- Takeharu Ishizuka, Tatsuya Horita, Shin Sasada, Mari Wada:
A Survey on School Work with Computers and Collecting Information on Education for Teachers in Japan. ICCE 2007: 587-594 - Seiji Isotani, Riichiro Mizoguchi:
Towards a Complete Ontology-Aware Authoring Tool for Collaborative Learning. ICCE 2007: 647-648 - Azilawati Jamaludin, Caroline Mei Lin Ho, Yam San Chee:
Argument-Based Negotiation and Conflict Resolution through Enactive Role Play in Second Life. ICCE 2007: 561-568 - Kamen Kanev, Deborah Turk, Thomas Orr, John Brine:
A Dynamic Group Environment for Collaborative Language Learning. ICCE 2007: 151-158 - Toshinobu Kasai, Haruhisa Yamaguchi, Kazuo Nagano, Riichiro Mizoguchi:
FIMA: A Flexible Instructional Design Support Multi-Agent System. ICCE 2007: 45-48 - Akihiro Kashihara, Koichi Ota:
Controllable Scaffolding for Navigation Planning in Hyperspace. ICCE 2007: 535-542 - Hameedullah Kazi:
A Diverse and Robust Tutoring System for Medical Problem-Based Learning. ICCE 2007: 659-660 - Hameedullah Kazi, Peter Haddawy, Siriwan Suebnukarn:
Enriching Solution Space for Robustness in an Intelligent Tutoring System. ICCE 2007: 547-550 - Takeshi Kitazawa, Masahiro Nagai, Hiroshi Kato, Kanji Akahori:
Development of an Electronic Bulletin Board: Retrieval System Reflecting Keyword Similarity and Evaluation of its Retrieving Efficiency. ICCE 2007: 283-286 - Siu Cheung Kong, Chi Shing Li:
A Study of Using a Cognitive Tool in a Mobile Technology Supported Classroom. ICCE 2007: 455-462 - K. Robert Lai, Chung Hsien Lan:
Incorporating Agent Negotiation to Promote Learning Effectiveness in an Adaptive Learning Environment. ICCE 2007: 41-44 - Insook Lee:
What Can We Learn From 'S' Elementary School?: Wireless Laptop Computers in Regular Classroom Activities. ICCE 2007: 139-146 - Shu-Sheng Liaw, Hsiu-Mei Huang:
Investigating Motivation, Enjoyment, Usefulness toward Video on Demand. ICCE 2007: 355-358 - Kenneth Y. T. Lim, Yam San Chee:
In Stable Orbit: An Initial Assessment of Dispositional Changes Arising from Learning Using the Citizenship Education Videogame Space Station Leonis. ICCE 2007: 245-252 - Shinn-Rong Lin, Yi-Chin Wu, Chia-Wen Liu, Hsiao-Ting Teng:
Rethinking Online Faculty Instructional Development: A Case Study. ICCE 2007: 189-196 - Janet Mei-Chuen Lin, Mei-Ching Yang, Sheue-Yun Chen:
Textual vs. Iconic Programming Languages: Differences in Student Performance and Attitudes. ICCE 2007: 485-492 - Chee-Kit Looi:
Bridging Research to Practice in Technology-Mediated Learning: Innovations and Challenges in Singapore. ICCE 2007: 3 - Chee-Kit Looi, Foo-Keong Ng, Tek-Hong Kho:
Technology-Enabled Pedagogy to Bridge Bar Diagrams to Letter-Symbolic Algebra. ICCE 2007: 29-36 - Wenhuan Lu, Mitsuru Ikeda, Koichiro Ochimizu, Shintaro Kitayama:
A Conceptual Model Makes Curriculum Evolution in Higher Education Smooth. ICCE 2007: 89-96 - Will Wai-Kit Ma, Allan Hoi Kau Yuen:
Learning Experience of Student Journalists: Utilizing Collaborative Writing Medium Wikis. ICCE 2007: 637-640 - Jennifer Masters:
Promoting Creative Activity with Computers in Out Of School Hours Care Programs for Primary Aged Children. ICCE 2007: 279-282 - Takahiro Masuda, Hiroshi Suda, Yoshiro Miida:
Development of Specialized e-Learning Materials with Simulators for Engineering Education and Practice in University. ICCE 2007: 577-580 - Hiroshi Matsuda, Yoshiaki Shindo:
Development of the Integrated Animation Studio for Cyber Theater. ICCE 2007: 441-448 - Yasuhiro Matsugi, Hiroyuki Tarumi, Yoshinobu Inagaki, Hisashi Sakamoto, Koji Kida, Hideo Shimazu:
Plagiarism Prevention by Logging Students' Paper-Writing Activities. ICCE 2007: 629-632 - Kenji Matsuura, Kazuhide Kanenishi, Yasuo Miyoshi, Yoneo Yano:
Practical Data Management among Learning-Support Systems. ICCE 2007: 271-274 - Hitoshi Miyata, Norisuke Kozuki:
Development of a Picture Mail Database System to Supplement Mass Lectures Aiming to Promote the Sharing of Knowledge. ICCE 2007: 479-482 - Kozo Mizutani, Masayuki Arai, Takashi Unagami:
Proposal and Basic Research for a Learning Model "RPRaS" for Novice Programming. ICCE 2007: 493-500 - Toshihiro Morioka, Noriyuki Iwane, Yukihiro Matsubara:
A Study on Building of Japanese History Ontology Aiming at Learning Support. ICCE 2007: 109-112 - H. Muir, C. Dudley, K. Nakazawa:
Technology and Teaching: Making the Right Choices. ICCE 2007: 75-78 - Katsuko T. Nakahira, Yukiko Fukami, Miki Akahane:
Combining Music Practicing with the Submission of Self-Made Videos for Pre-School Teacher Education. ICCE 2007: 573-576