SC 2013: Denver, CO, USA

Refine list

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ACM Gordon Bell finalists

Fault-tolerant computing

GPU programming

Load balancing

MPI performance and debugging

Memory hierarchy

Memory resilience

Optimizing numerical code

Parallel performance tools

Parallel programming models and compilation

Performance analysis of applications at large scale

Performance management of HPC systems

System-wide application performance assessments

Tools for scalable analysis

Data management in the cloud

Graph partitioning and data clustering

Inter-node communication

Cloud resource management and scheduling

Energy management

Extreme-scale applications

Fault tolerance and migration in the cloud

IO tuning

Physical frontiers

Optimizing data movement

In-situ data analytics and reduction

Preconditioners and unstructured meshes

Engineering scalable applications

Improving large-scale computation and data resources

Matrix computations

Sorting and graph algorithms

Application performance characterization