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11th ECAL 2011: Paris, France
- Tom Lenaerts, Mario Giacobini, Hugues Bersini, Paul Bourgine, Marco Dorigo, René Doursat:
Advances in Artificial Life: 20th Anniversary Edition - Back to the Origins of Alife, ECAL 2011, Paris, France, August 8-12, 2011. MIT Press 2011, ISBN 978-0-262-29714-1
Invited Contributions
- Jacques Demongeot, Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Athanase Lontos, Emmanuel Promayon:
General architecture of a genetic regulatory network. Applications to embryologic control. 1-8 - David Harel:
Can we Computerize an Elephant? 9 - Takashi Ikegami:
Do we need a theory in the Era of Massive Data Flow? 10 - Stuart A. Kauffman:
Answering Descartes: Beyond Turing. 11-22 - James D. Murray:
On the Growth of Brain Tumours: enhancing imaging techniques, highlighting limitations of current imaging, quantifying therapy efficacy and estimating patient life expectancy. 23-26 - Jordan B. Pollack:
Prospects for Machine Embryogenesis. 27 - Steen Rasmussen, Pierre-Alain Monnard, Martin M. Hanczyc, Anders Albertsen, James Boncella, Eva Bönzli, Filippo Caschera, Mark Dörr, Harold Fellermann, Maik Hadorn, Wendie Jørgensen, Philipp Löffler, Sarah Elizabeth Maurer, Kent Nielsen, Pernille Lykke Pedersen, Carsten Svaneborg, Michael Wamberg, Rafal Wieczorek, Hans Ziock:
A review of one approach to bottom up assembly of minimal life. 28 - Ricard V. Solé, Javier Macía:
Synthetic biocomputation: the possible and the actual. 29-36 - Susan Stepney:
ALife: a tension between biology and software engineering. 37 - Eric F. Wieschaus, Adam C. Martin, Bing He, Matthias Kaschube, Oleg Polyakov:
The mechanics of shape change in the Drosophila embryo. 38
Refereed Articles
- Davide Agostini, Jole Costanza, Vincenzo Cutello, Luca Zammataro, Natalio Krasnogor, Mario Pavone, Giuseppe Nicosia:
Effective calibration of artificial gene regulatory networks. 39-46 - Jordi Arranz, Jason Noble, Eric Silverman:
The origins of communication revisited. 47-54 - David Balduzzi:
Detecting emergent processes in cellular automata with excess information. 55-62 - David J. Barnes, Dominique F. Chu:
Walking, hopping and jumping: a model of transcription factor dynamics on DNA. 63-68 - Stuart Bartlett, Seth Bullock:
Coming phase to phase with surfactants. 69-76 - Mark A. Bedau, Andrew Buchanan, Devin W. Chalmers, C. Cooper Francis, Norman H. Packard, Noah M. Pepper:
Evidence in the patent record for the evolution of technology using citation and PageRank statistics. 77-84 - Roman V. Belavkin, Alastair Channon, Elizabeth Aston, John Aston, Christopher G. Knight:
Theory and practice of optimal mutation rate control in hamming spaces of DNA sequences. 85-92 - Navneet Bhalla, Peter J. Bentley, Peter D. Vize, Christian Jacob:
Staging the self-assembly process using morphological information. 93-100 - James M. Borg, Alastair Channon, Charles Day:
Discovering and maintaining behaviours inaccessible to incremental genetic evolution through transcription errors and cultural transmission. 101-108 - Thierry Buecheler, Rocky Lonigro, Rudolf M. Füchslin, Rolf Pfeifer:
Modeling and simulating crowdsourcing as a complex biological system: human crowds manifesting collective intelligence on the internet. 109-116 - Alastair Channon, Elizabeth Aston, Charles Day, Roman V. Belavkin, Christopher G. Knight:
Critical mutation rate has an exponential dependence on population size. 117-124 - Sylvain Chevallier, Nicolas Bredèche, Hélène Paugam-Moisy, Michèle Sebag:
Emergence of temporal and spatial synchronous behaviors in a foraging swarm. 125-132 - Edward Clark, Adam Nellis, Simon J. Hickinbotham, Susan Stepney, Tim Clarke, Mungo Pay, Peter Young:
Degeneracy enriches artificial chemistry binding systems. 133-140 - Jeff Clune, Hod Lipson:
Evolving three-dimensional objects with a generative encoding inspired by developmental biology. 141-148 - Jeff Clune, Heather J. Goldsby, Charles Ofria, Robert T. Pennock:
Selective pressures for accurate altruism targeting: evidence from digital evolution for difficult-to-test aspects of inclusive fitness theory. 149-150 - Jeff Clune, Dusan Misevic, Charles Ofria, Richard E. Lenski, Santiago F. Elena, Rafael Sanjuán:
Natural selection fails to optimize mutation rates for long-term adaptation on rugged fitness landscapes. 151-152 - Richard D. Coates, Simon J. Hickinbotham:
Recovering hidden swarm parameters using a simulated "Robofish". 153-160 - Denton Cockburn, Ziad Kobti:
WASPS: A weight-allocated social pressure System for the emergence of agent specialization. 161-167 - Philippe Collard, Salma Mesmoudi:
How to prevent intolerant agents from high segregation? 168-175 - Diego Contreras, Ulises Pereira, Valentina C. Hernandez, Bryan Reynaert, Juan-Carlos Letelier:
A loop conjecture for metabolic closure. 176-183 - Holk Cruse, Malte Schilling:
From egocentric systems to systems allowing for Theory of Mind and mutualism. 184-191 - Sylvain Cussat-Blanc, Nicolas Bredèche, Hervé Luga, Yves Duthen, Marc Schoenauer:
Artificial gene regulatory networks and spatial computation: A case study. 192-199 - Luisa Damiano, Antoine Hiolle, Lola Cañamero:
Grounding synthetic knowledge: An epistemological framework and criteria of relevance for the synthetic exploration of life, affect and social cognition. 200-207 - Alastair P. Droop, Simon J. Hickinbotham:
Application of small-world mutation topologies to an Artificial Life system. 208-209 - Matthew D. Egbert, Xabier E. Barandiaran:
Quantifying normative behaviour and precariousness in adaptive agency. 210-217 - Mehmet Dinçer Erbas, Alan F. T. Winfield:
On the emergence of structure in behaviours evolved through embodied imitation in a group of robots. 218-225 - Alessandro Filisetti, Alex Graudenzi, Roberto Serra, Marco Villani, Davide De Lucrezia, Irene Poli:
The role of energy in a stochastic model of the emergence of autocatalytic sets. 226-233 - Jonathan M. Fisher, Jason H. Moore:
Distinguishing the effects of epistasis and pleiotropy using a variant of the NK model. 234-241 - Regina Frei:
A complex systems approach to education in Switzerland. 242-249 - Tom Froese, Nathaniel Virgo, Takashi Ikegami:
Life as a process of open-ended becoming: Analysis of a minimal model. 250-257 - Philip Gerlee, Torbjörn Lundh:
Urdar - an artificial ecology platform. 258-259 - Amr S. Ghoneim, Daryl Leslie Essam, Hussein A. Abbass:
On computations and strategies for real and artificial systems. 260-267 - Chris Gordon-Smith:
Non-template molecules designed for open-ended evolution. 268-275 - Laura M. Grabowski, David M. Bryson, Fred C. Dyer, Robert T. Pennock, Charles Ofria:
Clever creatures: Case studies of evolved digital organisms. 276-283 - Robin Gras, Abbas Golestani, Meisam Hosseini Sedehi, Marwa Khater, Yasaman Majdabadi Farahani, Morteza Mashayekhi, Sina Md Ibne, Elham Salehi, Ryan Scott:
EcoSim: an individual-based platform for studying evolution. 284-285 - Andrew Guest, Andrew Sapeluk, Alan F. T. Winfield, James L. Bown:
Promoting meme diversity and transmission fidelity in artificial proto-cultures. 286-293 - Yukio-Pegio Gunji, Hisashi Murakami, Takayuki Niizato, Andrew Adamatzky, Yuta Nishiyama, Koichiro Enomoto, Masashi Toda, Toru Moriyama, Tetsuya Matsui, Kojiro Iizuka:
Embodied swarming based on back propagation through time shows water-crossing, hourglass and logic-gate behaviors. 294-301 - Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim:
Explaining emergent behavior in a swarm system based on an inversion of the fluctuation theorem. 302-309 - Taichi Haruna:
Global structure of directed networks emerging from a category theoretical formulation of the idea "Objects as processes, interactions as interfaces". 310-317 - Inman Harvey:
Opening stable doors: complexity and stability in nonlinear systems. 318-325 - Mark Hatcher:
Bondable cellular automata. 326-333 - Simon J. Hickinbotham, Susan Stepney, Adam Nellis, Tim Clarke, Edward Clark, Mungo Pay, Peter Young:
Embodied genomes and metaprogramming. 334-341 - Imad Hoteit, Nawwaf Kharma, Luc Varin:
A gene regulatory network design of a synchronous single-input delay flip-flop. 342-347 - Emmanouil Hourdakis, Panos E. Trahanias:
Computational modeling of online reaching. 348-355 - Tim Hoverd, Susan Stepney:
Energy as a driver of diversity in open-ended evolution. 356-363 - Takashi Ikegami, Mizuki Oka, Hirotake Abe:
Autonomy of the internet: Complexity of flow dynamics in a packet switching network. 364-371 - Takeshi Ishida:
Simulation of cell-like self-replication phenomenon in a two-dimensional hybrid-cellular automata model. 372-379 - Daniel Jones, Tim Blackwell:
Social learning and evolution in a structured environment. 380-387 - Yoshiaki Katada:
Evolutionary dynamics of GAs in a simple model with dynamical environment and neutrality. 388-396 - Susan Khor:
Why aren't protein residue networks smaller worlds? 397-403 - Anaïs Khuong, Guy Theraulaz, Christian Jost, Andrea Perna, Jacques Gautrais:
A computational model of ant nest morphogenesis. 404-411 - Joon Kim, Juyeol Yun, Jewoo Hong, Hyojung Kwon, Junghwa Chun:
Ecohydrologic and biogeochemical process networks in forest ecosystems in monsoon east asia: Identification and interpretation. 412-413 - Carole Knibbe, David P. Parsons, Guillaume Beslon:
Parsimonious modeling of scaling laws in genomes and transcriptomes. 414-415 - Davis Knox, John Rieffel:
Scalable co-evolution of soft robot properties and gaits. 416-422 - Artemy Kolchinsky, Luis M. Rocha:
Prediction and modularity in dynamical systems. 423-430 - Peter Kreyssig, Peter Dittrich:
Reaction flow artificial chemistries. 431-437 - Yutetsu Kuruma, Toshiharu Suzuki, Masasuke Yoshida, Takuya Ueda:
Artificial organelle for energy production in artificial cell. 438 - Tüze Kuyucu, Ivan Tanev, Katsunori Shimohara:
Genetic transposition inspired incremental genetic programming for efficient coevolution of locomotion and sensing of simulated snake-like robot. 439-446 - Sébastien Le Yaouanq, Pascal Redou, Christophe Le Gal, Jean François Abgrall, Jacques Tisseau:
Multi-Agent systems and heterogeneous scales interactions. Application to pharmacokinetics of Vitamin K antagonists. 447-454 - Shuguang Li, Jianping Yuan, Juan Cristóbal Zagal:
Encouraging networks modularity by seeding motifs. 455-461 - Joseph T. Lizier, Siddharth Pritam, Mikhail Prokopenko:
Computational capabilities of small-world Boolean networks. 462-464 - Michael A. Lones, Andy M. Tyrrell, Susan Stepney, Leo S. D. Caves:
Controlling legged robots with coupled artificial biochemical networks. 465-472 - Angelo C. Loula, Ricardo R. Gudwin, João Queiroz:
Cognitive conditions to the emergence of sign interpretation in artificial creatures. 473-480 - Tadao Maekawa, Osamu Ueno, Norie Kawai, Emi Nishina, Manabu Honda, Tsutomu Oohashi:
Evolutionary acquisition of genetic program for death. 481-486 - Pedro Mariano, Luís Correia:
Evolution of partner selection. 487-494 - Omer Markovitch, Doron Lancet:
Evolutionary attributes of simulated prebiotic metabolic networks. 495-497 - Chris Marriott, Carlos Gershenson:
Polyethism in a colony of artificial ants. 498-505 - Georg Martius, J. Michael Herrmann:
Tipping the scales: guidance and intrinsically motivated behavior. 506-513 - Eiko Matsuda, Julien Hubert, Takashi Ikegami:
A robotic approach to understand the role of vicarious trial-and-error in a T-maze task. 514-521 - Luke McCrohon, Olaf Witkowski:
Devil in the details: Analysis of a coevolutionary model of language evolution via relaxation of selection. 522-529 - Barry McMullin, James Decraene:
Evolution of self-Maintaining cellular Information processing networks. 530-531 - Dusan Misevic, Charles Ofria, Richard E. Lenski:
Digital sex: Causes and consequences. 532-533 - Takuma Miyake, Kazuto Tominaga:
Modeling cell division of B. Subtilis using dynamic division of reaction spaces in a membrane artificial chemistry. 534-541 - Felicitas Mokom, Ziad Kobti:
A cultural evolutionary model for artifact capabilities. 542-549 - Jean-Marc Montanier, Nicolas Bredèche:
Surviving the tragedy of commons: Emergence of altruism in a population of evolving autonomous agents. 550-557 - Hirotaka Moriguchi, Hod Lipson:
Learning symbolic forward models for robotic motion planning and control. 558-563 - Jaimie Murdock, Larry S. Yaeger:
Identifying species by genetic clustering. 564-572 - Fintan Nagle, Simon J. Hickinbotham:
Embodied reaction logic in a simulated chemical computer. 573-580 - Keita Nakamura, Ikuo Suzuki, Masahito Yamamoto, Masashi Furukawa:
Virtual fluid environment on behavior ability for artificial creature. 581-588 - Nikolaos Nanas:
Autonomous learning in an information stream through autopoiesis. 589-596 - Adam Nellis, Susan Stepney:
Embodied copying for richer evolution. 597-604 - Sancho Oliveira, Luís Nunes, Anders Lyhne Christensen:
An Experiment in mixing evolving and preprogrammed robots. 605-612 - Jorge M. Pacheco, Francisco C. Santos, Max O. Souza, Brian Skyrms:
Evolutionary dynamics of collective action. 613 - Qinxin Pan, Christian Darabos, Anna L. Tyler, Jason H. Moore, Joshua L. Payne:
The influence of whole genome duplication and subsequent diversification on environmental robustness and evolutionary innovation in gene regulatory networks. 614-621 - David P. Parsons, Carole Knibbe, Guillaume Beslon:
Homologous and nonhomologous rearrangements: Interactions and effects on evolvability. 622-629 - Jonathan Pascalie, Valérie Lobjois, Hervé Luga, Bernard Ducommun, Yves Duthen:
A checkpoint-orientated model to simulate unconstrained proliferation of cells. 630-637 - Joshua L. Payne, Jason H. Moore:
Robustness, evolvability, and accessibility in the signal-integration space of gene regulatory circuits. 638-645 - José N. Pereira, Porfírio Silva, Pedro U. Lima, Alcherio Martinoli:
Formalizing institutions as executable petri nets for distributed robotic systems. 646-653 - Enea Pestelacci, Marco Tomassini, Alberto Antonioni:
Coordination games on small-worlds: Artificial agents vs. experiments. 654-661 - Raphaël Plasson, Kevin Montagne, Adrien Padirac, Teruo Fujii, Yannick Rondelez:
A DNA toolbox for engineering in vitro life-like behaviors. 662-663 - Arles Ernesto Rodríguez Portela, Jonatan Gómez Perdomo:
Programs self-healing over a termites simulator based on language games and evolutionary computing. 664-671 - Simon T. Powers, Christopher Heys, Richard A. Watson:
How to measure group selection in real-world populations. 672-679 - David Roche, Debora Gil, Jesús Giraldo:
Using statistical inference for designing termination conditions ensuring convergence of Evolutionary Algorithms. 680-687 - Christoph Salge, Daniel Polani:
Local information maximisation creates emergent flocking behavior. 688-695 - Mohammad Samie, Gabriel Dragffy, Tony Pipe, Paul Bremner:
An innovative bio-inspired fault tolerant unitronics architecture. 696-703 - Martí Sánchez-Fibla, Armin Duff, Ulysses Bernardet, Paul F. M. J. Verschure:
A biomimetic robot controller based on minimizing the unpredictability of the environment: allostatic control revised. 704-711 - Pedro F. Santana, Ricardo Mendonça, Luís Correia, José Barata:
Swarms for robot vision: The case of adaptive visual trail detection and tracking. 712-719 - Francisco C. Santos, Jorge M. Pacheco, Brian Skyrms:
Co-evolution of pre-play signaling and cooperation. 720 - Yuki Sato, Hiroyuki Iizuka, Takashi Ikegami:
An experimental and computational approach to the dynamic body boundary problem. 721-728 - Hiroki Sayama, Chun Wong:
Quantifying evolutionary dynamics of swarm chemistry. 729-730 - Malte Schilling:
Learning by seeing - associative learning of visual features through mental simulation of observed action. 731-738 - Lisa Schramm, Bernhard Sendhoff:
An animat's cell doctrine. 739-746 - Eric Silverman, Jakub Bijak, Jason Noble:
Feeding the beast: Can computational demographic models free us from the tyranny of data? 747-754 - Jean Sirmai:
A schematic representation of autopoiesis using a new kind of discrete spatial automaton. 755-762 - Jorge Soto Andrade, Sebastián Jaramillo, Claudio Gutierrez, Juan-Carlos Letelier:
Ouroboros avatars: A mathematical exploration of self-reference and metabolic closure. 763-770 - Michael Spranger:
Recruitment, selection and alignment of spatial language strategies. 771-778 - Pasquale Stano, Paolo Carrara, Tereza Pereira de Souza, Pier Luigi Luisi:
An update on the minimal cell project: From the physics of solute encapsulation to the experimental modeling of cell communities. 779-780 - Susan Stepney, Tim Hoverd:
Reflecting on open-ended evolution. 781-788 - Alessandro Stranieri, Eliseo Ferrante, Ali Emre Turgut, Vito Trianni, Carlo Pinciroli, Mauro Birattari, Marco Dorigo:
Self-organized flocking with an heterogeneous mobile robot swarm. 789-796 - James Thorniley:
An improved transfer entropy method for establishing causal effects in synchronizing oscillators. 797-804 - Nicholas Tomko, Inman Harvey, Andrew Philippides, Nathaniel Virgo:
Many hands make light work: Group evolution and the emergent division of labour. 805-812 - Ryoko Uno, Keisuke Suzuki, Takashi Ikegami:
An interactive wall game as an evolution of proto language. 813-819 - Tomas Veloz, Bryan Reynaert, David Rojas-Camaggi, Peter Dittrich:
A decomposition theorem in chemical organizations. 820-827 - Nathaniel Virgo, Chrisantha Fernando, Bill Bigge, Phil Husbands:
The elongation catastrophe in physical self-replicators. 828-835 - Nikolaos Vlassopoulos, Nazim Fatès:
Clustering behavior of a bio-inspired decentralized aggregation scheme. 836-837 - X. Rosalind Wang, Jennifer M. Miller, Joseph T. Lizier, Mikhail Prokopenko, Louis F. Rossi:
Measuring information storage and transfer in swarms. 838-845 - Angela Watkins, Jason Noble, C. Patrick Doncaster:
An agent-based model of jaguar movement through conservation corridors. 846-853 - Richard A. Watson, Rob Mills, Christopher L. Buckley:
Transformations and multi-scale optimisation in biological adaptive networks. 854-855 - Hywel T. P. Williams, Richard A. Boyle, Timothy M. Lenton:
Spatial structure creates community-level selection for nutrient recycling. 856-857 - Lance R. Williams:
Artificial cells as reified quines. 858-865 - Peter R. Wills:
Life requires genetic representation and vice versa - Consequences for ALife. 866-873 - Shelly Xiaonan Wu, Wolfgang Banzhaf:
Evolutionary transition through a new multilevel selection model. 874-881 - Keisuke Yoneda, Ikuo Suzuki, Masahito Yamamoto, Masashi Furukawa:
Behavioral acquisition of complicated locomotion for artificial elastic robot using decentralized behavior composed. 882-889 - Jason Yosinski, Jeff Clune, Diana Hidalgo, Sarah Nguyen, Juan Cristóbal Zagal, Hod Lipson:
Evolving robot gaits in hardware: the HyperNEAT generative encoding vs. parameter optimization. 890-897 - Seung-Eun Yu, DaeEun Kim:
Landmark vector model with quantized distance for homing navigation. 898-899 - Elisabeth Zu Erbach-Schoenberg, Connor McCabe, Seth Bullock:
On the interaction of adaptive timescales on networks. 900-907

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