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33rd ICIS 2012: Orlando, Florida, USA
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 16-19, 2012. Association for Information Systems 2012
0. Research in Progress
- Suranjan Chakraborty, Christoph Rosenkranz, Josh Dehlinger:
A Grounded Theoretical and Linguistic Analysis Approach for Non-Functional Requirements Analysis. - Onook Oh, Nargess Tahmasbi, H. Raghav Rao, Gert-Jan de Vreede:
A Sociotechnical View of Information Diffusion and Social Changes: From Reprint to Retweet. - Pei-Hsuan Hsieh, Chiao-Ling Huang:
A Study of Effectiveness and Satisfaction Level of Cloud CRM Users in Taiwan's Enterprises. - Kevin P. Duffy, Anand Jeyaraj:
Acceptance and Use of the 'Digital Measures' System in an Organized Anarchy. - Easwar A. Nyshadham, David Castano:
Affect and Online Privacy Concerns. - Abhijeet Ghoshal, Alok Gupta, Mani R. Subramani:
Allocating Shared Resources Optimally for Call Center Operations and Knowledge Management Activities. - Andrew J. Harrison, Brian E. Mennecke, William N. Dilla:
An Empirical Study of a Two-Sided Model of Fraudulent Exchange. - Felix Ter Chian Tan, Shan Ling Pan, Meiyun Zuo:
An Examination of Interdependencies in a B2C Platform in China: The Case of M.com. - Rebekah Eden, Darshana Sedera, Felix B. Tan:
Archival Analysis Of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: The Current State And Future Directions. - Kieran Conboy, Lorraine Morgan:
Assimilation of the Cloud: Challenges to Acceptance, Routinisation and Infusion of Cloud Computing. - Pei-Ying Huang, Shan Ling Pan, Meiyun Zuo:
Being Responsive to Your Customer: Developing Customer Agility through Information Management. - Tingru Cui, Yu Tong, Hock-Hai Teo:
Can Information Technology Bridge Knowledge Distance in Organizational Open Innovation? An Absorptive Capacity Perspective. - Hiroshi Tsuji, Amrit Tiwana, Akito Sakurai:
Capability Leapfrogging in the Japanese IT Services Industry. - Onook Oh, Chanyong Eom, H. Raghav Rao:
Collective Sense-Making through the Twitter Service during the 2011 Egypt Revolution. - Julian Lin:
Conceptualization, Measurement, and Nomological Validity of Visual Organization Grammar for Design: An Analysis of Website Design. - Zhiyong Liu, J. Leon Zhao, Harry Jiannan Wang, Huaping Chen:
Constructing Workflow Models from Agent Profiles. - Sylvain Senecal, Pierre-Majorique Léger, Marc Fredette, René Riedl:
Consumers' Online Cognitive Scripts: A Neurophysiological Approach. - Chris Maurer, Amrit Tiwana:
Control in App Platforms: The Integration-Differentiation Paradox. - Natalie Jun Pei Chin, Keng Siau:
Critical Success Factors of Location-Based Services. - David Geiger, Michael Rosemann, Erwin Fielt, Martin Schader:
Crowdsourcing Information Systems - Definition, Typology, and Design. - Thomas Widjaja, Robert Wayne Gregory:
Design Principles for Heterogeneity Decisions in Enterprise Architecture Management. - Dennis Kundisch, Michael Sievers, Andrea Zoyke, Philipp Herrmann, Michael Whittaker, Marc Beutner, Gregor Fels, Johannes Magenheim:
Designing a web-based application to support Peer Instruction for very large Groups. - Daniel Rush, Nigel P. Melville:
Do Carbon Management System Adoption Announcements Affect Market Value? - Kok Wei Ooi, Seung-Hyun Kim, Qiu-Hong Wang, Kai Lung Hui:
Do Hackers Seek Variety? An Empirical Analysis of Website Defacements. - Qing Chen, Tuan Quang Phan, Khim Yong Goh:
Do Pepsi Drinkers Talk About Sleepwalker? The Effects of Self-Presentation and Conformity in Competing Word-of-Mouth. - Junhui Jiang, Yu Tong, Sharon Swee-Lin Tan:
Do You Retweet Heath Advice on Microblogging Platforms? The Effects of Health Topic and Website Design on Credibility Assessment. - Philipp Herrmann, Dennis Kundisch, Mohammad Saifur Rahman:
Does it Pay Off to Bid Aggressively? An Empirical Study. - Min Li, Yan Yu, J. Leon Zhao, Xin Li:
Drivers for Strategic Choice of Cloud Computing as Online Service in SMEs. - Jin Chen, Yuwei Jin, Cheng-Suang Heng, Bernard C. Y. Tan:
Effects of Government R&D Grants on IT Entrepreneurial Firm Performance: A New Perspective on Exploration vs. Exploitation. - Yusun Jung, Ann Majchrzak, Arvind Malhotra, Jeremiah Johnson:
Encouraging Collaborative Idea-Building in Enterprise-Wide Innovation Challenges. - Raphaelle Laubie, Christophe Elie-Dit-Cosaque:
Exploring and Predicting Online Collective Action on Patients' Virtual Communities: a Multi-method Investigation in France. - Yuxiang Zhao, Qinghua Zhu:
Exploring the Motivation of Participants in Crowdsourcing Contest. - Arne Buchwald, Nils Urbach:
Exploring the Role of Un-Enacted Projects in IT Project Portfolio Management. - Ye Li, Alexander Maedche:
Formulating Effective Coordination Strategies in Agile Global Software Development Teams. - Atreyi Kankanhalli, Mahdieh Taher, Huseyin Cavusoglu, Seung-Hyun Kim:
Gamification: A New Paradigm for Online User Engagement. - Zhewei Zhang, Rob Kulathinal, Sunil Wattal, Youngjin Yoo:
Generative Diffusion of Innovations: An Organizational Genetics Approach. - Lee B. Erickson, Eileen M. Trauth, Irene Petrick:
Getting Inside Your Employees' Heads: Navigating Barriers to Internal-Crowdsourcing for Product and Service Innovation. - Thomas Alexander Fischer, Rudy Hirschheim, Beena George:
Governance in Outsourcing Relationships - The Role of Information Technologies. - Gianfranco Walsh, Mario Schaarschmidt, Harald F. O. von Kortzfleisch:
Harnessing Free External Resources: Evidence from the Open Source Field. - S. Sarah Zhang, Marc Thomas Philipp Adam, Christof Weinhardt:
Humans versus Agents: Competition in Financial Markets of the 21st Century. - Ken Pinaire, Surendra Sarnikar:
Identifying Optimal IT Portfolios to Promote Healthcare Quality. - Roman Beck, Marcus Toenker:
Increasing Dynamic Capabilities through Virtualized Grid-in-Cloud Solutions. - Isaac Vaghefi, Liette Lapointe:
Information Technology and Social Loafing: A Qualitative Investigation. - Forough Karimi Alaghehband, Suzanne Rivard:
Information Technology Outsourcing Success: A Model of Dynamic, Operational, and Learning Capabilities. - Yilin Kang, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, Ah-Hwee Tan:
Investigating Intelligent Agents in a 3D Virtual World. - Nicolas Antheaume, Frantz Rowe, François-Charles Wolff, Matthew Wimble:
IS integration and business value: an environment contingency approach. - Hyunmyung Do, Seongmin Jeon, Rajiv D. Banker, Byungtae Lee, Byungjoon Yoo:
Is the Leaderboard Information Useful to Investors? : The Leaderboard Effect in P2P Lending. - Bogdan Negoita, Yasser Rahrovani, Liette Lapointe, Alain Pinsonneault, Momin Mirza:
IT Champions as Agents of Change: a Social Capital Perspective. - Paola A. González, James D. McKeen, Zhiling Tu:
IT Stereotyping and the CEO-CIO Headlock. - Il Im, Dong Il Lee, Dennis F. Galletta, Brian Kimball Dunn:
Keyword Search Patterns in Sponsored Link Advertisements. - Regina Collins, Fadi P. Deek:
Knowing Together, Learning Apart: A Proposed Framework for Supporting Individual Learning Through Collaborative Knowledge Building Tools. - Hua Ye, Atreyi Kankanhalli, Zhenbin Yang:
Knowledge Brokering for Open Innovation: A Case Study of Innovation Intermediaries. - Yi Wu, Xiqing Sha, Klarissa Chang:
Knowledge Diversity and Simmelian Tie in Generating Creative Ideas: The Importance of Media Multiplexity. - Yi-Te Chiu, D. Sandy Staples:
Managing Information Systems Development Projects: What's on Your Mind? - Rong Du, Shizhong Ai, Detmar W. Straub:
Measuring Creolization In IT-Enabled Global Services Sourcing. - Yongsuk Kim, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Bin Gu:
Membership Overlap and Inter-Community Collaboration. - Gul Calikli, Ayse Bener, Bora Caglayan, Ayse Tosun Misirli:
Modeling Human Aspects to Enhance Software Quality Management. - Christian Hildebrand, Reto Hofstetter, Andreas Herrmann:
Modeling Viral Marketing Dynamics in Social Networks - Findings From Computational Experiments with Agent-Based Simulation Models. - Subasinghage Maduka Nuwangi, Darshana Sedera, Glen Murphy:
Multi-Level Knowledge Transfer In Software Development Outsourcing Projects: The Agency Theory View. - Mary B. Burns, Alexandra Durcikova, Jeffrey L. Jenkins:
On Not Falling for Phish: Examining Multiple Stages of Protective Behavior of Information System End-Users. - Tae Hun Kim, Ronald T. Cenfetelli, Izak Benbasat:
Organizational Performance with Environmental Knowledge Intensity: Resource- vs. Knowledge-Based Performance. - Maria Alaranta, Eero Martela:
Overcoming Knowledge Gaps in Post-Merger Integration: A Case Study. - Xin Wei Wang, Hock-Hai Teo:
Perceptual and Conceptual Effects of Incidental Exposure to Web Ads. - Haejung Yun, Choong C. Lee, William J. Kettinger:
Personal Information Breach as a Service Failure: Examining Relationships among Recovery Efforts, Justice, and Customer Responses. - Nick van der Meulen, Peter J. van Baalen, Eric van Heck:
Please, Do Not Disturb. Telework, Distractions, and the Productivity of the Knowledge Worker. - Connie S. Albert, Al Salam:
Predatory Coercion in Social Media and Protection of Children Online - A Critical Discourse Analysis Approach. - Heng Xu, Na Wang, Jens Grossklags:
Privacy by ReDesign: Alleviating Privacy Concerns for Third-Party Apps. - Martin Berner, Enrico Graupner, Alexander Maedche, Benjamin Müller:
Process Visibility - Towards a Conceptualization and Research Themes. - Zhuolun Li, Ke-Wei Huang, Huseyin Cavusoglu:
Quantifying the Impact of Badges on User Engagement in Online Q&A Communities. - Wingyan Chung, Min Zhu:
Risk Assessment Based on News Articles: An Experiment on IT Companies. - Tobias Brandt, Sebastian Wagner, Dirk Neumann
Road to 2020: IS-Supported Business Models for Electric Mobility and Electrical Energy Markets. - Eruani Zainuddin:
Secretly SaaS-ing: Stealth Adoption of Software-as-a-Service from the Embeddedness Perspective. - Stefan Thalmann, Daniel Bachlechner, Ronald Maier:
Security Management in Cross-Organizational Settings: A Design Science Approach. - Lu Yang, Bernard C. Y. Tan:
Self-Disclosure on Online Social Networks: Motives, Context Feature, and Media Capabilities. - Barbara Dinter, Anja Lorenz:
Social Business Intelligence: a Literature Review and Research Agenda. - Inchan Kim:
Social Media in a Social Phenomenon: Social Media in the Entrainment of Contention to Innovation. - Shawndra Hill, Adrian Donald Benton:
Social TV: Linking TV Content to Buzz and Sales. - Emmanuelle Vaast, Liette Lapointe, Bogdan Negoita, Hani Safadi:
Stakeholders' Use of Microblogging to Engage in Emotion Strategies During a Crisis. - Kuang-Yuan Huang, InduShobha N. Chengalur-Smith, Özlem Uzuner, Priya Nambisan, Namjoo Choi:
Supporters in Deed - Studying Online Support Provision from the Perspective of Social Capital. - Michael Werner, Martin Schultz
, Niels Müller-Wickop, Nick Gehrke, Markus Nüttgens:
Tackling Complexity: Process Reconstruction and Graph Transformation for Financial Audits. - Mustapha Cheikh-Ammar, Henri Barki:
Technology Desirability. - Brad McKenna, Lesley A. Gardner, Michael D. Myers:
The Co-Evolution of the "Social" and the "Technology": A Netnographic study of Social Movements in Virtual Worlds. - Johann Joachim Kranz:
The Difference Of Determinants Of Mobile Data Services' Adoption And Continuance - A Longitudinal Study. - Mun Kiat Sitoh, Huseyin Cavusoglu:
The Effect of Customers' Emotion on Service Recovery Strategy in IT Service Failures. - Achita Muthitacharoen:
The Hidden Effects of Opening Bids in Online Auctions. - Rozan O. Maghrabi, Prashant C. Palvia:
The Impact of Information Technology (IT) on National Culture: The Case of Saudi Arabia. - Christoph Tobias Schmidt, Kai Spohrer, Thomas Kude, Armin Heinzl:
The Impact of Peer-Based Software Reviews on Team Performance: The Role of Feedback and Transactive Memory Systems. - Mohammad I. Merhi, Vishal Midha:
The Impact of Training and Social Norms on Information Security Compliance: A Pilot Study. - Chunmian Ge, Ke-Wei Huang:
The Impacts of Human Capital on the Value Creation by Mergers and Acquisitions: An Event Study in Software Industry. - Andrei Paul Gurca, M. N. Ravishankar:
The Influence of Internet-Enabled Technologies on Customer Agility: A Strategic-Cognitive Perspective. - Ina Maria Sebastian, Tung Bui:
The Influence of IS Affordances on Work Practices in Health Care: A Relational Coordination Approach. - Andreas Eckhardt, Christian Maier, Ricardo Buettner:
The Influence of Pressure to Perform and Experience on Changing Perceptions and User Performance: A Multi-Method Experimental Analysis. - Lauren Rhue:
The Pins that Bind: Preference Affirmation, Social Norms, and Networks on Pinterest. - Qian Li, Xunhua Guo, Caihong Sun:
The Shadow of Microblogging Use: Relationship between Usage Types and Addiction. - Yi-Da Chen, Susan A. Brown:
The Structuration of Task-oriented Communication in Innovative Virtual Teams. - Jakob Heumann, Martin Wiener:
The Transmission of Control in Information Systems Projects. - Mazen El-Masri, Suzanne Rivard:
Towards a Design Theory for Software Project Risk Management Systems. - Felix Wex, Natascha Widder, Markus Hedwig, Michael Liebmann, Dirk Neumann
Towards an Oil Crisis Early Warning System based on Absolute News Volume. - Christine Mengting Xu, Izak Benbasat, Hasan Cavusoglu:
Trusting those who trust you: A study on trust and privacy on Facebook. - David W. Wilson, Joseph S. Valacich:
Unpacking the Privacy Paradox: Irrational Decision-Making within the Privacy Calculus. - Ying Wang, Vishal Midha:
User Self-Disclosure on Health Social Networks: A Social Exchange Perspective. - Amy J. Connolly, Joni L. Jones:
Volunteering 2.0: How Online Social Networks Motivate Volunteer Retention. - Jiawei Wang, Jimmy S. J. Ren, Wei Wang, Xin Li, Qiudan Li, Stephen Shaoyi Liao:
When Multivariate Forecasting Meets Unsupervised Feature Learning - Towards a Novel Anomaly Detection Framework for Decision Support. - Haifeng Xu, Bernard C. Y. Tan:
Why Do I Keep Checking Facebook: Effects of Message Characteristics On the Formation of Social Network Services Addiction. - Maurice Kügler, Stefan Smolnik, Philip Raeth:
Why Don't You Use It? Assessing the Determinants of Enterprise Social Software Usage: A Conceptual Model Integrating Innovation Diffusion and Social Capital Theories. - Thimo Schulze, Simone Krug, Martin Schader:
Workers' Task Choice in Crowdsourcing and Human Computation Markets.
1. Digital Innovation in the Service Economy
- Jaehyun Park:
Designer-User Interaction as the Core of the Design & IT Innovation Process: A Socio-Cultural Perspective. - Sang Pil Han, Anindya Ghose:
Estimating Demand for Applications in the New Mobile Economy. - Ole Hanseth, Bendik Bygstad, Gunnar Ellingsen, Liv Karen Johannessen, Eli Larsen:
ICT Standardization Strategies and Service Innovation in Health Care. - Gerald C. Kane, Sam Ransbotham, Andy Boynton:
Is High Performance Contagious among Knowledge Workers? - Valentin Schöndienst, Florian Kulzer, Oliver Günther:
Like Versus Dislike: How Facebook's Like-Button Influences People's Perception of Product and Service Quality. - German F. Retana, Chris Forman, Sridhar Narasimhan, Marius F. Niculescu, Dongjun Wu:
Technical Support and IT Capacity Demand: Evidence from the Cloud.
2. Breakthrough Ideas
- Jia Sun, Ping Wang:
Community Ecology for Innovation Concept: The Case of Cloud Computing. - Jens Strüker, Florian Kerschbaum:
From a Barrier to a Bridge: Data-Privacy in Deregulated Smart Grids. - Thomas Widjaja, Jasmin Kaiser, Dennis Tepel, Peter Buxmann:
Heterogeneity in IT Landscapes and Monopoly Power of Firms: A Model to Quantify Heterogeneity. - Monika Koller, Peter Walla:
Measuring Affective Information Processing in Information Systems and Consumer Research - Introducing Startle Reflex Modulation. - Ben Li:
Selection as Design: Seeking Central Dogmas in the IS Discipline. - Shaila M. Miranda, Jama Denae Summers, Inchan Kim:
Visions of Social Media: Surfacing Schemas from Firms' Informational Engagements.
3. Digital and Social Networks
- Gal Oestreicher-Singer, Barak Libai, Liron Sivan, Eyal Carmi, Ohad Yassin:
Assessing Value in an Online Network of Products. - Jing Wang, Anindya Ghose, Panos Ipeirotis:
Bonus, Disclosure, and Choice: What Motivates the Creation of High-Quality Paid Reviews? - Gerald C. Kane, Sam Ransbotham:
Codification and Collaboration: Information Quality in Social Media. - A. K. M. Najmul Islam, Matti Mäntymäki:
Continuance of Professional Social Networking Sites: A Decomposed Expectation-Confirmation Approach. - Soo Il Shin, Dianne J. Hall:
How Do Social Networking Sites Users Become Loyal? A Social Exchange Perspective. - Peng Huang, Ali Tafti, Sunil Mithas:
Knowledge Contribution in Online Network of Practice: The Role of IT Infrastructure, Foreign Direct Investment and Immigration. - Wonseok Oh, Jae Yun Moon, Jungpil Hahn:
Leader Influence on Sustained Participation in Self-Organized Volunteer Communities: A Simulation-based Approach. - Sanghee Lim, Nigel P. Melville:
Leveraging Alliance Networks through Information Technology: Evidence from Panel Regressions. - Christian Maier, Sven Laumer, Andreas Eckhardt, Tim Weitzel:
Online Social Networks as a Source and Symbol of Stress: An Empirical Analysis. - Jacomo Corbo, Di Lin:
Optimal Pricing with Positive Network Effects: The Big Benefits of Just a Little Discrimination. - Miguel Godinho de Matos, Pedro A. Ferreira, David Krackhardt:
Peer Influence in a Very Large Social Network: The Diffusion of the iPhone Handset. - Marissa Takahashi:
R&D Network- Case Study and Social Network Analysis. - Li Yu, Qiulin Li, Xun Liang:
Research on Viral Marketing Propagating Oriented to Marketing Context. - Rajiv Garg, Rahul Telang:
Role of Online Social Networks in Job Search by Unemployed Individuals. - Michael C. Cahalane, Joseph Feller, Patrick Finnegan:
Seeking the Entanglement of Immersion and Emergence: Reflections from an Analysis of the State of IS Research on Virtual Worlds. - Yong Lu, Bin Gu, Qiang Ye, Zhexiang Sheng:
Social Influence and Defaults in Peer-to-Peer Lending Networks. - Sinan Aral, Vincent J. David:
The Anatomy & Dynamics of Vision Advantages. - Gregory D. Larosiliere, Dorothy E. Leidner:
The Effects of Social Network Usage on Organizational Identification. - Dorit Nevo, Brent Furneaux:
The Power of Communities: From Observed Outcomes to Measurable Performance. - Ksenia Koroleva, Vid Stimac:
Tie Strength vs. Network Overlap: Why Information from Lovers is More Valuable than from Close Friends on Social Network Sites?
4. E-Business and Competitive Strategy
- Aidan Maurice Duane, Philip O'Reilly:
A Conceptual Stages of Growth Model for Managing an Organization's Social Media Business Profile (SMBP). - Akemi Takeoka Chatfield, Samuel Fosso Wamba:
A Sociomaterial Approach to Co-Creating RFID Value in a Multi-Firm Supply Chain Knowledge Sharing Environment: A Longitudinal Case Study. - Yili Hong, Paul A. Pavlou:
An Empirical Investigation on Provider Pricing in Online Crowdsourcing Markets for IT Services. - Christian Matt:
Consumer Product Search and the Decision Between Intermediary and Supplier Online Shops. - Fabian Lang, Guido Schryen, Andreas Fink:
Elicitating, modeling, and processing uncertain human preferences for software agents in electronic negotiations: An empirical study. - Abhishek Kathuria, Benn R. Konsynski:
Juggling Paradoxical Strategies: The Emergent Role of IT Capabilities. - Kyeongseo Hwang, Sung-Hyuk Park, Ingoo Han:
Multi-Screen Strategy for Selling Mobile Content to Customers. - Stefan Feuerriegel, Jens Strüker, Dirk Neumann
Reducing Price Uncertainty through Demand Side Management. - Sangaralingam Kajanan, Nargis Pervin, Narayan Ramasubbu, Anindya Datta, Kaushik Dutta:
Takeoff and Sustained Success of Apps in Hypercompetitive Mobile Platform Ecosystems: An Empirical Analysis. - Min Chen, Varghese S. Jacob, Suresh Radhakrishnan, Young U. Ryu:
The Effect of Third Party Investigation on Pay-Per-Click Advertising. - Kyunghee Lee, Byungtae Lee:
When Does the Recommendation of Other People Matter in Social Commerce Even Though They Have Not Purchased Either?
5. Economics and Value of IS
- Ming Fan, Lin Hao, Zhenzhong Sheng, Yong Tan:
A Hidden Markov Model For Conversion Rate Dynamics In Online Retail. - Charles Zhechao Liu, Yoris A. Au, Hoon Seok Choi:
An Empirical Study of the Freemium Strategy for Mobile Apps: Evidence from the Google Play Market. - Yan Huang, Param Vir Singh, Tridas Mukhopadhyay:
Crowdsourcing Contests: A Dynamic Structural Model of the Impact of Incentive Structure on Solution Quality. - Lauren Rhue, Arun Sundararajan:
Digital Access, Political Networks and the Diffusion of Democracy. - Liangfei Qiu, Andrew B. Whinston, Huaxia Rui:
Information Exchange in Prediction Markets: How Social Networks Promote Forecast Efficiency. - Prasanna Tambe:
Inter-Industry IT Spillovers After the Dot-Com Bust. - Jose Benitez-Amado, Gautam Ray:
Introducing IT-enabled Business Flexibility and IT Integration in the Acquirer's M&A Performance Equation. - Yili Hong, Pei-Yu Sharon Chen, Lorin M. Hitt:
Measuring Product Type With Dynamics of Online Product Review Variance. - Alvin Chung Man Leung, Ashish Agarwal, Prabhudev Konana, Alok Kumar:
Online Search: Identifying New Investment Habitats. - Hong Guo, Yabing Jiang:
Optimal Design of Consumer Review Systems. - Young Kwark, Jianqing Chen, Srinivasan Raghunathan:
Platform or Wholesale: Different Effects on Retailers of Online Product Reviews. - Liron Sivan, Barak Libai, Gal Oestreicher-Singer:
Predicting Participation in Social Media Sites by Analyzing User Participation Patterns. - Erik Brynjolfsson, JooHee Oh:
The Attention Economy: Measuring the Value of Free Digital Services on the Internet. - Heekyung Hellen Kim:
The Effect of Free Access on the Diffusion of Scholarly Ideas. - Anuj Kumar, Rahul Telang, Michael D. Smith:
The Impact of Information on Movie Sales Skewness. - Sezgin Ayabakan, Indranil R. Bardhan, Eric Zheng:
The Impact of IT-enabled Manufacturing Capabilities on Plant Profitability: New Models and Evidence.
6. Engaged Scholarship through Design and Action
- Ilia Bider, Paul Johannesson, Erik Perjons, Lena Johansson:
Design Science in Action: Developing a Framework for Introducing IT Systems into Operational Practice. - Maria Moloney, Liam Church:
Engaged Scholarship: Action Design Research for New Software Product Development. - Michael Scholz, Verena Dorner:
Estimating Optimal Recommendation Set Sizes for Individual Consumers. - Boris Otto, Hubert Österle:
Principles for Knowledge Creation in Collaborative Design Science Research.
7. Global and Cultural Issues in IS
- Gordon Burtch, Anindya Ghose, Sunil Wattal:
An Empirical Examination of Cultural Biases in Interpersonal Economic Exchange. - Violet Ho, Jonathan Whitaker, Sunil Mithas, Prasanto K. Roy:
It's What's Inside that Counts: The Role of Social and Psychological Capital in Compensation for Offshore BPO Professionals. - Oliver Krancher, Jens Dibbern:
Learning Software Maintenance Tasks in Offshoring Projects: A Cognitive-Load Perspective. - Suling Zhang:
Navigating Competition in IT Offshoring Relationships. - Elisa Mattarelli, Fabiola Bertolotti, Andrea Prencipe, Amar Gupta:
Perceived modularity: A case study of a globally distributed team. - Jakob Heumann, Martin Wiener, Ulrich Remus:
Power Distance in Information Systems Offshoring Projects - A Control Theory Perspective.
8. Governance and Management of IS
- Robert Wayne Gregory, Mark Keil, Jan Muntermann:
Ambidextrous IS Strategy: The Dynamic Balancing Act of Developing a 'Transform & Merge' Strategy in the Banking Industry. - Haitham Tamim, Anne-Marie Croteau, Benoit Aubert:
An Empirical Investigation of Information Systems Departments' Configurations. - Suresh Malladi, Mayuram S. Krishnan:
Cloud Computing Adoption and its Implications for CIO Strategic Focus - An Empirical Analysis. - Satish Krishnan, Thompson S. H. Teo:
Does Governance Matter? Investigating the Impact of Governance on E-Government Maturity. - Janice Lo, Dorothy E. Leidner:
Extending the IS Strategy Typology: An Assessment of Strategy Impacts on Capabilities Development and Performance. - Dorit Nevo, Julia Kotlarsky, Saggi Nevo:
New Capabilities: Can IT Service Providers Leverage Crowdsourcing? - Jasmin Kaiser, Thomas Widjaja, Peter Buxmann:
Positioning Clients in Dyadic Dependence Structures of IS Outsourcing Relationships - Conceptualization and Empirical Findings. - Suparna Goswami, T. Ravichandran, Hock-Hai Teo, Helmut Krcmar:
Relational Antecedents of Information Visibility in Value Networks. - Alexander Schult, Michael Wolff:
Strategic Alignment of IT and Functional Responsibilities in Top Management Teams: An Empirical Performance Study. - Till J. Winkler, Alexander Benlian:
The Dual Role of IS Specificity in Governing Software as a Service.
9. Green IS and Sustainability
- Krishnadas Nanath, Radhakrishna R. Pillai:
A Sustainability Model of Green IT Initiatives. - Karl Fradley, Indrit Troshani, Giselle Rampersad, Paul De Ionno:
An Organizing Vision Perspective on Green IS Development. - Rohit Nishant, Thompson S. H. Teo, Mark Goh, Satish Krishnan:
Does Environmental Performance Affect Organizational Performance? Evidence from Green IT Organizations. - Dirk S. Hovorka, Jacqueline Corbett:
IS Sustainability Research: A trans-disciplinary framework for a 'grand challenge'. - Christoph Dorsch, Björn Häckel:
Matching Economic Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability: The Potential of Exchanging Excess Capacity in Cloud Service Environments. - Jonas Hedman, Stefan Henningsson, Lisen Selander:
Organizational Self-Renewal: The Role of Green IS in Developing Eco-Effectiveness. - Richard T. Watson, Mikael Lind, Sandra Haraldson:
The Emergence of Sustainability as the New Dominant Logic: Implications for Information Systems. - Hannah Winkler von Mohrenfels, Daniel Klapper:
The Influence of Mobile Product Information on Brand Perception and Willingness to Pay for Green and Sustainable Products. - Claire-Michelle Loock, Jan R. Landwehr, Thorsten Staake, Elgar Fleisch, Alex Pentland:
The Influence of Reference Frame and Population Density on the Effectiveness of Social Normative Feedback on Electricity Consumption. - Fabian Loeser, Koray Erek, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
Towards a Typology of Green IS Strategies: Insights from Case Study Research.
10. Human Behavior in IT Adoption and Use
- Joerg Evermann, Mary Tate:
An Ontology of Structural Equation Models with Application to Computer Self-Efficacy. - Matti Mäntymäki, Kai Riemer:
"Chill with Friends" - Continuous engagement in social virtual worlds among digital natives. - Mari-Klara Stein, Sue Newell, Erica L. Wagner, Robert D. Galliers:
Continued Use of IT: An Emotional Choice. - Philipp Wunderlich, Daniel Veit, Saonee Sarker:
Examination of the Determinants of Smart Meter Adoption: An User Perspective. - Tuomas Lehto, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Filip Drozd:
Factors Affecting Perceived Persuasiveness of a Behavior Change Support System. - Sara Hofmann, Michael Räckers, Jörg Becker:
Identifying Factors of E-Government Acceptance - A Literature Review. - Han-fen Hu, William Moore, Paul Jen-Hwa Hu:
Incorporating User Perceptions and Product Attributes in Software Product Design and Evaluation. - Jan-Bert Maas, Paul C. van Fenema, Joseph Soeters:
Information System Infusion: The Role of Control and Empowerment. - Sonny C. Lee, Jia Sun, Ping Wang:
Innovating Mindfully with OpenTable: A Restaurant's Experience. - Christian Hoerndlein, Alexander Benlian, Thomas Hess:
Institutional Influences in Individual-level Innovation Adoption outside Organizational Contexts: A Scale Development Study. - Valéry Merminod, Frantz Rowe, Dov Te'eni:
Knowledge Sharing and Maturation in Circles of Trust: The case of New Product Development. - Clark Hampton, Theophanis C. Stratopoulos:
Leads us not into temptation: Knowledge Workers, Business Intelligence Systems, and Occupational Fraud. - EunHee Park, Ghiyoung Im, Veda C. Storey:
Repurchase Intentions of Information Technology: An Emotion Process Perspective. - Matthias Söllner, Axel Hoffmann, Holger Hoffmann, Arno Wacker, Jan Marco Leimeister:
Understanding the Formation of Trust in IT Artifacts. - Sandeep Goyal, Moez Limayem, Fred D. Davis:
Unfulfilled Obligations in Recommendation Agent Use. - Robert William Davidson Veitch, Ioanna D. Constantiou:
User Decisions Among Digital Piracy and Legal Alternatives for Film and Music. - Christian Maier, Sven Laumer, Andreas Eckhardt, Tim Weitzel:
Using User Personality to explain the Intention-Behavior Gap and Changes in Beliefs: A Longitudinal Analysis. - Benjamin Müller, Philip Raeth:
What you see is what you get? - A comparison of theoretical lenses to study technology in organizations.
11. Human-Computer Interactions
- Raquel Benbunan-Fich:
Developing a Theory of Multitasking Behavior. - Tingru Cui, Xin Wei Wang, Hock-Hai Teo:
Effects of Cultural Cognitive Styles on Users' Evaluation of Website Complexity. - Chih-Hung Peng, Benjamin Herndon, Sandra Slaughter:
Interactive Technology, Expertise & Group Decision Making. - Andrew Burton-Jones, Roger Clarke, Kate Lazarenko, Ron Weber:
Is Use of Optional Attributes and Associations in Conceptual Modeling Always Problematic? Theory and Empirical Tests. - Jingjun Xu:
IT Adoption: A Persuasive Perspective. - Jie Lou, Yulin Fang, Kai Hin Lim, Jerry Zeyu Peng:
Knowledge Contribution in Online Question and Answering Communities: Effects of Groups Membership. - Dezhi Yin, Sabyasachi Mitra, Han Zhang:
Mechanisms of Negativity Bias: An Empirical Exploration of App Reviews In Apple's App Store. - Jörg H. Mayer:
Using the Kano Model to Identify Attractive User-Interface Software Components.
12. IS Curriculum and Education
- Maung Kyaw Sein, Devinder Thapa, Øystein Sæbø:
Bringing the Outside World to the Remote Mountains: the Nepal Wireless Networking Project. - Shazib Ehsan Shaikh, Zahoor Hassan, Bilal Farooq, Abdul R. Shahid:
Business Intelligence at Telenor Pakistan. - René Wegener, Philipp Menschner, Jan Marco Leimeister:
Design and Evaluation of a Didactical Service Blueprinting Method For Large Scale Lectures. - Zixiu Guo, Lin Xiao, Chanyoung Seo, Yihong Lai:
Flow experience and continuance intention toward online learning: An integrated framework. - Paul Ralph:
Improving Coverage of Design in Information Systems Education. - Donald J. Berndt, Ricardo Lasa, James A. McCart:
SiteWit Corporation: SQL or NoSQL that is the Question. - Edward Curry, Brian Donnellan:
Sustainable IT at Intel: A Teaching Case. - Jim Waters, Susan Gasson:
Using Asynchronous Discussion Boards To Teach IS: Reflections From Practice. - Paul Golding, Vanesa Tennant:
Will LIME Survive the Claro - Digicel Deal?
13. IS Security and Privacy
- Chul Woo Yoo, H. J. Ahn, H. Raghav Rao:
An Exploration of the Impact of Information Privacy Invasion. - Mark J. Keith, Samuel C. Thompson, Joanne E. Hale, Chapman Greer:
Examining the Rationality of Location Data Disclosure through Mobile Devices. - Frantz Rowe, Richard L. Baskerville, François-Charles Wolff:
Functionality vs. Security in IS: Tradeoff or Equilibrium? - Muhammad Zia Hydari, Martin S. Gaynor, Rahul Telang:
Is Patient Data Better Protected in Competitive Healthcare Markets? - Heng Xu, Sumeet Gupta, Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll:
Measuring Mobile Users' Concerns for Information Privacy. - Tobias Ackermann, Thomas Widjaja, Alexander Benlian, Peter Buxmann:
Perceived IT Security Risks of Cloud Computing: Conceptualization and Scale Development. - Jörg Uffen, Nadine Guhr, Michael H. Breitner:
Personality Traits and Information Security Management: An Empirical Study of Information Security Executives. - Sarah Spiekermann, Jana Korunovska, Christine Bauer:
Psychology of Ownership and Asset Defense: Why people value their personal information beyond privacy. - Qian Tang, Leigh L. Linden, John S. Quarterman, Andrew B. Whinston:
Reputation as Public Policy for Internet Security: A Field Study. - Johannes Paefgen, Thorsten Staake, Frédéric Thiesse:
Resolving the Misalignment between Consumer Privacy Concerns and Ubiquitous IS Design: The Case of Usage-based Insurance. - Sabyasachi Mitra, Sam Ransbotham:
The Effects of Information Disclosure Policy on the Diffusion of Security Attacks.
14. IT and Service Management
- Markus Hedwig, Simon Malkowski, Dirk Neumann
Efficient and Flexible Management of Enterprise Information Systems. - Bernd Heinrich, Steffen Zimmermann:
Granularity Metrics for IT Services. - Fons Wijnhoven, Michel L. Ehrenhard, Thijs Alink:
High Reliable Internet Hosting: A Case Study of Handling Unanticipated Threats to Reliability. - Yi-Ting Wang, Ling-Ling Wu, Hui-Ching Chen, Ming-Yih Yeh:
Interactivity of Social Media and Online Consumer Behavior: the Moderating Effects of Opinion Leadership. - Andrea Giessmann, Katarina Stanoevska:
Platform as a Service - A Conjoint Study on Consumers' Preferences. - Jiban Khuntia, Sunil Mithas, Ritu Agarwal, Prasanto K. Roy:
Service Augmentation and Customer Satisfaction: An Analysis of Cell Phone Services in Base-of-the-Pyramid Markets. - Stephan Aier:
Strategies for Establishing Service Oriented Design in Organizations.
15. IT for Health Care Management
- Hyeyoung Hah, Anandhi Bharadwaj:
A Multi-level Analysis of the Impact of Health Information Technology on Hospital Performance. - Anthony James Baroody, Sean Hansen:
Changing Perspectives: Institutional Logics of Adoption and Use of Health Information Technology. - Adrian Yeow, Kim Huat Goh:
Healthcare processes and IT: Exploring Productivity Gains through Improved Allocative Efficiency. - Tobias Mettler:
Post-Acceptance of Electronic Medical Records: Evidence from a Longitudinal Field Study.
16. Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
- Xiaowei Jin, Julia Kotlarsky:
A Conceptual Framework of Knowledge Integration in Multisourcing Arrangements. - Fang Fang, Anindya Datta, Kaushik Dutta:
A Hybrid Method for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification Using Multiple Sources. - Xin Li, Mengyue Wang:
A Multi-theoretical Framework for Social Network-based Recommendation. - Wenping Zhang, Raymond Y. K. Lau, Stephen S. Y. Liao, Ron Chi-Wai Kwok:
A Probabilistic Generative Model for Latent Business Networks Mining. - Sean W. Hansen, Barney Tan, Uri Gal:
Collaborative Infrastructures for Distributed Work: The Case of Haier's 1000-Day Information Revolution. - Monish Sharma, Surendra Sarnikar:
DECIPHER: Database Environmental Change Impact Prediction for Human-Driven Tuning Efforts in Real-Time. - Yuanfeng Cai, Zhengrui Jiang, Vijay S. Mookerjee:
Designing Intelligent Expert Systems to Cope with Liars. - Xiaofeng Chen, Keng Siau:
Effect of Business Intelligence and IT Infrastructure Flexibility on Organizational Agility. - Peter B. Seddon, Dora Constantinidis, Harjot Dod:
How Does Business Analytics Contribute to Business Value? - Michael Liebmann, Michael Hagenau, Dirk Neumann
Information Processing in Electronic Markets: Measuring Subjective Interpretation Using Sentiment Analysis. - Claudia Loebbecke, Kevin Crowston:
Knowledge Portals: Components, Functionalities, and Deployment Challenges. - Shankar Prawesh, Balaji Padmanabhan:
News Recommender Systems with Feedback. - Vasant Dhar, Tomer Geva, Gal Oestreicher-Singer, Arun Sundararajan:
Prediction in Economic Networks: Using the Implicit Gestalt in Product Graphs. - Yang Bao, Anindya Datta:
Summarization of Corporate Risk Factor Disclosure through Topic Modeling. - L. G. Pee:
The Effects of Person-Environment Fit on Employees' Knowledge Contribution. - Mary Melinda Dunaway, Rajiv Sabherwal:
Understanding the role of Transactive Memory Systems and Knowledge Management Mechanisms on Team Performance.
17. Panels
- Michel Avital, Lars Mathiassen, Kevin Crowston, Omar El Sawy, Shirley Gregor:
Alternative Genres of IS Research: Looking for Great Leaps Forward. - Michael I. Barrett, Elizabeth J. Davidson, Anne-Laure Fayard, Stephen L. Vargo, Youngjin Yoo:
Being Innovative About Service Innovation: Service, Design and Digitalization. - Kirstin Gillon, Erik Brynjolfsson, Sunil Mithas, Jane Griffin, Manish Gupta:
Business Analytics: Radical Shift or Incremental Change? - Jan vom Brocke, Richard T. Watson, Catherine Dwyer, Steve Elliot, Nigel P. Melville:
Green Information Systems: Directives for the IS Discipline. - Allen S. Lee, Mike W. Chiasson, Steven Alter, Helmut Krcmar:
Long Live Design Science Research! .... and Remind Me Again About Whether It Is a New Research Paradigm or a Rationale of Last Resort for Worthwhile Research That Doesn't Fit Under Any Other Umbrella. - Benjamin Müller, Philip Raeth, Samer Faraj, Karlheinz Kautz, Daniel Robey, Ulrike Schultze:
On the Methodological and Philosophical Challenges of Sociomaterial Theorizing: An Overview of Competing Conceptualizations. - Eileen M. Trauth, Michel Avital, Julie E. Kendall, Kenneth E. Kendall, Richard Boland Jr.:
Out of the Box and Onto the Stage: Enacting Information Systems Research through Theatre. - Traci A. Carte, Dorothy E. Leidner, George A. Marcoulides, Wynne W. Chin, Michael D. Myers:
Rigor-Mortis: The Knowing-Doing Gap in Research Methods and What We Should Do About It.
18. Project Management and IS Development
- Hendrik Meth, Ye Li, Alexander Maedche, Benjamin Müller:
Advancing Task Elicitation Systems - An Experimental Evaluation of Design Principles. - Karlheinz Kautz:
Beyond Simple Classifications: Contemporary Information Systems Development Projects as Complex Adaptive Systems. - Stefan Hoermann, Konrad Dongus, Michael Schermann, Helmut Krcmar:
Do Vendors Include Transaction Characteristics in Their Risk Estimation? An Empirical Analysis of ERP Projects. - Daniela Mihailescu, Marius Mihailescu:
Exploring the Adaptation of Enterprise Systems Implementation Methodology: A Morphogenetic Approach. - Christine Legner, Jan Löhe:
Improving the Realization of IT Demands: A Design Theory for End-to-End Demand Management. - Likoebe M. Maruping, Manju K. Ahuja:
IS Offshore Project Risk, Contracts and Team Structure. - Laddawan Kaewkitipong, Charlie C. Chen, Peter Ractham:
Lessons Learned from the Use of Social Media in Combating a Crisis: a Case Study of 2011 Thailand Flooding Disaster. - Lucian M. Zelazny, France Bélanger, David Tegarden:
Toward a Model of Information System Development Success: Perceptions of Information Systems Development Team Members. - Eruani Zainuddin, Geneviève Bassellier, Izak Benbasat:
Vendor and Client Project Managers: Exploring Complementary Competencies.
19. Research Methods
- Briony June Oates, Helen M. Edwards, David W. Wainwright:
A Model-Driven Method for the Systematic Literature Review of Qualitative Empirical Research. - Joerg Evermann, Mary Tate:
A Note of Caution on Covariance-Equivalent Models in Information Systems. - Cathy Urquhart, Emmanuelle Vaast:
Building social media theory from case studies: A new frontier for IS research. - Joerg Evermann, Mary Tate:
Comparing the Predictive Ability of PLS and Covariance Models. - Miguel I. Aguirre-Urreta, George M. Marakas:
Differential Effects of Omitting Formative Indicators: A Comparison of Techniques. - Marco Hubert, Marc Linzmajer, René Riedl, Peter Kenning, Mirja Hubert:
Introducing Connectivity Analysis to NeuroIS Research. - Raquel Benbunan-Fich:
Measurement of Multitasking with Focus Shift Analysis. - Pratyush Nidhi Sharma, Kevin Hyunkyung Kim:
Model Selection in Information Systems Research Using Partial Least Squares Based Structural Equation Modeling. - Rob Gleasure, Joseph Feller, Brian O'Flaherty:
Procedurally Transparent Design Science Research: A Design Process Model. - Anindya Ghose, Panos Ipeirotis, Beibei Li:
Search Less, Find More? Examining Limited Consumer Search with Social Media and Product Search Engines. - E. Vance Wilson, Nancy K. Lankton:
Some Unfortunate Consequences of Non-Randomized, Grouped-Item Survey Administration in IS Research. - Suprateek Sarker, Xiao Xiao, Tanya Beaulieu:
Toward an Anatomy of "Successful" Qualitative Research Manuscripts in IS: A Critical Review and Some Recommendations.
20. Social and Organizational Impacts of IS
- Emre Yetgin, Amber Grace Young, Shaila M. Miranda:
Cultural Production of Protest Frames and Tactics: Cybermediaries and the SOPA Movement. - Nilesh Saraf, Srabana Dasgupta, Pooria Assadi:
Explaining Information Technology and Business Innovations: The Role of Cumulative Experience and Performance Feedback. - Amol Kharabe, Kalle Lyytinen:
Is Implementing ERP Like Pouring Concrete Into a Company? Impact of Enterprise Systems on Organizational Agility. - Kai Riemer, Robert Bruce Johnston:
Place-making: A Phenomenological Theory of Technology Appropriation. - Brian T. Pentland, Harminder Singh, Elaine K. Yakura:
Routinizing change: Does business process management technology have unintended firm-level consequences? - Mohammad Hosein Rezazade Mehrizi, Joan Rodon Modol:
Socio-Technical Attachments and IT Change: A Case of Unsuccessful Software Replacement. - James E. Gaskin, Kalle Lyytinen, Youngjin Yoo, Brian T. Pentland:
The Effects of Digital Intensity on Combinations of Sequential and Configural Process Variety. - Susan Gasson:
The Sociomateriality Of Boundary-Spanning Enterprise IS Design.
21. Visual Media
- Cheng Luo, Zhenhui Jack Jiang, Cheng Yi:
Effects of Undesired Online Video Advertising Choice on User Behavior and Attitude. - Kush R. Varshney, Jamie C. Rasmussen, Aleksandra Mojsilovic, Moninder Singh, Joan Morris DiMicco:
Interactive Visual Salesforce Analytics. - Jörg Becker, Philipp Bergener, Dominic Breuker, Tobias Heide:
Towards Interactive IS Research Papers to Play With - A Process Mining Showcase.

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