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IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Volume 6
Volume 6, Number 1, January 1995
- Robert C. Williamson, Uwe Helmke:
Existence and uniqueness results for neural network approximations. 2-13 - Jar-Ferr Yang, Chi-Ming Chen, Wen-Chung Wang, Jau-Yien Lee:
A general mean-based iterative winner-take-all neural network. 14-24 - Tianping Chen, Hong Chen, Ruey-Wen Liu:
Approximation capability in C(R¯n) by multilayer feedforward networks and related problems. 25-30 - Siegfried Ergezinger, E. Thomsen:
An accelerated learning algorithm for multilayer perceptrons: optimization layer by layer. 31-42 - Ji-Nan Lin, Rolf Unbehauen:
Canonical piecewise-linear networks. 43-50 - Sushmita Mitra
, Sankar K. Pal:
Fuzzy multi-layer perceptron, inferencing and rule generation. 51-63 - Reza Nekovei, Ying Sun:
Back-propagation network and its configuration for blood vessel detection in angiograms. 64-72 - Fumiaki Takeda, Sigeru Omatu:
High speed paper currency recognition by neural networks. 73-77 - Tjaart van der Walt, Etienne Barnard
, Jamie van Deventer:
Process modeling with the regression network. 78-93 - Stanislaw H. Zak, Viriya Upatising, Stefen Hui:
Solving linear programming problems with neural networks: a comparative study. 94-104 - Jennie Si
, Anthony N. Michel:
Analysis and synthesis of a class of discrete-time neural networks with multilevel threshold neurons. 105-116 - Rangachari Anand, Kishan Mehrotra, Chilukuri K. Mohan, Sanjay Ranka
Efficient classification for multiclass problems using modular neural networks. 117-124 - Shaun W. Ryan, John H. Andreae:
Improving the performance of Kanerva's associate memory. 125-130 - Lei Xu, Alan L. Yuille
Robust principal component analysis by self-organizing rules based on statistical physics approach. 131-143 - Chao-Chee Ku, Kwang Y. Lee:
Diagonal recurrent neural networks for dynamic systems control. 144-156 - Chedsada Chinrungrueng, Carlo H. Séquin:
Optimal adaptive k-means algorithm with dynamic adjustment of learning rate. 157-169 - Sun-Yuan Kung, Jin-Shiuh Taur:
Decision-based neural networks with signal/image classification applications. 170-181 - Pierre Baldi:
Gradient descent learning algorithm overview: a general dynamical systems perspective. 182-195 - David E. Thompson, Sunggyu Kwon:
Neighborhood sequential and random training techniques for CMAC. 196-202 - Urs A. Müller, Anton Gunzinger, Walter Guggenbühl:
Fast neural net simulation with a DSP processor array. 203-213 - Donald M. Hummels, Wahid Ahmed, Mohamad T. Musavi:
Adaptive detection of small sinusoidal signals in non-Gaussian noise using an RBF neural network. 214-219 - Young-Chul Kim, Michael A. Shanblatt:
Random noise effects in pulse-mode digital multilayer neural networks. 220-229 - Dominik R. Dersch, Paul Tavan:
Asymptotic level density in topological feature maps. 230-236 - Jung H. Kim, Sung-Kwon Park:
The geometrical learning of binary neural networks. 237-247 - J. R. Tower, Nabil H. Farhat:
The transversal imager: a photonic neurochip with programmable synaptic weights. 248-251 - Mukul V. Shirvaikar
, Mohan M. Trivedi:
A neural network filter to detect small targets in high clutter backgrounds. 252-257 - George Kesidis:
Analog optimization with Wong's stochastic neural network. 258-260 - Isaac Meilijson, Eytan Ruppin, Moshe Sipper
A single-iteration threshold Hamming network. 261-266 - Leda Villalobos, Francis L. Merat:
Learning capability assessment and feature space optimization for higher-order neural networks. 267-272 - Rudy Setiono, Lucas Chi Kwong Hui:
Use of a quasi-Newton method in a feedforward neural network construction algorithm. 273-277 - Young-Keun Kim, Jong Beom Ra:
Adaptive learning method in self-organizing map for edge preserving vector quantization. 278-280 - Andrew H. Gee, Richard W. Prager
Limitations of neural networks for solving traveling salesman problems. 280-282 - DeLiang Wang, David Terman:
Locally excitatory globally inhibitory oscillator networks. 283-286
Volume 6, Number 2, March 1995
- Percy P. C. Yip, Yoh-Han Pao:
Combinatorial optimization with use of guided evolutionary simulated annealing. 290-295 - Jianchang Mao, Anil K. Jain:
Artificial neural networks for feature extraction and multivariate data projection. 296-317 - Vwani P. Roychowdhury, Kai-Yeung Siu, Thomas Kailath:
Classification of linearly nonseparable patterns by linear threshold elements. 318-331 - Bernard Delyon, Anatoli B. Juditsky, Albert Benveniste:
Accuracy analysis for wavelet approximations. 332-348 - Dror Salée, Yoram Baram:
High-capacity Hebbian storage by sparse sampling. 349-356 - Pau-Choo Chung, Thomas F. Krile:
Reliability characteristics of quadratic Hebbian-type associative memories in optical and electronic network implementations. 357-367 - Sean B. Holden, Peter J. W. Rayner:
Generalization and PAC learning: some new results for the class of generalized single-layer networks. 368-380 - Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou, Loren W. Nolte, Dimitri Alexandrou:
Performance evaluation of multilayer perceptrons in signal detection and classification. 381-386 - M. Daniel Tom, Manoel Fernando Tenorio:
A neural computation model with short-term memory. 387-397 - M. A. L. Thathachar, Vijay V. Phansalkar:
Learning the global maximum with parameterized learning automata. 398-406 - Soheil Shams, Jean-Luc Gaudiot:
Implementing regularly structured neural networks on the DREAM machine. 407-421 - Elias B. Kosmatopoulos, Marios M. Polycarpou, Manolis A. Christodoulou, Petros A. Ioannou:
High-order neural network structures for identification of dynamical systems. 422-431 - Steve W. Piche:
The selection of weight accuracies for Madalines. 432-445 - Dhananjay S. Phatak, Israel Koren:
Complete and partial fault tolerance of feedforward neural nets. 446-456 - Sami Bannour, Mahmood R. Azimi-Sadjadi:
Principal component extraction using recursive least squares learning. 457-469 - Nirwan Ansari
, Edwin S. H. Hou, Youyi Yu:
A new method to optimize the satellite broadcasting schedules using the mean field annealing of a Hopfield neural network. 470-483 - Hongbong Kim, Kwanghee Nam:
Object recognition of one-DOF tools by a back-propagation neural net. 484-487 - Arthur Nádas:
Binary classification by stochastic neural nets. 488-491 - Chua-Chin Wang, Hon-Son Don:
An analysis of high-capacity discrete exponential BAM. 492-496 - Sung-Bae Cho, Jin H. Kim:
Multiple network fusion using fuzzy logic. 497-501 - Renzo Perfetti:
Sensitivity of equilibrium points in continuous-time Hopfield's network. 501-504 - Marco Saerens:
Design of a perceptron-like algorithm based on system identification techniques. 504-506 - William D. Penny
, T. John Stonham:
Generalization in multi-layer networks of Sigma-pi units. 506-508 - C. S. Berger:
Recursive single-layer nets for output error dynamic models. 508-511 - Monica Bianchini
, Paolo Frasconi, Marco Gori:
Learning in multilayered networks used as autoassociators. 512-515 - Youshen Xia, Jiasong Wang:
Neural network for solving linear programming problems with bounded variables. 515-519 - Tadeusz Kaczorek
Adaptation algorithms for 2-D feedforward neural networks. 519-521
Volume 6, Number 3, May 1995
- Russell Reed, Robert J. Marks II, Seho Oh:
Similarities of error regularization, sigmoid gain scaling, target smoothing, and training with jitter. 529-538 - Jouko Lampinen, Erkki Oja:
Distortion tolerant pattern recognition based on self-organizing feature extraction. 539-547 - Martin A. Kraaijveld, Jianchang Mao, Anil K. Jain:
A nonlinear projection method based on Kohonen's topology preserving maps. 548-559 - Philippe Kerlirzin, Philippe Réfrégier:
Theoretical investigation of the robustness of multilayer perceptrons: analysis of the linear case and extension to nonlinear networks. 560-571 - Marzuki Khalid, Sigeru Omatu, Rubiyah Yusof:
Temperature regulation with neural networks and alternative control schemes. 572-582 - David C. J. Naylor, Simon Jones, David Myers:
Backpropagation in linear arrays-a performance analysis and optimization. 583-595 - Dimitrios A. Pados, P. Papantoni-Kazakos:
New nonleast-squares neural network learning algorithms for hypothesis testing. 596-609 - Yoan Shin, Joydeep Ghosh:
Ridge polynomial networks. 610-622 - Tony A. Plate:
Holographic reduced representations. 623-641 - Chun-Shin Lin, Hyongsuk Kim:
Selection of learning parameters for CMAC-based adaptive critic learning. 642-647 - Ashish Ghosh
, Nikhil R. Pal, Sankar K. Pal:
Modeling of component failure in neural networks for robustness evaluation: an application to object extraction. 648-656 - Vicente Ruiz de Angulo, Carme Torras
On-line learning with minimal degradation in feedforward networks. 657-668 - Xiao-Hu Yu
, Guo-An Chen, Shixin Cheng:
Dynamic learning rate optimization of the backpropagation algorithm. 669-677 - Marco Muselli:
On sequential construction of binary neural networks. 678-690 - Sumio Watanabe, Kenji Fukumizu
Probabilistic design of layered neural networks based on their unified framework. 691-702 - Frank L. Lewis, Kai Liu, Aydin Yesildirek
Neural net robot controller with guaranteed tracking performance. 703-715 - Anupam Joshi
, Chia-Hoang Lee:
On the problem of correspondence in range data and some inelastic uses for elastic nets. 716-723 - Arun Jagota:
Approximating maximum clique with a Hopfield network. 724-735 - Robert Laganière, Paul Cohen:
Gradual perception of structure from motion: a neural approach. 736-748 - Monica Bianchini
, Paolo Frasconi, Marco Gori:
Learning without local minima in radial basis function networks. 749-756 - Orly Yadid-Pecht, Moshe Gur:
A biologically-inspired improved MAXNET. 757-759 - S. Chakrabarti, N. Bindal, K. Theagharajan:
Robust radar target classifier using artificial neural networks. 760-766 - Francisco X. Albizuri
, Alicia D'Anjou, Manuel Graña, Francisco Javier Torrealdea, Maria del Carmen Hernández Gomez
The high-order Boltzmann machine: learned distribution and topology. 767-770 - Bo Zhang, Ling Zhang, Fachao Wu:
Programming based learning algorithms of neural networks with self-feedback connections. 771-775 - Kiichi Urahama, Takeshi Nagao:
K-winners-take-all circuit with O(N) complexity. 776-778 - Chung-Ming Kuan:
A recurrent Newton algorithm and its convergence properties. 779-782 - Claude Comtat, Christian Morel
Approximate reconstruction of PET data with a self-organizing neural network. 783-789 - Bingfu Zhang, Zheng Bao:
Dynamical system for computing the eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalue of a positive definite matrix. 790-791 - Sherif Hashem
, Bruce W. Schmeiser:
Improving model accuracy using optimal linear combinations of trained neural networks. 792-794 - Fabio Massimo Frattale Mascioli, Giuseppe Martinelli:
A constructive algorithm for binary neural networks: the oil-spot algorithm. 794-797 - Marie Cottrell, Jean-Claude Fort, Gilles Pagès
Comments about "Analysis of the convergence properties of topology preserving neural networks". 797-799
Volume 6, Number 4, July 1995
- Gail A. Carpenter, William D. Ross:
ART-EMAP: A neural network architecture for object recognition by evidence accumulation. 805-818 - Scott D. Snyder, Nobuo Tanaka:
Active control of vibration using a neural network. 819-828 - C. Lee Giles
, Dong Chen, Guo-Zheng Sun, Hsing-Hen Chen, Yee-Chun Lee, Mark W. Goudreau:
Constructive learning of recurrent neural networks: limitations of recurrent cascade correlation and a simple solution. 829-836 - Pierre Baldi, Kurt Hornik
Learning in linear neural networks: a survey. 837-858 - Raed Abu Zitar
, Mohamad H. Hassoun:
Neurocontrollers trained with rules extracted by a genetic assisted reinforcement learning system. 859-879 - Chaitanya Tumuluri, Pramod K. Varshney:
An evidential extension of the MRII training algorithm for detecting erroneous MADALINE responses. 880-892 - Malcolm I. Heywood
, Peter Noakes:
A framework for improved training of Sigma-Pi networks. 893-903 - Tianping Chen, Hong Chen:
Approximation capability to functions of several variables, nonlinear functionals, and operators by radial basis function neural networks. 904-910 - Tianping Chen, Hong Chen:
Universal approximation to nonlinear operators by neural networks with arbitrary activation functions and its application to dynamical systems. 911-917 - Robert L. Fry:
Observer-participant models of neural processing. 918-928 - Xiang-Wei He, Chung-Ping Kwong, Zongben Xu:
A competitive associative memory model and its dynamics. 929-940 - DeLiang Wang:
Emergent synchrony in locally coupled neural oscillators. 941-948 - Gerald E. Peterson, Daniel C. St. Clair, Stephen R. Aylward
, William E. Bond:
Using Taguchi's method of experimental design to control errors in layered perceptrons. 949-961 - Jun Wang
Analysis and design of an analog sorting network. 962-971 - Susan M. Courtney, Leif H. Finkel, Gershon Buchsbaum:
A multistage neural network for color constancy and color induction. 972-985 - Yu-jhih Wu, Paul M. Chau, Robert Hecht-Nielsen:
A supervised learning neural network coprocessor for soft-decision maximum-likelihood decoding. 986-992 - Chua-Chin Wang, Jyh-Ping Lee:
The decision-making properties of discrete multiple exponential bidirectional associative memories. 993-999 - Stefan C. Kremer:
On the computational power of Elman-style recurrent networks. 1000-1004 - Sang-Hoon Oh
, Youngjik Lee:
Sensitivity analysis of single hidden-layer neural networks with threshold functions. 1005-1007 - D. E. Johnson, John Marsland, William Eccleston:
Neural network implementation using a single MOST per synapse. 1008-1011 - Ana Isabel González, Manuel Graña, Alicia D'Anjou:
An analysis of the GLVQ algorithm. 1012-1016 - Martin Brown, Chris J. Harris
Comments on "Learning convergence in the cerebellar model articulation controller". 1016-1018
Volume 6, Number 5, September 1995
- James C. Bezdek, Nikhil R. Pal:
A note on self-organizing semantic maps. 1029-1036 - Okan K. Ersoy, Shi-Wee Deng:
Parallel, self-organizing, hierarchical neural networks with continuous inputs and outputs. 1037-1044 - Brion K. Dolenko, Howard C. Card:
Tolerance to analog hardware of on-chip learning in backpropagation networks. 1045-1052 - Martin Bohner, Stefen Hui:
Brain state in a convex body. 1053-1060 - Partha Pratim Kanjilal, Debarag N. Banerjee:
On the application of orthogonal transformation for the design and analysis of feedforward networks. 1061-1070 - Renzo Perfetti:
A synthesis procedure for brain-state-in-a-box neural networks. 1071-1080 - José L. Marroquín:
Measure fields for function approximation. 1081-1090 - Jayanta Basak, Sankar K. Pal:
X-tron: an incremental connectionist model for category perception. 1091-1108 - Young-Chul Kim, Michael A. Shanblatt:
Architecture and statistical model of a pulse-mode digital multilayer neural network. 1109-1118 - V. Chandrasekaran, Marimuthu Palaniswami, Terry M. Caelli
Spatio-temporal feature maps using gated neuronal architecture. 1119-1131 - Rolf Carlson:
The upper bound neural network and a class of consistent labeling problems. 1132-1139 - Luigi P. Cordella, Claudio De Stefano
, Francesco Tortorella
, Mario Vento:
A method for improving classification reliability of multilayer perceptrons. 1140-1147 - Haruo Kobayashi, Takashi Matsumoto, Jun Sanekata:
Two-dimensional spatio-temporal dynamics of analog image processing neural networks. 1148-1164 - Francesco Palmieri
, Jie Zhu:
Self-association and Hebbian learning in linear neural networks. 1165-1184 - Roberto Battiti
, Giampietro Tecchiolli:
Training neural nets with the reactive tabu search. 1185-1200 - Collin Wang, David J. Cannon, Soundar R. T. Kumara, Guowen Lu:
A skeleton and neural network-based approach for identifying cosmetic surface flaws. 1201-1211 - Barak A. Pearlmutter
Gradient calculations for dynamic recurrent neural networks: a survey. 1212-1228 - Niall H. Anderson, D. M. Titterington:
Beyond the binary Boltzmann machine. 1229-1236 - Dimitry Gorinevsky:
On the persistency of excitation in radial basis function network identification of nonlinear systems. 1237-1244 - Sel B. Colak:
Vector mapping with a nonlinear electronic layer for distributed neural networks. 1245-1248 - N. Scott Cardell, Wayne H. Joerding, Ying Li:
Symmetry constraints for feedforward network models of gradient systems. 1249-1254 - Liang-Hwa Chen, Shyang Chang:
An adaptive learning algorithm for principal component analysis. 1255-1263 - Antonio Jesús Torralba Silgado
, Francisco Colodro Ruiz
, Emilio Ibanez, Leopoldo García Franquelo
Two digital circuits for a fully parallel stochastic neural network. 1264-1268 - Vinay Chande, P. G. Poonacha:
On neural networks for analog to digital conversion. 1269-1274 - Jonathan S. Kane, Thomas G. Kincaid:
Optoelectronic winner-take-all VLSI shunting neural network. 1275-1279 - Alessandro Mortara, Eric A. Vittoz:
A 12-transistor PFM demodulator for analog neural networks communication. 1280-1283 - Rick L. Jenison
, Kate Fissell:
A comparison of the von Mises and Gaussian basis functions for approximating spherical acoustic scatter. 1284-1287 - Renzo Perfetti:
Optimization neural network for solving flow problems. 1287-1291 - Qingfu Zhang
, Yiu-Wing Leung:
Energy function for the one-unit Oja algorithm. 1291-1293 - Gary G. Yen
Eigenstructure bidirectional associative memory: an effective synthesis procedure. 1293-1297 - Sangbong Park, Lae-Jeong Park, Cheol Hoon Park:
A neuro-genetic controller for nonminimum phase systems. 1297-1300 - Xiao-Hu Yu
, Guo-An Chen:
On the local minima free condition of backpropagation learning. 1300-1303
Volume 6, Number 6, November 1995
- Boris Igelnik, Yoh-Han Pao:
Stochastic choice of basis functions in adaptive function approximation and the functional-link net. 1320-1329 - Gail A. Carpenter, Stephen Grossberg, John H. Reynolds:
A fuzzy ARTMAP nonparametric probability estimator for nonstationary pattern recognition problems. 1330-1336 - Jayanta Basak, Sankar K. Pal:
PsyCOP-a psychologically motivated connectionist system for object perception. 1337-1354 - Marie Cottrell, Bernard Girard, Yvonne Girard, Morgan Mangeas, Corinne Muller:
Neural modeling for time series: A statistical stepwise method for weight elimination. 1355-1364 - William J. Wolfe, Jay A. Rothman, Edward H. Chang, William Aultman, Garth Ripton:
Harmonic analysis of homogeneous networks. 1365-1374 - Ali A. Ghorbani, Virendrakumar C. Bhavsar:
Incremental communication for multilayer neural networks. 1375-1385 - Ting Chen, Wei-Chung Lin, Chin-Tu Chen:
Artificial neural networks for 3-D motion analysis. I. Rigid motion. 1386-1393 - Ting Chen, Wei-Chung Lin, Chin-Tu Chen:
Artificial neural networks for 3-D motion analysis-Part II: Nonrigid motion. 1394-1401 - Le Nguyen Binh, Hock Choong Chong:
A neural-network contention controller for packet switching networks. 1402-1410 - Jing Yuan:
Collision identification between convex polyhedra using neural networks. 1411-1419 - Dimitris A. Karras
, Stavros J. Perantonis:
An efficient constrained training algorithm for feedforward networks. 1420-1434 - Philip Heng Wai Leong
, Marwan A. Jabri:
A low-power VLSI arrhythmia classifier. 1435-1445 - Günhan Dündar
, K. Rose:
The effects of quantization on multilayer neural networks. 1446-1451 - Alessandro Sperduti:
Stability properties of labeling recursive auto-associative memory. 1452-1460 - William E. Faller, Scott J. Schreck:
Real-time prediction of unsteady aerodynamics: Application for aircraft control and manoeuvrability enhancement. 1461-1468 - Yukinori Suzuki:
Self-organizing QRS-wave recognition in ECG using neural networks. 1469-1477 - Donq-Liang Lee, Wen-June Wang:
Neighbor-layer updating in MBDS for the recall of pure bipolar patterns in gray-scale noise. 1478-1489 - Bhaskar DasGupta, Hava T. Siegelmann, Eduardo D. Sontag:
On the complexity of training neural networks with continuous activation functions. 1490-1504 - Steven S. Watkins, Paul M. Chau, Raoul Tawel, Bjorn H. Lambrigsten:
Execution of a remote sensing application on a custom neurocomputer. 1505-1515 - Nader Sadegh:
A nodal link perceptron network with applications to control of a nonholonomic system. 1516-1523 - William E. Weideman, Michael T. Manry, Hung-Chun Yau, Wei Gong:
Comparisons of a neural network and a nearest-neighbor classifier via the numeric handprint recognition problem. 1524-1530 - Dan Simon, Hossny El-Sherief:
Fault-tolerant training for optimal interpolative nets. 1531-1535 - Vassilios Petridis, K. Paraschidis:
On the properties of the feedforward method: A simple training law for on-chip learning. 1536-1541 - John G. Elias, David P. M. Northmore
Switched-capacitor neuromorphs with wide-range variable dynamics. 1542-1548 - Pak Cheung Edgar An, Martin Brown, Chris J. Harris
A global gradient-noise covariance expression for stationary real Gaussian inputs. 1549-1551 - Tharmarajah Kugarajah, Qinghua Zhang:
Multidimensional wavelet frames. 1552-1556 - Philip M. Long:
On the sample complexity of PAC learning half-spaces against the uniform distribution. 1556-1559 - Bahram Nabet, Robert B. Pinter, Robert B. Darling, Seth Wolpert, Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou:
Comments on "Silicon models of lateral inhibition" [with reply]. 1560-1561

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