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Computer Graphics International 1998: Hannover, Germany
- Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 1998, Hannover, Germany, June 22-24, 1998. IEEE Computer Society 1998, ISBN 0-8186-8445-3
Session 1
- Vladimir V. Savchenko, Alexander A. Pasko
, Alexei Sourin
, Tosiyasu L. Kunii:
Volume Modelling: Representations and Advanced Operations. 4-13 - Thierry Matthey, Hanspeter Bieri:
An Object-Oriented Approach to Model Scenes of Buildings. 14-23 - André Hinkenjann
, Heinrich Müller:
Determining Visibility between Extended Objects. 23-
Session 2
- Gudrun Albrecht
Rational Quadratic Bézier Triangles on Quadrics. 34-40 - Hans Hagen, Stefanie Hahmann:
Stability Conditions for Free Form Surfaces. 41-47 - Heinrich Müller, Reinhard Jaeschke:
Adaptive Subdivision Curves and Surfaces. 48-58 - Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Alexandre Gerussi:
Hierarchical Decomposition of Datasets on Irregular Surface Meshes. 59-
Session 3
- Nilo Stolte, Arie E. Kaufman:
Efficient Parallel Recursive Voxelization for SGI Challenge Multi-Processor System. 66-72 - Jörg Meyer, Hans Hagen, Christian Lohr, Joachim W. Deitmer:
Interactive Navigation through Glial Cells. 73-77 - Peter Hastreiter, Thomas Ertl:
Integrated Registration and Visualization of Medical Image Data. 78-
Session 4
- Andreas Backes, Armin Dahr, Martin Rumpf
Interactive Visualization of Particle Systems. 88-95 - Gerik Scheuermann, Hans Hagen:
A Data Dependent Triangulation for Vector Fields. 96-102 - Christoph Stamm, Stephan J. Eidenbenz, Michael Beck, Peter Stucki, Peter Widmayer:
A Prototype System for Light Propagation in Terrains. 103-
Session 2
- Jie Shan:
Visualizing 3-D Geographical Data with VRML. 108-110 - John Dieter Stüwe, Christian Lenz, Gitta Domik:
Visualization of Geographic Data using VRML - An Internet Client for a Geographic Information System (GIS). 111-112
Session 4
- Stefan Göbel:
WebVizard: Intelligent System for Geodata Visualization and CBT in the WWW. 113-122 - Andrea Clematis, Monica De Martino:
Using GIS to Visualize Environmental Information - A Case Study Based on Digital Terrain Models. 123-
Wednesday Sessions
- José L. Encarnação, Fritz Loseries, Christian Sifaqui:
Keynote Lecture: Human Media Technology - The Human-Centered, Sustainable Technology Development. 132-141 - Stéphane Carion, Gaël Sannier, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann:
Invited Lecture: Virtual Humans in CyberDance. 142-
Session 1A: Virtual Reality
- Luciana Porcher Nedel
, Daniel Thalmann:
Real Time Muscle Deformations using Mass-Spring Systems. 156-165 - A. Dreger, Markus H. Gross, J. Schlegel:
Multiresolution Triangular B-Spline Surfaces. 166-177 - Janis P. Y. Wong, Rynson W. H. Lau, Lizhuang Ma:
Virtual 3D Sculpturing with a Parametric Hand Surface. 178-186 - Robert A. Noble, Gordon Clapworthy:
Sculpting and Animating in a Desktop VR Environment. 187-
Session 1B: Raytracing
- Adi Bar-Lev, Gershon Elber:
Visibility as an Intrinsic Property of Geometric Models. 198-206 - Jirí Bittner, Vlastimil Havran, Pavel Slavík:
Hierarchical Visibility Culling with Occlusion Trees. 207-219 - Yiorgos Chrysanthou, Daniel Cohen-Or, Dani Lischinski
Fast Approximate Quantitative Visibility for Complex Scenes. 220-227 - Sam Lin, Rynson W. H. Lau, Xiaola Lin, Paul Y. S. Cheung:
An Anti-Aliasing Method for Parallel Rendering. 228-
Postersessions 1a) Virtual Reality
- Ralf Rabätje:
Integration of Basic CAD Functions into a VR Environment. 238-241 - Colette Elcacho, Arno Schäfer, Ralf Dörner, Volker Luckas:
Performing 3D Scene and Animation Authoring Tasks Efficiently: An Innovative Approach. 242-244 - Jens Piesk, Felix Heimbrecht, Rudi Opalla, Georg Trogemann:
An Adaptable Modular Software Architecture for Distant Control of Virtual Actors. 245-247 - Ghassan Kwaiter, Véronique Gaildrat, René Caubet:
Controlling Object Natural Behaviors with a 3D Declarative Modeler. 248-
Postersessions 1b) Visualization & Rendering
- Andrei Iones, Sergey Zhukov, Anton Krupkin:
On Optimality of OBBs for Visibility Tests for Frustum Culling, Ray Shooting and Collision Detection. 256-263 - Pascual González, F. Gisbert Cantó:
Object and Ray Coherence in the Optimization of the Ray Tracing Algorithm. 264-267 - Mikio Terasawa, Fumihiko Kimura:
Rendering Objects with Small Elements Based on their Micro and Macro Structures. 268-272 - Chris C. Handley:
The Analysis and Reconstruction of Repetitive Textures. 273-
Session 2A: Virtual Reality
- Jürgen Döllner, Klaus H. Hinrichs:
Interactive, Animated 3D Widgets. 278-286 - Manuel Fradinho Duarte de Oliveira, João Madeiras Pereira
Virtual Worlds - A Virtual Environment Architecture. 287-
Session 2B: Modeling
- Robert Mencl, Heinrich Müller:
Graph-Based Surface Reconstruction Using Structures in Scattered Point Sets. 298-311 - Eric Galin
, Samir Akkouche:
Incremental Techniques for Implicit Surface Modeling. 312-
Thursday Sessions
- Jarek Rossignac:
Invited Lecture: Interactive Exploration of Distributed 3D Databases over the Internet. 324-
Session 3A: CAM
- Andreas König, M. Eduard Gröller:
Real Time Simulation and Visualization of NC Milling Processes for Inhomogeneous Materials on Low-End Graphics Hardware. 338-349 - Chi Guo, Joseph Pegna:
Review of Circle Measurements in Computer Vision and Novel Use of Computational Geometry in Image Metrology. 350-
Session 3B: Digital Libraries & Data Bases
- Kent K. T. Cheung, Horace Ho-Shing Ip:
Image Retrieval in Digital Library Based on Symmetry Detection. 366-372 - Andrey Collison, Hanspeter Bieri:
An Architecture of a Universal DBMS for Graphics Applications. 373-
Postersessions 2a) Virtual Reality
- Y. F. Li, Jian-Gang Wang, John K. L. Ho:
Using Physics Based Models in Virtual Reality for Dynamic Emulation of Robotic Systems. 388-390 - Robert C. Drees, Jürgen Pleiss, Rolf D. Schmid, Dieter Roller:
Integrating Molecular Modeling Tools and Virtual Reality Engines: An Architecture for a Highly Immersive Molecular Modeling (HIMM) Environment. 391-392 - Kin Chuen Hui, M. C. Ma:
Deforming Virtual Objects with an Instrumented Glove. 393-395 - Karl-Heinz Rödiger:
3D - Visualization of Garments. 396-
Postersessions 2b) Multimedia & Virtual Environments
- Matthias König
, Christian Lenz, Gitta Domik:
Visualization of Meteorological Data using an Interactive Flight. 402-403 - Steven Adler, Jan Heise, Matthias Mayer, Peter Schefe:
CVP: Recognizable and Hierarchical 3D Overviews of the WWW by Persistence Directory Placement. 404-410 - Mladen Berekovic
, Peter Pirsch:
An Array Processor Architecture with Parallel Data Cache for Image Rendering and Compositing. 411-
Session 4A: Approximation
- Wolfgang Seibold, Geoff Wyvill:
Towards an Understanding of Surfaces through Polygonization. 416-425 - David E. Fox, Kenneth I. Joy:
On Polyhedral Approximations to a Sphere. 426-432 - Frank Isselhard, Guido Brunnett, Thomas Schreiber:
Polyhedral approximation and First Order Segmentation of Unstructured Point Sets. 433-
Session 4B: Geographic Information Systems
- Michael Kofler, Michael Gervautz, Michael Gruber:
The Styria Flyover - LoD Management for Huge Textured Terrain Models. 444-454 - Peter Schulze, Stefan Growe, Ralf Tönjes:
3D Visualization and Exploration of Remote Sensing Data. 455-465 - Jeffrey Brainerd, Alex Pang:
Floating Ring: A New Tool for Visualizing Distortion in Map Projections. 466-481 - Luc Van Gool, Filip Defoort, Reinhard Koch
, Marc Pollefeys
, Marc Proesmans, Maarten Vergauwen
Special Lecture: 3D Modeling for Communications. 482-489 - Anatoliy T. Fomenko:
Special Lecture: Computer Visualization for the Topology of Integrable Cases in Rigid Body Dynamics. 490-
Session 5A: Graphics & Communication
- Jürgen Stauder:
Illumination Analysis for Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Image Sequence Generation. 506-511 - Markus Kampmann, Bruno Nagel:
Synthesis of Facial Expressions for Semantic Coding of Videophone Sequences. 512-519 - Sebastian Weik, Jochen Wingbermühle, Wolfgang Niem:
Automatic Creation of Flexible Antropomorphic Models for 3D Video-Conferencing. 520-
Session 5B: Modeling
- Alexander G. Belyaev
, Alexander A. Pasko
, Tosiyasu L. Kunii:
Ridges and Ravines on Implicit Surfaces. 530-535 - Giovanni Gallo
, Michela Spagnuolo:
Uncertainty Coding and Controlled Data Reduction using Fuzzy-B-Splines. 536-542 - Wonjoon Cho, Takashi Maekawa
, Nicholas M. Patrikalakis, Jaime Peraire:
Robust Tesselation of Trimmed Rational B-Spline Surface Patches. 543-
Postersessions 3a) Multimedia & Virtual Environments
- John D. Garofalakis, Panagiotis Kappos, Spiros Sirmakessis
Digital Robbery; Authors are not Unprotected. 558-563 - Ralf Dörner, Volker Luckas, Arno Schäfer, Frank Seibert, Heike Ziegler:
Scaling VR in VRML: Integrating Different VR Methodologies in a VRML Browsing System. 564-567 - Kris Demuynck, Jan Broeckhove, Frans Arickx:
VE platform: A Base System for Distributed Virtual Reality. 568-
Postersessions 3b) Geometric Modeling
- Junji Takagi, Alexander G. Belyaev
, Tosiyasu L. Kunii:
Visualization of Noh Mask Curvature Features. 572-574 - Holger Thiele, Reinhard Klette:
Integration Techniques for 3D Surface Reconstruction. 575-577 - Andreas Savva, Gordon Clapworthy:
A Method for Filling n-Sided Holes in a Surface. 578-582 - Serge Pontier, Behzad Shariat, Denis Vandorpe:
Implicit Surface Reconstruction from 2D CT Scan Sections. 583-
Session 6A: Modeling of Buildings
- David Frère, Jan Vandekerckhove, Theo Moons, Luc Van Gool:
Semi-Automatic Modelling of Urban Buildings from High Resolution Aerial Imagery. 588-596 - Reinhard Koch
, Marc Pollefeys
, Luc Van Gool:
Automatic 3D Model Acquisition from Uncalibrated Image Sequences. 597-604 - Oliver Grau:
3-D Modelling of Buildings using High-Level Knowledge. 605-
Session 6B: Modeling
- Grit Thürmer, Charles Albert Wüthrich:
Varying Neighborhood Parameters for the Computation of Normals on Surfaces in Discrete Space. 616-625 - Hartmut Prautzsch, Georg Umlauf:
Improved Triangular Subdivision Schemes. 626-632 - Martin Held:
Efficient and Reliable Triangulation of Polygons. 633-
Friday Sessions
- Bianca Falcidieno, Michela Spagnuolo:
Invited Lecture: A Shape Abstraction Paradigm for Modeling Geometry and Semantics. 646-
Session 7A: Radiosity
- Mateu Sbert
Random Walk Radiosity with Generalized Absorption Probabilities. 658-665 - László Neumann, Kresimir Matkovic, Werner Purgathofer:
Automatic Exposure in Computer Graphics Based on the Minimum Information Loss Principle. 666-
Session 7B: Modeling
- Andreas Schilling
, Reinhard Klein, Wolfgang Straßer:
Illumination Dependent Refinement of Multiresolution Meshes. 680-687 - Shigeo Takahashi
Geometric- and Parametric-Tolerance Constraints in Variational Design of Multiresolution Curves and Surfaces. 688-699
Postersessions 4a) Visualization & Rendering
- Daniel A. Tefera, Koichi Harada:
Tailor Made Dynamic Programming for Edge Matching. 700-705 - Daniel Méneveaux, Kadi Bouatouch, Eric Maisel:
Memory Management Schemes for Radiosity Computation in Complex Environments. 706-714 - André Hinkenjann
, Georg Pietrek:
Using Scattered Data Interpolation for Radiosity Reconstruction. 715-
Postersessions 4b) Geometric Modeling
- Kenjiro T. Miura, Teruhisa Nakaseko, Tsuneo Ikedo:
A New Type of Free-Form Curve Given by an Integral Form. 722-725 - Andrés Molina, Francisco R. Feito:
Design of Anisotropic Functions within Spatial Analysis of Data. 726-729 - Muhammad Sarfraz, Muhammed Al-Mulhem, Jarallah AlGhamdi, Mohammed Abdul Raheem:
Modelling by a Rational Spline with Interval Shape Control. 730-
Session 8: Visualization & Rendering
- Leon L. Fedenczuk, Brian Wyvill:
Visualization of Fluid Displacement in Porous Media. 740-751 - Christoph Lürig, Leif Kobbelt, Thomas Ertl:
Deformable Surfaces for Feature Based Indirect Volume Rendering. 752-760 - Roberto Grosso, Günther Greiner:
Hierarchical Meshes for Volume Data. 761-
Session 9 : Virtual Reality
- Mikael Jern:
"THIN" vs. "FAT" Visualization Client. 772-788 - Frank Purschke, Malte Schulze, Peter Zimmermann:
Virtual Reality - New Methods for Improving and Accelerating the Development Process in Vehicle Styling and Design. 789-

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