9th PP 1999: San Antonio, Texas, USA

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MS2 Performance and Scalability of Emerging Shared Memory Parallel Architectures

MS3 Parallel Adaptive FE Methods - Infrastructure Issues and Solvers

MS4 Parallel Sparse Direct Solvers

MS6 Twenty Five Years of the BLAS - A Celebration

MS7 Optimizing Java Programs for Technical Computing

MS8 State-of-the-Art FFT-Algorithms, Implementations, and Software

MS9 Innovative Applications of Wide Area Computing

MS10: Radiation Transport via Discrete Ordinates

MS11: Algorithms and Software for Parallel and Distributed Monte Carlo Computations

MS12 Multiphase Flow

MS14 Infrastructures for Integration of Computation, Experimentation and Visualization

CP1 Approximate Inverse Preconditioning

CP2 Linear Algebra Algorithms

CP3 Adaptive Grids

CP4 Performance Modeling and Optimization

CP5 Eigenvectors

CP6 Sparse Direct Methods

CP7 Partitioning and Load Balancing

CP8 Tools

CP9 Iterative Methods

CP10 Multilevel Methods

CP11 Heterogeneity and Resource Management

CP12 Applications

CP13 Preconditioning

CP14 Languages for Parallel Computing

CP15 Parallel Geoscience Applications

CP16 Parallel Solution of Differential Equations

CP17 Parallel Linear Algebra Libraries

Poster Session