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New Media & Society, Volume 20
Volume 20, Number 1, January 2018
- Steve Jones, David W. Park:
New Media & Society 20(1). 3-7
- Rebecca LeFebvre, Crystal Armstrong:
Grievance-based social movement mobilization in the #Ferguson Twitter storm. 8-28 - Arturo Haro-de-Rosario
, Alejandro Saez-Martin
, Carmen Caba Pérez:
Using social media to enhance citizen engagement with local government: Twitter or Facebook? 29-49 - Mary Helen Millham, David J. Atkin:
Managing the virtual boundaries: Online social networks, disclosure, and privacy behaviors. 50-67 - Joanna Szostek
News media repertoires and strategic narrative reception: A paradox of dis/belief in authoritarian Russia. 68-87 - Matthew Crain:
The limits of transparency: Data brokers and commodification. 88-104 - Shira Chess:
A time for play: Interstitial time, Invest/Express games, and feminine leisure style. 105-121 - Marina Ramos-Serrano
, Jorge David Fernández Gómez
, Antonio Pineda:
'Follow the closing of the campaign on streaming': The use of Twitter by Spanish political parties during the 2014 European elections. 122-140 - Mina Tsay-Vogel, James Shanahan
, Nancy Signorielli:
Social media cultivating perceptions of privacy: A 5-year analysis of privacy attitudes and self-disclosure behaviors among Facebook users. 141-161 - Jeffrey A. Hall:
When is social media use social interaction? Defining mediated social interaction. 162-179 - Yukari Seko, Stephen P. Lewis:
The self - harmed, visualized, and reblogged: Remaking of self-injury narratives on Tumblr. 180-198 - Anna Lauren Hoffmann
, Nicholas Proferes
, Michael Zimmer
"Making the world more open and connected": Mark Zuckerberg and the discursive construction of Facebook and its users. 199-218 - Anders Olof Larsson, Eli Skogerbø:
Out with the old, in with the new? Perceptions of social (and other) media by local and regional Norwegian politicians. 219-236 - Marleena Mustola
, Merja Koivula
, Leena Turja, Marja-Leena Laakso
Reconsidering passivity and activity in children's digital play. 237-254 - Elizabeth Ellcessor:
"One tweet to make so much noise": Connected celebrity activism in the case of Marlee Matlin. 255-271 - Yuhua (Jake) Liang, Kerk F. Kee
Developing and validating the A-B-C framework of information diffusion on social media. 272-292 - Jean-Christophe Plantin
, Carl Lagoze, Paul N. Edwards, Christian Sandvig:
Infrastructure studies meet platform studies in the age of Google and Facebook. 293-310 - Elena Menichelli
, Richard Ling:
Modeling relevance of mobile communication services by social setting dimensions. 311-331 - Samantha Bradshaw
, Laura DeNardis:
The politicization of the Internet's Domain Name System: Implications for Internet security, universality, and freedom. 332-350 - Paul Frosh:
The mouse, the screen and the Holocaust witness: Interface aesthetics and moral response. 351-368 - Matthew Leyshon McGuire:
The problem of technological integration and geosocial cruising in Seoul. 369-383 - Linus Andersson:
What's left of the radical left online? Absence of communication, political vision, and community in autonomist web milieus in Sweden. 384-398
- Cecilie Givskov, Mark Deuze
Researching new media and social diversity in later life. 399-412
- Olivia Dziwak:
A reader in international media piracy: Pirate essays. 422-424 - Gábor Király
Gender, age, and digital games in the domestic context. 424-426 - Wendy L. Bowcher:
Systemic functional linguistics in the digital age. 426-428 - Donya Alinejad
Digital ethnography: Principles and practice. 428-431 - Thomas M. Ballard:
The world made meme: Public conversations and participatory media. 431-432
Volume 20, Number 2, February 2018
- Eric Jardine
Tor, what is it good for? Political repression and the use of online anonymity-granting technologies. 435-452 - Brett Sherrick
, Jennifer Hoewe
The effect of explicit online comment moderation on three spiral of silence outcomes. 453-474 - Anatoliy A. Gruzd
, Caroline Haythornthwaite
, Drew Paulin, Sarah Gilbert, Marc Esteve Del Valle:
Uses and Gratifications factors for social media use in teaching: Instructors' perspectives. 475-494 - Rachel Kuo:
Racial justice activist hashtags: Counterpublics and discourse circulation. 495-514 - Marcus Moberg
Mediatization and the technologization of discourse: Exploring official discourse on the Internet and information and communications technology within the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. 515-531 - Lisa B. Hurwitz, Aubry L. Alvarez, Alexis R. Lauricella
, Thomas H. Rousse, Heather Montague, Ellen Wartella:
Content analysis across new media platforms: Methodological considerations for capturing media-rich data. 532-548 - Ian Tucker
, Lewis Goodings:
Medicated bodies: Mental distress, social media and affect. 549-563 - Ron Tamborini, Nicholas David Bowman
, Sujay Prabhu, Lindsay S. Hahn, Brian Klebig
, Clare Grall, Eric Novotny:
The effect of moral intuitions on decisions in video game play: The impact of chronic and temporary intuition accessibility. 564-580 - Edson C. Tandoc Jr., Joy Jenkins:
Out of bounds? How Gawker's outing a married man fits into the boundaries of journalism. 581-598 - Allan Hoi Kau Yuen, Jae Park, Lu Chen, Miaoting Cheng
The significance of cultural capital and parental mediation for digital inequity. 599-617 - Grant Blank
, Christoph Lutz
Benefits and harms from Internet use: A differentiated analysis of Great Britain. 618-640 - Amy L. Gonzales, Elizabeth Y. Kwon, Teresa Lynch, Nicole Fritz:
"Better everyone should know our business than we lose our house": Costs and benefits of medical crowdfunding for support, privacy, and identity. 641-658 - Andrea Ceron
, Sergio Splendore:
From contents to comments: Social TV and perceived pluralism in political talk shows. 659-675 - Rebekah Tromble:
Thanks for (actually) responding! How citizen demand shapes politicians' interactive practices on Twitter. 676-697 - Thomas Elliott, Jennifer Earl
Online protest participation and the digital divide: Modeling the effect of the digital divide on online petition-signing. 698-719 - Azi Lev-On
, Sharon Haleva-Amir
Normalizing or equalizing? Characterizing Facebook campaigning. 720-739 - Mats Ekström, Adam Shehata:
Social media, porous boundaries, and the development of online political engagement among young citizens. 740-759 - Peter C. Neijens, Hilde A. M. Voorveld:
Digital replica editions versus printed newspapers: Different reading styles? Different recall? 760-776 - Teresa K. Naab
, Anja Kalch, Tino G. K. Meitz:
Flagging uncivil user comments: Effects of intervention information, type of victim, and response comments on bystander behavior. 777-795 - Tony C. Liao
Mobile versus headworn augmented reality: How visions of the future shape, contest, and stabilize an emerging technology. 796-814 - Matthew Barnidge
, Alberto Ardèvol-Abreu
, Homero Gil de Zúñiga
Content-expressive behavior and ideological extremity: An examination of the roles of emotional intelligence and information network heterogeneity. 815-834
- Lars Nyre:
The mediated construction of reality. 835-837 - Shannon Rooney:
Interactive journalism: Hackers, data, and code. 837-839 - Jessica Noske-Turner:
Global media studies. 839-841 - Jacob Euteneuer:
Queer game studies. 841-842
Volume 20, Number 3, March 2018
- Alexandre Fortier, Jacquelyn A. Burkell
Display and control in online social spaces: Towards a typology of users. 845-861 - Leonard Reinecke
, Adrian Meier, Stefan Aufenanger
, Manfred E. Beutel, Michael Dreier, Oliver Quiring
, Birgit Stark, Klaus Wölfling, Kai W. Müller:
Permanently online and permanently procrastinating? The mediating role of Internet use for the effects of trait procrastination on psychological health and well-being. 862-880 - Ben Light
, Jean Burgess
, Stefanie Duguay
The walkthrough method: An approach to the study of apps. 881-900 - Fenwick McKelvey, Jill Piebiak:
Porting the political campaign: The NationBuilder platform and the global flows of political technology. 901-918 - Rory McGloin, Amanda Denes:
Too hot to trust: Examining the relationship between attractiveness, trustworthiness, and desire to date in online dating. 919-936 - Roya Imani Giglou
, Christine L. Ogan, Leen D'Haenens
The ties that bind the diaspora to Turkey and Europe during the Gezi protests. 937-955 - Florian Toepfl
Innovating consultative authoritarianism: Internet votes as a novel digital tool to stabilize non-democratic rule in Russia. 956-972 - Mike Ananny, Kate Crawford:
Seeing without knowing: Limitations of the transparency ideal and its application to algorithmic accountability. 973-989 - Deen Freelon
, Charlton McIlwain
, Meredith Clark:
Quantifying the power and consequences of social media protest. 990-1011 - André Brock
Critical technocultural discourse analysis. 1012-1030 - Terrie Lynn Thompson:
The making of mobilities in online work-learning practices. 1031-1046 - Joseph B. Bayer
, Nicole B. Ellison, Sarita Schoenebeck, Erin Brady, Emily B. Falk:
Facebook in context(s): Measuring emotional responses across time and space. 1047-1067 - Brendan R. Watson:
"A window into shock, pain, and attempted recovery": A decade of blogging as a coping strategy in New Orleans. 1068-1084 - Aaron Hess, Carlos Flores:
Simply more than swiping left: A critical analysis of toxic masculine performances on Tinder Nightmares. 1085-1102 - Sonia Livingstone
, Giovanna Mascheroni
, Elisabeth Staksrud
European research on children's internet use: Assessing the past and anticipating the future. 1103-1122 - Joachim S. Wiewiura
, Vincent F. Hendricks:
Informational pathologies and interest bubbles: Exploring the structural mobilization of knowledge, ignorance, and slack. 1123-1138 - Shannon C. McGregor
Personalization, social media, and voting: Effects of candidate self-personalization on vote intention. 1139-1160 - Patrick B. O'Sullivan, Caleb T. Carr
Masspersonal communication: A model bridging the mass-interpersonal divide. 1161-1180 - Debbie Ging
, Sarah Garvey:
'Written in these scars are the stories I can't explain': A content analysis of pro-ana and thinspiration image sharing on Instagram. 1181-1200 - Aaron Shapiro:
Street-level: Google Street View's abstraction by datafication. 1201-1219 - Stijn Baert
Facebook profile picture appearance affects recruiters' first hiring decisions. 1220-1239 - Panayiota Tsatsou
Literacy and training in digital research: Researchers' views in five social science and humanities disciplines. 1240-1259
Volume 20, Number 4, April 2018
- Stephanie Edgerly
, Kjerstin Thorson, Esther Thorson, Emily K. Vraga
, Leticia Bode:
Do parents still model news consumption? Socializing news use among adolescents in a multi-device world. 1263-1281 - Stine Eckert:
Fighting for recognition: Online abuse of women bloggers in Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. 1282-1302 - Lauren E. Bridges
Flexible as freedom? The dynamics of creative industry work and the case study of the editor in publishing. 1303-1319 - Luca Iandoli, Ivana Quinto
, Paolo Spada
, Mark Klein, Raffaele Calabretta
Supporting argumentation in online political debate: Evidence from an experiment of collective deliberation. 1320-1341 - Caitlin McClune:
Digital unhu: Mobile connectivity and immaterial labor in Zimbabwean artistic expression. 1342-1359 - Kjartan Ólafsson
, Lelia Green
, Elisabeth Staksrud
Is big brother more at risk than little sister? The sibling factor in online risk and opportunity. 1360-1379 - Jasmine Fardouly
, Brydie K. Willburger, Lenny R. Vartanian
Instagram use and young women's body image concerns and self-objectification: Testing mediational pathways. 1380-1395 - Irma Borst, Christine Moser
, Julie Ferguson
From friendfunding to crowdfunding: Relevance of relationships, social media, and platform activities to crowdfunding performance. 1396-1414 - Julius Matthew Riles, Andrew Pilny, David Tewksbury
Media fragmentation in the context of bounded social networks: How far can it go? 1415-1432 - Lina Dencik, Arne Hintz, Zoe Carey:
Prediction, pre-emption and limits to dissent: Social media and big data uses for policing protests in the United Kingdom. 1433-1450 - Erin M. Sumner
, Luisa Ruge-Jones, Davis Alcorn:
A functional approach to the Facebook Like button: An exploration of meaning, interpersonal functionality, and potential alternative response buttons. 1451-1469 - Gabija Didziokaite, Paula Saukko
, Christian Greiffenhagen:
The mundane experience of everyday calorie trackers: Beyond the metaphor of Quantified Self. 1470-1487 - Folker Hanusch
Political journalists' corporate and personal identities on Twitter profile pages: A comparative analysis in four Westminster democracies. 1488-1505 - Sahana Udupa
Gaali cultures: The politics of abusive exchange on social media. 1506-1522 - Ole Kelm
, Marco Dohle:
Information, communication and political consumerism: How (online) information and (online) communication influence boycotts and buycotts. 1523-1542 - Hans Asenbaum
Cyborg activism: Exploring the reconfigurations of democratic subjectivity in Anonymous. 1543-1563 - Erin K. Ruppel, Tricia J. Burke, Maura R. Cherney:
Channel complementarity and multiplexity in long-distance friends' patterns of communication technology use. 1564-1579 - Murray Goulden
, Peter Tolmie
, Richard Mortier, Tom Lodge, Anna Kaisa Pietiläinen, Renata Teixeira:
Living with interpersonal data: Observability and accountability in the age of pervasive ICT. 1580-1599 - Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Sarah Anne Ganter
Dealing with digital intermediaries: A case study of the relations between publishers and platforms. 1600-1617 - Annisa Mp Rochadiat, Stephanie Tom Tong
, Julie M. Novak:
Online dating and courtship among Muslim American women: Negotiating technology, religious identity, and culture. 1618-1639 - Daniel Greene, Katie Shilton
Platform privacies: Governance, collaboration, and the different meanings of "privacy" in iOS and Android development. 1640-1657
- Abby Koenig, Bryan McLaughlin:
Change is an emotional state of mind: Behavioral responses to online petitions. 1658-1675
Volume 20, Number 5, May 2018
- Edson C. Tandoc Jr., Julian Maitra
News organizations' use of Native Videos on Facebook: Tweaking the journalistic field one algorithm change at a time. 1679-1696 - Marcus Maloney
, Steven Roberts
, Alexandra Caruso:
'Mmm ... I love it, bro!': Performances of masculinity in YouTube gaming. 1697-1714 - Bree McEwan, Michelle Flood:
Passwords for jobs: Compression of identity in reaction to perceived organizational control via social media surveillance. 1715-1734 - Sumin Zhao
, Michele Zappavigna
Beyond the self: Intersubjectivity and the social semiotic interpretation of the selfie. 1735-1754 - Matt Carlson:
Automating judgment? Algorithmic judgment, news knowledge, and journalistic professionalism. 1755-1772 - Sarah Maltby, Helen Thornham, Daniel Bennett:
Beyond 'pseudonymity': The sociotechnical structure of online military forums. 1773-1791 - Harsh Taneja
, Angela Xiao Wu
, Stephanie Edgerly
Rethinking the generational gap in online news use: An infrastructural perspective. 1792-1812 - Sophie F. Waterloo, Susanne E. Baumgartner
, Jochen Peter, Patti M. Valkenburg
Norms of online expressions of emotion: Comparing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp. 1813-1831 - Melissa Aronczyk:
Environment 1.0: Infoterra and the making of environmental information. 1832-1849 - Johan Farkas
, Jannick Schou, Christina Neumayer
Cloaked Facebook pages: Exploring fake Islamist propaganda in social media. 1850-1867 - Sarah J. Jackson
, Moya Bailey
, Brooke Foucault Welles
#GirlsLikeUs: Trans advocacy and community building online. 1868-1888 - Erik P. Bucy, Jacob Groshek:
Empirical support for the media participation hypothesis: Trends across presidential elections, 1992-2012. 1889-1909 - Sebastian Stier
, Wolf J. Schünemann, Stefan Steiger:
Of activists and gatekeepers: Temporal and structural properties of policy networks on Twitter. 1910-1930 - Oliver L. Haimson
, Nazanin Andalibi, Munmun De Choudhury, Gillian R. Hayes
Relationship breakup disclosures and media ideologies on Facebook. 1931-1952 - Felan Parker, Jennifer R. Whitson
, Bart Simon:
Megabooth: The cultural intermediation of indie games. 1953-1972 - Jo Haynes
, Lee Marshall
Beats and tweets: Social media in the careers of independent musicians. 1973-1993 - Pepita Hesselberth
Discourses on disconnectivity and the right to disconnect. 1994-2010 - Florian Toepfl, Eunike Piwoni:
Targeting dominant publics: How counterpublic commenters align their efforts with mainstream news. 2011-2027 - Chris J. Vargo, Lei Guo, Michelle A. Amazeen:
The agenda-setting power of fake news: A big data analysis of the online media landscape from 2014 to 2016. 2028-2049 - Robert J. Topinka
Politically incorrect participatory media: Racist nationalism on r/ImGoingToHellForThis. 2050-2069 - Masahiro Yamamoto
, Seungahn Nah:
Mobile information seeking and political participation: A differential gains approach with offline and online discussion attributes. 2070-2090
- Casey O'Donnell:
Social, Casual and Mobile Games: The Changing Gaming Landscape, How Video Games Impact Players: The Pitfalls and Benefits of a Gaming Society and Knowledge Games: How Playing Games Can Solve Problems, Create Insight, and Make Change. 2091-2096
Volume 20, Number 6, June 2018
- Anne Kaun, Julie Uldam:
Digital activism: After the hype. 2099-2106
- Guobin Yang, Shiwen Wu:
Remembering disappeared websites in China: Passion, community, and youth. 2107-2124 - Rosemary Clark-Parsons:
Building a digital Girl Army: The cultivation of feminist safe spaces online. 2125-2144 - Julia Velkova
Repairing and developing software infrastructures: The case of Morevna Project in Russia. 2145-2161 - Kecheng Fang
, Maria Repnikova:
Demystifying "Little Pink": The creation and evolution of a gendered label for nationalistic activists in China. 2162-2185 - Anne Kaun, Julie Uldam:
'Volunteering is like any other business': Civic participation and social media. 2186-2207 - Elisabetta Ferrari
Fake accounts, real activism: Political faking and user-generated satire as activist intervention. 2208-2223
- Esther Wright:
Mixed realism: Videogames and the violence of fiction. 2224-2226 - Kath Bassett
Metagaming: Playing, competing, spectating, cheating, trading, making and breaking videogames. 2226-2228 - Alica Rétiová
Fanaticism, racism, and rage online: Corrupting the digital sphere. 2228-2229 - Primus M. Tazanu:
Social media in Southeast Turkey: Love, kinship and politics. 2230-2232
Volume 20, Number 7, 2018
- Susann Wagenknecht
Beyond non-/use: The affected bystander and her escalation. 2235-2251 - Stephen R. Barnard
Tweeting #Ferguson: Mediatized fields and the new activist journalist. 2252-2271 - Nurit Guttman, Eimi Lev, Elad Segev
, Seffefe Ayecheh, Limor Ziv, Fekado Gadamo, Nivi Dayan, Gal Yavetz
"I never thought I could get health information from the Internet!": Unexpected uses of an Internet website designed to enable Ethiopian immigrants with low/no literacy skills to browse health information. 2272-2295 - Michael A. Beam
, Jeffrey T. Child, Myiah J. Hutchens
, Jay D. Hmielowski:
Context collapse and privacy management: Diversity in Facebook friends increases online news reading and sharing. 2296-2314 - Jennifer R. Whitson
Voodoo software and boundary objects in game development: How developers collaborate and conflict with game engines and art tools. 2315-2332 - Alexander Jam Van Deursen
, Ellen J. Helsper
Collateral benefits of Internet use: Explaining the diverse outcomes of engaging with the Internet. 2333-2351 - Yong Jin Park:
Social antecedents and consequences of political privacy. 2352-2369 - Zixue Tai
, Fengbin Hu:
Play between love and labor: The practice of gold farming in China. 2370-2390 - Jaroslav Svelch, Tamah Sherman
"I see your garbage": Participatory practices and literacy privilege on "Grammar Nazi" Facebook pages in different sociolinguistic contexts. 2391-2410 - Tania Cabello-Hutt
, Patricio Cabello, Magdalena Claro:
Online opportunities and risks for children and adolescents: The role of digital skills, age, gender and parental mediation in Brazil. 2411-2431 - Eva Vriens
, Erik van Ingen
Does the rise of the Internet bring erosion of strong ties? Analyses of social media use and changes in core discussion networks. 2432-2449 - Richard Fletcher
, Rasmus Kleis Nielsen:
Are people incidentally exposed to news on social media? A comparative analysis. 2450-2468 - Colin Fitzpatrick, Jeremy P. Birnholtz:
"I Shut the Door": Interactions, tensions, and negotiations from a location-based social app. 2469-2488 - Anne-Linda Camerini
, Peter J. Schulz
, Anne-Marie Jeannet:
The social inequalities of Internet access, its use, and the impact on children's academic performance: Evidence from a longitudinal study in Switzerland. 2489-2508 - Vikki S. Katz
, Meghan Bridgid Moran, Carmen González:
Connecting with technology in lower-income US families. 2509-2533 - Robert Hassan:
Digital, ethical, political: Network time and common responsibility. 2534-2549 - Ido Ramati, Amit Pinchevski
Uniform multilingualism: A media genealogy of Google Translate. 2550-2565 - Lik Sam Chan
Ambivalence in networked intimacy: Observations from gay men using mobile dating apps. 2566-2581 - Maartje M. A. de Graaf
, Somaya Ben Allouch
, Jan van Dijk:
A phased framework for long-term user acceptance of interactive technology in domestic environments. 2582-2603 - Piet de Pauw, Ralf De Wolf, Liselot Hudders, Veroline Cauberghe:
From persuasive messages to tactics: Exploring children's knowledge and judgement of new advertising formats. 2604-2628 - Shreeharsh Kelkar:
Engineering a platform: The construction of interfaces, users, organizational roles, and the division of labor. 2629-2646
- Anna Priante
, Michel L. Ehrenhard
, Tijs A. van den Broek
, Ariana Need:
Identity and collective action via computer-mediated communication: A review and agenda for future research. 2647-2669
Volume 20, Number 8, 2018
- Leopoldina Fortunati:
Robotization and the domestic sphere. 2673-2690 - Julie Yujie Chen
Thrown under the bus and outrunning it! The logic of Didi and taxi drivers' labour and activism in the on-demand economy. 2691-2711 - Ola Røed Bilgrei
Broscience: Creating trust in online drug communities. 2712-2727 - Matthew Powers, Sandra Vera-Zambrano
How journalists use social media in France and the United States: Analyzing technology use across journalistic fields. 2728-2744 - Edson C. Tandoc Jr., Richard Ling, Oscar Westlund, Andrew Duffy
, Debbie Goh, Lim Zheng Wei:
Audiences' acts of authentication in the age of fake news: A conceptual framework. 2745-2763 - Huw C. Davies
Learning to Google: Understanding classed and gendered practices when young people use the Internet for research. 2764-2780 - Katriina Heljakka, J. Tuomas Harviainen
, Jaakko Suominen
Stigma avoidance through visual contextualization: Adult toy play on photo-sharing social media. 2781-2799 - Dong-Hee Shin, Frank A. Biocca:
Exploring immersive experience in journalism. 2800-2823 - Eric Jardine
Privacy, censorship, data breaches and Internet freedom: The drivers of support and opposition to Dark Web technologies. 2824-2843 - Florian Toepfl, Anna A. Litvinenko
Transferring control from the backend to the frontend: A comparison of the discourse architectures of comment sections on news websites across the post-Soviet world. 2844-2861 - Jens Seiffert-Brockmann
, Trevor Diehl, Leonhard Dobusch
Memes as games: The evolution of a digital discourse online. 2862-2879 - Rebecca Roach
Epilepsy, digital technology and the black-boxed self. 2880-2897 - Bertil Vilhelmson
, Erik Elldér
, Eva Thulin:
What did we do when the Internet wasn't around? Variation in free-time activities among three young-adult cohorts from 1990/1991, 2000/2001, and 2010/2011. 2898-2916 - Alvin J. Primack
Youth sexting and the First Amendment: Rhetoric and child pornography doctrine in the age of translation. 2917-2933 - Danielle Wyatt
, Scott McQuire, Danny Butt:
Libraries as redistributive technology: From capacity to culture in Queensland's public library network. 2934-2953 - Aaron Shapiro:
Between autonomy and control: Strategies of arbitrage in the "on-demand" economy. 2954-2971 - Brooke Erin Duffy, Becca Schwartz:
Digital "women's work?": Job recruitment ads and the feminization of social media employment. 2972-2989 - Sally M. Gainsbury, Alex M. T. Russell, Nerilee Hing
, Alex Blaszczynski:
Consumer engagement with and perceptions of offshore online gambling sites. 2990-3010 - Johan Lindell:
Distinction recapped: Digital news repertoires in the class structure. 3029-3049 - Ofir Turel
, Hamed Qahri-Saremi
Explaining unplanned online media behaviors: Dual system theory models of impulsive use and swearing on social networking sites. 3050-3067 - T. Franklin Waddell:
What does the crowd think? How online comments and popularity metrics affect news credibility and issue importance. 3068-3083
- Joshua Davidson:
Nonhuman photography. 3084-3086 - Kirsten Adams, Daniel Kreiss:
Columns to characters: The presidency and the press enter the digital age. 3086-3088 - Natalia V. Kovalyova
Can the internet strengthen democracy? 3089-3090 - Nasrine Olson:
The internet of things. 3091-3092 - Mina Momeni:
The fabric of interface: Mobile media, design, and gender. 3092-3094
Volume 20, Number 9, 2018
- Mary A. Bock, Ever Josue Figueroa:
Faith and reason: An analysis of the homologies of Black and Blue Lives Facebook pages. 3097-3118 - Rik Smit
, Ansgard Heinrich
, Marcel Broersma
Activating the past in the Ferguson protests: Memory work, digital activism and the politics of platforms. 3119-3139 - Marius Johnen
, Marc Jungblut, Marc Ziegele:
The digital outcry: What incites participation behavior in an online firestorm? 3140-3160 - Yini Zhang
, Chris Wells
, Song Wang, Karl Rohe:
Attention and amplification in the hybrid media system: The composition and activity of Donald Trump's Twitter following during the 2016 presidential election. 3161-3182 - Alexander Cho
Default publicness: Queer youth of color, social media, and being outed by the machine. 3183-3200 - Phillip Brooker
, Julie Barnett
, John Vines
, Shaun W. Lawson
, Tom Feltwell, Kiel Long
Doing stigma: Online commenting around weight-related news media. 3201-3222 - Jih-Hsuan Tammy Lin, Dai-Yun Wu
, Chen-Chao Tao:
So scary, yet so fun: The role of self-efficacy in enjoyment of a virtual reality horror game. 3223-3242 - Jakob Ohme
, Claes H. de Vreese, Erik Albæk:
The uncertain first-time voter: Effects of political media exposure on young citizens' formation of vote choice in a digital media environment. 3243-3265 - Neil Sadler
Narrative and interpretation on Twitter: Reading tweets by telling stories. 3266-3282 - Jane Mavoa, Marcus Carter, Martin R. Gibbs:
Children and Minecraft: A survey of children's digital play. 3283-3303 - Holger Pötzsch
Archives and identity in the context of social media and algorithmic analytics: Towards an understanding of iArchive and predictive retention. 3304-3322 - Christine Linda Cook
, Juliette Schaafsma, Marjolijn L. Antheunis:
Under the bridge: An in-depth examination of online trolling in the gaming context. 3323-3340 - Susan Halford
, Mark J. Weal, Ramine Tinati, Les Carr
, Catherine Pope
Understanding the production and circulation of social media data: Towards methodological principles and praxis. 3341-3358 - Katharina Rein, Tommaso Venturini
Ploughing digital landscapes: How Facebook influences the evolution of live video streaming. 3359-3380 - Mel Bunce
, Kate Wright
, Martin Scott
'Our newsroom in the cloud': Slack, virtual newsrooms and journalistic practice. 3381-3399 - Mustafa Oz, Pei Zheng, Gina Masullo Chen:
Twitter versus Facebook: Comparing incivility, impoliteness, and deliberative attributes. 3400-3419 - Joel Schneier
, Nicholas Taylor:
Handcrafted gameworlds: Space-time biases in mobile Minecraft play. 3420-3436 - Sara Erreygers
, Heidi Vandebosch, Ivana Vranjes
, Elfi Baillien, Hans De Witte
Positive or negative spirals of online behavior? Exploring reciprocal associations between being the actor and the recipient of prosocial and antisocial behavior online. 3437-3456 - Yuan Hsiao
Understanding digital natives in contentious politics: Explaining the effect of social media on protest participation through psychological incentives. 3457-3478 - Mihye Seo
, Ki Deuk Hyun:
The effects of following celebrities' lives via SNSs on life satisfaction: The palliative function of system justification and the moderating role of materialism. 3479-3497
- Will Marler
Mobile phones and inequality: Findings, trends, and future directions. 3498-3520
Volume 20, Number 10, 2018
- Pablo Boczkowski, Eugenia Mitchelstein, Mora Matassi:
"News comes across when I'm in a moment of leisure": Understanding the practices of incidental news consumption on social media. 3523-3539 - Eedan R. Amit-Danhi
, Limor Shifman:
Digital political infographics: A rhetorical palette of an emergent genre. 3540-3559 - Meryl Alper
Inclusive sensory ethnography: Studying new media and neurodiversity in everyday life. 3560-3579 - George Dh Pearson
, Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick:
Perusing pages and skimming screens: Exploring differing patterns of selective exposure to hard news and professional sources in online and print news. 3580-3596 - Emily Weinstein
The social media see-saw: Positive and negative influences on adolescents' affective well-being. 3597-3623 - Dorthe Brogård Kristensen
, Minna Ruckenstein
Co-evolving with self-tracking technologies. 3624-3640 - Elisabetta Costa
Affordances-in-practice: An ethnographic critique of social media logic and context collapse. 3641-3656 - Astrid Mager
Internet governance as joint effort: (Re)ordering search engines at the intersection of global and local cultures. 3657-3677 - Leona Yi-Fan Su
, Michael A. Xenos
, Kathleen M. Rose
, Christopher D. Wirz
, Dietram A. Scheufele, Dominique Brossard:
Uncivil and personal? Comparing patterns of incivility in comments on the Facebook pages of news outlets. 3678-3699 - Drew Margolin
, Wang Liao
The emotional antecedents of solidarity in social media crowds. 3700-3719 - Jacob L. Nelson, Harsh Taneja
The small, disloyal fake news audience: The role of audience availability in fake news consumption. 3720-3737 - Feona Attwood, Clarissa Smith
, Martin Barker:
'I'm just curious and still exploring myself': Young people and pornography. 3738-3759 - Julie Passanante Elman:
"Find Your Fit": Wearable technology and the cultural politics of disability. 3760-3777 - Emma F. Thomas
, Nicola Cary, Laura G. E. Smith
, Russell Spears
, Craig McGarty
The role of social media in shaping solidarity and compassion fade: How the death of a child turned apathy into action but distress took it away. 3778-3798 - Heather Ford
, Lolanda Pensa
, Florence Devouard, Marta Pucciarelli, Luca Botturi
Beyond notification: Filling gaps in peer production projects. 3799-3817 - Björn Sjöblom
, Anna Franzén, Karin Aronsson:
Contested connectedness in child custody narratives: Mobile phones and children's rights and responsibilities. 3818-3835 - Katrien Symons, Koen Ponnet
, Michel Walrave
, Wannes Heirman:
Sexting scripts in adolescent relationships: Is sexting becoming the norm? 3836-3857 - Mark A. Rademacher:
"The most inspiring bikini photos you'll see this summer": A thematic analysis of mass audiences' interpretations of ostomy selfies. 3858-3878 - Alix Rufas, Christine Hine:
Everyday connections between online and offline: Imagining others and constructing community through local online initiatives. 3879-3897 - Jenny L. Davis
, Tony P. Love
, Gemma Killen:
Seriously funny: The political work of humor on social media. 3898-3916 - Hsuan-Ting Chen
Spiral of silence on social media and the moderating role of disagreement and publicness in the network: Analyzing expressive and withdrawal behaviors. 3917-3936
- Amanda Hunsaker, Eszter Hargittai
A review of Internet use among older adults. 3937-3954
- Lars Nyre:
Book Review: The mediated construction of reality by Nick Couldry and Andreas Hepp. 3955-3958
Volume 20, Number 11, 2018
- Huw C. Davies
, Rebecca Eynon:
Is digital upskilling the next generation our 'pipeline to prosperity'? - Moa Eriksson
Pizza, beer and kittens: Negotiating cultural trauma discourses on Twitter in the wake of the 2017 Stockholm attack. - Lisa Ellen Silvestri:
Memeingful memories and the art of resistance. - James Sloam:
#Votebecause: Youth mobilisation for the referendum on British membership of the European Union. - Michele Martini
Online distant witnessing and live-streaming activism: Emerging differences in the activation of networked publics. - Jesse Fox, Michael Gilbert, Wai Yen Tang
Player experiences in a massively multiplayer online game: A diary study of performance, motivation, and social interaction. - Bingqing Wang
, Laramie Taylor, Qiusi Sun
Families that play together stay together: Investigating family bonding through video games. - Ashley Lee:
Invisible networked publics and hidden contention: Youth activism and social media tactics under repression. - Zvi Reich
The decline in orally negotiated news: Revisiting (again) the role of technology in reporting. - Eunhwa Jung
, S. Shyam Sundar:
Status update: Gratifications derived from Facebook affordances by older adults. - Phillip C. Arceneaux, Lucian F. Dinu:
The social mediated age of information: Twitter and Instagram as tools for information dissemination in higher education. - Tzlil Sharon, Nicholas A. John
Unpacking (the) secret: Anonymous social media and the impossibility of networked anonymity. - Tommaso Venturini
, Liliana Bounegru
, Jonathan Gray
, Richard Rogers:
A reality check(list) for digital methods. - Victoria D. Alexander
, Grant Blank
, Scott A. Hale
Digital traces of distinction? Popular orientation and user-engagement with status hierarchies in TripAdvisor reviews of cultural organizations. - Wei Wang:
The differentially associated sharing economy. - Andrew Chadwick, Cristian Vaccari, Ben O'Loughlin
Do tabloids poison the well of social media? Explaining democratically dysfunctional news sharing. - David B. Nieborg
, Thomas Poell
The platformization of cultural production: Theorizing the contingent cultural commodity. - Christina Neumayer
, Luca Rossi:
Images of protest in social media: Struggle over visibility and visual narratives. - Jasmine Fardouly
, Elise Holland:
Social media is not real life: The effect of attaching disclaimer-type labels to idealized social media images on women's body image and mood. - Joëlle Swart
, Chris Peters
, Marcel Broersma
Shedding light on the dark social: The connective role of news and journalism in social media communities. - Jennifer Ihm
, Eun-mee Kim:
The hidden side of news diffusion: Understanding online news sharing as an interpersonal behavior. - Sarah Myers West
Censored, suspended, shadowbanned: User interpretations of content moderation on social media platforms. - Julia Ticona, Alexandra Mateescu:
Trusted strangers: Carework platforms' cultural entrepreneurship in the on-demand economy.
- Steve Jones:
The > friendly orange glow: The untold story of the PLATO system and the dawn of cyberculture. - Frances Corry
The Grid: Biography of an American Technology. - D. B. Bauer:
Geomedia: Networked cities and the future of public space.
Volume 20, Number 12, 2018
- Alcides Velasquez
Parents' mobile relational maintenance in resource-constrained contexts: Barriers and facilitating access conditions. - Zhongxuan Lin
, Liu Yang, Zhi'an Zhang:
To include, or not to include, that is the question: Disability digital inclusion and exclusion in China. - Kathrin Ackermann
, Anita Manatschal
Online volunteering as a means to overcome unequal participation? The profiles of online and offline volunteers compared. - Nick Couldry
, Jun Yu
Deconstructing datafication's brave new world. - Ysabel Gerrard:
Beyond the hashtag: Circumventing content moderation on social media. - Tai-Yee Wu
, David J. Atkin:
To comment or not to comment: Examining the influences of anonymity and social support on one's willingness to express in online news discussions. - Helen Pritchard, Jennifer Gabrys
, Lara Houston
Re-calibrating DIY: Testing digital participation across dust sensors, fry pans and environmental pollution. - Stephanie Alice Baker, Michael James Walsh
'Good Morning Fitfam': Top posts, hashtags and gender display on Instagram. - Alan McKee
, Kath Albury
, Jean Burgess
, Ben Light
, Kim Osman
, Anthony Walsh
Locked down apps versus the social media ecology: Why do young people and educators disagree on the best delivery platform for digital sexual health entertainment education? - Stine Lomborg
, Nanna Bonde Thylstrup
, Julie Schwartz:
The temporal flows of self-tracking: Checking in, moving on, staying hooked. - Piotr Konieczny
, Maximilian Klein:
Gender gap through time and space: A journey through Wikipedia biographies via the Wikidata Human Gender Indicator. - Germaine R. Halegoua, Jessa Lingel:
Lit up and left dark: Failures of imagination in urban broadband networks. - Ulrike Klinger
, Jakob Svensson:
The end of media logics? On algorithms and agency. - Sari Piittinen
Morality in Let's Play narrations: Moral evaluations of Gothic monsters in gameplay videos of Fallout 3. - George Veletsianos
, Shandell Houlden, Jaigris Hodson, Chandell Gosse
Women scholars' experiences with online harassment and abuse: Self-protection, resistance, acceptance, and self-blame. - Dana Aizenkot, Gabriela Kashy-Rosenbaum:
Cyberbullying in WhatsApp classmates' groups: Evaluation of an intervention program implemented in Israeli elementary and middle schools. - Kasper Welbers
, Michaël Opgenhaffen
Social media gatekeeping: An analysis of the gatekeeping influence of newspapers' public Facebook pages. - Anthony McCosker
Engaging mental health online: Insights from beyondblue's forum influencers. - Dominique Heinbach
, Marc Ziegele, Oliver Quiring
Sleeper effect from below: Long-term effects of source credibility and user comments on the persuasiveness of news articles. - Ana Margarida Veiga Simão
, Paula Costa Ferreira
, Sofia Mateus Francisco, Paula Paulino
, Sidclay Bezerra de Souza
Cyberbullying: Shaping the use of verbal aggression through normative moral beliefs and self-efficacy. - Ji Won Kim
Rumor has it: The effects of virality metrics on rumor believability and transmission on Twitter.
- Steph Hill
Commercial interactions in a time of distrust.
- Rachel E. Moran:
Deciding what's true: The rise of political fact-checking in American journalism. - Stephenson Brooks Whitestone:
Struggling for ordinary: Media and transgender belonging in everyday life. - Ke Zhang:
Book Review: Language, identity, and cycling in the new media age: Exploring Interpersonal semiotics in multimodal media and online texts.

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