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22nd FLAIRS Conference 2009: Sanibel Island, Florida, USA
- H. Chad Lane, Hans W. Guesgen:
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, May 19-21, 2009, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA. AAAI Press 2009, ISBN 978-1-57735-419-2
Invited Talks
- Vincent Aleven, Eugene C. Freuder, Arthur C. Graesser, James Pustejovsky, Janyce Wiebe:
Invited Talks.
General Papers
- Protima Banerjee, Hyoil Han:
Modeling Semantic Question Context for Question Answering. - Patricia Brent, Nathan David Green, Paul Breimyer, Ramya Krishnamurthy, Nagiza F. Samatova:
Systematic Evaluation of Convergence Criteria in Iterative Training for NLP. - Nicholas L. Cassimatis, Arthi Murugesan, Perrin G. Bignoli:
Inference with Relational Theories over Infinite Domains. - Suleyman Cetintas, Luo Si, Yan Ping Xin, Dake Zhang, Joo Young Park:
Automatic Text Categorization of Mathematical Word Problems. - Kyle B. Dempsey, Philip M. McCarthy, John C. Myers, Jennifer L. Weston, Danielle S. McNamara:
Determining Paragraph Type from Paragraph Position. - Ulrich Furbach, Heiko Günther, Claudia Obermaier:
A Knowledge Compilation Technique for ALC Tboxes. - Steven Gutstein, Olac Fuentes, Eric Freudenthal:
Training to a Neural Net's Inherent Bias. - Joana Hois:
A Semantic Framework for Uncertainties in Ontologies. - Zsolt Kira:
Mapping Grounded Object Properties across Perceptually Heterogeneous Embodiments. - Alan Lindsay, Maria Fox, Derek Long:
Lifting the Limitations in a Rule-based Policy Language. - Jeremy R. Millar, Gilbert L. Peterson, Michael J. Mendenhall:
Document Clustering and Visualization with Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Self-Organizing Maps. - Richard Min, Gopal Gupta:
Coinductive Logic Programming and its Application to Boolean SAT. - I. Burak Özyurt:
A Large Margin Approach to Anaphora Resolution for Neuroscience Knowledge Discovery. - Laurent Perrussel:
Reasoning about Changes of Corpus of Documents: Reasoning on Association Rules. - John A. Rushing, Todd Berendes, Hong Lin, Cody Buntain, Sara J. Graves:
Spyglass: A System for Ontology Based Document Retrieval and Visualization. - Richard S. Seymour, Gilbert L. Peterson:
Responding to Sneaky Agents in Multi-agent Domains. - Geoff Sutcliffe, Aparna Yerikalapudi, Steven Trac:
Multiple Answer Extraction for Question Answering with Automated Theorem Proving Systems. - Dan Tecuci, Bruce W. Porter:
Memory Based Goal Schema Recognition. - Emmett Tomai, Kenneth D. Forbus:
EA NLU: Practical Language Understanding for Cognitive Modeling. - Shuguang Wang, Milos Hauskrecht:
Improving Biomedical Document Retrieval by Mining Domain Knowledge. - Brandyn Allen White, Nate Blaylock, Ladislau Bölöni:
Analyzing Team Actions with Cascading HMM.
General Posters
- Adam Paul Anthony, Marie desJardins, Michael Lombardi:
Measuring General Relational Structure Using the Block Modularity Clustering Objective. - Lamia Belouaer, Maroua Bouzid, Malek Mouhoub:
Extending Temporal Causal Graph for Diagnosis Problems. - Daylond James Hooper, Gilbert L. Peterson:
HAMR: A Hybrid Multi-Robot Control Architecture. - Jedrzej Osinski:
Extending the Cardinal Direction Calculus to a Temporal Dimension. - Srividhya Rajendran, Manfred Huber:
Generalizing and Categorizing Skills in Reinforcement Learning Agents Using Partial Policy Homomorphisms. - Yoshitaka Sakurai, Kouhei Takada, Shoko Hashida, Setsuo Tsuruta:
Augmented Cyberspace Exploiting Real-time Biological Sensor Fusion.
AI Education
- Todd W. Neller:
Special Track on Artificial Intelligence Education. - John Eric Anderson, Jacky Baltes:
Using Mixed Reality to Facilitate Education in Robotics and AI. - R. Mark Meyer, David C. Puehn:
Simulating a LEGO Mindstorms RCX Robot in the Robotran Environment. - Michel Tokic, Wolfgang Ertel, Joachim Fessler:
The Crawler, A Class Room Demonstrator for Reinforcement Learning. - Scott A. Wallace, Ingrid Russell:
Robot Defense: Using the Java Instructional Game Engine in the Artificial Intelligence Classroom. - Ken T. N. Hartness:
Game-Related Examples of Artificial Intelligence. - Jennifer S. Kay:
From Mad Libs to Tic Tac Toe: Using Robots and Game Programming as a Theme in an Introduction to Programming Course for Non-Majors.
AI Planning and Scheduling
- Roman Barták:
Special Track on Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling. - Ronald Alford, Ugur Kuter, Dana S. Nau, Elnatan Reisner, Robert P. Goldman:
Maintaining Focus: Overcoming Attention Deficit Disorder in Contingent Planning. - Marco Baioletti, Alfredo Milani, Valentina Poggioni, Fabio Rossi:
ACOPlan: Planning with Ants. - Anthony Gallagher, Luke Hunsberger, Stephen F. Smith:
Just-in-Time Backfilling in Multi-Agent Scheduling. - Jari Kyngäs, Kimmo Nurmi:
Scheduling the Finnish 1st Division Ice Hockey League. - Philippe Laborie, Jerome Rogerie, Paul Shaw, Petr Vilím:
Reasoning with Conditional Time-Intervals. Part II: An Algebraical Model for Resources. - Pavel Surynek:
Towards Shorter Solutions for Problems of Path Planning for Multiple Robots in Theta-like Environments. - Roman Barták, Daniel Toropila:
Enhancing Constraint Models for Planning Problems. - Sebastian Ernst, Antoni Ligeza:
Knowledge Representation for Intelligent and Error-Prone Execution of Robust Granular Plans. A Conceptual Study. - I. Murugeswari, N. S. Narayanaswamy:
Tuning Search Heuristics for Classical Planning with Macro Actions.
Applied Natural Language Processing
- Philip M. McCarthy, Scott A. Crossley:
Special Track on Applied Natural Language Processing. - Zili Chen, Jonathan J. Webster, Tianyong Hao, Ian C. Chow:
A New Method for Measuring English Verb's Metaphor Making Potential. - Scott A. Crossley, Julian E. Boggess III, Thomas L. Salsbury:
Exploring Lexical Network Development in Second Language Learners. - Gaël Dias, Sebastião Pais, Fernando Cunha, Hugo Costa, David Machado, Tiago Barbosa, Bruno Martins:
Hierarchical Soft Clustering and Automatic Text Summarization for Accessing the Web on Mobile Devices for Visually Impaired People. - Benjamin Duncan, Charles Hall:
A Coh-Metrix Analysis of Variation among Biomedical Abstracts. - Nicholas D. Duran, Scott A. Crossley, Charles E. Hall, Philip M. McCarthy, Danielle S. McNamara:
Expanding a Catalogue of Deceptive Linguistic Features with NLP Technologies. - Scott Leigh Healy, Joseph D. Weintraub, Philip M. McCarthy, Charles E. Hall, Danielle S. McNamara:
Assessment of LDAT as a Grammatical Diversity Assessment Tool. - Verena Henrich, Timo Reuter, Hrafn Loftsson:
CombiTagger: A System for Developing Combined Taggers. - Mihai C. Lintean, Vasile Rus:
Paraphrase Identification Using Weighted Dependencies and Word Semantics. - Philip M. McCarthy, Zhiqiang Cai, Danielle S. McNamara:
Computational Replication of Human Paraphrase Assessment. - Henri Prade, Gilles Richard:
Testing Analogical Proportions with Google using Kolmogorov Information Theory. - Adam M. Renner, Philip M. McCarthy, Danielle S. McNamara:
Computational Considerations in Correcting User-Language. - M. Sravanthi, C. Ravindranath Chowdary, P. Sreenivasa Kumar:
SlidesGen: Automatic Generation of Presentation Slides for a Technical Paper Using Summarization. - Jana Zuheir Sukkarieh, John Blackmore:
c-rater: Automatic Content Scoring for Short Constructed Responses. - Michael Wiegand, Dietrich Klakow:
The Role of Knowledge-based Features in Polarity Classification at Sentence Level. - Nadjet Bouayad-Agha, Gerard Casamayor, Gabriela Ferraro, Leo Wanner:
Simplification of Patent Claim Sentences for their Paraphrasing and Summarization. - Andrew J. Cowell, Michelle L. Gregory, Eric J. Marshall, Liam McGrath:
Automated Knowledge Annotation for Dynamic Collaborative Environments. - Kerui Min, Gang Liu, Xin Chen, Shengqi Lu:
Hidden Markov Random Fields Based LSI Text Semi-supervised Clustering. - Jenine Turner, Raimondas Lencevicius, Mark Adler:
Extracting Meaning from Cell Phone Improvement Ideas. - René Alejandro Venegas:
Towards a Method for Assessing Summaries in Spanish using LSA.
Case Based Reasoning
- Ian Watson, Santiago Ontañón:
Special Track on Case-Based Reasoning. - Kevin D. Ashley:
What a Legal CBR Ontology Should Provide. - Ralph Bergmann, Alexander Tartakovski:
Improving KD-Tree Based Retrieval for Attribute Dependent Generalized Cases. - Isabelle Bichindaritz, John C. Reed Jr.:
Methodology for Classifying and Indexing Case-Based Reasoning Systems in the Health Sciences. - Sidath Gunawardena, Rosina Weber:
Discovering Patterns of Collaboration for Recommendation. - Matthew Molineaux, David W. Aha, Gita Sukthankar:
Beating the Defense: Using Plan Recognition to Inform Learning Agents.
Data Mining
- William Eberle, David Bisant:
Special Track on Data Mining. - Iyad Batal, Lucia Sacchi, Riccardo Bellazzi, Milos Hauskrecht:
Multivariate Time Series Classification with Temporal Abstractions. - William Eberle, Lawrence B. Holder:
Discovering Anomalies to Multiple Normative Patterns in Structural and Numeric Data. - Xiaoyuan Su, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Russell Greiner:
VipBoost: A More Accurate Boosting Algorithm. - Kasun Wickramaratna, Miroslav Kubat, Kamal Premaratne, Thanuka Wickramarathne:
Rule Mining and Missing-Value Prediction in the Presence of Data Ambiguities. - Emna Bahri, Stéphane Lallich:
FCP-Growth: Class Itemsets for Class Association Rules. - Tony Mancill, Scott A. Wallace:
Confidence-based Tuning of Nomogram Predictions.
Design, Evaluation, and Refinement of Intelligent Systems
- Rainer Knauf:
Special Track on Design, Evaluation, and Refinement of Intelligent Systems. - Martin Atzmüller, Frank Puppe, Stephanie Beer:
A Data Warehouse-Based Approach for Quality Management, Analysis and Evaluation of Intelligent Systems using Subgroup Mining. - Joachim Baumeister:
Advanced Measures for Empirical Testing. - Joachim Baumeister, Grzegorz J. Nalepa:
Verification of Distributed Knowledge in Semantic Knowledge Wikis. - Grzegorz J. Nalepa:
XTT Rules Design and Implementation with Object-Oriented Methods. - Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Antoni Ligeza:
On ALSV Rules Formulation and Inference. - Carl P. L. Schultz, Robert Amor, Hans W. Guesgen:
Unit Testing for Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning. - Neli P. Zlatareva:
Supporting Uncertainty and Inconsistency in Semantic Web Applications. - Martin Atzmueller, Grzegorz J. Nalepa:
A Textual Subgroup Mining Approach for Rapid ARD+ Model Capture. - Swen E. Gaudl, Klaus P. Jantke, Rainer Knauf:
In Search for the Human Factor in Rule Based Game AI: The GrinTu Evaluation and Refinement Approach. - Rainer Knauf, Ronald Boeck, Yoshitaka Sakurai, Setsuo Tsuruta:
Knowledge Engineering with Didactic Knowledge - First Steps towards an Ultimate Goal.
Games and Entertainment
- G. Michael Youngblood, Klaus P. Jantke:
Special Track on Games and Entertainment. - James R. Glenn, Christian J. Aloi:
A Generalized Heuristic for Can't Stop. - D. Hunter Hale, G. Michael Youngblood:
Dynamic Updating of Navigation Meshes in Response to Changes in a Game World. - Frederick W. P. Heckel, G. Michael Youngblood, D. Hunter Hale:
Making User-Defined Interactive Game Characters BEHAVE. - Christopher Lawrence Moriarty, Avelino J. Gonzalez:
Learning Human Behavior from Observation for Gaming Applications. - Fahad Shah, Philip Bell, Gita Sukthankar:
Identifying User Destinations in VirtualWorlds.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Arthur Ward, Chas Murray:
Special Track on Intelligent Tutoring Systems. - Yasmín Hernández, Luis Enrique Sucar, Cristina Conati:
Incorporating an Affective Behavior Model into an Educational Game. - Amruth N. Kumar:
Promoting Reflection and its Effect on Learning in a Programming Tutor. - Juan Pino, Maxine Eskénazi:
Measuring Hint Level in Open Cloze Questions. - Stephen Bruce Blessing, Stephen B. Gilbert, Liz Blankenship, Bhavesh Sanghvi:
From SDK to xPST: A New Way to Overlay a Tutor on Existing Software.
Semantics, Ontologies, and Computational Linguistics
- Ismaïl Biskri
, Anca Pascu, Richard Dapoigny, Florence Le Priol:
Special Track on Semantics, Ontologies, and Computational Linguistics. - Maryvonne Abraham:
Are Ontologies Involved in Natural Language Processing? - Algirdas Avizienis, Gintare Grigonyte, Johann Haller, Friedrich W. von Henke, Thorsten Liebig, Olaf Noppens:
Organizing Knowledge as an Ontology of the Domain of Resilient Computing by Means of Natural Language Processing - An Experience Report -. - Marc Bertin, Iana Atanassova, Jean-Pierre Desclés:
Automatic Analysis of Author Judgment in Scientific Articles Based on Semantic Annotation. - Jean-Pierre Desclés, Aurelien Arena:
Toward a Formal Ontology of Time from Aspects. - Adel Jebali:
The Implementation of Arabic Subject Markers in the LKB System. - Adam Joly, Ismaïl Biskri
, Boucif Amar Bensaber:
Combinators' Introduction: an Enhanced Algorithm. - Oldrich Kruza, Vladislav Kubon:
Obtaining Hidden Relations from a Syntactically Annotated Corpus - From Word Relationships to Clause Relationships. - Lu Lu, Nandan Parameswaran:
Sentence Simplification Based Ontology Mapping. - Christophe Jouis, Bassel Habib, Jie Liu:
Exceptions in Ontologies: Deducing Properties from Topological Axioms.
Uncertain Reasoning
- Kevin Grant, Luis Enrique Sucar:
Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning. - Amen Ajroud, Salem Benferhat, Mohamed Nazih Omri, Habib Youssef:
On the Use of Guaranteed Possibility Measures in Possibilistic Networks. - Cory J. Butz, Ken Konkel, Pawan Lingras:
Join Tree Propagation Utilizing Both Arc Reversal and Variable Elimination. - Patrick de Oude, Gregor Pavlin:
Constraint-based Approach to Discovery of Inter Module Dependencies in Modular Bayesian Networks. - Marc Finthammer, Christoph Beierle, Benjamin Berger, Gabriele Kern-Isberner:
Probabilistic Reasoning at Optimum Entropy with the MEcore System. - Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Matthias Thimm, Marc Finthammer, Jens Fisseler:
Mining Default Rules from Statistical Data. - Akshat Kumar, Shlomo Zilberstein:
Dynamic Programming Approximations for Partially Observable Stochastic Games. - Jianbing Ma, Weiru Liu:
Modeling Belief Change on Epistemic States. - Eugene Santos Jr., John Thomas Wilkinson, Eunice E. Santos:
Bayesian Knowledge Fusion. - Yang Xiang, James Smith, Jeff Kroes:
Multiagent Bayesian Forecasting of Time Series with Graphical Models. - Cory J. Butz, Junying Chen, Ken Konkel, Pawan Lingras:
A Comparative Study of Variable Elimination and Arc Reversal in Bayesian Network Inference. - Zina M. Ibrahim, Ahmed Y. Tawfik, Alioune Ngom:
A Surprise-based Qualitative Calculus. - Jinzan Lai, Nematollaah Shiri:
Query Processing and Optimization for Logic Programs with Certainty Constraints. - Laurent Perrussel, Jerusa Marchi, Guilherme Bittencourt:
Prime Implicants and Belief Update.

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