- Martin Mozina, Timotej Lazar:
Syntax-Based Analysis of Programming Concepts in Python. AIED (2) 2018: 236-240 - Heather Newman, David A. Joyner:
Sentiment Analysis of Student Evaluations of Teaching. AIED (2) 2018: 246-250 - Chinasa Odo:
Adapting Learning Activities Selection in an Intelligent Tutoring System to Affect. AIED (2) 2018: 521-525 - Ranilson Paiva, Ig Ibert Bittencourt, Wansel Lemos, André Vinicius, Diego Dermeval:
Visualizing Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining Outputs. AIED (2) 2018: 251-256 - Luc Paquette, Ryan S. Baker, Michal Moskal:
A System-General Model for the Detection of Gaming the System Behavior in CTAT and LearnSphere. AIED (2) 2018: 257-260 - Junghyuk Park, Hyunsoo Cho, Sang-goo Lee:
Automatic Generation of Multiple-Choice Fill-in-the-Blank Question Using Document Embedding. AIED (2) 2018: 261-265 - Bruno Elias Penteado, Seiji Isotani, Paula Maria Pereira Paiva, Marina Morettin-Zupelari, Deborah Viviane Ferrari:
Prediction of Interpersonal Help-Seeking Behavior from Log Files in an In-Service Education Distance Course. AIED (2) 2018: 266-270 - Sarah Perez, Jonathan Massey-Allard, Joss Ives, Deborah Butler, Doug A. Bonn, Jeff Bale, Ido Roll:
Control of Variables Strategy Across Phases of Inquiry in Virtual Labs. AIED (2) 2018: 271-275 - Anne Pfeifer, Birgit Lugrin:
Female Robots as Role-Models? - The Influence of Robot Gender and Learning Materials on Learning Success. AIED (2) 2018: 276-280 - Kaska Porayska-Pomsta, Evi Chryssafidou:
Adolescents' Self-regulation During Job Interviews Through an AI Coaching Environment. AIED (2) 2018: 281-285 - Kaska Porayska-Pomsta, Manolis Mavrikis, Mutlu Cukurova, Maria Margeti, Tej Samani:
Leveraging Non-cognitive Student Self-reports to Predict Learning Outcomes. AIED (2) 2018: 458-462 - Anna N. Rafferty, Huiji Ying, Joseph Jay Williams:
Bandit Assignment for Educational Experiments: Benefits to Students Versus Statistical Power. AIED (2) 2018: 286-290 - Sowmya Ramachandran, Randy Jensen, Jeremy Ludwig, Eric Domeshek, Thomas Haines:
ITADS: A Real-World Intelligent Tutor to Train Troubleshooting Skills. AIED (2) 2018: 463-468 - Hedieh Ranjbartabar, Deborah Richards, Anupam Makhija, Michael J. Jacobson:
Students' Responses to a Humanlike Approach to Elicit Emotion in an Educational Virtual World. AIED (2) 2018: 291-295 - Ishan Rastogi, Aditya Kanade, Shirish K. Shevade:
Active Learning for Efficient Testing of Student Programs. AIED (2) 2018: 296-300 - Saman Zehra Rizvi, Bart Rienties, Jekaterina Rogaten:
Investigation of Temporal Dynamics in MOOC Learning Trajectories: A Geocultural Perspective. AIED (2) 2018: 526-530 - Yigal Rosen, Ilia Rushkin, Rob Rubin, Liberty Munson, Andrew M. Ang, Gregory Weber, Glenn Lopez, Dustin Tingley:
Adaptive Learning Open Source Initiative for MOOC Experimentation. AIED (2) 2018: 307-311 - Robert Sawyer, Nicholas V. Mudrick, Roger Azevedo, James C. Lester:
Impact of Learner-Centered Affective Dynamics on Metacognitive Judgements and Performance in Advanced Learning Technologies. AIED (2) 2018: 312-316 - Avi Segal, Yossi Ben David, Joseph Jay Williams, Kobi Gal, Yaar Shalom:
Combining Difficulty Ranking with Multi-Armed Bandits to Sequence Educational Content. AIED (2) 2018: 317-321 - Saksham Sharma, Pallav Agarwal, Parv Mor, Amey Karkare:
TipsC: Tips and Corrections for programming MOOCs. AIED (2) 2018: 322-326 - Shitian Shen, Behrooz Mostafavi, Collin F. Lynch, Tiffany Barnes, Min Chi:
Empirically Evaluating the Effectiveness of POMDP vs. MDP Towards the Pedagogical Strategies Induction. AIED (2) 2018: 327-331 - Antonette Shibani, Simon Knight, Simon Buckingham Shum:
Understanding Revisions in Student Writing Through Revision Graphs. AIED (2) 2018: 332-336 - Maria-Dorinela Sirbu, Mihai Dascalu, Scott A. Crossley, Danielle S. McNamara, Tiffany Barnes, Collin F. Lynch, Stefan Trausan-Matu:
Exploring Online Course Sociograms Using Cohesion Network Analysis. AIED (2) 2018: 337-342 - Jesse R. Sparks, Diego Zapata-Rivera, Blair Lehman, Kofi James, Jonathan Steinberg:
Simulated Dialogues with Virtual Agents: Effects of Agent Features in Conversation-Based Assessments. AIED (2) 2018: 469-474 - Kristin Stoeffler, Yigal Rosen, Maria Bolsinova, Alina A. von Davier:
Gamified Assessment of Collaborative Skills with Chatbots. AIED (2) 2018: 343-347 - Vinitra Swamy, Allen Guo, Samuel Lau, Wilton Wu, Madeline Wu, Zachary A. Pardos, David E. Culler:
Deep Knowledge Tracing for Free-Form Student Code Progression. AIED (2) 2018: 348-352 - Cui Tang, Yuanxin Ouyang, Wenge Rong, Jingshuai Zhang, Zhang Xiong:
Time Series Model for Predicting Dropout in Massive Open Online Courses. AIED (2) 2018: 353-357 - Christos Troussas, Konstantina Chrysafiadi, Maria Virvou:
Machine Learning and Fuzzy Logic Techniques for Personalized Tutoring of Foreign Languages. AIED (2) 2018: 358-362 - Dorothea Tsatsou, Andrew Pomazanskyi, Enrique Hortal, Evaggelos Spyrou, Helen C. Leligou, Stylianos Asteriadis, Nicholas Vretos, Petros Daras:
Adaptive Learning Based on Affect Sensing. AIED (2) 2018: 475-479 - Masaki Uto, Maomi Ueno:
Item Response Theory Without Restriction of Equal Interval Scale for Rater's Score. AIED (2) 2018: 363-368