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IADIS e-Learning 2008: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Miguel Baptista Nunes, Maggie McPherson:
IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 22-25, 2008. Proceedings. IADIS 2008, ISBN 978-972-8924-58-4
Full Papers
- George Kripotos, Maria Kordaki:
A Drawing Environment for Beginners' Learning of Programming and C. e-Learning 2008: 3-10 - Carlos R. Morales:
Constructivist Learning Environments In Online Course Design: The Instructional Designers' Perception. e-Learning 2008: 11-18 - Gaetano Bruno Ronsivalle, Simona Carta, Giulia Calvani, Amos Carri, Alessandro Cecconi, Marco Coinu, Stefano Di Paolo, Daniele Mela, Silvia Micarelli, Marisa Orlando, Gianluigi Traversini:
Meta-Simulating. Designing E-Learning Simulations For Instructional Designers. e-Learning 2008: 19-28 - Stefanos Sikiniotis, Harry Kapros, Maria Kordaki:
A Computer Game For The Learning Of Binary System By Beginners. e-Learning 2008: 29-36 - Vajirasak Vanijja, Athitha Chokananratana:
e-Learning Courseware Effort Estimate Model. e-Learning 2008: 37-44 - Angel Mora-Bonilla, Enrique Mérida Casermeiro, Domingo López-Rodríguez, Luis Fernando López Anguita:
Integration Of Moodle Quizzes. e-Learning 2008: 45-52 - Yvon Lessard, Jean-Paul Sinteff, Pridi Siregar, Nathalie Julen, Frédéric Hannouche, Stéphane Rio, Pierre Le Beux:
"Oaat", A New, Simple And Powerfull Interactive Tool For Ecg Analysis Learning. e-Learning 2008: 53-59 - Kittisak Kerdprasop, Nittaya Kerdprasop:
A Rough Set Approach To Personalization In Web-Based Learning Systems. e-Learning 2008: 60-67 - Hui-Chuan Chu, Yuh-Min Chen, Chiun-Cheng Wen:
A Knowledge Management Framework For Case-Based E-Learning. e-Learning 2008: 68-75 - Anthony Williams, Willy Sher:
An Intervention Strategy To Support First Year Engineering And Built Environment Students Through Remote Mentoring Strategies. e-Learning 2008: 76-82 - Myunjin Park, Kyujung Kim, Dongwuk Kyoung:
Prospective Design Of Interactive Emotional Sound Edutainment System: Mesig. e-Learning 2008: 83-90 - Belinda Tynan:
Authentic Learning Experiences: Complementary Organizational Strategy For Academic Professional Development. e-Learning 2008: 91-97 - Dirk Schneckenberg:
Face The Human Factor - The Role Of Ecompetence In The Future Of Higher Education. e-Learning 2008: 98-105 - Annette M. Payne, Simon Kent, Opalyn Carable:
Development And Evaluation Of A Virtual Laboratory: A Simulation To Assist Problem Based Learning. e-Learning 2008: 106-112 - Atsutoshi Oshima:
The Evolution Of It Based Corporate Human Resources Development In Japan. e-Learning 2008: 113-120 - Toshio Okamoto, Naomi Nagata, Fumihiko Anma, Toshie Ninomiya:
The Knowledge Circulated-Organisational Management For E-Learning Practices. e-Learning 2008: 121-128 - Mark Brown, Bill Anderson, Fiona Murray, Mary Simpson:
Patterns In E-Learning Policy (2000 To 2005): Lessons From A Global Analysis. e-Learning 2008: 129-136 - Konstantinos Georgakopoulos, Avgoustos A. Tsinakos:
Introducing Free / Open Source Software In Secondary Level Education - Investigating The Preliminary Steps Needed. e-Learning 2008: 137-144 - Juri Valtanen, Eleni Berki, Panagiotis Kampylis, Maria Theodorakopoulou:
Manifold Thinking And Distributed Problem-Based Learning: Is There Potential For Ict Support? e-Learning 2008: 145-152 - Shu-Chuan Chung, Po-Yi Wu:
Group Problem Posing/Solving Combined With Goal Setting Strategy On The Mathematics Learning Achievement And Attitude Of Fifth Graders. e-Learning 2008: 153-160 - Maryam Nazari, Sheila Webber:
Conceptions Of Geospatial Information In Online Distance Learning Gis Programs. e-Learning 2008: 161-168 - Michael S. Wainer:
Realizing The Software Studio Pedagogy: Expanding Opportunities With Technology. e-Learning 2008: 169-176 - Junko Minato, Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, Kenji Kume, Noriko Uosaki, Mihoko Teshigawara, Hiroshi Sakata, Yoneo Yano:
Student Centered Method To Create Learning Materials For Niche-Learning. e-Learning 2008: 177-184 - Lucia Rusu, Raluca Arba, Loredana Muresan:
Business Information Systems In A Cscl Environment. e-Learning 2008: 185-191 - Rui Jesus, Fernando Moreira:
E-Skills Are Really Critical To E-Learning Success? e-Learning 2008: 192-199 - Bada Joseph Kizito, Jarkko Suhonen:
Practices Of Adopting E-Skills For Teaching And Learning In Ugandan Schools. e-Learning 2008: 200-206 - Kathrin Figl, Christine Bauer:
Online Active Listening And Media Competence. e-Learning 2008: 207-214 - M. Elisabetta Cigognini, Maria Chiara Pettenati, Gisella Paoletti:
Personal Knowledge Management Skills Model For Expert Lifelong Learners: A Validation Method. e-Learning 2008: 215-222 - Derek O'Reilly, Ruth McKeever:
Why Electronic Content Is Not Always Accessible To Visually Impaired Students. e-Learning 2008: 223-230 - Mark Frydenberg:
Programming Without Programming: Learning Mashups And Web 2.0 In The Information Technology Classroom. e-Learning 2008: 231-238 - David M. Hilbert, Thea Turner, Laurent Denoue, Kandha Sankarpandian:
Autonomous Presentation Capture In Corporate And Educational Settings. e-Learning 2008: 239-246 - Sérgio Assis Rodrigues, Yann Duzert, Jano Moreira de Souza:
An E-Learning System To Prepare Negotiations. e-Learning 2008: 247-254 - George Fesakis, Konstantinos Tatsis, Angelique Dimitracopoulou:
Collaborative Learning By Design Through Group Blogging. e-Learning 2008: 255-262 - Ana Belén Cara Carmona, Carlos Moreno Muñoz, Antonio Cañas Vargas:
Virtual Whiteboard And Chat For A Learning Management System. e-Learning 2008: 263-270 - Peter K. Oriogun, Diana Cave:
Towards Exploring Existing Content Analysis Schemes For Asynchronous Small Group Collaborative Cmc Learning. e-Learning 2008: 271-278 - Diana Andone:
Web 2.0 Technologies For Digital Students. e-Learning 2008: 287-294 - Martin Gieseking, Oliver Vornberger:
Media2mult - A Wiki-Based Authoring Tool For Collaborative Development Of Multimedial Documents. e-Learning 2008: 295-303 - Vladislav Scherbinin, Sergey Butakov:
Plagiarism Detection: The Tool And The Case Study. e-Learning 2008: 304-310 - Neal Sumner, Olivia Fox:
Implementing An Institution-Wide E-Portfolio: The City University Experience. (Telling Deep Stories About Institutional Change). e-Learning 2008: 311-316 - Oana Ureche, Giovanni Tummarello, Mark Leyden, Peter M. Corcoran, Bill McDaniel:
Amulet - An Implementation Of A Digital Rights Management Trusted System Applied To Scorm Compliant Content. e-Learning 2008: 317-324 - Carla Limongelli, Filippo Sciarrone, Marco Temperini, Giulia Vaste:
Lecomps5: A Web-Based Learning System For Course Personalization And Adaptation. e-Learning 2008: 325-332 - Chung-Yuan Chen, Kevin C. Tseng:
An Object-Based Total Quality Reference Model For Realising System And Education Quality In Distance Learning Systems. e-Learning 2008: 333-340 - Anthony Williams, Graham Brewer:
Online Implementation Of Learning Contracts: A Transdisciplinary Approach. e-Learning 2008: 341-348 - Dumitru Dan Burdescu, Marian Cristian Mihaescu, Bogdan Logofatu:
Enhancing Blended Learning By Machine Learning Techniques. e-Learning 2008: 349-355 - Claudio Kirner, Clodonil H. Trigo, Tereza G. Kirner:
An Adaptive Learning Management System With Support For 3d Collaboration. e-Learning 2008: 356-362 - José Ramón Hilera, José Escribano, Roberto Barchino, José María Gutiérrez, Salvador Otón, José-Javier Martínez, José Antonio Gutiérrez, Luis de-Marcos:
An Ims-Learning Design Player Based On Coppercore Engine. e-Learning 2008: 363-370 - Tereza G. Kirner, Carlos de A. Custódio, Claudio Kirner:
Usability Evaluation Of The Moodle System From The Teachers' Perspective. e-Learning 2008: 371-378 - Elena Ejarque González, Félix Buendía García, Antonio Hervás Jorge, Ana Gimeno Sanz:
An E-Language Learning Evaluation Case Study. e-Learning 2008: 379-386 - Juliana Lucas de Rezende, Stainam Nogueira Brandão, Ricardo Tadeu da Silva, Jano Moreira de Souza:
Using Pbl Focused On Knowledge Exchange To Improve The Learning Of Software Design. e-Learning 2008: 387-394 - Janis Grundspenkis:
Development Of Concept Map Based Adaptive Knowledge Assessment System. e-Learning 2008: 395-402 - Jose Manuel Marquez, Juan Antonio Ortega, Luis González Abril, Francisco Velasco Morente:
Defining Adaptive Learning Paths For Competence-Oriented Learning. e-Learning 2008: 403-410 - Brenda Mallinson, Norman Nyawo:
A Proposed Theoretical Model For Evaluating E-Learning. e-Learning 2008: 411-418 - Justin Hatt:
Alternative Methods To Summative, Online Assessments In Mathematics And Other Applications. e-Learning 2008: 419-426 - Andreas Papasalouros, Konstantinos Kanaris, Konstantinos Kotis:
Automatic Generation Of Multiple Choice Questions From Domain Ontologies. e-Learning 2008: 427-434 - Chris Evans, Peter Spencer:
The Effectiveness Of Interactive Selfassessment In E-Learning Systems. e-Learning 2008: 435-442 - María-Eugenia Ruiz-Molina, Manuel Cuadrado-García:
E-Learning In A University Interdisciplinary And Bilingual Context: Analysis Of Students' Participation, Motivation And Performance. e-Learning 2008: 443-450 - Jirarat Sitthiworachart, Mike Joy:
Is Mobile Learning A Substitute For Electronic Learning? e-Learning 2008: 451-458 - Munacinga Simatele:
Virtual Learning Environments And Large Group Teaching In Higher Education: A Practitioner's View. e-Learning 2008: 459-466
Short Papers
- Garry Watkins, Graham Congdon, Tracey Baker:
Providing Online Continuing Professional Development For Practice Educators. e-Learning 2008: 3-6 - Robyn Smyth, Belinda Tynan, Deborah Vale:
Leading Rich Media Implementation Collaboratively: Mobilising International, National And Business Expertise. e-Learning 2008: 7-10 - Bogdan Logofatu:
Professional Development For Teaching Staff By Distance Education. e-Learning 2008: 11-15 - Yen-Hung Kuo, Qing Tan, Kinshuk, Yueh-Min Huang, Tzu-Chien Liu, Maiga Chang:
Collaborative Creation Of Authentic Examples With Location For U-Learning. e-Learning 2008: 16-20 - Ehab E. A. Mohammad:
Framework For E-Learning Strategy In The Egyptian Universities. e-Learning 2008: 21-26 - Shek Kwai Teng:
Cyberlab, Remote Virtual Educational Laboratory. e-Learning 2008: 27-32 - Stephen Farrier, Patricia Gannon-Leary, Chris Turnock:
Risk Managing Your Vle: Strategic Implications For Learning Providers. e-Learning 2008: 33-37 - Emilio J. Castellano, Luis Martínez:
Orieb, A Crs For Academic Orientation Using Qualitative Assessments. e-Learning 2008: 38-42 - Mark Brown:
An Eportfolio In Initial Teacher Education: Reflecting On The Pillars Of Learning. e-Learning 2008: 43-46 - Antonio Sarasa Cabezuelo, Jose Manuel Canabal Barreiro, Juan Carlos Sacristán Heras:
Agrega - Spanish Education Community Federation Of Repositories Of Learning Objects. e-Learning 2008: 47-50 - Branka Vuk Koracak:
Collaborative Spaces And User-Generated Content In A Lifelong Learning Program. e-Learning 2008: 51-55 - Laura Mancera Valetts, Silvia Baldiris Navarro, Ramón Fabregat Gesa:
Modelling Collaborative Competence Level Using Machine Learning Techniques. e-Learning 2008: 56-60 - Petr Dolezel, Tomás Dulík:
Data Mining Service For Oaister Digital Library. e-Learning 2008: 61-65 - Kia Ng, Paolo Nesi, Neil McKenzie:
Technology-Enhanced Learning For Music Theory And Performance. e-Learning 2008: 66-70 - Lucia Rusu, Marius Podean:
Sharing Resources And Access In Collaborative Systems. e-Learning 2008: 71-74 - Elvira Kachafoutdinova, Nicolas Casel, Gaetan Pecoraro, Denis Zampuniéris:
Animal Neurophysiology Virtual Lab: Pedagogical Requirements And Technological Issues. e-Learning 2008: 75-79 - Makis Leontidis, Alexandra Gasparinatou, Maria Grigoriadou:
Mentoring The Student In An Affective Way. e-Learning 2008: 80-84 - Radu Balog-Crisan, Ioan Roxin:
Semantic Learning Content Management System. e-Learning 2008: 85-88 - Avgoustos A. Tsinakos, Konstantinos Georgakopoulos:
Query Identification Component For The Pares Platform. e-Learning 2008: 89-93 - Carmen Barrera Fuertes, Angélica de Antonio Jiménez:
Psychological Facets In A Virtual Pedagogical Agent. e-Learning 2008: 94-98 - Eduardo M. Eisman, Víctor López, Juan Luis Castro:
A Natural Language Virtual Tutoring System. e-Learning 2008: 99-103 - Boban Vesin, Mirjana Ivanovic, Zoran Budimac, Ivan Pribela:
Mile - Multifunctional Integrated Learning Environment. e-Learning 2008: 104-108 - Panagiotis Kalagiakos:
Intelligent Mobile Learning Effort. e-Learning 2008: 109-112 - Mami Tanimoto, Yoshiaki Shikata:
Ajax-Based E-Learning System. e-Learning 2008: 113-118 - John B. Stav, Roger Bergh:
Digital Classrooms Facilitating Vocational Workplace Learning In Industry. e-Learning 2008: 119-122 - Vilte Gridasova, Alina Ivanovaite, Philippos Pouyioutas:
The Pilot Implementation Of The Eit (English For Information Technology) E-Learning Portal. e-Learning 2008: 123-127 - R. Rajamenakshi, Supriya Pal:
E-Learning: State Of Art Survey, Analysis And Recommendations Towards User Personalized E-Learning Framework. e-Learning 2008: 128-132 - Mihaela Gheorghe, Michaela Logofatu, Daniel Horhocea:
Students Support Courses's Evolution. e-Learning 2008: 133-137 - Gordana Jugo, Mirta Janes:
Implementing Online Courses In Primary And Secondary Schools In Croatia - The Pilot Project. e-Learning 2008: 138-142 - Santiago Pérez de la Cámara, Alicia Fernández del Viso, Carlos Rebate Sánchez, Edgar Rubión Soler, Eva Vázquez de Prada, Natalia Gómez Esteban:
Content Personalization: Assembling The Puzzle Of Standards. e-Learning 2008: 143-146 - Nikos I. Konstantakis, George Triantafyllakos, Ioannis A. Tsoukalas:
Teaching Computer Ethics: A Web Based Approach. e-Learning 2008: 147-151 - Miguel Ángel Herrera-Batista, María Dolores González-Martínez:
Appropriation And Use Of Information And Communication Technologies (Ict) By First Year Undergraduate Students In Their Academic And Socialization Activities. e-Learning 2008: 152-156 - Jiro Nishigori:
Distance Learning Projects In Anmc 22. e-Learning 2008: 157-160 - Angel Fernandez Herrero, Ignacio Elguezábal, Marisa López-Vallejo:
A Web-Based Environment Providing Remote Access To FPGA Platforms For Teaching Digital Hardware Design. e-Learning 2008: 161-165 - Michael A. Kanters, P. Brian Greenwood:
Engaging Today's Net Generation Of Students With New Technologies: A Study Of Student Use And Perceptions Of New Online Course Delivery Methods. e-Learning 2008: 166-169 - Andrew Smith, Nicholas Moss:
Cisco Networking: Using Skype And Netlab+ For Distance Practical Learning. e-Learning 2008: 170-174 - Maria Inez Salgado de Souza, Niura Martins de Almeida:
Using The Www For Learning: The Possibilities Of Virtual Communities In School. e-Learning 2008: 175-179 - Penny de Byl:
Developing 3d E-Learning Applications: Lessons Learned For Novice Educators As Content Designers. e-Learning 2008: 180-184 - John B. Stav, Trond M. Thorseth:
Interactive Autonomus E-Learning Task Focused Web Services In Sciences. e-Learning 2008: 185-188 - Fernando Alonso, Genoveva López Gómez, Daniel Manrique, David Pérez-Perez:
The Impact Of Applying An Instructional Model In Distance Learning: A Case Study. e-Learning 2008: 189-192
Reflection Papers
- Evelyn Kigozi Kahiigi, Love Ekenberg, Henrik Hanson, Mats Danielson, F. F. Tusubira:
Explorative Study Of E-Learning In Developing Countries: A Case Of The Uganda Education System. e-Learning 2008: 195-199 - Hani Harbi:
Teaching Pre-Engineering At The Foundation Program. e-Learning 2008: 200-204 - Pei-Hsuan Hsieh:
Make Reflective Connection With Web Design Principles And Learning Theories. e-Learning 2008: 205-208 - Carlos León de Mora, Ana Conde Gómez, Juan Camarillo Casado, Manuel Ramos Gómez, Miguel Angel Sánchez, David Puente Bautista:
From Learning To Knowledge Management Systems: A Success Story At The University Of Seville. e-Learning 2008: 209-213 - Nasrin Mohammad Alipour, Mansoureh Karimi:
The Regular Steps In Change Management Directing The Different Social (Especially Culture) With E-Learning Paradigm. e-Learning 2008: 214-218 - Peter McKenna:
Reusable Learning Obstacles: Problems With The Uptake Of Reusable Learning Objects In Higher Education. e-Learning 2008: 219-222 - Sylvia B. Encheva, Sharil Tumin:
On Facilitating Automated Evaluation. e-Learning 2008: 223-225 - Sotirios Botsios, Dimitrios Georgiou:
Recent Adaptive E-Learning Contributions Towards A "Standard Ready" Architecture. e-Learning 2008: 226-230 - Vanessa Camilleri, Matthew Montebello:
Archie - Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage In E-Learning. e-Learning 2008: 231-234 - Mari Luz Guenaga, Javier Oliver, Andoni Eguíluz:
Enhancing The Accessibility Of Digital Resources With Metadata. e-Learning 2008: 235-238 - Dumitrache Anisoara, Bogdan Logofatu, Mihaela Gheorghe:
Empowering Students With Ict Competences. e-Learning 2008: 239-242 - Renata Danieliene, Eugenijus Telesius:
Analysis Of Computer-Based Ecdl Testing. e-Learning 2008: 243-246 - G. S. Ntloedibe-Kuswani:
Mobile Phones As Support For Distance Learning. e-Learning 2008: 247-250 - Pavla Nunuková:
E-Learning Applied To Computer Vision. e-Learning 2008: 251-254 - Puvana Natanasabapathy:
Does Distance Education Lead To Higher Levels Of Cognition? e-Learning 2008: 255-259
- Michaela Maria Schaffhauser-Linzatti, Regina Michalski-Karl, Silvia Maria Pernsteiner:
Designing A Virtual Learning Environment For Accounting Lectures. e-Learning 2008: 263-265 - José Diz Pérez, Manuel Jurado Bello:
Simulation And Other Facilities To Learn Statistics. e-Learning 2008: 266-268 - Rehana Mubarak, Daniela C. Smith:
Spacing Effect And Mnemonic Strategies: A Theory-Based Approach To E-Learning. e-Learning 2008: 269-272 - Elena Verdú, Luisa M. Regueras, María Jesús Verdú, Juan Pablo de Castro, María Ángeles Pérez:
Application Of Intelligent Adaptive Systems In A Competitive Learning Environment. e-Learning 2008: 273-275 - Dragan Cisic, Edvard Tijan, Ivana Ilijasic Misic:
Mobile Game Based Learning - The Future Of E-Learning? e-Learning 2008: 273-276 - Iolanda Garcia, Begoña Gros:
Redesigning A Virtual Environment To Support Social And Collaborative Learning Practices. e-Learning 2008: 279-281 - Natália Gomes, Elisabete Brito:
Case Study Of A Learning System Platform Approach. e-Learning 2008: 282-284 - Maryam Honarmand:
Using Multimedia In Computer Based Learning (Cbl) A Case Study: Teaching Multiplication To The Infant School Students (In Iran). e-Learning 2008: 285-287 - Miki Namatame, Seiya Inoue, Tomoyuki Nishioka:
E-Learning Effectiveness Of Computergraphics Classwork For Deaf Students. e-Learning 2008: 288-290 - José Mondéjar Jiménez, Juan Antonio Mondéjar Jiménez, Manuel Vargas Vargas, Maria Leticia Meseguer Santamaría:
E-Learning In Higher Education: Virtual Platforms. e-Learning 2008: 291-292 - Rishi D. Ruttun:
Effects Of Individual Differences On Students' Learning Behaviour, Attitudes And Perceptions In E-Learning With Vision Support. e-Learning 2008: 293-296 - José Mondéjar Jiménez, Juan Antonio Mondéjar Jiménez, Manuel Vargas Vargas, Maria Leticia Meseguer Santamaría:
Attitudes Toward Statistics In E-Learning Courses. e-Learning 2008: 297-298 - Elisabeth Mendoza:
E-Learning In The Field Of E-Business Support. e-Learning 2008: 299-300

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