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14th CSEDU 2022 - Volume 1
- Mutlu Cukurova, Nikol Rummel, Denis Gillet, Bruce M. McLaren, James Uhomoibhi:
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2022, Online Streaming, April 22-24, 2022, Volume 1. SCITEPRESS 2022, ISBN 978-989-758-562-3
Invited Speakers
- Ton de Jong:
Inquiry Learning with Online Laboratories: Which Factors Influence Its Success and What Can We Expect from AI? CSEDU (1) 2022: 5 - Erin Walker:
Context-Sensitive Technology Supports for Social Learning. CSEDU (1) 2022: 7 - Katrien Verbert:
Designing Learning Analytics Dashboards: Lessons Learned. CSEDU (1) 2022: 9 - Cristóbal Romero Morales:
Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics. CSEDU (1) 2022: 11
Information Technologies Supporting Learning
- Safat Siddiqui, Mary Lou Maher, Nadia Najjar
, Maryam Mohseni, Kazjon Grace:
Personalized Curiosity Engine (Pique): A Curiosity Inspiring Cognitive System for Student Directed Learning. 17-28 - Dionisia Laranjeiro, Maria João Antunes, Paula Santos
An Intervention with Technology for Parental Involvement in Kindergarten: Use of Design-based Research Methodology. 29-37 - Gail Tidey, Laurent Dedieu, Annabel Levert, Jean-Christophe Sakdavong:
Free Online Training and Value Perception in France. 38-48 - Louise Sauvé, Patrick Plante, Gustavo Adolfo Angulo Mendoza, Caroline Brassard, Guillaume Desjardins
Using Inclusive Design for People with Cognitive Limitations to Develop Online Training in the Workplace. 49-57 - Atezaz Ahmad, Jan Schneider, Joshua Weidlich, Daniele Di Mitri
, Jane Yin-Kim Yau, Daniel Schiffner
, Hendrik Drachsler
What Indicators Can I Serve You with? An Evaluation of a Research-Driven Learning Analytics Indicator Repository. 58-68 - Hanxiang Du, Wanli Xing, Bo Pei, Yifang Zeng, Jie Lu, Yuanlin Zhang:
Trends and Issues in STEM + C Research: A Bibliometric Perspective. 69-80 - Padmasheela Kiiskilä
, Ahmed Hanafy, Henri Pirkkalainen
Features of Micro-credential Platforms in Higher Education. 81-91 - Paul Greiff, Carla Reinken, Uwe Hoppe:
Ethical Perception of a Digital Study Assistant: Student Survey of Ethical Values. 92-104 - Sébastien Foucher, Damián Pascual, Oliver Richter, Roger Wattenhofer:
Word2Course: Creating Interactive Courses from as Little as a Keyword. 105-115 - Oleg Sychev
, Nikita Penskoy, Grigory Terekhov
Using Software Reasoning to Determine Domain-law Violations and Provide Explanatory Feedback: Expressions Tutor Example. 116-123 - Sergio Iván Ramírez Luelmo
, Nour El Mawas, Rémi Bachelet, Jean Heutte:
Towards a Machine Learning Flow-predicting Model in a MOOC Context. 124-134 - Nikola Luburic, Dragan Vidakovic, Jelena Slivka, Simona Prokic
, Katarina-Glorija Grujic, Aleksandar Kovacevic, Goran Sladic:
Clean Code Tutoring: Makings of a Foundation. 137-148 - Michael Striewe
A Lightweight Method for Modelling Technology-Enhanced Assessment Processes. 149-156 - Michael Striewe
Where Does All the Data Go? A Review of Research on E-Assessment Data. 157-164 - Michael Striewe
A Self-adaptive Mechanism for Serious Quiz Games. 165-172 - Qihui Chen, Wenting Sun
, Xiaoling Wang:
The Influence of Cognitive Presence, Social Presence and Teaching Presence on Online Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety, L2 Motivational Self and Intended Effort-A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. 173-180 - Nathalie Guin, Marie Lefèvre:
An Authoring Tool based on Semi-automatic Generators for Creating Self-assessment Exercises. 181-188 - Mariz Awad, Jailan Salah, Nabila Hamdi, Slim Abdennadher:
A-Learning: A Computerized Adaptive Learning Expert System. 189-198 - Yoshi Malaise
, Beat Signer
Personalised Learning Environments based on Knowledge Graphs and the Zone of Proximal Development. 199-206 - Stefan Sonderegger, Sabine Seufert:
Chatbot-mediated Learning: Conceptual Framework for the Design of Chatbot Use Cases in Education. 207-215 - Tommy Sharkey, Robert Twomey, Amy Eguchi, Monica Sweet, Ying Choon Wu:
Need Finding for an Embodied Coding Platform: Educators' Practices and Perspectives. 216-227 - Adson R. P. Damasceno
, Lucas Cabral Carneiro da Cunha
, João Victor F. T. De Sampaio, Allberson B. O. Dantas, Eudenia Magalhães Barros, Paulo Henrique M. Maia, Francisco C. M. B. Oliveira:
A Recommendation System Framework for Educational Content Reinforcement in Virtual Learning Environments. 228-235 - Miriam Mulders, Johannes Wendt:
Beyond Viewing Counts, Likes & Co: An Analysis of Instructional Videos on Youtube. 236-241 - Pierre Laforcade, Emeric Mottier, Sébastien Jolivet
, Bérénice Lemoine
Expressing Adaptations to Take into Account in Generator-based Exercisers: An Exploratory Study about Multiplication Facts. 242-249 - Li Chen, Dirk Ifenthaler, Jane Yin-Kim Yau:
The Effectiveness of Virtual Team Learning and Its Potential Factors in Entrepreneurship Education Courses. 250-256 - Waldir Siqueira Moura, Mônica Ferreira da Silva
, Jonice Oliveira Sampaio Guimarães de Souza, Tainá Guimarães de Souza:
Analysis of Social Networks of Students' Learning with a Focus on Their Performance. 257-264 - Brenda Aguiar, Franciane Alves, Paulo Gustavo
, Vinícius Monteiro, Elizamara Almeida, Leonardo C. Marques, José Carlos Duarte
, Bruno Gadelha, Tayana Conte:
Investigating Remote Teaching: How Google Meet and Zoom Affect Teachers and Students' Experience. 265-272 - Myrian Rodrigues, Barbara Nery, Miguel Castro, Victor Klisman, José Carlos Duarte
, Bruno Gadelha, Tayana Conte:
Let's Play! or Don't? The Impact of UX and Usability on the Adoption of a Game-based Student Response System. 273-280 - Laísa O. Paiva, Moisés Barbosa, Solano Oliveira, Max Barbosa, Victor Klisman, José Carlos Duarte
, Genildo Gomes, Bruno Gadelha, Tayana Conte:
To the Next Level! an Exploratory Study on the Influence of User Experience on the Acceptance of a Gamified Learning Platform. 281-288 - Manel Mena
, Javier Criado, Isabel María del Águila
, Joaquín Cañadas, Luis Iribarne
Applying GitHub Services to Support Teaching-learning Strategies in Computer Science Courses. 289-296 - Paul Doyle, Brian Keegan
, Damian Gordon, Anna Becevel, J. Paul Gibson
, Zhiying Jiang, Dympna O'Sullivan:
The World Is Our Classroom: Developing a Model for International Virtual Internships - The Global Innovations Project. 297-303 - Lucas N. Cabral, J. Antão B. Moura, Marcelo Alves de Barros, Laurent Borgmann, Uwe Terton, Carla C. M. Medeiros:
Educational Software Requirements Elicitation Techniques: Including Children with Autistic Spectrum Condition. 304-313 - Donya Rooein, Paolo Paolini, Barbara Pernici
Educational Chatbots: A Sustainable Approach for Customizable Conversations for Education. 314-321 - Rodrigo Elias Francisco
, Flávio de Oliveira Silva
A Recommendation Module based on Reinforcement Learning to an Intelligent Tutoring System for Software Maintenance. 322-329 - Aleksander Binsztok, Beata Butryn, Katarzyna Holowinska, Mieczyslaw L. Owoc, Malgorzata Sobinska:
Applying Simulation in Teaching Selected Courses in Business Informatics with the FlexSim Platform. 330-337 - Rodrigo Elias Francisco
, Flávio de Oliveira Silva
Intelligent Tutoring System for Computer Science Education and the Use of Artificial Intelligence: A Literature Review. 338-345 - Fabian Gibert, Georg J. Schneider
A Platform to Interest Young People in STEM using Robotics and AI in a Playful Way. 346-352 - Alana Oliveira, Emanuelle Lemos, Anderson Galvão, Carlos de Salles Soares Neto, Mário Meireles Teixeira:
An Interface Adaptation Model for LMSs According to Learning Styles. 353-360 - Daniel Staegemann, René Degenkolbe, Stefan Weidner, Robert Häusler
, Vinzent Lange, Klaus Turowski:
Possible Application Scenarios for a German National Education Platform. 361-368 - Alexander Knoth, Franziska Blum
, Erwin Soldo, Ulrike Lucke:
Structural Challenges in the Educational System Meet a Federated IT-Infrastructure for Education: Insights into a Real Lab. 369-375 - Ahmed Wael, Ghada Ahmed, Nada Sharaf:
Building, Controlling and Simulating We-Do Robots. 376-382 - Priscila Cedillo
, Pablo Martínez León, Marcos Orellana
IMASHEDU: Intelligent MAshups for EDUcation - Towards a Data Mining Approach. 383-388 - Sven Strickroth
, François Bry:
The Future of Higher Education Is Social and Personalized! Experience Report and Perspectives. 389-396 - Claudia Pimentel, Rafaela Psheidt, Brayan Eduardo Rosa, Avanilde Kemczinski, Isabela Gasparini:
Gamification of an Exercise Tool of a Virtual Learning Environment. 397-404 - Mulenga Chanda, Elizabeth Chirwa, Mirriam Kamanga, Mwenya Kayula, Lighton Phiri:
Factors Influencing Co-creation of Open Education Resources using Learning Object Repositories. 405-412 - Priscila Cedillo
, Alexandra Bermeo
, Alexa Betancourth, Francisco Espinosa, Lourdes Illescas, Janio Jadán:
A Systematic Literature Review on Technological Solutions to Fight Bullying and Cyberbullying in Academic Environments. 413-420 - Yandson Costa, Rayanne M. C. Silveira, Ana Emília Figueiredo de Oliveira, Luis Rivero
, Alana Oliveira, Mário Meireles Teixeira, Davi Viana:
Improving Accessibility in Virtual Learning Environments and Educational Resources: A Practical Case and Future Challenges. 421-426 - Jerzy Korczak, Marcin Paweska:
Online Master in International Logistics: Methodology, Design and Implementation. 427-435 - Xiwei Wang, Longyin Cui, Muhammad Bangash, Mohammad Bilal, Luis Rosales, Wali Chaudhry:
A Machine Learning-based Course Enrollment Recommender System. 436-443
3rd International Special Session on Computer Supported Music Education
- Marcella Mandanici:
Fostering Computational Thinking in Undergraduated Music Conservatory Students. 449-457 - Adriano Baratè, Luca A. Ludovico, Giorgio Presti:
A Collaborative Digital Audio Workstation for Young Learners. 458-464 - Hyon Kim, Pedro Ramoneda, Marius Miron, Xavier Serra:
An Overview of Automatic Piano Performance Assessment within the Music Education Context. 465-474 - Beatrice Miotti, Luca Bassani, Enrico Cauteruccio, Marco Morandi:
MusicBlocks: An Innovative Tool for Learning the Foundations of Music. 475-484
Special Session on Analytics in Educational Environments
- Amal Ben Soussia, Chahrazed Labba, Azim Roussanaly, Anne Boyer:
Assess Performance Prediction Systems: Beyond Precision Indicators. 489-496 - Christopher Cischke, Shane T. Mueller:
Examining the Effectiveness of Different Assessments and Forecasts for Accurate Judgments of Learning in Engineering Classes. 497-503 - Bowen Hui, Opey Adeyemi, Mathew de Vin, Callum Takasaka, Brianna Marshinew:
Design Guidelines for a Team Formation and Analytics Software. 504-513 - Nathalie Joy G. Casildo:
Modelling the Effect of Academic Performance on National Achievement Test (NAT). 517-522 - Douglas Legramante
, Ana Azevedo
, José Manuel Azevedo:
Teachers' and Students' Perception Regarding the Use of Moodle. 523-532 - M. Barbachano-Chiu, Víctor Hugo Menéndez-Domínguez, Luis Fernando Curi Quintal
A Moodle Component for Data Visualization with Applied Learning Analytics for Students. 533-542
Special Session on Gamification on Computer Programming Learning
- Serafeim A. Triantafyllou
, Christos K. Georgiadis:
Gamification of MOOCs and Security Awareness in Corporate Training. 547-555 - Thomas Deutsch, Stefan Hinterhölzl, Iris Groher
A Game-based Learning App for Primary School Children with German as a Second Language. 556-561 - Hajar Saddoug, Aryan Rahimian, Bertrand Marne
, Mathieu Muratet, Karim Sehaba, Sébastien Jolivet
Review of the Adaptability of a Set of Learning Games Meant for Teaching Computational Thinking or Programming in France. 562-569
5th Special Session on Educational Knowledge Management
- Ibtissem Bennacer, Rémi Venant, Sébastien Iksal:
A Self-assessment Tool for Teachers to Improve Their LMS Skills based on Teaching Analytics. 575-586 - Nader N. Nashed, Christine Lahoud
, Marie-Hélène Abel:
Teacher Educational Resources Recommendation in the COVID-19 Context. 587-598 - Asma Hadyaoui
, Lilia Cheniti-Belcadhi:
Towards an Adaptive Intelligent Assessment Framework for Collaborative Learning. 601-608 - Mohamed Ali Hadhri, Lilia Cheniti-Belcadhi:
An Agile Process for an e-Training of Trainers on Online Teaching. 609-616

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