Vakulabharanam Ramakrishna, Tipparti Anil Kumar:
Low Complexity And High Performance Sphere Detection Technique For MIMO Communication Systems. 1-4 - José Josué Rodríguez Pizano, María de la Luz Olvera-Amador:
Photocatalytic degradation of Malachite Green dye from ZnTe powders under visible light. 1-7 - Daniela-Lizbeth Hernández-Sánchez, Eddy Sánchez-Delacruz, Cecilia Irene Loeza Mejía, Arnulfo-Gamaliel Hernández-González:
Supplier classification by applying AutoML. 1-6 - Jian Edgar Tineo-Soto, Arturo Morales-Acevedo:
Optical, Morphological and Structural Properties of Hybrid CH3NH3PbBr3 Perovskite Thin Films Deposited via a Single Step Spin-Coating Process. 1-7 - Luis Hernández-Villa, Daniel Melchor-Aguilar, Gerardo Silva-Navarro:
On implementation of delayed resonator with position and velocity feedback. 1-6 - Jorge Aguilar-Torrentera, Giselle M. Galván-Tejada, José Ramón Rodríguez-Cruz:
Capacitively Coupled Bandpass Filter Using Defected Ground Structure Featuring Shield Current Control. 1-6 - Santosh Yadav Maddu, Nitin Ramesh Bhasme:
Performance analysis of Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor using Snetly real-time Controller. 1-6 - Cecilia Gabriela Rodríguez Flores, Jesús Carlos Pedraza-Ortega
, Luis Antonio Salazar-Licea
, Marco Antonio Aceves-Fernández, Marzela Sánchez Osti:
A survey of approaches in Deep Learning techniques for the detection and classification of mammography abnormalities. 1-6 - Hichem Ferhati, Adel Bendjerad, Fayçal Djeffal, Abdelhamid Benhaya, A. Saidi:
Effects of annealing on the structural and optical properties of sputtered SiC/Ag/SiC multilayer. 1-4 - L. M. Balcazar, Jorge Rodríguez-Baez, Adhikari Ashok, Arturo Maldonado, María de la Luz Olvera:
Characterization of Gallium-Doped ZnO Thin Films Deposited by the Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis Technique. 1-6 - Hugo S. Gamboa Zúñiga, Laura Delgado Rangel, Fernando Pérez-Escamirosa, José Antonio Gutiérrez Gnecchi, Jose Ruben Huerta Osnaya, Daniel Lorias Espinoza:
Device, Continuous Passive Motion-CPM, for the rehabilitation of motor skills of the forearm and wrist using a mobile application and Arduino. 1-4 - Francisco Javier-Cano
, Odín Reyes-Vallejo
, Araceli Romero-Nuñez
, Javier Covarrubias García, A. García-Sotelo, Subramaniam Velumani
, Abdelhadi Kassiba:
MB adsorption by TiO2/GO nanocomposites: A comparison of the synthesis method. 1-6 - Marzela Sánchez Osti, Jesús Carlos Pedraza-Ortega
, Efrén Gorrostieta Hurtado, Cecilia Gabriela Rodríguez Flores, Luis Antonio Salazar-Licea
Comparison of Key Point Detector Methods for Microcalcification's ROI Identification on Breast Images: An alternative to SIFT. 1-6 - Carlos A. Cortés-Aguilar, Vicente Parra-Vega, Nadia Vanessa Garcia-Hernandez:
An Immersive Haptic Wearable Hand Exoskeleton. 1-6 - Diego Tristán-Rodríguez, Rubén Garrido
, Efrén Mezura-Montes:
Tuning of a Modified Model Reference Adaptive Controller using a PSO Algorithm. 1-6 - Giselle M. Galván-Tejada, Miguel Herraiz-Sarachaga, Mario A. Mendoza-Barcenas, Zian Aguirre:
Space Weather observations and HF transmissions around the 2021 autumn equinox. 1-7 - R. Domínguez-Flores, M. V. Estrella-Suárez, J. Vega-Pérez, Arturo Maldonado:
Efficient photodecoloration catalysts, based on ZnO nanoparticles coated in two steps on glass substrates. 1-5 - I. C. Flores-Contreras, Víctor Cabrera-Arenas, Luis M. Reséndiz-Mendoza
Analysis of Irregular Morphologies and Mobilities of Organic Solar Cells by Simulation. 1-4 - Suresh Thenozhi, Ulises Mondragón Cárdenas, Antonio Concha Sánchez:
Observer Design for a Duffing-Holmes System with Uncertainties. 1-4 - Juan Manuel Ibarra Zannatha, Oscar González-Miranda
, Cruz Barrera Ramírez, Luis Antonio López Miranda, Samuel Rudyard Arellano Aguilar, Luis Ángel Dario Osuna:
Integration of Perception, Planning and Control in the AutoMINY 4.0. 1-6 - Francisco Javier-Cano
, Odín Reyes-Vallejo
, José Juan Díaz, Subramaniam Velumani
, Abdelhadi Kassiba:
Effect of the oxidation degree on the bandgap of graphene oxides by Tour method. 1-6 - Olga Jiménez Morales, J. Maldonado, Ruben Garrido
Robust Adaptive Control of Servo Systems. 1-6 - Dalila Rivera-Córdova, Frank Martínez-Suárez
, José Alberto García-Limón, Carlos Alvarado-Serrano:
Automatic Delineation Algorithms of ECG Atrial Electrical Activity Waves Based on the Continuous Wavelet Transform with Splines. 1-6 - C. Joven-Rodríguez, Arturo Morales-Acevedo, Roberto Bernal-Correa:
Electrostatic Model for Semiconductor Radial Nanowire Heterojunctions. 1-6 - Luis C. Olivares-Rueda, Aldo Yair Tenorio-Barajas
, Claudia Oliva Mendoza-Barrera, Victor Manuel Altuzar Aguilar:
Simulation of PCR Kinetics in Convective Flow Systems. 1-6 - Odín Reyes-Vallejo
, Rocío M. Sánchez-Albores
, Arturo Fernández-Madrigal, Francisco J. Cano
, Carlos Alonso Meza-Avendaño, José Juan Díaz, Adhikari Ashok, P. J. Sebastian:
Chemical Bath Deposition of Cu2O Thin Films on FTO Substrates: Effect of Sequential Deposition. 1-6 - Fernando Duarte López, Juan M. Bustamante, José L. Sánchez, Luis H. Manjarrez, Filiberto Muñoz Palacios, Eduardo Steed Espinoza:
A Strategy for Airfoils Selection in the Design of Customized Aircraft Models for Flight Simulation Testing. 1-6 - Juan P. Cavazos-Carrizales, Francisco J. Ruiz-Sanchez:
Computer Vision Interface for Symbolic Programming of Cartesian Motion to introduce Visually Impaired Children into Robotic Sciences. 1-6 - José Juan Díaz, B. Montaño, Francisco J. Cano
, Iván Ornelas-Cruz
, Iouri Kudriavtsev, I. Cosme-Bolanos, Svetlana Mansurova:
Influence of the composition of glass substrates on CH3NH3PbI3 films properties deposited by Spin-Coating. 1-6 - Eduardo Gonzalez Briones, Ivan R. Padilla-Cantoya:
Class AB Differential Amplifier Implemented as an Impedance Gyrator and its Applications. 1-4 - Amit Kumar:
Power Quality Issues and Harmonics Performance Analysis for Non-Linear Load in Power Distribution System. 1-5 - Arslan Saleem
, Tehmina Ambreen
, Carlos E. Ugalde-Loo:
Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Heat Pump Water Heater Systems. 1-5 - Mauricio Sanabria-Villamizar, Irvin López-García, Francisco Beltrán-Carbajal, Maximiliano Bueno-Lopez:
Estimation and Detection of Oscillations in Electrical Power System. 1-6 - Arturo González-Mendoza, Ivett Quiñones-Urióstegui
, Leonardo Anaya-Campos
, Emanuel Medina-Morales:
Unity Lower limb Motion Capture Application. 1-6 - Lauro Armando Contreras Rodríguez, Eladio Cardiel, Ángel Llanas Soto, José Antonio Barraza-Madrigal, Pablo Rogelio Hernández Rodríguez:
Human Upper Limb Motion Recognition Using IMU sensors and Artificial Neural Networks. 1-4 - Oliverio Arellano-Cárdenas, Luis Martín Flores-Nava, Felipe Gomez-Castañeda, Jose Antonio Moreno-Cadenas:
ECG Arrhythmia Classification for Comparing Pre-Trained Deep Learning Models. 1-5 - Carina Gutierrez, Mario Moreno, Ponciano Rodríguez-Montero, Alfredo Morales
, Víctor Aca, Leticia Tecuapetla:
Effect of thermal annealing on the photoluminescence properties of bilayer arrays of SiO2 and TiO2 nanospheres and its application as down conversion layers in c-Si solar cells. 1-6 - Nusrat Jahan, Md. Al Mehedi Hasan:
Autoencoder-based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Covid-19 Screening on Chest X-Ray Images. 1-6 - Mario Salama Youssef, Nouran Adel Hassan, Ayman A. El-Badawy
Multi-Robot Flocking Control Using Multi-Agent Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient. 1-5 - Jonathan Ortiz Vázquez, Ramon Peña-Sierra, Lucia Juarez-Amador, Miguel Galvan Arellano:
Amorphous-Ga2O3/GaAs(100) anisotype heterojunctions with amorphous-Ga2O3 n-type films grown by magnetron sputtering. 1-5 - L. A. Luna-Rodriguez, Francisco J. Rodriguez-Navarrete
, Susana Ortega-Cisneros
, Miguel Rivera-Acosta, Jorge Rivera Dominguez, Juan José Raygoza-Panduro:
Implementation of 8-Channel Pulse Width Modulation with AXI4-Lite Interface. 1-5 - I. S. Chong-Cervantes, Álvaro Anzueto-Ríos, Jose A. Moreno-Cadenas, Mario Alfredo Reyes-Barranca, Luis M. Flores-Nava:
Eye Fundus Image Processing Using Fuzzy Logic. 1-6 - Adhikari Ashok, Hugo C. Ramos-López, O. Reyes, Subramaniam Velumani
Study the Effect of Annealing Treatment on the Properties of CdS Thin Films Grown by the Chemical Bath Deposition Method. 1-6 - Goban Kumar Panneer Selvam, María de la Luz Olvera-Amador, Arturo Maldonado-Alvarez:
Fabrication of Pure Tin Oxide Pellets at Different Annealed Temperatures for CO and C3H8 Gas Sensors. 1-8 - Daniela Avila Cabrera, Rafael Bayareh Mancilla
, Arturo Vera Hernández, Josefina Gutiérrez-Martínez, Lorenzo Leija:
Clinical and Thermographic Database of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus with Perspective for Quantitative Studies. 1-6 - Hector S. Sanchez-Villegas, Luis G. Trujillo-Franco, Hugo F. Abundis-Fong
On the evaluation of free-decay and impulse-response modal testing techniques. 1-5 - Leasly Atzuri González-Muñoz, Luis Orozco-Magdaleno, Vania Alice Ortiz-Yescas
, Adrián Octavio Ramírez-Morales, Blanca Tovar-Corona, Luis Brayan Zacatelco-Barrios:
Training with a Neurofeedback System for the Control of a Drone Using Electroencephalographic Signals. 1-6 - Rafael Duarte, Raymundo Márquez, Miguel Bernal
, Adolfo Soto:
New Results for Stability Analysis of Time-Delay Nonlinear Systems Represented by Exact Takagi-Sugeno Models. 1-6 - Ahmed Alrefaie, Mohamed Ibrahim, Hesham Hamed Ibrahim:
Semi-Active Road-Vehicle Dynamics by implementing Neuro-Fuzzy Controlled damper. 1-5 - Edel-Serafin Hernandez-Gomez, José Luis Olvera-Cervantes, Nefi-David Pava-Chipol:
Microwave dielectric spectroscopy for determination of ethanol concentration in brandy. 1-5 - Matías Alvarado, Ivan Valdespin, Moises León, Sergio A. Alcalá-Corona:
Genetic Network of Breast Cancer Metastasis in Lymph Nodes via Information Theory Algorithms. 1-6 - Álvaro Anzueto-Ríos, Felipe Gomez-Castañeda, Luis M. Flores-Nava, Jose A. Moreno-Cadenas:
Metaheuristic Method for Dimensionality Reduction Tasks. 1-5 - Juan J. Montesinos-García, Jorge Luis Barahona-Avalos, Yoswaldo Goméz Cabrera, Jesús Linares-Flores, Jose Antonio Juarez-Abad:
Modeling and Control for a Class of Non-linear Systems With Non-affine Polynomial Control Input. 1-6 - Jorge A. Lizarraga
, Javier Ruiz-León, Edgar N. Sánchez:
Phymastichus-Hypothenemus-based Algorithm for Optimal Node Selection on Pinning Control of Complex Networks. 1-6 - Laura Ivonne Flores-Nuñez
, José Alberto García-Limón, Frank Martínez-Suárez
, Ramon Casanella, Carlos Alvarado-Serrano:
J Wave Detection Algorithm of the BCG in Chair and Bed using Continuous Spline Wavelet Transform. 1-6 - José Josué Rodríguez Pizano, Arturo Maldonado-Alvarez, Luz Margarita Balcázar Villatoro, María de la Luz Olvera-Amador:
Study of sensing properties of ZnTe synthesized by mechanosynthesis for detecting gas CO. 1-6 - José Manuel Macías-Macías, Juan A. Ramirez-Quintana, Alejandro Antonio Torres García, Mario Ignacio Chacon Murguia:
Recognition of P300 Wave and SSVEP using a Capsule Neural Network. 1-6 - Marisol Vera-Arellano, Ernesto López-Mellado:
Discovering a Class of Workflow Nets with Reduced Exceeding Language. 1-6 - Frank Martínez-Suárez
, José Alberto García-Limón, Dalila Rivera-Córdova, Laura Ivonne Flores-Nuñez
, Oscar Casas
, Carlos Alvarado-Serrano:
Long-Term Continuous Ambulatory ECG Monitor with Beat-to-Beat Heart Rate Measurement in Real Time using ESP32. 1-6 - Rocío M. Sánchez-Albores
, Odín Reyes-Vallejo
, Arturo Fernández-Madrigal, Edna Ríos-Valdovinos, F. Pola-Albores, J. Moreira-Acosta, Carlos Alonso Meza-Avendaño:
FeOOH, α-Fe2O3, and ZnFe2O4 Thin Films Grown by Electrodeposition Method: Study for Photoanode Development. 1-6 - Jorge Ivan Valdes-Ceron
, Gerardo Silva-Navarro:
On the validation of an acoustic black hole in Euler-Bernoulli beams: experimental results. 1-6 - Adhikari Ashok, D. Valencia, Jorge Conde
, Subramaniam Velumani
Simulation of Theoretical and Experimental Parameters of Materials Used in CIGSe Thin Film Solar Cells by SCAPS software. 1-6 - Andrés Hernández Pineda, Norma Patricia Munoz Sevilla, Jose Antonio Moreno-Cadenas:
Data Analytics Application of NOM-172-Semarnat-2019: Mexico City Case Study. 1-4 - Jose Luis Diaz-Bernabe, Arturo Morales-Acevedo:
Adaptive Incremental Conductance as a Highly Efficient Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Photovoltaic Systems under Partial Shading. 1-6 - A. A. Espinoza-Peyrot, L. A. Castellanos-Rivera:
Simulation of square diaphragm as substrate for nanostructured thin film underwater acoustic transducers. 1-4 - Rafael Bayareh Mancilla
, Wilfrido Gómez-Flores, Christian Daul, Josefina Gutiérrez-Martínez, Lorenzo Leija Salas, Didier Wolf, Arturo Vera Hernández:
Consideration for segmentation based on radiometric data processing, towards the research of quantitative medical thermography. 1-6 - Olaf Ramirez-Iturbe, Rosa Nava-Sanchez, Arturo Morales-Acevedo:
On the Stability of CsxFA(1-x)PbI3 Layers Obtained by a Single Step Spin Coating Process. 1-3 - Roberto Morales-Caporal
, Omar Sandre-Hernández, Andres A. Valdez-Fernandez:
Model Predictive Control for Single-Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Five-Level Inverter. 1-5 - Fayçal Djeffal, Hichem Ferhati:
New Ge-gate IR Phototransistor based on Doping Engineering Aspect: Photodetection Properties and Circuit Level Investigation. 1-4 - Chadi Fouad Riman, Pierre E. Abi-Char:
A Priority-based Modified A∗ Path Planning Algorithm for Multi-Mobile Robot Navigation. 1-6 - Marco A. Gómez
, Christopher D. Cruz-Ancona
, Leonid M. Fridman:
Safe Sliding Mode Control. 1-6 - Carlos Minutti-Martinez, Antonio Galindo, Luis F. Valdez-Garduño
, Miguel Félix Mata-Rivera:
Exploring nonlinear effects of air pollution on hospital admissions by disease using gradient boosting machines. 1-6

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