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PLoS Computational Biology, Volume 2
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2006
- Fran Lewitter:
Welcome to PLoS Computational Biology "Education".
- Tingjun Hou, Ken Chen
, William A. McLaughlin
, Benzhuo Lu, Wei Wang:
Computational Analysis and Prediction of the Binding Motif and Protein Interacting Partners of the Abl SH3 Domain. - Jose M. G. Vilar, Ronald Jansen, Chris Sander:
Signal Processing in the TGF-β Superfamily Ligand-Receptor Network. - Charles W. Sugnet, Karpagam Srinivasan, Tyson Clark
, Georgeann O'Brien, Melissa S. Cline, Hui Wang, Alan Williams, David Kulp
, John Blume
, David Haussler, Manuel Ares:
Unusual Intron Conservation near Tissue-Regulated Exons Found by Splicing Microarrays. - Timothy E. Allen, Nathan D. Price
, Andrew R. Joyce, Bernhard Ø. Palsson:
Long-Range Periodic Patterns in Microbial Genomes Indicate Significant Multi-Scale Chromosomal Organization. - Gerton Lunter
, Chris P. Ponting
, Jotun Hein:
Genome-Wide Identification of Human Functional DNA Using a Neutral Indel Model.
- Daniel A. Beard
Correction: A Biophysical Model of the Mitochondrial Respiratory System and Oxidative Phosphorylation.
Volume 2, Number 2, February 2006
- Philip E. Bourne, Leo M. Chalupa:
Ten Simple Rules for Getting Grants.
- Goran Neshich, Philip E. Bourne, Søren Brunak:
ISMB 2006.
- Qian Peng, Pavel A. Pevzner, Glenn Tesler:
The Fragile Breakage versus Random Breakage Models of Chromosome Evolution. - Kay Hamacher, Joanna Trylska
, James Andrew McCammon
Dependency Map of Proteins in the Small Ribosomal Subunit. - Yang Zhang
, Mark E. DeVries, Jeffrey Skolnick:
Structure Modeling of All Identified G Protein-Coupled Receptors in the Human Genome. - Kai Puolamäki
, Mikael Fortelius
, Heikki Mannila:
Seriation in Paleontological Data Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods. - Sander B. Nabuurs, Chris A. E. M. Spronk, Geerten W. Vuister
, Gert Vriend:
Traditional Biomolecular Structure Determination by NMR Spectroscopy Allows for Major Errors.
- Nicola Cannata, Emanuela Merelli
, Russ B. Altman:
Correction: Time to Organize the Bioinformatics Resourceome.
Volume 2, Number 3, March 2006
- Igor V. Tetko
, Georg Haberer
, Stephen Rudd, Blake C. Meyers
, Hans-Werner Mewes
, Klaus F. X. Mayer
Spatiotemporal Expression Control Correlates with Intragenic Scaffold Matrix Attachment Regions (S/MARs) in Arabidopsis thaliana. - Vitaly V. Ganusov
, Rob J. De Boer:
Estimating Costs and Benefits of CTL Escape Mutations in SIV/HIV Infection. - Raúl Guantes
, Juan F. Poyatos:
Dynamical Principles of Two-Component Genetic Oscillators. - Claus C. Hilgetag
, Helen Barbas
Role of Mechanical Factors in the Morphology of the Primate Cerebral Cortex. - David Holcman
, Misha Tsodyks
The Emergence of Up and Down States in Cortical Networks. - Gustavo Glusman
, Shizhen Qin, M. Raafat El-Gewely, Andrew F. Siegel, Jared C. Roach, Leroy E. Hood, Arian F. A. Smit:
A Third Approach to Gene Prediction Suggests Thousands of Additional Human Transcribed Regions. - Andrey A. Ptitsyn
, Sanjin Zvonic, Steven A. Conrad
, L. Keith Scott, Randall L. Mynatt, Jeffrey M. Gimble:
Circadian Clocks Are Resounding in Peripheral Tissues. - Mark Yandell, Chris Mungall
, Chris Smith, Simon Prochnik, Joshua S. Kaminker, George Hartzell, Suzanna Lewis
, Gerald M. Rubin
Large-Scale Trends in the Evolution of Gene Structures within 11 Animal Genomes.
- Peter D. Keightley, Martin J. Lercher
, Adam Eyre-Walker
Understanding the Degradation of Hominid Gene Control. - Eliot C. Bush, Bruce T. Lahn:
Authors' Reply.
- Yang Zhang
, Mark E. DeVries, Jeffrey Skolnick:
Correction: Structure Modeling of All Identified G Protein-Coupled Receptors in the Human Genome. - Hung D. Nguyen, Maki Yoshihama, Naoya Kenmochi:
Correction: New Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Eukaryotic Intron Evolution.
Volume 2, Number 4, April 2006
- Kenzie D. MacIsaac, Ernest Fraenkel
Practical Strategies for Discovering Regulatory DNA Sequence Motifs.
- Byron Yu-Lin Kuo, Ying Chen, Slavita Bohacec, Öjvind Johansson, Wyeth W. Wasserman
, Elizabeth M. Simpson
SAGE2Splice: Unmapped SAGE Tags Reveal Novel Splice Junctions. - Leonardo Arbiza, Joaquín Dopazo
, Hernán Dopazo
Positive Selection, Relaxation, and Acceleration in the Evolution of the Human and Chimp Genome. - Karen Lipkow:
Changing Cellular Location of CheZ Predicted by Molecular Simulations. - Chung-Jung Tsai, Jie Zheng
, Ruth Nussinov
Designing a Nanotube Using Naturally Occurring Protein Building Blocks. - Eli S. Groban, Arjun Narayanan, Matthew P. Jacobson
Conformational Changes in Protein Loops and Helices Induced by Post-Translational Phosphorylation. - Jakob Skou Pedersen
, Gill Bejerano, Adam C. Siepel
, Kate R. Rosenbloom, Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Eric S. Lander, Jim Kent, Webb Miller, David Haussler:
Identification and Classification of Conserved RNA Secondary Structures in the Human Genome. - Marc Bailly-Bechet
, Antoine Danchin
, Mudassar Iqbal
, Matteo Marsili
, Massimo Vergassola
Codon Usage Domains over Bacterial Chromosomes. - Bosco K. Ho, Ken A. Dill:
Folding Very Short Peptides Using Molecular Dynamics. - Thomas Gisiger, Michel Kerszberg:
A Model for Integrating Elementary Neural Functions into Delayed-Response Behavior.
- David Sankoff:
The Signal in the Genomes.
Volume 2, Number 5, May 2006
- Christine Vogel, Cyrus Chothia:
Protein Family Expansions and Biological Complexity. - Enrique Blanco
, Xavier Messeguer, Temple F. Smith, Roderic Guigó:
Transcription Factor Map Alignment of Promoter Regions. - Anthony A. Philippakis, Brian W. Busser, Stephen S. Gisselbrecht
, Fangxue Sherry He, Beatriz Estrada, Alan M. Michelson, Martha L. Bulyk:
Expression-Guided In Silico Evaluation of Candidate Cis Regulatory Codes for Drosophila Muscle Founder Cells. - Frank J. Poelwijk
, Daniel J. Kiviet, Sander J. Tans:
Evolutionary Potential of a Duplicated Repressor-Operator Pair: Simulating Pathways Using Mutation Data. - Rhonald C. Lua, Alexander Y. Grosberg
Statistics of Knots, Geometry of Conformations, and Evolution of Proteins. - Theodore J. Perkins
, Johannes Jaeger
, John Reinitz, Leon Glass:
Reverse Engineering the Gap Gene Network of Drosophila melanogaster. - Christian L. Barrett, Bernhard O. Palsson:
Iterative Reconstruction of Transcriptional Regulatory Networks: An Algorithmic Approach. - J. Starmer, Anne-Marie Stomp, Mladen A. Vouk, Donald L. Bitzer:
Predicting Shine-Dalgarno Sequence Locations Exposes Genome Annotation Errors. - Rameen Beroukhim
, Ming Lin, Yuhyun Park, Ke Hao, Xiaojun Zhao, Levi A. Garraway, Edward A. Fox, Ephraim P. Hochberg, Ingo K. Mellinghoff, Matthias D. Hofer, Aurelien Descazeaud
, Mark A. Rubin
, Matthew Meyerson, Wing Hung Wong, William R. Sellers, Cheng Li:
Inferring Loss-of-Heterozygosity from Unpaired Tumors Using High-Density Oligonucleotide SNP Arrays. - Matthieu Legendre, William Ritchie, Fabrice Lopez
, Daniel Gautheret
Differential Repression of Alternative Transcripts: A Screen for miRNA Targets. - Nizar N. Batada
, Larry A. Shepp, David O. Siegmund, Michael Levitt:
Spatial Regulation and the Rate of Signal Transduction Activation. - Zhihua Zhang, Changning Liu, Geir Skogerbø, Xiaopeng Zhu
, Hongchao Lu, Lan Chen, Baochen Shi, Yong Zhang
, Jie Wang, Tao Wu
, Runsheng Chen
Dynamic Changes in Subgraph Preference Profiles of Crucial Transcription Factors. - Philip Wong, Dmitrij Frishman:
Fold Designability, Distribution, and Disease. - Örjan Svensson, Lars Arvestad
, Jens Lagergren
Genome-Wide Survey for Biologically Functional Pseudogenes.
- Bosco K. Ho, Ken A. Dill:
Correction: Folding Very Short Peptides Using Molecular Dynamics.
Volume 2, Number 6, June 2006
- Duncan P. Brown, Kimmen Sjölander:
Functional Classification Using Phylogenomic Inference.
- Bette T. Korber
, Montiago LaBute, Karina Yusim:
Immunoinformatics Comes of Age.
- Mikita Suyama
, Eoghan D. Harrington
, Peer Bork
, David Torrents
Identification and Analysis of Genes and Pseudogenes within Duplicated Regions in the Human and Mouse Genomes. - David Fange
, Johan Elf
Noise-Induced Min Phenotypes in E. coli. - Sergei L. Kosakovsky Pond, Simon D. W. Frost, Zehava Grossman, Michael B. Gravenor, Douglas D. Richman, Andrew J. Leigh Brown
Adaptation to Different Human Populations by HIV-1 Revealed by Codon-Based Analyses. - Paul D. Williams, David D. Pollock
, Benjamin P. Blackburne
, Richard A. Goldstein
Assessing the Accuracy of Ancestral Protein Reconstruction Methods. - Colin N. Dewey, Peter Huggins, Kevin Woods, Bernd Sturmfels, Lior Pachter
Parametric Alignment of Drosophila Genomes. - Gevorg Grigoryan, Fei Zhou
, Steve R. Lustig, Gerbrand Ceder, Dane Morgan
, Amy E. Keating
Ultra-Fast Evaluation of Protein Energies Directly from Sequence. - W. David Wick, Peter B. Gilbert, Steven G. Self:
On Modeling HIV and T Cells In Vivo: Assessing Causal Estimators in Vaccine Trials. - Vinay Varadan, Dimitris Anastassiou:
Inference of Disease-Related Molecular Logic from Systems-Based Microarray Analysis. - Andreas Beyer, Christopher T. Workman
, Jens Hollunder
, Dörte Radke, Ulrich Möller, Thomas Wilhelm, Trey Ideker
Integrated Assessment and Prediction of Transcription Factor Binding. - Vitaly V. Ganusov
, Sergei S. Pilyugin
, Rafi Ahmed, Rustom Antia:
How Does Cross-Reactive Stimulation Affect the Longevity of CD8+ T Cell Memory? - Jos Käfer
, Paulien Hogeweg, Athanasius F. M. Marée
Moving Forward Moving Backward: Directional Sorting of Chemotactic Cells due to Size and Adhesion Differences. - Samiul Hasan, Sabine Daugelat, P. S. Srinivasa Rao, Mark Schreiber:
Prioritizing Genomic Drug Targets in Pathogens: Application to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. - Bjoern Peters
, Huynh-Hoa Bui, Sune Frankild
, Morten Nielsen
, Claus Lundegaard, Emrah Kostem, Derek Basch, Kasper Lamberth, Mikkel Harndahl, Ward Fleri
, Stephen S. Wilson, John Sidney, Ole Lund
, Søren Buus
, Alessandro Sette:
A Community Resource Benchmarking Predictions of Peptide Binding to MHC-I Molecules. - Malin C. Lagerström, Anders R. Hellström, David E. Gloriam
, Thomas P. Larsson, Helgi B. Schiöth, Robert Fredriksson
The G Protein-Coupled Receptor Subset of the Chicken Genome.
- Igor V. Tetko
, Georg Haberer, Stephen Rudd, Blake C. Meyers
, Hans-Werner Mewes
, Klaus F. X. Mayer
Correction: Spatiotemporal Expression Control Correlates with Intragenic Scaffold Matrix Attachment Regions (S/MARs) in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Volume 2, Number 7, July 2006
- Ulisses M. Braga-Neto, Ernesto T. A. Marques Jr.
From Functional Genomics to Functional Immunomics: New Challenges, Old Problems, Big Rewards.
- Hiroyuki Kurata, Hana El-Samad, Rei Iwasaki, Hisao Ohtake, John C. Doyle, Irina Grigorova
, Carol A. Gross, Mustafa Khammash
Module-Based Analysis of Robustness Tradeoffs in the Heat Shock Response System. - Arun Mehra, Christian I. Hong, Mi Shi
, Jennifer J. Loros, Jay C. Dunlap, Peter Ruoff
Circadian Rhythmicity by Autocatalysis. - Adrian H. Elcock
Molecular Simulations of Cotranslational Protein Folding: Fragment Stabilities, Folding Cooperativity, and Trapping in the Ribosome. - Sven Mika, Burkhard Rost
Protein-Protein Interactions More Conserved within Species than across Species. - Brynn H. Voy, Jon A. Scharff, Andy D. Perkins, Arnold M. Saxton
, Bhavesh Borate, Elissa J. Chesler, Lisa K. Branstetter, Michael A. Langston:
Extracting Gene Networks for Low-Dose Radiation Using Graph Theoretical Algorithms. - Patrick D. Schloss
, Jo Handelsman:
Toward a Census of Bacteria in Soil. - Pablo Achard, Erik De Schutter
Complex Parameter Landscape for a Complex Neuron Model. - Marcus Kaiser
, Claus C. Hilgetag
Nonoptimal Component Placement, but Short Processing Paths, due to Long-Distance Projections in Neural Systems. - Jennifer L. Kabat, Sergio Barberan-Soler
, Paul McKenna, Hiram Clawson
, Tracy Farrer, Alan M. Zahler
Intronic Alternative Splicing Regulators Identified by Comparative Genomics in Nematodes. - Nizar N. Batada
, Laurence D. Hurst
, Mike Tyers:
Evolutionary and Physiological Importance of Hub Proteins. - Jenny Gu, Michael Gribskov
, Philip E. Bourne:
Wiggle - Predicting Functionally Flexible Regions from Primary Sequence. - Markus J. Herrgård, Stephen S. Fong, Bernhard Ø. Palsson:
Identification of Genome-Scale Metabolic Network Models Using Experimentally Measured Flux Profiles. - Yuan-Yuan Li, Hui Yu, Zong-Ming Guo, Ting-Qing Guo, Kang Tu, Yi-Xue Li:
Systematic Analysis of Head-to-Head Gene Organization: Evolutionary Conservation and Potential Biological Relevance. - Jin Wang, Qiang Lu, H. Peter Lu:
Single-Molecule Dynamics Reveals Cooperative Binding-Folding in Protein Recognition. - Feng Ding
, Nikolay V. Dokholyan
Emergence of Protein Fold Families through Rational Design.
- Hung D. Nguyen, Maki Yoshihama, Naoya Kenmochi:
Authors' Reply. - Miklós Csürös:
On the Estimation of Intron Evolution.
- Vitaly V. Ganusov, Sergei S. Pilyugin, Rafi Ahmed, Rustom Antia:
Correction: How Does Cross-Reactive Stimulation Affect the Longevity of CD8+ T Cell Memory?
Volume 2, Number 8, August 2006
- Philip E. Bourne:
One Year of PLoS Computational Biology.
- Merry Maisel:
ISCB Honors Michael S. Waterman and Mathieu Blanchette.
- Robert C. Cannon, Giampaolo D'Alessandro
The Ion Channel Inverse Problem: Neuroinformatics Meets Biophysics.
- Carene Rizzon, Loïc Ponger
, Brandon S. Gaut:
Striking Similarities in the Genomic Distribution of Tandemly Arrayed Genes in Arabidopsis and Rice. - Åsa K. Björklund
, Diana Ekman, Arne Elofsson
Expansion of Protein Domain Repeats. - Yonatan Bilu, Tomer Shlomi, Naama Barkai, Eytan Ruppin:
Conservation of Expression and Sequence of Metabolic Genes Is Reflected by Activity Across Metabolic States. - Sabrina L. Spencer
, Ryan A. Gerety, Kenneth J. Pienta
, Stephanie Forrest
Modeling Somatic Evolution in Tumorigenesis. - Almut Scherer, Marcel Salathé, Sebastian Bonhoeffer
High Epitope Expression Levels Increase Competition between T Cells. - Erwin P. Gianchandani, Jason A. Papin
, Nathan D. Price
, Andrew R. Joyce, Bernhard Ø. Palsson:
Matrix Formalism to Describe Functional States of Transcriptional Regulatory Systems. - Guohui Ding, Jiuhong Kang, Qi Liu, Tieliu Shi, Gang Pei, Yixue Li:
Insights into the Coupling of Duplication Events and Macroevolution from an Age Profile of Animal Transmembrane Gene Families. - Firas Swidan, Eduardo P. C. Rocha
, Michael Shmoish, Ron Y. Pinter:
An Integrative Method for Accurate Comparative Genome Mapping. - Chad Haynes, Christopher J. Oldfield, Fei Ji, Niels Klitgord, Michael E. Cusick, Predrag Radivojac, Vladimir N. Uversky, Marc Vidal, Lilia M. Iakoucheva
Intrinsic Disorder Is a Common Feature of Hub Proteins from Four Eukaryotic Interactomes. - Chunguang Li, Luonan Chen, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Transient Resetting: A Novel Mechanism for Synchrony and Its Biological Examples.
- Yuan-Yuan Li, Hui Yu, Zong-Ming Guo, Ting-Qing Guo, Kang Tu, Yi-Xue Li:
Correction: Systematic Analysis of Head-to-Head Gene Organization: Evolutionary Conservation and Potential Biological Relevance.
Volume 2, Number 9, September 2006
- Philip E. Bourne, Alon Korngreen
Ten Simple Rules for Reviewers.
- Susan M. Baxter
, Steven W. Day, Jacquelyn S. Fetrow
, Stephanie J. Reisinger:
Scientific Software Development Is Not an Oxymoron.
- Wan Kyu Kim
, Andreas Henschel, Christof Winter
, Michael Schroeder:
The Many Faces of Protein-Protein Interactions: A Compendium of Interface Geometry. - Christian Mulder
, Marja Wouterse, Markus Raubuch, Willem Roelofs, Michiel Rutgers:
Can Transgenic Maize Affect Soil Microbial Communities? - Leo Goodstadt, Chris P. Ponting
Phylogenetic Reconstruction of Orthology, Paralogy, and Conserved Synteny for Dog and Human. - Xiaolin Cheng, Hai-Long Wang, Barry J. Grant
, Steven M. Sine, James Andrew McCammon
Targeted Molecular Dynamics Study of C-Loop Closure and Channel Gating in Nicotinic Receptors. - Feilim Mac Gabhann, James W. Ji, Aleksander S. Popel
Computational Model of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Spatial Distribution in Muscle and Pro-Angiogenic Cell Therapy. - Thomas Hamelryck
, John T. Kent, Anders Krogh
Sampling Realistic Protein Conformations Using Local Structural Bias. - Daniel A. Beard
Modeling of Oxygen Transport and Cellular Energetics Explains Observations on In Vivo Cardiac Energy Metabolism. - Stefan Legewie
, Nils Blüthgen
, Hanspeter Herzel:
Mathematical Modeling Identifies Inhibitors of Apoptosis as Mediators of Positive Feedback and Bistability. - Peter Virnau, Leonid A. Mirny, Mehran Kardar
Intricate Knots in Proteins: Function and Evolution. - Vijay Chickarmane, Carl Troein, Ulrike A. Nuber, Herbert M. Sauro
, Carsten Peterson:
Transcriptional Dynamics of the Embryonic Stem Cell Switch. - Manuel Barrio
, Kevin Burrage
, André Leier
, Tianhai Tian:
Oscillatory Regulation of Hes1: Discrete Stochastic Delay Modelling and Simulation. - Raul Rodriguez-Esteban
, Ivan Iossifov, Andrey Rzhetsky
Imitating Manual Curation of Text-Mined Facts in Biomedicine. - Maria Lindskog
, Myungsook Kim, Martin Wikström, Kim T. Blackwell
, Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski
Transient Calcium and Dopamine Increase PKA Activity and DARPP-32 Phosphorylation. - Zhong Wang, Huntington F. Willard, Sayan Mukherjee
, Terrence S. Furey:
Evidence of Influence of Genomic DNA Sequence on Human X Chromosome Inactivation. - Kwang-il Lim, Tobias Lang, Vy Lam, John Yin:
Model-Based Design of Growth-Attenuated Viruses.
Volume 2, Number 10, October 2006
- Philip E. Bourne, Johanna R. McEntyre
Biocurators: Contributors to the World of Science.
- Kyle Burkhardt, Bohdan Schneider
, Jeramia Ory
A Biocurator Perspective: Annotation at the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank. - Nima Salimi, Randi Vita
The Biocurator: Connecting and Enhancing Scientific Data.
- Max Lungarella, Olaf Sporns
Mapping Information Flow in Sensorimotor Networks. - Matthew L. Baker, Wen Jiang, William J. Wedemeyer, Frazer J. Rixon, David Baker, Wah Chiu
Ab Initio Modeling of the Herpesvirus VP26 Core Domain Assessed by CryoEM Density. - Kirk J. McManus
, David A. Stephens
, Niall M. Adams, Suhail A. Islam, Paul S. Freemont
, Michael J. Hendzel
The Transcriptional Regulator CBP Has Defined Spatial Associations within Interphase Nuclei. - Francisco C. Santos
, Jorge M. Pacheco
, Tom Lenaerts
Cooperation Prevails When Individuals Adjust Their Social Ties. - Matthew C. Cowperthwaite, James J. Bull, Lauren Ancel Meyers
From Bad to Good: Fitness Reversals and the Ascent of Deleterious Mutations. - Alan M. Moses, Daniel A. Pollard, David A. Nix, Venky N. Iyer, Xiaoyong Li, Mark D. Biggin, Michael B. Eisen
Large-Scale Turnover of Functional Transcription Factor Binding Sites in Drosophila. - Hwijin Kim, Alan S. Perelson:
Viral and Latent Reservoir Persistence in HIV-1-Infected Patients on Therapy. - Mariko Izumo, Takashi R. Sato, Martin Straume, Carl Hirschie Johnson:
Quantitative Analyses of Circadian Gene Expression in Mammalian Cell Cultures. - Andreas Handel
, Roland R. Regoes
, Rustom Antia:
The Role of Compensatory Mutations in the Emergence of Drug Resistance. - Mark R. Grant, Keith E. Mostov
, Thea D. Tlsty, C. Anthony Hunt
Simulating Properties of In Vitro Epithelial Cell Morphogenesis. - Holger Jenke-Kodama, Thomas Börner
, Elke Dittmann
Natural Biocombinatorics in the Polyketide Synthase Genes of the Actinobacterium Streptomyces avermitilis.
- Feng Ding, Nikolay V. Dokholyan
Correction: Emergence of Protein Fold Families through Rational Design.
Volume 2, Number 11, November 2006
- Philip E. Bourne, Iddo Friedberg
Ten Simple Rules for Selecting a Postdoctoral Position.
- Andreas Wagner:
Cooperation is Fleeting in the World of Transposable Elements. - Kai Xia
, Huiling Xue, Dong Dong, Shanshan Zhu, Jiamu Wang, Qingpeng Zhang, Lei Hou, Hua Chen, Ran Tao, Zheng Huang, Zheng Fu, Ye-Guang Chen, Jing-Dong J. Han:
Identification of the Proliferation/Differentiation Switch in the Cellular Network of Multicellular Organisms. - Charles C. Berry, Sridhar Hannenhalli, Jeremy Leipzig
, Frederic D. Bushman
Selection of Target Sites for Mobile DNA Integration in the Human Genome. - Clive H. Glover, Michael Marin, Connie J. Eaves, Cheryl D. Helgason, James M. Piret, Jennifer Bryan
Meta-Analysis of Differentiating Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Gene Expression Kinetics Reveals Early Change of a Small Gene Set. - Sean P. Stromberg
, Jean M. Carlson:
Robustness and Fragility in Immunosenescence. - V. Anne Smith
, Jing Yu, Tom V. Smulders
, Alexander J. Hartemink, Erich D. Jarvis:
Computational Inference of Neural Information Flow Networks. - Jin Wang, Bo Huang, Xuefeng Xia, Zhirong Sun:
Funneled Landscape Leads to Robustness of Cell Networks: Yeast Cell Cycle. - Burton W. Andrews, Tau-Mu Yi, Pablo A. Iglesias
Optimal Noise Filtering in the Chemotactic Response of Escherichia coli. - Emmanuel D. Levy, José B. Pereira-Leal
, Cyrus Chothia, Sarah A. Teichmann
3D Complex: A Structural Classification of Protein Complexes. - Yang Liu, Jianrong Li, Lee T. Sam, Chern-Sing Goh, Mark Gerstein, Yves A. Lussier
An Integrative Genomic Approach to Uncover Molecular Mechanisms of Prokaryotic Traits. - Kerwyn Casey Huang, Ranjan Mukhopadhyay, Ned S. Wingreen:
A Curvature-Mediated Mechanism for Localization of Lipids to Bacterial Poles. - Nicolas Schweighofer
, K. Shishida, Cheol E. Han
, Yasumasa Okamoto, Saori C. Tanaka
, Shigeto Yamawaki, Kenji Doya
Humans Can Adopt Optimal Discounting Strategy under Real-Time Constraints. - Dmitry Korkin, Fred P. Davis, Frank Alber, Tinh Luong, Min-Yi Shen, Vladan Lucic, Mary B. Kennedy, Andrej Sali:
Structural Modeling of Protein Interactions by Analogy: Application to PSD-95. - Marc Thilo Figge
, Michael Meyer-Hermann
Geometrically Repatterned Immunological Synapses Uncover Formation Mechanisms. - Eric J. Alm, Katherine H. Huang, Adam P. Arkin
The Evolution of Two-Component Systems in Bacteria Reveals Different Strategies for Niche Adaptation. - Eliot C. Bush, Bruce T. Lahn:
The Evolution of Word Composition in Metazoan Promoter Sequence.
Volume 2, Number 12, December 2006
- Yuan (Alan) Qi, Hui Ge:
Modularity and Dynamics of Cellular Networks.
- Carl Zimmer
The Genome: An Outsider's View.
- Oxana V. Galzitskaya, Sergiy O. Garbuzynskiy
, Michail Yu. Lobanov:
Prediction of Amyloidogenic and Disordered Regions in Protein Chains. - Jorge M. Pacheco
, Francisco C. Santos
, Fabio A. C. C. Chalub:
Stern-Judging: A Simple, Successful Norm Which Promotes Cooperation under Indirect Reciprocity. - Feilim Mac Gabhann, Aleksander S. Popel
Targeting Neuropilin-1 to Inhibit VEGF Signaling in Cancer: Comparison of Therapeutic Approaches. - Christopher E. Hart, Eric Mjolsness, Barbara J. Wold:
Connectivity in the Yeast Cell Cycle Transcription Network: Inferences from Neural Networks. - Éric Fernandez, Renaud Schiappa
, Jean-Antoine Girault
, Nicolas Le Novère:
DARPP-32 Is a Robust Integrator of Dopamine and Glutamate Signals. - Dmitry A. Rodionov
, Mikhail S. Gelfand
, Jonathan D. Todd
, Andrew R. J. Curson, Andrew W. B. Johnston:
Computational Reconstruction of Iron- and Manganese-Responsive Transcriptional Networks in α-Proteobacteria. - Antonio Trovato
, Fabrizio Chiti, Amos Maritan
, Flavio Seno
Insight into the Structure of Amyloid Fibrils from the Analysis of Globular Proteins. - Jeroen de Ridder
, Anthony Uren
, Jaap Kool, Marcel J. T. Reinders, Lodewyk F. A. Wessels:
Detecting Statistically Significant Common Insertion Sites in Retroviral Insertional Mutagenesis Screens. - Alon Kaufman, Gideon Dror, Isaac Meilijson, Eytan Ruppin:
Gene Expression of Caenorhabditis elegans Neurons Carries Information on Their Synaptic Connectivity. - Jinfeng Zhang, Jun S. Liu
On Side-Chain Conformational Entropy of Proteins. - Rutger Hermsen
, Sander Tans, Pieter Rein ten Wolde:
Transcriptional Regulation by Competing Transcription Factor Modules. - Andrew B. Goryachev
, Alexandra V. Pokhilko:
Computational Model Explains High Activity and Rapid Cycling of Rho GTPases within Protein Complexes. - Duccio Medini
, Antonello Covacci, Claudio Donati
Protein Homology Network Families Reveal Step-Wise Diversification of Type III and Type IV Secretion Systems.
- Philip E. Bourne, Iddo Friedberg:
Correction: Ten Simple Rules for Selecting a Postdoctoral Position.

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