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BigData Conference 2014: Washington, DC, USA
- Jimmy Lin, Jian Pei, Xiaohua Hu, Wo Chang, Raghunath Nambiar, Charu C. Aggarwal, Nick Cercone, Vasant G. Honavar, Jun Huan, Bamshad Mobasher, Saumyadipta Pyne:
2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2014), Washington, DC, USA, October 27-30, 2014. IEEE Computer Society 2014, ISBN 978-1-4799-5665-4 - Lengdong Wu, Li-Yan Yuan, Jia-Huai You:
BASIC: An alternative to BASE for large-scale data management system. 5-14 - Sushovan De, Yuheng Hu, Yi Chen, Subbarao Kambhampati:
BayesWipe: A multimodal system for data cleaning and consistent query answering on structured bigdata. 15-24 - Stéphan Clémençon, Patrice Bertail, Emilie Chautru:
Scaling up M-estimation via sampling designs: The Horvitz-Thompson stochastic gradient descent. 25-30 - Jane Greenberg, Adrian Ogletree, Angela P. Murillo, Thomas P. Caruso, Herbie Huang:
Metadata capital: Simulating the predictive value of Self-Generated Health Information (SGHI). 31-36 - Raghvendra Mall, Vilen Jumutc, Rocco Langone, Johan A. K. Suykens:
Representative subsets for big data learning using k-NN graphs. 37-42 - Rubing Duan, Rick Siow Mong Goh, Feng Yang, Yong Kiam Tan, Jesus F. B. Valenzuela:
Towards building and evaluating a personalized location-based recommender system. 43-48 - Sarker Tanzir Ahmed, Dmitri Loguinov:
On the performance of MapReduce: A stochastic approach. 49-54 - Khalifeh AlJadda, Mohammed Korayem, Camilo Ortiz, Trey Grainger, John A. Miller, William S. York:
PGMHD: A scalable probabilistic graphical model for massive hierarchical data problems. 55-60 - Dongfang Zhao, Zhao Zhang, Xiaobing Zhou, Tonglin Li, Ke Wang, Dries Kimpe, Philip H. Carns, Robert B. Ross, Ioan Raicu:
FusionFS: Toward supporting data-intensive scientific applications on extreme-scale high-performance computing systems. 61-70 - Teng Wang, Sarp Oral, Yandong Wang, Bradley W. Settlemyer, Scott Atchley, Weikuan Yu:
BurstMem: A high-performance burst buffer system for scientific applications. 71-79 - Junwhan Kim:
Partial rollback-based scheduling on in-memory transactional data grids. 80-89 - Hao Chen, Sastry S. Duri, Vasanth Bala, Nilton T. Bila, Canturk Isci, Ayse K. Coskun:
Detecting and identifying system changes in the cloud via discovery by example. 90-99 - Kyungho Jeon, Sharath Chandrashekhara, Feng Shen, Shikhar Mehra, Oliver Kennedy, Steven Y. Ko:
PigOut: Making multiple Hadoop clusters work together. 100-109 - Zhisong Fu, Harish Kumar Dasari, Bradley R. Bebee, Martin Berzins, Bryan B. Thompson:
Parallel Breadth First Search on GPU clusters. 110-118 - Ke Wang, Xiaobing Zhou, Tonglin Li, Dongfang Zhao, Michael Lang, Ioan Raicu:
Optimizing load balancing and data-locality with data-aware scheduling. 119-128 - Zhang Fu, Magnus Almgren, Olaf Landsiedel, Marina Papatriantafilou:
Online temporal-spatial analysis for detection of critical events in Cyber-Physical Systems. 129-134 - Xuejie Xiao, Jian Tang, Zhenhua Chen, Jielong Xu, Chonggang Wang:
A cross-job framework for MapReduce scheduling. 135-140 - Jia-Chun Lin, Ming-Chang Lee, Ramin Yahyapour:
Scheduling MapReduce tasks on virtual MapReduce clusters from a tenant's perspective. 141-146 - Takatsugu Ono, Yotaro Konishi, Teruo Tanimoto, Noboru Iwamatsu, Takashi Miyoshi, Jun Tanaka:
FlexDAS: A flexible direct attached storage for I/O intensive applications. 147-152 - Lena Mashayekhy, Mahyar Movahed Nejad, Daniel Grosu:
A two-sided market mechanism for trading big data computing commodities. 153-158 - Zhiyuan Lin, Minsuk Kahng, Kaeser Md. Sabrin, Duen Horng (Polo) Chau, Ho Lee, U Kang:
MMap: Fast billion-scale graph computation on a PC via memory mapping. 159-164 - Arian Bär, Alessandro Finamore, Pedro Casas, Lukasz Golab, Marco Mellia:
Large-scale network traffic monitoring with DBStream, a system for rolling big data analysis. 165-170 - Jason W. Anderson, Ken E. Kennedy, Linh Bao Ngo, André Luckow, Amy W. Apon:
Synthetic data generation for the internet of things. 171-176 - Diana Gudu, Marcus Hardt, Achim Streit:
Evaluating the performance and scalability of the Ceph distributed storage system. 177-182 - Li Jiang, Hideyuki Kawashima, Osamu Tatebe:
Incremental window aggregates over array database. 183-188 - Michel Angelo Roger, Yiqi Xu, Ming Zhao:
BigCache for big-data systems. 189-194 - Evie Kassela, Christina Boumpouka, Ioannis Konstantinou, Nectarios Koziris:
Automated workload-aware elasticity of NoSQL clusters in the cloud. 195-200 - Khoa Luu, Chenchen Zhu, Marios Savvides:
Distributed class dependent feature analysis - A big data approach. 201-206 - Krish K. R., M. Safdar Iqbal, Ali Raza Butt:
VENU: Orchestrating SSDs in hadoop storage. 207-212 - Nusrat Sharmin Islam, Xiaoyi Lu, Md. Wasi-ur-Rahman, Raghunath Rajachandrasekar, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
In-memory I/O and replication for HDFS with Memcached: Early experiences. 213-218 - Douglas Otstott, Noah Evans, Latchesar Ionkov, Ming Zhao, Michael Lang:
Enabling composite applications through an asynchronous shared memory interface. 219-224 - Silu Huang, Ada Wai-Chee Fu:
k-Balanced sorting and skew join in MPI and MapReduce. 225-230 - Dongfang Zhao, Jian Yin, Kan Qiao, Ioan Raicu:
Virtual chunks: On supporting random accesses to scientific data in compressible storage systems. 231-240 - Mohammed Nazim Feroz, Susan A. Mengel:
Examination of data, rule generation and detection of phishing URLs using online logistic regression. 241-250 - Mohan Yang, Carlo Zaniolo:
Main memory evaluation of recursive queries on multicore machines. 251-260 - Shigeru Maya, Kai Morino, Kenji Yamanishi:
Predicting glaucoma progression using multi-task learning with heterogeneous features. 261-270 - Dong Dai, Yong Chen, Dries Kimpe, Robert B. Ross:
Provenance-based object storage prediction scheme for scientific big data applications. 271-280 - Songchang Jin, Jiawei Zhang, Philip S. Yu, Shuqiang Yang, Aiping Li:
Synergistic partitioning in multiple large scale social networks. 281-290 - Alice Marascu, Pascal Pompey, Eric Bouillet, Michael Wurst, Olivier Verscheure, Martin Grund, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux:
TRISTAN: Real-time analytics on massive time series using sparse dictionary compression. 291-300 - Hao Li, Di Yu, Anand Kumar, Yi-Cheng Tu:
Performance modeling in CUDA streams - A means for high-throughput data processing. 301-310 - Patrick Leyshock, David Maier, Kristin Tufte:
Minimizing data movement through query transformation. 311-316 - Oyindamola O. Akande, Philip J. Rhodes:
Multilevel partitioning of large unstructured grids. 317-322 - Dongeun Lee, Jaesik Choi:
Low complexity sensing for big spatio-temporal data. 323-328 - Jialin Liu, Yin Lu, Yong Chen:
In-advance data analytics for reducing time to discovery. 329-334 - Maria Christoforaki, Torsten Suel:
Estimating pairwise distances in large graphs. 335-344 - Anh Thu Vu, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, João Gama, Albert Bifet:
Distributed Adaptive Model Rules for mining big data streams. 345-353 - Dorit S. Hochbaum, Philipp Baumann:
Sparse computation for large-scale data mining. 354-363 - Arun S. Maiya, Robert M. Rolfe:
Topic similarity networks: Visual analytics for large document sets. 364-372 - Mayank Daga, Mark Nutter, Mitesh R. Meswani:
Efficient breadth-first search on a heterogeneous processor. 373-382 - Chad A. Steed, Katherine J. Evans, John F. Harney, Brian C. Jewell, Galen M. Shipman, Brian E. Smith, Peter E. Thornton, Dean N. Williams:
Web-based visual analytics for extreme scale climate science. 383-392 - Ryan Compton, David Jurgens, David Allen:
Geotagging one hundred million Twitter accounts with total variation minimization. 393-401 - Ruben Mayer, Boris Koldehofe, Kurt Rothermel:
Meeting predictable buffer limits in the parallel execution of event processing operators. 402-411 - Xiaomeng Zhao, Huadong Ma, Haitao Zhang, Yi Tang, Guangping Fu:
Metadata extraction and correction for large-scale traffic surveillance videos. 412-420 - Ke Tao, Claudia Hauff, Geert-Jan Houben, Fabian Abel, Guido Wachsmuth:
Facilitating Twitter data analytics: Platform, language and functionality. 421-430 - Masahiko Itoh, Daisaku Yokoyama, Masashi Toyoda, Yoshimitsu Tomita, Satoshi Kawamura, Masaru Kitsuregawa:
Visual fusion of mega-city big data: An application to traffic and tweets data analysis of Metro passengers. 431-440 - Alekh Jindal, Samuel Madden:
GRAPHiQL: A graph intuitive query language for relational databases. 441-450 - Ronak Etemadpour, Paul Murray, Angus Graeme Forbes:
Evaluating density-based motion for big data visual analytics. 451-460 - Ulf Johansson, Cecilia Sönströd, Henrik Linusson, Henrik Boström:
Regression trees for streaming data with local performance guarantees. 461-470 - Pei-Ling Chen, Chung-Kuang Chou, Ming-Syan Chen:
Distributed algorithms for k-truss decomposition. 471-480 - George M. Slota, Kamesh Madduri, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam:
PuLP: Scalable multi-objective multi-constraint partitioning for small-world networks. 481-490 - Arash Fard, Satya Manda, Lakshmish Ramaswamy, John A. Miller:
Effective caching techniques for accelerating pattern matching queries. 491-499 - Diana Palsetia, Md. Mostofa Ali Patwary, William Hendrix, Ankit Agrawal, Alok N. Choudhary:
Clique guided community detection. 500-509 - Hideyuki Shamoto, Koichi Shirahata, Aleksandr Drozd, Hitoshi Sato, Satoshi Matsuoka:
Large-scale distributed sorting for GPU-based heterogeneous supercomputers. 510-518 - Chieh-Yen Lin, Cheng-Hao Tsai, Ching-Pei Lee, Chih-Jen Lin:
Large-scale logistic regression and linear support vector machines using spark. 519-528 - Keita Iwabuchi, Hitoshi Sato, Yuichiro Yasui, Katsuki Fujisawa, Satoshi Matsuoka:
NVM-based Hybrid BFS with memory efficient data structure. 529-538 - Muzaffer Can Altinigneli, Bettina Konte, Dan Rujescir, Christian Böhm, Claudia Plant:
Identification of SNP interactions using data-parallel primitives on GPUs. 539-548 - Shan Jiang, ChengXiang Zhai:
Random walks on adjacency graphs for mining lexical relations from big text data. 549-554 - Jonathan Mugan, Ranga Chari, Laura Hitt, Eric McDermid, Marsha Sowell, Yuan Qu, Thayne Coffman:
Entity resolution using inferred relationships and behavior. 555-560 - Rong Gu, Wei Hu, Yihua Huang:
Rainbow: A distributed and hierarchical RDF triple store with dynamic scalability. 561-566 - Hong Yi, Michel E. Rasquin, Jun Fang, Igor A. Bolotnov:
In-situ visualization and computational steering for large-scale simulation of turbulent flows in complex geometries. 567-572 - Thibault Debatty, Pietro Michiardi, Olivier Thonnard, Wim Mees:
Building k-nn graphs from large text data. 573-578 - Raju Balakrishnan, Rajesh Parekh:
Learning to predict subject-line opens for large-scale email marketing. 579-584 - Robert S. Pienta, Acar Tamersoy, Hanghang Tong, Duen Horng Chau:
MAGE: Matching approximate patterns in richly-attributed graphs. 585-590 - Jungkyu Han, Min Luo:
Bootstrapping K-means for big data analysis. 591-596 - Ahsanul Haque, Swarup Chandra, Latifur Khan, Charu C. Aggarwal:
Distributed Adaptive Importance Sampling on graphical models using MapReduce. 597-602 - Bo Liu, Erico N. de Souza, Stan Matwin, Marcin Sydow:
Knowledge-based clustering of ship trajectories using density-based approach. 603-608 - Ciro Donalek, S. George Djorgovski, Alex Cioc, Anwell Wang, Jerry Zhang, Elizabeth Lawler, Stacy Yeh, Ashish Mahabal, Matthew J. Graham, Andrew J. Drake, Scott Davidoff, Jeffrey S. Norris, Giuseppe Longo:
Immersive and collaborative data visualization using virtual reality platforms. 609-614 - Lee Parnell Thompson, Weijia Xu, Daniel P. Miranker:
The Adaptive Projection Forest: Using adjustable exclusion and parallelism in metric space indexes. 615-620 - Tony Worm, Kenneth Chiu:
Scaling up Prioritized Grammar Enumeration for scientific discovery in the cloud. 621-626 - Yun Shen, Olivier Thonnard:
MR-TRIAGE: Scalable multi-criteria clustering for big data security intelligence applications. 627-635 - Todd J. Bodnar, Conrad S. Tucker, Kenneth M. Hopkinson, Sven G. Bilén:
Increasing the veracity of event detection on social media networks through user trust modeling. 636-643 - Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Peter Hough, Md Zahidul Islam:
Empowering users of social networks to assess their privacy risks. 644-649 - Tahereh Babaie, Sanjay Chawla, Sebastien Ardon, Yue Yu:
A unified approach to network anomaly detection. 650-655 - Zhichuan Huang, Hongyao Luo, David Skoda, Ting Zhu, Yu Gu:
E-Sketch: Gathering large-scale energy consumption data based on consumption patterns. 656-665 - Lee Kellogg, Brian E. Ruttenberg, Alison O'Connor, Michael Howard, Avi Pfeffer:
Hierarchical management of large-scale malware data. 666-674 - Sotiris K. Tasoulis, Lu Cheng, Niko Välimäki, Nicholas J. Croucher, Simon R. Harris, William P. Hanage, Teemu Roos, Jukka Corander:
Random projection based clustering for population genomics. 675-682 - Daniela Ushizima, Talita Perciano, Harinarayan Krishnan, Burlen Loring, Hrishikesh Bale, Dilworth Parkinson, James A. Sethian:
Structure recognition from high resolution images of ceramic composites. 683-691 - Sufeng Niu, Guangyu Yang, Nilim Sarma, Pengfei Xuan, Melissa C. Smith, Pradip K. Srimani, Feng Luo:
Combining Hadoop and GPU to preprocess large Affymetrix microarray data. 692-700 - Wenrong Zeng, Yuhao Yang, Bo Luo:
Content-Based Access Control: Use data content to assist access control for large-scale content-centric databases. 701-710 - Yu Zhang, Stephen Wistar, Jose A. Piedra-Fernández, Jia Li, Michael A. Steinberg, James Z. Wang:
Locating visual storm signatures from satellite images. 711-720 - Marc Frîncu, Charalampos Chelmis, Muhammad Usman Noor, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Accurate and efficient selection of the best consumption prediction method in smart grids. 721-729 - Andrew Todd, William T. Scherer, Peter A. Beling, Mark E. Paddrik, Richard Haynes:
Visualizations for sense-making in financial market regulation. 730-735 - Mathias Johanson, Stanislav Belenki, Jonas Jalminger, Magnus Fant, Mats Gjertz:
Big Automotive Data: Leveraging large volumes of data for knowledge-driven product development. 736-741 - Yufei Han, Xiaolan Sha, Etta Grover-Silva, Pietro Michiardi:
On the impact of socio-economic factors on power load forecasting. 742-747 - Jong Hoon Ahnn:
Toward personalized and scalable voice-enabled services powered by big data. 748-753 - Guo-Qiang Zhang, Wei Zhu, Mengmeng Sun, Shiqiang Tao, Olivier Bodenreider, Licong Cui:
MaPLE: A MapReduce Pipeline for Lattice-based Evaluation and its application to SNOMED CT. 754-759 - Bun Theang Ong, Komei Sugiura, Koji Zettsu:
Dynamic pre-training of Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for predicting environmental monitoring data. 760-765 - José Manuel Abuín, Juan Carlos Pichel, Tomás F. Pena, Pablo Gamallo Otero, Marcos García:
Perldoop: Efficient execution of Perl scripts on Hadoop clusters. 766-771 - Dean N. Williams, Giri Palanisamy, Galen M. Shipman, Thomas A. Boden, Jimmy W. Voyles:
Department of energy strategic roadmap for Earth system science data integration. 772-777 - Daniel Fried, Mihai Surdeanu, Stephen G. Kobourov, Melanie Hingle, Dane Bell:
Analyzing the language of food on social media. 778-783 - Wei-Chun Chung, Yu-Jung Chang, D. T. Lee, Jan-Ming Ho:
Using geometric structures to improve the error correction algorithm of high-throughput sequencing data on MapReduce framework. 784-789 - Maryam Panahiazar, Vahid Taslimi, Ashutosh Jadhav, Jyotishman Pathak:
Empowering personalized medicine with big data and semantic web technology: Promises, challenges, and use cases. 790-795 - Amit Gupta, Weijia Xu, Kenneth Perrine, Dennis Bell, Natalia Ruiz-Juri:
On scaling time dependent shortest path computations for Dynamic Traffic Assignment. 796-801 - Tao Zhong, Kshitij A. Doshi, Gang Deng, Xiaoming Yang, Hegao Zhang:
High volume geospatial mapping for internet-of-vehicle solutions with in-memory map-reduce processing. 802-807 - Khalifeh AlJadda, Mohammed Korayem, Trey Grainger, Chris Russell:
Crowdsourced query augmentation through semantic discovery of domain-specific jargon. 808-815 - Peter Bajcsy, Phuong Nguyen, Antoine Vandecreme, Mary Brady:
Spatial computations over terabyte-sized images on hadoop platforms. 816-824 - Vinay Deolalikar, Kave Eshghi:
Lightweight approximate top-k for distributed settings. 835-844 - Vinay Deolalikar:
Query revision during cluster based search on large unstructured corpora. 845-853 - Chaitali Gupta, Mayank Bansal, Tzu-Cheng Chuang, Ranjan Sinha, Sami Ben-Romdhane:
Astro: A predictive model for anomaly detection and feedback-based scheduling on Hadoop. 854-862 - Eric Huang, Andres Quiroz, Luca Ceriani:
Automating data integration with HiperFuse. 863-867 - Jayasimha Katukuri, Tolga Könik, Rajyashree Mukherjee, Santanu Kolay:
Recommending similar items in large-scale online marketplaces. 868-876 - Dhaval C. Lunagariya, Durvasula V. L. N. Somayajulu, P. Radha Krishna:
SE-CDA: A scalable and efficient community detection algorithm. 877-882 - Rohan Malcolm, Cherrelle Morrison, Tyrone Grandison, Sean S. E. Thorpe, Kimron Christie, Akim Wallace, Damian Green, Julian Jarrett, Arnett Campbell:
Increasing the accessibility to Big Data systems via a common services API. 883-892 - Sathyan Munirathinam, Balakrishnan Ramadoss:
Big data predictive analtyics for proactive semiconductor equipment maintenance. 893-902 - Celeste Lyn Paul, Chris Argenta, William C. Elm, Alex Endert:
Future directions of humans in Big Data Research: Summary of the 1st workshop on Human-Centered Big Data Research. 903-904 - Nicolás Poggi, David Carrera, Aaron Call, Sergio Mendoza, Yolanda Becerra, Jordi Torres, Eduard Ayguadé, Fabrizio Gagliardi, Jesús Labarta, Rob Reinauer, Nikola Vujic, Daron Green, José A. Blakeley:
ALOJA: A systematic study of Hadoop deployment variables to enable automated characterization of cost-effectiveness. 905-913 - François Schnitzler, Thomas Liebig, Shie Marmor, Gustavo Souto, Sebastian Bothe, Hendrik Stange:
Heterogeneous stream processing for disaster detection and alarming. 914-923 - Yongli Tang, Tingting He, Bo Li, Xiaohua Hu:
Identifying top Chinese network buzzwords from social media big data set based on time-distribution features. 924-931 - Jenny Weisenberg Williams, Kareem S. Aggour, John Interrante, Justin McHugh, Eric Pool:
Bridging high velocity and high volume industrial big data through distributed in-memory storage & analytics. 932-941 - Yinglong Xia, Ilie Gabriel Tanase, Lifeng Nai, Wei Tan, Yanbin Liu, Jason Crawford, Ching-Yung Lin:
Graph analytics and storage. 942-951 - Jiang Zheng, Aldo Dagnino:
An initial study of predictive machine learning analytics on large volumes of historical data for power system applications. 952-959 - Rui Zhang, Dean Hildebrand, Renu Tewari:
In unity there is strength: Showcasing a unified big data platform with MapReduce Over both object and file storage. 960-966 - Alexander Brodsky, Mohan Krishnamoorthy, Daniel A. Menascé, Guodong Shao, Sudarsan Rachuri:
Toward smart manufacturing using decision analytics. 967-977 - Raunak Bhinge, Nishant Biswas, David Dornfeld, Jinkyoo Park, Kincho H. Law, Moneer Helu, Sudarsan Rachuri:
An intelligent machine monitoring system for energy prediction using a Gaussian Process regression. 978-986 - David Lechevalier, Anantha Narayanan, Sudarsan Rachuri:
Towards a domain-specific framework for predictive analytics in manufacturing. 987-995 - Saideep Nannapaneni, Sankaran Mahadevan:
Uncertainty quantification in performance evaluation of manufacturing processes. 996-1005 - Soheil Qanbari, Samira Mahdi Zadeh, Soroush Vedaei, Schahram Dustdar:
CloudMan: A platform for portable cloud manufacturing services. 1006-1014 - Utpal Roy, Yunpeng Li, Bicheng Zhu:
Building a rigorous foundation for performance assurance assessment techniques for "smart" manufacturing systems. 1015-1023 - Hanna Yang, Minjeong Park, Minsu Cho, Minseok Song, Seongjoo Kim:
A system architecture for manufacturing process analysis based on big data and process mining techniques. 1024-1029 - Elizabeth Boschee, Marjorie Freedman, Saurabh Khanwalkar, Anoop Kumar, Amit Srivastava, Ralph M. Weischedel:
Researching persons & organizations: AWAKE: From text to an entity-centric knowledge base. 1030-1039 - Newres Al Haider, Samina Raza Abidi, William Van Woensel, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi:
Integrating existing large scale medical laboratory data into the semantic web framework. 1040-1048 - Chen Liu, Wesley W. Chu, Fred W. Sabb, Douglas Stott Parker, Joseph Korpela:
Path knowledge discovery: Association mining based on multi-category lexicons. 1049-1059 - Tsau-Young Lin, Asmi H. Shah:
Stochastic Finite Automata for the translation of DNA to protein. 1060-1067 - Asmi H. Shah, Gayathri Gopalakrishnan, Adithya Rajendran, Urban Liebel:
Data mining and sharing tool for high content screening large scale biological image data. 1068-1076 - Georgios Stavropoulos, Stelios Krinidis, Dimosthenis Ioannidis, Konstantinos Moustakas, Dimitrios Tzovaras:
A building performance evaluation & visualization system. 1077-1085 - Mohiuddin Solaimani, Mohammed Iftekhar, Latifur Khan, Bhavani Thuraisingham:
Statistical technique for online anomaly detection using Spark over heterogeneous data from multi-source VMware performance data. 1086-1094 - Om Prasad Patri, Abhishek B. Sharma, Haifeng Chen, Guofei Jiang, Anand V. Panangadan, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Extracting discriminative shapelets from heterogeneous sensor data. 1095-1104 - Jinseok Kim, Jana Diesner, Heejun Kim, Amirhossein Aleyasen, Hwan-Min Kim:
Why name ambiguity resolution matters for scholarly big data research. 1-6 - Gaurav Madaan, Shivakumar Jolad:
Evolution of scientific collaboration networks. 7-13 - Tom Narock, Robert A. Arko, Suzanne Carbotte, Adila Krisnadhi, Pascal Hitzler, Michelle Cheatham, Adam Shepherd, Cynthia Chandler, Lisa Raymond, Peter H. Wiebe, Timothy W. Finin:
The OceanLink project. 14-21 - Michael E. Payne, Linh Bao Ngo, Flavio Villanustre, Amy W. Apon:
Managing the academic data lifecycle: A case study of HPCC. 22-30 - Jong Hoon Ahnn:
Scalable big data computing for the personalization of machine learned models and its application to automatic speech recognition service. 1-8 - Hasan Asfoor, Rajagopalan Srinivasan, Gayathri Vasudevan, Nele Verbiest, Chris Cornelis, Matthew E. Tolentino, Ankur Teredesai, Martine De Cock:
Computing fuzzy rough approximations in large scale information systems. 9-16 - B. Chandra, Rajesh Kumar Sharma:
Fast learning for big data applications using parameterized multilayer perceptron. 17-22 - Andrew Phelps Cassidy, Frank A. Deviney:
Calculating feature importance in data streams with concept drift using Online Random Forest. 23-28 - Yiqi Chen, Zhiyuan Lin, Robert S. Pienta, Minsuk Kahng, Duen Horng Chau:
Towards scalable graph computation on mobile devices. 29-35 - Roberto D'Ambrosio, Wafa Belhajali, Michel Barlaud:
Boosting Stochastic Newton Descent for Bigdata large scale classification. 36-41 - Vinay Deolalikar:
Feature selection for text clustering in limited memory using Monte Carlo wrapper. 42-49 - Cailing Dong, Arvind Agarwal:
WS2F: A weakly supervised framework for data stream filtering. 50-57 - Yifang Jiang, Diao Zhang, Kai Chen, Qu Zhou, Yi Zhou, Jianhua He:
An improved memory management scheme for large scale graph computing engine GraphChi. 58-63 - Ujjal Kumar Mukherjee, Snigdhansu Chatterjee:
Fast algorithm for computing weighted projection quantiles and data depth for high-dimensional large data clouds. 64-71 - Tanay Kumar Saha, Mohammad Al Hasan:
FS3: A sampling based method for top-k frequent subgraph mining. 72-79 - Mohammad Amir Sharif, Vijay V. Raghavan:
A clustering based scalable hybrid approach for web page recommendation. 80-87 - Eric Sibony, Stéphan Clémençon, Jérémie Jakubowicz:
Multiresolution analysis of incomplete rankings with applications to prediction. 88-95 - Xiaoli Song, Yue Shang, Yuan Ling, Mengwen Liu, Xiaohua Hu:
Pairwise Topic Model via relation extraction. 96-103 - Xiaoguang Wang, Xuan Liu, Stan Matwin, Nathalie Japkowicz, Hongyu Guo:
A multi-view two-level classification method for generalized multi-instance problems. 104-111 - Xiaoguang Wang, Xuan Liu, Stan Matwin, Nathalie Japkowicz:
Applying instance-weighted support vector machines to class imbalanced datasets. 112-118 - Amlan Chatterjee, Sridhar Radhakrishnan, Chandra N. Sekharan:
Connecting the dots: Triangle completion and related problems on large data sets using GPUs. 1-8 - Naga Shailaja Dasari, Desh Ranjan, Mohammad Zubair:
ParK: An efficient algorithm for k-core decomposition on multicore processors. 9-16 - William Eberle, Lawrence B. Holder:
A partitioning approach to scaling anomaly detection in graph streams. 17-24 - Ghizlane Echbarthi, Hamamache Kheddouci:
Fractional greedy and partial restreaming partitioning: New methods for massive graph partitioning. 25-32 - S. M. Faisal, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, P. Sadayappan:
Global graphs: A middleware for large scale graph processing. 33-40 - Ronald D. Hagan, Charles A. Phillips, Kai Wang, Gary L. Rogers, Michael A. Langston:
Toward an efficient, highly scalable maximum clique solver for massive graphs. 41-45 - David Mizell, Kristyn J. Maschhoff, Steven P. Reinhardt:
Extending SPARQL with graph functions. 46-53 - Josephine M. Namayanja, Vandana Pursnani Janeja:
Change detection in temporally evolving computer networks: A big data framework. 54-61 - Christian Staudt, Yassine Marrakchi, Henning Meyerhenke:
Detecting communities around seed nodes in complex networks. 62-69 - Ichitaro Yamazaki, Théo Mary, Jakub Kurzak, Stanimire Tomov, Jack J. Dongarra:
Access-averse framework for computing low-rank matrix approximations. 70-77 - Angen Zheng, Alexandros Labrinidis, Panos K. Chrysanthis:
Architecture-aware graph repartitioning for data-intensive scientific computing. 78-85 - Jun Chen, Hui Li, Hanxu Hou, Bing Zhu, Tai Zhou, Lijia Lu, Yumeng Zhang:
A new Zigzag MDS code with optimal encoding and efficient decoding. 1-6 - Son Hoang Dau, Yan Jia, Chao Jin, Weiya Xi, Kheong Sann Chan:
Parity declustering for fault-tolerant storage systems via t-designs. 7-14 - Seungmin Kang, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Khin Mi Mi Aung, Chao Jin:
An efficient scheme to ensure data availability for a cloud service provider. 15-20 - Chao Tian:
A C library of repair-efficient erasure codes for distributed data storage systems. 21-26 - Hao Wang, Haopeng Chen, Fei Hu:
ReCT: Improving MapReduce performance under failures with resilient checkpointing tactics. 27-32 - Tai Zhou, Hui Li, Bing Zhu, Yumeng Zhang, Hanxu Hou, Jun Chen:
STORE: Data recovery with approximate minimum network bandwidth and disk I/O in distributed storage systems. 33-38 - Yasser Jafer, Stan Matwin, Marina Sokolova:
Privacy-aware filter-based feature selection. 1-5 - Renata Jordao, Valério Aymoré Martins, Fábio Buiati, Rafael Timóteo de Sousa Júnior, Flavio E. de Deus:
Secure data storage in distributed cloud environments. 6-12 - Takao Murakami, Hajime Watanabe:
Location prediction attacks using tensor factorization and optimal defenses. 13-21 - Pavan Kumar, Chintalapati Janaki, N. Neeharika, Payal Saluja, N. Mangala, B. B. Prahlada Rao:
Information gateway for integrated pharmacogenomics data- IGIPD. 1-9 - Tarek Abdunabi, Otman Basir:
Predicting a biological response of molecules from their chemical properties using diverse and optimized ensembles of stochastic gradient boosting machine. 10-17 - Jesus J. Caban, Gerard Riedy, Terrence R. Oakes, Geoff Grammer, Thomas DeGraba:
Understanding the effects of concussion using big data. 18-23 - Shao-Hua Cheng, Yu-Shian Chiu, Shih-Yao Dai, Hui-I Hsiao:
Duplicate drug discovery using Hadoop. 24-26 - Cindy Fähnrich, Matthieu-P. Schapranow, Hasso Plattner:
Towards integrating the detection of genetic variants into an in-memory database. 27-32 - Kavita Ganesan, Michael Subotin:
A general supervised approach to segmentation of clinical texts. 33-40 - Shamim Nemati, Mohammad M. Ghassemi:
A fast and memory-efficient algorithm for learning and retrieval of phenotypic dynamics in multivariate cohort time series. 41-44 - Ruchie Bhardwaj, Adhiraaj Sethi, Raghunath Nambiar:
Big data in genomics: An overview. 45-49 - Mallory Bounds Sheth, Abdullah Chahin, Roger Mark, Natasha Markuzon:
Protective effects of rheumatoid arthritis in septic ICU patients. 50-55 - Wei Tang, Jared Bischof, Narayan Desai, Kanak Mahadik, Wolfgang Gerlach, Travis Harrison, Andreas Wilke, Folker Meyer:
Workload characterization for MG-RAST metagenomic data analytics service in the cloud. 56-63 - Rosanne Vetro, Roshanak Farhoodi, Rohith Kotla, Nurit Haspel, David Weisman, Jennifer Rosen, Dan A. Simovici:
TIDE: Inter-chromosomal translocation and insertion detection using embeddings. 64-70 - Hang Wu, Ji-Jiang Yang, Jianqiang Li:
Low redundancy feature selection with grouped variables and its application to healthcare data. 71-76 - Qian Zhu, Cui Tao:
Pharmacological class data representation in the Web Ontology Language (OWL). 77-84 - Berkay Aydin, Dustin Kempton, Vijay Akkineni, Shaktidhar Reddy Gopavaram, Karthik Ganesan Pillai, Rafal A. Angryk:
Spatiotemporal indexing techniques for efficiently mining spatiotemporal co-occurrence patterns. 1-10 - Juan M. Banda, Rafal A. Angryk:
Scalable solar image Retrieval with Lucene. 11-17 - Karl Battams:
Stream mining for solar physics: Applications and implications for big solar data. 18-26 - Simon Felix, André Csillaghy:
A computer vision approach to mining big solar data. 27-35 - Dustin Kempton, Karthik Ganesan Pillai, Rafal A. Angryk:
Iterative refinement of multiple targets tracking of solar events. 36-44 - Kevin P. Reardon, Steve Berukoff:
Improved data exploitation for DKIST high-resolution solar observations. 45-52 - Michael A. Schuh, Rafal A. Angryk:
Massive labeled solar image data benchmarks for automated feature recognition. 53-60 - Farideddin Peiravian, Amirhassan Kermanshah, Sybil Derrible:
Spatial data analysis of complex urban systems. 1-6 - Sabrina Azzi, Abdenour Bouzouane, Sylvain Giroux, Cindy Dallaire, Bruno Bouchard:
Human activity recognition in big data smart home context. 1-8 - Hilary Cheng, Yi-Chuan Lu, Chih-Cheng Hsu:
A visualized data analysis for bogus business entity detection. 9-15 - Julian Krumeich, Dirk Werth, Peter Loos, Jens Schimmelpfennig, Sven Jacobi:
Advanced planning and control of manufacturing processes in steel industry through big data analytics: Case study and architecture proposal. 16-24 - Wuheng Luo, Bo Liu, Allie K. Watfa:
An open schema for XML data in Hive. 25-31 - Guangchen Ruan, Hui Zhang, Beth Plale:
Parallel and quantitative sequential pattern mining for large-scale interval-based temporal data. 32-39 - Greg Sand, Leonidas Tsitouras, George Dimitrakopoulos, Vasilis Chatzigiannakis:
A big data aggregation, analysis and exploitation integrated platform for increasing social management intelligence. 40-47 - Jennifer Shin:
Investigating the accuracy of the openFDA API using the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS). 48-53 - Yongen Yu, Wei Tang, Hongbo Zou, Liwei Liu:
A CCG virtual system for big data application communication costs analysis. 54-60 - Jian Zou, Hui Zhang:
High-frequency financial statistics with parallel R and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor. 61-69 - Eric S. Chan, Dieter Gawlick, Adel Ghoneimy, Zhen Hua Liu:
Situation aware computing for big data. 1-6 - Shanika Karunasekera, Aaron Harwood, Sameendra Samarawickrama, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, Garry Robins:
Topic-specific post identification in microblog streams. 7-13 - Fano Ramparany, Fermín Galán Márquez, Javier Soriano, Tarek Elsaleh:
Handling smart environment devices, data and services at the semantic level with the FI-WARE core platform. 14-20 - Rajesh Vargheese, Hazim Dahir:
An IoT/IoE enabled architecture framework for precision on shelf availability: Enhancing proactive shopper experience. 21-26 - Magnus Boman, Daniel Gillblad:
Learning machines for computational epidemiology. 1-5 - Gloria J. Kang, L. Gunaseelan, Kaja M. Abbas:
Epidemiological modeling of bovine brucellosis in India. 6-10 - Yiheng Liang, Armin R. Mikler:
Big data problems on discovering and analyzing causal relationships in epidemiological data. 11-18 - Daphne Lopez, Gunasekaran Manogaran, B. Senthil Murugan, Harpreet Kaur, Kaja M. Abbas:
Spatial big data analytics of influenza epidemic in Vellore, India. 19-24 - Offei Adarkwa, Thomas Schumacher, Nii O. Attoh-Okine:
Multiway Analysis of bridge structural types in the National Bridge Inventory (NBI): A tensor decomposition approach. 1-6 - Nii O. Attoh-Okine:
Big data challenges in railway engineering. 7-9 - Xing-Yu Chen, Hsing-Kuo Pao, Yuh-Jye Lee:
Efficient traffic speed forecasting based on massive heterogenous historical data. 10-17 - Vinay Deolalikar:
Topological models of document-query sets in retrieval for Enterprise Information Management. 18-23 - Christian Kiss-Toth, Gábor Takács:
A dynamic programming approach for 4D flight route optimization. 24-28 - Amirhassan Kermanshah, Alireza Karduni, Farideddin Peiravian, Sybil Derrible:
Impact analysis of extreme events on flows in spatial networks. 29-34 - Christopher Morris, John M. Easton, Clive Roberts:
Applications of linked data in the rail domain. 35-41 - Silvia Galvan Nunez, Nii O. Attoh-Okine:
Metaheuristics in big data: An approach to railway engineering. 42-47 - Alfredo Núñez, Jurjen Hendriks, Zili Li, Bart De Schutter, Rolf P. B. J. Dollevoet:
Facilitating maintenance decisions on the Dutch railways using big data: The ABA case study. 48-53 - Farideddin Peiravian, Amirhassan Kermanshah, Sybil Derrible:
Spatial data analysis of complex urban systems. 54-59 - Matija Radovic, Jennifer McConnell:
Evaluating structural engineering finite element analysis data using multiway analysis. 60-67 - Hidefumi Sawai, Aki-Hiro Sato:
Multi-objective optimization for resilient airline networks using socioeconomic-environmental data. 68-77 - Gábor Takács:
Predicting flight arrival times with a multistage model. 78-84 - Jonathan Tutcher:
Ontology-driven data integration for railway asset monitoring applications. 85-95 - Allan M. Zarembski:
Some examples of big data in railroad engineering. 96-102 - Filipe Araújo, Marília Curado, Pedro Furtado, Raul Barbosa:
Taking an electronic ticketing system to the cloud: Design and discussion. 1-10 - Shouvik Bardhan, Daniel A. Menascé:
A contention aware hybrid evaluator for schedulers of big data applications in computer clusters. 11-19 - Vassilis Kolias, Constantinos Kolias, Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, Eleftherios Kayafas:
RuleMR: Classification rule discovery with MapReduce. 20-28 - Nico Kruber, Florian Schintke, Michael Berlin:
A relational database schema on the transactional key-value store scalaris. 29-37 - Michael P. McGuire, Nam P. Nguyen:
Community structure analysis in big climate data. 38-46 - Zubair Nabi, Rohit Wagle, Eric Bouillet:
The best of two worlds: Integrating IBM InfoSphere Streams with Apache YARN. 47-51 - Tsunghan Wu, Sheau-Harn Yu, Wanjiun Liao, Cheng-Shang Chang:
Temporal bipartite projection and link prediction for online social networks. 52-59 - Sarah Atkinson, Jos Lehmann, Roger Evans:
The Deep Film Access Project: Ontology and metadata design for digital film production assets. 1-4 - Peter Baskerville, Lisa Y. Dillon, Kris Inwood, Evan Roberts, Steven Ruggles, Kevin Schürer, John Robert Warren:
Mining microdata: Economic opportunity and spatial mobility in Britain and the United States, 1850-1881. 5-13 - Tobias Blanke, Giles Greenway, Jennifer Pybus, Mark Coté:
Mining mobile youth cultures. 14-17 - Frank Bosco, Krista Uggerslev, Piers Steel:
Scientific findings as big data for research synthesis: The metaBUS project. 18-22 - Marco Büchler, Greta Franzini, Emily Franzini, Maria Moritz:
Scaling historical text re-use. 23-31 - Owen Conlan, Alexander O'Connor, Orla Ni Loinsigh, Gary Munnelly, Séamus Lawless, Rachel Murphy:
Revolutionary entities: Turning data into knowledge to drive personalized exploration of The irish rising of 1916. 32-38 - E. Thomas Ewing, Samah Gad, Naren Ramakrishnan, Jeffrey S. Reznick:
Understanding the role of medical experts during a public health crisis digital tools and library resources for research on the 1918 Spanish influenza. 39-46 - Richard Gartner:
A metadata infrastructure for the analysis of parliamentary proceedings. 47-50 - Eric Hoyt, Kit Hughes, Derek Long, Anthony Tran, Kevin Ponto:
Scaled Entity Search: A method for media historiography and response to critiques of big humanities data research. 51-59 - Thomas Lansdall-Welfare, Saatviga Sudhahar, Giuseppe A. Veltri, Nello Cristianini:
On the coverage of science in the media: A big data study on the impact of the Fukushima disaster. 60-66 - Ray R. Larson, Richard Marciano, Chien-Yi Hou, Shreyas, Paul B. Watry, John Harrison, Luis Aguilar, Jérôme Fuselier:
Integrating Data Mining and Data Management Technologies for Scholarly Inquiry. 67-71 - Lev Manovich, Alise Tifentale, Mehrdad Yazdani, Jay Chow:
The exceptional and the everyday: 144 Hours in Kiev. 72-79 - C. J. Rupp, Paul Rayson, Ian N. Gregory, Andrew Hardie, Amelia Joulain, Daniel Hartmann:
Dealing with heterogeneous big data when geoparsing historical corpora. 80-83 - Muhammed Asif Saleem, Blesson Varghese, Adam Barker:
BigExcel: A web-based framework for exploring big data in social sciences. 84-91 - Xin Wang, Ang Sun, Hakan Kardes, Siddharth Agrawal, Lin Chen, Andrew Borthwick:
Probabilistic estimates of attribute statistics and match likelihood for people entity resolution. 92-99 - Alex C. Williams, John F. Wallin, Haoyu Yu, Marco Perale, Hyrum D. Carroll, Anne-Françoise J. Lamblin, Lucy Fortson, Dirk Obbink, Chris J. Lintott, James H. Brusuelas:
A computational pipeline for crowdsourced transcriptions of Ancient Greek papyrus fragments. 100-105 - Philippe Calvez, Eddie Soulier:
"Sustainable assemblage for energy (SAE)" inside intelligent urban areas: How massive heterogeneous data could help to reduce energy footprints and promote sustainable practices and an ecological transition. 1-8 - Erin-Elizabeth A. Durham, Andrew Rosen, Robert W. Harrison:
A model architecture for Big Data applications using relational databases. 9-16 - Eric L. Goodman, Edward Jimenez, Cliff A. Joslyn, David J. Haglin, Sinan Al-Saffar, Dirk Grunwald:
Optimizing graph queries with graph joins and Sprinkle SPARQL. 17-24 - Xiaoguang Wang, Xuan Liu, Bo Liu, Erico N. de Souza, Stan Matwin:
Vessel route anomaly detection with Hadoop MapReduce. 25-30 - Jiazhen Nian, Shan Jiang, Yan Zhang:
HBGSim: A structural similarity measurement over heterogeneous big graphs. 31-38 - Walid Shalaby, Wlodek Zadrozny, Sean Gallagher:
Knowledge based dimensionality reduction for technical text mining. 39-44 - Xiaoguang Wang, Xuan Liu, Stan Matwin:
A distributed instance-weighted SVM algorithm on large-scale imbalanced datasets. 45-51 - Rajeev Agrawal, Ashiq Imran, Cameron Seay, Jessie J. Walker:
A layer based architecture for provenance in big data. 1-7 - Joan L. Aron, Brand Niemann:
Sharing best practices for the implementation of Big Data applications in government and science communities. 8-10 - Nancy W. Grady, Mark A. Underwood, Arnab Roy, Wo L. Chang:
Big Data: Challenges, practices and technologies: NIST Big Data Public Working Group workshop at IEEE Big Data 2014. 11-15 - H. Howie Huang, Hang Liu:
Big data machine learning and graph analytics: Current state and future challenges. 16-17 - Raghunath Nambiar:
A standard for benchmarking big data systems. 18-20 - Saima Aman, Charalampos Chelmis, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Addressing data veracity in big data applications. 1-3 - Julien Amelot, Peter Bajcsy, Anne L. Plant, Mary Brady:
Machine learning and interactive visualization applied to TB-sized images of stem cells. 4 - Gaël Chareyron, Jérôme Da Rugna, Thomas Raimbault:
Big data: A new challenge for tourism. 5-7 - Ranjeet Devarakonda, Biva Shrestha, Giriprakash Palanisamy, Les A. Hook, Terri Killeffer, Misha Krassovski, Tom Boden, Robert B. Cook, Lisa S. Zolly, Viv Hutchison, Mike Frame, Alice Cialella, Kathy Lazer:
OME: Tool for generating and managing metadata to handle BigData. 8-10 - Andy Doyle, Graham Katz, Kristen Maria Summers, Chris Ackermann, Ilya Zavorin, Zunsik Lim, Sathappan Muthiah, Liang Zhao, Chang-Tien Lu, Patrick Butler, Rupinder Paul Khandpur, Youssef Fayed, Naren Ramakrishnan:
The EMBERS architecture for streaming predictive analytics. 11-13 - Chinua Umoja, J. T. Torrance, Erin-Elizabeth A. Durham, Andrew Rosen, Robert W. Harrison:
A novel approach to determine docking locations using fuzzy logic and shape determination. 14-16 - Roberto Espinosa, Larisa Garriga, José Jacobo Zubcoff, Jose-Norberto Mazón:
Linked Open Data mining for democratization of big data. 17-19 - Niall Gaffney, Christopher Jordan, Tommy Minyard, Dan Stanzione:
Building Wrangler: A transformational data intensive resource for the open science community. 20-22 - Ioannis Giannakopoulos, Nikolaos Papailiou, Christos Mantas, Ioannis Konstantinou, Dimitrios Tsoumakos, Nectarios Koziris:
CELAR: Automated application elasticity platform. 23-25 - Thomas Hassan, Rafael Peixoto, Christophe Cruz, Aurélie Bertaux, Nuno Silva:
Semantic HMC for big data analysis. 26-28 - Ashiq Imran, Rajeev Agrawal, Jessie J. Walker, Anthony Gomes:
A layer based architecture for provenance in big data. 29-31 - Vandana Pursnani Janeja, Ali Azari, Josephine M. Namayanja, Brian Heilig:
B-dids: Mining anomalies in a Big-distributed Intrusion Detection System. 32-34 - Fan Jiang, Michael Shoffner, Claris Castillo, Charles Schmitt:
Enabling genomic analysis on federated clouds. 35-37 - Anirudh Kadadi, Rajeev Agrawal, Christopher Nyamful, Rahman Atiq:
Challenges of data integration and interoperability in big data. 38-40 - Madian Khabsa, Pucktada Treeratpituk, C. Lee Giles:
Large scale author name disambiguation in digital libraries. 41-42 - Akira Kinoshita, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi:
Real-time traffic incident detection using probe-car data on the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway. - Nick Manfredi, Darakhshan J. Mir, Shannon Lu, Dominick Sanchez:
Differentially private models of tollgate usage: The Milan tollgate data set. 46-48 - Ioannis Mytilinis, Ioannis Giannakopoulos, Ioannis Konstantinou, Katerina Doka, Nectarios Koziris:
MoDisSENSE: A distributed platform for social networking services over mobile devices. 49-51 - Syunya Okuno, Hiroki Asai, Hayato Yamana:
A challenge of authorship identification for ten-thousand-scale microblog users. 52-54 - Thomas Raimbault, Gaël Chareyron, Corinne Krzyzanowski-Guillot:
Cognitive map of tourist behavior based on Tripadvisor. 55-57 - Tugdual Sarazin, Mustapha Lebbah, Hanane Azzag:
Biclustering using Spark-MapReduce. 58-60 - Zubair Shah, Abdun Naser Mahmood:
A summarization paradigm for big data. 61-63 - Biva Shrestha, Ranjeet Devarakonda, Giriprakash Palanisamy:
An open source framework to add spatial extent and geospatial visibility to Big Data. 64-66 - Jose Teixeira:
Developing a cloud computing platform for Big Data: The OpenStack Nova case. 67-69 - Robert Warren, Bo Liu:
Language, cultural influences and intelligence in historical gazetteers of the Great War. 70-72 - Joshua A. Westgard:
The Bot will serve you now: Automating access to archival materials. 73-74 - Jin Soung Yoo, Douglas Boulware:
Incremental and parallel spatial association mining. 75-76 - Haozhen Zhao:
Sharding for literature search via cutting citation graphs. 77-79 - Bing Zhu, Hui Li, Kenneth W. Shum:
Repair efficient storage codes via combinatorial configurations. 80-81
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