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45th ACSCC 2011: Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- Michael B. Matthews:
Conference Record of the Forty Fifth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, ACSCC 2011, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, November 6-9, 2011. IEEE 2011, ISBN 978-1-4673-0321-7 - Chan-Byoung Chae:
Session MA1b: Energy efficient MIMO communication. 1-2 - Omur Ozel, Jing Yang
, Sennur Ulukus:
Optimal transmission policies over vector Gaussian broadcast channels with energy harvesting transmitters. 3-7 - Kaibin Huang:
Throughput of wireless networks powered by energy harvesting. 8-12 - Vinod Kristem
, Neelesh B. Mehta, Andreas F. Molisch:
Energy-efficient training for antenna selection in time-varying channels. 13-17 - Ashish Khisti:
Session MA2b: Delay sensitive communication. 18-20 - Arman Rezaee, Linda Zeger, Muriel Médard:
An analysis of speeding multicast by acknowledgment reduction technique (SMART) with homogeneous and heterogeneous links - a method of types approach. 21-27 - Ryan Gabrys, Lara Dolecek:
Spatially-aware adaptive error correcting codes for flash memory. 28-32 - Zhi Li, Ashish Khisti, Bernd Girod:
Correcting erasure bursts with minimum decoding delay. 33-39 - Mohsen Bayati:
Session MA3b: Graphical models in signal processing I. 40-42 - Morteza Ibrahimi, Adel Javanmard, Yashodhan Kanoria, Andrea Montanari:
Robust max-product belief propagation. 43-49 - Osvaldo Simeone:
Session MA4b: In-network computation. 50-52 - Ceyhun Eksin, Alejandro Ribeiro
Network optimization with heuristic rational agents. 53-57 - Usman A. Khan, Soummya Kar
A coordination-free distributed algorithm for simple assignment problems using randomized actions. 58-61 - Franck Iutzeler, Jérémie Jakubowicz, Walid Hachem, Philippe Ciblat:
Distributed estimation of the maximum value over a Wireless Sensor Network. 62-66 - Sabina Zejnilovic, João Pedro Gomes, Bruno Sinopoli:
Collaborative sequential-based detection in wireless sensor networks. 67-71 - Ge Yang:
Session MA5b: Medical imaging. 72-74 - Joshua D. Trzasko, Armando Manduca:
Calibrationless parallel MRI using CLEAR. 75-79 - Marcus Bjork, Johan Berglund
, Joel Kullberg, Petre Stoica:
Signal modeling and the Cramér-Rao Bound for absolute Magnetic Resonance thermometry in fat tissue. 80-84 - Yen-ting Lin, Antonio Ortega, Alexandros G. Dimakis:
Level estimation for sparse reconstruction in discrete tomography. 85-89 - Sofiène Affes:
Session MA6b: Collaborative beamforming. 90-92 - Raghuraman Mudumbai, Upamanyu Madhow, Rick Brown, Patrick Bidigare:
DSP-centric algorithms for distributed transmit beamforming. 93-98 - Mohammed F. A. Ahmed
, Sergiy A. Vorobyov:
Power control for collaborative beamforming in wireless sensor networks. 99-103 - George Sklivanitis
, Aggelos Bletsas:
Testing zero-feedback distributed beamforming with a low-cost SDR testbed. 104-108 - Yupeng Liu, Athina P. Petropulu, H. Vincent Poor
Joint Decode-and-Forward and jamming for wireless physical layer security with destination assistance. 109-113 - Justin Dauwels, Deniz Erdogmus:
Session MA7b: Multivariate and multimodal analysis of brain signals. 114-116 - Fikri Goksu, Nuri Firat Ince, Ibrahim Onaran
Sparse common spatial patterns with recursive weight elimination. 117-121 - Marcos E. Bolanos, Ali Yener Mutlu, Selin Aviyente
, Edward M. Bernat
Identifying multivariate EEG synchronization networks through multiple subject community detection. 122-126 - Morten Mørup
, Lars Kai Hansen
, Kristoffer Hougaard Madsen
Frequency constrained ShiftCP modeling of neuroimaging data. 127-131 - Umut Orhan, Deniz Erdogmus, Kenneth E. Hild II, Brian Roark, Barry Oken, Melanie Fried-Oken:
Context information significantly improves brain computer interface performance - a case study on text entry using a language model assisted BCI. 132-136 - Roger F. Woods:
Session MA8b1: Computer arithmetic I. 137-138 - Mohamed H. Amin, Ahmed M. Eltantawy, Alhassan F. Khedr, Hossam A. H. Fahmy, Ahmed A. Naguib:
Efficient decimal leading zero anticipator designs. 139-143 - Michael B. Sullivan, Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.:
Hybrid residue generators for increased efficiency. 144-148 - Chandrasekhar Radhakrishnan, W. Kenneth Jenkins:
Nested quadratic arithmetic for efficient convolution of complex sequences with Quadratic Modified Fermat Number Transforms. 149-153 - Ghassem Jaberipur, Behrooz Parhami, Saeed Nejati:
On building general modular adders from standard binary arithmetic components. 154-159 - Rui Guo, Linda DeBrunner:
A novel adaptive filter implementation scheme using distributed arithmetic. 160-164 - Nicolas Brunie
, Florent de Dinechin, Benoît Dupont de Dinechin:
A mixed-precision fused multiply and add. 165-169 - Matthew Keeter, David Money Harris, Andrew Macrae, Rebecca Glick, Madeleine Ong, Justin Schauer:
Implementation of 32-bit Ling and Jackson adders. 170-175 - E. George Walters III, Michael J. Schulte:
Truncated-matrix multipliers with coefficient shifting. 176-180 - Wing-Kin Ma:
Session MA8b2: Physical layer security I. 181-182 - Arsenia Chorti
, H. Vincent Poor
Faster than Nyquist interference assisted secret communication for OFDM systems. 183-187 - Jing Huang, A. Lee Swindlehurst
QoS-constrained robust beamforming in MISO wiretap channels with a helper. 188-192 - Sabrina Gerbracht, Christian Scheunert
, Eduard A. Jorswieck
Beamforming for secrecy rate maximization under outage constraints and partial CSI. 193-197 - Jiangyuan Li, Athina P. Petropulu:
Explicit solution of worst-case secrecy rate for MISO wiretap channels with spherical uncertainty. 198-201 - Chao-Wei Huang, Tsung-Hui Chang
, Xiangyun Zhou
, Yao-Win Peter Hong
Two-way discriminatory channel estimation for non-reciprocal wireless MIMO channels. 202-206 - Qiang Li, Wing-Kin Ma
, Anthony Man-Cho So
Safe convex approximation to outage-based MISO secrecy rate optimization under imperfect CSI and with artificial noise. 207-211 - Xi Zhang, Xiangyun Zhou
, Matthew R. McKay
Benefits of multiple transmit antennas in secure communication: A secrecy outage viewpoint. 212-216 - Rafael F. Wyrembelski, Moritz Wiese, Holger Boche:
Strong secrecy in bidirectional relay networks. 217-221 - Vishal Monga:
Session MA8b4: Image, video coding and analysis. 222-224 - Yuebing Jiang, Marios S. Pattichis
JPEG image compression using quantization table optimization based on perceptual image quality assessment. 225-229 - Kai-Lung Hua
, Rong Zhang, Mary L. Comer
, Ilya Pollak:
Efficient coders for large tree-structured dictionaries of tilings. 230-234 - Masaru Hoshi, Akihiro Yoshinari, Yuichi Tanaka
, Madoka Hasegawa, Shigeo Kato:
Variable block size-based MCFI with fixed block size motion estimation. 235-239 - Keita Takahashi, Madoka Hasegawa, Yuichi Tanaka
, Shigeo Kato:
A structural similarity assessment for generating hybrid images. 240-243 - Tien Ho-Phuoc, Laurent Alacoque
, Antoine Dupret, Anne Guérin-Dugué, Arnaud Verdant:
A compact saliency model for video-rate implementation. 244-248 - En-Hui Yang, Chang Sun:
Dithered soft decision quantization for baseline JPEG encoding and its joint optimization with huffman coding and quantization table selection. 249-253 - Preethi Ramachandra, Mina Sartipi:
Compressive sensing based imaging via Belief Propagation. 254-256 - Mohammad Pourhomayoun, Mark L. Fowler:
An SVD approach for data compression in emitter location systems. 257-261 - Wing-Kin Ma:
Session MA8b3: Physical layer security II. 262-264 - Amitav Mukherjee, A. Lee Swindlehurst
A full-duplex active eavesdropper in mimo wiretap channels: Construction and countermeasures. 265-269 - Adam C. Polak, Dennis Goeckel:
RF fingerprinting of users who actively mask their identities with artificial distortion. 270-274 - Kyle Morrison, Dennis Goeckel:
Power allocation to noise-generating nodes for cooperative secrecy in the wireless environment. 275-279 - Jitendra K. Tugnait
Comparing random signals with application to wireless user authentication. 280-284 - Wei Shi, James A. Ritcey:
Transmit beamforming and cooperative jamming for MIMOME wiretap channels. 285-289 - Rafael F. Wyrembelski, Aydin Sezgin
, Holger Boche:
Secrecy in broadcast channels with receiver side information. 290-294 - D. J. Nelson, J. R. Hopkins, A. L. Bartos:
Coherent demodulation of AIS-GMSK signals in co-channel interference. 295-299 - Md. Zahurul I. Sarkar, Tharmalingam Ratnarajah:
Secure wireless multicasting through Nakagami-m fading MISO channel. 300-304 - Vitor Nascimento:
Session MA8b5: Adaptive systems and spectral estimation. 305-306 - Suk-Seung Hwang, Hong Chang, John J. Shynk:
A modified system-based adaptive algorithm for a sparse reconfigurable photonic filter. 307-311 - Muhammad Omer Bin Saeed, Azzedine Zerguine
A new Variable step-Size strategy for adaptive networks. 312-315 - Don R. Hush, Norma H. Pawley, Kary L. Myers
, Bob Nemzek:
A comparison of methods for estimating broadband noise in the frequency domain. 316-320 - John W. McDonough, Wei Chu, Ken'ichi Kumatani, Bhiksha Raj, Jill Fain Lehman:
An information filter for voice prompt suppression. 321-325 - Hossein Roufarshbaf, Jill K. Nelson:
Embedded track validation for tree search-based tracking of maneuvering targets. 326-330 - Meng Zhou, Bhavana Chakraborty, Jun Jason Zhang:
Urban terrain multiple target tracking using probability hypothesis density particle filtering. 331-335 - Guifeng Liu, Victor E. DeBrunner:
High-resolution non-parametric spectral estimation using the Hirschman uncertainty and filter banks. 336-340 - P. P. Vaidyanathan, Piya Pal:
Coprime sampling for system stabilization with FIR multirate controllers. 341-345 - Vincent K. N. Lau:
Session MP1a: Interference-alignment techniques for multi-antenna systems. 346-348 - Huiqin Du, Tharm Ratnarajah, Haichuan Zhou, Ying-Chang Liang
Interference alignment for peer-to-peer underlay MIMO cognitive radio network. 349-353 - Seong-Ho (Paul) Hur, Bang Chul Jung
, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Sum rate enhancement by maximizing SGINR in an opportunistic interference alignment scheme. 354-358 - Liangzhong Ruan, Vincent K. N. Lau:
Dynamic interference mitigation for generalized partially connected quasi-static MIMO interference channel. 359-363 - Haralabos C. Papadopoulos, Sayandev Mukherjee, Sean A. Ramprashad:
Opportunistic MU-MIMO based on semi-blind interference alignment. 364-369 - Osvaldo Simeone:
Session MP2a: Energy-harvesting wireless networks. 370-372 - Omur Ozel, Sennur Ulukus:
AWGN channel under time-varying amplitude constraints with causal information at the transmitter. 373-377 - Kaya Tutuncuoglu, Aylin Yener:
Optimal power control for energy harvesting transmitters in an interference channel. 378-382 - Vinod Sharma, Ramachandran Rajesh
Queuing theoretic and information theoretic capacity of energy harvesting sensor nodes. 383-388 - Zhoujia Mao, Can Emre Koksal, Ness B. Shroff:
Queue and power control for rechargeable sensor networks under SINR interference model. 389-393 - Alexander Ihler:
Session MP3a: Graphical models in signal processing II. 394-396 - Ciira Wa Maina
, John MacLaren Walsh:
Approximate Bayesian robust speech processing. 397-400 - Jarvis D. Haupt:
Session MP4a: Compressive sensing applications in networking. 401-402 - Morteza Mardani, Gonzalo Mateos
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Unveiling anomalies in large-scale networks via sparsity and low rank. 403-407 - Fatemeh Fazel, Maryam Fazel, Milica Stojanovic:
Impact of fading on random access compressed sensing. 408-412 - Weiyu Xu, Meng Wang, Enrique Mallada
, Ao Tang:
Recent results on sparse recovery over graphs. 413-417 - Vannary Meas-Yedid:
Session MP5a: Advances in bioimaging and analysis. 418-420 - Jing Fan, Xiaofeng Xia, Jennifer G. Dy, Stephen T. C. Wong:
Quantitative synaptic vesicle imaging for evaluating neuron activities in neurodegenerative diseases. 421-425 - Grégory Paul, Janick Cardinale, Ivo F. Sbalzarini
An alternating split Bregman algorithm for multi-region segmentation. 426-430 - Ge Yang:
Nanometer resolution imaging and tracking of axonal cargo transport in normal and degenerative neurons. 431-435 - Martin Haardt:
Session MP6a: Tensor-based array signal processing. 436-438 - Morten Mørup
, Lars Kai Hansen
, Kristoffer Hougaard Madsen
Modeling latency and shape changes in trial based neuroimaging data. 439-443 - Julie Coloigner
, Laurent Albera, Amar Kachenoura
, Lotfi Senhadji
Canonical decomposition of semi-symmetric semi-nonnegative three-way arrays. 444-448 - Florian Roemer
, Nima Sarmadi, Bin Song, Martin Haardt, Marius Pesavento
, Alex B. Gershman:
Tensor-based semi-blind channel estimation for MIMO OSTBC-coded systems. 449-453 - Mikael Sørensen, Lieven De Lathauwer:
Tensor decompositions with block-Toeplitz structure and applications in signal processing. 454-458 - Nuri Firat Ince, Morten Mørup:
Session MP7a: Processing of physiological signals. 459-460 - Allison Pearce, Drausin Wulsin, Brian Litt, Justin A. Blanco:
Does the morphology of high-frequency (100-500 Hz) brain oscillations change during epileptic seizures? 461-465 - Charles D. Creusere, Srikant R. Siddenki, Joe Hardin
, Jim Kroger:
Early investigations into subjective audio quality assessment using brainwave responses. 466-470 - Shwetha Edla, Narayan Kovvali, Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola:
Electrocardiogram signal modeling using interacting multiple models. 471-475 - Anvith Katte Mahabalagiri, Khadeer Ahmed, Fred Schlereth:
A novel approach for simulation, measurement and representation of surface EMG (sEMG) signals. 476-480 - David Thomas:
Session MP8a5: Novel DSP architectures. 481-482 - Lesley Shannon, Jian Li, Mohammad Reza Mohammadnia, Marinko Sarunic
Evaluating the scalability of high-performance, Fourier-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography on GPGPUs and FPGAs. 483-487 - Gian Carlo Cardarilli
, Luca Di Nunzio
, Rocco Fazzolari
, Marco Re
Fine-grain Reconfigurable Functional Unit for embedded processors. 488-492 - Hua Jiang, Marc D. Riedel
, Keshab K. Parhi
Asynchronous computation with molecular reactions. 493-497 - Qi Zhang, Roger F. Woods
, Alan Marshall:
Design and implementation of a flexible Queue Manager for Next Generation Networks. 498-502 - Michael J. Schulte:
Session MP8a4: DSP algorithms and architectures. 503-504 - Shun Yao, Sam Kavusi, Khaled N. Salama
High Dynamic Range adaptive ΔΣ-based Focal Plane Array architecture. 505-510 - Roger Derek West, Todd K. Moon, Jacob H. Gunther:
Block circular and hyperbolic transformations for the block fast array RLS algorithm. 511-514 - Jason N. Laska, John P. Slavinsky, Richard G. Baraniuk:
The polyphase random demodulator for wideband compressive sensing. 515-519 - Jae Hong Min, Seong-Wan Kim, Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.:
A floating-point fused FFT butterfly arithmetic unit with Merged Multiple-Constant Multipliers. 520-524 - Joseph G. McMichael, Shay Maymon, Alan V. Oppenheim:
Exploiting cross-channel quantizer error correlation in time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters. 525-529 - Andrew Klein:
Session MP8a1: Adaptive filtering. 530-532 - Christian Lederer, Mario Huemer:
Simplified complex LMS algorithm for the cancellation of second-order TX intermodulation distortions in homodyne receivers. 533-537 - Mohammed Mujahid Ulla Faiz
, Azzedine Zerguine
A steady-state analysis of the ε-normalized sign-error least mean square (NSLMS) adaptive algorithm. 538-541 - Jie Chen, Cédric Richard
, José Carlos M. Bermudez
, Paul Honeine
A modified non-negative LMS algorithm and its stochastic behavior analysis. 542-546 - Muhammad Omer Bin Saeed, Azzedine Zerguine
, Salam A. Zummo
A robust LMS adaptive algorithm over distributed networks. 547-550 - Hsu Chang Huang, Junghsi Lee:
A variable step-size GMDF and its performance analysis. 551-555 - Meng Guo
, Thomas Bo Elmedyb, Søren Holdt Jensen, Jesper Jensen:
Acoustic feedback and echo cancellation strategies for multiple-microphone and single-loudspeaker systems. 556-560 - Michael A. Soderstrand:
Comparison of several techniques for adaptive band-stop filters. 561-565 - Jerry D. Gibson:
Session MP8a2: Speech processing, recognition and coding. 566-568 - Areg G. Baghdasaryan, A. A. (Louis) Beex:
Automatic phoneme recognition with Segmental Hidden Markov Models. 569-574 - Mads Græsbøll Christensen
, Bob L. Sturm:
A perceptually reweighted mixed-norm method for sparse approximation of audio signals. 575-579 - Ying-Yi Li, Jerry D. Gibson:
Scalable Multimode Tree Coder with perceptual pre-weighting and post-weighting for wideband speech coding. 580-584 - Alexandros Kyriakides, Costas Pitris
, Andreas Spanias:
Isolated word endpoint detection using time-frequency variance kernels. 585-589 - Koji Seto, Tokunbo Ogunfunmi
Performance enhanced multi-rate iLBC. 590-594 - Anthony L. Bartos, Douglas J. Nelson:
Enabling improved speaker recognition by voice quality estimation. 595-599 - P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Session MP8a3: Parameter estimation. 600-602 - H. Howard Fan, Stewart L. DeVilbiss:
On spatial smoothing of high resolution direction finding of real-valued sinusoidal signals. 603-607 - Piya Pal, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Non uniform linear arrays for improved identifiability in cumulant based DOA Estimation. 608-612 - Jens Steinwandt
, Rodrigo C. de Lamare
, Martin Haardt:
Knowledge-aided direction finding based on Unitary ESPRIT. 613-617 - Ahmed Masmoudi
, Faouzi Bellili, Sofiène Affes:
Maximum likelihood time delay estimation for Direct-Spread CDMA multipath transmissions using importance sampling. 618-623 - Thomas Wiese, Heiko Claussen, Justinian Rosca:
Particle filter based DOA estimation for multiple source tracking (MUST). 624-628 - Olivier Besson
, Nicolas Dobigeon
, Jean-Yves Tourneret:
Bayesian estimation of a subspace. 629-633 - Mário Costa, Andreas Richter, Visa Koivunen:
Model order selection in sensor array response modeling. 634-638 - Geert Leus:
Session MP1b: Interference alignment for the MIMO interference channel. 639-640 - Behrang Nosrat-Makouei, Jeffrey G. Andrews, Robert W. Heath Jr.
, Radha Krishna Ganti
MIMO interference alignment in random access networks. 641-645 - Francesco Negro, Umer Salim, Irfan Ghauri, Dirk T. M. Slock:
The noisy MIMO interference channel with distributed CSI acquisition and filter computation. 646-650 - S. Ali A. Fakoorian, Hamid Jafarkhani
, A. Lee Swindlehurst
Secure space-time block coding via artificial noise alignment. 651-655 - Aydin Sezgin:
Session MP2b: Coding and decoding. 656-658 - Yifan Sun
, Lara Dolecek:
Complexity analysis of interior point methods for LP decoding. 659-663 - Nicholas B. Chang:
Rate adaptive non-binary LDPC codes with low encoding complexity. 664-668 - Jiajun Zhang, Jiadong Wang, Shayan Garani Srinivasa, Lara Dolecek:
Achieving flexibility in LDPC code design by absorbing set elimination. 669-673 - Todd K. Moon, Jacob H. Gunther:
Decoding by iterative detection (DECIDET): Soft-in/soft-out decoding of arbitrary linear block codes over arbitrary finite fields. 674-681 - Andrew C. Singer:
Session MP3b: Signal processing and learning in complex systems. 682-684 - Ali H. Sayed, Faten A. Sayed
Diffusion adaptation over networks of particles subject to Brownian fluctuations. 685-690 - Lin Li, Anna Scaglione
, Ananthram Swami, Qing Zhao:
Trust, opinion diffusion and radicalization in social networks. 691-695 - Andrew J. Bean, Andrew C. Singer
Cooperative estimation in heterogeneous populations. 696-699 - Rahul Urgaonkar:
Session MP4b: Resource allocation in wireless networks. 700-702 - Günter Reise, Javier Matamoros
, Carles Antón-Haro
, Gerald Matz
MSE-optimal power allocation in wireless sensor networks for field reconstruction based on shift-invariant spaces. 703-707 - Salam Akoum, Marios Kountouris, Mérouane Debbah, Robert W. Heath Jr.
Spatial interference mitigation for multiple input multiple output ad hoc networks: MISO gains. 708-712 - Arun Sridharan, Can Emre Koksal:
A greedy link scheduler for wireless networks with fading channels. 713-717 - Thomas Wirth, Johannes Dommel, Kai Borner, Lars Thiele, Thomas Haustein:
Radio resource management in heterogeneous deployments: A system level perspective. 718-719 - Mary L. Comer:
Session MP5b: Image/video restoration, enhancement and evaluation. 720-722 - Anish Mittal, Anush K. Moorthy, Alan C. Bovik
Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluator. 723-727 - Paul Rodríguez
Noise model discrimination for digital images based on variance-stabilizing transforms and on local statistics: Preliminary results. 728-732 - Benjamin Friedlander:
Session MP6b: Compressive sensing for array processing. 733-734 - Albert Fannjiang, Wenjing Liao:
Compressed sensing phase retrieval. 735-738 - Thomas Strohmer, Benjamin Friedlander:
Some theoretical results for compressed MIMO radar. 739-743 - Louis L. Scharf, Edwin K. P. Chong
, Ali Pezeshki, J. Rockey Luo:
Sensitivity considerations in compressed sensing. 744-748 - Michael J. Schulte:
Session MP7b: Model-based design optimization. 749-750 - Michael DeBole, Yang Xiao, Chi-Li Yu, Ahmed Al-Maashri
, Matthew Cotter, Chaitali Chakrabarti, Vijaykrishnan Narayanan:
FPGA-accelerator system for computing biologically inspired feature extraction models. 751-755 - Jörn W. Janneck:
A machine model for dataflow actors and its applications. 756-760 - Heikki Kultala
, Pekka Jääskeläinen
, Jarmo Takala
Operation set customization in retargetable compilers. 761-765 - Matthew McKay:
Session TA1a: Random matrices in signal processing and MIMO communications. 766-768 - Raj Rao Nadakuditi
Exploiting random matrix theory to improve noisy low-rank matrix approximation. 769-773 - Shang Li, Yang Chen, Matthew R. McKay
Mutual information distribution of interference-limited MIMO: A joint Coulomb fluid and Painlevé based approach. 774-778 - Marco Chiani
, Andrea Conti
, Matteo Mazzotti, Enrico Paolini
, Alberto Zanella
Outage capacity for MIMO-OFDM systems in block fading channels. 779-783 - Athina Markopoulou:
Session TA2a: Network coding. 784-786 - Viveck R. Cadambe
, Syed Ali Jafar
Tensor product based subspace interference alignment for network coding applications. 787-791 - Hongyi Yao, Tracey Ho, Cristina Nita-Rotaru:
Key agreement for wireless networks in the presence of active adversaries. 792-796 - Christoph Studer:
Session TA3a: Advances in compressive sensing. 797-798 - Jeremy P. Vila, Philip Schniter
Expectation-maximization Bernoulli-Gaussian approximate message passing. 799-803 - Jason T. Parker, Volkan Cevher, Philip Schniter
Compressive sensing under matrix uncertainties: An Approximate Message Passing approach. 804-808 - Davis Kirachaiwanich, Qilian Liang:
Compressive sensing: To compress or not to compress. 809-813 - Jean-Jacques Fuchs:
Spread representations. 814-817 - Victor M. Preciado, Ali Jadbabaie:
Session TA4a: Next generation network science. 818-820 - Miroslav Pajic
, Shreyas Sundaram
, George J. Pappas
, Rahul Mangharam:
Network synthesis for dynamical system stabilization. 821-825 - Deanne B. McPherson, David L. Alderson:
A contrasting look at network formation models and their application to the minimum spanning tree. 826-833 - Victor M. Preciado, Ali Jadbabaie:
The role of local topological information in viral information spreading. 834-836 - Ann M. Hermundstad, Kevin S. Brown
, Danielle S. Bassett
, Jean M. Carlson:
Structural drivers of function in information processing networks. 837-841 - Ramakrishna Vedantham:
Session TA5a: Image and video retrieval. 842-844 - Sam S. Tsai, Huizhong Chen, David M. Chen, Ramakrishna Vedantham, Radek Grzeszczuk, Bernd Girod:
Mobile visual search using image and text features. 845-849 - David M. Chen, Sam S. Tsai, Vijay Chandrasekhar, Gabriel Takacs, Huizhong Chen, Ramakrishna Vedantham, Radek Grzeszczuk, Bernd Girod:
Residual Enhanced Visual Vectors for on-device image matching. 850-854 - Xiaoyu Wang
, Ming Yang, Kai Yu:
Efficient re-ranking in vocabulary tree based image retrieval. 855-859 - Visa Koivunen:
Session TA6a: Waveform design and MIMO radar. 860-862 - Hana Godrich, Athina P. Petropulu, H. Vincent Poor
Cluster allocation schemes for target tracking in multiple radar architecture. 863-867 - Duc Vu, Luzhou Xu, Jian Li:
MIMO SAR based ground moving target indication. 868-872 - Tuomas Aittomäki, Hana Godrich, H. Vincent Poor
, Visa Koivunen:
Resource allocation for target detection in distributed MIMO radars. 873-877 - Pu Wang, Hongbin Li, Braham Himed:
Centralized and distributed tests for moving target detection with MIMO radars in clutter of non-homogeneous power. 878-882 - Joe Cavallero:
Session TA7: Architectures for wireless communications. 883-884 - Xinmiao Zhang, Fang Cai:
An efficient architecture for iterative soft reliability-based majority-logic non-binary LDPC decoding. 885-888 - Antonio F. Mondragón-Torres, Mahesh Nandan Kommi, Tamoghna Battacharya:
Architecture exploration, development and teaching platform for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems. 889-893 - Chenrong Xiong, Zhiyuan Yan:
Improved iterative soft-reliability-based majority-logic decoding algorithm for non-binary low-density parity-check codes. 894-898 - Umang Garg, Michael C. Brogioli, Vatsal Gaur, Nitin Jain, Arokia Irudayaraj:
LTE layer 1 software design on multicore DSP architectures. 899-903 - Matthias Abels, Till Wiegand, Steffen Paul
Efficient FPGA implementation of a High throughput systolic array QR-decomposition algorithm. 904-908 - Markus Myllylä:
Comparison of performance and implementation complexity of soft-output sphere detectors for MIMO-OFDM systems. 909-913 - Mehmood-ur-Rehman Awan, Fred Harris, Peter Koch
Time and Power optimizations in FPGA-based architectures for polyphase channelizers. 914-918 - Paulo Urriza, Eric Rebeiz, Danijela Cabric:
Hardware implementation of Kuiper-based modulation level classification. 919-923 - Lara Dolecek:
Session TA8a2: Receiver design and optimization. 924-926 - Jake Gunther, Todd K. Moon:
Incorporating prior information into semidefinite relaxation of quadratic optimization problems. 927-931 - Florian Dupuy, Philippe Loubaton:
Diversity of the MMSE receiver in flat fading and frequency selective MIMO channels at fixed rate. 932-936 - Hwanchol Jang, Heung-No Lee, Saeid Nooshabadi:
Predicting the pruning potential in sphere decoding for multiple-input multiple-output detection. 937-938 - Weiwei Zhou, Jill K. Nelson, Ananya Sen Gupta:
Computationally efficient design of the MAE equalizer for binary signaling. 939-943 - Thomas J. Riedl, Andrew C. Singer
Broadband Doppler compensation: Principles and new results. 944-946 - Michal Simko, Markus Rupp:
Optimal pilot symbol power allocation in multi-cell scenarios of LTE. 947-951 - Zouheir Rezki
, Ashish Khisti, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
On the ergodic secrecy capacity of the wiretap channel under imperfect main channel estimation. 952-957 - Fredric J. Harris, Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny:
On the stability of DSP based P-I phase-locked loops containing matched filter delays. 958-962 - Marco Chiani:
Session TA8a3: Communications system design. 963-964 - Gilberto Berardinelli
, Per Zetterberg, Oscar Tonelli, Andrea F. Cattoni, Troels B. Sørensen, Preben E. Mogensen:
An SDR architecture for OFDM transmission over USRP2 boards. 965-969 - Yichao Huang, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Environmental-aware heterogeneous partial feedback design in a multiuser OFDMA system. 970-974 - Andreja Radosevic, Tolga M. Duman, John G. Proakis, Milica Stojanovic:
Adaptive OFDM for underwater acoustic channels with limited feedback. 975-980 - Tanvir Ahmed
, Mario Garrido
, Oscar Gustafsson
A 512-point 8-parallel pipelined feedforward FFT for WPAN. 981-984 - Sandeep Ponnuru, Upamanyu Madhow:
On the convergence of joint channel and mismatch estimation for time-interleaved data converters. 985-989 - Fred Harris, Xiaofei Chen, Elettra Venosa:
An efficient cascade of half-band filters for software defined radio transmitters. 990-994 - Byung-Jun Yoon, Xiaoning Qian:
Session TA8a1: Signal processing methods for representation, analysis, and control of biological systems. 995-996 - Lori A. Dalton, Edward R. Dougherty:
Exact MSE performance of the Bayesian MMSE estimator for classification error. 997-1001 - Arnau Tibau Puig, Ami Wiesel, Raj Rao Nadakuditi
, Alfred O. Hero III:
Misaligned Principal Components Analysis: Application to gene expression time series analysis. 1002-1006 - Mohammadmahdi R. Yousefi, Aniruddha Datta, Edward R. Dougherty:
Optimal intervention strategies for cyclic therapeutic methods with fixed-length duration of effect. 1007-1011 - Ting Chen, Ulisses M. Braga-Neto:
Maximum likelihood estimation of the binary Coefficient of Determination. 1012-1016 - Ting Wu, Haris Vikalo, Manohar Shamaiah:
An MCMC algorithm for base calling in sequencing-by-synthesis. 1017-1020 - Guido H. Jajamovich, Xiaodong Wang:
Haplotype inference based on sparse dictionary selection. 1021-1025 - Andrew Barthel, Hemant D. Tagare, Frederick Sigworth:
Surface-constrained 3D reconstruction in cryo-EM. 1026-1030 - W. Garrett Jenkinson, John Goutsias:
Dynamics on networks: Chemical reactions as a unifying framework. 1031-1035 - Chao Yang, Weichuan Yu
A brief review of signal processing issues in mass spectrometry-based proteomics studies. 1036-1040 - Alexandros Kyriakides, Costas Pitris
, Alex Fink, Andreas Spanias:
Isolated word endpoint detection using time-frequency variance kernels. 1041-1045 - Talal Bonny
, Khaled N. Salama
Fast global sequence alignment technique. 1046-1049 - Ulisses M. Braga-Neto:
Optimal state estimation for Boolean dynamical systems. 1050-1054 - Giuseppe Abreu:
Session TA8a4: Applications of array processing. 1055-1056 - Viswanadh Kandula, Linda DeBrunner, Victor E. DeBrunner, Michelle Rambo-Roddenberry:
Estimating bridge displacement from acceleration using modal analysis and the minimum description length principle. 1057-1061 - Ching-Chih Weng, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Nonuniform sparse array design for active sensing. 1062-1066 - Kyle B. Stewart, Mark Frankford, Joel T. Johnson, Emre Ertin:
MIMO radar target measurements. 1067-1071 - Naveed R. Butt, Andreas Jakobsson:
Efficient removal of noise and interference in multichannel quadrupole resonance. 1072-1076 - Foroohar Foroozan, Shahram Shahbazpanahi
, Nasim Moallemi, Shaddy Shokralla:
Time reversal Bayesian ultrasonic array imaging for non-destructive testing. 1077-1080 - Symeon Chatzinotas
, Gan Zheng, Björn E. Ottersten:
Energy-efficient MMSE beamforming and power allocation in multibeam satellite systems. 1081-1085 - Mustafa Al-Ani
, Andrzej Tarczynski
Equidistributed sampling sequences for spectral analysis. 1086-1089 - Ulisses M. Braga-Neto, Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola:
Session TA1b: Biosignal estimation and classification. 1090-1092 - Alexander Singh-Alvarado, José C. Príncipe:
A real-time reconstruction algorithm for the integrate and fire sampler. 1093-1097 - James R. Williamson, Daniel W. Bliss, David W. Browne, Premananda Indic, Elisabeth Bloch-Salisbury
, David Paydarfar:
Using physiological signals to predict apnea in preterm infants. 1098-1102 - Alicia DeMino, Robert F. Kubichek, Kevin Caves:
Assessing Dysarthria severity using global statistics and boosting. 1103-1106 - Ipek Ozil, Martin H. Plawecki, Peter C. Doerschuk, Sean J. O'Connor:
Characterization of human use of ethanol based on video games with ethanol rewards: Model, system identification and statistical performance. 1107-1111 - Andy Klein:
Session TA2b: Relaying through frequency selective channels. 1112-1114 - Homa Eghbali, Sami Muhaidat
, Ibrahim Y. Abualhaol:
Distributed single carrier frequency-domain equalization for multi-relay cooperative networks over frequency selective Rician channels. 1115-1120 - Mohammad Reza Heidarpour, Murat Uysal
Cooperative BICM-OFDM systems for frequency-selective relay channels. 1121-1125 - Qingxiong Deng, Andrew G. Klein
On relay selection in frequency selective channels. 1126-1130 - Toufiqul Islam, Robert Schober, Ranjan K. Mallik
, Vijay K. Bhargava:
Superposition coding for cooperative BICM-OFDM systems. 1131-1135 - Geert Leus:
Session TA3b: Sparse reconstruction. 1136-1138 - Jian Wang, Byonghyo Shim
Exact reconstruction of sparse signals via generalized orthogonal matching pursuit. 1139-1142 - Bob L. Sturm, Mads Græsbøll Christensen
, Rémi Gribonval:
Cyclic pure greedy algorithms for recovering compressively sampled sparse signals. 1143-1147 - Sohail Bahmani, Petros Boufounos
, Bhiksha Raj:
Greedy sparsity-constrained optimization. 1148-1152 - Jie Yan, Wu-Sheng Lu:
Power-iterative strategy for ℓp-ℓ2 optimization for compressive sensing: Towards global solution. 1153-1157 - Usman Khan:
Session TA4b: Bio-inspired models and algorithms for information processing in complex networks. 1158-1160 - Andrea Rueetschi, Saman Ashkiani, Anna Scaglione
On scheduling without a master clock: Coupled Oscillator Time Division Multiplexing. 1161-1165 - Sheng-Yuan Tu, Ali H. Sayed:
On the effects of topology and node distribution on learning over complex adaptive networks. 1166-1171 - Behrouz Touri, Angelia Nedic
Discrete-time opinion dynamics. 1172-1176 - Negin Golrezaei, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Andreas F. Molisch, Giuseppe Caire:
Wireless video content delivery through distributed caching and peer-to-peer gossiping. 1177-1180 - Trac Tran Tran:
Session TA5b: Sparse representations with applications to images and video. 1181-1182 - Pedro A. Forero, Georgios B. Giannakis
Robust multi-dimensional scaling via outlier-sparsity control. 1183-1187 - Ali Ahmed
, Justin K. Romberg:
Compressive sampling of correlated signals. 1188-1192 - Chen Chen, Eric W. Tramel
, James E. Fowler:
Compressed-sensing recovery of images and video using multihypothesis predictions. 1193-1198 - Victor Shia, Allen Y. Yang, S. Shankar Sastry, Andrew Wagner, Yi Ma:
Fast ℓ1-minimization and parallelization for face recognition. 1199-1203 - Umamahesh Srinivas, Vishal Monga, Yi Chen, Trac D. Tran:
Sparsity-based face recognition using discriminative graphical models. 1204-1208 - Sergiy A. Vorobyov:
Session TA6b: Network beamforming and relaying via multiple antennas. 1209-1210 - Serkan Sayilir, Yung-Hsiang Lu, Dimitrios Peroulis
, Y. Charlie Hu, Byunghoo Jung:
Collaborative beamforming in wireless sensor networks. 1211-1215 - Keyvan Zarifi, Sofiène Affes, Ali Ghrayeb
Joint power control and relay design in underlay cognitive networks with multiple transmitter-receiver pairs. 1216-1221 - Godfrey O. Okeke, Yindi Jing, Witold A. Krzymien:
Beamforming in MIMO broadcast relay networks with multiple antenna users. 1222-1226 - Fadhel A. Al-Humaidi, Shahram Shahbazpanahi
A relay selection approach to bidirectional collaborative communications with imperfect CSI. 1227-1231 - Jarvis D. Haupt:
Session TA8b3: Adaptive sensing. 1232-1234 - Gregory E. Newstadt, Eran Bashan, Alfred O. Hero III:
Adaptive search for dynamic targets under resource constraints. 1235-1239 - Mark A. Iwen, Ahmed H. Tewfik:
Adaptive compressed sensing for sparse signals in noise. 1240-1244 - Matthew Malloy, Robert D. Nowak:
On the limits of sequential testing in high dimensions. 1245-1249 - Akshay Soni, Jarvis D. Haupt:
Efficient adaptive compressive sensing using sparse hierarchical learned dictionaries. 1250-1254 - Amit Ashok, James L. Huang, Mark A. Neifeld:
Information-optimal adaptive compressive imaging. 1255-1259 - May Moussa, Mohammed Nafie
, Hesham El Gamal, Ayman F. Naguib:
On the utility of primary side information in cognitive sensing. 1260-1264 - Wenyi Zhang:
Some results on signal detection with one-sided stopping and deadline. 1265-1270 - Shuguang Cui:
Session TA8b1: Multiple antennas in multi-user systems and networks. 1271-1272 - Ankur Bansal, Manav R. Bhatnagar
, Are Hjørungnes, Zhu Han:
Maximum-likelihood decoding in decode-and-forward based MIMO cooperative communication systems. 1273-1277 - Christos Masouros, Mathini Sellathurai
, Tharm Ratnarajah, Ying-Chang Liang
Complex interference optimization for power loss reduction in MIMO-THP transmission. 1278-1282 - Kapil M. Borle, Biao Chen, Michael J. Gans:
Channel tracking for D-BLAST for airborne platforms. 1283-1287 - Kien T. Truong
, Robert W. Heath Jr.
Interference alignment for the multiple-antenna amplify-and-forward relay interference channel. 1288-1292 - Taejoon Kim
, David J. Love, Bruno Clerckx:
Instantaneous degrees of freedom of downlink interference channels with multiuser diversity. 1293-1297 - Jian Dang
, Liuqing Yang, Zaichen Zhang:
On grouped OFDM-IDMA. 1298-1303 - Qixing Wang, Jing Jin, Guangyi Liu, Shuguang Cui
Coordinated multi-cell beamforming for TD-LTE-advanced systems. 1304-1308 - Meisam Razaviyayn, Mingyi Hong, Zhi-Quan Luo:
Linear transceiver design for a MIMO interfering broadcast channel achieving max-min fairness. 1309-1313 - Kaibin Huang, Rui Zhang
Cooperative feedback for MIMO interference channels. 1314-1318 - Xiao Li, Shi Jin, Xiqi Gao:
Eigen-mode transmission for jointly correlated MIMO broadcast channels. 1319-1324 - Hyukjin Chae, Sungyoon Cho, Kaibin Huang, Dong Ku Kim:
How many degrees of freedom can be achieved for mutually interfering MIMO broadcast channels? 1325-1329 - Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Ying Jun Zhang
, Zhigang Cao:
Distributed beamforming based directional spectrum sharing. 1330-1334 - Sungrae Cho, Wan Choi
, Kaibin Huang:
Spatially efficient distributed relay selection for random relay networks. 1335-1339 - Lingyang Song, Zhu Han, Shaohui Sun, Bingli Jiao:
Evolutionary channel state information feedback control for interference alignment. 1340-1344 - Jie Ren, Jianjun Hou, Kai-Kit Wong:
Self-optimized MIMO-OFDMA: A Nash-Stackelberg game-theoretic approach. 1345-1349 - Daniel W. Bliss:
Session TA8b2: Cooperative and cognitive transmission in multi-antenna systems. 1350-1352 - Kagan Bakanoglu, Elza Erkip
, Osvaldo Simeone
Half-duplex gaussian diamond relay channel with interference known at one relay. 1353-1357 - Tania Villa, Ruben Merz, Raymond Knopp:
Interference management in femtocell networks with hybrid-ARQ and interference cancellation. 1358-1362 - Ahmed A. Naguib, Khaled M. F. Elsayed
, Mohammed Nafie
Achievable degrees of freedom of the K-user interference channel with partial cooperation. 1363-1367 - Pradeep Chathuranga Weeraddana, Marian Codreanu
, S. Joshi, Matti Latva-aho:
Multicell downlink weighted sum-rate maximization: A distributed approach. 1368-1375 - Harri Pennanen, Antti Tölli, Matti Latva-aho:
Decentralized multi-cell beamforming coordination for multiuser MISO systems. 1376-1380 - Matthew Pugh, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Feedback reduction by thresholding in multi-user broadcast channels: Design and limits. 1381-1385 - Brian P. Day, Daniel W. Bliss, Adam R. Margetts, Philip Schniter:
Full-duplex bidirectional MIMO: Achievable rates under limited dynamic range. 1386-1390 - Neelesh B. Mehta:
Session TP1a: Resource allocation in multi-antenna systems. 1391-1392 - Rusdha Muharar
, Jamie S. Evans
Optimal power allocation for multiuser transmit beamforming via regularized channel inversion. 1393-1397 - Martin Taranetz, Josep Colom Ikuno, Markus Rupp:
Capacity density optimization by fractional frequency partitioning. 1398-1402 - Narayan Prasad, Honghai Zhang, Luca Venturino
, Jubin Jose, Mohammad Ali Khojastepour, Sampath Rangarajan:
Resource allocation in MIMO multi-cellular networks via submodular optimization. 1403-1407 - Taneli Riihonen, Stefan Werner
, Risto Wichman:
Transmit power optimization for multiantenna decode-and-forward relays with loopback self-interference from full-duplex operation. 1408-1412 - Osvaldo Simeone:
Session TP2a: Cognitive radio I. 1413-1414 - Seung-Jun Kim, Nitin Jain, Georgios B. Giannakis
, Pedro A. Forero:
Joint link learning and cognitive radio sensing. 1415-1419 - Yasin Yilmaz, George V. Moustakides, Xiaodong Wang:
Spectrum sensing via event-triggered sampling. 1420-1424 - John Tadrous, Atilla Eryilmaz, Hesham El Gamal, Mohammed Nafie
Proactive resource allocation in cognitive networks. 1425-1429 - Phil Schniter:
Session TP3a: Multi-dimensional compressive inference. 1430-1432 - Graeme Pope, Manuel Baumann, Christoph Studer, Giuseppe Durisi
Real-time principal component pursuit. 1433-1437 - Hatim F. Alqadah, Howard Fan:
Low rank variational tensor recovery for multi-linear inverse problems. 1438-1442 - Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy, Andreas Spanias:
Optimized measurements for kernel compressive sensing. 1443-1446 - Justin Ziniel, Philip Schniter
Efficient message passing-based inference in the multiple measurement vector problem. 1447-1451 - Michael M. Zavlanos:
Session TP4a: Communication management in robot networks. 1452-1454 - Yuan Yan, Yasamin Mostofi:
Co-optimization of communication and motion planning of a robotic operation in fading environments. 1455-1460 - Michael M. Zavlanos, Alejandro Ribeiro
, George J. Pappas
A framework for integrating mobility and routing in mobile communication networks. 1461-1465 - Magnus Lindhé, Tamás Keviczky, Karl Henrik Johansson
Multi-robot path following with visual connectivity. 1466-1471 - Hua Chen, Pedram Hovareshti
, John S. Baras:
Communication network challenges for collaborative vehicles. 1472-1476 - Rabinder Madan:
Session TP5: Compressive sensing for radar. 1477-1478 - Qilian Liang:
Compressive sensing for synthetic aperture radar in fast-time and slow-time domains. 1479-1483 - David Frederic Crouse, Peter Willett
, Yaakov Bar-Shalom, Lennart Svensson:
CS versus MAP and MMOSPA for multi-target radar AOAs. 1484-1490 - Zhiyuan Weng, Xin Wang:
Support recovery in compressive sensing for estimation of direction-of-arrival. 1491-1495 - Athina P. Petropulu, Yao Yu, Junzhou Huang
On exploring sparsity in widely separated MIMO radar. 1496-1500 - Benjamin Friedlander:
On the role of waveform diversity in MIMO radar. 1501-1505 - Marco Rossi, Alexander M. Haimovich, Yonina C. Eldar:
Global methods for compressive sensing in MIMO radar with distributed sensors. 1506-1510 - Muralidhar Rangaswamy:
Session TP6a: Source localization. 1511-1512 - Yiyin Wang, Xiaoli Ma, Geert Leus
Robust time-based localization for asynchronous networks with clock offsets. 1513-1518 - Davide Macagnano, Giuseppe Abreu
Super MDS with heterogeneous information. 1519-1523 - Golaleh Rahmatollahi, Giuseppe Abreu
, Stefano Severi:
Cooperative multihop localization with privacy. 1524-1529 - Shubo Liu, Surendra S. Bhat, Jun Jason Zhang, Quan Ding, Ram M. Narayanan, Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola, Steven Kay, Muralidhar Rangaswamy:
Design and performance of an integrated waveform-agile multi-modal track-before-detect sensing system. 1530-1534 - Andy M. Tyrrell:
Session TP7a: Adaptive and evolvable architectures. 1535-1536 - Martin Trefzer
, James Alfred Walker, Andy M. Tyrrell:
A programmable analogue and digital array for bio-inspired electronic design optimization at nano-scale silicon technology nodes. 1537-1541 - Pauline C. Haddow:
Evolving defect tolerant structures for FPGA architectures. 1542-1546 - John C. Gallagher, Michael W. Oppenheimer:
Cross-layer learning in an evolvable oscillator for in-flight controller adaptation in a flapping-wing micro air vehicle. 1547-1551 - Garrison W. Greenwood:
Using discrete fourier transforms to detect operational environments for autonomous nonlinear systems. 1552-1556 - Kaibin Huang:
Session TP8a1: Techniques for space-time signal processing. 1557-1558 - Alex E. Geyer, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Equivalent codes and optimality of orthogonal space-time block codes. 1559-1563 - Laura C. Slivinski, Adam R. Margetts, Daniel W. Bliss:
Sparse space-time equalization with L1 norm. 1564-1568 - S. Joshi, P. C. Weeraddana, Marian Codreanu
, Matti Latva-aho:
Weighted sum-rate maximization for MISO downlink cellular networks via branch and bound. 1569-1573 - Chih-Hao Liu, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Low complexity generalized geometric mean decomposition and DFE transceiver design. 1574-1578 - Tsung-Hui Chang
, Wing-Kin Ma
, Chong-Yung Chi:
Worst-case robust multiuser transmit beamforming using semidefinite relaxation: duality and implications. 1579-1583 - Peng Li, Liang Sun, Matthew R. McKay
, Ross D. Murch
Transmitter optimization for MIMO systems with mutual coupling at high SNR. 1584-1588 - Ebrahim A. Gharavol, Erik G. Larsson:
Robust joint optimization of nonregenerative MIMO relay channels with imperfect CSI. 1589-1593 - Viveck R. Cadambe:
Session TP8a4: Wireless networks. 1594-1596 - Yixuan Zhai, Pouya Tehrani, Lin Li, Jiang Zhao, Qing Zhao:
Dynamic pricing under binary demand uncertainty: A multi-armed bandit with correlated arms. 1597-1601 - Rahul Urgaonkar, Michael J. Neely:
Optimal routing with mutual information accumulation in wireless networks. 1602-1609 - Juan José Jaramillo
, Shihuan Liu, Lei Ying
Optimal scheduling of real-time messages in peer-to-peer wireless networks. 1610-1616 - Brian Phillips, Murali Tummala, John C. McEachen:
State based single channel selection in multi-channel wireless networks. 1617-1622 - Huiqin Du, Tharm Ratnarajah, Constantinos B. Papadias
Robust joint transceiver beamforming for cognitive radio network. 1623-1627 - Ralf M. Bendlin, Yih-Fang Huang, Josef A. Nossek
Probabilistic power control for heterogeneous cellular networks with closed-access femtocells. 1628-1632 - Camila Maria Gabriel Gussen, Elena Veronica Belmega, Mérouane Debbah:
Pricing and bandwidth allocation problems in wireless multi-tier networks. 1633-1637 - Ketan Rajawat, Emiliano Dall'Anese
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Joint rate and power control for coded cognitive radio networks. 1638-1642 - Soumya Kar:
Session TP8a3: Sensor networks. 1643-1644 - Li Yang, Melody Moh:
Dual Trust Secure protocol for cluster-based wireless sensor networks. 1645-1649 - Jinhong Wu, Harry Z. B. Chen, Yong Liu, Liyu Cai:
User clustering and energy efficient cooperation in cellular networks. 1650-1654 - John A. Gubner, Louis L. Scharf, Edwin K. P. Chong
Optimization of exponential error rates for a suboptimum fusion rule in wireless sensor networks. 1655-1658 - Sriram Venkateswaran, Upamanyu Madhow:
Collaborative estimation in dispersive environments: A frequency domain approach. 1659-1663 - Juo-Yu Joseph Lee, Kung Yao:
Distributed support vector machines in sensor-actuator networks. 1664-1668 - Keshav Agrawal, Aditya Vempaty, Hao Chen, Pramod K. Varshney:
Target localization in Wireless Sensor Networks with quantized data in the presence of Byzantine attacks. 1669-1673 - Hao Chen, Uri Rogers:
Uniformly most powerful distributed detection and its application in cooperative spectrum sensing. 1674-1676 - Mónica F. Bugallo:
Session TP8a2: Statistical and array signal processing for biomedical applications. 1677-1678 - Chao Lin, Mónica F. Bugallo
, Corinne Mailhes, Jean-Yves Tourneret:
ECG denoising using a dynamical model and a marginalized particle filter. 1679-1683 - Shishir Dash, Jolene Muscat, J. Gerald Quirk, Petar M. Djuric
Implementation of NICHD diagnostic criteria for feature extraction and classification of fetal heart rate signals. 1684-1688 - Brett Matthews, Mark Clements:
Joint waveform and firing rate spike-sorting for continuous extracellular traces. 1689-1693 - Xiaoxiao Xu, Pinaki Sarder
, Arye Nehorai:
Statistical design of position-encoded microsphere arrays at low target concentrations. 1694-1698 - Maryam Abolfath Beygi, Vikram Krishnamurthy:
Biosensor arrays for collaborative detection of analytes. 1699-1703 - Aydin Sezgin:
Session TP1b: Interference management. 1704-1706 - Tiangao Gou, Chenwei Wang, Syed Ali Jafar
Degrees of freedom of a class of non-layered two unicast wireless networks. 1707-1711 - Rajeev Gangula, Paul de Kerret, David Gesbert
, Maha Alodeh
Optimized data symbol allocation in multicell MIMO channels. 1712-1716 - Omar El Ayach, Angel E. Lozano
, Robert W. Heath Jr.
Optimizing training and feedback for MIMO interference alignment. 1717-1721 - Rachel E. Learned:
Making optimal use of the asymmetric interference channel. 1722-1727 - Osvaldo Simeone:
Session TP2b: Cognitive radio II. 1728-1730 - Giuseppe Abreu
, Wensheng Zhang:
Extreme eigenvalue distributions of finite random wishart matrices with application to Spectrum Sensing. 1731-1736 - Jitendra K. Tugnait
Autocorrelation-based multiantenna spectrum sensing in colored noise. 1737-1741 - Kamyar Moshksar, Amir K. Khandani:
Decentralized cognition via Randomized Masking. 1742-1746 - Cristiano Tapparello, Davide Chiarotto, Michele Rossi, Osvaldo Simeone, Michele Zorzi:
Spectrum leasing via cooperative opportunistic routing in distributed ad hoc networks: Optimal and heuristic policies. 1747-1752 - Sang Hyun Lee, Manohar Shamaiah, Sriram Vishwanath, Haris Vikalo:
A message-passing algorithm for spectrum access in cognitive radio relay networks. 1753-1757 - Vitor Nascimento:
Session TP3b: Advances in adaptive and distributed filtering. 1758-1760 - Vítor H. Nascimento
, Ali H. Sayed:
Continuous-time distributed estimation. 1761-1765 - Ondrej Sluciak, Ondrej Hlinka, Markus Rupp, Franz Hlawatsch, Petar M. Djuric
Sequential likelihood consensus and its application to distributed particle filtering with reduced communications and latency. 1766-1770 - Clive Cheong Took, Cyrus Jahanchahi, Danilo P. Mandic:
A unifying framework for the analysis of quaternion valued adaptive filters. 1771-1774 - Kevin T. Wagner, Milos I. Doroslovacki:
Joint conditional and steady-state probability densities of weight deviations for proportionate-type LMS algorithms. 1775-1779 - Alex Dimakis:
Session TP4b: Distributed storage systems. 1780-1782 - Sameer Pawar, Salim Y. El Rouayheb, Hao Zhang, Kangwook Lee, Kannan Ramchandran:
Codes for a distributed caching based Video-on-Demand system. 1783-1787 - Jay J. Wylie:
Finding the most fault-tolerant flat XOR-based erasure codes for storage systems. 1788-1792 - Michael Joham:
Session TP6b: Array processing for satellite communications. 1793-1794 - Dimitrios Christopoulos, Symeon Chatzinotas
, Michail Matthaiou
, Björn E. Ottersten:
Capacity analysis of multibeam joint decoding over composite satellite channels. 1795-1799 - Vincent Boussemart, Matteo Berioli, Francesco Rossetto:
User scheduling for large multi-beam satellite MIMO systems. 1800-1804 - Francesco Lombardo, Enzo Alberto Candreva, Ilaria Thibault, Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli
, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza
Multi-user interference mitigation techniques for broadband multi-beam satellite systems. 1805-1809 - Bertrand Devillers, Ana I. Pérez-Neira:
Advanced interference mitigation techniques for the forward link of multi-beam broadband satellite systems. 1810-1814 - Neil Burgess:
Session TP7b: Computer arithmetic II. 1815-1816 - Andrew G. Shafer, Lyndsi R. Parker, Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.:
The fully-serial pipelined multiplier. 1817-1822 - Syed Zohaib Gilani, Nam Sung Kim, Michael J. Schulte:
Energy-efficient floating-point arithmetic for digital signal processors. 1823-1827 - Milos D. Ercegovac, Robert McIlhenny:
Shared implementation of radix-10 and radix-16 division algorithm with limited precision primitives. 1828-1832 - Daniela Tuninetti
Session TP8b2: Network information theory. 1833-1834 - Won-Yong Shin, Daniel E. Lucani
, Muriel Médard, Milica Stojanovic, Vahid Tarokh:
Information-theoretic limits of dense underwater networks. 1835-1839 - Chee Yen Leow
, Cagatay Capar, Dennis Goeckel, Kin K. Leung:
Two-way secrecy schemes for the broadcast channel with internal eavesdroppers. 1840-1844 - Ye Tian, Aylin Yener:
Relaying for multiple sources in the absence of codebook information. 1845-1849 - Viveck R. Cadambe
, Cheng Huang, Jin Li, Sanjeev Mehrotra:
Polynomial length MDS codes with optimal repair in distributed storage. 1850-1854 - Sayandev Mukherjee, Ismail Güvenç:
Effects of range expansion and interference coordination on capacity and fairness in heterogeneous networks. 1855-1859 - Anas Chaaban, Aydin Sezgin
An extended etkin-type outer bound on the capacity of the Gaussian interference channel. 1860-1864 - Mohammadreza Doostmohammadian
, Usman A. Khan:
Communication strategies to ensure generic networked observability in multi-agent systems. 1865-1868 - Zhenliang Zhang, Ali Pezeshki, William Moran, Stephen D. Howard, Edwin K. P. Chong
Error probability bounds for binary relay trees with unreliable communication links. 1869-1873 - Phil Schniter:
Session TP8b1: Machine-learning-based statistical signal processing. 1874-1876 - Xu Chen, Yilun Chen, Alfred O. Hero III:
Shrinkage fisher information embedding of high dimensional feature distributions. 1877-1882 - Anna Malin, Jun Jason Zhang, Bhavana Chakraborty, Narayan Kovvali, Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola, Stephen A. Johnston, Phillip Stafford:
Adaptive learning of immunosignaturing peptide array features for biothreat detection and classification. 1883-1887 - Daniela I. Moody
, Steven P. Brumby, Kary L. Myers
, Norma H. Pawley:
Sparse classification of rf transients using chirplets and learned dictionaries. 1888-1892 - Nicholas Asendorf, Raj Rao Nadakuditi
Improving and characterizing the performance of stochastic matched subspace detectors when using noisy estimated subspaces. 1893-1897 - Jie Chen, Cédric Richard
, Paul Honeine
A novel kernel-based nonlinear unmixing scheme of hyperspectral images. 1898-1902 - Handan Agirman-Tosun, Yu Liu, Alexander M. Haimovich, Osvaldo Simeone
, Wei Su, Jason A. Dabin, Emmanuel Kanterakis:
Modulation classification of MIMO-OFDM signals by Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines. 1903-1907 - Debejyo Chakraborty, Narayan Kovvali:
A measure of difference between discrete sample sets. 1908-1912 - Bo Wahlberg
, Cristian R. Rojas, Mariette Annergren:
On l1 mean and variance filtering. 1913-1916 - Jakob Hoydis:
Session WA1a: Channel estimation for multi-antenna systems. 1917-1918 - Scott E. Johnston, Paul D. Fiore:
Close-range outdoor wireless channel sounding. 1919-1923 - Lars Thiele, Michael Olbrich, Martin Kurras, Bho Matthiesen
Channel aging effects in CoMP transmission: gains from linear channel prediction. 1924-1928 - Chulong Chen, Michael D. Zoltowski:
A modified compressed sampling matching pursuit algorithm on redundant dictionary and its application to sparse channel estimation on OFDM. 1929-1934 - Jakob Hoydis, Romain Couillet, Mérouane Debbah:
Asymptotic analysis of double-scattering channels. 1935-1939 - Antonia Maria Tulino:
Session WA2a: OFDM. 1940-1942 - Marcel Nassar, Brian L. Evans:
Low complexity EM-based decoding for OFDM systems with impulsive noise. 1943-1947 - Pramod Mathecken, Taneli Riihonen, Stefan Werner
, Risto Wichman:
Accurate characterization and compensation of phase noise in OFDM receiver. 1948-1952 - Liang Chen, Yusheng Ji, Brian S. Krongold, Jamie S. Evans
Linear programming for tone reservation based IM/DD optical OFDM communications. 1953-1958 - Qi Wang, Markus Rupp:
Analytical link performance evaluation of LTE downlink with carrier frequency offset. 1959-1962 - John Walsh:
Session WA3a: Information theoretic signal processing. 1963-1964 - Samir Medina Perlaza, Mérouane Debbah:
Modeling noisy feedback in decentralized self-configuring networks. 1965-1969 - Romain Couillet, Walid Hachem:
Local failure localization in large sensor networks. 1970-1974 - Max Scharrenbroich, Michael Zatman, Radu V. Balan:
Cooperative radar techniques: The two-step detector. 1975-1979 - Sangjun Park, Hwanchol Jang, Heung-No Lee:
Study on performance behavior of compressive sensing measurements for multiple sensor system. 1980-1983 - Emiliano Dall'Anese:
Session WA4a: Cooperation & relays. 1984-1986 - Sungsoo Kim, Won-Yong Shin, Koji Ishibashi:
The gaussian two-way relay channel with wiretapper. 1987-1991 - Christopher Hunter, Myuran Kanga, Lin Zhong, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
On-demand cooperation with power control: Protocol and experimental results. 1992-1996 - Stephan Pfletschinger
A practical physical-layer network coding scheme for the uplink of the two-way relay channel. 1997-2001 - Evan Everett, Melissa Duarte, Chris Dick, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
Empowering full-duplex wireless communication by exploiting directional diversity. 2002-2006 - P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Session WA5a: Signal theory and image representation. 2007-2008 - Asha Vijayakumar, Anamitra Makur:
Design of unequal order analysis and synthesis filterbanks. 2009-2013 - Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan, Andreas Spanias:
Learning dictionaries for local sparse coding in image classification. 2014-2018 - Youngmi Hur, Fang Zheng:
Designing thin wavelet filters. 2019-2024 - Alex Fink, Andreas Spanias:
Estimation of signal subspace-constrained inputs to linear systems. 2025-2028 - Christ D. Richmond:
Session WA6a: Computational aspects in array processing. 2029-2030 - Qilin Zhang
, Habti Abeida
, Ming Xue, William Rowe, Jian Li:
Fast implementation of sparse iterative covariance-based estimation for array processing. 2031-2035 - Christ D. Richmond
, Robert L. Geddes, Ramis Movassagh
, Alan Edelman:
Performance of sample covariance based capon bearing only tracker. 2036-2039 - David J. Thomson:
Some problems in the analysis of possibly cyclostationary data. 2040-2044 - Siddhartha Krishnamurthy, Daniel W. Bliss, Vahid Tarokh:
Sidelobe level distribution computation for antenna arrays with arbitrary element distributions. 2045-2050 - Jorn Jannick:
Session WA7a: Multi-core/GPU implementation. 2051-2052 - Guohui Wang, Michael Wu, Yang Sun, Joseph R. Cavallaro
GPU accelerated scalable parallel decoding of LDPC codes. 2053-2057 - Bin Liu, Bevan M. Baas:
A high-performance area-efficient AES cipher on a many-core platform. 2058-2062 - Mohammad Wadood Majid, Mohsin M. Jamali:
Parallel Implementation of the Wideband Coherent Signal-Subspace (CSS) Based DOA algorithm on single core, multicore and GPU. 2063-2066 - Zhibin Xiao, Stephen Le, Bevan M. Baas:
A fine-grained parallel implementation of a H.264/AVC encoder on a 167-processor computational platform. 2067-2071 - Benjamin Friedlander:
Session WA1b: MIMO radar and SAR. 2072-2074 - Benjamin Friedlander:
On spatial processing in MIMO radar. 2075-2079 - Roger Derek West, Jacob H. Gunther, Todd K. Moon:
Subspace fitting based autofocus for stripmap SAR. 2080-2083 - Judith Northrop, Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola:
On the use of fractional autocorrelation to correct mismatches for chirp scale focusing for real SAR image formation. 2084-2088 - Michael Joham:
Session WA2b: Beamforming. 2089-2090 - Andreas Gründinger, Michael Joham, Wolfgang Utschick
Design of beamforming in the satellite downlink with static and mobile users. 2091-2095 - Wenbing Dang, Ali Pezeshki, Stephen D. Howard, William Moran, A. Robert Calderbank:
Coordinating complementary waveforms for sidelobe suppression. 2096-2100 - Peter G. Vouras, Jean de Graaf:
Robust transmit nulling in phased array antennas. 2101-2103 - Aleksandar Dogandzic:
Session WA3b: Compressive imaging and detection. 2104-2106 - Raghu G. Raj, Zachary Chance, David J. Love:
A sparse bayesian approach to multistatic radar imaging. 2107-2110 - Aleksandar Dogandzic
, Renliang Gu, Kun Qiu:
Mask iterative hard thresholding algorithms for sparse image reconstruction of objects with known contour. 2111-2116 - Peter B. Tuuk
, Amy C. Sharma:
Sensor calibration errors in compressive distributed-aperture radar sensing. 2117-2121 - Aylin Yener:
Session WA4b: Multiuser information theory. 2122-2124 - Mohammad Ali Khojastepour, Alireza Keshavarz-Haddad
Intrinsic multicast region of broadcast channel. 2125-2129 - Xi Liu, Elza Erkip
On the Gaussian Z-interference channel with processing energy cost. 2130-2134 - Anas Chaaban, Aydin Sezgin
, Amir Salman Avestimehr:
On the sum capacity of the Y-channel. 2135-2139 - Shuang Echo Yang, Daniela Tuninetti
Interference channels with source cooperation in the strong cooperation regime: Symmetric capacity to within 2 bits/s/Hz with Dirty Paper Coding. 2140-2144 - Marios Savvides:
Session WA5b: Biometrics. 2145-2146 - Vishnu Naresh Boddeti, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar
, Krishnan Ramkumar:
Improved iris segmentation based on local texture statistics. 2147-2151 - Marc O. Griofa, Rebecca Blue, Robert Friedman, Aaron Jaech, Madhusudan Bhagavatula, Siying D. Hu, Marios Savvides:
Radio Frequency cardiopulmonary waveform for subject identification. 2152-2156 - Wing-Kin Ma:
Session WA6b: Source separation. 2157-2158 - Siouar Bensaid, Dirk T. M. Slock:
Comparison of various approaches for joint Wiener/Kalman filtering and parameter estimation with application to BASS. 2159-2163 - Wenyi Zhang, Alireza Masnadi-Shirazi, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Insights into the frequency domain ICA approach. 2164-2168 - Ka-Kit Lee, Wing-Kin Ma
, Yi-Lin Chiou, Tsung-Han Chan, Chong-Yung Chi:
Blind identification of mixtures of quasi-stationary sources using a khatri-rao subspace approach. 2169-2173 - Mu Zhou, Alle-Jan van der Veen:
Improved subspace intersection based on signed URV decomposition. 2174-2178 - Kenneth Jenkins:
Session WA7b: Reconfigurable architectures, algorithms and applications. 2179-2180 - Shen-Fu Hsiao, Cheng-Han Lee, Yen-Chun Cheng, Andrew Lee:
Designs of angle-rotation in digital frequency synthesizer/mixer using multi-stage architectures. 2181-2185 - Dian-Marie Ross, Scott Miller, Mihai Sima, Michael McGuire:
Exploration of sign precomputation-based CORDIC in reconfigurable systems. 2186-2191 - Houshmand Shirani-mehr, Tinoosh Mohsenin, Bevan M. Baas:
A reduced routing network architecture for partial parallel LDPC decoders. 2192-2196 - John O'Sullivan, Stephan Weiss
, Garrey Rice:
Automatic FFT code generation for FPGAs with high flexibility and human readability. 2197-2201 - Stefan Werner
, Yih-Fang Huang:
Time- and coefficient- selective diffusion strategies for distributed parameter estimation. 2205-2209

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