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DiGRA Conference 2009: London, UK
- Tanya Krzywinska, Helen W. Kennedy, Barry Atkins:
Proceedings of the 2009 DiGRA International Conference: Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory, DiGRA 2009, London, UK, September 1-4, 2009. Digital Games Research Association 2009 - Mark Eyles, Roger Eglin:
Using an RFID game to phenomenologically test a theoretical systemic model for describing ambient games. - Gareth Schott:
"I Like the Idea of Killing But Not the Idea of Cruelty": How New Zealand youth negotiate the pleasures of simulated violence. - Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Michael Mateas, Steven Dow, Serdar Sali:
Agency Reconsidered. - Sebastian Deterding:
The Game Frame: Systemizing a Goffmanian Approach to Video Game Theory [Extended Abstract]. - Emmanoel Ferreira, Thiago Falcão:
Through the Looking Glass: Weavings between the Magic Circle and Immersive Processes in Video Games. - William Humberto Huber, Stephen Mandiberg:
Kingdom Hearts, Territoriality and Flow. - Souvik Mukherjee:
'Remembering How You Died': Memory, Death and Temporality in Videogames [Extended Abstract]. - José P. Zagal:
Ethically Notable Videogames: Moral Dilemmas and Gameplay. - Kristin A. Searle, Yasmin B. Kafai:
Boys' Play in the Fourth Space: Freedom of Movements in a Tween Virtual World. - Tanja Sihvonen:
The new gatekeepers: The occupational ideology of game journalism. - Dan Pinchbeck:
An affordance based model for gameplay. - Wannes Ribbens, Yorick Poels:
Researching player experiences through the use of different qualitative methods. - Wouter van den Hoogen, Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn, Yvonne A. W. de Kort:
Effects of Sensory Immersion on Behavioural Indicators of Player Experience: Movement Synchrony and Controller Pressure. - Angela Colvert:
Peer Puppeteers: Alternate Reality Gaming in Primary School Settings. - Alice Anderson, Cornelia Brunner, Katie McMillan Culp, James Diamond, Ashley Lewis, Wendy Martin:
Using microgenetic methods to investigate problem solving in video games. - Luca Rossi:
Playing your network: gaming in social network sites. - Paul Martin:
Meaningful Movement: The Labyrinth and 'Castlevania: Symphony of the Night' [Extended Abstract]. - Clara Fernández-Vara:
Play's the Thing: A Framework to Study Videogames as Performance. - Minjin Ko, Kyoungwoo Bae, Gyuhwan Oh, Taiyoung Ryu:
A Study on New Gameplay Based on Brain-Computer Interface. - Kristine Jørgensen:
"I'm overburdened!" An Empirical Study of the Player, the Avatar, and the Gameworld. - Christopher A. Paul, Jeffrey S. Philpott:
The Rise and Fall of CTS: Kenneth Burke Identifying with the World of Warcraft. - Sus Lundgren, Karl Bergström, Staffan Björk:
Exploring Aesthetic Ideals of Gameplay. - Jenny Brusk, Staffan Björk:
Gameplay Design Patterns for Game Dialogues. - Henk Herman Nap, Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn, Yvonne A. W. de Kort:
Age Differences in Associations with Digital Gaming. - Larissa Hjorth:
Digital Art in the Age of Social Media: A Case Study of the politics of personalization via cute culture. - Pirita Ihamäki, Pauliina Tuomi:
Understanding 21st Century's Mobile Device-Based Games within Boundaries. - Lennart E. Nacke, Anders Drachen, Kai Kuikkaniemi, Jörg Niesenhaus, Hannu Korhonen, Wouter van den Hoogen, Karolien Poels, Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn, Yvonne A. W. de Kort:
Playability and Player Experience Research [Panel Abstracts]. - Costantino Oliva, Gordon Calleja:
Fake Rules, Real Fiction: Professional Wrestling and Videogames. - Jussi Kuittinen, Jussi Holopainen:
Some Notes on the Nature of Game Design. - Douglas Wilson, Miguel Sicart:
Abusing the Player, and Making Them Like it Too! [Abstract]. - Harald Warmelink, Casper Harteveld, Igor Mayer:
Press Enter or Escape to Play - Deconstructing Escapism in Multiplayer Gaming. - Kah Chan, Douglas Easterly, Aukje Thomassen:
Understanding Empathy in Children through 3D Character Design. - Annika Waern, Marie Denward:
On the Edge of Reality: Reality Fiction in 'Sanningen om Marika'. - Yasuhiro Seya, Kotaro Sato, Yusuke Kimura, Akira Ookubo, Hitoshi Yamagata, Kazumi Kasahara, Fujikake Hiroya, Yuki Yamamoto, Hanako Ikeda, Katsumi Watanabe:
Effects of Peripheral Visual Information on Performance of Video Game with Hemi-Spherical Immersive Projection Screen. - Douglas Easterly, Dale A. Carnegie, David Harper:
Evolution and Digital Game Studies. - Esther MacCallum-Stewart:
'What sort of Fish was it?' How Players Understand their Narrative in Online Games. - Mike Molesworth:
"How many headshots you've done": Achievement as discursive practice in videogame play. - Alison Gazzard:
Teleporters, Tunnels & Time: Understanding Warp Devices In Videogames. - Simon Niedenthal:
What We Talk About When We Talk About Game Aesthetics. - Jennifer Jenson, Suzanne de Castell:
From Simulation to Imitation: New Controllers, New Forms of Play. - José P. Zagal, Karen Schrier, Miguel Sicart:
Workshop: Ethics in Videogames [Extended Abstracts]. - Jenny Sundén:
Play as Transgression: An Ethnographic Approach to Queer Game Cultures. - David Myers:
In search of a minimalist game. - Emma Westecott:
The Player Character as Performing Object. - Alessandro Canossa, Anders Drachen:
Patterns of Play: Play-Personas in User-Centred Game Development. - Justin Parsler:
Agency and the Free Will debate [Extended Abstract]. - Carl Therrien:
Making Sense in Ludic Worlds. The Idealization of Immersive Postures in Movies and Video Games. - Steve Dahlskog, Andreas Kamstrup, Espen Aarseth:
Mapping the game landscape: Locating genres using functional classification. - Stefan J. Johansson:
What Makes Online Collectible Card Games Fun to Play? - Celia Pearce:
Collaboration, Creativity and Learning in a Play Community: A Study of The University of There. - Emanuel Montero Reyno, José Á. Carsí Cubel:
A Platform-Independent Model for Videogame Gameplay Specification. - Bernard Perron:
In the Horrifying Magic Cycle of Resident Evil 5: A Case Study [Abstract]. - Yasmin B. Kafai, William Q. Burke, Deborah A. Fields:
What Videogame Making Can Teach Us About Access and Ethics in Participatory Culture. - Stefano De Paoli, Aphra Kerr:
The Cheating Assemblage in MMORPGs: Toward a sociotechnical description of cheating. - Jennifer Jenson, Suzanne de Castell, Nicholas Taylor, Milena Droumeva, Stephanie Fisher:
The Gigue Is Up: High Culture Gets Game. - Jaakko Stenros, Olli Sotamaa:
Commoditization of Helping Players Play: Rise of the Service Paradigm. - Nicholas Taylor:
Where the Women Are(n't): Gender and a North American 'Pro-gaming' Scene [Abstract]. - Vanessa Long:
Abstractions of a meaningless act: (spending) time in the gaming world [Abstract]. - Erik Champion:
Keeping It Reel: Is Machinima A Form Of Art? - Yan Xu, Evan Barba, Blair MacIntyre:
Tabletop Augmented Reality Games: Play Outside the Display [Abstract]. - Aphra Kerr:
Levels of Complexity: Cultural Diversity, Politics and Digital Games [Abstract]. - Jason Farman:
Locative Life: Geocaching, Mobile Gaming, and the Reassertion of Proximity [Abstract]. - Steven Conway:
"It's in the game" and above the game: An analysis of the players of sports videogames [Abstract]. - Leanna Madill:
"I'm not afraid to die, Mom": Parental perceptions & stories of their adolescents gaming [Extended Abstract]. - Subalekha Udayasankar, LeAnne Wagner:
Streets = Play = Fun [Workshop Abstract]. - Lisbeth Klastrup, Susana Tosca:
MMOGs and the Ecology of Fiction: Understanding LOTRO as Transmedial World [Abstract]. - Javier Salazar:
Simulating a Quasi-Simulation: A framework for using Multi Agent Simulation Techniques for studying MMORPGs. - Ben Light:
More Than Just a Combo of Slaps? Representations and Experiences of LGBT Gamers On and Beyond the Screen [Abstract]. - Dean Chan:
Towards a Socio-Cultural Cartography of In-Game Protests. - Alison Harvey:
Balance Boards and Dance Pads: The Impact of Innovation on Gendered Access to Gaming [Abstract]. - Sean C. Duncan:
Bridging Gaming and Designing: Two Sites of Informal Design Learning [Abstract]. - Tanya Krzywinska:
Sex and Videogames: A Case of Misappearance? [Abstract]. - Jessica Hammer:
Creativity in the Game Design Classroom. - Hanna Wirman, Shira Chess, Anne-Mette Albrechtslund, Jessica Enevold:
Women and Productivity [Abstracts]. - Ken Newman:
The Troubled Transition to Game Study Projects. - Melinda Jacobs:
Take One - or Three - for the Team: Consumerism as Play. - Will Jordan:
Morphology of the tetromino-stacking game: The design evolution of Tetris [Abstract]. - Harko Verhagen, Magnus Johansson:
Demystifying guilds: MMORPG-playing and norms. - Massimo Maietti:
The hybrid identity of player characters: between Facebook and the Sacred book [Abstract]. - Thordis Sveinsdottir:
'No Light Sabres Allowed': Role-playing in Star Wars Galaxies [Abstract]. - Jarmo Kauko, Juha Arrasvuori:
Utilizing Displayless Space in Collocated Games. - Siobhan Thomas:
Intellectual Disability and Game Accessibility [Abstract]. - Stefan Heinemann:
Gold farming in the MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), World of Warcraft. An ethical perspective on a controversial growth market. [Abstract]. - Britta Neitzel:
World and Place - Map and Territory [Abstract]. - Roman Divotkey, Martina Karrer, Jeremiah Diephuis:
Game Development: a Teaching Challenge [Abstract]. - Karolien Poels:
World of Warcraft, the Aftermath How game elements transfer into real life perceptions and experiences [Abstract]. - Jesper Juul, Matthew Weise, Jason Begy:
Bad Games Panel [Abstracts]. - Björn Sjöblom:
Placing the blame: Negotiation of gaming performance [Abstract]. - Mary Flanagan, Anna Lotko:
Anxiety, Openness, and Activist Games: A Case Study for Critical Play. - Holin Lin, Chuen-Tsai Sun:
Handheld games, game design, displayless space, amodal completion [Abstract]. - Philip Bonanno:
A Process-oriented pedagogy for collaborative game-based learning [Abstract]. - Alessandro Canossa, Graeme Kirkpatrick, Simon Niedenthal, Cindy Poremba:
Making Sense of Game Aesthetics [Panel Abstracts]. - Keith Linares:
Discovering Super Mario Galaxy: A Textual Analysis. - Julian Kücklich:
Collusion. Mapping the Interplay between Paid and Unpaid Labourers in the Digital Games Industry [Abstract]. - Braxton Soderman:
Killing Time in Diner Dash: Representation, Gender, and Casual Games [Abstract]. - T. L. Taylor:
Negotiating Play: The Process of Rule Construction inProfessional Computer Gaming. - Mikael Jakobsson:
The Achievement Machine: Understanding the Xbox Live Metagame [Abstract]. - Mary Flanagan, Celia Pearce:
"Some Assembly Required": Starting and Growing a Game Lab [Abstracts]. - David Cameron, John Carroll:
Encoding liveness: Performance and real-time rendering in machinima. - Liz Merkel, Kathy Sandford, Tim Hopper:
Complexities of Gaming Cultures: Adolescent gamers adapting and transforming learning [Abstracts]. - Shanly Dixon, Kelly Boudreau:
Girls' Play: Context, performance & social videogame play [Abstract]. - Henry Lowood, Andrew Armstrong, Devin Monnens, Zach Vowell, Judd Ruggill, Ken S. McAllister, Rachel Donahue, Dan Pinchbeck:
Before It's Too Late: Preserving Games across the Industry / Academia divide. - Joanna Barwick, Adrienne Muir, James Dearnley:
Where have all the games gone? Explorations on the cultural significance of digital games and preservation. - Ulf Hagen:
Where Do Game Design Ideas Come From? Invention and Recycling in Games Developed in Sweden. - Ewan Kirkland:
Horror Videogames and the Uncanny. - David Thomas, José P. Zagal, Margaret Robertson, Ian Bogost, William Huber:
You Played That? Game Studies Meets Game Criticism. - Mike Treanor:
Newsgames - Procedural Rhetoric Meets Political Cartoons. - William Ryan, Martin A. Siegel:
Evaluating Interactive Entertainment using Breakdown: Understanding Embodied Learning in Video Games. - Licínio Roque, Nuno Castelhano:
The Integration of the Computer-mediated Ludic Experience in Multisensory Environments. - Luís Lucas Pereira, Licínio G. Roque:
Design Guidelines for Learning Games: the Living Forest Game Design Case. - Magnus Bång, Mattias Svahn, Anton Gustafsson:
Persuasive design of a mobile energy conservation game with direct feedback and social cues. - Colleen Macklin, Julia Wargaski, Michael Edwards, Kan Yang Li:
DATAPLAY: Mapping Game Mechanics to Traditional Data Visualization. - Ben Aslinger:
Genre in Genre: The Role of Music in Music Games. - Deirdre Devers, Stephanie Wilson:
Let Me Entertain You: Designing for Surveillance and Online Gaming. - Gordon Calleja:
Experiential Narrative in Game Environments. - Hanna Sommerseth:
Exploring Game Aesthetics. - Diane Carr:
Textual Analysis, Digital Games, Zombies. - David L. Roberts, Mark O. Riedl, Charles L. Isbell Jr.:
Beyond Adversarial: The Case for Game AI as Storytelling. - Anders Drachen, Michael Hitchens, Arnav Jhala, Georgios N. Yannakakis:
Towards Data-Driven Drama Management: Issues in Data Collection and Annotation. - Janne Paavilainen, Hannu Korhonen, Hannamari Saarenpää, Jussi Holopainen:
Player Perception of Context Information Utilization in Pervasive Mobile Games. - Dan Pinchbeck, David Anderson, Janet Delve, Antonio Ciuffreda, Getaneh Otemu, Andreas Lange:
Emulation as a strategy for the preservation of games: the KEEP project. - Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari:
Emotional Attachments for Story Construction in Virtual Game Worlds. - Betsy James DiSalvo, Mark Guzdial, Tom McKlin, Charles Meadows, Kenneth Perry, Corey Steward, Amy S. Bruckman:
Glitch Game Testers: African American Men Breaking Open the Console. - Jana Rambusch, Tarja Susi, Stefan Ekman, Ulf Wilhelmsson:
A Literary Excursion Into the Hidden (Fan) Fictional Worlds of Tetris, Starcraft, and Dreamfall. - Neil Dansey, Brett Stevens, Roger Eglin:
Contextually-Ambiguous Pervasive Games: An Exploratory Study. - Aaron Chia-Yuan Hung:
The Order of Play: Seeing, Teaching, and Learning Meaning in Video Games. - Marko Siitonen:
Conflict management and leadership communication in multiplayer communities. - Mattias Svahn:
Processing Play; Perceptions of Persuasion. - Peter M. Landwehr, Jana Diesner, Kathleen M. Carley:
The Words of Warcraft: relational text analysis of quests in an MMORPG. - Patrick J. Coppock, Dario Compagno, Agata Meneghelli, Alessandro Catania, Gabriele Ferri:
Understanding Play Practices: Contributions to the State of the Art [Panel Papers]. - Anders Drachen, Marinka Copier, Markus Montola, Mirjam P. Eladhari, Michael Hitchens, Jaakko Stenros:
Role-Playing Games: The State of Knowledge [Panel Abstracts]. - Yasmin B. Kafai, Deborah A. Fields, Michael T. Giang:
Transgressive Gender Play: Profiles and Portraits of Girl Players in a Tween Virtual World. - Doris C. Rusch:
Mechanisms of the Soul - Tackling the Human Condition in Videogames. - James Newman, Iain Simons:
Make Videogames History: Game preservation and The National Videogame Archive. - Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Michael Mateas:
Defining Operational Logics. - Kenneth Hullett, Sri Kurniawan, Noah Wardrip-Fruin:
Better Game Studies Education the Carcassonne Way. - Ekaterina Kuts:
Playful User Interfaces: Literature Review and Model for Analysis. - Manuel Araújo:
Modeling Games with Petri Nets.

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