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IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Volume 15
Volume 15, Number 1, January - February 1985
- William B. Rouse:
On better mousetraps and basic research: Getting the applied world to the laboratory door. 2-8 - Allan R. Sampson, Robert L. Smith:
An information theory model for the evaluation of circumstantial evidence. 9-16 - Cees J. Koomen:
The entropy of design: A study on the meaning of creativity. 16-30 - Barry G. Silverman:
The use of analogs in the innovation process: A software engineering protocol analysis. 30-44 - Fumiko Seo, Masatoshi Sakawa:
Fuzzy multiattribute utility analysis for collective choice. 45-53 - Pamela K. Fink, Anne H. Sigmon, Alan W. Biermann:
Computer control via limited natural language. 54-68 - Helmut J. Büchner, Margaret J. Hines, Hooshang Hemami:
A mechanism for touch control of a sagittal five-link finger-hand. 69-77 - Kang G. Shin, Stuart B. Malin:
A structured framework for the control of industrial manipulators. 78-90 - Richard E. Kronauer, Yehoshua Y. Zeevi:
Reorganization and diversification of signals in vision. 91-101 - Malur K. Sundareshan, Richard S. Fundakowski:
Periodic optimization of a class of bilinear systems with application to control of cell proliferation and cancer therapy. 102-115 - Tomohiro Takagi, Michio Sugeno:
Fuzzy identification of systems and its applications to modeling and control. 116-132 - Stephen E. Cross:
Computer understanding of air traffic control displays. 133-135 - Andrei Z. Broder, Alfred M. Bruckstein, Jack Koplowitz:
On the performance of edited nearest neighbor rules in high dimensions. 136-139 - Leandro Pardo
Information energy of a fuzzy event and a partition of fuzzy events. 139-144 - Edward J. Delp
, Chee-Hung Henry Chu:
Detecting edge segments. 144-152 - Malayappan Shridhar, A. Badreldin:
A high-accuracy syntactic recognition algorithm for handwritten numerals. 152-158 - Stevo Bozinovski:
A representation theorem for linear pattern classifier training. 159-161 - Bhabatosh Chanda, B. B. Chaudhuri, D. Dutta Majumder:
A differentiation / enhancement edge detector and its properties. 162-168 - M. A. L. Thathachar, P. S. Sastry:
A new approach to the design of reinforcement schemes for learning automata. 168-175 - J. Maiers, Yosef S. Sherif:
Applications of fuzzy set theory. 175-189
Volume 15, Number 2, March - April 1985
- Charles P. Neuman, Vassilios D. Tourassis
Discrete dynamic robot models. 193-204 - Jan D. Wolter, Richard A. Volz, Anthony C. Woo:
Automatic generation of gripping positions. 204-213 - Byung Kook Kim, Kang G. Shin:
Minimum-time path planning for robot arms and their dynamics. 213-223 - Rodney A. Brooks, Tomás Lozano-Pérez:
A subdivision algorithm in configuration space for findpath with rotation. 224-233 - Jens Rasmussen:
The role of hierarchical knowledge representation in decisionmaking and system management. 234-243 - M. G. Rekoff:
On reverse engineering. 244-252 - Sangit Chatterjee, Jonathan F. Bard:
A comparison of Box-Jenkins time series models with autoregressive processes. 252-259 - Asim J. Al-Khalili:
Urban traffic control - A general approach. 260-271 - Kwang Hyung Lee, Joël Favrel:
Hierarchical reduction method for analysis and decomposition of Petri nets. 272-280 - Munish C. Mathur, Prem S. Satsangi:
Entropy-maximizing methods of transport analysis vis-á-vis a physical system theory modeling framework. 281-290 - George J. Anders
Human failure considerations in determining an optimal inspection interval for equipment used in emergency conditions. 290-294 - Gilbert Karpman, Bernard Dubuisson:
Complexity index for system diagnosability. 294-298 - Rama Chellappa, Sangit Chatterjee, R. Bagdazian:
Texture synthesis and compression using Gaussian-Markov random field models. 298-303 - Madan Gopal, J. G. Ghodekar:
An application of decentralized observer theory to interconnected power systems. 303-308
Volume 15, Number 3, May - June 1985
- Yacov Y. Haimes:
Multiple-criteria decisionmaking: A retrospective analysis. 313-315 - Ju-Yuan D. Yang, Michael N. Huhns, Larry M. Stephens:
An architecture for control and communications in distributed artificial intelligence systems. 316-326 - Yoshiteru Ishida, Norihiko Adachi, Hidekatsu Tokumaru:
A topological approach to failure diagnosis of large-scale systems. 327-333 - Leonard Adelman, Frederick W. Rook, Paul E. Lehner:
User and R&D specialist evaluation of decision-support systems. 334-342 - Alfred M. Bruckstein, Yehoshua Y. Zeevi:
An adaptive stochastic model for the neural coding process. 343-351 - Rangachar Kasturi, John F. Walkup, Thomas F. Krile:
Adaptive point estimation in signal-dependent noise. 352-359 - Andrew G. Barto, P. Anandan:
Pattern-recognizing stochastic learning automata. 360-375 - Masahito Kurihara, Ikuo Kaji, Yoshio Hamamatsu, Katsuhiro Nakada:
Control algorithm and theoretical analysis of a grade-crossed intersection in a computer-controlled vehicle system. 376-384 - Greg L. Zacharias, Alper K. Caglayan, John B. Sinacori:
A model for visual flow-field cueing and self-motion estimation. 385-389 - Agata Muszycka, Rajjan Shinghal:
An empirical comparison of pruning strategies in game trees. 389-399 - Tae-Won Sohn, Julius Surkis:
System dynamics: A methodology for testing dynamic behavioral hypotheses. 399-408 - A. K. Hennessey, Fawzi Aziz Ahmed:
Use of error analysis to delineate and adjust information system boundaries. 408-416 - Ismail El-Azhary, Aqil M. Azmi
, Saad M. A. Suliman:
Simulation of typing process on different layouts with emphasis on distance and motion issues. 416-423 - John W. Chinneck:
On systems theory and models of heat flow. 423-426 - Azuma Ohuchi, Masahito Kurihara, Ikuo Kaji:
An efficient procedure for transitive coupling in ISM. 426-431 - Yuzo Hirai:
Mutually linked HASPs: A solution for constraint-satisfaction problems by associative processing. 432-442 - Daniel L. Halliday, Clare D. McGillem, John J. Westerkamp, Jorge I. Auñón:
Optimal and suboptimal feature selection for classification of evoked brain potentials. 442-448 - Arild Lacroix, Karl-Heinz Witte:
Zeitdiskrete normierte Tiefpässe (discrete-time normalized low-pass filters). 449 - Naresh K. Sinha, Boguslaw Kuszta:
Modeling and identification of dynamic systems. 449-450 - Thomas L. Saaty:
Decision making for leaders. 450-452 - Charles R. Phillips, H. Troy Nagle:
Digital control system analysis and design. 452-453
Volume 15, Number 4, July - August 1985
- Dennis M. Buede, Gerald Yates, Carl A. Weaver:
Concept design of a program manager's decision support system. 457-468 - Paul E. Lehner, Matthew A. Probus, Michael L. Donnell:
Building decision aids: Exploiting the synergy between decision analysis and artificial intelligence. 469-474 - L. Robin Keller
An empirical investigation of relative risk aversion. 475-482 - Madan G. Singh, J. Bhondi Singh, Marcel Corstjens:
MARK-OPT - A negotiating tool for manufacturers and retailers. 483-495 - T. Govindaraj, Sharon L. Ward, Richard J. Poturalski, Maris M. Vikmanis:
An experiment and a model for the human operator in a time-constrained competing-task environment. 496-503 - Yogendra J. Tejwani, Richard A. Jones:
Machine recognition of partial shapes using feature vectors. 504-516 - George J. Chambers:
What is a systems engineer? 517-521 - Alan L. Porter
, Frederick A. Rossini, Jodi Eshelman-Bell, David D. Jenkins, David J. Cancellari:
Industrial robots - A strategic forecast using the technological delivery system approach. 521-527 - Sanjeev B. Ahuja, James A. Reggia:
Automated classification of complex errors in discrete sequential tasks. 527-532 - K. P. Rajurkar, J. L. Nissen:
Data-dependent systems approach to short-term load forecasting. 532-536 - Salvatore Gaglio, Riccardo Minciardi:
Multiperson decision aspects in the construction of expert systems. 536-539 - Kumar Sankar Ray, D. Dutta Majumder:
Fuzzy logic control of a nonlinear multivariable steam generating unit using decoupling theory. 539-558 - Yoshiaki Ichikawa, Norihiko Ozaki:
A heuristic planner and an executive for mobile robot control. 558-563 - Anna Maria Fanelli, B. Marangelli:
Switched prediction with dynamic decision rule. 563-569 - Barry R. Davis:
An associative hierarchical self-organizing system. 570-579 - James M. Keller, Michael R. Gray, James A. Givens:
A fuzzy K-nearest neighbor algorithm. 580-585 - Norio Baba:
Learning behaviors of hierarchical structure stochastic automata operating in a general multiteacher environment. 585-587 - Asim J. Al-Khalili:
A general approach to relative offset settings of traffic signals. 587-594 - Madan G. Singh, André Titli:
Handbook of large-scale systems engineering applications. 595 - Vladimír Kucera:
Discrete linear control: The polynomial equation approach. 595-596 - Adrian V. Gheorghe:
Ingineria sistemelor. Modele şi tehnici de calcul (systems engineering. Models and computational techniques. 596 - Jake K. Aggarwal, Mathukumalli Vidyasagar:
Nonlinear systems: Stability analysis. 596-597
Volume 15, Number 5, September - October 1985
- Craig W. Kirkwood:
Risk assessment to support management of a hazardous spill cleanup. 601-607 - Salvatore D. Morgera:
Information theoretic covariance complexity and its relation to pattern recognition. 608-619 - William B. Rouse:
Optimal allocation of system development resources to reduce and/or tolerate human error. 620-630 - Ardeshir Goshtasby, George C. Stockman:
Point pattern matching using convex hull edges. 631-637 - James C. Bezdek, Ian M. Anderson:
An application of the c-varieties clustering algorithms to polygonal curve fitting. 637-641 - Yasuichi Horibe:
Entropy and correlation. 641-642 - Ryszard Jakubowski:
Extraction of shape features for syntactic recognition of mechanical parts. 642-651 - Josef Kittler, John Illingworth:
On threshold selection using clustering criteria. 652-655 - Göte Nyman, Pentii Laurinen:
Visual undersampling in raster sampled images. 655-659 - Tadashi Takemae, Kiyoshi Matsuyama:
An electronic circuit model of nerve axon for signal transmission. 660-662 - K. Mishiyama:
An evolutionary theoretical model of firms in an industry: The replicon model. 662-665 - Salvador González, Elia Méndez, Frederico Kuhlmann, Ismael Castelazo:
Modularization guidelines in the development of large-scale system models for simulation. 665-669 - Peter J. Kennedy:
On model reference adaptive control and identification-modified algorithms to ease implementation. 669-675 - Asim J. Al-Khalili:
The optimum green split of a cycle time. 675-681
Volume 15, Number 6, November - December 1985
- Gerald Nadler:
Systems methodology and design. 685-697 - Nancy M. Morris, William B. Rouse:
The effects of type of knowledge upon human problem solving in a process control task. 698-707 - Annette Knaeuper, William B. Rouse:
A rule-based model of human problem-solving behavior in dynamic environments. 708-719 - Masatoshi Sakawa, Hitoshi Yano:
An interactive fuzzy satisficing method using augmented minimax problems and its application to environmental systems. 720-729 - Baruch Akselrod, Gideon Langholz:
A simulation study of advanced routing methods in a multipriority telephone network. 730-736 - Nabih N. Abdelmalek:
A recursive algorithm for discrete L1 linear estimation using the dual simplex method. 737-742 - P. R. Srikanta Kumar, Gia-Kinh Young:
Distributed learning of the global maximum in a two-player stochastic game with identical payoffs. 743-753 - Lotfi A. Zadeh:
Syllogistic reasoning in fuzzy logic and its application to usuality and reasoning with dispositions. 754-763 - Michael D. Cohen, George Huber, Ralph L. Keeney, Alexander H. Levis, Lola L. Lopes, Andrew P. Sage, Subrata Sen, Andrew B. Whinston, Robert L. Winkler, Detlof von Winterfeldt, Lotfi A. Zadeh:
Research needs and the phenomena of decisionmaking and operations. 764-775 - Ronald R. Yager:
Q-projections on possibility distributions. 775-777 - Stuart Jay Deutsch, Charles J. Malmborg:
A fuzzy set approach to data-set evaluation for decision support. 777-783 - Jerzy B. Kiszka, Madan M. Gupta, Peter N. Nikiforuk:
Energetistic stability of fuzzy dynamic systems. 783-792 - Nancy M. Morris, William B. Rouse, Janet L. Fath:
PLANT: An experimental task for the study of human problem solving in process control. 792-798 - Vassilios D. Tourassis, Charles P. Neuman:
Inverse dynamics applications of discrete robot models. 798-803 - Mary Ann Von Glinow, Steven Kerr:
Organizational outcomes of creativity. 803-807 - Hironori Hirata:
A dynamic model of mass and energy flow in production systems: Material recycling and stability. 807-812 - Daniel Tabak, Alexander H. Levis:
Petri net representation of decision models. 812-818

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